edition 06 - Aldridge State High School
edition 06 - Aldridge State High School
EDITION 06 01 JUNE 2015 “Purple - the New Black” 2015 term 1 meritorious award winners Monday 18 may - year 7 Tuesday 19 may - year 8 Thursday 21 may - year 9 Wednesday 20 may - year 10 Wednesday 27 may - year 11 ALDRIDGE STATE HIGH SCHOOL Phone: 4120 8444 Fax: 4120 8400 STUDENT ABSENCES: 4120 8460 or 0409 430 637 Email: the.principal@aldridgeshs.eq.edu.au Website: www.aldridgeshs.eq.edu.au OFFICE HOURS: 8.00 am - 3.30 pm Monday to Friday (Closed during school holiday periods) Term 1, 2015 Meritorious Awards Year 7 Emma BAKKER, Bethany BLACKMAN, Madison BLOINK, Bayden BLYTH, Mikeeley BLYTH, Belinda BOOK, Lauren BOULTON, Georja BROWN, Shannon BROWNSELL, Teagan BROWNSELL, Phoebe BURGESS, Declan BURNS, Tahlia BURNS, Declan BURTON, Jayden COOKE, Bayley DAVIS, Jasmine DAVIS, Bao DIEP, Hassan DOLLEY, Charlotte DONOHUE, Amelia DONOVAN, Summer DONOVAN, Kaiti DOYLE ANSELL, Angel DRIES, Shaun ELLIOTT, Rebekah EZZY, Lachlan FLETCHER, Jimmy FOXX, Katie GARRETT, Kayleeta GIBSON, Jessica GOLDSMITH, Amber GOSSIP, Lucas GREEN, Lachlan HANCOCK, Phoebe HANSEN, Connor HARRAP Connor HARRIS, Alaina HARRISON, Alexandria HAY, Amelia HOWELL, Reuben HUMBERT, Emma HUMPHRIES, Kasey-Lee IHLE, Dylan JENSEN, Eboney JOHNSTON, Shane KELLY, Rafe KLEIN, Shayla LARSEN, Emily LAWRENCE, Kynan MACHEN, Annie MANSELL, Dakotah MARENGO, Jessica MARSEN, Beau MCGUIRK, Emily MILZEWSKI, Summer MITCHELL, Bryce MORRELL, Rebecca MURRAY, Donald O’BRIEN, Gracen O’CONNELL, Christopher OTTO, Jessica PAILTHORPE, Nikiyah PEARSE, Courtney POWER, Bethany QUINN-WARD, Jackson RAHE, Claudia RANKIN, Taijha-Lee REEVES, Jorja REIBEL, Danika RICHARDSON, Audrey RILEY, Chelsea ROBERTS, Thomas ROBERTS, Mitchell RODGERS, James ROSSITER, Tiarna RUSSELL, Dylan SCHEIKOWSKI, Amber SEEHARS, Ashley SHAW, Brayden SHEARD, Sydnee SHEPPARD, Lauren SIMPSON, Taylah SINN, Ahlia SOLLY, Haiden STEPHENS, Jodie STEPHENS, Anna TERRY, Taylah THOMAS, Russell THOMPSON, Amber TURLEY, Jorden TYSSEN, Caleb WALLACE, Heide WARD, Mackenzie WHITE, Nina WHITTINGHAM and Leslie WROE. Year 8 Ethan BALLARD, Tialah BARTLETT, Emily BEER, Byron BEHRENDT, Nicholas BENNETTS, Joel BERRY, Laura BLACK, Nicholas BLOMDALE, Natalie BRESCANSIN, Izaak BURT, Alex CAINE, Eriel CHIONG, Tatiana CLARKE, Jacqui CLOSE, Hayden COE, Adam COSFORD, Lily CUNNINGHAM, Danielle FRULLANI, Teiah GIBBS, Desirae GILLIAND, Mitchell GRIMSHAW, Keian GROGAN, Ruby GROUNDWATER, Elley HAINES, Aaron HARRISON, Cody HATCHMAN, Lekicia HATHERELL, Raven HAWRYLUK, Beau HUGHES, Olivia IRVINE, Mikayla JENSEN, Jacob KELLY, Sean KELLY, Logan KEMBLE, Rhylee KENNAWAY-BRAID, Liam KING, Ben KLEIN, Seth LAHERTY, Drew MAHER, Taylor MANNING, Lilly MANSSEN, Aleesha MCINDOE, Max MCPAUL, Alex MOLL-deLANGE, Shalkia MORRISON, Jaide MUGRIDGE, Kobon PAMENTER, Bradley PATERSON, Jay PATON, Kyle PETERSEN, Breanna REID, Melissa RICHARSON, Mikael RICHARDSON, Neil RICHMOND, Lachlan RIDGEWAY, Georgia ROSS, Kaitlyn RYAN, Jake SANDERS, Connor SAWTELL, Theo SCHLECHTRIEM, Shania SEEHARS, Max SHERIDAN, Calen SIMPSON, Courtney SMALLWOOD, Tyrone STACEY, William SWINBURNE, Grace TEMPLETON, Gavin TSAKISIRIS, Jye WADE, Isabella WALKER, Lucy WATKINS, Justin WEBB, Hayden WHEELER, Emily WHITE and Darian WOOLEY. Year 9 Bianca ADAMS, Brae ANDERSON, Jordyn APPLEYARD, Britney BOYCE, Krista BRADSHAW, Kyah BRESCIANINI, Hayley BRITTON, Lachlan BROOKS, Cylah BRYANT, Kasey BRYANT, Ryley BURKE, Emily BURNS, Nathan BURTON, Alex CADY, Nat CADY, Luke CALLEJA, Eliza CATE, Jessica CHAPMAN, Anniston CHAPPELL, Jade CHARTERIES, Daniel CLARKE, Tilly CONSTANTINE, Carla-Jayne COSUINS, Tasmin DARNELL, Joseph DAVIS, Joshua DENT, Caitlyn DRURY, Gemma FERNIE, Chloe GALLAGHER, Amelia GARRETT, Hannah GILLESPIE, Jevan GOLDSMITH, Monique GOODWIN, Isabella GORDEON, Julia HANSEN, Ceridwen HARRIS, Irene HARTLEY, Abbey HEWITT, Sophia HEWITT, Zachariah HUBBERT, Samantha HUNTER, Byron HUTCHINSON, B rianna JOHNSTON, Sienna JUNG, Darcy KARRASCH, Hannah KARRASCH, Tallara KELLY, Brodie KLUYTENBERG, Nanami KUWAZURU, Erin KYLE, Jesse LANGE, Victoria LAPTHORN, Lindsy LETHBRIDGE, Teneille LOWE, Milena MAUERE, Cara MCINNES, Eva MCKEE, Lani MCKENNA, Nathan MCKEOUGH, Madeleine MERCER, Zali MEREDITH, Jack MILLARD, Grace MITCHELL, Emily MOONEY, Taylor MORRISON, Jayde MOTTRAM, Jack MURRAY, Madison NUGENT, James O’BRIEN, Sophie PARKER, Aamilee PATRICK, Lachlan POWER, Anita RAINES, Rhett RANDALL, Drew RASMUSSEN, Keely REILLY, Caitlin ROSSITER, Bianca SAFFRON, Ella SALTER, Abbey SHAW, Braxton SHEPPARD, Star STAR, Melanie STEPHENS, Lucy STEVENSON, Taryn STSRETTON, Lauren THOMPSON, Summer TURNER, Megan USHER, Jayden WAIN, Dalton WALLER, Jye WALTERS, Kayla WARREN, Alyssa WATSON, Adam WHITE, Chloe WIELAND and Rhiana WIXON. Year 10 Lily APPLEYARD, Adrienne (Flower) BALLARD, Andrew BEARDMORE, Elly BENNETTS, Courtney BLACK, Shannon BOULTON, Katrina BURGESS, Luke BYRNE, Jeremy CHERRIE, Jack CLARK, Nicola CLARK, Pacey CLARKE, Amelia CONNELL, Taleah CROKER-SCIFLEET, Dean CUNNINGHAM, Angus DODD, Emily EATON, Jade ELKINGTON-HARRIS, Amy ENGLAND, Jared ETHELL, Jamie FINDLEY, Dylan FRULLANI, Jordan GILLIAND, Jun GUILFOYLE, Adam HAND, Kirra-Dee HARRIS, Ben HARVEY, Emily HEILBRONN, Ethan HUMPHRIES, Melanie KERR, Alexander KLEIN, Tyler MACKELLAR, Paige MANSSEN, Aidan MANWARING, Chelsea MARTIN, Georgia MASTERS, Brianna MCCLELLAND, Bryce MEARS, Jordan-Louise MOONEY, Lachlan MORRIS, Daphne MURTAGH, Hayley NICOLSON, Erin O’CONNELL, Krystal O’DONNELL, Jared PACEY, James PAPPAGALLO, Stacey PARKER, Jasmine PIENAAR, Breanna PUTMAN, Jessica RAINES, Grace REACHILL, Emily ROBERTS, Caramaree ROBERTSON, Shane RODGERS, Michael ROSS, Dominic SAL, Chelsea SAWTELL, Brianna SENGSTOCK, Ainsley SHEPPARD, Britney SORENSEN, Jessica STIMPSON, Tyler STOCKILL, Emma TEMPLETON, Alysa THOMPSON, Jayden THORNTON, Tate TRACEY, Jake TURLEY, Michael TURNER, Nick WARBURTON, Simone WEIS, Alex WHITE and Emerald WILMSHURST. Year 11 Kyle ADAMS, Zac ALABAN, Casey ALLETAG, Brooke ANDERSON, Mario ANTON, Matthew BAILEY, Taylah-Lee BAUER, Laura BROWN, Sarah BUTLER, Lily CALLEJA, Artemio CLIFFORD, Brad COOPER, Mollie CUNNINGHAM, Amy CZERWONKA, Chloe DARNELL, Shaylara DENMAN, Rebecca DENNIS, Isabella DODD, Ryan DODD, Natasha DONNELLY, Genevieve GAREY, Jordan FIELDING, Jeff FINDLEY, Tahliah FLETHER, Sarah GAYFORD, Brittany GODBER, Mason GROUNDWATER, Caitlin HALSON, Chloe HANSEN, Allukah HANSON, Marc HARRIS, Breanna HEAD, Shauna HEATH, Fallon HEDBERG, McKenzie HIGGINS, Kaleo HODGKINSON, Luke HUNTER, Stephanie HUNTER, Georgia HYLAND, Jessica KARRASCH, Natasha KIRBY, Jesse KLEIN, Shinsuke KUWAZURU, Danica LAW, Ryleigh LEASK, Samantha Low, Patrick LOWE, Tanisha MANN, Lindsey MASSEY, Mason MCKENNA, Rachael MEABY, Steve MEABY, Summer MEARS, Yurina NAKASHIMA, Emma PATERSON, Jasmine PHILIPPA, Hannah PHILLIPS, Caitlin QUINN-WARD, Ebbony RANDALL, Bailee READ, Allanah RICHARDSON, Lilli ROBERTS, Addy RUSSELL, Bruce RUSSELL, Mitchell SEARLE, Hailey SEEFUSS, Netti SILLITOE, Tyler SIMPSON, Rahni SMOOTHER, Nerida SMYTH, Alistair SPERLING, Tara STEPHENS, Ryetta STEPHENSON, Morgan STOCKILL, Bethany SURMAN, Casey SUTER, Roy TUCKER, Ashleigh VICIC, Jelena WALKER, Jayden WARD, Anita WATERTON, Amy WATSON, Nick WATSON, Dana WHITBY and Bernie WORTEL. Year 12 Grace ALEXANDER, Cody ALLISON, Shakeya BAKER, Nina BELFORD, Lachlan BENNETT, Thomas BENNETTS, Emily BRAIN, Kira BRIESCKE, Danica BUTLER, Ashlee CARLON, Sharnese CLARK, Mackenzie COCKBURN, William CONNELL, Luke CRAIG, Tianna CROFTS, Elara CROOK, Yirri CRUZ, Michael CSANYA, Larissa DARE-MCCOMBE, Wesley DARE-MCCOMBE, Kathryn DEMPSTER, Amy DENNIS, Josh DOYLE, Shaniah ELLIOTT, Hannah EVANS, Caleb FARRY, Danielle FERGUSON, Ruby FLYNN, Sean FLYNN-RYAN, Kama-Jane FRANKLIN, Sophie FURBER, Timothy GALE, Ryan GALLIZZI, Chantelle GRANT, Skye HAILEY, Taylor HARRAP, Jakob HILL, James HOGGARD, Charlee HOWARD-OSBORNE, Brandon HUTNER, Tayla JARISU, Ncole JORGENSEN, Rachel KARRASCH, Brandon KELLY, Brittany KROPP, Jessica LARNER, Courtney LARSEN, Daniel LEAR, Claudia MACKNEY, Tahlia MANWARING, Cody MARSEN, Georgia McGRATH, Anneliese MCKEE, Shakara MCMAHON, Amelia MILSOP, Hannah MITCHELL, Jamie OGDEN, Karly OTTO, Nik-Cole PAEA, Miranda PEDERSEN, jayden PICKEL, Rowan PIENAAR, Brittiany RAINES, Lauren REGAN, Leearna REIBEL, Connor RICHARDS, Meg RICHMOND, Teresa RICKERTS, Daniel ROSS, Lauren SAMA, Troy SHEPPARD, Helena SMITH, Jack SMITH, Jaiden SMITH, Lydia SMTIH, Vanessa SWINDELLS, Zachary TEMPLETON, Kyle THACKER, Kaitlyn TIDY, Evie USHER, Emily WAIN, Jeremy WALSH, T’neil WATSON, Ella WEBB, Amber WEIS, Jayden WILLIAMS, Hailee WILMOTT, Lachlan YOUNGBERRY, Jaida-Lee YOUNG-SWANSON and Keriann ZIPPERER. Student Services - C3 The Student Services department is housed in C3 (with the green door), where Mrs Kaye HOYES is available to process all of your student’s queries. Students are required to go to C3 for all of their queries/questions and not to the administration office. All students who are late or leaving school early MUST have either a note from their parent/guardian OR have their parent/guardian phone Kaye on 4120 8430 advising her of their student’s lateness or reason for their early departure. Also, students can now get their uniform passes from Student Services, and again, students must have either a note from their parent/guardian or their parent/guardian has phoned Kaye with a reason for not being in the correct school uniform. If a student does not have a note or Kaye has not received a phone call from the student’s parent/guardian, they will be issued with a detention to be completed in a Recess at C4. Also a reminder that ALL parent contact with the school is still required to occur at the Main Office. Parents are not to go to Student Services in C3. The contact number for Kaye in Student Services is: 4120 8430 You can also email Kaye at: khoye4@eq.edu.au KAYE HOYES C3 - STUDENT SERVICES OFFICER Senior Schooling Report STUDENT FEEDBACK Students have provided great feedback for us on areas that have been concerns for our school. This has included: Suggestions to create senior only toilet facilities resulting in the annexing of the K Block facilities for senior students only. Ongoing advice on a new senior polo Strategies to assist students to engage better with school. a) USC b) USQ c) UNE 4. 60 Students completing certificate II qualifications with TAFE. 5. Investigating a range of Certificate III programs for offer in 2016. STUDENT SUPPORT Senior students have had the opportunity to engage with a number of activities to assist them in their transition to life after school. These have included: Change makers at USQ for our Year 11 leaders Health Heroes at USC at Sippy Downs RYDA driver training for Year 11 students University roadshow to allow students to explore university options STUDENT PATHWAYS Over the past term we have been working on improving the pathways for our senior students. To date this includes: 1. 5 Students being selected to participate in GenR8. Through this program students complete a Certificate II in logistics. 2. Negotiated Headstart program with University of JACKSON DODD Sunshine Coast (USC) allowing students to Deputy Principal complete a Uni subject and get early entry to Uni. 3. Guaranteed Early offer programs allowing students to be offered a place at university without an OP with: GET A HEADSTART FOR UNI!! Year 11 and 12 students are able to access Headstart programs through the University of Southern Queensland (USQ) in semester 2. These programs are first year university courses that upon completion give the student automatic entry into the course. The first Headstart course is free of charge – this represents a saving of at least $1000.00. Students wishing to enrol must have a “B” average on their report card. Over the coming months we will provide more information regarding Headstart programs for Semester 3 (Christmas Holidays) and Semester 1 next year. There are a number of programs available. Please contact Mr Amarandos (Guidance Officer) at school to discuss enrolment. Junior School Report Congratulations to our wonderful Year 7 students who recently sat the series of NAPLAN tests. All ran smoothly - it’s surprising what a good sausage sizzle can do to calm exam nerves! Year 7’s will be receiving assessment in all subject areas at this time of the year. If you are unsure about what your child has due, please refer to the assessment calendar on our school website. A reminder that our Homework Centre is open in F15 every Recess 1. Students can access this facility for help with any assessment item. We recognised the achievement of our Year 7 Meritorious recipients at a special parade last Monday. Congratulations once again to those students who received a Meritorious award and thank you to their parents for their support and encouragement. We believe that every student is capable of receiving a Meritorious Award and, with this in mind, look forward to an even greater number of recipients next term. The first round of Year 7 Student Leaders was announced last week. Leadership duties will include Fundraising activities, community service and public speaking roles. Currently, our leaders are commencing a paper recycling school community initiative that will see scrap paper recycled into notebooks for use around the school. It is my very special privilege to work with this motivated and inspiring group of young people. As the cooler weather fast approaches, a reminder please that students are to wear the school uniform jumper. Please take the time to name your child’s jumper; we cannot return lost jumpers if they are not named. Similarly, please name hats clearly. If for some reason, your child cannot wear the jumper (i.e. it is wet) or any other item of the school uniform on any given day, please provide your child with a brief note explaining the reason they are wearing a non-uniform item. Students then take this note to Student Services where they will be issued a uniform pass for that day. Please note, if a note is not provided, the student will receive a lunchtime detention for being out of uniform. Our firm stand on the wearing of full and correct uniform is one I am more than happy to discuss with any parent if they feel the need for further elaboration. As part of the recognition and celebration of this being our first cohort of Year 7’s to join Aldridge, we have taken a photo to commemorate this occasion. Don’t they look great! Thanks to Mr Hodgo for his camera skills and patience. This photo will take pride of place in our school library. THERESE DIXON Head Junior Secondary Year 7 Coordinator English News June 2015 Our Illuminate reading program for Years 7 and 8 is now well underway with some promising results evident already. The graph below indicates that there has been some significant improvement. 01 - 03 June FUTSAL Fraser Coast 03 June Yr 12 Meritorious Awards Parade 03 - 05 June LEC Camp 04 - 07 June Outdoor Recreation Camp 08 June Queens Birthday Public Holiday 09 June P&C Homestyle Bake Pie Drive Forms Due back at school 10 June Grin & Tonic 15 June Yr 8 Vaccinations (HPV(D2)/Chickenpox) 22 - 25 June SENIOR EXAMS 24 June P&C Homestyle Bake Pie Drive Orders Collect from the Tuckshop @2.30 pm 26 June Aldridge SHS Athletics Carnival 29 June - 12 July Winter Vacation Exceptions appear to be those students who have are frequently absent. It is vital that parents encourage their children to be in attendance at school and engaged with the program which is specifically targeted at their needs. This includes completing the reading log. Literacy is essential to effective navigation of the world in which we live. The Aldridge English department regards it as our mission to ensure that all students are given the opportunity to acquire these skills whilst at school. We ask parents to support us in the implementation of this program. WENDY CHIMES A/Head of English HEAD LICE There are reports of some students in the school having head lice. Head lice are a very common problem in schools and institutions everywhere in the world. While they are not a threat to health and do not transmit disease, they do cause a lot of distress and anxiety for families and schools. Anyone can get head lice. They have no preference for ethnic background, hair colour, hair type or age. We ask that parents/carers check their children and other family members for head lice regularly as early detection decreases treatment time and helps break the breeding cycle; treat if required before returning to school. It is important to keep checking the hair for 10 days after treatment to ensure the hair is free of head lice. See the following fact sheet for further information on checking and treatment. http://access.health.qld.gov.au/hid/InfectionsandParasites/Parasites/headLice_fs.asp TRUDY HAWKINS School Nurse Creative Writing Progam FRASER COAST Child, Youth & Family Services Phone: (07) 4122 8733 Community Health Buildings Maryborough The Creative Writing Program begins for junior school (Years 7 - 9) again in term 3 (Tuesdays between 3.30 - 5.00 pm). Notes will be going home to parents in the next week or so. Please encourage your children to involve themselves in what is an engaging and highly beneficial program designed specifically for this age group and conducted by published author and academic Dr Maria Arena. 10 Teams have to date completed ‘Write a Book in A Day’ successfully composing and illustrating a book for charity. The most recent ‘Reswansible’ was recently completed by our Year 12 team (Cover below). With four teams to go, a big thank you to Mrs Higgins for her efficient coordination. WENDY CHIMES A/Head of English 167 Neptune Street “Bauer-Wiles Building” Hervey Bay 34 Torquay Road “The Village” HEARING SCREENS Children 4-18 Years If parents are concerned about their children’s hearing, they can book into this clinic. If there are concerns with Their children’s vision ALL Optometrists offer a free eye check each year with their Medicare Card. To Make An Appointment Please Call 4122 8733 STUDENT ABSENCE When your student is away from school, don’t forget to let us know. Please text us on 0409 430 637. When texting, please give us your student’s name, their year level, date of absence and the reason for them being away (ie. Sick, Medical Appointment, or other reason). Thank You Hello, from the team at Ian Harvey Dental! We would like to offer our services to help your children keep their teeth and gums healthy. As part of the government’s Child Dental Benefits Scheme, eligible children aged 2-17 years are entitled to $1000 to cover general dental care. This includes examinations, x-rays, fillings and extractions or root therapies – all are bulk-billed. The scheme is income based, and to find out if your family is eligible, you can phone Medicare. Make sure you protect your teeth when playing sport. A custom-fitted mouthguard is made by your dentist using an impression taken of your teeth and a plaster model. Custom fitting allows the dentist to accurately assess your mouth and provide the best fit, size, coverage and thickness in a mouthguard made especially for you. Custom-fitted mouthguards are comfortable, allow you to talk and have maximum resistance against being dislodged. At Ian Harvey Dental the dentists can assess your risk and recommend the appropriate mouthguard for you and your sport. To book your child’s initial examination, please give us a call on (07) 4121 3430. P.A. SYSTEM USE Our school has an intercom system that allows us to contact classes in emergency situations. This convenience has been over utilised of late, resulting in the undue disruption of classes. Each time a call is placed over the intercom, the teacher and the class have to stop work to listen to the message. With a number of these in a day, the lost time and disruption has become unacceptable. I have discussed the matter with our staff and said that the decision about the use of the school intercom rests with me, but to be prepared that I would tend to decline a request to put a message over the intercom. Likewise I am seeking the support of parents to NOT call into the office and expect that a call would be placed for their student to leave school in a non-emergency situation. There are alternatives to this action, including providing your student with a note for their class teacher, to that they have ample time to go to C3 and sign out. Please expect that a request to call a student down to the office may well be referred to me for a decision and that my primary concern beyond the safety of the students would be to minimise the disruption to their learning in class. JACKSON DODD Deputy Principal All Australian Governments have agreed to work together on the annual collection of data on school students with disability. The collection of this data will assist teachers, Principals and education authorities support the participation of students with disability in schooling on the same basis as students without disability. In 2015, the full national collection of data on school students with disability is required in all Australian Schools. This new national data collection reinforces the actions required of schools under the national Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability Standards for Education 2005. In future years, the collection will require individual student information and information will be forwarded to parents at that time to allow them to make an informed choice about whether they want their child’s information to be included or not in the national reporting activity. Further information and a fact sheet for parent/careers is available from the Department’s website: http://education.qld.gov.au/curriculum/disability-data-collection.html. BRETT MARTELL Head of LEC Aldridge SHS Aldridge Library 8.00 am to 12.00 pm Facebook us @Aldridge Sunday studies Arrange a tutorial group Access computers, printers and photocopiers Air Conditioned with no distractions COME ALONG AND STUDY OR COMPLETE YOUR ASSIGNMENTS IN A QUIET, WELL-RESOURCED SETTING SUCCESS AT QUEENSLAND TITLES With many of the Wide Bay Teams competing at the State Titles our students are performing very well. Congratulations to Kyal Moore and Hannah Karrasch who were selected in the Queensland Volleyball Teams. list in the PE Staff Room in C Block to be eligible to participate in the catch up events. Students are encouraged to adopt their house colours on the day to increase the carnival atmosphere. SPORTS PERSON OF THE YEAR With the introduction of Year 7 to high school, Aldridge now has a Senior School (Years 10 -12) and a Junior School (Years 7 - 9). There has been some talk in the community that the Sports Person of the Year Awards would align with these grades. Queensland School Sport conducts sporting events in the age groups of 12 Years and Under, 15 Years and Hannah Karrasch in Action Under and 19 Years and Under. Aldridge will continue to acknowledge students within the The Wide Bay Boys Hockey Team was successful Queensland Framework. A sports Award will be being named the State Champions. Carter introduced this year for the 12 Years Age Group. Chappell, Tarack Chappell and Roy Tucker Sportsperson of the Year 2015 will be awarded in the competed. Carter Chappell was selected in the following categories for male and female. Queensland Under 19 Team. Roy Tucker was selected in the Under 16 Shadow side. Well done 12 Years 15 Years and Under to these players. 19 Years and Under Wide Bay Hockey Champion Team CROSS COUNTRY The first Maryborough District 10 - 19 Years Cross Country was held on 05 May. Aldridge was successful in winning the 13 - 19 Years Division. 22 Students were selected to complete at the Wide Bay Trials on 26 May in Murgon. Jessica Chapman and Amy Watson were successful in being selected in the Wide Bay Team. Well done girls! ATHLETICS CARNIVAL Aldridge Athletics Carnival will be held Friday 26 June (Week 10) – last day of Term 2. Due to the number of events and the inclusion of Year 7s some events need to be held prior to the Carnival Day. A Program of Pre-Carnival Events is attached. If you are interested in competing but cannot make the RICHARD FRANKLIN specified time you must put your name down on the Sport Coordinator STATE TITLES Congratulations to the following for making state teams at the recent State Titles: U15 girls - Hannah Karrasch U15 boys - Michael Barnett and Dean Cunningham (shadows) Open boys - Kyal Moore and Josh Barsby (shadow) VOLLEYBALL TRIPS Unfortunately the Gladstone trip didn’t work out again and is cancelled this year. Information on the Wide Bay Challenge at the end of term will be out soon. Senior Schools Cup will be in Week 4 - Term 3, Junior schools Cup Week 2 - Term 4 and National Schools Cup – end of Term 4. SPONSORS We again are looking for sponsors to help raise funds to run the program. So if you know of a business that might be interested in sponsoring or donating an item/s to be raffled please let the school know. We again would like to thank the following groups for their support and encourage the Aldridge State High School community to support these businesses. We are very grateful to the Fraser Coast Volleyball Association, Anne Maddern, the Maryborough RSL the Maryborough Sports Club, Maryborough Sugar Factory, Maryborough Fitness Health & Bodyworks and Warren Truss (Wide Bay Federal Member of Parliament) for their very generous donations. We are pleased to announce a new sponsor: R and A Building Pty Ltd. Looking to build a new home or just some renovations or maintenance? Give Rory a call. We thank the following businesses for supporting us by taking up our advertising packages: Handy Home & Auto Care Cassandra Price Real Estate Agent of Choice Buckn-L Productions (Mechanical Bull Hire) Little Miss Fairy Floss Education Rules! Ian Harvey Dental Le Boudoir (Ladies Beauty Parlour) Allen Gillespie Electrical Michelle’s Cutting Edge (Hair Designer, 208 Walker St) Tinana Fluid Power Murray Barnett Plumbing Fraser Coast Fuels NOTE: Please see details of each business throughout the newsletter. R and A Building Pty Ltd Mobile: 0422713428 Builders Lic No: 1218380 ACN: 601 485 607 Rory Keleher - Email: randabuilding@gmail.com Are you looking at building a new home, renovating or have an investment property that needs maintenance or do you need general advice on the building industry? I am a registered builder and qualified carpenter. I work efficiently, neatly and professionally and can do all types of work including new builds, renovations, landscaping, fencing and installation of various stratco products. No job too small and at a good price. Free quotes and honest advice. work with clients so you save money. Willing to Call or email to organise advice or quote, servicing Maryborough and all surrounding areas, I will come to you. Homestyle Bake is 100% Made & Owned Please help us raise funds ASHS P & Meetin C g Every 2n Tuesda d y Of the Month 6.30 pm All monies raised will go back into the school to assist students. We hope as many parents lend a hand to help make the fundraiser as successful as possible. We thank you in advance for supporting our Term 2 Fundraiser. Forms have been distributed to students at school, so if you haven’t received yours, please get a copy from C3. Orders and money to be back into C3/Office by Tuesday 09 June 2015 and collection will be at 2.30pm on Tuesday 24 June from the Tuckshop. www.homestylebake.com.au https://www.facebook.com/homestylebake HOMESYTLE BAKE PIES TICK ALL THE RIGHT BOXES QUICK & EASY MEALS SMART WAY TO SHOP CONVENIENT FOR BUSY HOUSEHOLDS HANDY IN THE FREEZER READY TO HEAT & EAT (PASTRY PRODUCTS) WELL PRICED FAMILY MEALS & TREATS New Carmel filled shortbread “Bringing Delicious Quality Meals to your table” “Using only the Finest of ingredients from Australian Growers” Aldridge SHS Uniforms for sale at Tuckshop Hats $11.00 Polos $27.00 Shorts $25.00 Winter Pullovers $40.00 Scientific Calculators $25.00 Please be aware that they need to have the D.A.L. function SENIOR UNIFORMS ARE ALSO AVAILABLE FROM THE TUCKSHOP Magnetic Fridge Pockets Don’t you wish that you had a simple system to store your school documents and notes? A place that is convenient and inexpensive. Well now you can with our magnetic fridge pockets. Simply file the papers in the plastic pocket and put it on your fridge. You will be able to retrieve all your vital information in an instant. 1 for $7.00 / 2 for $12.00 3 for $17.50 Available at the Office or C3 Aldridge State High School P&C Association has signed onto be part of the Quickbeds Grassroots Fundraising Program. This is a great opportunity for our school to raise funds. IT’S VERY SIMPLE: When you are booking your Easter accommodation or any accommodation, you just click on this link: www.quickbeds.com/?grassrootscode=1316 Find the hotel you want Book it (no booking fees, no credit card fees) That's all - Click on the link now and our P&C code will be stored on your computer. That's $10.00 for bookings up to $349.00. And $25.00 for bookings from $350.00 to $699.00. And $50.00 for bookings of $700.00 or more. CLICK HERE NOW www.quickbeds.com/?grassrootscode=1316 to find the hotel you want and use the Grassroots Code: 1316 and you’ll help raise much needed funds for the school. TUCKSHOP MENU HOT FOODS MAIN MENU PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE FRESH SANDWICHES Egg & Lettuce $3.20 Ham, Cheese & Tomato $3.20 Cornmeat & Salad $3.80 Chicken & Salad $3.80 Ham & Salad $3.80 Chicken, Mayo,Lettuce $3.50 Salad Only $3.20 (Toasted Sandwich - $0.30 extra) TURKISH BREAD Roast Beef & Salad Ham & Salad $4.00 $4.00 WRAPS Chicken & Salad Ham & Salad Cornmeat & Salad Apple Crumble & Custard Gingerbread Students $2.50 $1.50 SENIOR: Shirts Shorts Purple Skirts Jumpers Hats (Compulsory) RED ROCK OVEN BAKED CHIPS 28gram Packets Iceblocks Various Yoghurt - Frozen 100g Plastic Spoons & Forks Sauce $3.00 $3.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $2.00 $1.50 $2.50 $1.50 $2.20 $3.50 $2.00 $1.00 $2.00 $0.05 $0.30 PLEASE ORDER BETWEEN 8.00-9.00 AM NEW UNIFORMS Shirts Shorts DRINKS CHIPS $1.00 $2.50 JUNIOR: All Burgers include Salad $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 Muffins Fruit Salad Container (Includes a variety of available fruits) MONDAY: made]Spaghetti Bolognaise Fresh ]Fried Rice TUESDAY: Chilli Chicken Burger WEDNESDAY: Chicken & Gravy Roll THURSDAY: Chicken Burger FRIDAY: Hamburger $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 OTHER ITEMS $3.50 $3.00 $2.50 $2.50 HOT FOOD SPECIALS 750ml Water 600ml Water Plain Milk 600ml Quench FLAVOURED MILK 300ml 500ml Juice FRESH SALAD BOXES Ham & Salad Chicken & Salad Quiche & Salad Egg & Salad Reduced Fat Pies Reduced Fat Sausage Rolls Pizza Singles (eg. Ham & Pineapple) Pizza Rounders $27.00 $25.00 $27.00 $25.00 $35.00 $40.00 $11.00 Scientific Calculators $25.00 TUCKSHOP IS THE MAIN FUNDRAISER FOR ALDRIDGE STATE HIGH SCHOOL’S PARENTS & CITIZENS ASSOCIATION. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT. TUCKSHOP We’re keen to hear what people think about our Tuckshop. We’d like to know: what we are doing well, any suggestions on what we can do better, what food options you would like to see available. Any feedback is greatly appreciated—Good, Bad, Other. Please assist us in making our Tuckshop great You can contact Raelene ALLEN (P&C President) on 0490 497 141 or alternatively, you can leave your comments at the school Office, to be passed onto the Aldridge P&C. Thank you for your assistance. We are always looking for volunteers to assist in our TUCKSHOP. So if you have a few hours a week that you could give us a hand, please contact the Tuckshop on 4120 8423 and talk to the ladies about helping out. Thank you Monday Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Stavros Amarandos Stavros Amarandos Stavros Amarandos Stavros Amarandos Stavros Amarandos Guidance Officer Guidance Officer Guidance Officer Guidance Officer Guidance Officer Jason Erbacher Chaplain Trudy Hawkins School Based Youth Health Nurse Julie Terry A/Youth Support Coordinator Amanda Waterson Chaplain Julie Terry A/Youth Support Coordinator Julie Terry A/Youth Support Coordinator Trudy Hawkins School Based Youth Health Nurse Mike Bennion Guidance Officer Trudy Hawkins School Based Youth Health Nurse ASSESSMENT CALENDARS Assessment calendars for Term 1 for years 7 – 12 are now on the school website: www. aldridgeshs.eq.edu.au. Please print out the relevant year level for your student and highlight their subjects. 1. Hover mouse on “Calendar and News” 2. Click on “Exam Timetables” 3. Click on relevant year level Students to print, highlight, put in a prominent place and refer to HAVE YOUR CONTACT DETAILS CHANGED RECENTLY? Don’t forget to call into the main admin office to collect a Blue Change of Details Advice Form. Completing this form when any of your details change ie. Change of Address, Contact Telephone Numbers, Emergency Contacts or change in family circumstances, enables us here at Aldridge High to be able to contact you in any situation, quickly and accurately. Please note that we require “Proof of Address” when updating your address details (Documents that can be used are a Lease Agreement; Telephone, Electricity or Rates Account). Thank you Purple - The New BLACK! Still at High School? Get a Head Start to Uni at Maryborough If you are a high-achieving Year 11 or 12 student who has the capability, maturity and motivation to undertake university study while still finishing high school, then our Head Start program may be for you. USQHub@Maryborough is providing two Head Start courses for delivery in S2 2015. These fee free courses are offered as an exclusive delivery to high school students and successful completion guarantees you entry into a related USQ program. Not only will you get to experience what it is like to study at USQ, but you will receive academic credit towards a USQ degree so you will have one less course to complete once you start uni with us. You will also receive two points toward your Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE). What can you study? CMS1000 Communication and Scholarship Communication is important in every aspect of work, study and life in general. This course develops an understanding of barriers to communication and how to overcome these. Successful completion of this course provides guaranteed entry into a number of USQ programs. NUR1200 Concepts in Patient Care Patient care is the focus of any career in nursing. This course looks at the nurse’s role in providing holistic care to patients with assessment and proposed interventions integral to the patient experience and outcome. Successful completion of this course provides guaranteed entry into a USQ Nursing degree. Visit: usq.edu.au/maryborough OR call 1800 269 500 for further details. Applications close Monday 29 June, 2015. Amanda Guiver Marketing Coordinator (Fraser Coast) SPECIALS & DEALS Services offered MOWING WEEDING TRIMING RUBISH REMOVAL MULCHING FERTILISING PLANTING GARDEN EDGING PRESSURE CLEANING WHEELIE BIN CLEANING FENCING & GATE REPAIRS HOUSE CLEANING WINDOW CLEANING CAR CLEANING & VACUUMING HAND WAX & POLISH SOME HOUSEHOLD REPAIRS HOLIDAY PET CLEANING $10 pensioner discount $10 health care holder discount 1 wheelie bin clean $25 or 2 $40 Sixth repeat service is free Hand car polish $105 Complete car detail $140 Ave block snip & mow 1 hr $40 Vacant blocks $55 Kinesiology Tape Proud sponsor of Kyal Moore (Qld Volleyball player) Available in 2 sizes 5cm x 5m, 10 cm x 5 m 29 Different colours and patterns RRP $20 for 5 m Quote coupon code “Kyal” when ordering and receive 20% off Key benefits of using Rocktape: 1. Assists to decrease pain 2. Assists to reduce swelling 3. Allows full range of movement 4. Hypoallergenic – no zinc oxide Water resistant - can be worn for up to 5 days For more information or to get your RockTape online W: www.rocktape.com.au E: sales@rocktape.com.au
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