Candidates filing week closed
Candidates filing week closed
SENTINEL VISITORS ’ G UIDE Goldendale, Washington IN THIS I S S U E ! WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 2012 Memorial Day ceremonies schedule Sentinel office hours The American Legion will conduct its annual Memorial Day ceremonies this Monday as follows: • 11 a.m., Mountain View Cemetery • Noon, Centerville Cemetery • 1 p.m., Stonehenge The Goldendale Sentinel will be closed Monday, May 28, in observance of Memorial Day. The advertising and editorial deadline this week is Friday by noon. Vol. 133 No. 21 75 cents Candidates filing week closed Candidates for public office in Klickitat County have filed for the fall election. Last week was the deadline for filing. For County Commissioner Position 1, Rex Johnston has filed for re-election. He is unopposed for that position. For County Commissioner Position 3, two candidates have filed: Jim Sizemore and Joe Sellers. In State offices, candi- dates for Legislative District 14, Klickitat County’s new district, have filed. They are: • Senator: Curtis King (Republican-Yakima) (running unopposed). • Representative Position 1: Norm Johnson (Republican-Yakima), Paul Spencer (Democrat-Stevenson). • Representative Position 2: Charles Ross (RepublicanNaches), Mathew Tomaskin (Democrat-Wapato). SAR conference showcases field skills, tracking, Insitu, Klickitat County COVER DESIGN: REBECCA GOURLEY VISITORS’ GUIDE: The Sentinel’s annual Klickitat County Visitors’ Guide is out this week, featuring a unique “scrapbook” approach to hitting all the county highlights. CONTRIBUTED FAHLENKAMP FIELD DAY: The Fahlenkamp family, winners of this year’s Cattlemen of the Year award, held their field day Saturday. Here the family poses with a special sign made for them and presented by Columbia State Bank. REBECCA GOURLEY REPORTER More than 500 people descended upon the Klickitat County Fairgrounds last week to learn more about search and rescue (SAR) trade skills as part of the annual Washington State SAR conference. Classes offered to SAR members ranged from ATV operations to the ancient skills of man tracking. Some 550 hours of training were offered by 63 instructors in more than 100 classes throughout the week. Saturday, the public was invited to attend a demonstration of different SAR skills. “Trevor,” an explosivestrained SAR beagle, put on a show as he searched the Bill Conboy Arena for the previously planted scent article of accelerant-stained wood. It didn’t take a minute for Trevor to start digging under a cone where the wood was placed and indicate to his handler, Linda Phelps, that he found something of interest. Also part of the demonstration was the “Litter Race.” Teams from several of the counties that were present were given the challenge of strapping a “victim” into the litter (a stretcher-like piece of equipment used to carry victims out of dangerous areas), and carrying him or her through different obstacles. The crowd went wild when Klickitat County had the most ingenious way of getting through the cattle pincher obstacle, by lifting the litter and victim over their heads. At the banquet on Saturday night, several speakers addressed the large audience in the Joan Frey Arena and complimented Klickitat County on the “very successful conference.” Klickitat County SAR Coordinator Jeff King and Sheriff Rick McComas received an award from Search and Rescue Volunteer Advisory Council for their efforts in putting on the conference. King told the audience that it wasn’t just he who made it happen; “It was everyone here,” he said. “I found it to be incredibly See SAR, Page 2 Public comment focuses on projects REBECCA GOURLEY REPORTER ALL PHOTOS REBECCA GOURLEY, EXCEPT BOTTOM: LOU MARZELES SAR SCENES: Top left, King County SAR performed a hoist demonstration during the public portion of the conference on Saturday.The “victim” wore a helmet camera and captured his entire journey from the ground to the helicopter. Top, Klickitat County’s Litter Race team had the most interesting way of getting through a tight space obstacle, lifting the victim over their heads. Middle picture, a group of equine SAR trainees practice line formations to work as a team to do air scenting with their horses. Bottom, Klickitat County Sheriff Rick McComas (middle) helps carry an unmanned air system (UAS) at Insitu’s demonstration Thursday in Arlington, Ore. Monday night, people from the community shared their displeasure with some of the proposed road projects that the city council and mayor have put into the Six Year Street Transportation Improvement Plan. At the city council meeting this week, a public hearing was opened for anyone who wished to vocalize their thoughts on any of the road projects. Several people thought that the Third Street Extension project that has been proposed is both unnecessary and would cause a handful of safety concerns. Theresa Babler from the Klickitat Parks and Recreation District (Parks and Rec) said that with additional traffic through there, “It would be a lot of teenagers. I don’t care if it says 15 mph, I know how teenagers drive.” She added, “I don’t want to see little kids killed, and I think that’s what would happen.” Also from Parks and Rec, Marty Dixon had the same concerns and stated that when kids get out of the car in the pool parking lot, they run across the parking lot toward the pool. “It’s not a real issue right now, but our concern if it was an actual street…it would have a little more traffic, we feel.” “It’s not going to be a 35 mph street,” responded Mayor Clint Baze. “I think the community should be excited to have something like this through there, for the access to Ekone Park, the pool, and the ball fields.” Baze and Public Works Director Keith Grundei also stated that speed bumps would also be an option. However, Ray LaFond was not convinced. “I think you’ve got a solution that’s looking for a problem,” he said. LaFond even withdrew his support for reconstructing the existing Third Street because the extension would have to be done before the reconstruction would have a chance at being funded by the Transportation Improvement Board (TIB), according to the council. Another road project that does not seem to be generating a fan base is the West Side Neighborhood Improvement Project, and specifically the widening of West Burgen Street. The issue that was voiced by Ken McKune at Monday night’s meeting was the fact that if the street were widened, then the trees in front of the library would have to be removed. “There’s quite a bit of concern of removing the trees on Burgen Street, the only oneway street in Goldendale,” said McKune. “It’s one of the few remnants of the original Goldendale. It’s beautiful.” Later in the meeting, the Six Year Plan was approved, but City Administrator Larry Bellamy clarified that just because it was approved, does not mean that all of the projects will have an application submitted for funding from the TIB. Bellamy and Mayor Baze also agreed that a meeting with Parks and Rec would happen soon regarding the Third Street extension project. Also concerning the Parks and Rec, a new event is scheduled to occur on Sept. 15, the Golden Man Sprint Triathlon. The event will be a fundraiser for both Back Packs for Kids and Parks and Rec, says Bill VanVelsor, a local triathlete. It will include a 500-yard swim in the pool, a 14-mile bike ride, and a 3.25mile run. VanVelsor gave all of the council members the challenge to compete and one accepted it, Mindy Jackson. See City, Page 2 2 — MAY 23, 2012 GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON Ambulances a priority; KVH and Skyline combine service to cut costs lances, the buildings, the financial re- siders, which helps the bottom lines of sponsibility, still lives with each district. both hospitals. “It saves money because But once the interlocal agreement was the one manager cuts the management cost in half,” White calcuVery soon one ambulance service will in place, we were able to start lates. “We had two managers cover two hospital districts in Klickitat to consolidate things, with before. With Mark being the the first consolidation being County. owner of his company, all the Klickitat Valley Health (KVH) and the people side of it. Mark employees will be part of that Skyline Hospital in White Salmon have Brian contracts with us, now company, eliminating the formed an interlocal agreement that for just over a year, and Skyneed to have two separately will allow both institutions to sharply line will contract with Mark; employed site managers. decrease financial losses and maintain so there will be one work That’s one example of a cost regular ambulance service. If all pro- force for both ambulance sersavings. It also makes a difceeds smoothly, the new service could be vices, even though they’re ference on the operations still separately owned. That’s in effect this summer. side to have everybody coor“The two [hospital] boards met back managed through this interdinated through one person. on Jan. 24,” says KVH CEO John White. local agreement, this joint With the services being to“Both sides presented their plans. It was kind of entity that’s created JOHN WHITE gether, and it’s all the same peopretty clear there were some things that between the two districts.” So how will the new combined ambu- ple in the same company, they can really were on both lists, ambulance being one of those. So it was a priority of ours be- lance service work, considering the dis- be fairly the same, so we’re on the same page. The care provided in White fore; now it’s a joint priority with Sky- tricts are an hour apart? “It’s like a business with three loca- Salmon is the same, and we’re using the line.” At that joint board meeting, the tions,” White says. “All of the employees same guidelines as in Dallesport, as in boards gave clear direction to the CEOs who staff the ambulances in Golden- Goldendale. It’s just simpler. It’s better dale, Dallesport, and for everybody. The doctors on the other of both hospitals. White Salmon will be end know what to expect if a patient is “They said, ‘You need to go fix this,’” White “for the most part, it’s having one on Mark’s staf f. coming in with a heart attack, and it’s recalls. “I think things manager, one training program, one They’re actually not the White Salmon ambulance, they’re are rolling along pret- set of policies and procedures. It just today, but they will be doing things the same way as the KVH makes a lot of sense.” once the contract is and Dallesport ambulances.” ty well.” Other savings include joint purchasdone. So there are still The interlocal John White three locations, three ing through the interlocal entity. The agreement was deCEO/Klickitat Valley Health ambulances. From the two districts will be able to aggregate signed to pool republic side of things, their purchasing volumes and get better sources as much as you really won’t see deals on such things as diesel fuel, pharpossible between the two hospital districts, with the specific objective of sav- any difference. The logos will be the macy supplies, and ambulance supplies ing money and improving functionality same. You may see a few of our people in with a better, discounted price by douthat could be combined between the two. White Salmon and a few White Salmon bling the volume. There needs to be just “We were operating two separate, in- people up here because they’re working one billing office instead of two. “There’s no reason to have the staff dependent services that had many com- at a bigger pool to cover absences and monalities between them,” White says. illness. But for the most part, it’s having separated,” White says. “We haven’t “We were both serving similar type geo- one manager, one training program, one worked on the business side of things graphies, we both had the same type of set of policies and procedures. It just quite yet. That will come after we combine the ambulance personnel. So the staffing challenges, and so on. So it just makes a lot of sense.” The cost savings for the joint ambu- people are the biggest first step.” didn’t make sense to be duplicating each other. The assets, the physical ambu- lance service are enormous, White conLOU MARZELES EDITOR Fire safety first this Memorial Day weekend Wildfire prevention tips for Memorial Day weekend Campfire safety is still important in damp weather The Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) urges everyone to help prevent wildland fires over the upcoming Memorial Day weekend and throughout the summer. CITY While the weather remains on the cool side, the extended holiday weekend brings a higher-than-average number of visitors to the forests, raising wildfire concerns. Help prevent wildfires by clearing debris around campfire pits and using a shovel and water to completely extinguish your campfire. from Page 1 The council approved a bid award for the East Collins road project to Artistic Excavation of White Salmon for approximately $343,000. The project is 90 percent grantfunded by the TIB, with 10 percent matching funds from the City. The City also approved a lease agreement with Terry and Linda Chambers for the office space that previously housed the Goldendale Police Department. Ter ry and Linda own Golden Gate Healing, currently located on Main Street. During the report of the council members, Steve Johnston addressed the fact that spring is here and the grass is growing. “I don’t care if people think that the cost of water is too much to water their lawn, mow it down till it’s dead.” He added, “The vast majority of the citizens of this community do care what the town looks like. I really would like to see some progress made on everybody’s behalf.” The city now has the power to start issuing citations to people who are not complying with the city nuisance ordinances. “Certainly our preference is voluntary clean up versus forced clean up,” said Bellamy after the meeting. “Generally, if you have vehicles not in use, tall vegetation or an accumulation of material that has been stored for more than seven days or creates a fire hazard or vermin habitat, then that may constitute a nuisance.” The next City Council meeting will be June 4 at 7 p.m. Everyone is urged to be cautious and only build campfires in approved pits, where allowed. Firefighters have responded to 51 wildland fires so far this year. “We want everyone to enjoy their Memorial Day weekend, while being safe and taking simple steps to prevent an accidental wildfire,” said Peter Goldmark, the Commissioner of Public Lands. “An escaped campfire can threaten lives, property, and drain scarce tax dollars.” Before leaving home, always check to find out what the campfire restrictions are for the area you plan to visit. If campfires are allowed; extinguish it properly before leaving: ·Never leave a campfire unattended at anytime. ·Drown fire thoroughly with water. ·Stir until cold. ·Drown fire again and stir. ·Never leave a campfire until it is completely out and cool to the touch. For those people remaining at home, this is a good time to help reduce wildland fire hazards around the home and property by clearing excess debris, creating defensible space around the home, and following Firewise practices. For information about protecting homes and property from wildfire, visit Also, a Discover Pass is required to access state lands managed by DNR, Washington State Parks, and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. For more information visit REBECCA GOURLEY SMOKING: A fire broke out across Fairgrounds Road from the Klickitat County Fairgrounds Saturday. According to firefighters on the scene, they received the call around 8:15 a.m. and by 8:30 a.m. they had controlled the blaze with a water line around the perimeter. The approximate quarter of an acre that was scorched was in the middle of a heavy growth area with many trees. Above, Rural 7 Firefighter Bill Martin keeps the ground wet as it continues to smolder. Goldendale schools present spring music programs Only a few more weeks • High school and middle of school and Goldendale school choirs will be singing schools are gearing up to at the library, on Tuesday, present their spring music June 5, starting at 7 p.m. programs. • This Thursday, May 24, Goldendale Middle School band will play at the midfrom Page 1 dle school gym, starting at well coordinated, scheduled 7 p.m. and orchestrated,” said • On Tuesday, May 29, Blake Miller, one of the inthe GHS band presents structors for the confertheir spring concert at 7 ence. “It was so well done.” p.m. in the high school Other conference orgagym. nizers were Jane Lee, • Next Thursday, May 31, Eileen Porter, Russ Patton, Goldendale High School’s Al Barrigar, Pat Kaley, Tim Jazz band will play at the Hardin, Zane Kerns, Jeff Goldendale Library, startDradger, and Jolene Kallio. ing at 7 p.m. SAR MAY 23, 2012 — 3 GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON H OMETOWN LOOKING BACK May 23, 2012 25 Years Ago – May 21, 1987 • A Goldendale man died early Sunday morning from head injuries after a hang gliding accident on Lorena Butte. Matthew Malinowski, 24, was hang-gliding from the top of the butte late Saturday afternoon. He crashed into the hillside about a quarter of the way from the top. Malinowski was taken out at 6 p.m. by helicopter to Emanuel Hospital in Portland. He was wearing a helmet at the time of the accident. 50 Years Ago – May 17, 1962 • Representatives of Goldendale churches, meeting as the Goldendale Ministerial Association, issued a “statement of protest against Sunday opening of certain businesses.” The businesses referred to were two Goldendale food markets, which in the past have been open six days a week only, one of which announced plans for a 7 day operation three weeks ago. The other followed with a similar announcement last week. The statement said the association “goes on public record of being directly opposed to the Sunday opening…” It continued, “The undersigned ministers have agreed to encourage their membership to patronize, during the business week, those stores which do not open on Sunday. This action will be taken only if the above mentioned practice continues after Sunday, May 20, 1962.” 75 Years Ago – May 27, 1937 • Rebuilding a service station and lunch room after a fire was duck soup for Ralph Nickerson, he said this week, when compared to coping with a hive of bees that took refuge on his display room at the gas pumps Monday before noon. He couldn’t get near his pumps, let alone sell any gas or oil. After watching the swarm for an hour or so and pondering his plight, he decided to get a “beekeeper” to come and solve his problem. Ernest Ryser dropped up to the station, helmet and sting proof gloves with him and pushed the swarm, queen bee and all into a box which he took to his garden north of town. Ralph is now doing business again, but has an eagle eye out for bee swarms. Compiled by Jean Allyn Smeltzer, of the Klickitat County Historical Society BIRTHS OBITUARIES Glen Benjamin Glen Roy Benjamin was born in Winchester, Idaho on May 26, 1927 to Alpha (Leister) and Ernest Benjamin. He grew up on a farm in Idaho, graduated from Craigmont High School and earned his Bachelor's Degree from the University of Idaho in Moscow. Mr. Benjamin served in the U.S. Navy then became an electrical engineer, a job he loved because of all the math. Glen had a long career, working 30 years for the Klickitat County PUD, and 15 years overseas with NRECA in Yemen and the Philippines. Mr. Benjamin retired in 1994. He was a member of the Methodist church and the Odd Fellows lodge where he served as the Grand Master of Washington. Glen was an avid square and round dancer and belonged to several clubs in the Gorge area. He spent his winters in Yuma, Arizona where you can dance every night of the week and take lessons in the afternoon. Mr. Benjamin passed away on Sunday, May 13, 2012 at the age of 84. He is survived by his wife Patricia of Goldendale; son Michael Benjamin of Goldendale; daughters Diana Barbee of Pullman, Washington, Theresa Bagnell of Renton, Washington and Beverlee Attolico of Tucson, Arizona; sister Janene Alley of Craigmont, Idaho; brother Dale Benjamin of Vancouver, Washington; 10 grandchildren and many great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by two babies and his brother Ray. A memorial service will be held at 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, May 31, at the United Methodist Church in Goldendale. Columbia Hills Memorial Chapel is handling arrangements. In lieu of flowers , donations can be made to the Odd Fellows scholarship fund or the Methodist Church. James Wright James Wright, 63, of Bickleton, died May 13, 2012, in Bickleton. He was born in Pendleton, Ore., and was a long time valley resident. Survivors include his wife, Susan; sons, Shane Wright of Ogden, Utah; Joshua Wright, of Pasco; and Kevin Wright, of Rose- burg, Ore.; four grandchildren; and two brothers, Gary Wright, of Cinebar, and Roberg Wright, of Hermiston, Ore. A memorial service is being planned for a later date. Smith Funeral Home in Sunnyside, is in charge of arrangements. Timothy Thomas Hauck OBITUARY POLICY Timothy Thomas Hauck was born May 11, 2012, to Rebecca and Samuel Hauck. Timothy was delivered by his father, at home with the midwife’s assistance. He weighed 6 pounds, 8 ounces, and was 19 inches long. Maternal grandparents are Sidney Whitten and Steven Machia. Paternal grandparents are Cathy Hauck, and the late Tony Hauck. Timothy joins his parents at home in Goldendale. 13 Mile Yard Sale cancelled, Chamber encourages yard sellers to plan anyway Many yard sellers have been waiting for the 13-mile yard sale weekend, which would fall on June 9-10. However, due to circumstances beyond their control, the organizer of the 13 Mile Yard Sale has cancelled the event for this year. However, Goldendale Chamber suggests all interested yard sellers continue with their plans and have big Weekend Yard Sale June 9 and 10. There will be no maps or advertising as in prior years, but interested participants can call the Goldendale Chamber and leave their address; when calls about the 13 Mile Yard Sale come in, a compiled list of participants in the Goldendale Weekend Yard Sale will be available. Participants are urged to use their innovative and creative ideas to make it a fun yard sale weekend. Death notices are free and will be run one time in The Sentinel, but specific guidelines must be followed.The deceased's name, date of birth and death, arrangements and service information will be published without charge. Local obituaries are considered paid notices and are welcomed from families or funeral homes; costs run at set fees according to length/word guidelines. Your chosen funeral homes can be very helpful in determining which style and length is needed for any particular obituary. Family members are welcome to contact The Sentinel office for the same assistance. The Sentinel will not edit these submissions unless requested by the family. A single half-column photo is offered free of charge. A fee will be assessed for a second photo. Obituaries and memorials requiring bordering, special type fonts and large or multiple photographs are designated as display advertising, handled by the advertising staff of The Sentinel and not the editor. Please contact the advertising department of The Sentinel or your funeral director for further information. All obituaries, regardless of length, will be offered on-line at no additional charge shortly after publication. Please refer to our online edition at: John Wyckoff John Dean Wyckoff, 61, of Vancouver, Washington passed away on May 8, 2012 after a brief but hard-fought battle with cancer. John Wyckoff was born on January 31, 1951 in Jefferson, Iowa to Dean and Bernice Wyckoff. His family moved to Goldendale, Washington where John met the love of his life, Marilyn Willson. John graduated in 1969 from Goldendale High school where he was a standout track and football athlete. John and Marilyn married in 1971 while attending Washington State University. John obtained a degree in architecture from WSU. Professionally, John worked as an architect in the Portland and Vancouver area at SOM, BOORA, GBD and LSW Architects. As a principal at LSW Architects in Vancouver, Washington he obtained national recognition as an educational facility designer. Health issues forced an early retirement in 2006. He utilized the time during his retirement to pursue his passion for art. His acrylic paintings received awards by several galleries and art museums. John is survived by his wife, Marilyn, three sons and families; Casey and wife Melanie and children Cole, Ethan, Grace and Isaac; Trevor and wife Amber and children Callie and Asher; and Isaiah and wife Rachel and newborn Corban. Upon his cancer diagnosis, John prayed that he would live to see his new grandson Corban. During John’s final trip to the hospital on May 3, he received word that Corban was born five weeks early through an emergency C section. As a part of God’s perfect plan, John shared in the joy of his new grandson as he saw pictures and video of baby Corban. Nothing mattered more to John than God, and his loving wife and family. John’s retirement years allowed him the time to focus on his relationship with Jesus, his wife Marilyn, and his sons and their families. It gave him great joy to take special trips with Marilyn, having “grandpa dates” with his grandchildren and sharing special times together. John’s huge love for Marilyn and his family was undeniable, as was his love for God. When John was diagnosed with cancer, he wanted nothing more than to glorify the Lord through his decisions and attitude. He marked this scripture in his heart, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7. John set an incredible example and left an amazing legacy. A celebration of life service will be held at 1:00 p.m. on Friday, May 25, at Athey Creek Christian Fellowship located at 27520 SW 95th Ave Wilsonville, OR 97070. Please visit John’s online tribute at h t t p : / / m e m o r i a l . yo u r 4 — MAY 23, 2012 GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON O PINION LOU MARZELES, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER KAREN HENSLEE, GENERAL MANAGER ANDREW CHRISTIANSEN, REPORTER/SPORTS REBECCA GOURLEY, REPORTER Visitors’ Guide looks great and provides valuable service Newspapers do special sections regularly, aimed at providing specialized information for different occasions, events, and groups of people throughout the year. A key challenge in putting out annual supplements is keeping them fresh as well as informative. The Sentinel’s new 2012 Visitors’ Guide is out this week, and it’s something quite unique. This year, thanks to the remarkable talents of particular people on The Sentinel staff, the Visitors’ Guide truly is a must-see keepsake that will do Klickitat County very proud. Rebecca Gourley’s unique design and Karen Henslee’s information-organization approach to the Guide were inspired. There’s no other way to put it. Their scrapbook technique to identifying the multitude of things to see and do in the county makes the guide delightfully Lou Marzeles eye-catching and fun. It’s also perfect for the smartphone crowd, with electronic interactivi- Editor & Publisher ty on almost every page. The QR codes throughout the guide take readers to an enhanced online extended version that provides more detailed facts, figures, and fun. Just fire up your phone and read the code, and you’re there. The Sentinel has been blessed with good, talented people, and it’s a pleasure to again acknowledge them. Rebecca and Karen did a fantastic job on the design and organization of the Visitors’ Guide. Andrew Christiansen once again stepped up with information digging and quality writing. Heidi McCarty built ads that work well with the look of the Guide. And Rachel Olp, our new salesperson, was great at getting the opportunity to participate in the Guide to advertisers in the area. It can be safely said that The Sentinel’s 2012 Visitors’ Guide is as good a product of its kind as can be found anywhere, bar none. But the Guide was inspired by the quality of life here in Klickitat County. It’s a good place to be inspired. Columbia dams can’t be taken for granted In 1942, the completion of Grand Coulee Dam was hailed as the “Eighth Wonder of the World.” Seventy years later, most of us aren’t aware of what that dam or the others on the Columbia River continue to do for us. To commemorate Grand Coulee’s completion, the Bonneville Power Administration commissioned legendary folk singer Woody Guthrie to write songs praising the dam that harnessed the mighty Columbia River. Guthrie toured the region from the Bonneville Dam to Grand Coulee, and within a month he had written 26 songs, the most famous of which is Roll On Columbia. “And on up the river is Grand Coulee Dam, the mightiest thing ever built by a man, to run these great factories and water the land, it’s roll on, Columbia, roll on.” On May 30, 1948, a levee on the flood-swollen Columbia River ruptured, sending a 10-foot high wall Guest of water crashing into Vanport (North Portland). Sixteen people died and Vanport—at the time, OreCommentary gon’s second largest city—disappeared forever. Don Brunell, President Harry Truman flew west to see the devPresident, astation. Speaking to an audience in Portland, Truman said the flooding could have been averted if a Association of network of dams along the Columbia, Snake, and Washington Willamette rivers was in place. He scolded Congress Businesses and told them to get off the dime and fund the Bureau of Reclamation to complete its flood control projects. Over the next 20 years, more dams were completed, adding flood control capacity, creating a 465-mile water transportation network. Washington’s Columbia River dams produce enough power each year to provide electricity for nearly seven million homes. In fact, the Grand Coulee Dam is the largest producer of electricity in the United States. The electricity from those dams made it possible for the aluminum industry to locate in the Northwest and for Boeing to build B-17s and B-29s during World War II. For most of us, the dams have always been here. We never knew a time without them, when electricity was scarce, when we struggled to grow crops on barren land and lived in fear of raging floodwaters. But we shouldn’t take them for granted. Some activists want to remove the dams—but consider what our lives would be like without them. Next Java Talk: Friday, June 1, 8 a.m., Golden Coyote Coffee, Main Street THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER FOR GOLDENDALE AND KLICKITAT COUNTY, WA ESTABLISHED 1879 • PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY FROM OFFICES AT 117 W. MAIN • GOLDENDALE, WA 98620 TELEPHONE (509) 773-3777 • FAX (509) 773-4737 EMAIL: (NEWS, EDITORIAL, LETTERS) SENTINELNEWS@GOLDENDALESENTINEL.COM; OR (ADS, COMMUNITIES, HOMETOWN) SENTINELADS@GOLDENDALESENTINEL.COM THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL STAFF HEIDI MCCARTY, AD SALES & DESIGN Deadlines: News and Letters: Noon Friday Display Advertising: 5 p.m. Friday Classified Advertising: Noon Monday Legal Notices: 5 p.m. Monday Subscriptions: 1 Year, 2 Years Goldendale Carrier: $26, $40 In Klickitat County: $32, $52 Outside Klickitat County: $42, $75 USPS 2213-6000 WEEKLY. Periodical postage paid at Goldendale Post Office, Goldendale, Wash. 98620. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Goldendale Sentinel, 117 W. Main St. Goldendale, WA 98620-9526. LETTERS FROM THE Grand old Library trees must stay To the Editor: I am utterly appalled by the news that, according to the City of Goldendale, the Library trees will be cut down for “safety.” I ask the mayor and the city council: are you crazy?! Our Carnegie Library and its noble row of street trees is the only gracious amenity that this town has. Driving down that block in the heat of summer, I never fail to delight in the Library’s majestic shade trees, and I am always grateful if I have the good luck to park in the shade while I am at the Library. COMMUNITY Mayor Baze attempted to deflect the public’s attention by claiming the trees would have to be cut down to increase parking. Take a moment and imagine that you have a balance scale before you, with beautiful shade-giving trees on one side of the scale and parking spaces on the other. Which side of the scale carries more weight for you? I myself use the library very frequently; I couldn’t live without it. I can think of only one occasion when I was not able to park right in front of the library, one single occasion. And on that occasion, I was able to find a parking space one half-block away from the library. Parking is not a problem at the library. I hope there will be passionate outcry, outrage, and protestation from the community of library patrons. Gracious public spaces are critical to our pride of citizenship, to our sense of civic responsibility. In the past 50 years, public institutions and services have been housed in buildings and environments that are cheaper and cheesier with each passing decade. We have lost our pride. The library belongs to all of us. Cheapen it, and you diminish us all. The grand old trees are important. If they are gone, Goldendale will be just that much more shabby and sad. Sallie Skakel Goldendale Bifocals, Morse code, ‘Davy Crockett,’ Dunkirk, Bob Dylan born May 23: 1785—Tired of wearing two pairs of glass- without her glasses. His date, Marigold Pleistocene, rees, Benjamin Franklin announces his invention of bi- sponds that without her glasses, he looks better, too. focals. Died: Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow (1934). 1940—Allied forces evacuate Dunkirk. Born: James ArOlder Americans Month, Old Time Player Piano Week. ness (1923). Died: Art Linkletter (2010). May 27: 1907—San Francisco has an outbreak of the May 24: 1844—Samuel Morse sends his first telegram asking “What Hath God Wrought” in Morse bubonic plague. 1992—A mother drops her four-yearcode. 1899—In Boston, the first auto repair shop opens old boy from a balcony of her burning fifth story apartment. The boy’s life is saved when he is and also the last time a car repair came withcaught by William McGowan. Born: Julia in the estimate. 1959—For those who love the ’50s, on today’s date the U.S. economy and This Week Ward Howe, poet and author of The Battle Hymn of the Republic (1819) Died: Jeffrey employment are growing, Americans save in History Hunter, actor who accepted the lead role of more than at any other time in then-recent Captain Christopher Pike in the first pilot history, and a report relates U.S. citizens Tim O’Neill episode of Star Trek (1969). Sunscreen Day. have never been better off. Born: Robert ZimMay 28: 1940—Belgium surrenders to merman a/k/a Bob Dylan (1941). Died: Dick Germany. 1955—The Ballad of Davy Crockett Martin of Laugh-In (2008). May 25: 1935—In a span of 45 minutes, Jesse Owens becomes the most popular song in the U.S. 2175—Stusets world records in the long jump, the 220-yard dash dent actually knows the difference between “there,” the 220 low hurdles and ties the world record in the 100- “their,” and “they’re.” International Jazz Day. May 29: 1844—James K. Polk becomes the first dark yard dash. 1978—Star Wars premieres; five years to the day later, Return of the Jedi hits the screens. Born: The horse candidate and wins the Democratic nomination voices of Miss Piggy and Yoda, Frank Oz (1944). Na- on the ninth ballot and, eventually, the U.S. Presidency. 1992—In one month, £800,000 worth of jewelry is stolen tional Tap Dance Day . May 26: 1928—Hiram Pendragon of Dubuque be- from London shops by a man dressed as a woman. comes the first man to tell his date she looks beautiful Died: Barry M. Goldwater (1998). LETTERS POLICY: The Goldendale Sentinel attempts to publish as many letters to the editor as possible. Letters to the editor should be original and comment on an issue. There is a suggested length limit of about 300 words. Unsigned letters, letters with fictitious signatures, or copies of letters to public officials are generally not accepted. The Sentinel also limits letters on a particular subject when we feel it has been thoroughly aired, to the point of becoming repetitive. Check your facts; offhand “statistics” or “information” of questionable nature will not be printed. The Sentinel also reserves the right to edit or omit a letter if it contains potentially libelous material, an attack on an individual, or is generally in bad taste. Writers must include name, city of residence, and phone number for verification purposes. MAY 23, 2012 — 5 GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON C OMMUNIT Y Get out your tools, work day at rodeo grounds Sunday Congratulations to Marie Weber and Gregory Dechand! Both are Glenwood members of the TLG track team who qualified to compete in the State Track Meet this weekend in Cheney, Washington. Marie will enter the 3200 meter, the 300 meter hurdles and the women’s 4 x 200 meter relay races. Gregory qualified in the pole vault and the men’s 4 x 400 meter relay. Best wishes to Marie, Gregory and the rest of the TLG track team as they compete in the State Finals May 25 and 26! Glenwood Grange 94 will be serving coffee and cookies at the Mt. Adams Cemetery on Saturday and Sunday of Memorial Day weekend. The Grange revived this tradition last year; and it was very well received by visitors to the cemetery. Many visitors from out of town enjoyed the op- soon from grange members – portunity to reminisce about with the lucky ticket to be Glenwood people and history. drawn during the Grange The Glenwood Grange will Harvest Dinner in October. not meet in June; and the Proceeds from the raffle will next scheduled meeting will go into the grange’s building maintenance and be July 10 at 1 p.m. repair fund. at the Grange Hall. The popular The Glenwood Grange is dedicatGlenwood sewing and crafting days at the ed to serving the News Glenwood Grange community and have been expandwelcomes anyone Glenwood ed to the first and interested in beHomemakers third Wednesdays coming a member. of each month The Grange will from 9 a.m. until 3 host the pinochle gatherings each Friday night p.m. Attendees may bring a from June through August. sack lunch; and a $3 donation Friday night Bingo will be is requested to help defray discontinued during those utility costs. Every Father’s Day weekmonths. Rhonda Spies created and end since 1941 has found donated a beautiful king- Glenwood Women’s Club sized quilt to the Glenwood members cooking and servGrange for a raffle prize. Raf- ing tasty treats during the fle tickets will be available Ketchum Kalf Rodeo. The proceeds from their food service are used to fund scholarships for Glenwood High School graduates. This year the Women’s Club is in need of volunteers to help in the cook shack. Please contact Mary Pierce at 364-3344 if you are interested in volunteering for a few hours for this worthy cause. Plans are underway for the 78th annual Ketchum Kalf Rodeo by Glenwood Rodeo Association members. A work day is scheduled for Sunday, May 27, beginning at 10 a.m. with a potluck lunch around noon. Any and all help is welcome. Please bring rakes, shovels, paint brushes and chainsaws. For questions, please contact Terry at 364-3371. The Glenwood School Garden/Cooking Club will be holding their annual plant Volunteers sought to mow and water Lyle Park The third, Special Lyle School Board has been canceled due to a lack of quoMeeting, was held May 18, at the Lyle rum because of a vacationing board member. High School gym. Its purpose Remember the Lyle High was to address final commuSchool Commencement is nity concerns or issues that being held on Saturday, June would aid in the Board's decision to move forward with the Lyle News 2, at 2 p.m. at the high school. Plan to attend and support replacement levy or pull it our graduates. from the ballot. The May 21 Mildred Lykens There is still time to book deadline was the last opportuyour sales space for the Dinity to retract its resolution rect Sellers Trunk Show. Call to put a replacement levy on Cindy, (509) 250-3555. the August primary. After anLyle Community Council and Twin other lengthy discussion, board member Tom Jellum moved to not advance Bridges Museum Yard Sale is just with the third levy. No other member around the corner on Saturday, June 9. would second the motion and it became It will be held at the picnic gazebo in the moot to the cheers of the audience. Now Lyle Park Place. The green space is it’s a wait-and-see about how much of a available for others to also hold their yard sales at no cost which are encourchange the third levy will show. May’s Lyle Community Council meet- aged to display large, well written, visiing normally held on the fourth Monday ble, signs. If you have unwanted saleable items that can be used for this fund raiser, call 365-0060. The park is maintained entirely by volunteers and is the heart of our community and is being used by kids and families every day. The OLESS group is looking for volunteers to help with its maintenance this summer. The grass needs mowing weekly and they hope to find enough volunteers willing to do it, just once a month, to lessen the burden for any one person. Also needed are volunteers who can commit one day a week to turn the sprinkler system on and off to keep the grass green. If you can help by mowing the grass once a month during the summer, or turn the sprinkler on and off one day a week, please contact Lisa Conway or 541 980-0041. Mowers must provide their own lawn mower. TL post office to reduce hours of operation This week is full of sky re- at 0024 or rick@cascadewelllated events with the partial More inforeclipse of the sun on May 20, mation about the tour is on and the lecture on meteorites the Trout Lake Web Site, adon May 24. I was hoping to see dress given below. the eclipse but the The Business sun was also Association is in eclipsed by clouds the process of upTrout Lake dating the Trout during the time when it was to Lake Web Site. News occur and so sadly They are hoping to saw nothing of it. receive links, activSarah Burr The lecture, deity updates and Arnold scribed in last photos. The site is week’s column, located at taking place at the w w w. t r o u t l a ke Grange at 7 p.m., is not de- Please send pendent on sky conditions your info to Rick at the above and should be very visible address. and interesting with an opThe Business Association portunity to see some real wishes to thank Bob Jolley meteorites. for fixing the Trout Lake Preceding the lecture, the sign. Trout Lake Area Business Distressing news about Association will have a brief post office consolidation; the meeting about the 10th annu- Trout Lake Post Office is on al TL/Mt. Adams Country the list of offices to have reBike Tour at 6:45 p.m. on duced hours of operation Thursday, May 24, at the with service dropping from Grange. The Tour organizers eight hours to six hours. At are still looking for volun- first glance this does not teers. Help is needed at the seem so awful. However the registration table, with sag possibility that the postwagons from folks with vans mistress position will be reor pick-up trucks and with placed with a temporary replacing the road signs. If you lief worker, will mean that can help, please contact Rick the quality of service will also be reduced. If this reduction happens, the local post office would then be classified as a station or branch, which could be closed without notifying the community. Information about the proposed changes can be found at news/electronic-press-kits/ our-future-network/welcome.htm in a box on the right side of the screen. More information can be found on You Tube by searching for speeches given by the Postmaster General. Especially interesting was the most recent video from May 16, entitled, “State of the Postal Service,” which discussed the end of the moratorium on any action by the postal service and the plans for the next two years during which the closures will be implemented. The postal service has already submitted the necessary information to the Federal Register for publication. This starts the process, and opens the record for public comment. According to the video there will be community meetings to discuss the closures starting after Labor Day. The Postal Regulatory Commission, which has an easy to use web site, will be involved in the process. So if the news about the post office has raised your stress levels, two classes being offered in town can help reduce it. The Integrated Functional Movement class, which combines yoga, Pilates and other approaches, is being offered by Cookie who can be reached at 2468. The classes take place on Wednesday nights and Tuesday mornings. A yoga class is being offered by Nina, who can be reached at 637-0988. The beginners’ class takes place on Tuesday evening and the continuing class takes place on Sunday morning. Call them for more information. sale on June 2, from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. at the greenhouse. In preparation for this event, there is a desperate need for three-inch and four- inch pots for transplanting. If you have pots to donate, please leave them at the g reenhouse behind the school. A wedding in Bickleton Dick Mielke of Bickleton and Jannie Lovett of Stanfield were married in the Bickleton Church May 1. Bud and Lillian Phelps were to be their only witnesses along with the minister. At the very last minute, two of Dick's children crashed the party. Son Joseph Sherwood of Virginia and Londa Harpster of Kennewick arrived to surprise them. Jeannie has a son and daughter both of Portland, and two granddaughters. A brunch was held the following Sunday at church before Sunday school. Seventh graders, Rhys Chapman and Joseph Cummings, and eighth graders, Nathan Powers and Kane Lowe, competed in the Regional Math Competition at Goldendale Middle School on Saturday, May 19. Rhys Chapman won first place in the individual competition with Joseph Cummings coming in third. The Bickleton Team of all four boys East End placed second overall out of the 13 News teams from White Salmon, Goldendale and Bickleton. Teachers Melinda and Ada Ruth Tom Whitmore accompanied them. Whitmore A very large crowd attended the memorial services held for Mack Mains held at the IOOF Cemetery Saturday in Bickleton. The Glade 24 Club and the Rebekahs of Bickleton hosted a luncheon at the Lodge after the services. Kate and Chris Watson celebrated their fifth wedding anniversary on Saturday by taking a train trip to Seattle. The Watsons live in Yakima. He is taking classes in Ellensburg and she is teaching fourth grade at Mabton. Ashley Bryan brought all of her puppies over to her parents to babysit while she attends a seminar in Spokane. That makes a total of 18 dogs at Grandpa and Grandma's house in downtown Bickleton. A wedding shower was held at the home of Sandra Powers for the new Mrs. Carlson the former Johanna Jensen. Richard McBride is recovering from hip surgery. A surprise birthday party was held for Colleen McBride Jensen on Sunday at her mother’s home in Cleveland. 6 — MAY 23, 2012 GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON R ECORDS WHAT’S HAPPENING On-going Events Every Monday and Wednesday •Goldendale Wrestling Club from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the Goldendale High School gym. All ages welcome. Every Third Monday •Learn and Play at the Goldendale Primary School cafeteria from 3:15 p.m. to 4 p.m. Learn and play is a time to discover fun and learning before kindergarten. 773-3091. Every First Tuesday •Goldendale Photo Club meets at 6 p.m. in the Goldendale Middle School faculty room. Anyone with a passion for photography welcome. 772-2717. •Goldendale Aglow meets at 7 p.m. at Father’s House Fellowship, located at 207 S. Klickitat. 773-5870. Every Tuesday •Take Off Pounds Sensibly (T.O.P.S.) meets in the Riverview Bank meeting room at 9 a.m. For more information, contact Debbie at 7735301. Every Second Tuesday •Klickitat Republicans meet at 6 p.m. at the Dallesport Community Center. Every Tuesday and Thursday •KLCK Klickitat AM talk show at 8:35 a.m. on 1400am or Every Second and Fourth Tuesday •Simcoe Chapter of Toastmasters bi-monthly meeting from noon to 1 p.m. at Christ the King Lutheran Church, located at the corner of Simcoe and Columbus. Every Third Tuesday •Klickitat County Fair Board meeting from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the WSU building at the fair grounds. Open to the public. Every Tues., Wed., & Thurs. •Family History Center, located at the corner of N. Columbus and McKinley is open Tues. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Wed. 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., Thurs. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. plus more. Appointments available outside these hours. Open to the public. 250-3095. Every Wednesday •Kiwanis meets at 7 a.m. at Golden Coyote Coffee, located on Main Street. •”Hotline” on KLCK radio from 8:35 a.m. to 9 a.m. on 1400am or online at •Open Studio for Kids (ages eight to 14) at Golden Art Gallery from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. $10 per session. Student artists can explore a wide variety of techniques and art materials. Call in advance, 773-5100. Every First Wednesday •Kids’ Club at the Goldendale Community Library from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. Enjoy games, reader theater and snacks. Games provided or bring your own to share. Fun for kids ages eight to 12. Every Second Wednesday •Columbia Basin Goat Guild meeting at 2 p.m. at Golden Coyote Coffee. Open to anyone interested in any kind of goat. (509) 225-0371. Every First and Third Wednesday •Goldendale Little League meeting at Goldendale City Fire Hall at 6 p.m. Every Thursday •Clay club for adults from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. with Charlotte Van Zant-King and members of the Gallery. Cost is $10. Call 250-2655 for location. •Bingo at the Goldendale American Legion Post 116 for members and their guests at 6:30 p.m. Every Second Thursday •Artist reception beginning at 4 p.m. at the Golden Art Gallery. Featuring a new art show, wine tasting, live music and snacks. 773-5100. •Klickitat County Meth Action Team meeting at City Council Chambers from noon to 1 p.m. •Goldendale Motorsports Association meeting at Ayutla’s Mexican Restaurant at 6 p.m. for dinner, meeting starts at 7 p.m. •Goldendale Community Support Group for School Food. Parents, teachers, school staff members and regular citizens interested in the quality of food our public school students get. Meet at the Goldendale United Methodist Church at 6:30 p.m. Every Third Thursday •Oil pastels taught at the Golden Art Gallery, from 10 a.m. to noon. 773-5100. •A.B.A.T.E. meets at Roadhouse 97. Social hour at 6 p.m., meeting at 7 p.m. Every Friday •Yarn Benders, a knit, crochet and sewing group meets from 10 a.m. to noon at Golden Coyote Coffee, located on West Main in Gold- endale. Everyone is invited to bring any type of needlework they would like. 773-3163. Every First and Third Friday •Java Talk at 8 a.m. at Golden Coyote Coffee, located at 120 W. Main Street. •Wishram Diabetic Education and Support group meets in the Wishram Community Church at 3 p.m. Everyone is welcome. Every Saturday •Pinochle at 7 p.m. promptly, at the Odd Fellows Temple, 301 NW 2nd St., Goldendale. Every Second Saturday •Pencil with Joan at the Golden Art Gallery at 10 a.m. 773-5100 Every Third Saturday •Oriental art (Sumi brush techniques) at the Golden Art Gallery at 10 a.m. with Margaret. 773-5100. •Goldendale Senior Center breakfast. Everyone is welcome. $3 per person. Every Fourth Saturday •Handmade books class at the Golden Art Gallery at 10 a.m. 773-5100. Every Third Sunday •Breakfast at the Goldendale American Legion Post 116 for members and guests from 8 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Upcoming Events Thursday, May 24 •Goldendale Chamber of Commerce business luncheon at the American Legion at noon. Speaker is Iberdrola Renewables plant manager of Juniper Canyon, Scott Elliot. •Spring concert presented by Goldendale Middle School band at 7 p.m. in the school gym. Friday, May 25 •Mask making workshop for ages eight to 18 at the Goldendale Library, presented by 4-H leader Darla Simmons. •Cub Scout Pack 551 open house at 6 p.m. at the Goldendale United Methodist Church. Please bring a dish for the potluck. The pack meeting is going to be Fiesta Celebration. Tuesday, May 29 •Spring concert presented by Goldendale High School band at 7 p.m. in the school gym. Tuesday through Friday, May 29 - June 1 •Future Timberwolves football camp at Goldendale High School. Registration is $30. Deadline is Friday, May 25. Call to register and for more information, (509) 961-2441. Thursday, May 31 •Goldendale Chamber of Commerce business luncheon at noon at the American Legion. Speaker is Karen Helm from Gorge Occupational Health talking about the services they offer. •Goldendale High School jazz band concert at 7 p.m. at the Goldendale Library. Open to the public. Friday, June 1 •Goldendale High School drama club presents highlights from Shakespeare’s best at 6:30 p.m. at the Goldendale Library. Free and open to the public. Friday and Saturday, June 1 and 2 •Mosaics Workshop with Tom Royal at the Goldendale Library for ages 10 to 18. Pre-registration required. Call for times and to sign up, 773-4487. Saturday, June 2 •Free plant exchange at the Goldendale Community Garden, located next to the swimming pool, from 9 a.m. to noon. Bring your extra garden starts to exchange for new varieties. Everyone welcome. •Third Annual Goldendale Pigskin and Grappler Classic Golf Tournament at 1 p.m. at the Goldendale Golf Course. Five people per team, $40 per person. 773-4705. Tuesday, June 5 •Goldendale Middle School and High School choirs year end concert at 7 p.m. in the Goldendale Library amphitheater. Open to the public. Wednesday, June 6 •Klickitat Chapter of Trout Unlimited monthly meeting at 6:30 p.m. at the Goldendale Library. On the agenda will be final plans for the June ninth USACE Kid’s Fishing Day at Spearfish Lake. Sunday, June 10 •West Klickitat Posse Saddle Club Buckle Series Playday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Located in White Salmon at 50 Snowden Road. Everyone invited. Friday and Saturday, June 15 and 16 •Fiddlin’ Under the Stars Bluegrass, Art, Wine and Microbrew Festival at 9 a.m. in Ekone Park in Goldendale. WEATHER EAST DISTRICT COURT Wednesday, May 23 P Cloudy, High 62, Low 36 Sunrise: 5:23 a.m. Sunset: 8:38 p.m. Thursday, May 24 P Cloudy, High 61, Low 37 Sunrise: 5:22 a.m. Sunset: 8:39 p.m. Friday, May 25 P Cloudy, High 70, Low 41 Sunrise: 5:21 a.m. Sunset: 8:40 p.m. Saturday, May 26 Sunny, High 73, Low 41 Sunrise: 5:20 a.m. Sunset: 8:41 p.m. Sunday, May 27 Sunny, High 72, Low 40 Sunrise: 5:20 a.m. Sunset: 8:42 p.m. Monday, May 28 P Cloudy, High 69, Low 39 Sunrise: 5:19 a.m. Sunset: 8:43 p.m. Tuesday, May 29 Sunny, High 72, Low 43 Sunrise: 5:18 a.m. Sunset: 8:44 p.m. We now have WEATHERUNDERGROUND on our website! Find it on the homepage Senior Meals • May 24 @ noon Goldendale Senior Center Chicken A La King • May 29 @ noon Goldendale Senior Center & Lyle Lions Community Center Beef Spanish Rice Meals include milk, coffee, or tea. Call Mt. Adams Transportation Service for transportation to meal sites: Goldendale, 773-3060 White Salmon, 493-4662 April 24 •Tara Louise Cloud-Mills: DWLS 3 (6/4/11), No Valid Oper. License Without ID (6/4/11); Count one guilty plea, 90 days/88 susp.; count two guilty plea to amended charge, 90 days/88 susp., fines/fees $790. •Tara Louise Cloud-Mills: Oper. Veh. Without Ignition Interlock (6/4/11); Dismissed per plea agreement. •Jordan Douglas Crabtree: Protection Order Violation (1/25/12); Dismissed per plea agreement. •Robert Lehman Field, Jr.: DUI (6/5/10); Guilty plea, 364 days/334 susp., fines/fees $1,401, 60 months probation. •Sean A. Kelly Wettland: Hit/Run Unattended Property (7/9/10); Dismissed per deferred sentence order. •Michael David Shinnick, Jr.: Criminal Trespass 1 (2/26/11), Malicious Mischief 3 (2/26/11); Probation Violations, 60 days jail. •Terrence L. Wetmore: DWLS 2 (4/11/12); Guilty plea, 90 days/83 susp., fines/fees $960, 24 months bench probation. April 26 •Nicholas Arien Burnett: Speeding 9 MPH Over Limit (4/7/12); Committed, fine $80. •David Carl Carpenter: Fish for Personal Use - Barbed Hooks (3/22/12); Committed, fine $50. •Rochelle Marie Mersch: Ex- ceed Max Speed Sch/Pldg Zn/Xwlk (4/9/12), Op. Mot. Veh. Without Ins. (4/9/12); Count one committed, fine $150; Dismissed, MIC, $25. •Phatthanaphorn Shelton: Speeding 11 MPH Over Limit (4/11/12); Deferred finding, $125. •Ismael J. Bushera: Prohibited U-Turn (12/8/11), Op. Mot. Veh. Without Ins (12/8/11); Count one committed, fine $175; count two dismissed, MIC, $25. •John F. Dees: Failed to Use Chains When Required (1/17/12); Committed, fine $350. •Traci Suzanne Newkirk: Fl. Renew Expired Reg. Greater Than Two Months (1/25/12); Committed, fine $100. May 1 •Deanna Jean Leslie: Assault 4 (4/22/12); Guilty plea, 90 days/83 susp., fines/fees $658, 24 months bench probation. •Adam Mathew Bartz: Minor Poss. and/or Consumption (10/15/11); Amended to Open or Consume Liquor in Public, $197.50 bail forfeiture to amended charge. •Richard H. Bassett: DWLS 2 (3/11/11); Dismissed per city motion. •Elaine Beavert: Assault 4 (3/26/12); Guilty plea, 364 days/360 susp., fines/fees $898, 24 months bench probation. GOLDENDALE SCHOOL LUNCH MENU Thursday, May 24 Primary School Breakfast - Breakfast roll, fruit, milk Lunch - Mac & cheese, corn, salad, bread, fruit, milk Middle School Breakfast - Cheese omelet, fruit, milk Lunch - Soft taco, corn, veggies, fruit, milk High School Breakfast - Breakfast pizza, hashbrown, fruit, orange juice, milk Lunch - Deli sandwich or hanburger Friday, May 25 Primary School Breakfast - Oatmeal, toast, juice, milk Lunch - Cheese zombie, tomato soup, carrot sticks, fruit, milk Middle School Breakfast - Oatmeal, toast, juice, milk Lunch - Hamburger, fries, pudding, fruit, milk High School Breakfast - Breakfast sandwich, hashbrown, fruit, orange juice, milk Lunch - Chicken fajita or cheeseburger Monday, May 28 No School - Memorial Day Tuesday, May 29 Primary School Breakfast - Cold cereal, toast, fruit, milk Lunch - Deli sandwich, beans, veggies, jello, fruit, milk Middle School Breakfast - Cold cereal, toast, fruit, milk Lunch - Deli sandwich, beans, potato salad, veggies, fruit, milk High School Breakfast - Breakfast burrito, hashbrown, fruit, orange juice, milk Lunch - Chicken gravy on mashed potatoes or cheeseburger Wednesday, May 30 Primary School Breakfast - Cold cereal, toast, fruit, milk Lunch - Tacos, corn, veggies, bread, fruit, milk Middle School Breakfast - Oatmeal, toast, fruit, milk Lunch - French toast, ham, hashbrown, fruit, milk High School Breakfast - Low fat muffin, hashbrown, fruit, orange juice, milk Lunch - Pizza or lasagna MAY 23, 2012— 7 GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON Rural 7 announces upcoming burn ban The bur n ban for all areas protected by Klickitat County Rural 7 Fire and Rescue will go into affect midnight, June 5 by Resolution 20120509 of the Board of Fire commissioners. The Resolution was signed on May 21. The ban prohibits all outdoor burning. All burn permits that have been issued will be suspended during the ban until the burn season resumes in the fall and no permits will be issued during this period. If you have any questions, please contact Rural 7 at 509-7734246 Ext 1. The Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has announced there will be a statewide burn ban on all DNR-protected lands July 1 through September 30. This means all forestlands in Washington under DNR fire protection; the burn ban does not apply to federal lands. The threat of wildfires from escaped outdoor burning is high during the summer months due to dry forest vegetation. Already this year, DNR has had 35 wildfire starts simply from escaped outdoor burn piles, which have burned approximately 434 acres. “Wildfires are dangerous for people and property and result in large expenditures of public funding that can Observatory place to be for Venus passage The Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission invites the public to Goldendale Observatory State Park to view the transit of Venus across the sun. On June 5, Venus’ orbit takes it across the face of the sun, relative to Earth. The Observatory program runs from 3 p.m. to sunset. Visitors have the opportunity to watch this transit live from the observatory’s solar telescope. Video from the telescope will be displayed on the large screen monitor in the interpretive center indoor theater. Venus last crossed the face of the sun in 2004. The event will not happen again until December 2117. The Discover Pass is required to attend this event. Goldendale Observatory State Park also is offering a viewing of the partial lunar eclipse from 2:30 to 5:15 a.m. June 4. During the event, onethird of the moon will be covered by Earth’s shadow. Visitors have an opportunity to see the reddish hue of the eclipsed third of the moon through the observatory’s telescopes. For more information, call (509) 773-3141. be avoided through prevention,” said Commissioner of Public Lands Peter Goldmark. The ban will apply to all outdoor burning on DNRprotected forestlands with the following exceptions: • Recreational fires in approved fire pits within designated state, county, municipal or other campgrounds, and • DNR-approved pre- scribed fires, implemented to enhance or restore firedependent ecosystems and forest health, when enhancement and restoration by prescribed fire can only be accomplished successfully. The use of g as and propane self-contained stoves and barbeques will continue to be allowed under the ban. American Legion seeks entries into inaugural shoot GHS allies with East Valley for VEX title CONTRIBUTED CHAMPIONSHIP ALLIANCE: Goldendale’s robotics team from left to right are Ben Wooden, Michael Blomquist, Elena Blomquist and Matthew Blomquist are shown with alliance teammates from East Valley High School in Yakima. The inaugural American Legion shoot will be held this weekend north of Goldendale off Box Canyon Road. It is a two-day event, May 26 and May 27. Saturday’s events will include small and big bore rifle target shoots from 200, 400 and 600 yards and Sunday will be black powder and archery competition. A kid’s range is included. The women’s American Legion Auxiliary will have food on site and there will be entertainment for younger children. The food and children activities will be at a different elevation in an area protected from the shooting competition. Entry fee is $15 per event or $25 which includes a teeshirt. Trophy jackets and other locally sponsored prizes will be awarded. Turn east on Box Canyon Road, about eight miles north of Goldendale, and follow the signs to the Bean Ranch where the event will be held. The GHS robotics team attended a VEX contest in Grandview, May 18, and came home with top prize. VEX robots designed and built by middle and high school students collect balls and deposit them in a variety of goals on a 12 x 12 playing field. The contest was sponsored by the University of Washington Gear-Up grant. Officials from UW were in attendance to observe the students’ achievements and to begin planning for next year’s events which will offer five of these contests during the 2012-13 school year. There were 15 teams in at- tendance from Toppenish, Granger, Grandview, Goldendale, Mabton, Sunnyside, Zillah and Yakima. After eight practice rounds, and 23 qualifying rounds, the Timberwolves were in third place behind the two teams from Toppenish, one of which handed the Wolves their only loss. During an alliance selection phase of the competition, the Toppenish teams combined, and the Wolves selected the Nighthawks from Yakima for their alliance. The finals were double elimination, which meant Goldendale would have to beat Toppenish twice. The first round ended in a 20-20 tie, which according to VEX rules, resulted in a win for both teams. In the second round, the Timberwolves were able to remove one of Toppenish’s balls from the goal, and replace it with a black negator cylinder to cancel that entire goal and Goldendale went on to win 23-14. Having won first place of the tournament, GHS was awarded $500 in gift certificates from UW Gear-Up and iDesign Solutions to used towards robot parts for next year’s contest. 8 — MAY 23, 2012 GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON MAY 23, 2012 — 9 S PORTS Area track stars chase State medals at Cheney this weekend ANDREW CHRISTIANSEN REPORTER There are inspirational stories and a few sad ones, surrounding this year’s run to the State track and field meet. Goldendale will send five boys and one girl in individual events plus both boys’ relay teams; Bickleton is sending 14 of their 17 team members, a dominant pole vault program and hopes of scoring enough points for a team trophy; Lyle-Wishram qualified six athletes and they hope their hodgepodge relay team will post a season best at State; Klickitat qualified three girls and one boy who is top seeded in the discus; TLG with just eight girls heading to State may be pressed to continue it’s run of five consecutive top two team finishes, but they have a two-event defending champion on their side. The meet starts at 10 a.m. on Friday, May 25, and continues through Saturday afternoon. The schedule and heat sheets are available at A run down on area school entries to State Goldendale Braydon Ross leads the Timberwolves to State, his third trip in the discus. As a sophomore, Ross threw 112 feet, 7 inches, an introductory experience at State, well out of the finals. Last year, Ross had two throws that were likely in the medal range, but he fouled on both throws, the last and best one when he touched outside the ring for balance. This year Ross qualified with a throw of 135-5 at Regionals, but his season best and PR is 149-8, set on April 24. It will likely take that kind of throw to reach the podium this year and perhaps a top three finish. Ross 4x400 relay team at State in 2010. The third senior is Patrick Golding who returned to track in 2012 after taking a break to play tennis in 2011. Golding was one of the premier 300 meter hurdlers in 2010 when he went to State and finished 15th. This year he will compete in the 4x100 and 4x400 relays. Isaac Messenger will compete in three events at State, long jump, triple jump and 4x100 relay. Messenger, a junior, got his feet wet at State last year finishing out of the medals in the long jump, triple jump and 100 meter. Two sophomores are headed to State, Briley Cameron and Kenner Milliren. ANDREW CHRISTIANSEN BRAYDON ROSS also qualified for the first time in the shot put after setting a new PR of 46-9.5 at Regionals. Joining Ross are three other seniors, Devon Casey, reaching in the 800 meters in his first year of high school track, and Kylie Montgomery, who will compete in the shot put. Montgomery was part of Goldendale’s Cameron has steadily improved his times in the 100 and 200 meter sprints. His 11.37 in the 100 is 10th best among the entries at State and he will look to qualify in heat one. He is in heat two of the 200 meters and will run legs of the 4x100 and possibly the 4x400 relays. Milliren qualified in the pole vault and is listed for both relays. This is the first trip for Cameron and Milliren. The most notable name missing from the Goldendale entries is Brady Conway. Conway was well on his way to qualifying in four events when he sustained a hamstring injury at Regionals. Conway had already qualified in the 110 hurdles and long jump. He went down early on in the 300 hurdles, an event he competed in at State in 2010 where he just missed the finals. Conway dominated the SCAC in the hurdles this year. The first sign of trouble happened two weeks ago at Condon when he felt pain after winning the 110 hurdles. He laid low for a week and ran well at Districts. Conway is on the entry sheets as an alternate for both relays. Bickleton Bickleton takes its commanding pole vault team to State with hopes of winning boys and girls events. At the top of the heap is Nic Venema, two time State champion. He won the event at 11-6 last year and is chasing the State and school record of 129, set by Patrick Maeder in 2009. Maeder co-owns the State 1B record with Kristian Rubesch, of TLG, who won State in 2008, just before Bickleton wrested pole vault dominance from the hands of the Mustang-Eagles. Two other Pirates return to State in pole vault, Peter Clinton, who was third in 2011 and Justin Roberts, who finished ninth. Venema won the event with an 11-foot vault in 2010. Clinton is challenging Venema with both athletes clearing 12-6 for PRs this year. Another Venema, Jamie is killing it on the girls’ side. Her qualifying 9-foot, PR matching vault, is a full 1.5feet higher than the second best qualifying jump. Both Venemas, Clinton, Lindsay and Taylor Brown qualified in four events. Nic also will run the 110 and 300 meter hurdles and the 4x100 relay. Jamie is also in for the long jump and triple jumps, ANDREW CHRISTIANSEN CONTEMPLATING THE IMPOSSIBLE: Bickleton’s Haley Goodnight, left can’t help but smile at Caitln Scott passes the torch to Valerie Vogt for the anchor leg of the 4x400 meter relay. Vogt, one of the top runners in the State had a 100 yard lead on Goodnight when she received the baton. where she crushed her PRs, and the 200 meters. Clinton will also compete in the 400 and 800 meter races and the 4x100 relay. Lindsay Brown, a freshman, is a long-legged speedster for the Pirates, qualifying in the 100 and 300 meter hurdles and high jump. She also qualified in the 100 meters where the first three finishers all set PRs and all were qualified by beating the state standard. Taylor Brown is one of those good stories of a runner who is battling foot pain, which may require surgery to correct. A promising hurdler and high jumper as a freshman, Brown has been plagued with leg injuries. His hurdle times have been two-seconds slower than last year and high jump has dropped four inches. Looking for a way to help the team with points, the junior volunteered to throw the shot put late this season, and he opened up a new avenue to State. Taylor qualified in the two hurdle events, but he also made it with a 35-5.5 toss in the shot put. He will also compete in the 4x100 relay. When it comes to overcoming adversity, there may be no better story than Kelsey Spalding who has dealt with more than a few aches and pains. Spalding has refused to be sidelined by scoliosis (see sidebar story) and will compete on Bickleton’s relay team. All three of Bickleton’s girls’ relay teams will compete at State. In addition to Spalding, Haley Goodnight, Annie Lindsley and Sydnie O’Banion will compete in the relays and Yee Zhu is an alternate. O’Banion also qualified in the triple jump. Mitchell Powers and Roberts had a spirited battle in the triple jump for the second qualifying spot. With one jump left, the two were tied at 35-11.5. On his final jump, See Track, Page 16 Spalding puts back issues aside to compete for Pirates There is a steely competitiveness about Bickleton’s Kelsey Spalding. She’s not a win at all costs kind of person, but she is out there competing with what many people might think is a good excuse to stay on the sidelines. Spalding has two steel rods in her back. Spalding was diagnosed with scoliosis, or curvature of the spine when she was about 11 years old. It wasn’t that she had back pain, but it was noticed that she didn’t stand up straight. They first tried to treat the problem with chiropractic therapy, but could see that more needed to be done. Spalding went to a specialist, and at the age of 12 she was in Seattle’s Children’s Hospital for major back surgery. Two steel rods were screwed to the back of her spinal column and they are likely to remain there for the rest of her KELSEY SPALDING life. It was a painful experience, but these days, Spalding says “I don’t think much about it.” There is still some pain, particularly when she does too much. Spalding can’t bend her back or touch her toes, but it didn’t stop her from playing basketball in middle school, the year of her surgery. She played volleyball for Bickleton last fall and as a freshman, she qualified for State at last Friday’s Regionals. Spalding has competed in the 400 meters (1:30.0 PR), 800 meters (3:45.5 PR) and even the long jump where her PR is 6-11.25. She will run a leg of all three relays (4x100, 4x200, 4x400) for Bickleton at the State meet. Why does she do it? “I don’t want to be left out of doing anything because of my back,” says Spalding. The next time you need inspiration to get off the couch and do something, just give a thought to Kelsey Spalding. Vandals skin Cougs with big innings, move on to State ANDREW CHRISTIANSEN REPORTER Klickitat defeated LyleWishram 10-5 on Saturday, earning a spot in this year’s State 1B softball tournament. The opening games will be played at 1 p.m. on May 25 at the Gateway Sports Complex in Yakima. Klickitat will take on Wishkah Valley. Win or lose, game two will be played that day at 5 p.m. either against Curlew or Colton. The tournament concludes with games on May 26 at 2 p.m. ANDREW CHRISTIANSEN DOUBLE WINNER: Chelci Curtis went the distance in both games against Lyle-Wishram, striking out six Cougars in the final game. and 4 p.m. The Cougars warmed up for the first game against Klickitat by shutting out Thorp 10-0 on a two-hit pitching performance by Deriyon Lacock. The Cougars took a 4-0 lead in the first inning and kept Thorp in check in spite of second and third inning threats. Lacock walked the first three batters in the second inning, but the first was gunned down by catcher Marissa Lacock. A fourth batter walked following a strike out and the final batter of the inning was set down with a clutch strike out. A two-out triple in the third was followed by a hit batter and a walk to load the bases again, but a ground ball to first baseman Kirstin Hylton ended Thorp’s only other scoring threat. Hylton was 3-4 with five RBI in the game while Lacy Carse went 2-3 with two assists at short stop. Klickitat came out hot in game one, scoring four runs in the first and three more in the third inning. LyleWishram made a game of it with three runs in the fourth inning and another in the fifth. The strike zone became an elusive target in the bottom half of the fifth and Lacock was replaced by Mandy Solomon. Solomon also had trouble throwing strikes and Klickitat scored four runs off wild pitches and had 10 batters reach base before the game was called due to the 10 run rule. KyAnn Kessinger was 2-4, Nicole Oldfield was 2-4 and McKenzie Schlangen was 2-3 for the Vandals. Schlangen, Grace Quinton and Julianne Quinton reached base all three times at bat, each scoring two runs for Klickitat. Chelci Curtis gave up five hits, walked six and struck out seven batters for the win. The two teams would tangle again on Saturdy when Thorp forfeited the loser bracket game. It was another close game through the early going with the Cougars trailing 4-3 through four innings. The Cougars took the lead with a two-run fifth, but Lara Parsons doubled in the sixth and scored the tying run off a single by Schlangen who went 3-4 in the game. Klickitat put the game away with five runs in the top of the seventh for the win. With one out, KyAnn Kessinger singled and scored on a triple by Oldfield. Curtis got the win and helped herself at bat going 24 with two RBI. ANDREW CHRISTIANSEN SOLID D: Karissa Ihrig gets ready to gun down a Warrior batter. Goldendale’s infielders played a solid game on defense during the District tournament. Lady Wolves exit Districts in spite of strong Saturday performance ANDREW CHRISTIANSEN REPORTER The Lady Timberwolves gave a good account of themselves at this year’s District softball tournament. After dropping their opening game, the Wolves kept alive with a win over Royal and gave Cle Elum-Roslyn a scare before bowing out. The third-seeded Wolves lost their first game on the road, 8-1 to River View. Haley Hess struck out 15 batters for the Panthers and helped herself at bat going 3-3 with a triple. Goldendale’s only run came in the third inning with Brooke Graff driving in Sarah Henderson. Henderson was 2-3 with a double. Haley Hoffman and Karissa Ihrig See Wolves, Page 16 10 — MAY 23, 2012 WOLVES GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON from Page 9 singled for Goldendale’s only other hits. The next two games were played on a neutral field at West Valley High School, in Yakima. Royal and Goldendale played a close, loser-out game with Goldendale finishing on top 5-3. Graff started the game off with a bang, tripling into left center and scoring on a Hoffman single. Ihrig drove Hoffman home and the Wolves had a brief 20 lead. The first four batters reached base for Royal on three singles and a walk. Two runs scored, but Hoffman would go the rest of the way without giving up another hit. Meanwhile, Goldendale was hitting the ball, but had trouble getting runs across the plate until the fourth inning. Hoffman reached base on a fielder’s choice followed by walks to Johna Kartes and Taylor Swift. Ihrig came up big again with a two-run single. Hoffman tripled in the sixth and Kartes drove in the insurance run with a single. The Knights scored an unearned run in the sixth on a sacrifice fly following an error. Crysta Counts gunned down two of the last three batters from her short stop position to preserve the win. Goldendale took a 2-1 lead over the SCAC west number two Cle Elum-Roslyn Warriors after singles in the second inning by Kartes, Ihrig and Swift. Kartes scored on Swift’s single and Ihrig crossed the plate on a wild pitch. Both pitchers were sharp with each team managing just four hits. The Warriors tied the game in the fourth inning on an infield out and took the lead on a single by first baseman Sami Sweigard. A fifth inning threat was gunned down when Jill Lambert walked and tried to steal second, but was thrown out by catcher Kartes. The Timberwolves got the first two batters on base in the fifth and loaded the bases on an error by the centerfielder on a short fly by Graff. Pitcher Laura Potts struck out the next batter and got out of the inning on a ground ball force out to the third baseman. Leadoff runners got on in the sixth and seventh innings on Warrior fielding errors, but were erased on double plays. The seventh inning double play was called after the runner going into second base was called for interference. The Wolves played a smart, disciplined brand of ball this year and will have just four seniors to replace next year as Kartes, Hoffman, Swift and Shyanne Faulconer graduate. TOP: ANDREW CHRISTIANSEN, BOTTOM JOHN LONGFELLOW MAKING THE PLAYS: Above, Haley Hoffman slides safely into third against Royal. Below, Crysta Counts backs up third base to put the tag on a Warrior baserunner. Wanderscheid, Wall and Ross return to State golf Bree Wanderscheid went after her first high school golf title in Dupont, this week. The Goldendale sophomore was runner-up as a freshman and was the player to beat at this year’s event. The girls teed off on Tuesday morning and the top 20 played for the win on Wednesday after The Sentinel went to press. Wanderscheid shot a 3-under-par 69 at Suncadia last week to win the girl’s individual title and pace Goldendale’s girls’ team to a District title. Joining Wanderscheid at State were Sawyer Ross, who was fifth at District with a 100, and Tessa Enwards, eighth with a 103. Missing the cut, but adding to the winning team score were Natalie Hurst at 112 and Hunter Cacy at 118. Leah Lewis shot a 133. The boys also won the team title and sent four golfers to State. Leading the way was Andrew Wall, second at District with a 77, Riley Ross who was seventh at District with an 88, Mitch Anderson, 10th with a 92 and Joel Gerchak, 14th with a 97. Also playing for Goldendale was Nathaniel Hill, missing the cut with a 103. Wall went to State in 2010 and Ross competed at State last year. The top 40 boys made the Tuesday cut. Bighorn lone Wolf at State tennis Keith Bighorn is ready for another go at the State tennis title. Bighorn defeated Johnny Crawford 6-0, 6-2 and had what coach Carla Wilkins described as a “barn burner” against Kyle Rasmussen, a 2-6, 7-6 (7-1), 7-5 win for the Timberwolf senior at Districts. Bighorn takes on Tonasket’s Anthony Verhasselt on Friday. The top eight places will be decided in Saturday matches. By coincidence, Verhasselt is the player Bighorn defeated last year for fifth place. Last year he lost his opening match and had two tough wins in three set matches before finishing with Verhasselt. N OTICES PUBLIC NOTICE On May 18, 2012, Sunnylands Broadcasting LLC filed an application with the FCC to construct a new Class A FM station on Channel 240 serving Goldendale, Washington from studios at a location to be determined with 1,000 watts from an antenna located 20 meters above ground at a site 45 degrees, 42 minutes, 11 seconds north, 120 degrees, 51 minutes, 16 seconds west. The attributable owners are David E Hartman, 37th Avenue Group LLC, Gregory J Smith, Carol J Smith, Patricia Thurman, Angela Koplan, Walter Smith, Gwyn Schneider, Denise DeBlieck and Russell C Smith. A copy of the application, amendments and related materials are on file for Public Inspection at 719 E. 2nd, The Dalles, Oregon 97058. (2101, 2202) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Goldendale Planning Commission will conduct a Public Hearing in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 1103 S. Columbus, Goldendale, Washington, at 7:00 PM on May 31, 2012 to consider a request by Everett Hopper for a rezone from two-family residential (R-2) to General Commercial (GC) for the following described piece of property: Lots 1-3 and Lot 7-12 and a portion of vacated Darland Street, Terminal Addition, located near the intersection of East Collins and Schuster Street. The purpose of the hearing is to give all interested parties and agencies an opportunity to present their statements for or against the requested Rezone. Action may be taken to grant, reject or to table the action to a further meeting. /s/ Keith Silen, Chairman (2009, 2102) SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR KLICKITAT COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of Dale A. Wirick, Deceased No. 12-4-00015-1 Notice Agent’s Nonprobate Notice to Creditors (RCW 11.42.030) The Notice Agent named below has elected to give notice to creditors of the above-named Decedent. As of the date of filing of a copy of this notice with the Court, the Notice Agent has no knowledge of any other person acting as Notice Agent or of the appointment of a personal representative of the Decedent’s Estate in the State of Washington. According to the records of the Court as are available on the date of the filing of this notice with the Court, a cause number regarding the Decedent has not been issued to any other Notice Agent and a personal representative of the Decedent’s Estate has not been appointed. Any person having a claim against the Decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.42.070 by serving on or mailing to the Notice Agent or the Notice Agent’s attorney at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the Court in which the Notice Agent’s declaration and oath were filed. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) Thirty days after the Notice Agent served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under RCW 11.42.020(2) (c); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in RCW 11.42.050 and 11.42.060. The bar is effective as to claims against both the decedent’s probate and nonprobate assets. Date of First Publication: May 16, 2012. The Notice Agent declares under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington on April 24, 2012, at Everett, Washington that the foregoing is true and correct. Notice Agent: Gretchen A. Wirick 7602 50th Place N.E. Marysville, WA 98270 Attorney for Notice Agent: Virginia C. Antip9olo-Utt, WSBA No. 14696 Antipolo & Paul Law Firm, P.S. 2825 Colby Avenue, Suite 301 Everett, WA 98201 Address for Mailing or Service: Antipolo & Paul Law Firm, P.S. c/o Virginia C. Antipolo-Utt 2825 Colby Avenue, Suite 301 Everett, WA 98201 Court of Notice Agent’s Oath and Declaration and Cause Number: Klickitat County Superior Court No. 12-400015-1. Court of Will Only Filing and Cause Number: Snohomish County Superior Court No. 12-4-00368-3. (2011, 2103, 2203) PUBLIC NOTICE Superior Court of Washington for Klickitat County In the matter of the estate of Margarett Anne Lemley, deceased No. 12-4-00185 Notice to Creditors The Personal representative named below has been appointed and has qualified as personal representative of this estate. A Person having a claim against the decedent must, before the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving or mailing to the personal representative or the attorney for the personal representative at the address below stated a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim in the court in which the probate proceedings were commenced. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) Thirty days after the personal representative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided in RCW THIS JUST IN: • Public Notice/New FM Station - Sunnylands Broadcasting • Summary of Ordinance 1413 - City of Goldendale • Summons by Publication/Mendoza - Attorney General of WA • Notice of Intent/6 Yr. Levy - Klickitat Port District • Speed Limit Hearing/Balch & Sauter - Klickitat County Public Works • Public Hearing Notice/Supplemental Budget and Amendments - Klickitat County Admin. Services • Public Hearing/Capital Improvement Plan - Klickitat County Admin. Services • Notice of Intent to Negotiate Leases - WA DNR • MDNS/Forest Cluster - Klickitat County Planning • DEIS Availability-Wilkins Wind Project - Klickitat County Planning • Burn Ban - Rural 7 11.40.020(1) (c); or four months after the date of first publication of the Notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.06. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedent’s probate and nonprobate assets. Date of first publication: May 16, 2012. Date of Filing: May 8, 2012. Robert Micheal Lemley, Personal Representative 806 South Golden St. Goldendale, WA 98620 Ross R. Rakow Attorney for Estate 117 East Main St. Goldendale, WA 98620 Tele: 509-773-4988 (2012, 2104, 2204) CITY OF GOLDENDALE SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. 1413 On May 21, 2012 the City Council of the City of Goldendale, Washington passed Ordinance No. 1413. A summary of the content of said ordinance provides as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 141 WHICH IS THE 2012 BUDGET, AND PROVIDING FOR A REVISED 2012 SALARY SCHEDULE FOR THE FIRE DEPARTMENT The full text of this ordinance is on file at City Hall and the full text of the ordinance will be mailed up request. Dated: May 21, 2012 Connie Byers, ClerkTreasurer (2105) NOTICE AND SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO: WHOM IT MAY CONCERN And TO: UNKNOWN BIOLOGICAL FATHER and anyone claiming a paternal interest of ELIJAH OWEN KUCHER, dob 11/4/11, Dependency Petition #12-7-00009-7 filed 2/9/12 (natural mother Jennifer Drotar); EDWARDO MENDOZA, Alleged Father of HERMELINDA MENDOZA, dob 2/10/98, Dependency Petition #12-7-00006-2 filed 1/17/12 (natural mother Estela Mendoza) and CYNTHIA MENDOZA, dob 1/28/97, Dependency Petition #12-7-00005-4 filed 1/17/12 (natural mother Estela Mendoza); PABLO MENDOZA, Alleged Father of HERMELINDA MENDOZA, dob 2/10/98, Dependency Petition #12-700006-2 filed 1/17/12 (natural mother Estela Mendoza) and CYNTHIA MENDOZA, dob 1/28/97, Dependency Petition #12-7-00005-4 filed 1/17/12 (natural mother Estela Mendoza) and CELIA MENDOZA, dob 1/27/95, Dependency Petition #12-700004-6 filed 1/17/12 (natural mother Estela Mendoza); DAVID COBA PALAMOERO, Alleged Father of CELIA MENDOZA, dob 1/27/95, Dependency Petition #12-7-00004-6 filed 1/17/12 (natural mother Estela Mendoza); UNKNOWN BIOLOGICAL FATHER and anyone claiming a paternal interest of HERMELINDA MENDOZA, dob 2/10/98, Dependency Petition #12-7-00006-2 filed 1/17/12 (natural mother Estela Mendoza) and CYNTHIA MENDOZA, dob 1/28/97, Dependency Petition #12-7-00005-4 filed 1/17/12 (natural mother Estela Mendoza) and CELIA MENDOZA, dob 1/27/95, Dependency Petition #12-700004-6 filed 1/17/12 (natural mother Estela Mendoza); A Dependency Petition was filed; A Fact Finding hearing will be held on this matter on: June 19, 2012 at 1:30 p.m. at Klickitat County Superior Court, Juvenile Division, 205 S. Columbus, Goldendale, WA 98620. YOU SHOULD BE PRESENT AT THIS HEARING. NOTICE: You have important legal rights and you must take steps to protect your interests. 1) You have the right to a fact-finding hearing before a Judge/Court Commissioner. 2) You have the right to have a lawyer represent you at the hearing. If you cannot afford a lawyer, the court will appoint one to represent you. 3) At the hearing, you have the right to speak on your own behalf, to introduce evidence, to examine witnesses, and to receive a decision based solely on the evidence presented to the Judge/Court Commissioner. THE HEARING WILL DETERMINE IF YOUR CHILD IS DEPENDENT AS DEFINED IN RCW 13.34.030(6). THIS BEGINS A JUDICIAL PROCESS WHICH COULD RESULT IN PERMANENT LOSS OF YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS. IF YOU DO NOT APPEAR AT THE HEARING THE COURT MAY ENTER A DEPENDENCY ORDER IN YOUR ABSENCE. To request a copy of the Notice, Summons, and Dependency, call DSHS at (509) 493-6180. DATED this 19TH day of April, 2012. Saundra Olson, Klickitat County Clerk By: Connie McEwen, Deputy Clerk (2106, 2205, 2301) KLICKITAT COUNTY DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE Notice is hereby given that Klickitat County issued a Determination of Non-significance (DNS) on May 17, 2012, under SEPA Rules (Chapter 197-11 WAC) and the Klickitat County Environmental Ordinance Number 121084 for the following proposal: SEP2012-12: Applicant: Red Air, LLC requesting a short plat (SPL2012-05) to divide 80 acres into four 20 acre parcels. The project is located within a portion of Section 22, T4N, R17E, W.M., Klickitat County, WA (Goldendale vicinity). After review of the completed environmental checklist and other information on file the Klickitat County Responsible Official has determined that this proposal will not have probable significant adverse impacts on the environment. Copies of the DNS are available at the Klickitat County Planning Department during normal business hours. Comments or appeals on the above environmental review will be accepted until 5:00 p.m., June 8, 2012 . Appeals shall not be deemed complete without payment of the appeal fees applicable to class A projects, payable to Klickitat County Planning Department. (2107) PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Port of Klickitat Board of Commissioners, Klickitat County, Washington, intends to renew its Industrial Development District levy for a period of six years at an annual levy rate not to exceed thirty-six cents per thousand dollars of assessed value calculated on the assessed valuation of the taxable property within the Port of Klickitat port district commencing in the year 2013 and concluding in the year 2018. The purpose of this levy is to acquire and improve lands within the Port of Klickitat's Industrial Development District. If, within 90 days of the date of publication of this notice, a petition is filed with the County Auditor containing the signatures of eight percent of the number of voters registered to vote within the Port of Klickitat port district for the office of the Governor at the last preceding gubernatorial election, the County Auditor shall canvas the signatures in the same manner as prescribed in RCW 29A.72.230 and certify their sufficiency to the Port Commission within two weeks. If the Auditor certifies that the petition is sufficient under RCW 53.36.100, then the proposition to renew the IDD levy shall be submitted to the voters of the Port of Klickitat port district at a special election. If a special election is called pursuant to RCW 53.36.100, then the proposed IDD levy may be made only if approved by a majority of the voters of the Port of Klickitat port district who vote on the proposition. ATTEST: Margie Ziegler Administrative Assistant/Port Auditor (2108, 2206) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING INTENT TO ENACT ORDINANCE CHANGING MAXIMUM SPEED LIMITS In accordance to statutory provisions of RCW 46.61.415, increase and/or Decrease Maximum Speed Limits by local Authority; the Board of County Commissioners of Klickitat County has determined the existing maximum speed limit of the following county roads should be changed. ROAD NAME/ ROAD NO./ M.P. TO M.P. / FROM-TO Balch Road/12540 0.00 - 1.23/50-30 Sauter Road/12530 0.00 - 0.45/50-25 A public hearing will be held on Tuesday, June 5, 2012 at 1:30 p.m. for the establishment of these maximum See Notices, Page 11 NOTICE OF STATE'S INTENT TO NEGOTIATE LEASES Department of Natural Resources will begin negotiation of expiring leases with existing lessees on the following parcels. All leases are subject to third party bids by interested parties. Lease terms and bidding information is available by calling the Southeast Region at 1-800-527-3305 or by visiting the Region Office at 713 Bowers Road, Ellensburg, Washington 98926. This lease expires November 25, 2012. Special Use All or Part Sec Twp Rge 60-059792 Part 04 20N 41E Written request to lease must be received by June 25, 2012, at the Department of Natural Resources, 713 Bowers Road, Ellensburg, Washington 98926. Each request to lease must contain a certified check or money order payable to the Department of Natural Resources for the amount of any bonus bid, plus a $100 deposit. The envelope must be marked "Sealed Bid" and give the lease number, expiration date of lease applied for, and give the applicant's name. The applicant must be prepared to purchase any improvements that belong to the current lessee. For details and qualifications to submit a request, contact the Ellensburg office or call (509) 9250927. PETER GOLDMARK, Commissioner of Public Lands (2112) MAY 23, 2012 — 11 GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON N OTICES From Page 10 (2110, 2208) speed limits in the Commissioners’ Chambers in the Klickitat County Courthouse, Goldendale, Washington at which time testimony will be heard for or against the above proposed speed limit changes. Dated this 15th day of May, 2012. Ray Thayer, Chairman Board of County Commissioners (2109, 2207) PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD ON JUNE 5, 2012 IN THE CHAMBERS OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF KLICKITAT COUNTY, AT THE HOUR OF 1:30 P.M. FOR THE PURPOSE OF ESTABLISHING A SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET AND AMENDMENTS TO THE 2012 BUDGET IN THE AMOUNT OF $165,229 FOR THE FOLLOWING: General Fund: Commissioners 2,800 General Fund: Personnel 2,784 General Fund: Sheriff 69,645 Election Reserve Fund #111 7,000 Capital Improvement Fund #303 50,000 Information Services Fund #506 33,000 AT SAID HEARING ANY INTERESTED TAXPAYER MAY APPEAR AND BE HEARD FOR OR AGAINST THE PROPOSED APPROPRIATIONS. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS KLICKITAT COUNTY, WASHINGTON RAY THAYER, CHAIRMAN KLICKITAT COUNTY BUDGET HEARING NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held on Tuesday, June 5, 2012 at 1:30 p.m. in the Commissioners Chambers, Room 101 of the Klickitat County Courthouse, 205 S. Columbus, Goldendale, Washington, for the purpose of considering amendments to the 2012-2017 Capital Improvement Plan for Klickitat County. A draft copy of the amendments to the 2012-2017 Capital Improvement Plan may be viewed at the County Commissioners office in the Courthouse at 205 S. Columbus, Room 103. Or it may be viewed on the County’s website at w w w. k l i ck i t a t c o u n t y. o r g under the Commissioners area. Any interested person may appear and be heard for or against the proposed amendments to the capital improvement plan at the above mentioned time and place. The Commissioners meeting room is accessible to persons with disabilities. Board of County Commissioners Klickitat, Washington Ray Thayer, Chairman (2111, 2209) KLICKITAT COUNTY MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE Notice is hereby given that Klickitat County issued a Mitigated Determination of Non-significance (MDNS) on May 18, 2012 under SEPA Rules (Chapter 197-11 WAC) and the Klickitat County Environmental Ordinance Number 121084 for the following proposal: SEP2012-10: Applicant: Klickitat County is proposing to amend the Zoning Ordinance #62678, as amended and Klickitat County Code, Title 19, to include provisions that would allow clustered residential subdivisions in Forest Resource zoning, subject to standards for Forest Cluster subdivisions. After review of completed environmental checklist and other information on file the Klickitat County Responsible Official has determined that this proposal will not have probable significant adverse impacts on the environment. Copies of the MDNS are available for review at the Klickitat County Planning Department during normal business hours. Comments or appeals on the above environmental reviews will be accepted until 5:00 p.m., June 8, 2012. Comments shall be submitted to the Klickitat County Planning Department, 228 West Main, MS: CH-17, Goldendale, WA 98620. Appeals shall be in writing and filed with the County Auditor. Appeals shall state with specificity the basis for the appeal and the errors to be asserted to the Board. Appeals shall not be deemed complete without payment of the applicable appeal fee (this is a Class C project), payable to the Klickitat County Planning Department. (2113) NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY OF THE DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT (DEIS) FOR WILKINS WIND PROJECT DATE OF ISSUANCE: May 18, 2012 PURPOSE OF THIS NOTICE: The purpose of this notice is to inform the public that the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the Wilkins Wind Project (Project) is being released for public review and comment. A thirty (30) day comment period will begin on May 24, 2012, and end on June 25, 2012. All comments received during the comment period will be reviewed and considered in preparation of the Final EIS. PROPONENTS: enXco Development Corporation (Applicant). PURPOSE OF THE EIS: The purpose of the DEIS is to evaluate the Project’s probable, significant adverse environmental impacts. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Applicant is to develop a commercially viable wind energy facility with a nameplate capacity of up to 25 MW, utilizing turbine ranging from 1.8 to 3.0 MW on 676 acres of private land. The final number of turbines (not to exceed 13 wind turbines) would depend on the availability of different turbine types and other factors. The project would include the construction of approximately 4.5 miles of new roads. An electrical system, most of which will be underground, will collect electricity from each wind turbine and deliver it to the approved Miller Ranch Project Substation, located south of the Project. From the Miller Ranch Project Substation, electricity will be transmitted across an existing line that extends to the White Creek Substation. The Project will be located adjacent to the approved Miller Ranch Wind Project and will utilize the laydown area, substation, transmission line, interconnection, concrete batch plant, aggregate borrow areas, and operations and maintenance facility associated with that project. The sources for aggregate for roads will include approved aggregate borrow sites located on the Miller Ranch Project lands and the existing, permitted aggregate site located near the Project at the intersection of Dot and Newell Roads. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: The Project area is located approximately 9 miles south of Bickleton, Washington, and approximately 8 miles north of the Columbia River in eastern Klickitat County. The Project will be located adjacent to the approved Miller Ranch Project. A list of legal description of properties proposed for use in the Project is on file with Klickitat County Planning Department. AVAILABILITY OF DEIS COPIES: Copies of the DEIS can be reviewed or obtained at the Klickitat County Planning Department at the address below. RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL: Comments on the DEIS must be in writing and must be received by 5:00 p.m. on June 25, 2012. Comments on the DEIS should be addressed to the SEPA responsible official, whose name and contact information are identified below. The SEPA responsible official is: Curt Dreyer, Director Klickitat County Planning Department 228 West Main Street, MS- CH-17 Goldendale, WA 98620 (2114) PUBLIC NOTICE Resolution: 20120509 Establishing Burn Ban 2012 Whereas, the Board of Fire Commissioners, meeting in regular session, and having before it, the need to establish the burn ban for 2012 within Klickitat County Rural 7 Fire and Rescue Boundaries; and Whereas, due to dry conditions, fire hazards, and lack of sufficient precipitation that a burn ban can be put in place effective June 5 at midnight; and Now, therefore be it resolved, that the Board of Fire Commissioners of Klickitat County Rural 7 Fire and Rescue hereby place into effect a burn ban within the boundaries of District 7 effective midnight, June 5. Signed this 21st day of May, 2012. Chair, Paul Enwards Commissioner, Jane Lee Commissioner, Jim Hill Attest: Randee Slater, Secretary (2115) Deadline for Legal Notices is noon on Monday. Send notices to: Call 509-773-3777 for more information. CLASSIFIEDS Annoucements Happy Ads .......................2 Welcome To The World....4 Card of Thanks ................5 Notices...........................10 Events............................15 Personals .......................20 Support Groups .............25 Lost & Found .................30 Professional Services ....31 5 Card of Thanks 10 Notices MEADOWROCK ALPACAS is THE place to SHOP for ALPACA! insert alpaca artwork left facing CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the Glenwood Fire Department for all their help after Fred fell and injured his hip. Your quick response and professional manner in getting me ready to transported and meeting up with the Skyline Ambulance was greatly appreciated. We would also like to thank all those who send cards, flowers and well wishes, as well as your visits, during Fred's stay at Skyline Hospital. It is very reassuring to know that when we need the help - it is there when we need. Once again, thank you to all of you. /s/Fred Holly and Family ALPACA LIVESTOCK Quality BLOODLINES Fine FLEECE Excellent CONFIRMATION Bred/Open FEMALES HERD SIRES FIBER MALES COMPANIONS The Resilient Alpaca is: EASY TO HANDLE Halter & Lead Trained We invite YOU to come visit on SHEARING DAY Tuesday, May 29th insert alpaca artwork right facing Country Store ALPACA ANNEX OPEN Wednesday - Sunday 10 to 4 --ALSO-By Appointment Just Call or Email 80 Mt. Adams Road Trout Lake, WA 509-395-2266 25 Support Groups 25 Support Groups INSTRUCTION & CHILD CARE DO YOU HAVE HURTS, Preschool/Daycare Facilities .........................35 Child Care Providers .....37 Schools Training ............40 Tutoring ..........................45 Instruction ......................50 Training & Opportunity...51 Health & Fitness ............55 habits, hang-ups? Attend Celebrate Recovery a faithbased 12 step program, every Tuesday night at Hood River Alliance Church at 2650 W. Montello (off Rand Rd). Dinner provided at 6:15 pm and large group meeting at 7:00 pm. Childcare is provided. For more info. call 541-308-5339 50 Instruction SWIM LESSONS FOR ALL AGES! Certified swim instructor and lifeguard offering basic swimming techniques for anyone willFamily Alzheimer's/Dementia ing to learn. Just in time for a safe summer. Lessons to Support Group take place at Hood River Family members and Pool Contact Jonas at 817friends caring for individu- 374-2749 for more info. als with Alzheimer's disease or a related dementia BUSINESS/ are invited to participate in our Dementia Support FINANCIAL Group. Come and gain support and insight from Business Opportunities .60 others who are going thru Investments & Loans .....65 or have gone thru this jour- Insurance .......................70 ney. Join us monthly in a Mortgages & Contracts..72 caring environment to discuss your challenges and 60 Business questions. Meeting held the third Wednesday, every Opportunities month, at 3:00 pm at FlagStone Senior Living at 3325 ALLSTATE Columbia View Drive. For AGENCY more information about our For Sale group, contact Karen DeIn Hood River swert at 541-298-5656. All Call Gayle Welcome! 425-489-5542 GOLDENDALE Pregnancy Resource Center LANDA PRESSURE Center Hours: WASHER Tues & Fri 11am-4:30pm. Hot water, 3000 psi, Thursday 1pm-4:30pm. on trailer, runs well. 509-773-5501 $3500 Pregnancy Counseling and 541-490-4391 services, free pregnancy self-tests. GRIEF and Loss Group meets monthly at Klickitat Valley Hospital. Come and learn ways to heal and help others heal from loss. Sponsored by Klickitat Valley Hospice. Call 773-0380 for further information. EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted General ....75 Help Wanted Domestic/ In Home .........................76 Help Wanted Medical/ Health 77 Help Wanted Office/ Clerical...........................78 NA Meetings every Help Wanted Sales/Cus79 Wednesday, 6:30-7:30 at tomer Service the Casa Guadalupe Positions Wanted ...........80 Volunteers......................82 House, 1603 Belmont, Work from Home Hood River, OR. Employment...................83 NA MEETINGS Job Opportunities ..........85 Goldendale Father's House Fellowship 207 S. Klickitat Monday: 12-1 p.m. Wednesday: 12-1 p.m. Friday: 12-1 p.m. Open to non-addicts. For more info, call Kathy S.@ 360-8508832 or Matt S. @ 360-850-8840. AA Woman's meeting, 7 PARKINSON'S SUPPORT pm every Tuesday at Solid GROUP: First Wednesday Rock Church, 2308 E 12th, of every month at 2 p.m. The Dalles. Water's Edge, 551 Lone Pine Blvd, 2nd floor AL-ANON Meeting For information, please 6:30 pm, Thursdays Chad at Goldendale Methodist contact 541.478.9338. Church Questions? T.O.P.S. (Take Off Pounds Call Rosie, 773-6420 or Sensibly). Tuesdays 9 a.m. Greta, 773-3343. at Riverview Comm. Bank. 75 Help Wanted General CATHEDRAL RIDGE WINERY, TASTING ROOM SALES If you're energetic, love sales and people, and would like a P/T job on the Condon, OR weekends, send your resume to crw@ Tri County Communica- tions is accepting applica- Hourly compensation plus tions for the position of commissions. Public Safety call-taker/disCHARBURGER COUNTRY patcher. The position will Hood River be 25-40 hours per week Needs experienced line with benefits included. cook, salary negotiable, Starting wage as of July 1, weekends & evenings. 2012 will be $15.47 per Also needs experienced hour. Qualifications: mini- counter person for morning mum age 18, a high school shifts. Apply in person, diploma or equivalent, a 541-386-3101. valid Oregon driver's liBEHAVIORAL HEALTH cense, available for shift POSITIONS work and overtime, ability to pass a criminal backMid-Columbia Center for ground check and a preLiving has the following positions open: employment drug test. Applications may be picked FT Bilingual Service Coordiup at the Gilliam County Sheriff's Office, Sherman nator - Provides service coCounty Sheriff's Office or ordination for developthe Wheeler County Sher- mental disabilities (DD) iff's Office. Applications will program. Ideal candidate must possess knowledge be accepted until 4:00 P.M. of DD case management Friday, June 1st, 2012 by and crisis diversion staneither dropping them off at dards and have the ability one of the Sheriff's offices to implement them within or mailing them to Tri the community. Must be faCounty Communications, miliar with DD OAR's (411PO Box 297, Condon, OR 320-0010). Bilingual 97823. (Spanish/English) required. Travel required. Salary ALT. ED SCIENCE TEACHER, starts at $3,454/mo. Open FT, $35,000/yr + benefits, until filled. Hood River location, view at: PT Case Manager - Provides case management to our AUTO TECHNICIAN enhanced care services Full-Time, Oil Can Henry's team in Hood River. Must is now hiring in Hood River. possess knowledge of and Must have basic automotive challenges faced by elderly skills and customer service or people with mental illness. sales experience. $8.55+/hr to Position is a .6 FTE (22.5 start, fast raises hrs/wk) with weekend and evening hours. Salary starts at $2072.40/mo. Bartender needed who can Closes 5/30/12. also waitress, part time. Apply in person, ask for Both positions are eligible Kelly at 310 E 2nd St. for benefits and require a 541-296-6500. Bachelor's degree in human service or related field CARE GIVERS with 2 yrs. exp; or 5 yrs. hiring for all shifts, equivalent training and Apply in person at work exp.To download apAshley Manor, plication materials please 1995 8th St, Hood River. go to, or contact Courtney at 541-296-5452. Drugfree workplace EOE/ ADA. 24 Hour Hot Line 1-800-999-9210 Mid Columbia Mtg. Info www.:// ALCOHOLICS Anon. Goldendale meetings at the United Methodist Church; Mon., 8 p.m.; Wed., 8 p.m.; Fri., 8 p.m., 109 E. Broadway. 1-800-344-2666. T.O.P.S. (Take off Pounds Sensibly), Thursdays, 6 p.m. at Riverview Comm. Bank, 773-5411. 30 Lost & Found LOST Friday between Allyn's Building Center and Pumphouse Road on Bickleton Hwy. 4 jaw lathe chuck. Reward. 509-773-0363. 75 Help Wanted General 9-1-1 Communications Operator buy it! sell it! find it! 773-4766. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 75 Help Wanted General in the Gorge Classifieds CITY of Goldendale Public Works Department City of Goldendale is accepting applications for a Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Supervisor, a full-time non-exempt union position. Five (5) years of experience working at a water/wastewater treatment facility is preferred. A high school diploma or GED is required. A Washington State Driver's License of ability to obtain is required. A Group 2 Wastewater Treatment Plan Operators II and a Water Distribution Manager II certification is required. Salary Range: $21.33$25.99 per hour (2012 Wage Scale). Application and complete job description are available on the city website ( or by contacting Connie Byers at the City of Goldendale, 1103 S. Columbus Ave., Goldendale, WA 98620; phone 509-7733771. Position open until filled. EOE. Coastal Farm & Ranch is Coming to The Dalles! Coastal Farm & Ranch is a great place to work, and we are looking for friendly, enthusiastic people who share our commitment to customer service. Applications are currently being accepted for the following part-time positions: • Cashiers • Retail Sales Associates in all Departments • Yard/Loadout Associates If you have excellent customer service skills and retail experience, we'd like to meet you! Must be available during all hours of store operation. We offer a competitive compensation and benefits package including 401k, safety bonus, and generous employee discount. To apply, visit our website at to download our employment application or to apply online. Completed applications may be submitted to or mailed to PO Box 99, Albany, OR 97321. EOE 75 Help Wanted General COMPREHENSIVE, an innovative behavioral health care and service provider, is currently recruiting for a RN to split their time between the Goldendale and White Salmon, WA facilities. Responsibilities include providing direct nursing care services to include intake evaluations, medication management, physician extender duties, treatment planning and case management. Qualified candidates will have RN Licensure. Comprehensive is committed to building strong communities through the efforts of its staff, clients, and through collaborative partnerships. If you are interested in joining a fun, teamoriented work environment, please apply online at http:/ / or call 509-575-3894 to request an application packet. Equal Opportunity Employer/ ADA. COOK POSITION Divots Clubhouse Restaurant is hiring experienced prep & line cooks. Free golf. Resumes accepted at 3605 Brookside Dr., Hood River. No Calls please. Customer Service Rep. needed must have excellent phone skills, organizing, multi tasking, book keeping. pickup applications at 3000 W 2nd St The Dalles 8:00 am - 4:30pm. If you are searching for a No Phone calls please company where customers WDOE full time w/Ben. and employees are highly valued, Columbia Bank is CUSTOMER SERVICE REPthe place to work! We are PARKING. always looking for high en- The City of Hood River, OR ergy and fantastic employ- is accepting applications ees to join our customer fo- for the position of cused Bank! (Customer Service Rep). Currently we have the fol- Spanish Speaking Required. Current salary is lowing positions available. $2,944 per month with an excellent benefit package. • Bank Supervisor/Officer The City of Hood River is an equal opportunity, af• Customer Service firmative action employer Representatives and Drug Free Workplace. • And Various Other Positions A rating of education and experience, oral interview If you are interested in any and reference and credit of the above postings, or check plus job related tests seeing what else may be may be required. CLOSavailable in your area, ING DATE IS 9:00 A.M. please visit our website May 29th, and apply online at TUESDAY, 2012. Applications and a Columbia Bank is proud to full job position description be an Equal Opportunity may be obtained from the Administrative building, Employer. City of Hood River, 211 2nd Street, Hood River OR 97031, or by visiting our website at Your Gorge Classified ad is placed online, too! ENGINEERING TECH I Hood River County is accepting applications for a seasonal Engineering Tech 1 position in Public Works Engineering. $13.52/hr. Must be at least 18 years, possess valid driver's license and prefer education or experience in drafting or engineering technology. Applicants must complete HRC application. Obtain job packet and return to HRC Administration, 601 State St., Hood River, OR. by 4:00 p.m. June 8, 2012. Hood River County is an E.O.E. 12 — MAY 23, 2012 GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON CLASSIFIEDS 75 Help Wanted General 75 Help Wanted General Expanding Rock Crushing Company, seeking career minded persons for all positions. Demanding physical labor w/ long hours. Willing to travel throughout the Northwest. Competitive slry & benefits pkg including: medical/dental/vision, 401K/retirement plan, pd holidays/vacation. Applications available at Send resumes to PO Box 759 Lewiston, ID 83501 or fax to (208) 743-6474. EOE MEAT WRAPPER Part-time, Parkdale, 541352-6322. EXPERIENCED LINE COOK Pay commissary w/ exper. Cook on line, prep, clean & supervise closing of kitchen. 541-490-2810. EXPERIENCED HOUSEKEEPER for motel in Cascade Locks. Must work weekends. 541-374-0015 Full-time Line Cook To fill an immediate position. Morning and Evenings. Two years experience required. Apply in person at Linda's Family Restaurant. HWY. 97 & I84, Exit 104 in Biggs, OR.. NO phone calls please. GENERAL CLEANING Part time helper to clean in restaurant. 1850 Country club Rd., Hood River. Hard working only need apply. GLENWOOD School District #401 invites applications for the middle & high school English teacher position beginning in the 2012-2013 school year. Applications are due June 8, 2012. For more information and application procedures, call the school office at 509-364-3438. Help Wanted at The Balch Hotel: Housekeeping/Kitchen, & Breakfast Cook positions available. Email samantha@ for details. HOOD RIVER COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT is recruiting for the following positions: • Temp 1st Grade Teacher Westside Elementary • Temp 8th Grade Teacher HRMS • Special Education/Reading Teacher - Cascade Locks School To apply, go to: EOE HOOD RIVER COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT is seeking to hire: Special Education Teachers (2 positions) at Wy'east Middle School Media Assistant (6.5 hours/day) at Cascade Locks School Temp. 8th Grade Teacher Wy'east Middle School Custodian (7 hrs/day) Wy'east Middle School Custodian (8 hrs/day) Go to: to apply. EOE HORIZON CHRISTIAN SCHOOL is seeking head varsity coaches for girls basketball, co-ed soccer, and co-ed golf. The mainly volunteer position pays a stipend at the end of the season. The individual must be someone who regards character development as the #1 issue, has a positive attitude and heart, has and is willing to model Christ on and off the court, has prior experience as a player either at the high school or college level, and has prior coaching experience. Applications are available at Horizon Christian School, 700 Pacific Ave., Hood River, OR, 97031. For more information contact Oscar Stenberg at (541) 387-3200. CONTROLLER Klickitat PUD is now accepting applications for an experienced full-time Controller to manage the overall accounting activities of the PUD. This position reports to the Chief Financial Officer and is responsible for preparing and analyzing monthly, quarterly, and annual financial statements. In addition, the Controller supervises staff that performs general accounting and accounts payable. Requirements: a bachelor's degree in Accounting and (5-8) years of progressively responsible experience performing Accounting functions; or equivalent combination of education and experience. Applications and a detailed job description are available online at and at the Goldendale PUD office. Please submit your written application to Klickitat PUD, c/o Human Resources, 1313 S. Columbus, Goldendale, WA 98620, or by fax at 509-773-7449. The deadline for submitting applications is Friday, June 1, 2012. EOE. MIDDLE and HIGH SCHOOL ENGLISH TEACHER Glenwood School District #401 Glenwood School District #401 invites applications for a middle and high school English teacher position, beginning in the 2012-13 school year, Applications are due on June 8, 2012. For more information and application procedures, call the school office, 509-3643438. NANNY Light duty a few days a week in exchange for room & board in Parkdale. 2 teens. Free time MF 7am-4pm. 541-490-8463 Outside Industrial Sales, IBS, Inc, A NW growing industrial supply firm with 35 years of success, has an immediate opening for an aggressive, resultsdriven individual. Candidate characteristics: Ã Outside Industrial sales a plus • Strong organizational skills • Skills in securing new accounts • Territory management skills. The person selected will receive: • Base wage + commission • Outstanding training • Excellent benefits • Excellent benefits • Unlimited income growth Email resume to attn: Jeff Bennight jeffbennight@industrialb Fax it to: 1-800688-3196. visit us at 77 Help Wanted Medical 78 Help Wanted Office VOLUNTEERS NEEDED DENTAL ASSISTANT, PT, Mon, Tue, x-ray certified. Join us at Columbia View Dental. Resumes at office or colviewdent@ DEPUTY RECORDER/ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT To socialize, feed and trap feral, abandoned or stray cats. We are feeding and caring for more than 100 of these cats in Hood River and White Salmon. We also try to place as many as possible in loving homes. When a cat is trapped they are spayed or neutered. Also needed are artists for posters, bedding, cat food, litter and plastic dog houses. Please contact: BE MINE CAT ADOPTION Bonnie Edstrom 541-386-3776 STYLIST STATION Available June 1st. Full or part-time. Call Susan at Hair Artistry to inquire, 541490-8175. Summer Jobs in Early Childhood Education Oregon Child Development Coalition is now hiring for our summer Head Start programs in The Dalles, Odell & Parkdale. Education CoordinatorsPreschool & Infant/ Toddler Teachers- Family Advocates, and a wide range of classroom, administrative and kitchen support jobs are available lasting from 1 to 5 months. A great way to earn summer bucks and support the families who harvest our crops! Please visit our website at for job specifics & to apply online. Or mail resume/apply in person: OCDC, Human Resources, 1300 West 9th St. The Dalles, OR 97058 Equal Opportunity Employer Tasting Room Servers, Assistant Tasting Room Manager, Manager DOE, Maryhill Winery hiring part time/full time servers, full time Assistant Tasting Room Manager or Manager DOE. Please go to / Employment Opportunity for details. MANAGER Retired person or couple to manage small motel & RV park. Will train, computer skills required. Salary, apt. & utilities included. Apply in person, 2300 Cascade Ave. Hood River. No Calls please. VETERINARY TECH PT, 2-3 days per week, experience preferred. Send resume to: HR Alpine Vet Hospital, 300 Frankton Rd., Hood River, OR. 97031 DENTAL INSURANCE COORDINATOR & FINANCIAL ASSISTANT Quality full time position for mature motivated individual in a progressive specialty dental practice. Must possess exceptional organizational skills and have prior knowledge of insurance billing. Must be an excellent communicator, have positive attitude, computer proficient and a team player, dental experience a plus. Excellent benefit package, send resume to Under the general supervision of the City Recorder and/or City Administrator this position provides support for the City Recorder and City Administrator. Examples of duties listed in job description can be found on City's website at or at City Hall. Extensive knowledge of office practices, procedures, business English, ability to perform complex analyses and research, ability to prepare clear, concise and comprehensive reports. Knowledge of PC computer operation, word processing, spreadsheets, databases, and web maintenance. Minimum two years experience in clerical work/administrative position. 19.5 hours a week with an hourly rate of $ 14.94$16.00 Application materials available at City Hall office, PO Box 308, Cascade Locks, OR 97014, 541-374-8484 or on City's website. Preemployment drug test required. Job closes June 15, 2012. The City of Cascade Locks is an equal opportunity employer and provider. HOME CARE AIDE The premier home care agency in the Columbia Gorge is seeking individuals with hearts of gold to provide caring assistance to seniors in our communities. Applicants must be warm, honest, energetic and enjoy helping the elderly. No professional experience required, we provide training. Please call Watershed Council Intern, 800-604-9564 for more in- LOOKING FOR an honest, Jun-Sept. Water quality formation. Hearts of Gold intelligent, self motivated work. Edu/exper. req'd. Job Caregivers individual to assist with d e s c r i p t i o n : phone sales of Apcal products and assist Licensed Massage ply by May 24, 2012 general manager in the day Therapist to day activities of a fastWHITE BUFFALO WINE BAR paced office. Must be able & BISTRO is seeking an experienced cook & wine Great Opportunity, built in to multi-task and pay atstore associate to help with client base, athletic atmos- tention to detail. Knowledge tastings & small plate din- phere. Full/Part time. Flex- of computers & alternative health concepts is desiring. Must be available to ible schedule. able. Serious inquiries only. work evenings & weekFax resume to 541-387ends. Please apply in perSend info to 4503. Include references. son, 4040 West Cliff Drive, Hood River WANTED: Helper for 2 hours, 3 times a week to assist mentally disabled adult female. Includes diaper changes, being there to cure loneliness, playing cards and games. $20/ Hour. Send cover letter and resume to: Box D, c/o The Dalles Chronicle. PO Box 1910, The Dalles, OR 97058. P/T. Volunteer Coord/Fiscal Assist., Clerical & fiscal 77 Help Wanted respons.A/R, A/P, Payroll. Degree, Fund Acct and Medical GAAP a plus. QB, Excel, Wage DOE. Send resume CAREGIVER to: Box R c/o The Dalles PT/FT caregivers wanted. Chronicle, P.O. Box 1910, Must be able to work all shifts. Benefits avail. CrimThe Dalles, OR 97058 inal background check & PART TIME SALES ASSO- drug screen req. Apply in CIATE G.Willikers is looking person at Parkhurst House for a fun, motivated person Assisted Living, 2450 May for a P/T position. Apply at St. Hood River. 202 Oak St. Hood River CAREGIVERS NEEDED FOR Part time housekeeping po- HOOD RIVER / GOLDENDALE sition open. Great commu- We are a Christian-based nication skills, flexible, in-home care agency lookweekends are a must. ing for people who want to Please apply at Celilo Inn make a difference for those at 3550 E. 2nd St. The who are homebound and need help. If you can pass Dalles, OR 97058. a criminal background RELIABLE CAREGIVERS check, have reliable transto assist adults w/develop- portation, GED/high school mental disabilities. Training diploma, neat appearance, provided. Growth opportu- call us. We offer one week paid vacation after 1 yr., nity. 503-594-1250 x13 supplemental health insurance, & pay commensuService Writer rate w/ experience. Automotive Call Mary Jo M/F 9-2 at Fastest growing dealership 5 4 1 - 3 7 0 - 1 2 0 0 , in The Gorge is seeking an entry level Full-Time Service Writer. Customer service CBCF skills a must! Computer/ COLUMBIA BASIN word perfect experience a CARE FACILITY plus. Will train the right Our Mission is to individual! Generous benImprove the Lives of efit package and competiThose We Serve tive wages. Send resume Community-owned to: Service Writer position, Not-for-Profit, PO Box 1787, The Dalles, Skilled Nursing Facility. OR 97058. Position available: TRUCK DRIVER, Bulk Commodity carrier located in Wasco, OR. Must have 2 yr verifiable trac/trailer driving exp. w/6mo of that time doubles exp. Class A CDL w/doubles. Clean MVR. Job requires overnight travel. Benefits 541-4425300 KNOW A YOUNG MAN 18-23, who needs work, training, place to live, education & support? WINGS can help! 75 Help Wanted General RNs Cert. Medication Aides RECEPTIONIST Friendly receptionist needed for medical office. Please send resume to resume@nort • Physicians • Nursing • Clinical Staff • Support Staff To view all current career opportunities and to apply online go to MEDICAL OFFICE ASSISTANT Medical insurance billing preferable, dependable, professional, must be able to multi-task. Bilingual a plus! Apply @ Zega Chiropractic, 208 2nd St, Hood River. MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST, immediate need in The Dalles. Bilingual Required. Details at FT Position, Benefits. NUTRITION PROGRAM ASSISTANT North Central Public Health District North Central Public Health District is looking for a Nutrition Program Assistant to provide support services Full & part-time for WIC Program; FT + positions - For more bene. $2000.72/mo. Reinfo quired: Bilingual English/ contact Monica @ 541Spanish, HS Diploma or 296-2156 ext. 3223. GED. Prefer: experience 1015 Webber St., The working w/ a nutrition proDalles, OR 97058. EOE gram &/or course work in DENTAL ASSISTANT nutrition, early childhood development, social sciFull time position, X-ray certified and would prefer ences or related field. expanded duty skills. Skilled at: computers, data Send resume to: entry & customer service. Dental Assistant, Type 45 wpm. Obtain apPO Box 298, Hood River, plication packet from WasOR. 97031 co Co, 511 Washington St., Dental Assistant - FT, M- Rm 207, The Dalles, OR Th, benefits, exp req., Fax 97058, or website Dr. Perry 541-298-4099 or Rethedallesdentist@ turn completed packets and typing certificate to Dental Assistant - Part Wasco County CourtTime, W & Th, job-sharing, house, Rm 207, fax to exp. req. Fax Dr. Perry 541.506.2771 or email to 541-298-4099 or application@co.wasco.or. us. Open until filled EOE SECRETARY/CHIEF EXAMINER MARKETPLACE Auctions .......................125 Hood River...................126 The Dalles ...................127 White Salmon/Bingen ..128 Odell ............................129 Garage/Yard Sales.......130 Other Oregon Cities ....131 Parkdale/Mt. Hood .......132 Cook/Underwood .........133 Other Washington Cities 134 Estate Sales ................135 Camas .........................136 Washougal...................137 Vancouver....................138 Bazaars/Flea Markets..139 Antiques & Collectibles140 Antiques/Collectibles Wanted 142 Apparel/Jewelry ...........150 Furniture ......................155 Appliances ...................160 Home Electronics ........165 Carpeting .....................166 Wireless Communication 167 Computers ...................170 Satellites ......................175 Cameras & Photo Supplies 180 Cleaning ......................182 Firewood & Stoves.......185 Hot Tubs, Spas, Swimming Pool 190 Sporting Goods ...........195 Exercise Equipment.....200 Sailboard & Accessories 205 Arts & Leisure..............210 Musical Instruments.....215 Lawn, Garden, Equipment 220 Building Materials ........225 Timber Buy/Sell ...........226 Hand & Power Tools ....230 Misc. Equipment ..........235 Health Care Equipment 236 Arts, Crafts, & Hobbies240 Baby Items...................250 Hair Care & Beauty Aids 255 Books...........................260 Office Equipment .........265 Restaurant Equipment.270 Misc. for Sale ...............275 Misc. Wanted ...............280 Free/Give Away............282 Swaps & Trades...........285 Hood River HRVCC THRIFT SHOP Every Wed., 9:00-3:00 Every Sat., 9:00-1:00 Come see us! DONATIONS WELCOME! 975 Indian Creek Rd., HR 160 Appliances WASHERS & DRYERS, Refrigerators & Ranges, For sale, All brands, Prices vary from $125 & up. Will do service calls. Call for more information. 541-296-8970 280 Misc. Wanted WE BUY SCRAP GOLD 10K to 18K Dental Gold-Platinum 185 Firewood & Stoves Artisan's Jewelry and Gallery FIREWOOD: Elm, Approx. 2 cord, $150 OBO takes all, 971-322-6097 509-493-1333 SEASONED firewood, by the cord, cut to length; or log loads. Call for prices. 509-637-3931. 282 Free/Give 137 East Jewett White Salmon YOU CUT Firewood! 3 Away years seasoned. $50/Cord. Call Pat at 541-490-7701, FOUNTAIN grasses, in 1Mosier, OR. gallon pots, attractive, grows to 5-foot tall, donations accepted to White 195 Sporting Salmon Friends of the LiGoods brary, 509-493-3098. DOWNSIZING my arsenal; high quality rifles, serious buyers only. 541-296-5949. ELAN Phase Snowboard, 161, w/ bindings & carrying bag, $150 FIRM. Call or text 541490-6947, TD. MARTIN Leopard compound bow and case, All new. Bow is 45-60# draw w/ 80% letoff. There are extras. $400 FIRM. 541-5060016, after 6pm. MOUNTAIN SHADOWS GUNS & MORE We Buy, Sell & Trade Guns, Militaria. Top Dollar Paid. Gun Repair & Cleaning Available in Store. Located 1115 Hull Street, Hood River, Oregon. Call 541-490-4483. ROAD BIKE Giant, 54 cm, carbon/aluminum frame, double ring 18 speed, excellent condition, $1100 OBO. 509-637-4995 Free - 25-inch color console TV. Works fair. Call 514-980-1366. Free 8 person hot tub. You haul. Was given to us, but we have no hook ups for it and it now needs to be moved. 541-288-1524. FREE loose grass hay, Also some older bails, You haul. 541-993-4747 or 541467-2737 FREE: metal desk, standard size, fair condition, Uhaul. 509-493-2161, Bev. GRASS HAY bales for mulch, FREE. Call 541354-2450 HANDMADE Pickup canopy, Well made, Metal frame, Off 1968 Dodge pickup, You haul. 206-4501923 Grass Valley. 286 $500 or Less '68 cab-over camper. $400. 509-773-5253. 10 Ft. Lamiglass sturgeon pole w/ reel. $75. 541-2981205 1958 sundever Boat and trailer for sale $500 Obo. Please leave message for mark @ 541-340-9335 2 PERSON Sevlor inflatable kayak, w/ Rutter attachments, $250. 541-298WANTED: Golf cart, 1073 electric, good battery and The Dalles 2 Vintage Oriental Express tires. Call 541-352-7430. Paris Istanbul Brass 3-Family Yard Sale: Sat. Lamps, $45.00 for pair 215 Musical May 26 9a-4p & May 27, 541-298-1001 Call I can 9a-2p. 415 W. 10th St. Lots email photo. Instruments of clothes and misc. items. 2-DRAWER legal size latModulus Flea Bass, 2003 eral file cabinet w/hard 130 Garage/ model, 5 String bass guitar. wood top. $20 obo. 541Light blue specked flake 300-0683. Yard Sales body, Pearl pick guard. Rarely used, Graphite 2-FT. GREY scalloped 5 FAMILY Sale, June 2 & 3, Neck, Active pickups, nev- edging - 122 blocks. $100 9-5pm. Good prices or er gigged, used for light for all. You haul. 509-773dicker. All welcome to 1423 casual play. Bought NEW 3184. 80 Positions E 10th TD, "Where your $2500. Asking $1500 OBO. dime is my dime, but your Included Modulus Hard- 80 1/2 x 8 in. carriage bolts Wanted w/ nuts and washers $50. dime can buy you more!" shell case. This is a must 541-544-2234 Wamic have for the serious bass LOOKING for housecleanplayer; amazing tone and AIR conditioner Kenmore Other Oregon ing jobs in Goldendale. Call excellent sound. Call or slider 12000 BTU $150. 773-0456. Cities text for any further ques- 541-386-3035 Child Care Wanted ........95 tions or photos. 541-490ALMOND colored upright Diaper Services ...........100 Pine Hollow Yard Sale: Sat. 6947 freezer, 13 Cu. Ft. KenAdult & Elderly Care ....105 & Sun, May 26 & 27, 8a-3p, more, $100. 541-296-5392 84 N. Airstrip Dr., Wamic, OR. Don't miss it. Baby Trend Double Jog105 Adult & WANTED ging Stroller, $45. Yard Sale & Silent Auction: FRENCH HORN Elderly Care 541-965-1024 Fri. May 25, 1p-6p & Sat. Dents, dings, stuck valves May 26 8:30a-6p. Corner of BEAR trap, Late 1800s, OK Dodson Rd. & Campbell Newhosue #5, $500. 541JUST NEED CHEAP St.(across from Wamic 965-1225 PRICE! ELDERLY CARE Community Church) Bake 509-493-4464 BELGIUM wool rugs, Set of Sale & Youth car wash. ASSISTANCE 3, 4 x 6, 5 x 7, & 8x11, OritAuction: Commercial grade In Home Service nal design, Dark gray/ paint sprayer & pellet brown, Exc. cond., $125. stove, new plumbing supDOCTOR APPOINTMENTS plies, lighting and hard- 220 Lawn, Garden, 541-993-3553 SHOPPING ware. Don't miss it. Bicycle, $10. 541-993-5731 CLEANING & Equipment MEALS child's Huffy Livewire 140 Antiques & FOR SALE: Lawn Mowers BIKE, PERSONAL HYGIENE with peddle brakes, good & Rototillers. Push and rid- cond. $25. 541-387-4752 Collectibles TLC ing. I also repair them. Call BIKE, Pacific, ladies, 10 HIGHLY QUALIFIED FOR SALE: Very large WWII 541-980-7760 for info. speeds, $25. 509-49315mm Wargame mini2011 "IN A PINCH atures collection. Western 230 Hand & Boat Radar, never been front American, British, & GIVE US A CALL" Power Tools used, Came off of a boat I German figures based for bought. $400. 541-340battlefront Wargame rules. 550 nicely painted figures + LINCOLN SP 200 Heavy 0109 over 100 vehicles and duty wire feed welder. 35 CAULK boots, Bailey's Red guns. Rulebook + some Ft. Robot. $875. 541-420- Dawgs, size 10, $200 firm, battlefield accessories also 9902 Tamera, Laura & Chandra 509-427-5820. Please included. Prefer to sale enleave message. tire collection as one large 235 Misc. CHAIRS, (2) natural rattan, set, but may sell in parts. Equipment tan, tweed cushions excelSERIOUS OFFERS ONLY. For lent condition, $100/both. prices & more info call Ken PRICE reduced! Continu- 541-490-2132 at 541-296-3479 ous gutter machine wbrown/white 3/4 roll + CHIPPER/SHREADER 6 Travel & 155 Furniture downspouts, extras, on flat HP. $175. 541-980-0982. The Bingen-White Salmon Civil Service Commission is advertising for the position of Secretary/Chief Examiner. The pay is $50 per month. Applications may be found on the city web site along with a full job description. Applications can be submitted to City Hall at 100 N. Main Street or PO Box 2139, White Salmon, WA 98672. Closing date is until the position is filled. ABSOLUTE SUNSHINE LLC 360-241-3537 Transportation Car Pools .....................110 Tickets .........................115 Travel ...........................120 Free-To-All ...................122 W HAT H APPENS when you don’t advertise? Absolutely Nothing! Call us! 509-7733777 bed PT decking trailer. CHIPPER/shredder, MDT, $3,000. 509-281-0509. 5 HP B/S, $175. 541-2965785 275 Misc. for Sale CHIPPER/SHREDDER, Craftsman, 8.5 hp, 3" diFREE-RANGE, grain-fed ameter, lightly used. New eggs $2/dozen. Can deliver $750, now $250 OBO. 509to Goldendale. 427-5660, 360-773-8306. 509-773-3682. Beautifully designed china COMPOUND bow w/ arcabinet with glass front and rows, Plus case, $150. LANDA PRESSURE sides. 3 drawers. Carved 541-296-1585 WASHER detail. Dark wood with Hot water, 3000 psi, COUCH and love seat, Cherry finish. 14"D/64"L/ on trailer, runs well. Floral pattern, Good cond., 73"H. $550 OBO. 1-541$3500 Too much furniture! $200. 705-5663 or 541-490-4391 509-365-3607 BOOK SHELVES, 4 ft. tall, $60 each. 7 ft. tall, $100 each. Visit Book Stop, 13 Oak St., Hood River or call 541-490-8566 Now at New Location! 1800 W. 10th St. Come see us! Like-New Twin Mattresses starting at $40!!! Gorge Bedquarters The Dalles, OR 541-296-4341 **A Percentage of our Monthly profit goes to St. Vincent de Paul's HOPE emergency shelter in The Dalles. 160 Appliances VULCAN Gas Convection Oven, 44,000 BTU's, $800. For more info please call 541-993-1532 MAY 23, 2012 — 13 GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON CLASSIFIEDS 286 $500 or Less 286 $500 or Less DESK, 3 drawers on the side and 1 large drawer, dark wood, $50. 509-4932011. DINING room set, w/ 2 piece hutch, 4 Chairs, Exc. shape, $450. 541-9930581 DOG CRATE, wire, for large dog or has divider for 2 smaller dogs, excellent condition, $100. 360-6018308 Hood River area. ELAN Phase Snowboard, 161, w/ bindings & carrying bag, $150 FIRM. Call or text 541-490-6947, TD. EVINRUDE boat motor, 2 cyl., 9.9hp, short shaft, runs great, with tank, $250. call 541-980-5478 FORD motor, 302, stock, runs well, $250. 509-6375655. Full size wood bed. Previously bottom of bunkbed. Comes with bunkie board & good mattress. $25. 541965-3026 GOLF Caddie, collapsible, Playday brand, good condition, $20. 541-387-3785 286 $500 or Less HEAVY gauge stainless Like new Red Double BOB double kitchen sink Sport Utility Duallie stroller. 33x22x7 deep, also bar Near perfect condition. No sink 15x16" w/faucet. Very stains/rips. $250 Cash good condition, $30. for only. 541-490-8567 both. 503-708-0703 LOPI pellet stove, You HIGH CHAIR, good condi- haul, Good cond., See tion, foldable, $5. 509-493- through glass door, $300 OBO. 541-993-4925 3054 MEDELA double breast HITCH. Round bar weight pump, Older model, Exc. distribution hitch with sway working condition, Needs control and adjustable new tubing and shields, head, $300 OBO. 541-354- $100 OBO. 541-490-6947 1584 MERCURY outdrive for HUBCAPS, fit Chrysler 120 engine, Incl. new prop. Town and Country, four, $350. 541-544-2355 $20. 509-493-2011. MINATURE kitchen set: 8HUNTING PACK, older pieces, 1-inch scale, origiNimrod Apex. Sells for over nally paid $300, will take $300 new, asking $175. $175. 541-490-2656. 541-386-3677 MOTOR for 1996 Acura InIn time for Football. Mitsu- tegra, 4 cyl. not V-Tech, bishi 70 inch Big Screen 139K miles, AT, $450. 541T.V. You know you want 380-1166 this! $200. Call or Text 541- MOTORCYCLE tires: 1 965-0231. Works great each 3.50x18, 4.00x18, Kenmore fridge/freezer co- and 2.75x21, will fit Yamaha 175, all brand new, paid mobo, $60. 541-980-6975 $167, sell separately $25 KEROSENE heater, like each or together $60. 509new, used very little, Dura- 493-3463. heat brand, carrying hanMotorola Electrify Android dle, guard grills, 1.9 gal. ca- $130 text or call if interestpacity. $50. 541-400-0179 ed 541-993-1168 GOOSENECK trailer hitch, LAWN edger, 3 HP, 4 CyNEW, never used Chrome heavy duty, $95. 509-493- cle, MTD, Runs great, $95. Side rails, For 2011 Chevy 3808. 541-296-3091 Silverado Short bed, $175. HAND MILLS, (2) Corona, LIKE NEW Admiral washer, 541-483-0955 1 meat, 1 grain, barely used 3 mo., w/older dryer. NICE medium sized enterused stone disk, $60 both. $250 for both. 509-250- tainment stand, like oak fin541-354-2208. 2718. ish, $60. 541-296-4416. Alpacas 286 $500 or Less 286 $500 or Less OLD radio. 1950. With SEWING machine, Singer record player. Sears Sil- commercial, works good, vertone. $50. $400 obo, 541-308-5807. 509-773-4508. SLIDE PROJECTOR, ORGAN. Yamaha with Kodak Carousel with bench, books & manuals included. $100. 541-386- screen and 10 slide trays. All you need to view slides. 2001 $55. 541-490-0588 PA COLUMN speakers (2), each has 2-15" & horn, JBL Solid oak desk chair on JRX 125, used 20 hours, wheels $70 541-397-0591 $500 incls. 2 free 25" spea- The Dalles kon cables, 541-380-1369. SOLID oak rocker, w/ ottoPATIO Set, table w/ 4 man, Padded seat and Charis, Thick green & white back, Nearly new, $90. cushions, Very good cond., 541-298-2066 $75. 541-993-4122 Sportcraft boat, 17' fiberPHEASANT pelts, 12 - 15, glass, & E-Z load trailer, Beautiful, Gorgeous feath$500. 541-980-4989 ers, $100 takes all. 541993-3553 STOVE, glass top, selfPORCELAIN Doll, Very cleaning, only $150. Please old, Good shape, w/ stand, call Ron 541-490-5668 or 541-400-0711 $40. 541-296-4535 PRINTER Lexmark x4270, print/copy/scan/fax. Great cond. w/cables & new ink. Home, office or student. $40. 541-352-3523 QUALITY pool table, One inch slate, Cues, Balls, & accessories, Wood, Older model, Good shape, $500. 541-370-5920 286 $500 or Less Weatherguard model 117 diamond plate aluminum pickup tool box with two keys. $275 Patrick ph 541298-2687 WEDDING dress, beaded satin with train, white, size 7, perfect condition, $100. 541-300-0735. WHEELCHAIR transporter, $75. 541-965-2453 ZENITH 21" TV with remote, $35. 541-980-4154. ANIMALS & AGRICULTURE Livestock & Supplies ...290 Pets & Supplies ...........295 Pasture Rentals ...........300 Stables & Kennels .......305 Hay, Feed, & Produce..310 Swimming Pool Shell- Lawn & Garden Equip. 311 above ground oval shape, Food, Meat, & Produce315 16'x32'x4' high. No liner or Plants & Nursery Stock 320 filter, $100 541-490-4703 Farm & Orchard TIRES & WHEELS, off Equipment ...................325 Jeep Wrangler. Safari MSR LT235/75R15 tires on 290 Livestock 5 hole aluminum Jeep wheels, $300. 541-490& Supplies 4391 QUILT frame and comes with quilt to finish! $20. Call TRAMPOLINE 12ft with 3Nancy, 541-296-6739 after Arch enclosure and flash light zone. good conditions 4 p.m. $120 541-399-2296 RIFLE STOCK for Ruger One 10/22 Hogue, WASHER/Dryer, "overmoulded", black. Like piece, Over/Under, Whirlnew, in box. $65. 541-490- pool, 240V, $100. 541-7698523. 0566 Advanced Hoofcare and Horseshoeing Three Decades of Quality Service. Journeyman farrier. Will Travel. Call or text Sam @ 509-310-9073 or 509-250-3425 $500 OR LESS GUIDELINES • Private Party Only • No Food or Produce • No Fuel or Firewood • No Hay or Straw • No Livestock or Poultry or Horses • No Garage or Yard Sales • No Automobiles • Pets – Pet ads will no longer be accepted in the $500 or Less category. Free Pets – Run one week free in the Pets Category. Can renew each week. Individual Pets offered at $500 or less – Will be included in the PETS category at the $5 per week rate. Litters or more expensive pets – Run in the PETS category at the Marketplace Rate of $20 for 4 weeks. Automotive A/C and Heating Be there when you’re needed! Get listed in The Sentinel’s Business Directory Construction Engine Repair Attorneys Construction Construction Construction Construction Health Care Carpet Cleaning Home Improvement The Goldendale Sentinel Business Directory is a great way to get your name out there! Just $8, $16, $24 or $32 per week! Call us today at 773-3777 Manufactured Homes Pet Services Plumbers Water Services 14 — MAY 23, 2012 GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON CLASSIFIEDS 290 Livestock & Supplies For Sale Registered Dexter heifer 3 years old. Easy going manner, friendly, great family cow $2000 503-7587268 or cspilotro HEREFORD Textan Western saddle, $550. Water trough, $75. Silver Bridal, complete, $95. Roping horns, $5/each. 971-2355878 HORSE Trailer Croft, 2 horse, extra heighth, straight in, new treated wood floor with rubber mats, tack storage, extra tire. $1500. 541-296-4982 JUSTIN HILL HORSESHOEING 509-261-1508. 295 Pets & Supplies 320 Plants & Nursery Stock 330 Business Rentals 365 House Rentals/OR VOLUNTEERS NEEDED SWEETWOOD NURSERY Trees and shrubs Monday - Fri, 1-5 Saturday, 8-5 Closed Sunday 509-493-1907 THE DALLES downtown office or retail space. All utilities paid by owner 395 +/- sq.ft. to 2850 +/- sq. ft and any size in between. Excellent street exposure. 541-387-3913 or 503-260-6016 CASCADE LOCKS. 3 bdrm, 1.5 ba., fenced yard. No smoking. Recently refurbished. First/last/deposit, $825/mo. 541-3863024 To socialize, feed and trap feral, abandoned or stray cats. We are feeding and caring for more than 100 of these cats in Hood River and White Salmon. We also try to place as many as possible in loving homes. When a cat is trapped they are spayed or neutered. Also needed are artists for posters, bedding, cat food, litter and plastic dog houses. Please contact: BE MINE CAT ADOPTION Bonnie Edstrom 541-386-3776 MEADOWROCK ALPACAS is THE place to SHOP for ALPACA! insert alpaca artwork left facing 541-386-3776 KATIE "KATIE" Sweet, friendly, tortoise shell calico cat, 2 years old, F, spay, shots, Luk check, indoor, adults only. Call Bonnie 541-386-3776 ALPACA LIVESTOCK Quality BLOODLINES Fine FLEECE Excellent CONFIRMATION Bred/Open FEMALES HERD SIRES FIBER MALES COMPANIONS The Resilient Alpaca is: EASY TO HANDLE Halter & Lead Trained BE MINE CAT ADOPTION 541-386-5099 JASMIN "JASMIN" Sweet and lovely, grey and white cat, young adult, female, loving, spayed, vaccinated, indoors only, quiet adult home. FREE MICROCHIP! Call Elizabeth 541-386-5099 PURRFECT FIT CAT ADOPTIONS We invite YOU to come visit on SHEARING DAY Tuesday, May 29th insert alpaca artwork right facing AUSTRALIAN shepherd puppies, 9 weeks, 2 males left, red merle and black tri, $250. Call 509-364-9468. BLUE Heeler, 1 yr. old, male. Knows how to work pairs. $300. 509-773-5660. Country Store BROWN Lab/Pit, 1 year old female, smart, loves to play fetch, friendly. Good with kids & chickens. $200. 541-399-3290. ALPACA ANNEX Free kittens. 8 weeks old. One male and one female. Black and white call, or text 541-980-3918 OPEN Wednesday - Sunday 10 to 4 --ALSO-By Appointment Just Call or Email 80 Mt. Adams Road Trout Lake, WA 509-395-2266 FREE male cattle breed watch dog, needs country home, NOT good w/ kids. 541-993-7372 ONE African Grey, 2 Cockatiels, $50 w/cages. 509773-9118. WOLF/MALAMUTE Female. Trained sled dog. Single or team. $400. 541978-0420. 315 Food, Meat, & Produce NEED help loading your horse in a trailer? Want help with ground work? Call Heidi 509-261-2730. TROUT FOR PONDS Rainbow trout fingerlings for your pond, available the end of April. U-Haul. $25/100. Miller Ranch, Inc. Yacolt, Wash. 360-686-3066 325 Farm & Orchard Equip. THE DALLES, Large shop for rent, Excellent location, Office & bathroom, Call for appointment. $850/Mo. 541-296-1424 John L. Scott Prpty Mgmt 541-298-4736 2 Bd House TD $850 3 Bd House Rufus $1,000 3 Bd House TD $850 3 Bd House TD $1,050 3 Bd House TD $1,425 1 Bd Apt TD $600 4 Bd House TD $1,000 390 Rentals to Share ROOMMATE WANTED To share 2-bedroom apartment at Rhine Village, White Salmon, shared 1/2 rent, available June 16. 385 Rentals Wanted NOW OPEN Sandoz Farm Come on out to the farm to buy your eggs, beef, pork, jams & jellies. We have fresh lettuce! Spinach and radishes coming soon. 5755 Mill Creek Rd. TD Chronicle photographer losing long-time rental to property sale. Want to rent inexpensive home in the country near The dalles that allows children, pets, smokers, and garden space. Please call 541-9933223. Pasheks Oregon Dogwoods, Growing for this area by people who live in this area. Flowers, vegetable plants, Patio containers and baskets. Open Mon-Sat. 9-5, Sunday 12-4 (we need some time off) 1332 West 10th 541-298-9173 WANTED: 1 Bdrm furnished in The Dalles vicinity for July, August & September by retired nonsmoking senior couple w/ no pets. 928-344-2850. 541-399-1266 PIC OF HOUSE 509-493-0062 HOOD RIVERPINE GROVE Roommate wanted, to share a three bedroom 335 Apartment home, includes Wireless Internet, Direct TV, WashRentals/OR. er/Dryer, $350. monthly, CASCADE LOCKS Ac- THE DALLES, 3 bdrm, 1 utilities included 541-993RENTALS ba. Dead-end street. 738 1168. cepting applications for Pleasant Ct. $850/month. Business Rentals.........330 waiting list for 2 bedroom Call afternoons, 541-386395 Room Rentals Apartment Rentals/OR 335 townhouse apartments at 8747. Apartment Rentals/WA 340 Riverview Terrace ApartCondo Rentals/OR ......350 ments. Nice quiet complex. THE DALLES, 3 bdrm, 2 ba THE DALLES-Room for Condo Rentals/WA ......352 This is a subsidized hous- in a quiet neighborhood. rent in clean tidy home. Duplexes, Four-Plexes/OR ing community. Pet free fenced back yard. Avail. $350/mo utilities 355 complex. W/S/G paid. Ten- 06/01 w/ one year lease included. First and Last Duplexes, Four-Plexes/WA ant is responsible for $1100 per mo. $1,500 dep. required. Close to down360 electric. Play area for chil- Pets are welcome with de- town. 541-220-0422, text House Rentals/OR.......365 dren. Laundry facility on posit. For more info call or or leave message. House Rentals/WA ......370 site. Combined rent and text 503-781-5498. 415 Misc. Rentals Senior Housing ............372 utilities typically do not exMobile Homes/Oregon.375 ceed 30% of adjusted THE DALLES, 1 Bdrm, Old rural home, No smoking, Mobile Homes/Washington monthly income. Equal PASTURE 380 Housing Opportunity. For No pets. Rough road on FOR RENT working farm. references, Mobile Home Spaces ..382 more information or to re8 irrigated acres RV Space.....................384 quest an application please Other special conditions, in Parkdale. Rentals Wanted ...........385 call 541-374-8894 or you $700/Mo. Leave name and Call Dale Rentals to Share..........390 may stop by the office at 24 phone number, 541-296541-980-1185 Room Rentals..............395 NW Clark St. and pick up 6649 RV Site Rentals ...........397 an application. REAL ESTATE Vacation Rentals..........400 370 House Bed & Breakfast...........405 THE DALLES, 2, 2 Bdrm Rentals/WA Acreage & Lots ............420 Storage Space.............410 apts avail, $600/Mo. + Commercial/Investment Misc. Rentals ...............415 $500 dep. W/S/G paid, No 425 pets allowed. 541-298- 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath, house; Property Spacious, Beautiful River Orchards, Farms, Ranches 7015 330 Business 430 View, Wishram, WA. Walkin closet in master bed- Real Estate/OR............435 Rentals 340 Apartment Real Estate/WA ...........437 room & walk-in pantry in kitchen, laundry room, front Real Estate Wanted.....440 HAVE A HOME FOR SALE? Rentals/WA. covered patio, large yard, Manufactured Homes/OR Get results fast by placing 445 your ad in the Gorge Clas- BINGEN. Studio, 1 bdrm, 2 $750/Mo +utilities, first/last Manufactured Homes/WA sifieds, your ad will appear bdrm, monthly, $400-$600, +deposit. 206-824-5231 447 in every paper in the gorge utils includ. 1st+dep. 509- BZ CORNERS. 3 bedroom, Condos/OR ..................450 area, reaching over 1 bath, storage shed, W/D Condos/WA..................452 493-1803 9 am-7 pm. 115,000 readers each hook-up, next to rafting week. Call us at the Gold- GOLDENDALE-Crestview launch site and The Logs, 420 Acreage endale Sentinel, 773-3777 Apartments: 2 bdrm. apts. about 12 miles from White or toll-free at 1-888-287- available now. New reSalmon. No smoking/pets. & Lots 3777. model. RD Subsidies - You $700/month plus $800/depay only up to 30% of your posit. 509-493-2118 or HOOD RIVER BARE LOTS! adjusted income. 509-773- 509-806-2060. 200 sq. ft. office, $210 BRING YOUR BUILDER! 5436. 300 sq. ft. office, $210. John L. Scott Prpty Mgmt 300 sq. ft. office, rr, $350 3.89 acres Hood River 500 sq. ft. office, $450. 541-298-4736 Westside $249,000 715 sq. ft. office, $550. 1 Bd Apt Bingen $375 1068 sq. ft. office, $885. 2 acres in Parkdale 1800 sq. ft. retail, $1300. $215,000 Comm Prop Bingen $750 Various dry storage units GOLDENDALE: 123 NW Ofc space Bingen $800 Chuck Beardsley, 541-386High Street. Unfurnished 22.57 acres on Booth 5555, Hershner & Bell Realty Hill bedroom apartments. Wa- KLICKITAT, WA: 300 Main; 3 bd., 1 ba., garage, fenced $145,000 ter and garbage paid. $525/ PUBLISHER'S NOTICE yard, recently remodeled. All real estate advertising in mo. 509-773-3816, 503Dog/cat ok! Sec. 8 OK! MT HOOD REALTY this newspaper is subject 201-7833, 509-773-4840. Dale, 503-473-4956. COMPANY to the Fair Housing Act GOLDENDALE: 400 W 541-352-7789 which makes it illegal to adWishram, WA, 3 bed, 2 Broadway. 2-bedroom upvertise "any preference, bath recent remodel. $750 limitation or discrimination stairs unfurnished only, Mo., $500 dep., 1st & last. PUBLISHER'S NOTICE Apt. #5, W/D onsite. Water based on race, color, religNo Pets. Small 2 bed, All real estate advertising in ion, sex, handicap, familial and garbage paid. $525/ fenced yard, across the this newspaper is subject mo. 2-bedroom, 2-level status or national origin, or street from playground. to the Fair Housing Act an intention, to make any apt., 1.5 ba., W/D hookup. $500 mo., $300 dep., first & which makes it illegal to ad$550/mo. 509-773-3816. such preference, limitation last. No pets. Call 509 773- vertise "any preference, or discrimination." Familial 503-201-7833, 509-773- 4500 limitation or discrimination 4840. based on race, color, religstatus includes children WISHRAM: 2 bdrm., w/ ion, sex, handicap, familial under the age of 18 living GOLDENDALE: 1 Bdrm., 1 fenced yard, across from status or national origin, or with parents or legal cus$500/mo., an intention, to make any todians, pregnant women ba. apt. $400 w/$300 dep. playground. $300 dep., 1st/last, no such preference, limitation and people securing cus- 509-314-2274. pets. or discrimination." Familial tody of children under 18. THREE Mountain Village This newspaper will not Located at 613 W. Collins 3 bd., 2 ba., recent remod- status includes children knowingly accept any ad- in Goldendale, now ac- el, $750/mo., $500 dep. under the age of 18 living with parents or legal cusvertising for real estate cepting applications for 1, 2 1st/last, no pets. todians, pregnant women which is in violation of the & 3 bdrm. apartments. 509-773-4500. and people securing cuslaw. Our readers are here- HUD Section 8 Restrictions by informed that all dwell- apply. Call 509-773-3344 380 Mobile Homes/ tody of children under 18. This newspaper will not ings advertised in this or TTY dial 711 for appliknowingly accept any adnewspaper are available on Washington cations. vertising for real estate an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discriminaCARSON, 2 or 3 bedroom which is in violation of the tion call HUD toll-free at 1mobile home for rent in law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwell800-669-9777. The toll-free quiet country park, no pets, ings advertised in this telephone number for the 509-427-8758. newspaper are available on hearing impaired is 1-800an equal opportunity basis. 927-9275. 355 Duplexes, 382 Mobile Home To complain of discriminaThe Dalles tion call HUD toll-free at 1Four-Plexes/OR Spaces 850 sq ft, $750/mo. 800-669-9777. The toll-free Col Ct Mall, 107 E 2nd St THE DALLES Eastside, 2 telephone number for the THE DALLES: Large Inc. utils, 541-298-8903 hearing impaired is 1-800bdrm, 1 bath, W/D, gas Mobile home space for 927-9275. heat, vaulted ceilings, open rent. Foley Lakes Mobile 7 Office complex, plan, no smoking/pets. Home Park. 541-296-9292 $950/mo. $645/mo. + $600 security or 541-980-4995. deposit. 1 year lease, 541Storage:400 sq ft.$150/Mo 806-5137. DIESEL 7000 Tahoe Generator, Brand new, Used once, $3000/OBO. 541467-2737 or 541-993-4747 435 Real Estate/OR List your Real Estate in The Gorge Classifieds! This incredible home is set high on the East Hills of the Hood River Valley with 180 degree views from Mt Hood to the Gorge and the hills of Washington. Serene, quiet, and remote, the property is on the edge of nowhere, but is just 12 mins to town. Surounded by forests, with orchards providing a backdrop for the best of rural living. 24+ Acres, 3000 sq. ft., built in 1985, Open floor plan, recent remodel to main floor. Living room has large stone gas fireplace and plank maple floor. Kitchen has heated tile floors, granite counters, and updated appliances. 4 large bedrooms and 3.5 baths, the bright master suite has a huge bay window overlooking the forest. Laundry located on second floor. The lower level has a large family room, a home office, a wall of storage, and a wood stove. All rooms have large windows and amazing views. Nearly 1000 sq ft of covered porches and a breezeway. A large concrete patio with water feature completes the outdoor living space. There is an attached 2 car garage, and the 24 X 36 barn opposite the garage across the shared 2000 sq ft paver parking area. The barn includes 2 stalls, tack room and large hay loft. The 2 acres of pasture are waiting for animals. Many gardens and raised planting beds. The land rises more than 500 ft, and is in its natural state with large pine, fir and oak, and many acres of alpine meadow covered with wildflowers. Served by Hood River Electric Coop, Crystal Springs Water (city water), and East Fork Irrigation (2 acres water rights) $795,000 See photos of this home at http:// (2129 Wells Dr) Email inquiries to pinegrovehome@ or call 435 Real Estate/OR ZONED B & B/multi-family. Remodeled 5 bdrm, 3 ba, office, living rm, dining rm, family rm, utility rm, oak floors, 2 patios, hot tub, fenced yard. Close to schools, parks & downtown. $279,000. 121 W 10th St. 541-300-0853. 437 Real Estate/WA 509-493-1333 Mt. Hood Pic WHITE SALMON 1 Acre View Lot Excellent private neighborhood, 2 miles from town, water meter in, utilities available, paved road. $159,000 Call Annette 509-493-1333 509-427-7988 541-490-2720 Condo Pic FSBO STEVENSON CONDO 1527 sq. ft. 3 bdrm, 2.5 ba, built in 2008. Kitchen, dining room & office. Great views form both levels. Must see to appreciate. $219,500. 541-490-2720 CENTERVILLE area: 59.55 acres in 3 joining parcels, $159,000. Drilled well, 1000 gal. septic system, power close, fenced, black top road. Good spot for home/land package. 950 Randall Road. Call Norm at 509-773-6348. GOLDENDALE: 3 bd., 2 ba., garage, RV parking, fenced yard, covered deck, new carpet, paint, windows. Close to hospital, schools, grocery. 310 Sanders Way. $172,000. Call for appt. 509-2612730. TWO Mount Hood view city lots on Glover St. Culdasac. $49,000 appraisal. ANALYZE THIS: Remod- Buy one get one free. eled 3 bdrm. house in 509-773-6277 or downtown Wasco, OR, 509-250-0181. AND 7.23 acres in Rufus, OR, with all utilities in, TWO Mount Hood view city ready to build. Pleasant liv- lots on Glover St. Culdaing for retirement or vaca- sac. $49,000 appraisal. tion. Both properties for Buy one get one free. $199,500, or inspect and 509-773-6277 or make offer. 541-300-0683. 509-250-0181. MARLLETE trailer, 2 Bdrm, 2 Ba, 70 x 14, 2 Car ports, 445 Manufactured 11 x 10 shed, $12,500. For appointment call 541-965Homes/OR 3531 after 4 p.m. 541-399-1266 Newly remodeled 3 BDRM, 2 BA Boathouse, approximately 1000 sq. ft. This floating home has new everything, logs, beams, floors & completely remodeled interior. Well insulated interior & exterior walls and ceiling. Heating and Air Conditioned. New cedar decks. Includes appliances and furnishings. Excellent vacation home! 541-340-0516 THE DALLES, FSBO: Beautiful 3 bdrm, 1 Ba. Nice sized lot in development. Fenced backyard, easy maintenance landscape. $125,000. 955 Home St. 541-399-1555 Tudor Home/125x100 lot 2500 sqft. Loaded Charm Maupin $179K Tygh Tavern/Tygh Valley Proven Income $230K Acreage: Private/Mt. Hood View/Buildable/Pine Grove 232ac $375K/161ac $250K 20 or 27 ac $95K each search craigslist portland/ columbia gorge/maupin Wasco Realty 541-993-4111 AFFORDABLE family home, Mosier Manor Park, 3 bdrm, 2 ba, quartz counter tops, modern kitchen, new carpet and window treatments, All appliances & some furn. incl; Heat pump, electric heat & propane. Large lot great for kids & pets! 20X40 over sized double garage w/ remote opener, $32,000. Century 21, Right and Associates, Inc. 541-980-7662 FOR SALE IN MOSIER Manufactured home in lovely park. 3 bed, 2 bath, den, completely fenced back yard for your pet, storage shed. Roomy 1782 sq.ft. living space. Must see to appreciate. Call 541478-0666 for appt. THE DALLES, Beautiful 3 bdrm, 2 Ba located in Foley Lakes Mobile Home Park. Financing available. 541980-4995 Statewide Classifieds STATEWIDE CLASSIFIEDS WEEK OF MAY 21, 2012 This newspaper participates in a statewide classified ad program sponsored by the Washington Newspaper Publishers Association, a statewide association of weekly newspapers. The program allows classified advertisers to submit ads for publication in participating weeklies throughout the state in compliance with the following rules. You may submit an ad for the statewide program through this newspaper or in person to the WNPA office. The rate is $255 for up to 25 words, plus $10 per word over 25 words. WNPA reserves the right to edit all ad copy submitted and to refuse to accept any ad submitted for the statewide program. WNPA, therefore, does not guarantee that every ad will be run in every newspaper. WNPA will, on request, for a fee of $40, provide information on which newspapers run a particular ad within a 30 day period. Substantive typographical error (wrong address, telephone number, name or price) will result in a "make good", in which a corrected ad will be run the following week. WNPA incurs no other liability for errors in publication. ADOPTION ADOPT -- Adoring Family, Veterinarian Doctor, Athletics, home-cooked meals, unconditional love awaits precious baby. Expenses paid. Susan 1-800352-5741 AUCTION EVENTS-FESTIVALS HELP WANTED -- DRIVERS LEGAL SERVICES PRIME INDUSTRIAL property along I-5 in Olympia, WA to be sold by unreserved auction -June 14, 2012. 62.94 +/- acres total. Details at ANNOUNCE your festival for only pennies. Four weeks to 2.7 million readers statewide for about $1,200. Call this newspaper or 1 (206) 634-3838 for more details. ment commitment required Call 8 6 6 - 3 0 6 - 4 1 1 5 DIVORCE $135. $165 with children. No court appearances. Complete preparation. Includes, custody, support, property division and bills. BBB member. (503) 772-5295. CAREER TRAINING FINANCIAL ATTEND COLLEGE online from home. *Medical *Business *Criminal Justice. *Hospitality. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV certified. Call 866-483-4499. LOCAL PRIVATE INVESTOR loans money on real estate equity. I loan on houses, raw land, commercial property and property development. Call Eric at (800) 563-3005. HELP WANTED -- DRIVERS NEW TO TRUCKING?.Your new career starts now! * $0 Tuition Cost * No Credit Check * Great Pay & Benefits Short employ DRIVERS -- Knight Offers Hometime Choices: Express lanes, 7/ON-7/OFF, 14/On7/OFF, WEEKLY. Full and Part Time. Daily Pay! CDL-A, 3 months recent experience required.. 800-414-9569 DRIVERS -Inexperienced/Experienced. Unbeatable career opportunities. Trainee. Company Driver Lease Operators. Lease Trainers. Ask about our new pay scale! (877) 369-7105 Get More Exposure for your money! Advertise state-wide. Call The Sentinel 509-773-3777 MAY 23, 2012 — 15 GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON CLASSIFIEDS 447 Manufactured Homes/WA 460 RVs & Travel Trailers 500 Heavy Equipment 538 Antique & Classic Autos CURTIS TRAILERS Since 1948 1983 CHAMPION Mobile Home, 28x60; separated & WE BUY ready to move! 3 Bdrm., 3 CLEAN USED RVs ba., new insulated windows, appliances, furnace, NORTHWEST'S air conditioner, wood stove. LARGEST SELECTION $6,000 obo. 509-250-1119. Choose from: Big Sky, BigGoldendale, WA. horn, Cougar, Fuzion, GOLDENDALE: 1994 Mar- Komfort, Lance, Montana, lette mobile home, single- Mountaineer, North Trail, Outback, Residence, Rewide 3 bed., 2 ba., needs sort, Sandstorm, Denali, TLC. $7,000. Set up in MPG, Onyx, Passport, Silpark. 541-993-4016. ver Creek, Rubicon, Springdale, Stealth, Super Sport, Trail Cruiser, Trail AUTOMOTIVE Sport and Trailblazer. Aviation ........................455 RV's & Travel Trailers ...460 Canopies & Campers ..465 RV Rentals...................470 RV Parts & Supplies ....475 Boats, Motors, Supplies 480 Personal Watercraft .....481 Snowmobiles ...............485 Motorcycles, ATC's & ATV's 490 Utility Trailers ...............495 Heavy Equipment ........500 Misc. Auto ....................505 Auto Parts & Supplies .510 Autos Wanted ..............515 Sport Utility Vehicles....525 Pickups & Trucks .........530 Vans & Utility Vehicles .535 Antique & Classic Autos 538 Automobile...................540 460 RVs & Travel Trailers 09 Like new Tear Drop travel trailer; Built to last a lifetime; Aluminum colored w/ all extra packaging; Covered kitchen area, w/ 10x10 attaching tent. All new 14 in. tires. Cargo tray, battery & memory foam Qn. bed. Paid $5300, sell for $4395. 541-442-8598 PORTLAND 800-345-1363 Hank's Auto Sales Buy-Sell-Consign RV's/Utility Vehicles 541-296-5854 or 541-993-0109 Classic Cars Wanted! D-4 CAT 7U, runs well, $2500. 509-365-6859 525 Sport Utility Vehicles JEEP Cherokee Sport, '96. Automatic, AC, excellent 4x4 for winter, 138K mi, cruise, single owner, well maintained. $2500, in Hood River, 541-387-4996. Jeep Wrangler Unlimited 2006, V6 63k miles. Brand new brakes and tires, in good condition. Removable hard top, premium sound, well maintained and always garaged. Asking 17k call 541-965-1696. MITSUBISHI Montero SUV, '94. 4x4. Great vehicle for all your activities. CD/Stereo, BFG AT tires & Keystone Copper Canyon Yakima roof rack & trailer 2008, 33' 5th Wheel, Dual hitch. Well maintained & reSlide, Thermal Package, liable. No accidents, clear New Awning, 120W Solar, title. $2950. Best vehicle 600W Inverter, Autoseek avail. at this price. Hood King-Dome Satellite, River. Call 503-720-6570. HDTV, Direct TV DVR, AM/ FM/CD, Excellent Condi530 Pickups tion, eolsen.nordicsun & Trucks, (509) 2610961. $22,500 OBO. 2006 FORD F150 Quad Auto transmission, 465 Canopies & cab, 2WD w/ 105,000k miles. $10,000 OBO. Call Gilbert Campers at 541-399-0912 2005 PICKUP Camper, Fits smaller pickups, new cond., Sink, Stove, & FORD F-350 fridge, No bathroom or AC, FLATBED $5000 OBO. 541-296-3211 WITH STOCK RACKS original miles, duels, 480 Boats, Motors, 83K recent brakes, exhaust and tires, owned truck 44 & Supplies years, well maintained, excellent running condition, 1994 LIVINGSTON 14 ft. $975 OBO. boat w/ easy loader trailer. 509-493-3325 15HP recently tuned LEAVE MESSAGE Yamaha motor. Electric trolling motor. Incl. life jackets, fish finder, fold up shade top and licensed 535 Vans & Utility through 2013. $2750. Call 541-328-6365. 19' 1990 NOMAD Weekender travel trailer, sleeps 5, good shape, new tags, ready to camp. $3500 obo. FUN Sail boat! Perfect Call Joe 541-490-6186 MANGO sailboat, Sail, rut1977 GMC Coachmen, ter, dagger board, hull, etc. All accessories incl., Good Leprechaun series, Class shape, $499. 541-993C Motorhome, 23', 400 Cl, 9321 V-8, Sleeps 4-6, Runs Greats, Like new tires, 490 Motorcycles, Clean, $1700 OBO. 541ATCs & ATVs 340-9519, leave message. Vehicles 1997 FORD Aerostar Van, 4WD, Power windows & doors, Power locks, Roof rack, Tow package, Clean interior, great paint job. Complete service records in hand, Will guarantee perfect condition. 129K Miles, $2950 OBO. 541-980-7157 2000 PONTIAC Montana 2004 ALFA, 30', 5th wheel, 1980 YAMAHA, 400, New Van, low miles, $5000. fiberglass, 2 large slide- brakes & battery, $950. 541-296-2152 outs, lots of storage inside 541-506-6377 after 10 a.m. and out, well maintained, 1984 Kawasaki Ninja $15,000 OBO, 360-980- 900CC. Good motor and 2830. trans. Good frame. Needs work. My loss, your gain. 2006 NUWA Hitchhiker II, Must go due to moving. LS 35 Ft. 5th wheel w/ 3 $500 OBO. 509-261-0084. slides, 2 AC units, Fridge, 2005 HONDA Silverwing Microwave, Queen bed, Scooter. A scooter that Rear living room w/ hide-a- drives like a motorcycle but bed & 2 swivel reclining gets the gas mileage of a chairs, 32" Flat screen TV scooter. 600CC. 6K miles, & DVD player, W/D hook- $4250. 541-993-7684 up, Tons of storage inside Honda xr100 2002, Nice and underneath. Awning, dirtbike, Must see...For Custom wheels w/ light more information contact truck tires. Nice layout! Stefanie 541-340-0109 Very roomy, clean & exKawasaki ZL600 Eliminator cellent condition. $22,000. 1996, Nice 600 cc bike, 4 541-993-1458 cylinder, 14102 miles, yellow with luggage rack, back 30' 1992 DUTCHMAN 5th rest and windshield. $1600 wheel with large dining/liv- obo. Located in east end of ing slide. Includes skirting, The Dalles. Call 541-591inverter-wired for solar 0128 or 541-591-5132. panels, queen bed. Good MOPED, 2008 Schwinn condition, stored inside. Collegiate, 1500 mi. $750 $4000, 509-538-2118 obo. 509-250-1314. Classified Deadline is Monday at noon Wanted: Your classic or muscle car or truck, please no junk or restorations! We are a licensed, bonded brokerage in the greater Portland, Oregon area with 30+ years experience, who purchases, consigns and sells primarily classic & muscle cars & trucks all over the world. Our satisfied customer base is our best advertisement. We also handle estate sale vehicles. Please call us at 503-8554345, 24 hours; 888-5976719 10am-5pm Tues Sat., or email or visit us on the web at and see videos of our inventory on YouTube at http:// w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m / r e sults?search_query=fabul ous50scars&aq=f MEADOWROCK ALPACAS is THE place to SHOP for ALPACA! insert alpaca artwork left facing ALPACA LIVESTOCK Ouality BLOODLINES Fine FLEECE Excellent CONFIRMATION Bred/Open FEMALES HERD SIRES FIBER MALES COMPANIONS The Resilient Alpaca is EASY TO HANDLE Halter & Lead Trained 540 Automobiles '04 Chevrolet Tahoe Sport Utility, recently licensed, Air power steering/windows/ locks, tilt wheel, cruise, AM/FM stereo, CD, Onstar, DVD, air bags, leather power seat/warmers, third seat, moon roof, roof rack, towing pkg. Good Cond. $12,000. 541-296-2039 02 Ford Windstar $2999 83 Cadillac SLS $3483 96 Honda Civic EX $3500 96 Honda Civic EX $4150 05 Kia Rio $4999 01 Kia Sophia $2999 01 Dodge Stratus $3499 From the littlest dealership in town! Granny's Cars Call Cory @ 541-296-0014 or 541-296-0014 *Warranty available on all cars 1979 CHEVROLET Caprice Landu, Glass house rear window, Power steering, brakes, windows & seats. Everything works, Runs good, $1800 OBO. 509-773-4788 1991 MAZDA MPV, PW, PM, AT, 6 Cyl., w/ hitch, $500. 541-993-9916 1993 Lincoln, Mark 8, 125k Mi., Loaded, w/ 4 mounted snow tires, $2,500. 541-298-8903 ABANDONED Vehicle Sale. Bishop Towing Wednesday, May 30, 2012, 8-11 a.m. 815 S. Columbus, Goldendale, WA 98620 '92 Mercury Topaz, OR Lic. SWS011. '99 Volks Passat, WA Lic. ABL5923. DODGE STRATUS 1998, black, 175k, runs well, nice and clean, asking $2500. 509-364-9466 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS LS 2000, light blue, gray leather, auto, PW, PB, PS, air, cruise, 6-disc CD changer, premium sound system, interior mint condition, good tread, $2300. 541-980-2925 We invite YOU to come visit on SHEARING DAY Tuesday, May 2th insert alpaca artwork right facing Country Store ALPACA ANNEX OPEN Wednesday - Sunday 10 to 4 --ALSO-By Appointment Just Call or Email 80 Mt. Adams Road Trout Lake, WA 509-395-2266 Saturn SL1 2002, Good condition, 134K miles, 1.9L engine, auto, A/C, P/S, power locks, new rear tires, AM/FM/CD/USB/Aux stereo w/remote, $3,000 541296-1291 Cleaning COLUMBIA HOME MAINTENANCE Cleaning - Painting and Windows FREE ESTIMATES 541-352-6001 OR#60590 PROFESSIONAL HOUSE CLEANING SERVICES Painting & Papering Tree Services LOG CEDAR HOME REFINISHING GUINN'S FOREST MANAGEMENT Complete interior/exterior painting and STAINING service. Most homes look better than new when completed! Harvesting Timber to Enhance Future Forests Over 20 Years Experience insert artwork OR #60641 WA #gaigep*969kq Call Mark Basic Cleaning Deep Cleaning Windows Outside Work AND Car Detailing ABSOLUTE SUNSHINE LLC Tamera and Laura 509-637-2858 503-341-1912 COVERING YOUR ASSETS ONE COAT AT A TIME BUFFALO LAWN CARE Landscaping & Turf Maintenance Mowing, edging, trimming, pruning, bark dust, thatching aerating, clean up, and much more. FREE ESTIMATES 541-490-4656 Dennis' Lawn Maintenance Lawn mowing, Hedge Trimming, Pruning, Rototilling, Hauling, Bark Dust, Brick Walls, River Rock & snow removal. Call today! 541-993-0090 541-296-1850 Bonded & Insured (Hudson Insurance) NO JOB TOO SMALL Plumbing & Drainage 360-241-3537 Landscape Maintenance Specialty log markets, marking and flagging, permitting, road building, thinning, land clearing, brush piling, replanting, danger trees, storm damage plus blowdown. ORDER YOUR ANNUAL TESTING Jans Backflow Testing LICENSED IN WASHINGTON & OREGON TOLL FREE 877-278-5999 or TOO BIG! ONE TREE TO 200 ACRES Free Consultation insert artwork CHRIS GUINN, Owner 23 Years Experience Licensed and Insured 360-957-5662 White Salmon, WA jansbackflowtesting Windows Special Services Lazy-Y-Salvage Hulk Hauling Will pick up Junk cars, Pickups with titles or Sheriff papers. Scrap metal of all kinds. Appliances - Alum. Copper - Brass. 541980-2235. PRO WINDOW GUTTER & CHIMNEY CLEANING "AFFORDABLE" 1-800-918-0739 Covering the Entire Gorge! YARD CARE Rototilling, thatching, mowing, pruning, fertilizing, trimming & edging, spraying, bark chips, debris hauling, compost and clean-up. 541-490-0786 Painting & Papering CHRIS BURZIO PAINTING Interior/Exterior Over 30 years Experience Licensed & Bonded Call for Free Estimate 541-380-3800 ALL GORGE CLASSIFIEDS placed through The Sentinel will appear on The Sentinel’s website GORGE CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS 16 — MAY 23, 2012 GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON ANDREW CHRISTIANSEN REGIONAL MEET AT WAPATO: Clockwise from far left: Cole Walters wins the shot put, one of three qualifying events; Lyle-Wishram in blue battles Bickleton in 4x100 with Austin Pickett, right, handing to Jacob Ziegler and Justin Roberts handing to the Pirates’ Nic Venema; Lara Parsons winning the long jump; Gregory Dechand qualifying in the pole vault; Chance Carpenter trying to hold off Bickleton’s Peter Clinton in the 400. TRACK from Page 9 Powers settled the issue with a 36-foot jump. He will also compete in the high jump after setting a new PR of 5-9.5 at Regional. Roberts will have a second event as a part of the 4x100 relay team. The final two Pirates who make it to their first State meet are freshman, Joey Cardenas and junior, Joshua Cummings. They will both compete in the 3200 meter race. Klickitat Cole Walters is the senior leader of the Klickitat contingent which includes juniors Lara Parsons and Sarah Ingebo and freshman McKenzie Schlangen. Walters has made big gains in the weight events and will compete in the shot put, discus and javelin. Walters never reached the 40-foot mark as a junior, but has been beyond 40-feet in eight of nine meets this year. Last year was an off-year for Walters in the discus, but he set a PR 127-11 two weeks ago and has the second best qualifying throw at State. It is the javelin that has really come alive for Walters. He has added nearly 20-feet to his PR in each of the last two years. In 2011 Walters was fifth at State where the winning throw was 163-5. Walters threw 164-10 at Glenwood two weeks ago. Parsons is going to State in the javelin and long jump. Ingebo beat out TLG’s Abbie Vermeire in the discus with a PR 96-feet. The two girls had close battles through the season with Vermeire often edging the Vandal junior. Schlangen gets her first trip to State in the 100 meter hurdles, an event she took on a little gingerly, at first, but has made steady improvement. Lyle-Wishram The Cougars have battled a variety of problems that have kept them from putting a consistent team together for a couple of their favorite events, the 4x100 and 4x400 relays. Their 4x100 team of Kyle Radke, Chance Carpenter, Austin Pickett and Jacob Ziegler is coming together at the right time, thanks in part to the perfor mance of Chance Carpenter. Carpenter has been toughing it out on a sore leg through the season. Both bones in his lower right leg were broken during the fall football season. It might have slowed the sophomore down, but didn’t keep him from competing. Carpenter ran for the first time without a noticeable limp at last Friday’s Regionals and qualified for State in the 400 meters as well as the two relays. Rounding out the team are Austin Pickett in the 4x100, Kyle Radke in both relays, and Jacob Ziegler in both relays. Nick Wolff is the fourth member of the 4x400 relay team. Radke is a powerful runner and is also qualified in the 100 and 200 meter dashes. Ziegler is a freshman who ran his only 400 meter race of the season during the Regional relay. The only Cougar girl to qualify is Kirstin Hylton who will compete in the shot put and discus. TLG The Lady Mustang-Eagles have dominated the team scoring at State for the most of the past five years, finishing way out in front in 2007, 2008 and 2009. They were second by just four points in 2010 and just one point out of first last year. This year will be a challenge for the team, but one thing will be the same, Valerie Vogt will domi- nate the distance runs. The junior runner hasn’t put up particularly great times this year, but she hasn’t been challenged and last year’s numbers show that this girl likes competition. She won the State 800 meters in her PR 2:25.73 last year and she won the State 1600 in 5:26.5, at the time a PR. She was second at State in the 3200 in 12:01.05, which still stands as her PR. She will likely have to bring her top race to State in the 800, as she is one of seven girls who ran in the 2:30s to qualify. Vogt’s best 800 this year is 2:26.5. There are only two girls who qualified under six minutes in the 1600, Vogt and teammate Caitlin Scott. Vogt set a new PR in the event this year at 5:24.5. There could be a challenge in the 3200 from Seton Catholic’s Lucy Defilippas, who has the best time of the year, a 12:15.13. Other areas where TLG will look for points is all three relays where Amy Underwood, Maggie Baker, Marie Weber, Krista Clark, Lindsey Scott, Caitlin Scott, Emma Wirth and Vogt will compete. Weber is also set to run the 300 meter hurdles and Clark qualified in the 400 meters. Underwood is the only TLG girl in field events, competing in the pole vault. For the boys, Alex King returns to State in the 800 and 1600. He hasn’t matched his best performances of 2011, which also came at the State meet, but is coming closer after a late start to the season. Devin Van Laar will compete in the 1600, J.D. Yarnell in the discus and javelin, and Greg Dechand is the fourth pole vaulter to make it out of Regionals based on performance with a 10-6 vault. The 4x400 team includes Luke Clark, Dechand, King, Van Laar and Kenny Montavon.
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