Vitreous China Ceramic Sanitaryware - EPD
Vitreous China Ceramic Sanitaryware - EPD
ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCT DECLARATION as per ISO 14025 Owner of the Declaration Programme holder Publisher Declaration number Issue date Valid to Kaleseramik Çanakkale Kalebodur Ceramic Industries Inc. Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. (IBU) Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. (IBU) EPD-KSK-20120016-CBC1-EN 18/08/2012 17/08/2017 Vitreous China Ceramic Sanitaryware Kaleseramik Umwelt Produktdeklaration Name des Herstellers – Name des Produkts General Information Kaleseramik Vitreous China Ceramic Sanitaryware Programme holder IBU - Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. Rheinufer 108 D-53639 Königswinter Owner of the Declaration Kaleseramik Çanakkale Kalebodur Ceramic Industries Inc. Büyükdere Caddesi Kaleseramik Binasi 1 34330 Levent, Istanbul Declaration number EPD-KSK-20120016-CBC1-EN Declared product / Declared unit Vitreous China Ceramic Sanitaryware / 1 tonne This Declaration is based on the Product Category Rules: Sanitary ceramics, 07-2012 (PCR tested and approved by the independent expert committee) Scope: Issue date 18/08/2012 Valid to 17/08/2017 This declaration is relevant to vitreous china ceramic sanitaryware produced at a single location at Çan/Semedeli plant in Çanakkale in Turkey. This EPD declaration applies to all vitreous china ceramic sanitaryware production by Kaleseramik. This is an average EPD which represents the life cycle analysis of the vitreous china product group. The owner of the declaration shall be liable for the underlying information and evidence. Verification Prof. Dr.-Ing. Horst J. Bossenmayer (President of Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V.) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Wolf Reinhardt (Chairman of SVA) The CEN Norm EN 15804 serves as the core PCR Independent verification of the declaration and data according to ISO 14025 internally x externally Dr. Olivier Muller (Independent tester appointed by SVA) Product Product description Sanitaryware is the generic term used to describe items which traditionally were made from pottery. i.e. WC's, Washbasins and Bidets installed within a bathroom or washroom. Vitreous China is a common material used for bathroom sanitary ware, such as console sinks and toilets. Vitreous China sanitaryware products are primarily made of clay, kaolin, feldspar and quartz but they may also include small quantities of other raw materials. Its high gloss, stain resistant surface is ideal for use in both bathrooms and kitchens. The casting slip is made of the above craw materials are prepared and cast into plaster moulds to form a green body. The green body then undergoes a natural drying process and were given a smooth finish. Glazing is applied before firing at 1200°C to obtain Vitreous China sanitaryware with almost no water absorption. A standard product classification in sanitaryware is as follows: Main pieces: toilet pans, basin, lavatory; Larger bathroom pieces: shower tray, bathtub; 2 Other pieces: bidet, pedestals, washbasins and WCs for communities and for disabled people, etc. Toilet pans manufactured by Kaleseramik has very low of water consumption of 2.7lt per flush. Application Sanitaryware can be applied in newly constructed buildings and in renovation and maintenance projects in both residential and non-residential buildings. Residential buildings can be rental or privately-owned houses; non-residential buildings are other buildings such as commercial offices, but also hospitals and hotels. The material employed for the realization of the sanitary products in ceramics (vitreous china, fire clay, fine fire clay) determines the characteristics and the final destination of the product.Ceramic sanitaryware is extremely robust and naturally resistant. Technical Data Kaleseramik’s Vitreous China ceramic sanitarywares are manufactured under the warranty of the ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management System. The company also has OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health Environmental Product Declaration Kaleseramik – Vitreous China Ceramic Sanitaryware and Safety and ISO 14001 Environmental Management systems in place. The vitreous china sanitarywares conform to following standards and specifications: - The dimensioning of the vitreous china saniatry ware is shown below (width x length x height mm): Wash basin:350x345x165 and 650x440x177 WC Pan: 360x510x390, 350x625x420 Cistern: 345x185x355, 352x140x430 Urinal: 310x475x320, 360x550x340 - The ratio of Vitreous China and Fine Fire Clay products is 97% and 3%, respectively. Constructional data Name Harkord-Cracking Test according to TL 20 Water absorption test according to EN 997 (max 0.5%) Resistance to chemicals and staining according to NFD 14508:1985 Surface hardness test as per TS 605 Value Unit Compliant - Compliant - Compliant - Compliant - Resistance to acids according to NFD 14-508:2012 Resistance to hot alkalines according to NFD 14-507:2012 Compliant - Compliant - Base materials / Ancillary materials Vitreous China ceramic sanitaryware is primarily made of raw materials such as clay, feldspar, kaolin and quartz, which are all naturally occurring materials. Products do not contain any substances that can be included in “Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern for Authorisation” and raw materials used are not part of the EU REACH regulation. Ceramic sanitaryware products have a long life and can be disposed of in inert landfill sites at the end of their useful life. Reference service life This EPD is relevant to cradle to factory gate and therefore no reference to useful life is required. LCA: Calculation rules Declared Unit The declared unit is 1 tonne of Vitreous China ceramic sanitaryware products with weights ranging from 8 to 29kg averaging at 15kg. Declared unit Name Value Unit Declared unit Mass per pce. (average) Conversion factor to 1 kg 1 15 0.001 t kg - System boundary This is a cradle to gate EPD with options. The system boundary involves raw materials (A1), transport (A2), manufacturing (A3) and disposal (C4). ‘Raw materials’ includes pre-treatment before production such as casting slip, plaster mould and glaze preparations. Manufacturing stages start with slip casting (forming), drying, glazing, firing, quality control and packaging. Transport is only relevant for delivery of raw materials to the plant and forklift usage within the factory. Sanitaryware production waste is inert waste, which is stored on site then disposed of in landfills according to current legislation. Packaging is assumed to end up at packaging recycling streams and plaster mould and product discards ends up at C&D related waste. The flow of the process is depicted on the right. Comparability Basically, a comparison or an evaluation of EPD data is only possible if all the data sets to be compared were created according to EN 15804 and the building context, respectively the product-specific characteristics of performance, are taken into account. This EPD is comparable with fine fire clay ceramic sanitaryware that comply with the PCR document Part B: Sanitary ceramics and evaluated according to prEN 15804. The flow of the process is depicted below: LCA: Scenarios and additional technical information Reuse- Recovery- and Recycling potential (D) Ceramic sanitaryware normally ends up in inert landfill sites with other building waste. They can be recycled back for utilization in different applications. They are often ground into base rock for use in road construction. In this study, sanitaryware was assumed to end up in the inert landfill sites along with other commercial and demolition waste. 3 No possible benefits of recycling and re-use were taken into account in the LCA work here. Kaleseramik is looking for an outlet to get this material recycled. Environmental Product Declaration Kaleseramik – Vitreous China Ceramic Sanitaryware LCA: Results DESCRIPTION OF THE SYSTEM BOUNDARY (X = INCLUDED IN LCA; MND = MODULE NOT DECLARED) BENEFITS AND LOADS BEYOND THE SYSTEM BOUNDARYS Use Maintenance Repair Replacement1) Refurbishment1) Operational energy use Operational water use De-construction demolition Transport A3 A4 A5 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 C1 C2 X X X ReuseRecoveryRecyclingpotential Constructioninstallation process A2 Disposal Transport A1 Waste processing Manufacturing END OF LIFE STAGE Transport USE STAGE Raw material supply PRODUCT STAGE CONSTRUCTI ON PROCESS STAGE C3 C4 D X MND MND MND MND MND MND MND MND MND MND MND MND MND RESULTS OF THE LCA - ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: 1 tonne of Vitreous China Ceramic Sanitaryware Parameter Unit Global warming potential [kg CO2-Äq.] Depletion potential of the stratospheric ozone layer [kg CFC11-Äq.] Acidification potential of land and water [kg SO2-Äq.] Eutrophication potential [kg PO43-- Äq.] Formation potential of tropospheric ozone photochemical [kg Ethen Äq.] oxidants Abiotic depletion potential for non fossil resources [kg Sb Äq.] Abiotic depletion potential for fossil resources [MJ] A1 A2 A3 C4 183.00 1.89E-5 8.28E-2 6.09E-1 41.30 5.87E-6 5.04E-3 1.53E-1 1344.00 1.44E-4 6.93E-1 1.94E+0 16.00 4.22E-6 3.62E-2 9.08E-2 3.52E-1 4.49E-2 9.23E-1 2.33E-2 1.40E+0 3072.00 3.09E-1 703.00 1.14E+1 23068.00 1.93E-1 444.00 RESULTS OF THE LCA - RESOURCE USE: 1 tonne of Vitreous China Ceramic Sanitaryware Parameter Unit A1 A2 A3 C4 Renewable primary energy as energy carrier Renewable primary energy resources as material utilization Total use of renewable primary energy resources Non renewable primary energy as energy carrier Non renewable primary energy as material utilization Total use of non renewable primary energy resources Use of secondary material Use of renewable secondary fuels Use of non renewable secondary fuels Use of net fresh water [MJ] [MJ] [MJ] [MJ] [MJ] [MJ] [kg] [MJ] [MJ] [m³] 140.00 0.00 140.00 2621.00 0.00 2621.00 IND IND IND 9.22 9.98 0.00 9.98 667.00 0.00 667.00 IND IND IND 0.36 2204.00 0.00 2204.00 22807.00 0.00 22807.00 IND IND IND 9.44 3.30 0.00 3.30 428.00 0.00 428.00 IND IND IND 0.47 RESULTS OF THE LCA – OUTPUT FLOWS AND WASTE CATEGORIES: 1 tonne of Vitreous China Ceramic Sanitaryware 4 Parameter Unit A1 A2 A3 C4 Hazardous waste disposed Non hazardous waste disposed Radioactive waste disposed Components for re-use Materials for recycling Materials for energy recovery Exported electrical energy Exported thermal energy [kg] [kg] [kg] [kg] [kg] [kg] [MJ] [MJ] IND IND IND IND IND IND IND IND IND IND IND IND IND IND IND IND 5.82E-2 293.00 IND IND IND IND IND IND IND 1000.00 IND IND IND IND IND IND Environmental Product Declaration Kaleseramik – Vitreous China Ceramic Sanitaryware References Institut Bauen und Umwelt 2011 Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V., Königswinter (pub.): Generation of Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs); General principles for the EPD range of Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. (IBU), 2011-09 NFD 14 507:2012 Sanitary Appliances - Resistance To Hot Alkaline Products Of Enamelled Surfaces - Conventional Test Method EN 997:2003 WC pans and WC suites with integral trap PCR 2011, Part A Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V., Königswinter (pub.): Product Category Rules for Construction Products from the range of Environmental Product Declarations of Institut Bauen und Umwelt (IBU), Part A: Calculation Rules for the Life Cycle Assessment and Requirements on the Background Report. September 2012 ISO 14025 DIN EN ISO 14025:2011-10: Environmental labels and declarations — Type III environmental declarations — Principles and procedures EN 15804 EN 15804:2012-04: Sustainability of construction works — Environmental Product Declarations — Core rules for the product category of construction products NFD 14 506:1985 Sanitary Appliances - Resistance To Domestical Chemical Agents And Resistance To Stains Of The Enamelled Surfaces - Conventional Test Method ISO 9001 DIN EN ISO 9001:2008, Quality Management SystemRequirements ISO 14001 DIN EN ISO 14001:2004, Environmental Management Systems-Requirement OHSAS 18001 DIN EN OHSAS 18001:2007, Occupational Health and Safety Management System PCR 2011, Part B PCR Guidance-Texts for Building-Related Products and Services, from the range of Environmental Product Declarations of Institut Bauen und Umwelt (IBU), Part B: Requirements on the EPD for Sanitary ceramics, June 2011 Ecoinvent Ecoinvent Centre SimaPro SimaPro LCA Package, Pré Consultants, the Netherlands NFD 14 508:2012 Sanitary Appliances - Resistance To Domestical Chemical Agents And Resistance To Stains Of Enamelled Surfaces - Conventional Test Method 5 Environmental Product Declaration Kaleseramik – Vitreous China Ceramic Sanitaryware Publisher Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. Rheinufer 108 53639 Königswinter Germany Tel Fax Mail Web +49 (0)2223 29 66 79- 0 +49 (0)2223 29 66 79- 0 Programme holder Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. Rheinufer 108 53639 Königswinter Germany Tel Fax Mail Web +49 (0)2223 29 66 79- 0 +49 (0)2223 29 66 79- 0 Owner of the Declaration Kaleseramik Çanakkale Kalebodur Ceramic Industries Inc. Büyükdere Caddesi Kaleseramik Binasi 1 34330 Levent, Istanbul Turkey Tel Fax Mail Web +90 212 371 52 53 +90 212 269 17 42 Author of the Life Cycle Assessment Metsims Sustainability Consulting Veko Giz Plaza, Meydan Sk. 3 34396 Maslak, Istanbul Turkey Tel Fax Mail Web +90 534 499 32 40 +90 212 705 36 36
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