middle and high school - The International School in Genoa
middle and high school - The International School in Genoa
2012-2016 ISG MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL CURRICULUM | MATHEMATICS v1 This Curriculum Document was reviewed by: Mrs. Elizabeth Rosser Boiardi Ms. Alice Careddu Ms. Louise Sawyer Dr. Matteo Merlo Mr. Samer Khoury The International School in Genoa Badia Benedettina della Castagna 11A, Via Romana della Castagna 16148 Genova Italy Phone: +39 – 010 – 386528 Fax: +39 – 010 – 398700 www.isgenoa.it secretary@isgenoa.it Last revision: April 10, 2013 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS ISG MISSION STATEMENT ............................................................................................................................................................... 5 MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL MATHEMATICS AT ISG............................................................................................................. 7 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES .................................................................................................................................................................... 9 AIMS….. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 KEY KNOWLEDGE AREAS ..............................................................................................................................................................11 TEACHING METHODOLOGIES, MATERIALS AND RESOURCES .........................................................................................13 EVALUATION OF STUDENT PROGRESS ....................................................................................................................................15 ASSESSMENT POLICY ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 15 ASSESSMENT CRITERIA ................................................................................................................................................................................ 16 MATEMATICA IN ITALIANO .........................................................................................................................................................17 CURRICULUM REVISION POLICY ................................................................................................................................................17 REVISION PROCESS AND TIMETABLE ................................................................................................................................................... 17 SYLLABUS BY GRADE......................................................................................................................................................................19 GRADE 6 MATHEMATICS SYLLABUS ...................................................................................................................................................... 20 GRADE 6 PROGRAMMA DI MATEMATICA ............................................................................................................................................ 24 GRADE 7 MATHEMATICS SYLLABUS ...................................................................................................................................................... 27 GRADE 7 PROGRAMMA DI MATEMATICA ............................................................................................................................................ 31 GRADE 8 MATHEMATICS SYLLABUS ...................................................................................................................................................... 33 GRADE 8 PROGRAMMA DI MATEMATICA ............................................................................................................................................ 36 GRADE 9 MATHEMATICS SYLLABUS ...................................................................................................................................................... 39 GRADE 10 MATHEMATICS SYLLABUS ................................................................................................................................................... 43 SYLLABUS BY KEY KNOWLEDGE AREA ....................................................................................................................................47 NUMBERS, SETS AND ALGEBRA ............................................................................................................................................................... 47 FUNCTIONS ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 51 GEOMETRY AND TRIGONOMETRY .......................................................................................................................................................... 53 PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS ................................................................................................................................................................ 56 SOURCES .............................................................................................................................................................................................59 3 ISG MISSION STATEMENT OUR SCHOOL'S MISSION IS FOR EVERYONE TO DEMONSTRATE THE ISG COMMUNITY THEMES OF RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY AND REACHING FOR EXCELLENCE 4 MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL MATHEMATICS AT ISG MATHEMATICS KNOWS NO RACES OR GEOGRAPHIC BOUNDARIES; FOR MATHEMATICS, THE CULTURAL WORLD IS ONE COUNTRY. DAVID HILBERT (1862−1943) The role played by mathematics is essential, both in school and in society: it promotes universality of language and analytical reasoning, which in turn help develop logical and critical thinking. Correct understanding and use of mathematics build confidence for problem-solving and decision-making in everyday life. Mathematics also serves as a foundation for the study of sciences, engineering and technology, economics and other social sciences. ISG Middle and High School (IMHS) Mathematics is a school-based curriculum articulated over five years; it aims to equip all students with the knowledge, understanding and intellectual capabilities to address further courses in mathematics at the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) level, as well as to prepare students to use mathematics in their workplace and life in general. It combines themes from the IB Middle Years Programme, the requirements for the Italian national examination at the end of 8th grade, and tested practices developed at ISG over the years by the mathematics faculty. The four main objectives of IMHS Mathematics support the IB learner profile, promoting the development of students who are knowledgeable, inquirers, communicators and reflective learners. Knowledge and understanding promotes learning mathematics with understanding, allowing students to interpret results, make conjectures and use mathematical reasoning when solving problems in school and in reallife situations. Investigating patterns supports inquiry-based learning. Through the use of investigations, teachers challenge students to experience mathematical discovery, recognize patterns and structures, describe these as relationships or general rules, and explain their reasoning using mathematical justifications and proofs. Communication in mathematics encourages students to use the language of mathematics and its different forms of representation, to communicate their findings and reasoning effectively, both orally and in writing. Reflection in mathematics provides an opportunity for students to reflect upon their processes and evaluate the significance of their findings in connection to real-life contexts. Reflection allows students to become aware of their strengths and the challenges they face as learners. IMHS Mathematics builds on experiences in mathematics learning that students have gained in their time in the International Primary Curriculum (IPC). At the end of the five-year course, students continuing on to the IB Diploma Programme will have acquired concepts and developed skills which they will be able to apply and extend in further DP mathematics courses. In particular, the IMHS Mathematics syllabus reflects the concepts and skills of the presumed knowledge for the DP courses to allow a smooth transition to DP Mathematics. The present document contains all the general information relevant to the teaching and learning of Middle and High School Mathematics at the International School in Genoa. In it, ideas and concepts from the best educational programs worldwide are adapted to the ISG context and background, and enriched to better match the needs of our learners. Further information related to individual mathematics courses and materials can be found in the Course Outlines published each year and handed out to parents during Open House and to students at the beginning of September. 7 8 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES AIMS….. The aims state in a general way what the teacher may expect to teach or do, and what the student may expect to experience or learn. In addition, they suggest how the student may be changed by the learning experience. The aims of the teaching and study of IMHS Mathematics are to encourage and enable students to: appreciate the usefulness, power and beauty of mathematics, and recognize its relationship with other disciplines and with everyday life develop a positive attitude toward the continued learning of mathematics appreciate the international dimension in mathematics and its varied cultural and historical perspectives gain knowledge and develop understanding of mathematical concepts acquire the ability to communicate mathematics with appropriate symbols and language cultivate logical, critical and creative thinking, and patience and persistence in problem solving develop power of generalization and abstraction promote the ability to reflect upon and evaluate the significance of their work and the work of others develop and apply information and communication technology skills in the study of mathematics acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to pursue further studies in mathematics. OBJECTIVES The objectives state the specific targets and expected outcomes that are set for learning in the subject. They define what the student will be able to accomplish as a result of studying the subject. These objectives relate directly to the assessment criteria found in the EVALUATION OF STUDENT PROGRESS section. Learning outcomes, in terms of acquired concepts and developed skills, are detailed in the SYLLABUS BY GRADE and SYLLABUS BY KEY KNOWLEDGE AREA sections. A Knowledge and understanding IMHS Mathematics promotes learning mathematics with understanding, allowing students to interpret results, make conjectures and use mathematical reasoning when solving problems in school and in real-life situations. At the end of the course, students should be able to: know and demonstrate understanding of the concepts from the four KEY KNOWLEDGE AREAS of mathematics (number, sets and algebra, functions, geometry and trigonometry, probability and statistics) use appropriate mathematical concepts and skills to solve problems in both familiar and unfamiliar situations, including those in real-life contexts select and apply general rules correctly to make deductions and solve problems, including those in reallife contexts. 9 B Investigating patterns IMHS Mathematics supports inquiry-based learning. Through the use of investigations, teachers challenge students to experience mathematical discovery, recognize patterns and structures, describe these as relationships or general rules, and explain their reasoning using mathematical justifications and proofs. At the end of the course, students should be able to: select and apply appropriate inquiry and mathematical problem-solving techniques recognize patterns describe patterns as relationships or general rules draw conclusions consistent with findings justify or prove mathematical relationships and general rules. C Communication in mathematics IMHS Mathematics encourages students to use the language of mathematics and its different forms of representation, to communicate their findings and reasoning effectively, both orally and in writing. At the end of the course, students should be able to communicate mathematical ideas, reasoning and findings by being able to: use appropriate mathematical language in both oral and written explanations use different forms of mathematical representation communicate a complete and coherent mathematical line of reasoning using different forms of representation when investigating problems. Students are encouraged to choose and use information and communication technology (ICT) tools as appropriate and, where available, to enhance communication of their mathematical ideas. Some of the possible ICT tools used in mathematics include spreadsheets, graph plotter software, dynamic geometry software, computer algebra systems, mathematics content-specific software, graphic display calculators (GDC), word processing, desktop publishing, graphic organizers and screenshots. D Reflection in mathematics IMHS Mathematics provides an opportunity for students to reflect upon their processes and evaluate the significance of their findings in connection to real-life contexts. Reflection allows students to become aware of their strengths and the challenges they face as learners. At the end of the course, students should be able to: 10 explain whether their results make sense in the context of the problem explain the importance of their findings in connection to real life where appropriate justify the degree of accuracy of their results where appropriate suggest improvements to the method when necessary. KEY KNOWLEDGE AREAS NUMBER, SETS AND ALGEBRA The ability to work with numbers is an essential skill in mathematics. Students are expected to have an understanding of number concepts and to develop the skills of calculation and estimation. Students should understand that the use of numbers to express patterns and to describe real-life situations goes back to humankind’s earliest beginnings, and that mathematics has multicultural roots. Algebra is an abstraction of the concepts first used when dealing with number and is essential for further learning in mathematics. Algebra uses letters and symbols to represent number, quantity and operations, and employs variables to solve mathematical problems. FUNCTIONS The concept of function is rightly considered as one of the most important in all of mathematics. It arose as the necessary mathematical tool for the quantitative study of natural phenomena, and today it is an instrument for the study of the phenomena and situations of biological sciences, human and social sciences, business, communications, engineering, and technology. Mathematics constitutes an essential mean of description, explanation, prediction, and control: for all these applications, the notions of model and function are vital. Formulas from geometry, physics, and from other sciences can be taken as examples of functions and explored from diverse viewpoints. Several recent technological developments may have a very significant role in the study of functions. Especially important are graphic calculators and computers with appropriate software such as spreadsheets, graph plotters. GEOMETRY AND TRIGONOMETRY The study of geometry and trigonometry enhances students’ spatial awareness and provides them with the tools for analysing, measuring and transforming geometric quantities in two and three dimensions . PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS This branch of mathematics is concerned with the collection, analysis and interpretation of quantitative data and uses the theory of probability to estimate parameters, discover empirical laws, test hypotheses and predict the occurrence of events. Through the study of statistics, students should develop skills associated with the collection, organization and analysis of data, enabling them to present information clearly and to discover patterns. Students will also develop critical-thinking skills, enabling them to differentiate between what happens in theory (probability) and what is observed (statistics). Students should understand both the power and limitations of statistics, becoming aware of their legitimate use in supporting and questioning hypotheses. Students should use these skills in their investigations and are encouraged to use information and communication technology (ICT) whenever appropriate. 11 12 TEACHING METHODOLOGIES, MATERIALS AND RESOURCES METHODOLOGIES Teachers at ISG adopt a variety of teaching methodologies in order to cater for different learning styles. The various approaches to learning are a means to provide students with the tools that will enable them to take responsibility of their own learning. This involves articulating, organizing and teaching the skills, attitudes and practices that students require to become successful learners. Teaching methodologies Skill area Student learning expectations Learning activities Instructional practices Long-term projects Organization Time management, self management Collaboration Group work Group investigations Communication Mathematical literacy: mathematics-specific language and forms of representation Lectures in various forms (whiteboard, ActiveBoard, presentations) Communicating ideas clearly and logically Formal demonstrations/proofs Information literacy Reflection Thinking Transfer Individual investigations Resourceful collection of information from a variety of sources using a range of technologies Individual and group investigations Use of mathematics software Use of mathematics reference books Formative assessment tasks Evaluation of results and methods Practice exercises Evaluation of one’s own learning Self- and peer-assessment Understanding and applying knowledge and concepts Lectures Identifying and selecting strategies to solve problems Practice exercises Using mathematical skills and knowledge in real-life contexts and making connections with other subject areas Applications across knowledge areas Applications across disciplines The teaching of mathematics at ISG is structured to reflect the IB learner profile in accordance with the current educational thinking. Increased focus on: Decreased focus on: connecting concepts across key knowledge areas mathematics as a collection of uncorrelated facts making mathematics more meaningful to students rote practice, memorization and formal symbol manipulation solving relevant real-life mathematics problems word problems as problem-solving several strategies for possible multiple solutions classification of problems, one method per problem student speculation, independent formation of ideas teaching by authority clear explanation of processes, reflection upon results finding answers team-work within and across disciplines teachers working in isolation multiple resources for learning a textbook-driven course investigations, questions and discussions the use of exercise sheets a broad range of assessment strategies multiple-choice assessment 13 RESOURCES ISG offers several resources to facilitate student learning in mathematics. They include: a computer lab with 20+ laptops free mathematics software (Gnuplot, LaTeX, Padowan Graphing Software) licensed mathematics software (Mathematica, Geometer’s Sketchpad, LoggerPro, MS Excel, Maths300) ActiveBoards a library section with reference textbooks. MATERIALS During IMHS math classes, all students are expected to have with them the following materials: textbook writing instruments scientific calculator notebook ruler, compass, protractor A Graphic display calculator (GDC) is required starting from 10th grade. The recommended model is Texas Instruments (TI) 84 Plus. More details on the required material can be found in each teacher’s Course Outline. 14 EVALUATION OF STUDENT PROGRESS ASSESSMENT POLICY Assessment in IMHS Mathematics is 1 designed so that students can a. demonstrate their learning of concepts in authentic contexts b. apply acquired skills to familiar and unfamiliar problems. 2 structured to examine the achievement levels in each of Objectives A, B, C and D. 3 meant to provide teachers with feedback that is used to adapt the teaching and learning strategies with the aim of meeting each learner's needs. 4 criterion-referenced as opposed to norm-referenced. Please see the ASSESSMENT CRITERIA section below. Assessment tasks for mathematics are divided into: - Informal assessment, consisting of class worksheets, homework, projects, investigations, presentations, class participation, etc. - Formal assessment, consisting of tests and quizzes under examination conditions. This reflects the IB Diploma Programme division into Internal Assessment – student investigations developed over the two-year course – and External Assessment – a series of externally set exams taken at the end of the second IBDP year. Assessment is carried out formatively throughout each course: the purpose of formative assessment is to provide students, parents and teachers with objective and timely feedback on the learner’s progress. Formative assessment tasks, both informal and formal, are graded on a percent scale based on the assessment criteria listed in the next section. They contribute to quarter average grades according to the following weighting matrix. 6th grade 7th grade 8th grade 9th grade 10th grade IBDP Informal 40% 40% 30% 30% 25% Internal 20% Formal 60% 60% 70% 70% 75% External 80% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Quarter grades are then converted into IB grades according to the ISG Secondary School grading system below. ISG Comment Grade Percent Excellent work: the student consistently and almost faultlessly demonstrates sound understanding of concepts and successful application of skills in a wide variety of contexts and consistently displays independence, insight, autonomy and originality. 7 90-100 Very good work: the student consistently demonstrates sound understanding of concepts and successful application of skills in a wide variety of contexts and generally displays independence, insight, autonomy and originality. 6 80-89 Good work: the student consistently demonstrates sound understanding of concepts and successful application of skills in a variety of contexts and occasionally displays independence, insight, autonomy and originality. 5 70-79 15 Satisfactory performance: the student generally demonstrates understanding of concepts and successful application of skills in normal contexts and occasionally displays independence, insight, autonomy and originality. 4 60-69 Mediocre work (conditional pass): the student demonstrates a limited understanding of the required concepts and only applies skills successfully in normal situations with support. Partial achievement against most of the objectives. 3 50-59 Poor work: the student has difficulty in understanding the required concepts and is unable to apply skills successfully in normal situations even with support. Very limited achievement against all the objectives. 2 20-49 1 0-19 Very poor work: Minimal achievement in terms of the objectives. High school students are also assessed summatively. Summative assessment consists of formal benchmarks at the end of significant portions of each course – i.e. semester finals. A score out of 7 is given to all summative assessment tasks. Please see the document “Secondary school grading systems” for further clarification on the calculation of semester and end-of-year averages and for GPA and letter grade conversions. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA The assessment criteria relate directly to the OBJECTIVES as listed in the previous sections. The approximate weighting of the Objectives is listed below. For a coherent approach to assessment practices over the entire programme, weights are adjusted from grade level to grade level to match the increased expectations in terms of mathematical maturity. This means for instance that the relative importance of reflection and communicative skills grows with respect to pure factual knowledge and recall. Objective Typical assessment tasks 6th gr. 7th gr. 8th gr. 9th gr. 10th gr. A Knowledge and understanding classroom tests, examinations, real-life problems and investigations that may have a variety of solutions 75% 75% 60% 60% 50% B Investigating patterns mathematical investigations of some complexity which should allow students to choose their own mathematical techniques to investigate problems 10% 10% 15% 15% 20% C Communication in mathematics real-life problems, tests, examinations and investigations designed to allow students to show complete lines of reasoning using mathematical language 10% 10% 15% 15% 15% D Reflection in mathematics mathematical investigations or real-life problems designed to provide students with opportunities to use mathematical concepts and skills to solve problems in real-life contexts 5% 5% 10% 10% 15% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 16 MATEMATICA IN ITALIANO Il programma di matematica in italiano nasce dall’esigenza di preparare gli studenti secondo le metodologie e i programmi di studio delle scuole italiane, in vista degli esami di idoneità alla terza media (8th grade). I nostri programmi sono ministeriali, perciò validi in qualunque scuola italiana, e sono approvati da anni dalle varie scuole statali italiane. Il corso prevede l’integrazione del programma internazionale, insistendo sulle differenze di metodo e di curricula italiani. Gli studenti dovranno impadronirsi dei concetti fondamentali, dovranno saper risolvere problemi e svolgere esercizi su tutti gli argomenti (talvolta esercizi di ragionamento, talvolta più meccanici), e dovranno acquisire una solida base per le conoscenze future. Saranno valutati i compiti a casa, la costanza e l’impegno nel loro svolgimento, i test in classe (sempre con preavviso), l’attenzione durante le lezioni, l’ordine e la completezza del quaderno, l’impegno in generale. CURRICULUM REVISION POLICY A curriculum revision process is established at ISG to ensure that the mathematics syllabus is adequate to current students’ needs in line with current educational thinking pursuant to the current IBDP Mathematics Curriculum and to the Italian State Examinations. To this effect, the results of student assessment – both internal (e.g. ISG tests) and external (e.g. ISA testing, IBDP scores) – will be carefully evaluated to identify areas of weakness and strength in the delivery of the curriculum. A four-year revision cycle is established for each curricular area on a rotation basis, with two curricula revised each academic year. REVISION PROCESS AND TIMETABLE The present document will become effective at the beginning of the academic year 2012-2013. During its first year of validity, it will be completed and updated in all its parts as a work-in-progress process. It will then be in place in its definite form for the academic years 2013-2014 and 2014-2015. The next year will be a curriculum review year, with the new document entering into effect by September 2016. academic year curriculum in place action 2012-2013 Mathematics 2012-2016 v1 (present document) creation of curriculum update and completion 2013-2014 Mathematics 2012-2106 v2 none 2014-2015 Mathematics 2012-2106 v2 none 2015-2016 Mathematics 2012-2106 v2 curriculum review 2016-2017 Mathematics 2017-2121 v1 update and completion 2011-2012 next cycle 17 18 SYLLABUS BY GRADE The following section contains the details of the syllabus. Each grade level syllabus is split in the four key knowledge areas and the corresponding sub-topics; concepts and skills are indicated, and possible amplifications/extensions are highlighted in red. Example: sub-topic Representations Function notation Functions Use of a variety of function notations (for example, mapping, f(x)=,y=, etc.) Rational/reciprocal/other Reciprocal function: domain and range, equations of asymptotes Graphing different types of functions and understanding their characteristics extension Quadratic Domain and range Quadratic functions in the form y=a(x-h)2 +k and in intercept form Quadratic inequalities Quadratics in disguise Solution of quadratic equations by factoring and the quadratic formula (use of the GDC is also encouraged) Sketching and interpreting graphs of quadratic functions Transformations Effects of parameters a,h,k on the graph of y=a(x-h)2 +k Transformations of quadratic functions concepts key knowledge area skills More information on the syllabus, including the sequence of topics, can be found in each teacher’s Course Outline. 19 GRADE 6 MATHEMATICS SYLLABUS Number Integers Using integers Rule of order Adding and subtracting integers Multiplying and dividing integers Number theory Odd and even, prime and composite Divisibility Factors Multiples Prime factorisation Triangular numbers Square numbers Square roots HCF by listing factors LCM by listing multiples Fractions Fractions of shapes One number as a fraction of another Equivalent fractions Simplifying fractions Mixed numbers and improper fractions Fractions and decimals Decimals Adding and subtracting Multiplying decimals by whole numbers Multiplying decimals by decimals Dividing decimals by whole numbers Comparing fractions Adding and subtracting fractions “Fractions of” whole numbers Multiplying and dividing integers by fractions Word problems Number, sets and algebra Number 20 Percentages, ratios and interest Estimation and error Out of 100 Percentages to fractions and decimals Fractions and decimals to percentages Percentages of – mentally Percentages of – using calculator Whole number place value Decimal place value Putting numbers in order Placing numbers on the number line Reading whole numbers and decimals Rounding Rounding to the nearest 10,100,1000, to the first and second decimal place, to the nearest whole number Idea of direct method Writing ratios Equivalent ratios Ratio and proportion Dividing in a given ratio Standard form scientific notation Multiplication and division by 10,100,1000 Units of measurement Units for length, mass, time, capacity Metric and imperial equivalents Conversions Reading scales red=amplifications/extensions Number, sets and algebra Functions 21 Algebra Sequences and series Recognizing and describing number patterns Finding the next term in a sequence Expressions, exponents and logarithms Notation Equations Writing equations from words Solving equations by inspection Writing sequences from rules Writing sequences using the nth term rule Making sequences using matches and finding the rule Writing the rule using nth term notation Writing expressions in best algebraic notation Collecting like terms Substituting into expressions and formulae Solving equations using inverse operations on flow diagrams Functions and their representations Finding the output number Finding the rule given the input and output Graphs Point interpretation Graphing real life data to form lines Using the inverse function to find the input number Reading and interpreting real life graphs red=amplifications/extensions Geometry Geometry and trigonometry Quadrilaterals Names of all types Lines of symmetry of each Tangrams 22 Polygons Names of each Definition of “regular” Tessellations 3D shapes Nets of prisms and pyramids Vertices, faces and edges of prisms and pyramids Euler’s Rule Isometric drawings Geometry Trigonometry Coordinate geometry Coordinates in 4 quadrants Reflection and symmetry Rotation and symmetry – include order Translation Include above on the coordinate plane Lines and angles Measure lines Estimate, measure, draw and name angles, include reflex Classify angles – acute, right, obtuse, straight, reflex, revolution Calculating angles – on a straight line, at appoint, vertically opposite Define parallel and perpendicular lines Recognise and name the types of angles on parallel lines Perimeter, area, volume Triangle, rectangle, parallelogram, trapezium Perimeter and area of shapes made from rectangles Surface area from nets Volume by counting cubes Volume of a rectangular prism Triangles Naming triangles Classifying triangles: sides- scalene, isosceles, equilateral angles- acute, right, obtuse Angle sum of a triangle Constructing triangles, including use of compass red=amplifications/extensions Probability and statistics Probability 23 Probability of events The language of probability – likely, unlikely, certain, impossible, even chance, equally likely Probability scale Listing outcomes Calculating probability Probability from experiments Statistics Data collection Survey Tally chart Grouped data Statistical representations Draw and interpret the following: Bar charts include grouped (discrete) Line graphs Frequency diagrams Pie charts Statistical measures Mean, mode, median, range – not grouped red=amplifications/extensions GRADE 6 PROGRAMMA DI MATEMATICA Aritmetica Aritmetica, insiemi e algebra Numeri e rappresentazione sulla retta Concetto di numero Numeri cardinali e numeri ordinali La numerazione decimale: migliaia, centinaia, decine, unità, decimi, centesimi, millesimi Valore posizionale delle cifre Valore assoluto e valore relativo dei numeri Notazione polinomiale dei numeri Insieme dei numeri naturali, rappresentazione sulla retta Numeri decimali 24 Ordinare su una retta numeri naturali e numeri decimali Scrivere un numero dato in forma polinomiale, come somma di prodotti con potenze di 10 Scomporre un numero dato in migliaia, centinaia, decine, ecc Stabilire se un numero dato appartenga all’insieme dei numeri naturali Le quattro operazioni Concetto di operazione binaria Proprietà delle operazioni di “essere interne” ad un insieme Concetto di elemento neutro Addizione, sottrazione, moltiplicazione e divisione: definizione, terminologia, proprietà e eventuale elemento neutro Moltiplicazione e divisione per 10, 100, 1000 Operazioni inverse e loro significato: addizione/sottrazione e moltiplicazione/divisione Eseguire le quattro operazioni in riga e in colonna con la “prova” dell’operazione inversa Saper operare con i numeri decimali Utilizzare le proprietà delle operazioni per semplificare i calcoli Risolvere semplici espressioni aritmetiche contenenti le quattro operazioni Frazioni Concetto di unità frazionaria e di frazione come operatore Terminologia e caratteristiche dei vari tipi di frazione (propria, impropria, apparente) Concetto di frazione complementare e di frazioni equivalenti I numeri razionali Concetto di numero razionale, rappresentazione di un numero razionale Operazioni (addizione, sottrazione, moltiplicazione, divisione ed elevamento a potenza) con numeri razionali Concetto di frazioni inverse Individuare unità frazionarie e frazioni, riconoscere e scrivere i vari tipi di frazione Scrivere frazioni equivalenti Applicare il concetto di frazioni equivalenti per ridurre ai minimi termini o al minimo comune denominatore Confrontare due o più frazioni, saperle scrivere in ordine crescente e decrescente, confrontarle con numeri e saper scrivere la frazione complementare di una frazione data Scrivere e rappresentare un numero razionale Eseguire le operazioni con i numeri razionali Espressioni con numeri razionali Risoluzione di problemi del tipo: “Calcola il numero sapendo che i suoi 2/3 valgono 44”, “Calcola i numeri e sapendo che e che è la metà di ” red=amplifications/extensions Aritmetica, insiemi e algebra Aritmetica 25 Divisori, multipli, MCD e mcm Concetto di divisore e multiplo di un numero Definizione di numero primo Scomposizione in fattori primi Criteri di divisibilità Concetto e definizione di MCD e di mcm, concetto di numeri primi tra loro, calcolo di MCD e mcm, problemi con essi Potenze Terminologia delle potenze, concetto di elevamento a potenza Proprietà delle potenze Potenze di 1 e di 0 Espressioni aritmetiche con le potenze Notazione esponenziale Dato un numero trovare i suoi divisori Stabilire se un numero è divisore o multiplo di un altro, o se è divisibile per un altro Riconoscere i numeri primi, scomporre i numeri in fattori primi Calcolare MCD e mcm tra due o più numeri, anche nei casi particolari (ad esempio se uno è multiplo dell’altro), applicarli per risolvere problemi del tipo: “Quante parti si ottengono tagliando quattro corde lunghe rispettivamente 144cm, 180cm, 126cm e 108cm in parti uguali e della massima lunghezza possibile?” Calcolare le potenze, riconoscere i vari termini (base, esponente, potenza) Saper applicare le proprietà delle potenze in modo opportuno Espressioni con le potenze Insiemi Algebra Insiemistica Definizione di insiemi e di insiemi matematici Cardinalità di un insieme Rappresentazione di un insieme per caratteristica, per elencazione e mediante diagrammi di EuleroVenn Insieme finito, infinito e vuoto Concetto di sottoinsieme e sua rappresentazione grafica Le operazioni con gli insiemi: unione, intersezione e differenza Determinare se un elemento appartiene o no ad un insieme dato Determinare se un insieme è finito o infinito e, se finito, determinarne la cardinalità Rappresentare un insieme dato (per caratteristica, per elencazione, con diagramma di Eulero-Venn) Stabilire se un insieme è un sottoinsieme di un insieme dato Dati due insiemi determinarne (e rappresentare con i diagrammi di Eulero-Venn) unione, intersezione e differenza Soluzione di problemi Comprensione, analisi e soluzione di un problema Fasi della risoluzione: lettura e comprensione, traduzione in linguaggio matematico, analisi, ipotesi, verifica dell’ipotesi, soluzione Risolvere problemi del tipo: “I risparmi di Mr X ammontano a 28000 euro, quelli di Mr Y sono la metà Se Mr Y compra un’automobile da 4500 euro, quanti soldi gli rimangono?” Individuare l’algoritmo migliore per risolvere ogni problema Usare le espressioni se necessario red=amplifications/extensions Geometria e trigonometria Geometria Enti geometrici Significato di geometria, introduzione degli enti fondamentali (punto, retta, piano) Concetto di semiretta e di segmento Assiomi euclidei Rette parallele e perpendicolari 26 Individuare e rappresentare gli enti fondamentali della geometria Riconoscere e disegnare punti, rette (eventualmente parallele o perpendicolari), semirette, segmenti e spezzate Riconoscere e disegnare segmenti consecutivi, adiacenti, incidenti e coincidenti Confrontare i segmenti e operare su essi Poligoni Concetto di poligono, vari tipi di poligono (convesso, concavo, equilatero, equiangolo, regolare, irregolare) Proprietà generali dei poligoni Concetto di congruenza e isoperimetria tra poligoni Quadrilateri Definizione e vari tipi di quadrilatero: scaleno, trapezio, parallelogramma (rettangolo, rombo, quadrato), deltoide Alcune proprietà di essi Perimetro dei quadrilateri Riconoscere e disegnare un poligono, un poligono convesso, un poligono concavo Riconoscere poligoni equilateri, equiangoli e regolari Individuare le proprietà generali di un poligono, riconoscere poligoni congruenti e isoperimetrici Riconoscere i vari tipi di quadrilateri e individuarne le proprietà Riconoscere i vari tipi di parallelogramma Individuare le proprietà di quadrati, rettangoli, rombi Risolvere problemi sul perimetro dei quadrilateri Trigonometria Gli angoli Concetto di angolo, definizione Introduzione ai vari tipi di angoli (retto, piatto, giro, acuto, ottuso) Angoli tra loro consecutivi, adiacenti, complementari, supplementari, esplementari Concetto di bisettrice di un angolo Confronto, somma, differenza e multipli di angoli Riconoscere un angolo e individuarne i vari tipi Disegnare la bisettrice di un angolo Confrontare angoli Riconoscere angoli complementari, supplementari ed esplementari e saperli disegnare Riconoscere angoli consecutivi e adiacenti Triangoli Concetto di triangolo e sue proprietà Elementi di un triangolo Concetto di altezza, bisettrice, mediana e asse di un triangolo e proprietà Punti notevoli di un triangolo (baricentro, incentro, ortocentro, circocentro) Triangoli particolari e loro proprietà (isoscele, equilatero, rettangolo) Perimetro dei triangoli Riconoscere e disegnare i vari tipi di triangolo e individuarne le proprietà Disegnare altezze, bisettrici, mediane e assi e individuare i punti notevoli Risolvere problemi sul perimetro dei triangoli red=amplifications/extensions GRADE 7 MATHEMATICS SYLLABUS Number, sets and algebra Number 27 Integers Rule of order Number theory Divisibility Factors Multiples Prime factorisation Squares and square roots Cubes and cube roots Fractions Fractions of shapes One number as a fraction of another Ordering fractions Fractions and decimals Adding and subtracting integers Multiplying and dividing integers HCF by prime factorisation LCM by prime factorisation Adding and subtracting fractions “Fractions of” whole numbers Multiplying and dividing fractions Word problems Using the calculator Decimals Adding and subtracting Multiplying by decimals Dividing by decimals Converting fractions to decimals using division (including recurring decimals) Number Percentages, ratios and interest Percentages to fractions and decimals Fractions and decimals to percentages Percentages of – mentally Percentages of – using calculator Percentage and increase or decrease Unitary method for direct proportion Dividing in a given ratio Ratio and proportion Solving ratio and proportion problems Estimation and error Putting numbers in order Placing numbers on the number line Rounding Estimation and accuracy Standard form - scientific notation Using indices to write powers of 10 Names of very large numbers Multiplying and dividing by powers of 10 Units of measurement Units for length, mass, time, capacity Metric and imperial equivalents Rounding to powers of 10 (order of magnitude) Rounding to decimal places Multiplying and dividing by multiples of the powers of 10 Conversions including area and volume red=amplifications/extensions Functions Number, sets and algebra Algebra 28 Sequences and series Continue number sequences Expressions, exponents and logarithms Notation Index laws Equations Writing equations from words Solving equations by inspection Writing sequences from rules Making sequences using matches and finding the rule Collecting like terms – integer answers Multiplying and dividing simple terms that involve indices Using distributive property to remove brackets Substituting into expressions that involve indices Solving linear equations using inverse operations on flow diagrams Solving linear equations using algebra – variable on one side only Functions and their representations Finding the output number Finding the rule given the input and output Using x and y to describe functions Graphs Point interpretation Graphing real life data to form lines Using the inverse function to find the input number Reading and interpreting real life graphs Linear Graphing lines of the form y=mx+c Informal discussion of gradient of lines Intercepts of lines Lines parallel to the axes red=amplifications/extensions Geometry Geometry and trigonometry Quadrilaterals Names of all types Definitions using sides and angles Properties of each including diagonal properties Constructing quadrilaterals using compass and protractor 29 Polygons Angle sum of polygons Angle size of regular polygons 3D shapes Nets of prisms and pyramids Euler’s Rule for prisms and pyramids Platonic solids – identify these Existence of semi-regular polyhedra Isometric drawings Plans and elevations Cross sections Geometry Trigonometry Coordinate geometry Transformations on the coordinate plane Symmetry Congruence and transformations Enlargement Scale drawings Reading scale drawings Lines and angles Estimate, measure, draw and name angles, include reflex. Classify angles – acute, right, obtuse, straight, reflex, revolution Calculating angles – on a straight line, at appoint, vertically opposite Define parallel and perpendicular lines Recognise and name the types of angles on parallel lines Calculate angles on parallel lines including any of the above angle Perimeter, area, volume Review triangle, rectangle, parallelogram, trapezium Circumference and area of a circle Surface area and volume of prisms Triangles Naming triangles Classifying triangles: sides- scalene, isosceles, equilateral angles- acute, right, obtuse Angle sum of a triangle Constructing triangles, including use of compass red=amplifications/extensions Probability Probability of events The language of probability, include mutually exclusive events Estimating probability from relative frequency Comparing experimental and theoretical probabilities Tree diagrams Calculating probability by listing outcomes Statistics Probability and statistics Data collection Surveys, questionnaires Two way tables 30 Statistical representations Draw and interpret bar charts (include grouped continuous), line graphs, frequency diagrams, pie charts Stem and leaf diagrams Misleading graphs Statistical measures Mean, mode, median, range – include grouped red=amplifications/extensions GRADE 7 PROGRAMMA DI MATEMATICA ARITMETICA Numeri 31 Frazioni e numeri decimali Concetto di numero decimale Frazioni generatrici di numeri decimali I numeri decimali illimitati periodici Dal numero periodico alla frazione Confronto di frazioni La radice quadrata Significato di estrazione di radice quadrata, proprietà della radice (radice del prodotto e radice del quoziente) Algoritmo per l’estrazione Radice quadrata esatta e approssimata, radice di un numero decimale Uso delle tavole numeriche, definizione di numero irrazionale ed esempi Rapporti e proporzioni Concetto di rapporto numerico, concetto di proporzione e terminologia (medi, estremi) Proprietà delle proporzioni (comporre, scomporre, invertire, permutare, proprietà fondamentale), catena di rapporti Concetto di percentuale La proporzionalità Significato di grandezze direttamente e inversamente proporzionali Concetto di funzione di proporzionalità diretta e inversa Riconoscere un numero decimale limitato e illimitato Riconoscere un numero periodico semplice e periodico misto Saper trasformare un numero decimale in frazione e viceversa Operazioni ed espressioni con i numeri decimali Calcolare la radice quadrata di un numero Calcolare radici quadrate esatte e approssimate di un numero naturale e razionale Applicare le proprietà delle radici quadrate, usare le tavole numeriche per il calcolo Espressioni con radici quadrate Scrivere il rapporto tra due numeri, individuare e scrivere proporzioni Applicare le proprietà ad una proporzione Risolvere una proporzione e risolvere catene di rapporti Problemi con la percentuale, ad esempio: “Calcola lo sconto applicato ad un articolo da 15 euro che a prezzo pieno costava 25 euro” Applicazione delle proporzioni alle carte geografiche in scala Riconoscere grandezze direttamente ed inversamente proporzionali Scrivere e rappresentare una funzione di proporzionalità diretta e inversa Risolvere problemi del tre semplice, ad esempio: “Per comprare 12 kg di frutta si spendono 15.48 euro Quanto si spenderebbe per comprare 18 kg dello stesso tipo di frutta?” red=amplifications/extensions Geometria Area di poligoni Figure piane, concetto di equivalenza Area di: triangolo, quadrato, rettangolo, rombo, parallelogramma, trapezio Area di un poligono qualsiasi Formula di Erone (area di un triangolo qualsiasi conoscendo solo la misura dei lati) GEOMETRIA Individuare e disegnare figure equivalenti, applicare il principio di equiscomponibilità per riconoscere figure equivalenti Calcolare l’area di triangoli e quadrilateri Problemi con perimetro e area 32 Circonferenza e cerchio Significato di circonferenza e cerchio Parti di circonferenza e cerchio (raggio, diametro, arco, corona circolare, segmento circolare, settore circolare) Posizioni reciproche tra retta e circonferenza e tra due circonferenze (secanti, tangenti, esterne) Angoli al centro e angoli alla circonferenza e loro proprietà Poligoni inscritti e circoscritti ad una circonferenza Area dei poligoni circoscritti, area dei poligoni regolari Individuare, riconoscere e disegnare circonferenze e cerchi, riconoscerne caratteristiche, proprietà e parti Individuare e applicare proprietà di circonferenze in particolari posizioni con una retta o con un’altra circonferenza Disegnare angoli al centro e alla circonferenza e utilizzare le loro proprietà Disegnare poligoni inscritti e circoscritti ad una circonferenza, calcolare l’area di poligoni circoscritti Calcolare l’area di poligoni regolari utilizzando il numero fisso Teorema di Pitagora Enunciato e significato del Teorema di Pitagora Significato di terna pitagorica ed esempi Applicazioni del teorema Similitudine Concetto di similitudine Criteri di similitudine dei triangoli Teoremi di Euclide Riconoscere e scrivere una terna pitagorica Applicare il Teorema di Pitagora per calcolare i lati di un triangolo rettangolo Applicare il Teorema di Pitagora alle figure piane studiate Problemi risolvibili mediante l’uso del Teorema di Pitagora Costruire figure simili secondo un rapporto di similitudine assegnato Risolvere problemi sulla similitudine Applicare i teoremi di Euclide red=amplifications/extensions GRADE 8 MATHEMATICS SYLLABUS Number Number, sets and algebra Percentages, ratios and interest Rates as a comparison of unlike quantities Increasing and decreasing by a ratio and percentage Proportional change Functions Standard form - scientific notation Algebra Units of measurement Use of metric units for measuring Use of metric units and conversion when solving problems (including area and volume) Sets Expressions, exponents and logarithms Simplifying algebraic expressions by adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing Factorising a common factor Review of index notation Simplify expressions using the index laws Define the zero index and negative indices Simplify expressions with negative indices Functions and their representations 33 Estimation and error Rounding answers to a specified number of significant figures Equations Solving equations using inverse operations Solving equations with the variable on both sides Solving and graphing one-variable inequalities Graphs Binomial theorem Squaring a binomial Set theory Basic ideas Venn diagrams Linear Graphing linear functions Intersections of lines through graphical means Gradient of a line Gradient – intercept form of a line Horizontal and vertical lines as special cases Distance time graphs red=amplifications/extensions Geometry Geometry and trigonometry Quadrilaterals Properties of quadrilateral – include the diagonal properties Solving angle sum of a quadrilateral problems using algebra 34 Polygons Develop and use the angle sum of interior and exterior angles of polygons 3D shapes Cones, prisms, spheres Perimeter, area, volume Review perimeter and area of all shapes and extend to composite figures Review circumference and area of a circle and extend to calculation of arc length and area of a sector Surface area of prisms and composite shapes Surface area of a cone Volume of prisms and composite shapes Volume and pyramids and cones Surface area and volume of spheres Geometry Trigonometry Coordinate geometry Transformations on the coordinate plane Symmetry Congruence and transformations Enlargement Scale drawings Reading scale drawings Lines and angles Solving parallel lines angle problems using algebra Constructing angle bisectors, perpendicular bisector of a line segment, 300, 600, 900, 1200, 450 (and others), parallel and perpendicular lines Draw the locus of points Solving problems using locus Triangles Develop and use the exterior angle of a triangle theorem Develop and use the Pythagorean theorem to solve for the unknown side in right triangles red=amplifications/extensions Probability Probability of events Estimating probability from relative frequency Defining and calculating probability for complementary events Tree diagrams Calculating probability by listing outcomes Statistics Probability and statistics Data collection 35 Statistical representations Draw and interpret frequency diagrams – the polygon and histogram and cumulative frequency graphs Calculate the median from the c f graph Statistical measures Mean, mode, median, range – include frequency tables Mean (by approximating the interval by the mid-point) modal class, median class, for grouped data red=amplifications/extensions GRADE 8 PROGRAMMA DI MATEMATICA ALGEBRA Algebra 36 Numeri reali Monomi e polinomi Identità ed equazioni Funzioni Formalizzazione degli insiemi numerici: da N a Z, da Z a Q, da Q a R Procedimenti di calcolo tra numeri razionali, notazione esponenziale e scientifica Significato di espressione letterale Principali nozioni sul calcolo letterale Significato di monomio, terminologia (coefficiente e parte letterale) e caratteristiche (monomi simili, opposti, uguali) Grado di un monomio Definizione di polinomio, procedimenti di calcolo Prodotti notevoli (quadrato di un binomio e differenza di quadrati) Concetto di identità e di equazione Concetto di equazioni equivalenti Principi di equivalenza Risoluzione delle equazioni di primo grado ad una incognita con verifica Equazioni determinate, indeterminate e impossibili Concetto di funzione, differenza tra funzione empirica e funzione matematica Esempi di funzioni e non-funzioni Introduzione al piano cartesiano: punti, coordinate, punto medio e distanza tra due punti (caso semplice con valore assoluto e caso generale con il teorema di Pitagora) Rappresentazione delle funzioni mediante una tabella di coordinate Funzioni di proporzionalità diretta, inversa e quadratica e loro grafici Cenni sulla risoluzione grafica delle equazioni Distinguere i numeri reali e rappresentarli su una retta Eseguire operazioni tra numeri razionali, calcolarne potenze e radici quadrate Risolvere espressioni in Q Riconoscere un’espressione letterale e calcolarne il valore, riconoscere i monomi, le loro parti, e individuarne le caratteristiche Eseguire operazioni con i monomi Riconoscere i polinomi e individuarne le caratteristiche Eseguire le operazioni tra poolinomi e tra monomi e polinomi Espressioni con polinomi e prodotti notevoli Riconoscere identità ed equazioni Scrivere un’equazione equivalente ad una data Risolvere un’equazione di primo grado ad una incognita, riconoscere le equazioni determinate, indeterminate e impossibili Riconoscere una funzione, distinguere funzioni empiriche da funzioni matematiche Operare nel piano cartesiano: rappresentare punti, trovare punto medio e lunghezza dei segmenti Rappresentare funzioni di cui si ha la tabella dei valori, costruire la tabella dei valori data l’espressione algebrica di una funzione, rappresentare funzioni di proporzionalità diretta, inversa e quadratica red=amplifications/extensions Geometria GEOMETRIA Lunghezza della circonferenza e area del cerchio Significato e calcolo di lunghezza di una circonferenza e di un arco di circonferenza Storia di π Calcolo dell’area di un cerchio, di una corona circolare, di un settore circolare e di un segmento circolare 37 Calcolo della lunghezza di una circonferenza e di un suo arco, dell’area di un cerchio e delle sue parti Problemi con circonferenze e cerchi I poliedri I solidi di rotazione Volume e peso specifico Concetto di geometria nello spazio Classificazione dei solidi: solidi a superficie curva e poliedri Terminologia (vertici, spigoli, facce) Poliedri regolari (i 5 esempi), poliedri non regolari (prismi, piramidi) Prismi retti e parallelepipedi Sviluppo dei solidi, solidi equivalenti Concetto di volume di un solido e di superficie laterale e totale Formule di superficie e volume di prismi e piramidi e loro significato Classificare un solido dato, riconoscere solidi equivalenti, disegnare lo sviluppo di un solido Calcolare la superficie laterale e totale e il volume dei prismi e delle piramidi, e di solidi composti Concetto di solido di rotazione; definizione e caratteristiche di cono, cilindro, sfera Procedimento di calcolo della superficie laterale e totale e del volume dei solidi di rotazione Solidi di rotazione, ottenuti dalla rotazione di altri poligoni (triangoli non rettangoli, trapezi, ) Concetto di peso e di peso specifico di un corpo Relazione tra volume (V), peso (P) e peso specifico (ps): ps=P/V Calcolare superficie laterale, totale e volume di sfera, cilindro e cono e di altri solidi di rotazione, anche composti da due o più solidi Risolvere problemi a riguardo Applicare la relazione tra V, P e ps per risolvere problemi inerenti il calcolo del volume dei solidi studiati red=amplifications/extensions PROBABILITÀ E STATISTICA Probabilità e Statistica Probabilità Concetto di eventi dipendenti ed indipendenti e di evento composto Calcolo della probabilità composta Definizione e significato di probabilità classica, frequentista e soggettiva Statistica Significato di dati discreti e continui Concetto di problema del campionamento Elaborazione di dati continui: raggruppamento in classi, frequenza assoluta, relativa e percentuale, classe modale, mediana, media aritmetica e deviazione standard; rappresentazione grafica dei dati Frequenza cumulata Grafici: istogrammi, ideogrammi, aerogrammi, diagrammi cartesiani Distinguere eventi semplici da eventi composti e saper individuare gli eventi semplici che costituiscono un evento composto Riconoscere eventi dipendenti ed indipendenti Calcolare la probabilità di un evento composto Riconoscere le differenze tra probabilità classica, frequentista e soggettiva Applicazioni in esercizi di genetica Elaborare i dati di un’indagine statistica Calcolare le frequenze, la moda, la media e la mediana Rappresentare i risultati in un grafico e saperli interpretare dal punto di vista statistico FISICA Fisica 38 Moto rettilineo uniforme Introduzione al moto rettilineo uniforme, confronto con altri moti non uniformi Formula che lega velocità, spazio percorso e tempo impiegato: s=vt Le leve Concetto di leva e suoi elementi costitutivi, utilizzo delle leve da parte dell’uomo Tipi di leve (primo, secondo e terzo tipo) e concetto di leva vantaggiosa e svantaggiosa Risolvere semplici problemi sul moto rettilineo uniforme, come applicazione di una legge di proporzionalità diretta (tra s e t) Riconoscere il tipo di leva e se si tratta di una leva vantaggiosa o no Risolvere semplici problemi sulle leve Le forze e i vettori Definizione di forza come grandezza vettoriale, differenza tra grandezze vettoriali e scalari Somma, differenza e multipli di vettori Regola del parallelogramma Cenni sul secondo principio della dinamica: F=ma Dati due vettori trovare il vettore somma, il vettore differenza e alcuni multipli Stabilire direzione e verso di un vettore dato Risolvere semplici problemi sulle forze Prima legge di Ohm Introduzione alla legge di Ohm e alle sue grandezze Esempi tratti dalla vita reale per comprendere il significato di tale legge Risolvere semplici problemi mediante l’applicazione della legge di Ohm red=amplifications/extensions GRADE 9 MATHEMATICS SYLLABUS Number Number systems Classification of solutions to polynomial equations as natural, integer, rational, irrational and/or real Estimation and error Reasonableness of results, estimation Use of various currencies in appropriate problems and gain a realistic idea of their value Standard form - scientific notation Use of standard form when solving problems and writing answers to problems Units of measurement Use of metric units as a scale for axes when graphing Use of metric units and conversion when solving problems (including area and volume) Number, sets and algebra Use of currency conversions as an application of linear functions 39 Number Algebra Percentages, ratios and interest Simple interest Sequences and series Connection of linear functions with arithmetic sequences such as simple interest Expressions, exponents and logarithms Laws of exponents (including fractional exponents) Binomial theorem Solution of problems (for example, linear equations) involving simple interest Algebra Formal proof Deductive reasoning Use of deductive reasoning for formal proof e g exterior angle theorem Sets Matrices Systems of equations Set theory Venn diagrams Solution of systems of linear equations by substitution, elimination, and comparison red=amplifications/extensions Representations Functions Circular 40 Linear Gradient Parallel, perpendicular Linear equations Graphs Applications Solution of systems of linear equations by substitution, elimination, and comparison Exponential and logarithmic Quadratic Factoring into linear expressions Polynomial Absolute Value Rational/reciprocal/other Composite Inverse Transformations Rigid transformations (horizontal shift) PreCalculus Properties of perpendicularity Finding the equation of a line red=amplifications/extensions Geometry Coordinate geometry Coordinate plane Parallel and perpendicular lines Shapes Continual reference throughout the course Vectors Parallel, perpendicular and skew lines Description of possible intersections of lines and planes Solving triangles Right-triangles, formulae for the area of a triangle SOHCAHTOA Pythagorean theorem Identities Geometry and trigonometry Distance formula Midpoint formula 41 Trigonometry Arcs and angles Bearings (with right angles only) Equations Solutions of equations for angles in the first quadrant red=amplifications/extensions Probability Probability of events Probability diagrams Statistics Probability and statistics Terminology 42 Statistical representations Statistical measures Statistical distributions Correlations Chi-squared test for independence Use and understanding of terminology such as sample space, outcome, event, etc red=amplifications/extensions GRADE 10 MATHEMATICS SYLLABUS Number, sets and algebra Number 43 Number systems Solutions and graphs of polynomial equations over restricted domains (ie etc) Estimation and error Reasonableness of results, estimation Use of various currencies in appropriate problems and gain a realistic idea of their value eg for , quadratic (kinematics) word problems disregarding negative solution (Calculations of absolute and percentage error) Number Algebra Percentages, ratios and interest Compound and reducible interest formula Sequences and series Arithmetic and geometric sequences and series Sum of finite series, apply to value of investments Links to linear and exponential functions such as simple and compound interest, currency conversion Standard form - scientific notation Continual reference throughout the course where appropriate Units of measurement Use of metric units as a scale for axes when graphing Expressions, exponents and logarithms Exponential growth and decay Applications Solution of exponential equations using logarithms Laws of logarithms Binomial theorem Expansion of polynomials of degree 2 and 3 Introduction to Pascal’s triangle Use of spreadsheets Algebra Sets Formal proof Matrices Systems of equations Set theory Continual reference to definitions and theorems studied previously Matrix operations Inverses Determinants Solutions of systems of linear equations graphically, algebraically and using matrices Venn diagrams Proof of circle geometry theorems red=amplifications/extensions Representations Function notation Use of a variety of function notations (for example, mapping, f(x)=,y=, etc ) Linear Domain and range Various forms of linear equations Coordinate plane Solutions of systems of linear equations, algebraically and using the GDC (finding the intersection of two lines) Quadratic Domain and range Solution of quadratic equations by factoring and the quadratic formula (use of the GDC is also encouraged) Quadratic functions in the form y=a(x-h)2 +k and in intercept form Graphs of quadratic functions Quadratic inequalities Quadratics in disguise Polynomial Division of polynomials using long and synthetic division Factor/remainder theorem Absolute Value Solution of absolute value equations, both graphically and algebraically Solution of linear and quadratic inequalities Exponential and logarithmic Domain and range Graphs of exponential functions Equations of asymptotes Circular Rational/reciprocal/ot her Reciprocal function: domain and range, equations of asymptotes Rational functions: domain and range, equations of asymptotes Transformations Composite Inverse PreCalculus Transformations of quadratic functions Effects of parameters a,h,k on the graph of y=a(x-h)2 +k Find composite functions in the form f(g(x)) and (f°g)(x) Find and graph the inverse of quadratic, linear and other types of functions Related rates Functions Unit circle Domain and range Graphs of circular functions 44 red=amplifications/extensions Geometry Coordinate geometry Continual reference throughout the course Shapes Continual reference throughout the course Circle geometry Vectors Addition, subtraction and scalar multiplication of vectors Arcs and angles Solving triangles Identities 3D bearings with any angle Continual reference throughout the course Solving problems using the sine and cosine rules The ambiguous case of the sine rule Trigonometric identities Tan identity Unit circle and unit circle identities Justifying or proving simple trigonometric identities Geometry and trigonometry Trigonometry 45 red=amplifications/extensions Probability Probability of events Definition of probability Laws of probability (conjunction, disjunction, complement) Conditional probability Probability diagrams Tree diagrams and charts Venn diagrams Statistics Probability and statistics Statistical representations Frequency tables and graphs, stem-and-leaf diagrams and box-and-whisker plots 46 Statistical measures Range, quartiles and percentiles Standard deviation Statistical distributions Introduction of the normal distribution curve and Correlations Scatter diagrams Line of best fit by eye area values within one, two and three standard deviations from the mean red=amplifications/extensions SYLLABUS BY KEY KNOWLEDGE AREA NUMBERS, SETS AND ALGEBRA Number 6th Integers Using integers Rule of order Adding and subtracting integers Multiplying and dividing integers 7th Rule of order Divisibility Factors Multiples HCF by prime factorisation Prime factorisation Triangular numbers Square numbers Square roots Prime factorisation Squares and square roots Cubes and cube roots LCM by prime factorisation 10th 9th 8th Adding and subtracting integers Multiplying and dividing integers Number theory Odd and even, prime and composite Divisibility Factors and multiples HCF by listing factors LCM by listing multiples Fractions Fractions of shapes One number as a fraction of another Equivalent fractions Simplifying fractions Mixed numbers and improper fractions Comparing fractions Adding and subtracting fractions “Fractions of” whole numbers Multiplying and dividing integers by fractions Word problems Fractions of shapes One number as a fraction of another Ordering fractions Fractions and decimals Adding and subtracting fractions “Fractions of” whole numbers Multiplying and dividing fractions Word problems Using the calculator Decimals Adding and subtracting Multiplying decimals by whole numbers Fractions and decimals Adding and subtracting Multiplying by decimals Dividing by decimals Multiplying decimals by decimals Dividing decimals by whole numbers Converting fractions to decimals using division (including recurring decimals) 10th 9th 8th 7th 6th Number red=amplifications/extensions 47 Percentages, ratios and interest Out of 100 Percentages to fractions and decimals Fractions and decimals to percentages Percentages of – mentally Percentages of – using calculator Idea of direct method Writing ratios Equivalent ratios Ratio and proportion Dividing in a given ratio Percentages to fractions and decimals Fractions and decimals to percentages Percentages of – mentally Percentages of – using calculator Percentage and increase or decrease Unitary method for direct proportion Dividing in a given ratio Ratio and proportion Solving ratio and proportion problems Rates as a comparison of unlike quantities Increasing and decreasing by a ratio and percentage Proportional change Estimation and error Whole number place value Decimal place value Putting numbers in order Rounding to the nearest 10,100,1000, to the first and second decimal place Simple interest Reasonableness of results, estimation Use of various currencies in appropriate problems and gain a realistic idea of their value Use of currency conversions as an application of linear functions Reasonableness of results, estimation Use of various currencies in appropriate problems and gain a realistic idea of their value (Calculations of absolute and percentage error) 9th 8th 7th 6th Number 10th Solution of problems (for example, linear equations) involving simple interest Compound and reducible interest formula Use of spreadsheets Placing numbers on the number line Reading whole numbers and decimals Rounding Rounding to the nearest whole number Putting numbers in order Placing numbers on the number line Rounding Estimation and accuracy Rounding to powers of 10 (order of magnitude) Rounding to decimal places Rounding answers to a specified number of significant figures Number Using indices to write powers of 10 Names of very large numbers Multiplying and dividing by powers of 10 Multiplying and dividing by multiples of the powers of 10 Use of standard form (scientific notation) 10th 9th 8th 7th 6th Standard form - scientific notation Multiplication and division by 10,100,1000 48 Units of measurement Units for length, mass, time, capacity Metric and imperial equivalents Conversions Units for length, mass, time, capacity Reading scales Metric and imperial equivalents Conversions including area and volume Use of metric units for measuring Use of metric units and conversion when solving problems (including area and volume) Use of standard form when solving problems and writing answers to problems Use of metric units as a scale for axes when graphing Use of metric units and conversion when solving problems (including area and volume) Continual reference throughout the course Use of metric units as a scale for axes when graphing red=amplifications/extensions Sequences and series Recognizing and describing number patterns Finding the next term in a sequence Writing sequences from rules Writing sequences using the nth term rule Making sequences using matches and finding the rule Writing the rule using nth term notation Continue number sequences Expressions, exponents and logarithms Notation Writing sequences from rules Making sequences using matches and finding the rule Collecting like terms – integer answers Multiplying and dividing simple terms that involve indices Connection of linear functions with arithmetic sequences such as simple interest Laws of exponents (including fractional exponents) Arithmetic and geometric sequences and series Sum of finite series, apply to value of investments Links to linear and exponential functions such as simple and compound interest, currency conversion Exponential growth and decay Applications Solution of exponential equations using logarithms Laws of logarithms 10th 9th 8th 7th 6th Algebra red=amplifications/extensions Writing expressions in best algebraic notation Collecting like terms Substituting into expressions and formulae Notation Index laws Using distributive property to remove brackets Substituting into expressions that involve indices Simplifying algebraic expressions by adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing Factorising a common factor Review of index notation Simplify expressions using the index laws Define the zero index and negative indices Simplify expressions with negative indices 49 Systems of equations Matrices 9th Equations Writing equations from words Solving equations by inspection Solving equations using inverse operations on flow diagrams Writing equations from words Solving equations by inspection Solving linear equations using inverse operations on flow diagrams Solving linear equations using algebra – variable on one side only Solving equations using inverse operations Solving equations with the variable on both sides Solving and graphing one-variable inequalities Solution of systems of linear equations by substitution, elimination, and comparison 10th 8th 7th 6th Algebra Solutions of systems of linear equations graphically, algebraically and using matrices Matrix operations Inverses Determinants Algebra Sets Formal proof Set theory 7th 6th Binomial theorem Basic ideas Venn diagrams 10th 9th 8th Squaring a binomial 50 Expansion of polynomials of degree 2 and 3 Introduction to Pascal’s triangle Deductive reasoning Use of deductive reasoning for formal proof e g exterior angle theorem Continual reference to definitions and theorems studied previously Proof of circle geometry theorems Venn diagrams Venn diagrams red=amplifications/extensions Functions and their representations Finding the output number Finding the rule given the input and output Using the inverse function to find the input number Finding the output number Finding the rule given the input and output Using x and y to describe functions Using the inverse function to find the input number Graphs Point interpretation Graphing real life data to form lines Reading and interpreting real life graphs Point interpretation Graphing real life data to form lines Reading and interpreting real life graphs 10th 9th 8th 7th 6th FUNCTIONS Function notation Use of a variety of function notations (for example, mapping, f(x)=,y=, etc ) Quadratic Polynomial Graphing lines of the form y=mx+c Informal discussion of gradient of lines Intercepts of lines Lines parallel to the axes Graphing linear functions Intersections of lines through graphical means Gradient of a line Gradient – intercept form of a line Horizontal and vertical lines as special cases Distance time graphs Gradient Parallel, perpendicular Linear equations Graphs Applications Solution of systems of linear equations by substitution, elimination, and comparison Domain and range Various forms of linear equations Coordinate plane 10th 9th 8th 7th 6th Linear Factoring into linear expressions Domain and range Solution of quadratic equations by factoring and the quadratic formula (with use of GDC) The form y=a(x-h)2 +k and the intercept form Graphs of quadratic functions Quadratic inequalities Quadratics in disguise Division of polynomials using long and synthetic division Factor/remainder theorem Solutions of systems of linear equations, algebraically and using the GDC (finding the intersection of two lines) red=amplifications/extensions 51 Absolute Value Exponential and logarithmic Circular Solution of absolute value equations, both graphically and algebraically Solution of linear and quadratic inequalities Domain and range Graphs of exponential functions Equations of asymptotes Unit circle Domain and range Graphs of circular functions 10th 9th 8th 7th 6th Transformations Rigid transformations (horizontal shift) Transformations of quadratic functions Effects of parameters a,h,k on the graph of y=a(x-h)2 +k Composite/inverse PreCalculus 10th 9th 8th 7th 6th Rational/reciprocal/other 52 Reciprocal function: domain and range, equations of asymptotes Rational functions: domain and range, equations of asymptotes Find composite functions in the form f(g(x)) and (f°g)(x) Find and graph the inverse of quadratic, linear and other types of functions Properties of perpendicularity Finding the equation of normal lines Related rates red=amplifications/extensions GEOMETRY AND TRIGONOMETRY Polygons Names of each Definition of “regular” Tessellations 3D Shapes Nets of prisms and pyramids Vertices, faces and edges of prisms and pyramids Euler’s Rule Isometric drawings Names of all types Definitions using sides and angles Properties of each including diagonal properties Constructing quadrilaterals using compass and protractor Angle sum of polygons Angle size of regular polygons Nets of prisms and pyramids Euler’s Rule for prisms and pyramids Platonic solids – identify these Existence of semi-regular polyhedra Isometric drawings Plans and elevations Cross sections Properties of quadrilateral – include the diagonal properties Solving angle sum of a quadrilateral problems using algebra Develop and use the angle sum of interior and exterior angles of polygons Cones, prisms, spheres 9th Continual reference throughout the course Continual reference throughout the course Continual reference throughout the course Continual reference throughout the course Continual reference throughout the course Continual reference throughout the course 8th 7th 6th Quadrilaterals Names of all types Lines of symmetry of each Tangrams 10th Geometry Perimeter, area, volume Triangle, rectangle, parallelogram, trapezium Perimeter and area of shapes made from rectangles Surface area from nets Volume by counting cubes Volume of a rectangular prism Review triangle, rectangle, parallelogram, trapezium Circumference and area of a circle Surface area and volume of prisms Review perimeter and area of all shapes and extend to composite figures Review circumference and area of a circle and extend to calculation of arc length and area of a sector Surface area of prisms and composite shapes Surface area of a cone Volume of prisms and composite shapes Volume and pyramids and cones Surface area and volume of spheres 10th 9th 8th 7th 6th Geometry red=amplifications/extensions 53 8th 7th 6th Geometry Coordinate geometry Coordinates in 4 quadrants Reflection and symmetry Rotation and symmetry – include order Translation Include above on the coordinate plane Transformations on the coordinate plane Symmetry Congruence and transformations Enlargement Scale drawings Reading scale drawings Transformations on the coordinate plane Symmetry Congruence and transformations Enlargement Scale drawings Reading scale drawings 10th 9th Coordinate plane Parallel and perpendicular lines 54 Vectors Distance formula Midpoint formula Continual reference throughout the course Parallel, perpendicular and skew lines Description of possible intersections of lines and planes Addition, subtraction and scalar multiplication of vectors red=amplifications/extensions Lines, arcs and angles Measure lines Estimate, measure, draw and name angles, include reflex Classify angles – acute, right, obtuse, straight, reflex, revolution Calculating angles – on a straight line, at appoint, vertically opposite Define parallel and perpendicular lines Recognise and name the types of angles on parallel lines Triangles Naming triangles Classifying triangles: sides- scalene, isosceles, equilateral Angles- acute, right, obtuse Angle sum of a triangle Constructing triangles, including use of compass Estimate, measure, draw and name angles, include reflex Classify angles – acute, right, obtuse, straight, reflex, revolution Calculating angles – on a straight line, at a point, vertically opposite Define parallel and perpendicular lines Recognise and name the types of angles on parallel lines Calculate angles on parallel lines including any of the above angle Naming triangles Classifying triangles: sides- scalene, isosceles, equilateral Angles- acute, right, obtuse Angle sum of a triangle Constructing triangles, including use of compass Solving parallel lines angle problems using algebra Constructing angle bisectors, perpendicular bisector of a line segment, 300, 600, 900, 1200, 450 (and others), parallel and perpendicular lines Draw the locus of points Solving problems using locus Develop and use the exterior angle of a triangle theorem Bearings (with right angles only) Right-triangles, formulae for the area of a triangle SOHCAHTOA Pythagorean theorem 9th 8th 7th 6th Trigonometry 10th 3D bearings with any angle red=amplifications/extensions Identities and equations Develop and use the Pythagorean theorem to solve for the unknown side in right triangles Continual reference throughout the course Solving problems using the sine and cosine rules The ambiguous case of the sine rule Solutions of equations for angles in the first quadrant Trigonometric identities Tan identity Unit circle and unit circle identities Justifying or proving simple trigonometric identities 55 PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS 10th 9th 8th 7th 6th Probability Probability of events The language of probability – likely, unlikely, certain, impossible, even chance, equally likely Probability scale Listing outcomes Calculating probability Probability from experiments Probability diagrams The language of probability, include mutually exclusive events Estimating probability from relative frequency Comparing experimental and theoretical probabilities Calculating probability by listing outcomes Estimating probability from relative frequency Defining and calculating probability for complementary events Calculating probability by listing outcomes Use and understanding of terminology such as sample space, outcome, event, etc Definition of probability Laws of probability (conjunction, disjunction, complement) Conditional probability Tree diagrams and charts Venn diagrams 6th Statistics Survey Tally chart Grouped data Draw and interpret bar charts (include grouped continuous), line graphs, frequency diagrams, pie charts Stem and leaf diagrams Misleading graphs Draw and interpret frequency diagrams – the polygon and histogram and cumulative frequency graphs Calculate the median from the c f graph 10th 9th 8th 7th Surveys, questionnaires Two way tables Statistical representations Draw and interpret the following: Bar charts include grouped (discrete) Line graphs Frequency diagrams Pie charts 56 Frequency tables and graphs, stem-and-leaf diagrams and box-and-whisker plots red=amplifications/extensions Statistical measures Mean, mode, median, range – not grouped Statistical distributions Correlations Introduction of the normal distribution curve Area values within one, two and three standard deviations from the mean Scatter diagrams Line of best fit by eye Mean, mode, median, range – include grouped Mean, mode, median, range – include frequency tables Mean (by approximating the interval by the mid-point) modal class, median class, for grouped data 10th 9th 8th 7th 6th Statistics Range, quartiles and percentiles Standard deviation red=amplifications/extensions 57 58 SOURCES The present series of IMHS Curriculum Documents draws on a number of existing documents that we acknowledge in the following list. All rights belong to the respective owners. Documents published by the International Baccalaureate Organization are used under the following conditions (Rules and policy for use of IB intellectual property, Copyright materials, IB World Schools, Guidelines for permitted acts): “b) IB teachers with authorized access to the online curriculum centre (OCC) may download to a computer and save any IB files that are published there as programme documentation. They, or a designated department of the school on their behalf, may then print a copy (or copies) in part or whole. They may also extract sections from that file, for using independently or inserting into another work for information or teaching purposes within the school community.” Documents published by the NGA Center for Best Practices and the Council of Chief State Officers are used under the following conditions (Public License, License grant): “The NGA Center for Best Practices (NGA Center) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) hereby grant a limited, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to copy, publish, distribute, and display the Common Core State Standards for purposes that support the Common Core State Standards Initiative. These uses may involve the Common Core State Standards as a whole or selected excerpts or portions.” Documents published by the Council of Europe are used under the following conditions (Copyright Information): “The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages is protected by copyright. Extracts may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes provided that the source is fully acknowledged.” LANGUAGE A: MYP GUIDE Published January 2009 DP GUIDE Published February 2011 Common core standards “© Copyright 2010. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers. All rights reserved.” MIUR, Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca, “Piani Specifici di Apprendimento – Scuola Secondaria di I grado” LANGUAGE B : MYP GUIDE Published March 2012 DP GUIDE Published March 2011 CEFR various documents © Council of Europe 2011 59 SOCIAL STUDIES : MYP GUIDE Published August 2009, Published February 2012 DP GUIDE – HISTORY Published March 2008 SCIENCE: MYP GUIDE Published February 2010 DP GUIDE – BIOLOGY, CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS Published March 2007 MATHEMATICS : MYP GUIDE Published January 2011 DP GUIDE Published September 2006 ARTS MYP GUIDE Published August 2008 PE and IT 60 MYP GUIDE PE Published August 2009 MYP GUIDE TECHNOLOGY Published August 2008 https://sites.google.com/a/westlakeacademy.org/teachers/Home/MYPtechnologycourseinfo http://www.wuxitaihuinternationalschool.org/technology.html#4 http://www.isparis.edu/page.cfm?p=406) 61 END OF DOCUMENT Last revision: April 10, 2013
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