in PDF - New Directions for Youth
in PDF - New Directions for Youth
Winter 2010 nEW DirECtionS For yoUtH The Saul & Joyce Brandman Youth and Family Center Our Hope, Our Community, Our Future. Chairman’s Message BrAGGinG riGHtS Patti Jo Wolfson and nDy kids 2010 will go down as a record breaking year for NDY! My mother always told me not to brag, but I have always felt that you have to enjoy the good times, since you never know what is around the corner! So, here I am, shouting from the highest hills, what a year it’s been! Our Speaker Series has been an overwhelming success; the speakers have included entertainers, political leaders, sports figures, entrepreneurs and other influential people. Listening to the speakers share their life stories and watching the youth’s reaction is one of my favorite things to do! In May, the San Fernando Valley Business Journal hosted a Not for Profit Awards reception and NDY was chosen as having the BEST Board of Directors in the greater San Fernando Valley. Richard Leyner, NDY’s Executive Vice Chairman, was voted as the BEST Not for Profit Board Member; two great honors for NDY! Continued on page 2 Executive Director’s Message PoSitivE CHAnGE An nDy yoUtH SUCCESS Story “Fernando,” a 13 year old probation youth described as gang affiliated with anger issues, was recently expelled from middle school in December 2008. He didn’t have anyone home after school to help him do his homework or look after him. Without direction, Fernando was persuaded to join the gang life. Fernando was expelled from school and was referred to NDY by the Probation Department and enrolled in our community Delinquency Prevention Program. He attended every day and Fernando started showing improvement in his reading and made academic progress. In August 2009, Fernando was given the opportunity to return to school and had his expulsion removed based on the progress he made. Fernando said that his feelings of failure, anger and frustration were now beginning to fade away thanks to the help and support of NDY. Continued on page 9 Dear NDY Family, Youth in today’s society are faced with a plethora of obstacles to positive growth and development into adults. They have to keep up academically, socially and Monica Austin-Jackson digitally with the world while making all of the right decisions. One bad decision, like unprotected sex, fighting, or befriending the wrong person, can make the difference between success and failure in life of a young adult. Any mistake could cost them their lives—both literally and figuratively—death or imprisonment. This, leaving out all of the environmental factors including family values, poverty, abuse and neglect that have proven to have a substantial effect on youth development. The digital age is transforming itself so quickly, almost every year we must update at least one digital device because it is outdated and cannot perform the latest tricks. Do you remember the first car phones, those big blocks in a bag with the cord connected to the console? Phones that were considered Continued on page 8 inSiDE: Winter 2010 Chairman’s Message ................................................1 Executive Director’s Message................................1 An NDY Youth Success Story ................................1 NDY Board Awarded Best Board of Directors .. 2 NDY Summer Jam 2010..........................................3 Congratulations to Rafer Johnson......................4 Distinguished Speaker Series ..............................4 Family Source Centers ............................................5 Spotlight on NDY Board Members .....................5 Spirit of Hope Gala 2010 ........................................6 NDY 2010 Generous Donors .................................8 In Loving Memory of Bruce Ackerman .............9 Holiday Appeal.........................................................10 NDY Honors Volunteers ......................................... 11 Thank You To Joyce Brandman .......................... 11 Robbi & Rickey Gelb Conference Center ........ 11 NDY Garage Renovation....................................... 12 A Salute to NDY’s Management Team ............ 12 Winter 2010 [ 1 ] nEW DirECtionS For yoUtH the vision A peaceful community where youth and families thrive and grow. nEW DirECtionS For yoUtH AWArDED BESt BoArD oF DirECtorS! the Mission New Directions for Youth, Inc. is dedicated to providing comprehensive programs and services to at-risk youth and their families. BoArD oF DirECtorS EXECUtivE CoMMittEE Rafer Johnson, Honorary Chairman Patti Jo Wolfson, Chairman of the Board Daniel Pearlman, Immed. Past Board Chairman J. Richard Leyner, Executive Vice Chairman Paul Maslansky, Vice Chairman Arturo Velasquez, Vice Chairman Bruce Miller, Secretary Fred Mautner, Treasurer BoArD MEMBErS Mitchell Englander Jeffrey Galen Jeri Gerner Cynthia Ibarra Wally Kornbluh Sue Magidow Greg Martin Eric Peoples Brian Paul Maria Townsend Randy Witt Barri Worth Ken Worthen Barbara Zelinski ADviSory BoArD Councilman Richard Alarcon Lee Kanon Alpert Honorable Howard Berman Karl Boeckmann Bud Brown Councilman Tony Cardenas Fritz Coleman E. Jane Finley Rickey Gelb Robert Hertzberg Richard Katz Deane Leavenworth Syd Leibovitch Ed Marzec Deputy Chief Michal Moore Dr. Walter Mosher, Jr., PHD Arline Pepp Dana Pump David Pump Irwin Rosenberg Tom Shapiro Honorable Brad Sherman Rosalyn K. Silva Larry Solters Russell Stravitz Mike Thompson Sally Thompson Francisco Uribe Calabasas City Councilman Jon Wolfson Councilman Dennis Zine [ 2 ] Winter 2010 Arturo velasquez, Patti Jo Wolfson, Monica AustinJackson, Dan Pearlman, Bart trevino, Cynthia ibarra, J. richard leyner On May 12, 2010, New Directions for Youth was awarded the Best Board of Directors by the San Fernando Valley Business Journal during their Not for Profit Leadership Awards Reception! It is no secret that the greater San Fernando Valley region is home to hundreds of not for profit organizations which provide much needed health, community and educational services to literally thousands of clients every day. The Board of Directors of New Directions for Youth is thrilled to be chosen for this special recognition. CHAirMAn’S MESSAGE continued from page 1 In the summer, NDY hosted its first annual Volunteer Luncheon with Congressman Howard Berman as our Key Note Speaker and each volunteer received an NDY Medal of Honor. It was a lovely way to thank our volunteers for their dedication and generous donation of time! Another honor was bestowed upon NDY’s Honorary Chairman of the Board, Rafer Johnson. Rafer was chosen to be the recipient of the 2010 Fernando Award for volunteerism. Our 2010 Spirit of Hope Gala brought wonderful honorees, fabulous entertainment and raised vital funds for our programs and services. Many people have said it was our best gala yet! So please, check out our amazing video on our web site ( All of this could have not been possible without our generous donors. A HUGE thank you to Joyce Brandman, her continued support of NDY is a blessing, as it allows NDY to remain a vibrant influence of community service within the walls of the Saul and Joyce Brandman Youth and Family Center. I’d like to recognize Rickey Gelb who sponsored the Conference Room with a large donation at the Spirit of Hope Gala. Finally, thank you to Fred and Marjie Mautner who are the true NDY angels. NDY is planning a holiday extravaganza in December! Please look for our donor page and donate a little or a lot. You can help us bring holiday joy to all the NDY youth and their families. I am thankful for all the goodness that 2010 has brought to NDY and look forward to 2011. If I had a race horse, I’d name it NDY and bet on it to come in first. Wishing you all a Happy Holiday Season and a Happy New Year, Patti Jo Wolfson A HUGE thank you! NDY Summer Jam 2010! These activities would not have been possible without the assistance and support of the following companies and individuals who sponsored NDY’s 2010 Summer Camp program. Because of their generosity, we were able to offer breakfast, lunch and drinks to over 80 campers each day. David W. Fleming Paul Maslansky Productions Bruce Miller & Associates Providence Holy Cross Medical Center Shirley Wolfson New Directions for Youth’s Summer Jam 2010 is also known as Day Camp for at-risk youth, shhhh . . . don’t tell the kids. The youth at NDY renamed this activity and took ownership of their summer. Summer Jam 2010 was full of thrilling activities for the 75 youth who came together from 9:00am to 4:00pm daily, to learn, participate in positive activities and most importantly, have a safe haven from the drugs and gangs that devastate families and communities. Others are in need of positive activities to prevent them from clinging to the streets. Some are foster children facing a humdrum and lackluster summer, or youth living in poverty whose parents cannot afford to send them to traditional summer camps. Others are youth in need of positive activities to prevent them from clinging to the streets, or youth who want to grow in a positive way but are surrounded by negative influences in their communities and families. Many are youth who have made mistakes in life and need to learn from them. At NDY, we accept all youth in need who show a willingness to learn and grow in a positive direction. NDY’s Summer Jam 2010 provided positive and constructive activities to youth throughout the summer. NDY youth learned to swim, dance, and act. They learned to control their anger and resolve conflicts in a positive manner. Youth attended field trips to museums and amusement parks. They read books, made art projects, made friends and most significantly, they were safe all summer long. Winter 2010 [ 3 ] Congratulations to Rafer Johnson! Rafer Johnson, the Honorary Chairman of the Board of New Directions for Youth became the 52nd recipient of the Fernando Awards in recognition of his more than half a century of volunteer work in the San Fernando Valley. Rafer Johnson shown with Fernando President Lynn Rinker Johnson, who won the decathlon at the 1960 Olympics in Rome, said he has followed news of the Fernando Award for years and realizes that it is not given for fleeting efforts nor does the winner fade into the background. Just being part of the 2010 Fernando nomination class is reward enough," Johnson said after being named the winner at the annual Fernando Award dinner at the Warner Center Marriott attended by 240 people. Johnson lives by the words, “Be the best you can be” and through his volunteerism, truly helps others be the best they can be as well! NDY Distinguished Speaker Series is a Raving Success! Craig Allen and an NDY Youth Pau Guitterez, Willie O’Ree and Patti Jo Wolfson Don Gold and the NDY Kids For more than a year, distinguished speakers have come to NDY each month to inspire and entertain our youth. In March, Syd Leibovitch, the owner of Rodeo Realty, shared his real estate experience. In April, Craig Allen, CEO of Spark Unlimited, explained all about the world of Video games. In May, Willie O’Ree shared his amazing life story of being the National Hockey League’s first Black hockey player. In June, the VP of the UFC, Don Gold told the very excited audience all about the fighters of the Ultimate Fighting Championship and brought goodies for everyone. In July, Dr. Angela Arango, from Providence Hospital, shared how her upbringing was similar to the NDY youth and her motivating life story was an inspiration for all. In August, Rafer Johnson and daughter, Jenny Johnson, together shared wisdom about life, sports, family and encouraged the youth to “Be the best they can be!” September brought Amanda Cotton, an underwater photographer, to NDY. She shared her pictures and experiences about taking pictures of sharks and many other sea creatures. Stay tuned for more Distinguished Speakers in our next newsletter! Our line-up of fabulous people coming to NDY is now scheduled through spring of 2011! For more information, or to participate, please call Patti Jo Wolfson at 818-652-2083. Dr. Angela Aranga with the NDY Kids [ 4 ] Winter 2010 Amanda Cotton and two NDY girls Rafer Johnson & daughter, Jenny Johnson, NDY Board Member, Wally Kornbluh, with the NDY kids New Directions for Youth Finds Success at Family Source Centers The City of Los Angeles funded Family Source Centers are collaborative projects geared toward low-income residents in need of educational, family, and youth services including counseling, cultural, recreational and after school activities. Family Source Centers also offer special services including financial counseling and tax preparation, ESL classes, food distribution, and disaster preparation training. New Directions for Youth provides academic and educational activities to middle school age youth at both the Canoga Park and Van Nuys Family Source Centers operated by lead agency New Economics for Women. NDY has enrolled over 200 youth and shown positive academic growth in one of the following: reading and/or math, grade point average, attendance or promotion to the next grade level in ALL youth who have completed our 12-week program. NDY staff conducted pre and post assessment and skills testing as well as grade level testing, provided homework assistance, literacy training and recreation to enrolled youth. SPOTLIGHT ON NDY BOARD MEMBERS.... Barbara Zelinski Randy Witt Barbara and Monica Austin-Jackson With 14 years in a variety of roles within Kaiser Permanente, Barbara Zelinski was recently named Chief Operating Officer for Kaiser Permanente’s Antelope Valley and Panorama City areas. Barbara brings a wealth of experience to her new position. She will have direct responsibility for all Kaiser Foundation Hospital/ Health Plan operations in the Antelope Valley, including utilization, contracting, outside medical services, pharmacy, information technology, compliance, and capital planning. Most recently Barbara has served as Assistant Hospital Administrator of Support Services for Kaiser Permanente Panorama City Area. One of her chief responsibilities was leading the transition into the new Panorama City hospital and the implementation of post-opening modifications. Barbara joined Kaiser Permanente in 1996 after completing her Master’s in Business Administration from Continued on page 9 Randy Witt and his wife, Lori, at the NDY Spirit of Hope Gala We are pleased to announce that Randy Witt, of Randy Witt Productions, has joined the Board of Directors of New Directions for Youth. An award-winning director and producer, Randy Witt has been inspiring audiences since 1992, on television, at civic events and award shows, in corporate America, and on the internet. He produced and directed the powerful New Directions for Youth video that debuted at the recent Spirit of Hope Awards Gala. Numerous other civic organizations, such as the Fernando Award Foundation, have been moved by his videos. Randy Witt is a well-known leader in the greater San Fernando Valley community, where he created and starred in the popular cable television show, House Talk. Mr. Witt currently serves as the Director of Video Production for The Valley Economic Alliance, and co-chairs the Alliance’s Marketing Initiative. He has been actively involved in the Alliance since its inception, Continued on page 9 Winter 2010 [ 5 ] Paul Maslansky, Maria Townsend, Tammy Schwartz, Patti Jo Wolfson Carlton Clay Councilman and Mrs. Tony Cardenas and Family and Mr. and Mrs. David Kirschner and Family 2010 SPIRIT OF Celebrating 34 years of success, New Directions for Youth, Inc. hosted the Annual Spirit of Hope Awards Gala on Thursday, September 30th and honored individuals who have contributed to programs for at-risk and troubled youths and their families. The evening began with Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa sharing his thoughts about NDY and at-risk youth in our community. The emotional evening continued with three NDY Youth sharing their life stories. These youth explained how NDY gave them new hope for a future of success and happiness. David Ackerman and Cathy Ackerman In the Spirit of Youth, NDY bestowed Hollywood legend David Kirschner with the Spirit of Hope Award presented by Carlton Clay; Los Angeles City Councilman Tony Cardenas with the Partners with Youth Award presented by his four children; Columnist for the Daily News, Dennis McCarthy with the “Anne Finn” Public Service Award presented by Controller Wendy Greuel; and California Secretary of Education, Bonnie Reiss with the Humanitarian Award presented by Paul Maslansky. Moses Garcia and Family Bonnie Finn, Dennis McCarthy, Melinda Finn, Jocelyn Finn and City Controller Wendy Greuel Dennis Bernstein, Patti Jo Wolfson and Bob Miller [ 6 ] Winter 2010 Shanelle Cromartie Renee Henderson and Luis Hinijosa Councilman Tony Cardenas Jennifer Joseph Dick Van Dyke and the Vantastix CA Secretary of Education, Bonnie Reiss OF HOPE GALA David Simon and Fred Mautner Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa Joyce Brandman and Donna Goldfarb Los Angeles Kings Play-by-Play Legend, Bob Miller was the Master of Ceremonies for the event which was held at the Skirball Cultural Center’s Magnin Auditorium and featured entertainment by Dick Van Dyke and the Vantastix along with Jennifer Joseph. Councilman Dennis Zine was the fabulous auctioneer and Weatherman; Fritz Coleman entertained the guests with his humor. A special recognition was scheduled for Joyce Brandman to honor her generous ongoing support of NDY. Fritz Coleman More than 300 people attended the Annual Spirit of Hope Awards Gala celebrating the evening’s theme of “A Star Filled Evening” and honored those who have contributed an extraordinary amount of time and effort to the cause of youth development. If you have not seen the new video that was shown at the Gala, please check the NDY web site at Produced by Randy Witt, it is a memorable and emotional portray of the youth and programs of NDY. Ricky Gelb and Kim Wolfson Donna Goldfarb, Monica Austin Jackson, Barry Goldfarb, Jeanette Trepp, Dan Pearlman Barri Worth and Cynthia Ibarra Councilman and Auctioneer, Dennis Zine Winter 2010 [ 7 ] tHAnk yoU to oUr GEnEroUS 2009 DonorS Adrian Cuentas Alejandro C Vivo Alicia Tyson Andrew Matthew Angela Cuenca Anheuser-Busch Arturo Velasquez Audre Slater Audrey Townsend Barbara Zelinski Barri Worth Barry Goldfarb Birdie Francis Bonnie Finn Bonnie Lena Brial Paul Bruce Miller Bud Brown Carol Greenhut Carole Erken Cathy Casas Cathy Cousineau Charles Bragg Charles Mandel Chris Tang Cindra Walkov Cinmark Co. Clear Channel Worldwide Clifford Sakata Cynthia Adams Cynthia Ruhl Dan Pearlman Daniel Sirota Danielle Daidone David Anson David Fleming David Pump Dominic Messinger Donna Goldfarb Edith delos Reyes Elizabeth Jane Finley Elizabeth Johnson Elizabeth Kirschner Elizabeth Ryan Emily Bronson Eric Peoples Esther Korn Florence Manne Francine Mcyby Frank Logrippo Fred Mautner Friends of Studio City Library Gail Peters Gelb Enterprise Greg Baker Greg Martin Greg Smith/Mitch Englander GSM Plus Corp. Oakbrook Hamer Toyota Harvey & Alice Diamond Harvey Magidow Henry Barmberger Ira Freeman Jared Wolfson Jaret Johnson Jeannette Trepp Jeff Galen Jeff Willis Jennifer Arnett Jennifer Joseph Jeri Gerner Jocelyn Finn Joe Braun Jon Wolfson Jordan Farmar Foundation Joyce Brandman Kaiser Permanente Karl & Tyra Boeckmann Karla Silver Ken Shields Ken Worthen Kenneth Spring Kim Wolfson Kroger (Ralph's) Store LA Area Combined Federal Campaign LA City - Neighborhood Beautification Lauren Wiley Lawrence & Sandra Post Lee Kanon Alpert Leon Fenwick Leon Weidenman Linda Hoffman Linda Peterson Lisa Raigosa Los Angeles Clippers Los Angeles Kings Macaria Flores Marc Goldsmith Mark Hayman Melinda Crown Melinda McInerney Michael Zajdowicz Michael Berg Michael Wolf Monica Austin-Jackson Morgan Stanley c/o Cybergrants, Inc. Nancy Torgan HoW to DonAtE Nina Alberts Noah McMahon Pam Mireles Patricia Schlee Patti Wolfson Paul Davis Paul Maslansky Perry Moceri Phoenix House Providence Health Services Rafer Johnson Renee Henderson Rich Andres Richard Leyner Richard Ross Richard Weiner Rickey Gelb Rita Levine Rita Sherman Robert Ashen Robert Barragan Robert Coleman Robert Farzad Robert Fine Robert Levin Rodeo Realty Rodger Smock Sandra Dragotis Sandra Matthew Sanford Paris Scott Bates Sharon Weistein Shirley Wolfson Sixth & Union, LLC. Smart & Final Staci Cohen Steve Cedrone Stewart Zimring Suzanne Sharer Tammy Glen Tanya Ramirez The Saul Brandman Foundation Thomas Glassman Tim Brown Tony Cardenas Union Bank United Way Unitrin Services Group VEDC Wally Kornbluh Wendy Runyon Wilshire State Bank Wolfson Foundation Please forgive us if list is incomplete at time of printing. Please check out the updated NDY Website at There is a “Donate Now” button where you can easily make a donation. Your contribution of any size is truly appreciated and will insure that NDY will be able continue to serve the at-risk youth in our community. [ 8 ] Winter 2010 EXECUtivE DirECtor’S MESSAGE continued from page 1 the best even five years ago are now ancient history. How do we help youth to keep up with this constant changing and develop into successful adults? We educate, instill values and we help them to learn from their mistakes. Each year, 6,000 youth come to NDY for academic support, mentoring, counseling and life skills. 95% of the youth enrolled in our academic support programs make encouraging progress including GPA improvement, increased reading skills and increased math skills. Youth enrolled in anger management and conflict resolution counseling, learn more effective ways to diffuse their anger and resolve problems in lieu of violence and bad behavior. None of this would be possible without the support of NDY’s Board of Directors, volunteers and our outstanding staff. I would like to especially thank NDY’s 2010 Gala Committee for planning and implementing one of our most successful events! Funds raised from the Spirit of Hope Gala directly contribute to the success of NDY’s youth and programs. For those of you who were able to attend our event, remember Moises, the young man who spoke about being on drugs and in gangs before NDY and has been making positive progress? I am delighted to share with you all that I just received his literacy growth results. Young Moises, 15 years old, moved his reading level from a 5.8 (consistent with a 5th grade reading level) to an 11.2 (consistent with an 11th grade reading level) over the past 6 months! Moises is just one example of how NDY can help kids in trouble become successful. I would like to especially thank the NDY Board, led by the fabulous and fantastic Patti Jo Wolfson, for supporting the youth at NDY. I cannot express how much I appreciate all you do. No matter if you are fundraising, supporting a program, or just sharing brownies with the NDY staff, Patti Jo, you are the best! Thank you so much. We are a GREAT team! In the Spirit of Youth, Monica Austin-Jackson Executive Director In Loving Memory… We are sad to share that NDY’s devoted board member, Bruce Ackerman passed away on Thursday, August 26th after a long battle with cancer. For the last two decades, Bruce was a business and civic leader and championed the economic progress of the San Fernando Valley. Bruce was a committed and caring NDY Board Member for over 20 years. He served on numerous committees, provided professional guidance and support, kept meticulous watch over projects and maintained his great sense of humor. Bruce also served as our Moderator at our Board of Director retreats and prided himself by insuring the members stayed on task in a timely manner. He was always there, always aiding, always supportive, always helping. Bruce was not only a great leader of NDY; he was a great friend to everyone on the Board. NDY Garage Renovation Coming Soon! NDY’s Garage is being transformed into a full Health, Arts & Recreation Center for youth and families. Plans are underway. If you would like to donate your time, talent or money to the development and implementation of this project, please contact NDY’s Executive Director, Monica AustinJackson for more details at 818-5036330 or NDY SUCCESS STORY continued from page 1 Spotlight on Barbara Zelinski continued from page 5 Once Fernando realized that NDY staff truly cared about him and he felt comfortable enough to show them a flyer announcing that the high school baseball team was having tryouts for next year. He asked the NDY staff if he should try out for baseball and was told, “Absolutely YES!” This was a golden opportunity for Fernando to become a part of a team instead of a gang. So, Fernando went to meet the baseball coach. The coach told Fernando that the final tryout day was in one week. Fernando was so excited that he practiced with the glove and ball that NDY had given him to practice, every day until tryouts. On tryout day, he did his best, but he did not make the team. The coach said that Fernando just didn’t have the skills and that most of the players on the team had been playing for at least a year. the University of Southern California. She has a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering from Polytechnic Institute of New York. Determined to keep this positive spark in him, NDY was able to help enroll him in the East Valley Little League. Fernando was able to play organized baseball for the first time in his life. In April, 2010, after spending a year on probation, he was removed from probation based on his consistent improvement in school and NDY. In May 2010, Fernando was selected to be the recipient of the highest award from the Operation READ program for a remarkable increase in his reading and literacy skills. In September 2010, Fernando again faced “try-outs” for his high school baseball team. And once again he was cut from the team. He was devastated. When asked why he was cut, Fernando said that it was because he was not wearing his hearing aid and that he couldn’t hear what the coach was instructing him to do. Fernando said that he didn’t wear his hearing aid because he did not want to be teased. NDY staff contacted the coach, explained the situation and asked if Fernando could have another chance to “try-out” while wearing his hearing aid. Fernando made the team! Today Fernando is 15 years old, playing high school baseball, is no longer interested in gangs and is doing a great job in school! Thanks to NDY staff members Rene Avelar and Staci Cohen, Coach Rosenfeld at Panorama High School, Mr. Frank Meceli from East Valley Little League, Fernando’s mother and all of NDY’s supporters, we made a difference in the life of a youth. Way to go! *Not utilizing accurate name due to confidentiality requirements. Outside of Kaiser Permanente, Barbara serves on the Board of Directors for New Directions for Youth. She has been a vibrant and generous member of the NDY Gala Committee for the past several years. Spotlight on RANDY WITT continued from page 5 and presently serves on its Executive Board. Over the past three decades, Mr. Witt has led various community groups, and served as President of the Chatsworth Chamber of Commerce. The United States Congress, the State of California, the County of Los Angeles, and the City of Los Angeles have recognized Mr. Witt for his contributions to communication in the community. Prior to Mr. Witt’s career in the production industry, he was a successful builder and developer of residential and commercial projects, including multi-million dollar new tract and custom homes, remodeling, and tenant improvements. Mr. Witt served on the Building Industry Association’s Residential Purchasing Council, as well as the Association’s Sales and Marketing Committee. A born promoter, he has an extensive background in sales and marketing, as well as advertising and publishing. Winter 2010 [ 9 ] [ 10 6 ]] Winter Winter2010 2010 NDY Honors Volunteers! Congressman Howard Berman and the NDY kids who performed at the Volunteer Luncheon Thank you to Joyce Brandman You may wonder why the sign in on the building says, “New Directions for Youth, The Saul & Joyce Brandman Youth and Family Center. Who are Saul and Joyce Brandman? To answer that question, you will need to look Congressman Brad Sherman and Joyce Brandman for one of the most generous Foundations in California. At the top of that list, you would find the Saul & Joyce Brandman Foundation. The Brandman Foundation was founded in the 1970’s by Saul Brandman to support a variety of charitable causes. Saul passed away in May of 2008, and his wife, Joyce has carried on his legacy of giving and making the world a better place for those in need. In 2009, the Brandman Foundation made a very generous donation to New Directions for Youth in Saul’s memory. This allowed NDY to move forward with plans of purchasing their own building. In 2010, the Brandman Foundation, once again, generously supported NDY’s programs and services. All of us are forever grateful to Joyce’s compassion and commitment to improving the community through NDY’s programs and services. Monica Austin-Jackson and Esther Korn Congressman Howard Berman gave a riveting speech on the importance of NDY’s programs and volunteerism at the First Annual Volunteer Luncheon and Awards Ceremony held on August 24, 2010. Congressman Berman inspired the Board members, Advisory Board members, program volunteers, mentors and marriage and family therapist interns who attended the event. NDY’s youth theatre group expressed appreciation to all volunteers through poetry, heartfelt skits and thank you letters. Each volunteer received an NDY “Gold Medal” for their service to the youth in the NDY community. Richard Leyner, Melinda Crown, Barbara Leyner, Asst. Chief Michel Moore, Ken Worthen, and Patti Jo Wolfson Robbi & Rickey Gelb Graciously Sponsor NDY Conference Center Everyone agrees that one of the nicest people in the valley is Rickey Gelb. Mr. Gelb has been investing in Valley Real Estate for over 30 years. He has used his success to invest in many valley nonRobbi and Rickey Gelb profit organizations. New Directions for Youth is one of those lucky organizations. At our 2010 Spirit of Hope Gala, Rickey announced that he would like to sponsor the Conference Center at the NDY headquarters on Lankershim Blvd. The new name of the conference center is the “Robbi and Rickey Gelb Conference Center!” All of us at NDY appreciate the Gelb’s generosity and continued loving support. Winter 2010 [ 11 ] nDy yoUtH viSit tHE GEntlE BArn tWiCE EACH MontH! Thank you to everyone at the Gentle Barn for sharing your amazing program with the youth at NDY. The Gentle Barn’s at-risk program works by bringing inner city kids and atrisk youth to their facility to build self-esteem, learn positive values, heal their pasts, discover their inner selves, and reach out for bright futures. They do this by uniting the children with our 100 rescued animals. Since children naturally identify with animals, and because animals are living beings like us, we can use our interactions with them to teach children how to behave towards other people. The Gentle Barn’s Philosophy is a remarkable insightful idea; Incorporating the simple concepts of kindness and respect into their lives, and teaching the children to respect and protect even the smallest and weakest among us, will help them value themselves and one another. For more information about the Gentle Barn, please visit A SAlUtE to nDy’S MAnAGEMEnt tEAM! Denna Mulverhill, Bart trevino, tim Brown, Edith Delos reyes and Monica Austin-Jackson New Directions for Youth is growing. While the number of staff has stayed nearly the same, NDY’s capacity to provide services to youth has grown. The new facility, along with a lean and mean staff, programs that are expanding and becoming more robust is a sign of great management. NDY Program Directors have been supervising staff, developing programs, coordinating schedules, events and activities, as well as keeping all of NDY’s contractual requirements in order. They are the BEST! Thank you NDY Program Managers for your diligence, tenacity and extraordinary leadership. Denna Mulverhill, Bart Trevino, Tim Brown and Edith Delos Reyes, the youth and families that you serve salute you! 7315 N. Lankershim Boulevard North Hollywood, CA 91605 Van Nuys, CA Permit No. 1253 PAID Non-profit Org. U.S. Postage