KPUD says planned power outage coming for parts of the county
KPUD says planned power outage coming for parts of the county
THE 2011 GRADS Goldendale, Washington SECTI ON IS HER E! WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 2011 Vol. 132 No. 23 75 cents KPUD says planned power outage coming for parts of the county The Klickitat County PUD (KPUD) is planning a power outage that will directly affect 5,000 local residents. Customers in Goldendale, Bickleton, Klickitat and Wishram, and surrounding areas such as: Cleveland, Rodeo still on as horse virus worry eases Despite the recent outbreak of EHV-1 in the horse industry, it has been decided after three weeks of limited horse movement that the Alder Creek Pioneer Association Picnic and Rodeo will be held this coming weekend as usual. According to a statement from the association, while its members understand the concern among horse owners, it is believed that with proper distance kept between horses and responsible horse care, it will be safe for contestants to bring their horses to the rodeo since the grounds are expansive and horses can be kept separated. Additionally, it appears from all reports that the EHV-1 outbreak has been smaller than initially feared. (See story on Equine Herpes outbreak becoming contained on this page.) So this Friday, the 101st Annual Alder Creek Pioneer Association Picnic and Goodnoe Hills, Pleasant Valley, Box Canyon, Satus Pass, Orchard Heights, Firwood, Rimrock, Ponderosa Park, Blockhouse, Centerville, and Wahkiacus will be affected. The reason for the planned outage is that the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) will be perfor ming maintenance at their substation. The outage will be on Saturday, June 18, at 11:30 p.m. and will last until Sunday, June 19, at 8:30 a.m. “BPA has requested an outage for maintenance, and the PUD will do maintenance at the same time, which will help prevent another outage in the future,” Jeff Thayer, KPUD operations manager, said. “The only way to work on the structure is to de-energize the whole station. We try not to do it often, but we do have to work on them. I tried to pick a night where there’s no activity. Hopefully it doesn’t interfere with anything too terribly.” Equine Herpes outbreak contained FILE PHOTO UP IN THE AIR: Andy Elliott is flung off his mount at last year’s Alder Creek Pioneer Association Picnic and Rodeo. The year’s picnic and rodeo is this weekend. Rodeo will kick off with the opening of the Bickleton Carousel Museum at 4 p.m. and camping among the tall pine trees in Cleveland Park, four miles west of Bickleton. This will be followed by a weekend full of popular events starting at 10 a.m. on Saturday, with the traditional morning program honoring the association president and a 1 p.m. NPRA Rodeo Performance. Saturday evening guests are invited to dance under the stars on the new dance floor to the music of Powerline. On Sunday morning there is an open-air church service at 9:30 a.m., and the event concludes with a final NPRA rodeo performance starting at 1 p.m. There is also a slack performance at 8 a.m. on Sunday morning. State ag exports reach new high Exports of Washingtongrown products have reached a new high, the state Department of Agriculture reports. From October 1 last year to March 31 this year, the value of Washington-origin farm and seafood products has set a record pace. Washington food exports were worth $1.91 billion in the last quarter of 2010, a figure matched in the first quarter of 2011. Each quarter represents a new record, beating the previous record of $1.89 billion set in the third quarter of 2008. “We have worked incredibly hard to promote Washington products and increase our exports—most recently with a 10-day trade mission to China and Vietnam—and our efforts are paying off,” Gov. Chris Gregoire said. “I commend our Washington state growers, who have rightly earned the reputation of producing the finest quality products in the world. Their tireless work to market our products overseas will help spur economic development and job growth here at home.” Food export sales to China and Hong Kong grew to $247 million during the recent October to March period, up 29 percent from $191 million during the same period in 2009/10. Gov. Gregoire has charged the Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) with expanding exports of farm products as a component of her Washington Export Initiative. WSDA has set a goal to assist an additional 1,000 food and agriculture companies and to make $300 million in export sales by 2015. Numerous factors contributed to the recent success: leading Washington commodities had large harvests See Exports, Page A2 The Klickitat PUD will be mailing letters to affected customers regarding the outage. The utility also emphasizes the importance of alerting customers dependent on oxygen. Shortly after advising horse owners to protect their animals against West Nile Virus, the Washington state veterinarian says state horse owners have better news when it comes to Equine Herpes. It appears the recent outbreak of the neurological form of Equine Herpes Virus 1 (nEHV-1) has been contained, according to word from the state Department of Agriculture. Concern about this potentially fatal disease of horses spread like wildfire throughout the state just last month, causing many organizers to cancel longplanned horseshows, rodeos, trail rides and parades. The state veterinarian, Dr. Leonard Eldridge, believes that sufficient time has elapsed for signs of EHV-1 to appear in horses exposed at the National Cutting Horse Association Western National Championships in Ogden, Utah, as well as their stable and pasture mates. Eldridge is recommending that any horse that has not tested positive, exhibited symptoms or been exposed to a confirmed positive horse be cleared for travel. “I continue to recommend that horses that are confir med positive for nEHV-1 or were exposed to a positive case be isolated for 28 days after all symp- Wheat Stripe Rust widespread across NW See Equine, Page A2 ANDREW CHRISTIANSEN Tractor pull draws big variety of pulls LOSING TRACTION: Michelle Bradley, formerly of Goldendale, gets all she can on a 1955 Oliver Super 88 through a 117.7 foot pull during Sunday action. ANDREW CHRISTIANSEN REPORTER The ninth running of the Goldendale Tractor and Truck Pull was held north of town on Memorial Day weekend with a good variety of pulls from adult and youth divisions. Fred Suhr and Glen Carrigan posted wins in two divisions on the Saturday pull. Suhr drove his 1954 John Deere 40 105.5 feet in the 3,000 pound division and a 1945 Allis-Chalmers 138.9 feet in the 4,000 pound division for his wins. Carrigan’s two victories came in the 4,500-pound division with a pull of 134.7 on a 1937 John Deere and 144.8 feet in the 5,000-pound division, also on a 1937 John Deere tractor. The longest pull of the day went to Jim Scott in the 6,000-pound division with a distance of 145.2 feet on a 1950 Farmall M. Mark Valentine of Othello was the big winner on Sunday with victories in the 3,500, 4,000 and 4,500 divisions. All three wins came on a 1947 Allis-Chalmers WC. His pull lengths were 136.7 feet, 153 feet, and 131.8 feet for the respective divisions. A number of youth also competed on lawn tractors with Jake Randall winning the diesel division on both days with pulls of 74.4 feet and 71.3 feet. Conner Campbell won the gas division on Saturday with a pull of 65.5 feet. Adult drivers who won in the lawn tractor division were Suhr and Fred Bostick. Also running were ATVs and pick-ups. Doug Frantunme used a Polaris X2 for a 99 foot pull on Saturday and Dale Ransom went 80.1 on a Kymco UXV500. Jessica Carr pulled 119.8 feet on Saturday in a 1968 Chevy twowheel drive pick-up and John Carr went 113.7 feet on Sunday. Chris Twohy had one of only two full pulls with a 1983 Ford four-wheel drive pick-up on Sunday. The event was conducted by the Goldendale Guys and Gals Tractor pull, a division of the Goldendale Motor Sports Association. Other winners were: Saturday – 2,000 pounds, Terry Schmid, 2000 Iseki; 3,500 pounds, Larry A. Payne, 1959 John Deere 430; 5,500 pounds, Joe Scott, 1947 Farmall M; Misc., Jim Leahy, 1957 John Deere 720. Sunday – 3,000 pounds, Fred Suhr, 1954 John Deere 40; 5,000 pounds, Jim Scott, 1956 Minneapolis Moline 445; 5,500 pounds, Joe Scott, 1947 Far mall M; 6,000 pounds, Fred Suhr, MasseyFerguson 65; Misc., Jim Leahy, 1957 John Deere 720. As of the last week of May, Wheat Stripe Rust is widespread in 14 states, including Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. Barley Stripe Rust has been reported in California and western Washington. Weather conditions in the next two weeks will continue to be conducive for Stripe Rust development. Environmental conditions, especially weather, influence Stripe Rust infection and severity. Stripe Rust is active under cool to moderate temperatures and moisture is required for infection to occur. The recent weather conditions have been very conducive for Stripe Rust infection and disease development. Rust diseases are one of the most economically-important diseases of cereal crops. Fungi responsible for rust diseases are able to multiply very rapidly under the right environmental conditions and can mutate to overcome resistance capabilities of their wheat or barley hosts. Crop losses depend on the severity of the infestation and the timing of the outbreak with respect to the crop’s growth stage. The most severe impacts result from outbreaks that occur before the head- See Rust, Page A2 A2 — JUNE 8, 2011 GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON Congressional candidate Clough to visit Klickitat County CONTRIBUTED 13+ MILESYARD SALES: High Prairie’s barn full of bargains will be open again for the annual 13+ Miles of Yard Sales event this weekend, June 11 and 12. This is the ninth year for the 13+ Miles of Yard Sales event, which links multiple yard sales in several towns on the same weekend. Profits from High Prairie’s Firehouse Sale, held last month, and proceeds from the yard sale go to support local Fire District #14 and the High Prairie Community Council. The sale site is about seven and a half miles up Centerville Highway from Lyle. For information about all of the sites listed for the 13+ Miles of Yard Sales, contact the Mt. Adams Chamber of Commerce at 493-3630, or the Greater Goldendale Area Chamber of Commerce at 773-3400. RUST from Page A1 ing stage. The Klickitat County Extension office says it’s not too late to spray grain fields with a fungicide to protect crops and reduce rust damage in neighboring fields and throughout the Pacific Northwest. In some sprayed fields, Stripe Rust has started to re-appear in upper leaves because new infection occurred after the sprayed fungicide passed its effective action period. Since this is a very long rust season, a second spray may be necessary. Most treatments can only be applied prior to heading. Winter wheat fields should be checked immediately if they have not been sprayed already, the Extension office advises. If active rust infection producing rust powder is observed throughout a field, treatment with a fungicide spray should be done as soon as possible. For fields that have been sprayed already, check fields again about three to four weeks after spraying. If active infection is observed, consider a second spray. Some areas may require a third treatment, but read labels for restriction on crop stages. For spring crops, check fields for rust when they are assessed for the need for herbicides. If rust is found, apply a fungicide with or without a herbicide as indicated. For both winter and spring crops, use a full spray rate because reduced rates are generally not very effective. Additional information about Stripe Rust, including identification and treatment recommendations, can be found at the WSUKlickitat County web site at Producers with questions are encouraged to contact USDA-ARS Research Plant Pathologist Xianming Chen at (509) 335-8086 or or WSU Spokane/Lincoln County Area Extension Agronomist Diana Roberts at (509) 477-2167 or More information about rust will also be presented at the Annual WSU Variety Plot Trials in Bickleton on June 17 beginning at noon at the trial plots on Crider Valley Rd. in Bickleton. For more information about this tour, contact WSU-Klickitat County Extension at 773-5817 or EQUINE from Page A1 toms have cleared up,” said Eldridge. “While the animal may appear to have recovered, it can still transmit this highly contagious disease to another horse.” Horse owners may lift the quarantine on positive or exposed animals 21 days after the end of symptoms if they receive laboratory confirmation that the animal is no longer contagious. The state veterinarian’s office continues to recommend that event organizers request temperature checks of horses before and during events. Eight horses tested positive for the disease in Washington, four of which attended the Ogden show. None died from the virus, although one horse was put down for an unrelated health condition. “The prompt actions of horse owners across the state limited the transmission of disease,” said Eldridge. “There is a lot of disappointment about cancelled events—that’s certainly understandable—but it’s a small price to pay to keep our animals safe from this poten- tially deadly virus. I want to thank all horse owners and the veterinary community for helping keep disease exposure to a minimum.” Symptoms in horses can include fever, sneezing, slobbering and other mild symptoms. Serious cases of the disease are rare, but can include staggering, hind-end paralysis and even death of the horse. The disease is spread from horse to horse through direct contact, on feed, tack and equipment. While people are not made sick by the virus, they can carry the virus on their clothes or hands. Horse owners should carefully wash their hands and equip- Klickitat Democrats are hosting a party building day featuring Congressional candidate Jay Clough, who is challenging ‘Doc’ Hastings for his seat in 2012. Events are planned on both ends of the County on June 18. A workshop with State Democratic Party Vice Chair Valerie Rongey is scheduled at the Goldendale Library from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Register by contacting Lorrie DeKay at (509) 637-2737. Also at the library will be an ice cream social from 2 p.m. to 3:30 pm in the amphitheater area of the library, where the public can meet Cough and other party leaders. A Klickitat Democrats BBQ and fundraiser will be held from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Husum Roadside BBQ on SR 141 in Husum. Tickets are $15, available in advance from Klickitat Democratic Party officers and at the ice cream social. EXPORTS from Page A1 in 2010, while the low value of the dollar made U.S. farm commodities more competitive in the marketplace. Global demand for Washington products remains strong. “Because our growers produce the highest quality foods at competitive prices, they continue to win new customers the world over,” said WSDA Director Dan Newhouse. “Washington’s agriculture economy has long depended on international customers for a considerable share of revenues, so the return of record export sales is great news. With our strategic location, ideal growing conditions and ingenuity of our entrepreneurs, we’re poised to pursue our numerous advantages.” From October 1 to March 31, the leading export destinations for Washington agriculture products, dol- ment to prevent the spread of the virus. Horse owners considering vaccinating their animals should consult with their private veterinarians. More statistics about the Washington outbreak, guidance from the state veterinarian’s office, and information on the disease can be found at and m. Additional suspected or confirmed cases of nEHV-1 should be reported to the State Veterinarian’s Office at (360) 902-1878. lar value of those exports and top three export commodities were: • Japan – $794 million, (wheat, hay, potatoes) • Canada – $592 million, (seafood, apples, vegetables) • China/Hong Kong – $247 million, (seafood, potatoes, apples) • Philippines – $211 million, (wheat, dairy, potatoes) • Taiwan – $187 million, (wheat, apples, potatoes) • Mexico – $152 million, (apples, dairy, potatoes) • Indonesia – $150 million, (wheat, apples, dairy) • Korea – $140 million, (hay, potatoes, animal products) The WSDA International Marketing Program helps small and medium-sized businesses launch new export sales by introducing Washington sellers to foreign buyers through inter- Death in county jail under investigation The cause of death of a Bingen man who died while in the Klickitat County jail is being investigated, according to the Klickitat County Prosecuting Attorney’s office. Larry Dale Mendonca, 52, of Bingen was being held in the county jail on two counts of second-degree child rape and two counts of second-degree child molestation. According to reports, he was found dead in his cell on May 2. Cause of death has not been determined yet, pending results of a toxicology report. national trade missions and trade shows, providing export training and counseling, and assisting exporters to resolve trade barriers and market impediments. In 2011, WSDA will use federal grants to develop new export opportunities by hosting in-bound foreign trade missions from China, the Middle East and Taiwan, and to fund outbound agriculture trade missions to Mexico, South East Asia and India. The WSDA International Marketing Program helped exporters sell $96 million of food and agricultural products in fiscal year 2010. The program continues to pay for itself, with $3.86 in additional tax revenues due to economic development for every taxpayer dollar invested in the program. For more information about WSDA’s export assistance prog rams, visit THIS WEEK’S MOST WANTED: Goldendale Police are looking for Dominic Wahchumwah. Wahchumwah, 29, is wanted for probation violation on a malicious mischief charge. Wahchumwah is 5-10 with brown eyes and black hair. SDS Lumber Company Local Sales Outlet WKO-High Cascade Mills Buying Logs & Timber White Fir Douglas Fir Visit Our Website PLYWOOD WE CARRY STOVE PELLETS STUDS #2 & Btr, KD, DF, S4SEE 2x4 – 6' thru 16' • 2x6 – 6' thru 20' • 4x4 – 8' treated posts • 4x4 – 8', 10' posts • 3/8" thru 3/4" • CDX, ACX, T&G & SANDED PANELS • • LANDSCAPE MATERIALS Jeremy Beddingfield 541-399-3933 Norm Byars 541-490-2940 Mill: 509-427-8413 2022 Wind River Hwy • P.O. Box 8 Carson, WA 98610 Meet Don McAndie Don McAndie Hearing Aid Specialist OR Hearing Society Hear’s The Answer is now offering office hours each Friday for clients to receive free hearing aid tests and service in Goldendale at 129 E. Main St., located in the General Store. FREE Package of batteries. Offer good through June 30, 2011. COUPON Hear’s The Answer 129 E. Main St. Goldendale (Inside the General Store) Friday Hours: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Bark Dust • ¾-Gravel •Yard Mulch • Chips Sawdust • Shavings • Railroad Ties Hours: Monday-Friday, 7 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Located at SDS Lumber Co. • Bingen,WA • (509) 493-2751 Congratulations to all area graduates Your hardwork has paid off We’re proud of you! Morrow County Grain Growers 71025 N. Old Hwy 97, Wasco (800) 824-7185 JUNE 8, 2011 — A3 GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON H OMETOWN OBITUARIES Frank Zielke Lester Horst Our beloved Lester Paul Horst, 82, passed away in the loving arms of his wife, Bonnie Jean, June 2, 2011, in Goldendale. Les was born to Rufus and Susie Horst in Kansas City Kan., Oct. 29, 1928. He g raduated from Hesston College, Newton, Kan., and married Esther. They lived on a dairy farm where he milked cows until becoming a printer in Kansas City. He took the Calling and moved Esther and their five children (Cranson, Selinda, Delton, Byron and Wendell) to Gulfport, Miss., where he pastored a Mennonite Church, and worked in carpentry to help supplement his family's income. Les loved woodworking and gardening. He loved roses. He retired from his business, "Renovations By Les," and began enjoying time with family and friends, traveling and touching the lives of people from New Zealand to New York, and beyond. Friends and family recall his laughs and hugs, funny sayings, love of life, greetings and genuine caring. Les was known for wearing his red slippers out on the town, where friends kidded him about being Pa Kettle or Papa Smurf. His children remember his love of peanut butter and dill pickle sandwiches, Sunday afternoons fishing on Schobacher's Pond, and dedication to his crafts. Les enjoyed tractor pulls, fairs, rodeos and festivals of all sorts. Les and Bonnie Jean attended Norwescon, a sci-fi and fantasy convention in Seattle, for 10 years. Other events, like the Sandhill Crane Festival in Othello, as well as many picnics and get-togethers with friends, were a major part of Les' life. He sang in Goldendale's Methodist Church choir and participated in the Goldendale Christmas Cantata. He also wrote poetry and helped at a Goldendale community garden. Les is survived by his first wife, Esther of Gulfport; and second wife, Bonnie Jean of Goldendale; his five children, and numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren. A celebration of his life will be in Goldendale, 4 p.m., June 12, at the United Methodist Church, and a 5 p.m. potluck at The Simcoe Cafe. "I love you, Lord, my strength." Psalm 18:1 Paid obituary Viva Musgrove A funeral service for Viva Musgrove will be held at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, June 8 at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints in Goldendale. A complete obituary will appear in next week's Sentinel. Three-on-three tournament to be held during Community Days If the NBA finals are any inspiration, it is time to get your basketball game on so you can compete in the upcoming three-on-three tournament to be held during Community Days in Golden- Jam sessions on Main St. dale. Community Days is the second weekend in July. The tournament will run from July 9 through July 10. Contact Mike Plum at 772-2639 or pick up a flier at the Greater Goldendale Area Chamber of Commerce for more information. Columbia Cinemas 2727 W. 7th St., The Dalles - 296-8081 Kyle Chandler, Elle Fanning SUPER 8 (PG-13) Friday - Tuesday 1:20 4:00 6:45 9:20 KUNG FU PANDA 2 (PG) Friday - Monday 1:00 6:20 Tuesday 6:20 James McAvoy, Kevin Bacon X-MEN: FIRST CLASS (PG-13) Friday - Tuesday 1:10 3:45 6:30 9:10 Corkey and Sammy. He enjoyed family and friends coming for visits. There will be a memorial potluck picnic at the family home. All are invited on June 18 at 1 p.m. Roger Farmer died May 30, 2011 at his home in Goldendale. He was born to Richard and Edith Far mer Oct. 5, 1938 in Spokane. He is survived by his wife Pat and loyal dogs LOOKING BACK 20 Years Ago- June 13, 1991 • Got your share of the reward money yet? What reward? For turning in a squaw fish, that’s what! Last summer, sport anglers went fishing for the squaw fish on the Columbia River and made some money doing it. This year, the bounty is $3 per fish over 11 inches, and a bunch of anglers are making a chunk of money. 60 Years Ago- June 7, 1951 • Residents in the Pleasant Valley area will soon be using a modern dial telephone system. Work on the new line has been underway for several days by a crew of Oregon-Washington Telephone Co. linemen and Pleasant Valley farmers. “We have experienced some very tough digging of the holes with approximately 90 percent of them in rock, however, we are making very good progress,’ stated Murray Dodson, construction foreman. Complied by Jean Allyn Smeltzer, of the Klickitat County Historical Society. Public Transportation between Goldendale & Toppenish Mondays and Wednesdays Only Georgeville 8:30 1:40 6:30 Legends Casino 9:20 2:30 XXX Southbound ~ Toppenish to Goldendale NCAC 7:00 Noon 5:00 Toppenish Market XXX 12:02 5:02 Legends YN Casino Agency XXX XXX 12:07 12:09 5:07 5:09 YN Agency 9:22 2:32 XXX YN Clinic XXX 12:10 5:10 YN Clinic 9:23 2:33 XXX Georgeville 7:50 1:00 6:00 Toppenish Market 9:28 2:38 XXX Gold. DQ 8:00 1:10 6:10 CONTRIBUTED YOUTH MOVEMENT: The Guys and Gals Tractor Pull association is actively seeking younger members to get turned on to their sport. There are divisions for the very young, as above, and members are often willing to share tractors with teens and young adults who want to get started. Hair Design Sherri Niemela Goldendale Chevron 8:20 1:30 6:20 Cody A. Hill has been commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the U.S. Army in aviation. He graduated from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Academy, Daytona Beach, May 15, 2011 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Aeronautical Science. He will attend flight training and the Basic Officers Leader Course at Fort Rucker, Alabama. Capt. Harold W. Hill, retired, Cody’s grandfather, pinned the bars at the commissioning ceremony. Mr. Hill served as Company Commander of G-395 in Europe during World War II. Cody is the son of Randy and Kelly Jo Hill, of Sequim. Studio 818 Friday - Monday 1:30 4:15 7:00 9:30 Tuesday 4:15 7:00 9:30 Northbound ~ Goldendale to Toppenish Hill receives commissioning, grandfather pins the bars 40 Years Ago- June 10, 1971 • Bridge users are finding the toll over The Dalles Bridge has been raised from 50 cents to 75 cents for the passenger cars. The Sam Hill Memorial Bridge remains at $1 toll. • Authorization was given to the City Supervisor Russ Woodward to hire two students full time employment to assist with the installation of water meters, a project that reportedly is somewhat behind schedule. Leroy & Margaret Mike & Brenda Sorensen HANGOVER II (R-17) PINNED: Cody Hill receives commissioning as a Second Lieutenant in the U.S. Army in Aviation. Hill is the grandson of WWII Company Commander, Harold Hill, of Goldendale. Roger Farmer Klickitat County Cattlemen & Cattlewomen Friends & Family for making our 2011 Cattlemen of the Year field day a huge success! Johnny Depp, Penelope Cruz PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN ON STRANGER TIDES (PG-13) Friday - Tuesday 3:00 8:30 Mary Burres, Wishram; Walter Zielke, Wishram Heights; Lynn Zielke, Milwaulkie; Leonita Boggess, Dallesport; and many nieces and nephews. Frank was preceded in death by his parents, of Wishram; and brother Mike, of California. Services will be Sunday June 12, at 1 p.m. at the Wishram School. Contributions can be made to the Wishram School. CONTRIBUTED Thank you Jam sessions start June 19, 7 p.m. in front of Dr. Ogden’s office, Main St., Goldendale. Destiny Friday - Tuesday, June 10 - June 14. Theatres Subject to change. Check times daily. Frank Kelly Zielke, 51, died May 23, 2011 at his home in Wishram, where he resided most of his life. He was born Oct. 29, 1959, in Goldendale, to Robert and Mable Zielke. Frank was known in Wishram as a Jack-of-alltrades, who would come day or night. He is survived by Rose Calvin, Vancouver; Joe Speelman, Lincoln City; Johnny Zielke, The Dalles; NCAC 9:30 2:40 7:20 Gold. City Gold. Hall Chevron 8:05 8:10 1:15 1:20 XXX XXX Free Fare And Available To The General Public Underlined times indicate when you can catch the Community Connector within 1 hour. Bold times are p.m. The Yakama Nation Tribal Transit operates its program without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin or the presence of sensory, mental or physical disability. In home salon or I’m available to travel to you 10-6 p.m. Mon-Sat. Evenings by appointment 773-6049 (541) 980-3688 Alder Creek t 101s al u Association Ann Pioneer PICNIC & RODEO JUNE 10 - 12, 2011 Schedule of Events Honey came to us as a stray. We have no history on her. She appears to be about 1-2 years old. She is good with most of the other dogs. She would do best in a home with older kids and a fenced yard. We don't know if she is housebroken or how she is with cats. She is tiny so most cats would out weigh her anyway. She is very sweet and is looking for her forever home. She loves to just sit at your feet and be loved on. Her adoption fee is $150.00. Please email me for an application. Dogs of the Gorge (541) 978-0079 dogsofthegorge@ VOLUNTEERS ALWAYS WELCOME Friday, June 10 4pm ~ Historical Carousel Opens Saturday, June 11 7 am ~ ACPA Concessions Open 10 am ~ Morning Program 1 pm ~ NPRA Rodeo 4 pm ~ Goldendale Grange Homemade Pie & Ice Cream 8 pm ~ Annual Dance. Live Music, Admission $6 per person Sunday, June 12 7 am ~ ACPA Concessions Open 8 am ~ NPRA Slack Performance 9:30 am ~ Open Air Church Service 1 pm ~ NPRA Rodeo 4 pm ~ Goldendale Grange Homemade Pie & Ice Cream Rodeo Admission Over 12 years - $8 Ages 6 - 12 - $4 Under 6 - Free Meet A Queen CPA 2011 Jackie Miller Happening in Cleveland Park 4 miles west of Bickleton, WA www.aldercreekpioneerpicnic A4 — JUNE 8, 2011 GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON O PINION LOU MARZELES, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER KAREN HENSLEE, GENERAL MANAGER ANDREW CHRISTIANSEN, REPORTER/SPORTS REBECCA GOURLEY, REPORTER Where did Washington lawmakers go to school? Normally seniors in high school are nervous about the whole college transition. This year high school seniors have much more to worry about. Governor Christine Gregoire has recently signed a bill allowing all public in-state colleges to set their own tuition prices. She’s signing this right after the state has cut the funding for all of Washington’s public in-state colleges dramatically. On top of that, she says that there will be new funding for middle-class students to help counteract the increased expenses. What’s the point? And is she even being truthful about the extra help? Making college more expensive is illogical, and all it will do is convince more students to Guest attend college out-of-state when they compare editorial tuitions in-state with out of state. Out-of-state college students probably won’t even consider Kelsey Washington’s public universities when WashWalker ington’s expensive college education reputation worsens. So why make the changes? Why not lower the costs and cut the funding? Why not make it cheaper for everyone to attend college? That’s where the money’s at. Washington’s economy would boom if the state would allow its residents cheaper access to education. Why step in the way and make it tougher on our economy? The only reason I’m going to a public in-state college is to save money. The college I really wanted to go to was a private out-of-state college on the California coast—clearly a more expensive option. But if the costs of public colleges are increasingly more comparable to my dream school, why waste my money on my fallback option? Private universities offer better education and amenities, so why stay? I hope other high school students take this expected jump of tuition into consideration when they choose where to attend college. There’s no reason why Washington should have to cut public university spending. It marks the top of the list for better economics. If Washington needs more money, it will come from the people who make the most—the people who are educated. But then on top of that, why go on and allow the public universities to change their tuition rates? From the university’s standpoint, the budget cuts really don’t matter—they can just jack up their prices and pass the effects onto the students. Now it’s the students’ problem. If that’s the way Washington State’s education system works, why attend? Our state’s economics don’t even make sense. Did our lawmakers attend a public in-state college? Kelsey Walker is a graduating Goldendale High School senior presently working at The Sentinel as part of the WorkSource program. Law enforcement seeks to make difference I believe law enforcement em- years before being diagnosed with ployees strive to make a difference Parkinson’s disease,” he said. “He in our lives. Officer Don Dotson be- bought a police scanner and listened to it—the second-best thing lieves it, too. While driving a long-haul truck to being there. He’d call me every many years ago, Dotson volun- day and ask, ‘How’s my numberteered as a weekend reserve police one citizen?’ He thought it was kind of cool that I officer. “I wanted to was working for the do something with community. Once my life that was meaningful, not just Don’t Make Me law enforcement’s part of your life, it’s something to make a Turn This Car hard to give it up. It buck,” he explained. Around! kept us close. My dad He recalled his and I were buddies.” past and the pride exJudy A. Halone He’s served as a tolled him by his fa©2011 police officer in a ther. public school for “I was raised as an more than 20 years. Army brat,” he said. “Dad raised us like we were young His aim? To build relationships soldiers. I liked that lifestyle: the with teens. “Some kids fear a perchain of command, the duty, the son with authority,” he said. “But they shouldn’t. I’m approachhonor, the responsibility.” During a night shift as a reserve able—a human being who took an officer—and before the days of cell oath to protect. But my job is also phones—Dotson helped a stranded to say no; a lot of kids don’t want to young woman. “She bawled when hear that. You don’t hear about she saw my uniform,” he said. most of us, because we serve the “She said, ‘Thank God you showed community. We like kids. Sometimes it’s risky, but it’s a chance up!’” It was then he knew he’d found you have to take.” To our law enforcement employhis calling. And someone else apees, thank you for striving to make preciated his service: his father. “Dad served our country for 25 a difference in our lives. THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER FOR GOLDENDALE AND KLICKITAT COUNTY, WA ESTABLISHED 1879 • PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY FROM OFFICES AT 117 W. MAIN • GOLDENDALE, WA 98620 TELEPHONE (509) 773-3777 • FAX (509) 773-4737 EMAIL: (NEWS, EDITORIAL, LETTERS) SENTINELNEWS@GOLDENDALESENTINEL.COM; OR (ADS, COMMUNITIES, HOMETOWN) SENTINELADS@GOLDENDALESENTINEL.COM THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL STAFF HEIDI MCCARTY, AD SALES & DESIGN HEIDI ANDERSON, AD SALES Deadlines: News and Letters: Noon Friday Display Advertising: 5 p.m. Friday Classified Advertising: Noon Monday Legal Notices: 5 p.m. Monday LETTERS FROM THE What Social Security trust fund? To the Editor: There has been considerable talk recently about the so-called Social Security trust fund. There is no COMMUNITY trust fund—because the government has been spending the excess amount collected each year. Zero is the amount in the fund. So it’s about time the “special, brilliant” leaders we have in Washington do something about getting the whole program fixed. Not a do-nothing fix, but a real fix, and please don’t lie about the fix. If they can’t do it, we should run the whole bunch of them out of office. I am sick and tired of all the lies, deception, and stupid things the “special, brilliant leaders” keep doing. Ron Kinsella Goldendale Franklin’s electricity, Titanic’s launch June 8: 1911—At launching of the Titanic, a White “To meet women!” Born: Joe Montana. Died: Marion Star employee states, “Not even God himself could sink Mitchell Morrison a/k/a John Wayne. June 12: 1988—England beaten by Ireland at soccer this ship.” God disagrees. 2032—Teenager goes 18 hours without saying “That sucks.” Born: Frank Lloyd during European Nations games. 1963—Three Alcatraz Wright. Died: Omar Bongo. Upsy Daisy Day. Name Your prisoners escaped armed only with spoons. Thank heavens they did not have sporks. 1989—Singer, vegePoison Day. June 9: 53—Nero marries Claudia Octavia. On their tarian, and PETA advocate Chrissie Hynde backs down ninth anniversary, Nero orders her head cut off. On after threatened with injunction by McDonalds to stop their 15th anniversary, Nero commits suicide. Moral: public criticism of their food. Born: Anne Frank. Died: do not marry on June 9. 1946—World’s current longest Don “Mr. Wizard” Herbert. June 13: 1525—Priest Martin Luther forreigning monarch, Bhumibol Adulyadej, sakes vow of chastity and weds Katharina first becomes king of Thailand. 1954—In televised Army/McCarthy hearings, Joseph This Week von Bora. 1917—German Gotha G Bombers drops bombs on London, killing 162 and Welch destroys Sen. “Tail Gunner” Joe Mcin History wounding 432, making this the deadliest GerCarthy career by rhetorical questions: “Have man air raid in World War I. 1920—Post Ofyou no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Tim O’Neill fice gets tough and forbids parcel post mailHave you left no sense of decency?” Born: ing of children. 1991—97-year-old Charles Uzi Hitman. Donald Duck Day. Osborne ends 68-year constant hiccup attack June 10: 1752—During a lighting storm, Benjamin Franklin “discovers” electricity. 1909—SS that resulted in over 435 million hiccups and 375 milSlavonia transmits the first SOS signal. 1944—15-year- lion times saying “Excuse me.” Died: Fran Allison of old Joe Nuxhall pitches for the Cincinnati Reds to be- Kukla, Fran & Ollie. National Juggling Day. June 14: 1789—The Right Rev. Elijah Craig makes come the youngest player in the major leagues. He plays after getting permission from his school princi- first whiskey from corn in Bourbon County, Kentucky. pal and later is sent down to the minors (no pun in- 1937—U. S. House of Representatives passes the Maritended.) Born: Frances Ethel Gumm AKA Judy Gar- huana Tax Act, which is opposed by the AMA as it would be imposed on pharmacists, doctors and growland. Senior Race Day (Isle of Man), Shavout. June 11: 374—Monk Evagrius Ponticus cuts down ers/manufacturers of medical marijuana. 1966—The list of deadly sins to seven. Deleted were the sins slop- Vatican abolishes the 409-year-old Librorum Prohibitopiness, nose picking, and not living up to your poten- rum, commonly called the index of dirty books. Born: tial. 1509—Catherine Aragon married to King Henry The U. S. Army. Died: Benedict Arnold. Potty Training VIII. 1742—Benjamin Franklin invents the Franklin Awareness Month, Watermelon Seed Spitting Week, stove. 1920—Warren Gamaliel Harding nominated for and Flag Day. U.S. president by the GOP. When asked why, he replies, Next Java Talk: Friday, June 17, 8 a.m., Cornerstone Cafe Subscriptions: 1 Year, 2 Years Goldendale - Carrier $26, $40 In Klickitat County $32, $52 Outside Klickitat County $42, $75 USPS 2213-6000 WEEKLY. Periodical postage paid at Goldendale Post Office, Goldendale, Wash. 98620. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Goldendale Sentinel, 117 W. Main St. Goldendale, WA 98620-9526. LETTERS POLICY: The Goldendale Sentinel attempts to publish as many letters to the editor as possible. Letters to the editor should be original and comment on an issue. There is a suggested length limit of about 300 words. Unsigned letters, letters with fictitious signatures, or copies of letters to public officials are generally not accepted. The Sentinel also limits letters on a particular subject when we feel it has been thoroughly aired, to the point of becoming repetitive. Check your facts; any that can be challenged will not be printed. The Sentinel also reserves the right to edit or omit a letter if it contains potentially libelous material, an attack on an individual, or is generally in bad taste. Writers must include names, city of residence, and phone numbers for verification purposes. JUNE 8, 2011 — A5 GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON C OMMUNIT Y A long time resident of the area, and a Lyle School Alumni "Class of ’59," Phyllis Roth Hagerstom passed away Saturday night in her sleep. She was at her daughters’ home in Lake Oswego, Ore. Her family is in the process of making funeral arrangements. She will be missed by friends and family. The Alumni Committee will also miss her enthusiastic help and smiling face. Come spend your extra change and support the Twin Bridges Museum, The Methodist Church, and The Lyle Community Council, and all the others that will have a booth in the park at "The 13 Mile Yard Sale" on June 11 and 12. This is a major fundraiser for many Wheelhouse, State Lecturer, came and installed the officers. Brother Ira B. Hewett and P. Eirich took the oath as Master and Secretary. Delegates elected to the Klickitat Business Council, which was held in Columbia Grange Hall, were J. O. Lyle, E.B. Hewett, P. Eirich and I. B. Hewett. There was much discussion as to where to hold State Grange. Some were in favor of having it at the shoe factory in Rockland if meals and lodging could be secured. Rockland was the early name for what is now called Dallesport.” The economy is so bad that: I ordered a burger at McDonald's and the kid behind the counter asked, "Can you afford fries with that?" Rovers host coffee and cookof those listed above. The next OLESS meeting ies all week. Their next outwill be June 13, 7 p.m. at the ing will be at Tollbridge Activity Center. Come and Park. Habitat is accepting applishare in the enjoyment of cations for the secpreserving the ond Lyle house center. An out of June 30. Call town family has Lyle News until 493-3576 or better heard about the yet, email Janet at Pavilion and has Barbara Sexton reserved it for and You can also learn their reunion on Mildred Lykens about the program Aug. 4. Looks like and the criteria for Lyle is becoming becoming a Habiknown for its actat partner on their website commodations. The May Sundowners www.midcolumbiahabitat.o campout was held at rg. Some history from a bookDeshutes State Park, with seven rigs, two of which let titled "Columbia Grange" were perspective new mem- 1889-1967 “The officers from 1894 bers. Several were attending the "Funfest" at Lacy where carried over until March 11, they helped the Twin City 1895 when Brother James Eight graduates, many happy faces Congratulations gradu- ously. We all have the potenates! On June 10, at 6 p.m. tial to benefit from the rethe eight members of the search supported by the class of 2011 will graduate Cancer Society. Near Trout from Trout Lake Lake will be a ForSchool. This inest and Range spiring event is held in the school Trout Lake Owners Field Day on Saturday, June gymnasium. We News 18, at the Kreps wish for these Family Ranch in people who are Sarah Burr Gilmer. The procompleting this Arnold gram, which is orphase of their life ganized by the a successful and Washington State untroubled fuUniversity Extension, will ture. On June 11, the American “ you protect and enCancer Society Relay for hance your rural lifestyle, Life Car Wash and Bake Sale the health and beauty of will be held in the parking your forest and range, and lot of the school and under your financial investment.” the portico on the front of Quite a lot of benefit from the school building. The one day of presentations cars will be washed for do- which range in topics from nations, no fixed price. The attracting songbirds, to bake sale always has excellent offerings. The event starts at 9 a.m. and runs until 3 p.m. Come out, buy some goodies, have your car washed to rid it of winter salt and contribute gener- Glenwood residents roll up their sleeves, prepare grounds for rodeo Congratulations to Harvey Starr on his grill at noon; followed by a short meeting to success at the State High School Track Meet assign duties for the rodeo. A free BBQ and concert are planned on in Cheney over May 27 and 28. Harvey placed fifth in the pole vault competition with a 10 June 18 at the Pioneer Memorial Community foot vault. Harvey was also one leg of the 4 x Church yard. The BBQ is slated to begin at 6 400 meter relay race that earned a fifth place p.m.; meat will be provided (bring a salad, finish. Harvey’s teammates on the 4 x 400 side or dessert to share.) The concert will folrelay were Josh Clark, Alex King and Lucas low at 7 p.m. featuring Mission Mountain. Steve and Jane McMahon will entertain King. Way to go, Harvey! All-school class reunions were held in everyone with their acoustic Bluegrass and Glenwood on May 28. One group of 40 alum- folk-style Gospel music. The community is ni enjoyed a potluck lunch at the Glenwood invited to attend both the BBQ and concert. Vacation Bible School is schedGrange. Bob and Wendy Lewis and uled for the week of June 20 Dorothy Erickson, who had been in24 at the Pioneer Memoristrumental in instigating the reGlenwood through al Community Church. This is a union, traveled from Utah. Bob and News fun and free event open to all Dorothy, who graduated in 1954 and youth ages four through sixth 1956 respectively – had not seen Glenwood grade. VBS will run from noon to many of the attendees since they Homemakers 3 p.m. daily; lunch is provided; and graduated. Roy Bolt, who graduatparents are welcome to join their ed in 1941, celebrated his 88th birthchildren. A VBS Finale is planned day during the reunion as well. Others traveled from Vancouver, Portland, for Friday, June 24 at 6:30 p.m. Registration Goldendale, Issaquah and Yakima to attend forms are available at the post office for those who would like to pre-register. Just drop the the get-together at the Grange. The Glenwood rodeo dance hall was the registrations off at Pastor Butch Hallenbeck’s site for the other all-school class reunion on home across the street from the post office. For those youngsters interested in attendMay 28. That reunion was organized by Darlene (Hathaway) Schrank with assistance ing Bible summer camp – Glenwood campers from alumni who contacted their former will again be traveling to Camp Morrow. Juclassmates. The dance hall was filled with nior Camp (grades four through seven) is July GHS graduates and guests who enjoyed a 31 through Aug. 3. Teen Camp (eighth great potluck meal and music by DJ Brian through 12th graders) is Aug. 4 through Aug. Whitefield. A lot of visiting, reminiscing and 7. This is a great camp with many outdoor aclaughter took place during the reunion; and tivities scheduled to keep campers busy and the consensus was that the group should plan entertained. The cost for the camp is $125; another reunion for next year. Anyone inter- and registration forms are available at the ested in organizing a future reunion can con- post office or Pastor Butch’s home. A car wash is planned for July 9 to help raise money tact Joanne (Hathaway) Roe at (509) 364-3352. Memorial Day was celebrated at the Mt. for campers’ tuition! Condolences are extended to Cindy WhiteAdams Cemetery with cookies and coffee provided by the Glenwood Grange. The cemetery field’s family after the recent death of her looked wonderful with brightly colored flow- brother Mike Blouin. Samantha Inglis (formerly Sam Whitmire) ers and flags blowing in the breeze. The Glenwood Women’s Club places flags on veterans’ recently lost her life in a horse accident. We graves for Memorial Day to honor those who were sorry to learn of Sam’s death. Ralph Coffin passed away last week. His served our country. A special thank you goes to Bill and Kelly Henderson and Pam Keithly memorial service is scheduled for Monday, for the wonderful job they do in caring for the June 13 at 11 a.m. at the Trout Lake Baptist Church. Sympathy is extended to Patrick and Mt. Adams Cemetery! Mr. Tom Eldred was honored with a retire- Ralph’s other family members. Mt. Adams Resource Stewards and the Mt. ment party at the school on June 5. The potluck dinner was well attended; and, sever- Adams Snowmobile Club will be hosting their al colleagues and former students recounted rescheduled Island Camp re-opening workmemories of Mr. Eldred. Best wishes for a party this Saturday, June 11. If interested in helping out, meet behind the Glenwood firewonderful retirement, Tom! The Glenwood Rodeo Association is hold- hall at 7 a.m. Picnic tables will be reasseming a workday on Sunday, June 12, to finish up bled there and transported to Island Camp, projects before the Ketchum Kalf Rodeo to be where other tasks will be undertaken. Conheld Father’s Day weekend, June 18 and 19. tact Jay McLaughlin, 364-4110, or Darrel The workday will begin around 10 a.m.; a Spies, 364-3541 if you have any questions. potluck lunch with burgers and dogs on the weed control, to timber sales, to using and selling non-timber products, to wildfire protection. Contact Andy Perleberg at (509) 6676658 for information about registration. In Trout Lake, on June 18, is the Fish Derby held from 9 a.m. to noon at the Guler County Park. This event is jam-packed with fish and fishing related activities including free fishing for ages 12 and under. Freddy Fish should appear as well as Smokey Bear. There will be hot dogs and soda, volunteer cooks to fry the fish caught by the kids, games, and storytelling. It’s always a very lively event with lots to do. Kids can bring their own fishing rods if they want. Bring a white t-shirt for fish printing. This event is organized by Stephanie Caballero of the Forest Service. She can be reached at 395-3419. The event is sponsored by Mt. Adams Ranger District and the White Salmon Steelheaders. The Rainbow Trout, about 1000 of them, are provided by the Goldendale Hatchery of the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife. The Fish Derby will take place, rain or shine. Looking to the future, in late July there will be a soccer camp for kids interested in playing soccer at Trout Lake School. For more infor mation contact Luke Wakefield at 395-3463. -----------E VENT SPONSORS ---------- Ketchum Kalf RODE O 77TH ANNUAL Father’s Day Weekend, June 18 - 19, 2011 Glenwood, Washington N.P.R.A PRIME RODEO PRO WEST Saturday & Sunday shows start at 1:00 p.m. • General Admission: $8 / 12 years old and under: $3 • Kids Games, Sunday Only, Sponsored By CM & WO Shepard, Inc. (541) 386-3603 • Western Beer Garden w/live music • Camping sites available, $10 per day ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Rodeo Entry • Junior Open Barrel Racing (8 to 13) $35 Entry - Call (509) 364-3427 Shawna Roberson Memorial Buckle awarded to winner. • H.I. “Tye” Murray Memorial Jacket awarded to Top Money Winner Cowboy Breakfast 6:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Sunday Glenwood School Cowboy Church Service 9 a.m. - 10 a.m. Sunday Rodeo Grounds Rodeo Parade Starts in Downtown Glenwood at 11 a.m. Sunday For more information, call: (509) 364-3363 or (509) 364-3355 ----------------- C OLUMBIA S TATE B ANK • (509) 493-2500 ------------- T EUNIS J . W YERS • (541) 386-2221 ------------- T RIAD M ACHINERY CHINERY • (800) 221-8512 -------------- Everyone remembers when I wrote about seeing three cougars in our back yard a year and a half ago. Well, we had a little excitement again this past week, when a bobcat meandered across our back yard, about 25 feet from the house. It was dark gray with big ears with black trim and appeared to have weighed about 20 pounds. Goldendale Farmers’ Market had a good turnout on Saturday for their first weekly market. Everyone appeared to have no problem finding them at Ekone Park. We had to check it out and there was a nice ambience to the area with the shade, lawn and lots of parking. Coordinator Cindy Bluemel said for Hear’s June 11 the market will be hosting a sumGoldendale mer art activity, and there will be pizza sold by the slice. Golden Pine Alpacas Diana will be bringing one of their animals for Notestine everyone to see. In the near future Jeniece Lancaster will be teaching classes on care of plants, and at the end of July a German Cooking Demonstration is planned. The market still needs more vendors as well as free musical or other entertainment. Call the Chamber for more information at 773-3400. The Goldendale Chamber of Commerce is gearing up for their next event, Fiddlin’ Under the Stars Bluegrass Art and Wine Festival. The event will take place Friday, June 24 from noon to 10 p.m. and Saturday June 25 from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. at Ekone Park. The entrance is located at the corner of Broadway and Wilbur streets in Goldendale. Festival events include live bluegrass music, art and crafts show, wine tasting and silent auction, 3K, 5K fun walk/run, BBQ cook-off contest, skate park demonstration, skate competition and poker run, farmer's market and children's activities by our local Goldendale Library. Gate admission is only $5 for both days and children under 12 are free. Camping is available at the event location. (Camping fees do not include event admission). Tent camping is $5 per night; RV/Trailer Camping is $10 per night. Camping is on a first come first served basis (no reservations available). Parking is free with paid admission! Booth registration forms are on the Bluegrass Festival site: bluegrass-festival/fiddlin-under-the-stars-vendors. There still may be space for any interested vendors. For more information, call Chamber board member Gina McCabe at (509) 250-0679. Chamber forum luncheons for the month of June will be held at The Glass Onion Restaurant on Thursdays at noon. This Thursday, June 9, will be guest speaker Darlene Johnson, Klickitat County Assessor. The Glass Onion is situated in the historic Erland House at 604 S. Columbus, which was built in 1903. Darlene Johnson will also be the guest on one of this week’s KLCK radio talk shows on Thursday, June 9 at 9 a.m. For next Tuesday, June 14, KLCK’s guest will be our Goldendale Police Chief, Rick Johnson. Scott Shannon and his True Oldies channel is now gone from KLCK, but the station will remain the oldies channel. Miles and miles of yard sales this Saturday -----------G LENW OOD G ENERAL S TORE • (509) 364-3535 ------ J OEL PATTERSON M ASONRY ASONRY • (509) 865-6664 - T OPPENISH L IVEST OCK • (509) 865-2820 ------------ Summer art, alpacas to be featured at Farmers Market ----C.M. & W.O Sheppards, CHWAB T IRE • (541) 386-1123 ---Sheppards, Inc. • (541) 386-3603 --- L ES S CHWAB A6 — JUNE 8, 2011 GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON Council meeting sparks curb appeal debate A spark ignited between Mayor Arletta Parton and council member Clinton Baze at Monday night’s City Council meeting. The disagreement concerned the newly amended nuisance ordinance. On the subject of non-operational vehicles, Baze felt that there should be an exception to those people who are restoring old vehicles. The mayor had a different opinion. “[There was a] car out here not too long ago that was up on blocks and out there with a cherry picker coming out of it for months,” she stated. “Is that acceptable?” Len Crawford agreed with the mayor and added, “From a curb appeal stand point, it makes no difference whether you’re restoring it or it’s inoperable.” Baze saw a difference between an antique car being worked on over time and a “junk” car that “has been sitting on blocks for two years and has been filling up with garbage.” Then a compromise was reached. Council Member Joe Abbott suggested that the people who are restoring their vehicles put a fitted car cover on them when they aren’t working on them. With this new additional language, the council approved the second reading of the nuisance ordinance amendment. Also on the agenda for the meeting were four items of business: • The Lions Club was approved by the council to sell fireworks for the Fourth of July. • Guy Theriault pled his case to the council for an exception to the parking ordinance rule. Theriault and his wife bought their house on Byars street in 2001 and shortly after built a boat dock in front of it. “I had contacted a building inspector when we bought our property and was told there would be no problem with the landscaping plan,” explained Theriault. “It wasn’t until the chief of police made of a comment about it at a city council meeting that I found out that I wasn’t supposed to be doing this.” Theriault was granted a revocable license agreement by the council to keep his dock up. • The Railroad Avenue Overlay Project was awarded to Granite Construction Company with an $89,898 bid. This bid was 16 percent lower than Crestline Construction’s bid of $107, 079.50. City Administrator Larry Bellamy said that the project won’t be started right away. “We’re piggy-backing on the state’s project,” said Bellamy. The grant received by the city will cover 95 percent of the project’s cost. The overlay will stretch from the intersection at Columbus Avenue to Klickitat Street. Along with the overlay will be a few ADA ramp replacements. • Also on the agenda was an agreement that was established with Dogs of the Gorge for animal control services. Dogs of the Gorge has been serving Goldendale and the surrounding area for five years. They hope to apply for grants to build a better facility. Currently Dogs of the Gorge is over their capacity with 24 dogs. The new agreement, which will expire on Dec. 31, 2016, outlines the continued relationship between the city and Dogs of the Gorge. Not only does it include language to establish what Dogs of the Gorge’s role is with Goldendale Animal Control, but it also serves as a requirement for requests for funding. The council also passed a resolution Monday night for an Automated Meter Reading (AMR) system purchase. The AMR system will result in fewer water meter misreads, more meter reading efficiency, decreased field risks for meter-reading personnel, and increased water conservation, accountability and management. Also, the city will no longer lose revenue because of inaccurate meters. That newly recovered revenue will eventually pay for the project. Hilltop scenic views of the Columbia River Gorge, Mt. Hood, and Mt. Adams will be the sought-after reward for many of the 100 pre-registered participants above White Salmon on Saturday, June 18. The running and hiking course is 12 miles of trails that loop up and around Hospital Hill with 1,800 feet of elevation gain and a little more than a mile of road to get to and from the trail. The event starts at 9 a.m. with registration starting at 8:15 a.m. in downtown White Salmon. The event is free, but a suggested donation of $10 or more is requested to support the second year of Columbia High School’s self-funded Cross Country Team. Additional information can be found at www.columbiagorgerunning or by contacting Allan Dushan at REBECCA GOURLEY REPORTER ANDREW CHRISTIANSEN IN CONCERT: The Klickitat kindergarten violinists entertained residents at the Mill Creek assisted living center in The Dalles recently. Pictured are Gage Huff, Samantha Knott and Nolan Carter with their instructor Linda Robertson. Students meet service personnel and animals Second grade students from the Mid-Columbia Gorge schools of Dallesport, Wishram, Bickleton, Goldendale, Centerville, Klickitat, Trout Lake, Glenwood, Chenowith, Dry Hollow, St. Mary’s and Colonel Wright got a day of fascinating experience at the Second annual Second Grade Safari. This was a combined effort of Schreiner Farms, the Lyle School District, and Columbia Hills State Park. Students had the opportunity to meet law enforcement, medical, fire and military personnel that serve the Columbia Gorge. They were also treated to an ex- clusive tour of Schreiner Farms along with some upclose encounters with giraffe, camels, wallaroos, and other exotic animals. The purpose of this field day is to educate students with infor mation about local providers, get some safety tips, and become familiar with the people who provide these services. This learning experience is held annually on the second Friday of May, with the support and participation of Schreiner Farms and Gorge service and law enforcement groups in partnership with Lyle School District and Dallesport Elementary. ACUPUNCTURE CASCADE ACUPUNCTURE CENTER, LLC The Dalles & Hood River Carola Stepper, LAc, RN retired & Associates •General Acupuncture Practice with a focus on pain management •Chinese herbal pharmacy •Accept and bill most insurances, Worker's Comp, PIP claims •Sliding fee scale, monthly payment plans, VISA/MC •No physician referral needed New Patients welcome (541) 298-2378 BIRTH SERVICES Lorri Carr, Licensed Midwife Complete maternity care from conception to lactation. Birth safely your own way Running and hiking event to cover 12 scenic miles G ORGE M EDICAL D IRECTORY Dentists HOSPITALS, cont. Robert H. Brewer, DDS 818 W 6th Street, Ste 3 The Dalles, OR 97058 541-296-9134 Cosmetic, Restorative & Family Dentistry * New Patients Welcome * Most Insurances Accepted * Finance Plans Available * Senior Discounts Office Hours: Tuesday - Friday 8 am to 5 pm Your teeth are our specialty HOSPITALS Specializing in Obstetrics and Family Practice Care Now accepting New Obstetrics Patients: Liette Witherrite, M.D. Troy Witherrite, M.D. Alicia Gimenez, M.D. R. Allen LaBerge, M.D. Ray J. FitzSimmons, M.D. Cindy Horton, M.D. Joseph Rinella, D.O. Christopher Samuels, M.D. 211 Skyline Drive White Salmon, WA 98672 509-493-1101 509-493-2133 Clinic Medical Clinics Goldendale Medical Clinic Elsie G. Tupper, M.D. in your own home Office Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9:00-5:00 509-250-2072 Appointments available after hours by request Details at CHIROPRACTIC Goldendale Chiropractic Dennis L. Carver, D.C. Office Hours Mon.,Wed., Thur. 8:00 - 5:00 Tues. 8:00 - 7:00 Fri. 8:00 - 12:00 216 W. Main St. Goldendale, WA (509) 773-5633 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH Gorge Occupational Health, LLC 706 S. Columbus Goldendale Drug Screen Collections Employer & Private Blood Drawing Breath Alcohol Testing Appt. needed Plebotomy Classes Ancestry & Paternity DNA Call to set up an account (509) 773-2103 Hours Mon. - Fri. 7 to 5 Sat. 7 to noon Cascade Eye Center • Comprehensive eye care for the entire family. Eyewear, sunglasses (with or without prescription,) and contact lenses. Laser Surgery (Treatment for eye disease and clouded posterior capsule.) Medical and Surgical treatment of eye disease. Visiting Retina Specialists. Ophthalmology: John D. Willer, D.O. (Board Certified Ophthalmologist) Mitch Martin, O.D. Chris Barbour, O.D., Ph.D. OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY 2025 Cascade Ave. St. 101 Fully certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology •Low-risk and high-risk obstetrical care Annual exams Minimally invasive surgery for uterine disorders and pelvic reconstruction James Faherty, MD., FACOG David Mack (retired), DO., FACOG Analene Pentopoulos, MD., FACOG Brian MacArthur, MD Jennifer Wilde, F.N.P. 1810 E. 19th Suite 209 The Dalles, OR 97058 541-296-5657 Fax: 541-298-5199 Rebecca Street Physical Therapy A Private TherapistOwned Practice Specializing in Manual Therapy Rebecca Street, PT Gema Sanchez, PT Jason Sallee, DPT Amanda Payne, PTA Mon-Fri 8am-5pm 1210 Dry Hollow Rd., Ste 1 The Dalles, OR 97058 (541) 296-3368 OPHTHALMOLOGY 228 S. Columbus, Ste. 104 Goldendale, WA 98620 (509) 773-4014 Columbia River Women’s Clinic, LLC Physical Therapists 301 Cherry Heights Rd. The Dalles, OR 97058 (541) 296-1101 Hood River, OR 97031 (541) 386-2402 1-800-548-5487 or ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY SPORTS MEDICINE Cascade Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Center, PC 1715 E. 12th St. The Dalles, OR 97058 (541) 296-2294 Gregory M. Stanley, MD Charles Petit, MD Robert A. Staver, MD Clara Deleon, PA-C Erin Haines, PA-C •Arthroscopic surgery of the knee, shoulder, ankle, elbow, hip •Shoulder Surgery •Carpal tunnel release (traditional and endoscopic) •Foot & ankle surgery •Fracture Care Serving the Gorge for 35+ years Would you like to be listed here? Please call Heidi at The Goldendale Sentinel (509) 773-3777 Ads start at just $150 for 6 months JUNE 8, 2011 — A7 GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON Too many loose cats on the prowl in county LOU MARZELES EDITOR They’re warm and furry and adorable, and there’s just too many of them in Klickitat County. That’s the word about procreating cats running freely around the county, from Catlink, an organization in The Dalles that works to minimize uncontrolled cat populations in the area. “Klickitat County has the worst cat problem,” Catlink director Carmen Marquez said Thursday at a Greater Goldendale Chamber of Commerce business forum luncheon. “We took 57 cats out of one home not long ago, and that wasn’t the biggest number. There’s a huge uncontrolled cat population in Klickitat County.” Marquez said Catlink picked up between 200 and 300 cats in Klickitat County just in the last three months. The cat problem isn’t just hoarders, Marquez said. It’s any cat allowed to roam freely that is capable of procreation. “People in Klickitat County tend to see roaming cats as survival animals,” Marquez said. “They think cats need to be able to provide for themselves.” That typically translates into letting them run free with all their parts intact. But that presents dangerous overpopulating and encourages predation. “Predators will follow cats,” Marquez pointed out. Other problems with overpopula- tion include more cats in shelters, which increases costs for provision and euthanizing. Catlink will come out to any area, trap or pick up a trapped cat, and spay and neuter the cat—for free. And it can be any cat, including a neighbor’s if it wanders onto your property. “You don’t need the owner’s permission to have a cat neutered,” Marquez said. “If it’s on your property and it’s not neutered and you trap it, it can be brought in for spaying or neutering. The cat is returned to the same location where it was picked up.” The program is called TNR, for Trap-Neuter-Return, and Catlink works the program throughout the Gorge. Feral cats that undergo TNR are returned to locations where there is an expectation that a caregiver will provide some shelter and food for the animal. TNR has been shown around the country to be the only humane and effective way to control the population of homeless cats. Catlink also tries to place cats in peril into foster homes. The organization is always looking for more volunteers to help with cleaning and other cat care chores at the Catlink facility; trapping and transporting cats; veterinarian tech work during clinics; and helping with foster kittens and special-needs cats. Contact Catlink at (541) 298-8253, or visit their web site at Another coldest month record set, second in a row On the heels of the coldest April on record, May turned out to be the coldest of that month on record as well. According to data received by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)’s National Weather Service in Pendleton, Ore., temperatures at Goldendale averaged much colder than normal during the month of May. The average temperature was 49.2 degrees which was 5.6 degrees below normal and making it the coldest May on record. High temperatures averaged 61.8 degrees, which was 8.3 degrees below normal. The highest was 75 degrees on May 21. Dennis Hull of NOAA says of the two-month-in-a-row record streak, “It is normal for the weather to be abnormal and abnormal for the weather to be normal.” Low temperatures averaged 36.6 degrees, which was 3.0 degrees below normal. The lowest was 26 degrees, on May 1. There were four days with the low temperature below 32 degrees. Precipitation totaled 2.17 inches during May, which was 1.11 inches above normal. Measurable precipitation—at least .01 inch—was received on 11 days with the heaviest, 1.30 inches, reported on May 15. The outlook for June from NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center calls for below normal temperatures and above normal precipitation. Normal highs for Goldendale rise from 74.7 degrees at the start of June to 79.7 degrees at the end of June. Normal lows rise from 42.9 degrees to 45.4 degrees. The 30-year normal precipitation is 0.44 inches. The previous record for coldest May was 49.8 degrees in 1962.This was also the fourth wettest May on record. The wettest was 3.03 inches in 1911. Summer days are expected to be warm to hot with much dryer conditions than normal. Too many schools in central Washington aren’t getting payments from the federal government on time, says Congressman Doc Hastings (R-Wash.). In his most recent weekly column, Hastings reports that funds required by the Impact Aid Program, a federal initiative aimed at offsetting adverse impact of federally owned lands on area schools, aren’t getting to affected schools in a timely manner. “Over 33 percent of central Washington is owned by the federal government,” Hastings wrote. “We understand all too well the consequences of federal land ownership and the impact it has on the ability of schools to serve their students and make needed improvements. To address this, I have been a long supporter of the Impact Aid program—a government program that provides financial compensation to school districts whose tax revenues are adversely affected by the presence of the federal government.” The program pro- vides assistance for some 15 million students nationwide. Among schools affected by the program in this region are Glenwood and Mabton. “Unfortunately, the distribution of payments are often chronically late and leave our students at an incredibly unfair disadvantage,” Hastings said. “Impact Aid was designed to ease the burden of having military bases, tribal reservations, or land owned by other federal agencies that pay no local property taxes within the districts' borders, yet send hundreds of students to their schools—however, these affected areas are still waiting for these funds.” In some cases, affected schools wait for several years to get their money from the program. In an attempt to resolve the issue, Hastings has cosponsored legislation that would require the Department of Education to allocate Impact Aid funding to school districts no later than two years following the initial year in which funding was appropriated. Hastings: schools aren’t getting their funds in time LOU MARZELES HOSPICE STAFF: The staff of KVH Home Health and Hospice have been active in the Hometown Hospice Awareness campaign over the last two months. Pictured left to right are: Serena Williams, Jeanette Madsen (former director), Kitt Tallman, Ardy Cordis, Joanne Davenport, Margaret Crowell, Jill Martin, and current director LeAnn Paredes. Another seven staff members are not pictured here. Winner claims prize in final hospice campaign drawing It’s been seven weeks since the Hometown Hospice Awareness campaign began, designed to create greater awareness and understanding of what KVH Home Health and Hospice does. The campaign has included a weekly raffle drawing hosting by area businesses, with winners drawn from those who answered short questions about the hospice program. This week’s drawing was hosted by Carquest, and the winner of a $25 Carquest certificate was Nancy Cunningham. The campaign culminates this Saturday with a special benefit concert for KVH Hospice, beginning at 7 p.m. at the New Life Assembly of God Church in Goldendale and featuring Lou Marzeles, Leslie Geatches, Meagen Moody, Mike DeMello, and other area musicians. The theme of the campaign has been, “Celebrating lifetimes and carrying them forward.” The campaign and its theme seek to commemo- rate the lives of hospice patients and recognize their legacy in the ongoing lives of their families. Reflecting that idea, the concert Saturday is a thematic musical presentation entitled, “The Timeless and the Temporal.” It will be a multimedia event with live music integrated with film and sharing. This Saturday at the Goldendale Farmers’ Market is Kids Activity Day. It’s been too cold for too long waiting for summer weather, so getting kids out into fun activities will keep their minds off the cold weather. There will be art activities and games for kids of all ages, not to mention a live alpaca to gawk over. Kids will be able to see one up close and try to figure out what makes them so loveable. The activities start at 10:30 and run until noon. Kids can join in anytime during those hours. Lettuce and spinach in particular are loving the cool weather. Landscaping plants and vegetable starts are still available. There will also be an abundance of sugar-coated almonds and smoked meat and cheese. Pizza by the slice will be available for market-goers. The community table is open. It just needs volunteers and some extra produce items, so all are welcome to peruse and participate. Saturday Farmers’ Market features Kids Activity Day A8 — JUNE 8, 2011 GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON R ECORDS WHAT’S HAPPENING WEATHER Wednesday, June 8 Partly Cloudy, High 68, Low 41 Sunrise: 5:14 a.m. Sunset: 8:51 p.m. at the Odd Fellows Temple, 301 NW 2nd St, Goldendale. Every Second Saturday •Oil pastel with Joan at the Golden Art Gallery at 10 a.m. 773-5100 Every Third Saturday •Oriental art (Sumi brush techniques) at the Golden Art Gallery at 10 a.m. with Margaret. 773-5100. •Goldendale Senior Center breakfast. Everyone is welcome. $3 per person. On-going Events Every Monday •Jam session on the sidewalk by Dr. Ogden’s office at 7 p.m. Musicians and listeners welcome. Chairs will be provided. 773-4114 Every Monday & Wednesday •Goldendale Wrestling Club, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Goldendale High School gym. All ages welcome. 773-0411. Every Tues., Wed., & Thurs. •Family History Center, located at the corner of N. Columbus and McKinley is open Tues. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Wed. 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., Thurs. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. is back plus more. Appointments available outside these hours. 773-3129 Every First Tuesday •Goldendale Photo Club meets at 6 p.m. in the Goldendale Middle School faculty room. Anyone with a passion for photography welcome. 772-2717. •Goldendale Aglow meets at 6:30 p.m. at KPUD. 773-5870. Every Tuesday and Thursday •K.L.C.K Klickitat AM talk show at 9 a.m. on 1400am. Every Wednesday •Open Studio for Kids (ages eight to 14) at Golden Art Gallery from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. $10 per session. Student artists can explore a wide variety of techniques and art materials. Call in advance, 773-5100. •Kiwanis club of Goldendale meeting at 7 a.m. at The Hawaiian Luau. Every Second Thursday •Artist reception at the Golden Art Gallery. Featuring a new art show, wine tasting, live music and snacks. 7735100. •Klickitat County Meth Action Team meeting at City Council Chambers from noon to 1 p.m. •Goldendale Motorsports Association meeting at the Goldendale Fire Hall at 7 p.m. Every First & Third Friday •Community Swing Dances and More in the lower level of the United Methodist Church New time 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. All ages welcome. 7736291 Every Saturday •Pinochle at 7 p.m. promptly Thursday, June 9 Sunny, High 77, Low 47 Sunrise: 5:15 a.m. Sunset: 8:52 p.m. Friday, June 10 P. Cloudy, High 71, Low 43 Sunrise: 5:13 a.m. Sunset: 8:53 p.m. Saturday, June 11 M. Sunny, High 69, Low 39 Sunrise: 5:13 a.m. Sunset: 8:53 p.m. Wednesday, June 8 •CARQUEST customer appreciation day. Free lunch from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Dealer reps. will be available, truck load tool sale, prizes and give-a-ways. Thursday, June 9 •Behind the Camera Lens photography workshop for teens at the Goldendale Library at 6:30 p.m. Fri. - Sun., June 10 - 12 •Alder Creek Pioneer Association Picnic and Rodeo in Bickleton. Rodeo admission: Adults, $8; children six to 12, $4; under six, free. Saturday, June 11 •Grindhouse Jam Night at 7:30 p.m. at Pine Springs Resort, located at 2471 Hwy. 97. Half price burgers and free camping. •Hometown Hospice Benefit Concert at 6 p.m. at New Life Assembly of God Church. Tickets are $15 or by donation, available at the door and The Goldendale Sentinel. •McKinley Springs Winery BBQ Showdown and Benefit from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tickets are $50. Benefits Operation BBQ which welcomes our troops home with a family BBQ. Friday, June 17 •Centerville Grange Pinochle Party at 7 p.m. Saturday, June 18 •Klickitat Chapter of Trout Unlimited National Stream Cleanup Day at Ekone Park from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 773-3380. Monday, June 20 •Monday night jam session on the sidewalk by Dr. Ogden’s office. Music will begin at 7 p.m. and go for an hour or more. All musicians are welcome to participate. Listeners welcome, chairs will be provided. 7734114 Sunday, June 12 M. Sunny, High 73, Low 41 Sunrise: 5:13 a.m. Sunset: 8:54 p.m. Monday, June 13 Sunny, High74, Low 46 Sunrise: 5:13 a.m. Sunset: 8:54 p.m. Tuesday, June 14 Sunny, High 75, Low 44 Sunrise: 5:13 a.m. Sunset: 8:55 p.m. Senior Meals •June 9 @ noon Goldendale Senior Center Stroganoff •June 14 @ noon Goldendale Senior Center Lyle Lions Community Center Chef Salad EAST DISTRICT COURT May 24 •Richard H. Bassett: DUI (6/21/10); Def. FTA, $1000 warrant. •Joshua Willis Clark: DUI (5/6/11), DWLS 3 (5/6/11); Change of plea to guilty to DUI (less than .15), fine/fees $2768.50, 365 days/275 susp., credit time served, 24 months active probation, 120 days EHM, attend DUI victim impact panel (V.I.P.), count two dismissed per state motion pursuant to plea agreement. •Alta Rae Davis: DWLS 3 (9/14/08); Change of plea to guilty, $1000 fine suspended, $472.50 costs, 90 days/89 susp., credit one day served. •Debra L. Friese: DWLS 3 (4/10/10); motion granted to convert 15 days EHM to five days jail. •Braulio Gonsalez: DWLS 3 (11/4/10); Def. FTA, $1000 GOLDENDALE SCHOOL LUNCH Thursday, June 9 Primary School Breakfast - Breakfast roll, fruit, milk Lunch - French toast, ham, hashbrown, fruit, milk Middle School Breakfast - Cheese omelet, fruit, milk Lunch - Soup, sandwich, veggies, fruit, milk High School Breakfast - Breakfast pizza, hashbrown, fruit, orange juice, milk Lunch - Deli sandwich or hamburger Friday, June 10 Primary School Breakfast - Oatmeal, toast, juice, milk Lunch - Chickenburger, cookie, fruit, milk Middle School Breakfast - Oatmeal, toast, juice, milk Lunch - Soft taco, corn, cookie, veggies, fruit, milk High School Breakfast - Breakfast sandwich, hashbrown, fruit, orange juice, milk Lunch - Chicken fajita or cheeseburger Monday, June 13 Primary School Breakfast - Waffles, fruit, milk Lunch - Burrito with sauce, salad, corn, applesauce, milk Middle School Breakfast - Waffles, fruit, milk Lunch - Chicken fried steak on mashed potatoes, corn, bread, pudding, fruit, milk High School Breakfast - Breakfast sandwich hashbrown, fruit, orange juice, milk Lunch - Hamburger or chicken nuggets Tuesday, June 14 Primary School Breakfast - Cold cereal, toast, fruit, milk Lunch - Spaghetti, salad, green beans, breadstick, fruit, milk Middle School Breakfast - Cold cereal, toast, fruit, milk Lunch - Chili cheese nachos, salad, vegies, bread, applesauce, milk High School Breakfast - Breakfast burrito, hashbrown, fruit, orange juice, milk Lunch - Chicken gravy on mashed potatoes or cheeseburger Wednesday, June 15 Primary School Breakfast - Cold cereal, toast, fruit, milk Lunch - Cook’s choice Middle School Breakfast - Oatmeal, toast, fruit, milk Lunch - Cook’s choice High School Breakfast - Low fat muffin, hashbrown, fruit, orange juice, milk Lunch - Cook’s choice REMINDER Visit our new website Include your events in the community calendar. The Goldendale Sentinel is on Facebook and Twitter. Email events to Heidi at hmccarty@ warrant. •Gerardo Gonzale z ruiz: DWLS 3 (1/30/11); Amended to NVOL With ID (infraction), $250 bail forfeiture to amended charge of NVOL With ID. •Donald Dennis Goodrich: Theft 3 (6/29/10); Motion granted to convert 19 hours community service to one day jail. •Stephanie C. Hooper: DUI (8/28/10); Amended to Negligent Driving 1, change of plea to guilty to amended charge, fine/fees $620, 90 days susp. jail. •Kathleen Marie McEwen: Assault 4 (11/1/10); Change of plea to guilty, fine suspended, $293 fees, 365 days/335 susp., credit one day, 29 days converted to 232 hours community service, active probation monitor. •Toby A. Petersen: Burning Without a Permit (3/12/11); 12 month stipulated order of continuance (S.O.C.), pay $50 court costs, review in 12 months for compliance. •Jeffrey A. Pine: Recreational Fishing 2 (3/19/11); Dismissed without prejudice per state motion due to defendant having proof of license. •Jack Allen Reeves, Jr.: Reckless Driving (8/22/10); Amended to Negligent Driving 1, change of plea to guilty to amended charge, fine/fee $557.50, 90 days susp. jail. •Daniel Timothy Sims: DUI (Less Than .15) (12/4/10); Change of plea to guilty, fine/fees $1126, 365 days/364 susp., credit one day served, 60 month probation with active probation supervision until obtains alcohol/drug evaluation and completes recommended treatment. •Charles Walter Sistek: DUI (2/16/11); Dismissed without prejudice per state motion. •Brandon Kenneth Tracy: Reckless Burning 2 (5/1/10); Dismissed without prejudice per state motion pursuant to plea agreement in superior court. by noon on Mondays. Church Directory ASSEMBLY OF GOD New Life Assembly of God 1602 S. Columbus, Goldendale. Pastor Kevin Gerchak. 773-4650. Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Morning Worship Service 10:30 a.m., Evening Service at 6 p.m., Family Night on Wed. night, 7 p.m. includes Youth, God’s Flower Garden, Royal Rangers and Bible Study. Anderson Mix or match 2 Reclina-Rest ® Rocker Recliner $ a pair great styles BAPTIST Columbus Avenue Baptist, S.B.C. 815 N. Columbus, Goldendale. 773-4471. Pastor Michael Block, Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Morning Worship 11 a.m., Sunday Evening Study and Worship, 6 p.m., Wednesday Evening Bible Study and Prayer, 7 p.m. starting as low as $599 Bible Baptist Church of Goldendale 340 East Collins St. Goldendale, WA. 773-4929. L. Parish Plumlee, Pastor. Sunday: Sunday School 10 a.m., Morning Worship Service 11 a.m., Sunday Evening Service 6 p.m., Wednesday Service 7 p.m. Nursery Service Provided. “Families Walking In The Old Paths.” Jer. 6:16 a pair! Double UP & Save CHURCH OF CHRIST on a pair of great La-Z-Boy styles! Come in and see why La-Z-Boy recliners are unlike all others. From comfortable features that are built right in to the highest quality construction, La-Z-Boy recliners beat all others hands down...and feet up. Vail Amity Reclina-Rest ® Rocker Recliner $ MiX or match 2 for only $899 a pair Low Prices through out the store. SAVE on every item. La-Z-Boy Comfort Studio Sofas - Loveseats - Sleepers - Sectionals Sealy Sleep Center Mattress - Pillows - Sheets- latex Foam La-Z-Boy Leather Studio Pinnacle Morgan Sofas - Reclining Sofas- Chairs- Ottomans Reclina-Rocker ® Recliner Kimberly Kimberly La-Z-Boy Classics ® High Leg Recliner COMFORT GUARANTEE! Just in time for Father’s Day! 12 Month No Interest Financing O.A.C (with monthly payments) Downey Furniture La-Z-Boy Comfort Studio • Sealy Sleep Center 601 E 3rd St., The Dalles • 296-2871 - 298-8767 Open Monday - Saturday 9:30-5:30 Goldendale Church of Christ 230 E. Court, Goldendale, 773-4689. Sunday classes 10:00 a.m., Service 11:00 a.m., Wednesday classes 6:00 p.m. Centerville Community Church The Dalles Mountain Road in Centerville, Pastor Ken Akins. Sunday Schedule: Children’s Sunday School at 10 a.m. Adult Sunday school at 10:20 a.m. Morning Worship Service at 11:00 a.m. “A place where you can feel comfortable.” CATHOLIC Holy Trinity Catholic 307 Schuster, Goldendale. Father William Byron, 773-4516. Sat. Eve. Mass 5:30 p.m.; Sunday Mass 9 a.m.; Spanish Mass Sat. evening 6:30 p.m. Eve of Holy Days 7:00 p.m.; Holy Days 7:30 a.m. and Daily Mass Mon. - Fri. 7:30 a.m. CCD Classes, Wednesday afternoons 2:15 to 3:30 p.m. Kindergarten through 6th grade. Wed. Evenings 7:30 to 8:30, 7th through 12th grade. Confessions before Mass Saturdays at noon - 1 p.m. GRACE BRETHREN Community Grace Brethren 1180 S. Roosevelt. Gregory M. Howell, pastor. 773-3388. Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Morning Worship 11 a.m.; Saturday Night Connection 7:00 p.m., Wednesday AWANA at 2:30 p.m. for children four years to sixth grade. Wednesday night youth at 6:30 p.m. for grades seven through 12 “The Bible, the Whole Bible, and Nothing but the Bible.” LDS Goldendale Ward The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints N. Columbus and McKinley; Bishop David Bischoff. 773-3824 or 773-5202, Missionaries: (509) 261-9263. Worship Services start at 10 a.m. on Sunday. Youth meetings (12-18 years) Wednesdays 7-8:30 p.m., Family History Library open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesday - Thursday. Empty Nesters (all ages) at 6 p.m. 4th Monday of the Month - potluck at the church. LUTHERAN Christ the King Lutheran S. Columbus and Simcoe Dr., Goldendale, 7735750. Sunday school, 9 a.m., worship services 10 a.m. Everyone welcome. METHODIST United Methodist Columbus and Broadway, Pastor Pat Beeman, 7734461 or 773-4462. Worship 8 a.m. & 10:30 a.m., Sunday School 9:15 a.m., Nursery Available 10:30 a.m. Call the church for regularly scheduled events. NAZARENE Church of the Nazarene 124 W. Allyn, Goldendale. 773-4216. Pastor Thomas Fender. Sunday School at 9:30 a.m., Worship at 10:45 a.m. Please call the church office for weekly bible studies being offered. “Come Just As You Are”. SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST 1/2 mile East on Bickleton Hwy. Sabbath School, Saturday, 9:30 a.m.; Worship Service 11 a.m. Tim Gray, Pastor. 773-4381 UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST Room for different beliefs -- Yours First and third Sundays in Goldendale 773-7815 • NON-DENOMINATIONAL FATHER’S HOUSE FELLOWSHIP 207 S. Klickitat Ave., 773-4719. Basic Bible Fellowship, 9:30 a.m., Worship at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Prayer at 7 p.m. “Following the Father’s Heart”. GOLDEN GATE HEALING ROOMS 125 W. Main St., Goldendale. Open Thursday nights, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. A fresh wind is blowing. MARYHILL COMMUNITY CHURCH Maryhill, Washington. Opening Easter Sunday, April 4. Coffee & donuts from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Services at 11 a.m. (509) 261-1155 WOODLAND PRAISE BARN 627 Woodland Road, Goldendale. Woody Lovelace, Pastor. Worship services; Sunday 10:30 a.m., Wednesday at 7:00. 773-9119. JUNE 8, 2011 — A9 GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON S PORTS SCAC All-League teams include 14 Timberwolves Denney, Lindhe and Moss first team for boys in runs scored, 29, and RBI, 35. Lindhe hit .456 with two home runs and 23 RBI. Denney was the only sophomore on the first team. He split ANDREW CHRISTIANSEN REPORTER The release of the SCAC All-League selections for baseball reflects the tremendous potential the Timberwolves had this year with eight players named. Leading the way with first team selections were J.D. Moss, Reed Lindhe and Lucas Denney. Moss and Lindhe were solid defenders at the corners, Moss at first base and Lindhe at third. Both players had good years at bat and both players pitched. Lindhe was one of G o l d e n d a l e ’s starters logging a 3-1 record, while Moss was reliable as a reliever with four saves. Moss hit .474 for the season, leading the team REED LINDHE 1ST TEAM LUCAS DENNEY - 1ST TEAM AUSTIN TRUNKEY - 2ND TEAM duties at catcher and short stop and hit .441 with a team leading five home runs and .797 slugging percentage. He also had the dubious distinction of leading the team with 12 hit-by-pitches. Second team selections were Anthony Dobson, Austin Trunkey and Wade Gaston. Dobson hit .404 and led the team with 11 walks and was perfect with 26 stolen bases on 26 attempts. Gaston led the team with a .490 batting average and .587 onbase percentage. Trunkey hit .397 with one home run and 15 RBI. Seniors Blake Lesko and Tyrell Cronin were honorable mention. They posted similar stats on the year with Cronin hitting .395 with 16 RBI and Lesko .362 with 17 RBI. Pitching duo, Counts and Hoffman lead girls Goldendale’s pitching player by the team, hit a robust .481 and led the tandem of Haley team with a .590 onHof fman and base percentage. Crysta Counts Graf f, a were rewarded for their play this year with selection to first team, All-League. The selecfreshman, hit t i o n .367 and tied for matched the team lead what the team with two saw, as they home runs. voted the Graff had a pair co-MVP .612 slugging for the team. percenta g e Hoffman and commitled the ted just Wo lve s three errors, with a .484 l o w e s t batting a m o n g avera g e everyday and .734 players. slugCRYSTA Taylor ging COUNTS Gaston and per1ST TEAM J o h n a centKartes were age. honorable Her two mention. home runs Gaston, tied for the voted team lead and “best on her 28 RBI also base” by the led the team’s season statistics. team, hit .324, scored 22 Hoffman also was the runs and stole 31 bases. leader with 45 stolen Kartes was a stalwart bases and the team voted player behind the plate, her best offensive player. logging 75 putouts, secHer pitching record was ond only to first baseman 5-4 with a 3.90 ERA. Swift. Kartes led the Counts had a record of 4- team with 18 walks, 5 and an ERA of 4.17. She pitched for a 2-0 record batted .373 and stole 39 and 3.10 ERA and was voted best defender. bases. The team also voted Second team selections were Taylor Swift Malissa Barrier as most and Brooke Graff. Swift, inspirational player. voted most improved HALEY HOFFMAN - 1ST TEAM J.D. MOSS - 1ST TEAM BROOKE GRAFF - 2ND TEAM TAYLOR SWIFT - 2ND TEAM JOHNA KARTES - HONORABLE MENTION TAYLOR GASTON - HONORABLE MENTION WADE GASTON - 2ND TEAM ANTHONY DOBSON - 2ND TEAM Free fishing this weekend in Washington BLAKE LESKO HONORABLE MENTION TYRELL CRONIN - HONORABLE MENTION Those interested in fishing but don’t have a fishing license will be able to get in on the action during Free Fishing Weekend, scheduled June 11-12. During those two days, no license will be required to fish or gather shellfish in any waters open to fishing in Washington state. Also, no vehicle use permit will be required during Free Fishing Weekend to park at any of the 600 water-access sites maintained by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW). “Free Fishing Weekend is a great time to revive an old hobby or to introduce friends and family to fishing,” said Craig Burley, WDFW fish division manager. “Adults can introduce kids to fishing on a wide variety of waters around the state.” While no licenses are required on Free Fishing Weekend, other rules such as season closures, size limits and bag limits will still be in effect. For example, no crab fishing will be allowed in Puget Sound during Free Fishing Weekend, because no areas will be open for crabbing at that time. In addition, all anglers will be required to complete a catch record card for any salmon, steelhead, sturgeon or halibut they catch that weekend. Catch record cards and WDFW’s fishing rules are available at sporting goods stores and other license dealers throughout the state. More scenes from the State track and field meet May 27-28 A10 — JUNE 8, 2011 GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON ANDREW CHRISTIANSEN ANDREW CHRISTIANSEN PIRATE JUMPERS: Bickleton’s Jamie Venema listens to her coach and dad, Chris during State pole vault finals; TLG’s Krissy Yarnell is at back. Below, Mitch Powers competes in the high jump for the Pirates. FUTURE WOLVES: Timberwolf players Nolin Bare, left, and Kurt Wilkins help teach tackling technique at the Future Timberwolf Football Camp, last week. Fifty-one young players grades kindergarten through seventh participated. ANDREW CHRISTIANSEN HOPING FOR A HOLE-IN-ONE: Teammates look on intently as Bob Moco sends a shot to the par 3 fourth hole at Goldendale during the Pigskin and Grappler Classic.The team missed the pin but had a ball on the green. Pigskin and Grappler Classic in Goldendale Eight teams of five vied for prizes last Saturday in the second annual Pigskin and Grappler Classic. The event was facilitated by football players assisting with the Future Timberwolf football camp and the Goldendale Wrestling Club. The event was held at the Goldendale Golf Club with proceeds supporting the two community programs. ANDREW CHRISTIANSEN FIRST TIMERS: Joakim Bennick ran the 3200 meters for LyleWishram, above, and Andrea Keffeler competed in long and triple jumps for Goldendale, left. Both made their first appearance at State. Bennick is an exchange student. Both are juniors. ANDREW CHRSITIANSEN The Fishing Lure 5/31 6/1 6/2 6/3 6/4 6/5 6/6 Fish count at the dams Bonneville The Dalles John Day Chnk Stlhd Chnk Stlhd Chnk Stlhd 9 63 587 2030 617 13 9 85 476 2192 750 6 10 99 786 1871 765 11 10 69 817 1842 1043 7 11 114 879 2063 1238 9 6 103 1002 2500 1360 11 11 103 844 2578 1297 20 ON-LINE: Lance DenBoer had this chip on line for the barrel in one of the added games at the Pigskin and Grappler Classic. SHIPPING INCLUDED Stream & Lake Map of Washington * Summer chinook salmon season opens on the Columbia River up to Priest Rapids Dam, June 16. A Y S O SIGN UP TO PLAY FALL YOUTH SOCCER Registration - $35.00 Now through July 9 at McCredy’s Klickitat PUD Holds Annual Customer Meetings During the next few months, Klickitat PUD staff and PUD Commissioners will be attending meetings of the various community and city councils and other Community action groups throughout Klickitat County. Our goal is to reach out and interact with the customers in each community and discuss items of interest specific to each community in relation to the electric, water, and wastewater services provided by KPUD. SCHEDULE: June 15 – White Salmon City Council, 6:00pm, Fire Hall - 220 NE Tohomish St, White Salmon June 20 – Goldendale City Council, 7:00pm, City Hall – 1103 S. Columbus, Goldendale June 23 – High Prairie Community Council,7:00pm, at Community Center on 701 Struck Rd. July 21 – Appleton Community Council, 7:00pm, Appleton Fire Hall, 839 Appleton Rd. Goldendale 1313 S. Columbus 509/773-5891 1-800-548-8357 White Salmon 110 NE Estes 509/493-2255 1-800-548-8358 LOST STREAM MAP The STREAM & LAKE MAP OF WASHINGTON resembles another map--known to Pennsylvania anglers as the “Lost Stream Map.” The “Stream Map of Pennsylvania” was completed in 1965 after a 30 year effort by Howard Higbee, a former Penn State Professor. Professor Higbee succeeded in creating a map of the highest detail possible...a map that shows every stream and lake. He painstakingly plotted by hand, the location of 45,000 miles of streams onto a 3 by 5 foot map. The map sold extremely well until it was lost several years later. Incredibly, the printer entrusted with the original drawing and printing plates declared bankruptcy, then carelessly hauled Higbee’s 30 years of work to the landfill. The few remaining dog-eared copies became a prized fisherman’s possession. Professor Higbee was offered $400 for one of his last maps. And state agencies were forced to keep their copies under lock and key. The experts had always told Professor Higbee that reprints were impossible, because the maps were printed in non-photographic blue. Then, in 1991, at the age of 91, Howard Higbee’s dream came true. Computers made it possible to reprint the map. Holding an updated map, Howard said, “I never thought I’d live to see this day.” Then, by combining Professor Higbee’s knowledge with computer technology -- the STREAM & LAKE MAP OF WASHINGTON was created. Get Ready for Fishing Season! Why every angler and boater needs this map Professor Higbee’s® Stream & Lake Map of Washington is the first and only highly detailed map of its kind. The 3-foot-by-4.5-foot Washington map shows 25,000 miles of streams plus lakes. For a limited time -- get 3 bonuses with each map BONUS # BONUS # BONUS # G U I D E B O O K : Pinpoint the best fishing in Washington with this valuable guide. Easily locate over 3,542 streams and 748 lakes shown on the “Stream & Lake Map.” Your map and guidebook will take you to the top 503 select waters-now hidden streams and lakes are easy to find. REPORT: Finding Secret Fishing Spots 47 tips, tactics and tools you can use to find your own secret spot and catch more fish. REPORT: How Anglers Stalk and Catch Record Fish The average big fish has evaded capture for over 10 years. Find out which instincts set them apart from smaller fish. Stalking and catching a trophy requires knowledge of their unique habits and those special times when their guard is down. Armed with the information in this new and exclusive 24-page report--you could be in for the fight of your life. RAVE REVIEWS “It is in showing where to find out-of-the-way trout streams that makes the map such a treasure to the fisherman.” —Joe Gordon, TRIBUNE-DEMOCRAT, Johnstown, PA “I have one of the original Higbee’s Stream Map of Pennsylvania on my wall behind my desk. It’s the best thing available as far as streams are concerned. I use it all the time for reference. I don’t know of anything more extensive and it is the most accurate map out there as far as streams are concerned.” —Dave Wolf, PA Fish and Boat Commission LIMITED TIME OFFER -- GET 3 BONUSES WITH EACH MAP SHIPPING INCLUDED -- ORDER TODAY! Available rolled or folded. ALSO AVAILABLE in heavy gauge LIFETIME GUARANTEED, glass-like clear-lamination, write-on wipe-off surface, with brass eyelets for easy hanging. ____ Washington 3 FT by 4.5 FT Rolled Paper Map(S) PLUS BONUS #1, #2, #3 ____ Washington 3 FT by 4.5 FT Folded Paper Map(S) PLUS BONUS #1, #2, #3 ____ Washington 3 FT by 4.5 FT Laminated Rolled Map(S) PLUS BONUS #1, #2, #3 $29.45 ea. $29.45 ea. $49.45 ea. Check or money order enclosed $ ___________ EACH ROLLED AND LAMINATED MAP SHIPPED IN A STURDY STORAGE TUBE Name_______________________________________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________________________________ City_____________________________________________________State________ Zip_____________ The Goldendale Sentinel 117 W. Main St. Goldendale, WA 98620 Mail To: JUNE 8, 2011— A11 GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON N OTICES NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE File No.: 7023.73612 Grantors: Northwest Trustee Services, Inc. Wachovia Mortgage Corporation Grantee: Stephanie Lesko, an unmarried woman Ref to DOT Auditor File No.: 1072091 and re-recorded on 10/21/2010 under Auditor's file no. 1090521 Tax Parcel ID No.: 05-16-2751-0002/00 Abbreviated Legal: Notice of Trustee's Sale Pursuant to the Revised Code of Washington 61.24, et seq. I. On June 17, 2011, at 10:00 a.m. inside the main lobby of the Klickitat County Courthouse, 205 South Columbus Ave in the City of Goldendale, State of Washington, the undersigned Trustee (subject to any conditions imposed by the Trustee) will sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, payable at time of sale, the following described real property "Property", situated in the County(ies) of Klickitat, State of Washington: The North half of the South half of the East half of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 27, Township 6 North, Range 16 East, W.M., in County of Klickitat, State of Washington. Also known as Lot 2 of Short Plat 97-18 with the appurtenances thereto. Commonly known as: 8 Spen Road Goldendale, WA 98620 which is subject to that certain Deed of Trust dated 06/20/07, recorded on 08/07/07, under Auditor's File No. 1072091 and rerecorded on 10/21/2010 under Auditor's file no. 1090521, records of Klickitat County, Washington, from Stephanie Lesko, an unmarried woman, as Grantor, to First American Title Insurance Company, as Trustee, to secure an obligation "Obligation" in favor of Wachovia Mortgage Corporation, as Beneficiary. *The Tax Parcel ID number and Abbreviated Legal Description are provided solely to comply with the recording statutes and are not intended to supplement, amend or supersede the Property's full legal description provided herein. II. No action commenced by the Beneficiary of the Deed of Trust is now pending to seek satisfaction of the Obligation in any Court by reason of the Grantor's or Borrower's default on the Obligation. III. The Beneficiary alleges default of the Deed of Trust for failure to pay the following amounts now in arrears and/or other defaults: Amount due to reinstate by 03/14/2011 Monthly Payments $46,630.25 Late Charges $1,862.88 Lender's Fees & Costs $432.25 Total Arrearage $48,925.38 Trustee's Expenses (Itemization) Trustee's Fee $607.50 Title Report $807.86 Statutory Mailings $9.56 Recording Costs $14.00 Postings $70.00 Total Costs $1,508.92 Total Amount Due: $50,434.30 Other known defaults as follows: IV. The sum owing on the Obligation is: Principal Balance of $244,773.54, together with interest as provided in the note or other instrument evidencing the Obligation from 02/01/09, and such other costs and fees as are due under the Obligation, and as are provided by statute. V. The Property will be sold to satisfy the expense of sale and the Obligation as provided by statute. The sale will be made without representation or warranty, express or implied regarding title, possession, encumbrances or condition of the Property on June 17, 2011. The default(s) referred to in paragraph III, together with any subsequent payments, late charges, advances costs and fees thereafter due, must be cured by 06/06/11 (11 days before the sale date), to cause a discontinuance of the sale. The sale will be discontinued and terminated if at any time before the close of the Trustee's business on 06/06/11 (11 days before the sale date), the default(s) as set forth in paragraph III, together with any subsequent payments, late charges, advances, costs and fees thereafter due, is/are cured and the Trustee's fees and costs are paid. The sale may be terminated any time after 06/06/11 (11 days before the sale date), and before the sale by the Borrower, Grantor, any Guarantor or the holder of any recorded junior lien or encumbrance paying the entire balance of principal and interest secured by the Deed of Trust, plus costs, fees, and advances, if any made pursuant to the terms of the obligation and/or Deed of Trust. VI. A written notice of default was transmitted by the Beneficiary or Trustee to the Borrower and Grantor at the following address(es): NAME AND ADDRESS STEPHANIE LESKO 8 Spen Road Goldendale, WA 98620 Unknown Spouse and/or Domestic Partner of STEPHANIE LESKO 8 Spen Road Goldendale, WA 98620 by both first class and either certified mail, return receipt requested on 06/02/10, proof of which is in the possession of the Trustee; and on 06/07/10 Grantor and Borrower were personally served with said written notice of default or the written notice of default was posted on a conspicuous place on the real property described in paragraph I above, and the Trustee has possession of proof of such service or posting. VII. The Trustee, whose name and address are set forth below, will provide in writing to anyone requesting it a statement of all foreclosure costs and trustee's fees due at any time prior to the sale. VIII. The effect of the sale will be to deprive the Grantor and all those who hold by, through or under the Grantor of all their right, title and interest in the Property. IX. Anyone having any objection to the sale on any grounds whatsoever will be afforded an opportunity to be heard as to those objections if they bring a lawsuit to restrain the sale pursuant to RCW 61.24.130. Failure to bring such a lawsuit may result in a waiver of any proper grounds for invalidating the Trustee's sale. X. NOTICE TO OCCUPANTS OR TENANTS - The purchaser at the Trustee's Sale is entitled to possession of the property on the 20th day following the sale, as against the Grantor under the Deed of Trust (the owner) and anyone having an interest junior to the deed of trust, including occupants who are not tenants. After the 20th day following the sale the purchaser has the right to evict occupants who are not tenants by summary proceedings under Chapter 59.12 RCW. For tenantoccupied property, the purchaser shall provide a tenant with written notice in accordance with RCW 61.24.060. The trustee's rules of auction may be accessed at and are incorporated by this reference. You may also access sale status at and EFFECTIVE: 03/14/2011 Northwest Trustee Services, Inc., Trustee Authorized Signature P.O. BOX 997 Bellevue, WA 98009-0997 Contact: Heather L. Smith (425) 586-1900. (TS# 7023.73612) 1002.158717FEI (2004, 2301) PUBLIC NOTICE United States Department of the Interior U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Mid-Columbia River National Wildlife Refuge Complex 64 Maple Street Burbank, Washington 99323 Phone: (509) 546-8300 Fax: (509) 546-8303 April 28, 2011 The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service currently has seven (7) haying permits available on Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Glenwood, WA. Permits will be awarded to the highest bidder for each unit. The units to be hayed include Hay Units 3A1, 4B1, 4B4-4B6, 3B, 2B, 4F2, and 6A2 which contain reed canarygrass, native grass, and wet meadow vegetation. Haying is to be completed between August 1 and September 15 of each year to reduce impacts to cranes, waterfowl, and other wildlife. The deadline for receiving all bids is July 1, 2011 at 4:00 pm. Potential bidders are strongly encouraged to come to the Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge office located at 100 Wildlife Refuge Road in Glenwood, WA to receive a hand-out concerning bid procedures, maps, and special conditions. Please call Shannon Ludwig, Refuge Manager at 509-531-6169 to answer THIS JUST IN: • Determination of Non Significance/Rural Fire District 3 - Klickitat County Planning • White Salmon River Road Vacation - Klickitat County Public Works • Public Hearing/Sawtooth Technologies - Klickitat County Public Works • Public Meeting - Klickitat County Solid Waste • Klickitat County MDNS - Herbrand Co. - Klickitat County Planning • Notice of Adoption-EOZ - Klickitat County Planning • Summary of Ordinance-City of Goldendale your questions or to receive bid procedures by mail or fax. The following hay units with average annual harvest are up for bid: 3A1: 86 acres, 41 tons. 4B1: 40 acres, unknown tonnage 4B4, 4B5, 4B6: 100 acres, 70 tons. 6A2: 40 acres, unknown tonnage 3B: 259 acres, 270 tons 2B: 40 acres, 65 tons 4F2: 80 acres, unknown tonnage (2005, 2103, 2201, 2302, 2401, 2501) sidewalk, HMA overlay of sidewalk, traffic curb, curb repair, stormwater structures, pavement markings, signs, and other work, all in accordance with the Contract Plans, Contract Provisions, and the Standard Specifications. Bid proposals shall be accompanied by a bid proposal deposit in cash, certified check, cashier’s check or surety bond in the amount equal to five percent (5%) in the amount of the bid proposal. Should the successful bidder fail to enter into such contract and furnish satisfactory performance IN THE SUPERIOR COURT bond within the time stated FOR THE STATE OF in the specifications, the bid WASHINGTON proposal deposit shall be forFOR THE COUNTY OF feited to Klickitat County. KLICKITAT Approximate project cost is In the Matter of the Estate of estimated to be between LEONA ELSIE DONLEY, $1,000,000 to $1,500,000. Deceased. The Klickitat County Public Case No.: 11 4 00016 1 Works Dept. in accordance PROBATE NOTICE TO with Title VI of the Civil CREDITORS Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. The Personal 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to Representative named 2000d-4 and Title 49, Code below has been appointed of Federal Regulations, as Personal Representative Department of of this estate. Any person Transportation, subtitle A, having a claim against the Office of the Secretary, Part decedent must, before the 21, nondiscrimination in fedtime the claim would be erally assisted programs of barred by any otherwise the Department of applicable statute of limitaTransportation issued purtions, present the claim in suant to such Act, hereby the manner as provided in notifies all bidders that it will RCW 11.40.070 by serving affirmatively insure that in on or mailing to the Personal any contract entered into Representative or the pursuant to this advertisePersonal Representative's ment, disadvantaged busiattorney at the address statness enterprises will be ed below a copy of the claim afforded full opportunity to and filing the original of the submit bids in response to claim with the court. The this invitation and will not be claim must be presented discriminated against on the within the later of: (1) thirty grounds of race, color or days after the Personal national origin in consideraRepresentative served or tion for an award. mailed the notice to the Obtaining Bid Documents: creditor as provided under Free of charge: Plans, RCW 11.40.020(1) (c); or (2) Specifications, addenda, four months after the date of bidders list, and plan holders first publication of the notice. list for the project are availIf the claim is not presented able though the Klickitat within this time frame, the County’s on-line plan room. claim is forever barred, Free of charge access is except as otherwise providprovided to Prime ed in RCW 11.40.051 and Contractors, Subcontractors 1 1 . 4 0 . 0 6 0 . and Venders by going to This bar is effective as to and clicking claims against both the on: Posted Projects; Public decedent's probate and nonWorks; Klickitat County; and probate assets. Projects Bidding. Bidders DATE OF FIRST PUBLICAare encouraged to “Register” TION: June 1, 2011 in order to receive automatic PERSONAL REPRESENemail notification of future TATIVE: Jerry Lyn Jones addenda and to place themATTORNEY FOR PERSONselves on the self registered AL REPRESENTATIVE: “Bidders List.” This on-line Julie L. Cline, WSB No. plan room provides Bidders 41412 with fully usable on-line docPHILLIPS REYNIER & uments; with the ability to: SUMERFIELD, LLP download, print to your own P. O. Box 758 /718 State printer, order full / partial Street plan sets from numerous Hood River, Oregon 97031 (2206, 2303, 2402) reprographic sources (online print order form), and a free on-line digitizer / takeNOTICE TO off tool. Contact Builders CONTRACTORS Sealed bids for Loop Road Exchange of Washington at Overlay, CRP 307, will be 425-258-1303 should you received by the Board of require assistance. Paper County Commissioners at Copies are also available the reception desk located in upon receipt of a nonthe Klickitat County Public refundable deposit in the Works Department, 115 amount of $25.00, payable South Golden, Goldendale to the Klickitat County Public Washington. Mailing Works Department, 228 W MS-CH 19, address 228 W. Main MS- Main, Ch-19, Goldendale Goldendale, WA, 98620. Washington 98620 until 1:15 Bidders that obtain paper p.m. on June 14, 2011 for copies are encouraged to online at performing the work “Register” described below. Sealed, in order to bids received will be opened receive automatic addenda at the Commissioner’s notification by email and to Chambers and publicly read appear on the “Bidders List” aloud on Tuesday, June 14, if they so desire. 2011 at 1:30 p.m. or shortly Dated this 17th of May 2011. thereafter. Bids received BOARD OF COUNTY COMafter 1:15 p.m. June 14, MISSIONERS 2011 will not be considered. Klickitat County, Washington The county reserves the Rex F. Johnston right to reject any and all Chairman bids, and to waive informali- Ray Thayer ties that are not, in the opin- Commissioner ion of the county David M. Sauter Commissioner Commissioners, material. Bid envelopes shall be ATTEST: appropriately marked on the Crystal D. McEwen outside “Bid opening 1:30 Clerk of the Board p.m. June 14, 2011 Loop Klickitat County, Washington (2208, 2304) Road Overlay, CRP 307”. This contract provides for KLICKITAT COUNTY the improvement of 1.29 DETERMINATION OF miles of NW Loop Road by NON-SIGNIFICANCE Full Depth Reclamation Notice is hereby given that (FDR) with Cement for Klickitat County issued a approximately 0.46 miles, Determination of Non-signifiplanning approximately 0.83 cance (DNS) on June 2, miles of asphalt, HMA pre- 2011, under SEPA Rules level, HMA wearing course, (Chapter 197-11 WAC) and construction of a 5 foot wide the Klickitat County Environmental Ordinance Number 121084 for the following proposal: SEP2011-12: Applicant: Klickitat County Fire District #3, Representative: Charles Virts, Landowner: Kreps Ranch LLC requesting a building permit (BLD110012) to install a 30,000 gal. water storage tank for fire fighting purposes. The proposed site is located within a portion of Section 20, T3N, R11E, W.M., Klickitat County, WA (Tunnel Road, White Salmon vicinity). After review of the completed environmental checklist and other information on file the Klickitat County Responsible Official has determined that this proposal will not have probable significant adverse impacts on the environment. Copies of the DNS are available at the Klickitat County Planning Department during normal business hours. Comments or appeals on the above environmental review will be accepted until 5:00 p.m., June 24, 2011 . Appeals to the DNS must be filed with the Klickitat County Auditor’s office with an appeal fee of $200. (2305) BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Klickitat County, Washington IN THE MATTER OF THE VACATION OF A PORTION OF WHITE SALMON RIVER ROAD, COUNTY ROAD NO 16500 Resolution No. 06711 WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has received a petition to vacate an unused portion of White Salmon River Road, County Road No. 16500 that may be of no further value to Klickitat County described as follows: That road known as White Salmon River Road as Petitioned in Commissioners’ Journal, Volume 6 Page 375 and Established in Commissioners’ Journal, Volume 7 Page 31, that portion beginning from the previously vacated portion in Resolution No. 4581 described at a point approximately 1900 feet west of the Northeast corner of Section 35, Township 4 North, Range 10 East, W.M. thence on a course in a Northerly direction following the establishment surveyor’s field notes to the intersection of the present location of the White Salmon River Road near the Southeast 1/16 corner between Section 25 and Section 26, Township 4 North, Range 10 East, W.M. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the County Engineer is directed to make an examination of said right of way and file his report as to whether said right of way should be vacated, whether the public will benefit by the vacation of said right of way and any other facts, matters and things which will be of importance to the Board. FURTHER, BE IT RESOLVED, that a public hearing for said vacation of described right of way will be held in the Commissioners’ Chambers in the Klickitat County Courthouse, Goldendale, Washington on the 5th day of July, 2011 at the hour of 1:30 p.m. at which time any objections against or approval for said proposed vacation will be heard and the Board of Commissioners hereby orders that due legal notice of said hearing be given as prescribed by statute. Dated this 31st day of May 2011. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Klickitat County, Washington Rex F. Johnston, Chairman Ray Thayer, Commissioner David M. Sauter, Commissioner ATTEST: Crystal D. McEwen, Clerk of the Board Klickitat County, Washington (2306, 2403) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE GRANTING OF A FRANCHISE AGREEMENT BETWEEN KLICKITAT COUNTY AND SAWTOOTH TECHNOLOGIES, LLC In accordance to statutory provisions of RCW 36.55, RCW 80.32 and in accordance with Klickitat County’s Accommodation of Utilities on County Road Right-ofWay Policy the County commissioners are to hold a public hearing prior to granting a non exclusive franchise for the construction, maintenance and operations of telecommunication lines together with wires and other appurtenances, upon, under, along and across various Klickitat County Roads. Applicant: Sawtooth Technologies, LLC. Location: Various County Roads between White Salmon Washington and Goldendale Washington, with routes leading from Goldendale to Ponderosa Park and Maryhill. (See map on file in the Public Works Department) A public hearing will be held on Tuesday, July 5, 2011 at 1:30 p.m. in the Commissioners' Chambers in the Klickitat County Courthouse, Goldendale, Washington at which time any person may appear and be heard for or against the proposed franchise. Dated this 31st day of May 2011. Rex F. Johnston, Chairman Board of County Commissioners (2307, 2404) PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE Klickitat County Solid Waste Advisory Committee Meeting June 15, 2011 at 1:30PM Commissioners’ Chambers County Courthouse, Goldendale, WA For more information call 509-773-2366 (2308) KLICKITAT COUNTY MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE Notice is hereby given that Klickitat County issued Mitigated Determination of Non-significance (MDNS) on June 6, 2011 under SEPA Rules (Chapter 197-11 WAC) and the Klickitat County Environmental Ordinance Number 121084 for the following proposal: SEP2011-10 – Applicant: Herbrand Company (Dan Miller, Representative) with an application to divide 81.81 acres into 4 lots. The property is located within a portion of Section 4 and 5, T3N, R12E, W.M., Klickitat County, WA (Appleton vicinity). After review of completed environmental checklist and other information on file the Klickitat County Responsible Official has determined that this proposal will not have probable significant adverse impacts on the environment. Copies of the MDNS are available at the Klickitat County Planning Department during normal business hours. Comments or appeals on the above environmental reviews will be accepted until 5:00 p.m., June 24, 2011. Comments shall be submitted to the Klickitat County Planning Department, 228 West Main, MS: CH-17, Goldendale, WA 98620; appeals must be filed with the Klickitat County Auditor’s office. This is a Class B project with an appeal fee of $2,500 (See classification decision). (2309) NOTICE OF ADOPTION Notice is hereby given that the Board of Commissioners, Klickitat County, Washington, adopted revisions to zoning code chapter 19.39 (Energy Overlay Zone), through Ordinance No. O053111, on May 31, 2011. The revisions clarify noticing requirements for post-permit actions and make a clarification on technical advisory committee reporting procedure. Contact the Klickitat County Planning Department, 228 West Main Street, MS-CH-17, Goldendale, WA 98620 or call (509)773-5703 for copies, which are available for review at the Department, or will be mailed upon request. (2310) CITY OF GOLDENDALE SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. 1405 On June 6, 2011 the City Council of the City of Goldendale, Washington passed Ordinance No. 1405. A summary of the content of said ordinance provides as follows: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON, AMENDING CHAPTER 8.45 OF THE GOLDENDALE MUNICIPAL CODE The full text of this ordinance is on file at City Hall and the full text of the ordinance will be mailed up request. Dated: June 6, 2011 Connie Byers, ClerkTreasurer A12 — JUNE 8, 2011 GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON CLASSIFIEDS Annoucements EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted General ....75 Help Wanted Domestic/ In Home .........................76 Help Wanted Medical/ Health 77 Help Wanted Office/ Clerical...........................78 Help Wanted Sales/Customer Service 79 Positions Wanted ...........80 5 Card of Thanks Volunteers......................82 Work from Home Employment...................83 My mom and I wish to Job Opportunities ..........85 thank all the second floor nurses for taking such 75 Help Wanted good care of her when she was in the Providence General Hood River Memorial Hospital on May 16-19, 2011. **NWCSD 21 is looking for Robin and Joan McReysubstitute bus drivers. nolds Training for behind the wheel and testing to qualify 20 Personals for a CDL & bus driver license will begin July 11th. Must have a good driving ABORTION? WHY? record and meet all other CONSIDER ADOPTION Warm, secure, loving home qualifications required by available for newborn baby. State & Federal RegulaPlease call 1-800-606- tions. Applications may be 4411, A-1141. downloaded at or GOLDENDALE Pregnancy picked up at 3632 West Resource Center 10th Street in The Dalles. 509-773-5501 EOEE. Pregnancy Counseling and services, free pregnancy Assistant Swim self-tests, education on Team Coach abortion and alternatives. The Dalles Swim Team is seeking motivated, enthu25 Support siastic applicants for this part-time summer job. Groups Monday-Friday, 9:00 10:30 am, June 20 - August AA Woman's meeting, 7 14, some weekends. Salapm every Tuesday at Solid ry range $1,200-$1,400. Rock Church, 2308 E 12th, Must be able to obtain The Dalles. CPR, First Aid and USA Swimming Coaches CerAL-ANON Meeting tifications. Background 6:30 pm, Thursdays Goldendale Methodist check, drug and alcohol screening. Possible conChurch tinuation as winter swim Questions? Call Rosie, 773-6420 or team coach. Full job description available at Greta, 773-3343. or ALCOHOLICS Anon. Goldcall Eric at 541-980-9839. endale meetings at the Position open until filled. United Methodist Church; Mon., 8 p.m.; Wed., 8 p.m.; BANKING Fri., 8 p.m., 109 E. Broad- CenterPointe Community way. 1-800-344-2666. Bank is seeking a Commercial Loan Officer in the DO YOU HAVE Hood River area responHURTS, sible for soliciting, underhabits, hang-ups? Attend writing and coordinating the Celebrate Recovery a faithclosing of all types of loans, based 12 step program, including agriculture, comevery Wednesday night at mercial and consumer - in Hood River Alliance compliance with the Bank's Church at 2650 W. lending policies & proceMontello (off Rand Rd). dures. Proficient commuDinner provided at 6:15 nication and computer pm skills are required. This poand large group meeting at sition also requires 2 - 4 7:00 pm. Childcare is years commercial lending provided. experience with knowledge For more info. call of all banking services, 541-308-5339 strong credit and analytical Family Alzheimer's/Dementia skills and is a self starter. Apply today by sending Support Group Family members and your resume (include salafriends caring for individu- ry history) to CenterPointe als with Alzheimer's dis- Community Bank, Human ease or a related dementia Resources Manager, P.O. are invited to participate in Box 270, Hood River, OR or email to our Dementia Support 97031 Group. Come and gain Equal Opportunity Employer. support and insight from others who are going thru Buy or Sell Avon or have gone thru this jour- 541-739-2111 or ney. Join us monthly in a 541-993-2735 caring environment to discuss your challenges and CAREGIVERS questions. Meeting held the Become a member of third Wednesday, every an elite team of caremonth, at 3:00 pm at Flaggivers. Bring joy, comStone Senior Living at 3325 fort and assistance to Columbia View Drive. For the seniors in our commore information about our munity. Put the Gold group, contact Bryan or into their Golden years. Jim at 541-298-5656. All Experience preferred. Welcome! Warm heart essential. GRIEF and Loss Group Hearts of Gold Caregivers meets monthly at Klickitat 800-604-9564 Valley Hospital. Come and learn ways to heal and help CARPET CLEANING others heal from loss. TECHNICIAN Sponsored by Klickitat Valley Hospice. Call 773-0380 F/T, Monday-Friday, 9-5 $12/hour DOE. Clean drivfor further information. ing record,organized, will NA MEETINGS train. Call for more inforGoldendale mation, 509 493-1068. Father's House Fellowship CDL DRIVERS & FOOD 207 S. Klickitat SERVICE, Stewart's FireMonday: 12-1 p.m. fighter Food Catering, Inc. Wednesday: 12-1 p.m. NOW HIRING for the folFriday: 12-1 p.m. lowing positions: CDL DrivOpen to non-addicts. ers & Food Service. Help For more info, call Kathy S.@ 360-850- feed the wildland firefighters. If you enjoy camping 8832 or and hard work, please apMatt S. @ 360-850-8840. ply online at PARKINSON'S SUPPORT or GROUP: First Wednesday call 541-923-6936 to reof every month at 2 p.m. quest an application. Water's Edge, 551 Lone COFFEE SHOP & DELI Pine Blvd, 2nd floor For information, please needs part time help willing contact Chad at to work flexible hours and weekends. Food Handlers 541.478.9338. required. For application T.O.P.S. (Take Off Pounds call 541-467-2330. Sensibly). Tuesdays 9 a.m. CORRECTION at Riverview Comm. Bank. 773-4766. OFFICER T.O.P.S. (Take off Pounds Klickitat County Civil SerSensibly), Thursdays, 6 vice will be testing for the p.m. at Riverview Comm. position of Correction Officer to work for the Klickitat Bank, 773-5411. County Sheriff's Office. Salary $15.65 to $19.22/ 30 Lost & Found hour plus excellent benefits. Public Safety Testing BABY BOOK for Mathew administers our physical Keltner (age 9 years) found and written examinations. in community clean-up Please visit their website at books, found Ashley's www.PublicSafetyTesting. Christmas card in Fred com or http://www.publicsa Meyer parking lot. Call Jo-> to apply. die at 541-298-1557 to describe & claim. Happy Ads .......................2 Welcome To The World....4 Card of Thanks ................5 Notices...........................10 Events............................15 Personals .......................20 Support Groups .............25 Lost & Found .................30 Professional Services ....31 FOUND: Sony digital camera, May 28 on Hwy 14. Call to identify camera or pictures. 509-388-4549. INSTRUCTION & CHILD CARE Preschool/Daycare Facilities .........................35 Child Care Providers .....37 Schools Training ............40 Tutoring ..........................45 Instruction ......................50 Training & Opportunity...51 Health & Fitness ............55 BUSINESS/ FINANCIAL Business Opportunities .60 Investments & Loans .....65 Insurance .......................70 Mortgages & Contracts..72 75 Help Wanted General Crane Operator With NCCO credentials, pay $25-28 p/h DOE. Laborer $15 p/h Resumes to HR Dept. 520 3rd Ct. Coos Bay, OR 97420 CTE AGRICULTURE EDUCATION INSTRUCTOR WHITE SALMON VALLEY SCHOOLS WHITE SALMON, WA COLUMBIS HIGH SCHOOL AGRICULTURE EDUCATION INSTRUCTOR Columbia High School is seeking a .67 up to .83 FTE depending on other Secondary Education certifications held in connection with this available teaching position. Required Qualifications: valid Washington State reaching certificate with a required CTE certification in AgEd; with a preferred Masters Degree in Agriculture or a related field, for the .67 FTE portion of this position; or out-of state teaching certificate with a required CTE certification in AgEd; with a preferred Masters Degree in Agriculture or a related field, transferable to Washington State. Additional requirement information and applications are available online at http:// or at the White Salmon Valley School District office, 171 NW Washington Street, PO Box 157, White Salmon, WA 98672, 509-493-1500. This position is open until June 10, 2011 or until filled. EOE DINING SERVICE DIRECTOR Hood River Care Center in Hood River, Oregon is looking for an experienced Dining Service Director with a mixture of creativity, skill and business sense to be responsible for all aspects of the Dining Service Department in our skilled nursing facility. DSD will have knowledge of MDS, scheduling & supervision, ordering & inventory control and cooking. Ideal candidate will be a CDM from an approved program or have equivalent education and/or experience. A background in long term healthcare or food service management is preferred. We offer competitive salary, benefits and a positive work environment. EEO/ AA. Please apply on-line at Driver Wanted Must have CDL hazmat, tanker endorsement, have clean driving record and pass drug screening. Pick up app at 3000 W. 2nd st The Dalles, Oregon. F/T FRONT DESK STAFF The Best Western Hood River Inn is now taking resumes for qualified, F/T front desk staff. Must be available for evening, weekend, and morning shifts. Candidates should have prior customer service experience, be personable, professional, motivated, and enjoy working with the public. Typing and computer skills are required, as well as the abilit y to multi-task and problem solve. Please apply in person at 1108 E. Marina Way, Hood River. No phone calls or walkin interviews please. Full time experienced Cook wanted: Must work weekends. We offer: competitive wages and benefits. Apply in person at FlagStone Senior Living, 3325 Columbia View Dr., The Dalles, OR FOSTER PARENTS NEEDED Wasco & Hood River Counties. The Next Door provides training, 24-hour support, paid days off, and $1300 per month tax-free per child. Call Heidi today: 541-436-0303 Griffith Motors Now Hiring Motivated Sales People to join our team selling Honda, Toyota & Scion. Full benefit package. See Ed DePaepe, Sales Mgr. at 523 E. 3rd St. The Dalles, OR. 75 Help Wanted General LINE COOKS Everybody's Brewing is hiring hardworking, enthusiastic people. Experience a must. Resumes 12-5, T-Sun. GUEST SERVICE AGENT Must be friendly, computer literate & enjoy guest ser75 Help Wanted vice. 3 pm to 11 pm, TuesSat., FT. Apply in person, General Comfort Suites Hood River. Love people? Hospitality NO phone calls. position Historic Balch HoHELP WANTED: Sales As- tel Dufur. Front desk, sociate position available. wkends,over nights a must. If you are friendly & outgo- 541-467-2277 for appt. ing, detailed & organized. Then apply in person at Mid-Columbia Community Sawyer's True Value. 500 Action Council is seeking E 3rd St. The Dalles. weatherization contractors to perform jobs such as inHOUSE SITTER WANTED stall blown insulation and/or in Goldendale. Must Love Dogs!! Some days - some batt insulation, doors and/ over nights. No Smoking, or windows. Jobs may inNo parties. Contact Shyla clude repairs to roofing, walls, and.or floors. All jobs @ 209-769-6358. are assigned based on competitive bidding, and HOUSEKEEPING SHIFT must follow both Davis BaSUPERVISOR con Act and American reProvides direct leadercovery Reinvestment Act ship & guidance to staff compliance requirements. to ensure that high level All work will be inspected of cleanliness, quality, & and must meet the latest service is achieved. ExCCB code, DOE and BPA perience required. Apspecs. Contractors must ply in person at Hood have a current Oregon River Hotel 102 Oak St., Contractor's License, Lead Hood River. Safe Work Practices Certification, Mold and Mildew Inside Sales/Driver, AirgasRemediation, and Liability The Dalles. Sells gases, Insurance for $1,000,000 welding equipment, safety and other supplies. Makes minimum. Contact MCCAC backup deliveries. Day at 541-298-5131, ext 301 email shift, competitive wages & or for benefits. High school di- ploma and Class B CDL re- more details. quired. Apply online at Middle School Science Position Klickitat PUD is now 2011-2012 School Year accepting applications for a St. Mary's Academy, a priskilled full-time technician vate Catholic school locatto work in our Information ed in The Dalles, OR is acTechnology Department cepting application for a and provide first level tech- creative, "hands-on" middle nical support. This position school science teacher. installs, maintains, trou- Medical benefits and rebleshoots, repairs, and tirement are included, pracupgrades PCs and related ticing Catholic preferred. peripheral equipment Must hold an active teachthroughout the Utility. ing license. Applications Seeking applicants experi- available at St. Mary's enced with implementing Academy 1112 Cherry and supporting Windows Heights Rd. The Dalles, operating systems in an 541-296-6004 or @ enterprise network environ- www.stmarysacademythe ment. Current Microsoft Certified Technology NIGHT AUDITOR Specialist: Windows 7 or ability to obtain within six The Best Western Hood River Inn is seeking qualified apmonths of hire. Additional plicants for the full-time potechnical training, certificasition of Night Auditor. Aptions, or related degree is plicants must possess desirable. Applications and strong customer service a detailed job description skills, incredible attention to are available online at detail and have an outgoing and at and friendly personality. the Goldendale Klickitat Previous customer service PUD office. Please submit and accounting experience written application to is desired. Wages DOE. Klickitat PUD, c/o Human Please apply in person at Resources, 1313 S. 1108 E. Marina Way, Hood Columbus, Goldendale, WA River, OR. 98620, or by fax at 509OPEN POSITION: 773-4969. Position is open Front desk/housekeeping. until filled. EOE. Please pickup application Klickitat PUD is now at Comfort Inn, 351 Lone accepting applications for a Pine Drive, The Dalles. highly skilled full-time technician to work at our Oregon Cherry Landfill Gas (LFG) project. Growers This position's primary responsibility is to operate MECHANIC and maintain the LFG Combined Cycle Experienced journey level mechanic Generation Facility. maintenance Applicants with a minimum with stainless steel fabriof 5 years of power plant cation skills wanted for thriving food processing experience, along with preplant in The Dalles. Electrivious Journey level operatcal knowledge a plus. ing or maintenance experiCompetitive wages and ence in Boiler and Gas benefits. Apply at 101 MadiTurbine power facilities, are son, The Dalles, OR 97058 or strongly preferred. send resume to PO Box 1577, Applications and a detailed The Dalles, OR 97058. EOE. job description are avail- Drug Free Work Place. able online at PART TIME COOK and at the Goldendale Klickitat Experience preferred. ApPUD Office. Submit written ply in person at 1850 Counapplication to Klickitat PUD, try Club Road. c/o Human Resources, PART-TIME EXECUTIVE 1313 S. Columbus, DIRECTOR Goldendale, WA 98620 or For the Hood River County by fax at 509-773-4969. Education Foundation. ApPosition is open until filled. plication deadline 6-14First round of applications 2011. See to be reviewed June 3, for complete job descrip2011. tion. Call 541-231-7550 for questions. EOELibrary Clerk I RECEPTION / SALES (Teen Services Immediate Opening. Send Assignment) - 20 hours Resume to: 3399 Guignard Drive, Hood River or Call 509-469-8678 Salary Range: $13.09$15.63/hr plus pro-rated RELIABLE CAREGIVERS benefits. to assist adults w/developPerforms assigned tasks mental disabilities. Training and clerical duties neces- provided. Growth opportusary for efficient library op- nity. 503-594-1250 x13 eration. Primary responsibilities of this position are Resident Manager assisting with the selection Team for 12 unit Motel; of library materials for chilMoro, OR, Respondren's and teen collections, sibilities: The ability to teen programming, assistprovide excellent cusing patrons at the circulatomer service to all tion desk, placing orders guests during their stay; for new books, and shelvDemonstrate and proing books. mote a strong commitment to providing the Knowledge of: General ofbest possible experifice practices and proceence for our guests; Codures. Library operation ordinate front office acand terminology desired. tivities to assure that guest service standards Ability to: are met and optimum Type with skill, data pronumber of rooms are cess proficiently, organize occupied; Balance cash and prioritize work, then and credit card accomplete work in a rapid counts through verifiand efficient manner, file cation; Maintain and ormaterials accurately, comganize work area and municate effectively, both lobby; Respond to orally and in writing, with guest requests and folother employees and the low through to assure public, and push and pull satisfactory outcome loaded book trucks. Compensation includes salary, per room rented Experience/Training guideincentive and 2 bedlines: High School diploma room apartment with all or GED. Previous clerical utilities. Additional inand library experience decome for persons wishsirable. ing to perform houseApplication and waiver keeping duties. forms are available at the 541-739-2501 City Clerk's Office, 313 Court Street, The Dalles, SAGETECH OR or on the website INDUSTRIES AppliIS NOW HIRING cations must be submitted HR Assistant along with the Release and IT Technician Waiver form to: City Clerk's Apply Today! Office by 5pm on June 21st. EOE 75 Help Wanted General Sales Branch Management Trainee The Dalles, OR area Turn your drive into leadership. Springleaf Financial Services is one of the nation's largest consumer finance companies with 90 years of consumer lending experience, 1100+ offices in 40 states, 5900 employees nationwide and $19 billion in assets. Our world-class training program will prepare you to lead and develop a branch office team, champion the ultimate customer experience, and build current and new customer relationships. Promotional opportunities begin during your training. Strong communication skills and sales/leadership exp. required. College degree preferred. Bilingual: English/Spanish preferred. Join us and enjoy great advancement opportunities, competitive salary and incentive compensation, health insurance (eligible day one) and a diversified 401(k). If you believe that this is the right opportunity for you, then wait no longer. Please send or email resume to: Springleaf Financial Services Jeremy Herwweck 1248 W. 6th St., Ste. 200 The Dalles, OR 97058 Email: www.springleaffinancial. com. EOE SENIOR PROPERTY APPRAISER Klickitat County Assessor's Office F/T position, starts $20.05 to $22.57/hour. First review 6/13/11. Open until filled. Visit for details and application or call Personnel Department, 509-773-7171. Sherman County Victims Assistance Director, This is a part time position. Salary begins at $16.91and includes part time benefits. For application and job description contact the Sherman County DA's Office or call 541-565-3534 for more information. Please mail to PO Box 393 Moro, OR 97039. Application or resume due by 5pm June 3, 2011. 75 Help Wanted General SPORTS WRITER Hood River News seeks an energetic person to write news and features on scholastic sports, outdoor and adventure sports, and the people and activities that make up the diverse playground that is the Columbia River Gorge. Starting date (flexible) of June 1. Coverage includes print, video, and website. Photo and computer-based design skills required. This is a 30-hour per week position that will involve some non-sports assignments. Contact editor Kirby Neumann-Rea at 541-3861234, ext. 211, or at 75 Help Wanted General 75 Help Wanted General SUPERVISOR ASSESSOR COOK Klickitat County Assessor's Office You could work anywhere. F/T position, starts $22.53 You're called to work here. to $25.35/hour. First review 6/13/11. Open until filled. Providence is calling a Cook, Visit On-Call. for details and application or call Personnel Department, Providence Hood River 509-773-7171. Hospital, Hood River, Oregon, is seeking an on-call cook. The cook oversees the delivery of meal service to patients. Rotating/variable shift, to include days, evenings, weekends and holidays. Required: High school or equivalent. Food Handlers Certificate or News reporter Serv Save Certification within 30 days of employThe Dalles Chronicle, a ment. Prefer 1-2 years exdaily newspaper in the perience in commercial Columbia River Gorge, kitchen, previous cook exseeks an experienced perience. news reporter. We're looking for a generalist who can cover local government, spot news, enterprise, trend reporting, features and anything else that comes through the door, as well as independently develop stories. Must be able to produce multiple stories daily on a regular basis. Must be self-directed and able to work independently and as a part of a team. Page-building skills in Quark Express or other publishing programs desired, but willing to train. Photography also a plus. Must be willing to cross train on a variety of different news room assignments for vacation and absence coverage. Answer the call. When applying online, please reference job #87320. For more information please contact Janis Rogers, Recruiter, 77 Help Wanted Medical CAREGIVER PT/FT caregivers wanted. Must be able to work all shifts. Benefits avail. Criminal background check & drug screen req. Apply in person at Parkhurst House Assisted Living, 2450 May St. Hood River. CBCF COLUMBIA BASIN CARE FACILITY Ideal candidate will have five years of reporting experience on a weekly or small daily. Comprehensive benefit package. EOE. Pre-employment drug screening and motor vehicle driving record check required. Our Mission is to Improve the Lives of Those We Serve Community-owned Not-for-Profit, Skilled Nursing Facility. Position available: To apply, email resume and professional clips to kursprung@ Registered Nurse: Great opportunity for energetic person in fast paced SNF. For more info, contact Rhonda @ 541-296-2156 Ext 244. EOE. or mail to: The Dalles Chronicle, Kathy Ursprung, Mmanaging editor PO Box 1910, The Dalles OR 97058. Transportation Coordinator For Head Start school bus drivers & bus assistants in Hood River/ The Dalles. Three yrs. school bus driving exp. plus 2 yrs. managing school bus transportation systems, supervising, training and routing. $32,000 and up DOE, excellent benefits. Visit our website for complete job description, requirements and to apply online at Or mail resume to: Oregon Child Development Coalition, Human Resources, 1300 West 9th St, The Dalles, OR 97058. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER DENTAL ASSISTANT POSITION AVAILABLE! Local Dental Practice is looking for a dental assistant. Bilingual candidates preferred. Great established practice with a wonderful benefit package and highly competitive salary. Fun place to work with a great, experienced staff and wonderful patient group. Send resume and cover letter by email to: or mail to: 419 State Ave, Suite 4, Hood River, OR 97031-Attn: Human Resources Dental Assistant, Th & Fr option for extra days (some benefits). Fax Dr. Perry 541-298-4099 or DENTAL HYGIENIST Dental office seeks experienced temporary Dental Hygienist, 3-5 yrs exp./current Oregon license req. Must be an excellent team player, self-motivated & patient care focused. Position may lead to FT. Pay DOE. Want ot work with DD cli- Fax resume to 541-386-5512 ents? Apply Online at r e n e w c o n s u l t i n g . c o m DENTAL RECEPTION SCHEDULER (employment tab). FREE Bilingual Eng/Span reTRAINING! $9.50/hr, quired, 30 hrs/wk, benefits. Mid-Col. area For details and to apply, go We are hiring and yes we to will train the right individual - Log on and check out for the latest in jobs offered by Qnect. Hey Employers, Its Free to Post your Jobs! • Physicians • Nursing • Clinical Staff • Support Staff To view all current career opportunities and to apply online go to PATIENT SERVICES REPRESENTATIVE Skyline Hospital is accepting applications for a F/T Patient Services Representative. This is a billing and admissions position previous experience preferred. Applicants must have High School diploma or equivalent, previous billing experience, a strong background in medical terminology, a basic understanding of the patient accounting system, and have general office/clerical skills. We offer a competitive wage and excellent benefits package. Applications available on our website: or through our front desk receptionist at 211 Skyline Drive, White Salmon, WA 98672. PHONE 509-493-1101. FAX: 509-493-5114. 78 Help Wanted Office CLERICAL ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT I Klickitat County Public Works Part-time, $12.53/hour. First review 6/17/11, open until filled. Visit www.klickitat for details and application or call the Personnel Department, 509-773-7171. JUNE 8, 2011 — A13 GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON CLASSIFIEDS 78 Help Wanted Office SAGETECH INDUSTRIES IS NOW HIRING Cost Accountant Apply Today! 80 Positions Wanted In need of an Income. Marine Outboard/Sterndrive mechanic looking for employment. Will work as mechanic's helper in other trades. Willing to learn new trade or tech position. Call 541-298-1493 or 480363-2620; ask for Mark. Child Care Wanted ........ 95 Diaper Services ........... 100 Adult & Elderly Care .... 105 Travel & Transportation Car Pools ..................... 110 Tickets ......................... 115 Travel ........................... 120 Free-To-All ................... 122 Free Ads Call for information. 773-3777 MARKETPLACE Hood River Auctions .......................125 Hood River...................126 The Dalles ...................127 White Salmon/Bingen ..128 Odell ............................129 Garage/Yard Sales.......130 Other Oregon Cities ....131 Parkdale/Mt. Hood .......132 Cook/Underwood .........133 Other Washington Cities 134 Estate Sales ................135 Camas .........................136 Washougal...................137 Vancouver....................138 Bazaars/Flea Markets..139 Antiques & Collectibles140 Antiques/Collectibles Wanted 142 Apparel/Jewelry ...........150 Furniture ......................155 Appliances ...................160 Home Electronics ........165 Carpeting .....................166 Wireless Communication 167 Computers ...................170 Satellites ......................175 Cameras & Photo Supplies 180 Cleaning ......................182 Firewood & Stoves.......185 Hot Tubs, Spas, Swimming Pool 190 Sporting Goods ...........195 Exercise Equipment.....200 Sailboard & Accessories 205 Arts & Leisure..............210 Musical Instruments.....215 Lawn, Garden, Equipment 220 Building Materials ........225 Timber Buy/Sell ...........226 Hand & Power Tools ....230 Misc. Equipment ..........235 Health Care Equipment 236 Arts, Crafts, & Hobbies240 Baby Items...................250 Hair Care & Beauty Aids 255 Books...........................260 Office Equipment .........265 Restaurant Equipment.270 Misc. for Sale ...............275 Misc. Wanted ...............280 Free/Give Away............282 Swaps & Trades...........285 HR VALLEY ADULT CENTER THRIFT STORE Collectibles, Clothing Furniture, Household Shoes & more! *Donations gladly accepted *Support your senior community* Tues & Thurs, 9 to 12 Wed & Sat, 9 to 2 2010 Sterling Place, HR HRVCC THRIFT SHOP Every Wed, 9:00-3:00 Every Sat, 9:00-1:00 Clothing, $5 per bag. New shipment of VHS Tapes and books. Donations accepted when open 975 Indian Creek Rd., HR Other Washington Cities HIGH PRAIRIE FIREHOUSE SALE reopening for 13+ Miles of Yard Sales event. June 11 (9-5) & June 12 (9-3) Food Booth opens at 8:00 Location: 781 Centerville Hwy, near Lyle, WA Household, collectibles, toys, tools, garden, clothes & more incl new donations. 135 Goldendale The Dalles ESTATE SALE Fri 6/10 8-4, Sat 6/11 8-2, 2529 W 10th St., Furniture (some antique), W/D, Fridge, Range, Tools and Lots of Misc throughout house and large shop. Come down driveway, lots of parking in field. Ruth Beecher Estate Sales 541-296-6893 or 541-980-3200 Multi-family Yard Sale: Sat. June 11, 8a-3p, 516 W. 16th St. Don't miss it! GARAGE SALE, Saturday, June 11, from 8-4. 172 Woodland Rd., Goldendale. Household items, some furniture; New 6x8 greenhouse kit, Harbor Freight # 47712. RETIREMENT yard sale antique guns, horse troughs, tools, teacher materials, clothing, misc. 627 Woodland Road, Goldendale Thurs-Sat, June 9-11; 8am to 4pm. YARD SALE, Sat., June 11; Odd Fellows Temple, 301 NW Second St., Goldendale. 9-3; household items. White Salmon/ Bingen 140 Antiques & Collectibles DONATE TODAY! COFFEE TABLE, circa 1940's art deco style. Extra thick, green tint, 48" solid glass top sits on a scrolled wrought iron base. $75. 503-349-2800 Camas A STUFFED ANIMAL TO SKYLINE HOSPITAL ER White Salmon, WA TO COMFORT A SICK OR SCARED CHILD 195 Sporting Goods Best 2nd Hand Mattresses in the Gorge! Twin matts from $40 Full matts from $50 Queen matts from $75 King matts from $150 *Rebuilt mattresses also available! Gorge Bedquarters 224 Terminal Ave. The Dalles, OR 541-296-4341 **A Percentage of our Monthly profit goes to St. Vincent de Paul's HOPE emergency shelter in The Dalles. For Sale Winchester model 70 featherweight brand new in the box, blued with walnut stock. In rare caliber 325 wsm, with all paper work and warranty card. Will sell for $995.00 would consider trades. Also have other fine Winchesters 541-379-0976. 160 Appliances PROFESSIONAL sharpening in the Gorge: Highquality kitchen knives, hunting knives, household scissors, paper-cutter blades, garden tools, and more! 509-261-0161. 185 Firewood & Stoves LOG Loads of Juniper for sale! Call 541-571-8170 for information. Winchester Model 63 22LR tube fed, semi-automatic, tube feed in the rear stock, holds 10 rounds. Date of Manufacture 1953. 98% condition. nice collectors. $995 Call 541-379-0976 ask for Scott 215 Musical Instruments 280 Misc. Wanted 250 Baby Items WE BUY SCRAP GOLD DONATE TODAY! 10K to 18K Dental Gold-Platinum A STUFFED ANIMAL TO SKYLINE HOSPITAL ER White Salmon, WA TO COMFORT A SICK OR SCARED CHILD Artisan's Jewelry and Gallery 137 East Jewett White Salmon 509-493-1333 IT REALLY MAKES A DIFFERENCE MARTIN Leopard compound bow and case, All new. Bow is 45-60# draw w/ 80% letoff. There are extras. $400 FIRM. 541-5060016, after 6pm. 282 Free/Give Away 260 Books HOSPITAL bed, FREE! You pick up. Call 541-4009640 INGLES sin Barreras, Curso para aprender Ingles. Como nuevo. $1200. 541-370-5100 286 $500 or Less 275 Misc. for Sale "ANTIQUISH" PIANO Beautiful refinished "antiquish" piano, needs tuning, great for beginner student. FREE to anyone who moves it safely from Underwood home. No Saturday calls or pickup. Please phone 509-493-1351 or 541-490-3629. (9) 5 PANEL doors, fir, mandel, stair railing, fir t r i m , no paint, 1920's house t r i m , $500, 541-993-1656. 280 Misc. Wanted 1 Berringer keyboard, 3 channel 45 watts, $125. 541-980-9113. 10 LB NITROUS Oxide system bottle with mounting bracket, $100. 541-296-4416. DONATE TODAY! 14 YEAR old well-trained mare. Very gentle, anyone can ride. $475. 509-773-7676. 1986 300 CI, 6-cyl. motor, $100. 509-281-0442. IT REALLY MAKES A DIFFERENCE in the Gorge 2 TOYOTA spare tires with rims, $50. 541-980-4154. WANTED: Used lawn mowers, Push or riding, Rototillers, Running or not. For free or cheap. I will pick up. 541-980-7760 Classifieds "BUTTONS" Gorgeous flame point Siamese cat, female, adult, rescued, affectionate, spayed. indoors only. Call Elizabeth, 541386-5099. BARRELS, burn and storage, 55-gallon, with lids, $20. Call 503-453-7109, ask for Ray, or 541-3862486. A STUFFED ANIMAL TO SKYLINE HOSPITAL ER White Salmon, WA TO COMFORT A SICK OR SCARED CHILD buy it! sell it! find it! FOR SALE: Toy soldier collection. Many plastic collector figures + playsets. Wargaming figures & accessories. Will sell in parts or as a whole set. Many historical periods covered. If interested please call Ken, 541-296-3479 IT REALLY MAKES A DIFFERENCE 155 Furniture 28 concrete blocks. 15 decorative concrete blocks. $40/ALL. 541-296-3116. The Goldendale Sentinel Business Directory • The Goldendale Sentinel Business Directory Carpet Cleaning Alpacas M ountaindale aintenance Discover the Alpaca Lifestyle What’s Missing? Carpet Cleaning (509) 773-4113 Jim Cronin More business for you if you’re not advertising in The Goldendale Sentinel’s Business Directory! Call today! New Construction Remodeling Roofing J &J B U I L D I N G & R E M O D E L I N G “Complete Construction Services” Custom Kitchens & Baths Custom Homes & Designs Garages & Pole Buildings Steel Buildings Demolition Framing & Roofing Cert. Manu. Home Installer 773-4007 “WE DO IT ALL!” CALL FOR YOUR FREE ESTIMATE Certified Manufactured Home Installers All your development needs - Garages • Pole Buildings Concrete Remodeling Road Gr ading Road Building Driveways Base Rock Pit Run Cr ushed Rock Red Sand Site Prep Septic Systems Utility Ditches Land Clear ing Ponds and MORE! Road Grader Dozer Track Hoe Lowboy Heavy Haul Back Hoe Dump Trucks Belly Dumps Loaders Randy & Penny Dyche •Goldendale, Washington WA LIC.PACIFEL 942JD We take Visa, Mastercard & Discover Engine Repair/Storage All Phases of Interior & Exterior Professional Remodeling & Home Repairs Lawnmower, small engine, generator sales and service and outboard motor repair Framing • Counter Tops • Drywall • Vinyl & Laminated Flooring Cabinets • Additions • Painting • Kitchens • Siding & Decks Bathrooms • Windows • Tile Work • Doors Randy L. Hoskinson 509-250-2267 • 509-773-5708 Call now for spring tune-ups (509) 773-7010 (509) 261-1431 WA LIC# RANDYHS936K3 “A FAMILY TRADE FOR FOUR GENERATIONS” 3122 S. Columbus, Goldendale Open M-F, 9 am to 6 pm/Sat 10 am to 2 pm pm Home Improvement Order your annual test at 1-877-278-5999 or ccb#175290 Pet Services Gail’s Pooch Parlor Professional Dog Groomer All Breeds Love your pet but hate the shedding? We now offer FURminator shed-less treatment! Call Gail for an Appointment 773-4494 or 261-1537 806 N. Glover Ave. Motorcycle Repair Rain Gutter Systems D A V I D Gutter installation, repair & cleaning Free estimates • Leaf Guard Over 26 colors available H 839 Hanna Rd. • Goldendale, WA 98620 A N N A (509) 773-3597 Licensed, Bonded & Insured Top Notch K R I S T Y H A N N A WA License #RAINGGS968PD Photo Services Golden Photo Services Underground Sprinklers GOLDENDALE, WA Rototilling Ditching Flail Mowing Frost Free Hydrants Lawns Service Performance Collision Repair Ty Olson 773-3846 or 250-0437 (509) 261-0701 (888) 259-3537 Factory Trained Harley Tech WA. UBI #603031776 Portraits - On Locaton * Passport Photos Digital Prints * Enlargements Photo Repair * Photo Cards Scan photo/slide to CD*VCR to DVD KK-C Pharmacy & K-C Corral Thrifty Sue’s Upscale Resale • Clothes • Collectibles • Baby Clothes • Toys • Books • Housewares AND MORE 111 Columbus Ave Health Care Health Care Reimche-Vu Family Dentistry downtown Goldendale New Patients Welcome Store Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekdays 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturdays Call 104 W. Main, Goldendale 773-4344 (509) 773-CARE Columbia Homes Manufactured Homes Serving Goldendale & Klickitat County with quality homes since 1995 Competitive Pricing • Great Service Land/Home Packages 2 SALES CENTERS TO SERVE YOU The Dalles, Oregon 1-877-856-4663 1361 W. Second Featuring: Golden West Thrift Stores 117-A West Main, Goldendale Tel: (509) 772-2717 Cell: 509-250-1906 Guaranteed CRAFTON ROAD ROCK QUARRY 509-773-0448 Alexander’s Repair JANS BACKFLOW TESTING Decks Garages Pole Barns WA Lic. #MCCLEC*933BQ PACIFIC EXCAVATION LLC CCB # WAJJBUIJB921LL Construction 34 Years Of Experience 33 Building Custom Homes, Additions & Remodeling Jim L. McClellan Fair Prices Construction Construction Jimmy Giese (509) 250-0184 Jennifer Giese (509) 250-2718 Quality Work 509-773-3777 Cell: (509) 261-1504 Site Preparation Driveways & Roads Septic Systems Excavation & Dump Trucking Foundations & Flatwork Concrete Sawing & Breaking Construction Construction BREEDING THE FINEST • (509) 773-6184 • Visitors Welcome 2yr old lawnmower asking $100 or best offer. Call 541-340-9942 for info Union Gap, Washington 1-877-446-0917 8 E. Columbus (across from Jean’s Cottage Inn) Featuring: Marlette Tree Care Let us help You Build a better business! Call The Sentinel today! 509-773-3777 Carl Karns, Owner Complete Tree Service Chipping & Stump Grinding Most Affordable in The Gorge (541) 490-0703 (509) 772-2760 ALTRETT927JB A14 — JUNE 8, 2011 GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON CLASSIFIEDS 286 $500 or Less 286 $500 or Less 286 $500 or Less 3-bike rear mount draftmaster S76 bike carrier. holds 1 tandem, & 2 regular(or 3 regular, it's adjust. $425 541-300-9015. FANCY and Flower: shy 3year-old cats, sweet, black TWINS, indoor, spay, shots/wormed, Luk. check, adults, no dogs. 541-3863776. QUEEN mattress & box spring w/wooden headboard. Vanity-style w/ mirrors, drawers, $450. 541386-3549 or 541-806-1407 4x8 utility trailor $250.00 541-544-2234 Wamic. ADORABLE yellow male lab pup for sale, Very cute, Shots, Dew-clawed, Avail now, $300. 503-551-8299 ALMOST new, heavy all Oak rocker, with beautiful detailing $95/OBO 541-298-6250 AMERICAN Civil War War Gaming miniature collection, $500 OBO. For more info call 541-296-3479, Ken. Leave message. BATHROOM medicine cabinet, mirrored with shelves, new in box, $25. 509-493-1963. RAINBOW vacuum, w/atFLOOR LAMP w/ 5 Lights, tachments. For floors and Marble base, $50. rugs. $125. 360-903-6002, 541-296-2516 Goldendale. FORD motor, '84, 2.8 liter, RECORDS, '78s in exc. V6, complete with exhaust, hear it run in the 4x4, RAM cond., Will Rogers, Edward rebuild, $475 OBO or R. Murrow, Benny Goodman, Irving Berlin, etc. $50 trade, 509-364-3304. OBO. 541-354-2661 FREE PUPPY. Female, 8 weeks old. Blue Heeler RIDGID wet/dry Shop Vac, crossed with Border Collie 4 gallons, $20. 541-4901137 mix. 541-993-8889. FREE: alpacas for 4-H projects/pets. We have several Suri alpacas available that are 1 to 2 years old. FREE to a good home. 509-433-7874. ROLLTOP DESK, oak, 46"h x 54"w x 29"d, excellent condition, $300. 541380-1676. BIKE, commercial quality, recumbent, Norditrack, very low hours, Nano hookup, $250, 509-281-0715. BIKE, Trek, young girls, 16" tires, pink, hardly used, good condition. Paid $300, asking $100 OBO, 503523-7200. GRABER vertical blinds, (2) white, valances. 1 fits 8' patio door, other fits 4'x8' window. $50/both or sell separately. 541-386-2668 BIKE, vintage, womens, blue, Motobecane(French), 10-speed, mixte, 20" frame, $35, 541-386-5775. HARLEY Davidson touring Road Zepplin air adjustable seat, fits '08 later, except FLHXXX, like new, $500, 541-806-0731. Blue Healer born 22 March from good working parents.Moro Oregon. $150.obo 541-565-3090 BOAT trailer for 12'-14' boat. New lights & slide bumper for self load, $250. 509-281-0715 BRAND NEW Rolling Walker with seat, basket & brakes. $175/OBO. 541-965-1123 CANOPY, 78"x58"x20" with 4 hold-downs, 3 slider windows & lockable rear, $80. 541-354-1399 CANOPY, full size with back doors, $300. 541544-3002 CatGenie completely automatic cat box, no more scooping! Runs great! Need water hook up for use. $100. 541-980-0419. CHEVY LT1 motor, with 700 R4 transmission, $500, 541-399-6519 after 6 p.m. CHILD carrier, Kelty Kids hiking backpack, $75, 541387-4752. SHOPPING cart cover, or for high chair, like new, in HAY mower, 6 ft. sicklebar box, Jeep brand. $10. 541- 3 point hookup, works 386-1371. good. $350. 509-773-5444. SLIM is about a year old, HOBART Kitchenaid Mixer and likely a Greyhound w/hook, paddle, whip & mix, and what a handsome boy he is! Very playful, bowl. $65. 541-300-0683. loves everyone, great with HONDA 3 wheeler, '84. other dogs, and calms Runs excellent, only needs down nicely, too. Adopt A the cushion for the seat, Dog 541-354-1083 starts with 1 or 2 pulls, $400, 541-354-2185. SOFA, Ethan Allen, excelHP INK cartridge combo lent condition, tan with soft pack, 2- #92 black, 1- #93 pattern, neutral colors, tri-color, $25. 541-354- non-smoking, $175 OBO, 541-387-8847. 1059 HUTCH large. Shelves w/sliding doors & open adjustable shelves. Old & painted. $200. 541-296-2389. SOLID oak desk, 57 Inches long, $150/OBO. Good shape. 541-380-0577 TABLE loom, Dryad Leicester, antique, 29-inches J O I N T E R / P L A N E R , wide, all wood, working Craftsman 6" professional, condition, $200. 509-395$150. 541-490-5645. 2421. Large woodstove in great shape for garage or shed asking $100 or best offer please call 541-980-9465. TABLE, utility, metal frame, 2 board shelves, 24"x48"x36"h, adjustable, $15. 541-386-1913. LEATHER Jacket, ladies Medium. Gorgeous maroon, tailored, no tears, stains or odors. $35. 541352-3523. COMPUTER, Dell PC, Pent 4, 1 GB Ram, 40 GB HD, CD-R/W, XP/Word, Games, $100. OBO 541-296-3440 TERRA COTTA WARRIOR, half-life size replica of Chinese kneeling archer, bought in Xian, perfect condition, $400, 509-281LOUIS LAMORE BOOKS 0842. 130 paperbacks. $80. 509TIRES, (4) 185/60-R14 899-4647 82H Zeiuz on AMC wheels, LUMBER rack, heavy duty 4 hole pattern, brand new, pipe style, fits 6' pickup $200. 541-386-6502. bed, $250, 541-490-4256. TIRES, new (2) 185/70P13, Male Long coat chihuahua, $150 OBO. 541-386-3360. needs loving home without other dogs. Asking $150. TRAMPOLINE netting & Born March 2005 Not fixed pad for 12' trampoline. 2 541-442-8502 nets, 1 pad, $175. 541MAYTAG self clean oven, 386-5377. COWBOY boots, men’s size 8-1/2EEE. $50. 509773-4508. UPRIGHT FREEZER, works good. $75. 541-340-9101. COFFEE TABLE, circa 1940's art deco style. Extra thick, green tint, 48" solid glass top sits on a scrolled wrought iron base. $75. 503-349-2800 Camas COINS: Eisenhower dollar collection. Every IKE dollar ever minted. 32 coins proof and un-circulated in cherry wood case. $400. 509-773-7875 Crib Bedding Set. Quilt,bumper, bed skirt, curtains, diaper stacker, deco pillow. English garden/Victorian.$65. 541-980-4734. Daystar Comfort Ride. Complete suspension, 2«" lift kit. New in box. $175. 509-767-1539 DESSERT plates and cups, glass, oval shape with molded cup holder. approximately 60 sets, $1.00/ set. 509-493-2161, ASK FOR BEV. DINING table with 4 chairs, 30" x 48", top is natural wood color, legs and chair backs are dark green, $100, 541-298-2971. DOORS, solid wood, interior, (4). $300. 541-980-7740. DRYER, Whirlpool, white, gas, works great, $100, delivery available. 509-4934266 or 509-281-0276. Electric Lawnmower 20" w/ grass catcher, bought new Aug of 2010 for $250. Offering for $125. Power cord avail. 541-296-3212. ENTERTAINMENT center, all wood, light color, opening for TV: 27"x25", shelves for storage, good cond. $50. 509-493-1678. STATEWIDE CLASSIFIEDS WEEK OF JUNE 6, 2011 This newspaper participates in a statewide classified ad program sponsored by the Washington Newspaper Publishers Association, a statewide association of weekly newspapers. The program allows classified advertisers to submit ads for publication in participating weeklies throughout the state in compliance with the following rules.You may submit an ad for the statewide program through this newspaper or in person to the WNPA office. The rate is $255 for up to 25 words, plus $10 per word over 25 ceramic top. $300. 541-980-9799. MERCURY outboard, 7.5 hp, $350 obo. 541-993-1090. MICRO SUEDE sage colored sofa, in good condition, like new, paid $900 asking $150. 541-965-2781 VACUUM cleaner, Rainbow, with attachments, $300. 509-637-3684. VITA-MIX blender, white, $65. 541-300-0683. WEAVING LOOM for table top, 24 inches. $250. 541-296-1881. MOTORCYCLE touring seat, Harley Davidson Road Zepplin, air adjust- WOODEN walking chair able, fits 08-later models and kids wooden walking except FLHXXX, like new, horse, both needs a little $500. 541-806-0731. TLC $20 each/OBO NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 541-296-2836 collection, 1966-2008 + extras. $150/All. ANIMALS & 509-365-3607 Sunday thru Thursday calls only. AGRICULTURE NECKLACE, crystal beads, double strand, 13", $10. Livestock & Supplies ...290 Pets & Supplies ...........295 541-386-6755 Pasture Rentals ...........300 OAK DRESSER, with 4 Stables & Kennels .......305 drawers that are doveHay, Feed, & Produce..310 tailed, $50. Lawn & Garden Equip. 311 541-296-8758. Food, Meat, & Produce315 OUTBOARD motor, John- Plants & Nursery Stock son 6 HP, LS, 2 stroke, two 320 6-gallon fuel tanks. $350. Farm & Orchard 541-806-2318 Equipment ...................325 PRE-SCHOOL table and some chairs, 6'x2.5'x20" tall. Plus, bed mats with covers. Plus, spring horse and Step-2 fire truck, EvenFlo Home Decor oak children walk-through gate, $120/TAKES ALL. 509493-1466. words. WNPA reserves the right to edit all ad copy submitted and to refuse to accept any ad submitted for the statewide program. WNPA, therefore, does not guarantee that every ad will be run in every newspaper. WNPA will, on request, for a fee of $40, provide information on which newspapers run a particular ad within a 30 day period. Substantive typographical error (wrong address, telephone number, name or price) will result in a "make good", in which a corrected ad will be run the following week. WNPA incurs no other liability for errors in publication. SLIM is about a year old, and likely a Greyhound mix, and what a handsome boy he is! Very playful, loves everyone, great with other dogs, and calms down nicely, too. Adopt-A-Dog 541-354-1083 290 Livestock & Supplies Bee Swarms Wanted! 541-296-5817 330 Business Rentals The Dalles 850 sq ft, $750/mo. Inc. utils, Columbia Court Mall, 107 E 2nd. 541-298-8903 4 Office complex, $500/ Mo., 541-298-8903 Storage:Ã 400 Sq. Ft., $150/Mo. 541-298-8903 INTERNATIONAL 5000 diesel Windrower, 14 ft. header w/conditioner, rock guards, new tires, runs good. $4,000. Goldendale, 509-773-4196. THE DALLES Commercial/ Retail/Light Industry, 2937 E. 2nd St., The Dalles: ÃUnit #2 & 3, 2400 Sf., ÃUnit #6, 720 Sf., ÃUnit #8, 1675 Sf., IRRIGATION PIPE hand ÃUnit #9, 1175 Sf., lines. 25 - 3" x 40'lines, 1/2 541-993-4689 straight, 1/2 not straight, w/ risers & sprinklers. T's, 335 Apartment 90's & assorted fittings. $1000. 509-899-4647. Rentals/OR. RENTALS Shy 3-year-old cats, sweet black TWINS, indoor, spay, shots/wormed, Luk check, adults, no dogs. l541-386-3776 SEARS 2 in water pump, Horizonal 1/2 HP elect. motor. $75. 541-980-0631 after 6pm. SET of 4 tires, Zexius 225/60 R16, $100. 509-314-0946. 325 Farm & Orchard Equip. 1964-75 Massey Ferguson/150 diesel, 3444 hrs., H & L 3 spd, 3 point w/pto & 3 imp's./blade, plow & giant G-rake. $4000 OBO. 509281-0509. RIDING lawn mower, $350. 541-980-7760 GENERATOR, Robin engine, Multi-Quip 2300R. SANDALS, Birkenstock, nearly new, womens 8 to 8 $500 obo. 509-250-1005. 1/2, $39. 509-493-3808. GPS-Garmin Nuvi 265WT, with blue-tooth, new with SAVAGE MODEL 170 dash/windshield mount. PUMP 30/30 $300.00 OBO Has "Traffic Alert". $85. call for more info 541-296-3233. 509-840-1993. BEDSET, full size, Sealy Posturepedic w/early American head/footboard. $100. 509-773-4301. 295 Pets & Supplies "BUTTONS" Gorgeous flame point Siamese cat, female, adult, rescued, affectionate, spayed, indoors only. Call Elizabeth 541-386-5099 PURRFECT FIT CAT ADOPTION YELLOW LAB PUPPIES COMING SOON, $600 Both males and females, available approximately June 1st. Come see, put in request and pay deposit of $100, to hold. 509-493-1871 541-806-3597 310 Hay, Feed, Straw HAY for sale, new crop, small bales. Grass $120/ ton; Alfalfa $160/ton. $10 discount in field. Call Matt, 509-250-3755. HAY, Grass hay, covered in stacks, $100/ton. 509-773-5265. 315 Food, Meat, & Produce EGGS, farm fresh, cage free, happy hens. Blue, green, and brown, $3/dozen, 2874 Paasch Dr., Hood River or 541-386-8700. FRESH local Dallesport Asparagus. $1.50 lb. 509-767-4774. Sandoz Farm Stand Come to the farm for the freshest vegetables. Experience what a radish tastes like the day it is picked. We have steaks and burgers for the BBQ, choose from our full selection of naturally raised beef and pork. 5755 Mill Creek Rd, The Dalles . Wed-Sat. 11-6pm. Sun 11-4pm. 320 Plants & Nursery Stock DAHLIA GRAB BAGS! 10 tubers/$5.00 Available now at The Gorge White House 2265 Hwy 35, Hood River 541-386-2828 www.thegorgewhiteho DAHLIA TUBERS Mixed colors, .50 each. 541-354-1893 SWEETWOOD NURSERY Trees & shrubs Mon - Fri, 1-5 Sat, 8-5, closed Sun. 1284 Hwy 141 White Salmon, WA. 509-493-1907 The Commodore II Apartments in The Dalles, 312 Business Rentals.........330 Court Street is now acApartment Rentals/OR 335 cepting applications for fedApartment Rentals/WA 340 erally funded housing. StuCondo Rentals/OR ......350 dio & 1 bdrm Apartments Condo Rentals/WA ......352 may be available. On-site Duplexes, Four-Plexes/OR management and laundry 355 facility in a beautifully reDuplexes, Four-Plexes/WA stored historic building in 360 downtown The Dalles. 541House Rentals/OR.......365 298-7600 or TDD 800-735House Rentals/WA ......370 2900. Professionally manSenior Housing ............372 aged by The Neel ManMobile Homes/Oregon.375 agement Team Inc. Mobile Homes/Washington 380 Mobile Home Spaces ..382 RV Space.....................384 Rentals Wanted ...........385 Rentals to Share..........390 Room Rentals..............395 THE DALLES, 1 Bdrm, W/ RV Site Rentals ...........397 S/G pd., No pets, $475/ Vacation Rentals..........400 Mo., $500 Dep. Bed & Breakfast...........405 Storage Space.............410 541-298-7015 Misc. Rentals ...............415 THE DALLES: ** affordable housing** Ask about our move in special. 2 bdrm 330 Business town houses with balcoRentals nies. All appliances, coinop laundry, carport availHAVE A HOME FOR SALE? able. Starting at $590/mo. Get results fast by placing 541-298-1076. your ad in the Gorge Classifieds, your ad will appear 340 Apartment in every paper in the gorge area, reaching over Rentals/WA. 115,000 readers each week. Call us at the Goldendale Sentinel, 773-3777 BINGEN. Studio, 1 bdrm, 2 or toll-free at 1-888-287- bdrm, monthly, $400-$600, utils includ. 1st+dep. 5093777. 493-1803 9 am-7 pm. HOOD RIVER 190 sq. ft. office, $210. 300 sq. ft. office, $210. 400 sq. ft. office, $375. 750 sq. ft. retail mall, $750. 870 sq. ft. retail mall, $800. 1068 sq. ft. office, $885. 1450 sq. ft. retail, $1100. Various dry storage units Chuck Beardsley, 541-3865555, Hershner & Bell Realty GOLDENDALE: 1 br apt available now. $650 mo/All utilities paid. $400 dep/negotiable. 541-490-2262 GOLDENDALE, Nice furn., 1 Bdrm, W/D, Direct TV paid, No pets/smoking, 2 Miles out of town, $550/Mo + $550 Security dep., 509-773-7875 HOOD RIVER. 750 sq. ft. at 1208 Belmont, Suite B, GOLDENDALE: (3) 2includes parking lot, 541- bdrm. apts., furnished or 386-2001. unfurnished; 123 N.W. HOOD RIVER, LIGHT IN- High Street. 509-773-3816. DUSTRIAL, OFFICE, OR MURDOCK, 2 Bdrm, W/S/ RETAIL. 3200 Sq Ft., Was- G Pd., No pets, $650/Mo., co Street. A/C, Carpet, Pri- 541-993-1342 vate Restroom w/shower, conference room. $.90/SF THREE Mountain Village includes utilities. 541-490- Located at 613 W. Collins 1220 in Goldendale, now accepting applications for 1, 2 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL SPACE & 3 bdrm. apartments. HOOD RIVER Short or long term. Excel- HUD Section 8 Restrictions lent downtown location, apply. Call 509-773-3344 corner of 4th and Colum- or TTY dial 711 for applibia, one block from post of- cations. fice, 2 blocks from Oak Street. Flexible amount of space, 1200-1800 sq. ft. 18' ceilings, loading dock, shared UPS shipping, if needed. 98› per sq. ft. plus WISHRAM, 1 Bdrm w/ carutilities. Email port, Small quiet complex, or 541- $300/Mo. + First/Last + Dep. 206-824-5231 490-2274. PUBLISHER'S NOTICE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination." Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800927-9275. 355 Duplexes, Four-Plexes/OR ODELL. 3 bdrm, 2 bath duplex. Garage, fireplace, DW, $900/mo., incl W/S/G, references, first/last/deposits, 541-490-8273 or 541-490-4836. THE DALLES, 2 Bdrm, Upper unit, W/S/G pd., W/ D hookup, Fresh paint, New lights, Appliances, Bathroom floor, A/C, $650/ Mo., 912 1/2 Union St., Outside will be painted soon! No pets. 541-2963395. STORE front space for lease & Office space! 541-298-7015 GOLDENDALE: 306 W. Allyn #1, 1 bd. duplex. All appliances included. $415/ mo., Call Dale: 1-503-4734956, Hotline: 1-503-7830444 or Office: 1-503-6126 6 2 8 . www.resourcesnorthwest. com WASCO, Country living in Sherman County. Gordan ridge; top of Fulton canyon, 10 Acres, Fenced, Modern ranch house, 3 Bdrm, 3.5 DUFUR: Spacious newer 4 Ba, Living room, Dining BDRM, 2 BA, 2 Living room, kitchen, Finished area's on treed country basement w/ bath, 3 decks, acreage. Huge Master hot tub, 4 stall barn & coBdrm w/garden tub, pantry, rals, Veg. garden, 2 wells, $1200/Mo., 208-241-1349 dishwasher, fridge! Could or 208-241-4117 be rented furnished! $ 1 3 9 5 / 370 House mo unfurnished. $1895/mo furnished. Contact: Rentals/WA 541-993-7372. 365 House Rentals/OR HOOD RIVER. 4 bdrm, 2.5 bath, appliances included, brand new home, great location, no smoking/pets, $1200 per month + utilities. 541-399-1171. HOOD RIVER 2 Bed loft, views, $1400 3 Bed, views, $1800 CASCADE LOCKS 3 Bed, garage, $800 THE DALLES Studio, $395 1 Bed, W/S/G, $475 3 Bed, 2 ba, $1100 Gorge Rentals 541-387-4080 HOOD RIVER Heights, 2 bdrm, 1 bath home, remodeled, includes lawn care, new W/D & applces, shed, .25 ac. No smoking, pet negotiable, 6 mo. lease, 1st + $500 dep. $995 mo. + utils. 541-399-3845 John L. Scott Prpty Mgmt 541-298-4736 3 Bd Apt TD $775 3 Bd Duplex TD $800 3 Bd Twnhse HR $1175 ROOM 4 rent in the country, 15 Min approx to The Dalles in Dufur! Spacious newer home w/ 2 living area's & big screen tv; deer, elk, pheasant, quail, seasonal creek, pens & more! $395/mo. cleaning & laundry could be arraigned, possibly cooking too! 541-993-7372. GOLDENDALE: Large 2 bd., 2 ba., extra rooms, garage, on 20 acres. $750/ mo., 1st/last/dep. Ref. req'd. No smoking. 509493-4525. John L. Scott Prpty Mgmt 541-298-4736 3 Bd House WS $1,000 3 Bd House WS $3,750 2 Bd House Carson $725 3 Bd House Gdale $915 2 Bd Apt Lyle $545 1 Bd Apt Bingen $525 LYLE, 3 bedroom, $845/mo plus deposit. Heat pump. No pets. Water and sewer incl. 408-646-9466 WHITE SALMON. 1 bdrm, Snowden area, wood heat, pets negotiable, water/ trash/snow removal included, $600/mo. 509-4934199. THE DALLES, Triplex, River view, large 2 Bdrm, 1« Ba, W/S/G paid. $800/mo. $950/dep. 2 bdrm, 1 ba, W/ S/G paid, storage room, $750/mo. +$950/dep. One year lease required on units. No smoking/ pets. 541-993-2972 or email HELPWANTED HELPWANTED/ LEGAL SERVICES INTERNATIONAL CULTURAL Exchange Representative: Earn supplemental income placing and supervising high school exchange students. Volunteer host families also needed. Promote world peace! 1-866-GO-AFICE or TRUCK DRIVERS t e r n a m DRIVERS -- Company Lease - Work for us or let us work for you! Unbeatable career opportunities. Trainee, Company driver. Lease Operators earn up to $51k. Lease Trainers earn up to $80K (877) 369-7105 LIVESTOCK HELPWANTED/ LEGAL SERVICES MAKE $20,000-$30,000. Join our breeding program. Easy. Fun. All equipment FREE. Work 3hrs per week. 4ft work space needed. Live anywhere Call 1-509-7204389 TRUCK DRIVERS DIVORCE $135. $165 with children. No court appearances. Complete preparation. Includes, custody, support, property division and bills. BBB member. (503) 772-5295. www.paralegalal 20 ACRE RANCH foreclosures Near Booming El Paso, Texas. Was $16,900 Now $12,900 $0 Down, take over payment, $99/mo. DRIVERS -- Reefer Team Lessee. Average $1.12/mile (+fuel surcharge). Paid CDL Training & Benefits! Call Prime today! 1-800-2770212 GOLDENDALE: 3 bd., 1 ba. Living room, family room, garage, fenced private back yard, downtown. $800/mo., $500 refundable dep. 1st mo. & ref. req'd. Available now. Carrie at 509-773-4351. SIMCOE MANOR Apartments, a complex for senior, handicapped, or disabled persons, has 1 & 2 bdrm. apts. Rent based on THE DALLES 2 bedroom, income. W/S/G pd. Laun1 dry & rec room on site. Apbath, charming house with plications available at 305 large front porch, 1412 E. Simcoe Drive, Goldendale, 10th TD. Large living room WA 98620. Or call 509with fireplace, new bath, 773-4255. Equal Housing jetted tub, and tons of extra Opportunity. space in the full basement (not bedroom space). $895/mo. 541 490-1437. EVENTS-FESTIVALS EDUCATION GOLDENDALE: 1 bdrm. furnished cottage, 11 mi. North of Goldendale. $495/ mo., all util. inc. No pets. No smoking. 509-7734434. THE DALLES: Newer large 5th wheel. Will carry contract $8000. Live in Park with pool. 503-806-0347. ANNOUNCE your festival for only pennies. Four weeks to 2.7 million readers statewide for about $1,000. Call this newspaper or 1 (206) 634-3838 for more details. ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from home. *Medical *Business * Paralegal *Accounting * Criminal Justice. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. Call 866-483-4429 APPLETON: Very private 2 bdrm., country home, 12 mi. above Lyle. Heavy snow area, 1 acre yard. Laundry hookups, no garage. $600/mo. 509-365-2173. WISHRAM, 3 Bdrm, 1 Ba, Avail July 1, $700/Mo. + ROWENA 3 bedroom, 1 $550 dep. + 1st/last, Pets bath, fenced yard, pets ok, upon approval. 509-748$900 mo. without applces. 2699 $1000 mo. with applces. plus $900 dep. 541-806Senior Housing 0495 MISC FOR SALE FINANCIAL THE DALLES, great Eastside neighborhood, spacious 3 bdrm, 1.5 bath, 1650 square feet, heat pump/AC, hardwood floors, appliances, gas fireplace. clean basement and garage. Security system, front & backyard w/sprinkler system and nice back deck. Utility room with/W/D HU. No pets/no smoking. 1st/last/dep/1 year lease. $995/month. Call to schedule a viewing. 503-3258121 or 253-261-2516. GOLDENDALE: 316 W. Allyn #6, 2 bd. cottage, w/d hookup; appliances inc., has 1 fruit tree. $465/mo., Call Dale: 1-503-473-4956, Hotline: 1-503-783-0444 or The Dalles, Very Spacious Office: 1-503-612-6628. 2bed/2bath New paint carwww.resourcesnorthwest. pet & shower, refinished com bath tub, large yard, carWHITE SALMON. 2 bed- port, shed. Fridge, dishroom cottage, great loca- washer, stove microwave tion, neat and very clean. washer dryer hook up. No smoking, no pets. $650/ 1616 I St. behind middle month. 509-281-1055 or school. $1050 mo, $1000 sec dep 541-806-1792 509-493-2208. SAWMILLS -Band/Chainsaw - Spring Sale - Cut lumber any dimension, anytime. Make Money and Save Money. In stock ready to ship. Starting at $995.00. /300N 1-800-578-1363Ext. 300N LOCAL PRIVATE INVESTOR loans money on real estate equity. I loan on houses, raw land, commercial property and property development. Call Eric at (800) 563-3005. 365 House Rentals/OR THE DALLES, 2 Bdrm, 1 Ba duplex, Clean, Updated, Quiet, W/D, Garbage included. $750/mo. + dep. 541-993-6063 Statewide Classifieds JUSTIN HILL HORSESHOEING 509-261-1508. 360 Duplexes, Four-Plexes/WA REAL ESTATE Beautiful views, owner REAL ESTATE financing. Free Map/Pictures 800-343-9444. JUNE 8, 2011 — A15 GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON CLASSIFIEDS 375 Mobile Homes/ Oregon HOOD RIVER 4 bdrm, 2 ba, 1875 sq. ft. wrap-around deck, animals welcome w/dep. Pasture avail. $950 mo. + dep. No smoking. Pine Grove, off Paasch Dr. 509-364-3598 or 541806-5889. THE DALLES, Large mobile home space for rent in local mobile home park, For info please call 541-298-5609 or 541-296-9292 385 Rentals Wanted LOOKING for an apt. in Hood River. Can pay up to $500 mo. I'm a Christian male, 59. Call Dade 541806-0685. WANTED: Room to share or use of house during the week within a 15-mile radius of Hood River. Should not exceed $400/mo., including utilities Non-smoker, clean, cooks, no pets, and employed full time. 971-241-4401 395 Room Rentals THE DALLES room for rent, Furnished, Centrally located, $450/mo + $250 dep or $45/per night, or $175/per week. 509-281-1048 REAL ESTATE Acreage & Lots ............ 420 Commercial/Investment Property 425 Orchards, Farms, Ranches 430 Real Estate/OR............ 435 Real Estate/WA ........... 437 Real Estate Wanted..... 440 Manufactured Homes/OR 445 Manufactured Homes/WA 447 Condos/OR .................. 450 Condos/WA.................. 452 420 Acreage & Lots HOOD RIVER, 2.5 acres, monutain views, perk tested and ready to build, utilities at property, located Hood River westside Terms available. $299,000. 541-806-0703 Get more eyes on your ad, place it in the Gorge Classifieds! 420 Acreage & Lots PUBLISHER'S NOTICE All real estate advertising i n this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination." Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800927-9275. 435 Real Estate/OR DUFUR, F.S.B.O. Ranch style house, stick built. Sits on a 1/4 acre lot in the beautiful Dufur valley. Two bedrooms, one bathroom. 1264 square feet. Open floor plan.Bonus room, mud room. Heat pump, fire place. Deaded direct view of Mount Hood.House has a country setting,yet is close to downtown Dufur and Dufur School.House is on a paved road. ASKING 140K. 541-980-1132 HOOD RIVER Mt. Hood and Adams Views from one property! Unbelievable 3.97 ac. building site in rural HR. Level and well groomed with irrigation rights. $325,000 Mt Hood Realty Co. (541) 352-7789 PARKDALE 3 bdrm 2 ba Home on 4.5+ fenced acres. Features a pond with gorgeous gazebo and a shop with several outbuildings. Offered at $430,000 Mt. Hood Realty Co. (541) 352-7789 THE DALLES, 3 Acre farm, East side, 1500 sq ft brick home, New roof, Plus storage buildings, Exc. cattle or horse ranch! Possible fruit orchard or grapes. Some farm machinery possible. Future subdividable. Fantastic views, Possible trade or seller assisted financing. 541-298-8873 THE DALLES: Newer large 5th wheel. Will carry contract $8000. Live in Park with pool. 503-806-0347. 437 Real Estate/WA 1 BDRM., 1 ba. home w/ formal liv. rm., lg. fam. rm., (possible 2nd bdrm?); formal dining rm., open kitchen w/lots of storage; heat pump w/AC; wood stove, garage & carport. $99,000. Ward Nelson, broker, NW Realty Group, 541-490-6769. 437 Real Estate/WA CENTERVILLE: 2 bd., 1 ba. home on almost 2 acres. Siding, roof & well upgraded. Currently remodeling interior (paint, drywall, cabinets, appliances). Some work needed on fencing & septic. $50,000 or owner will carry contract w/half down. Or half cash/half trade for 5th wheel or ? 541-220-4548. GOLDENDALE: FSBO 3 bd., 1.5 ba. on 1 level, 1500 sq. ft., corner lot, 2 car att. garage w/shop, new carpet, hardwood floors, master bdrm. & ba. 412 Sanders Way. 541-980-7210, Dale. LIVE IN THE COUNTRY FSBO, 20 fully fncd acres, 2006, 1450 sq. ft. MH, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 30' x 40 ' barn. 6 mi. W. of Centerville, WA. $199,000. 541-490-4787 or 541-490-4792 445 Manufactured Homes/OR THE DALLES, View Point Small community overlooking the river and Mt. Hood. Very clean 2 Bedroom, 1 1/2 Bath, Extra large open living/dining/ kitchen area. Great neighbors and view, Watch the Barges and Sternwheelers pass by! 14 x 80 Home in good condition. $22,000/ Negotiable. 541-288-7267 The Dalles, Must see Inside! Beautiful 05 Manf. Home 4 bd, 2 bth, Family Rm. Big Kitchen. Patio. Easy Care landscaped, fenced lot. 2 sheds. Heat Pump. 1800 sq ft. Handicap Access. 1024 Home St. Asking $159,000 Call 541-993-5477 or 541-993-5466 THE DALLES, 3 Bdrm, 2 Ba, Small fenced back yard, In Pomona Meadows, 1999 Goldenwest, $128,000. 541-296-1259 THE DALLES: Newer large 5th wheel. Will carry contract $8000. Live in park with pool. 503-806-0347. 447 Manufactured Homes/WA 73«' X 13' Guerdan single wide. Super good cents & like new. 2 bdrm, 1 bath. All electric, stove & fridge included. You move. $20,000. 509-773-4808. 452 Condos/WA AUTOMOTIVE Aviation ........................455 RV's & Travel Trailers ...460 Canopies & Campers ..465 RV Rentals...................470 RV Parts & Supplies ....475 Boats, Motors, Supplies 480 Personal Watercraft .....481 Snowmobiles ...............485 Motorcycles, ATC's & ATV's 490 Utility Trailers ...............495 Heavy Equipment ........500 Misc. Auto ....................505 Auto Parts & Supplies .510 Autos Wanted ..............515 Sport Utility Vehicles....525 Pickups & Trucks .........530 Vans & Utility Vehicles .535 Antique & Classic Autos 538 Automobile...................540 460 RVs & Travel Trailers '06 LANCE 845 shortbed truck camper, in excellent condition and stored under cover, $12,999. '07 GMC 2500HD LT, extra cab, shortbed diesel, 4WD, 19K miles, also available. 541806-2605 or scottiemax@ '2008, 31' SUNDANCE 5th Wheel, 3 slides, clean, good condition, local owner, $25,000. '04 Ford F250 Extend. cab Pick Up also avail. with hitch. 503-2608429 or 503-505-2864. 1999 SUNNYBROOK 24foot fifth-wheel, $8100. 1999 Dodge Ram 3500, duallie, $6100. For both, $14,000. 541-399-3876 2000 LaKota, 29 Ft. 5th Wheel, Fiberglass, Double slide, Beautiful oak cabinetry, Like new cond., Air, Awning, $13,900 (Also Ford Diesel truck; $5,995) 541-298-8873 2006 EVEREST 5th wheel, 293P, 32 ft., 2 slides, alumacore, fiberglass, $32,000. Also available, '03 FORD F350, crew cab, 4x4, diesel, 41K, dual rear wheels, with hitch. Both ultra clean, plus condition. Call for info, 509-493-1617. 29 FT LAYTON 5th wheel, brand new tires, new hot water heater, new refrigerator. 541-980-1075. CURTIS TRAILERS Since 1948 WE BUY CLEAN USED RVs NORTHWEST'S LARGEST SELECTION Choose from: Big Sky, Bighorn, Cougar, Fuzion, Komfort, Lance, Montana, Mountaineer, North Trail, Outback, Residence, Resort, Sandstorm, Denali, MPG, Onyx, Passport, Silver Creek, Rubicon, Springdale, Stealth, Super Sport, Trail Cruiser, Trail Sport and Trailblazer. PORTLAND 800-345-1363 Hank's Auto Sales 541-490-2720 Photo of House STEVENSON FSBO Condo Unit #1, 1527 sq. ft., 3 bdrm, 2.5 ba, built in '08, kitchen, dining rm & office. Completely furn., built-in TV's, Hunter Douglas blinds. Great view from both levels. Must see to appreciate. $247,500. 541-490-2720 Buy-Sell-Consign RV's/Utility Vehicles 541-296-5854 or 541-993-0109 SPORTSMASTER Extreme Lite Travel Trailer, 2007. $9,500 OBO. Like new, sleeps 4-6, many features. Call for details. 720320-8803 TENT TRAILER with drum brakes,larger wheels, can be pulled by a large motorcycle or small car. $6500. 541-454-2042. 465 Canopies & Campers CAMPER: 1977 Dreamer, sleeps 4, fits long box, good condition. 541-980-1075. 480 Boats, Motors, & Supplies CLEAN 1988 Larson 17 Foot, Open bow, Bikini top, 150 HP Outboard, 2 HP Honda trolling motor, Ski or fish! $3800 OBO. 541-993-2910 FOUR WINNS 17' inboard/ outboard with trailer, 1992. Loaded with accessories, including waterproof cover, depth/fish finder, water ski davit & fishing rod holders, $3000 obo. 509-427-5660. SMOKERCRAFT Alaskan Deluxe, 15-foot, split seats, 15-hp Merc 4S with only 36 hours, EZ-Load trailer, fishing seats, anchor, LP's and many extras, $5715. 509493-2632. 490 Motorcycles, ATCs & ATVs HONDA SHADOW Spirit 750. 2009. Red, showroom condition, 3000 miles. $5600. Extras. 541-980-4961. IRON Eagle ATV hauler, 6'x 12', like new, $1000 firm, 541-354-1450. SPORTSTER 883, 2006. 6300 miles, intake, exhaust and more. $5000. 541-296-5701. 500 Heavy Equipment 1968 250 International, w/ 5th Wheel hitch & 20 Ft. Trailer, $4500. 541-993-7371 510 Auto Parts & Supplies TIRES: Michelen, mounted on Toyota stock wheels, from a 2010 Tundra, less than 6K miles, $200/tire on the wheel. 509-281-0294. 530 Pickups & Trucks '92 Ford F-250 3/4 ton 460 V8 approx 45k on rebuild, 170k on king cab. New brakes, bearings, tires, tool box, bed liner, side steps, tow pkg., heavy front & rear bumper w/ winch mount. $3000 OBO. 509-281-0509 FORD RANGER 1984, nice clean pickup, needs some work. Call for information 541-704-8238. 535 Vans & Utility Vehicles 1991 CHEVY Astro van, 272K miles, Auto, A/C, PW, PL, Good cond., Runs good, $500. 888-844-5237, The Dalles. Dodge Ram Van 1998, This van is in great condition. Commercial setup, with cage, shelving and racks. Like new tires, starts good and runs strong. View at St. Vincent de Paul 505 W. 9th The Dalles. See Manager Mon-Fri.9-5 541298-7837 $2300. 538 Antique & Classic Autos Classic Cars Wanted! Wanted: Your classic or muscle car or truck, please no junk or restorations! We are a licensed, bonded brokerage in the greater Portland, Oregon area with 30+ years experience, who purchases, consigns and sells primarily classic & muscle cars & trucks all over the world. Our satisfied customer base is our best advertisement. We also handle estate sale vehicles. Please call us at 503-8554345, 24 hours; 888-5976719 10am-5pm Tues Sat., or email or visit us on the web at and see videos of our inventory on YouTube at http:// w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m / r e sults?search_query=fabul ous50scars&aq=f 540 Automobiles Chevy Impala LS 2003, Loaded, OnStar, XM Radio, Leather Interior, etc. $5700 obo. 541 340-0256. DAEWOO Leganza, 2000, Loaded, All leather, 4Dr, New engine, Less than 10K miles, Moonroof, Dependable transportation vehicle, good gas mileage. $2500 OBO. 541-565-0515 HONDA Accord LX, '96, 4 dr, red with grey interior, AT, cold air for summer, alloys, sharp in & out, regular maintenance, by dealer, drives excellent, 209K easy miles. KBB retail; $4070, Asking $3450 obo. 541490-2236. Beautiful, reliable car! HYUNDAI Santa Fe, 2005, 2.8L engine, AWD, 113,000 mi., $7,000. 909471-6162, 509-250-0455. 540 Automobiles Lawn & Garden Care Residential and Commercial. Experienced as Certified Landscape Technician. Mowing, edging, thatching, fertilizing and trimming. Preparing sprinkler systems for optimal performance. Serving the Gorge. Free estimates. 541-705-5528. Solorio's Lawn Maintenance 541-993-0914, 509-7670640 Gorge Area- Cleanup, barkdust, mowing, trimming, pruning, rototilling, hauling, snow removal YARD CARE Rototilling, thatching, mowing, pruning, fertilizing, trimming & edging, spraying, bark chips, debris hauling, compost and clean-up. 541-490-0786 Painting & Papering LOG CEDAR HOME REFINISHING Complete interior/exterior painting and STAINING service. Most homes look better than new when completed! Over 20 Years Experience OR #60641 WA #gaigep*969kq Call 509-637-2858 or 503-341-1912, Mark COVERING YOUR ASSETS ONE COAT AT A TIME Special Services Lazy-Y-Salvage Hulk Hauling Will pick up Junk cars, Pickups with titles or Sheriff papers. Scrap metal of all kinds. Appliances - Alum. Copper - Brass. 541980-2235. HOLIDAYS Bazaars, Arts, Crafts ...802 Holiday Services..........804 Holiday Vacations ........806 Holiday Entertainment .808 Trees & Trim.................810 Gifts For Family ...........812 Gifts For Him ...............814 Gifts For Her ................816 Gifts For Kids...............818 Gifts of Food ................820 Gifts For Home ............822 Gifts of Pets .................824 Gifts of Music...............826 Gifts of Life ..................828 Religious Gifts .............830 Unusual Gifts ...............832 Fun Gifts ......................834 Corporate Gift Services 836 Shopping Service ........838 Gifts For Parents..........840 Wrapping & Mail Service 842 List your Real Estate in The Gorge Classifieds! MERCURY Cougar 1996. Low miles, beautiful car. New exhaust, new battery, new tune up. Kelly Bluebook $2500. Asking $2000/ OBO. 541-769-0122. PONTIAC Montana, '99. Runs great. A/C, like-new tires, plus snow tires. $2500 obo. 509-773-3915. Cleaning COLUMBIA HOME MAINTENANCE Cleaning - Painting and Windows FREE ESTIMATES 541-352-6001 OR#60590 SPECIAL CLEANING FOR SPECIAL HOMES References available 7 years experience Call Silvia 541-490-6895 Landscape Maintenance Dennis' Lawn Maintenance Lawn mowing, Hedge Trimming, Pruning, Rototilling, Hauling, Bark Dust, Brick Walls, & River Rock. 541-993-0090 541-296-1850 Bonded & Insured (Houston Insurance) DMC LAWN MAINTENANCE & MORE! Free Estimates. 541-806-5233 happychappy WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DON’T ADVERTISE? Nothing! Call us! • Gorge Classifieds 509-773-3777 A16 — JUNE 8, 2011 GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON CONTRIBUTED LEADERS IN TRAINING: FBLA members from Goldendale attended competition in Spokane. Pictured in back row: Haley Hoffman, Leo Vega, Kurt Wilkins, Zach Shattuck. Front: Logan Lesko and Michelle Fernandez. FBLA Goes to Spokane BY LOGAN LESKO FOR THE SENTINEL CONTRIBUTED GRADUATED: Bickleton’s graduating seniors from left to right are: Katelynn Clinton, Justin Harvey, Bobby Franklin, Jenna Mount and Christina Wilson. Class of 2011 last to graduate in old Bickleton gym Graduation exercises graduation of their grandwere held for the last time in daughter recently. She is the daughter of Fred the old Bickleton and Car rie High School buildNaught. ing this past SaturEast End Former Bickday. There were leton student five graduates. All News Star r Kibbey have their plans graduated from made for the fuAda Ruth Sunnsyside this ture. They are a Whitmore past week. She g reat bunch of has been attendkids. Cake was ing high school served. Folks visited and were able to tour the classes and beauty college at new school building. The new building will house all grades K thru 12. It looks like it will be finished for use by this fall. Don and Dorothy Naught went to Cheney to attend the Who’s been living in your RV this winter? Get your RV ready for Spring! State Fire Marshal Certification # 001242-08 Service & Repair. I come to you! BRUCE HENDERSON 541-993-5982 L &C ICENSED ERTIFIED the same time. She is the daughter of DeDe Kibbey of Bickleton. Birthday ladies honored this month are sisters Mary Sutton of Bickleton and June Lathrop, who has moved to Yakima. Vic and Pam Cavaliere of Antioch, Calif., drove thru this way on Monday to pay a visit to the Six Prong Cemetery where she has Carmen relatives buried—Francis The Community is Invited to Honor Nancy Sizemore for 32 years of teaching ser vice. Centerville School Thursday, June 9 1 to 3 pm Join us for cake and punch and Adella Moore Carmen and son Herbert. The Cavalieres have recently retired and are on a four month trip. They parked overnight beside the Grange Hall on Monday. They wanted to tour Bickleton while traveling thru on their way to Alaska. See you all at the Pioneer Picnic on Saturday and Sunday. BRACELETS The Golden Art Gallery From April 6 throught April 9, while other students were taking time off for spring break, several Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) members were competing at the FBLA State conference in Spokane. The six members who represented Goldendale were Zack Shattuck, Kurt Wilkins, Leo Vega, Michelle Fernandez, Haley Hoffman, and Logan Lesko. The students were chaperoned by business teacher Laurie Wilhite. Shatuck and Wilkins placed third in a team event, American Enterprise Project. Their project was based on the Primary School’s highly successful “Self Manager” program. Lesko placed third in the Creed, becoming the first person from Goldendale to place at State for this event. Hoffman competed in Public Speaking II while Fernandez and Vega attended several workshops and supported the other competitors in their preparation. The team also attended business workshops and toured college campuses at Eastern Washington University and Gonzaga University. Grindhouse Jam Night Musicians, Dancers, Listeners, Singers UNITE! June 11, 7:30 p.m. It’s Gonna Be A Party! 1/2 Price Burgers ~ FREE CAMPING 2471 Hwy. 97 • 509.773.4434 Goldendale WESLEY NURSERY in Goodnoe Hills 3 1/2” Annuals ~ $1.00 ea. or $15.00/flat Standard 6 pks ~ $2.25 ea. or $15.00/flat Tomatoes ~ Peppers ~ Herbs Hanging Baskets ~ $15.00 to $20.00 Window Boxes ~ $17.50 Arrangements ~ $7.50 to $17.50 Berry Plants Marigolds, Petunias, and Much More Open Daily, 9-6 Located 17 miles out Hoctor Road from Hwy. 97, follow signs 509-773-5352 Cash or check only (no debit please)
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