March 27, 2016 Bulletin - Holy Spirit Catholic Church


March 27, 2016 Bulletin - Holy Spirit Catholic Church
Holy Spirit Catholic Church
11300 West 103rd Street
Overland Park, KS 66214
March 27, 2016
Easter Sunday
Saturday Morning 7:00 am
Saturday Vigil 4:00 pm
Sunday 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am, 6:30 pm
Weekdays 6:45 am Monday through Friday
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 8:30 am
Tuesday 6:00 pm
Holydays 6:45 am, 8:30 am, 12:10 pm, 6:00 pm
Tuesday 5:15 -5:45 pm
Saturday 2:30 -3:30 pm
Saturday 3:30 pm, Sunday 7:00 am,
Daily 7:15 am
MONDAY-FRIDAY 8:00 am-4:00 pm
(913) 492-7318 FAX (913) 492-7370
Our Mission Statement
Fr. Ric Halvorson
Fr. Karl Good
Deacon Jim Lavin
Laura Weber
Tim Stewart
Anne Morrissey
& Kathleen Kaufman
Rochelle Johnson
Pat Maiorano
Amy Naab
Holy Spirit is a community of believers that aspires to be
formed by the values of the Gospel and finds its strength in
coming together to celebrate Eucharist and to be transformed
into the Body of Christ. As a Eucharistic People, we who are
HOLY SPIRIT SCHOOL (913) 492-2582
being nourished must share the bread we have with others,
Michele Watson
wash the feet of our brothers and sisters and welcome all
Eileen Colling
who come, as Christ Himself.
Kathleen Rodgers
Anita Pauls
BAPTISM: Baptism Class for parents is the second Tuesday of the
SCHOOL of RELIGION (SOR) (913) 492-7382
month at 7:00 pm. Call the Parish Office to register (913) 492-7318.
CONFIRMATION: A two year program for Seventh and Eighth
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Cathy Madrid
Lynn Mayer
Sandy Drake
MARRIAGE: Arrangements must be made at least 6 months in
advance to complete the necessary paperwork/requirements. Please
contact the Parish Office.
Denise Slaven
(913) 492-7318
SACRAMENT of HOLY ORDERS: Contact Fr. Scott Wallisch,
Vocation Director for the Archdiocese at (913) 647-0303 or e-mail
Sr. Mary Ann Bartolac, S.C.L.
(913) 894-1456
SACRAMENT of SICK / ANOINTING: Call the Parish Office if
David Chaffee
(913) 317-8393
someone is hospitalized or ill at home and would like us to visit with
Holy Communion and/or the Sacrament of the Sick.
(913) 492-3239 or
Jason Forge, Chairperson
Parish Office between 8 am-4 pm Monday through Friday
Don Watson, Chairperson
(913) 492-7318
Easter Sunday
New figures are not available
at publication.
Weekly income needed is $41,050.00
Collections, 4 week moving average
$ 40,699.99
Transactions Amount
March 12-13
$ 29,347.90
March 5-6
$ 33,770.46
February 27-28
$ 32,912.21
February 20-21
$ 31,265.68
March 10 (267 EFTs) $ 37,929.00
EFTs (Quarterly) 6
$ 1,600.00
Data for a four week moving average
is provided due to implementation of
Electronic Fund Transfers (EFTs). If
you have any questions, please call
the parish office.
Endowment Funds (12/31/2015)
Church Endowment
$ 70,964.71
School Endowment
$ 62,957.16
Thank you for your generosity!
Do you travel a lot?
Do you forget to bring
your offertory
envelope to Mass
with you? Do you not
even use checks
Consider signing up for auto withdrawal for your Church tithing. It’s
simple. You sign up, and we do the
rest. Please visit our website at
-us, stop by the parish office, or
fill out the Auto Withdrawal envelope
included in your monthly envelope
Quotes to ponder
From the Saints:
“Pray with great confidence,
with confidence based upon
the goodness and infinite
generosity of God and upon the
promises of Jesus Christ. God
is a spring of living water which
flows unceasingly into the
hearts of those who pray.”
~ St. Louis de Montfort
March 27, 2016
Your Easter Donation: A Blessing for Priests
Did you know your Easter offering is set aside for three important
needs? The Archdiocese is blessed with 30 seminarians in formation
for the priesthood. All rely on your generous donations to the Easter
collection to help defray their tuition and expenses. The Easter collection also funds the continuing education and spiritual formation of
priests. Finally, your contribution supports our beloved retired priests,
who after many years of faithful service still remain pastorally active
throughout their “golden” years. Please give generously to the Easter
Collection and continue to pray for our priests and for vocations to the
priesthood. Thank you for honoring them with your contribution.
Divine Mercy Sunday is April 3rd!
Jesus promised St. Faustina, "I desire that the
Feast of Mercy be a refuge and shelter for all
souls and especially poor sinners. On that
day (Divine Mercy Sunday, the 8th day of
Easter) the very depths of My tender mercy
are open. I pour out a whole ocean of graces
upon those souls who approach the fount of
My mercy. The soul that will go to
Confession and receive Holy Communion
shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and
punishments." (Diary of St. Faustina, 699)
Information about the chaplet can be found in
the Narthex, the book, Consoling the Heart of
Jesus, by Fr. Michael Gaitley, or at
Celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday with us by joining us for Holy Hour
Devotion at 3:00 pm and a reception in the Narthex afterward.
Confessions will begin at 2:00 pm. Participants in the Consoling the
Heart of Jesus Retreats will have the opportunity to receive a blessing
and make a public declaration of the Consoler's Promise at the
conclusion of Holy Hour. Everyone is welcome. Please invite friends
and family in joining you in prayer on Good Friday to begin the Novena.
For more information, please contact Anne Kinskey by email:
Thank you to all the liturgical ministers for your
part in helping make each of the Holy Week
liturgies so beautiful! From Palm Sunday to Holy
Thursday, Good Friday, the Easter Vigil and
Easter Sunday, everything was wonderful! Thank
you Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of the
Eucharist, Sacristans, Altar Servers, Decorators, Cleaners, Greeters,
Ushers and Musicians! And thank you to our parishioners for
participating in these most holy liturgies of our Catholic faith! God
bless each and everyone, and have a joyful Easter Season!
Please do not park in the fire lanes (curbing painted yellow)
when attending Mass. There is parking available in the parking
lot. We all want emergency personnel to be able to get here
quickly in the event of an emergency. Thank you.
Venite Adoremus
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Wednesday, March 30, 8:00-9:00 pm
Youth, young adults, and all, come and experience the peace.
Easter Sunday
Easter Sunday
March 27, 2016
March 27, 2016
First Reading, Acts of the Apostles 10:34a, 37-43
(42ABC), In the first reading, the apostle Peter
does something new. For the first time, he preaches
about the resurrection to a Gentile audience.
Second Reading, Colossians 3:1-4, In the second
reading, Paul urges us to live a risen life in union
with Jesus. We are to live in Him and see everything
from His viewpoint.
Gospel, John 20:1-9, In the Gospel, Mary of
Magdala, Peter, and the beloved disciple all witness
the empty tomb of Jesus. Only the beloved disciple
immediately believes that Jesus has conquered
Sunday, March 27, Easter Sunday,
Masses at 6:00 am, 7:30 am, 9:00 am,
10:30 am, and Noon
3:00 pm Divine Mercy Chaplet in the Adoration
Monday, March 28, Offices closed,
Masses at 6:45 am and 8:30 am
Tuesday, March 29, Offices open,
School resumes
6:30 am Perpetual Help Devotions
9:00 am Women’s Bible Study
5:15-5:45 pm Confessions
5:45 pm Perpetual Help Devotions
6:00 pm Scouts
7:00 pm School of Faith
7:30 pm Scouts
Wednesday, March 30
Monday, March 28, Monday within the Octave of
6:45 am † John Stephenson
8:30 am Jan Lewis, Sp. Int.
Tuesday, March 29, Tuesday within the Octave of
6:45 am † Coletta Owens
5:15-5:45 pm Confessions
6:00 pm † Johnny Stengel
Wednesday, March 30, Wednesday within the
Octave of Easter
6:45 am Carol & Gary Denning, Sp. Int.
8:30 am † John Michael Owen (All School Mass)
Thursday, March 31, Thursday within the Octave
of Easter
6:45 am † Margaret & James Morgan &
William Siefers, Jr., Sp. Int.
8:30 am Nancy Conley, Sp. Int.
Friday, April 1, Friday within the Octave of
6:45 am † Julie Joslin & † Felix Donohue
8:30 am † Don Heiman & Tim Ault, Sp. Int.
Saturday, April 2, Saturday within the Octave of
7:00 am People of the Parish
2:30-3:30 pm Confessions
4:00 pm † Jean Blaha & † Gertrude Dora
Sunday, April 3, Second Sunday of Easter/
Divine Mercy Sunday
7:30 am † Tony Garcia & † Bob Lemke
9:00 am † Mary Conley & † Tim Nelson
10:30 am † Bob Rossman &
The Sifers & Slaven Families, Sp. Int.
6:30 pm † John F. Thesing
7:30 am Team Seven Prayer Group
8:30 am All School Mass
4:30 & 6:30 pm School of Religion
7:00 pm Knights of Columbus Adoration
7:00 pm Ensemble
8:00 pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Thursday, March 31
7:30 am Light of Christ Prayer Group
7:00 pm Stephen Ministry
7:00 pm Choir
Friday, April 1
9:30 am Men of Faith and Spirit
11:00 am First Friday Holy Hour / Adoration
7:00 pm Living in Love
Saturday, April 2, Anointing follows 4:00 pm
Mass, Trivia Night Sales
7:00 am Mass
1:00 pm Wedding
2:30-3:30 pm Confessions
4:00 pm Mass, Anointing follows
Sunday, April 3, Trivia Night Sales
7:30 am Men of Faith and Spirit
10:00 am Welcome Brunch
12:30 pm Living in Love
2:00 pm Divine Mercy Confessions
3:00 pm Divine Mercy Chaplet in Church
3:00 pm Cub Scouts Banquet
3:30 pm Youthful Spirits
Easter Sunday
Parishioners of
All Ages
are invited to
Holy Hour of
Dedicated to the
Sacred Heart of
Jesus for
Vocations to the Priestly and
Consecrated Life.
Every First Friday
Exposition of the
Blessed Sacrament
11:00 am to Noon in the Church
Concluding with Benediction
Spirit Movers
Next Meeting
April 10, 2016
(Meeting begins
after 10:30 Mass)
Stay & Play after
brief meeting
~ Returning by popular demand ~
“Voluntary” Bingo
No fees –
prizes ($$$) provided
Don’t miss the FUN!
Archdiocesan newspaper. The
subscription cost is $21.00.
The parish has to pay the cost
for all parishioners. Please
help the parish by using the
Leaven envelope in your
packet to defray that cost. It is
greatly appreciated.
Any divorced person,
Catholic or not who seeks
possible remarriage in the
Catholic Church, will need
to pursue the process for
For information, contact the
Marriage Case Advocate for
Holy Spirit Parish:
Sr. Mary Ann Bartolac,
S.C.L. at 913-894-1456.
March 27, 2016
Cathy Madrid, Director of RCIA
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults 913-492-7382
Please help congratulate all of those who
received Sacraments at the Easter Vigil!
They have spent at least two hours a week
since September preparing to enter the Church. Let us
keep them in our prayers, as we are in theirs. Let us
also thank their sponsors who dedicated the same amount of time and
some traveling time leading them up to this point!
RCIA Class:
Lisa Shoemaker (Sponsor: Sheri Ryan of St. Sabina in Belton) chose
St. Jane Frances as her saint.
Kevin Sloan (Sponsor: John Caton of St. Anne) chose St. Francis of
Assisi as his saint.
David Weeks (Sponsor: Judy Weeks of Holy Spirit) chose St. Paul
as his saint.
Sandy Alleman (Sponsor: Sarah Miller of Holy Spirit) chose St. Claire
as her saint.
Saige Austin (Sponsor: Joyce Moriarty of St. Jude the Apostle in Oak
Grove) chose the Mother of our Lord, Mary, as her saint.
Kim Burnell (Sponsor: Amanda Comeau of Holy Spirit) chose St.
Cecilia as her saint.
Rachel Coker (Sponsor: Amanda Galyardt of St. Agnes) chose St.
Anne, Mary’s Mother, as her saint.
Allison Stewart (Sponsor: Susan Thrasher of Holy Trinity) chose St.
Catherine of Sienna as her saint.
Thomas Wilder (Sponsor: John Smilie of Holy Spirit) chose St.
Thomas as his saint.
Karen Wilder (Sponsor: Susan Dorsey of Holy Spirit) saint undecided.
Elizabeth Scimeca (Sponsor: Cathy Burns of Holy Spirit) chose St.
Frances as her saint.
Jessica Gudde (Sponsor: Mary Miesner) chose St. Michael to be her
Allison Mendoza (Sponsor: Kathy Wilson of Holy Spirit) chose St.
Teresa to be her saint.
Corbin Catt (Sponsor: Michael Coleman of Holy Spirit) chose St.
Isidore to be his saint.
EASTER FLOWERS: Please remember in your
prayers at Easter the following:
Agnes Gast & Richard Gast
Joseph Lenart, Sr.
Spreitzer, Dale & Delantonas Families
William & Mary Thomson
Michael & Laura Rzepczyk
Beverly Denk
Fred, Agnes & James Lipp
Don & Mildred Troughton
John & Mary Dora Family
Herman & Anna Lipp Family
Bill & Welburya Schwendt
Gene Zych
Song Kim
Dick Hughes
Jo Finney
Jim Hageman
Steve Hageman
Roscoe & Anna Mae Finney
Ray & Kay Pogge
Joe & Janet Kolich Relatives
Lyons/Hellman Families
Dallas & Ada Helmstetler
Bernard Schroepfer
Gary Hoover
Easter Sunday
March 27, 2016
Attention! Couples celebrating their
50th Wedding Anniversary in 2016
Archdiocesan 50th Anniversary Celebration
June 5, 2016, 2:00 pm, Church of the Nativity / Leawood
To receive your invitation from Archbishop Naumann, please call the
parish office at (913) 492-7318 and give us your name, address,
phone number and date of your wedding.
Please do this as soon as possible.
Dale Schmidtberger Memorial Coaching Award
The Holy Spirit Athletic Association is asking for nominations for the “Dale
Schmidtberger Memorial Coaching Award.” This award is given annually to
deserving youth sport coaches at Holy Spirit Parish in Overland Park, Kansas. It is presented in memory of Dale Schmidtberger, a long time coach for
various sports teams at Holy Spirit, and member of the HSAA board of directors. Dale passed away on October 20, 2003, after a long battle with cancer.
This award is to be given to a coach who is nominated by a Holy Spirit youth
sports participant or parent. The deserving coach should be an example of
the highest ideals of youth coaching, including consistent emphasis upon
sportsmanship and fair play. At the same time, the individual must demonstrate excellence in the teaching of sports skills and instilling a love of sports
into the youth of Holy Spirit Parish.
Eligible coaches include not only CYO coaches, but coaches from all sports
leagues and club teams. The winning coach will be selected by a committee
chosen by the President of the Holy Spirit Athletic Association. This committee will review the nomination forms. The winner will be announced at the annual season ending picnic. Emphasis will be given to coaches nominated by a
youth sports participant, but also adult nominations are welcome and appreciated. The winner will receive a plaque and other appropriate gifts from the
Holy Spirit Athletic Association. The concept is simple: Honor deserving
coaches at Holy Spirit and honor the memory of Dale Schmidtberger, who so
very much loved coaching his sons and the sons of others. To nominate a
coach, send a message describing the nominee’s coaching experience and
why you believe he or she is deserving of the award to Mary Jacobs at or Chuck Weinhardt at The deadline is April 15.
April 17 Holy Spirit
Day at
Please join
us in dining
at Tequila Harrys (College Blvd.
and Quivira) any time on 4/17. A
portion of all sales will be
donated to the Holy Spirit
Parents' Association.
Have you remembered Holy Spirit in your will?
In this vastly popular talk, Fr. Gaitley describes the
"Second Greatest Story Ever Told" - a story that
encompasses Divine Mercy, the life of St. Pope
John Paul II, and the crucial role that Marian
Consecration can play in your life. Fr. Michael
Gaitley is a priest in the Congregation of Marian
Fathers of the Immaculate Conception and the
director of the Association of Marian Helpers, a
spiritual benefit society with more than one million
members. Suggested donation $3. Questions? Ask
Denise Slaven at 913-492-7318.
Do you have a friend, neighbor, coworker, or relative going
through a difficult time?
A Stephen Minister may be able to offer the support he or
she needs. Stephen Ministers are members of our church
trained to provide emotional and spiritual care to people
who are hurting.
To learn how you can help a friend receive care, contact our Holy Spirit
Church Stephen Ministry Leader David Chaffee (913) 317-8393.
.Our Stephen Ministers Are There To Care!
Congratulations to the following families whose children
were baptized here:
Noah Matthias Prejusa, child
of Noel & Tam Prejusa,
Genevieve Margaret Grow,
child of Ryan & Caroline Grow,
and Luna Jean Rucker, child
of Clint & Katherine Rucker.
Holy Cross is looking to fill a part
time Bookkeeper/Accounting Clerk
position for approximately 20 hours/
week. Schedule is flexible. Please
contact Jon Oakes at 381-2755 or
email at if
Easter Sunday
It’s Halfway
Through the
Year of Mercy –
Have you made
a difference?
It’s never too
late to grow in
faith or spend
time getting to
know God more
intimately. The
for Parish Evangelization by Fr.
Michael Gaitley concludes with a
The Works of Wisdom & Mercy
group study of the books The
One Thing is Three and You Did
It to Me. This 10 week program
is challenging and offers in depth
theological truths on the Trinity in
bits that are manageable for laity.
As it is the culmination of the
series, it guides participants to
the challenge of evangelization
through works of mercy.
Already read the book, participated in a group retreat? Perfect!
This book is rich with spiritual
depth. Most participants request
an opportunity to participate in
the retreat again as soon as the
group concludes. Why? Spiritual
growth takes time, practice and
discipline. Your faith life will be
enriched by making the retreat
again with new friends and you
will have the opportunity to perform works of mercy by encouraging others to make the retreat
alongside you.
– AUGUST 2- 7:00-8:30 pm in
To register or for more information contact Anne Kinskey
com or sign up after Masses
the weekend of April 9th & 10th.
If you are unable to find a time
that works with your schedule
contact me, and we will try to find
a parish that has a retreat that
does or coordinate a retreat
group in home.
March 27, 2016
School of Religion
“Jesus Christ is risen!”
Love has triumphed over hatred, life has
conquered death, light has dispelled the darkness!
Out of love for us, Jesus Christ stripped Himself of His divine
glory, emptied Himself, took on the form of a slave and humbled
Himself even to death, death on a cross. For this reason God exalted
Him and made Him Lord of the universe. Jesus is Lord!
By His death and resurrection, Jesus shows everyone the
way to life and happiness: this way is humility, which involves
humiliation. This is the path which leads to glory. Only those who
humble themselves can go towards the “things that are above”,
towards God (cf. Col 3:1-4). The proud look “down from above”; the
humble look “up from below”.
On Easter morning, alerted by the women, Peter and John ran
to the tomb. They found it open and empty. Then they drew near
and “bent down” in order to enter it. To enter into the mystery, we need
to “bend down”, to abase ourselves. Only those who abase
themselves understand the glorification of Jesus and are able to follow
Him on his way.
The world proposes that we put ourselves forward at all costs,
that we compete, that we prevail… But Christians, by the grace of
Christ, dead and risen, are the seeds of another humanity, in which we
seek to live in service to one another, not to be arrogant, but rather
respectful and ready to help.
This is not weakness, but true strength!”
~Pope Francis
Holy Spirit Youth Ministry
High School
Youth Ministry
Summer Trip sign-ups
Middle School
Youth Ministry
Summer Stretch
This Summer we will be
taking our annual trip to the
This summer we will offer a
Steubenville youth conference July
service week for our incoming 8th
graders and incoming freshmen.
6th-10th. This trip is open to all
For more information please visit
incoming freshman– graduated
the website.
seniors. For more info check out the
If you are interested in helping with youth ministry or you are a parent with questions
about youth ministry please contact Lynn Mayer or call the SOR office 913-492-7382.
Easter Sunday
The Holy Spirit
Science Olympiad
team competed in
their Regional
competition at
Johnson County
College. There
were 29 other
middle schools
from their region
competing for a spot in the State level competition.
Ethan M. and Ben F. placed 8th in Disease Detectives,
Trey G. and Lexie D. placed 8th in Reach for the Stars,
Eric D. and Jimmy M. placed 8th in Road Scholar,
Ethan M. and Ben F. placed 6th in Elastic Launch Glider,
Jam N. and Peyton C. placed 5th in Picture This,
and Jam N., Olivia S. and Marianna M.
placed 2nd in Experimental Design.
The Holy Spirit Science Olympiad team is headed to state.
Way to go team! We are so proud of you!
Jennie Punswick, a School of Faith teacher and HS parent, began a 3 part
lecture series on Virtue on Thursday, February 18. The final lecture in this
series, brought to you by HSPA, will be held April 14th and is applicable to all
parents who desire to increase virtue and character within their children. It will
be held in the library at 6 pm. Please join us! Questions contact Elizabeth
Scrip-If you prefer to order electronically, it’s easy! Just go to Pages 23
through 26 of your Holy Spirit Parish Guide Book & Directory and make a list
of your selections. Then simply send an email to noting
merchants, denominations, and quantities. If your email is sent by 7:00 pm on
Sunday, your order will be ready for pickup after noon on the following
Tuesday. Cash and checks accepted.
THANK YOU for the extra time it may take you to use Scrip to support
Holy Spirit! That’s using two of the BIG T’s … Time and Treasure!
Scrip is gift cards/certificates from national and local retailers.
Purchase Scrip during the week from 8am-4pm (when staff is available) in the
School of Religion Office. Scrip will continue to be sold after all Saturday
evening and Sunday morning Masses and before Sunday evening Mass.
Please visit to see the hundreds of gift cards available.
Ways You Can Help Holy Spirit School- Box Tops for Education: Clip
and save Box Tops from various products. Each Box Top earns the school 10
cents. For a list visit
Labels for Education: Clip and save Labels from Campbell’s food and other
products. Each Label earns points for the school, which can then be used to
purchase materials for the school. In the hallway outside the Parish Office are
containers for the Labels and the Box Tops.
Cell Phone Collection: Holy Spirit Student Council needs your help in
collecting cell phones to help raise funds. We ask that you donate any
inactive cell phones. If you know of any businesses that provide cell phones
to employees, please ask if they have cell phones to donate. 100% of the
proceeds will benefit Holy Spirit School. All phones will be recycled. Just bring
your cell phones to the drop box located next to the Box Tops for Education
March 27, 2016
Michele Watson, Principal
Be Merciful as Your Father is
Merciful. Luke 6:36
The Mission of Holy Spirit
Catholic School is to
develop independent,
life-long learners, who can and
will live for Christ.
If you are interested in contributing to
the Holy Spirit Endowment Funds,
please contact the Holy Spirit Parish
Office 913-492-7318. The
Endowment Funds provide you an
opportunity to make a perpetual gift
to the Holy Spirit Catholic Church or
Trash Bags For Sale!
School Office, Parish Office, and
SOR Office. $10.00 per roll
Blue–Extra Large Bags, 55 gallon
Yellow - Heavy Duty Bags, 39 gallon
(32”x45”x2mil.), 25/roll
White - Kitchen Bags, 15 gallon
(24”x33”x1.3mil.), 65/roll
Yard Waste Bags $3.00 per
5 bag bundle-Brown Paper Yard
Waste Bags
(16”x12”x35”/ 2 ply- Wet strength)
Easter Sunday
March 27, 2016
The Knights of Columbus Local Council is proud to announce that a
Holy Spirit competitor achieved a first place finish at the State Free
Throw Championship held in Salina, Kansas on March 6th.
Congratulations go out to William Rost (age 11) for his first place finish (21 of
25 free throws made).
Backpacks of Love Phase 3 will
be collecting gently used games
and books for pediatric cancer
patients starting April 1st thru
April 30th. Please join in the effort
to help others. Donation boxes
will be in the Gathering Space
after all Masses. If you have
questions please contact the
Magee girls and SJA friends
Thanks so much!
Advice & Aid Pregnancy
Centers, Inc. is in need of
volunteers, including bilingual
volunteers, and will be offering a
Volunteer Informational Meeting
on Tuesday, March 29, 2016
(7-9:00 pm). The meeting will be
held at 11644 West 75th Street,
Shawnee, KS. For more
information on volunteering in
this ministry or to RSVP, please
contact Mary Newcomer at
913-962-0200 or email
St. James Academy Youth and
High School Summer Sports
Camps are now open for registration! Visit for a listing of all camps and
registration information.
Saint Thomas Aquinas Grade
School Summer Camps:
During June and July, Saint Thomas
Aquinas provides a variety of
summer camps for students entering
grades K through 8 to explore. Our
summer camps give students the
chance to discover their potential in
both sports and other activities.
Registration and further information
is available online, through our website,
summercamps. We look forward to
providing a positive camp experience
not only for your son or daughter but
for their friends and family as well.
The ministry of the Women of Spirit is to reach all women of our parish
community with an expression of friendship and spiritual growth. Contact
Terri Kilgore at or 913-206-6994 with any
questions or if you need a ride to any of our events. For more information on
our organization and our activities, please view our newsletter (located on the
Organizations tab) on the Holy Spirit Church website:
Fashion Show – Are you tired of your winter clothes and drab colors? Are
you ready for spring weather? If the answer is “yes”, then join the ladies of
Women of Spirit at our annual fashion show presented by Clothes Mentor and
see what’s new for spring 2016. Come relax with friends as we enjoy the runway show on Thursday, April 7th at 7:00 pm in the M/M room.
Shopping Spree – On the heels of the fashion show, you have the opportunity to buy all the wonderful fashions you saw at the fashion show by attending
the “Retail Shopping Therapy” night at Clothes Mentor (11610 W. 135th St.)
Sunday night, April 10th from 5:30 – 7:00 pm. The store will be open just for
us and will offer a 15% discount off the total purchases that night. Wine &
cheese will be served and all you need to do is RSVP to Sally Rowley (4381404) or . The store can only accommodate a
maximum of 25 ladies so make your reservations early.
Annual Spring Flower Sale – Saturday, April 23rd and Sunday April 24th.
The flower ladies return with flowering baskets, bedding plants, tomatoes, and
herbs. We appreciate your support of one of our biggest annual fundraisers –
proceeds from our flower sales allowed us to sponsor the recent WOS miniretreat for all women of the parish at no charge.
Saint Gerard’s Circle, SGC, is a ministry for mothers and moms-to-be. Our
goal is to provide friendship and support within our parish, to provide a
Catholic foundation for our children, to continue spiritual guidance for
ourselves and our families, and to encourage community involvement. New
members are always welcome! Questions? Contact Erin Fuhrman,
April 17th Service Event Harvester's Pack-a-Lunch: 1:30 pm in the
Martha Mary Room
April 16th/17th after all Masses! Bake Sale- All members are asked to
provide 3 items. Please drop off items to the table in the Narthex before the 4
pm Mass on April 16.
Welcome Aboard New Knights: Fr. Karl, Scott Weiler, Adam Stensland,
Patrick Helfrich, Garrett Weaver, Rod Hartzell, Ramon Grado,
Mike Keegan.
Date Change for Next Officers Meeting: March 31 at 7:00 pm in the M/M
April 14 6:00 pm in M/M Room Guys Knight Out and Council Meeting.
See you there!
Every Wed Evening 7-8 pm and Friday from 8-9 pm Prayer in the
Adoration Chapel with Rosary
Invite a Friend to become a Knight! Pray for the Canonization of
Fr. McGivney!
Questions or Suggestions for the Knights of Columbus: Greg Davis 913800-0581.
Easter Sunday
Msgr. Charles McGlinn, a priest in our archdiocese, has
published a book of prayers entitled POEM PRAYERS. The book is
available in print and in i-book at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. It is
also available in print at Trinity House, Overland Park; Soul Supply,
Leavenworth; and I. Donnelly, Kansas City. There will be a book
signing at Trinity House on April 2, from 12 pm to 3 pm. All royalties go
to Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos Orphanage in Mexico.
Husbands and wives spend immense amounts of time on their
job, careers, children and leisure. How much time do you
spend just for the two of you as a couple? You deserve to learn
how to make the most of your time and relationship. Attend a
Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend and find out how.
The next Weekend in Kansas City is May 13-15, 2016. For
more information or to apply go to:
or Tony & Barb Zimmerman, 816-741-4066 or email
Holy Trinity Catholic Church, 13615 West 92nd Street, Lenexa, KS
Friday, April 22nd, 6:30 pm to 10:30 pm
This is a life-changing opportunity and we encourage you to attend and bring
along a friend, relative, co-worker or neighbor. Don't underestimate the power
of a simple invitation! God is always working through you!
You can purchase tickets online by visiting
More details:
Living Everyday with Passion & Purpose led by Matthew Kelly, invites us all to
identify God's voice in our lives and the specific purpose for which we've been
created. Matthew inspires attendees to apply the genius of Catholicism to
every aspect of our lives including prayer & spirituality, work, dating &
marriage, personal finances, health & well being, parenting, and community
involvement. Matthew Kelly, and musician, Eliot Morris, prepare a unique
message inspired by God and the teachings of the Church that promises to
radiate in your life. Consider this: most people take more time to plan their
annual vacation than they do to discover the voice of God and His plan for
their life.
Join us for one of our Living Every Day with Passion & Purpose events. It's not
your typical church event! It has been a life-changing event for tens of thousands of people.
Living In Truth Kansas City Catholic Women’s Conference
April 9th, 7:30 am - 12:30 pm Featuring: Mass celebrated by Archbishop
Naumann. Inspiring nationally renowned Catholic speakers - Danielle Bean
"Finding Forgiveness in the Family" - Kelly Wahlquist "Living With Courageous
Faith and Contagious Joy." Registration and event details:
Location: Church of the Ascension, Overland Park
Did you know that Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas has a group of
volunteers who list and sell treasures on eBay?
Inventory comes from quality items donated to our thrift store, TurnStyles.
New things are added daily and may include collectibles, vintage items, designer products and more! Best of all, eBay purchases help support programs
and services for those in need throughout our 21 county service area.
Improve your marriage! The FertilityCareTM System (Creighton Model)
Introductory Session is offered monthly at a variety of area locations
and long distance. Fulfills marriage policy requirement. Helpful for achieving
and avoiding pregnancy plus medical applications. Better than IVF for
infertility. Register online at, or call the
FertilityCareTM Center of KC at (816) 858-0198.
March 27, 2016
Meets on Tuesday mornings at
6:30 am and evenings at
5:45 pm in the Church. All are
If you have a need or concern,
please call the Parish Office,
492-7318. After office hours you
may call 495-9802.
“After my abortion I was broken
and needed help. I turned to
Project Rachel. It was the best
decision I made.” Project Rachel
offers a 1 day retreat Unfailing
Mercy, to help women find hope,
healing and reconciliation after
abortion. Private and
CONFIDENTIAL. To register or
find out more information, call
888-246-1504 or 816-591-3804,
or email
Recited Monday through Friday
after the 6:45 am Mass, Thursdays at 2:50 pm, Saturdays at
3:30 pm and Sundays at 7:00
am. Also, please join us each
Friday morning at 7:45 am to
pray the Rosary for our parish,
our school and your intentions at
10100 Barton Street. Children are
welcome. Call Denise Slaven @
913-963-5633 for details.
The Gabriel Project is
an Archdiocesan
program that provides,
through a mentor-like
relationship, emotional, spiritual,
and material help to women in
unplanned pregnancies. For
more information please call 913602-0306 or
Easter Sunday
March 27, 2016
April 2 & 3, 2016
Second Sunday of Easter
/ Sunday of Divine Mercy
4:00 pm Grace Krone
Audrey Montanez
7:30 am Sam Slaven
Austin Turner
9:00 am Ashley Newcomer
Logan Newcomer
10:30 am Eric Delantonas
Kristina Levich
6:30 pm Peyton Clark
Trevor Gallagher
Sam Mauro
Katie Seib
Parker Stoecklein
Henry Weinhardt
Brendan Newcomer
Ava Webb
Hannah Homberg
Eva Naab
Justin Gallagher
Lily Monaghan
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
4:00 pm Chris Appleby
Michelle Bolin
Bob Bridgham
Shirley Hoover
Paul Kidder
Janet Koehler
Renee McGhee-Lenart Karen Newcomb
Pat Seib
Bill Kay Wietharn
7:30 am Eli Berggren
Gregory Kratofil
Gina Parks
Jan Petelin-Sub?
Paula Voelker
9:00 am David / Sue Chaffee
Michael Coleman
Kitty Colwell
Dan / Barbara Hageman
George / Maggie Lents-Subs?
Jane Sullivan
Steve / Jayne Vehlewald
10:30 am Jean Bramble
Mary Campbell
Jennie Chambon
Brian Delantonas
Clarita Halling
Bud / Linda Maskill
Elizabeth Rollert
Paul Scharnhorst
Randy Scharnhorst
Eva Skahan
Sarah Wilson
6:30 pm Aubrey Colvin
Kate Geist
Thomas Killilea
Morgan Magee
Camron Zerr
4:00 pm
7:30 am
9:00 am
10:30 am
6:30 pm
Joyce Boone
Howard Hunter
Mary Ann Baz-Dresch
Paul Scharnhorst
Anna Dumovich
4:00 pm Joe / Donna Cummings
Max Mancillas
7:30 am Bill Hundelt
Brian Peacock
9:00 am Dennis King
Bob Specht
10:30 am Rick Clark
David Roth-Sub?
6:30 pm Cheryl Highley
4:00 pm
7:30 am
9:00 am
10:30 am
6:30 pm
Tom Eberle
Bob Mulvaney
Greg Miller
Tim Turner
Dave Mullin
Kristie Swearngin-Sub?
Jerry Robison
Art Ruby
Tom Swortwood
Lector 1 / Lector 2
Linda Jackson
Dave Gilbert
Jim Walter
Bill Service
Brad Newcomer
Jerry Gerstberger
Bill Treu
Debbie Coomes
Dennis Dumovich
Vi Rossman
Welcome Ministry
4:00 pm
7:30 am
9:00 am
10:30 am
6:30 pm
Barbara Lackner
Lucy Olberding
Alan / Donna Ellebrecht
Felix / Mary Ann Baz-Dresch
Ken / Sue O’ Bryan
Bobbi Dreyer
4:00 pm
9:00 am
10:30 am
6:30 pm
Youthful Spirits
April 2, 2016
April 3, 2016
April 3, 2016
March 29, 2016
March 30, 2016
Music Ministers
Rosary Leaders
Dave Boone
Kelly Mages
Delmar Gardens
Jane Grant
Dave Boone
Overland Park Regional
Rita Mulleedy
Wendy Blanco
Taizé prayer at SCL Mother House open to the
Community-You are invited to participate in Taizé
prayer on Thursday, April 7 at 7 pm in Annunciation
Chapel on the campus of the Mother House of the
Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth, 4200 S. 4th Street,
Leavenworth, Kan. For more information about this
meditative, candlelit service,
visit or call 913-680-2342.
Women’s Day of Reflection sponsored by the
Daughters of Isabella -Saturday, April 30th, 2016 - 8:00
am to 12:15 pm in the Gast social room at Holy Trinity
Church 9150 Pflumm, Lenexa, Kansas. All women are
invited to come be a part of this opportunity to pray,
listen and reflect. Our topic will be: "The Psalms: An
Ideal Source of Prayer" with guest speaker Sr.
Irene Nowell, OSB, author, instructor and expert on the
Program begins with Mass at 8:00 am followed by
Breakfast, Prayer, Welcome & Presentation with closing
at noon. Tickets: $10 per person until 4/16 and then $15
after. Seating is limited. Checks should be made out
to: Daughters of Isabella and mailed to: Peggy Seifert, 11916 W. 109th, Apt 211, Overland Park,
KS 66210. Questions call: 913-269-5369.
Sign ups are still open online:
1. Go to the Holy Spirit Website:
2. Go to "Liturgy" across the top and down that column
go to "Perpetual Adoration."
3. Click on "Sign up for a vacant time."
4. Pick out your own day of the week and Holy Hour
Time and then click on "Schedule.”
5. Fill in your information!
If you have a question or would like to sign up over the
phone, you can contact the Lents at 913.492.3239 or call
the Parish Office 8 am to 4 pm, Monday through Friday
at 913.492.7318 and ask for Cathy or Amy.
Holy Spirit Church #003274
11300 W. 103rd Street
Overland Park, KS 66214
913 492-7382
Lyn Crowder
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TRANSMISSION TIME-on or before March 18
(Normally Tuesday 12:00 Noon)
March 27, 2016
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