in PDF - New Directions for Youth
in PDF - New Directions for Youth
Thank You To Our Wonderful 2008 Donors Spirit Thank you to our 2008 Major Donors of 2008 Hope Awards Gala Celebrating 32 years of success, New Directions for Youth presented the Annual Spirit of Hope Awards Gala at the Skirball Center on Thursday, October 2, 2008 to honor individuals who have contributed to programs for at-risk and troubled youths and their families. NDY bestowed Hollywood legend Martin Sheen with the Humanitarian Award; Community Activist Greg Baker with the Corporate Sponsorship Award; Los Angeles Laker Jordan Farmar with the Partners with Youth Award; and Congressman Brad Sherman with the Spirit of Hope Award. (Donating $10,000 or more) Ross Baker Towing • Cinmark Company • Wolfson Family Foundation Jeanette Trepp • Anheuser-Busch, Inc. – Green Team • Kaiser Permanente Bryce Adams Cynthia Adams Judy Adams Ted Afetian Virginia & Christopher Aliano Anheuser-Busch, Inc. Michael Antin Greg Baker Lisa Baker Jeremy Barbakow Suzanne Battaglia Marlo Bello Dana Biederman Ludy Bituin Karl Boeckmann Barry Borses Ramona Brandes Alice Bridges Rev. Onetta Brooks Bud Brown Stanley Bryant Judy Cantu Steve Cedrone Staci Cohen Cinmark Company CMC, Inc. Howard Cohen Cristopher Connelly Mary Ann Conron Cathy Cousinean Paul Davis Harvey Diamond Sandra & Burt Dragotis Harlin Dorin Double Pump, Inc. Ruth Dunker Mitchell & Jane Englander Christopher Farlow Anne Finn E. Jane Finley Bern Folkman Charles Fonarow William Fox Ira Freeman Jenny Daniels Freese Galen & Davis Law Corporation Galpin Ford Lee Garrison G. E. Paladines Gelb Enterprises Bruce & Esther Gillies Robin & Lynne Gillies Daniel Glassman Stanley Goldenberg Fritz Goode Mavrick Goodrich Dana Haber Events Hamer Toyota Renee Henderson Irma & Tony Hernandez Linda Herrera Jo Carol Hiatt HM Technical Lynda Hofmann Margaret Holmes Mark Hyman, M.D. Cynthia Ibarra Paul Davis & Alberta Bellisario Insurance Jordan Farmar Foundation Rafer Johnson Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. Keyes Motors, Inc. Dana Khudaverdyan David Kirschner Wayne Klitosky Roy Koletsky Esther Korn Wally & Joan Kornbluh Debra Krasnoff Rita Levine Richard & Barbara Leyner Kathleen Lindgreen Ronna Lubash Sue & Harvey Magidow Richard Maguire Florence Manne Irma Maria Edwin Marzec Paul Maslansky Stu Mauer Fred & Marjie Mautner Pete McPartlin David Meadow James Merrimen James Mertzel, D.D.S Steven Mesner Bruce & Judy Miller Bruce Miller & Associates Maryann Malzone Miller Batool Moallem Jennifer Morgan Greater Mulwood Blossom Norman Aric Partovich Alex Paul Brian Paul Dan Pearlman Arline & Buddy Pepp Kimberly Perkins Deuk & Elizabeth Perrin Eric & Andrea Peoples Gail Peters Stephen Platt Augusto Pojas Gloria & Joel Pollack Lawrence & Sandra Post Brian Paul Luann Rollens Tony Roman Grace Ropa Ross Baker Towing Susan Reed Sazer Patricia & Joseph Schlee Rob Schreiber Rosalyn Shapiro Ken Shields Amy Shomer Rosalynn K. Silva Audre Slater Barri Soltani Alex Soteras Kelly Spiker Kenneth Spring Edwina Smith Randy Stabler Jane Stanton Solomon Stuart Jeanette Trepp Michael Toyen Alicia & Graham Tyson Kattrinna Uy Union Bank of California Foundation Carlos Valbuena Arturo & Sandra Velasquez Lilia Velasquez Anthony & Courtney Vengarick Bria Verdugo Ed Viramontes Barbara Wadkins Cindy Walkov Wal-MART John & Margaret Ward Michelle Ward, M.D. Sharyn Weinstein Amy Weisl William West Ronnie Marks Willet Denise Willmart Wilshire State Bank Windsor Leasing Annie Wolfson Erin Wolfson Jonathon & Stephanie Wolfson Kim & Maryann Wolfson Mark and Linda Wolfson Patti Wolfson Mrs. Shirley Wolfson Wolfson Family Foundation Laura Wohl Ken Worthen Michael Zajdowicz Barbara Zelinski Carol & Stuart Zimring Martin Zogg Knbc-tv weatherman Fritz Coleman was the Master of Ceremonies for the fifth year! Entertainment was provided by singer Jennifer Joseph with the Monte Montgomery Band. More than 300 people attended the Spirit of Hope Awards Dinner and celebrated the evening’s theme of ”Building Stronger Families,” honoring those who have contributed an extraordinary amount of time and effort to the cause of youth development. New Directions For Youth Hope for our youth, our community, our future WINTER 2008 7400 Van Nuys Blvd., Suite 203 • Van Nuys, CA 91405 • 818.375.1000 • Fax 818.787.4389 • A Message from Our Executive Director Dear NDY Family, Thanks to a fabulous Board of Directors and a diligent and efficient staff family, NDY has grown, both inside and out. With the support of our dedicated Congressman, Brad Sherman, NDY has expanded its programming to include three Department of Justice appropriations for gang and delinquency prevention and computer technology. These programs are crucial instruments to the success of NDY’s mission to build a community where youth and families thrive and grow. The foster youth independent living program, which kicked off in 2007, has flourished and now embraces 600 foster youth throughout Los Angeles County. As we prepare to enter into 2009, our focus is to raise additional private, unrestricted and foundation dollars to help support these new programs, and to conduct longer-term follow-up with youth after they have completed our programs. With your help, NDY can achieve these goals. I would love to see each person reading this letter take advantage of an opportunity to give, whether it is through volunteering their time, making a donation or attending an event or all of the above! The youth and families we serve at NDY are worthy of your support. In the Spirit of Youth, Monica Austin-Jackson Executive Director, New Directions for Youth, Inc. NDY & LA County Sheriff’s Department Partner to Serve Youth The evening began with a fabulous performance by Alex La Torre, “El Charrito usa.” The heartwarming success stories from two of our ndy clients exemplified what our hard-working staff at NDY can accomplish to change the lives of our youth. Co-chairs Paul Maslansky and Patti Jo Wolfson would like to thank Honorary Chairman Rafer Johnson, Auctioneer Mitch Englander, and the 2008 ndy Committee Members for making this evening so spectacular. n New Directions for Youth (NDY) and the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department VIDA (Vital Intervention Directional Alternatives) program are working together to provide critically needed services to foster youth in Palmdale and East Los Angeles. NDY program director, Tim Brown, is partnering with Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department Deputy Tom Spiegle, (Palmdale) to provide tutoring, mentoring, after-school enrichment and critically-needed counseling and discipline to high-risk foster youth in out-of-home placement. The Palmdale site, a partnership between LA County Sheriff’s Department VIDA program, the Palmdale School District and New Directions for Youth, was set up in December 2007 and currently serves 80 high-risk foster youth ages 14-18. Youth receive life-skills workshops to help prepare them for independent living when they become 18 years old and no longer receive government benefits. Preparation for emancipation is essential to foster youth, who often are unprepared for living and supporting themselves. This collaboration also provides tutoring and academic support for youth. Case managers work with the schools to provide academic counseling to ensure that youth have the credits and the ability to graduate and pass the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE). n “ When I was growing up, I wasn’t really bad. I went to school like every other guy. I had friends. I had a little trouble with teachers and students. Later in life I gave up in school or really didn’t care. Maybe ‘cause of family issues. I tried giving more effort, but giving up or not trying as hard became a habit. I tried over and over to get my grades up. NDY taught me how to apply my effort and give 100%. Then they taught me how to get better social skills. I am still waiting to see what more I can improve on.” — Leonard, 15 7400 Van Nuys Blvd., Suite 203 Van Nuys, CA 91405 New Directions for Youth Van Nuys, CA Permit No. 1253 PAID Non-profit Org. U.S. Postage New Directions for Youth Board of Directors Executive Committee Rafer Johnson Honorary Chairman Patti Jo Wolfson Chairman of the Board Daniel Pearlman Immediate Past Board Chairman J. Richard Leyner Executive Vice Chairman Paul Maslansky Vice Chairman Bruce Miller Vice Chairman Anne Finn Secretary Fred Mautner Treasurer Executive Director Monica Austin-Jackson Board Members Bruce Ackerman Mitchell Englander David Fleming Jeffrey M. Galen Cynthia Ibarra Walter Kornbluh Sue Magidow Eric Peoples Rosalyn K. Silva Arturo velasquez Barri Worth Ken Worthen Barbara Zelinski Advisory Board Councilman Richard Alarcon Lee Kanon Alpert Congressman Howard Berman Karl Boeckmann A Word from Our Chairman of the Board For thirty two years, New Directions for Youth (NDY) has been a vibrant part of our community, providing inspiration and hope to thousands of at-risk and foster youth. NDY provides a safe place for our clients who cannot be main streamed into traditional youth development programs. Our hard-working and caring staff led by our Executive Director, Monica Austin-Jackson, and her management team (Bart Trevino, Denna Mulverhill and Tim Brown) work with our 40-member staff to provide unique programs that offer individualized assistance to our community. 2008 has been a banner year for NDY! In the spring, with the help of Cinmark Company, Karl Boeckman of Galpin Ford, Eric Peoples of Anheuser-Busch, Fred Mautner, Councilman Dennis Zine, Councilperson Wendy Greuel, and E. Jane Finley, we purchased an additional van to transport our foster kids to and from our programs. Thank you to Galpin Ford for making this transaction painless! In May we hosted our first ever Texas Hold’em Poker event with Grandparents as Parents and had fun as we raised much-needed funds. Thank you to Full Tilt Poker for sponsoring this event! In September, Fritz Coleman starred in an Evening of Comedy for NDY. Thanks to Fritz’s generosity, we raised much-needed funds for NDY! One week later, we were honored at a formal gala at NBC Studios by the Fernando Award Foundation as one of the top 50 non-profit organizations in our community. On October 2, 2008, NDY honored Hollywood legend, Martin Sheen, Jordan Farmar of the Los Angeles Lakers, Congressman Brad Sherman and Community Angel Greg Baker of Ross Baker Towing at our annual Spirit of Hope Awards Gala. More about this fantastic evening in the newsletter! The summer was filled with exciting field trips and camps for our clients. NDY hosted a camp for over 50 kids on Catalina Island. Jordan Farmar invited 16 kids to attend his week-long basketball camp at UCLA. In addition, the NDY clients went to the movies, Skateland, the Museum of Tolerance, beach parties and many other exciting field trips. We offered the kids new experiences that they would never have the opportunity to participate in otherwise. The Board of Directors and Advisory Board gained some new members this year. We welcome Rosalyn Silva and Barri Worth to our Board of Directors. We are thankful to Fritz Coleman, E. Jane Finley, Deputy Chief Michael Moore, Dana Pump, David Pump, Irwin Rosenberg, Tom Shapiro, Arline Pepp, Councilman Jon Wolfson, Lee Kanon Alpert and Councilman Dennis Zine for joining our Advisory Board in 2008. The momentum is growing as NDY is becoming more and more valued and valuable to our community. We are serving more and more kids and families. The list of supporters and donors is growing. And the BEST news of all is….we are MOvING to a new home. With the help of Rickey Gelb and Fred Mautner, NDY has puchased a building on Lankershim Blvd. near Sherman Way. Escrow will close soon and our Capital Campaign will begin! We will have naming opportunities available for everyone to show their support for the great work that we do in our community. Our new home will allow us to expand our programs and offer additional services in our community. Look for your opportunity to donate to our Change a Child’s Life Capital Campaign on page 4 of this newsletter. Thank you for your interest and support in our services, our clients and our staff. Our community needs NDY and NDY needs YOU! Best, Bud Brown Rickey Gelb Patti Jo Wolfson Chairman of the Board Jeri Gerner Former Assembly Speaker Robert Hertzberg Richard Katz Ed Marzek Deputy Chief Michael Moore Walter Mosher, Jr. Dennis Owens Arline Pepp Dana Pump David Pump Irwin Rosenberg Tom Shapiro Congressman Brad Sherman Russell Stravitz Mike Thompson Sally Thompson Francisco uribe Councilman Jack Weiss Councilman Jonathon Wolfson Councilman Dennis Zine NDY Beach Field Trip 2007 Holiday Party Dear Friends, Fritz Coleman E. Jane Finley PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS Spotlight on Board Member: Sue Magidow Sue Magidow has been Senior vice President/Manager of the Northridge Office of Wilshire State Bank since July, 1993. Prior to 1993, she was vice President / Branch Manager of various Bank of America offices for over 20 years. Sue was a Past President of the Reseda Chamber of Commerce, served as volunteer for Councilwoman Laura Chick’s 3rd District Earthquake Recovery Committee (1994-1996), and has served on various Board of Directors for non-profits over the years. She enjoys basketball (“GO LAKERS!!! & uCLA!!!”), baseball (a Dodgers fan) football, and occasionally a hockey game. Sue sings the praises of her wonderful, supportive husband, Harvey and three great kids: Greg, a professional cameraman (currently working on My Name Is Earl); Andy, an associate producer and film editor for ESPN (her sports nut!); Lisa, an executive chef and dining room coordinator with Grand Oaks in Thousand Oaks. All of her kids were involved in multiple sports when they were growing up (baseball, softball, basketball, soccer) and still have many friends they met through sporting activities and coaching. Over the years, both professionally and privately, Sue has always tried to treat others as she would like to be treated, with courtesy, kindness and honesty—The Golden Rule! “It usually works. I have been blessed with a wonderful family and terrific friends. I certainly am nothing special, I just feel that if one has advantages in life, one should always try to give back to others who have had difficult times.” She learned that from her mom who, at age 77, was volunteering at a temple serving free lunches to senior citizens—and she was older than most of the people she served! n Santa Bart delivering presents to families in need. 50 NDY Youth Attended Leadership Camp on Catalina Island Youth spent a magical four days on Catalina Island, as NDY treated 50 foster and at-risk kids to a four-day leadership trip to a White’s Landing Camp site. NDY staff and volunteers traveled via boat to White’s Landing and lived in tent-cabins located near the beach. Each day campers were exposed to new experiences, including snorkeling to explore exotic sea life, ocean kayaking, practicing survival skills, and participating in teamwork low ropes courses. Most of the youth served by NDY have never left their neighborhoods, and the opportunity to attend the Catalina Island camping trip was the first of many experiences sponsored by NDY that will expose them to the beauty in life. Many of the youth NDY serves are in foster care and have experienced only tragedy in life. Exposure to these positive activities gives them hope that with hard work, they can do anything. n NDY Kids Participate in Jordan Farmar’s Basketball Camp! Jordan Farmar’s First Annual “Hoop Farm” Basketball Camp was held August 18th-22nd at Pauley Pavilion on the uCLA Campus. Sixteen kids from NDY were sponsored by Jordan! Campers tuned their shooting, dribbling, passing, and defensive skills, learning from Jordan and his cast of coaches, which included current and former NBA players as well as college and high school players and coaches. All campers also received a 8 × 10 autographed photo of Jordan, a “Hoop Farm” yoga mat, a “Hoop Farm” t-Shirt and jersey, a certificate of participation, and a week of first-class basketball instruction and fun they’ll never forget. n NDY was among several non-profits receiving a grant from Kaiser Permanente New Directions for Youth (NDY) held its first ever Texas Hold’em Poker Night on May 17th, 2008. What a full night of fun! NDY and Grandparents As Parents (GAP) collaborated to raise almost $10,000 by selling seats at v.I.P. and amateur poker tables, blackjack tables, roulette and even craps! With 125 in attendance NDY and GAP had a festive night, with a live DJ playing the latest hits, an awesome silent auction and NDY staff and volunteers serving as waiters, waitresses and bartenders. n A Wonderful Evening of Comedy od. serving fo a and Edith Monic Full House at Poker Night! Kids of Raymond 2008 Once a year, the cast of Everybody Loves Raymond organizes the Kids of Raymond Backpack Give-away for local needy charities. This year they chose seven non-profits in the San Fernando valley, and NDY was honored to be selected again this year! On August 16, 2008, NDY Staff Member vicki Hughes and Chairman Patti Jo Wolfson joined the cast members of Everybody Loves Raymond at the Warner Brothers Ranch in Burbank. Everyone spent the afternoon stuffing hundreds of backpacks full of school supplies. vicki and Patti left with 500 backpacks for the NDY kids. Pictured is vicki filling up the NDY van. Thanks so much to Donna Stamps, Friend of NDY and set decorator for the show, and everyone from Everybody Loves Raymond once again for your generosity and graciousness! n Growing up I didn’t have it good. My dad was violent towards my mom and I am glad that we moved away from that nonsense. Ever since that day we moved, I ’ve been living better. I am trying to stay away from the drama and trouble of hanging out with the wrong people. I think NDY is what makes me stay out of trouble. For once in my life I actually am proud of myself for doing the right thing. — Ronisha, 14 NDY Purchases a VAN! Many of our clients were unable to benefit from our services because they did not have transportation to and from our programs. These youth were unable to safely walk because they lived too far away, or because they live in gang-infested areas. NDY simply did not have enough vans to transport all the kids who need our services! With the help of the following supporters, we purchased an additional van to transport youth to and from our programs. Thank you to: MAJOR DONOR On September 9, 2008, NBC’s Fritz Coleman performed stand-up comedy for New Directions for Youth at the NoHo Arts Center in North Hollywood. Fritz is one of our favorite Southern California Tv personalities, and we were so thrilled to see him on stage. Not only did the sold-out crowd laugh until tears were rolling down their face, we learned a lot about this weatherman and what he does in a typical day. This fantastic event was sponsored by NDY Board Member, Paul Maslansky. Thank you to Fritz Coleman for sharing his talent and his time to help NDY raise much needed money to support our Foster Youth program. n Wolfson Family Foundation FRIENDS OF NDY Karl Boeckman of Galpin Ford Cinmark Company Eric Peoples of Anheuser-Busch E. Jane Finley Councilperson Wendy Greuel Fred Mautner Councilman Dennis Zine Holiday Luncheon On December 18, 2008, in the Anheuser-Busch, Inc. community room, the NDY Board of Directors will host a Holiday Luncheon for the wonderful NDY staff. This is our way to thank our loyal, loving and hard-working staff for a year of caring. Thank you to Eric Peoples and Anheuser-Busch for helping us organize this lovely event. n NDY Receives Fernando Award The 2008 Fernando Award, presented to New Directions for Youth, is the highest award for volunteerism in the San Fernando valley and one of the top awards for civic involvement in the nation. Betty Hamer, Councilman Dennis Zine, Patti Jo Wolfson, Councilperson Wendy Greuel and Supervisor Michael Antonovich. Over the years, community and civic organizations across the country have used the Fernando as a model to establish similar recognition programs, hoping to regenerate a feeling of community, an atmosphere of friendliness, and a system of support for the needy. It has been called the Academy Award® of volunteerism in the San Fernando valley. Bruce Ackerman, Fernando President 2008 and NDY Board Member said, “This year, we are doing something very different and unique for the Fernando Award. Rather than the traditional selection of that one individual who has done so much to help our community, we are taking the occasion of our 50-year anniversary to honor 50 outstanding valley non-profit volunteer organizations as a tribute to the first 50 recipients of the Fernando Award. Most of these organizations have been supported by our previous recipients, so this becomes a fitting salute to them as well.” n We couldn’t have done it without you! Your support is greatly appreciated! Change a Child’s Life Capital Campaign New Directions for Youth’s Change a Child’s Life Capital Campaign aims to strengthen and enhance the lives of at-risk youth and families by creating a stimulating physical environment through the acquisition and rehabilitation of a new building. This new building will enable NDY to provide additional opportunities for youth and families to participate in life-changing programs and activities. Supporters can pledge their gifts now and fulfill their pledges over a one-year period. All sponsors of $500 or more will be recognized on a sponsorship wall to be centrally located within NDY’s reception area. • • • • • • • • • • • • Naming of the Building NDY Angels – Overall Facility Enhancement Lobby Multipurpose Room Educational Classroom Computer Lab Executive Conference Room Research Library Green Outdoor Reception Area Wholesome Kitchen Comfortable Counseling Rooms (4) Outdoor Benches (4) 250,000 150,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 25,000 $ 15,000 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 5,000 each $ 1,000 each $ $ Please contact Monica Austin Jackson at 818-375-1000 or To become a sponsor today! NEW DIRECTIONS FOR YOUTH NEW DIRECTIONS FOR YOUTH
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Arturo velasquez, Patti Jo Wolfson, Monica AustinJackson, Dan Pearlman, Bart trevino, Cynthia ibarra,