2013 annual report - North Branch Land Trust


2013 annual report - North Branch Land Trust
“Land is where our feet, but also our souls and our dreams make contact with the rest of
the living world. It is where we feel, taste, breathe in, and smell the more-than-human
world. Land is food, ecosystem, and community. Land is life. Land is communion.”
~ Peter Forbes
Great Spangled Fritillary in Bear Creek Village
Executive Director
Dear Friends,
A hearty thank you goes out to all our donors, members, volunteers and vendors
for helping North Branch Land Trust fulfill its conservation mission in 2013. Since
our humble beginnings in 1993 with an all-volunteer organization and a handful
of conserved properties, NBLT has grown to four paid staff and protected natural
lands totaling over 12,500 acres.
So how do we protect property? There are three ways. First, and the most traditional way, is by placing a conservation easement on a privately owned property
that permanently protects the property from any further development. NBLT does
not own the property but has the right to enforce the terms of the conservation
easement. Properties with conservation easements are usually not open to the
public. The second way of protecting land is for the Land Trust to take ownership
of property either through a purchase or gift. We usually open these properties
to the public for passive recreational activities. The third way is by acquiring land
and then giving it to another organization such as another land trust, the Pennsylvania Game Commission or the Bureau of Forestry. These acquisitions are also
usually open to the public for recreational activities.
The North Branch
Land Trust works in
partnership with
There are costs associated with protecting land. There are staff salaries and expenses to cover. There are stewardship expenses for monitoring properties with
conservation easements as well as for monitoring our properties. There are administrative and legal costs to ensure sound transactions. Finally, there are the
direct costs of purchasing land or conservation easements. As a non-profit, we
rely on the dollars raised from members, donors, foundations and grants to cover
all of these expenses. That is why contributing individuals, businesses, and organizations like you are so important to us.
NBLT provides an invaluable service to the community, protecting and maintaining important natural lands for our children and future generations to enjoy.
Thank you for your support and trust,
Paul Lumia, Executive Director
landowners and
their communities
to conserve the
scenic, natural and
working landscapes
that sustain us.
Historic North Branch Canal on the Vosburg Neck
Year in Review
“ In the end we will conserve only what we love.
We will love only what we understand. We will
understand only what we are taught.”
~ Senegalese Conservationist, Baba Dioum
Learn…Understand…Conserve. These simple but profound words of Baba Dioum were the
touchstone for NBLT in 2013. The Land Trust offered many amazing opportunities for people to learn
about their relationship with the land and nature and understand the connection between people and place.
Africa Through Your Lens safari gets you
close to the animals
Members of the newly formed Friends of
Howland and Friends of Picton groups
learned about their connection to the
land through trail building at the Picton
Sanctuary and by bringing the Howland
Preserve to life.
Renovation of the farmhouse
at the Howland Preserve
In March 2013, a group of twelve NBLT
adventurers traveled to South Africa to
go on safari with renowned conservationist, Joe Viljoen, owner of the 40,000acre ChaZen Nature Preserve and Africa
Through Your Lens safaris. This was an
outstanding opportunity to learn about
conservation in South Africa and see its
magnificent animals up close and personal. So amazing was this trip that another safari is planned for August 2014!
(Call now for information; the trip is filling up fast.)
Bees at work at
the Howland Preserve
Many people understood the connection
between people and nature by attending
workshops like the Bees at Howland and
viewing the stunning visual program presented by outdoorsman, Jeff Mitchell, at
the Volunteer Appreciation night.
Island lunch break during
Annual River Paddle
Making s’mores at the
Full Moon Walk
Paddling enthusiasts learned about the
importance of river and island stewardship while exploring the Susquehanna
River from Meshoppen to the Howland Preserve on the Annual River Paddle with Endless Mountain Outfitters.
Closer to home, NBLT held many walks
and hikes and people learned about
the astonishing orchids of the Valmont
Bog, experienced the windswept summit of Bald Mountain, became skilled at
howling at the Harvest Full Moon walk
and discovered the beauty of the winter
landscape at the George & Lillian Picton
Wildlife Sanctuary.
Hanover Crossings Marsh Sanctuary Clean-up
with kids from Hanover Area High School
Kids from Hanover Area High School
understood being good land stewards
by helping to remove tons of illegally
dumped trash from NBLT’s Hanover
Crossings Marsh Sanctuary.
Accepting the Community Stewardship Award
presented to Bear Creek Village, L-R: Eberhard
Faber, Bob Lawrence, Paul Lumia (NBLT Executive
Director), Jim Merryman, Ann Lewis, Bob Smith
NBLT provided plenty of opportunities
for “conservation conversations”! The
14th Annual Dinner celebrated the 20th
anniversary of NBLT and Bear Creek Village was awarded the Community Stewardship Award for raising the necessary
funds to help NBLT purchase and conserve 139 acres of land in their community. It was without a doubt the most
successful dinner to date raising $70,000
for land conservation. The 2nd Annual
Taste the Local Harvest dinner once
again honored the land and what it provides for our well-being with all the food
produced, grown and harvested by local
farmers. The Annual Members’ Picnic and
the Holiday Gathering were great opportunities for sharing stories of the land.
Bald Mountain Conservation Project
If you look toward the southeast when
driving south on the North Cross Valley Expressway in Wilkes-Barre you cannot miss
the windmills atop Bald Mountain in Bear
Creek Township. With grant funding and
membership support, NBLT was successful in permanently protecting 385 acres
of woodlands and watershed lands on the
north side of the windmill complex.
Since the fall of 2011, NBLT has been
working closely with the landowners, the
Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR), and
Natural Lands Trust out of Media PA to
acquire and protect this diverse piece of
property. The property is unique in that
it is a transition property between two
distinctly different geophysical regions.
To the northwest is the Anthracite Valley
section of the Valley and Ridge Province
and to the southeast is the Glaciated Pocono Plateau section of the Appalachian
Plateau. Also interesting is the fact that
the property straddles two massive watersheds. All water to the northwest of
the property flows to the Susquehanna
River and the Chesapeake Bay, and all the
water to the southeast flows to the Delaware River and the Delaware Bay.
Funding for this acquisition project came
from a Community Conservation Partnerships Program grant award to NBLT from
DCNR. Funding for these grants comes
from Keystone Recreation, Park and
Conservation Fund (Key93), the Environmental Stewardship Fund, the Growing
Greener Bond Fund and federal funding
sources. The property will be owned and
managed by Natural Lands Trust and will
be open to the public for passive recreational activities.
On top of Bald Mountain
Forest Echo Bird Sanctuary Project
In 1907, Rachel and Dr. Sarah Wyckoff of
Kingston purchased the 177-acre Reed
Farm in Dallas Borough as a summer retreat. The Wyckoffs enjoyed and stewarded this idyllic piece of the Back Mountain
up until Rachel’s death in 1946. Having
a long-standing relationship with Wyoming Seminary Preparatory School, Rachel bequeathed her family property to
the school with instructions to maintain
the 17 acres of wooded lands around her
cottage known as Forest Echo as a sanctuary for birds.
Old well at Forest Echo Bird Sanctuary
Over time, Wyoming Seminary and
NBLT discussed strategies to protect the
Sanctuary and in 2012, NBLT reached
an agreement to purchase the property.
Soon thereafter NBLT reached out to the
surrounding community for donations
to fund the acquisition of the Sanctuary. Community support for the project
was overwhelming and by the summer
of 2013 all funds had been raised. In the
fall of 2013, NBLT purchased and permanently protected the Sanctuary.
The property not only provides a sanctuary for birds but also provides direct
watershed protection to Huntsville Reservoir. NBLT will maintain the property
and establish a land use plan that will be
sympathetic to the wildlife found there
and to the surrounding community. The
Trust would like to thank Wyoming Seminary and the Dallas Borough community
members for helping to make this conservation project a reality.
NBLT staff & Dallas Borough community members at Forest Echo
One Conservation Project Generates
Two New Easements
Indiana Bat
Top map: The 300-acre Earth Conservancy Alden Mountain Conservation Easement
Bottom map: The 100-acre Dorrance Township Pennsy Supply Conservation Easement
Early in 2011 North Branch
Land Trust was contacted about conserving approximately 400 acres of
land as part of a mitigation project for Indiana bat
(Myotis sodalis) habitat.
Partnering with Pennsy Supply and Earth Conservancy,
two sites were located for
possible conservation that
would fulfill the US Fish and
Wildlife Service mitigation
requirements for Indiana bat
habitat. The Indiana bat is
listed as an endangered and
protected species in Pennsylvania and has been listed on
the federal endangered species list since 1967.
It was determined that 100
acres adjacent to Pennsy
Supply’s Small Mountain
quarry site would be conserved as it is in the Indiana bat habitat range and
contains an Exceptional
Value (EV) native brook trout
steam, Balliet Run.
The partners located another 300-acre site located in Newport Township,
Luzerne County owned
a non-profit land reclamation
site is also within the
Indiana bat habitat range
and located within one
of the Land Trust’s strategic conservation areas,
the Penobscot Mountain
ridge top region. This site
hosts spectacular views of the
Wyoming Valley, vernal
pools, hemlock forests, and
part of the south branch of
Newport Creek which also
holds native brook trout.
Through this collaborative
effort between the conservation and business community, 400-acres of significant
natural habitat have been
permanently protected.
Land Conservation
Volunteer of the Year
Paula was instrumental in helping NBLT monitor many of its conserved
properties in 2014. This is no easy task as the Land Trust has conserved
properties across northeastern Pennsylvania that are varied in both size
and terrain. No matter what the weather, distance, or terrain, Paula is
always up to the challenge.
Volunteers of the Year
Doug and Ali are doers! They took the lead in kick starting activities and
strategic planning at NBLT’s beautiful Howland Preserve along the banks
of the Susquehanna River in Wyoming County. With their leadership and
positive attitude, many exciting things are happening at Howland. Facilities
are being updated, hiking trails planned and built, and most importantly
awareness of the Preserve is spreading. We are truly thankful for their
To all Our Volunteers
An extra special THANK YOU to all of NBLT’s steadfast volunteers. Volunteers are the life blood of the Land Trust and
whether you are attending meetings, stuffing thousands of envelopes for mailings, monitoring conserved properties,
restoring an old house, cutting trails, clearing brush, leading hikes, or hauling trash, you are most appreciated and we are
indeed honored that you are willing to donate your time, energy and talents to North Branch Land Trust!.
Retiring Board Members
All of us at NBLT are proud of the individual efforts our board members
make in support of the Trust’s conservation mission. Three board members
retired this past year with a combined time in service to the Land Trust
of over 32 years. Thank you Gary, Tony and Bob for your dedication and
support over the years!
L-R: Paul Lumia, Tony Palischak and Gary Williams; Robert Graham is missing from photo
January 1, 2013 – December 31, 2013
Falls in Buckingham Township,
Wayne County
$5,000 & UP
Bear Creek Café *
Frank & Carol Bevevino +
Terry & Wendy Casey * +
Chesapeake Energy *
Earth Conservancy *
Bob & Nancy Edgerton +
Eberhard & Mary Louise Faber * ^
Dominic & Ruth Fino +
First Industrial Realty Trust, Inc.
Floral Designs *
James & Florence DePolo Foundation *
William H. & Patricia Johnson +
Kenneth & Caroline Taylor
Family Foundation *
Kovalchik, Kollar & Co., LLP *
Mark Mack *
Richard Maslow
Maslow Family Foundation
Red-winged Blackbird in
Dorrance Township,
Luzerne County
Melanie Maslow Lumia * +
Maslow Lumia Bartorillo Advertising *
Mericle Commercial Real Estate Services *
One Source Staffing Solutions *
PA DCNR Bureau of Rec and Con
Pennsy Supply
Shoval Foundation *
Sordoni Family Foundation *
Steven P. & Patricia Ubaldini +
Wyoming Seminary Upper School +
Bob & Barb Romanansky *
Ed & Corny Romanowski *
Debra Scannell ^
Jon Sordoni *
Straub Metal *
Bernie & Linda Thoma *
Alan Viani & Jane Morgenstern
Mike & Caitlin Weaver *
Gary Williams *
Todd Williamson ^
Dr. Thomas G. & Janis R. Winter *
Howland Preserve in winter
Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation *
William H. & Christina L. Conyngham *
Edith Reynolds Trust
Rob Friedman
Robert H. Graham *
Robert Grajewski & Susan Garing
Paul Lumia *
R. Douglas & Suzanne B. Shank ^
Sundance Vacations *
The Times Leader *
Bakker & Lewis Architects *
Bedwick & Jones Printing, Inc. *
Benco Dental *
Brian Blight *
Kevin & Kim Bonham ^
Lissa Bryan-Smith & Richard M. Smith *
James & Kathleen Burke ^
Sarah Carr & Durland Edwards *
Citizens’ Voice *
Frank E.P. & Marion Conyngham *
Jack & Lou Conyngham *
Andrew & Molly Cornell *
Creative Business Interiors *
Phil & Judy Decker
Endless Mountain Outfitters *
Erwine Home Health & Hospice, Inc. *
Chris & Ramah Hackett *
Matt & Cathey Indeck ^
Bill & Wilma James *
Henry C. Johnson
Clayton & Theresa Karambelas
Charles & Marjorie Katcavage ^
Robert G. & Kathleen C. Lawrence * ^
Terry & Judith Light ^
Mohegan Sun at Pocono Downs *
Carter J. Nelson ^
Tony & Elaine Palischak *
The Parsons Family ^
Leigh Pawling *
Dr. Lynn K. Aldrich *
Berkshire Asset Management *
Penny Bianconi & Charles Erwine
Dr. Michael & Deborah Klayman Callahan
Thomas & Patricia Finan Castellano *
Dr. Carl & Susan Charnetski *
Dr. Cindy Charnetski & Paul Shiber *
Cornell Iron Works *
Diane Davies & Sara Thompson *
Eastern Pennsylvania Supply Co. *
First National Bank of Pennsylvania *
Capt. Alan B. Flanagan, USN (Ret)
Doug Gaudet & Melissa Duryea-Gaudet *
Dr. Gretta A. Gross
Frank M. Henry
David & Sharon Hourigan
Hourigan, Kluger & Quinn, P.C. *
Carol Lizell *
Luzerne County Convention
and Visitors Bureau *
M & T Charitable Foundation *
Howard L. Mantle *
Colleen Hosey Morda *
ParenteBeard LLC *
Barred Owl
PNC Bank *
Procter & Gamble Paper Products Co. *
Michael & Mary Rosto *
John & Catherine Shafer *
Dan & Bonnie Shane
Smart Planning, LLC
Drs. Henry F. & Catherine Smith, Jr. *
Matthew Sordoni *
William B. Sordoni *
Sue Hand’s Imagery *
The Black Horse Foundation, Inc.
The Lands At Hillside Farms *
The Luzerne Foundation *
The Straub Family Fund of
The Luzerne Foundation *
Marleen Troy *
Dr. Carl R. Urbanski *
Valentine’s Jewelry *
David L. Wagner & Elizabeth Cecil
Richard Ward =
Watkins & Medura Dental Center *
Wilkes University *
Larry Wilson & Laurie Graham
Joe Ackourey & Cheri Balmer *
Honorable Lisa Baker *
Cindy Beaumariage & Rick Mooney
Borton Lawson Engineering, Inc. *
Eastern Black Swallowtail on a White Fringed
and Yellow Fringed Orchid Hybrid (Platanthera x
bicolor) at Valmont Bog Sanctuary
John & Sandra Panzitta *
Kevin & Janet Boylan *
Joseph & Rose Marie Panzitta *
Anthony T.P. Brooks *
Gene & Betsy Pelletier *
Mike Burnside *
Joseph L. & Patrice Persico *
Jane Butkovsky *
Riggs Asset Management Company *
Clements Dentistry, Inc. *
Ringneck Ridge Inc. *
Clodhopper Farm #
James & Barbara Rogers
Corine Coniglio *
Tom & Anne Sherwood *
Kate Conyngham *
Bob & Ellen Smith *
Julie Lumia Cronauer *
Thomas & Karen Sox =
David & Virginia Davis *
Troy & Jessica Standish
Joseph & Nan DeMarco
Kay Strickland & Tom Delehanty
Paul & Sucheta P. Dembowski
Julie McCarthy Strzeletz & Guthrie Mitchell *
Bill & Jamie desRosiers *
Steven Dressler *
Annual River Paddle
Allen W. & Mary Erwine
David & Sharon Estep
First Keystone Community Bank *
First Liberty Wealth Management *
Dr. Seth & Carolyn Fisher
Ralph & Marcia Frank
Geisinger Health System *
Gertrude Hawk Chocolates *
Golden Business Machines, Inc. *
James & Janice Gorman *
John & Patricia Graham *
William D. & Jeanie Haas *
Carl J. Handman, AIA, Architect *
Louise Hazeltine
Honeyhole Longbeards Chapter NWTF *
HSBC Philanthropic Programs =
Humford Equities, Inc. *
Sandy & Marlene Insalaco
InterMetro Industries *
Benjamin R. Jones, IV *
T.W. Shoemaker Art *
Terry & Wendy Jones
John & Aileen Taylor ^
Nell-Ann Kappler *
John S. Thalenfeld
John Keker *
The Westmoreland Club *
Marcella Kelly
Trion Industries, Inc.
Joe & Diane Kerestes *
UGI Penn Natural Gas, Inc.
Robert J. & Gina Klepadlo
Valley Aviation, Inc. *
Kronick, Kalada, Berdy, & Co. *
Mark VanBlargan *
Dr. William J. & Nancie Krywicki
Gerald & Cynthia Weber
Bruce Lefkowitz & Jennifer Dressler *
John H. Weinberg *
Ann R. Lewis *
Rick Williams & Linda Casey *
John W. & Elizabeth Lloyd
Woodhouse Day Spa *
Thomas & Judith Mack
Wyoming Valley Motors *
Peter & Cindy Mailloux *
Mainstreet Galleries *
Martz Travel *
3 Sisters *
Allison L. Maslow *
A.J. Lupas Insurance Agency Inc.
Raymond & Agnes Massacesi *
John & Elizabeth Aciukewicz
Dave & Carolyn McLaughlin-Smith *
Acton Technologies, Inc.
Bryan & Anne McManus *
Paul & Jean Adams *
Dr. James & Nancy Merryman *
Ah! Some Chocolates *
Mick & Judy Mertz
Russ & Gail Andrews
John & Mary Metz
Kermit & Sally Ayres
Scott & Marilyn Millington *
Guthrie Mitchell, Jr. & Melissa Giacometti * Back Mountain Agway *
Balance Yoga & Wellness *
Morda Kotch & Associates PC
Virginia H. Banks
Dr. Phil & Rev. Barbara Muntzel *
White Fringed and Yellow Fringed
Orchid Hybrid (Platanthera x bicolor)
at Valmont Bog Sanctuary
Dorrance R. & Susan Belin
Jane Benesch & Ray Gamache
Melissa Berti
David & Phyllis Billings
Paul Bookstein
Mary Bradley *
Dr. Rodney D. Brown =
buka *
Dr. Alfred & Mary Casale
Lee Case & Graysha Harris
Century Farm LLC *
Mike Chase
Cintas *
Rylan Coker & Rebecca Lane *
Greg & Marcia Coleman
Betsy Condron *
M. Clark & Rita Conlon
Contemporary Concepts Photography *
Andy & Marsha Costello
Ann Coughlin
Creekside Gardens *
George & Carol Daru
Stan & Pattie Davies
Dwight & Molly Davis
Deer Park Holdings, Ltd.
Dr. Patrick J. & Lois DeGennaro
John & Patti Della Rosa
Brian Derenick *
Walter & Charlotte Derhammer
Allan & Debra Dick *
Verdi & Patricia Falconer DiSesa
Jim & Beth Doherty *
Linda Dominick
Thomas Dorko
Greg & Carol J. Douds
Barry H. Dyller & Lesa Gelb
Mike & Rachael Dziak
Bill & Audrey C. Eberhardt
Edward’s Garden Center *
Edwards & Amerise, CPA
Electric City Roasting Co. #
Embellish Home Accents *
F.M. Kirby Center for the Performing Arts *
Paula Fall & Brian Gettig
Pam Fendrock & Mark E. Jones
Fertile Grounds CSA * #
Fidelity Bank *
First Liberty Bank and Trust *
Judd B. & Dianne Fitze
Janet Flack
Forks Farm #
John C. & Joan S. Foster
Dr. Louis & Nancy Freedman
Ganoga Lake Association
Jackson Gearhart
Genetti Family Fund of
the Luzerne Foundation
Bruce & Elizabeth Gover
Great Gifts 900 *
Brian & Renee Grove *
Robert & Evelyn Hagan
Thomas & Judith Hall
Lucia Harkenreader & Ned McGuire
Charlotte Harrison *
Jessie P. Harvey *
Wilbur F. Hayes *
hemmler+camayd *
William R. & Blanche M. Henry
Paul Herstek & Kathie Flanagan-Herstek
William E. Hine, Jr.
Joy Hockman & Jack Silverberg *
Hog Bay Pottery *
Terry & Cindy Holdridge
Howard & Julianne Daly Charitable
Gift Fund
Huntsville Golf Club * #
Carol Hussa
Jerry & Marian Hiester Idec
iGourmet.com *
Irem Country Club Pro Shop *
George Isaacs
Jack Williams Tire Company, Inc. *
Dave & Kate Jenkins
Beverly Johnson
Johnson & Johnson =
Wendell & Kathy Jones
Interrupted Fern at
Picton Sanctuary
Kalinosky Landscaping Inc *
Bill & Christine Kammerer
Bill, Kim & Kaelee Kane
Kasmark & Marshall, Inc.
Josh & Liz Katyl *
Suzanne M. Kelly *
Kevin’s Bar and Restaurant *
Stephen B. & Estella Killian *
Kilmer Insurance Agency, Inc. *
Gerard Kipp *
John S. Koehler
John & Jennifer Kolessar
Randall P. Kollar *
Anthony J. & Vivian Korch
Allen Kropiewnicki
Erik & Abbe Kruger *
James Krupa
James & Christine Lacomis
Michael & Patricia M. Last *
Indigo Bunting
Bob & Shirley Leitner *
Judy Lemmond
Libby & Liam Jewelry *
Donald & Maria Ligorio
Linde Corporation
Lockard Surveying & Mapping *
Josephine D. Lopatto
Jim Luce
Gretchen Ludders & Bob Fleese
Luzerne Bank
M & T Bank *
Dr. Michael A. & Tina MacDowell *
Nina Telesca Magnani *
Frank & Sally Mallory
Mar Cor Fine Woodworking *
Marquis Art and Frame *
Martin’s Restaurant *
Mattern’s Flora and Furnishings *
Bob & Nancy Mayer *
John & Tina McCarthy *
Brian McDonnell &
Brooke Werner McDonnell
Caleb McKenzie
Kris Medic & Bruce Thomason
Dr. & Mrs. Leonard C. Medura
Melt Hot Yoga *
Metz Culinary Management *
Black Rat Snake
Clarence J. & Morag E. Michael
Jean E. Mieczkowski
Bill & Abbie Milligan
Misericordia University *
Mitchell Financial Group *
Cindy Post Mitchell *
Terrance & Judith A. Moore
Dan Mulhern
John R. & Shawn W. Murphy
Nahas & Donahue Orthodontics
Paul & Claudia Niezgoda
Nimble Hill Brewing Co. #
AJ & Kelley Nudo
Marilyn & Barry O’Boyle
Matthew & Bridget Occhiato
Joe O’Connor
Jeremy Packard & Ingrid Cronin
Joseph & Nancy Paddock
Panzitta Enterprises, Inc.
John & Melissa Parente
Penn Security Bank and Trust *
Pennsylvania Society for Ornithology
Art & Sandy Piccone
Robert A. Piccone
Ken & Nancy Kaiser Pidcock
John & Petra Plucenik *
Daniel & Jean Pope
Radiation Medicine Specialists of
Northeast PA., P.C. *
Rainbow Jewelers *
Charles A. & Mary Annette Rawls
Harry & Liz Reich
Ebony Jewelwing
Jim Reino
Sandy Rhodes & Julie A. Dostal
James P. Ridolfi & Marguerite Glaser *
David & Judy Rimple *
J. David & Joan Roskos
Jerry & Ellen Ross
Phillip Roth
John & Becky Ruckno *
Marilyn C. Rudolph *
Marshall & Anne Rumbaugh *
Robert & Theresa Ryan
Kevin Santry & Anne M. Green-Santry
Saul Ewing LLP *
Wilma A. Schierer
Roberta Schmied
Joy Scott & Chris Nulton
Lew & Mary Jo Sebia *
John & Mary Jo Shalanski
Maria Sherwood *
Bonnie Silvetti
Laura & Meagan Simkulak
Charles Skopic
Jane Smedley
Darren & Kelly Snyder
Space and Time Professional Organizers *
Brian & Lauren Stahl
Rob Stitzer & Steph Strazdus
Bill Stritzinger *
Matthew Tate
The Tambur Family Foundation *
The Upstairs Gallery *
Michael Tomalis & Theresa Gatusky
Bruce & Roberta Troy
Dolores G. Trycinski
Steve & Meaghan Ubaldini
Bob & Maureen Whipple
Bruce & Gert Whipple
Wild Birds Unlimited *
Charlene Wildes *
Doug & Ali Wilson
Eric & Anne Woelfel
Jim Wolfe & Family
Karen Yamrus
Craig & Karen Yarrish
Susan C. Yelen & Albert Frank
Rev. Dr. Robert & Shawn Zanicky
Donald & Nancy Alonzo
Jerry & Kathleen S. Arcuri
Diane Arnold
Back Mountain Bloomers Garden Club
Bartolai Winery *
Larry & Lillian Beeman
Bennie’s Nurseries #
Bowman’s Hill Wildflower Preserve *
Brown Barn Café *
Cabot Creamery Cooperative *
Judge A. Richard & Rosemary Caputo
Mike & Alene Case
Maureen Collins
Connor’s Grillroom *
Bill Cook
Art Coolbaugh
Corbett Insurance Group
James & Kate Crowley
Tom & Laurie Cywinski
Dave & Roberta Daniels
Darling Farms & Greenhouses #
Raymond & Dr. Ann DiPietro
Dr. Wayne & Bonnie Dombroski
Debra Dowling
Joseph & Barbara Ducic
Dymond’s Farm Market & Bakery #
Bradley & Carolyn Elison
Endless Mountains Heritage Region, Inc
Christine Erb
Sanford & Maryann Evans
Thomas J. & Barbara H. Field
Tina Fiorani
Elizabeth Flannery
Susquehanna River at the Howland Preserve
Fresco Grill and Martini Bar *
Erika Funke
Leonard E. & Judy Ganis
George Burger & Sons *
Joe & Steve Germick
Howard & Jean Gonchar
Sandra Goodwin
Rich & Bonnie Gower
Groomingdell’s *
Eleanor Gwyn-Jones *
Laura Ann Haarmeyer
Joan Hamilton
Jack & Jean Hanish *
Ellie Harding & David Birchler
Lon & Jean Homeier
Robert C. & Nancy Houck
Sylvia A. Hughes
Zahid & Betsy Husain
IBM Matching Grants Program =
Joseph & Edith Kachurak
Charles F. & Leah Kappler, IV
KB Coffee House *
Getting close to the giraffes
William A. Kern, Jr.
Deborah Kernochan
Thomas R. Kneidinger
David A. Kovalchik, CPA
Joe Kozich
Chris Krall
Brad Kurlancheek ^
R. Lawatch & M. Goldberg
Pat Layden
Mike Lindgren
Dr. William & Becky Loftus
Janice Lohmann
Jay and Kay Lowman
Lux Salon *
Dr. Kurt D. & Sylvia Maas
Ross Macarty *
Joseph Macialek *
Salvatore & Kim Marsico
Mary-Go-Round *
Sandy McGovern
Gretchen Melnyk
Midway Garden Center *
Dave & Denise Moore
Denise Murphy
James S. & Mary Ann S. Murphy
Russell G. Newell
Nick of Time Printing *
Noxen Historical Community Assoc., Inc.
Joseph & Joanne Osiecki
John & Michaelene S. Ostrum
Vance Packard & Bonnie Smith
Edward & Judy Palka
Frank Patla
Anne Pelak
James Perna
Jim & Linda Pravlik
Robert J. & Mary Ann Prymus
Barbara Reel
Dave Reel & Mimi Kaufman
Jessica Rizzo
Emily B Rogers
Bill & Joanne Runner
Sa-ka-ri Salon & Spa *
Joan Schooley & Fred Willauer
Dan Scott *
Wendy Shortz
Simon & Co. Jewelers *
Jack R. & Kathryn Simpson
Donald D. & Midge Smith *
Dr. Richard & Karen Somma
Robert Stanley *
Catherine Stanski
Star Super Bakery *
Beth Stock
Studio M *
Susan Charnetski Interior Design *
Dr. Terry & Janet Sweeney
Tanament Stables *
Joan Taylor
The Charles & Denny Barber Family Fund of
the Luzerne Foundation
The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society *
Hannah & Robert B. Tolles
Michael Tonkin & Estelle Stevens
Lenny Trolio
Twigs Restaurant & Café *
Barbara Von Dran *
Helen Westenheffer
Theodore S. Wiaterowski *
Molly Wright
Charles Wrobel
Raymond Youngblood
Allen H. & Margaret W. Alexander
Dr. Joseph & Maureen Anistranski
James D Apgar
Rick & Rita Arnold *
Gary & Lisa Baker *
Nancy Baker
Bear Creek Inne *
Giant Leopard Moth
Beckwith Maples *
Thomas Boyle
Joan Cashin
John & Pam Costello
Creek Side Farm #
Carl & Marcia Crispell
Jay & Valerie Delaney
Kathleen F. Dunsmuir *
Richard & Elizabeth Endres
Barbara Jane Evans & Maria Jane Eagen
Ed & Georgeann Frey
Elizabeth Graham *
Rodney & Carol Heckert
Karl A. Herzog
Hogan’s Heros & Pizza *
Jeff & Maureen Kaminski *
Charles Kinsman
Lance & Sandra Kittelson
David & Patricia Kowalek
Constance Kozel
LeRaysville Cheese Factory #
Carrie Lesher
John & Janeann Lokken
Susan A. Longo
Trail building at the Picton Sanctuary
Red barn at the Howland Preserve
Woodside Trust
Suzanne M. Young
Ed & Amber Zygmunt
Longwood Gardens *
Charles & Karen Lueders
Outrageous *
P & D Pet Supply *
William O. Palmer
Michele Phillips
Ross & Susan Piazza
Pizza Perfect *
Ted L. Radzinski
Reeves Rent-A-John, Inc.
Margaret Reid
Lawrence & Wilma Richards
Virginia G. Rivers
John & Dolores Sedeski
James & Robin Shedlauskas
Rosemary Sigmond
Joe & Rose Slusark
Natalie Smith *
Gordon Snow
Richard D. & Marilyn Stark
John & Chris Stegura
Theresa Stewart
Jon Thomas
Maryann Weidenhammer
Jerome H. Weinberger *
Marguerite Woelfel
Back Mountain Bowl Pizza *
Thomas & Diana Byle
Checkerboard Inn *
Gloria Christman
Lawrence Cohen
Samuel & Miriam Diamond
Dorene S. Goryeb
Jack & Karen Hoover
Ray & Julie Iwanowski
Bob Mercando
Verlon & Mary Lou Nichols
Overbrook Pub & Grille *
Kevin & Adele Reilly
Rowlands Pennsylvania Produce #
Seasons Restaurant *
Debbie Stancavage *
Rickard A. & Lois E. Yeust
Jacqui Bonomo
Brace’s Orchard #
Jeff & Elizabeth Comiskey
Kathryn Davies
Lloyd & Joan Grossman
Carol Jane Koch
Mary Lou Legg
Dan Malloy
Richard & Diane Melvin
Ted Stark
Marvin Yeust
* Donors to 14th Annual Dinner & Auctions
^ Donors to Bear Creek Lake View 2 Project
+ Donors to Forest Echo Bird Sanctuary Project
= Employer Matching Gift Participant
# Taste the Local Harvest Provider
Lillian’s Pond Trail at the
Picton Sanctuary
Contributions were made in
memory of the following:
Dr. Arthur Baker
John C. Harvey
Charles Kappler, III
Richard Pearsall
Dick Rivers
Fred Studer
Contributions were made in
honor of the following:
Dan & Ellen Moore
Bonnie Smith
The following organizations
matched contributions
from members:
HSBC Philanthropic Programs
IBM Matching Gifts Program
Johnson & Johnson
A beautiful spot to paddle at the Annual Members’ Picnic
The crowd enjoying
themselves at the
Annual Dinner
Financial Information
North Branch Land Trust financial statements are prepared on the accrual basis of accounting in accordance with standards established by the Financial Accounting Standards Board
(FASB) for external financial reporting by not-for-profit organizations. The pie charts provide a glimpse of how the Land Trust operates financially. We rely heavily on gifts and grants
(73% of revenue) to balance our budget, and most of our time and resources are spent on
land conservation, education and membership activities (including fundraising) (92%).
Contributed Support
Earned Revenues
Special Events
Program Services
Contributed Support
Earned Revenues
Special Events
Program Services
Our balance sheet is strong, with no long-term debt. The item on the balance sheet, “Property, Plant and Equipment” represents our fee properties: the Lehigh Valley Railroad Depot
in Noxen and the Howland Preserve in Vosburg on the Susquehanna River both in Wyoming
County; Harvey’s Woodlot in Harveyville, Picton Wildlife Sanctuary in White Haven, Butler
Preserve and Valmont Bog in the Hazleton area, Hanover Crossings Marsh Sanctuary in Hanover Township, Bear Creek Lake View in Bear Creek Village, and Forest Echo Bird Sanctuary
in Dallas, all in Luzerne County; and Montage Mountain Wildflower Sanctuary in Moosic,
Lackawanna County. Temporarily and permanently restricted funds are gifts segregated
by donors. Temporarily restricted funds are released to the income statement after their
restrictions are met, i.e. the money has been spent on the purpose for which it was given.
Permanently restricted funds are what they suggest; the dollars can never be used by the
Land Trust. Typically, permanently restricted funds provide a source of revenue to the Land
Trust from their earnings. Our policies on investing and accessing restricted funds are also
available in our office as are our complete financial statements.
Cash and cash equivalents.................................................................$
Accounts receivable, net.....................................................................
Pledges receivable, net......................................................................
Grants receivable...............................................................................
Prepaid expenses...............................................................................
Property, plant and equipment, net...................................................
Total Assets...................................................................................$
Accounts payable & accrued expenses................................................$
Demand note payable........................................................................
Other liabilities..................................................................................
Total Liabilities..............................................................................$
Board designated temporarily restricted............................................
Temporarily restricted........................................................................
Permanently restricted......................................................................
Total net assets.............................................................................
Total liabilities and net assets.......................................................$
Misty Woods
2013 Board of Directors & Staff
Chair.............................................................................................. Matthew R. Sordoni
Vice-Chair.........................................................................................Robert H. Graham
Treasurer......................................................... Douglas Gaudet/Michael D. Weaver
Secretary..............................................................................................Gary H. Williams
Richard T. Arnold
Margaret Bakker
William H. Conyngham
James DePolo
Douglas Gaudet
James T. Gorman
Elizabeth Eckman Lloyd
Guthrie “Mitch” Mitchell
Philip A. Muntzel, Ph.D.
Anthony T. Palischak
James T. Shoemaker
Walter “Chip” Sorber
Marleen Troy, Ph.D., P.E.
Paul Lumia............................................................................................................Executive Director
Linda Thoma...............................................................................................Director of Operations
Rylan Coker......................................................... Land Protection & Stewardship Coordinator
Barbara Romanansky.................................................. Membership & Outreach Coordinator
Corny Romanowski, Co-Chair
Frank Conyngham, Co-Chair
Will Conyngham, Co-Chair
Kathleen Dunsmuir,
Auction Chair
Jane Clements
Liz Clements-Katyl
Virginia Davis
James T. Gorman
Ramah Hackett
Terri M. Kosakowski
Paul Lumia
Leigh Pawling
Jason Reilly
Barb Romanansky
James T. Shoemaker
Julie Strzeletz
Linda Thoma
Michael D. Weaver
Gary H. Williams
Philip A. Muntzel, Ph.D., Chair
Elizabeth Eckman Lloyd
Paul Lumia
Anthony T. Palischak
Jane Benesch
Sarah P. Carr
Suzanne Druffner
Sister Constance Kozel
Carol M. Lizell
Jan Lohmann
Constance Orchard
Elaine Palischak
Tony Palischak
Eugene S. Pelletier
Susan Piazza
Mary Annette Rawls
Bobbie Schmied
Roberta Troy
Gary Williams
Gary H. Williams, Chair
Charles Barber
Lissa Bryan-Smith
Eberhard Faber
Douglas Gaudet
Robert H. Graham
Paul Lumia
Barb Romanansky
Matthew R. Sordoni
Charlene Wildes, Chair
Jane Caruso-Dahms
David Estep
Sharon Estep
Paul Fall
Tina Fiorani
Brain Gettig
Marguerite Glaser
Patrick Layden
Jim Ridolfi
Barb Romanansky
Abby Singh
Mike Tonkin
Doug Gaudet, Chair
James DePolo
Robert H. Graham
James T. Gorman
Paul Lumia
Matthew R. Sordoni
Linda Thoma
Michael D. Weaver
Gary H. Williams
David Buck, Chair
Sarah P. Carr
Rylan Coker
Kate Crowley
David Estep
Paul Lumia
Raymond Massacesi
Anthony T. Palischak
Barb Romanansky
Walter “Chip” Sorber
Ali Wilson
Doug Wilson
Edward J. Zygmunt
Rylan Coker, Chair
Sarah P. Carr
Tina Fiorani
Guthrie “Mitch” Mitchell
Anthony T. Palischak
Jim Ridolfi
James T. Shoemaker
Brian Stahl
Marleen Troy
Margaret Bakker, Chair
Rodney D. Brown
Mike Dante
Elaine Dembowski
Paul Lumia
Philip A. Muntzel, Ph.D.
Ryan Sherlinski
Walter “Chip” Sorber
Dave Estep, Chair
Rylan Coker
Tina Fiorani
Mike Gondell
Paul Lumia
Jim Ridolfi
Bob Romanansky
Linda Thoma, Chair
Rylan Coker
Robert H. Graham
Paul Lumia
Barb Romanansky
Matthew Sordoni
Matt Sordoni, Chair
Doug Gaudet
Robert H. Graham
Paul Lumia
Linda Thoma
Gary Williams
Terri M. Kosakowski
Paul Lumia
Cathy McHugh
Barb Romanansky
Julie Strzeletz
Lynn Aldrich
Margaret Bakker
John Bensinger
Sandy Bensinger
Kate Crowley
Dave Estep
Paula Fall
Adam Ferrucci
Katarina Ferrucci
Tina Fiorani
Brian Gettig
Mike Gondell
Joan Halle
Ellie Harding
Dave Jenkins
Kate Jenkins
Zack Kauffer
John Kolessar
Bob Romanansky
Dolores Wozniak
Ray Youngblood
Ed Zygmunt
Membership in North Branch Land Trust Helps Conserve What Matters Most!
Renew your membership, become a member or give a gift membership today!
Supporting Levels
❑ Student....................................................... $25
❑ Sponsor............................................. $35 - $49
❑ Advocate............................................ $50 - $99
❑ Patron............................................ $100 - $249
❑ Business................................................... $250
Leadership Levels
❑ Leader............................................ $250 - $499
❑ Benefactor..................................... $500 - $999
❑ Stewardship Society................ $1,000 - $2,499
❑ Conservation Society............... $2,500 - $4,999
❑ North Branch Guardian....................... $5,000 +
Membership runs from July 1 to June 30
Does your company have a matching gift
program? Please check box if your matching
gift form is enclosed: ❑
❑ Please remove my name from your mailing list.
City, State, Zip:____________________________________________
We never share your personal information. If we have your email address we can save
money and trees and keep you updated all at the same time!
City, State, Zip: ___________________________________________
Email: __________________________________________________
For additional gift memberships, write their contact information on a separate paper.
North Branch Land Trust is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. Your contribution is tax deductible to the fullest extent
permitted by law. A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the PA Department
of State. Call (800) 732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.
Make check payable to North Branch Land Trust
(11 Carverton Rd, Trucksville, PA 18708) or, to make an online
payment, visit www.nblt.org
For more information send an email to info@NBLT.org or call our office (570) 696-5545
Foggy Morning
Non-Profit Org.
11 Carverton Road
Trucksville, PA 18708
Dallas, PA
Permit No. 12
Address Service Requested
North Branch Land Trust
11 Carverton Road • Trucksville, PA 18708
Phone: (570) 696-5545
Fax: (570) 696-5546
Email: info@NBLT.org
Website: www.NBLT.org
Jane Caruso-Dahms
Page 3
Stewardship Award
Page 13 Annual Dinner
Rylan Coker
Page 3
Page 6
Alden Mountain Overlook
Balliet Run
Page 8
Winter Scene
Page 13 Red Barn
Lilly Elizabeth
Page 7
Doug, Ali and Winnie Wilson
Duane Erdman
Page 9
Butterfly on Orchid
Page 10 Orchid
David Estep
Page 10 Fern
Page 12 Moth and Trail Building
Page 13 Picton Trail
Picnic Paddle
Tina Fiorani
Page 4
Bald Mountain
Page 11 Jewelwing
Brian Gettig
Page 7
Paula Fall
Page 14 Misty Woods
Page 4
Page 5
Earl Lehman
Susquehanna River at
Howland Preserve;
original artwork
Printed by Llewellyn & McKane, Inc.
“ If a child is to keep alive his inborn sense of wonder,
he needs the companionship of at least one adult who can
share it, rediscovering with him the joy, excitement,
and mystery of the world we live in.”
~ Rachel Carson
Paul Lumia
Page 2
Great Spangled Fritillary
Page 3
Toasting Marshmallows
Page 5
Old Well
Don Miller
Page 9
Barred Owl
Page 2
Page 8
Page 10 Indigo Bunting
Page 11 Black Rat Snake
Barb Romanansky
Page 3
River Paddle
Page 5
Community Members
Page 7
Retiring Board Members
Page 9
River Paddle
Page 12 Giraffes
Page 15 Foggy Morning
US Fish & Wildlife
Page 6
Indiana Bat
Ali Wilson
Page 3
Farmhouse Renovation
Page 11 Susquehanna River
Back Cover Earl Lehman
Artist Earl Lehman and
Tunkhannock Area Middle School kids at the Howland Preserve

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