June 2012 - Greater Lafayette Kennel Club


June 2012 - Greater Lafayette Kennel Club
Greater Lafayette Kennel Club
Nose for News
JUNE 2012
Deb Biesemeier
Editor/Corresponding Secretary
May Meeting
Next Membership Meeting—June 14, 2012
Club Building at 7:30 p.m.
Guest Speaker: Teresa Brewer
June Meeting
Details on page 2
Rally Classes
Club Calendar
May 10, 2012
Meeting Minutes
June 15
Cleaning Team #8
June 22
Free Friday, noon to midnight
April Financial Report
July 6
July 13
Cleaning Team #9
4H Event, 4-9 p.m.
July 22
Free Friday, noon to midnight
July 27
Cleaning Team #1
Thank You!
Upcoming GLKC and/or Building Trials:
Sept 15-16
Fall Show, Boone County Fairgrounds, Lebanon
Sept 22-23
Set-up on Friday, Sept. 14
T&RT CPE Agility Trial
Oct 27-28
HWASC Agility Trial
Nov 3-4
Central Indiana Siberian Husky Obe
dience Trial (approval pending)
Nov 10-11
T&RT CPE Agility Trial
Nov 30-Dec 2 GLKC Agility Trial
May Membership Meeting
Guests: Cliff Cox, Kellie Horrall
First Readings: Janet McClean, Julie Males, Darin Breed, Charlotte Franck
Members in attendance at March meeting = 22
June Meeting Guest Speaker
Club member Teresa Brewer from Top Dog K9 Sports will be discussing K9
Nose Work at our June 14 membership meeting. She is currently enrolled in
the instructor certification course and is teaching a class at Alpha K9U in
What is K9 Nose Work? The activity and sport of K9 Nose Work® is designed
to develop your dog’s natural scenting abilities by using their desire to hunt
and their love of toys, food and exercise. It’s a great way for your dog to
have fun, build confidence, and burn lots of mental and physical energy. It
requires no special equipment, is open to all dogs, regardless of any handicap or behavior issues. Teresa plans to train her own dogs in this sport as
their agility careers wind down.
She has asked for 3-4 volunteers to bring their dogs as "demo dogs".
Please arrive promptly at 7:30! The membership meeting will end at
8:00 p.m. to allow Teresa adequate time for her presentation.
Upcoming Rally Classes
The next GLKC Rally class will be starting Monday June
18th. The beginning class covers all AKC Novice and APDT
Level 1 Signs.
If you are interested in taking beginning or advanced rally,
please let Kim (kmcmunn@comcast.net) or Janet
(aussieshepherd@frontier.com) know ASAP!
There need to be at least 3 teams enrolled in order to have the
Petpalooza 2012
Pets and Vets as Partners has invited GLKC to join them for their
annual open house. Karen Sollars and Deb Biesemeier will represent GLKC with a table of club information and a small demonstration. Petpalooza is open to the public and includes a tour of their
clinic, demonstrations of their Pet Med Spa rehabilitation equipment, a silent auction to benefit their Injured Animal Fund, booths
from local businesses and rescues, and much more!
Petpalooza will be held on June 16, 2012 from 10:00 am – 2:00
pm. at Pets and Vets as Partners, 1220 Montgomery Street West
Thank You!!!
I want to thank all of the exhibitors and workers that participated in the GLKC agility trial over Memorial Day weekend. Despite the fact that we had record heat, fans and friendly temperments
kept the temperature bearable!
We are very fortunate to have such an active club. As I looked around at the workers over the
weekend, we had a lot of club members that had pitched in. Having been in the situation of being
a worker but not an entrant, I especially want to thank those members who volunteered their time,
despite not running a dog. We even had a member from Indy come to work without being entered.
Special thanks to the "key" people. They do an amazing job! I had very little to do this weekend
except enjoy because of their efficiency.
Our worker coordinator, Rosie Lerner, was always on top of things, even when we had some people pull from the trial and she had to find last minute replacements.
Hospitality co-chairs, Judy Oxley & Edie Lawson, with Grillmaster Dave Lawson provided wonderful
food both days. We have people fight to be workers just to get to eat their delicious goodies!
Deb Biesemeier and Melonie Boyll did a great job at the awards table, making sure workers got
their tickets, exhibitors got their ribbons, and in general just providing the exhibitors with appreciation for their attendance.
Jay Oxley at the score table. Boy do they get those results out quickly!
Chief Course Builder & husband extrodinaire, Lloyd Sollars and his crew were on it! Rapid & organized course changes as always.
You people are the glue that holds everything together. Thank you, thank you, thank you
And of course, all of the workers, from chute fluffer to scribe, YOU ROCK!!!! Without you, there
would be no trial.
Karen Sollars, Trial Chair
A Doggone Great Vacation!
With three 70+pound dogs, we are always looking for dog-friendly places
to vacation with our family. Barkwell's pet-friendly cabins in Asheville, NC
has 7 cabins on an entirely fenced-in property with a lake. Each cabin is
made for owners and their dogs, including gated porches, dog doors, and a
fenced-in yard for each cabin. Brea really enjoyed skinny-dipping in the
lake and the boys ran to their hearts' content. Asheville is a great dogfriendly city with dog parks, lots of dog specialty shops, and many restaurants with sidewalk tables that permit dogs. We visited the Biltmore Estate
and took the dogs walking on the grounds. And you can make it there in
one day, avoiding the problem of staying overnight in a hotel. Check it out
at Barkwells.com!
Gina, Dale, Brea, Rudy, and Saber
View from our back porch.
Membership Meeting-May 10, 2012
May 10, 2012 Carry-In General Meeting Minutes
Meeting began at 7:45 p.m.
Motion made by Christie W. to approve the April 12, 2012 general meeting minutes.
Seconded. Approved.
Presidents Report:
Kurt and Stephanie D. will be retiring as Fall Show chairpersons after the 2012 Fall
Show. Club needs a new Fall Show chairperson. According to AKC rules, GLKC is an all
breed club and must host at least one conformation show a year. If club moves show
site to a different location, AKC must approve new site. Club could downsize conformation show, but there is still the cost of the judges, food, transportation, and other
expenses. Conformation show is always scheduled on the 42nd week of the year. GLKC
could possibly team up with another small club to help host the conformation show.
Organize a committee to get further details.
Program is scheduled for general meeting in June. The program will be on Nosework.
Vice-president: Not present
Recording secretary: No report
Corresponding secretary: No report
Treasurer: No report
Education Committee: No report
Equipment Committee: Still need volunteers for the May agility trial. See Rosie Lerner
or Karen Sollars to volunteer.
New Members/Readings/Guests:
Guests: Cliff Cox, Kellie Horrall
First Readings: Janet McClean, Julie Males, Darin Breed, Charlotte Franck
Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
Tiger earned his CGC on May 7th and
2 legs in Rally Excellent in May. Cody
got two more legs towards his Rally
Janet Shepherd
Janet & Tiger at Kokomo
Tag earned his novice Jww and novice standard title. He finished his titles at the ICC trial in May .
Kim Sederquist
Pippa, Cot'n Pic'n B'dazzled
finished her conformation
Championship at 9 months of
age and has a 3 Majors and 9
points start
for the next title, a Grand
Championship. It has been fun
and now on to Agiity and Herding titles.
Sandy Dukes
Cait the Airedale - MACH 2 Bessy Vom Hassgau JH-Fur MXF TQX AAD SG SJ ASA UD CD-H RE RL3 finished her AKC Utility Dog Obedience title with a first place at the Paw Power Blues trial in Lowell IN
on May 19th.
Christie Williams
Alpenglo's Rock Solid Conclusion "Brock" has started his
show career
with a bang. At his first show on April 29 at the Fort St. Clair Kennel Club, he won a 3 pt major Reserve
from the Puppy 9-12 Mo class. At his next show, Kokomo Kennel Club on May 19 he was Winners Dog
& Best Of Opposite Sex for 1 pt. and then on May 20, he won another 3 pt major Reserve! Brock is by
Ch Road's End Obvious Conclusion x Alpenglo's Summer Breeze, ptd.
Gilda (Baccara Alpenglo Ms Chevious AXP, OJP, CGC, CL1, CL2, CL3-R, CL3-H, CL3-F) earned her
first 2 Ex B Standard Preferred legs with first place finishes at the Indiana Collie Club on May 12 & 13
under Judge Annette Narel. On 3/31 & 4/1 at the T&RT agility trial, she earned her second Level 2
Snooker leg and finished her Level 2 titles. She also earned her last Level 3 Std., Level 3 Wildcard and
Level 3 Jumpers legs and a Level 4 Jumpers leg. At the K9 Athletes CPE trial Apr. 14 & 15, she earned
legs in Level 3 Jackpot, Level 3 Fullhouse, Level 4 Std. 2 Level 4 Colors legs and a leg in Level 4 Jumpers.
Riff (Road's End Sirius Mayhem, NA, CL1) at the T&RT CPE trial 3/31 & 4-1, earned legs in Level 1
FullHouse & Jumpers to complete his CL1, Level 2 Std., Colors, Wildcard, Snooker, Jackpot and 2 Jumpers legs. At the K9 Athletes CPE trial 4/14 & 4/15, he earned 2 Level 2 Std. legs, a Level 2 Wildcard,
Snooker and a Level 3 Jumpers leg.
The Latest GLKC S.T.A.R. Puppy Graduates
GLKC graduated another class of S.T.A.R. Puppies on May 30.
Congratulations to the furry graduates and their owners, and thanks to instructors Alicia Bloomfield
and Janet Shepherd for a great class. Thanks also to Riordan Bloomfield for being an adorable
Deb Biesemeier & Alicia with
Deb Held & Alicia with
Nova-Gladystar Catch a Rising
Flag-Honeytree Flying Colors
GLKC May Agility Trial BRAGS
At the GLKC agility trial on May 26th, Annie
(Aulscot Surf's Up CDX RAE NA AXP AJP NF
XFP SE) - received her AJP and XFP titles, and
Laurie (CH Aulscot Dawn Patrol RE NAP OJP
NFP) received her OJP title.
Also the GLKC trial was Abby's (Aulscot
Sands of Ehukai BN RN) first agility trial over the weekend she Q'd and placed 1st place
in Novice FAST (Sat), Novice Standard (Sun),
and Novice Jumpers (Sat & Sun).
Judge Mary Mullen, Annie & Barbara
Barbara Gibson
Despite getting a little over-excited on his first-ever FAST run, Saber had a great weekend and
got his 2nd leg in Novice Jumpers Preferred at the GLKC trial on May 26-27.
Gina Kreisle
Reddy and I Q’d in
novice standard.
Indy & I Qed in Nov. FAST and JWW on Saturday, then we got our
Novice JWW title on Sunday and Qed in Nov Standard.
Judy Wagner
Danielle Glynn
Hurray for Cameo's first time entering agility trials! She received First Place
for the Preferred 20" Class in Standard on
both days of the May 26-27 GLKC agility
Isabell Peters
Judge Mary Mullen, Cameo & Isabell