Rewriting Her Story: Put Yourself in Her Shoes


Rewriting Her Story: Put Yourself in Her Shoes
Rewriting Her Story:
Put Yourself in Her Shoes
A luncheon hosted by the
UAB Minority Health & Health Disparities Research Center
with Special Guest Maya Angelou
Benefiting minority women in the Deep South
through programs promoting better health across generations
October 15, 2010
Birmingham Sheraton Hotel
Empowering Women
A Message from Mona N. Fouad
Welcome to Rewri ng Her Story: Put Yourself in Her Shoes, benefi ng the UAB Minority
Health & Health Dispari es Research Center. Our mission is to advance health equality—
be er health for all—through research, educa on, and outreach programs. Your presence
here today will help the MHRC create a new storyline for thousands of women struggling
with health problems and facing greater health risks across our region. We depend on
grant support and private funding to achieve our mission, so your gi today will enable us to
translate science into service for those who need it most.
African-American and Hispanic-American women have higher risks for a
host of diseases and health problems. Minority women are more likely
to be obese, more likely to suffer from heart disease and diabetes, more
likely to develop breast cancer and cervical cancer…. The list goes on.
Low-income minority women are also less likely to seek treatment, so
their collec ve life stories contain more disability—and final chapters
that can come too early.
Mona Fouad, MD, MPH
At the MHRC, we are working to rewrite this storyline. Our programs,
highlighted in the enclosed newsle er, strive to reduce health gaps and
empower underserved women and girls to lead healthier lives and take
charge of their futures.
Maya Angelou
Our mission requires creaƟve and inspired thinking. We are thrilled to
have celebrated poet and storyteller Maya Angelou with us today. Her
powerful words embrace us and remind us of both the strength
of women and the importance of equality.
Our mission also requires generous support. We are grateful to our corporate sponsors,
co-chairs, table hostesses and hosts, and individual donors who have dedicated their me
and resources to make this luncheon possible. And we thank you, dis nguished guest, for
being with us and enabling us to pave the way toward be er health for all.
Enjoy the luncheon, and please stay involved with the MHRC.
Mona N. Fouad, MD, MPH
Professor and Director, UAB Division of Preven ve Medicine
Director, UAB Minority Health & Health Dispari es Research Center
11:15 a.m. — Networking
11:45 a.m. — Luncheon
Barbara Royal, Luncheon Co-Chair
Execu ve Director, MOMENTUM
Mona N. Fouad, MD, MPH
Director, UAB Minority Health & Health Dispari es Research Center
Carol Z. Garrison, PhD
President, The University of Alabama at Birmingham
IntroducƟon of Maya Angelou
Bobbie Knight, Luncheon Co-Chair
Vice President, Birmingham Division, Alabama Power Company
Maya Angelou
Closing Remarks
Marquita Furness Davis, PhD, Luncheon Co-Chair
Commissioner, Alabama Department of Children’s Affairs
UAB Minority Health & Health DispariƟes Research Center
1717 Eleventh Avenue South, Medical Towers 512
Birmingham, Alabama 35205-4410
Building trust • Sharing power • Elimina ng racial bias and discrimina on in health
10 Ways to Take Care of Yourself
Here are 10 simple reminders to
help you stay healthy in body and mind.
Eat right. Lots of fruits and veggies!
Exercise. Get at least 2-1/2 hours of
physical ac vity a week.
Wash your hands — o en and
Don’t smoke. Visit
for help stopping.
Limit alcohol. If you think you or a
loved one has a drinking problem,
get help.
Know your family history, and talk
to your doctor about it.
Make Ɵme to screen for
cervical, colon, and breast
cancers. Treatments work best
when cancers are found early.
Protect your skin. Wear sunscreen
and sunglasses, and seek shade at
Protect other parts of you, too.
Wear helmets, seat belts, insect
10. Stay posiƟve. Manage stress by
balancing work, home, and play. Be
sure to seek support if you need it.
The Co-Chairs of Rewriting Her Story: Put Yourself in Her Shoes
Marquita Furness Davis, PhD, is Commissioner of the Alabama Department of Children’s Affairs,
a cabinet-level posi on appointed by Alabama Gov. Bob Riley. She is responsible for the state
of Alabama’s Pre-K Program, Children’s Policy Councils, Head Start Collabora on Office, and
the Alabama Resource Management System. Prior to her appointment, Dr. Davis was Deputy
Director for Child Development Services with the Head Start program of the Jefferson County
Commi ee for Economic Opportunity. She also served on the Governor’s Pre-K Council, which
developed the program called First Class. She is a graduate of Leadership Birmingham, was
in the charter class of Leadership UAB, and is on the board of the YWCA of Central Alabama.
Bobbie Knight is head of the Birmingham Division of Alabama Power Company, the
largest opera ng region at the state’s biggest electric u lity. A 30-year Alabama Power
veteran, she moved to the posi on in 2010 from her previous job as vice president of public
rela ons. She oversees the company’s efforts to provide electrical service to about 410,000
customers in North Central Alabama. Her previous Alabama Power posts were at the
Western Division, in human resources, corporate services, and supply management. She
was tapped to head public rela ons in 2002. She is a graduate of Leadership Birmingham,
serves as president of the Leadership Birmingham Members Council, and in 2008 received
the 10th Annual Women’s History Award from the Birmingham Chapter of the NAACP.
Barbara Royal is Execu ve Director of MOMENTUM, Alabama’s highly recognized leadership
program, and serves nonprofit and corporate execu ves as a private coach. She was Execu ve
Director of Discovery Place Children’s Museum and Discovery 2000, and she laid the groundwork for
Birmingham’s McWane Science Center. She is a graduate of Leadership Birmingham and Leadership
America. She co-chaired UAB’s fund drive for the Hazelrig-Salter Radia on Oncology Center, which
opened in 2010. Barbara was named a Top Ten Birmingham Businesswoman by Birmingham
Business Journal, one of 25 Intriguing People To Watch by Birmingham Magazine, and a Woman of
Dis nc on by Cahaba Girl Scouts. She has served on numerous boards, including the Women’s Fund,
the YWCA, the Downtown Rotary Club, Beth El Founda on, and Birmingham Interna onal Fes val.
Our Table Hostesses and Hosts
The UAB MHRC is deeply grateful to our table hostesses and hosts for
expanding our community of supporters and making this luncheon a wonderful success.
Alabama Power Company
Bobbie Knight
Alpha Kappa Alpha
Sorority, Inc.
Omicron Omega Chapter
Mona Jackson
Dr. Wendy DemarkWahnefried
UAB Department of
Nutri on Sciences
Regions Financial
Corpora on
Lajuana Bradford
Por a Osby
(con nued on next page)
Our Table Hostesses and Hosts
American Cast Iron
Pipe Company
Joy Carter
AT&T Alabama
Glyn Agnew
Blue Cross and
Blue Shield of Alabama
Koko Mackin
Cathy O. Friedman
Richardstein Jones
Mary Ann Smith-Janas
McWane, Inc.
Michelle Clemon
Barbara Royal
Faith Chapel
Chris an Center
Malena Cunningham
Denise Dauphin
AEA Group
Dr. Marquita F. Davis
Delta Sigma Theta
Sorority, Inc., Jefferson
County Alumnae Chapter
Captain Rosalind Short
Camelia Holmes
Alicia Johnson
Margaret Jones
Sheryl Kimerling
U.S. Interna onal
Felyicia Jerald
Dr. Cynthia Owsley
UAB Clinical Ophthalmology
Research Unit
Pamela Pouncy
Morgan Stanley
Smith Barney
Debbie Ragan
UAB Medicine
Special Thanks
Joe O’Donnell and B-Metro Magazine
Birmingham Sheraton Hotel
Jefferson County Commi ee
for Economic Opportunity
The UAB Events Office
Andrea McCaskey
Dr. Sharon C. Bell
Birmingham Civil
Rights Ins tute
Herschell L.Hamilton
Bradley Arant Boult
Cummings LLP
Jim Rotch
Be y Brown
Drs. Mary Lynne
and Eli Capilouto
Catrena Norris Carter
Who’s Who In
Black Alabama
Anita Clemon
The Honorable
Linda Coleman
Paige Goldman
Greater Birmingham
Conven on
& Visitors Bureau
Sara Hamlin
Kathryn Harbert
Marilyn Henry
UAB Medicine
Theresa Bruno
Be na Byrd-Giles
Dr. Mona N. Fouad
Charcey Glenn
The Honorable
Helen Shores Lee
Gina Levert
Lela Levert
Emily Hess Levine
The Links, Inc.
Birmingham Chapter
Vanessa Falls
The Links, Inc.
Magic City Chapter
Willa McGlothan
L’Tryce Slade
Slade L.E.T. Planning, LLC
Yolanda Sullivan
UAB Administra on
Dr. Carol Z. Garrison
UAB Department/
School of Medicine
Samika Williams
Dr. Cameron Vowell
Vulcan Materials
Tessa Hughes