edition 09 - 01 september 2015
edition 09 - 01 september 2015
EDITION 09 01 SEPTEMBER 2015 “Purple - the New Black” Aldridge Night Out ALDRIDGE STATE HIGH SCHOOL Phone: 4120 8444 Fax: 4120 8400 STUDENT ABSENCES: 4120 8460 or 0409 430 637 Email: the.principal@aldridgeshs.eq.edu.au Website: www.aldridgeshs.eq.edu.au OFFICE HOURS: 8.00 am - 3.30 pm Monday to Friday (Closed during school holiday periods) Aldridge Night Out JUNIOR SCHOOL - TUESDAY 11 AUGUST SENIOR SCHOOL - WEDNESDAY 12 AUGUST Meritorious Awards Term 2, 2015 YEAR 7 Madison BLOINK, Bayden BLYTH, Mikeeley BLYTH, Belinda BOOK, Georja BROWN, Shannon BROWNSELL, Teagan BROWNSELL, Tahlia BURNS, Jayden COOKE, Bayley DAVIS, Bao DIEP, Amellia DONOVAN, Summer DONOVAN, Joanne EDWARDS, Shan ELLIOTT, Rebekah EZZY, Katie GARRETT, Kayleeta GIBSON, Jessica GOLDSMITH, Amber GOSSIP, Lochlan GREENFIELD, Lachlan HANCOCK, Phoebe HANSEN, Connor HARRAP, Alaina HARRISON, Paige HATHERELL, Alexandria HAY, Amelia HOWELL, Emma HUMPHRIES, Dylan JENSEN, Shane KELLY, Rafe KLEIN, Shayla LARSEN, Emily LAWRENCE, Lachlan LETHBRIDGE, Annie MANSELL, Dakotah MARENGO, Beau MCGUIRK, Summer MITCHELL, Zachary MORRIS, Gracen O’CONNELL, Jessica PAILTHORPE, Nikiyah PEARSE, Courtney POWER, Bethany QUINN-WARD, Claudia RANKIN, Taijha-Lee REEVES, Danika RICHARDSON, Audrey RILEY, Angelique ROBERTS, Thomas ROBERTS, Mitchell RODGERS, James ROSSITER, Tiarna RUSSELL, Dylan SCHEIKOWSKI, Amber SEEHARS, Ashley SHAW, Brayden SHEARD, Lauren SIMPSON, Taylah SINN, Ahlia SOLLY, Haiden STEPHENS, Jodie STEPHENS, Anna TERRY, Taylah THOMAS, Russell THOMPSON, Amber TURLEY, Jorden TYSSEN, Caleb WALLACE, Heidi WARD, Lilly WELLDON, Lachlan WHITTAKER, Nina WHITTINGHAM and Leslie WROE. YEAR 8 Ethan BALLARD, Tialah BARTLETT, Emily BEER, Nicholas BENNETTS, Laura BLACK, Izaak BURT, Eriel CHOING, Jacqui CLOSE, Hayden COE, Adam COSFORD, Lily CUNNINGHAM, Cameron FISHLEIGH, Danielle FRULLANI, Teiah GIBBS, Desirae GILLIAND, Sanya GOODALL, Keian GROGAN, Ruby GROUNDWATER, Lekicia HATHERELL, Beau HUGHES, Olivia IRVINE, Mikayla JENSEN, Sean KELLY, Tatiana MACDONALD, Drew MAHER, Taylor MANNING, Tyler MARTIN, Aleesha MCINDOE, Alex MOLL-deLANGE, Shalika MORRISON, Jay PATON, Kyle PETERSEN, Breanna REID, Melissa RICHARDSON, Mikael RICHARDSON, Lachlan RIDGEWAY, Gerogia ROSS, Kaitlyn RYAN, Jake SANDERS, T heo SCHLECHTRIEM, Shania SEEHARS, Max SHERIDAN, Calen SIMPSON, Courtney SMALLWOOD, Cameron SUMMERS, William SWINBURNE, Grace TEMPLETON, Gavin TSAKISIRIS, Jye WADE, Isabelle WALKER, Lucy WATKINS, Justin WEBB, Hayden WHEELER and Emily WHITE. Meritorious Awards Term 2, 2015 YEAR 9 Bianca ADAMS, Brae ANDERSON, Jordyn APPLEYARD, Danika BARRY, Krista BRADSHAW, Kyah BRESCIANINI, Hayley BRITTON, Lachlan BROOKS, Cylah BRYANT, Kasey BRYANT, Ryley BURKE, Emily BURNS, Nathan BURTON, Alex CADY, Nat CADY, Luke CALLEJA, Eliza CATE, Jessica CHAPMAN, Prudence CHAPMAN, Anniston CHAPPELL, Jade CHARTERIS, Carla-Jayne COUSINS, Tasmin DARNELL, Joseph DAVIS, Caitlyn DRURY, Chantelle FARMER, Gemma FERNIE, Jessica FREY, Chloe GALLAGHER, Amelia GARRETT, Hannah GILLESPIE, Jevan GOLDSMITH, Monique GOODWIN, Isabella GORDON, Ceridwen HARRIS, Irene HARTLEY, Riley HEATH, Abbey HEWITT, Sophia HEWITT, Zachariah HUBBERT, Samantha HUNTER, Joshua IRVINE, Lexi ISDALE, Brianna JOHNSTON, Sienna JUNG, Darcy KARRASCH, Hannah KARRASCH, Nanami KUWAZURU, Erin KYLE, Jesse LANGE, Victoria LAPTHORN, William LAWTON, Lindsy LETHBRIDGE, Karrah LOWE, Teneille LOWE, Daniel MANSKI, Cara MCINNES, Eva MCKEE, Nathan MCKEOUGH, Madeleine MERCER, Zali MEREDITH, Jack MILLARD, Emily MOONEY, Taylor MORRISON, Breeanna MORTON, Jayde MOTTRAM, Giaan MULLER, Emily NEWMAN, Madison NUGENT, James O’BRIEN, Sophie PARKER, Aamilee PATRICK, Lachlan POWER, Sabrina PROBYN, Anita RAINES, Rhett RANDALL, Drew RASMUSSEN, Christine REID, Keely REILLY, Mathilda RILEY, Caitlin ROSSITER, Bianca SAFFRON, Ella SALTER, Abbey SHAW, Braxton SHEPPAD, Kye SMITH, Zara SMITH, Arabelle SOLLY, Benjamin STEPANOV, Melanie STEPHENS, Lucy STEVENSON, Taryn STRETTON, Lauren THOMPSON, Takisha TOTIVAN, Milli TRUMBLE, Summer TURNER, Megan USHER, Dalton WALLER, Jye WALTERS, Alyssa WATSON, Jackson WHITE and Rhiana WIXON. YEAR 10 Lily APPLEYARD, Adrienne BALLARD, Jaiden BARLOW, Michael BARNETT, Andrew BEARDMORE, Elly BENNETTS, Courtney BLACK, Shannon BOULTON, Gabrielle BURTON, Luke BYRNE, Jeremey CHERRIE, Jack CLARK, Nicola CLARK, Brent CLARKE, Pacey CARKE, Amelia CONNELL, Shanae CRONK, Dean CUNNINGHAM, Emily EATON, Aaron EDWARDS, Jade ELKINGTON-HARRIS, Amy ENGLAND, Jared ETHELL, Jamie FINDLEY, Luke FLAHAVIN, Dylan FRULLANI, Jun GUILFOYLE, Adam HAND, Ben HARVEY, Emily HEILBRONN, Peta HOHLWECK, Jai KATTENBERG, Alexander KLEIN, Lachlan LOWE, Chelsea MARTIN, Georgia MASTERS, Brianna MCCLELLAND, Kiara MCCONNELL, Katherine MCINDOE, Bryce MEARS, Jordan-Louise MOONEY, Lachlan MORRIS, Daphne MURTAGH, Hayley NICOLSON, Erin O’CONNELL, Krystal O’DONNELL, Jared PACEY, James PAPPAGALLO, Jasmine PIENAAR, Brenna PUTMAN, Jessica RAINES, Grace REACHILL, Emily ROBERTS, Caramaree ROBERTSON, Shane RODGERS, Michael ROSS, Dominic SAL, Chelsea SAWTELL, Brianna SENGSTOCK, Ainsley SHEPPARD, Britney SORENSEN, Jessica STIMPSON, Tyler STOCKILL, Emma TEMPLETON, Jack TERRY, Liam THACKER, Baiden THREADINGHAM, Tate TRACEY, Simone WEIS, Alex WHITE, Liam WHITFIELD and Emerald WILMSHURST. Meritorious Awards Term 2, 2015 YEAR 11 Kyle ADAMS, Brooke ANDERSON, Mario ANTON, MatthewBAILEY, Taylah-Lee BAUER, Sarah BUTLER, Lily CALLEJA, Artemio CLIFFORD, Emily CONSTANTINE, Brad COOPER, Nicholas CRONAU, Mollie CUNNINGHAM, Emily DALGLISH, Shaylara DENMAN, Rebecca DENNIS, Isabella DODD, Ryan DODD, Natasha DONNELLY, Cooper ENGLAND, Genevieve FAREY, Tristan FINN, Taliah FLETCHER, Sarah GAYFORD, Brittany GODBER, Mason GROUNDWATER, Chloe HANSEN, Allukah HANSON, Breanna HEAD, Shauna HEATH, Fallon HEDBERG, McKenzie HIGGINS, Kaleo HODGKINSON, Luke HUNTER, Stephanie HUNTER, Georgia HYLAND, Anthony JOVIC, Jessica KARRASCH, Natasha KIRBY, Shinsuke KUWAZURU, Danica LAW, Rhyleigh LEASK, Patrick LOWE, Tanisha MANN, Lindsey MASSEY, Mason MCKENNA, Rachael MEABY, Yurina NAKASHIMA, Jasmine PHILIPPA, Hannah PHILLIPS, Caitlin QUINN-WARD, Ebbony RANDALL, Bailee READ, Allanah RICHARDSON, Addy RUSSELL, Bruce RUSSELL, Hailey SEEFUSS, Caleb SHAW, Netti SILLITOE, Tyler SIMPSON, Rahni SMOOTHER, Nerida SMYTH, Alistair SPERLING, Tara STEPHENS, Ryetta STEPHENSON, Morgan STOCKILL, Casey SUTER, Kasey-Lee TAYLOR, Jack THOMPSON, Roy TUCKER, Ashleigh VICIC, Jelena WALKER, Anita WATERTON, Amy WATSON, Demi WATSON, Nick WATSON and Dana WHITBY. YEAR 12 Grace ALEXANDER, Cody ALLISON, Shakeya BAKER, Billy BEHRENDORFF, Nina BELFORD, Lachlan BENNETT, Cambel BLACK, Emily BRAIN, Kira BRIESCHKE, Danica BUTLER, Claudia CHAPMAN, Sharnese CLARK, Mackenzie COCKBURN, William CONNELL, Michael COOPER, Tianna CROFTS, Elara CROOK, Yirri CRUZ, Larissa DARE-MCCOMBE, Wesley DARE-MCCOMBE, Rachel DASECKE, Nicholas DAVIS, Amy DENNIS, Josh DOYLE, Shaniah ELLIOTT, Caleb FARRY, Danielle FERGUSON, Ruby FLYNN, Sophie FURBER, Timothy GALE, Jackson GOODWIN, Cohen GRAHAM, Chantelle GRANT, Taylor HARRAP, Holly HENDERSON, Jakob HILL, James HOGGARD, Charlee HOWARD-OSBORNE, Brandon HUNTER, Tayla JARISU, Nicole JORGENSEN, Rachel KARRASCH, Brandon KELLY, Jessica LARNER, Courtney LARSEN, Sarah LAWRENCE, Claudia MACKNEY, Eybonnie MAKER, Tahlia MANWARING, Cody MARSDEN, Georgia MCGRATH, Anneliese MCKEE, Shakara MCMAHON, Monathon MILLARD, Amelia MILSOP, Hannah MITCHELL, Luke NIELSEN, Jamie OGDEN, Karly OTTO, Nik-Cole PAEA, Miranda PEDERSEN, Jayden PICKEL, Rowan PIENAAR, Brittiany RAINES, Lauren REGAN, Leearna REIBEL, Connor RICHARDS, Meg RICHMOND, Teresa RICKERT, Lauren SAMA, Troy SHEPPARD, Caitlin SMITH, Helena SMITH, Jack SMITH, Jaiden SMITH, Leetia SMITH, Lydia SMITH, Vanessa SWINDELLS, Zachary TEMPLETON, Kyle THACKER, Kaitlyn TIDY, Jeremy WALSH, T’neil WATSON, Ella WEBB, Amber WEIS, Jayden WILLIAMS, Hailee WILLMOTT, Kellie WILMS, Alaisa WOOD, Brooke WOOD, Lachlan YOUNGBERRY, Jaida-Lee YOUNG-SWANSON and Keriann ZIPPERER. Student Services - C3 The Student Services department is housed in C3 (with the green door), where Mrs Kaye HOYES is available to process all of your student’s queries. Students are required to go to C3 for all of their queries/questions and not to the administration office. All students who are late or leaving school early MUST have either a note from their parent/guardian OR have their parent/guardian phone Kaye on 4120 8430 advising her of their student’s lateness or reason for their early departure. Also, students can now get their uniform passes from Student Services, and again, students must have either a note from their parent/guardian or their parent/guardian has phoned Kaye with a reason for not being in the correct school uniform. If a student does not have a note or Kaye has not received a phone call from the student’s parent/guardian, they will be issued with a detention to be completed in a Recess at C4. Also a reminder that ALL parent contact with the school is still required to occur at the Main Office. Parents are not to go to Student Services in C3. The contact number for Kaye in Student Services is: 4120 8430 You can also email Kaye at: khoye4@eq.edu.au KAYE HOYES C3 - STUDENT SERVICES OFFICER BPOINT - Invoice Payments Education Queensland has implemented a new way for parents to pay their invoices at schools - BPoint. It’s a simple, user friendly way to pay your student’s Resource Scheme fees, Laptop fees, excursions, etc. Parents can use BPoint from their smart phone or from their computer or tablet. Parents can still pay in the usual way by coming to the school or using internet banking. If you have any questions, please contact the school on 4120 8444. SEPTEMBER 2015 01 & 02 September QCS TEST 01 - 04 September Year 10 SET Plans Aldridge State High School has chosen to support Muscular Dystrophy Australia by hosting a Superhero Day at our school, where a gold coin donation will allow students to dress up as their favourite superhero or better yet, invent one! The dress up day will be held on Friday 04 September 2015 with a Fashion Parade and Cupcake Sale. 04 September Super Hero Day Free Dress (Muscular Dystrophy) Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is the most severe form of Muscular Dystrophy which is a muscle-wasting disorder. Young boys are the most vulnerable. Though there are some genetic forms, any child can be born with this disorder. 04 September Creative Generation Awards Opening This event has been created to give children with Muscular Dystrophy and their families hope by showing them that they are not alone and that their community is working to raise funds to help find a cure. 07 - 11 September Senior Exams We are aiming to empower young minds to be more aware of those around them and what other children may be going through. This is an important life lesson and even through our focus is on Muscular Dystrophy, the overall message is one of hope, acceptance and understanding. 09 September LEC GOMA Excursion 10 & 11 September Yr 7 Leadership Camp 14 - 18 September Senior Activities Week 14 & 15 September Wide Bay Athletics 16 - 18 September LEC Senior Camp 21 September SCHOOL HOLIDAYS START Proceeds from the event will support MD programs and services, as well as research at the National Muscular Dystrophy Research Centre. ADAM HODGKINSON Coordiantor Senior Schooling Report Semester 2 is well under way and with it is the 5. preparation for 2016. This includes: 1. Year 11 students choosing new subjects for Year 12. New subjects include: Certificate II qualifications at TAFE: Automotive Engineering Pathways Furniture Making Sport and Recreation Tourism Hospitality Health Services (TBC) School to work programs: GenR8 – Certificate II Logistics Health Services – Certificate II Health Services 6. University Pathways: Headstart – USC Headstart – USQ SUN - CQU 2. SET PLANNING with Year 10 students making decisions about their future in the Post compulsory phase of schooling. For those staying on at Aldridge we will make subject selections in preparation for 2016. A reminder that there are NO TIMETABLED CLASSES for 7. YEAR 10 STUDENTS ON FRIDAY 28 AUGUST 2015. NEW SENIOR UNIFORM. We will have a new senior polo for next year (a lot less white). Students will be able to wear the old polo through until the end of 2017. The new polo can be worn with the navy shorts and THE NAVY SKIRT. The old polo can be worn with navy shorts and THE PURPLE SKIRT. Nothing else changes – Hats, white socks, low cut, lace up predominantly black shoes, Aldridge jumper etc. ACTIVITIES WEEK – All Year 11 and 12 students are expected to participate in activities week in week 10. This is an opportunity to engage with a wide range of alternate learning opportunities and to do so in a way where classes are not missed. Opting to stay at home and sit on the couch shows extremely poor judgment and a very short sighted view of the world – it does not reflect the actions of self-directed learners! EXAMS – Exam block is Week 9, 07 – 11 September for Year 11 and 12. Any student with assessment incomplete should expect to be required at school in this week at the discretion of the teacher and Head of Department. Any student who is ill and cannot attend an exam should contact the school and provide a medical certificate supporting the claim. 3. EARLY OFFER GUARANTEE – for students intending to study at USC next year there is the opportunity to get an early offer into Uni and bypass the need to wait for the OP to come out. Please contact Mr Dodd or Mr Blyth for an application form – MAD IF YOU DON’T! 4. SCHOLARSHIPS – There are a number of scholarships available for very significant amounts of money. Most University’s now have 8. QCS – Year 12 OP eligible students are required to complete the QCS test on Tuesday 01 and a one application process where you apply once Wednesday 02 September 2015. Please check the and they decide what scholarships you are times and conditions ensuring you have all the eligible for. Currently there are early offer required materials and arrive early please. GOOD scholarships to USQ on offer for amounts up to LUCK! $12000.00. See Mr Amarandos to apply. AGAIN – MAD IF YOU DON’T! JACKSON DODD Deputy Principal Head of Senior School Literacy Program HINTS TO ENCOURAGE YOUR STUDENT TO READ! In the middle years of schooling, our children are not only 'learning to read' but 'reading to learn'. Here are some activities that may help you to support your child as they become confident readers of a range of texts and topics: Encourage your child to read every day, either independently or with you or a sibling - congratulate them on their reading efforts. (Don’t forget to complete their reading log). Encourage your child to locate and read a variety of materials that are of interest to them such as: information books and other reading materials about a topic of ongoing interest - the solar system or rainforest habitats. books by a favourite author. books from a favourite genre, for example, mystery novels. reading materials related to an interest outside of school, for example, camping: 'how to' texts about camping; brochures and websites of campgrounds; camping gear catalogues. Visit the local library regularly and use it as an opportunity to talk to your child about their reading experience, for example, what they like or don't like to read; what is difficult about reading; what is enjoyable about reading. Encourage your child to think and reflect on texts they read and view, for example, Do you agree with what was written in that article? OR What was the point/message in that television program? Subscribe to, buy or borrow a magazine that interests your child. Read some of the same books as your child and talk about characters, storylines and themes. Share reading materials and experiences that you enjoyed at a similar age. Discuss the different reading materials that you currently read in your work, leisure and family life. Talk about new and interesting words that they have heard/found including words from different cultures. Encourage your child to read a range of electronic materials such as websites, blogs, emails. Assist your child to use computer search engines (such as Google, Bing, Yahoo!, Dogpile etc) and critically discuss which websites are useful. Encourage your child to read a range of visual texts such as diagrams, tables, graphs, photos, cartoons and comics. Read books that have been made into movies and discuss the similarities and differences. Share and discuss interesting parts of the newspaper, for example, cartoons, images and sports results. Ask your child to assist with reading instructions and interpreting diagrams when assembling new purchases. Consider purchasing reading materials as gifts. Support your child to build a personal book collection. ALOTA LIMA Master Teacher STUDENT ABSENCE When your student is away from school, don’t forget to let us know. Please text us on 0409 430 637. When texting, please give us your student’s name, their year level, date of absence and the reason for them being away (ie. Sick, Medical Appointment, or other reason). Thank You What Natasha Did on her Holidays! In the 100th year of the ANZAC’S, Rode RAGE travelled to Papua New Guinea to walk the Kokoda Trail and to physically lend a hand to communities along the way. The Kokoda track is 97 kilometres of some of the roughest terrain. Our team took seven days to complete the track with many highs and lows along the way. Of the 11 people in our team we all shared our knowledge and together learnt a lot more about the war and particular Australian soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice. Each day we walked between six and seven hours with one nine our day. For everyone in the team there were many times along the track when we wanted to stop and give up. However, as a team we got each other through and thought about how much easier it was for us then the soldiers in the past. Each night we stayed in a new village in guest houses or outside in tents. The most memorable place was on the second last night at the Isurava War Memorial where we had a dawn service the next morning. The Kokoda Trail was definitely the most amazing and unforgettable experience, taking away more knowledge of the war and many memories. The day after we completed the track we helped out in a small village in Kokoda. Half of the team helped outside putting up new buildings for a school and health centre while the rest of us helped out in the teachers college. We also spent the morning playing games with the preschool children who came in to see us while they were on holidays. We donated many sporting and educational supplies to the children and school. Throughout the ten days we spent in Papua New Guinea we made many friends and learnt a lot about their culture. NATASHA DONNELLY Year 11 Student JUNIOR TOASTMASTERS 2015 Congratulations to our four representatives in the Toastmasters Public Speaking competition. Madi Mercer and Ceridwen Harris competed in the Grade 9 competition with Ceri gaining first and Madi second. Kyle Pedersen competed in the Grade 8 event and gained first and Shane Kelly gained second in the Grade 7 event. All four students represented our school very well and presented interesting and at times very funny speeches. LUNED HIGGINS Pictured Above: Madi Mercer, Ceridwen Harris, Kyle Pedersen, and Shane Kelly When your student has to leave the School for appointments, etc please give them a note to sign out at c3 OR You can Phone kaye in c3 on 4120 8430 to advise her of your student’s Departure time and reason. HPV News Congratulations to the Aldridge Allstars HPV team of Hayley, Jared, Andrew, Angie, Krissy, Dylan, Bri and Lachlan for winning the Junior Mixed category of the 8 hour Central Queensland Championship at Benaraby Raceway on Saturday 15 August. This year 10 team also achieved the fastest lap time on a built, not commercial purchased, HPV. Thank you to the students and the parents for a great weekend and well done on this great result. September 12 – 13 will see 8 Aldridge HPV teams taking to the track for the 24 hour Maryborough Technology Challenge. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Chris and Shelley Beardmore, Kimber Plumbing and Draining, Hyne Timber, Decal Central, Klein Signs and Mary River Lions for their sponsorship to support a number of our teams. DEBRA PACEY HPV Coordinator Allstars Team Manager CAR PARK – BOYS AVENUE The car park on Boys Avenue has a number of reserved car parks within it. These car parks are for staff members who frequently need to come and go from the school grounds to attend to school business. Staff who park in these reserved spots, often have large amounts of paperwork etc, to carry, therefore requiring parking close to their offices. Could I ask that parents and visitors respect these staff members by not parking in these spaces. CYNTHIA JONES Business Services Manager Check Your Child’s Spine for Scoliosis NATIONAL SELF-DETECTION PROGRAM FOR SCOLIOSIS © Scoliosis Australia Scoliosis is a lateral or sideways curve of the spine. The spine also rotates on its long axis as it curves. It usually develops during early adolescence (age 10-13 years) when growth is most rapid. Some Parents may remember the school nurse checking there spine for curves, this practise is no longer carried out at school for various reasons. During the months July and August it is recommended that students particularly girls in Years 7 - 9 participate in the NSDP by downloading the Self-Detection Brochure. Visit http://www.scoliosis-australia.org for more information and a link to the self-detection brochure CHESS Wide Bay South Chess Finals were held on Monday 10 August 2015 at Tinana State School. All five teams from Aldridge State High School represented our school very well with the “Aldridge Kings” narrowly missing out on third place by half a point! CONGRATULATIONS to Ruby Groundwater who is the top female chess player in the region. B-POINT Many of you will be aware by now that schools are offering payment for Invoices by BPoint. This is a very simple process for if you wish to pay for accounts with your credit card (please refer to the diagram on page 6 of this newsletter). LUNED HIGGINS OzTag Competition Congratulations to all students who were involved in the Annual Fraser Coast OzTag Competition. Special mention to the Under 13 Boys, Under 13 Girls, Open Boys and Open Girls teams who won their age divisions. Please remember if you are paying via this method to state your invoice number in the box stating “invoice number” - any other number placed in this box will mean that your payment will go astray, and will take some days to catch up with your account. CYNTHIA JONES Business Services Manager Special thanks to Glen Hansen and his OzTag crew for organising the competition. TERRY DONEMAN HPE Teacher Senior’s ek activit y we 14 - 18 September TEN PIN BOWLING On 23 August Aldridge competed in the Qld Inter-Schools Ten Pin Bowling Challenge for the Fraser Coast area. Team members - Shannon Boulton, Daniel Manski and William Lawton, performed well finishing in second place behind the team that placed second in state competition. Well done to them as they placed eighth overall in Queensland. The highlight being Daniel’s seven strikes and a nine in a row! Congratulations to these students for representing the school in such a positive manner. A LD RID G E TR IU M PH S IN DISTRICT ATHLETICS CARNIVAL At the Maryborough District Athletics Carnival held 18 & 19 August, Aldridge stormed home to win out scoring their nearest rivals by over 300 points. Five of our students were named Age Champions: Dylan Jensen (13 Years Boys) Hannah Karrasch (14 Years Girls) Hayley Nicolson (15 Years Girls) Lily Calleja (16 Years Girls) Grace Alexander (17 Years Girls) Several athletes were runner ups in their age division. Nearly half the District team selected to compete at the Wide Bay Trials are from Aldridge. We wish theses students success at the next level. Not to be out done were the Year 12 Rec Group students who acted as assistant officials at the carnival. Very pleasing to hear positive feedback from teachers from other schools about the work and performance of the Aldridge students Overall an incredible result from the Aldridge Team! RICHARD FRANKLIN Sports Coordinator Glastonbury Senior Outdoor Rec Camp An adventurous group of senior recreation studies students embarked upon a three day assessment camp at Brooyar State Forest recently. Students were put through their paces climbing, abseiling, mountain biking and orienteering. Special thanks to Bike On Australia, Gympie Amateur Radio Group and QUT Cliffhangers for their assistance. TERRY DONEMAN HPE Teacher ALDRIDGE VOLLEYBALL STATE CHAMPIONS Congratulations to our Senior Boys Volleyball Team for winning back to back State titles. At the recent Senior Schools Cup in Toowoomba Aldridge was again victorious from more than 200 teams. The Boys (Tyler Simpson, Kyal Moore, Josh Barsby, Jesse Klein, Lachlan Ward, Dean Cunningham, Michael Barnett and Ben Harvey) had a slow start but quickly warmed into their rhythm. The boys qualified first after the preliminary games and then were pushed hard in the final by Gregory Terrace but they boys proved to be to strong winning three sets to one. This result is even more impressive considering three of the boys are only in Year 10. Player of the tournament was Kyal Moore. This qualifies the boys to defend their National Title in December, after being crowned Australian Champions last year. Good luck to all the Aldridge teams training for the Junior Schools Cup in October. All teams are looking very strong and maintaining Aldridge’s strong volleyball tradition. RAFFLE TICKETS Congratulations to following people for winning major prizes in our first raffle (Sylvia Collins, Erika Ogden, Richard Speck). Our second raffle is now open and raffle packages are available from Mr Ethell. Thanks again must go to: UltraTune, The Friendlies Discount Pharmacy, Harvey Norman and Maryborough Fitness Health & Bodyworks for their very generous donations of major prizes for the raffle. SPONSORS We again would like to thank the following groups for their support and encourage the Aldridge SHS community to support these businesses: Fraser Coast Volleyball Association, R and A Building Pty Ltd, Education Rules!, Harvey Norman, Bob Jane T-Mart, Allen Gillespie Electrical, Murray Barnett Plumbing, Maryborough Sugar, Bruce Saunders, Warren Truss, Sports Power, Station Square, Preplayed Games and Movie Traders, All Stars Unisex Barber Shop and MBO Office Equipment. UPCOMING VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENTS/ EVENTS Bunnings Sausage Sizzle: Saturday 05 September Wide Bay Challenge: End of Term 3 (18 September Maryborough/Hervey Bay) Lawn Bowls Fundraiser: Friday 09 October Junior Schools Cup: Week 2 Term 4 (15 – 18 October— Brisbane) National Schools Cup: End of Term 4 (05 – 12 December - Melbourne) ASHS P & Meetin C g Every 2nd Tuesda y Of the Month 6.30 pm Name the canteen Competition The P&C want YOU to name the Canteen PRIZE - $50.00 Tuckshop Voucher (Grab a form from the Canteen) Have you ever thought about volunteering at the School Canteen? We would love your company anytime time is fine, just pop into the Canteen and see Chris and the girls. Many hands make light work and we will reward you with a light lunch and fantastic company. We will also put you in the draw for the XBOX ONE. Thank you Aldridge State High School Fresh Salad Boxes Ham & Salad; Chicken & Salad; Quiche & Salad; Egg & Salad $4.00 Drinks (Toasted - $0.30 Extra) Turkish Bread: Roast Beef & Salad; Ham & Salad Wraps: Chicken & Salad; Ham & Salad; Cornmeat & Salad $3.20 $3.20 $3.80 $3.80 $3.80 $3.50 $3.20 $4.00 $4.00 Hot Food Specials Daily Hot Food Reduced Fat Pies Reduced Fat Sausage Rolls Pizza Rounders $3.50 $3.00 $2.50 Hot Food Specials MONDAY: Nachos (Chicken or Beef) (Made Fresh) Fried Rice (Made Fresh) TUESDAY: Chilli Chicken Burger Sushi (Chicken or Salmon) WEDNESDAY: Chicken & Gravy Roll Jacket Potatoes (Made Fresh) THURSDAY: Chicken Burger Meatball Subs FRIDAY: Hamburger Pork Riblet Rolls (All Burgers include Salad) $4.00 $3.00 $4.00 $5.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 The Canteen is the main fundraiser for Aldridge SHS P&C Association. Thank you for your Support! Egg & Lettuce Ham, Cheese & Tomato Cornmeat & Salad Chicken & Salad Ham & Salad Chicken, Mayo & Lettuce Salad ONLY Keep checking out the Tuckshop whiteboards for more specials! Fresh Sandwiches: 750ml Water 600ml Water Plain Milk 600ml Quench Flavoured Milk 300ml Flavoured Milk 500ml Ice Break Juice Iced Tea $2.00 $1.50 $2.50 $1.50 $2.20 $3.50 $3.80 $2.50 $3.50 Other Items Muffins Fruit Salad Container $1.00 $2.50 (includes a variety of available fruits) Apple Crumble & Custard $2.50 Gingerbread Students $1.50 Red Rock Oven Baked Chips $1.20 (28gms Packets) Iceblocks - Various Yoghurt - Frozen 100g $Various $2.00 Please order between 8 & 9 AM New Uniforms JUNIOR: Shirts Shorts SENIOR: Shirts Shorts Purple Skirts Jumpers Hats (Compulsory) Scientific Calculators $27.00 $25.00 $27.00 $25.00 $35.00 $40.00 $11.00 $25.00 Please Order Between 8.00 am - 9.00 am Chicken Sushi Salmon Sushi $5.00 We will be offering sushi on Tuesday’s menu. don’t forget to come on down and try the new sushi, we also hope to offer it on more days We will be offering sushi on Tuesday’s menu. don’t forget to come on down and try the new sushi, we also hope to offer it on more days Chicken Sushi Salmon Sushi Would you like to win an XBOX ONE? All you have to do is order your lunch at the Canteen. Every time you place a lunch order you will automatically go into the draw. Are you sick of missing out on all the new yummy food? Order your food in the morning and that will ensure that you get what you want. You will also be in the running to win a XBOX ONE. Keep checking out the Tuckshop whiteboards for more specials! Only $5.00! WIN A BRONCOS JERSEY (SIGNED BY PLAYERS) $2.00 per ticket Tickets & Booklets Available from the Canteen. Drawn at Parade (End of Term 4) ALL proceeds go to Aldridge State High School Aldridge SHS Uniforms for sale at Tuckshop Polos $27.00 Shorts $25.00 Hats $11.00 Winter Pullovers $40.00 Scientific Calculator $25.00 Please be aware that they need to have the D.A.L. function SENIOR UNIFORMS ARE ALSO AVAILABLE FROM THE TUCKSHOP Magnetic Fridge pockets Don’t you wish that you had a simple system to store your school documents and notes? A place that is convenient and inexpensive. Well now you can with our magnetic fridge pockets. Simply file the papers in the plastic pocket and put it on your fridge. You will be able to retrieve all your vital information in an instant. 1 for $7.00 / 2 for $12.00 3 for $17.50 Available at the Office or C3 Aldridge State High School P&C Association has signed onto be part of the Quickbeds Grassroots Fundraising Program. This is a great opportunity for our school to raise funds. IT’S VERY SIMPLE: When you are booking your Easter accommodation or any accommodation, you just click on this link: www.quickbeds.com/?grassrootscode=1316 Find the hotel you want Book it (no booking fees, no credit card fees) That's all - Click on the link now and our P&C code will be stored on your computer. That's $10.00 for bookings up to $349.00. And $25.00 for bookings from $350.00 to $699.00. And $50.00 for bookings of $700.00 or more. CLICK HERE NOW www.quickbeds.com/?grassrootscode=1316 to find the hotel you want and use the Grassroots Code: 1316 and you’ll help raise much needed funds for the school. Purple - The New BLACK! HAVE YOUR CONTACT DETAILS CHANGED RECENTLY? Don’t forget to call into the main admin office to collect a Blue Change of Details Advice Form. Completing this form when any of your details change ie. Change of Address, Contact Telephone Numbers, Emergency Contacts or change in family circumstances, enables us here at Aldridge High to be able to contact you in any situation, quickly and accurately. Please note that we require “Proof of Address” when updating your address details (Documents that can be used are a Lease Agreement; Telephone, Electricity or Rates Account). Thank you Aldridge Library 8.00 am to 12.00 pm Facebook us @Aldridge Sunday studies Arrange a tutorial group Access computers, printers and photocopiers Air Conditioned with no distractions COME ALONG AND STUDY OR COMPLETE YOUR ASSIGNMENTS IN A QUIET, WELL-RESOURCED SETTING Acceptable Shoes At Aldridge High YES YES YES YES YES YES NO NO NO NO NO NO Assessment Calendars Assessment calendars for Term 1 for years 7 – 12 are now on the school website: www. aldridgeshs.eq.edu.au. Please print out the relevant year level for your student and highlight their subjects. 1. Hover mouse on “Calendar and News” 2. Click on “Exam Timetables” 3. Click on relevant year level Students to print, highlight, put in a prominent place and refer to
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