annual report - North Branch Land Trust
annual report - North Branch Land Trust
2014 A N N U A L R E P O R T who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure “asThose long as life lasts. There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature ” — the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter. ~ Rachel Carson, Silent Spring 2 NORTH BRANCH LAND TRUST • WWW.NBLT.ORG LETTER FROM THE Grass Pink, bi-color Orchid, Valmont Preserve Dear Friends, Three cheers to all our donors, members, volunteers and vendors for making 2014 another successful year for land conservation in Northeastern Pennsylvania. In the pages that follow you will read about some of NBLT’s current efforts to conserve significant natural areas in our region. The project areas harbor rare plant and animal species, provide important watershed protection for our water supply, and add to our recreation opportunities. There are certain facts about the world we live in that have a direct bearing on our quality of life. Some of these facts are: The earth and its natural resources are mostly finite. As an example, there is only so much dirt to farm, water to drink, minerals to mine, trees to cut etc. Also, the earth has a maximum carrying capacity meaning it only has enough natural resources to support a certain number of inhabitants. If we cross this threshold we run the risk of degrading these finite natural resources to such a point that the quality of life for all of us declines and continues to do so until a new equilibrium point is reached. Many scientists believe that we have already reached the tipping point, that we are consuming the earth’s resources far faster than they can ever be replaced, and that our quality of life will decline because of this unless we bring things back into balance. Of course technology can play a major role in stemming the tide of over utilization of resources but even with technology we need to be acutely mindful of our symbiotic relationship with the earth and its finite resources. All of us at NBLT believe that land conservation plays an important role in helping to keep things in balance. The smart development of certain lands and resources coupled with the conservation of our most critical natural areas can help maintain and even improve our quality of life. The devil is in the details! What is the right mix of consumption and conservation? With your support 3,700 acres were conserved this year! Thank you again for your continued support, Mission: The North Branch Land Trust works in partnership with landowners and their communities to conserve the scenic, natural and working landscapes that sustain us. Paul Lumia, Executive Director Bald Eagle Family, Vosburg Neck, PA NORTH BRANCH LAND TRUST • WWW.NBLT.ORG In 2014, NBLT offered many opportunities for people to connect to and love the land! We hiked: Bear Creek Preserve hike We built trails: We photographed: Photography Workshops Annual Susquehanna River Paddle We paddled: Newly constructed trail at Picton Sanctuary Natural Creations Workshop We created: “Without love of the land, conservation lacks meaning or purpose for only in a deep and inherent feeling for the land can there be dedication in preserving it.” We traveled: We made merry: ~ Sigurd F. Olson We played: 15th Annual Dinner & Auctions We learned: Connect Kids to the Land Workshop We renovated: South Africa Conservation Safari Winterfest at Picton Sanctuary Barn renovation at the Howland Preserve 3 4 NORTH BRANCH LAND TRUST • WWW.NBLT.ORG Delaware & Lehigh National Heritage Corridor Seven Tubs Rail Trail Project North Branch Land Trust will soon be taking ownership of 2.5 miles of the old Lehigh & Susquehanna railroad bed from Oliver Mills to the Seven Tubs Natural Area. NBLT will work with Delaware & Lehigh National Heritage Corridor (D&L) personnel to improve the rail bed for pedestrian and non-motorized bike traffic. Once complete, this section of trail will be deeded over to the Pennsylvania Bureau of Forestry which will manage the trail going forward. This trail project is part of a larger trail construction project being managed by the D&L that will link the recently completed Black Diamond trail in Mountain Top to the Seven Tubs. The entire Heritage Corridor is a continuous 165-mile trail beginning in Bucks County, Bristol, PA and terminating at the River Commons in Wilkes-Barre. The trail uses primarily the Lehigh Canal Towpath and the old Lehigh Valley Railroad bed. In the near future NBLT will be collaborating with the D&L to complete the trail from the Seven Tubs to North Hampton Street in Wilkes-Barre. The ultimate goal will be for hikers and bikers to travel an unbroken trail from the River Commons in Wilkes-Barre to Bristol and on to Philadelphia. This National Heritage Corridor represents an historical journey telling a story of coal from mine to market. Visit the D&L website to learn more and definitely get out and experience those sections of trail that are already complete. Funding for this acquisition project came from a Community Partnerships Program Grant award to NBLT from DCNR. Funding for these grants comes from Keystone Recreation, Park and Conservation Fund (Key93), the Environmental Stewardship Fund, the Growing Greener Bond Fund and federal funding sources. NORTH BRANCH LAND TRUST • WWW.NBLT.ORG Mocanaqua Highlands Acquisition Project This 3053-acre project is a partnership between North Branch Land Trust (NBLT), The Earth Conservancy, the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation & Natural Resources (DCNR), & the Pennsylvania Bureau of Forestry. We have been working to protect this tract since the mid 2000’s and the parcel is a key piece in the Land Trust’s strategic conservation planning efforts. blocks support plants and animals that are dependent on interior forest conditions including bird species, fishers, bobcats, Northern Goshawks and Barred Owls. Above and beyond the protection of habitat for important plant and animal species, protecting the Mocanaqua Highlands will make available over 3,000 acres to the public for a host of passive recreation activities including hiking, mountain biking, cross country skiing and rock climbing. The property contains mostly forested acres. Along its northern boundary is the Susquehanna River and the southern boundary is adjacent to the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission’s Lily Lake recreation area. A large portion of the property includes the Penobscot Mountain ridgetop. There is an existing 15-mile loop trail on the property. The property will ultimately be deeded to the Bureau of Forestry and will become part of the Lackawanna State Forest system. NBLT hopes to build on this acquisition in an effort to launch future conservation projects along the Penobscot Ridge and the Susquehanna River with our ultimate goal being to build an uninterrupted greenway along the southern edge of the Wyoming Valley. Large forested Funding for this acquisition project came from the Enhance Penn’s Woods program, a two-year, more than $200 million initiative launched by former Governor Tom Corbett to repair and improve Pennsylvania’s state parks and forests. 5 6 NORTH BRANCH LAND TRUST • WWW.NBLT.ORG Wilkes-Barre Family YMCA Camp Kresge Conservation Project NBLT is proud to announce the 650-acre Wilkes-Barre Family YMCA Camp Kresge Conservation Easement project located in Dennison Township, Luzerne County, PA. The property is significant in that it contains wetlands and headwater of the Nescopeck Creek, is contiguous to Nescopeck State Park and Pennsylvania Game Lands 187, and harbors some globally rare plant species. supports plants and animals who are dependent on interior forest conditions. The conservation easement area will be available to the public for passive recreation activities year round thereby greatly increasing the amount of publicly accessible lands in the area. This conservation project will help link many thousands of acres of existing conserved land and will help in creating an uninterrupted forested block that Funding for this acquisition project came from a Community Partnerships Program Grant award to NBLT from DCNR. Funding for these grants comes from Keystone Recreation, Park and Conservation Fund (Key93), the Environmental Stewardship Fund, the Growing Greener Bond Fund and federal funding sources. Stay tuned for more details on this conservation project as NBLT works to catalog the flora and fauna found at the conservation site. It is our hope to complete this project toward the end of 2015. NORTH BRANCH LAND TRUST • WWW.NBLT.ORG Welcome to New Board Members and Staff Guthrie Mitchell Nicholas G. Ouellette D. Kay Strickland Retired Christina Dilks Taylor NBLT welcomes our newest members of the Board of Directors. Guthrie, Nick, Kay, and Christina, bring a variety of professional skills and talents to help NBLT advance its conservation mission throughout Northeastern Pennsylvania. Ellen Parmenteri NBLT’s newly hired Operation Administrator, Ellen, comes to the Land Trust from the United Way of Wyoming Valley and served there as the Fiscal Director for various state and federal grant funds. Prior to her experience at the United Way, Ellen served for many years as the business manager for a local law firm managing all aspects of a small business. Ellen is a graduate of Wilkes University and is active with the Little Theatre of Wilkes-Barre and a member of the Luzerne and Plymouth Historical Societies. She is responsible for the day to day administrative operations of the Land Trust including financial reporting and recordkeeping, human resources management, and grant administration. Volunteer of the Year Charlene Wildes As chairperson of the NBLT Events Committee, Charlene has spent countless hours planning and leading programs for the Land Trust from herb workshops to hikes to environmental programs for children. She is a gifted naturalist and hundreds of people—of all ages—have benefited from her knowledge and talent. Growing up near the Chesapeake Bay, Charlene developed her passion for nature at a young age and has maintained that passion all her life. NBLT is most fortunate to be a recipient of her talent, knowledge, time and energy. BOARD MEMBER: Margaret Bakker DIR. OF OPERATIONS: Linda Thoma Margaret Bakker is one of the founding members of the North Branch Land Trust and has supported NBLT since its beginning. She was instrumental in the restoration of the Noxen Depot. We are grateful to Margaret for all she has done to help conserve open space in our region since 1993. NBLT will miss her many talents. After 19 years of service, Linda Thoma retired from the North Branch Land Trust. Linda began her tenure in February 1996 when she became the land trust’s first employee. Since that time, Linda played a vital role in NBLT’s evolution. She handled various responsibilities and tackled numerous special projects. She wrote countless grant applications that provided critical funding for land conservation projects. Linda developed the land trust’s policies and procedures, hired staff, maintained financial records, and partnered with the Board of Directors to advance NBLT’s mission. Linda’s depth of experience gave her a unique understanding of all aspects of the land trust’s inner workings, a knowledge base that will be difficult to replace. We wish her well in her retirement. To All Our Volunteers An extra special THANK YOU to all of NBLT’s dedicated volunteers! Volunteers are the life blood of the Land Trust and whether you are attending meetings, stuffing thousands of envelopes for mailings, monitoring conserved properties, restoring an old house and barn, building trails, clearing brush, leading hikes or hauling trash, you are most appreciated. The Land Trust is honored that you are willing to donate your time, energy and talents to NBLT’s land conservation mission. 7 8 NORTH BRANCH LAND TRUST • WWW.NBLT.ORG Donors January 1, 2014 –December 31, 2014 We extend sincere thanks to the conservation-minded friends whose commitment and support make possible North Branch Land Trust’s efforts to conserve land and connect people to nature in northeastern Pennsylvania. The donors listed on the following pages provided meaningful support throughout the year. Black Bear cub, Dallas, PA NORTH BRANCH GUARDIAN $5,000 & UP Earth Conservancy Endless Mountains Visitors Bureau Eberhard & Mary Louise Faber First Industrial Realty Trust, Inc. James & Florence DePolo Foundation Kenneth & Caroline Taylor Family Foundation Robert & Nancy Kulow Richard Maslow Sordoni Family Foundation The Glen Summit Company Wilkes-Barre Family YMCA CONSERVATION SOCIETY $2,500-$4,999 Berkshire Asset Management William D. & Jeanie Haas Bill & Wilma James Mericle Commercial Real Estate Services Norcross Wildlife Foundation Shoval Foundation Sundance Vacations Twigs Restaurant and Café STEWARDSHIP SOCIETY $1,000-$2,499 Anonymous Benco Dental Citizens’ Voice George & Maureen Conyngham Lou Conyngham Rose Breasted Grosbeak Creative Business Interiors John & Tina Dowd Floral Designs Gertrude Hawk Chocolates Robert H. Graham Chris & Ramah Hackett Huntsville Golf Club Nell-Ann Kappler Clayton & Theresa Karambelas David & Kathy Kautter John Keker Melanie Maslow Kern & Chip Kern John W. & Elizabeth Lloyd Paul Lumia Dave & Carolyn McLaughlin-Smith One Source Staffing Solutions Tony & Elaine Palischak Leigh Pawling Bob & Barb Romanansky James & Susan A. Shoemaker Kay Strickland & Tom Delehanty Thrive Wellness Center Times Printing Marleen Troy Valentine’s Jewelry Fred Valentine Alan Viani & Jane Morgenstern Mike & Caitlin Weaver Dr. Thomas G. & Janis R. Winter WP Valmont Associates, LP Wyoming Valley Motors BENEFACTOR $500-$999 Aerus Electrolux Anonymous Bakker & Lewis Architects Sarah Carr & Durland Edwards Dr. Carl & Susan Charnetski Clements Dentistry, Inc. Frank E.P. & Marion Conyngham William H. & Christina L. Conyngham Cornell Iron Works Nina Davidowitz Greg & Carol J. Douds Jennifer Dressler Endless Mountain Outfitters First National Bank of Pennsylvania Capt. Alan B. Flanagan, USN (Ret) Stephen & Mary Fox Golden Business Machines, Inc. Sandra Goodwin Ellie Harding & David Birchler Charlotte Harrison Frank M. Henry Karl A. Herzog David & Sharon Hourigan Hourigan, Kluger & Quinn, P.C. Benjamin R. Jones, IV Bill & Christine Kammerer Kovalchik, Kollar & Co., LLP Bruce Lefkowitz Ann R. Lewis Carol Lizell Sharon Logan John R. & Suzanne Loyack Luzerne Co. Convention & Visitors Bureau M & T Charitable Foundation Thomas & Judith Mack Jean E. Mieczkowski Guthrie Mitchell Mohegan Sun at Pocono Downs Morda Kotch & Associates PC Colleen Hosey Morda Joseph & Rose Marie Panzitta ParenteBeard LLC Procter & Gamble Paper Products Co. Radiation Medicine Specialists of Northeast PA., P.C. Senator Lisa Baker John & Catherine Shafer Jon Sordoni Matthew Sordoni William B. Sordoni Thomas E. & Karen Sox Julie McCarthy Strzeletz Trey & Christina Taylor The Black Horse Foundation, Inc. The Lands At Hillside Farms The Luzerne Foundation The Straub Family Fund of The Luzerne Foundation The Westmoreland Club Trinity Artisans Dr. Carl R. Urbanski Watkins & Medura Dental Center NORTH BRANCH LAND TRUST • WWW.NBLT.ORG Female & Male Common Mergansers in flight Greg & Mia Weaver Gerald & Cynthia Weber John H. Weinberg Rick Williams & Linda Casey LEADER $250-$499 Joe Ackourey & Cheri Balmer David & Stacey Bass Cindy Beaumariage & Rick Mooney Borton Lawson Engineering, Inc. Borwick’s Performance Hi-Fidelty Brown Hill Tree Co. Jane Butkovsky Dr. Michael & Deborah Klayman Callahan CANTEEN 900 Charles & Natasha Carpenter Dr. Alfred & Mary Casale Thomas & Patricia Finan Castellano Dr. Cindy Charnetski & Paul Shiber Cloud Nine Balloons Michael & Meg Cramton Julie Lumia Cronauer Phil & Judy Decker Paul & Sucheta P. Dembowski Allan & Debra Dick Jim & Laura Dickson William & Mary Dockeray Mike & Rachael Dziak Eastern Pennsylvania Supply Co. Embellish Home Accents Endless Mountain Quiltworks Paula Fall & Brian Gettig Fertile Grounds CSA First Keystone Community Bank First Liberty Wealth Management Dr. Seth & Carolyn Fisher Ralph & Marcia Frank James & Janice Gorman John & Patricia Graham Great Spangled Fritillary sharing a thistle flower with bees Dr. Gretta A. Gross Brian & Renee Grove Carl J. Handman, AIA, Architect Charles & Monika Heimbold Honeyhole Longbeards Chapter NWTF Humford Equities, Inc. Jerry & Marian Hiester Idec InterMetro Industries Johnson & Johnson Maribeth Jones Terry & Wendy Jones Wendell & Kathy Jones Josh & Liz Katyl Marcella Kelly Stephen B. & Estella Killian Jean Kolojejchick Dr. William Krah III Kronick, Kalada, Berdy, & Co. Michael & Patricia M. Last Judy Lemmond Marie Lewis Luzerne Bank M & T Bank Joseph Macialek Howard L. Mantle Martz Travel Debbie Maseychik Raymond & Agnes Massacesi Bob & Nancy Mayer John & Lindsey McGeehan John & Mary Metz Scott & Susan Meuser Scott & Marilyn Millington Misericordia University Chip Morgan Dr. Phil & Rev. Barbara Muntzel Nick Ouellette PNC Bank Riggs Asset Management Company Dr. David & Judy Rimple Ringneck Ridge Inc. Virginia G. Rivers Ed & Corny Romanowski Michael & Mary Rosto Marjorie Rough Robert & Theresa Ryan Annette Sheldon Judd & Susan Shoval Troy & Jessica Standish The Tambur Family Foundation Jon Thomas Trion Industries, Inc. Valley Aviation, Inc. Verve Vertu Art Studio Woodhouse Day Spa PATRON $100-$249 3 Sisters A.J. Lupas Insurance Agency Inc. Richard P. & Jan Abramowitz Acton Technologies, Inc. Paul & Jean Adams Rich & Daphne Adams Russ Andrews Around Town Bicycles Aura Salon Kermit & Sally Ayres Baby Vogue Boutique Back Mountain Bloomers Garden Club Back Mountain Harvest Assembly Bakehouse Bakery & Cafe Balance Yoga & Wellness Virginia H. Banks Lynn Banta Bartolai Winery Bear Creek Café Victor & Melissa Berti Black Bear, Tunkhannock, PA Cynthia Bhagat Penny Bianconi & Charles Erwine David & Phyllis Billings Black Sheep Network, INC. Bohlin Cywinski Jackson Paul Bookstein Kevin & Janet Boylan Barbara Bradley Joanie Brenton Anthony T.P. Brooks Bruce Troy Electric, Inc. buka Bill & Carole Burak Mike Burnside Peter & Lesa Butera Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation Camp Robin Hood Family Robert L. Carson Jane Caruso-Dahms & Eric Nogin Lee Case & Graysha Harris Mike Chase Jeff & Elizabeth Comiskey Corine Coniglio Art Coolbaugh Ann Coughlin Country Ski & Sport Shop Creekside Gardens 9 10 NORTH BRANCH LAND TRUST • WWW.NBLT.ORG Renovated 19th Century Barn, Howland Preserve Larry Crimi Tom & Laurie Cywinski George & Carol Daru Diane Davies & Sara Thompson Bill & Autumn Davis Dwight & Molly Davis Deer Park Holdings, Ltd. Dr. Patrick J. & Lois DeGennaro Beth Ann Delaney Jay & Valerie Delaney John & Patti Della Rosa Joseph & Nan DeMarco Jim & Flo DePolo Brian Derenick Walter & Charlotte Derhammer David & Laura DeVoe Thomas Dorko Keith Dorton & Maria Landis Bill & Audrey C. Eberhardt Environmental Club, Wyoming Seminary Lower School Erwine Home Health and Hospice, Inc. Fetching Fido Fotography Fidelity Bank Dominic & Ruth Fino First Liberty Bank and Trust Judd B. & Dianne Fitze James & Elizabeth Flannery Forks Farm John C. & Joan S. Foster Dr. Louis & Nancy Freedman Rob Friedman Jackson L. Gearhart William M. Gleason & Sandra Gardosik Joseph & Mary Glynn Great Gifts 900 Guyette Communications Robert & Evelyn Hagen Wilhelmina Hailstone Thomas & Judith Hall Peggy A. Hamilton Dr. Michael W. & Tammie Harris Harveys Lake Veterinary Clinic Wilbur F. Hayes Louise Hazeltine William E. Hine, Jr. Terry & Cindy Holdridge Ted & Patty Horn Robert C. & Nancy Houck Howard & Julianne Daly Charitable Gift Fund George & Barbara Hugo Ice House Pub Irem Country Club Pro Shop George Isaacs Jack Williams Tire Company, Inc. Jane Leslie & Co. Dave & Kate Jenkins Joseph & Edith Kachurak Kalinosky Landscaping Inc Jeff & Maureen Kaminski Bill, Kim & Kaelee Kane Rhonda Seward Keller Kilmer Insurance Agency, Inc. Gerard Kipp Robert J. & Gina Klepadlo Joe & Pete Kneidinger John & Jennifer Kolessar David A. Kovalchik, CPA Chris Krall Allen Kropiewnicki John J. & Jill V. Kryston Dr. William J. & Nancie Krywicki Dave & Karen Kyle James & Christine Lacomis Patrick Layden Bob & Shirley Leitner John J. Levitsky Linde Corporation Lizza Studios Lockard Surveying & Mapping L.T. Verrastro Jim Luce John P. & Angela Lynch Dr. Michael A. & Tina MacDowell Dave & Diane Madl Peter & Cindy Mailloux Mainstreet Galleries Majestic Wines Mar Cor Fine Woodworking Marquis Art and Frame Martin’s Restaurant Maslow Lumia Bartorillo Advertising Masonry Preservation Services, Inc. Mattern’s Flora and Furnishings Sidney D. & Paige May Glen & Jennifer Mayers Thomas & Deborah McGrath Bryan & Anne McManus Kris Medic & Bruce Thomason Rob Meehan Gretchen Melnyk Melt Hot Yoga Mick & Judy Mertz Midway Garden Center Jeannie Mikush Bill & Abbie Milligan Howland House in Winter Cindy Post Mitchell Morgan Stanley Anastasia Morgan Mr. Honey-Do Handyman Services Nahas & Donahue Orthodontics Paul & Claudia Niezgoda North East Eagle Teresa Nowak Barry & Marilyn O’Boyle Joe O’Connor Overbrook Pub & Grille Jeremy Packard & Ingrid Cronin Vance Packard & Bonnie Smith Joseph & Nancy Paddock Panzitta Enterprises, Inc. John & Sandra Panzitta Parkhurst Enterprises, Inc. The Parsons Family Gene & Betsy Pelletier Pennsy Supply Peoples Security Bank & Trust Susquehanna River, Howland Preserve Robert A. Piccone Art & Sandy Piccone Ken & Nancy Kaiser Pidcock Daniel & Jean Pope Rainbow Jewelers Charles A. & Mary Annette Rawls Barbara Reel Reeves Rent-A-John, Inc. Harry & Liz Reich Sandy Rhodes & Julie A. Dostal James P. Ridolfi & Marguerite Glaser Clark Riley SuAnn Ritter Linda Jo Robbins James & Barbara Rogers Bobbi-Jo Romanishan J. David & Joan Roskos Phillip Roth Marshall & Anne Rumbaugh Theron I. & Pam Russell Saucha Wilma A. Schierer Shawnee Craft Brewery Tom & Anne Sherwood Wendy Shortz Showroom 56 Bonnie Silvetti Darren & Kelly Snyder William & Jennifer Sordoni Space and Time Professional Organizers 11 NORTH BRANCH LAND TRUST • WWW.NBLT.ORG Miracle of Water Workshop Brian & Lauren Stahl Debbie Stancavage Richard D. & Marilyn Stark Joe & Keiko Stusnick Tanament Stables Stephen Taren Ken & Caroline Taylor Sharon Templin The Beaumont Inn The Lion Brewery The Upstairs Gallery Michael Tomalis & Theresa Gatusky Truly Scrumptious UGI Penn Natural Gas, Inc. Elva Valentine & David Green VGOGH GALLERY Marcia Wazeter & Albert Jesikiewicz Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC Robert & Irene Wendoloski Weyerbacher Brewery Bruce & Gert Whipple Wild Birds Unlimited Wilkes University Gary & Denise Williams Michael Wilson Eric & Anne Woelfel Jim Wolfe & Family Mountain Top winter creek Charles Wrobel Karen Yamrus Craig & Karen Yarrish John & Maggie Zembruski Ed & Amber Zygmunt ADVOCATE $50-$99 Ah! Some Chocolates Lynn K. Aldrich Allen H. & Margaret W. Alexander Donald & Nancy Alonzo Back Mountain Agway Jim & Christine Balavage Jane S. Balliet Larry & Lillian Beeman Dorrance R. & Susan Belin Walter & Carol Ann Bennetto Frank & Carol Bevevino Bistro on the Avenue Donna Broda Kuliczkowski Dr. Rodney D. Brown Jerry & Teresa Cavalier Rylan Coker & Rebecca Lane Greg & Marcia Coleman Betsy Condron M. Clark & Rita Conlon Connor’s Grillroom Corbett Insurance Group Andy & Marsha Costello Countryside Conservancy James & Kate Crowley Dave & Roberta Daniels Raelene Daring Dr. Wayne & Bonnie Dombroski Joseph & Barbara Ducic Janine Dymond Bob & Nancy Edgerton Edward’s Garden Center Edwards & Amerise, CPA Endless Mountains Heritage Region, Inc Richard & Elizabeth Endres Allen W. & Mary Erwine David & Sharon Estep Sanford & Maryann Evans F. M. Kirby Center for the Performing Arts Chris Ferner Thomas J. & Barbara H. Field Tina Fiorani Leonard E. & Judy Ganis Gay’s True Value Hardware, Inc. Trudy D. Gerlach Joe & Steve Germick Andrew Gobish Seth Gollhardt Rich & Bonnie Gower Tom & Patti Granoski Grico’s Groomingdell’s Harry & Dolores Grozio Eleanor Gwyn-Jones Joan Hamilton Lucia Harkenreader Harold J. Golomb Farm Woody Haydt James M. & Louise M. Herring, Jr. Hog Bay Pottery Anne Holmes James & Eileen Hoyson Carol Hussa Len Janus Beverly Johnson Tom Jones KB Coffee House Kevin’s Bar and Restaurant Dr. Mari King Charles Kinsman Lance & Sandra Kittelson Thomas R. Kneidinger Koch’s Turkey Farm John S. Koehler Michael R. & Noree C. Kolman John P. Konicki, D.D.S. Anthony J. & Vivian Korch Constance Kozel Joe Kozich William & Catherine Kuklinski Christopher Kule Rich Lacomis Dale Lane Mt. Pisgah Hike Bob & Jan Larmouth R. Lawatch & M. Goldberg Kathryn Lietz Dr. William & Becky Loftus Janice Lohmann Gretchen Ludders & Bob Fleese Nick Lylo Dr. Kurt D. & Sylvia Maas Ned McGuire Cathy McHugh Caleb McKenzie Clarence J. & Morag E. Michael Dave & Denise Moore Kim Morgan James S. & Mary Ann S. Murphy Russell G. Newell Nick of Time Printing Kip & Marilyn Nygren Constance Orchard Joseph & Joanne Osiecki John & Michaelene S. Ostrum Edward & Judy Palka Anne Pelak Steve Pelleschi 12 NORTH BRANCH LAND TRUST • WWW.NBLT.ORG Mink at sunrise Penguin Group (USA) Inc. Michele Phillips Pizza Perfect Bob Quarteroni Dave Reel & Mimi Kaufman Chase & Molly Reynolds Susan Richards Christine Rizzo Jessica Rizzo Rowlands Pennsylvania Produce Bill & Joanne Runner Sa-ka-ri Salon & Spa Joe Sabatini Sassy Albert Soaps Tammy Schane & Vincent Haas Roberta Schmied John & Mary Jo Shalanski Daniel & Bonnie Shane James & Robin Shedlauskas Shooze Slamon and Company Beth Slock Bob & Ellen Smith Donald D. & Midge Smith Dr. Richard & Karen Somma Bob Sprague & Amy Levengood Kenneth Staub Burt & Mary Louise Stoffel Susan Charnetski Interior Design The Charles & Denny Barber Family Fund of the Luzerne Foundation Bernie & Linda Thoma Robert B. & Hannah Tolles Barry & Shirley Trievel Lenny Trolio Jacob & Joni Turner Bob & Catherine Veleker Alixandra L.C. Westbrook Helen Westenheffer Wet Paint Bob & Maureen Whipple Jeremy White Marguerite Woelfel Woodside Trust Raymond Youngblood SPONSOR $30-$49 Robert J. & Nancy L. Adams William Adams & Angela Marchesani Dr. Joseph & Maureen Anistranski Diane Arnold Nancy Baker Sally Barnes Beckwith Maples Amanda Birk & Chris Lent AJ & Lynn Bittner Tim Boyle Brace’s Orchard Roger Brown & Daniel F. Leonard Paul & Elaine Burg Judge A. Richard & Rosemary Caputo Bill & Susan Carmalt Gary R. & Kim Carpenter Mike & Alene Case Donald J. & Rose Ann A. Casey Janet A. Conser Bill Cook Carl & Marcia Crispell Susan Demko & James Jasterzenski Rick Denmon Jason A. English Alice R. Erb Christine Erb Carole Ertley Pam Fedak Adam Ferrucci Fire and Ice on Toby’s Creek Gail Forstater Ed & Georgeann Frey George Burger & Sons Michael M. Gondell Denis Hackney Jack & Jean Hanish Rodney & Carol Heckert Jack & Karen Hoover Jack & Margaret Hoover Fran & Paul Imbriaco Jim Kotz Young-Nam & Alexis Kwon Julio & Nancy Larralde Marilyn Lehew Michael Leskowsky Thomas Leskowsky John & Janeann Lokken Longwood Gardens Mary Ann Luton Bill Martin David & Mary Martin Paul Mazza & Lindsay Pross Sandy McGovern Katie McHutchison Bob Mercando Palmira Gregory Miller Elizabeth Montalvo Brenda Naugle Outrageous P&D Pet Supply William O. Palmer Dale & Ellen Parmenteri Phillip & Molly Piazza Robert J. & Mary Ann Prymus Ted L. Radzinski Jennifer Reese Margaret Reid John Riccetti Lawrence & Wilma Richards Salon NouVeau Unusual Painted Trillium with four petals Ben & Ronalee Schall Michele Schasberger & Michael Polgar Joan Schooley & Fred Willauer Charlie & Helen Schwarz Joe & Rose Slusark Jean Smith Natalie Smith Gordon Snow J. R. Spagnuolo, DMD Betty St. Martin Gerald & Sandra Stankiewicz Theresa Stewart Joanne Taras Joan Taylor The Carrick Family Michael Tonkin & Estelle Stevens Deborah A. Trubela-Mitchell & Richard Mitchell Dolores G. Trycinski Susan A. Tuleya Patti Weed Theodore S. Wiaterowski Charlene Wildes Doug & Ali Wilson Jim Witinski John Witinski Peterlyn Wojtuszewska Rev. Dr. Robert & Shawn Zanicky STUDENT $25 Stewart Ball Community Bank Debra Dowling Ray & Julie Iwanowski Mitchell Financial Group Walter & Connie Mitchell Mountain Beverage Verlon & Mary Lou Nichols Cardinal Meadowhawk Dragonfly 13 NORTH BRANCH LAND TRUST • WWW.NBLT.ORG NBLT Winter Hike Kevin & Adele Reilly Seasons Restaurant John & Dolores Sedeski Tallulah Valenti’s Restaurant Jerome H. Weinberger Rickard A. & Lois E. Yeust SUPPORTER UNDER $25 Timothy & Daneen M. Adams Eugene Aichele Anne Amerise John J. Baloga Cindy Beck Tracy Belles Bob Berry Belle Boice Brown Barn Bistro Seven Tubs Natural Area MiSchelle Carpenter Terry Cobb Jerry & Diane Coffee Susan Downs Joe & Jeannie Dreier Terri Dunn Cynthia Dutter Ryan Endler Daniel Gabriel Edna Gatzke Linda Gilles Wendy Gloffke Dr. Janet Golaszewski GoodShop Joe Gruszkiewicz, Jr. Andre Holley John Kaminski Jackie Kliamovich Joanne Kolkebeck Terri Kosakowski Robin Kosick Connie Kreyewski Lois Kutish Laurie Langan Jim Lawson Paul & Carol Lazar Cheryl Lewis McCain Gas & Electric, Inc. Becky Mergo T. Bryant Mesick Janet Murphy Susan Najaka Roseann Nardone Joanie O’Malley Susan Pall Cecelia Pecaitis Plaza Beverage Price Chopper Judy Reap Bob & Cindy Resavage Michael Rostock Walter Seferyn David Sheydwasser Kristen Shotwell Jackie Simmons Chris & Colleen Slocum Jill Spiotta Charles & Sharon Stanski Michael Turninko Anne Vinton Mary Vinton Terry Vosik Molly Wright LIsa Yupco Anne Zaborny Peregrine Falcon GIFTS IN MEMORIAM Contributions were made in memory of the following: Michael J. McEvoy Richard Rivers Buddy & Beulah Rothstein GIFTS IN HONORARIUM Contributions were made in honor of the following: Sylvia Hughes Rick Mooney Carol L. Seltzer Linda Thoma MATCHING GIFTS The following organizations matched contributions from members: Johnson & Johnson Penguin Group (USA) Inc. GIFT MEMBERSHIPS The following were honored by receiving a gift membership: Janelle Jesikiewicz Cameron Williams NBLT makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of these listings. If you find an omission or a misspelling, please excuse our error and contact us at or call 570-696-5545 to update our records for future donor listings. 2014 ANNUAL REPORT Financial Information North Branch Land Trust financial statements are prepared on the accrual basis of accounting in accordance with standards established by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) for external financial reporting by not-for-profit organizations. The pie charts provide a glimpse of how the Land Trust operates financially. We rely heavily on gifts and grants (74% of revenue) to balance our budget, and most of our time and resources are spent on land conservation, education and membership activities (including fundraising) (90%). REVENUE BY SOURCE Contributed Support Earned Revenues Special Events TOTAL EXPENSE BY SOURCE Program Services Administrative Fundraising TOTAL 74.00% 18.00% 8.00% 100.00% Contributed Support Earned Revenues Special Events 90.00% 6.00% 4.00% 100.00% Program Services Administrative Fundraising Our balance sheet is strong, with no long-term debt. The item on the balance sheet, “Property, Plant and Equipment” represents our fee properties: the Lehigh Valley Railroad Depot in Noxen and the Howland Preserve in Vosburg on the Susquehanna River both in Wyoming County; Harvey’s Woodlot in Harveyville, Picton Wildlife Sanctuary in White Haven, Butler Preserve and Valmont Bog in the Hazleton area, Hanover Crossings Marsh Sanctuary in Hanover Township, Bear Creek Lake View in Bear Creek Village, and Forest Echo Bird Sanctuary in Dallas, all in Luzerne County; and Montage Mountain Wildflower Sanctuary in Moosic, Lackawanna County. Temporarily and permanently restricted funds are gifts segregated by donors. Temporarily restricted funds are released to the income statement after their restrictions are met, i.e. the money has been spent on the purpose for which it was given. Permanently restricted funds are what they suggest; the dollars can never be used by the Land Trust. Typically, permanently restricted funds provide a source of revenue to the Land Trust from their earnings. Our policies on investing and accessing restricted funds are also available in our office as are our complete financial statements. STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION — JUNE 30, 2014 ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents ................................................................$ Accounts receivable, net.................................................................... Pledges receivable, net ..................................................................... Prepaid expenses .............................................................................. Supply inventory ............................................................................... Investments ...................................................................................... Property, plant and equipment, net .................................................. Total Assets ..................................................................................$ LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Accounts payable & accrued expenses...............................................$ Project and security deposits............................................................. Total Liabilities .................................................................................. NET ASSETS Unrestricted ......................................................................................$ Board designated temporarily restricted ........................................... Temporarily restricted ....................................................................... Permanently restricted...................................................................... Total net assets ............................................................................ Total liabilities and net assets ......................................................$ 83,552 2,000 31,272 3,018 444 2,221,549 2,472,481 4,814,316 14,974 33,740 48,714 1,724,541 1,339,341 1,396,542 305,178 4,765,602 4,814,316 Snowy Owl 2014 Board of Directors & Staff EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Chair.............................................................................................. Matthew R. Sordoni Vice-Chair .............................................................................. James T. Shoemaker, Esq. Treasurer .........................................................................................Michael D. Weaver Secretary....................................................................................Philip A. Muntzel, Ph.D. DIRECTORS Margaret Bakker William H. Conyngham James DePolo James T. Gorman Elizabeth Eckman Lloyd Guthrie Mitchell Nicholas G. Ouellette Walter “Chip” Sorber D. Kay Strickland Christina Dilks Taylor Marleen A. Troy, Ph.D., P.E. STAFF Paul Lumia...........................................................................................................Executive Director Linda Thoma...............................................................................................Director of Operations Ellen Parmenteri................................................................................. Operations Administrator Rylan Coker ........................................................ Land Protection & Stewardship Coordinator Barbara Romanansky ................................................. Membership & Outreach Coordinator COMMITTEES ANNUAL DINNER Michael D. Weaver, Co-Chair Greg Weaver, Co-Chair Jane Caruso-Dahms Liz Clements-Katyl Frank Conyngham Kathleen Dunsmuir James T. Gorman Ramah Hackett Lanie Jordan Bill Kammerer Terri M. Kosakowski Elizabeth Eckman Lloyd Paul Lumia Cathy McHugh Leigh Pawling Cindy Post Mitchell Barb Romanansky James T. Shoemaker, Esq. Abby Singh Julie Strzeletz Linda Thoma Barb Toczko-Maculloch BOARD MEMBERSHIP Philip A. Muntzel, Ph.D., Chair James DePolo Elizabeth Eckman Lloyd Paul Lumia BULK MAILING VOLUNTEERS Sarah P. Carr Suzanne Druffner Sister Constance Kozel Carol M. Lizell Jan Lohmann Constance Orchard Elaine Palischak Tony Palischak Eugene S. Pelletier Susan Piazza Rachelle Pryor Mary Annette Rawls Bobbie Schmied Roberta Troy Gary Williams DEVELOPMENT Charles Barber Eberhard Faber Paul Lumia Barb Romanansky Matthew R. Sordoni EVENT PLANNING Charlene Wildes, Chair Jane Caruso-Dahms Allan Dick Deb Dick David Estep Sharon Estep Paula Fall Tina Fiorani Brain Gettig Marguerite Glaser Patrick Layden EVENT PLANNING (continued) Molly Piazza Jim Ridolfi Barb Romanansky Abby Singh Mike Tonkin RENEWAL OF ACCREDITATION Linda Thoma, Chair Rylan Coker Paul Lumia Barb Romanansky Matthew R. Sordoni FINANCE Michael D. Weaver, Chair James DePolo James T. Gorman Paul Lumia Matthew R. Sordoni Linda Thoma RISK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Margaret Bakker David Buck Rylan Coker Dave Estep Paul Lumia Guthrie Mitchell Barbara Romanansky James T. Shoemaker, Esq. D. Kay Strickland Linda Thoma Ali Wilson HOWLAND PRESERVE MANAGEMENT David Buck, Chair Edward J. Zygmunt, Secretary Sarah P. Carr Rylan Coker Jeff Fleming Paul Lumia Raymond Massacesi Anthony T. Palischak Barb Romanansky Walter “Chip” Sorber Maureen Whipple Ali Wilson Doug Wilson LAND Rylan Coker, Chair Sarah P. Carr Tina Fiorani Anthony T. Palischak Jim Ridolfi James T. Shoemaker, Esq. Brian Stahl D. Kay Strickland Marleen A. Troy, Ph.D. NOXEN DEPOT Margaret Bakker, Chair Rodney D. Brown Mike Dante Elaine Dembowski Paul Lumia Philip A. Muntzel, Ph.D. Ryan Sherlinski Walter “Chip” Sorber PICTON WILDLIFE SANCTUARY MANAGEMENT David Estep, Chair Rylan Coker Paula Fall Tina Fiorani Brian Gettig Mike Gondell Ellie Harding Jim Ridolfi Bob Romanansky Charlene Wildes STRATEGIC PLANNING Matthew R. Sordoni, Chair James T. Shoemaker, Esq., Vice Chair Michael D. Weaver, Treasurer Philip A. Muntzel, Ph.D, Secretary Paul Lumia Linda Thoma TASTE THE LOCAL HARVEST Lanie Jordan Bill Kammerer Terri M. Kosakowski Paul Lumia Cathy McHugh Barb Romanansky VOLUNTEER PROPERTY MONITORS Lynn Aldrich John Bensinger Sandy Bensinger Cindy Beaumariage David Estep Paula Fall Adam Ferrucci Tina Fiorani Brian Gettig Mike Gondell Dave Jenkins Kate Jenkins Zack Kauffer Bob Romanansky Edward J. Zygmunt Membership in North Branch Land Trust Helps Conserve What Matters Most! Renew your membership, become a member or give a gift membership today! MEMBERSHIP CATEGORIES Supporting Levels ❑ Student ...................................................... $25 ❑ Sponsor ............................................ $35 - $49 ❑ Advocate ........................................... $50 - $99 ❑ Patron ........................................... $100 - $249 ❑ Business .................................................. $250 Leadership Levels ❑ Leader........................................... $250 - $499 ❑ Benefactor..................................... $500 - $999 ❑ Stewardship Society ............... $1,000 - $2,499 ❑ Conservation Society .............. $2,500 - $4,999 ❑ North Branch Guardian ...................... $5,000 + Membership runs from July 1 to June 30 MATCHING GIFT PROGRAM Does your company have a matching gift program? Please check box if your matching gift form is enclosed: ❑ ❑ Please remove my name from your mailing list. YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION Name(s):________________________________________________ Address:________________________________________________ City, State, Zip:___________________________________________ Phone: _________________________________________________ Email:__________________________________________________ We never share your personal information. If we have your email address we can save money and trees and keep you updated all at the same time! GIFT MEMBERSHIP RECIPIENT Address:________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: __________________________________________ Phone: _________________________________________________ Email: _________________________________________________ For additional gift memberships, write their contact information on a separate paper. North Branch Land Trust is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. Your contribution is tax deductible to the fullest extent permitted by law. A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the PA Department of State. Call (800) 732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement. Make check payable to North Branch Land Trust (11 Carverton Rd, Trucksville, PA 18708) or, to make an online payment, visit For more information send an email to or call our office (570) 696-5545 Shades Creek, Bear Creek, PA Non-Profit Org. US POSTAGE PA I D 11 Carverton Road Trucksville, PA 18708 Dallas, PA Permit No. 12 Address Service Requested North Branch Land Trust 11 Carverton Road • Trucksville, PA 18708 Phone: (570) 696-5545 Fax: (570) 696-5546 Email: Website: PHOTO CREDITS Cindy Beaumariage Page 7: Charlene Wildes Jane Caruso-Dahms Page 3: Annual Dinner Rylan Coker Cover: Red-winged Black Bird Nest Page 7: Margaret Bakker & Linda Thoma Duane Erdman Page 2: Grass Pink Orchid Dave Estep Page 3: Trail at Picton Sanctuary and Winterfest Tina Fiorani Page 3: Bear Creek Preserve Hike, Connect Kids to the Land Workshop and Natural Creations Workshop Page 11: Miracle of Water Workshop and Mt. Pisgah Hike Page 12: Painted Trillium and CardinalMeadowhawk Dragonfly Back Cover: Seven Tubs Hike Brian Gettig Page 15: Shades Creek Internet Page 4: Seven Tubs Page 5: Fisher Page 6: Bobcat & Northern Goshawk Paul Lumia Page 8: Bear Cub and Woodland Creek Page 9: Great Spangled Fritillary Page 13: Winter Hike NBLT Page 11: Mountain Top Creek Rich Pries Page 12: Mink and Page 13: Peregrine Falcon Barb Romanansky Page 3: River Paddle, South Africa Safari and Photo Workshop Sharon Templin Page 2: Eagle Family Page 8: Rose Breasted Grosbeak Page 9: Mergansers and Black Bear Page 14: Snowy Owl Ali & Doug Wilson Page 3: Barn Restoration Page 10: Red Barn, Susquehanna River at Howland Preserve and Howland House Printed by Llewellyn & McKane, Inc. Hiking the Seven Tubs “ …we humans are part of nature and saving nature is really about saving ourselves. Nature isn’t something out there, far away, it’s living, breathing. It’s part of us.” ~ Dr. M. Sanjayan, The Nature Conservancy
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