Annual Report 2014-15 - Saratoga Springs Preservation Foundation


Annual Report 2014-15 - Saratoga Springs Preservation Foundation
2014 Annual Report
July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015
Founded in 1977, the Saratoga Springs Preservation Foundation is a private,
not-for-profit organization that promotes preservation and enhancement of the
architectural, cultural and landscaped heritage of Saratoga Springs.
Samantha Bosshart
Executive Director
Nicole Totaro
Membership & Programs Coordinator
Nancy Rosko
Membership Assistant
Patty Herrick
Jere Tatich
Seth Finkell
Vice President
Cynthia Corbett
Linda Harvey-Opiteck
Chris Armer
Katie M. Carroll
Sue Hensley-Cushing
Liz Israel
Maryanne Moerschell
Michelle Paquette
Nicole R. Rodgers
Michael Tuck
William Willard
Belinda Colon
Candlelight House Tour & TRASK Event Coordinator
Cheryl M. Gold, emeritus
James Kettlewell, emeritus
112 Spring Street, Suite 203
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
Phone: (518) 587-5030
Fax: (518) 581-1448
Dear Members,
The Board of Directors, members, many volunteers, and staff were again hard at work in 2014 advocating for the preservation of the special character and rich
architectural heritage of Saratoga Springs. The Foundation worked diligently to ensure that the preservation taking place in our community continues to enhance
the quality of life. Just a few of the Foundation’s accomplishments over the past year include:
The restoration of the Spirit of Life & Spencer Trask Memorial was completed for the Centennial Rededication Ceremony held on June 26, 2015.
Continued to provide a voice for maintaining the unique historic character of the Saratoga Race Course.
The Foundation’s Preservation Matters articles featured in The Saratogian highlighted our rich history as well as the importance of maintaining
and preserving our cultural resources.
We continued to enjoy many successful events throughout the year to help fund our advocacy efforts and educational programming. The Candlelight House
Tour and TRASK were very successful and brought together hundreds of people who have an interest in our unique heritage and want to preserve it.
Preservation does not happen by itself – it takes a collective effort by many in our community. Our city and its rich historical resources will continue to face
challenges in the future and it will take people who are willing to contribute their time and resources as well as step up amid controversy to advocate for
preservation and to ensure that Saratoga Springs remains the award-winning city that it is today.
I extend a special thank you to our Board of Directors who dedicated their time, expertise, and knowledge to the Foundation and our community. I especially
want to thank outgoing Board members Chris Armer, who served for seven years and president for three of those years and Sue Hensley-Cushing for their
service and dedication to the Foundation and its mission. I also want to thank our Executive Director Samantha Bosshart for her hard work and dedication to the
Foundation and our city, which is greatly appreciated.
Through continued educational programs, outreach to City officials and the business community, and especially through the support of our membership, we
anticipate a successful 2015. As always, we thank our members and donors for their continued support for without them the Saratoga Springs Preservation
Foundation could not succeed in our efforts. Our members are the backbone of our organization and your support and dedication to Saratoga Springs is needed
and appreciated.
I applaud all of our members and encourage you to continue with your support. I urge you to become even more involved by volunteering, joining one of our
committees or joining our Board of Directors.
I wish everyone a happy, healthy, and successful 2015.
Thank you,
Jere Tatich, President
Dear Members,
The following report provides a summary of the Saratoga Springs Preservation Foundation’s fiscal year which began July 1, 2014 and concluded June 30, 2015.
Operating Overview
The Saratoga Springs Preservation Foundation is a not-for-profit corporation that is an exempt organization under Section 501(C)3 of the Internal Revenue
Code. The finances of the Saratoga Springs Preservation Foundation are managed day-to-day by the Executive Director, who serves as the Chief Financial
Officer in accordance with oversight from the Foundation’s Treasurer and the Board of Directors. Controls for day-to-day financial operations are in accordance
with the organization’s bylaws, a system of checks and balances is in place, and QuickBooks account management system is used by the Foundation’s
Bookkeeper. The Treasurer conducts a review of prepared profit and loss statements and balance sheets and reports to the Foundation’s Board on a monthly
basis. Donor advised funds are identified as “Restricted Funds” in the accounting ledger.
Financial Review
Unless required by New York State, the Foundation undertakes a financial review by an independent accountant each fiscal year and an independent audit at a
minimum of every five years. Nolan Certified Public Accounting Services, PLLC performed an independent audit of the financial year ending June 30, 2015.
The audit dated October 8, 2015 indicated that financial statements fairly present the financial position of the Foundation. The auditor reported that the
Foundation operates with an appropriate division among staff receiving and recording financial transactions. While the Foundation has strong internal controls,
many are informal and not documented. It was recommended that a formal financial procedure policy be adopted.
Foundation Income
The Foundation’s annual operations are funded through a combination of membership dues, contributions, fundraising events, contract services, in-kind
contributions, and various grants.
With the continued attention of the Executive Director and the Board of Directors, the Foundation ended the year with a net operating profit surplus of
approximately $15,000. The financial statements reflect the income and expense accrued for the Spirit of Life project. In past years, the Foundation has had to
rely on income from its investment portfolio to fund operating expenses. This year the Foundation did not withdraw any funds from the investment portfolio to
offset any operating expenses. The Foundation had a net gain in cash and cash equivalents of $36,000 over the previous year. This income allowed the
Foundation to make significant changes to its events schedule in the 2015-2016 fiscal year. The Board continues to pursue its goal of increasing revenues
through growing membership, creating partnerships, grants, and fundraising events and maintaining managing operating expenses.
Respectfully submitted by
Cynthia Corbett, Treasurer
Statement of Activities - Year ended June 30, 2015
Contributions - Temporarily Restricted $109,086
Donated Services & Items
Government & Foundation Grants - Temporarily Restricted $65,150
Membership Dues
$ 109,086
Contract Service Revenue
Merchandise sales net costs of $2,379
Fundraising Events Net of Related Expenses of $32,229
Educational Programs
Interest Income
Miscellaneous Income
Investment Income
Net Asset Released from Restriction - Unrestricted $182,939 / Restricted ($182,939)
Total Support and Revenue - Temporarily Restricted ($20,622)
Program Services
General and Administrative
Total Expenses
Change in Net Assets - Restricted $4,683 / Temporarily Restricted ($20,662)
Net Assets – Beginning of Year - Unrestricted $397,943 / Temporarily Restricted $160,099
Add: Prior Period Adjustment
Net Assets – End of Year - Unrestricted $402,626 / Temporarily Restricted $139,438
$ 542,064
*The complete 2015 financial audit statements are available at the Foundation’s office.
Statement of Financial Position - Year ended June 30, 2015
Current Assets
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Accounts Receivable and Unconditional Promises to Give
Prepaid Expenses
Book and Artwork Inventory
Total Current Assets
Restricted Investments
Property and Equipment
Furniture and Fixtures
Leasehold improvements
Less: Accumulated Depreciation
Net Property and Equipment
Other Assets
Intangible Asset
Security Deposits
Total other Assets
Total Assets
Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses
Deferred Revenue
Total Liabilities
Net Assets
Board Restricted
Total Unrestricted Net Assets
Temporarily Restricted
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
$ 260,286
$ 625,761
$ 79,697
$ 625,761
The Saratoga Springs Preservation Foundation promotes preservation and enhancement of the architectural, cultural, and landscaped heritage of Saratoga
Springs. The Foundation carries out its mission through advocacy, technical assistance, education and restoration.
Endangered Buildings
The Foundation continued to monitor and advocate for buildings that are deteriorating and threatened by demolition.
For nearly twenty years the Foundation has periodically updated its endangered properties list. Over the past year, the
Foundation’s Advocacy Committee has been working on updating the Ten to Save list t.
Preliminarily reports by members of the Advocacy Committee indicate that approximately 250 buildings have notable
exterior maintenance or structural issues. Of the 250 buildings, 160 of those are primary structures of which 51
appear to be vacant or abandoned. The remaining 90 structures are accessory buildings: barns, carriage houses, and
garages. The buildings will be evaluated on several different criteria and ranked.
The long-time vacant 32 Park Place is an
example of demolition-by-neglect.
Best Historic Preservation Practices
This past year the Foundation continued to be a vocal advocate for best historic preservation practices in the City. The Foundation monitored the Comprehensive
Plan and expressed the need for historic preservation to be a key element of the plan.
The Foundation also continued to monitor projects reviewed by the City of Saratoga Springs review boards: Design Review Commission, Planning Board and
Zoning Board of Appeals. This Foundation promotes the Secretary of Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation and the local historic design guidelines as well as
discourages inappropriate changes, additions or new construction. Some of the many projects reviewed by the Foundation this year include:
62 Franklin Street-New Construction
The Foundation reviewed the application for new construction at 62 Franklin Street, which is located in the Franklin
Square/West Side Historic District listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The Foundation reviewed the project
based on the Historic Review Ordinance and the Historic Design Guidelines for New Construction. The Foundation was
pleased with the owner’s proposal for new construction that was compatible with the adjacent properties in this significant
historic district.
62 Van Dam Street - Demolition & Reconstruction
The property owner of 62 Van Dam Street, which is
located in the West Side Historic District listed on the
National Register of Historic Places, applied for a
demolition application. The Foundation did a site visit
and gave technical assistance. The Foundation reviewed
the application in accordance with the Architectural
Review Ordinance, Section 7.5.6 Demolition, B.
Structures with Architectural Significance and
determined that the application provided the
62 Van Dam Street, an example of work force housing, in deteriorated condition.
documentation that the property had significantly
The proposed acceptable post-demolition plan.
deteriorated to the extent that reasonable measures
could not be undertaken to preserve the building. The owner consulted with a professional house moving company who determined that the foundation could
not be repaired due to the very limited work space surrounding the house. Much of the overall damage to the property was the result of “demolition by
neglect” by the previous owner as well as lack of code enforcement by the City of Saratoga Springs. The proposed post-demolition plan was acceptable and
in-keeping with the Architectural Review Ordinance.
Saratoga Springs City Center parking structure as proposed in 2014.
Saratoga Springs City Center– Proposed Parking Structure
The Foundation reviewed and provided comments to the Planning Board and the Design
Review Commission regarding the Saratoga Springs City Center’s proposed parking
structure, which is immediately contiguous to the Broadway Historic District listed on the
National Register of Historic Places. The Foundation recognized the Saratoga Springs
City Center as a tremendous economic generator and the need to accommodate parking to
maintain the vitality of downtown as well as the need for the City Center to meet its
current and future operational parking needs. The Foundation expressed its concerns
regarding the Saratoga Springs City Center’s proposal that included a three-story parking
structure approximately 100’ in length over Maple Avenue because Maple Avenue serves
as an important transportation corridor that links several prominent downtown
destinations: Congress Park, Saratoga Springs Public Library, Caroline Street
entertainment district, City Hall, Saratoga Springs City Center, and Excelsior
Avenue. The Foundation stated that the construction of a parking structure over Maple
Avenue would have negative impacts to this historic corridor and would create a visual
and physical barrier that will disrupt the street continuity and connectivity as well as
create an out of scale architectural design that is not in keeping with the historic
development and street character of Saratoga Springs. Despite objections, the Planning
Board approved the proposal with the three-story parking structure over Maple Avenue.
Saratoga Race Course
Since 2007 the Foundation has been actively involved in an effort to raise awareness
for a thoughtful, balanced approach to the preservation and modernization of the
historic Saratoga Race Course, the oldest surviving sports venue in the country. The
Foundation has developed and maintained a constructive dialogue with New York
Racing Association (NYRA) and continued to review changes and provide input on
proposed capital projects based on the research and recommendations provided in the
two phases of the Cultural Resources Survey of the Saratoga Race Course.
Unfortunately, this year the Foundation was not provided the opportunity to comment
on the Walk of Fame building prior to its construction.
In addition to reviewing proposed projects, the Foundation reviewed the Draft
Generic Environmental Impact Statement (DGEIS) for NYRA’s Saratoga Race
Course Redevelopment Plan submitted April 2015.
The Foundation was supportive in concept of many of the projects outlined in the
DGEIS. However, the details of these projects are critical in order to truly assess
whether or not they will individually or cumulatively have an adverse impact on the
Saratoga Race Course.
The Foundation had specific concerns in the DGEIS regarding the following:
 DGEIS Impact Thresholds
 Letter of Resolution, which outlines the review process for capital projects
 Adoption/Inclusion of the Saratoga Race Course Cultural Resources Inventory, Phase I: Cultural Landscape Inventory & Architectural Resource
Inventory of Backstretch Structures and Phase II: Cultural Landscape Inventory & Architectural Resource Inventory of the Frontside and Back Yard
 The siting, scale, mass and architectural detail of specific proposed projects
 Visual Resources
 Lack of a preservation plan and guidelines for existing structures
The Foundation was most concerned about the lack of a local advisory opinion being included in the review process of the indi vidual projects of the Saratoga
Race Course Redevelopment Plan. The Foundation strongly advocated for the requirement that the Foundation be given the respo nsibility to provide an
advisory opinion as the projects move forward and recommended that the City of Saratoga Springs and the Local Advisory Board be given the opportunity to
comment as well.
East Side Historic District Resurvey
In partnership with the City of Saratoga Springs, the Foundation resurveyed over 600 structures
located in the East Side Historic District listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The
purpose of the survey is to update the existing survey information that had not been updated in
twenty years and create a database to access photographs and information. Special attention was
paid to accessory buildings - garages, carriage houses and other buildings - many of which were
not documented in the original survey. This resurvey project was made possible by a Certified
Local Government grant funded by the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic
Spirit of Life & Spencer Trask Memorial Restoration Campaign
In 1913, Katrina Trask, philanthropist, Yaddo founder, and Saratoga resident, along with George Foster Peabody,
commissioned the memorial to honor her late husband, Spencer Trask and his efforts to protect and preserve Saratoga’s
natural springs. The work for the Memorial was completed through the artistic collaboration of three significant
Americans, sculptor Daniel Chester French, architect Henry Bacon, and landscape architect, Charles Leavitt, Jr.
French and Bacon are well known for the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. In Congress Park French created the
bronze sculpture Spirit of Life, Bacon designed the architectural surround, and Charles Leavitt, Jr. designed the
landscape setting. The Spencer Trask Memorial was completed in 1915, the same year the City of Saratoga Springs
was incorporated.
Spirit of Life & Spencer Trask Memorial
before the restoration with the overgrown
arborvitae, the declining white pines,
and missing plantings.
The dedication to Spencer Trask reads “To the Memory of Spencer Trask, His One Object in Life was to do Right, and
to Serve His Fellow Men, and Gave Himself Abundantly to Hasten the Coming of a New and Better Day.” Today, the
Memorial serves to remind us of our civic responsibility to preserve our
nationally and locally significant cultural resources and to give back to the
In 2010, citizens voiced concern about the deteriorating condition of the sculpture, its architectural surround, and
landscape setting that underwent a selective restoration in 1983 by the City of Saratoga Springs and the Saratoga
Springs Preservation Foundation. In December 2010, the Foundation, as an advocate for our city’s architectural,
cultural, and landscaped heritage, once again chose to spearhead the effort to undertake a complete restoration of the
In 2011, the Foundation formed an official partnership with the City of Saratoga Springs and a Restoration
Campaign Steering Committee to guide the campaign. The Steering Committee was responsible for preparing a
An aerial view after the removal of the trees
showing the deteriorated pathways.
detailed fundraising plan, project timeline, estimated budget, requests for proposals outlining the scope of work,
overseeing the work, and undertaking fundraising efforts. The restoration included all aspects of the Memorial:
the Spirit of Life sculpture; the masonry surround, including the east balustrade and reflecting pool; and the
landscape setting including plantings, pathways, lighting, and the rambling creek.
Preservation architect Daniel J. Wilson, after completing an existing conditions assessment, presented a
comprehensive program for the masonry elements made of Indiana limestone, concrete and stucco, cast stone, and
brick. The restoration included stabilizing and reconstructing the north portion of the east seating area; replacing
damaged balusters and coping stones; repointing all joints; removing all unsound stucco and inappropriate
patches, and repairing the stucco to a uniform finish; and addressing the fountain infrastructure. PCC Contracting
Inc. of Schenectady, New York completed the masonry restoration.
The stucco of the architectural
surround that needed repair.
A critical component of the restoration was the surrounding landscape, which serves as the backdrop of the Memorial
and is intrinsic to the original design and viewing intent. Charles Leavitt’s design included 94 different tree and plant
species, each placed with the aesthetics of the Memorial in mind. However, the landscape was no longer in keeping
with the original design and detracted from the viewers’ experience. Much of the original plant material had been
lost and what remained was overgrown and no longer in scale with the Memorial. Non-original plantings obscured
views of the Memorial and the original pathways had shifted over time or disappeared all-together. The landscape
needed extensive work since only a small portion was addressed in the 1983 restoration effort.
An 1914 aerial view from the roof top of the
Grand Union Hotel of the original landscape
plan by Charles Leavitt, Jr. showing the plantings, wide pathways, and light fixtures. Photo
courtesy of the George S. Bolster Collection,
Saratoga Springs History Museum.
Finch Forestry Management assessed the trees surrounding the Memorial and determined that the white pines,
planted in 1915 were in poor condition. Trees were removed based on their health and potential risk to the nationally
significant Memorial in extreme weather conditions. Preservation landscape architect Martha Lyon conducted
research, a current conditions assessment, and made restoration treatment recommendations to allow the landscape to
be restored to the historic 1915 plan to the extent practical. Mid-State Industries Limited
completed the landscape restoration.
The bronze Spirit of Life sculpture was found to be in good condition with no structural issues as a result of
a 1983 conservation treatment and periodic maintenance by the City. In 2015 the fine arts conservation firm
Daedulus, Inc. of Waterford, MA removed extant protective coatings and surface corrosion, repatinated the
sculpture, and applied a new protective coating. Since correspondence between Daniel Chester French and
Katrina Trask indicated that neither wanted the sculpture to be a black bronze, French experimented with
aluminum alloys in hopes of the sculpture retaining its golden color. Based on that correspondence the
sculpture was restored to its original gold bronze color.
The total cost of the project was in excess of $731,000. This challenge was met by the City of Saratoga
Springs providing 50% of the funding over a four year period with the Saratoga Springs Preservation
Left: The Spirit of Life sculpture restored to its original
gold bronze color. Right: Showing surface corrosion
and the dark bronze color.
Foundation, with the assistance of Honorary Co-Chairs Barbara Glaser and Kathleen Fyfe, raising over $450,000 towards
the project including in-kind donations and a $50,000 endowment fund established by the Adirondack Trust Company. The
Foundation secured funds through grants, individual contributions, in-kind donations, and a variety of special events – Pints
for Preservation Pub Crawls; performances of the original musical American Muse based on the life of the model for the
Spirit of Life, Audrey Munson; and TRASK Art Shows and Sales.
There was widespread support for the City and the Foundation’s efforts from local individuals,
businesses, and foundations. The campaign received generous support from the Adirondack Trust
Company, Alfred Z. Solomon Charitable Trust, Bonacio Construction, Brause Realty Inc., Brookside
Nursery, D.A. Collins Company, Barbara Glaser, Nordlys Foundation, The Saratoga Foundation,
Saratoga Springs Rotary Club, Stewart’s/The Dake Family, Linda and Michael Toohey, and many
generous individuals.
The restored Memorial located in Congress Park, a National Historic Landmark, was rededicated on its
centennial June 26, 2015, which was attended by over 500 people. The restoration of the Spirit of Life &
Spencer Trask Memorial has resulted in an increased awareness and appreciation of the national
significance of the Memorial and transformed the way the park is used by the public, providing more Over 500 community members came to
inviting entrances into the park and more open views of the Spirit of Life. The project also resulted in
celebrate the rededication of the
restored Spirit of Life &
maintenance plans for all three components of the Memorial – landscape, architectural surround, and
Spencer Trask Memorial.
Façade Easements Program
The Foundation retains protective easements on several buildings in Saratoga Springs that are managed by a sub-committee of the Advocacy Committee. The
Foundation holds façade easements on properties on Broadway, Beekman and 117 Grand Avenue, the Foundation’s former office.
Revolving Loan / Grant Fund
The Foundation maintains a Revolving Loan/Grant Fund to provide property owners with short-term, low-interest loans/grants to restore and rehabilitate
historic buildings. This year the Revolving Loan/Grant Fund did not see any activity.
Preservation Matters
This year the Foundation increased its visibility in the community through continuing the series of Preservation
Matters articles featured in The Saratogian newspaper. The articles highlight the Foundation’s preservation efforts and
make the history of buildings and homes in Saratoga Springs accessible to the community. Many of the articles focus
on restoration and rehabilitation success stories throughout the city and also highlight the Foundation’s preservation
efforts through educational programming and events such as the Candlelight Homes Tour. The partnership between
the Foundation and the newspaper has been collaborative and greatly benefits the Foundation’s educational and
preservation efforts.
Annual Preservation Recognition Awards
In May, as part of National Historic Preservation Month, the Foundation recognized those who have preserved the architectural heritage of Saratoga Springs.
Award recipients were honored at a public ceremony on May 28, 2015 at the H. Dutcher Community Room in the Saratoga Springs P ublic Library with a
reception that followed.
2015 Preservation Recognition Awards
 45 Washington Street, Tower Restoration Award - First Baptist Church of Saratoga Springs,
 27 Lafayette Street, Element Restoration Award - Louis Allen & Miryam Moutillet
 149 Spring Street, Landscape Initiative Award - Owen & Jaime Grant
 115 Circular Street, Landscape Initiative Award - Rory Whelan
 97 Ludlow Street, Porch Restoration Award - Robb & Caroline Blake
 28 Second Street, Adaptive Reuse Award - Jason & Tamara Tepper
 719 North Broadway, Carriage House, Exterior Rehabilitation Award - Lance & Shannon Bell
 Volunteer Award, 150th House History - Joan Walter
Jason and Tamara
Tepper receiving
the Adaptive
Reuse Award for
their home at
28 Second Street.
Joan Walter was recognized
with a volunteer award for
completing her 150th house
history for the Historic
Plaque Program.
45 Washington Street, Tower Restoration Award
First Baptist Church of Saratoga Springs
719 North Broadway,
Carriage House,
Rehabilitation Award
Educational Programs
Continuing to build on the success of previous years, the Summer Sunday Strolls Program
offered twelve tours throughout 2015. Tours took place every Sunday morning from June
through the end of August. The Summer Sunday Strolls, designed to educate residents and
visitors about the architectural and cultural heritage of Saratoga Springs, were attended by over
300 people. Volunteer docents and Samantha Bosshart, Executive Director, highlighted historic
districts and landmarks including; Congress Park, Greenridge Cemetery, Union Avenue and the
former Skidmore Campus, North Broadway, Franklin Square, the West Side, Saratoga Race
Course and related buildings, and “The Gut.” Again, this year the Foundation hosted the Pups
for Preservation tour of North Broadway, allowing people to enjoy a tour with their furry
friends. The Foundation also hosted two summer lectures: “Arson in Saratoga” with author Joe
Cutshall-King and “Adirondack Architecture: Great Camps and Rustic Tradition” with Steven
Engelhart of Adirondack Architectural Heritage.
Summer Sunday Stroll of the Greenridge
Cemetery and Leo promoting the Pups for
Preservation tour of North Broadway maybe one day he will be well
enough behaved to join the tour!
In October, the Foundation hosted three showings of the original musical “American Muse” by Elaina Kurchina, to educate the public about
the intriguing life of the model for the Spirit of Life, Audrey Munson. Proceeds from the musical benefitted the Spirit of L ife & Spencer
Trask Memorial Restoration Campaign. To get in the Halloween spirit, Samantha participated in the Saratoga Springs Public Li brary
Brown Bag Lecture “Supernatural of Saratoga Springs Sampler” and the Foundation hosted a “Twilight Cemetery Tour of Greenridge
Cemetery.” In addition, Samantha conducted tours of the Saratoga Race Course for the American Institute of Architects: New York State
Chapter and American Planning Association: Northeast Chapter as well as presented to the Malta Memories group.
As part of raising awareness about the national and local significance of the Spirit of Life & Spencer Trask Memorial, the Foundation hosted two free
presentations. In November, Sara Boivin, Curator of Fine Art for Siena College, and Samantha Bosshart presented the history of the Memorial and gave an
update on the restoration project at the Saratoga Springs Public Library. In April, Dana Pilson, Curatorial Researcher of Chesterwood, the home and studio of
Daniel Chester French, gave a lecture on the history of the sculptor and Samantha provided another update on the progress of the restoration efforts at the
Pints for Preservation Pub Crawl
This year, the Foundation held its 4th Annual Pints for Preservation Pub Crawl on October 24, 2014. The event was
attended by over 100 people, the largest number of participants to date, and for many it was their first Foundation event.
Local bars—Druther’s, Cantina, Desperate Annie's, Caroline Street Pub, Gaffney's,City Tavern and Merry Monk—
offered unique drink specials and discounts to pub crawlers. The winner of the Architectural Scavenger hunt and raffle
prizes were announced at Saratoga City Tavern. Proceeds benefitted restoration projects like the Spirit of Life &
Spencer Trask Memorial Restoration.
Board President Jere Tatich, former Board
member Rich Kline, Past President Chris
Armer, and Board member Bill Willard
enjoying tasty beverages.
Candlelight House Tour
This year marked the 25th Annual Candlelight House Tour, the Foundation’s largest annual fundraiser and
most successful to-date! The event raised awareness and appreciation of Saratoga Springs’ unique
architecture and history. This year’s Honorary Co-Chairs for the event were Judy Harrigan, Carol Kurto, and
Alexandra Willard. The evening consisted of a walking tour of historic North Broadway houses followed by
a silent auction and after-party at the Saratoga Golf and Polo Club. This year’s tour featured the following
historic homes: 101 Bryan Street, Peter Martin & Christine Alexander; 101 North Circular Street, Larry &
Linda Ambrosino; 45 Greenfield Avenue #13, Kevin Cushing & Sue Hensley-Cushing; 45 Greenfield Avenue
#21, Andrea Spungen; 45 Greenfield Avenue #32, Joseph & Sharon Vito; 605 North Broadway,
QuadGraphics; 649 North Broadway, Judy Harrigan; 688 North Broadway, George & Tamie Ehinger; 722
779 North Broadway, William B. Gage House.
North Broadway, William & Patricia Snyder; 779 North Broadway, Donald & Donna Adam.
Photo Credit: Lawrence White / Saratoga Living Magazine
Above: The Spirit of Life
attended the TRASK: Art
Show & Sale. Right: Sara
Boivin, TRASK Honorary
Co-Chair, with Barbara
and Paul Calhoun. Photo
Credit: Saratoga Social /
Megan Mumford.
TRASK: Preserving Saratoga Springs Through Art
This year the Foundation hosted the 4th TRASK: Art Show & Sale to raise funds
towards restoration projects, such as the Spirit of Life & Spencer Trask
Memorial. Sara Boivin and Michelle Paquette were honorary co-chairs of the
event that was held on June 11, 2015 at the Canfield Casino. Local artists were
invited to participate in the art show and sale, with artwork celebrating the local
history, architecture, landscapes, culture, preservation, concepts
of philanthropy, and generally the spirit of Saratoga Springs.
Over 80 artists with over 200 works of art were accepted
into the show. Top prizes and honors were given by
judges Kristen Holler, Executive Director of Albany
Barn, and Tom Myott, Painter, Gallery Owner, and Art
Teacher. Robert Bootier took home the Best in Show
award for his painting, “Canfield Sunset.” The event
was a tremendous success with over 300 people
Above: Board member Linda
Harvey-Opiteck; Samantha
Bosshart, Executive Director;
Board member Maryanne
Moerschell; and Mayor
Joanne Yepsen. Photo Credit:
Saratoga Social / Megan
Mumford. Left: 2015 TRASK
Best In Show winner, Canfield
Sunset, by Robert Bootier.
Archives & Technical Assistance
The Foundation continues to archive over 1,000 files on historic buildings in Saratoga Springs. The archives are a key resource for not only historic building
owners who are interested in the history of their building or are planning to complete a rehabilitation, but are also a great resource for City and Foundation
staff. The Foundation is awarded a contract each year by the City of Saratoga Springs to maintain the archives. This financial support enables the Foundation
to continue to provide this resource to the community. The Foundation regularly also assists property owners seeking technical assistance and guidance
through the Design Review process and maintains publications related to architectural styles, rehabilitation, historic preservation, and history.
Plaque Program
The Foundation’s Historic Plaque Program had another very popular and successful year thanks to the dedicated work
of Joan Walter, a volunteer who has thoroughly researched the history of over 150 buildings since she started
volunteering. Each house history provides homeowners with a written narrative that includes maps, chain of deeds,
city directory listings, and other images. The plaques educate the public about significant buildings in Saratoga
Springs. In 2014, nearly 20 house histories were completed and there is already a waiting list for 2016. The
Foundation sincerely thanks Joan Walter, for her dedication, volunteer time, and masterful research and writing of each
house history. Without her, the Plaque Program would not be the success that it is today!
In August of 2014, Sara Kaplan, Membership & Programs Coordinator, left the Foundation to join her husband who took a job in New York City. The
position remained vacant until May of 2015 when Nicole Totaro joined the Foundation. Prior to becoming the Membership & Programs Coordinator, Nicole
worked in administrative roles at Turner Construction Company and The Exhibition Alliance while completing her Master of Arts in Museum Studies from
Johns Hopkins University. Her focus was museum education and exhibition design, with a particular interest in creating accessible programs and exhibits for
the public. Nicole is also a graduate of Hartwick College with a Bachelor of Arts in Studio Art, focus in painting and photography, and Art History.
During the eight months that the Membership & Programs Coordinator was vacant, Belinda Colón was hired part-time in late November to assist with the
Candlelight House Tour and former Membership Coordinator Nancy Rosko rejoined the staff briefly to assist with membership. T o assist with the TRASK:
Art Show and Sale, Belinda was rehired. The assistance of both Belinda and Nancy helped to ensure a successful year for the Foundation.
Overall the Saratoga Springs Preservation Foundation had an extremely successful year. The Foundation continued to raise awa reness about the importance
of historic preservation in our community through its advocacy efforts, educational programs and events. The highlight of the year was the successful
completion of the four-year restoration of the Spirit of Life & Spencer Trask Memorial by June 26, 2015, the centennial of its dedication. The Foundation
continues to promote historic preservation which provides significant economic benefits as well as contributes to the overall quality of life.
Ending this year with a profit will enable the Foundation to make significant changes next year to its events schedule to increase income, allowing for the
continued growth of the organization. The Board of Directors looks forward to reviewing and updating the Foundation’s Strate gic Plan, which outlines the
organization’s goals for the future.
The Foundation thanks all of those who made this year possible!
Thank you to our members for their continued support of the Foundation and its mission.
Richardson Romanesque
Queen Anne
John & Theresa Behrendt
George & Susan Bergmann
Mark Chappell
John & Vicky Cromie
Michael & Ellen Cuddy
Joseph & Gloria Dalton
Beaux Arts
Alyssa Dausman
Robert & Kate Devlin
George & Tamie Ehinger
Cindy Spence
Michael & Linda Englert
Julia S. & Robert Stokes
Dennis & Ella Felcher
Connie Foley
Gothic Revival
Tom Frost & Carol Tarantino
Jay Baldwin
Elizabeth Garavuso
Lawrence & Leslie Benton
Jon Globerson & Tina Facteau
Rosemary H. Benton
James & Joanne Grande
Geoff Bornemann & Nancy Sharples
Judy Harrigan, PhD
Tamarra M. Chambers
Charles & Peggy Hawkins
Cynthia Corbett
George Homsy
Jerry & Kristin DeSiderio
Jay & Georgia Horner
Harold Hagemann & Susan Knapp
Mark & Catherine Hover
Robert & Linda Kroll
Penny H. Jolly & Jay Rogoff
Leslie Mechem & Michael Arnush
Joseph Levy & Zoe Nousiainen
Alan Dorie Redeker
Gretchen Marcell
Beverley Mastrianni
Second Empire
Lisa Nagle & Bruce Cranston
Mike & Anne Curtin
Tom Newell
Susan K. DePaula
Thomas & Victoria Niles
Kenneth & Cherie Grey
Nicholas & Madeline Palmetto
Glen Hall
Stephan Parisi
Tyson Hunt
John & Mary Caroline Van der Veer
Anthony & Rachel Krackeler
Thomas & Mary Quandt
David Marcell
Alan & Jessica Richer
Frank & Delores Parillo
Jaime Ritchey
Elizabeth Senior &
Susan Sharp & John Koella
Charles Hayward
Wayne & Trudi Smith
Harry & Helen Snyder
Robert & Barbara Sponzo
Martha Strohl & Tom O'Connor
Beatrice Sweeney
Robert & Margie Van Meter
James & Cheryl Gold
Douglas M. Kerr & Joan Walter
Mark Lawton &
Holly Schwarz-Lawton
Frazier & Jennifer Taylor
Jason & Tamara Tepper
Robert & Christine Toole
John & Joanne Towers
L. Clifford & Claudia Van Wagner
Charles & Mary Lou Wheeler
Brent & Linda Wilkes
William & Alexandra Willard
Richard & Maureen Aichele
Margaret Albrecht & Stan Meade
Jeff & Bart Altamari
Edmond & Amejo Amyot
Rick & Diana Crookes
Robert & Marcia DeSieno
Edward Douglas
Richard & Ruth Edelson
Bill & Collette Fox
Willard & Holly Grande
Kenneth Hapeman
Maria Harrison
James Kettlewell
Kenneth & Karen Klotz
Roy & Shirley Lerman
Thomas & Gillian Lewis
Jayne McCarthy
Ben & Jennifer Mirling
Robert & Linda Pommerer
Helen Porter
William & June Rickard
John & Bee Roblee
Joanne Santangelo
Jim & Ann Settel
David Long & Joyce Soltis
Robert & Ellen Steinberger
Robert & Diane Taylor
Robert Vessels
Dewey & Mary Beth Walling
Jane Weihe & John Kaufmann
Carol Wells & William Browne
David & Nancy Wilder
Dennis R. Wilson & Janis Peterson
Gary Zack
Greek Revival
Alexander & Phyllis Aldrich
Mercer Anderson
Michael & Stacie Arpey
Jane M. Agee
Mark Bardack
Lisa Bates
Aubrey Boles
Kenneth Bollerud
Monica Bracken
Elena Brannstrom
Brookside Nursery
Maria Bucciferro
Donna Buckley
Jean Buhac & John Buhac
Fiona Burde
Sarah Burger
The Burke Companies
Janie L. Cornell
Katie Carroll
Christine Carsky
Monica Carsky
Scott & Debra Cartier
Susan Caruvana
Colleen Choate
Luci Cody
Ed Connell
Laura Crummack
Vassar & Mary Faith Curtis
Alisa Dalton
Trish Daly, DVM
Cheryl Davis
James DeMasi & Judith Dunn
Denise Desmond
Ellen Downing
Jean Dugan & Ben Ford
Seth S. Dunn
Susan Ekiert
Richard Fenton
Karen Gaul
Benjamin Gleeksman &
Belinda Colón
Louise J. Goldstein
Steve & Laurie Griffen
Jaclyn Hakes
Don & Mary Lou Hall
Leslie Hammer & Marcella Hammer
Linda Haner
Linda Ann Harrison
Sarah L. Hart
Gilbert & Selma Harwood
Patricia Hasbrouk
Stewart Hatch
Mark & Elisa Haworth
Field Horne
Catherine Horvath
Jennifer Janssen
Jeannine Jeter
Shane & Molly Kalil
William Kowalik
Jonathan & Barbara Kurtin
Peter & Carol Kurto
William La Fleur
Rebecca Lawrence
Nancy Luther
Daniel J. Malsan
Cathleen Marino
Jeff McLellan
Greek Revival
Marjorie Meinhardt
Sharon Meyer
Robert Michael
Lee & Sharyn Miller
Mark & Carole Moreau
Dorothy Morehead
Alexandra Morgan
Charles Morrison
Angela S. Nash
George Neary
Michael & Marlene Okby
Peter Olsen
Kathryn Oppedisano
Anne Palamountain
Hollis Palmer
Megan Perez
Ronald & Maria Peters
Barbara Phillips
David & Ann Pierce
Michelle Paquette
Vincent Pelliccia
Shane Pitkin
Jay Portnoy
Wayne Richter
Lawrence & Madelaine Ries
Shelley Riley
Andrea Ring
Bryan & Nancy Rosko
Mary Jo Salomon
Elizabeth Schultheiss
Myron & Millie Serling
Stephanie Siracusa
Jan Soron
Jon Sterngass &
Karen Weltman
Joan Taub & Bob English
Darren Tracy
Cheryl Valentine
Lyn Vanden-Handel
Tony Verhaeg
Joseph & Sharon Vito
Susan Wendelgass
Jo-Ann M. White
Judith Zassenhaus
Maryanne Zabala
Cindy Zan voorst
Rebecca Glasser
Liz Israel
Jessica Niles
Martin & Nicole Rodgers
Jocelyn Walker
New York Racing Association
The Inn at Saratoga
Phinney Design Group
Stewart's Shops
The Adirondack Trust Company
Bonacio Construction, Inc.
Curtis Lumber Company
Management Consulting &
Administrative Processing
Old Saratoga Restorations, Inc.
Saratoga National Bank & Trust Company
Saratoga Springs City Center
Saratoga's Community Federal Credit Union
Springwater Bed & Breakfast, Inc.
Teakwood Builders
Atlantic British Parts Ltd.
Best Dressed Windows in Town
Brunswick Bed & Breakfast
Capital Construction, Inc.
Crafters Gallery
Cudney's Launderers & Dry Cleaners, Inc.
Elan Planning & Design, Inc.
Harbrook Associates, Inc.
Innovative Plant Design
Munter Enterprises, Inc.
SD Atelier Architecture
William J. Burke Sons Bussing
Cunniff Funeral Home
Corporate Event Sponsors
101.3 The Jockey
Adelphi Hotel
Berkshire Hathaway Home Service,
Blake Realty
Capital Construction
Capital Wine & Spirits
DeGraff, Foy & Kunz, LLP
Elan Planning, Design & Landscape Architecture
Explore Saratoga
Frost Huff Architects
Historic Albany Foundation
Holiday Inn Saratoga Springs
JetPack Promotions
Lacey Thaler Reilly Wilson Architecture
& Preservation, LLP
Lemery Greisler LLC
Lisa Bates Design
New York Racing Association
Old Saratoga Restorations
Posie Peddler
Prime at Saratoga National
Prudential Manor
Rain or Shine Tent Company
Rena's Fine Flowers
Saratoga Builders Association
Saratoga Dermatology
Saratoga Living Magazine
Saratoga Paint & Sip Studio
Saratoga Today
Saratoga's Community Federal Credit Union
SD Atelier Architecture. LLC
Teakwood Builders Inc.
The Barrelhouse
The Inn at Saratoga
The Saratoga Social
Thank you to our many donors for their continued support of the Foundation.
Adelphi Hotel
Adirondack Museum
Sheila Ahearn
AIA New York State Inc.
Albany Symphony Orchestra
Margaret Albrecht & Stan Meade
Alexander& Phyllis Aldrich
Michael & Stacey Allen
Susan Allen
Jeff & Bart Altamari
Raymond & Mary Angelini
Maria Aragosa
Christopher & Kelly Armer
Jennifer Armstrong
Michael & Stacie Arpey
Eric Avery
Anne Bailey
Gabriela Bartlett
Batcheller Mansion Inn
Tracy Battles
Tina Baxter-Conway
Susan Beadle
Lynn Beckmann
Audrey Bell
Bello Cioccolato
Best Dressed Windows in Town
Ranjit Bhagwat
Ann Biasetti
Rachel Biggar
Michael Billok
Patrick Bishop
Todd Bishop
Black Iris
Teri Blasko & Jeff Durstewitz
Amy Bloom
Kathleen Boehmer
Aubrey Boles
Kenneth Bollerud
Bonacio Construction, Inc.
Michael Bonadio
Michele Bonanno
Robert & Darlene Bootier
Geoff Bornemann & Nancy Sharples
Paul & Jane Bouchard
Christoper Boutin
Edward & Teresa Brandt
Elena Brannstrom
Katherine Breen
Kathleen Brightman
Ronald & Molly Brindle
Ellen Brooks
Lee Brothers
Michael Brown
Susan Brownell
Christina Brun
Judd Brynes
Barbara Bucci
Maria Bucciferro
Melinda Bucknam
Sheila Buerr
John & Jean Buhac
Margaret Buhrmaster
Mary Bulmer
Mark Bupara
Thomas & Nancy Burkly
Janice Burns
Colleen Burton
Robert Bush
Tracey Buyce
Kate Byrne
Paul & Barbara Calhoun
Nancy Cameron
Candy Company of Saratoga
Thomas & Edith Cannizzo
Capital Genealogy
Hank & Lauri Cardinali
John & Patricia Carl
Carol Knits
Carol Wells Collection
Duane Carpenter &
Dorothy Hernandez
John & Mary Carroll
Richard Carson
Betty Cassidy
Luis & Sharon Castro
Marilyn Cavallari
Central Market Florist
Laura Chodos
Chuck Miller Creative
Writing Service
Mary Beth Chumney
Beth Cioffi
Circular Manor
Valerie Clarke
Robert & Kathleen Cleary
Mandi Coburn
John Coffey
Devra Cohen-Tigor
Kerin Colbert
Alton & Nancy Coleman
Jeffrey & Barbara Collins
Daniel & Mary Conboy
Chris & Meghan Cook
Gerald Cooley
Cynthia Corbett
Janie L. Cornell
Richard Corveth
Cottage Sweet Cottage
Crafters Gallery
Marian Crandall
Helen Crawshaw
Creative Sparks
Theresa Creten
Rick & Diana Crookes
Michael & Sharon Crute
Crystal Spa
Michael & Ellen Cuddy
Cudney’s Dry Cleaners
& Launderers
Mike & Anne Curtin
Curtis Lumber Company
Dalton Law Firm
Barbara Dannehy
David Darrin
David Aimone Photography
Letitia Dayer
De Jonghe Original Jewelry
Carolee Deblaere
DeGraff, Foy & Kunz, LLP
Attorneys at Law
Dehn's Flowers
Chris DeMarco
Dr. James DeMasi & Judith Dunn
Denise Desmond
Michele DiBernardo
Margie Dickinson
Mary Disanto-Rose
Charles & Reisa Donath
Jeffrey Donohue
Giovanna D’Orazio
Ellen Downing
Matthew & Marcy Dreimiller
Cathleen Duffy
Jean Dugan & Ben Ford
Dunkin Donuts
Seth S. Dunn
Patricia Duval & Monte Franke
Ed Lewi Associates
Elan Planning & Design, Inc.
Carol Ellsworth Blowers
Empire State College
Edward Engelke
Engineering America Co.
AJ Famiano, Jr.
Rose Farr
Richard & Pam Farrell
Chip Fasciana
Dave & Lynn Feenan
Dennis & Ella Felcher
Theresa Fernet
Sarah Fisher
Kathryn Fitzgerald
Robert & Catherine Jane Flynn
Connie Foley
Carrie Fonda
Trish Foster
Teddy Foster
Franklin Square Associates
Robert Fraser
Avram & Rhoda Freedberg
Freihofer Baking Company
Fresh & Co.
Alyssa Fricke
Tom Frost & Carol Tarantino
Frost Hurff Architects
Full Spectrum Healing
Lynn Fulton
Gaffney's Restaurant
Johane Gareau & Joseph Pegna
Victoria Garlanda &
Joshua Kuperman
Karen Gaul
GE Foundation
Deborah Glagov
William & Carin Glass
Barbara Glaser & Paul Zachos
Rebecca Glasser
Benjamin Gleeksman &
Belinda Colón
Glimmerglass Festival
Philip & Marie Glotzbach
Amy Godine
Amberlea Gokey
James & Cheryl Gold
John Grady
Green Mountain Sedation &
General Dentistry
Mike Griffin
Nick Groff
Kathleen Grove
Gail Grow
Susan Hahm
Jaclyn Hakes
Debra Hall
Don & Mary Lou Hall
Catharine Hall
Leslie Hammer &
Marcella Hammer
Linda Haner
Marty Hardin
Judy Harrigan, PhD
Louise Harris
Linda Ann Harrison
Sarah L. Hart
Linda Harvey-Opiteck
Mark & Elisa Haworth
Robert & Jean Hayes
Michael & Leslie Heck
Ashley Heiserman
Henry Street Taproom
Sue Hensley-Cushing &
Kevin Cushing
Hidden Gardens
Sharon Hinkle
Sarah Hislop
Historic Albany Foundation
Diane Hodge & Jim Gerardi
Brian & Marie Hoffman
Hoffman Development
Holiday Inn-Saratoga Springs
Home Made Theater
Craig & Sally Horneck
Jay & Georgia Horner
Jim & Brenda Hotchkiss
Linda Hoyt
Tyson Hunt
William & Nancy Hunt
Robert & Kathryn Hyndman
Image Photo & Digital Lab
Andrea Indelicato
Innovative Plant Design
inVentiv Managed Markets
Maureen Ireland
iRun Local
Barbara Iverson
Sandra Jabaut
Mary Kathryn Jablonski
Jane N. Mooty Foundation Trust
Tory Jenkins
Rumara Jewett
Nellie S. Johnson
Joan Johnson
Greg Duval & Anna Jolly Duval
Jeremy Jones & Tracy Savage
Carolyn Justice
Phil Kahn
Steve Kahn
Shane & Molly Kalil
Stuart Kaufman
Kathleen Keck
Kevin Kelleher
Kristine A. Kelly
Evelyn Kennedy
James Kettlewell
Kettlewell & Edwards
Kaitlyn Oudt
Lori Killon
Robert Klass
Janice Klassovity
Jennifer Kluth
Paul & Joan Kowalik
Anthony & Rachel Krackeler
Mary Kuntz, L.M.T.
Lacey Thaler Reilly Wilson
Architecture & Preservation
Michael & Deidre Ladd
Greg & Marti Laird
Lake George Steamboat Company
Patricia Lane
LaSalle Consulting and Training
Maria P. Lasher
Charles Lasky & Dale Walton
Maryellen LaTour
Rebecca Lawrence
Mark Lawton &
Holly Schwarz-Lawton
Terry Lee
Lemery Greisler LLC.
Kenneth M. Levy
William & Julianne Lewis
Andrew Lindner
Limelight Salon
Joyce Lloyd
Carol Loeb
Longfellow’s Inn & Restaurant
Peter Lopatka
Nancy Luther
Douglas & Heather Mabee
James R. MacCrate
Michele Madigan
Jim Magnuson
Seyfollah Maleki
David Marcell
Cathleen Marino
Elizabeth Marks
Brian & Jane Marshall
Peter Martin & Christine Alexander
Loretta Martin
Johnny Martinez &
Diane Lachtrupp
Patricia Marzinsky
Steve Mastaitis
Kathleen Mattes
Otis & Carol Maxwell
Shawn May
Laurie McDermott
Denise McDonald
Barbara McDonough
Jeffrey McLellan
Patrick McNamara
Leslie C. Mechem &
Michael Arnush
Marjorie Meinhardt
Frank Mellon
Ken & Terri Messinger
Lee & Sharyn Miller
Lisa Miller
Mary Frances Millet
Mini Me Pup Pets Boutique
John & Theresa Minogue
Dan & Maryanne Moerschell
Jennifer Monaco
Betsey Montgomery
Katherine Moody
Mark & Carole Moreau
Charles Morrison
Jane C. Morrison
Mountain Man
Laura Mullins
Megan Mumford
Munter Enterprises, Inc.
Bill & Jean Murphy
Roberta Nahill
Nancy Sharlpes Fiberart
Dick & Nancy Nash
Eileen Nash
National Baseball Hall of Fame
National Museum of Dance
William Nealon
Lisa Nevarez
New York Racing Association
New York State Council of the Arts
New York Upstate Chapter of the
American Planning Association
Nedra Newby
Tom Newell
Nick & Jill Nichols
Jessica Niles
Thomas & Victoria Niles
Noreen Nolan
Nordlys Foundation
David Normoyle
North Creek Railway
Northshire Bookstore
Old Firehouse LLC
Olde Bryan Inn
Clifford Oliver Mealy
Margaret Olsen
Jerolyn Ouimet
Anne Palamountain
David & Leslie Papa
James & Carol Parker
Jessica Pasche
Carolyn Pasley
Cheryl Paulsen
Karin Pavese
Pavilion Grand Hotel
Megan Perez
Geoff Perreault
Baress Perry
Ronald & Maria Peters
Cathy Peyser
Barbara Phillips
John Pirog
Dara Pistolefi
Peter Platt
Plum Dandy
Eleni Polychronidou
Ellis Ponton
Joshua Powers
Adam Powers
Rebecca Primm
Proctor’s Theater
Margaret Prough
Carol Puntel
James & Veronica Purdy
Loretta Quigley
Pamela Quinn
Patricia Quinn
Michelle Rafferty
Regina Rasera
Red Wolf
Alan & Dorie Redeker
Nancy Rehse
Margaret Reidy
Sean & Jenn Reilly
Rena's Fine Flowers
Betty Rice
Alan & Jessica Richer
Charles & Katharine Richman
Matthew Richwine
Lawrence & Madelaine Ries
Noni Rifenbary & Nicole Rifenbary
Jackaline Ring
Jaime Ritchey
RLI Surety
Laura Robertson
John & Bee Roblee
Martin & Nicole Rodgers
Richard Romano
Thomas & Kristie Roohan
Richard & Tammy Rucigay
Sagamore Institute of
the Adirondacks
Mary Jo Salomon
Saratoga Arms
Saratoga Arts
Saratoga Brewery
Saratoga Builders Association, Inc.
Saratoga Dermatology
Saratoga National
Saratoga Note Cards
Saratoga Olive Oil Company
Saratoga Performing Arts Center
Saratoga Pilates
Saratoga Saddlery
Saratoga Water
Saratoga's Community Federal
Credit Union
Dee Sarno
Steven Sass
Janette Schmitt
Elizabeth Schultheiss
Anthony & Corinne Scirocco
SD Atelier Architecture
Mark Secor
Richard & Bonnie Sellers
Myron & Millie Serling
Shannon-Rose Design
Brenna Sharp
Sherri Sheji
Kevin & Linda Shilstone
Lynn Silver
Gage & Ashley Simpson
Marianne Siniapkin
Matthew Smith
William & Patricia Snyder
Connie Snyder
Soave Faire, Inc.
David Long & Joyce Soltis
Nurit Sonnenschein
Spa City Spa
Cindy Spence
Barbara Sperling
Spring Street Deli
Springwater Bed & Breakfast, Inc.
Andrea Spungen
Diane Stage-Fowler
Robert & Ellen Steinberger
Jon Sterngass & Karen Weltman
Eleanor Stevens
Patricia Stickney
Joel Stine
Julia S. & Robert Stokes
Susan Stratton
Martha Strohl & Tom O'Connor
Robbin Suess
Renee Sullivan
Tara Sullivan
Sunnyside Gardens
Sushi Thai
Beatrice Sweeney
Sweet Mimis Café & Bakery
Takeyce Walter Studio
Jean Tanis
Fred Tarrant, Jr.
Patricia Tatich
Joan Taub & Bob English
Daniel Nathan & Susan Taylor
Robert & Diane Taylor
Teakwood Builders, Inc.
The Adirondack Trust Company
The Barrelhouse
The Burke Companies
The Fun Spot
The Inn at Saratoga
The Little Book House
The Medbery Inn and Day Spa
The Olde Bryan Inn
The Posie Peddler
The Saratoga Hilton
The Tang Teaching Museum
& Gift Shop
Lawrence & Barbara Thomas
Joanne Thorburn
Gretchen Tisch
Lucy Tower
Marion Trieste
Clifford & Charlynn Tryon
Kevin & Mary Tully
Turbine Services Ltd.
Donna Upton
Cheryl Valentine
Anne Van Acker
Zealie & Susan Van Raalte
Lyn Vanden-Handel
Philip McKenzie Vaughn
Marilyn Venuti
Verizon Foundation
Donna Estey-Vild & Michael Vild
Violet’s of Saratoga
Visual Recollection
David & Susan Waghorn
Jocelyn Walker
Caroline Walter
Jane Weihe & John Kaufmann
Carol Wells & William Browne
Kelly Wendland
Pamela Wereskla
Lucy White
Keith & Donna White
Eric Whiting
Holley Whitley
John Hendrickson &
Marylou Whitney
Stephen Wilcox & Susan Mehalick
William & Alexandra Willard
William J. Burke Sons Bussing
Cunniff Funeral Home
Arnold & Susan Williams
Dennis R. Wilson & Janis Peterson
Monica Winn
Ethan & Anne Winter
Caroline Woerner
Valerie Wolf
Fred & Ann Wolpert
YMCA Saratoga
John & Karyn Zanetti
Joanna Zangrando
Rebecca Zeh
The Foundation recognizes and thanks those who generously donated their time and talent to support our mission. .
Don Adam
Donna Adam
Siobhan A'hearn
Madeline Akel
Peggy Albrecht
Christine Alexander
Larry Ambrosino
Linda Ambrosino
Sharon Bamberger
Richard Bamberger
Susan Beadle
Diane Benton
Monica Berry
Deb Bishop
Jacki Bittner
Caroline Blake
Sara Boivin
Susan Bokan
Geoff Bornemann
Paul Bouchard
Jane Bouchard
Cindy Boyka
Susan Brooks
Pam Bruno
Linda Bullard
Rebecca Burnham
Bob Carlton
Ninki Carroll
Chris Casey
JoAnn Coffey
Sandra Coffey
Eleanor Collins
Cathy Crimmins
John Cromie
Maureen Curtin
Mary Curtis
Kevin Cushing
Kathleen Davis
Kayla Davis
Diane Denny
Tom Denny
Michele DeRossi
Linda Dettbarn
Michele Dibernardo
Mckenzie Dolan
Judy Dooley
Joanne Dwornik
Debbie Eggleston
George Ehinger
Tamie Ehinger
Kylie Farrell
Mary Farrell
Diane Fedoronko
Gene Fedoronko
Cassie Fraley
Julie Freebern
Pat Friesen
Tom Frost
Kathleen Fyfe
Victoria Garlanda
Laura Gibbins
Barbara Glaser
Benj Gleeksman
June Goddard
Carol Godette
Dave Godette
Marianne Gold
Debbie Grady
Michael Grant
Cherie Grey
Marcella Hammer
Kurt Haner
Beth Harker
Judy Harrigan
Elisa Haworth
Judy Hefter
Ashley Heiserman
Sue Hensley-Cushing
Amy Hitchman
Diane Hoefer
Sara Hogan
Kylee Hopkins
Georgia Horner
Mark Hover
Barbara Humiston
Michelle Hunt
Jeannine Jeter
Carol Joyce
Karen Johns
Susan Kiley
Jan Klassovity
Charlie Kuenzel
Kristina Kline
Richard Kline
Carol Kurto
Leslie LaDuke
Mark Lawton
Melody Loftus
Vivian Mangini
Jack Mangini
Matt Marani
Peter Martin
Patrice Mastrianni
Ruth Mattiello
Gloria May
Sharon Meyer
Ginny Mick
Hannah Miller
Cheri Monaco
Megan Mumford
Molly Nash
John Onderdonk
Desiree Palmateer
Jessica Pasche
Dave Patterson
Mary Jane Pelzer
Arlene Peterson
Lillian Peterson
Courtney Potter
Joan Powers
Marty Precheur
Lisa Pritchard
Bev Pritcher
Carol Puntel
Sarah Raville
Bill Rickard
Shelley Riley
Kathy Rindaldi
Nancy Rosko
Barbara Russell
Rob Rypkema
Holly Schwarz-Lawton
Gaela Schweizer
John Shaver
Jean Shaver
Linda Shuttle
Terry Smith
Debbie Smith
William Snyder
Patricia Snyder
Cindy Spence
Andrea Spungen
Ellen Steinberger
Robert Steinberger
Lisa Stevens
Susan Stratton
Martha Strohl
Betsey Sutton
Barbara Tasso
Patricia Tatich
Samantha Tennatta
Sophia Tennatta
Linda Thompson
Gretchen Tisch
Linda Trela
Mike Trela
Marion Trieste
Diane Trieste
Nella Vetter
Donna Vild
Mike Vild
Joseph Vito
Sharon Vito
Carol Waldron
Susan Waldron
Amy Walker
Joan Walter
Anna Welfley
Susan Wennrich
Alex Willard
Carrie Woerner
Sarah Wojcik
Dr. Fred Wolpert
Ann Wolpert
A special thank you to all of those who contributed time, effort and money towards the Spirit of Life & Spencer Trask Memorial Restoration Project. Without
the generous support of the community this project would not have been possible.
Barbara Linell Glaser
Honorary Co-Chair
Kathleen Fyfe
Honorary Co-Chair
Samantha Bosshart
Donna Buckley
Cynthia Corbett
James Gold
Dee Sarno
Holly Schwarz-Lawton
Anthony “Skip” Scirocco
Commissioner of Public Works
Jere Tatich
Adirondack Trust Company
Alfred Z. Solomon Charitable Trust
Brause Realty Inc.
Brookside Nursery
The D.A. Collins Companies
deJonghe Jewelry
Barbara Linell Glaser
Cheryl & James Gold
Nordlys Foundation
The Saratoga Foundation
Saratoga Springs Rotary Club
Stewart’s Shops / The Dake Family
Linda & Michael Toohey
$1,000 & Above
The Adirondack Trust Company
Community Foundation
Geoff Bornemann & Nancy Sharples
Susan Brynteson
John & Christine Colley
Cynthia Corbett & Ada D. Arps
Community Foundation of the
Greater Capital Region
Kathleen & Andy Fyfe
Joseph J. Bokan, Jr.,
The Washington Inn
Marianne Bokan-Blair & David Blair
Susan Bokan
Willard & Holly Grande
The Greenawalts
Katrina Trask Garden Club
Michael & Marlene Okby
Ron & Michele Riggi
John & A.C. Riley
Tom & Kristie Roohan
Holly Schwarz-Lawton
Julia Stokes
John & Katherine Walthausen
Renee Dake Wilson & Brian Wilson
$500 & Above
Michael & Stacie Arpey
Butler Rowland Mays Architects, LLP
Gary Dake
Laura Dake Roche
Peter Goutos & Cheryl Smith
Harold Hageman, Jr. & Susan Knapp
In memory of Jane Holmes
Elliott & Cathy Masie
Minich MacGregor Wealth Management
Eleanor Mullaney &
Robert H. Coughlin, Jr.
In memory of Anne Palamountain
David & Helen Porter
Saratoga's Community Federal
Credit Union
Cindy Spence
Judy Stacey
In honor of Julie Stokes 70th Birthday
Martha Strohl & Tom O'Connor
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Vanderminden
$250 & Above
Jeff & Bart Altamari
Alysa & Jay Arnold
Ben & Jerry's of Saratoga
John & Jean Buhac
Kristin & Jerry Desiderio
Empire Cleaning LLC
Barbara A. Farone
Thomas Frost & Carole Tarantino
Frost Hurff Architects
Jerry & Marcia MacDonald
Dennis J. & Marianne B. McGhan
Mark & Carole Moreau
Saratoga Builders Association
Dolores & A. J. Sarno
$100 & Above
Claire Driscoll
Aida Arps 100th
Margaret Albrecht
Phyllis Aldrich
Amejo Amyot
George & Susan Bergmann
Kenneth Bollerud
Minnie C. Bolster
Samantha Bosshart
Joel & Peggy Brown
William J. Burke & Sons Bussing
& Cunniff Inc. Funeral Homes
The Burns
Fred Cady
Fred & Joan Cady
Angelo & Kate Calbone
Paul & Barbara Calhoun
Capital Construction
Hong Yu Chen & Yong Li
Tom Cobb
Paul & Judith Coburn
Belinda Colon &
Benj Gleeksman
Crafters Gallery
Michael & Heather Cushing
Jennifer Dempsey
Tom & Diane Denny
Mary & Gary DiSanto-Rose
Lesley Dixon
Ellen Downing
Nancy Downing
Druthers Brewing Company
Anita & Rick Dunn
Jeff Durstewitz & Teri Blasko
Richard & Joanne Farrell
Karen Flewelling
Victoria Garlanda &
Joshua Kunderman
Alyssa Goodman
& Jack Lappi
In honor of Barbara Glaser
James J. Grande
Kenneth & Cheryl Grey
Judy Harrigan
Sally Hart
Beth Hershenhart
Frederick J. Holman
Field Horne
Jed & Margaret Ida
Impressions of Saratoga Inc.
Larry & Sally King
Karen and Ken Klotz
Tom L. & M. Sandra Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Lockwood
Tamara M. Lupton-Valentine
Nancy Luther
Douglass M. Mabee
Gretchen Marcell
Senator Kathy Marchione
Beverley Mastrianni
Kathleen Mattes
William Mirabile
D. Myers- Myers Dance Center/
Northeast Ballet Co.
John & Lee Nelson
Dr. Selma Nemer
Northshire Bookstore
Kathryn Oppedisano
PCC Contracting, Inc.
In memory of J.D. Gilbert
Jeff & Deane Pfeil
Andy & Tara Anne Pleat
Denise Polit
Margaret Prough
Joel Reed & Katie Hauser
Kristine Reynolds
Saratoga National Bank
and Trust Co.
Andrew Schmidt
Carla H. Skodinski &
Michael M. Fieldman
Jean E. Stamm
Ellen & Robert Steinberger
Peter Tulin
Mary Caroline & John Van der Veer
L. Clifford & Claudia Van Wagner
Robert & Lois Vessels
Carol Wells & Willy Browne
JoAnn M. White
Terry & Janice White
Albert Winroth
Jerriann Zinter
The Alpine Sport Shop, Inc.
Buzz & Mylea Aldrich
Victoria G. Aldrich
Stephen Babie & Nicole Totaro
Suzanne Balet Haight/
Balet Flowers & Design
Marion Bergeron
Monica & Ian Berry
Elizabeth Bishop
Donald & Clara Bosshart
Regis Brodie
Tom & Nancy Burkly
Janice Burns
Katie M. Carroll
Circus Café
Jane Costello
Michael & Ellen Cuddy
Julie Cuneo
Mike & Ann Curtain
Matthew & Caroline D'Abate
Patricia Daly
Carl & Lorraine DeMarco
Rhea L. Demory
Marji Dickinson
Edward W. Douglas
Darren & Kirstin Drabek
Kathryn Dudding
Denise Eliopulos
Dennis & Ella Felcher
Richard & Mary Ferguson
Eileen J. Finneran
Nancy Fritch
Gay Gamage
Amy M. Godine
Pam & Craig Gould
Nan Guslander
Linda Haner
Kenneth E. Hapeman
George C. Homsy
James & Brenda Hotchkiss
Shane & Molly Kalil
Colin Klepetar
Matthew Kopans &
Dana Gliserman Kopans
Paul & Joan Kowalik
William Kowalik
Murray & Tina Levith
Joseph Levy & Zoë Nousiainen
Joann M. Long
Charles Marshall
Patrice Mastrianni
Kate Maynard
Lisa McTygue
Jeanne Monroe
Alexandra Morgan
Kim E. Myers
Mary E. Naughton
Nolan Certified Public
Accountings Services
Carol & Thaddeus Obloy
Mary K. O'Donnell
Marne L. Onderdonk
Bill & Sue Orzell
Michelle Paquette
Josephine Pasciullo
Vincent Pelliccia
Jessica Petraccione
M. Thomas Porter
Reform Pilates
Shelley Riley
Susan & Bob Rivers
Maureen Sager
Lynn Silver
Christianne L. Smith
Jean E. Stamm
Frazier & Jennifer Taylor
Robert & Diane Taylor
Lawrence & Barbara Thomas
Maria Trabka
Karen Vanderhorn
Greg & Jen Veitch
Matthew Veitch
Verizon Foundation
Joseph & Sharon Vito
Nancy & Dave Wilder
Brent & Linda Wilkes
Mary M. Withington
Bonacio Construction Inc.,
Kate Edwards
Elan Planning and Design, PLLC
Elevation Films
Finch Forest Management
The Fort Miller Co., Inc.
Victoria Garlanda
Peter Goutos & Cheryl Smith
Elaine Kurcina
Rumara Jewett
LaBrake Memorials
Zack Lobdell
Heidi Miksch
Saratoga Sod
Saratoga Springs History Museum
Saratoga Room
Saratoga Springs Public Library
Saratoga Springboard