It`s the 130th anniversary of the first Klickitat County Fair!
It`s the 130th anniversary of the first Klickitat County Fair!
It’s the 130th anniversary of the first Klickitat County Fair! See Harvest 2011 for complete information on this year’s County Fair -Inside PHOTO: COURTESY, KLICKITAT COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. COLORIZED BY REBECCA GOURLEY. FAIR TIME: There was plenty of denim and dust at the Klickitat County Fair back in 1948. In this photograph from that year, A. J. Pettigrew ropes a calf at the rodeo. The Fair returns this week. Goldendale, Washington WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2011 Ag producers get more time for aid Vol. 132 No. 34 75 cents Primary School hours are changing Knowlton. Due to state budget cuts, Knowlton says he’s “running The Goldendale Primary out of people to watch the School (GPS) is changing its kids in the morning.” But the benefit is that it will add alhours of operation. Instead of starting at 8:42 most two hours of instruca.m. for school, they will start tion per week. Knowlton at 8:30 a.m. The doors will added, “Not only is it budget open at 8:15 for students who cuts, it’s a desire to have eat breakfast in the cafeteria, more face time with the and buses will start arriving kids.” Last year, GPS took a between 8:15 a.m. and 8:20 a.m. GPS Principal Thaynan $250,000 budget hit. This Knowlton is encouraging school year, in December, January, and Februparents to drop off ary, Knowlton says their kids as close “Not only is it that they may face as possible to 8:30. another 10 percent Previously, stu- budget cuts, it’s a desire to have cut, which could be dents would arrive more than $100,000. up to an hour early more face time with the kids.” Goldendale High for school and School is not changwould go outside for —Thaynan ing their hours, but mor ning recess. Knowlton the middle school is There will no adding 10 minutes longer be a mornto each day, for a ing recess and students will not be able arrive total of 50 min of added inthat early. This cuts back on struction per week, in order the number of people needed to coincide with the new bus to watch the students in the schedule. Now that the primary school students will be morning. In addition, every student picked up first by the buses will now be released at 3 p.m. instead of last, the middle for dismissal, instead of the school has to get out later. The first day of school, previous staggered release, where groups of students next Wednesday, will be like were released five minutes any other regular school day apart, starting at about 2:50 with this new schedule. Every Wednesday after will p.m. “We’ve sent out a letter to be early release at 1:50 p.m. parents explaining this,” said for GPS and 2 p.m. for GMS. Washington program offers financial and technical assistance REBECCA GOURLEY REPORTER LOU MARZELES SCREEN TEST: Nancy Brost, RN, (left) conducts a blood sugar test for Omossalmeh Missaghian Monday at The Grist Mill. Blood pressure and blood sugar test screenings were done for free, sponsored by the Seventh Day Adventist Church. The church is also holding a presentation on diabetes and obesity on Sept. 18, with cooking demonstrations and walking and exercise instruction. For more information on the event, call 773-4381. KVH swing program offers longer patient care options LOU MARZELES EDITOR Klickitat Valley Health (KVH) has programs not commonly known to the community, according to CEO John White and the hospital’s new Director of Nurses Karen Martin and Manager of Acute Care and Swing Beds Kyna Bighorn. The three spoke Monday at the Greater Goldendale Chamber of Commerce business luncheon at the American Legion. “We need to get information out on what the swing bed program means,” Martin said. The KVH swing bed program provides care for patients rehabilitating, as opposed to out-patient care which is less time-consum- ing. The second aspect of the swing bed program, longterm, provides longer care for patients and effectively serves as a nursing home facility. A patient enters the swing bed program when his or her stay in the hospital is three nights or more; or when recovering from hip or knee surgery or other orthopedic procedures; or when recovering from stroke, heart problems, lung problems, or other medical conditions; or need IV medications or wound care that can’t be accommodated at home or as an outpatient. “Some patients start treatment,” Martin said, “then are moved to long-term.” Patients can also be admitted to long-term “nursing home” swing bed by a family seek- ing such service and who want to stay close to Goldendale rather than trek to a facility further away. While the short-ter m swing bed program is eligible for Medicare, long-ter m swing bed stays are not. People seeking the long-term option “need to seek other insurance or pay for it privately,” said Martin. The swing bed program is a common function of rural hospitals and was developed in the 1970s. It was designed to utilize unused hospital beds in rural hospitals to provide longer-term care. The program arose from two needs: hospitals had more beds than patients to fill them in such areas, and often elderly patients who needed nursing homes had to go far from home to get to one. LOU MARZELES REPORTING ON SWING BEDS: Karen Martin, KVH’s new Director of Nurses, explains the hospital’s swing program Monday. County Economic Development department to see cuts REBECCA GOURLEY REPORTER The future of the Klickitat County Economic Development Department is uncertain for 2012. “We’re restructuring the department,” said County Commissioner Chair Rex Johnston. As part of the recent budget cuts, $100,000 was cut from Economic Development because “there’s just not a lot of activity there,” said Commissioner Chair Rex Johnston. “If the economy picks up, [the department] may be built back up.” Among the cuts being made is Director Mike Canon’s position; he will retire at the end of the year. “I would have loved to have stayed,” Canon commented. “I really like Economic Develop- WWW.GOLDENDEALS .BIZ See County, Page A2 Agricultural producers, including private forest landowners will have more time to apply for financial and technical assistance through Washington’s conservation program, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) announced recently. The Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) is a voluntary, technical and financial assistance program designed to help farmers, ranchers and private forest landowners improve irrigation efficiency; manage nutrient run-off and/or animal waste; improve the health of native plant communities; and reduce soil loss. In most instances, producers who participate in the program pay for roughly half of the costs of the conservation measures or practices. In previous years, the signup deadline for Washington’s general EQIP funding has been Aug. 15. According to the NRCS, they are taking a new regional approach to the development of the EQIP payment schedule and the establishment of a cutoff date will be delayed until a new payment schedule is completed and ready for public release. “EQIP remains instrumental in providing conservation assistance to producers on Washington’s working lands,” Asst. State Conservationist Dave Brown said. “Due to changes in the payment schedule, applicants who want to be considered for a fiscal year 2012 EQIP contract will have more time to complete their applications this year,” he said. Application cutoff dates for additional NRCS programs will also be announced at a later date; including Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program (WHIP), Wetland Reserve Program (WRP), and Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP). Brown said that while NRCS programs operate on a year-round signup basis, and producers can file applications at any time, periodic ranking deadlines are established so applications on file at that time can be evaluated for the next available funding allocation. Interested agricultural producers are encouraged to contact their local USDA service center or check the agency’s web site at for more information. Insitu’s Scan Eagle provides U.S. surveilance, reconnaissance into Libya A2 — AUGUST 24, 2011 Insitu ScanEagle Protects Civilians, Supports Operation Unified Protector Insitu Inc. announced that its ScanEagle unmanned aircraft system (UAS) assisted U.S. and NATO Forces in their mission to protect civilians and reduce the flow of arms to Libya. During a 72-hour counterterrorism surge supporting Operation Unified Protector (OUP), the ScanEagle UAS was operated organically aboard USS Mahan (DDG 72) to provide intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) support. In strong winds, ScanEagle performed cooperatively with a host of U.S. and NATO participating forces. “What happened over that period of time, no one expected,” said ScanEagle Detachment Officer in Charge Lt. Nick Townsend. “ScanEagle was locating contacts of interest that no one else could find. After the dust settled, ScanEagle was credited with locating a host of contacts of interest due to its ability to capture superior image quality and to operate covertly at relatively low altitudes.” About a month earlier, a highly experienced team from Insitu operating aboard USS Mahan analyzed how ScanEagle was being used and how it might be operated more effectively. Based on the analysis, the team notified the command that if the opportunity arose, it was certain the ScanEagle UAS could successfully perform a variety of mission support tasks. While the USS Mahan team waited to hear back from command about additional tasking orders, it continued to operate ScanEagle, performing routine ISR missions. When the call came to support OUP, the USS Mahan team and ScanEagle were ready. Once on station, the team made an immediate impact, locating and classifying high value contacts of interest. Imagery was delivered by secure networked channels from the ship to the task force through the Secure Video Injection system provided by Insitu parent The Boeing Company. This gave decision makers the rapid, near realtime video needed to make quick, tactical decisions. Later coordinating with an AWACS team, the USS Mahan ScanEagle team drew on ScanEagle’s 24-hour endurance to support additional phases of the mission, including battle damage assessment: ScanEagle delivered real-time, full-color imagery COUNTY from Page A1 ment, and I’m going to miss that. But I’m going to help wherever I can.” Canon had planned to retire at the end of 2012, even before finding out about the cut. After learning of the cut, he opted to retire at the end of this year. “Nothing is set in stone,” said Johnston about other potential losses to the department. Canon speculates that another position will be cut and the department will no longer be called Economic Development. The remaining employee would continue to do the same duties that 2.5 full-time employees do right now, if the cuts were put into place. NEW that was used to improve overall battlefield awareness and mission effectiveness. Townsend described ScanEagle as providing “shockingly effective combat support.” The three-day tasking demonstrated how easily and effectively ScanEagle can be integrated into highly complex operations. The USS Mahan team demonstrated the ability to employ ScanEagle to obtain precise imagery rapidly for actionable intelligence.” They (operational commanders) say ‘put the camera here’ and we put the camera there without going through layers of complex coordination. We get essential information directly to the decision makers fast,” said Insitu ScanEagle Site Lead Samuel Young. ScanEagle contract services through Insitu have a proven track record, maintaining a 99 percent mission-readiness rate and the ability to respond to time–sensitive, unplanned tasking within 30 minutes’ of notification. On this deployment, ScanEagle’s second aboard USS Mahan, the team achieved a 100 percent mission-readiness rate, accruing 1,154 flight hours and 167 sorties. “We go out on the ships and we integrate with the crew. Any success that we have is a reflection of them,” said Young. Insitu Inc., located in Bingen, Wash., is a wholly owned subsidiary of The Boeing Company. Insitu designs, develops and manufactures UAS and provides associated services for commercial, civil and defense applications. With a small footprint and expeditionary focus for both land and sea operations, the company’s family of UAS solutions and global mission support serves the needs of worldwide customers. To date, these systems have accumulated 512,000 combat flight hours and 57,000 combat sorties. For more information, visit Public hearing set to discuss supplemental budget for county A public hearing is planned for Sept. 13, 2011 at 1:30 p.m. in the Klickitat County Commissioners chambers to discuss a supplement to the 2011 budget. The proposed supplemental budget would increase the current budget by $662,976; spread across 20 departments. As per the public hearing notice from the County, “…any interested taxpayer may appear and be heard for or against the proposed appropriations.” Some of the budget increases include $9,226 to the Commissioners’ fund, $40,034 to the Prosecuting Attorney fund, and $172,000 to Road Fund 101. Ray Schultens THIS WEEK’S MOST WANTED: Goldendale Police are looking for Charles Foley. Foley, 35, is wanted for escape from community custody on a second degree assault charge. He is 5-10, 230 pounds with brown hair and brown eyes. Police consider Foley to be dangerous and advise avoiding contact with him. Call 911 if you locate him. It’s Fiesta time in White Salmon The Mt. Adams Chamber of Commerce Summer Concerts series has a Mexican flavor to it on on Saturday, Aug. 27 in White Salmon’s Rheingarten Park. Los Cazadores del Valle will perform old country norteno and cumbia dance music from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Juan Luna, perhaps the best-known salsa dancer in the Gorge, will demonstrate and teach salsa dance. Jacy and Jacque Johnston, a mother daughter team with Little Athletes Fitness Fun, will perform a fitness duo routine when the band breaks at 7 p.m. Jacque is an ex-national champion gymnast. The duo won first place in the fitness duo competition in Canada in March 2011 and have developed a kids’ fitness DVD to inspire and prepare kids for fitness. Starting at 2 p.m. there will be 10 tables of Mexican food including adobada and carnitas tacos, sopes, taquitos, nachos, enchiladas, hot dogs, fruit, and corn on the cob. The Harvest Market will be providing Business Partners of Bingen/White Salmon with sodas and water Then at 5 p.m. Portland’s Shop Inesperado will perform impersonations of Paquita la del Barrio, Jenny Rivera, and others. After Los Cazadores del Valle finish at 9 p.m., DJ Alex will complete the evening with music until 10 p.m. check it out for great coupon specials! FORT DALLES NISSAN Get ready for all the county fairs with us!!! Jewe lry 2010 FORD F350 Crew Cab $ 11000 OFF MSRP New 2011 NISSAN FRONTIER 4x4 Crewcab ‘S’ V6 Automatic MSRP $40,285 Sale Price $29,285 Stock # AF184 20% OFF ALL IN-STOCK ITEMS GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON $ 2010 FORD FUSION SE $ New items have arrived - 4492 OFF MSRP MSRP $26,765 Sale Price $21,988 includes $2500 Nissan Rebate Stock # BN243 OFF MSRP MSRP $24,110 Sale Price $19,618 Stock # AF346 Through Labor Day Weekend New 2011 NISSAN SENTRA 2.0 ‘S’ CVT 4Dr Sedan $ 2785 New 2011 FORD EDGE SE FWD $ 71025 N. Old Hwy. 97 Loop Wasco, OR 97065 (800) 827-7185 3167 OFF MSRP 34 MPG HWY New 2011 NISSAN VERSA 1.8 ‘S’ HB, A/T includes $1500 Ford Rebate 15,798 $ New 2011 FORD RANGER SUPERCAB $ 5083 OFF MSRP MSRP $20,680 Sale Price $15,597 Stock # BF307 includes $3000 Ford Rebate and $1000 Ford Trade-in Rebate OFF MSRP MSRP $18,780 Sale Price $15,995 includes $1000 Nissan Rebate Stock # BN291 MSRP $28,290 Sale Price $25,123 Stock # BF281 4777 32 MPG HWY SALE PRICE Splash Guards, S-Plus Package, Floor & Trunk Mats MSRP $16,935 Stock # BN329 New 2011 NISSAN MAXIMA 3.5 ‘S’ Sedan Model #16111 While you’re enjoying the Klickitat County Fair, be sure to stop by and visit the Klickitat PUD booth August 25-28 2011 Fair Theme: “Denim and Dust” 33 MPG HWY New 2012 FORD FUSION SE $ 3390 OFF MSRP MSRP $24,315 Sale Price $20,925 Stock # CF15 includes $1500 Ford Factory Rebate New 2011 FORD TAURUS ‘LIMITED’ $ 500 and Stock # CF15 0% APR OAC* 60 mos. or 1.9% for 72 mos. APR OAC* “Owned by Those It Serves” White Salmon 110 NE Estes 509/493-2255 1-800-548-8358 6334 OFF MSRP MSRP $31,740 Stock # BN329 Sale Price $25,406 includes $3000 Nissan Rebate New 2011 NISSAN LEAF Reserve yours now! FORD FACTORY REBATE 2400 W. 6th Street The Dalles Oregon Goldendale 1313 S. Columbus 509/773-5891 1-800-548-8357 $ (541)296-6191 or (800)934-9835 Pictures may vary from actual. On approved credit. All units subject to prior sale. Factory Rebates in lieu of financing offers. Excludes fleet, internet and ordered units. Offer expires close of business, August 27, 2011. No dealers or brokers. Sales prices do not include license, title and $75 documentation fees. Sale prices , factory rebates and discounts do not apply to leases. Call 541-980-1171, Les McCoy FORT DALLES N I S S A N 2400 W. 6th Street, The Dalles Oregon (541)296-6191 or (800)934-9835 Pictures may vary from actual. On approved credit. All units subject to prior sale. Factory Rebates in lieu of financing offers. Excludes fleet, internet and ordered units. Offer expires close of business, August 27, 2011. No dealers or brokers. Sales prices do not include license, title and $75 documentation fees. Sale prices , factory rebates and discounts do not apply to leases. AUGUST 24, 2011 — A3 GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON H OMETOWN OBITUARIES Luis Ruvalcaba Patricia Beckstrand Patricia (Patty) L. Beckstrand went home to be with the Lord on Aug. 16, 2011. She was born on March 25, 1947 in Renton, to Robert Morris and Alice A. Ryan. Patty’s father was in the military so she did a lot of moving around as a child, but they spent a good amount of time in Los Angeles, Calif. On Oct. 19, 1968 Patty married the love of her life Delbert A. Beckstrand in Torrance, Calif. Del was asked to transfer to Goldendale for work, and that is where they lived for 31 years. Patty had wonderful skills for making crafts; she worked in a florist shop for many years, and continued to make beautiful arrangements for family and friends once she retired. Patty and Del loved to help anyone in need. They were foster parents for many years and had adopted two children Jeff and Scott. A miracle had happened for Patty when she found out she was pregnant with her son Michael. Her family was her pride and joy, nothing could compare to the love she had for them. Patty is survived by her sons; Mike Beckstrand and his wife Megan, and their son Brody of Moxee, Scott Beckstrand of Ellensburg, and Jef f Beckstrand and his wife Shelly and their three children of Albuquerque, N.M.; sisters Debbie Lee and her husband Steven of Ellensburg, Mary Nance of SeaTac; and brother Robert Morris and his wife Becky of Ellensburg. She was preceded in death by her husband Delbert Beckstrand in January of 2010. A private celebration of Patty’s life will be held in Goldendale. Arrangements have been entrusted to Affordable Funeral Care, Ellensburg. Paid obituary Delores Martin Delores Martin, 82, died in Goldendale Aug. 19, 2011. She was born in Rugby, N.D. to M a g d a l e n a (Kramer) and Jacob Abel on Jan. 23, 1929. While in her late teens, Delores moved to the Yakima Valley. She enjoyed sewing and handiwork and she collected anything with butterflies and birds on it. Survivors include her children; Diane Smart and her husband Larry of Goldendale, Donna Young of Spokane, Laura Rose of Maricopa, Ariz., Lois Van Vleet of Appleton, Wisc., Harvey Frueh and his wife Debbie of Portland, Carol Frueh of Everett, and David Frueh and his wife Denise of Moses Lake; sisters Lillian Martin of Hoquiam, and Eleanor Monger of Fruita, Calif.; brother Edward Abel and his wife Faye of Yakima; 21 grandchildren and 21 great-grandchildren. Columbia Hills Memorial Chapel handled cremation arrangements. On Aug. 10, 2011, after a courageous four-year battle with cancer, Luis Ruvalcaba peacefully passed away. His final moments were spent at home with his family. Luis was born Sept. 21, 1953, to Natividad and Herlinda Ruvalcaba in Raymondville, Texas. He grew up in the Yakima Valley where he attended Wapato schools. Luis fell in love with Beatriz Mata and they were married for 40 years. They raised three children Lisa, Teresa and Maxx. Luis loved spending time with his family but when his two granddaughters Jade and Julia were born, he felt truly blessed. They were the light of his life. Luis loved to do many things in his life like fishing, hunting and camping but his true passion was cooking. When you visited Luis your plate was never empty and your cup was always full. Everyone will miss his exotic dishes and over-thetop desserts. Luis touched the lives of CONTRIBUTED KLEIN-AMIDON ENGAGEMENT: Karl and Deena Amidon of Goldendale, and Adolf and Lorraine Klein of Milton-Freewater, Ore., proudly announce the engagement of their children Pace Amidon and Virginia Klein. Pace graduated from Goldendale High School in 1994 and attended Walla Walla Community College. He is a rancher and farmer in Goldendale. Virginia attended Walla Walla Community College and graduated from the University of Idaho in 2001 earning a degree in Agriculture Business. She is the county executive director of Klickitat County Farm Service Agency. Pace and Virginia are planning a fall wedding in Milton-Freewater. Runyan serves as state Worthy Grand Matron Linda Runyan, 25-year resident of Goldendale, has just completed four years as an elected Grand Officer of the Grand Chapter of Washington, Order of the Eastern Star with final year as Worthy Grand Matron of the state. Evergreen Chapter #1 of Goldendale, Order of the Eastern Star, is the oldest chapter of Eastern Star in the State of Washington. It was actually a chapter before Washington became a state and will celebrate its 130th birthday this fall. In the entire chapter’s history, Evergreen Chapter has never before had a Worthy Grand Matron, the state’s top office. Runyan, who has been Worthy Matron of Evergreen Chapter three times, served as an appointed grand officer for the state in 2003-04 and was elected to the grand line in June of 2007. She progressed through the grand-line offices to be elected to the station of Worthy Grand Matron, in June of 2010. During those progressive years much time spent tending to the philanthropic and social purposes of the Order, which includes raising funds for cancer research, diabetes research; heart disease; Masonic youth scholarships including Order of Rainbow for Girls, Job’s Daughters and DeMolay; Please vote in General Election for Delbert Brown Public Hospital District #1, Position #2 Commissioner Never Forgotten many people with his smile and generosity and maintained his positive spirit all the way to the end. He will always be remembered for his kindness, generosity and zest for life. He will truly be missed by many. He is survived by his wife Beatriz Ruvalcaba and their three children; Lisa, Teresa and Maxx; his son-in-law Lyle Foster and two granddaughters Jade and Julia Foster. He was preceded in death by his mother Herlinda Ruvalcaba and brother Willie Ruvalcaba. The family would like to thank the incredible staff at Celilo Cancer Center for the loving care that Luis received and also Heart of Hospice for the comfort they provided him in his final days. A memorial and celebration of his life was held on Aug. 14. Columbia Hills Memorial Chapel handled cremation arrangements. Paid obituary If elected, I will help stop job outsourcing and wasteful spending of public money at KVH. I will be our community’s voice at KVH. You vote is deeply and kindly appreciated. P nursing scholarships and scholarships for ESTARL (training for religious leadership), along with other projects such as raising funds for Ronald McDonald House. In her final year, cancer research was Runyan’s, Worthy Grand Matron’s special project and the 9,000 members throughout the state donated over $20,000 for that one project along with over $18,000 for the Worthy Grand Patron’s project of diabetes research along with very generous donations to the other projects mentioned. MCP Petroluem 541-565-3737 office 541-980-8434 mobile 541-565-3653 fax Imagine paying January gas prices today? MCP offers fuel contracting that can lock in the price of your fuel for one month to two years. Farmers, contractors and even commuters can take advantage of our contracting programs. We can work with you and your business to create solutions to all of your fuel and lube needs. Fuel Price Lock Delivery Don’t Card Lock Oil & Lube Contracting ... forget le Farm & Home a d n e d l o MCP G 210 West Brooks St. 509-773-4906 or 4648 MCP is a farmer owned cooperative with facilities in Oregon and Washington Happy is 3 years old. She has been in a home with 2 other dogs. She does not like kids or cats. She needs to go to a home with a good fenced yard and someone who is home more than gone. She is crate trained, loves to go on walks and is good in the car. Happy's adoption fee is $200.00. If you’re interested, please e-mail me and I will send you an application. Happy is spayed and current on all of her shots. Dogs of the Gorge (541) 978-0079 Wireless service is important to you. Helping you get it is important to us. With our Lifeline Calling Plans, U.S. Cellular® offers discounted wireless service to participants of certain government assistance programs. To get more information or to apply, visit us at lifeline or give us a call at 1-800-447-1339. For just $26.49, you get: • 700 Anytime Minutes • Unlimited Incoming Calls and Text Messaging • Free activation ($30 value) To find out if you qualify for the Lifeline Program, contact the Oregon Telephone Assistance Program at or 1-800-848-4442. dogsofthegorge@ VOLUNTEERS ALWAYS WELCOME Things we want you to know: The Lifeline Calling Plan/Lifeline discounts are available only to residents in states where U.S. Cellular is an eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC). To purchase this Lifeline Calling Plan or to receive Lifeline discounts, you must participate in one of the eligible programs and reside within U.S. Cellular’s ETC coverage area based on the ZIP code of your home address. Lifeline subsidies may only be applied once per household on either your landline or your wireless service. Eligibility to receive Lifeline discounts will be verified annually. Lifeline Calling Plans support all of the federal universal services provided for in 47CFR Sec. 54.101. Additional terms and conditions apply. See store or for details. ©2011 U.S. Cellular. U A4 — AUGUST 24, 2011 THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL O PINION LOU MARZELES, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER KAREN HENSLEE, GENERAL MANAGER ANDREW CHRISTIANSEN, REPORTER/SPORTS REBECCA GOURLEY, REPORTER Return of the summer high holiday is at hand The County Fair is back! It’s the summer high holiday around these parts, with all kinds of critters and all kinds of food and all kinds of fun. The carnival is back this year, along with music and other entertainment and the 400-meter mosey. Just kidding about that last one. We should all be so long at the fair. It opens tomorrow night with the traditional face-filling celebration known as the opening barbecue. That’s important enough that this month’s G3 meeting, usually held the last Thursday of each month, is moved to tonight instead, at KVH conference room A, at 7 p.m. One must have priorities, after all. See you at the Fair! Summer through a child’s eyes makes perfect days When did you last see summer through a child’s eyes? Has it been a while? I saw it last week while hosting “Camp Grandma and Papa” for my two granddaughters, ages 4 and 7. In just one day alone we played at four parks – count ’em – four! The joys of summer –all its sights, smells and sounds – started with a couple of big pushes on the swings. “I want to go up to the trees!” they shouted. The swings’ metal chains creaked with each back-and- forth motion and beckoned my own memories of summer’s play. They giggled – all the way up to the tallest branches, the clouds and finally, the sun. At another playground, the youngest spotted a large, blue plastic tube meant as an echo chamber. Don’t Make Me “Grandma, watch!” she shouted. She aimed her mouth to the center of the tube. Turn This Car “Wee!” Around! She looked my way, sort of as an afterthought. “You don’t have to say ‘Wee!’ You can Judy Halone say any word.” ©2011 Personally, I think “Wee!” summed up summer through a child’s eyes pretty well, don’t you? I saw summer again when our family took the girls to see the ocean for their first time. They discovered dozens of empty crab shells. They built a huge sand castle and used driftwood for its ramp; at least, until the incoming tide drifted the ramp away. After awhile, I sat with our daughter and watched the two at play. She looked up toward the clear, blue sky. She smiled. “This is the perfect day.” “It sure is.” I was seeing summer through a child’s eyes. We jumped over waves, dug our toes into the warm sand and returned home smelling like salty air. Someday, those girls are going to grow up. Play time will be replaced with boys, college and careers. But for now, they have fresh memories of taking in summer – with all its kid-glory. I realize that not everyone is a parent, or even a grandparent. But I think we each deserve to enjoy the kind of fun takes us back to summers long ago. It’s all about discovering the simple joys in life, about seeing summer through a child’s eyes – all the way to the trees, the clouds and finally the sun. And maybe, if we’re lucky, we’ll come home smelling like salty air. Now, that’s what I call living. This week’s Facebook Question of the Week: The Goldendale Sentinel has a “Question of the Week” quiz. Every Monday morning by 10 a.m. a question or riddle is posted on our Facebook page ( Readers have until noon on Tuesday to answer the question/riddle by commenting on the post. The answer to the question and the name of the first person to get it right is printed in that week’s issue. Aug. 22 QOW: Q: What year was the first Klickitat County Fair held? A: 1881. Winner: Allison Fahlenkamp. THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER FOR GOLDENDALE AND KLICKITAT COUNTY, WA ESTABLISHED 1879 • PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY FROM OFFICES AT 117 W. MAIN • GOLDENDALE, WA 98620 TELEPHONE (509) 773-3777 • FAX (509) 773-4737 EMAIL: (NEWS, EDITORIAL, LETTERS) SENTINELNEWS@GOLDENDALESENTINEL.COM; OR (ADS, COMMUNITIES, HOMETOWN) SENTINELADS@GOLDENDALESENTINEL.COM THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL STAFF HEIDI MCCARTY, AD SALES & DESIGN HEIDI ANDERSON, AD SALES Deadlines: News and Letters: Noon, Friday Display Advertising: 5 p.m. Friday Classified Advertising: Noon Monday Legal Notices: 5 p.m. Monday Subscriptions: 1 Year, 2 Years Goldendale - Carrier $26, $40 In Klickitat County - $32, $52 Outside Klickitat County $42, $75 USPS 2213-6000 WEEKLY. Periodical postage paid at Goldendale Post Office, Goldendale, Wash. 98620. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Goldendale Sentinel, 117 W. Main St. Goldendale, WA 98620-9526. LETTERS FROM THE Dogs at apartments not really a problem To the Editor: In June you had a lady complain about constant dog barking. Well, from all of us who live here in the apartments, there have never been as many issues as she stated. Our pets are not a nuisance that run people off or bark at you while you’re getting into your car. They, like us, have to go to the bathroom, so we take them out (supervised). Sorry, but when it’s 8 a.m., we take our dogs out. During the day they bark and play with other dogs. If she feels this is a problem, move out into the country. Living in town doesn’t offer peace and quiet 24/7. None of the dogs here are aggressive; in fact, the one I know referred to in the letter plays with my fivemonth-old puppy. One lady has a problem with animals because she doesn’t have any pets and doesn’t know where a pet owner is coming from. I work 5 a.m. Monday through Friday and haven’t had any problems with barking dogs, so like most us at the apartments, we have peace of mind. Remember, we have permission to have our pets, and they’re not going anywhere. Donna Beierle Brown Goldendale COMMUNITY Then why has Mr. Baze not come forward as an elected official and presented these ideas? If Mr. Baze really has strong ideas and an interest in reestablishing the economy, has he been actively participating in the ongoing efforts being put forth by the City of Goldendale, City Task Force group, Klickitat County EDC, Chamber of Commerce, and the Economic Development Committee? If so, why has he not come forth and presented his ideas to these groups? Mr. Baze stated that, “Being younger, I have had more experience socializing and have a better understanding of what people in the community want.” What the community needs and wants has previously been identified professionally by and through lengthy studies and the Task Force Committee. I am an owner of properties in Goldendale and believe that what Goldendale truly wants/needs is a leader with multiple years of leadership experience, rather than an inexperienced social director. Dave Harris Goldendale When did Bush cuts really end? To the Editor: Mayor should have leadership experience To the Editor: The Aug. 3 issue of The Sentinel reported mayoral candidate Clint Baze as stating he has “strong ideas on how to reestablish the economy by bringing more income into the city.” Mr. Baze also stated he has “many ideas on how to rebuild the city and bring it to what it needs to be.” He added that he has been on the city council for three years. In response to Mike Wellman (Aug. 17, 2011): Hey, Mike, the Bush tax cuts ended on Jan. 20, 2009. That’s the day they became the current Obama tax rates. You remember President Obama, he’s the guy that controlled the White House, Senate, and House of Representatives for two years without increasing those tax rates. How ’bout you take control of your own future and stop waiting for handouts from “billionaires” like me? Greg Chapple Goldendale Next G3 meeting: tonight, Aug. 24, 7 p.m., KVH conference room A. LETTERS POLICY: It’s election time again, and so we remind everyone: no letters from candidates for any position are printed in the Letters section. Letters about candidates from non-candidates are permissible so long as they meet the following criteria. The Goldendale Sentinel attempts to publish as many letters to the editor as possible. Letters to the editor should be original and comment on an issue. There is a suggested length limit of about 300 words. Unsigned letters, letters with fictitious signatures, or copies of letters to public officials are generally not accepted. The Sentinel also limits letters on a particular subject when we feel it has been thoroughly aired, to the point of becoming repetitive. Check your facts; offhand “statistics” or “information” of questionable nature will not be printed. The Sentinel also reserves the right to edit or omit a letter if it contains potentially libelous material, an attack on an individual, or is generally in bad taste. Writers must include name, city of residence, and phone number for verification purposes. AUGUST 24, 2011 — A5 GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON C OMMUNIT Y LOOKING BACK New start and dismissal times at primary school The Central Klickitat walkers, car riders, and stuCounty Parks and Recre- dents riding the bus will ation Pool Levy has passed leave at the same time. so we should have the Gold- Buses will pick up the stuendale pool around for an- dents in the north parking other six years as well as the lot (in front of the cafeteria), community garden and and car riders will be picked swim lessons, exercise pro- up in the south parking lot grams, classes and family (in front of the office). Students walking home will be recreation. Head on down to the released out the cafeteria Klickitat County Fair and doors. Again, all students Rodeo’s Kick-Off BBQ this will be dismissed at the same time at 3 T h u r s d a y p.m. These evening, Aug. 25 changes will also at 5 p.m. but get Hear’s result in an inthere about a half Goldendale crease of weekly hour early so that classroom inyou can stand in Diana struction by 85 the long line and Notestine minutes. eat the assort“The Wednesment of cheeses day schedule will and buffalo meatball hors d'oeuvres. The also change by 10 minutes to meal is $7 per person; come a release time of 1:50 p.m. (instead of 2 p.m.)." 'n get it. The Goldendale Primary The Goldendale American Legion is doing a cere- School will have their Open mony on the court house House this Monday, Aug. 29, lawn Sunday, Sept. 11, at 2 from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. p.m. honoring all our own Come to your classroom and first responders. The Ma- meet your teacher, then stop rine Corps is providing the by the gym to meet the princolor guard, the Army is cipal. The Goldendale Chamber sending folks, as well as the Sheriff ’s Dept., Washington Forum Luncheon guest for State Patrol, Goldendale Po- Aug. 29, at the American Lelice, Goldendale Fire Dept., gion at noon will be our Rural 7 including Ponderosa Klickitat County Sheriff, Park. Search and Rescue Rick McComas, talking will also be represented. We about the budget and will have a 21 gun salute, changes within the office, as Taps by a live bugler, and a well as the radio project, flag draped stokes. I hope among other important you will come with your things. There will be no family and share it with Chamber Forum Luncheon for Monday, Sept. 5 as it is your friends. This year the Goldendale Labor Day, but the lunPrimary School is making cheons for September will changes to their start and be held at Gee’s Restaurant. ending times. "Due to bud- The Forum Luncheons are get constraints, we no for everyone. KLCK Talk Shows for this longer have the personnel to supervise a recess before the week will be Mike Canon, school day begins. There- with Klickitat County Ecofore, beginning Aug. 31, the nomic Development, on primary school will start at Thursday, Aug. 25, at 9 a.m., 8:30 a.m. If your child is a talking about big changes car rider, or walks to school, within his office and also please have them come to about the upcoming volunschool at that time. We will teer effort to build the Obnot have enough staff to su- servatory Hills Trails. The pervise them if they arrive talk show for next Tuesday, Aug. 30 will be three guests earlier than 8:30 a.m. “If your child will be eat- from Klickitat Valley ing breakfast at our school, Health, C.E.O. John White, he or she will be able to the new Director of Nurses, enter the building through Karen Martin (from Golden the cafeteria doors which View Terrace) and the new will be open from 8:15 a.m. manager of Acute Care and to 8:30 a.m. Following Swing-Bed programs. breakfast, these students will be dismissed to their classrooms at 8:30 a.m. “The new ending time of the school day will be 3 p.m. for all GPS students. When the 3 p.m. bell rings, all CONTRIBUTED 40 YEARS OF MARRIAGE: John and Kathy (Wyatt) Hoctor celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary Aug. 18. They were married in 1971, after meeting at and graduating from Yakima Valley Community College. John farms locally and Kathy is a registered nurse. They have two daughters, Jan and Sean Clark, of Ellensburg, and Kate and Shaun Montgomery, of Madras, three granddaughters, and one more grandchild expected soon. County fair begins Wednesday, offering food, frolic and fun for kids of all ages The wagon master circled everyone. With “Denim and 11 wagons of the Sundown- Dust” as the theme this year, ers RV Club this weekend at the field is wide open for enTimberlake Campground tries of all kinds. There is something for all near Stevenson. ages and in all catWith 24 members egories of country in attendance, Lyle News life from the rip games were played roaring rodeo to with vigor and enBarbara Sexton the creative handithusiasm as the and work of the still teams squared off. Mildred Lykens life displays. The 4One lively game of H and FFA kids Bean Bag Baseball have a lot riding was proudly won on the discretion by the all-guy team, but there was a ques- of the livestock judges betion of who was keeping cause the standing of their score… (all in jest of course.) entry will determine the Then Bocci Ball got under price it will bring at auction. way with mixed teams and They need your support for excuses flowed when targets the hard work and efforts were missed. After a large they put forth the past year potluck Jim and Eileen in nurturing their project. Don’t forget the annual Brashers brought out gallons of homemade ice cream and barbeque of county products all the toppings. With full served by our County Comtummies, members chose missioners on Thursday and their own criteria of either the downtown parade on Satchasing the shade with lawn urday. Movies under the stars… chairs as they caught up on a month’s worth of family news, or joined in a more quiet game of Blitz. This is a Friday - Tuesday, Aug 26 - Aug 30. Destiny Theatres Subject to change. Check times daily. diverse group of Gorge residents that know how to have Columbia Cinemas a good time. 2727 W. 7th St., The Dalles - 296-8081 The County Fair is for Viola Davis, Emma Stone THE HELP (PG-13) Council Member Vacancy Annoucement Persons interested in applying for the vacant council member position are requested to submit a letter of intent to City Hall, Attention: Connie Byers, Clerk-Treasurer at 1103 South Columbus Ave., Goldendale, WA 98620. The deadline for submission of a letter of intent is 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 13, 2011. The person chosed to fill the vacancy will serve the unexpired term for that position which will end after the certification of the November, 2013 General Election. The letters will be reviewed by the council and interview schedule will be set by the council. Studio 818 Hair Design Sherri Niemela In home salon or I’m available to travel to you 10-6 p.m. Mon-Sat. Evenings by appointment 773-6049 (541) 980-3688 20 Years Ago- August 29, 1991 • Rabanco’s Citizen of the Week is Kathy Marshall. For the past six years she has been in the forest lookout on Lorena Butte, working for the Wash. Dept. of Natural Resources. Marshall works days unless there is a lighting storm in the area, she will then stay away until the storm is over or moves out of the area. So far this summer she has spotted 15-20 fires. The lifetime resident of Goldendale is married to Robert, and has two children: Rebecca, 11, and Austin, 9. Her children are able to spend their days with their mother on the butte, and the three call themselves “the lookout gang.” 40 Years Ago- August 26, 1971 • A drive in theater is being planned here and will be in operation by next spring, according to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wilkins, owners of the Star Theatre. Land has been secured four miles east of Goldendale on Blockhouse Road, and leveling and some work will be done this fall the owners said. “This does not mean the city will be without an indoor theater, they exlained, stating that plans are being made to relocate the site of the Star Theatre to the main business block on Main Street between Columbus and Grant. 60 Years Ago- August 23, 1951 • The state’s financial crisis is being felt not only in Olympia, but in cities and towns throughout the state, including Goldendale. Since Tuesday, the Goldendale branch of the National Bank of Commerce has not been cashing warrants, and all warrants held by the bank were cleared through Olympia by yesterday. “For the time being, state warrants are not negotiable,” Lyle Beaver, manager of the Goldendale bank branch, said. But he added that the state legislature, which convenes Friday in a special session to deal with the emergency, can be expected to make an early attempt to correct the situation so that warrants will be acceptable. Compiled by Jean Allyn Smeltzer, of the Klickitat County Historical Society. Friday - Tuesday 1:30 4:20 7:30 SPY KIDS 4 (PG) Friday - Tuesday 2:00 CONAN THE BARBARIAN (R-17) Friday & Saturday 1:40 4:30 7:10 9:30 Sunday - Tuesday 1:40 4:30 7:10 Colin Farrell, David Tennant FRIGHT NIGHT (R-17) Friday & Saturday 4:50 7:20 9:40 Sunday - Tuesday 4:50 7:20 James Franco, John Lithgow RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES (PG-13) Friday & Saturday 1:50 4:40 7:10 9:30 Sunday - Tuesday 1:50 4:40 7:10 Free movies are being offered to the public by the owners of the Domaine Pouillon Winery, and will range from classics to new favorites. For your enjoyment they are pulling out the big screen, projector, popcorn, and serious sound system each Friday and Saturday at 8:30 p.m. The coming attractions may not be appropriate for young minds. Dates and titles of the movies listed are: Aug. 26 – Pulp Fiction, Aug. 27 – Delicatessen and on Sept. 2 – Amelie. Just bring comfy seating and a snuggle blanket. For directions to the location or further information call: 365-2795 or check their website at The Goldendale Sentinel 117 W. Main St., Goldendale, WA 98620 509.773.3777 Jewelry Sale 25% OFF 1/2 OFF All Stuffed Animals Sales end August 31, 2011 Cascade Senior Care has a place for you! ! ou y k n Tha Public Transportation between Goldendale & Toppenish Mondays and Wednesdays Only Northbound ~ Goldendale to Toppenish Goldendale Chevron 8:20 1:30 6:20 Georgeville 8:30 1:40 6:30 Legends Casino 9:20 2:30 XXX Southbound ~ Toppenish to Goldendale NCAC 7:00 Noon 5:00 Toppenish Market XXX 12:02 5:02 Legends YN Casino Agency XXX XXX 12:07 12:09 5:07 5:09 YN Agency 9:22 2:32 XXX YN Clinic XXX 12:10 5:10 YN Clinic 9:23 2:33 XXX Georgeville 7:50 1:00 6:00 Toppenish Market 9:28 2:38 XXX Gold. DQ 8:00 1:10 6:10 Owners Ron & Becky Kaufman invite you to come see the Cascade Senior Care difference. NCAC 9:30 2:40 7:20 Gold. City Gold. Hall Chevron 8:05 8:10 1:15 1:20 XXX XXX Free Fare And Available To The General Public Underlined times indicate when you can catch the Community Connector within 1 hour. Bold times are p.m. The Yakama Nation Tribal Transit operates its program without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin or the presence of sensory, mental or physical disability. Where family matters. 541-993-2910 Rates Starting at $2000/mo. • Mention this ad and receive 1/2 OFF your first month! 1 Private Room Available Central Klickitat County Park Supporters would like to say~ Thank you voters for passing the Recreation District Maintenance and Operations Levy! We will see you at the community garden, on the trails and in the pool soon! Summer bounty expected Good news and bad: stubborn economy affects state KIDS COUNT data at Farmers’ Market A6 — AUGUST 24, 2011 DON MCMANMAN FOR THE SENTINEL The bounties of summer are showing up—finally!—at the Goldendale Farmers’ Market. This Saturday, you should find vegetables, fruit and freshly picked Klickitat County corn. There will be berries, grains, beets and onions, plus a wide range of goods and crafts. The Goldendale Farmers’ Market operates from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Ekone Park, at the foot of Wilbur Avenue by the Little Klickitat River. Featured this week will be Dee Owens, who special- GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON izes in ribbonry, an art in which ribbon is used to create flowers and other decorative elements. Owens will give a demonstration at 10:30 a.m., showing how to create purses, gifts and home décor touches. Other vendors expected at the market are: • A & B Farms: Fresh berries • Magic Penny Designs: Jewelry • With the Grain: Spice blends and mixes • Sustainable Homestead Center (Tobiah Israel): Fresh salad mixes and greens, and pesto • Jana Harkness: Trees and plants • Seed to Table Farms: DON MCMANMAN RIBBONRY: The art of using ribbons to create decorative touches will be demonstrated at the Goldendale Farmers’ Market this Saturday. ACUPUNCTURE CASCADE ACUPUNCTURE CENTER, LLC The Dalles & Hood River Carola Stepper, LAc, RN retired & Associates •General Acupuncture Practice with a focus on pain management •Chinese herbal pharmacy •Accept and bill most insurances, Worker's Comp, PIP claims •Sliding fee scale, monthly payment plans, VISA/MC •No physician referral needed New Patients welcome (541) 298-2378 BIRTH SERVICES Lorri Carr, Licensed Midwife Complete maternity care from conception to lactation. Birth safely your own way Fresh produce, CSA information • Don McManman: Knife sharpening • Sunshine Plants: Aircleaning plants, cacti, and pottery • Hoot & Annie Jewelry: Jewelry • Kenneth Patton: Plants and homemade boxes • Wesley Ranch: Beets and onions • William Slockish: Freshcaught Columbia River salmon, smoked Also, there will be a public consignment table. Got too many zucchini? Bring them down to Ekone Park. You can leave your consignment or sit with it without paying a vendor fee. These regular vendors will not be showing this week, but will return in September: J & D Country Things: Hand-crafted jewelry, crocheted items Granny’s Bloomers: Fresh vegetable and flower plants Broken Boulder Farms: Lavender plants, soaps, food items, and roasted nuts. Don’t forget to get a market punch card! If you get a punch from each of the 10 farmers markets in the area, you will be entered in a drawing for prizes, including free dinner, free massage, free wine, and lots of other goodies! Washington has some good news to report in the new KIDS COUNT Data Book, an annual ranking of states that compares health and economic factors affecting children and teens. From 2000 to 2009, the report says Washington’s teen birth rate decreased, fewer young people dropped out of school and death rates are down for all ages of children. The League of Women Voters of Washington (LWVWA) uses KIDS COUNT data to help set priorities for the coming legislative session. Pat Dickason, LWVWA vice president, says where the state isn’t faring so well is in putting parents to work. “The most troubling to me are the percentages of children who are living in families where no parent has fulltime, year-round employment. That’s a third of the kids in Washington state.” LWVWA member Karen Tvedt says Washington’s percentage of low birth weight babies has increased, but the state still ranks third in the nation for making progress in that area. Washington ranks No. 1 for the low- Ag Department gives energy grants to rural businesses Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced grants for more than 900 agricultural producers and rural small businesses across the country to implement renewable energy and energy efficiency measures in their operations. “These investments enable our farmers, ranchers and rural small business owners to develop renewable energy systems and make energy efficiency improvements that will save them thousands of dollars Dentists HOSPITALS, cont. Robert H. Brewer, DDS 818 W 6th Street, Ste 3 The Dalles, OR 97058 541-296-9134 Cosmetic, Restorative & Family Dentistry * New Patients Welcome * Most Insurances Accepted * Finance Plans Available * Senior Discounts Office Hours: Tuesday - Friday 8 am to 5 pm Your teeth are our specialty HOSPITALS Specializing in Obstetrics and Family Practice Care Now accepting New Obstetrics Patients: Liette Witherrite, M.D. Troy Witherrite, M.D. Alicia Gimenez, M.D. R. Allen LaBerge, M.D. Ray J. FitzSimmons, M.D. Cindy Horton, M.D. Joseph Rinella, D.O. Christopher Samuels, M.D. 211 Skyline Drive White Salmon, WA 98672 509-493-1101 509-493-2133 Clinic Medical Clinics Goldendale Medical Clinic Elsie G. Tupper, M.D. Office Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9:00-5:00 509-250-2072 Appointments available after hours by request CHIROPRACTIC Goldendale Chiropractic & Natural Medicine • Dennis L. Carver, D.C. Nicole Daddona, ND • Office Hours Mon.,Wed., Thur., Fri. 8:00 - 5:00 Tues. 8:00 - 7:00 216 W. Main St. Goldendale, WA (509) 773-5633 Dog owner cited for animal abuse in energy costs each year,” Vilsack said. One of the recipients, Udder View Farms, LP, of Grandview, received $5,000 to help install a solar hot water system on the roofs of the milking parlor and calf barn. It is expected to replace 57 percent of electric and 100 percent of propane use on the farm. The grants are being provided through the Rural Energy for America Program (REAP), a 2008 Farm Bill initiative. Goldendale Police animal control of ficer, Tom Fitzgibbens responded to the 400 block of West Sentinel on Friday, answering complaints about the condition of a dog which was tied in a yard with no food or water. According to Fitzgibbens the dog hadn’t been adequately fed for some time, as evidenced by its boney condition. The dog was confiscated and police officers ticketed the owner, Bill Lee, for abuse of an animal. G ORGE M EDICAL D IRECTORY in your own home Details at est infant mortality rate. “That says that we’re doing some good things in support to prenatal care, and the commitment that our state has had to making sure that low-income moms and their babies have access to medical care.” However, one of the League’s concerns is that the percentage of children in poverty in Washington, 16 percent, hasn’t budged in 10 years. Tvedt isn’t convinced the state can improve on that. “And given what we’re up against - the budget cuts at the state level in the past few years, and then with the ongoing cuts - I would wonder if those numbers are higher than that now.” The KIDS COUNT report also says 12 percent or 169,000 Washington children had at least one unemployed parent in 2010, and 68,000 have been affected by foreclosure since 2007. KIDS COUNT data has been collected for more than 20 years. The 2011 KIDS COUNT Data Book is online at OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH Gorge Occupational Health, LLC 706 S. Columbus Goldendale Drug Screen Collections Employer & Private Blood Drawing Breath Alcohol Testing Appt. needed Phlebotomy Classes Ancestry & Paternity DNA Call to set up an account (509) 773-2103 Hours Mon. - Fri. 7 to 5 Sat. 7 to noon Cascade Eye Center • Comprehensive eye care for the entire family. Eyewear, sunglasses (with or without prescription,) and contact lenses. Laser Surgery (Treatment for eye disease and clouded posterior capsule.) Medical and Surgical treatment of eye disease. Visiting Retina Specialists. Ophthalmology: John D. Willer, D.O. (Board Certified Ophthalmologist) Mitch Martin, O.D. Chris Barbour, O.D., Ph.D. OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY 2025 Cascade Ave. St. 101 Fully certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology •Low-risk and high-risk obstetrical care Annual exams Minimally invasive surgery for uterine disorders and pelvic reconstruction James Faherty, MD., FACOG David Mack (retired), DO., FACOG Analene Pentopoulos, MD., FACOG Brian MacArthur, MD Jennifer Wilde, F.N.P. 1810 E. 19th Suite 209 The Dalles, OR 97058 541-296-5657 Fax: 541-298-5199 Rebecca Street Physical Therapy A Private TherapistOwned Practice Specializing in Manual Therapy Rebecca Street, PT Gema Sanchez, PT Jason Sallee, DPT Amanda Payne, PTA Mon-Fri 8am-5pm 1210 Dry Hollow Rd., Ste 1 The Dalles, OR 97058 (541) 296-3368 OPHTHALMOLOGY 228 S. Columbus, Ste. 104 Goldendale, WA 98620 (509) 773-4014 Columbia River Women’s Clinic, LLC Physical Therapists 301 Cherry Heights Rd. The Dalles, OR 97058 (541) 296-1101 Hood River, OR 97031 (541) 386-2402 1-800-548-5487 or ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY SPORTS MEDICINE Cascade Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Center, PC 1715 E. 12th St. The Dalles, OR 97058 (541) 296-2294 Gregory M. Stanley, MD Charles Petit, MD Robert A. Staver, MD Clara Deleon, PA-C Erin Haines, PA-C •Arthroscopic surgery of the knee, shoulder, ankle, elbow, hip •Shoulder Surgery •Carpal tunnel release (traditional and endoscopic) •Foot & ankle surgery •Fracture Care Serving the Gorge for 35+ years Would you like to be listed here? Please call Heidi at The Goldendale Sentinel (509) 773-3777 Ads start at just $150 for 6 months AUGUST 24, 2011— A7 GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON Sign up now for hunter ed class There will be a hunter education course taught Sept 6, 7, 8, and 10 in Goldendale at the high school cafeteria. Weeknight classes will be from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 10, is the skills evaluation class and will be from 8 a.m. to noon. It is mandatory for students to be at all the weekday classes. Hunter education is designed to promote hunter awareness, knowledge and skills in three areas: safety, sportsmanship, and conservation. Successful students must pass a written test; demonstrate safe firearms handling skills, and a positive attitude. Registration will open on-line at the web address listed below beginning Sept.1. h t t p s : / / m y. r e g i s t e /WA There is no fee for the course. The course will be taught by Department of Fish and Wildlife certified instructors Terry Nickels 773-3350, Rob Wing 773-4674, and Oscar Johnson 7734544. Deadline soon for online health needs survey Healthcare providers in Klickitat County are hoping community members will respond to their online health assessment survey. The deadline to respond is Aug. 29. Klickitat Valley Health, Skyline Hospital and the Klickitat County Health Department are jointly undertaking a countywide health needs assessment. This assessment will provide a picture of the current health of Klickitat County residents and identify areas of need and future focus. Results of the assessment, including a plan of action, will be widely distributed and shared with the Klickitat County residents. The survey is available by accessing the following l i n k : https://www.surveymonke Creating art in the classroom and out REBECCA GOURLEY REPORTER A group of educators and just plain creative people met for a week in July for a Summer Art Institute at Maryhill Museum. They came from all over the northwest; even as far away as Los Angeles for a “summer camp” as some of them call it. The purpose of the workshop is to get teachers to bring art into the classroom in new and creative ways. There was only one actual art teacher, the rest were general educators or taught in other disciplines in the elementary and middle school age group, or they were not teachers at all and just wanted to take the classes for fun. The teachers that are continuing their education also were able to earn credit by participating in the Summer Art Institute. Throughout the week, the group learned hands-on ways of getting art incorporated into different areas of study like science and math, as well as art. Carrie Clark, Curator of Education for the museum, organized the workshop with the help of Colleen Schafroth, executive director for the museum. Vonda Chandler, a retired teacher from Sherman County, said that her favorite part of the workshop was “meeting and sharing with everyone.” She added, “[To] make friends that come back every year.” Members prepare delicious 4-H projects Lunch on the Go: Juniors: Alyssa Simmons, Blue ribbon. Favorite Foods: Primaries; Brandi Vance, Participation ribbon, Brayden Groshong, Participation ribbon, Gavin Groshong, Participation ribbon; Juniors: Alyssa Simmons, Blue ribbon; Intermediates: Faith Simmons, Blue ribbon. Foods of the Pacific Northwest: Seniors: Jackie Miller, Blue ribbon, Paul Miller, Blue ribbon. Quick to Fix Meals: Juniors: Tori Tallman, Blue ribbon; Intermediates: Faith Simmons, Blue ribbon. Foods Day Judging Con- The smell of delicious food was in the air, last month, in the Goldendale High School Home Ec room as 4-H members in the Foods and Nutrition project prepared a variety of recipes of their choosing, demonstrating their food preparation and cooking skills to the contest judge. Most participants entered at least three different activities. Table Setting: Primaries; Brandi Vance, Participation ribbon; Juniors: Tori Tallman, Blue ribbon, Alyssa Simmons, Red ribbon; Intermediates: Faith Simmons, Blue ribbon. Join us at the GOLDENDALE rs’ Farme MARKET test: Primaries, Brandi Vance, Participation ribbon, Brayden Groshong, Participation ribbon, Gavin Groshong, Participation ribbon; Juniors: Alyssa Simmons, Red ribbon, Tori Tallman, Red ribbon; Intermediates: Faith Simmons, Red ribbon; Seniors: Jackie Miller, Blue ribbon, Paul Miller, Red ribbon. Aug. 27 Sept. 3 Sept. 10 Sept. 24 ~ How to fillet salmon ~ Organic Lemonade demo ~ Lyle Hotel Chef Demo ~ Farmers Cafe - come enjoy the food grown by our own market vendors! Activities begin at 10:30 a.m. Ekone Park More Activities to Follow ASSEMBLY OF GOD New Life Assembly of God 1602 S. Columbus, Goldendale. Pastor Kevin Gerchak. 773-4650. Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Morning Worship Service 10:30 a.m., Evening Service at 6 p.m., Family Night on Wed. night, 7 p.m. includes Youth, God’s Flower Garden, Royal Rangers and Bible Study. BAPTIST Columbus Avenue Baptist, S.B.C. 815 N. Columbus, Goldendale. 773-4471. Pastor Michael Block, Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Morning Worship 11 a.m., Sunday Evening Study and Worship, 6 p.m., Wednesday Evening Bible Study and Prayer, 7 p.m. Bible Baptist Church of Goldendale 340 East Collins St. Goldendale, WA. 773-4929. L. Parish Plumlee, Pastor. Sunday: Sunday School 10 a.m., Morning Worship Service 11 a.m., Sunday Evening Service 6 p.m., Wednesday Service 7 p.m. Nursery Service Provided. “Families Walking In The Old Paths.” Jer. 6:16 CHURCH OF CHRIST Goldendale Church of Christ 230 E. Court, Goldendale, 773-4689. Sunday classes 10:00 a.m., Service 11:00 a.m., Wednesday classes 6:00 p.m. CATHOLIC Holy Trinity Catholic 307 Schuster, Goldendale. Father William Byron, 773-4516. Sat. Eve. Mass 5:30 p.m.; Sunday Mass 9 a.m.; Spanish Mass Sat. evening 6:30 p.m. Eve of Holy Days 7:00 p.m.; Holy Days 7:30 a.m. and Daily Mass Mon. - Fri. 7:30 a.m. CCD Classes, Wednesday afternoons 2:15 to 3:30 p.m. Kindergarten through 6th grade. Wed. Evenings 7:30 to 8:30, 7th through 12th grade. Confessions before Mass Saturdays at noon - 1 p.m. Community Grace Brethren 1180 S. Roosevelt. Gregory M. Howell, pastor. 773-3388. Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Morning Worship 11 a.m.; Saturday Night Connection 7:00 p.m., Wednesday AWANA at 2:30 p.m. for children four years to sixth grade. Wednesday night youth at 6:30 p.m. for grades seven through 12 “The Bible, the Whole Bible, and Nothing but the Bible.” LUTHERAN Christ the King Lutheran S. Columbus and Simcoe Dr., Goldendale, 7735750. Sunday school, 9 a.m., worship services 10 a.m. Everyone welcome. METHODIST United Methodist Columbus and Broadway, Pastor Ben Moore, 7734461 or 773-4462. Worship 8 a.m. & 10:30 a.m., Sunday School 9:15 a.m., Nursery Available 10:30 a.m. Call the church for regularly scheduled events. NAZARENE Church of the Nazarene 124 W. Allyn, Goldendale. 773-4216. Pastor Thomas Fender. Sunday School at 9:30 a.m., Worship at 10:45 a.m. Please call the church office for weekly bible studies being offered. “Come Just As You Are”. To the friends and family or Noreen Crocker, Your kind and thoughtful expression of sympathy is deeply appreciated and gratefully acknowledged. Thank you for all the cards, flowers and help. We would like to extend a special thanks to Columbia Hills Memorial Chapel for their guidance and strength. We would have been lost without it, and the women of Centerville Grange for all their help in providing desserts, coffee, punch and a gathering place to visit and reminisce. The Crocker Family WKO-High Cascade Mills Buying Logs & Timber White Fir Douglas Fir for these events... Church Directory GRACE BRETHREN REBECCA GOURLEY TEACHING ART: Marianne Senff (left) works diligently on her mosaic project with cut out shapes representing fire, water, earth and air. Next to Senff is Jennifer Tenbrink, followed by Vonda Chandler, Susan Bawn and John Langfeldt. Thank you Rural 7 Fire Dept. and all others involved with our wheat fire the week before last. Thank you The Wilkins Family Jeremy Beddingfield 541-399-3933 Norm Byars 541-490-2940 Mill: 509-427-8413 2022 Wind River Hwy • P.O. Box 8 Carson, WA 98610 Drive a little ... Save a lot TENT Sale August 26-September 10 BOX STORE PRICING! Over 100 rolls of carpet & vinyl on sale CARPET starting at 89¢ I N S TO CK S Q . FT. LAMINATE starting at 99¢ I N S TOCK S Q . FT. SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST VINYL starting at 89¢ UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST HARDWOOD starting at $3.99 1/2 mile East on Bickleton Hwy. Sabbath School, Saturday, 9:30 a.m.; Worship Service 11 a.m. Tim Gray, Pastor. 773-4381 Room for different beliefs -- Yours First and third Sundays in Goldendale 773-7815 • NON-DENOMINATIONAL FATHER’S HOUSE FELLOWSHIP 207 S. Klickitat Ave., 773-4719. Basic Bible Fellowship, 9:30 a.m., Worship at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Prayer at 7 p.m. “Following the Father’s Heart”. GOLDEN GATE HEALING ROOMS 125 W. Main St., Goldendale. Open Thursday nights, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. A fresh wind is blowing. WOODLAND PRAISE BARN 627 Woodland Road, Goldendale. Woody Lovelace, Pastor. Worship services; Sunday 10:30 a.m., Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. 773-9119. I N S T OC K S Q. FT . I N S T OC K S Q . FT. Largest Inventory in the Gorge 3 R O OM S f or $ 7 99 (carpet, pad and labor) based on 40 yards of in stock carpet. GARY DENNEY Floor Covering & Carpet Warehouse 816 W. 6th Street, The Dalles, OR 541.298.4252 check out our new website ... A8 — AUGUST 24, 2011 GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON Families advised to do homework before back to school shopping As students prepare to say goodbye to summer, many parents are preparing for some serious back-toschool shopping. “We’ve moved beyond spiral notebooks and number two pencils,” remarked Robert W.G. Andrew, CEO of Better Business Bureau (BBB) for Alaska, Oregon and Western Washington. “Back-to-school supplies now include laptops, e-reader devices and other big ticket items.” To make it through the dreaded supply checklist with a passing grade, BBB CONTRIBUTED TAKING ACTION AGAINST DRUG ABUSE: It was estimated that between 50-60 people showed up for the Fifth Annual Klickitat County Meth Action Team Walk/Run on Saturday, Aug. 20. Not only did they run or walk, there were rehabilitated meth users who spoke about their experience and how they got clean. The KC Meth Action Team partnered with Healthy People Alliance to provide fruit and water instead of hotdogs, as done in previous years. Programs for Peaceful Living and Relationship Abuse Prevention Program were there as well. Meth Action Team chair Sunday Sutton addresses the crowd (above) at the beginning of the day’s activities. Goldendale Community Ecology modifies sand Library recognized for and gravel permits high standards of service REBECCA GOURLEY REPORTER A very prestigious award is sometimes presented to the staff of a Fort Vancouver Regional Library (FVRL) branch library for going “Above and Beyond” to serve their patrons. In July, the Goldendale Community Library earned this notable recognition. The FVRL Above and Beyond Award doesn’t always get awarded every month, according to Sue Vanlaanen, Communications Director for FVRL. “Fort Vancouver Regional Library District’s Above and Beyond Award honors and celebrates the resourceful, creative and exemplary efforts put forth by its employees and work groups to successfully maintain high service standards in the face of day-to-day service demands and challenging circumstances.” In addition, the staff members or members must also be nominated. The Goldendale Community Library staff was nominated by several people including Megan Dugan, committee chair for the Above and Beyond Award. Nominators can be any FVRL employee or employee group. Naomi Fisher, librarian, said in response to receiving the recognition, “I am very proud of my staff and their abilities to work through hard times and still provide a great service to their community.” Along with the recognition comes a $50 cash gift from the FVRL Foundation. “We’re going to get some new furnishings for our staff room,” added Fisher. The staff at the Goldendale Community Library has never received the award as a group before. However, Judy Bane received it in the past for her work on the Bookmobile. The Goldendale Community Library continued their service to the community with the recent Ice Cream Social. The library made approximately $400 from donations. “It went really well; it was a beautiful evening, the weather was fantastic,” said Fisher. “It was a smaller crowd than usual, but still had more than 300 [people].” The Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology) has modified the state’s Sand and Gravel General Permit. The permit is part of Washington’s responsibilities in administering the Clean Water Act. The changes, while relatively minor, represent increased environmental protections. For example, the new permit reduces the level of turbidity and solids that facilities may discharge into Washington’s waters, and it requires portable operations to provide public notice prior to their activities. The action settles an appeal of the permit by the Puget Soundkeeper Alliance (PSA). The Washington Aggregates and Concrete Association intervened in the appeal, supporting Ecology’s original permit. The state’s sand and gravel permit regulates water discharges from sand and gravel operations, rock quarries, and similar mining operations. The permit also covers concrete batch operations and hot mix asphalt operations, and sites that stockpile mined materials. Ecology held a public comment period and convened a public hearing and workshop on the permit modification. The permit covers about 950 facilities in Washington. The changes go into effect Oct. 1, 2011. The new permit and public comments about the changes are posted online Call Ecology’s Gary Bailey at (360) 407-6433 for information. recommends parents and students do a little homework first. Analyze the list. Forge ahead with the school’s designated supply list. Impulse purchases can be a budget-buster; create a realistic checklist and stick to it. Book products safely; Research companies before providing any personal or financial information. Also, read purchase policies and check for restocking fees. Count prices; check advertisements and back-toschool sales to find the best deals. Make sure to read all sale conditions, restrictions and time frame. If an offer has been misrepresented, inform the store manager. Cram refund and return policies; to protect against incorrect or unnecessary purchases, ask the merchant how refunds and exchanges will be handled. Don’t assume the regular return policy applies to sale or clearance items. Save all receipts and keep items in original boxes. Calculate technology costs; Students purchasing computers and back-toschool gadgets should check to see if the school or university provides discounts on certain brands. To find the best fit, ask: What will it be used for? What are other students using? What hardware and software are needed? Is there a warranty? By doing homework first, back to school shopping should earn an A+. Touch of Class Studio 908 S. Columbus Ave., Goldendale (509) 773-7163 • (509) 250-0679 MT. HOOD RAILROAD OF THE SEASON Dance, Gymnastics, & Cheer Leading Classes begin September 6, 2011 • Limited Class Size • Ages 3 and up Time 12:15-1:00 pm September Train Events LOWEST TICKET FARE OF THE SEASON 2:30-3:30 3:30-4:30 4:30-5:30 5:30-6:30 6:30-7:30 7:30-8:30 pm pm pm pm pm pm Monday Martial Arts Martial Arts Tuesday Ballet Jazz Comp. Team Wednesday Gymnastics 1 Gymnastics 2 Gymnastics 3 Martial Arts Martial Arts Thursday Kinderclass Hip Hop Cheer Leading Zumba Labor Day Carnival September 2,3 & 4 1pm, 3pm, 5pm &7pm Carnival opens at 12 pm The Mt. Hood Railroad along with Cascade Amusements Inc. will be celebrating Labor Day weekend offering amusement park rides onsite along with games, food and of course Train Rides. Tickets for games and amusement rides can be purchased in advance at $10 for 10 rides. Onsite $3/ride or 10 rides for $20. All train rides are 30 minutes long and board 15 minutes prior to departure. Rockin & Rollin on the Rails Friday Nights Dinner and Live Music Classic Rock & Roll in the NEW CLUB CAR Murder Mystery Saturday Nights “Fatal Family Reunion” Murder Mystery Dinner Train Bored? Need something to do? Find Entertainment in the Gorge at! G Wayman Chapman - Maryhill Winery, Aug 28th G Island Jazz Quintet - Maryhill Winery, Sept 4th G Festival of Nations - Cascade Locks, Sept 9th G Counting Crows - Maryhill Winery, Sept 24th And Much More...! Sunday Brunch Train featuring Comedy Magic 11 am to 3 pm Ask about our Polar Express Train 110 Railroad Avenue Hood River, Oregon 541-386-3556 1-800-872-4661 Gorge Arts and Culture Guide Your source for what’s happening in the Gorge! AUGUST 24, 2011 — B1 GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON S PORTS Expectations remain high in land of Wolves ANDREW CHRISTIANSEN REPORTER After a five-year run from middle of the pack to league dominance, the fate of the 2011 Timberwolf football team is up in the air. There are reasons to believe it could be a down year. Fourteen seniors graduated and eight of the 11 All-Conference players were among them, including three players who were AllState. To top it off, last year ended with a disappointing loss to Chelan that kept the team from becoming the first Timberwolf team to make it to the State quarterfinals. It would be easy to explain a fall from the top in 2011, except for one reason…optimism. “We feel we have a good team that can contend this year,” says Head Coach Don Strother. “We (the coaches) talked about it and we don’t see this as a rebuilding year.” There is more than wishful thinking to back up that confidence. Three All-Conference players, Kurt Wilkins, Braydon Ross and Nolin Bare are returning along with a number of experienced players in the defensive front. Strother likes what he sees on the defense he calls the “trademark” of the team. “Our defense will set the tone,” says Strother. There is also reason for optimism in the running game where Ross and Wade Gaston battle for the starting job. Both players are quick, punishing runners who accounted for most of the team’s dominant rushing attack in 2010. And, as far as inexperience goes, there are nearly as many seniors this year as last year, although five of the 13 were not on the 2010 team. Even the disappointing end to the season at Chelan, can be seen as a positive. The Timberwolves had a great year and 16 of the returning players played a hand in it. The Wolves were nearly un- defeated in league play, losing only to highly touted Zillah in the final 22 seconds of a game played at Zillah. And the loss to Chelan was disappointing only because the Wolves’ defense dominated the game, only to see it slip away with a late game interception. If anything, the 2011 team has every reason to believe they can play with the best of the SCAC. The Wolves have holes to fill in the defensive backfield, receiver corps and offensive line. But, the plays and blocking schemes are well-known to the returning players, so it will be a matter of execution. Strother likes the attitude and willingness of the team to work and believes that will overcome any inexperience. The other question mark will be at quarterback, where Ty Cronin and Jose Briseno had great years in 2010. This year is Lucas Denney’s turn. Denney had a little experience at the position last year. There is no question about his talent and he brings more size to the position. But, there really is no back-up quarterback. Strother isn’t concerned, however, as he has options with different players who can trigger the run and pitch offense. Strother expects stiff competition from the usual opponents with Zillah and Cle Elum-Roslyn, likely to be the toughest of the bunch. Although the Leopards lost a lot to graduation, they are still the team to beat. Naches Valley and Granger are always tough and league newcomer, LaSalle, could be a contender this year. The Lightning were a very young team in 2010, but they were competitive in their first year since moving ANDREW CHRISTIANSEN GROUND GAME: Braydon Ross carries the ball behind blocking from Ben Cochran in what could become a familiar sight at GoldendaleKlickitat games. The Timberwolves worked out in full gear on Saturday. A 7 p.m. Friday scrimmage is open to the public. up from 2B to 1A. The Wolves open at crosscounty rival, ColumbiaWhite Salmon on Sept. 2, at 7 p.m. Goldendale-Klickitat has won the last two games in the non-league rivalry. Whether the Wolves are destined to take a dip or continue their rise is soon to be revealed. Defending west champ, Zillah will be in town Sept. 23. The game has added meaning for the Strother family as it marks the first head-to-head battle between Don and his brother, Tim, as head coaches. Tim Strother moved from assistant to head • Cleats • Gloves • Mouth guards • Pro Combat gear coming Goldendale Shortt Supply 116 Oak St. • 541-386-5474 • Downtown Hood River GAS Appliances Electrical Repair Call today. State Fire Marshal Certification # 001242-08 Thank you to all our friends and family for your support at the passing of Billy Bob Reed The Family of Billy Bob Reed Service & Repair. I come to you! BRUCE HENDERSON TOOL LIQUIDATION SALE! 541-993-5982 L &C ICENSED Wolves scrimmage Friday at 7 p.m. The Goldendale-Klickitat scrimmage is open to the public this Friday at Barthlow Field. Admission is free for this early look at the 2011 Wolves. Goldendale-Klickitat Varsity Football Sept. 2 Sept. 9 Sept. 16 Sept. 23 Sept. 30 Oct. 7 Oct. 14 Oct. 21 Oct. 28 Nov. 4 at Columbia (White Salmon) host River View at LaSalle host Zillah at Cle Elum/Roslyn host Naches Valley at Columbia-Burbank at Highland host Granger crossover playoffs All games at 7 p.m FOOTBALL BIG ART The Golden Art Gallery coach of the Leopards this year. Brotherly love is likely to be put on hold for a couple of hours in what could be the battle for the SCAC west title. ERTIFIED THRU 8/31/11 Goldendale Rental Center IS NOT going out of business, WE’RE GOING MOBILE Same Quality Service You Call • We Deliver 773-2221 1PN K PG %QWRQPU CPF &GCN U « Ê V > Ê E Ê > Û i t 3 V [Q P \b]\[` S \_ a UR ` R Ob` V [R ` ` R ` \[ T\Y QR [QR NỲ OV g _ V TUa [\d 8 a e] ] ¿ k Û 8 l l a [ : Y j i m ] k l : d Y j c ¿ k Û = d g j Y d < n ] j q Z g \ q ¿ k Û 9 m k a f ] k k &D O O +H L GL = Y j e] j k ¿ Û DY j c ] l K ` ] Û > ] f ] j Y d Û J l g j ] $QGH U V RQ D W > g d \ ] f Û G a f ] Û 8 d h Y [ Y k W R J H W >g j _ ] Û F [ [ m h Y l a g f Y d Û ? ] Y d l̀ \ RXU EXV L QH V V @ > 8 Û DY j c ] l Û = j ] k ` L QY RO Y H G C a l l d ] Û G Y j a k K ` ] Û C m Y m K ` ] Û D[ : j ] \ q Û : g > g d \ ] f \ Y d ] Û = Y j eÛ Y f \ Û ? g e] Û J l g j ] E Y h Y I Y a f Z g oÛ M a \ ] g J g d ] Û l g Û J g m d Û ? ] Y d l̀Û : ] f l ] j ooo _ g d \ ] f \ ] Y d k Z a r V V ° Ê «À Ì ° Ê Ã > Û i ° AUGUST 24, 2011 — B2 GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON R ECORDS WHAT’S HAPPENING On-going Events Every Monday •Jam session on the sidewalk by Dr. Ogden’s office at 7 p.m. Musicians and listeners welcome. Chairs will be provided. 773-4114. Every First Tuesday •Goldendale Photo Club meets at 6 p.m. in the Goldendale Middle School faculty room. Anyone with a passion for photography welcome. 772-2717. •Goldendale Aglow meets at 6 p.m. at KPUD. 773-5870. Every Tues., Wed., & Thurs. •Family History Center, located at the corner of N. Columbus and McKinley is open Tues. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Wed. 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., Thurs. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. is back, plus more. Appointments available outside these hours. 773-3129. Every Tuesday and Thursday •K.L.C.K Klickitat AM talk show at 9 a.m. on 1400am. Every Wednesday •Open Studio for Kids (ages eight to 14) at Golden Art Gallery from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. $10 per session. Student artists can explore a wide variety of techniques and art materials. Call in advance, 773-5100. •Kiwanis Club of Goldendale meeting at 7 a.m. at Cornerstone Coffee. Every Second Thursday •Artist reception at the Golden Art Gallery. Featuring a new art show, wine tasting, live music and snacks. 773-5100. •Klickitat County Meth Action Team meeting at City Council Chambers from noon to 1 p.m. •Goldendale Motorsports Association meeting at the Goldendale Fire Hall at 7 p.m. •Goldendale Community Support Group for School Food. Parents, teachers, school staff members and regular citizens interested in the quality of food our public school students get. Meet at the Goldendale United Methodist Church at 6:30 p.m. Every Third Thursday •A.B.A.T.E. meets at Roadhouse 97. Social hour at 6 p.m., meeting at 7 p.m. •Oil pastels taught at the Golden Art Gallery, from 10 a.m. to noon. 773-5100. Every Saturday •Goldendale Farmers’ Market, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Ekone Park. •Pinochle at 7 p.m. promptly at the Odd Fellows Temple, 301 NW 2nd St, Goldendale. Every Second Saturday •Composition with Joan at the Golden Art Gallery at 10 a.m. 773-5100. Every Third Saturday •Oriental art (Sumi brush techniques) at the Golden Art Gallery at 10 a.m. with Margaret. 773-5100. •Goldendale Senior Center breakfast. Everyone is welcome. $3 per person. Every Fourth Saturday •Handmade books class at the Golden Art Gallery at 10 a.m. 773-5100. Every Third Sunday •Columbia Basin Goat Guild meeting at 2 p.m. at Gee’s Restaurant. Open to anyone interested in any kind of goat. (509) 225-0371. Upcoming Events Every Thursday & Friday through Aug. 26 •Free sack lunches for kids! Provided by the Back Packs for Kids program; every Thursday and Friday; available from noon to 12:30 p.m. at the Goldendale United Methodist Church. Wednesdays, Aug. 24 through Sept. 28 •ESL classes. Speakers of foreign languages are invited to come to English conversation practice at the Goldendale Library from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. This six week session will focus on building grammar skills and pronunciation. For more information, call the library at 773-4487. Wednesday through Sunday, Aug. 24 - 28 •Klickitat County Fair and Rodeo. Kickoff BBQ on Thursday. Rodeo, livestock shows, live entertainment, amusement park rides, still life events, vendors and more. Monday, August 29 •Goldendale Chamber of Commerce Community Forum Luncheon with Klickitat County Sheriff Rick McComas at the American Legion at noon. Wednesday, August 31 •Lunch ‘n’ Learn with KVH Wellness from noon to 1 p.m. in the KVH conference room. Subject is Community Supported Agriculture. Speakers are The Little Farms (grass fed beef) and The LeFever-Holbrook Farm (vegetables and meat). Tuesday - Saturday, Sept. 6-10 •Hunter education course in the Goldendale High School cafeteria. Weeknight classes from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., Saturday is the skills evaluation class from 8 a.m. to noon. Online registration open on Sept. 1, (509) 773-3350. Wednesday, September 7 •”Identity Theft: It’s more than an inconvenience” presented by Thrivent Financial from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, located at 1140 Tucker Road in Hood River. To reserve your spot contact Tracy Janik at (541) 374-8701 or Free. WEATHER EAST DISTRICT COURT Wednesday, August 24 Sunny, High 92, Low 55 Sunrise: 6:14 a.m. Sunset: 7:56 p.m. Thursday, August 25 Sunny, High 92, Low 53 Sunrise: 6:15 a.m. Sunset: 7:54 p.m. Friday, August 26 Sunny, High 91, Low 54 Sunrise: 6:17 a.m. Sunset: 7:53 p.m. Saturday, August 27 Sunny, High 91, Low 51 Sunrise: 6:18 a.m. Sunset: 7:51 p.m. Sunday, August 28 Sunny, High 91, Low 52 Sunrise: 6:19 a.m. Sunset: 7:49 p.m. Monday, August 29 Sunny, High 86, Low 49 Sunrise: 6:20 a.m. Sunset: 7:47 p.m. Tuesday, August 30 Sunny, High 79, Low 47 Sunrise: 6:22 a.m. Sunset: 7:45 p.m. Senior Meals • August 25 @ noon Goldendale Senior Center Pork Ribs • August 30 @ noon Lyle Lions Community Center Beef Stroganoff Meals include milk, coffee, or tea. Call Mt. Adams Transportation Service for transportation to meal sites: Goldendale, 773-3060 White Salmon, 493-4662 August 4 •Jorge Sanchez-Sanchez: Speeding 8 MPH Over Limit (7/4/11), Op. Mot. Veh. Without Insurance (7/4/11); Count one committed, fine $113; count two committed, fine $300. August 8 •Michael James McNutt: Supply Liquor/Premises to Minor (4/9/10); Case dismissed after completion of 12 month deferred prosecution. •George Alphonse Sanchey: DUI (6/18/06); Case dismissed after complete of five year deferred prosecution. August 11 •Shyam Praful Bhansali: Speeding 17 MPH Over Limit (6/19/11); Deferred finding. •Richard Manford Bremer: Speeding 21 MPH Over Limit (6/25/11); Committed, fine $206. •Joshua Benjamin DeSoto: Speeding 21 MPH Over Limit (6/25/11); Committed, fine $206. •Dannial Eugene Dimmick: Operate Motorcycle With No Windshield (7/5/11); Dismissed. •Dannial Eugene Dimmick: No Motorcycle Endorsement (7/5/11); Dismissed. •Jose Agustin Garzon: Speeding 21 MPH Over Limit (6/25/11); Committed, fine $206. •Elsa Karin Nordahl: Speeding 10 MPH Over Limit (6/3/11); Dismissed. •Ridgeline Plumbing vs. Vera Chubb: Other (7/19/11); Default judgment entered, $600 plus costs. •Juan A. Aguilar Rodriguez: Following Too Close (7/2/11); Committed, fine $80. •Becky Lee Braswell: Burning During Burn Ban (7/24/11); Committed, fine $125. •Ramona Lynn Roberts: Speeding 24 MPH Over Limit (6/29/11); Committed, fine $125. •Michael David Vine: Speeding 5 MPH Over Limit (7/21/11); Defendant chose to enter into deferred finding •Anthony Allen Wells: Fail to Wear Safety Belt (7/21/11); Committed, fine $90. August 16 •D. Dilan Ramos-Zuniga: DWLS 3 (11/7/10), Oper. Vah. Without Ignition Interlock (11/7/10); Dismissed per plea agreement. •D. Dilan Ramos-Zuniga: DUI (11/8/10); Amended to Negligent Driving 1, guilty plea to amended charge, fines/fees $807.50, 24 months bench probation, alcohol information school. •Caleb William P. Simonds: DWLS 3 (9/27/09); Guilty plea, 90 days/84 susp., fine/fees $610, 24 months bench probation. •Michele Leann Aguon: Make False Statement to Public Servant (5/5/10); Dismissed. •John Bartholomew Kelley: Theft 3 (7/9/11); Guilty plea, 364 days/363 susp., fines/fees $563, 24 months bench probation. •Tyler Nathaniel O’Brien: DWLS 3 (12/22/10); Amended to Driving Without License With ID, committed, fine/fee $300. •Etta Jo Walker: DWLS 3 (5/8/10); Guilty plea, 90 days/89 susp., fine/fees $1014.50, 24 months bench probation. August 18 •Bryan Edward Milberger: Speeding 18 MPH Over Limit (7/30/11); Committed, fine $110. •Mary Kather n Reimers: Speeding 5 MPH Over Limit (7/19/11); Committed, fine $60. •Moses Ruiz Olivan: Speeding 7 MPH Over Limit (7/22/11), No Driver’s License on Person (7/22/11); Count one committed, fine $90; count two committed, fine $90. •Guo Hua Zhao: Speeding 5 MPH Over Limit (7/31/11); Committed, fine $60. Outside foam closure between Rake angle and walls. Full cover color Jamb Trim on all openings. Ridge Cap will have foam closure to metal or shall fit roof metal. Gutters to be installed on both side walls. Roof Insulation: R-19 white vinyl insulation. Wall Insulation: R-19 white vinyl insulation. Sidewall framed Openings: Four 12x12 insulated sectional overhead doors, with Chain operated hoists, 3070 pre-assembled metal man door, with combo lock. Option one: Remote control electric door openers. Four 24”x24” windows, two located near center top of each end wall. Design Code, and Loads: Will be based on Klickitat county regulations. The building plans and calculations will be stamped by a Professional Engineer licensed in the state of Washington. Concrete floor: All material,equipment,and labor to excavate,form,and pour metal building footings,2’-0” deep frost wall, and a 6” thick slab, 5000 PSI, with hard trowel finish. 6’x 30 apron at both end walls. Four inches of compacted fill to be placed under slab and apron. Reinforcement will be pro- vided by the owner, blocking will need to be supplied. Gas Heater: All material, equipment, and labor to install unit style propane heater. BTUs shall be sufficient to heat the total square footage of the building. Piping will be run to outside of the building and connected to a propane tank, approximately 10 foot from the building. Electrical: All material, equipment, and labor to install 200 amp single phase service. Three- six lamp T5 interior lights with wall switch at entry door. One energy efficient outdoor light above entry door with motion sensors. Two four gang outlets on each end wall. Option two: Four 110 volt drops from ceiling ten feet in from each door. Water retention system: Gutters will be routed to water retention system approximately 70 from building. This is a prevailing wage project, all contractors and sub-contractors are subject to prevailing wages and must present certified payroll prior to payment being issued. N OTICES PUBLIC NOTICE In the Superior Court of the State of Washington In and For the County of Pierce In Re the Estate of Harold Gene Foster, deceased. No. 11-4-01189-8 Notice to Creditors (RCW 11.40.110) The administrator named below has been appointed as administrator of this estate. Any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the administrator’s attorney at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the court in which the probate proceedings were commenced. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) Thirty days after the administrator served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020(1) ©; or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedent’s probate and nonprobate assets. Decedent: Harold Gene Foster Date of Death: June 20, 2011 Date of First Publication: Aug. 10, 2011 Administrator: Kenneth Foster Attorney for Administrator: Shannon Kraft Address for Service: Geiersbach & Kraft, P.S.C. 8910 Main Street E., Suite F Bonney Lake, WA 98391 (253) 863-3366 (3212, 3303, 3401) KLICKITAT COUNTY PORT DISTRICT NO. 1 154 E. Bingen Point Way, Suite A Bingen, Washington 98605 INVITATION TO BID for 101 PARALLEL BUILDING IMPROVMENT PROJECT Bingen Point, Klickitat County, Washington Sealed bids for the 101 Parallel Building Improvement Project will be received by the Executive Director of the Klickitat County Port District No. 1, up to the hour of 2:50 p.m., September 2, 2011, and then publicly opened and read aloud at 3:00 p.m. in the Commission Room at the Klickitat County Port District No. 1 located at 154 E. Bingen Point Way, Suite A, Bingen, Washington to: Make all improvements to the 101 Parallel Building in the Dallesport Industrial Park as described in the specifications including, but not limited to, constructing a common utility trench, installing potable water and sanitary sewer infrastructure, constructing a CMU block addition, modifying the interior electrical system, and sealing and painting the exterior. The contract documents may be examined at Klickitat County Port District No. 1, 154 E. Bingen Point Way, Suite A, Bingen, WA 98605. Prime Bidders may obtain the contract documents from the Port Office, located at 154 E Bingen Point Way Ste A, Bingen, WA 98605, tele: (509) 493-1655, electronic copies of the contract documents are available via electronic mail at no cost. Paper & Craft Show ow THIS JUST IN: • Trustees Sale 4032054-Norman K. White - LPS/ASAP • Notice of Application - Maryhill Museum of Art • Small Works Notice - KV Health • Special Meeting Notice - KV Health • Notice to Creditors/Nagel, Sandra - Hall & Holland copies of the contract documents are available upon request and the payment of $75.00. All payments for contract documents are nonrefundable. Bid documents and specifications for this project may be obtained on or after the hour of 10:00 a.m., August 16, 2011 as described above. Marc Thornsbury Executive Director (3308, 3402) NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS CALL FOR BID Sealed bids for Equipment storage building, located in Roosevelt, Washington will be accepted until 00/00/000 All bids will be accepted via electronic transmission (email) to rural9office Or mailed to Klickitat County Fire District #9, P O Box 147, Roosevelt WA. 99356.Phone 509-384- 5192. Bid closing will be August 30 2011 at 7:00 P.M. No bids will be received after 7:00 P.M. on August 30 2011. Bids shall include all material, labor, and services to erect the following building in Roosevelt, Washington. METAL BUILDING ERECTED 30 (sidewall) X 70 (end wall ) x 14 ‘ Eave Gable Building. Roof pitch: 1:12 Bay spacing: 1 @ 30 Building Walls: Both sidewalls and both end walls are fully enclosed. Primary and secondary framing: primered by manufacturer. Roof Panel: 26 gauge White minimum 25 year warranty Wall panel: 26 gauge White minimum 25 year warranty Color: Tan with white trim. Roof color white Trims: Foam closure between base trim and walls. Foam closure between eave closure and walls. SANDAL SA S ANDA ANDAL AND AN NDAL DA D AL AL S SA SALE! Save 2 Save 20% 0% o onn o openpen toed oed sandals* sandals* ffrom rom nnonon Birkenstock B irkenstock b brands rands IIff it’s it ’s aalready lready on on sale sale take take an an extra ex tra 20% 20% off of f **Birkenstock Birkenstock ffamily amily bbrands, rands, ccovered overed ttoe oe ssandals andals aand nd sspecial pecial oorders rders aare re nnot ot oonn sale. s a l e. Liv Li ve e Music *H Q H U D O $GPL V V L R Q 6H Q L R U V 0L O L W D U \ .L GV X Q GH U )5(( )U H H 3 D U N L Q J 1R 3 H W V R U 6PR N L Q J 3 O H D V H !N !DV OC A T E !G EN C Y 0R ODU C T I ON Sponsored in part by a generous donation from the Hotels and Motels of Chehalis 0B 0BL 44UU t )PPE )PPE 33JWFS JWWFS t AN AGLGP SP XJTFIPPESJW SHOES SHO EPP S SC CLOGS S O BOOTS B4OBO T S SOCKS SO44VO CVO ''BDFCPPLDPNGPPUXJTFIPPESJWFS BDFCPPL PSSANDALS PPL DDPNG PDN N GPPPU XJT X FIIP JWWLFS FOtG. .PO4BU .PO U VKOS See Notices, Page B3 Steven is back and ready to meet any business or on-site service you need! Shop hours: 701 East 3rd Street Monday-Thursday 8-5 (closed 12-1) The Dalles, OR 97058 and Friday 8-12. 541.506.9153 Emergency services/evening The best Geeks in the gorge! and weekend appointments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— B3 GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON N OTICES From Page B2 prior to payment being issued. Fire Protection District # 9 Mark Stewart Commissioner Position #1 Bob Hanan Commissioner Position #2 Patrick Albano Commissioner Position #3 (3309, 3403) NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Pursuant to R.C.W. Chapter 61.24, et seq. and 62A.QA604(a}(2} et seq. Trustee's Sale No: WA-AGF-11010714 Loan No. 54391551-0708WHIT I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned Trustee, LSI TITLE AGENCY, INC., will on September 23, 2011, at tie hour of 10:00 AM, at FRONT STEPS KLICKITAT CRTHSE 205 W. COLUMBUS AVE GOLDENDALE, 180 N. LINCOLN, WHITE SALMON, WA, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, payable at the time of sale, the following described real and personal property (hereafter referred to collectively as the "Property"), situated in the County of KLICKITAT, State of Washington: LOT 10, BLOCK 13, FIRST ADDITION TO LYLE, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN BOOK 3, PAGE 1, KLICKITAT COUNTY PLAT RECORDS Tax Parcel No: 02120358131000, commonly known as 601 KLICKITAT ST, LYLE, WA The Property is subject to that certain Deed of Trust dated 10/2/2006, recorded 10/6/2006 , under Auditor's/Recorder's No. 1065768, records of KLICKITAT County, Washington, from NORMAN K. WHITE: AS HIS SEPARATE ESTATE, as Grantor, to AMERl TITLE, as Trustee, in favor of AMERICAN GENERAL HOME EQUITY, INC., as Beneficiary, the beneficial interest in which is presently held by SPRINGLEAF FINANCIAL SERVICES OF WASHINGTON, INC., FORMERLY KNOWN AS AMERICAN GENERAL FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC., AS SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST TO AMERICAN GENERAL HOME EQUITY, INC.. II No action commenced by the Beneficiary of the Deed of Trust is now pending to seek satisfaction of the obligation in any court by reason of tie Borrower's or Grantor's default on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust III The defaults) for which this foreclosure 'is/are made are as follows: FAILURE TO PAY THE MONTHLY PAYMENT WHICH BECAME DUE ON 5/10/2010, AND ALL SUBSEQUENT MONTHLY PAYMENTS, PLUS LATE CHARGES AND OTHER COSTS AND FEES AS SET FORTH. Failure to pay when due the following amounts which are now in arrears: Amount due as of June 24, 2011 Delinquent Payments from May 10, 2010 14 payments at $1,557.05 each $21,793.70 (05-10-10 through 06-24-11) Late Charges: $1,330.80 Interest: $11,866.33 TOTAL: $34,995.83 IV The sum owing on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust is: Principal $147,231.77, together with interest as provided in the note or other instrument secured, and such other costs and fees as are due under the note or other instrument secured, and as are provided by statute. V The above described real property will be sold to satisfy the expenses of sale and the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust as provided by statute. The sale will be made without warranty, express or implied regarding title, possession, or encumbrances on September 23, 2011. The default(s) referred to in paragraph li! must be cured by September 12, 2011 (11 days before the sale date) to cause a discontinuance of the sate. The sale will be discontinued and terminated if at any time on or before September 12, 2011, (11 days before the sale date) the defaults) as set forth in paragraph III is/are cured and the Trustee's fees and costs are paid. The sale may be terminated at any time after September 12, 2011, (11 days before the sale date) and before the sale, by the Borrower, Grantor, any Guarantor or the holder of any recorded junior lien or encumbrance paying the entire principal and interest secured by the Deed of Trust, plus costs, fees, and advances, if any, made pursuant to the terms of the obligation and/or Deed of Trust, and curing ail other defaults. VI A written Notice of Default was transmitted by the Beneficiary or Trustee to the Borrower and Grantor at the following addresses: NORMAN K WHITE, 501 KLICKITAT ST, LYLE, WA, 98635 NORMAN K. WHITE, PO BOX 67, LYLE, WA, 98635 by both first class and certified mail on 05/16/2011, proof of which is in the possession of the Trustee; and on 5/16/2011, the Borrower and Grantor were personally served with said written notice of default or the written Notice of Default was posted in a conspicuous place on the real property described in paragraph I above, and the Trustee has possession of proof of such service or posting. VII The Trustee's Sate will be held in accordance with Ch. 61.24 RCW and anyone wishing to bid at the sate will be required to have In his/her possession at the time the bidding commences, cash, cashier's check, or certified check in the amount of at feast one dollar over the Beneficiary's opening bid in addition, the successful bidder will be required to pay the full amount of his/her bid in cash, cashier's check, or certified check within one hour of the making of She bid. The Trustee whose name- and address are set forth below will provide in writing to anyone requesting it, a statement of all cost and fees due at any time prior to the sale. VIII The effect of the sale will be to deprive the Grantor and all those who hold by, through or under the Grantor of all of their interest in the above described property. IX Anyone having any objection to the sale on any grounds whatsoever will be afforded an opportunity to be heard as to those objections if they bring a .lawsuit to restrain the same pursuant to RCW 6124.130. Failure to bring such a lawsuit may result in a waiver of any proper grounds for invalidat- ing the Trustee's Sale. X NOTICE TO OCCUPANTS OR TENANTS The purchaser at the Trustee's Sale is entitled to possession of the property on the 20th day following the sale, as against the Grantor under the Deed of Trust (the owner) and anyone having an interest junior to the Deed of Trust, including occupants and tenants. After the 20th day following the sale the purchaser has the right to evict occupants and tenants by summary proceeding under the Unlawful Detainer Act, Chapter 59.12 RCW. Sale information Line: 714-7302727 or Website: h t t p : / / w w w. l p s a s a p. c o m DATED: June 17, 2011. LSI TITLE AGENCY, INC., AS TRUSTEE BY ASSET FORECLOSURE SERVICES, INC., AS AGENT FOR THE TRUSTEE 13920 SE Eastgate Way, Suite 115, Bellevue, WA 98005 By Lilian Solano, Trustee Sale Officer ASAP# 4032054 08/24/2011, 09/14/2011 (3404, 3701) STATE OF WASHINGTON Department of Ecology Yakima, Washington Notice of Application to Appropriate Public Waters Take Notice: That Maryhill Museum of Art of Goldendale, Washington, on February 22, 2001, under Application No. G4-32945 applied to appropriate public waters, subject to existing rights, from up to 4 wells in the amount of 2250 gallons per minute up to 1200 acrefeet each year, for domestic and irrigation purposes. That the sources of the proposed appropriation are located within the SWNW and NWNW of Section 7 and the NWNW of Section 3, both in Township 2N., R. 16 E.W.M., and the SESE of Section 34 of Township 3N., R. 16 E.W.M., Klickitat County, Washington Protests or objections to approval of this application must include a detailed statement of the basis for objections. All letters of protest will become public record. Cash shall not be accepted. Fees must be paid by check or money order and are nonrefundable. Protests must be accompa- nied by a $50 recording fee payable to the Department of Ecology, Cashiering Unit, PO Box 47611, Olympia, WA 98504-7611, within 30 days from: Aug. 31, 2011. (3405, 3503) PUBLIC NOTICE KLICKITAT VALLEY HEALTH PUBLIC HOSPITAL DISTRICT NO. 1 OF KLICKITAT COUNTY SMALL WORKS NOTICE Klickitat Valley Health has established a small works roster for public works projects of less than $300,000. This roster may be used to award contracts for work in one of the following categories: General Contractors M a i n t e n a n c e , H VA C / R e f r i g e r a t i o n Repair/Installation, E l e c t r i c a l , Construction/Remodel, Painting Interior/Exterior, Roofing, Plumbing, Fabrication “Metal,” Fire Alarm Detection Systems, Fire Alarm, Sprinkler Systems, Cabinetry, Window Washing, Landscaping, Landscape Maintenance, Tree Service, Irrigation, Asphalt Paving, Curb, Gutter and Sidewalks, Parking Lot/Street Striping, Parking Lot Sweep. Flooring Installation/Alteration All qualified, Licensed and bonded contractors wishing to be included on this small works roster should respond to Ramona Reynolds, Support Services Director, at Klickitat Valley Health, 310 South Roosevelt, Goldendale, WA 98620. Applications may be obtained at Klickitat Valley Health Plant Services Department, 509-773-1005 or at Responses will be accepted until 5pm on September 7, 2011. (3406, 3504) PUBLIC NOTICE KLICKITAT VALLEY HEALTH (KVH) PUBLIC HOSPITAL DISTRICT NO. 1 OF KLICKITAT COUNTY SPECIAL MEETING NOTICE There will be a special meeting of the Board of Commissioners on August 30, 2011 at 4:30 p.m. in KVH Conference Rooms A&B for the purpose of discussion and action focused on overall review and revision, as necessary, of the District’s Strategic Plan and related documents. For questions please contact 509-7731008 or email (3407) IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR CLARK COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of SANDRA S. NAGEL, Deceased. NO. 11-4-00612-4 NOTICE TO CREDITORS (RCW 11.40.030) The Personal Representative named below has been appointed Personal Representative of this estate. Any person having a claim against the Decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the Personal Representative or the Personal Representative’s attorney at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the court. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) Thirty days after the Personal Representative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020(1)(c); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 1 1 . 4 0 . 0 6 0 . This bar is effective as to claims against both the Decedent’s probate and non-probate assets. Date of First publication: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 Personal Representative: KARLALYN S. NAGEL c/o James I. Holland Hall & Holland Attorneys at Law 1109 Broadway Street Vancouver, WA 98660 Phone: (360) 694-3351 (3408, 3505, 3603) CLASSIFIEDS Annoucements Happy Ads .......................2 Welcome To The World....4 Card of Thanks ................5 Notices...........................10 Events............................15 Personals .......................20 Support Groups .............25 Lost & Found .................30 Professional Services ....31 5 Card of Thanks We would like to thank the paramedics, medical personnel, and Westside Firemen for such excellent care when they responded to my medical emergency. Bonnie Dorsey and Family 10 Notices Tooley Water District in The Dalles is accepting bids for a concrete roof for the water district addition to the reservoir building. To view the work site and to bid on the project, contact Mark at 541-980-7541. 15 Events WALK/RUN-A-THON Sat., Aug. 27, 1pm-3pm Hood River Valley High School Track $15 entry fee Everyone welcome Raffle prizes Proceeds to Adopt-A-Dog Questions, contact Taylor: 541-490-3661 20 Personals GOLDENDALE Pregnancy Resource Center 509-773-5501 Pregnancy Counseling and services, free pregnancy self-tests, education on abortion and alternatives. THAT GIRL with the smile that could open any door! Met you at Walmart. You were with two of your friends. I would like to see you again. How about every Thursday at 8:30 am in front of Walmart. I might be in my grubby work clothes. 25 Support Groups AA Woman's meeting, 7 pm every Tuesday at Solid Rock Church, 2308 E 12th, The Dalles. AL-ANON Meeting 6:30 pm, Thursdays Goldendale Methodist Church Questions? Call Rosie, 773-6420 or Greta, 773-3343. 25 Support Groups ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 24 Hour Hot Line 1-800-999-9210 Mid Columbia Mtg. Info www.:// ALCOHOLICS Anon. Goldendale meetings at the United Methodist Church; Mon., 8 p.m.; Wed., 8 p.m.; Fri., 8 p.m., 109 E. Broadway. 1-800-344-2666. DO YOU HAVE HURTS, habits, hang-ups? Attend Celebrate Recovery a faithbased 12 step program, every Wednesday night at Hood River Alliance Church at 2650 W. Montello (off Rand Rd). Dinner provided at 6:15 pm and large group meeting at 7:00 pm. Childcare is provided. For more info. call 541-308-5339 Family Alzheimer's/Dementia Support Group Family members and friends caring for individuals with Alzheimer's disease or a related dementia are invited to participate in our Dementia Support Group. Come and gain support and insight from others who are going thru or have gone thru this journey. Join us monthly in a caring environment to discuss your challenges and questions. Meeting held t h e third Wednesday, every month, at 3:00 pm at FlagStone Senior Living at 3 3 2 5 Columbia View Drive. For more information about our group, contact Bryan or Jim at 541-298-5656. All Welcome! GRIEF and Loss Group meets monthly at Klickitat Valley Hospital. Come and learn ways to heal and help others heal from loss. Sponsored by Klickitat Valley Hospice. Call 773-0380 for further information. NA MEETINGS Goldendale Father's House Fellowship 207 S. Klickitat Monday: 12-1 p.m. Wednesday: 12-1 p.m. Friday: 12-1 p.m. Open to non-addicts. For more info, call Kathy S.@ 360-8508832 or Matt S. @ 360-850-8840. 25 Support Groups PARKINSON'S SUPPORT GROUP: First Wednesday of every month at 2 p.m. Water's Edge, 551 Lone Pine Blvd, 2nd floor For information, please contact Chad at 541.478.9338. T.O.P.S. (Take Off Pounds Sensibly). Tuesdays 9 a.m. at Riverview Comm. Bank. 773-4766. T.O.P.S. (Take off Pounds Sensibly), Thursdays, 6 p.m. at Riverview Comm. Bank, 773-5411. 30 Lost & Found FOUND: Keys on Old Dalles Rd. Call to identify. 541-490-3029. INSTRUCTION & CHILD CARE Preschool/Daycare Facilities ......................... 35 Child Care Providers ..... 37 Schools Training ............ 40 Tutoring .......................... 45 Instruction ...................... 50 Training & Opportunity... 51 Health & Fitness ............ 55 35 Preschools/ Daycare Facilities Children of Faith Preschool Is now registering for the Fall. Classes are from 9:00-11:00 AM. We accept 3, 4, & 5 year olds. Call 541-296-2662 for more info, an application and to learn about our Open House. We teach A, B, Cs, 1, 2, 3s in a loving Christian environment. Start Smart Pre-School Openings available for Fall 2011. Class time is 8:3011:30am Monday-Wednesday for ages 3-5yrs with an optional Kindergarten Readiness Class on Thursday. Please call Denise at 541-993-4488 for more Info. Class begins Sept 12th BUSINESS/ FINANCIAL Business Opportunities . 60 Investments & Loans ..... 65 Insurance ....................... 70 Mortgages & Contracts.. 72 60 Business Opportunities 3 BAY AUTO REPAIR SHOP. Retiring after 23 years. Excellent, high traffic location, main street frontage, Hood River, OR. Two drive on hoists, exhaust pipe bender w/pipe, welder, torch, brake lathe, alignment equipment, lots of misc. auto repair equip. Landlord willing to arrange longterm lease, computer customer list, turn key operation, call for details. 541-490-4367 75 Help Wanted General 65 Investments & Loans LOCAL COUPLE looking to borrow $250,000 at 9% to start apartments. Holly 541-490-3351. BANQUETS MANAGER Help Wanted General ....75 Help Wanted Domestic/ In Home .........................76 Help Wanted Medical/ Health 77 Help Wanted Office/ Clerical...........................78 Help Wanted Sales/Customer Service 79 Positions Wanted ...........80 Volunteers......................82 Work from Home Employment...................83 Job Opportunities ..........85 75 Help Wanted General Accounting Clerk /General clerk NORCOR Corrections in The Dalles seeks P/T accounting clerk/General clerk. Must be skilled in Quick Books and general accounting. Position requires general office experience & ability to operate office machines. Position requires ability to work with diverse groups in a secure facility. Professional workplace behaviors required. Criminal record will disqualify. Must have drivers license, pass background, drug, physical and other testing as indicated by the position. Applications and full job description available at NORCOR Website: us or NORCOR business office, 201 Webber Rd., The Dalles, OR. Applications close 5:00 PM August 31, 2011. 75 Help Wanted General Asst Football Coach For TDW High School team. $4,090- 4,417 per season (DOE). Download District Classified application at or pick up at 3632 W. 10th St. TD. Coaching resume must be included with application. Closes: Open Until Filled EOEE AVON REPRESENTATIVES Needed for the Holidays. *40% Earnings *Cash Bonuses. Call Angela at 541-331-1123 EMPLOYMENT 75 Help Wanted General Columbia Gorge conference center is looking for a full time Banquets Manager. Candidate must be able to work evenings, weekends, and holidays. Successful candidate must be proficient at multitasking and be able to work with many different types of people. Position is year round and full time with excellent benefits. Banquets and managerial experience is preferred. Pay commensurate with experience and generous benefits available after probationary period. Please send resume to Banquet Mgr., PO Box 390, Box 876, Hood River, OR 97031. Buy or Sell Avon 541-739-2111 or 541-993-2735 College Bookstore Manager Responsible to the Chief Financial Officer for bookstore management and operational planning, coordinating bookstore activities on multiple campuses, supervision of bookstore support staff, textbook and other goods purchasing, marketing, project planning, shipping and receiving, sales, cashiering, budgeting, financial analysis, and accounting support activities. The ideal candidate will have experience in retail management and supervision, purchasing, customer service, computerized accounting systems, point-ofsale systems, and cashiering activities. College bookstore or retail bookstore management experience preferred. Customer service experience required. Custodian Hood River Indian Creek Campus Keeps premises of College buildings in a clean, safe, and orderly condition. A High School Diploma and two years experience or any combination of education, training and experience that provides the required knowledge and abilities to perform the essential job functions required. Basic math skills and abilit y to speak, read, write and interpret instructions written or spoken in English required. Full-time position pays $11.64 per hour plus benefits. Position closes Wednesday, August 31st at 5 p.m. or contact Sara Rinearson at 541-506-6151 for more info. Bachelor's degree with significant coursework in Business or Marketing required. Full-time position has a starting salary range of $34,500 - $37,699 per year. CGCC application, cover letter, and resume are required to apply. Position is open until filled. or contact Sara Rinearson at 541506-6151 for more info. Think paper routes are just for kids? Think again... Instructors P/T Pre-College Math and RD 90 Instructors needed at CGCC, Fall Term `11. Masters Degree required. For application/information, please visit CGCC's website at (Human Resources QuickLinks) or call Jean: (541)506-6041. Open until filled. CGCC is an equal opportunity educator and employer. CHAPLAIN Heart of Hospice is seeki n g a PT Chaplain to join our team. Visit www.heartof for more information. The Goldendale Sentinel has a motor route available. Call Heidi Judye for more information 773-3777 Chaplain, Heart of Hospice is seeking a PT Chaplain to join our team. Visit www.hear for more information. COLLEGE WORKS PAINTING is looking for F/T painters who are outgoing and personable. Reliable transportation, hourly wage. Experience not required, but preferred. 541-490-7896. 75 Help Wanted General COMPREHENSIVE, an innovative behavioral health care and service provider, is currently recruiting for a full-time benefited Behavioral Health Specialist in White Salmon, WA facility. This position identifies, triages and manages patients with medical and behavioral health problems within the primary care setting as part of the primary care treatment team. Provides skill training through psycho-education and patient education strategies and develops specific behavioral change plans for patients and behavioral health protocols for target populations. Receives guidance and direction from both Comprehensive and medical staff of assigned primary care agency. Qualified applicants will have a Master's Degree in social services or related field. Direct clinical treatment experience and State licensure preferred. Comprehensive is committed to building strong communities through the efforts of its staff, clients, and through collaborative partnerships. If you are interested in joining a fun, team-oriented work environment, please apply online at http:// or call 509-575-3894 to request an application packet. Equal Opportunity Employer/ADA COOK 30 hrs/wk. with partial benefits, $10/hr. View at: One Man’s Junk = Another Man’s Treasure The Gorge Classifieds is the place to go! 773-3777 B4 — AUGUST 24, 2011 GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON CLASSIFIEDS 75 Help Wanted General Delivery/Warehouse Lifting, delivery, set-up & warehouse. Drug screening. Neat appearence. Positive attitude. Apply at The Dalles Furniture. DEPUTY SHERIFF Wasco County Sheriff Dept. Salary-$19.04$24.30/hr + bene. Required: HS diploma or GED; valid driver's license w/o record of suspension or revocation in any state; ability to pass physical standards, written test, background check, psychological exam & drug test. Must be at least 21 yrs of age. Application packet available at Wasco County Courthouse, 511 Washington St, Rm 101, The Dalles, OR 97058, or website Return completed packets w/supporting documentation to Wasco County Courthouse, Rm 101, fax to 541.506.2771 or email to application@co.wasco.or. us. Close: September 2, 2011, 5:00 pm. EOE DIETARY COOK Skyline Hospital Immediate opening for a Per Diem Dietary Cook. Must be a high school graduate with basic math and computer skills and have previous cooking experience. Must be able to lift at least 20 lbs., walk, stand for extended periods of time, bend, stoop, and carry. Must be able to work weekends. Applications available through Skyline Hospital's front desk receptionist or at www.skylinehospi Skyline Hospital, P.O. Box 99, 211 Skyline Drive, White Salmon, WA 98672. 509637-2923; FAX: 509-493-5114. EARLY HEAD START ASSOCIATE TEACHER Mid-Columbia Children's Council is recruiting for an Early Head Start Associate Teacher for the Wahtonka site in The Dalles. Requires CDA credential for Infants & Toddlers. Candidates w/ a degree in ECE preferred. Submit transcripts w/ application. 40 hrs/wk, 9.25 mths per yr, $11.22 $14.05/hr. DOQ. Visit or call (541) 386-2010 for info about how to apply. CLOSES: 08/28/2011. EOE 75 Help Wanted General LFG Operation and Maintenance Technician I or II - DOE Klickitat PUD is now accepting applications for a highly skilled full-time technician to work at our Landfill Gas (LFG) project. This position's primary responsibility is to operate and maintain the LFG Combined Cycle Generation Facility. Applicants with a minimum of five (5) years of power plant experience, along with previous Journey level operating or maintenance experience in Boiler and Gas Turbine power facilities, are strongly preferred. Applications and a detailed job description are available online at and at the Goldendale Klickitat PUD Office. Please submit your written application to Klickitat PUD, c/o Human Resources, 1313 S. Columbus, Goldendale, WA 98620, or by fax at 509-773-4969. Posiiton open until filled. EOE. Law Enforcement Dispatcher, Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fisheries Enforcement, Hood River, is recruiting for a Dispatcher. Regular full-time position. Will work rotating and emergency shifts to cover 24/7 including weekends and holidays. Requires: H.S. diploma or equivalent; excellent oral and written communication skills; ability to attend and pass dispatcher academies in OR and WA; good typing and computer skills; high integrity and confidentiality. See full details and download application form at http:// or call 503-238-0667 for app packet. Closes 8/31/ 2011. LOCAL CDL DRIVER WANTED Must have 2 yrs driving exp. Must have doubles in Tankers Endorsement. Clean driving record. 50-60 hrs./wk. Offer health benefits. Call 541-386-3003, ask for Ken or Bob. Maintenance Worker City of The Dalles Public Works Department The Dalles, Oregon Salary: $2,823.57 3,371.48 plus benefits Closing Date: August 29, 2011 5pm The City of The Dalles Public Works Department is accepting applications for Sagtech Corporation is hir- the position of Maintenance ing a FAA Project Coordi- Worker. This is a full time nator Hardware Design En- union position. gineer Executive Assistant. Minimum Requirements: High School graduate or GED; ability to lift a miniEXPERIENCED mum of 50 pounds; climb in MEAT CUTTER and out of heavy equipLocal grocey store looking ment; ascend and descend for meat cutter with 5 year stairs and ladders, and acof super market experi- cessing and working in exence. Competitive wage in- cavated utility ditches; pass cluding healthcare and physical exam required by 401k. Applications available OR-OSHA to wear respiat Harvest Market, 77 NE Wau- rator. Training in equipment maintenance is desired. na Street, White Salmon. CDL w/Tanker endorse509-493-9494 ment within 6 months of hire is desired. Applicant may be required to comFIELD INSPECTOR: plete skills test on heavy Duties - drive around equipment. Klickitat County, take photos, verify Obtain complete applicaoccupancy. Requires tion packet online at camera, vehicle, internet, or from computer. Apply at the City Clerk's Office at City Hall, 313 Court St., The Dalles, OR 97058 Ford/Nissan EOE EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Technician Ray Schultens Motors is seeking a certified Ford/ Nissan Technician. Benefit package and excellent pay available. If you are the right person and want to join a busy shop in a great environment, call 541-2966191 or come by! 2400 West 6th Street, TD. GOLDENDALE Primary School Playground Supervisor, 1.75hrs/day, (3 positions open). Visit for app info or the Goldendale School District Admin Office at 604 E. Brooks, Goldendale. 509-773-5177. Closes: Aug. 29, 2011 or until filled. EOE. IMPROVE LITERACY through tutoring activities in Gorge schools, Pre-K and elementary positions available. Full time, Sept 1 - July 15, $1125/mo, $5550 ed award, health insurance & child care allowance. http:// positions MEAL SERVICE ASSISTANT Mid-Columbia Children's Council is accepting applications for a Meal Service Assistant at the Parkdale site. Up to 18 hrs per wk, $9.02/hr, 9.25 mo. per yr. Visit or call (541) 386-2010 for an application, job description & info about how to apply. Closes 8/29/2011. EOE. NANNY For 2 kids, 11 mos. & 3 yr. old. 7:30 am-5:30 pm weekdays in Hood River. Experience w/toddlers essential. English speaking/ writing. Drug test & criminal background check. Parent bring their child is negotiable. Submit resume & cover letter to ian or to 1109 June St, HR. Attn: Ian. O'Reilly Auto Parts: 2 parts Specialists, 1 Delivery Driver positions available. Clean driving record. Bilingual a plus. Apply at Crossword Solution 8/24/11 75 Help Wanted General 75 Help Wanted General ON CALL HOUSEKEEPER Hood River Care Center has an opening for an oncall housekeeper. Must pass drug test & criminal history. Must be able to work any day of the week & be available on short notice. Apply at EEO/AA SAGETECH CORPORATION is Hiring, FAA Project Coordinator Executive Assistant Hardware Design Engineer SCHOOL BUS DRIVER For our Head Start program in The Dalles-full time 35 hours per week, split shift, 11 months per year. Excellent $12.32 or $13.31 Operations Technician benefits. and up per hour to start Assistant DOE. Visit our website for (temporary position) complete job description, Local data center in need requirements and to apply of temporary assistance re- online at Or lated to data center opera- mail resume to: Oregon tions. Qualified candidate Child Development Coalition, will have a strong work eth- Human Resources, 1300 ic, interest in technology, West 9th S., The Dalles, good physical dexterity, OR 97058. EQUAL OPand ability to complete re- PORTUNITY EMPLOYER petitive tasks. EOE. Please submit resumes via http:// Stylist Wanted For busy downtown salon. Please contact Vicki at O 541-296-6006 or stop in at logo 213 Court Street, TD. 77 Help Wanted Medical 77 Help Wanted Medical Dental Assistant RESIDENT CARE MANAGER RN Part-time. X/R certified for our friendly practice. Enthusiastic, organized, self starter, team player w/ strong clinical skills, and responsible. People person a must. Call Dr. Nichols office (541) 296-9415 FAMILY PLANNING NURSE PRACTITIONER Skamania County Community Health is wanting to contract with a Family Planning Nurse Practitioner to provide family planning services in our Health Department one day a week. Licensed in the state of Washington or be able to obtain a Washington state license is required. Visit to get the full job description TACO DEL MAR Hood River needs food service help, and download the job applimust be 18 or older looking cation. Any questions please Are you interested in as- for long term employment. email mcccaulley@co.skamani sisting people with disabil- go to: or call 509-427-3881. ities? Opportunity Connections is hiring! Third Shift Supervisor Visit Growing organic food diswww.opportunityconnectio tributer located in Moro, Or to see all open po- seeking a responsible, mositions. Featured position: tivated, individual to be our House Manager-The Third Shift Supervisor at Dalles our warehouse. This is a AL/ALZ Caregivers: new position that will start PAPA MURPHY'S All shifts needed. We offer: on 1st shift for training and HOOD RIVER is currently looking for dy- then move to 3rd shift to competitive wages and namic team leaders who help us get it up and run- benefits. Apply in person at work well with others while ning. This is a great oppor- FlagStone Senior Living, promoting a fun environ- tunity for the right person to 3325 Columbia View Dr., ment that focuses on cus- grow into a position and The Dalles, OR tomer service. There is make it a career. Salary currently a fulltime Assistant DOE $13-$15 to start. Must Manager position, full & part have supervisory experitime Evening Supervisors, & ence running a crew of at part time Crew Members. least 10 employees. InterEvening shifts will vary de- ested Applicants please pendent upon store vol- email resume and cover to ume. Salary DOE. Papa letter Murphy's is an EOE. Ap- employment@azurestand Dietary Aided: plications may be picked Must work weekends. We up at Papa Murphy's Hood WANTED: Need Manager offer: competitive wages River, 1765 12th St. For Goldendale Dairy and benefits. Apply in peradditional information, con- for tact Rick at 541-386-7131. Queen. Call 509-250-2771. son at FlagStone Senior Living, 3325 Columbia Warehouse Worker, Full time Program Assistant 40+ hours a week Pay DOE $9- View Dr., The Dalles, OR Mid-Columbia Housing Au- $11/hr. Schedule: Mon-Fri Lothority seeks a bright, cation: Moro, Oregon Join the friendly, reliable individual team of a rapidly growing with excellent communicacompany that specializes in tion and office skills to perthe distribution of natural, orform a variety of clerical and administrative work. ganic, earth-friendly foods Bi-Lingual in Spanish and and products. We are looking Health Service English is helpful. Applica- for hardworking individuals tions available at 312 Court who are attention oriented Director/RN: and self-motivated. Job ReStreet - Suite 419, The Experience required. We quirements: Lift 50+ pounds, Dalles, OR. Starting salary - $9.44/Hr./+ Fringe Bene- Stand for long periods of offer: competitive wages time, Computer Experience. and benefits. Apply in perfits. (32 hours per week) Please submit your resume to son at FlagStone Senior Equal Opportunity employment@ Affirmative Action Employer Living, 3325 Columbia ***Women View Dr., The Dalles, OR PT RETAIL MERCHANDISER are encouraged to apply *** to service Hallmark ProdLICENSED NURSES WINGS WORK TRAINING ucts at the Walmart in Hood River Care Center Hood River, OR. visit: free housing, life skills & www.hallmark.candidatec support for young men 18- has openings for licensed 23. Call Allyson 541-380-3820 nurses. Must be in good standing & pass a drug test RECREATIONAL & criminal history. Must be TRAILS able to work any day. Apply 77 Help Wanted MAINTENANCE at SPECIALIST Medical Call Colletta at 541-386Hood River County 2688 with questions is accepting applications CAREGIVERS for seasonal Recreation Become a member of Trails Maintenance Spean elite team of carecialist positions with the Hood River County Fogivers. Bring joy, comrestry Department. Starting fort and assistance to wage is $27.76/hr. Must the seniors in our comhave a two-year vocational munity. Put the Gold degree in Parks and Recinto their Golden years. reation, Forestry, or related Experience preferred. • Physicians field of study, or 4 years Warm heart essential. equivalent work experience Hearts of Gold Caregivers in recreation trail design, • Nursing 800-604-9564 construction, and maintenance. Applicants must CMA/LPN • Clinical Staff complete HRC application. Obtain job packet and re- The Oregon Veterans' turn to HRC Administration, Home is seeking a fulltime • Support Staff 601 State St., Hood River, Certified Medication Aide/ OR. 97031 by 4:00 p.m. LPN-(First year LPN's may September 1, 2011. Hood apply). Must be currently To view all current River County is an EOE. certified as a CMA in Orecareer opportunities gon and a minimum 1-year RELIABLE CAREGIVERS and to apply online go to assist adults w/develop- long-term care experience to preferred, but not required. mental disabilities. Training provided. Growth opportu- Caring for Veterans is what we do best! Join the team nity. 503-594-1250 x13 that offers competitive OB/LABOR and RENEW CONSULTING wages, good benefits and a DELIVERY NURSE INC, Renew is hiring caring great work environment. people to work with indi- You may obtain an appliSkyline Hospital viduals with disabil- cation at the Oregon VeteWhite Salmon, Washington ities.$9.50hr Free training rans Home, 700 Veterans Immediate opening for two offered. Drive, The Dalles, OR F/T OB/L&D RN positions. 97058, Monday - Friday, 8 Must have at least three am - 4:30 pm. For more in- years OB/L&D experience Request for formation please Genny at and be able to work nights. Auditing Services 541-296-7190, ext. 283. We offer an excellent benSherman County Health CNA District invites qualified liefits package, competitive Hood River Care Center censed auditors to submit a wage and relocation assisletter of interest for servic- has openings for cna's. tance. es beginning in the 2012/ Must be Oregon certified in COME JOIN OUR TEAM! 2013 fiscal year. The letter good standing. Drug test & Jessie at should include: qualifica- criminal history required. Contact tions, experience, refer- Must be able to work any, ences and contact infor- day. Apply at prestige- PO Box 99, White Salmon, WA mation. Submit to the Sher- Call Colletta at 98672, 509-637-2923, or fax: man County Health District, 541-386-2688 with ques- 509-493-5114. Visit us at PO Box 186, Mor, OR tions. 97039. The District will review all letters of interest CNA'S PARAMEDIC and reserves the right to The Oregon Veterans' Home Skyline Hospital refuse any and all propo- has Full and Part time CNA sals. For further informa- positions available. Our Immediate opening for a tion please contact Ofc. census is growing and we per diem paramedic. Must Mgr. Linda Thompson at are seeking CNA's for day be licensed for Washington 541-565-0536. and evening shifts. Must be and Oregon and have Nacurrently certified in Ore- tional Registry certification. REQUEST FOR gon. We value; Safety, Applications are available AUDITING SERVICES Honor, Integrity, Respect through the front desk reThe City of Moro, Oregon, and Trust! Join the team ceptionist and on our webinvites qualified licensed that offers competitive auditors to submit a letter wages, and a great work site. For more information, of interest for auditing ser- environment. You may ob- contact Jessie at 509-637vices beginning in the tain an application at the 2923, jessier@skylinehospital. 2012/2013 fiscal year. The Oregon Veterans Home, com, PO Box 99 White Salletter should include: qual- 700 Veterans Drive, The mon, WA 98672. FAX: 509-493ifications, experience, ref- Dalles, OR 97058, Monday 5114. Visit us on the Web at erences and contact infor- - Friday, 8 am - 4:30 pm, or mation. Submit letter of fax your resume' to 541interest to City of Moro, PO 296-7862. For more inforRegistered Nurse Box 231, Moro, Oregon mation please call Genny Columbia Gorge Surgery 97039. The City of Moro will review all letters of at 541-296-7190, ext. 283. Center is looking for qualified Per Diem RN's. interest and reserves the DENTAL ASSISTANT right to refuse any or all Have X-Ray cert & suc- Candidates must have reproposals. For further in- cessful chair-side experi- lated experience, good refformation please contact ence? Grow with us! Make erences and great work Rene' Moore, City Admin- patients comfortable, preethics. Columbia Gorge istrator at 541-565-3535. pare them for treatment, Surgery Center offers a obtain dental records & inSAGETECH CORPORATION competitive salary and flexis hiring, FAA Project Co- struct them on oral care. ible work schedule. Submit Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri, ordinator Executive Asresume to mistyd@ sistant Hardware Design 7:30am - 5:30pm. ReEngineer Sagetech- sumes: fax 541-386-5512, or fax to 541-431-3288. Hood River Care Center, part of the Prestige Care family is currently seeking exp. RN's in Hood River, Oregon. The RN will work as Resident Care Manager to provide direct nursing care to residents and supervise nursing assistants. RCM evaluates residents, assesses their needs and develops a plan of care. RCM coordinates all services for the resident and continuously monitors and reevaluates the residents care. Ideal candidate will have a current RN license and have LTC, Rehab, or geriatric nursing exp. Strongly prefer min.6 mos. exp as a RCM in skilled nursing. Prestige offers competitive salary, benefits, including medical, dental and 401K. To apply visit: EEO/AA SURGICAL TECHNICIAN SKYLINE HOSPITAL White Salmon, WA Immediate opening for a P/ T or per diem surgical technician. Must be a graduate of a surgical technician program, have prior surgical experience and be available for occasional evening and weekend calls. We offer a competitive wage, excellent benefits package (P/T status only) and a positive working environment. Contact Skyline Hospital, Human Resources Department, PO Box 99, White Salmon, WA 98672, 509-493-1101, FAX 509-493-5114, jessier@sk or visit us at 78 Help Wanted Office OFFICE ASSISTANT CLERICAL, Crop insurance agency seeks detailoriented, dependable, motivated individual for immediate opening. Computer skills essential. Microsoft Access experience and agricultural background beneficial. Full-time position. Wages DOE. Mid-Columbia Insurance, Inc. is an equal opportunity provider and employer in a drug/alcohol free environment. Send cover letter and resume to or to Mid-Columbia Insurance, Inc. P.O. Box 857 The Dalles, OR 97058. 80 Positions Wanted I AM looking for some temporary jobs- Wash windows, clean out garages, etc. Call 509-773-0456. Child Care Wanted ........95 Diaper Services ...........100 Adult & Elderly Care ....105 105 Adult & Elderly Care DO YOU HAVE A LOVED ONE THAT NEEDS 24/7 CARE? but can not provide that care yourself. We cater to your loved one's needs as if they were our own. CHERRY STREET MANOR II Assisted Living Adult Family Home 460 Cherry Street White Salmon, WA 360-241-3537 CALL TAMERA FOR A CONSULTATION Travel & Transportation 130 Garage/ Yard Sales Car Pools .....................110 Tickets .........................115 Travel ...........................120 Free-To-All ...................122 MULTI-family yard sale. Furniture, appliances, power and shop tools, horse gear, misc. 101 Trowbridge Rd, Goldendale. Go out to Box Canyon and follow the signs. Aug. 20 & 21, Sat. & Sun. 8am-? MARKETPLACE Auctions .......................125 Hood River...................126 The Dalles ...................127 White Salmon/Bingen ..128 Odell ............................129 Garage/Yard Sales.......130 Other Oregon Cities ....131 Parkdale/Mt. Hood .......132 Cook/Underwood .........133 Other Washington Cities 134 Estate Sales ................135 Camas .........................136 Washougal...................137 Vancouver....................138 Bazaars/Flea Markets..139 Antiques & Collectibles140 Antiques/Collectibles Wanted 142 Apparel/Jewelry ...........150 Furniture ......................155 Appliances ...................160 Home Electronics ........165 Carpeting .....................166 Wireless Communication 167 Computers ...................170 Satellites ......................175 Cameras & Photo Supplies 180 Cleaning ......................182 Firewood & Stoves.......185 Hot Tubs, Spas, Swimming Pool 190 Sporting Goods ...........195 Exercise Equipment.....200 Sailboard & Accessories 205 Arts & Leisure..............210 Musical Instruments.....215 Lawn, Garden, Equipment 220 Building Materials ........225 Timber Buy/Sell ...........226 Hand & Power Tools ....230 Misc. Equipment ..........235 Health Care Equipment 236 Arts, Crafts, & Hobbies240 Baby Items...................250 Hair Care & Beauty Aids 255 Books...........................260 Office Equipment .........265 Restaurant Equipment.270 Misc. for Sale ...............275 Misc. Wanted ...............280 Free/Give Away............282 Swaps & Trades...........285 Hood River HR VALLEY ADULT CENTER THRIFT STORE Collectibles, Clothing Furniture, Household Shoes & more! *Donations gladly accepted *Support your senior community* Tues & Thurs, 9 to 12 Wed & Sat, 9 to 2 2010 Sterling Place, HR HRVCC THRIFT SHOP Every Wed, 9:00-3:00 Every Sat, 9:00-1:00 Clothing, $5 per bag. Books, $3/bag. Donations accepted. 975 Indian Creek Rd., HR The Dalles BIG Yard Sale: Thu. & Fri., Aug. 25 & 26, 8a-4p, 2519 W. 10th St. Tools, camping, & lots of misc. HUGE Indoor Rummage sale! Much, Much more added! Thu. & Fri., Aug. 25 & 26, 9a-4p, SDA School Gym, 3339 East 13th St., Multi-Family Garage Sale: Fri. & Sat., Aug. 26 & 27, 8a-3p, 1929 Garrison St., Weber gas grill & tons of clothes. Don't miss it. The Dalles Yard Sale Friday & Saturday 8-4 812 E 16th Place 2 family yard sale!! Boys and girls toys in excellent condition. Children and women's clothes. Houseware items and more! The Dalles 2 Family Sale 1 Estate & 1 Yard Fri. Aug. 26, 9-4, Sat. Aug. 27, 9-12 304 E 7th Place Estate Sale w/ antiques & collectables, incl. antique bedroom set. Yard Sale w/ household goods, clothes & toys. Something for everyone. No early birds. Other Washington Cities ESTATE/MOVING SALE Fri. 8/26, 8-4; Sat. 8/27, 8-2. 104 Garden Ln; Dallesport, WA. (Go past Airport 1/2 mile, turn Left onto Garden Ln; just past Dallesport mobile home park: Corner of Garden Ln. & Dasso Ave.) Antiques, collectibles, china, collector plates, 'Tasco' telescope, furn., large freezer, books, records, DR trimmer, & lots of misc. Ruth Beecher Estate Sales 541-296-6893 or 541-980-3200 135 Goldendale HUGE, gigantic yard sale! Saturday, Aug. 27, 9-3. 109 E. Broadway; United Methodist Church parking lot. Goldendale. TOOL sale. M22 4spd trans, 220 Arc Welder, Plumbing, Quickway valve facer & hard seat grinder, Chev bell housing 12" Flywheel clutch asmbly, smocker chain binders, 3/ 4in socket set, elec. boxes and light fixtures, etc. 405 W. Darland Dr. 140 Antiques & Collectibles FOR SALE: Toy soldier collection. Many plastic collector figures + playsets. Wargaming figures & accessories. Will sell in parts or as a whole set. Many historical periods covered. If interested please call Ken, 541-296-3479 VILLAGES & accessories, retired Dept. 56 Christmas, over 60 pieces, half off. 541-352-4188. 155 Furniture Best Like-New Mattresses in the Gorge for over 10 years! Twin matts from $40 Full matts from $50 Queen matts from $75 King matts from $150 *Limited to stock on hand! Gorge Bedquarters 224 Terminal Ave. The Dalles, OR 541-296-4341 **A Percentage of our Monthly profit goes to St. Vincent de Paul's HOPE emergency shelter in The Dalles. COLORADO Aspen bed set, 5 piece. Queen bed frame, 2 night stands, 8 drawer dresser & mirror. Always well cared for & in good condition. Paid $3200 for set. No longer fits home decor. Will sell for $1500. 503-551-8993 185 Firewood & Stoves MIXED firewood. 1 cord. $150. 509-637-3962. Cash on delivery. 195 Sporting Goods 1993 EZ-GO gas powered golf cart, Full canvas, good rubber, $2000 OBO. Rufus, 541-399-3789 BOAT motor, 2000 Mercury 8HP, 2 cycle outboard. Runs great, $850. 541400-0024 MARTIN Leopard compound bow and case, All new. Bow is 45-60# draw w/ 80% letoff. There are extras. $400 FIRM. 541-5060016, after 6pm. 215 Musical Instruments Laboratory Director Med Tech/Med Lab Tech CNA – Acute Care CNA – Home Health& Hospice RN-Nurse Delegator – Golden View Terrace RN- Emergency Department EMR Clinical Support Coordinator IT Technician I – Temporary position Modulus Flea Bass, 2003 model, 5 String bass guitar. Light blue specked flake body, Pearl pick guard. Rarely used, Graphite Neck, Active pickups, never gigged, used for light casual play. Bought NEW $2500. Asking $1500 OBO. Included Modulus Hardshell case. This is a must have for the serious bass player; amazing tone and excellent sound. Call or text for any further questions or photos. 541-4906947 225 Building Materials Steel Buildings Factory Direct Discounted inventory 33x39, 42x57, 54x99, 60x156 Misc. Material Available Source: 14G 541-227-6921 230 Hand & Power Tools SHOPSMITH Mark 5 w/ belt sander, jointer bandsaw, manuals. $800. 509-773-6079. AUGUST 24, 2011 — B5 GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON CLASSIFIEDS 286 $500 or Less 286 $500 or Less 286 $500 or Less 286 $500 or Less 286 $500 or Less 286 $500 or Less AIR brush kit. Never been used. $7. 509-773-3536. BLADE for tractor, 7-foot, fits 3-point hitch, like new, $250. 509-637-3501. Craftsman 8-gal. wet/dry vac. 3.25hp. Model 113. Good condition $30. Call 509-281-0631 Jack Dempsey Cichlid with tank and accesories $50. Please call 541-993-3800 i f interetsed and leave a message. Mini fridge, Used less than a year, $50. 541-298-1560 PRIDE Industries lift chair, Like new, Barley used, $499. Red color, w/ manua l & papers, 541-490-1166 Free delivery. 280 Misc. Wanted 235 Misc. Equipment WE BUY SCRAP GOLD GENERATOR, Honda 3000, $2000 OBO, Cash. 509-365-5131 AIR conditioner, LG, large window model with r e m o t e , new. Paid $400, will take $200. 541-806-1446 10K to 18K Dental Gold-Platinum Artisan's Jewelry and Gallery UTILITY trailer, 6x10, 6.5 ft. tall, dual axle. Great for all around or four wheele r s , $1000. 541-490-3552 Air Hockey table in great condition. Paid $130 aski n g $40 541-980-0369 137 East Jewett White Salmon 509-493-1333 260 Books AKC Lab, female, black; 9 wks., dew-claws, shots; champ. bloodlines $450. 5 0 9 - 3 1 4 - 9 4 0 8 , Goldendale. 282 Free/Give Away INGLES sin Barreras, Curso para aprender In-gles. Como nuevo. $1200. 541-370-5100 KITTENS, calico, 10 w e e k s old, Black & white tux, 12 weeks. Litter box trained. Free. Call or text 541-4906871. 275 Misc. for Sale auto program arneson p o o l vac w/extras-$70.00. 70's/ 80's bradford exchange collector plates-50 plates $150.fireplace insert 44x34 1/2 $175. white w a s h e r / dryer-$75. matching loveseat/chair,black w/ brown,gold swirls-$40. call 541-980-4569,541-9651099 BARRELS, burn and storage, 55-gallon, with lids, $20. Call 503-453-7109, ask for Ray, or 541-3862486. 280 Misc. Wanted WANTED: Used lawn mowers, Push or riding, Rototillers, Running or not. For free or cheap. I will pick up. 541-980-7760 SLIDING closet doors, 70x90. Rug & pad, for 11x15 room, med. blue. 509-773-6744. 286 $500 or Less "BUTTONS" Gorgeous flame point Siamese cat, female, adult, rescued, affectionate, spayed. indoors only. Call Elizabeth, 541386-5099. AMERICAN Civil War War Gaming miniature collection, $500 OBO. For more info call 541-296-3479, Ken. Leave message. ANTIQUE yard art, Metal can and meal seater, $100 for both. 541-467-2514 BABY and toddler items, Walker, Stroller, Tricycles, Bouncy horse, $20 for all. 541-769-0313 BALDWIN organ w/bench. You pick up - Free! 509-773-5771. BARBECUE grill, Weber Kettle charcoal grill 23", black bowl, $35. 541-3865775. (2) HANKOOK radial tires, P195/75R14, 10,000 Mi., Very good cond., New $115, $115 for both. 541-965-2701 BARBIE'S Ken doll, collectible, 1960's, good condition with extra outfit, football & helmet, $25. 541387-2135. (5) Interior panel doors, new Jeld-Wen, prehung. Primed, ready for paint. 3234", mix RH/LH. $200/set 206-913-9891 BEARDED dragons, 2. Male & female, about 8 m o . old. W/ full setup (cage, UVB light, heat lamp), $ 2 0 0 for all. 509-493-0022 ABBY is about 10 yrs old and a real gem! Always happy, she's an easy going girl who loves to go on walks and hang out. More than anything, she wants a family of her own. Adopt A Dog 541-354-1083. B O O K CASE/entertainment center, solid oak, 48w x 75h. Open back, 1 lower compartment with door, $75. 541-380-0630 Boxer pups, Pure bred, Clean bill of health, shots and potty trained, $500 RONI 509-365-6802 CAKE decorating equipment. Copy cake machine, books, pans, turn table, cake tiers, scale, rack. Start at $1. 541-300-0638. CAMPER. Cabover fits most small, mid-sized trucks. Stove, refrig, water, heat. Works, needs some work, $500. 541-490-3552 China curio(cabinet) oak wood/glass with oak round table & 4 chairs for only $200. 541-340-0151 CLARINET, $200 OBO. 541-296-4982 CLEATS, football & baseball, 1 pr of girls Lacrosse, Nike, Under Armour & Adidas, (9 prs) $100/all or $15 ea. 541-806--1271. COMPUTER, Dell, GX280, DVD/CD-RW, 1GB RAM, 80GB HD, XP Pro/Word, Games, $120. 541-296-3440 Concrete snap tie wedges, Have 765, $270 buys all. For the price of rental they are yours. 509-493-4572 CRAFTSMAN push blade, new. 42"x15". $75. 541-980-0631. DESK, L shaped, steel, side panel 20" x 45", desk is 60" x 30". Good condition. $50. 541-386-1746 DRYER, Good cond., $25 OBO. 541-993-2807 Florida soft-shell aquatic turtle w/tank & Xtra's. $50 Call 541-965-1488 for info. FOUR brand new tires. 1 8 5 70 R14 on alum. rims. Balanced with lug nuts. Fits Oldsmobile GM. $325. 509-314-0946. FOUR studded snow tires, 215/55R16, Dodge wheel covers, $75. 541-298-2432 GARDEN or storage shed, New, 7x7, w/ Wood floor, door, & window, Stick built, $400. 541-298-5334 KENMORE dishwasher on wheels, Quiet Guard, butcher block top, excellent cond. $300. 509-901-2392 Rufus. KING Alto Saxophone. Freshman student used very little. $500 OBO. (purchased new $3,500) 541-993-7369 LACY: beautiful and independent girl, black Persian, shy but will bond quickly, 3 years old, spay, shots, Luk. check, adults, no dogs. 541-386-3776. LARGE bird cage & u p r i g h t cage holder, $40 OBO. 541-298-6250 Large Iguana with cage, lamp. $100. 541-980-9799. MOUNTAIN BIKE, Cannnondale, new tires, no shocks, grip shift, large, excellent condition, $125. 541-374-9391. NEW, unopened in box, solid wood oak finished expandable cart. 36x36x48. $250 obo. 509-250-1005. NFL Raiders Jersey, like new, $30. 541-993-8699 NINTENDO Wii with 2 controlers, 2 numchuks, Wii Fit with board, Sports, Sports Resort, Mario Kart with wheel, $200. 509-5382488. OAK table, 50s style, 40 x 41 x 41, 3 Chairs, Refinished, $190. 541-296-5687 ORCHARD Mason Bees. Native pollinators, great for gardens. 50 cents per tube of bees. Contact Ciera, 541-609-7627 ORGAN, Lowrey Genie '98, dbl. keyboard, 47-key special effects plus beautiful bench & headphones. FREE. 541-386-9113 GARMIN 240 fish finder, $50. 541-296-2861. LEATHER swivel/recliner/ rocker. Comfy & soft. Chocolate brown. Exc. cond. $350. 509-261-1620. GUINEA PIG, male. Friendly and nice looking, $25. 541-354-3993 Lever action 30/30, $250 Call 509-369-1020 PAIR of front fenders. '77'80 Camaro. $50 each. 509-261-0713. GUINEA pigs, 2 cute females, well socialized. Includes cage, water bottle & food, $25. 509-774-4826 LIKE new yard machine. Chipper and Shredder. 10 hp. Tecumse engine. $200. 509-773-6670. PATIO table, metal frame, wooden top, $25. 541-3541748 HEADBOARD, footboard, nightstand & dresser, solid pine, antique, great cond. $150. 541-380-0016. MALTESE/poodle dog, male, 2 yrs., white, 8 lbs, neutered, great w/kids, house trained, very loving, $200 obo. 541-380-0683 CRAFTSMAN self-propelled lawn mower. 22in four horse motor. Rear bagger. Looks good, runs good. $75. 509-773-3238. Hide a Bed in very good condition. Cream, browns, and small gold stripe. 90 inches long. Call 509-7482699 $75.00 Craftsman 6HP, 21" multi cut, rear discharge lawnmower. REDUCED to $100!!! 541-980-7019. HOYT 2000 XT competit i o n bow & case, $225. 541352-4188 METAL detector, Whites brand, paid $800, sacrifice for $250--has been used once. 541-490-3560. PHONES: HTC Touch Pro 2, US Cellular compatible, car charger, wall charger, two available, $50 each. 509-538-2488. PICKUP trailer and canopy (built from '78 3/4t chevy) $350. 509-773-3854. PROP, bronze, marine, 3 blade, 29x25.9 RH, PTE39026xL, E Qui-Polse, 1.5" bore, like new, $275, 509-281-1444. RABBIT hutch with two cages, nice condition, $75. 541-386-5991 RCBS reloading press & scale, $90 OBO. 541-370-5156 RHEEM used water h e a t e r , High Energy efficient, 50 Gallons, 22' Diameter x 57.5' Tall, $150. 509-6374044 RIVERSIDE air compressor, Perfect for air brush art, $40. 541-980-4154 ROLL top cover, Standard bed truck, Pace edwards, Good cond., $50. 541-298-5348 ROLL-TOP desk, 5 drawers. Nice, $200 OBO. 541965-1573 ROOFTOP bicycle rack, Yakima, brackets and channels for two bicycles, used but in good condition, $50. 509-365-4221. Samsung 22in flatscreen t v w/remote. Like new. $100 firm. 541-980-1052 TheGoldendale SentinelBusinessDirectory•TheGoldendale SentinelBusinessDirectory WANTED: Used light duty small inexpensive utility trailer to pull behind old Subaru wagon. Call 541506-9191 BEDROOM SET, queen, lighted headboard, h i s / h e r s dressers w/mirrors, nightstands & bookshelves, $500 obo. 541-806-6182 Attorneys Min Wow (Min Pin & Toy Chihuahua) puppy for sale! 6 wks, $300. For info please call 541-980-5737 PORCELAIN doll, 34 Inches in eight, $50. 541-223-8824 SAVAGE model 325C, bolt action, 30-30. $200. 541-288-3025. Porch/yard swing with canopy, excellent condition. $100 OBO. 541-980-1052 SCHRADER woodstove. $50 or make offer. 509-773-0322. Construction Carpet Cleaning M TIM O’NEILL ATTORNEY AT LAW 509-773-3076 J &J B U I L D I N G & R E M O D E L I N G “Complete Construction Services” ountaindale aintenance Site Preparation Driveways & Roads Septic Systems Excavation & Dump Trucking Foundations & Flatwork Concrete Sawing & Breaking Carpet Cleaning 122 E. Main Street - Suite B Goldendale, WA 98620 “WE DO IT ALL!” CALL FOR YOUR FREE ESTIMATE Certified Manufactured Home Installers Jimmy Giese (509) 250-0184 Jennifer Giese (509) 250-2718 (509) 773-4113 Jim Cronin PO Box 1252 • Goldendale Cell: (509) 261-1504 Custom Kitchens & Baths Custom Homes & Designs Garages & Pole Buildings Steel Buildings Demolition Framing & Roofing Cert. Manu. Home Installer 773-4007 CCB # WAJJBUIJB921LL PACIFIC EXCAVATION LLC Construction Construction Equip. Rental Be there when you’re needed! CRAFTON ROAD ROCK QUARRY 509-773-0448 Quality Work New Construction Remodeling Roofing Jim L. McClellan All your development needs - Garages • Pole Buildings Concrete Remodeling Road Gr ading Road Building Driveways Base Rock Pit Run Cr ushed Rock Red Sand Site Prep Septic Systems Utility Ditches Land Clear ing Ponds and MORE! Road Grader Dozer Track Hoe Lowboy Heavy Haul Back Hoe Dump Trucks Belly Dumps Loaders Fair Prices Decks Garages Pole Barns WA Lic. #MCCLEC*933BQ Cell: 509-250-1906 Guaranteed Randy & Penny Dyche •Goldendale, Washington WA LIC.PACIFEL 942JD We take Visa, Mastercard & Discover o n C crete n O t h g i R Construction Goldendale, WA Construction Construction All Phases of Interior & Exterior Professional Remodeling & Home Repairs Framing • Counter Tops • Drywall • Vinyl & Laminated Flooring Cabinets • Additions • Painting • Kitchens • Siding & Decks Bathrooms • Windows • Tile Work • Doors 34 Years Of Experience 33 Building Custom Homes, Additions & Remodeling Randy L. Hoskinson 509-250-2267 • 509-773-5708 WA LIC# RANDYHS936K3 “A FAMILY TRADE FOR FOUR GENERATIONS” Health Care Reimche-Vu Family Dentistry New Patients Welcome Call (509) 773-CARE Motorcycle Repair KK-C Pharmacy & K-C Corral Store Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekdays 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturdays 104 W. Main, Goldendale 773-4344 Pet Services Gail’s Pooch Parlor GOLDENDALE, WA Service Performance Collision Repair (509) 261-0701 (888) 259-3537 Factory Trained Harley Tech Justin Steen General Contractor Professional Dog Groomer All Breeds Love your pet but hate the shedding? We now offer FURminator shed-less treatment! Call Gail for an Appointment 773-4494 or 261-1537 806 N. Glover Ave. Phone 509-250-1876 Custom Concrete • Culture Stone Certified in Manufactured Home Setup WA Lic#rightcc932df Health Care downtown Goldendale Get listed in The Sentinel’s Business Directory Home Improvement D A V I D Gutter installation, repair & cleaning Free estimates • Leaf Guard Over 26 colors available H 839 Hanna Rd. • Goldendale, WA 98620 K Licensed, Bonded & Insured Golden Photo Services Portraits - On Locaton * Passport Photos Digital Prints * Enlargements Photo Repair * Photo Cards Scan photo/slide to CD*VCR to DVD Tel: (509) 772-2717 Call now for spring tune-ups (509) 773-7010 (509) 261-1431 3122 S. Columbus, Goldendale Open M-F, 9 am to 6 pm/Sat 10 am to 2 pm pm Columbia Homes 2 SALES CENTERS TO SERVE YOU The Dalles, Oregon 1-877-856-4663 1361 W. Second Featuring: Golden West WA License #RAINGGS968PD 117-A West Main, Goldendale Lawnmower, small engine, generator sales and service and outboard motor repair Serving Goldendale & Klickitat County with quality homes since 1995 Competitive Pricing • Great Service Land/Home Packages R I S T Y H A N N A (509) 773-3597 Photo Services Alexander’s Repair Manufactured Homes Rain Gutter Systems A N N A Engine Repair/Storage Plumbers KERNS PLUMBING Andrew Kerns Licensed/Bonded/Insured *New Construction • Service R emodel* 509.250.1949 Shop 509.773.5850 Cell Available 24 hours a day WA. Lic. KERNSAJ902RC Union Gap, Washington 1-877-446-0917 8 E. Columbus (across from Jean’s Cottage Inn) Featuring: Marlette Sprinkler Systems Top Notch Underground Sprinklers Rototilling Ditching Flail Mowing Frost Free Hydrants Lawns Ty Olson 773-3846 or 250-0437 WA. UBI #603031776 Thrift Stores Thrifty Sue’s Upscale Resale • Clothes • Collectibles • Baby Clothes ’s • Toys Zane y Hone • Books • Housewares AND MORE 111 Columbus Ave B6 — AUGUST 24, 2011 GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON CLASSIFIEDS 286 $500 or Less SCOOTER, wheelchair carrier w/ ramp. Fits 2in reciever, holds 500lb. $100. Steel and alum. const. 509-773-3486. SEALY posturpedic size mattress and springs only. used, in shape. $200 OBO. 300-0212 king box great 541- SET of 2007 WRX ENKIE stock 17 Inch rims, $475. 541-296-4416 SET OF 4 Black steel rims, 5 hole, 15", off Jeep or Ford Ranger, $100/ OBO. 541-298-4677. SEWING machine, Mercury. Industrial blind hemmer. Excellent condition, ill health, must sell, $375 firm. 541-387-3402 STEEL rack, cab over, fits smaller pickup, $200. 509637-3501. STUDDED SNOW tires 235/70R/16 Wintercat SST, $200/set of 4. 541-993-1288. ANIMALS & AGRICULTURE Livestock & Supplies ...290 Pets & Supplies ...........295 Pasture Rentals ...........300 Stables & Kennels .......305 Hay, Feed, & Produce..310 Lawn & Garden Equip. 311 Food, Meat, & Produce315 Plants & Nursery Stock 320 Farm & Orchard Equipment ...................325 290 Livestock & Supplies JUSTIN HILL HORSESHOEING 509-261-1508. SUITCASES, (3) carry-on with wheels, barely used & 2 duffle bags, $75 for all or $15 ea. 541-354-1963 THREE DVD, Glen Beck, Last 18 shows, Many predictions replayed $5 541-296-4772 TOURING kayak, 15ft Carolina w/ rudder and some accessories. Great shape and a great deal. $500 firm. 509-250-0204. TREADMILL & mat, Proform, new, 6 workouts, assembled, uncomplicated control panel, $350. 509395-2237 TROLLING motor, Evenrude, 2 stroke, 9hp, short shaft, $300, 541-386-1913. TRUMPET - King II w/hardcase $250 o.b.o. Please Call Jason @ (541)3996964 TRUMPET, Conn, Gold tone, Exc. shape, Incl. case, good buy for a band student, $400 OBO. 541-296-7973 TV, 2004 Mitsubishi 46" projection. S Video, component, A/V input, remote. $100, 541-370-5851, leave message. TV, rear projection, 65", $500. 541-386-6755 UTILITY trailer, $310. 541-296-8758 UTILITY trailer, 5' x 10' with 4 ft. enclosed plywood box, 2 new car size tires, $495, 541-386-9035. VIGOROUS young rooster needs a good home, $5 OR free! Call Barbara Bailey @ 541-298-1143 WINDOW shutters: eight, wooden, unfinished, 36"x51" double, 18"x51" single, 2 to a carton, $25/ carton. 509-493-1840, leave message. Wood Desk with hutch & shelves, excellent condition $100. 541-980-1052 ZODIAC style inflatable raft w/ motor mount, w/ Trailer, 9 Ft. long, $200. 541-300-9444 STATEWIDE CLASSIFIEDS WEEK OF AUG. 22, 2011 This newspaper participates in a statewide classified ad program sponsored by the Washington Newspaper Publishers Association, a statewide association of weekly newspapers. The program allows classified advertisers to submit ads for publication in participating weeklies throughout the state in compliance with the following rules. You may submit an ad for the statewide program through this newspaper or in person to the WNPA office. The rate is $255 for up to 25 words, plus $10 per word over 25 words. WNPA reserves the right to edit all ad copy submitted and to refuse to accept any ad TWO-ton, good grass hay, $125/ton. Also: last year's hay, bottom bales of stack. Can't use at all. 20 bales for $30. Leave message, 509-773-5265. WAGYU COWS & calves for sale. 541-386-7499 CODY ORCHARDS FARM STAND Berries, melons, produce. Herbs, greens, jams, cider. Fresh local peaches. 10-6 daily 3475 Graves Rd., in Odell. 541-354-1085 295 Pets & Supplies LACY Beautiful and independent girl, black Persian, shy but will bond quickly, 3 years old, spay, shots, Luk check, adults, no dogs. l541-386-3776 "BUTTONS" Gorgeous flame point Siamese cat, female, adult, rescued, affectionate, spayed, indoors only. Call Elizabeth 541-386-5099 PURRFECT FIT CAT ADOPTION Gravensteins Ginger Gold Apples Hermiston MElons Peaches, Nectarines Tomatoes Picling Cucumbers U-Cut Flowers Rasmussen Farms (541) 386-4622. 3020 Thomsen Rd & Saturday Market We accept WIC & Oregon Farm Direct MT. VIEW ORCHARDS FRUIT STAND Peaches, apricots & nectarines, Fresh Cherries: U-pick $1.25/lb. We pick, $1.00-$3/lb. 9am-5pm, 7 days a week 6670 Trout Creek Ridge Road, Parkdale, 541-352-6554 NATURAL Grass Fat or Grain Fed Angus/Angus cross beef. No hormones or antibiotics. $2.00/lb. hanging weight. 541-3521053 or email lowednj@ or google "Mt. Hood natural grass fat beef". NELSON'S BLUEBERRY FARM 5175 Woodworth Dr, Parkdale. U-Pick only 541-308-5998 TRAMPOLINE, 14' Bounce Pro with enclosure & flash zone. Brand new and easy to set up. $225. 541-4903076 Treadmill powerglide multiple settings, safety key, built in fan paid 800 new sell for $350 OBO great condition 541-993-1979 HAY. Second cutting quality hay, mostly orchard grass, cut 8/11, baling 8/14 or 8/15, $130 per ton in the field, 70 lb bales. 541-3521053 315 Food, Meat, & Produce SWIMMING POOL, large, above ground with pump, filter & tools, needs new liner. U haul, $100. 509-7748827 White Salmon. TABLE, Teeter Hang Up Inversion Table, EP-550, used twice. Originally $300, will sell for $150. 541-3861720 HAY for sale, all small, lightweight bales. Second cutting alfalfa $175/ton. Grass alfalfa $140/ton; Grass $120/ton. Feeder $110/ton. Call Matt, 509-250-3755. PASTURE WANTED for 3 small cows & 1 calf. Needed through Oct., 2011. 541490-4064 STUDDED snow tires, Open Country Observe mud/snow blackwall 285/ 70R-17, set of 4, $275. 541-386-3025 Don STUDLESS snow tires. Open Country Observe. Mud/snow blackwall 285/ 70R-17. Set of 4, $275. Don, 541-386-3025 310 Hay, Feed, Straw ORGANIC BLUEBERRIES ABBY Is about 10 yrs old and a real gem! Always happy, she's an easy going girl who loves to go on walks and hang out. More than anything, she wants a family of her own. Adopt A Dog 541-354-1083. $30/Flat Now through mid September Mosier, OR. Ed & Linda 541-478-3767 ROSE'S RED HAVEN PEACHES. $16 per box. Open 12-4pm. 541-298-1153. Sandoz Farm Stand Potatoes, Beets, Peppers, Tomatoes, Zucchinis, NatAKC COCKER Spaniel ural raised beef & pork. puppies, Champion line, 5755 Mill Creek Rd, The black, bred for soundness Dalles . Wed-Sat. 11-6pm. & temperament, available Sun 11-4pm. for new homes now, ALL THE BERRY SHACK shots, health guarantee. 8320 Cooper Spur Rd., Port Love Cockers Parkdale 541-296-2261 U-Pick Blueberries Min Wow (Min Pin & Toy Chihuahua) puppies for sale! 6 wks, 2 Females & 1 small male, $300. 541-980-5737 YELLOW LAB PUPPIES COMING SOON, $600 Both males and females, available approximately June 1st. Come see, put in request and pay deposit of $100, to hold. 509-493-1871 541-806-3597 310 Hay, Feed, Straw 2nd Cutting grass hay, $160/Ton. 541-993-1338 or 541-298-4214 FIRST cutting, orchard grass-alfalfa mix. $150/ton. 509-773-5971. Grass hay, $140/ton, 75 Lb. Bale, The Dalles 7 Mile Hill. 541-993-3162, 541298-1222, or 541-9933 6 3 8 Call Army for info. submitted for the statewide program. WNPA, therefore, does not guarantee that every ad will be run in every newspaper. WNPA will, on request, for a fee of $40, provide information on which newspapers run a particular ad within a 30 day period. Substantive typographical error (wrong address, telephone number, name or price) will result in a "make good", in which a corrected ad will be run the following week. WNPA incurs no other liability for errors in publication. CAREERTRAINING ATTEND COLLEGE online from Home. *Medical *Business *Paralegal *Accounting *Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. U-Cut Lavender Always open 325 Farm & Orchard Equip. INTERNATIONAL 4100, 1962, 100 HP Tractor, 4WD, No PTO, Runs great, 6000+ hours, $4500. 541-467-2514 RENTALS Business Rentals.........330 Apartment Rentals/OR 335 Apartment Rentals/WA 340 Condo Rentals/OR ......350 Condo Rentals/WA ......352 Duplexes, Four-Plexes/OR 355 Duplexes, Four-Plexes/WA 360 House Rentals/OR.......365 House Rentals/WA ......370 Senior Housing ............372 Mobile Homes/Oregon.375 Mobile Homes/Washington 380 Mobile Home Spaces ..382 RV Space.....................384 Rentals Wanted ...........385 Rentals to Share..........390 Room Rentals..............395 RV Site Rentals ...........397 Vacation Rentals..........400 Bed & Breakfast...........405 Storage Space.............410 Misc. Rentals ...............415 330 Business Rentals 335 Apartment Rentals/OR. 355 Duplexes, Four-Plexes/OR 365 House Rentals/OR 370 House Rentals/WA HAVE A HOME FOR SALE? Get results fast by placing your ad in the Gorge Classifieds, your ad will appear in every paper in the gorge area, reaching over 115,000 readers each week. Call us at the Goldendale Sentinel, 773-3777 or toll-free at 1-888-2873777. HOOD RIVER, large 1 bed 1 bath apartment, walking distance to downtown HR. Fully furnished, all utilities included in rent + WiFi and DISH Network for only $795/mo. + deposits. No smoking, no pets. 541-3861444 TD, 3BD duplex 903 W 10th. Clean, bright, 1000 sq/ft SINGLE LEVEL. Refrg+range with washer/ dryer hook-ups, yard care provided + off street parking. $725/mo,util not incl. Deposit$750. NO smoking/ pets. 1 yr lease. Must have good credit. 541-399-2331 THE DALLES, 2 bdrm., 2 ba. home with den, 1 car carport with small storage shed, in 55+ park, nice location. No smoking. $695 mo + deps. Property Management The Gorge. 541490-0005. WHITE SALMON HOOD RIVER 300 sq. ft. office, $210. 300 sq. ft. office, rr, $350 300 sq. ft. retail mall, $410. 400 sq. ft. office, $375. 750 sq. ft. retail mall, $750. 936 sq. ft. retail mall, $800. 1068 sq. ft. office, $885. Various dry storage units Chuck Beardsley, 541-3865555, Hershner & Bell Realty HOOD RIVER Now leasing 1000-19,000 sq. ft. office/ industrial space, new bldg, river/mtn. view, parking, 13th & Wasco. 541-4903029. LIGHT INDUSTRIAL SPACE HOOD RIVER Short or long term. Excellent downtown location, corner of 4th and Columbia, one block from post office, 2 blocks from Oak Street. Flexible amount of space, 1200-2200 sq. ft. 18' ceilings, loading dock, shared UPS shipping, if needed. 90› per sq. ft. plus utilities. Email or 541490-2274. PUBLISHER'S NOTICE All real estate advertising i n this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination." Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800927-9275. THE DALLES: upper level, 3 bdrm apt. Appliances in- THE DALLES, Triplex, cluded, has laundry room, River view, 2 Bdrm, 1 Ba, storage room, off street $725/mo. 509-395-9300. parking, W/S/G paid. No THE DALLES, 1 Bdrm, pets or smoking. $750/mo, $200 Move in fee, $475/ year lease. $950/dep. Mo. 541-296-1348 for more 541-993-2972 or email info. THE DALLES, Furnished 1 The Dalles, 3 Bd/1ba Bdr, Beautiful grounds, Upper Level Duplex, 304 E. Clean, quiet, Totally set up 8th Pl. $750/Mo. +$920 all furnishings, Queen bed, Move-in costs. 1Towels, linens, kitchen- Yr.Lease,Ready Sept. ware, A/C, TV, w/ Cable & 15th, W/S/G Pd. NO internet, All utils. paid, SMOKING, Off St. Parking, $900/Mo. + $200 Fee. Garden Area, Some Pets 541-980-8640 ok w/owner approval w/extra fees, W/D hookup, $35 340 Apartment app. fee 541-993-6799 Rentals/WA. THE DALLES, 2 Bdrm, 1 Ba, W/D hookups, 1823 E. BINGEN. Studio, 1 bdrm, 2 12th St. $675/Mo. + First/ bdrm, monthly, $400-$600, Last Dep. 503-474-7031 utils includ. 1st+dep. 509THE DALLES, 3 Bdrm, 1.5 493-1803 9 am-7 pm. Ba, 1150 Sq. ft., D/W, A/C, CLEAN, quiet, common laundry room, W/ Simcoe Hills Apts., 2 bdrm. S/G pd, $925/Mo. + 1st unit currently available. months rent, Pets welcome $425/mo. w/ $300 fee. 541-980-7292 823 E. Allyn, Goldendale. Coldwell Banker United 365 House Brokers, 360-606-9565. Rentals/OR DO YOU HAVE A LOVED ONE THAT NEEDS 24/7 CARE? but can not provide that care yourself. We cater to your loved one's needs as if they were our own. HOOD RIVER, furnished 2 bdrm., 2 1/2 ba., home office/media room in the gorgeous development of Willow Ponds. Available 8/25, $1500. Includes w/s, internet, 541-410-0592 HOOD RIVER CHERRY STREET MANOR II Assisted Living Adult Family Home 1 bed, w/s/g $700 2 bed, w/s/g $850 3 bed, 2200 sf $1400 3 bed, 2 bath $1250 460 Cherry Street White Salmon, WA CASCADE LOCKS 360-241-3537 CALL TAMERA FOR A CONSULTATION 4 bed, garage, river view $1200 GORGE RENTALS 541-387-4080 GOLDENDALE: 1 bdrm. $425; furnished $450. 2 HOOD RIVER bdrm. $525, furnished $550 Westside home - High Street Apts. 1770+ sq.ft. garage 400 W. Broadway: 2-bdrm., 3 bed, 2.5 bath, $1500 furn. or unfurn. $550/mo. Gorge Rentals 2 bdrm. house, avail. soon. 541-387-4080 $625/mo. No smoking. Ref. req'd. 509-773-3816, HOOD RIVER 3 bdrm., 2 509-773-4840. ba., Rockford junction GOLDENDALE Village - 3 area, available Sept. 1. $1475 includes water & & 4 bdrm. apts. for electricity. $1475 deposit. immediate move-in. 541-400-0177. 801 S. Schuster, 509-773-6002. Sm. private office suite for HOOD RIVER. 2000 Sq. rent by wk/mo/yr. Newly ft., downtown. Huge river/ constructed on Heights in Adams view. 2 bdrm, 2 ba, HR w/easy access & off sunroom, 3 decks. AC, gas street parking. Convenient heat., refrig, DW, stove. XL to restaurants, banks, comgarage, private yard. munity college & hospital. MURDOCK, WA. 2 bed- $2000 incl. utils, TV, WIFI. $175/mo, includes util. room apartment. No pets. Year lease. 541-399-1575 Phone/wifi additional $100/ Available Sept. 1st. $450/ John L. Scott Prpty Mgmt mo. 541-490-3080 month plus $400/deposit. 509-395-2466. STORE front space for 541-298-4736 lease & Office space! THREE Mountain Village 3 Bd Apt TD $775 541-298-7015 Located at 613 W. Collins 3 Bd House TD $1,300 in Goldendale, now ac2 Bd Twnhse HR $1,350 THE DALLES downtown 3 Bd House TD $850 office space. All utilities pd. cepting applications for 1, 2 & 3 bdrm. apartments. 1 Bd Apt. $600 by owner HUD Section 8 Restrictions 3 Bd House Wamic $1,050 3300 +/- sq.ft., w/posssibility apply. Call 509-773-3344 4 Bd House TD $1,100 to add more. Ground level, or TTY dial 711 for appli2 Bd Dplx TD $630 3 baths, kitchen area. cations. 3 Bd House TD $1,100 Possible retail. $2995 mo. 2 Bd Dplx Prkdle $750 840 +/- sq. ft. corner space with great visibility, good MOSIER cozy 2 bdrm, light, $825 mo. 1 1/2 ba with deck & great 623 +/- sq.ft., corner space river view. Available now. WHITE SALMON. 3 bdrm $1150/mo. W/S included. w/good light, $595 mo. townhouse, 1« bath. W/S/G First month + $500 dep. 385 +/- sq.ft. $395 mo. paid. No pets/smoking. Pets negotiable. Joe, 503541-387-3913 541-308-6773. 536-5344. The Dalles 850 sq ft, WISHRAM, 1 Bdrm w/ car- PARKDALE 1 bdrm, pos$750/mo. Inc. utils, port, Small quiet complex, sible 2, 6+ acres, large Columbia Court Mall, $275/Mo. + First/Last + 107 E 2nd. 541-298-8903 shop, W/D, partially furn., Dep. 206-824-5231 wood stove, garage, clean, 4 Office complex, $500/ repainted, quiet, private, Mo., 541-298-8903 350 Condo rent or lease, 5365 Hwy 35, Storage:Ã 400 Sq. Ft., avail. Aug. 25, $700 mo. Rentals/OR $150/Mo. 541-298-8903 $500 cleaning dep. 503THE DALLES, Central HOOD RIVER Loft - $875, 871-3668. Business District, 3900 Sq. 301 N 15th Street. 1 bdrm Rufus, Or. 504 Vista Dr., 4 ft. for rent in one space or + loft. 2 full baths. W/D, bedroom, 2 bath 3200 sq. ft 2600 and 1300 sq ft. in two DW, Water & Garbage house with Dbl garage & spaces at 3rd & Union. incld. New water heater. fenced yard, daylight baseRent reasonable. Call 541- Cute loft, great view of Mt ment. 2 bedrooms up, 2 Adams. My gorge retreat. bedrooms down. 1 year 296-8052 No pets. No Smoking. 1st THE DALLES, Office or re- month + 500.00 deposit. lease, 1,000 per month + deposits. Outdoor pet ok. tail space available, 500 sq. Call Rena 425-577-0706 By appointment only 503ft. Great location across 542-7473 the street from Safeway w/ 355 Duplexes, off street parking. 1st month is free w/ one year Four-Plexes/OR lease! Will paint interior to suit. Please contact Janna HOOD RIVER. 1 bdrm. du@ 541-296-1962 plex unit, cute, clean, in WHITE SALMON. Office town, close to everything. plus storage/workshop, $625 per month + utilities. available immediately. 121 Available immediately. Call N. Main. Call 509-365- Kim, 541-399-2494, to see unit and get application. 2076. Stunning Columbia River View in upscale nbrhd. Could rent furnished, 3000 sq ft, stainless appl, hardwoods, FP. Lots of room 4 RV Parking,a trucks, trailers & boats, 4 Bdrm, 2 bath, $1595 unfurnished, $1995 furnished 541-993-7372 Statewide Classifieds 3 bed, 2,700 sq.ft. gorge views $1500 3 bed, mtn. views 1,900 sq.ft. $1400 UNDERWOOD The Dalles, 2021 E. 14th St. 3 Bdrm, 2 Ba, 2000 Sq. 3 bed, garage Ft. Central A/C & gas heat, partial view A$1275 Double fenced lot, Big 3 car 4 bed, garage garage w/ wood stove. pet ok $1200 Hardwood floors. Updated kitchen w/ appliances incl. Gorge Rentals Avail 9/1. $1200/Mo + 541-387-4080 $1200 Security deposit. Garbage included. Pets negotiable. Contact Ray @ WHITE SALMON. 2 bed541-980-7717 room + office, near downTHE DALLES: Small 2 bed- town, 1200 sq ft, 1 bath, fulroom house, private lot. ly furnished, new appliancAvailable Sept 1st. $700. es, washer and dryer. 541-993-8917. Views of Mt. Hood. Minimum lease 8 months. No The Dalles, 1405 E 19th: 4$1000/ bed, 2-bath, +bonus family smoking/pets. room, 2,332SF. $1,350/mo, month, first and last, de$1,250 deposit. -- 404 W posit $500. 425-449-3898. 9th: 2-bed, 1.5-bath, 1,275SF. $975/mo, $875 deposit. Water, Sewer, Garbage included. 6 or 9 month lease. 541-9939977 THE DALLES, 2 bdrm, W/ D hook up, $550/Mo. + $250 move-in fee, Pets neg. 541-298-4686, eves. WHITE SALMON. Fully furnished 2 bdrm., 1 bath, on 1.5 acre lot, with Mt. Hood view, no smoking. $850/ mo. + utilities. Available September-May. References required. 503-5391417. 380 Mobile Homes/ The Dalles, 2 Bed, 2 Bath Washington on huge fenced lot. Off Street Parking. Garden area and storage sheds. CARSON, Modern 2 bed$850 No smoking/pets room mobile in quiet country park, no pets, $550 plus 514-980-5006 deposit, 509-427-8758 370 House Rentals/WA GOLDENDALE: 407 E. Collins, 2 bd., 1 ba. MH, W/D hookups, newly redecorated, lg. fenced yard, BINGEN. 3 bedroom, 2 new carpet/vinyl, off-street bath house, W/D hookup, parking, all appl. inc. Only small yard, corner lot, $475/mo. No app. fee when clean. $800/month, 1st/last applying. + deposit $400 security + Dale. 503-473-4956. $150 cleaning. References required. Available August 15. Please call 509-637382 Mobile Home 4311 to view. BINGEN. Everything new! Fully furnished, 2 bdrm, 1 bath w/large deck, yard & river views. Fir floors, granite counter tops, stainless steel appliances, dishwasher, garborator, W/D, 43" HDTV. Available September to the end of May (9 months). $975 + utilities OR $1275/month includes all utilities: water, sewer, electricity, gas, cable, and high speed internet. First/ last and deposit required. No smoking/pets. References required. 604-7365465. Spaces THE DALLES: Large Mobile home space for rent. Foley Lakes Mobile Home Park. 541-296-9292 or 541-980-4995. REAL ESTATE Acreage & Lots ............420 Commercial/Investment Property 425 Orchards, Farms, Ranches 430 Real Estate/OR............435 Real Estate/WA ...........437 BZ CORNERS. Three bed- Real Estate Wanted.....440 rooms, office, nice kitchen, Manufactured Homes/OR 445 nice quiet location, next to the launch site. No smok- Manufactured Homes/WA 447 ing/pets. $800/month, includes water and sewer. Condos/OR ..................450 509-493-2118 or 541-806- Condos/WA..................452 2060. GOLDENDALE: 516 W. Court #1 - 3 bd., 1 ba. house, upper level. Only $635/mo. 516 W. Court #2 - 3 bd., 1 ba. house, lower level. Only $550/mo. W/D hookups, newly redecorated, lg. fenced yard, storage, off-street parking, all appliances inc. No app. fee when applying. Dale, 503-473-4956, GOLDENDALE: 3 bd., 2 ba. double wide on 20 fenced acres w/barn. East of town. Call for details. 541-308-5564. GOLDENDALE: 2 bdrm., 2 ba., house, $575, W/S inc. 3 bd., 1 ba. house, $700, W/S inc. Downtown office space, 800 sq. ft. W/S inc. $550 + deposit. 509-773-3105. John L. Scott Prpty Mgmt 541-298-4736 4 Bd House WS $2,100 3 Bd House Carson $1,400 3 Bd House Lyle $845 Comm Prop Bingen $750 Ofc space Bingen $800 LYLE, country location, Mt. Adams view, large home, 3 bed, 2.5 bath, surround sound, wrap around porch, detached 2 car garage, lg shop. Rent $1250/mo. plus deposits. No smoking, outside pet. 1 year lease. Property Management the Gorge. 541-490-0005 WHITE SALMON. 4 bedroom, 3 bath, office, dining and family rooms, panoramic Gorge and Mt. Hood views, 2 fireplaces + gas central heat, mature landscaped yard. No smoking. $1600/month + all utilities, year lease. 509-637-0902. 420 Acreage & Lots AFFORDABLE Dufur country! 8.9 buildable acres, South slope, scenic site w/ power, water, septic approval, High speed internet at paved road frontage. Wildlife. Peaceful & private. 7 Miles from Dufur, OR. Bargain price! $89,000 OBO. 541-993-4323 HOOD RIVER, 2.33 acres, mountain views, perk tested and ready to build, utilities at property. Located Hood River westside, terms available. $299,000. 541-806-0703. PUBLISHER'S NOTICE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination." Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800927-9275. CAREERTRAINING FINANCIAL HELPWANTED HELPWANTED/ LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. Call 866-4834 4 2 9 . #1 COMMERCIAL Real Estate Loans. Fast Cash/Closings. Equity Driven, Apartments, Multi-Use, Warehouses, Manufacturing, Retail, Business/Medical Offices. Complex Deals. Call Gary 1-877-493-1324 *Foremen *Cable Plow/Backhoe Operators *Aerial Technicians. Must relocate to Wisconsin or Arkansas. Email: Call: 800831-0754 EOE by AA TRUCK DRIVERS MAKE $20,000-$30,000. Join our breeding program. Easy. Fun. All equipment FREE. Work 3hrs per week. 4ft work space needed. Live anywhere Call 1-509-720-4389 999. or Call 888-347-7570. EDUCATION ALLIED HEALTH career training -- Attend college 100% online. Job placement assistance. Computer Available. Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV certified. Call 8004 8 1 - 9 4 0 9 . EVENTS-FESTIVALS ANNOUNCE your festival for only pennies. Four weeks to 2.7 million readers statewide for about $1,200. Call this newspaper or 1 (206) 6343838 for more details. LOCAL PRIVATE INVESTOR loans money on real estate equity. I loan on houses, raw land, commercial property and property development. Call Eric at (800) 563-3005. HELPWANTED HBI HAS IMMEDIATE career opportunities in the telephone industry for *Area Managers INTERNATIONAL CULTURAL Exchange Representative: Earn supplemental income placing and supervising high school exchange students. Volunteer host families also needed. Promote world peace! 1-866-GO-AFICE or DRIVERS -- Company - Lease - Work for us or let us work for you! Unbeatable career opportunities. Trainee, Company driver. Lease Operators earn up to $51k. Lease Trainers earn up to $80K (877) 3697 1 0 5 LEGAL SERVICES DIVORCE $135. $165 with children. No court appearances. Complete preparation. Includes, custody, support, property division and bills. BBB member. (503) 772-5295. m? REAL ESTATE 20 ACRE RANCH foreclosures Near Booming El Paso, Texas. Was $16,900 Now $12,900 $0 Down, take over payment, $99/mo. Beautiful views, owner financing. Free Map/Pictures 800-343-9444. FOR SALE SELL YOUR RV FAST! Online at Millions of RV Shoppers. Thousands of RVs sold. Serving RV traders since SAWMILLS from only $3997. Make Money & Save Money with your own bandmill. Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & D V D : 00N 1-800-578-1363 ext. 300N. AUGUST 24, 2011 — B7 GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON CLASSIFIEDS 435 Real Estate/OR ANALYZE this, 2 properties. 7 acres cleared, pond, power, septic, well in. Secluded, in 97050 area. Also 1300 sf. 3 bedroom home, new roof, carpet, heat pump, in 97065 area. May leave all appliances. $149,500. 541-300-0683. HOOD RIVER, 4 bdrm, 2 ba, 2000+ sq. ft. w/400 sq. ft. family rm, outdoor deck w/view of Mt. Adams & Columbia River, walk to downtown, garage, oak flrs, new carpet, 800 sq. ft. bsmt., oversized lot, new paint in/ out, yard. $380,000. Cascade Ave, 541-352-3523 The Dalles, FSBO: 3Bdrm/ 2Bth, 1748sf Craftsman Fully updated. New furnace/AC 2010. Stainless appliances. Fenced bckyrd. Covered patio. Storage shed. Off street pkg. Walking to DT, schools, park, library, shopping. $167,500. Shown by apt: 541.980.9057 THE DALLES, Oversized lot on Thompson Street w/ small house, $125K. 541296-2152 Zoned B & B. Remodeled 5 bdrm, 3 ba, office, living rm, dining rm, family rm, utility rm, oak floors, 2 patios, hot tub, low maintenance fenced yard. Close to schools, parks & downtown. $329,000. 121 W 10th St. 541-300-0853. 445 Manufactured Homes/OR The Dalles, 06 DBL Wide FSBO, $45,000. 3 Bed/ 2Bath, open floor plan. laminate flooring in LR. located in Park west end. Monthly space rent. Nice corner lot. has Trane heat pump. No contracts. contact Jan @ 541-993-6702 or email 447 Manufactured Homes/WA SINGLE WIDE MOBILE HOME Fleetwood, 1980, 14'x67', 3 bedroom, 2 bath, washer/dryer/dishwasher hookup. All plumbing and electrical working. To be sold with or without metal gable roof structure. $2000: trailer only. $4000: trailer with gable roof. --YOU MOVE, EASY ACCESS-- 509-395-2151 LEAVE MESSAGE 452 Condos/WA 460 RVs & Travel Trailers 480 Boats, Motors, & Supplies CURTIS TRAILERS BELLBOY Runabout, 16foot boat, Evinrude 60, electric start, extra tank, trailer included, asking $1000 OBO. Ronald, 509773-4918 or 509-7735726. Since 1948 STEVENSON FSBO Reduced price Condo Unit #1, 1527 sq. ft., 3 bdrm, 2.5 ba, built in '08, kitchen, dining rm & office. Built-in TV's, Hunter Douglas blinds. Great view from both levels. Must see to appreciate. $229,500. 541-490-2720 AUTOMOTIVE Aviation ........................455 RV's & Travel Trailers ...460 Canopies & Campers ..465 RV Rentals...................470 RV Parts & Supplies ....475 Boats, Motors, Supplies 480 Personal Watercraft .....481 Snowmobiles ...............485 Motorcycles, ATC's & ATV's 490 Utility Trailers ...............495 Heavy Equipment ........500 Misc. Auto ....................505 Auto Parts & Supplies .510 Autos Wanted ..............515 Sport Utility Vehicles....525 Pickups & Trucks .........530 Vans & Utility Vehicles .535 Antique & Classic Autos 538 Automobile...................540 460 RVs & Travel Trailers '00 SOUTHWIND MH, 32 ft., V10, new tires, very clean, 1 owner, non-smokers, no pets, $33,500. 541386-4544. '2008, 31' SUNDANCE 5th Wheel, 3 slides, clean, good condition, local owner, $25,000. 503-260-8429 or 503-505-2864. 1999 WILDWOOD 23 Ft. camping trailer, Easylift hitch. Sleeps 6, A/C, Tub & Shower, TV/DVD. Clean, Licensed through 2012. $6000 OBO. 541-993-3830 2007 Fleetwood expedition 38' Class A Motor Home. Diesel Pusher 300 HP CAT. Only 9,554 mi. 7.5 Onan diesel gen. 3 slides, comb. w/d, 4dr. refridge/ freezer. New cond. 509261-0017. Would consider trade for home in Goldendale. Book $136,461. 31 FT Carri-Lite 1997 5th wheel. Rear living room with slide, $7500. 350 Ford dually pick up available. 541-544-2162. buy it! sell it! find it! in the Gorge Classifieds THEME: FAMOUS INVENTIONS ACROSS 1. Ulysses S. Grant's first name 6. Second-largest bird in world 9. Expel 13. Sun-dried brick 14. "___ a moment too soon" 15. Helper for some elderly 16. Acquire knowledge 17. Contend 18. Abrupt increase 19. *Inventor of electric motor 21. *Cyrus McCormick's invention 23. Brooks or Gibson, e.g. 24. Small stream 25. Sometimes hard to find in city 28. Traditional spot for an earring 30. Front of a building 35. Like dental surgery 37. Vagrant 39. 13 in baker's _____ 40. Average 41. Hill or Baker, e.g. 43. Just below roof 44. Gives off 46. ____ drab 47. Wedding cakes often have more than one of these 48. Leader of a Muslim state 50. Russia's Peter the Great, e.g. 52. "___, the Beloved Country" 53. Hippocrates' promise 55. Theatrical prompt 57. Not dense 60. *Allen/Gates invention 64. Wallop 65. Neither 67. Dam 68. Affected by wear 69. Masseuse's office 70. African chieftain 71. Movie "The Way We ____" WE BUY CLEAN USED RVs NORTHWEST'S LARGEST SELECTION Choose from: Big Sky, Bighorn, Cougar, Fuzion, Komfort, Lance, Montana, Mountaineer, North Trail, Outback, Residence, Resort, Sandstorm, Denali, MPG, Onyx, Passport, Silver Creek, Rubicon, Springdale, Stealth, Super Sport, Trail Cruiser, Trail Sport and Trailblazer. PORTLAND 800-345-1363 FLEETWOOD, 1988, Regal 28-foot 5th wheel, SC, loaded with new AC, Onan generator, storm windows, full cover, furnished with household items, asking $4500. King Pin stabilizer and extra propane tanks available. Ronald, 509-7734918 or 509-773-5726. FOR SALE OR TRADE for RV 24' to 28' Trailer. 1995 Terry 5th Wheel, 24+ ft. Sleeps 5, AC, slide out with hitch. Road ready. Rollout awning, excellent condition, no leaks, good rubber, 2 spares. $7500, 541-6450190, Hood River. Hank's Auto Sales Buy-Sell-Consign RV's/Utility Vehicles 541-296-5854 or 541-993-0109 HOME AWAY FROM HOME! 1989, custom, 24-foot HOLIDAY RAMBLER ALUMA LITE XL TRAVEL TRAILER Complete with beautiful interior, TV/radio, refer/ freezer, stove/oven, tub/shower, heater, $9,500 FIRM. TO SEE CALL 509-493-1840 LEAVE MESSAGE VINTAGE Turtle-top '77 Ford E150, 145K, original miles. Fully equipped: propane refrigerator, 3-burner stove/oven. $3500 OBO. 541-399-6530 480 Boats, Motors, & Supplies 1975 FIBER Form Run about, 16 Ft., 165 HP inboard, w/ Skis, ropes, vest, Easy load trailer, canvas top, depth finder, accessories, for fish or fun! $2750 OBO. 509-365-5544. 1990 CABIN cruiser 25 Ft. 7 In. Bayliner 305 Chev. power, Tandom trailer, Auto pilot incl. (not installed). $7500 OBO. 541-399-3789, Rufus. BOAT, 12' alum, with trailer 7.5 hp Mercury, oars, misc accessories, $1000. 509774-8827 White Salmon. 1997 Yamaha GP1200 wave runner, Good cond., Super fast, $2500. 541-490-2204 490 Motorcycles, ATCs & ATVs 2001 Harley Sportster 1200, 8,000 Miles, Like new shape, $4500 FIRM. 541-993-1994 2007: HONDA VT 750 Shadow Aero, 2348 miles, candy apple red, lots of chrome. $4000. 541-993-8064. 2008 SUZUKI 1500, Like New, Less than 6k Miles, $8450. 541-980-7272 530 Pickups & Trucks 1972 GMC 3/4 ton pickup, Exc. condition, Needs engine and Transmission, $750 OBO. 509-365-5544. 1991 FORD F-150 Extended cab, long bed, 134K, auto, excellent interior, loaded, straight body, $2600 OBO. 500 Heavy Equipment 1988 FORD Cummins cab/ over dump truck, New clutch, New hydraulics, 15 Yd. bulk box. Built in 2007 to haul bark dust. $10,000 invested. Asking $6,500; at Brace Bros. lot. 541-9804989 525 Sport Utility Vehicles 2006 DODGE DURANGO Limited, 4WD/AWD, 5.7L V8 Hemi, automatic transmission, 98K, cruise control, tilt wheel, power windows, power locks, power mirrors, power heated front seats, seats 8, 2nd and 3rd row fold down seats, overhead DVD video system, upgraded stereo, sunroof, tow package, running boards, luggage rack, metallic red with gray leather interior. This vehicle is loaded. It's a dream to drive. Luxury car ride, yet winter driving is no obstacle for this rig. $16,500. 360-600-7635. 1991 FORD F-150, Exc. condition, Needs motor, $750 OBO. 509-365-5544. Cleaning 1994 CHEVY 4x4 Z71, Nice, 1500 V8, Ext. cab, 122k miles, AT, PW, PL, Cold A/C, tint, pioneer CD, warn winch 8000 lbs. Full brush guard, fog lights, diamond plate tool box, bedliner, tow hitch, trailer brakes, remote starter, clean title, $4500. 541-9936766 or 541-993-6765 COLUMBIA HOME MAINTENANCE Construction Gorge Construction Services All aspects carpentry, handyman, decks and fencing. Plus drywall & painting. 541-490-4319 OR # 67870 WA# GORGECS095R4 KIWI 4 Construction, INC. Licensed, bonded, insured, for all your construction needs. Septic and drain fields, driveways, land clearing, concrete, excavating, dump trucking, D7 Cat w/ ripper & demolition. Call Ross: 541-993-5494. CCB# 135317 Landscape Maintenance Classic Cars Wanted! Wanted: Your classic or muscle car or truck, please no junk or restorations! We are a licensed, bonded brokerage in the greater Portland, Oregon area with 30+ years experience, who purchases, consigns and sells primarily classic & muscle cars & trucks all over the world. Our satisfied customer base is our best advertisement. We also handle estate sale vehicles. Please call us at 503-8554345, 24 hours; 888-5976719 10am-5pm Tues Sat., or email or visit us on the web at and see videos of our inventory on YouTube at http:// w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m / r e sults?search_query=fabul ous50scars&aq=f LAWN MAINTENANCE & CLEAN-UP BIG JOBS WELCOME 2000 Chevy Camaro, Clean, 78,000 Mi., $4900, Call evenings, Jack 541-296-6792 Solorio's Lawn Maintenance Call 541-490-4223 541-993-0914, 509-7670640 Gorge Area- Cleanup, barkdust, mowing, trimming, pruning, rototilling, hauling, snow removal Lazy-Y-Salvage Hulk Hauling Will pick up Junk cars, Pickups with titles or Sheriff papers. Scrap metal of all kinds. Appliances - Alum. Copper - Brass. 541980-2235. OR #60641 WA #gaigep*969kq Call 509-637-2858 or 503-341-1912, Mark COVERING YOUR ASSETS ONE COAT AT A TIME Photography Wedding Photography Starting at $175.00 Call 541-296-2553 Digital Slide shows. Home of the "Green Screen" With over 2,100 Digital backgrounds. We offer many services & Products to choose. Special Services GILHOULEY TAXIDERMY PSYCHIC READINGS: Geraldine draws upon inherited psychic talents to provide the clarity you seek in any area of interest. She uses her gifts to accurately tune into personality traits, the inner workings of relationships and provide the steps you should take to bring closure to unresolved issues. She is empathic, so her demeanor may change based upon your emotions. For more information please call 503-729-8781. HOLIDAYS Bazaars, Arts, Crafts ...802 Holiday Services..........804 Holiday Vacations ........806 Holiday Entertainment .808 Trees & Trim.................810 Gifts For Family ...........812 Gifts For Him ...............814 Gifts For Her ................816 Gifts For Kids...............818 Gifts of Food ................820 Gifts For Home ............822 Gifts of Pets .................824 Gifts of Music...............826 Gifts of Life ..................828 Religious Gifts .............830 Unusual Gifts ...............832 Fun Gifts ......................834 Corporate Gift Services 836 Shopping Service ........838 Gifts For Parents..........840 Wrapping & Mail Service 842 ATTENTION HUNTERS! Now accepting your trophies for tanning & mounting. Call Kyle, 541-490-9463 or Sean, 541-490-7454 773-4687 800-799-4687 Daniel R. Byers, Broker Come See Us! “Buy land, they ain’t making any more of it” - Will Rogers 210 NW HIGH ST: This executive home is located in a quiet NW Goldedale area. 3 bd, 4 bth, 2 level, 2696 sq ft house, with a basement on a large lot. Hottub & excerise room. Large deck. 30'x42' 3 bay shop/garage. Nicely landscaped with a large fenced dog area. $299,950 MCLS # 26441 506 MURDOCK CIRCLE: 3 bedrooms, 1.5 bathrooms, 1568 sq ft on a large lot. Large back deck, storage building. Parking area next to the house. Some remodeling has just been completed. Sold “As Is” $119,995 16 PRINCEHOUSE LN: Less than 3 miles from Goldendale, 4 bd, 2 bth, 1400 sq ft on 5 acres. Landscaped lawn and yard. 4 + acres fenced. 12'x16' storage building, 12' x 30' loafing shed/pole building. Great well. Sold “As Is” $110,000 MCLS #26430 35 EAST RD, BICKLETON: 2 treed, beautifully manicured acres. 1716 sq ft house, like new, built in 2004. Hardiplacnk siding. Walk to the post office. inground sprinklers, good well. Priced at only $249,000 MCLS # 26435 1224 OWNBY RD: 3 bd/2 bth, 1430 sq ft house on 20 secluded acres. Fenced garden area & shop/garage, about 15 miles NE of Goldendale. Good year round access. About 1.5 miles to a paved road. The house needs some fix-up. Great place to settle down or a weekend hide a way $129,900. MCLS # 26431 LAND LISTINGS •2-Five acre parcels, trees, well, pwr close, seasonal creek, $89,000.00 each MCLS # 26401 & 26413 32.57 acres, Satus Loop Road near Satus Pass, Trees, seasonal stream, pwr. $89,900.00 MCLS #27014 2 Lots(100'x145') NE High St., water & sewer assessments paid, sewer line in, reduced to $17,900 each 20 acres off Oak Flat Road, 12 GPM well, Pwr close $59,500. MCLS #12008 Sunset Drive, 5 acres with a well, 3 Mtn View, $65,000 20 acres, trees, power, secluded, $69,900 MCLS #26419 5 acres, Wildhorse Ranch Rd # 38 off Knight Rd. 2 Mtn views. CC&R's $74,900, MCLS # 24838 20 acres, off Munsen Praire Rd, Ponds, 2 Mtn Views, Trees, $89,900 MCLS #26422 56. Organ swelling 57. If it fits... 58. She survived her infamous husband Henry VIII 59. Bane of teenager's existence 60. Tortilla sandwich 61. 62. 63. 64. 66. FREE CLASSIFIEDS NO JOKE FEATURED PROPERTY Baker's baker Song "Eight Days a ____" "Que sera ____" *Huge network Roman goddess of plenty Tire Rotation • Flat Repair • Road Hazard • Snow Tire Inspection • Tire Replacement • Mounting • Air Check Tire Rebalance 1 Over 20 Years Experience Lawn & Garden Care Residential and Commercial. Experienced as Certified Landscape Technician. Mowing, edging, thatching, fertilizing and trimming. Preparing sprinkler systems for optimal performance. Serving the Gorge. Free estimates. 541-705-5528. 1996 CHEVY Camero, Sports DC edition, 5 spd., Black, You can eat off the engine! $2999. 541-9652751 FORD, Taurus, 2000, V6, Needs transmission work, Good cond., $500 OBO. 541-993-4193 Complete interior/exterior painting and STAINING service. Most homes look better than new when completed! Dennis' Lawn Maintenance Lawn mowing, Hedge Trimming, Pruning, Rototilling, Hauling, Bark Dust, Brick Walls, & River Rock. 541-993-0090 541-296-1850 Bonded & Insured (Houston Insurance) 540 Automobiles A G OR#60590 509-637-3983 765 E. Broadway • 509-773-3741 All Newspapers LOG CEDAR HOME REFINISHING 541-352-6001 1996 DODGE Caravan, SE, High mileage, good shape, Drives well, $300 OBO. 541-370-2698 Suspension and breaks rebuilt, (receipts available), good body and interior, includes spare engine and trans, car runs great, MUST SELL need room in the garage, $4500 OBO. Painting & Papering Cleaning - Painting and Windows FREE ESTIMATES 535 Vans & Utility Vehicles Special Services 541-490-4656 72. Clairvoyance 73. Form of Japanese poetry DOWN 1. 50 percent 2. *An invention usually starts with a good one 3. Serengeti sound 4. Biblical Abraham's original name 5. *"Father of Genetics" 6. One turns green with it? 7. "Me," in Paris 8. Wombs 9. Fish found off Atlantic coast of U.S., aka porgy 10. Decrease gradually, often precedes "down" 11. Short for engineer 12. Just a ___ bit 18. Sometimes comes tossed 20. Often comes with a lei 22. Rudolph's friend Hermey, e.g. 24. Resurrection of the dead 25. Ratio of hypotenuse to opposite side of right-angled triangle 26. Scent 27. Russia's St. _____ Cathedral 29. *Character Q provided great inventions to him 31. *Inventor of revolver 32. Pre-life 33. Postpone 34. Diary item 36. Lesotho money 38. *Inventor of "hoisting apparatus" 42. Olden day calculators 45. Not quite a spoon and not quite a fork 49. ___-been 51. Streamlet 54. Past, present or future _____ Commercial & Residential Clean-ups, Lawn Mowing and Edging Pruning, Barkdust and Much More FREE ESTIMATES 509-767-4205 1971 FIAT SPIDER YAMAHA C-3, 2007. Mileage, less than 1800. Sold w/ helmet. Old lady tired of riding cycle, $1950. If no answer, leave message, (leave number slowly), 509-364-9422. VAZQUEZ BROS. LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE PONTIAC Grand Am SE, '00. White, $4500 OBO, 541-993-1488. 538 Antique & Classic Autos 2006 VENTO Xiedon, 150cc Scooter. 700 Miles, Runs great! New fuel pump & battery. Security system, two extra storage containers, windshield, Black & yellow. Current tags. $1100 OBO. Call or text 541-4906947; The Dalles. Landscape Maintenance 540 Automobiles MINI Cooper, '03, yellow, only 47K miles (almost all freeway), always garaged, looks new. New car coming. $12,500. 541-3862940. p p GORGE WIDE! All Editions Plus — Free listing on our web site! ONE AD per family, per week. 343 ASPEN 5 treed secluded acres 3 bedrooms, 3 bath, 1250 sq ft, 48'x48' shop, park like setting, covered decks, chain link fence surrounding main compound, fireplace and raised bed garden. $279,900 MCLS # 26432 J 1 item 1 week $500 or less The Goldendale Sentinel 509-773-3777 Matai-less Cougars still looking to run B8 — AUGUST 24, 2011 ANDREW CHRISTIANSEN REPORTER The wind you feel down the Gorge might be the sigh of relief coming from the coast. You can’t blame the teams of the Coastal League if they are celebrating the graduation of Henry Matai, nor if they are licking their chops to see what they can do against a smaller, less punishing Lyle-Wishram football team this year. The Cougars were not gracious guests in their first year in the Coastal eight-man league, ripping through the entire league winning all seven games by a 45-9 average score. Not only is Matai gone, so is the biggest guy on the team, Nolan Smith, who was lead blocker for Matai and a force on defense. Behind Smith and the Cougar line, Matai had two games with more than 300 yards rushing as he finished his career with 6,523 yards rushing, third on the all-time State list. Both players were all league on both sides of the ball. So, where are the Cougars headed in year two? When you talk to Head Coach Don Smith, you hear many of the same things he was saying a year ago. He thinks his team can win the league title again. He even sees them doing it in much the same way as last year, running the football. Smith’s first thoughts were that he would need to spread it out and throw the ball more this year. But, he saw he could still run the ball during football camp at Whitworth University, this summer. Last year’s blow-out games gave younger players experience. “Our younger backs got a lot of playing time last year when we got ahead of teams,” says Smith. “They are quick and they always fall forward.” Another reason to stay with the running game is consistency. The Cougar players and coaches are well adjusted to the eight-man game by now and with nine returning players, the basic offense is well-known among his core players. That’s not to say they won’t pass the ball this year, but Smith likes power football and he likes the quickness on his line and in his backfield, so why change now? Chance Carpenter will probably get the most touches at running back this year, but several other players are experienced, including John Stephens, Johnathan VanAhn, Austin Pickett and Jaryd Quintero. The starting quarterback will be Ricky Wolff, who can also run the football. VanAhn and Dustin Mutch might also see time at quarterback, so in many ways this team is more versatile than last year’s squad. Anchoring the defense is freshman Gabe Montoya. As an eighth grader in 2010, Montoya was a force at nose guard and middle linebacker, joining Smith, Matai, Carpenter and VanAhn on the All-League team. Even though the defense was outstanding in 2010, Smith believes it must be better in 2011. He sees it as the key to winning. “Defensively we will not be able to make the mistakes we did last year in the passing game and ex- GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON ANDREW CHRISTIANSEN TIME FOR HITTING: LyleWishram broke out the pads on Monday for their first full contact practice. Ricky Wolff looks to hand off to Chance Carpenter (31), above, while Gabe Montoya tackles Corey Johnson, right. pect to win games. We have to have better pass defense; that’s all there is to it,” says Smith. Action begins on Saturday, Sept. 3, at the Dufur Classic. The Cougars will play the Rangers at 7:30 p.m. It will be an early test for Lyle-Wishram as the teams have a history of good, hardfought battles. The home opener will be against South Wasco on Sept. 16, at 7 p.m. Wishkah Valley visits Lyle on Sept. 23, for the first game of league play, which is also Homecoming for the Cougars.. Lyle-Wishram Varsity Football CONTRIBUTED WINNING DANCERS: Members of the Touch of Class dance, gymnastics and cheer leading studio in Goldendale came away from Dance Magic at Seaside, Ore. with three first place trophies. Pictured from left, four year old division, Ashlyn Lawrence, second and Cassie Vance, first in the impromptu category. Standing, Brandi Vance, 8, first in variety arts and third in impromptu; Hannah Matthews, 9, first in variety arts and third in impromptu. Sept. 3 Sept. 9 Sept. 16 Sept. 23 Oct. 1 Oct. 7 Oct. 14 Oct. 20 Oct. 28 Nov. 5 Denim & Dust Admission Adults - $8 Daily • $20 Season Senior Citizen - $6 Daily $12 Season Ages 6-12 - $5 Daily $10 Season Children under 5 - FREE at Dufur, 7:30 p.m. at Sunnyside Christian, 7 p.m. host South Wasco, 7 p.m. host Wishkah Valley, 7 p.m. at Lake Quinault, 1 p.m. host Mary M. Knight, 7 p.m. at Oakville, 7 p.m. at Wa. School for Deaf, 3:30 p.m. host Tahola, 7 p.m. at Kingsway Christian, 1 p.m. Horse Show All Day Queen Tryouts 7 p.m. Ranch Sorting, 7:30 p.m. County Team Roping 8:30 a.m. Downtown Parade 10 a.m. NPRA Rodeo 12:30 p.m. Livestock Market Sale 3:30 p.m. Northfork Cowboy Music 3:30 p.m. Team Penning & Branding Finals 8 p.m. Ranch Sorting Finals Karaoke 8-10 p.m. Friday, Aug. 26 Free Grounds Entertainment, all Day Reptile Man, two shows Jeff Evans Interactive Magic, three shows Livestock Shows All Around Showmanship 2 p.m. Team Penning & Branding 3 p.m. FREE PARKING 8/16 8/17 8/18 8/19 8/20 8/21 8/22 1121 1285 1829 1926 2423 2983 3173 772 756 915 1158 1293 1024 --- 5946 5988 6806 6140 6302 6476 5771 4940 3934 4480 3806 4128 3261 --- 570 468 312 687 616 936 1404 Goldendale Washington August 24 - 28 2011 Saturday, Aug. 27 Free Grounds Entertainment Reptile Man, two shows Jeff Evans Interactive Magic, three shows Livestock Shows Fabulous Farlanes 3-7 p.m. Western Games 4 p.m. Kick Off Barbeque 5 p.m. Cowboy Auction 6:30 p.m. Fish count at the dams Bonneville The Dalles John Day Chnk Stlhd Chnk Stlhd Chnk Stlhd 68th Annual Klickitat County Fair & Rodeo Wednesday, Aug. 24 Thursday, Aug. 25 The Fishing Lure Sunday, Aug. 28 Rodeo Slack 8 a.m. Grace Brethren Church 10 a.m. Harmony of the Gorge noon-1 p.m. NPRA Rodeo 1 p.m. Justine Partlow 2011 Miss Klickitat County Fair & Rodeo Friday Only Antique Appraisals 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. ADA PARKING 2859 2699 2693 2903 3630 3302 3868
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