edition 12 - 01 december 2015


edition 12 - 01 december 2015
01 DECEMBER 2015
“Purple - the New Black”
Starry Night Formal
Tuesday 17 November 2015
Phone: 4120 8444 Fax: 4120 8400
STUDENT ABSENCES: 4120 8460 or 0409 430 637
Email: the.principal@aldridgeshs.eq.edu.au
OFFICE HOURS: 8.00 am - 3.30 pm Monday to Friday
Meritorious Award Recipients
Term 3, 2015
Year 7
Riley Bielby, Madison Bloink, Bayden Blyth, Mikeeley Blyth, Belinda Book,
Lauren Boulton, Georja Brown, Shannon Brownsell, Teagan Brownsell,
Tahlia Burns, Bayley Davis, Jasmine Davis, Charlotte Donohue,
Amellia Donovan, Summer Donovan, Akharah Edwards, Joanne Edwards,
Shaun Elliott, Lachlan Fletcher, Connor French, Katie Garrett,
Kayleeta Gibson, Jessica Goldsmith, Amber Gossip, Lochlan Greenfield,
Lachlan Hancock, Connor Harrap, Alaina Harrison, Alexandria Hay,
Amelia Howell, mma Humphries, Dylan Jensen, Shane Kelly, Casey Killeen,
Rafe Klein, Emily Lawrence, Lachlan Lethbridge, Clayton Maher,
Annie Mansell, Dakotah Marengo, Jessica Marsden, Beau McGuirk,
Summer Mitchell, Gracen O’Connell, Jessica Pailthrope, Nikiyah Pearse,
Courtney Power, Bethany Quinn-Ward, Claudia Rankin, Taijha-Lee Reeves,
Danika Richardson, Audrey Riley, Angelique Roberts, Thomas Roberts,
Mitchell Rodgers, James Rossiter, Tiarna Russell, Dylan Scheikowski,
Brayden Sheard, Sydnee Sheppard, Luaren Simpson, Taylah Sinn,
Ahlia Solly, Haiden Stephens, Anna Terry, Taylah Thomas, Russell,
Thompson, Amber Turly, Caleb Wallace, Heidi Ward, Lilly Welldon,
Mackenzie White, Nina Whittingham and Kaila Wilson.
Year 8
Ethan Ballard, Tialah Bartlett, Emily Beer, Nicholas Blomdale,
Natalie Brescansin, Izaak Burt, Eriel Chiong, Brock Clark, Tatiana Clarke,
Jacquie Close, Lily Cunningham, Jade Dickson, Danielle Frullani,
Lisha Gadischke, Teiah Gibbs, Desirae Gilliand, Mitchell Grimshaw,
Keian Grogan, Ruby Groundwater, Lekicia Hatherell, Beau Hughes,
Olivia Irvine, Mikayla Jensen, Sean Kelly, Rhylee Kennaway-Braid,
Liam King, Tatiana Macdonald, Taylor Manning, Tyler martin,
Aleesha McIndoe, Alex Moll-deLange, Shalika Morrison, Bradley Otto,
Jay Paton, Eerika Pedersen, Kyle Petersen, Breanna Reid,
Melissa Richardson, Mikael Richardson, Lachlan Ridgeway, Georgia Ross,
Kaitlyn Ryan, Theo Schlechtriem, Shania Seehars, Max Sheridan,
Calen Simpson, Courtney Smallwood, Luke Smallwood, Grace Templeton,
Gavin Tsakisiris, Isabella Walker, Lucy Watkins, Justin Webb,
Emily White and Darian Wooley.
Year 9
Bianca Adams, Brae Anderson, Jordyn Appleyard, Danika Barry,
Krista Bradshaw, Hayley Britton, Lachlan Brooks, Cylah Bryant,
Kasey Bryant, Ryley Burke, Emily Burns, Alex Cady, Nat Cady,
Luke Calleja, Eliza Cate, Jessica Chapman, Anniston Chappell,
Jade Charteris, Tilly Constantine, Carla-Jayne Cousins, Tasmin Darnell,
Joseph Davis, Caitlyn Drury, Zanthia Erbacher, Gemma Fernie, Jessica Frey,
Cloe Gallagher, Amelia Garrett, Hannah Gillespie, Jevan Goldmsith,
Monique Goodwin, Isabella Gordon, Crystal Goswell, Ceridwen Harris,
Irene Hartley, Riley Heath, Abbey Hewitt, Sophia Hewitt, Dayna Hite,
Samantha Hunter, Briannon Hutton, Lexi Isdale, Brianna Johnston,
Sienna Jung, Darcy Karrasch, Hannah Karrasch, Tallara Kelly,
Tristan Kngitht, Nanami Kuwazuru, Erin Kyle, Jesse Lange,
Victoria Lapthorn, William Lawton, Lindsy Leethbridge, Karrah Lowe,
Teneeille Lowe, Milena Maurer, Cara McInnes, Eva McKee,
Madeleine Mercer, Jack Millard, Grace Mitchell, Emily Mooney,
Taylor Morrison, Jayde Mottram, Giaan Muller, Emily Newman,
Madison Nugent, Sophie Parker, Aamilee Patrick, Trinity Perry,
Summer Powell, Lachlan Power, Sabrina Probyn, Anita Raines,
Rhett Randall, Christine Reid, Keely Reilly, Mathilda Riley, Caitlin Rossiter,
Anthony Russell, Bianca Saffron, Ella Salter, Abbey Shaw,
Braxton Sheppard, Zara Smith, Star Star, Benjamin Stepanov,
Melanie Stephens, Lucy Stevenson, Lauren Thompson, Milli Trumble,
Summer Turner, Megan Usher, Dalton Waller, Jye Walters, Kayla Warren,
Chloe Wass, Alyssa Watson, Chloe Wieland and Rhiana Wixon.
Year 10
Lily Appleyard, Adrienne Ballard, Jaiden Barlow, Michael Barnett,
Mikyla Barnett, Andrew Beardmore, Elly Bennetts, Courtney Black,
Shannon Boulton, Summah Bryce, Katrina Burgess, Gabrielle Burton,
Luke Byrne, Jack Clark, Nicola Clark, Pacey Clarke, Amelia Connell,
Dean Cunningham, Angus Dodd, Emily Eaton, Jade Elkington-Harris,
Amy England, Jared Ethell, Jamie Findley, Luke Flahavin, Dylan Frullani,
Jun Guilfoyle, Adam Hand, Kirra-Dee Harris, Ben Harvey, Dylan Hawryluk,
Emily Heilbronn, Peta Hohlweck, Ethan Humphries, jai Kattenberg,
Melanie Kerr, Alexander Klein, Tyler Mackellar, Chelsea Martin,
Georgia Masters, Brianna McClelland, Kodi McConnell, Katherine McIndoe,
Bryce Mears, Jordan-Louise Mooney, Lachlan Morris, Daphne Murtah,
Hayley Nicolson, Erin O’Connell, Krystal O’Donnell, Jared Pacey,
Jasmine Pienaar, Brenna Putman, Jessica Raines, Elly Rattray, Grace Reachill,
Ethan Rickert, Emily Roberts, Caramaree Robertson, Shane Rodgers,
Michael Ross, Dominic Sal, Chelsea Sawtell, Hannah Searle, Brianna Sengstock,
Ainsley Sheppard, Britney Sorensen, Jessica Stimpson, Tyler Stockill, E
mma Templeton, Liam Thacker, Troy Thompson, Tate Tracey, Jake Turley,
Beau Turner, Simone Weis and Emerald Wilmshurst.
Year 11
Kyle Adams, Zac Alaban, Brooke Anderson, Mario Anton, Matthew Bailey, TaylahLee Bauer, Shai-Lee Berry, Sarah Butler, Lily Calleja, Artemio Clifford, Tahlia Connell,
Emily Constantine, Brad Cooper, Mollie Cunningham, Emily Dalglish,
Shaylara Denman, Rebecca Dennis, Isabella Dodd, Ryan Dodd, Natasha Donnelly,
Cooper England, Genevieve Farey, Jordan Fielding, Tristan Finn, Taliah Fletcher,
Sarah Gayford, Brittany Godber, Mason Groundwater, Chloe Hansen, Allukah Hanson,
Marc Harris, Breanna Head, Shauna Heath, Fallon Hedberg, McKenzie Higgins,
Mara Hite, Luke Hunter, Stephanie Hunter, Emilie Johannesen, Jessica Karrasch,
Angus Kerr, Natasha Kirby, Jesse Klein, Shinsuke Kuwazuru, Danica Law,
Ryleigh Leask, Patrick Lowe, Lindsey Massey, Louie McConochie, Mason McKenna,
Rachael Meaby, Steve Meaby, Yurina Nakashima, Jasmine Philippa, Hannah Phillips,
Caitlin Quinn-Ward, Ebbony Randall, Bailee Read, Allanah Richardson, Addy Russell,
Bruce Russell, Mitchell Searle, Hailey Seefus, Caleb Shaw, Cohen Shelford, Netti Sillitoe,
William Slade, Alistair Sperling, Tara Stephens, Ryetta Stephenson, Morgan Stockill,
Bethany Surman, Casey Suter, Jack Thompson, Roy Tucker, Ashleigh Vicic,
Jelena Walker, Anita Waterton, Amy Watson, Demi Watson, Nick Watson,
Rebecca Watson and Dana Whitby.
Year 12
Emilio Carmona, Claudia Chapman, Luke Craig, Larissa Dare-McCombe,
Wesley Dare-McCombe, Rachel Dasecke, Amy Dennis, Danielle Ferguson, Mitchell
Fielden, Jackson Flaherty, Timothy Gale, Cohen Graham, Skye Hailey, Jordan Hancock,
Brooke Hansen, Taylor Harrap, Holly Henderson, Liam Hern, Jakob Hill, Lachlan
Keding, Brandon Kelly, Daniel Kelly-Lunny, Tegan Kochel, Jessica Larner,
Kirra Larsen, Sarah Lawrence, Jade Lindley, Tahlia Manwaring, Jonathon Millar,
Luke Nielsen, Bailey Nowitzke, Jayden Pickel, Lauren Regan, Leearna Reibel,
Connor Richards, Meg Richmond, Jesse Robertson, Daniel Ross, Caitlin Smith,
Helena Smith, Jaiden Smith, Shaedana Strahan, Kaitlyn Tidy, Emily Wain,
Kaitlyn Wain, Jeremy Walsh, Amber Weis, Jacob Weis, Kellie Wilms, Alaisa Wood
and Jaida-Lee Young Swanson.
Grace Alexander, Billy Behrendorff, Nina Belford, Thomas Bennetts, Kira Brieschke,
Sharnese Clarke, Mackenzie Cockburn, Michael Cooper, Nicholas Davis, Josh Doyle,
Ruby Flynn, Charlee Howard-Osborne, Courtney Larsen, Claudia Mackney,
Cody Marsden, Hannah Mitchell, Jamie Ogden, Karly Otto, Miranda Pedersen,
Lauren Sama, Jack Smith, Lydia Smith, T’neil Watson and Ella Webb.
Emily Brain, Danica Butler, William Connell, Tianna Crofts, Elara Crook, Yirri Cruz,
Shaniah Elliott, Caleb Farry, Sophie Furber, Jackson Goodwin, Chantelle Grant,
James Hoggard, Brandon Hunter, Nicole Jorgensen, Rachel Karrasch,
Georgia McGrath, Anneliese McKee, Brittiany Raines, Teresa Rickert, Troy Sheppard,
Vanessa Swindells, Zachary Templeton, Kyle Thacker, Jayden Williams,
Hailee Willmott and Keriann Zipperer.
Student Services - C3
The Student Services department is housed in C3 (with the green door), where Mrs Kaye HOYES is available to
process all of your student’s queries. Students are required to go to C3 for all of their queries/questions and
not to the administration office.
All students who are late or leaving school early MUST have either a note from their parent/guardian OR have
their parent/guardian phone Kaye on 4120 8430 advising her of their student’s lateness or reason for their
early departure. Also, students can now get their uniform passes from Student Services, and again, students
must have either a note from their parent/guardian or their parent/guardian has phoned Kaye with a reason
for not being in the correct school uniform. If a student does not have a note or Kaye has not received a phone
call from the student’s parent/guardian, they will be issued with a detention to be completed in a Recess at C4.
Also a reminder that ALL parent contact with the school is still required to occur at the Main Office.
Parents are not to go to Student Services in C3.
The contact number for Kaye in Student Services is:
4120 8430
You can also email Kaye at:
BPOINT - Invoice Payments
Education Queensland has implemented a new way for parents to pay their
invoices at schools - BPoint. It’s a simple, user friendly way to pay your
student’s Resource Scheme fees, Laptop fees, excursions, etc. Parents can use
BPoint from their smart phone or from their computer or tablet. Parents can
still pay in the usual way by coming to the school or using internet banking. If
you have any questions, please contact the school on 4120 8444.
Wishing everyone in the Aldridge High Community a
safe and happy holiday.
We look forward to seeing you in 2016.
Our office is closed from 12.00 pm Friday 11 December 2015.
We will re-open 8.00 am Monday 18 January 2016.
Don’t forget the sunscreen!!
@8.00 am
Monday 25 January
pupil free day - Office
tuesday 26 January
Australia day public
Wednesday 27 January
Yr 7, 8 & 11 start
Thursday 28 January
Friday 05 February
1st resource scheme $60.00
instalment payment due
When your student has to leave the
School for appointments, etc
give them a note to sign out at c3
You can Phone kaye in c3 on 4120 8430
to advise her of your student’s
Departure time and reason.
The 2015 Year 12’s have finished the year well. It was a
pleasure to share the evening with this group at the Annual
Formal. Special thanks to Ms Tegan Symes, Mrs Fiona
Reynolds, Mr Adam Hodgkinson, Miss Jenni Taylor and
Mr Damien Blyth for their additional efforts to make the
night (and the last week) the success it was.
The school’s Year 11 Boys and Year 9 Girls Volleyball teams
are off to the National Schools Championships in
Melbourne next week. Both teams won Gold Medals in
2014 at the Nationals and have won Gold and Silver
respectively at the Queensland Schools Cup in 2015.
Monday 30 November is the Transition Day for Year 6’s
moving to Year 7 in 2016. The purpose of this day is to
allow students an opportunity to become more familiar
with the school and the students with whom they will
share their first year in high school.
Students should gather at the hall on the morning of their
particular transition. After the 8.40 am bell has rung,
students will be brought into the hall to be placed into form
classes just for that day. Further information about the day
can be accessed from Mrs Therese Dixon (Year 7 Head of
 Year 10 and 11 Report Cards will be posted home on
Tuesday 08 December.
 Junior School (Years 7, 8 and 9) Report Cards will be
given out at 2.45 pm Thursday 10 December.
As per previous years, the Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday of the last week of school for Year 7’s, Year 8’s
and 9’s will not feature their usual timetabled activities but
a variety of different activities and options. Staff are
currently in the process of organising these. At this point
in time the majority of these activities are school based with
limited, or no, cost associated with them.
While the school will supervise students who attend on the
last day, the activities the students will engage in will not
be as per their usual Friday timetable. Students on site will
be asked to assist staff in cleaning up rooms and learning
areas and preparing for 2016.
The Aldridge State High School P&C supported at the
October meeting amending the official hours of the last day
to finish at 11.30 am. At 11.30 am, those students who
travelled to school on foot or by bike will be permitted to
leave. For the other students if parents/guardians are
available to pick them up that would be greatly
The school may be able to assist in
transporting a small number of students home.
The school rarely has more than 15 students attend on the
last day.
Peter Duck, Liz Carter, Alice Kelly and Aquilla Russell will
not be with us in 2016.
Peter and Liz have been with us for a number of years and
have made significant contributions to the Maths &
Agriculture Departments respectively.
Alice and Aquilla are somewhat more recent arrivals but
both have a high level of commitment to the school and the
All four leave the school with our very best wishes for
whatever lies ahead.
Please note that the school office will be closed from 12.00
pm Friday 11 December 2015 and will re-open at 8.00 am
on Monday 18 January 2016.
 In 2016, Monday 25 January will be a Student Free Day.
 Terms 2 and 3 will begin for staff and students on the
Monday of the first week (Monday 11 April & Monday
11 July respectively.
 Term 4 will begin on Tuesday 03 October 2016.
Term 1 has a staggered start to assist new students to the
school by having one day when only half the student
body is here prior to the entire student body being on
site. To this end, on Wednesday 27 January Years 7, 8
and 11 are asked to be in attendance with ALL Year
levels being on site Thursday 28 January (Note:
Monday 25 January is a Student Free Day).
Senior School
The current Year 12 students have performed wonderfully to date with nearly
20% of OP eligible students receiving an “A” on the QCS test. This compares to
11% state wide getting an “A”.
We have recently been notified that 12 of our current Year 12 students have received early offers
to attend University in 2016. 11 of These are off to USC and one is off to UNE. Congratulation
to those students.
18 of Our Year 11 students have gained a position to study a University subject with USC next
year. These students will be studying at the USC Fraser Coast Campus on a Thursday. Eight
Year 11 students have successfully gained positions in the “School to Work” programs run by
Training Queensland. These opportunities allow students to study a Certificate II in either
Logistics or Health Services and to complete 20 days of work placement with a local business.
These programs represent some of the best chances students have of progressing to
employment in 2017.
In 2016 we are adopting multi-age house groups for senior students. This will combine Year 10, 11 and 12
students from the same house into house groups. Key functions of these groups will be to monitor student
progress towards their QCE. Over time we envisage that the house group teacher will become a key point of
contact for both students and parents.
The new senior uniform will be available for next year from all of the local uniform suppliers. This sees a new
polo but also includes the change from a purple to a navy skirt for the girls. While we transition to the new
uniform the old uniform will remain as acceptable attire until the end of 2017. It is important to note that
students cannot mix and match uniform pieces – ie the purple skirt cannot be worn with the new polo.
** The only accepted footwear will be:
 Low cut (below the ankle)
 Predominantly black
 Lace up
We advised of this earlier in the year and as such breaches of the footwear or associated processes policy will
likely result in consequences.
We will have a staggered start for 2016 with Year 11 students attending on Wednesday 27 January and ALL
years attending on Thursday 28 January 2016.
Deputy Principal
Senior School
Junior School
As we make preparations for our Year 6 Orientation day on Monday 30 November, it seems like only yesterday
that our current Year 7’s were visiting our school for that very occasion. How the year has flown!
As I look around the playground and visit House Group classes, I am very proud of how our inaugural Year
7’s have integrated so well into the secondary setting. They have benefited from the variety and scope that
high school has to offer. More importantly, however, I believe the secondary school sector has benefited from
having the opportunity to teach Year 7’s. It has reminded many teachers of the ‘wide-eyed wonder’ of younger
students; there is nothing more satisfying for a teacher than to work with students who are keen and full of
I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the staff, the majority of whom are secondary school
trained only, who so very caringly nurtured and supported our Year 7’s this year. You have done a wonderful
job of making these students feel welcome and encouraging their lifelong love of learning.
A few reminders:
 As the days grow hotter, please remember that the school pool is open during
Recess 1 (except Thursday) for a free swim. Our HPE staff are on duty to
supervise students. Please ensure swimwear items and towels are named.
 The Homework Centre is open every Recess 1. It is located in F15 and all
students are welcome to attend. Staff are on hand to assist students with any
homework or assignments. This is not viewed as a detention; it is simply
somewhere the students can go to catch up on work or get extra assistance.
 With less than two weeks to go until the end of the school year, students
must still be vigilant about the wearing of correct school uniform and
displaying good behaviour. This includes behaviour to and from school,
especially on public transport.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the manner in which
you have supported your child and their learning this year and wish everyone
a safe and very Happy Christmas.
Head of Junior Secondary
Year 7 Coordinator
Australian Futsal Selection
08 - 10 December
Yr 7, 8 & 9
Activities Days
08 December
Yr 10 & 11
Report Cards
Posted Home
Kaitlyn Ryan recently gained selection in the Australian Futsal
Team after an incredible performance in the recent National
Championships. Playing for Queensland Country, Kaitlyn starred
as captain, setting up multiple goals and seeing her team finish just
outside the medals. Her selection places Kaitlyn in the top 15
players in Australia.
Congratulations on a fantastic performance.
HPE Teacher
10 December
Yr 7, 8 & 9
Report Cards Issued
@2.40 pm
11 December
School Finishes
14 December 2015 25 January 2016
Summer Vacation
18 January
School Office
Re-Opens 8.00 am
25 January
Student Free Day
(Office Closed)
26 January
Australia Day Public
27 January
School Resumes
For Yr 7, 8 & 11
28 January
ALL Students at
Don’t forget to call into the main admin office to collect a
Blue Change of Details Advice Form.
Completing this form when any of your details change ie. Change of Address, Contact Telephone Numbers,
Emergency Contacts or change in family circumstances,
enables us here at Aldridge High to be able to contact you in any situation,
quickly and accurately.
Please note that we require “Proof of Address”
when updating your address details
(Documents that can be used are a Lease Agreement; Telephone,
Electricity or Rates Account).
Thank you
As the warmer weather settles in we know that it isn't long before our students are free of
the restraints of school for another year. The regular reading that is a part of many
student's school day suddenly comes to an end as there are far more interesting things to
do on holiday than read a book, right?
Research though has shown that when kids put down the books for their summer break,
often their reading ability drops with it. The term "slide" refers to children dropping in
their reading ability following a lack of reading over the summer break. Teachers
frequently report that students return to school in January with a lower reading level and
interest in books, than when they left in December.
While research predominately focuses upon the long mid-year summer vacations of the northern hemisphere, there is still
an emerging trend within Australian schools, albeit over a shorter break. Achievement gaps are often identified in
lower socio-economic communities due to lack of available resources and books within the home. Some children simply
don't have access to books once the school library closes for the year. However, you don't need money in order to prevent
the slide for your children. Here are five tips to make sure your kids stay engaged with reading over the summer break.
1. Make reading time fun (and quick!)
It is easy and necessary to make reading together the most fun time of everyday. Read together with funny voices, try
humorous books to engage the reluctant readers in your family and trust that toilet humour is often a surefire winner for
most boys. You should aim for no more than ten minutes reading together – just enough to encourage the kids to come
back tomorrow. Set a timer if you need to, it will encourage them to ask for a minute or two more when reading time
comes to an end.
2. Visit the local library and bookstores
Make regular visits to the local public library and bookstores as part of your family's routine. These trips are simple ways to
drive reading passion. Many children are amazed when they discover that they can borrow sometimes up to twenty books
from their local library for free (and probably will the first time). Discount department stores often sell brand new popular
kids books for less than A$10.00, much less than a movie ticket.
3. Have a 'screen free night' each week
Make a screen free night part of your family's regular routine (except for eReaders of course) where everyone in the family
picks up something to read. Having your children see you read and talk about books adds value to this reading time.
Different approaches to the screen free night may be to invest in reading lamps or book lights so that children can read in
bed before sleep.
4. Give books as gifts
Christmas for kids means presents, and more books in the house can never go astray. Gift the next book in the series that
your child is loving – the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series by Jeff Kinney or the 52nd Storey Treehouse by Australia's Andy
Griffiths are great places to start. Encourage your child to lend and swap their books with friends once they have read
5. Read together using supportive strategies
When you are reading together with your child, it's a great idea to give them the option of how they would like to read.
Provide the opportunity for children to choose whether they would like to read aloud or silently. Check if they would like to
try paired reading if they feel like they need extra support with the book.
When your child comes to a word that they don't know or aren't sure of, remember to:
 Wait: give your child a chance to figure out the word on their own
 Ask: does that make sense? Does the picture give you a clue? Could you read on for more information?
 Then skip: if the child is still stuck on the word, ask them to skip it and read on. You can
always drop that word into the conversation as you turn the page. This has the added
advantage of not making the child wrong!
Working with your child to maintain good reading habits over their summer break allows you
to not only establish your family as active readers, but will give them the best possible start to
the next school year.
This article is republished from The Conversation, an independent source of analysis,
commentary and news from the university and research sector.
Well it’s nearly finished for another year. It has been another very good year for the Aldridge Volleyball
Excellence Program.
The U16 Boys being Queensland Champions
The U15 Boys being second in Queensland
The U14 Girls were also second in Queensland
The U13 Girls were third in Queensland
The U13 Boys were fourth in Queensland
Well done Mr Thiele for another great job! Thanks also to Mr Ethell, Mr Barker and Mrs Keleher for their
assistance in the program. Thanks to Kyal Moore and Lily Calleja for their help as student coaches and the
parents that have helped out with fundraising and managing teams.
We wish the U16 Boys team and U14 Girls team all the best in Melbourne when they try and defend their
national title in the last week of school.
Thanks again to our many sponsors that have geneoursly supported our students so they can achieve their
goals. They include: Fraser Coast Volleyball Association, Maryborough Sports Power,
Ultra-Tune, The Friendlies Discount Pharmacy, Harvey Norman, Maryborough
Fitness Health & Body works, Bob Jane T-Mart, R and A Building Pty Ltd,
Education Rules! ,
Allen Gillespie Electrical, Murray Barnett Plumbing,
Maryborough Sugar, Bruce Saunders, Warren Truss, Station Square, Cheap Cuts
Mowing, Decal Central, Preplayed Games and Movie Traders, All Stars Unisex
Barber Shop and MBO Office Equipment.
We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
We look forward to 2016 and further success for the program.
Aldridge Library
8.00 am to 12.00 pm
Facebook us @Aldridge Sunday studies
Arrange a tutorial group
Access computers, printers and photocopiers
Air Conditioned with no distractions
Tuckshop will be
Meetin C
Of the
6.30 pm
22 JANUARY 2016
8.30 AM - 11.30 AM
So please pop in and se e us for
your student uniforms
and calculators.
$23.94 p/hr
Must have or willing to obtain
“Food Handling Certificate”
Please call Raelene
on 0490 497 141
for more information.
Resumes are to be addressed to:
The President,
Aldridge SHS P&C
Closing Date:
C.O.B. 05 February 2016
Have you ever thought about volunteering at the
School Canteen? We would love your company anytime time is fine, just pop into the Canteen and
see Chris and the girls. Many hands make light work
and we will reward you with a light lunch and
fantastic company. We will also put you in the draw
for the XBOX ONE.
Thank you
Aldridge State High School
Fresh Salad Boxes
Ham & Salad; Chicken & Salad;
Quiche & Salad; Egg & Salad
(Toasted - $0.30 Extra)
Turkish Bread:
Roast Beef & Salad; Ham & Salad
Chicken & Salad; Ham & Salad;
Cornmeat & Salad
Hot Food Specials
Daily Hot Food
Reduced Fat Pies
Reduced Fat Sausage Rolls
Pizza Rounders
Hot Food Specials
Nachos (Chicken or Beef) (Made Fresh)
Fried Rice (Made Fresh)
Chilli Chicken Burger
Sushi (Chicken or Salmon)
Chicken & Gravy Roll
Jacket Potatoes (Made Fresh)
Chicken Burger
Meatball Subs
Pork Riblet Rolls
(All Burgers include Salad)
The Canteen is the main fundraiser for Aldridge SHS P&C Association. Thank you for your Support!
Egg & Lettuce
Ham, Cheese & Tomato
Cornmeat & Salad
Chicken & Salad
Ham & Salad
Chicken, Mayo & Lettuce
Salad ONLY
Keep checking out the Tuckshop whiteboards for more specials!
Fresh Sandwiches:
750ml Water
600ml Water
Plain Milk 600ml
Flavoured Milk 300ml
Flavoured Milk 500ml
Ice Break
Iced Tea
Other Items
Fruit Salad Container
(includes a variety of available fruits)
Apple Crumble & Custard
Gingerbread Students
Red Rock Oven Baked Chips $1.20
(28gms Packets)
Iceblocks - Various
Yoghurt - Frozen 100g
Please order between 8 & 9 AM
New Uniforms
Purple Skirts
Hats (Compulsory)
Scientific Calculators
Please Order Between
8.00 am - 9.00 am
Chicken Sushi
Salmon Sushi
We will be offering sushi on Tuesday’s menu.
don’t forget to come on down and
try the new sushi,
we also hope to offer it on more days
We will be offering sushi on Tuesday’s menu.
don’t forget to come on down and try the new sushi,
we also hope to offer it on more days
Chicken Sushi
Salmon Sushi
Would you like to win an XBOX ONE?
All you have to do is order your lunch at the Canteen. Every time you place a lunch order
you will automatically go into the draw.
Are you sick of missing out on all the new yummy food?
Order your food in the morning and that will ensure that you get what you want.
You will also be in the running to win a XBOX ONE.
Keep checking out the Tuckshop whiteboards for more specials!
Only $5.00!
Aldridge white senior polo shirt
on sale at the tuckshop
These Polos can be worn up until
the END of 2017
Aldridge SHS Uniforms for sale at Tuckshop
Polos $27.00
Shorts $25.00
Please be aware that
they need to have
the D.A.L. function
Magnetic Fridge pockets
Don’t you wish that you had a simple
system to store your school documents
and notes? A place that is convenient
and inexpensive. Well now you can with
our magnetic fridge pockets. Simply file
the papers in the plastic pocket and put it
on your fridge. You will be able to retrieve
all your vital information in an instant.
1 for $7.00 / 2 for $12.00
3 for $17.50
Available at the
Office or C3
Aldridge State High School P&C Association has signed onto be part of the Quickbeds Grassroots
Fundraising Program. This is a great opportunity for our school to raise funds.
When you are booking your Easter accommodation or any accommodation, you just click on this link:
 Find the hotel you want
 Book it (no booking fees, no credit card fees)
That's all - Click on the link now and our P&C code will be stored on your computer.
That's $10.00 for bookings up to $349.00.
And $25.00 for bookings from $350.00 to $699.00.
And $50.00 for bookings of $700.00 or more.
to find the hotel you want and use the Grassroots Code: 1316
and you’ll help raise much needed funds for the school.
Acceptable Shoes At Aldridge High
Assessment Calendars
Assessment calendars for Term 1 for years 7 – 12 are now on the school website:
www. aldridgeshs.eq.edu.au.
Please print out the relevant year level for your student and highlight their subjects.
Hover mouse on “Calendar and News”
Click on “Exam Timetables”
Click on relevant year level
Students to print, highlight, put in a prominent place and refer to
25 January
Free day
(Office clo
a Day
26 Janua
School Office
18 January 2016
At 8.00 am!
07 Decembe
Yr 10 & 11
Report Car
Yr 7, 8 &
@2.40 p ut
m at
12.00 p
11 dec