RED BANK REGISTER. VOLUME XLVI. NO.< 12. bsuid WMUT, Enters as I«cond-Olaai MstUr at ta. ?•«*• •ffl'r It B«d Buk, N I . u l t t tbt Alt of Manh It. lilt. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY,'SEPTEMBER. 1923. DIED AFTER OPERATION, ' FOR NEAR EAST RELIEF. KILLED BY AUTOMOBILE! Peritonitis SORRY THOUGH SCRAPPY. Followed Appendicitil Dinner and Conference Tomorrow Night at Presbyterian Church. and Took William Valleau's Life. WJLLIAM DE LA MOTTE STRUCK • William 1". Vulleau, Jr., of Towei The Bed Hank committee of the DOWN AT_EATONTOWN. SHOWER FOR RED ^ A N K GIRL. ORIOLES $1.50 Per Year. SHUT OUT. PAGES 1 TO 8. PRIZE, WINNING DAHLIAS. It Was Given for Mils Mabel Evans Freehold Has an Ea Easy Time with Red , — _ . — • i Who it to Wed Matawan Man. Bankers on Sunday. GROWERS HEREABOUTS WIN A surprise miscellaneous shower l-'reehohi experienced no difficulty PRIZES AT NEWARK. !lill avenue1 died last Wednesday Near Kast relief fund will hold a din- MARIANO TESAURO APOLOGIZES was given last r-'riduy night at Mrs. in defeating the Orioles Sunday in _ ~ T~ _., . . . i George- ('lark's at M;it;nv;i!i tur Mi^ count} championship series by •'. W. W. Kennedy & Sons »nd Alfred Violent And Sudden End for a Uieful : itfht lit tin Long Jlruricli hospital, ner and conference tomorrow night Writei BUT to THREATENS Commissioners FIGHT. That He » | . n , ,. M a l ] 0 E v l l l l s o f K l ( 1 i l l l k > v h n ' • 1 to ..IJ. Inability to hit Life of Eighty Years—Hit Re- he underwent an operation at quarter to seven o'clock at the Griffiths of Red Bank and William Sorry He Kicked Police Chief But engaged to Guorge \V. Clark, Jr.. o' r. and loo-e playing in the.uij.i.1 markable Record at a Marine lor appendicitis Bix duya previous. I'reubyterian church. A speaker will H. Waite and Joseph Kennedy uf Sayt He Wont Stand for Having Matawan. Those present uvre r\ir-. wen- tin of Ked Hank's ileTelegraph Operator at Sandy Hook He t( WHS employed Ijy the Standard tell of conditions in the Near East Rumson Carry Off Honors. Contract Taken from Him. K. Woulley, Mrs. ti. W. Craig, Mrs. IVat. Only lour liits wore made oil' William de' la Motto, of Cutheriiu il"'' ">'P«"y "» m > inspector of pumpb and moving pictures taken in Conr A number of dahlia growers in tin's uui ne w a s t a k t n s i t k wnill; O'Curk's'•'delivery anil they i-nme .it ; In a letter which was read at a J. Pruden, Mrs. J. VanlJruni, M:. street, lied Bunk, was struck by an r > at,work, stantinople, Caucasia, Palestine and r% «•»! 1 1 »< ft* I " 11 1_ Mrs. G. W. Clark, Lillian l.i. times \vh»-n '.hey dirl no damage. Six lojjjility won prizes at the New Jersey will 1be Bhown. There will be meeting-of. the Red Bank cummin- and Mrs. automobile Saturday afternoon at j hu " btWalteryX. Rullman advised that Syria llaldia society's annual show last t kcn errors were made by the Orioles and Katontown. Half an hour later ae ' )ltal ' "s M r immediately to the'hos- no appeal for funds at thisgaiherine;. Monday night Mariano le- Wai me, Theron lii-dle, F. C. lit 'galhennjr sionelrs W. W. Kennedy apt must of them were costly. Fox kept week at Newark. sauro of Catherine street apologized J. V. Matthews, Mrs. J. .Matih Wiis (lead at the Lung Branch hnapi-! [) u r 3>t " T n c - Valleau's appendix had 1 East relief will & Hoiis won eight lirst prizes., seven the nit.s made .oil - him well scattered for aiid Nearthere will lie spe- for having kicked Harry 11. Clayton, Mrs. James VanSchoick, •:th i still, lo which plate he Was rushed ; ' doctor's advice was car- The start drive Sunday second prizes and three medals. The but the mi.-pl'iiys by Iiis teammate.'. McDonald, ..... Mr. ...... .... .,.,o. w0.. ..i^.v^.i...... M '. and the operation was per- cial speakers in most of the churches. chief of police,' in the stomach a n d j ker, n t £ | Mrs. immeiliulely after the accident. ,rled ,f u r m eout li-sKi-iii-ii the effectiveness of his latter were the president's medal for (i Henry H. Schmidt of West Orange,'formed. - A few days later peritonitis The members of the drive commit- for having made derogatory remarks j E. McDonald, Helen VanAisdn!.-. pitching, the best dahlia in the show, a silver l-'reehoh! sf'red once in the driver of the automobile, waa ar- anil pneumoriu developed and Mr. tee are Mayor Archibald L. Miller, about the chief at the town hall three j Mrs. Frank Walker, Mrs. M. K. l{o.-; tin- fourth and again in the fifth. medal for the be^t packed 1 oi. of Mrs. Herbert Stewart, Mr. and •.Mrs. weeks ago when he waa fined for Vnll'euu sank rapidly. The last rites rested and released under (mil. i honorary chairman; Kev. John Muydahlias ready for shipment, and ••* 'Hazel K. WI-IHT, Violet Tbi remaining two runs were made bronze medal for a display of dabliaa Mr. .de la Motte was working on a of the Catholic chyrchwere.admims-| a k o n ! i | J r _ t . a m p a i K l l chairman; Mrs. driving an automobile -in* a feckless F. Weber, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Smitn, in th,- eighth." Two of Ked Hunk's covering 10O square feet. Jersey'-i house which one of hit sons is b u i l d - i u ' m l a s n o r t time before the end. Samuel; W. Hausman, chairman of. manner. In the same letter, how- Burlew, Mr. and Mrs. L. Little, Dorothy Lii- four hits were made \<\ Manuel. Mr. Tesauro claimed that the (inn is the name of the. best dalilii mjj on the state highway, near the Mr. Valleau was !28 years old. A the woman's division; Edwin K. Con- ever, tle, Mrs. Charles VanBrunt, Mrs. W. Long Branch Norwoods lost in the show. f Eatoutown public school. liei ^started over, treasurer; Key. W. Holland. Ra- commissioners had no right to cancel Merrell, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clark, on Tile ~ ,—,.... .,., ^ ew years ago he was one of the Sunday to :.he Atlantic Hi/lilaiid.u the contract that they had awarded l st u m a U u r to cross the road and became be-'j -"' ' boxers -of Red Bank ver, secretary; Mrs. Isaac H. Adlem, to him for paving four Ked Bank Doris J, McKenna, Myron K. (.'lark and Highlands team ii: at. eleven inn-i William II. Waite, who is' vice wilderetl with the E. Braisted, Hosea and Mildred Pruden of Mutaw:i,; ing routes; by a score of S to Ii. Th president of the dahlia society ami s u lt t |m t t n e I and'he frequently took part in bouts. Rev. William automobile- struck him. Witnesses He leaves-a wife, who was Miss Anna Chark, Joseph W. Child, William streets with concrete. He intimated Mr. and Mrs. Chester P. Aumaek and game superintendent of the Edward O. exciting throughout 'vi'h .Warns estate at Rumson, won first L. Stiles. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. say the accident was unavoidable. Child, Japhia Clayton, Newton T. that he would start a lawsuit unless daughter Doris D i May, M Mrs. M JJ. hh. K Kvai.-, the tide nf fortune fiivoring first un'j prize Mr. de la Motto was wedged beneath William M: Valleau of Monmouth DoremuH, Sigmund Eisner, Lester Eis- the commissioners reconsidered their d h in every class in which he comam! •.hen the other. the car and it wus neeessiiry to lift street. He also leaves two sisters, ner, Thomas Gopsill, Miss Mabel action and re-awarded the contract Mr. and Mrs. Morris Walsh, Mrs. team He won the large silver cup Next Sunday Red' Hank will play i peted. Anna Eschelbach, Miss Ella Eva':-• brother. They are Mrs. Hull, Miss Edith Honiirman, William to him. for the bi-st display of dahlias coverthe front part of the nfflclflne to get and at Long liranch and Freehold at Atand Garrett Evans of Red Hank: Bottngaro and Harry Val Churlc ing 1(10 square feet and the gold him out. He had a fractured skull Bids for paving the four streets in A. Hopping, W. Strother Jones, Edleau of Ked Bank and Mrs. Charles ward H. Lafetra, Rev. Robert Mac- question were to have been read at Miss Edith Collins, Mr. and Mrs. J. lantic Highlands. •medal for hia new pink seedling, Jerand many bruises and cuts. jsey's Beauty, which was judged the Kiljhty years, aifo Mr. de lii .Motte Nuaspickel of Brooklyn. The funeral Kcllar, Frank McMahon, John L. the meeting Monday night, but due to A. Collins, William Whitencch inrl : Mi Wi.lldora Willd T Kt M Truex off Keyport, Mr, SEWING CLASS CONTEST. i! best new dahlia of this year. Mr. waa born in Holstuin, Denmark. His was held Saturday afternoon at the Montgomery, John J. C. O'Shea, J., the receipt of the letter action on the Miss ---.-. . I Waite won first, prize with the same ancestors were among the nobility house and was conducted by Rev. ,W. Uirdsall Pharo, Frank L. Sherwood, matter was , deferred until an ad- and'Mrs. Garrett Stryker of HolmMr. and Mrs. Joseph Dorset! and ' Best Work Done by Holmdel Girls to, variety at the Boston- show. und for this reason he was familiarly Holland Raver. Burial was made at Miss Marian L. Simmons, Joseph C. journed meeting! next Monday night. del, 'be Shown " View cemetery. The bearers Smith, Warren H. Smock, Martin Van The letter was turned over to War- Kuth and Earle Dorsett of Middle- '• at Trenton Fair. Known as "Count de la Motte." As Fair In the private growers' class Altown and Albert Glidwell and Frank were Carl Clark, Aaron Sutphin, a younu man he was in the telegraph The girls' sewing class of Holmdel fred Griffiths, superintendent of the Buren Smock, Richard A. Strong, ren H. Smock, tbe borough attorney, Rubson of Newark. Mr. Clark Eugene Johnson, Iiiman, Geofge contest last week service of 1'russia and in 1870 he held Henry C. Talmadge, George McC. and he waa instructed to render a . i • i at which i ' -Klkija estale, won. a silver cup for cmne to this country. A short time William Crisped and Adolph Kind. Taylor, Dr. R. Browning Wilson and report, on the legal aspects of the case building^ a new house at Matawaji blouses, skirts ami stwmi; boxes made , and the couple-will be married whet h l b e s t ex ) v u,j t covering fifty squa the girks were judged by tfeet. ...... he ..„ found employment .....,„„., Jatcr .with the , There were many floral pieces jnclud- Fred D. Wikoff. next Monday night. Joseph Kennedy, superintendthe house is completed. Il'ish'op and .Earl Babbitt of the coun- tl , vt of the Knragheu/iian estate at Westcrn Union telegraph company j i»K several large wreaths from the Councilman J. Bifdsall Pharo made :1 standard oil company. ty board of agriculture. Emma Stil-| Hurnson, won firsl prize for the best under the olllciiil title of manager of motion that Henry F; Bylin be disCHARLES DAY HALSEY DEAD. acharged MEN'S, LEAGUE BANQUET. wagon made the best blouse and Mar- j . e n V;iiietits. Fine exhibits of gladithe marinv-servicc. For 80 years he as a member of the assessFOUND DEAD IN BED; garet and Elizabeth Sutphen won ,,) us( . 3 were made by John Kemp of Htood in a little towe^r at Sundy Hook, ment commission and that his place Rumion Resident Paiied Away After It Was Held Friday Night at the Red second-anil third prizes. . Tin: prizes 'Little' Silver and Walter Rice of sweeping the scms with a telescope be" filled by some one else. Mr. a Year's Sickness, Bank Baptist Church: William Carlile of Eatontown PasieJ for skirts wen; won by Margaret »nd Kumson. iiili! identifying passing vessels. This Charles Day Halsey died last ; Pharo stated that1 Mr. Hylin owns no Away in Hit Sleep. The Baptist men's league of lied Elizabeth Sutphen and Emma Stilwns his jot'i.and he held it until 1911, estate in the borough and that he B Bank held a banquet Friday night • wagon. The best sewing boxes were q William Carlile, president of the Wednesday at his home at Rumsor. real FIREMEN WIN A TRUMPET. when railing eyesight forced him to therefore ineligible^ hold the po- andd iti was attended t d d by by 12(i ppersons, made by Elizalieth and'Margaret Sutit up. The telegraph company ' Eatontown township board of educa- after a sickness of about a year. He ia sition. He saidj the .law stipulates A chicken h di dinner-was served. Dr. phen and j Eleanor Bray. ' Kibbons Fair Haven Fire Company Made the r had a more efficient or faithful • tion, was found dead in bed Sunday, was f>8 years old and he was the that d D an assessment commissionej Herbert E. Williams was toastmaster. were given as prizes,- The articles Best Appearance at Coney Island. employee. His reports of the move-i morninjt by a member of his family. senior member of the brokerage firm own property in the municipal- jvddressc niade by Judge llar- which won lirst prizes will be exhibThe Fair Haven lire company capmenu of vessels were signaled by in- lie had su.lfered from heart disease of C. 1). Halsey & Co. of New York, must ty where he serves. No one sec- M We lls-of Bordentown, Bordentown, Rev. Rev. Wil Wil- ited in a slate-wide contest at the tine-d first prize for making the best tmiiitiomil code from a flagpole 140 for several months but ; his health He was born at Newark. He had 1 ity Wells-of d d M P h ' ti b t th onded Mr. Pharo's motion, but the j BJaekman of Lont? Ur:uich home at New York where lie lived ... . ,„„.„„. .v. *,.«. „. l i a m R seemed exceptionally, good when he appearance in the firemen's parade at feet high. tt frred to t Mr. Mr Smock ; a n j Mayor Archibald L. Mill was referred Miller off : Trenton fair. Coney Island last Thursday. The Mr. de la Motte leaves a widow | went to bed Saturday night. He waa when he did not occupy his country ;j matter home at Rumson. He was a gradu"' """ " ' " ' for a report next Monday night. | B |i. Others at the guests'. Ret an prize was a silver trumpet. The firemid- live children. His children are born at Matawan, but he had lived at MARKS TO MEET WERNER. ate of Freehold military academy and. were Revs. James K. Dykema, Mi-B. Catherine Uoskey.nnd James F., Eatontown since he was ten years old Bids lor putting a steam neanng ,t a b l e w c r e R e v s . J a m c a K . Dykema, _.__..._ ._ , men ^ ^ran ^a s tsteamboat ( , a m b u a t e xexcursion c u r s i o n to Henry M,, William A. und Coirfad ; and ,,his residence for the past.'311 of Princeton college. At the k^ter plant in the town hall were opened, Robert MacKellar, John Muyskens, ; L o n g Branch Fighter and New York Coney Island the day of the parade, de lu Motto. He also leaves n brother years was in i the house houe where he died, place he took an "engineering course. but'action on awarding the contract j r William E. Braisted and W. Rol-1 Boxer in Return Battle. Although the company had a permit land Kuver. George W. Bray was | T h e a U r a t t r a t . t j o l l ,,t the Long to land the boat at th« public pier ul He was formerly engaged in the Mr. Halsey a member of the ' was laid over until Monday night. iin'd sister who live in Kuropo. Walter R. Dairby, Btate commis- chairman of the supper committee, iB ,.. l n t n i,l)Xin,r c i u b Fridnv night1 will Coney Island the firemen had to pay The funeral waa held yesterday milk business. He was (5'4 years olu Rumson country club and of the afternoon at Mrs. lioskby's on Spring and was a member of Crescent coun- Seabright tennis club.* He was one sioner of accourfta, sent a letter to The waitresses were Misses Annabel b(, t h e , t , m i_|j n .,i which will bring to- $7f> before the boat could dock. Oi. street. Re\ Hobert MacKelUr cil of American Mechanics and of of the founders of . the. Monmouth the commissioners urging that an House, Alma Thompson, Emily Stry- , r e t n ( . r T o m n l y Marks of Long Branch the way back from Coney Island the .. .. .. Burial was Pride of Crescent council of Sons and county fair association. He is sur- audit of the sinking fund account be k er> Mildred Harrison, Marian Slit- . u]([ j o e Werner of New York. In bout ran aground in Sandy Hook bay. preached the sermon. mudc with a Masonic service at Fair j Daugte Daughters of Liberty. y He served sev- vived by his wife, who was Miss Ef- made and the finiince committee was i phen, Kathryn and Blanche Tilton, j|,,,j r n r , . i,aitle Mirks was knocked A number of passengers went oshore Ruth Bouinson, Dor-; , i s . st.L,k_.. i n. b. o a t a owm ,,i | ).y. Highlands lobstern-{, , l m l .h(.Vi te M Mr. de la Motte waa jerall terms t r m s as a township committeccommittec fie VanRensselaer Grub. Mrs. Hal- authorized to-have this done. The Anna Vicw cemetery. * — Butcher, r,..i..u.._ 'n..n. n.u: n... , --.t ; t , • H . t .,.,, .,.. ,_i....». •• he • ' men. _The. steamboat . , . . was. /•....».. floatedi of the Eust- 1 rnati. He leaves a widow, who was sey is a daughter of the late General letter from Mr. l)arby was the up- othy Smith, Dorothy Schhehting and ing revenge. The main event will a Mason and a E. Burd Grubb of Burlington, who Evelyn and N o r m a Harrison and Mrs. \ between Izzy Schwartz of New York again at high tide a n d arrived a t Josephine Reid. The children who • orn Star lodge, shot of an examination of the sinkwas at one time superintendent of Dorothy W-hitmore.E u g e n e Magee | who survive him are Walter B. and and Al Felder of Deal. Ivan Hawes Fair Haven a b o u t ten o'clock t h e the soldiers' home at Kearny. Mr. ing fund books, which waa made last j and Bobby" Walker of New York are next morning. VICTIM OF ACUTE INDIGESTION. Frank B. Carljle, Mrs. Harriet F. Mc- Halaey leaves two sons and a daugh- Thursday b j Md Darby. On that is president of the m e n ' s league. Clintuck, Mrs. Charlotte R. Kyte and booked for eight rounds, . George occasion Mr. Darby claimed that an Mrs. Barbara Snyder of Navesink Miss Gladys M. Carlile. He also ter." They are VanRensselaer Halsey entry of $5,0001 had been wrongly F A R M E R H U R T IN A C C I D E N T , j Beyers of Seabright and Young TWO ROAD C O N T R A C T S . and Charles D. Halsey, Jr., and Miss Was Sick Only a Few Hourt. leaves a brother and a sister, Mrs. Blakie of Keyport a r e down for six G. Howard Lippiricott, who Lillie VanRensselaer Halsey. The made. Daniel McCormick Suffers Broken i Section of Riverside Drive to B« Margaret Bennett and Edward Carrounds and Kid Pettie and Kid Mcchairman of the finance commit•Mrs Barbara Kurner Snyder, was held Friday at St. was Payed with Concrete. Arm and Other Injuries. I ,NIi.-il of Long Branch will open the widow of Frederick Snyder, died lile of Red Bank. The funeral will funeral tee of last year's Council, got into an George's church at Rumson and burvery suddenly Sunday morning of 1 be held at the house this afternoon ial was made in Mount Pleasant argument with Mf\ Darby about this Daniel McCormick of Phalanx is in j program in a four-round affair. Contracts for pavirg two sections entry and claimed that it was all the Long Branch hospital with, a frac- ] artite indigestion at her home at at half-past two o'clock. Rev. Harry cemetery at Newark. . I of road near Red Bank have been VanCleaf of Eatontown and Rev, U. Mr. Lippincott is a member right. 'Navesink. She was sick only a few ! awarded by the freeholders. A tured arm and with cuts and bruises B o y Burglars in Reform School. of the sinking fund commission. on various parts of his body. He met hours, although her health had not L. Ferris of Asbury Park will conBatcho of Ocean Grove, ajsectio- of Riverside drWe one and RUMSON COPS BACK ON JOB. Mayor Archibald L. Miller stated with these injuries last Thursday at yAngelo beren good for several weeks. She duct the service. seventeen years old, was sent to 1 eight-tenths miles in length, will bq Mr. Darby had told him that-the Eatontown. He was driving a team was HI years old and she was born form ^school Jumesburg last .paved by the Tuller construction ^ ^at „„„.„„„. Charges Against Albert Patterson that books of the sinking fund commis- of horses to Long Branch with a load wwcc kII;IUIIII in Germany. When nineteen years L a w r e n M . Bat... HI. .company of Red Bank at a cost, oi a Varioty of Fruit Exhibited. b Jud and David Kinney Dismissed. sion were jumbled and that it was \ $115,870. Considerable excavation of age she nmu to the United States Niagara and Concord grapes, produce when the horses became, t h . w h o b r o k e i n t u Charles Charges of assault, of conduct un- impossible to straighten them out of and she .had.sine* lived at Navesink Wealthy and Mclntosh apples and frightened and shied. Mr. McCorIr. M c C o r - l j j ^ Y k e y ' 8 house on the Newman and draining work on «»» J £ ™ ecommg an officer and of irtsubordiwithout an audit. ' and vicinity, Her husband was a na- Seckel pears grown on Luther h^^comp^son mick, who was sitting on • barrel Hi; S m , n C 9 r 0 ; l d a t * „ * k ^ stole j m a k e s j ^ ^ tiVe of France and a veteran of the Schcnck's farm near Holmdel have nation against Policeman Albert PatThe Public Service electric light the wagon, was thrown from his seat Springs ro; and jewelry, civil war. ' The couple had eleven been on exhibition'in The Register terson of Rumson and a charge of company is using soft coal at its plant to the ground. One of the wagon Imoney ved for this job.. broke" into Frank Weeks's house at 1 cci children, of whom six are The Jannarone construction comr living. g window. The different specimens drunkenness against Policeman David in violation of a town ordinance and wheels passed over him. The horses . c ] » (juck and into other places and E l i b t h Curtis C t i andd were true to type and were free from Kinney of Rumson were dismissed by Mr. Smock wrote a letter to the com- Started to run away, but they were . s to0 [te s goo ds'. Batcho had pleaded pany, now paving Peters and Mrs. Elizabeth They are M the Rumson mayor and council MonDrummond/place in Red Bank, waa Miss Mamie Snyder of Brooklyn, imperfections. A basket of Wealthy pany a short time ago, advising the caught before they had gone far. Mr. guilty. the contract for. paving a William. George and Edward Snyder apples grown by J. C. Hendrickson day night and the policemen are back McCormick was rushed to the hosErnest Corrin, who broke into John a'"arded of Navesink and Albert E. Snyder of & Son of Middletown have also been pital in an automobile. Gardella'e store at Seabright and section of the Red Bank-Oceanport Ked Bank. Edward Snyder is as- exhibited at The Reg-isler office. atating that it would be impossible rtoic"»frt^nboWof cigars, was also road about two miles long at a cost sessor of Middletown townajiip. The These apples wcre perfectly formed chairman of the police committee, for it to discontinue the use of soft Bent to tho reform school. j of $102,430,35.^ ^ ^ funeral will be held this afternoon and were very large for this variety. following an automobile accident at coal at its present plant but that it THANKED BY MRS. HARDING. Rumson on August 21st. Monday ^r+> lit two o'clock at the Episcopal ^ " SUCCESSFUL SHORE DINNER. expected to have a new plant next Lat« President's Wife Sends Letters night's meeting lasted five hours. West Red Bank House Sold. church at Loc'ust Point, of which to Lincroft Folks. Shrewsbury Woman Fined. About 26 witnesses testified and as year which would not require soft Dominic Clemente has bought for Belford Firemen Cleared About $2^5 church Mrs. Snyder was a member. Mr. Smock staled that other Last week the ladies' aid society his own occupancy a house on HerMrs/ Edith Farrell of Shrewsbury moat of the evidence was contradic- coal. Last Thurwlay Night. users of soft coal in Bed Bank had of the Lincroft chapel received a lettory the mayor and council dismissed was fined %2o last week by Judge him that it was. impossible for ter from Mrs. Harding, widow of the bert street from Mrs. Dennis QuigThe Belford firemen served 181 Death of Aged Man. , Lawrence for hitting a neighbor, the charges. -Thomas P. Fay of Long told to comply with the ordinance in late President, in which thanks were ley for $5,000, The lot is 50x200 persons and cleared $225 last ThuraJoseph Edwards of Atlantic High-; M r 3 Margaret Dean. Dean Mrs. Mrs Farrell Branch represented the policemen them 1 feet and it extends from Herbert as their plants were of such expressed for resolutions of sympathy u """h.h ,;' s day at a shore dinner which was so lands died from a complication of told Judge Lawrence that Mrs. Dean and William A. Stevens waa Mr.' aquestion, character that nothing but soft coal which the society sent to Mrs. Hard- street to Earl street. i HI; house " 1 successful that it will probably be diseases Saturday night. He was 83 was the aggressor, but Judge Law- Bruce's lawyer. eight rooms and and all all improvements. improvements, j—^ - - ^- n • could be used as fuel. Mr. Smock g j J evcnt_ J o h n Glaa3, ing. Miss Jennie Fenton of Asbury years old and bad lived at Atlantic rence after hearing Mrs. FarreH's said that the Monmouth Mutual Sup- Park, a former resident of Lincroft, Mr Clemente ,e expects to build a, Schnoor, Arthur Glass, HowHighlands about forty years. The statements of the case, concluded she Highlands Man D r o w n e d . ply company wanted a test case made also received a letter from • Mrs. house as an investment on the t a r l ; "' . h H o ^ , l d willett and Paul funeral waa held yesterday after- was the aggressor, and the fine was Leroy P a l m e r of Highlands was the ordinance, as the company be- Harding, acknowledging, a poem con- street end of the property. Thomas . ' r auxiliary noon with Rev. James Can and Rev. imposed, The firle will have to be drowned Friday morning while clam- of T c t h e d i n n e r committee. that the ordinance is not legal. cerning the President's death which i V. Dougherty made the sale. The ladies' of the company Jdsepb II. SchaefTer in charge. The paid to the county probation officer ming in the bay. It is t h o u g h t he lieves The letter of the Public Service elecwaa an important factor in ,makinij Miss Fenton wrote anil sent to Mrs. funeral was hold this morning at at the rate of 75 cents a week. stepped in a hole while walking on tric company was referred to Mr. • Bought a Corner Lot. 1 the affair successful. The firemen a Greenwood cemetery at Brooklyn. the fiats. The body was found t h a t Smock and the police committee of Harding. George Hancu Patterson has ! new tirehouse is nearly finished and Will Go to California. afternoon. H e was 29 years old and the council. bought as an investment a lot on j it j s planned to have a celebration upThree Men Quit Firming. Died in His Zlst Year. the southwest corner of Broad street jol i its completion. Florio Mazzu of Monmouth stree leaves a widow and t h r e e children. Charles Heulitt of Colt's Neek will Residents on South Btreet and -•-•-•»Howard McCourt, who lived with and Richard Wyckoff of Rumson wil Ilia mother, Mrs. Mary P a l m e r , a n d Brown place sent a letter asking for quit farming next season and put his and Thomas avenue from Michael j his grandparent", Mr. and Mrs. James leave early in October for California a sister and a b r o t h e r also survive a crosswalk at the intersection of ilace out on stu h-ire" will for $1,500. The^..•property has a. , .i, \vi .. .mI. . ,I,-Weir • • „ -,-./•... ., ,e..,.* „. F i r e m e n to Dispose of • L o l . m a r e s , He IIL w i n1. B^give u...,..,i.- ..t-^.i,^ Ford automobile. They expect I him. The funeral was held Monday those streets. The matter was reDiggins of Marlboro, died of conlis time to his carpenter business, i frontage of fifty feet on Broad street; { }[ , , u r l c y o f Shrewsbury sumption on Friday, September ftl), to find jobs in the West and remain • afternoon with Rev. H a r r y P. JGrim ferred to the street committee. : who has j and ir.0 feet distance on Thomas avenue. Jthe t . na J- ^ v e n a l o t o n C o n c ge avenue at ' "" ~ - in The ••••'-' burial was -made in his 21st yenr. The funeral was there, for the winter and perhaps in charge. short south of Miss Amy E. Olsen, the clerk, was His son, Joseph Heuhtt, Eatontown to the Eatontown lire held mi Monday of last week at St. longur. Mr. Mnzza will leave his shoe Fair View cemetery. instructed to advertise for bids for teen helping him to farm, is now Broad street railroad crossing, just' company to dispose of on the coJohn'* Catholic church at Marlboro shino business on Monmouth street working as an electrician at New outsiife of the Red Bank boundary operative plan, with the proviso that two miles of curbing in front of tnd the burial was made at Freehold. in charge of his brother, John Mazza. i Slapped His Brother; Fined $25. properties where ordinances for this York. Harold, another son, has quit line. $200 of tbe receipts arc to go to the Marcellus Richling of Atlantic improvement have not been complied farming to work as a carpenter at, donor and the balance to the liremen. Good Appearance Comas First. Holmdel Melon Party. T w i n s W i n a Loving Cup. Highlands, who got in a dispute with with. Asbury Park. Tickets on the lot arc being sold and A well dressed perion in. business Mr. and Mrs. David S. Buck of Elizabeth Louise and Evelyn J e a n bis brother Peter and slapped him in Auditor John P. Miilvihill turned New Cider Mill at Lincroft. or social lite alwayi has the ad- Bloodgood, twin d a u g h t e r s of Harvey the face, was fined $25 last week. in a report which ahowed that the liolmdel entertained about iiu rela- it is expecte'd that it will be disposed David Soffcl, a Lincroft farmer. vantage over a person who ii sot Uloodgood nf River Plaza, won a lov- Peter worked for his brother and commissioners have kept well within bought a cider mill for $1,41)0 last tives and friends from liolmdel, of soon. well drcsaed. Dont lot your clothes , j wanted to go back to his mother in their appropriations so, far this year. week. He has set it up in his or- Colt's Neek, Marlboro a:\il Keyport u M B e cond prize in a baby pa Sterling Stryker with Boston. get o u t of shape w h e n we clean a n d night at a melon party. Mr. i a t New York on S a t u r d a y . Tin Chicago. Marci'llus didn't want him chard, where he is doing a big busi- Friday Sterling Stryker of Atlantic Hig.ipreso thorn with oano In tho m o d e r n twins were dressed as fairies, litiek'had >ne of the lir.est nml largto go and this was the cause of th'e ness in grinding apples into cider for lands, who has been pitching, for the way. Wo clean and dye clothes in a watermelon and mu/.kwelon dispute. Members of Federal Jury. Wie farmers of Lincroft ami vicinity, j f'r" m a n n e r t h a t liringg entire satisfaction in liolmdel township1 and his Worreater team in Massachusetts, S t o p ! Look) L i s U n l Albert L. Ivim, William O'Brien has boon signed up liy tin' Hojton Stupendous Silk Sale. to our patronB. Accordion pleating 1 s had a royal tV.isi and n fine This Is tho place to wait for the and William G. Bolder are Red Bank Nationals and will re|»>rt to tint and cleaning blaiik«tn nlio done In | b friend,, i t U cool and comI timo at tin' party. Notwithstanding the great catas- men who were drawn for service on £ine. Mr. SolTel will put up a build-1^.'" 9 o team immediately. , r i, , 1 ..ui,^,.,-!, men wno weir drawn i«r service on lug for the mill. the right mannur. French Cloanera fortable and you are under no obliarid Dyers, Moe Gordon, proprietor, gation to buy anything—just come, In, tropbe befa leu Japan and although ; , . ,. New Residents. Two 0 Broad street, Ked Bank. Phone have a seat and make yourself at of silk fomes that country, Hurt ii Runaway. New Barn »t VanderhurK. the raw major if not from the entire, supply, .. Trenton last week. Ku.-ell lloyles of Sfi-lton, PennU61. Wo'll call and deliver the home. All morning and evening newn- mid while many factories are either William l'rothoro of Vandvrburt? Nenflle Buck Colt's Neck was sylvania, ii teiu-lier of nheiiiistry lit Every Day is Catnera Day. \ goods.—Artvortlaemfnt. withdrawing quotations or advancing will build n lui'Kci lmrti early this fall pupors, magazines, Btory bookB, ciYou should have a camera by all thrown from a wagon on his fiirm tin- Ri-d I'.ank high whiinl, utnl H. N. gars, cigaretteg, tobacco, pipes, can- ried, we offer our entire stock of meana and your films and printing lnst week when his team of horses Long of New York, an ai-i-ountanl, tu ri'iiliioo n barn which waa deItnautirul Country Horns dies, soda, ice cream and all novel- anted silkfi nt original or before be done by ua. All work dona ran nway. Hi» leg was hurt and he ha\e eaeh rented ono ol' Newton (Un.yod by lire two months ngo. Ha ni'nr Ked Hunk. Few minutes' walk tiOH at the Red Bunk Waiting Room, .he (.•iiithipjakc prices^ innuring biff should on the premises by expert assistant!). now 1ms to use crutches. The Imrses DiM-eimis1.-! bungalow.-, n the river i lias 'uwiir.leil tin; contract for th» to station, Fine ro^idi-nro, with all Went Front ntroet, where all bu»«ei mil Bgreoable savings. Superior S i ilk silk duo to sending them wore stopped before they ran far. ; front al Red Hank, Tho reii'tjil-i ibaru to li.'iilitt Bros, or Colt'n Nockv UHMICI'II convi'iili'iice!!, garngt', or- Htop at the door. Harry Belgrade, rupe do chi.HH, forty inches wide, j No ~great delays Art'Kraft ()ut of t()wn; Truuin., i ' „."""*' T~. wore inaile by Albert I. . 1 vina. olmiilH, luwiifi, giinli'iiK. See this pniprletor.— Advert taumont. Mr. Commuter! iresenl viilw if'J.r.O, ut ?1.7l» p o ' - l s h buildinjr, op| Ke«p Kool. n ( , w vvhitficld pllice! I'rliT $ 1 H,00<>. <!. W. X. tick Why n»t own a country home! •nrd. Kieh IUHITOUS black satin, $.1.0 ), atroot-—AdvertlseDotiL stow over a hot stove. Lot n« U o ji U I 1 ,,,, m ti, Auto CnmpinK Tri er, counliy properly specialist, llu/.Have one for HJIIO; live iniiiiiten' walk New House For Rent. I'lilue, a l Vl,2h per yard. Stylish' do it for you. Our cooked roasts and mB|lt lei. N. J. I'lmne Ivtyporl •Il'-H, AdMr. and Mrs. l..»int. V. S n y d e r , Mr. J from Htntion, acre of land, ten r""in Up-lolhe minute conveniences; nl- Muck chiffon taffetas ut Jl.ltK p o r t |)iopiired moats, eopcciiilly <>ur fravcr ti^einent. house, burn, two poultry hoinei; n m l M I - M . T l i n m a i i C a l e l i | M ) l e a m i M r . grimt Visiting Chiropodist. Inn'tivo lile and Htuci'o; live roonin, yard. Superior ("union crepes, comspiced Virginia cooked ham, will --«««^Act quickly! t| \V n m l V i s . , l n a i | U i i i L i i w r o i i o i 1 u f ( V . t ' f t t<nvo you pprice $«,ril)0. $, bulb anil pantry; lint water heated, plete line of »hade«i present valuo Ur, Frances It, Cooko Caster labor and hculth. Dollclou* • i i l l i s t , N o o k .H|iont l a s t w o o k o n a n A Small Fir* t i i u l u m o - •mlailii nlvviiyn ready. We »re excluilva by telephone to Zueker, country property mbination range $:t.'.)fi, ut %'A,th ]ier yard. Handsome make l b i i . . . .appointment! . . . I'li'i'trirlly, gan i l l R. b i l e I ' l i m p i n g l r i | > ill can be iixtliigiiinhmt if you arc pro I ' c n y 1). llenni' lla/.let, N. J. l'hone Keyporl. I ' o n i i . i y U ' i n u i . HeNormaiwIie av« tylish crepe Imok siitin.H ill .black, coma to you wh«n needed, Tol«' ngoiilH U»r otlu Hlolil's meat prvtlucts t e c t t d wllh liro (ixtlniiufnhcrs or flr< TI\IC, F a i r Unveil, N. .1. AdvertiJo Adverlini'ini'iit. T h r y b a d tout:' un.I " I l i e r miiiipnioiil. irilwn and white, $<i.l)0 value, at phono Kalontnvrn 2169-M botwenn Ili.-ne as gd'iil. A"p<"rin'« l)e|iealiiahoie In yuur fuctury, burn or dwell mi-lit. *4.'.!fi per yard. Special vahioM in i (1:00 p. m. and H:00 p. m.>—Advcrtlm. w i l l i I l i e i n a n d I l i o y li\ oil o u t in Hie flon, ".0 II) nml street, Itcil llmik. -AdMorn Nourishing Than Meal. lni{. Klr» llgbtlug dovirps of «vur) 1 dreHti jjoodn, blunkotti and eumfort-! mont. ^ VlMti H ' l l l e l l t . " I " " ' .. ^ . _ . . . . _ Pure, properly made mayoiuuiiie in ilnnrri|illun. Writ* or phone Thomiu lew I .ill S w m t r n ablofi, women'ji coatH, drortsi1;*, a grout body builder. Our National Rand WinUr Tulorin* Sclmol. Nutico lu Inxpnycrs. N<-w loll Milliner,, William", box 208, Iti-il Hunk, N. J IIM l i g b t i i » foiilhor and »« wirm IIM a n d HWeatm'M. ( W o give eoupoiui miiyoiinnin«, -containing only fresh1 All unpiiid Uixrs in SlirfwMuiry npciis October lnl. TulorinK «'•I'liunn 1040-W.- • Advorlliomfiit. Smart cnatioiiH of silky velvet, u f c j i t b e i IHMI, pure virgin wirnl, in" w i l h |IUITIIHH<*S of $1 to S e p t e m b e r tiiun.iliip will be udvi.'rliHoil ami I'uld nioiitnry, rnlloKit biwrd nubjoctii. Ad-arncl, iilaiu or iru-dod< in 'JDth whirl) e n t i t l e you t o a v o t e o r duvctyn, felt, volotir mid nil tho «'KB», heat nallid oil mid highi'id gradi 1 hair >i If Your r « l Trnul.U You and lit II HBV- uliiiro in I bo Iliree piei'e l i v i n g r o o n i newer fabrii". most inixlrxtly priced. upli'ej and vlm>gar, l« IUI lil'-al f" "'- duriiii! (lie month " ' NoM-inbor in ur- die II KiUrln W. lUnd, A. M., Alliinei,|ii|-H, II i'V m e hero Ask /or It by name If you want lite wnnr Ur. W e l n n ' i fi«Nth(<fwi'lghl nn-l \n\'.. The 1 dor tu niuke a limit iiottlonieiit with hunil, N. J., or Irvlniiton House, SeaI llroad ntroi I, Ket to be nwai'lloil on t h e e o - o p o r a t ive The IViirl Shop, h Hrimd Hlreet, Kcil l HHIIK. •Advrrti em(!nt. mipixirtn, mntln from III" im|>rrt,»i(" Id-il Hank. Advi Little Silver HnrmiK". This lnolinli':i hriKht, N. J. I'homi U4. AdvorliMdun.) A. Hill/. * C o . , Keil H a n k . of your foot, llrond .'-lii'ot Nnlionnl -..«_ ' "*miv and nil tuxes up U> itnd V ' u l l ' " t ! raont, ^_^_ AilvortiMi'inoiiL V Furnit bnilli biilldliiK, Ked llniik, pbiini' MIH7 F»r Laneh. Furniture ! iv'j,:-. l'r..l,Ml Pcachasl l««h«sl ! II.,w Can W. l)n it? A d l I,ot HolTiiian A Ubovnky, 111! MonOur dollcloun sandwlchon and fri'niNolle ' Flvi. tlioiiKinid bniikiitl of Un>nA at 1 Colletlor. Millinoiv "f Uili e i i a i m i l l K idyll"*, I will not be rottpoiiHiblu for imy nalnds un nlwayi rofrnnhlng. Nporlal mouth »lr«ot, furnish your home. Covert'n farm, Hroml Hlrcel, K t i IUMI K ' ^ ' K ' ' * ^ 1 1 trifii< (M|iiliit •Ailvorllnrmcnt. Furniture (!lmii|ti*r (ias fnr Fords 1 town, durliiK Aii«urt nml Hnptemhur, itobti'i i-iintriii't'Ml In iny iwimo unlem prlcoii for nunntitlm, Alperin'« doll Cn«h or credit. ul pi'irt'n n» inoili'nt, Never T h a t ' s t'ltiti'll.v wluit It in when you A Inn « " kl"' 1 " » ' f n i l t " Rl111 Y ''" w I hnve oontnirtfil «*lnn pernomilly or catoini'ii, 20 llroad utruet, ltfvd Bank tmiili—Ailvertlnomont. Pianos, I mini! h o * we ilu It. Th«' r o a n put 1111 " A h b u i n i ' i " cm ymir ('"">>1. Inhlnii.- -Arfvurtlsenwnt., —Advert laomont, by 1111 ItlllllOl il".Oll jMifKOI). i ami nervii'ii are miperlor 1i t, llrtMil strmit, Ked |l»«k,~~ Our | Dr. Dunn, Sun»on CMmiHMllrt. «H :-n 'I'm ,l,ivi' rri'i< liii.l .Mnml Mrs. I,. II. Colonmn. *. Over iri.linO planot Heeoild N.lltlo ,ul lunik liullillllJTi In eseiy for 11, Mntiir ^pfi'litlly <-o,, F-'tiLuke t.ontrhoiul mmlo I be i|imit"r Victor Nlihi. AdvortUomnnt. lii'ii|)il, N, J, / AilvprtlnMiiifnt. worth Dion-, lie will carry » Ihlrty- lied Hank. Hull Tonljrht It alio Victor nlgbt at *«..:.. - - » . • Fa* Prompt DellreHcs • • FrlsUr wunl t into ovur 7,100 hninun o'clock dally.- ' TuntlmtV ie MonwouUi ittMt, Red Mil Thur.di j . , Itiona 1JJ77 or 1878 for ii cunts. Advertliwnieiit, T h « r t - i Alw§»s t R c a i a n Bunk.—Adv#Hl»»«J«nt Op*a Tonlghl. Kill Bank, rridar dtlivtriM 7:00 tw (HipultH'ity-- ittia the #v«f l n e r » a v E d i m HsMU Uuaps. Tonlaht la alao Victor night at Tut Radl ii «nd 9:00 A. U. md liOO P. M. «•»• iii|{ |io|iiil«i-||y of Ulut Kllibon d u l l e r R«U jlUl. *««r ul town ball. A. V, Or«gory, «7 Otoad tlnjr't, 1« Monmouth itrmt, lUd n«M«y'« IUrk«t, II lionmoaMi A, V, Urwurr, « In ilif r«»ult of plowing th* moit Bre«d «tr«»t, A. V. Gregory. 87 Droad l t k A d « « H i t R»d IUi)k,-Adv«r1l««Bi«iit i ( A d v « r t i i « m » nt. ttad I ) k A l H i Hid B»nh,~-A'tvirtlM«ntnt I ,. __ 1 _1 t ' .*. .J J.1 ±- Z A. _ « - * mm nil I RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER, 19, Page Two Her granddaughter, Eleanor FyoE*, who haa be«n with her during the summer, has returned to her home at Rid Bank. PAUL REVERE Rally day services were held at the Haptist Sunday-school Sunday. The 56 Bread St., Red B«B1I, N. J. church was elaborately decorated with flowers. Phone 968, Eisner Building. T1NTON FALLS NEWS. For Assembly Nomination leal Estate and Insurance Berry L. Chriitian" Buyi Machinery to Make Concrete Blocks. " Berry L. Christian has bought machinery for '.making -concrete blocks ami he has the apparatus in operation oj) his farm, llejias received several orders for concreti1 blocks. John LeStrunKe is back at his wol'k a3 a letter carrier al Jei-Ki'y City, after having spent the summer with James Dean. Mr. LuStrang'e's brother, Frank LvStrunKc1, who is: well known here on account of hi$ j frequent vUita jit this place, will be married Saturday. Edward ViuiWinckle is making a stay ut Saranac Lake for his health. .Mrs. James Sode#, who has been very sick, is slightly improved. • liiss Jennie Clinton is out after haviny been laid up two months with a sore knee caused by an accident. Miss Sarah VanWinckle has returned home from Belmar, where she was employed during the summer. Management of the Slate Government' on a basis of BUSINESS, Ruth Coleman, Margaret Scott EFFICIENCY, and ECONOMY is the rightful demand of the people of New Jersey. . . ami Margaret Shutts are new pupils A step the voters of Monnmuth County enn take to assure this is at the Red Hank high school. Mr. and Mrs. ,J. Hull McLean exto vote for BASIL B. BRUNO of Lonp Branch for. ASSEMBLY NOMI- >ect leave the latter part of this NATION on the REPUBLICAN TICKET at the PRIMARIES on TUES- onthtofor Florida, where they will DAY, SEPTEMBER 25lh. pend the winter. His training in hiisini-ss anil public service thoroughly qualifies him A new corn-sheller has been put in for thu cilice uf Astii mblyman. ;he grist mill and other improveBorn ill Urine Iinuuh October 17, 1887. ' Graduate of Long Brnnch ments have been made. The mill High School l'JOfi and New Jersey College of .Pharmacy 1910. Propri- vas closed while the changes were etor pharmacist, Lonj; Hranch. nder way. but it is now running at Fraternal Urother in V. & A. Mjasons and Elks, and member of the op speed to miike up for lost time. Atlantic Fire Department of Long Branch. Formerly secretary of the Business Men's Association of the City of Long Branch. Lincroft Newa. Served as. member of the Board of Health of Lonp; Branch and aecretary to Senator William A. Stevens. Appointed Boxing Inspector Bass seem to be quite plentiful in of Monmouth County, 11)23. " iwimming river above the dam of the 'intern water company, Fifteen ass were caught there laat Thursday and Friday by residents of Long Branch and Freehold. - Mr. and Mrs. George Palmer have een laid tip with abscesses, but they ire now around.: I-H. Bruno Ca'mpaitfii Committee.) FOR (Paid for by ASSEMBLY the NOMINATION Mrs. Sarah Leonard and her daughter, Mrs. Hankina of Fieldaboro, were recent quests of Miss Emma Thompson. Mrs. Leonard is 92 years old and she enjoys good health. She formerly lived here on the farm now owned by Harry Sprung. Mrs. Henry'A. Conover spent part of last week a(j Asbury Park. The ladies'" aid society of the chapel met last Thursday at" Miss Bessie Fenton's and arranged for its annual supper next month. The society will meet Thursday of next week at Mrs. George C. Richdale's. Girls Doing Pleasant Work Radio returns of the Dempsey-Firpo fight were received Friday night Amid Cheerful Surroundings. at William Thompson's on Brbokdale farm and at Charles Mouser's arid Severin's. At each place We would like to have you call to see our pleas- William there was a considerable gathering ant work rooms and if the work, appeals to you join of folks anxious to get the fight news. X BASIL B. BRUNO J t • deettted to to tile ereettora ef to rslii&p ef.eM deettted M«B»udi Ceeaty Sarr.(»l.'. Meet, U ooutor, a .f •formM.' t U UM ••hwrieet, hrit U t h . nutter o i the U U U of WIlltMl h. to M* aininoi d«m»iidi Itnhlet •*la eabbf Hedenburg, 4««caaed. wynr tarn I W W I . Ui« wi* HUM d oath, th within within >Ix lx tnontbi monthi from from Kotic* to umiitvn t e present elaimi M U K . uneer agataat eitat*. • * the data ef tk< efonaaJd erd.r, or th«» will Punuimt 10 tb« Order at Jolvph 1* Don- bi fonrvfr barrnl of their action, thwftur «Jl«». BurregaU ef U t County e l Munwaiaet th» u M .uUerib.r. moutli, made tin the flrtt day of Auguit, Dated, Freehold. N. } . , Auiu.t 1, 1«2S. 1923, on tht application of Arthur B. QUdARTHUR B; QLADW1N. »ln. .-.editor of t h . «>tat« of WUIUm L. It ptj» to advertlM in The lUglfUr. ilftdenburr. deeea*«d, naiUe U b«rtbr given Heralding the Jim <Jlulwniv ' Vote on Tuesday, Sept. 25th, for OASIL. B. BRUNO GIRLS WANTED! • • EXPERIENCED OPERATORS 1 • our happy family. We offer agreeable, profitable and permanent emloyment. Wont you call and talk it over? Apply at Office of THEC. E. CONOVER CO. RIVERSIDE AVENUE Red Bank New Jersey. Holmdcl News. A notable exception to the farmers who have poor potato crops is Alber Emmona. His Giant potatoes are turning out 125 barrels to the acre. The girl's sewing class will mee at the school house Friday afternoon to make hats under the direction o Mrs. Bronson Butler. This williibe the girls' first venture in hat mal^fg The annual bruwn supper of th Reformed church will be hel Wednesday, October 17th. Henry Hammond, Sr., rcturne home last \ve«k from the Lon Branch hospital, where he had his foot amputated on account of gangrene. He is around on crutches.' Mrs. John r'rost h;is recovi re from a sickness of several week Developed iii the mellow tones of Wood Brown, Koyal Blue and other popular colors—shapely hats, reminiscent of the days of grande dames and courtly manners, with trailing feathers and shadowy laces—in pokes, Gainsborough effects, quaint short back shapes—and the tiny cloche, beloved by all Paris. You are most cordially invited to inspect these new creations, and, whether buying or just looking, a genuine welcome awaits you here. < The Pearl Shop Red Bank, N. J. 5 Broad Street Formal Opening Thursday, Friday and Saturday, September 20, '21 and 22. +••»••••>••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ^ • • KNOLLWOOD \ . • . •4- •• - , - • • ' ' . • . . ' . ' * • New Jersey's Most Modern Development . • • • ' • • . • . . / : T' . While Knollwood is in the-course of construction, we are taking this means of inviting the public to inspect this beautiful. + suburb for the purpose of seeing the manner in which the improvements are being made. I Each Plot Has All Improvements Available! o. The purchaser will not be compelled .to wait until sufficient houses have been built to justify the utilities to extend their £ gas, water and electric light lines. THEY ARE BEING INSTALLED NOW! Each plot will have Water, Gas, Electricity, Sidewalks, Curb, Shade Trees and Improved Roads :: There will beacres of parks and space for recreation grounds. Wewill be glad to have your suggestions as to methods of beautifying these plots. Plots 75x150 Terms: 5% Down Balance in monthly payments extending over a period of ten years. ; Knollwood Phone Red Bank ©49. WHITE BROS. OFFICE 6O BROAD RED BANK, IN. J. Our representatives -will be on the ground ovary day during September and October. There are tan houses under construction at present, and Indication* are that many mova will ba built in the near future. ,#.'" RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 19, 1923. P»«e Threa parts. He fell* the maloni at Bedare boarding at Mrs. George S. P. f . COLTS NECK NEWS. Borough of Red Bank, N. J. Bank and shore towns. Hunt's. • ' Notice i> htreby given thill a O n c r a l Klfhtb EUtllaa Dl.trlct. Bit Potato Crop—Thraa Man on an Rev. John Wesley Tower attended Albert BiXck U having hi? mill reEleclion Mill be held In a n d (or the Bor- llemnmiii, a t a paint wher« th« center lln* Auto Outing. , ' • ministerial confereijje at Ocean encloud /with shingles. William luith of Itpd Uank, in the County *,f Mon- uf the tracki or road bed of tha Hem J e r n«mth HIUI State of New Jereey, 'in TuesG M d Hagerman and his son Charles are Gsorg* D. Schenck has one of the'Grove on Monday. -at day, November Cth, Itf2a, bttw.-.-ri the huura the Bhore of the North Shrew ."bury riv»r, finest potato crops in this neighbor-( Mrs, Ida Spencer and- family have doing the work. 6f . i . A. M. and .oven V. il., at the re- thence lotithwarrilr along 'the center Una hood. Hia Giants and round stock moved to Eatontown, Mrs. Spencer Charles And George Danger have spective pciHinK place* in auid Borough. of the traeka or roM bed of t h e New ier* Slid clcclion will be held in I h i naiil sey Southern Bailriiad . tn i t . Inter.ectloa are said to be the best shipped from a short time ago soli] her Jiouse at received more orders for firewood LONQ BRANCH. NEW JERSEY irouKh for t h e purpo** of Reeling a Stale with the center line of Herbert atreet, the Marlboro station. this place to a Newark family, who and lumber than they can fill.. They Senator from Monmuuth County; two Mem-thence weilwardly along: the center line of have had a portable sawmill and a ber* of tlie Genrra] Aiirmbly, a .SberilF of Herbert i l r e e t tu it« inlemeclion with th» There was a big gathering- of folk* moved here Saturday. th,- county of Monmouth. three Coroners center line of Shrewsbury avenue, thenc* Friday night at Nealfle Buck's, where " James Kingston of Colt's Neck and big gang of man at^work all summer -f the County of Moomouth, two Mrmbi-m southwardly olonit t i n center line o r * radio returns of the Dempsey-Firpo Miss Anna Elp-im and Eugene El- it George Soffel's woods. of the Board of Cbnnen Freehold Shrewsbury avenue to it« InLri.ertio.n with ,10 ROUNDS Mrs. Warren Matthews was called flght were,received. At Scobeyvilla grim of ^rcnton spent the week-end three ye»r». and an As»e*«or, « Collector mn! ! ' e n t e r line of Went I.e.,nurd "«treel, two Cduncilnwn of the UorouKh of Ited i ""•nee wentwardly along the tenter line of Corporal Izzy Schwartz; New York ys Al. Felder, Deal gimilar partita were held at Max i with Miss Laura Daly of Mcrriglown; ,o Howell last week by the sickness n of the UorouKh », . . . . . . , mirij .4tr*-et to its intersection .witit i Oryl's and William H. Lereh's. j Mi»s Agnes Brennen of Newarl; >f her mother. ank. New Jersey. , VVi-wt i lli:le of I^l^htiin avenue,. tri, nee Public Question:—Shall the act entitled -i * • » ,rthw rdly "An Act Ciincerninit r'ru« Public Lib, nK the center line of l^inhW«Her D. Fields knocked off work has returned home after having spent 10 ROUNDS A udopU-d? A C i i P i o Ive u<! 1.1 it», lnter»ccti,,ri wJHi the cenlast Thursday and took Daniel Hunt tho Hummer with Mr. and Mrs. James Rivar Plaz* Now.. r tin if I..,i-u,,t av,iiup, thence westward' Notk* gf Primary Election. Joey Werner, New York vs Tommy Marks, Long Branch and Harold Taylor, who work, for him Braney. Ferren F. Blaisdtll is having Ali-o take notice t h a t u Primary Election ly JiliiniT the center line of I.oi-u«t avenue to in his automobile paint shop, on a| Newell VanDorn, who has been louse built on his farm. John S'.ubbs fur all political parties entitled thereto il« intcrirctinri wilh ttie nrfore of the North linrthrantwardlr will lie held in tin- mill Hornuvrb. in -.,1 I S bri.w-, bury river, thi-nre motor outing. The three men had an working Theodore • Rowe's place on is dcing the work. Tho ho'wx will 8 ROUNDS County, on Tuesday, September ^."ith, 1'.»LI:5. alorm the ,hori! nf the North" Shr«w»liurf early breakfast at a restaurant at wares,-will-quit farming and move be occr.pied by the foreman of Mr. betwt-en the h^mra nf .seven A. M. and nini- n \ e r t,, i l , iiiti-mection wilh Ihe oenlel Bobby Walkers New York vs Young Haweg, Harlem Hi,...,f Ilutriu-k or road bed of the New Bed Bank. Among the places vis- t° Rumson, where he will be care- Blaisdell's farm. I*. M. (Standard tvmej ' Said 1'iiinary Klectii'ii to be held in th# plut-eM in the ,l,-r ,ey Si,-itli»ni lluilr,,a,l, the point or lilacw ited during the day were Asbury ittt*';'er v oC , u c °u" t r v estate, Mrs. Sarah Msttison of Newark er has re^pei-tive dintrictti as herein set furtb, und of ln-KinniiiK. 6 ROUNDS park, Barntgat, Toma River and At- . ^ Atlantic cemetery been has been spending'a week with Mra> The pulling plni-e f,,r thf Eighth elertion • nid'Primary Election will be held for the d i ' t r i c t is Hi.- ciifr-Lerin of Siuniiind KUm-r lantic Gity I better condition than at pre&en.. AuguBt Miller. , roiiipnnj', ilridge avenue uml West 1-roiit Georgie Beyers, Sea Bright vs Young Blakie, Key port Mr. and* Mrs. George I.. Hapce on 'Everything I. spic and .pan and the Two eueBt towels were disposed of tioiii-d and almi to 'lect Members of th<last week for the benefit of the ComNinlh F, Di.lrlct. Cduntyy Executive C C r nmitUM i U w f u r encii t i i c h p<ipo for U i ' l t i n i i i i i K a t ii r , . , i n t » h c r < t h e ,4 ROUNDS ' line munity club. They were won by l i t i c a l p u r t y , imrticiimtiritf i n *aUl I ' r i m u r y (,f Siin--*sl,ury ui.-iu,,' u i m-r..,,ter D. Fields und Eey. and Mrs. wilh Kl<--ti,i[i. j*\w H o a r d s a l s o n i t o n t h i s d a y received many compliments. Miss Lena Lauten. ' . ill,..-.-iit.-r line i.f l l r r l i r r t - t r c „ . « Young Pettie, Long Branch vs K^HVlcNeil, West End for r f K i s t r a t i f t >p"u ' " ' ' " ' Daniel P. Doyle for dinner guesta. * Fred Wilkins ia teaching school at A reception for Frank Lloyd, the • . • i u t l i v . n r . 1 l y iiTiinu 111,, , - , - . , i - r l i n , . i , f ' s t i r , - w - , Mrs. Doyle spent Thursday with Mrs. West Farrningdale, Wise Emma Deck- new supervising principal of the MidNotic« a l Registration. liury .-ivriitif t o i t n iiit,-r-if-c'inii with t h w r'or Ticket Rescrvatloni Phone' Long Branch I@7O ,1 f u i t h . - r tiiktn u t i c t - un ' J ' u c ^ i f a y , S , ' l > - i . - , - n t r r line f,f I ) ) . - .N't-n j u ; m .Spri;>j,-» r,,.-iil Liffton of Freehold. |er ia teaching at a school near dletown township schools, will be uf'Il,-Ki:itb'-tif- r i ^ t w i m l l y itluMK t l i e i - . - n l ' - r lili,- u f Miaa Ruby Desmond was home Sat- ,Princetonj and Robert Doyle is teach- held tomorrow night at Mrs.* Henry NOTICE: Reiervationi will not be held later-than 8:40 P. M. night of t r y a m i lE;liel t, -, t i i .1nI I ^s: l) m, l l t l i ti -n t t -ll,*>ur<U t i n t l i , - n - r e . y , - t - I III.-' M c w r n j m ^prini^H r,,a<l t , , i u i n l i - r s f - , - ahow unless paid far in advance. l i n ; iliatrk-ts a n d D r i w i - e i l t l , t r i m ! . , - n li,,-.i«<, ; l i , . n » - i ( l i tlin i - m l r r l l n i ' ot I l r i . n U Hlr'.-i-t, . urday and Sunday from Perth Am-, ing at Spring Valley in Marlboro Mecklem's. "* t o h i , u s < - L-;iiiviis i , , f t i n - v,it<-r:i i n t l i i - i r r , - -I LIKMH-I- n i i r t l i w i i n l l y i i l n n w I l i o , - ^ n t L - r iiii,- o f BOUTS START AT 9 P. M. SHARP boy, where Bhe teaches school. I township. Miss Rita I. Braney, who Mi.-cliv.' i l i s t n r t j , r c K i » t f r i i n { a l l | » - , - n i ( , ,-i,- ; Ilr.-ail str<-i-t l o i t , -intursKtluh with t h » Mrs. Richard Cludor has her sontaught at New Brunswick last year, ( n l e i l t , j .l o t , - a t t i n - i-ri-uiiiK I'linKiry.. nii'l - - , - n ' ' - r lini- , , f U u - ( r m - l s s o r r m u l tieil o f t h e i;-iiVrnl KlrctiuiiK,. whicli sai.l c ; u i i : K I I I I I ] IT.'I-V,- Y u n h a l l , I I , m i l ; l l r u n c h R a i l r o a d , thi-nrn from Elizabeth with her. I is teaching at Asbury Park this year. b . ' omnlilc-1,-,1 , , n o r b c l o r , - F r i d a ) , Si-iiU-liiIjt-r , i i n r t l i w i ' J t w n p l l y UIIIIIK tliu ri-nter line lit Miss Beatrice Doyle and George Communion was held at the Re 1-lth. H I 2 3 . , ' • . I t ! , . - r . . » , f W i l . , r t r a i - k B . u f t l i r N e w V.ii-k a n i l Dark spent Saturday at Trenton. •-Si-rim-,1 r.-^Utrutioi, ,li,y —I',-i,,,,,,-y ,]„,., ! l . o i m IlranH, K;dlr,,,,.l t o it» ititc-rsmtion formed church Sunday. 7 : 0 0 A , M . I , . 9 : 1 ) 0 I ' . M . ( K t a i H h i r J l i p u - l i « i t - h • Mil' , - , - n l , - r lino of Oimlmit direct. George Schenck, son of John G, Lee S. Gaiger, principal at the Tliir.l r,-Ki^tratii,n ,lay--Ortoh,i Otli. I l l . , - n t " . - i . u l h w a n l l y a l u i i K t h e c,-nl<-r l i n e o f Scherick, is employed at New York. public school, a,nd Miss Florence l»;:j, 1 : 0 0 1 ' . i f . t . i «•(]() |>. M . , , - . - v i » , - i l l i . - I ™ - k s , , r m a i l l,i-,l / i f t i n - N ' i - w . l e r n r i r uml corrret tin., l i s t f o r t h u Gi-ni-ral Kl.-c- 1 ri.",i!li,rii Railroad t n i t s int.-r-ifctiori with James Desmond has the biggest Campbell and Miss Bertha Dunham, 'lor.• (Onr . - r, h u i - > " o f Hi-rlK-rt, tli.-mre und best watermelon crop in these ' two of the teachers at - the school' Hoiiniliiriu-rt o f t h e t-K-ttitin • i!i.-,trk-U i n I alonv: Hi,-c - n t i - r l i n e o f Hi-rlit-rt FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21st, at OCEAN PARK CASINO This Week's Attractions l h t t l l t ( : r lr ls 1 ; t a r t ( ) fl)» l l o r o l l K l i i , f H , . , l l l n o k , a m i - 111- p - , l l i n K place in uach district, i r e «» follows; " Flr«t thu Election -"Hvi-t I " i n iot,-r«,-rti..n »it)i tliu crnti.-r •lin.- o f :;l,r.-iv < l , u r y avonuc, tlie ' p o i n t o r Dbtrlct. ! ' '•'"'"' " 'ill. llilli; lilae,. fo Union firehm '.iir.-rt'lT li','!" 1 '" Nurth".Shr.iw"stiury"Hi"v;.r the N i n t h elec e, S l i l e w s b n r y i twfvn t i n -p r i M H T t i , - , , ovn,-,l l i y t i n - M , m - . ""'• . i m o u t i i Ifoiit C l u i i I H H I t f i e p r o p . - r t y | n - , w n - ^ • Tcntji Election District. • the It.-.l Hank Lyreuni, th.-ii,-.irnitli'-' ll'-'iinniiiK a t a [iniut u i i . - n - ' Ih e center •nr.lly t o t i l . -c-i,t.V l i n e uf lin,-,,I -urci-t ' ' " " " r -clir---- - l " i r y iivi-intc i.. i i i t - r ^ - , - l , - d the: to 1 il« internei'tinn v»itli t h eeeriter •>' « ' e '" , l i line of H""-'.' 'oiltliu.-irdly aliinu et. tile renter line o f Mechanic rttn-et. th.-nre eii^lwAt-.ll^ al.,ii K : ^ l t r i ' w ' : l l u r J ' av.-nii,- t o i t s mters.-ction the center line [if. Mechanic street lo t h e j t i u ' r ' ' n l e r [in,- of t h e Neiwnan Sprint.'^ As The Harvest Is in i>i'6portion to the quality «f the seed sown and the amount (if work oxpeoded, .the..SUCCESS of a Business House depends (in the depth of true character on which it is-built and the diligence of the entire organization in living up to their ideals. Tho iihenomeniil growth and widespread influence of the American-Stores Organization is living testimony to this truth: "As we sow we reap." . As with iitheiH so it will be with you. li Payi to Trade Where Quality Counts and Your Money EMERSON HATS GOBI the Furthest. DRINK ASCOI ' Its cheery morning fragrance and delightful satisfaction clear ! away the clouds, and start each day exactly right. STETSON HATS $ $ $7- 8- 10_'12 XAsco COFFEE, lb 29c All the New Fall TAN Shades, You'll T*ite the Difference! tall :; ASCO Evaporated Milk To soothe, tireil nerves ami relax • the tensed body—DRINK ASCO TEA. You'll tintl at least one of our delectable blends to exactly suit your taste. ASCO TEAS S-tb P kg. Fall Suits and Top Coats All New—Some With Two Pair of Pants $ $ 25 30 28c : "*pk* 55c 14c: P r i d e o fK i U a r n e y - T h a t $ 35 $ 40$ 45 $ 50 and up to ext h r 1 nk B DL d-PoU n d ;rn 6 5 ' m Only Store In Red Bank Selling INTERWOVEN SOX . Big Brown Crusted Loave6 of Goodness! Wheat-buildfers of sturdy bodies! VICTOR BREAD w 5<= Bread Supreme DAVIDSON DAVIDSON (Extra big wrapped loaf) BUILDING THE BIG STORE Victor Raisin Bread—Iron Food—loaf 10c BIG BUILDING - R E D BANK- BROOM SPECIAL! Our Reg. GOc cut to 5 4 c Our Reg. 70c cut to 6 3 ( . Our Reg. 80c —40 YEARS ON THE SAME SPOT— Qusility Brooms do Better Work! Every Pound of LouelU contain! the Pure Patteurized Cream from Ten Quart! of Rich Milk! Richland Butter GOLD SEAL EGGS SELECTED EGGS p.'lline. (iunrnntecd Fresh. ASCO No-Wa8te Sliced Bacon —and prices are lower P O T A T O E S (3,,vtbr.y l i e wh'u Pk. (15 lbs.) 44c :•- V2 bu. (30 lbs.) Koltl liy Weight Always—Insuring Full Measure, 88c Bic Housecleaning Combination Special! K , \ Our, 23c GalvnniirJ I'nil . . .'. One pkff. 8c 1'rincen Cloai Starch One hot. 7c ASCO Hluing One hoi. 9c ASCO Ammonia Ono cukn 7c Ivory Soap Ono cake, 7c Co.linc Soa| One I>kn Oc Ivury Snap llakrl Our, pkg. 25c Star Naptlia Powder Four cakm 5'u r !'.&(>- Naplha Sonp . . . . I Two caki-i B*lic Slur Soap , / mtiny 98c Regular Retail Valuo $1.28 APRICOTS lb. 17c PRUNES lb. 10c It.vor A.-i nmll liiu1 IIM \ v i " I ' V r r iiold. 12 II. >IQf» Cliorolalibag ™*" The Ilinlnv.t Klour Milled, (iiiidr rmiiib' ASCO Uakinl PowJrr, can I'uffi I III N r w l i i . i l V . n i l U Wafi-m I , i n n ll m i IIM'IU tt. ,12c ; . . It. 21c ,ik K Be \vitIi u u r 5c, 10c, 20cKi.ii cr,.,,,y Cheese uf (ht-m tx^lntivt. Ttiuring Car u u t t t c r , more powerful. Roailstcr 1'imr wKrcl brnkti ft * Mifiiv. piovril. T!irt.'i''Pawcni;cr Sporl R d l o u l f built W t 11.n,I c - n i T o l . c«,,i,..!|,r | i>n Hrcrina wiu.-t't.* Sport TiHirlng , I'ull nuloii. ul all it^"l« Tlitre-I'iisttcnKer HuKiness Coupe • l-.t. , IV HHtwtit (of)*mid ni-w (M^ . Clt'ar (illlllQ liUtulllH. l)l»c •t#rl wlni4i •i.tulnitl ,,i nn .,LU-,1 , , » ( . N. II. C. CAKl'.H GO1.U SKAL Fl.OUR Think of id A brand new, finer looking and even better performing Oakland at lower prises—prices neverbefore associated with such a thoroughly fine car. ALL FOR F itncy Cnll fornia • Choice California house to their n - Fourth Election District. ! si five , l i : ' r , c t s . ret-'isteririir a l l p e r - o n s e u lletinniiiK at :i uoint where 111,- .-elite titl.-.l l o v o l e a t t h e e n s u i n g ' P r i m a r y a n . l line of s t r e e t is inlerseL-ted with th Cenernl Kl.-ctions. which M i d n n n < s shall center line of lliir-lini; road, then,--- e a s t hi- r o m p l t t . - d o n o r b e f o r e l'liduy, Septemwar.lly aloni; t h e r e n t e r of lUirtlini: read t ber n t h . r.i::i. • • • •• • its i n l o r - . v l i o n with llranch l u e u u e . themiee.i>tration day—Primary day, soutlieastwiirdly (i!on h ; tl.-e- Cent.-r line of - S e c o n . r llranch a v e n u e t o i t s i u l e r s e c t i o n wilh t h e ! ' 0(1 A . M . t , , ..1.(10 P . M . i S l a n - l a i - d t i n i . ' - J . Thir.l r,-i:i--lriili.,ii d a y-- O c t o b e r 1 llth, center line of Henren place, th, ' " ' ' " i I'.'-J.l. 1 : 0 0 P . M . l o 9 : 0 0 P . M . , t o r e v i s e war.lly directly h.-lweeu t h e ' ' ^ ' .-tn.l e , . i r e c t t h e l i s t ' f o r t h e t r . - n e r a l e l . - c t i u n . own---! by t h e ' l-M;-.t,- of Sarah I-'. WokDie 1, nlary lines of t h e e l e c t i o n iliiijn-1 Kmily Spinniiur. o n e hvni.lre-l nud lif'y Shrew-lniry Tonnshin. and Ihe feet from t h e c e n t e r line ot 11,-i^en j-la----. The Fin«!«t Buttcv in America! « ly ulnnK t h e l-erice ' i.ine to tli*,- curvi-,1 ':ilu> ^ - '-' w iiiini -SjirinL's road t.i it* int.-m-.-t i-ia Iniumlmr line of t h e Morout'h of U,-,l liank i " ' ' " ' " " ' N'i'rth Klireivslinry l iv ,-r, 'the'm'a them-e n o r t h c a s t w a r . l l y ' a m i n o r t h w a n l l y I nortlit-ast-.uar.lly iilonn t h e ^liore of t h o foll.twinjr t h e curved Loiiiidary !in<- of Hie i ^ " r l V l ^lir,.-\v-;bilry rjv.-r t o it« int.-r-,-ction l!or.nik'h of lied Hunk- t o tin- shore of t h e Iw i l h " " ' fentlT line of Locust a v e n u e . North Shrewsbury riv.-rthen.-e s o u t h . ' tlu-nce eastwiirdly al.niK tho center line.-if wi'ntwarilly a n d westwardly aloni; n , c . I.ncuat nvcr-ue l o H i i n t e r s i c t i o n w i t h th,! i-hore of t h e iNoi-th S h r e w s b u r y r i v e r t o - c e n t e r line of I.eiKhton iivemie, theri.-t; tlie point a b o v e m e n t i o n e d a t tlie sliore i soiilhWardly alone; t h e c e n t e r line of I.einliline of the »IIH1 river ilirectly lietive.-n tile , ' " " ai-i-nlii-tu it» inter-.ecliun wilh Hie crn. Iirojiertii-K OVM1--.1 by t h e Iloai - t l ' rl i n e o f W e s t Leonard a t r e e t . them-e <-asl('hlli und r r o p . - r t y Itnovvn a s t h e Ued w l ' r d l y nlonj; t h e c e n t e r line of W e s t l.e,,nHank Lyceum, a t t h e tminl or plate of lie- I: i r ( ' ^Lreet t o t h e c e n t e r line o f ' S h r e w s b u r y a v e n u e , t h e point o r plilce of betnnniin;. The pollini: The polling place for t h e l ' i r s t elect i: place p e for t h e T e n t h election d i s t r i c t , is E n g i n e House. I.elVhd i s t r i c t i i r : a v e s i n k Hook a n d Ladder l-'i.. liouif, Mechanic s t r e e t . to ' u. Notice to Auscntce Voters, Second E l e c t i o n D i s t t l c t . Any elector who it renistered 1 for l h a lj<!t;i!inini; a t n point where t h e center line of Mechanic s t r e e t is i n t e r s e c t e d with r.en.-rnl Klection, who hy reason of inability through illnesfi or absence from the County the ceat.-r line of Uroad s t r e e l . 'the.u-e I s o u t h w a r d l y aloni; t h e c e n t e r Hue of Ilroa-1 I [",,".' h he resides is unable to en*t his s t r e e t to i t s i n t e r s e c t i o n with t h e center ' " - 1 " " 1 n the day of the C.eheral Election a t line of Wnllace s t r e e t , t h e n c e eastwardU- I Hi.. pollinjr place in the Election District in nlollK the c e n t e r line of Wallace .-tr.-el In j which lie is • registered, may make apnlicat h e reur of t h e p r o p e r t y of the S.-cond I for an o'li,-i,il hallot to the municipal National Hank, thence siiutllvviirdly al.UH' ; t'ler!-: :n any Muiiieipnlity in which he r e t h e rein- of said Uank line hundred f-.-l ] s or tu the County Hoard of from the c e n t e r line of Wallace s t r e e i , I of t ' e County of Monmouth. on or l.efoie thence e a s t w u r d l y hy a »triii K ht imuuin- Tiu-silay October 2:ld, 11)2:1, and" n furinal appliration wiil he forwarded saiil • elector a r y line t o its i n t e r s e c t i o n with II ,i,|.-r and when properly rilled out and relurne.l •f Linden place -ilid Wallace s t r e e t . to (lie County Hoard nf Elections of t h e hence northeastwardly aloni; t h e c e n t e r County of Monmouth, an absentee l.allot ne of Wallace , s t r e e t to i t s ihtersert-ion will be forwarded to nil eh elector. ith the c e n t e r line of Prospect a v e n u e , AMY E. OI.SEN. lence s o u t h e a s t w a r d l y UIOIIK t h e c e n t e r Clerk of the I i o m u r t of Red Hank. lie of P r o s p e c t a v e n u e to t h e s-mtheily ^ " ^ irec-d boundnry Jint' of t h e ilm-on^'h o'f Dated Aiimist 27, H S 3 . ed Hank, t h e n c e n o r t h w a r d l y aloni; t h e NOTICE OF REGISTRY AND ELECTION, :urved b o u n d a r y line of t h e lloroinfh of Shrewsbury Township. . Red Mank t o t h e Fence Lin*, thence n o r t h Notice is hereby Itive.h that a General westwardly aloilK t h e said I-'em-e Line to Election will be held in and for the Town-" t h e center line of Mechanic s t r e e t , t h e n c -hip of Shrewsbury, in the County nf Monweslwardly alnnx t h e c e n t e r line of SI,-. m o u t h , a n d S t a t e of New J e r s e y , on t-hiinic s t r e e t to it-; interpecti.-u with tl.lav. N o v e m h i r Ctrl. A- D- l'J23, from t h e e n t e r line of Uroad s t r e e t , t h e point or h o u r of six o'clock A . M. to the h o u r of dace of liclrinniin;. seven 'o'clock I". M., » t t h e r e s p e c t i v e pollThe polling place f o r the SeciiluJ elec- inK I'luccs in said T o w n s h i p . ion d i s t r i c t is I n d e p e n d e n t ' I'irehou-'e, Me-, Said election will be held in t h e saiil hanic, s t r e e t . Townsliio for t h e p u r p o s e of electini; . a S t n t e S e n a tto r from y, t v o m M n n m o u t h C o u n ty, T h i r d E l e cit o i onn D D i sc t r i ct t . . UeKinnine, a t a p o i n t where t h e cenl.-r j Members of t h e General A s - e m b l y , . a Sheriff ne uf Wallace s t r e e t is i n t e r s e c t e d ' with of tin- County of M o i i m o u t h ; t h r e e C o r u n e i s tlie * c e n t e r line of Uroad s t r e e t , theln-e of il\e County (if M o n n i o u t h ; t w o Members thv-ardly nlonir t h e c e n t e r line of ( "f t h - Heard of Oilmen l-Veeliul.k-rs. f u r s t r e e t to its i n t e r s e c t i o n with tlie center : three y e a r s : one T o w n s h i p C o n i m i t t e e m n n . f -H.irililllt Itoail. thence euslwar.lly for thre.. y e a r s : a Townsl-.ip Co y e a r t o till t h e u u e \ p i r e , l term of t h e center line of HitrdinK ltuad to i t s • fniintersect!i with i h th. W h i t e : a T o w n s h i p Tiillei-tor. for .-liter line of llranch I'hnrle tic, t h e n c e soiitlu-nstwardly two y e a r s , t o fill the unexpired term of E i l c e n t e r line of Hranch a v e n u e to th t h e c e n t e r line of He -n iil:u Ci'iHtalilc: a n A -,-ssor, for t h r e e y e a r s : t-.vo thence e n s t w i m l l y directly b .Justices of till' 1-eiice: t w o S u r v e y o r s of tin llllou-ned hy t h e E s t . of S . . . . . the Hik-hway, and twoPojindk .ml Kmily S p i n n i n g one iiundreil ami Nolice of* P r i m y E l e c t i o n . fifty feet from t h e collier line of Hranch Also t a k e a.-lice t h a t a Pi Piimin-y Kl,cti->a a'venue. thence sontheastwni-dly hy a for all political p a r t i e s entitled t h e r e t o will s t r a i g h t line to t h e c u r v e d boundary line of he h e l d ' i n t h e s:iid T n w n s h i n . in said C t h e BoroUL-h of Red Hani;, thence n o r t h e a s t - t y . on T u e s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 2-'ith. Hull, b e •linlly ailing t h e c u r v e d b o u n d a r y line of tivt'i-ll t h e h o u r s of seven A. M. a n d n i n e t h e Ilei-oUKh of Red Uank to its i n t e r s e c t i o n 1'. M. (Standard tinle.i Said Priniaiy ith tho center line of Prospect a v e n u e . Klectioii to he held in t h e places in t h e r e thence . n. o r t. h w e s t w a r d l y idem; th . - sp. ctivf district ; a-i herein s e t forth, m i d line of P r o s p e c t a v e n u e to i t s i n t e r s e c t i o n ; ,.,id P r i m a r y Electi.)n vvill lie held fur t h n with t h e c e n t e r line of Wnllace s t r e e t , | „,,,.,„.„. of nomi'iuiliiiB ner.-oi'ia of t h e r c thence s o u t h w e s t w u r d l y alonw t h e center otV-ce a l , , •clive parti.--i to Ihe olV-ces inc of Wallace street to its i n t e r s e c t i o n I ill-I Memhers of t h « -vith the c e n t e r line of Linden place, thence County Kxecuti-.e Coniinit!ec for i-ach p o - . lirectly -.vest war-lly hy a slraiKhl line to htical p a r l y p a r ! icipatini; in said P r i n i a i y the rear of t h e Second Nntional Hank, Klectioii. T h e Hoards also sit on t h i s d a / thence iiorthvciirdly to t h e c e n t e r line of for r e g i s t r a t i o n p u r p o s e s . Wallace' s t r e . ' l . t h e n c e w e s t w a u l l y ' to t h e Notice ol R e g i s t r a t i o n . c e n t e r line tit' Hrd.-id s t r e e t , t h e place ,ir And f u r t h e r t a k e notice I hat on T u - s . l a y . Iioint nf beKinnini;. •Ihe olliiiK placi' for the Third -lection S ' - i U i - m b e r I I , l ' . i ; 3 . t i n - l l . n i r i l o f ili.-tri is F . I I . VaiiDorn's KaruKi' llroitd a n d E l e c t i o n a h u l l m e e t i n t h e i r r e - p e e l i v ! ' i districts a n d proceed t o nia!<e a )..,.->..- c . i . i v . i . s of t h e ' v o t e r s in LOUELLA BUTTER wjth rlffil. lh 33c MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS ttalibill'a lr<-i ran U . I ASCI) .Sour Krout, hl( ran . . 1 5 c ASCO Pork and l U . n . , ran . , 'I. I ("...I.I Hral Kollrd O . I . ASCO Toinato Caliup, hot 1 2 l * c | iikg 0c, 3 lor 2Bc \ Two Stores in Red Banks 62 BROAD STREET, SHREWSBURY AVE. »nd OAKLAND STREET Thaia prloi •Hattlva In our itertl In Had Bank and «lclnl«y. A i u Star*! all oner Panntflvanlt, Naw i»t*mf, Dtlawar* ana Maryland, •' WHERE YOUR MONEY GOES THE FURTHEST n«mintwni»iwn 111.,- c l u n l i i n , l u r n - /945 .945 . 1095 1095 . 1195 . 1345 . 1395 Illie of M.lIliniMUll tin- cent'-r Ilioud lino u m i l h hi-, l o o f nloiw Its M n ( , l i . I'm, XUak akland A Nation-WUU DtmmMratfan "SUTru* Hlu«Tr»vtltt«"—wltli iluiuinmli nf mllai of lilt dutr »lr»ajy on Ibid ip*«doniit«rr~-ir« • 'if (kntontUft* ih« rtmtfit^bU :y buytttotihtM 1014 OtkUndu will nttiy, m t ifur «wMk« e l th* MOII mwUiati l l n i II lire a s folio M n p l e tti<' i i M i. nl.i lie. •' of n i d l i s u e . I Hi p i ii.-n-i-- n ill n l " , i i f I h e i u e l o Hill' I n I t . I «, 1 1 , , o f it m l .i S e I n t h e o r d e r h i i u l . . r *,iul n i o n l h t , e - tli»y t n I h e i « d e c r u . . will H A L lll'illn 1,1. ' t N I ' N W N H I M , .1 null, r s s h l HI) | l r i m . l * « » , U m e l ,!<iutli-l» o,,Ui, liar m t h » -mill , 1 . lult l l t l ' M l lifn l <" HWIIII*'t wlllilli " f • .l(ici«iw".l i « • •l l l u r « l « o n br . Ilieif •nil"' rlln » • • r HH>I, I " - I , t l l M I ' . X N Y I I I 'N l W ] e n l i m n - o f t i n "nfor.'.iild lie liirmiM H , 1 , ,1 - V i o e h i I..- l l o n « Mi.nm.'iilK, I ' m I i l u i.f i i n l . r l l n ,dull- ! n l . , . i n . i i I l u |,,,,iil n • l i b . , l i b I, ili-bU i - U « « . fi.mi l i .I H I h ir i ' f n l ' I h e IM n l i I, , I ' l I M t o f ,lulv. I'lilon t i ' H i e i-l.dltor-. i v l u h l t t h e . f l l mU l i n n m , t r l w n o f .(n-i.-ldi I'oui'ly d u « o f 11 o f C e n l n i l 1 ( 0 1 ,n i d , Ibefr N i » ,lilll e f tlie t h e I . n i b w Vn r k . . t - - . . ' . ,,( l l u u h I I I , N e . \I n r ' d o o m o n n n li.all, v ' t.i I m i i . l l l . o f l o l h i ii'iinit P u i - i u a n l t.uide t o I n . . ' <'l m m !h i d o f liler t n - t i . H i . -I n . - s l] h » y , K i i m i f i i t K e . n t ' f I n n 1.1 I t , e.tiite, ,1.1,1 u . M w i d l v (')>• Hull ilei'i-«:»'ll, Nolice to cn-llti'i^ t n p r e s e n t c l a l m i u s u l n . t 1 1 .,-1 ! . - . 1 t h e l i . . n l i » , n . l h Ijnilion.l •' o f I11IMK', ! of j willi lli.-nce w i t h i-f l l o II i n I h i ' UMIII'I' r j will, o f l i n c l . i «,until W i t h . l i c i t , „ 1 n o t l i , n e e w i l h , line I h i n e e «i(ll . S o u l l u r u nl ,l t|i n i m i i e , m i l - . I , , . i i l i i i>b c i n t e r Wllll ib. ..-, line iiilei«-eli.iii l l . - c H e . i l h " rent,<i! U I I , i'd.-i| HI ••-,•!, eent.c l i , l , 1 H ,l i o n liilei « n lion t h e l« Illler Mr-, id Ihe t h e | | , C h e . U n i t TI)c«c facts iiiul |rrU"ri will iistonlali you, l>ul wail until you see mul ilrlve the True Blue Oakland nnil comparo it with othenl I,. .-r n l .>l. u pine,' of nlulii-' ,,l,e.-t c e n l e r "trrel lino .oillhwaldly . l . i e y ****** for each, t h. lice soiltl i'il^t wnr.lly hy il .-1 r 1 First Diitrict. to the curvei hn ituhirv lin.' nf !h • 1 ! >i' •Ml I h a : s e c t i o n lyintt west o r I h eh o r i f Hod Hank t h tl.-c -;n ith* • • ^ t w ' i (Hy a oi.cli line of l.itlle Silver ImrnUKh a n d th curved b 111 IK nry l i n • • . . , ll.f 1 in , t i f vvitl tl 'ii- o . i l l . o f ( h e ! • : „ ( , . n t o u ' i i . T i i i t o i i l-'alls s l o u n H i 1 Hnnk ti its il.ttM'~t . • t u r n ronil l<r t h e T i n l o i i l-'nlls a n d Pilie Ilreok • e r line of II O i l . •ftn-.'t, tinu l i Vil liy Urn- .,f H r o i'.V.i!'|l • f t t l ) l b nil the ceU T h.- , - . . , I..-I-. t h e n c e i n a d i r e c t l i n e t o t h e v . - c l T-i l i o i i i n l a i v l i n e e f t h - l o u ' n s l i i p . n t orsect ion vith t h i > !•<• It IT r i ill 1 The poiluilplare for t h e Fir.I eloclioTl Ilt < p r l n r , - <•!" 1 I T inn IIW' rn d, the n.ii d i - l i k t is t h e Fin-In u . e , S h r e w s b u r y . I'll.- p-dlili : p! ,,.,. fl]T- !!u' !'•• i n ' ii < l e i " i i l i s trict i« Mi' U l K i.. lUiMMi.'N Si-cuoJ Dl>ti let. llroail sir,,-l M l Ilia' . e e t i o n I V - I I K s o u t h ->f I l i e R a t o n town- Tintoli l-'all.i s t o n e mnil, a n d t i n - lino niiii Ltettioi H i trict. !ln- -In- -,. i n " i i l . i . i .• i n e - i l i o i i e i l . ll.'l'inniin' nt a IHHII M i l 1 1 1 . l ' l l i l l i ; (.Ill.-e f o rI h e S e , - . , | l i | l l i - l l i - t y H V < T .1 of the Norll .Sh Iv i : I ) . I l i i t t j - r ' s , . t o i e a t W - i j •• i - l e . tw .-I'll t h e , rnji it ic - t « ni' I by tilt I Minl li Hiiitt Notice In Absentee Vott-ls. ., i'h•is Uu' K>'t! Ha i k t . > . ' tVi A n y v l . - e t o r w h oi s r c s - i - t e . - . - d f o r I h e ( i . - o ni' w ; r.lly In t n . e i i . - i i . w h o b y i.-a-.-u o f linilnlitr .r it,- :nl • i t •• t , e i a l i l l m m .llV'iil* H I T t'tit T I liriuiirli i l l n e s . , ,,,-u l ,-,, fr.-in ( h e C o u n t y th Mil', • • ' I , ' •Jl'Cli.l [ | lllt'T 1 w of l l t M l l ' l > f l tinin u h . e h h e r , --i,l-- - • i s n u l l , 1 , ' t o , , | . t l i i ^ i . !>:ill>>( i - n ( h e d a y e l ' t h e C - i i e r a l i-i H I T tin* « f .M» utnouil ^ ti- i-t, 0 i If . % l-'l.-cti./d n l w nllv ill, .i in* *•>' ll- r lino • '1 Oie p o l l i n - pin---in t h e Kle-ti.-ii IH-tri.-t i n 'it appliCH* tn nit h 11 I'CIt !• i t s i ! cl''l iMiiMi w th tlt>' w h i c h h , - , i - - I . i l l , r e d , i i i . i y n i u k e ,., 1,1- ' t i t i r o f Ii.' n-ti K> I T n I'l I..- 1 n f H e n f , , r ; > n o i l i e i a l l . n l h . t l o I h e M u n i c i p a l C l e r k i n n a > M u u i'- i p . i l i1> in rthiih h e r e ll • N v w,!• SlMlth T i l i;,ni t . 111. l l . ,.1 I . . M M -C - e i u l y l l o i i r d , . ( K l e e l i o i m - - ( i n rltivv i n i l l v !.!.! (• t h . ' •mil •r nf tin- u I ' l , t i e l n - i - i l v .,1 M.,1,1,1.-nth, , - n o r b e f o r e T . i . - s J . I -, 1 V > I I . t l , '111 1 Mill ttt ef ilny. ll.-lober :':l,l. 1 : 1 . ' I . a n , I 11 f o r m a l alipllII • -»hi.«o n r it .• N,,ii 1 H l,.wf.l l i f t , II •llfii -nut II'H- HlM'llil' H I M linrt ,"11 r-ti-idiou will l-.i r,u-.>ui(te(l ; n l d r l r c t n r U T I U iry w h e n | i r o | i e . l y lill-,l o u t a n d r e l i i r n e i l t o t h e ly iil.-iikT l h . 's»:i •v 1nr i i .• N irlh i t i t ' i ' TI- td till t'i« 'el Ilt) • hi- \\v\ n l h ' 1 H i ( ' - . n u t s H,,:ird o f 1',1,-clions of t h e C o u n t y o f , ( h e . M o n i n o i i l h H . . , | l , . . ( ' ! " ! > J J I u l u u ' i - u l l ! . Jill n h - ' i i l - c b a l l . l t will h . ' f o r n o d p r o p . - i l , 1.1,own u s 111.- l i e I Mimk t.-, - ! m n i h - d l p . u c I T i-(e.-tor. ' ~ ,-,-iou. l h , . p o i n t o r p l a - " .-f h . . , . i n o i n i r . . (IKIIItliK I I . I.IPPINCOT'I'. The polliiw place f o r t h e l i f l h eleclion ! C l e r k ef t h e T o w i l i i t u i i of S h r . - v . i , l - n r y . ilhlilct i« L i b e r t y , l-limine H o u s e , W l i i t . ' I D i i t i t l . ' 1 , I t i 2 : l . • . -treet. ' ll • - Sbtlli l.lfcllnn D U l r i r l ' Moniiiiiulli L'nlinlr S u i i u t a U ' l O((it«. l l n ini:ii.i- a l a p o u l t » l i i ' i e t h e r i n l e r I n t h e m n t t e r o f t h u e m u . - of I I m i l K n i l i - l ' l l l < 1 / . II, l l , I'.MKllll T. H . McKnight 1 1 K"« ^Z^"* plafes . Y U I I K . N n *Y . i ' ll'tl», N-V foi Me Mitlh < li'. I ,,,!> | Mum y S , I I I . H I « I « ' I Olftm. II,,- , l i , u M (THI.I y >'< t'llti' llollKt', t i l Illlllllond 111 the lluvlll Hi .1,- -,l-'"lrWvefllh r ler I Inn D i l l i l i l . I N.-Mn- tn I N M I I I I K I In I ' l . v r l rliilmo mini it-1 (h'liliitilnii at ii p.'llil where, lit*' fciiti'f l li'. • „ ! ,1 • • - -" lii.> i.> nf nf Itt Itt I .ifirl 1 1JJ liil»r«iv( lii»r«iv(.il w wlih l i h lll ln l,i ,-l llm ,...!.'» uf M ha», llll't M Mill. | .|| ll|.|'klii,« l k l pllir*. l IIrii-W* •l.lllll U H l t t ..-, olid ij»» 111 ll n n il ll f n Ii , n « Ih b e i . i n . i IIn n . u( (iff Minml Miim.ll • tt i n t j B[«;li> i M i,,,i-lii-«il.-ii nf Mnlhl tn Ilif «tuMhi.tlv l.oulidflii nf I I * , H n r u M K h '"•*••. •"» |.f Ill-il llntlW. Ilielice t l ' l l l l i t " I ' e r t t f r ti»« nt I h n t l t t r i (ir ruml litnl let,, ,|e,.,,(..,!, noil'.' N hrn-Hf i m l» Jf« Hnttn'r* Itttltri.i the N i . * ¥<>rtt met lane ,--.-,111,11. or . . i d il* « i - " l ' " niklWl tu thai ^Itli t h e ortit imii lllll-n Illiur", KMUtl'M • • •fi*»**l;l, l»«l« l.f l iliitiu Bi-I .l.ttwnl* «»«»•<!. tbj "•''•.••*J!jft ifttniis tliM iii'nU'r lift** n' lt#i*UHU « i r v t tit I lll-n tlllsir^iii'tlnn ^ t f l l * n " « et*tlit»r Iflm uf I'.X* lH*«"nf' MniihMiMiM*,%»*\m iiltMnst" tu,ti with Ik* (ntttr- lint nf »•#»»•• ultipt, ihane* »»i!*»f.lly tluiw tk« Mtitor.lM »t Hr>klt>H |illf< tl IH« rtnlH lilt H If(U4 • I Ml. til* F I I ••» »IM< «[ MiNIM I i i. iki t» arlh na f i r (..linn M P i fof •>< I'iPioli ' I e •. '.•.•:.*»*; ^>Jteffi*5 RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 19, 1923. Page Four THE RED BANK REGISTER. JOHN H. COOEC, Editor and Publisher. QKUUQK C. HAMH, Assucistc Editor. WK11NESDAY, SEPT. 19, FOR FREEHOLDER Automobile Insurance 1923. • TOWN TALK. The Public Service corporation Ins been onfcrod by the court of chancrry to resume its trofk'y SL'rvk'i' in upwards of niie hunilreil raunici\|i.ililie.s in. New Jersey where no caia ii !\i' htn'ii run fur six ur ei^ht weeks. The 1'ublic Sorviee enrporatiuii says itr cimml opt'i'.itc its cars at a profit. l |:c. co.ui I -.iv-- this U no reason why is -luuiltl' not operate- its tars; that ]i' "-eu'i cuiitlitiiins are.- appalling; ih.'l the duty re-slimr op the corporali 'H n i i i r t b e p e r f t u Mietl . 'apartdito « • r m Bast novin* of fBmttun, pUaga o> bactat*. to all wurta at «ltr or eouiitiT, In th« larcttt aadaad TWU Red Bank man's twice-told story. In Bad Bank. Befora you havt roar naxi It ia cohfirm«d testimony that no Red Bovine dona, wrlt«, Mad or call for UaBank resident can doubt. Ask your only raUabla faraltar* mav«ra 1B torn. MM) (at mr pritn on jour nail job. All Unai neighbor! of h«arj or light trucking dona at ahort Frank Palmer, 60 Mechanic street, ootlea. Call or addrta* (ALJ_ FORMS)" 67 Broad Street Red Bank, N. J. J . T . EXJAN, 11. WALL STREET, RED BANK RcaiiJavca pbana 292-R Offica phon. 839-H ; . ID WHARF AVENUE IWHI'MIHIMMMMMtM Telephone 474 Broadway Loan o r t h e l.ian- HAVE YOU Headache? SUCCESSORS TO SCHMUCKLER & CO. 227 Broadway, Long Branch, N. J. I B* lr«r *?•• aura u tukT D» totT IM) tind n <tr.hi«ll ] | B so, kava your •?•• •xamlnt^i ramr •!••••• mn uW a taaut*, - Money Loaned on Personal Property. Bargains in Unredeemed Pledges. Tliis -eem.- Mi be the f, sense vi.'W of tho'a'.ion. The franchise.. aiid piivileifi's now held liy the I'ulil'C.| .S.rvice corporation ^vere obtained ' in ilev a cliarlir which it snujrht anil nliTaiii.'il ami .under which it promised • i i;ivt' Ir.m.sportaiion. No concern I am a candidate for the Democ ,ii In- or should In'1 i:ompelled to per- ' cratic nomination of t'hosen 1'rec..lii.inently run its business at a l o s s ; ' holder of Monmomh County. but it fan avoid this by surrenderI would lie pleased to havc J my ing its eh.irter and its-privileKes. A friends, tho.-.c oid-tinu' friends whom J'i..'iichise au'ivomciit with ' a public I knew \V1H-I> i was ; fit-'ehokler of :..iiice i'01-pnration should not he a Munminitli cuiinty in the .past as, well ji .rt.-.iin •which .binds tile people to one as all new friends whom I have since .-.i.ledf the agri'i'ment and then per- made, to vote for me at the DemoniiLs the corporation to do as it Icratic primary on Tuesday, Septemvleases about keepm;; its own side of ber 2.ri, lit_!!{. The polls will he open John EVI. Corlies • No M t i n Red Ba«k who suffan How that morlof and tint la ._Express batkaeh*. hcadacMt, or diBtroninv; Aita Vans mar I_ urinary tilt can afford to ignore thh J. H. Gregory & Son * lilies a m i privileges must lie s u r •ilidered; »nd'thill it.(-annul perforni it- c j u t y oil" , i i n ) u a a.- i l m a y lii:-.i, it j i i i v t i U i i i l i - Ui d o M I . Tin-1 bargain. EGAN'tf Jewelry, Silverware and Firearms. STILES & CO. V Improved Hoover Diggers AND REPAIRS • until 9:00 I'. M. ' (Town Talk continued on page 12.) I have tried to see till of my friends in person, but Monmouth is a lur^e county and it has been impossible for. n.e to make a personal call in all cases. I will'greatly ai>preoiate your vote on .primary day. Thanking you for,all you may do for me on primary flay, I iim, - Very sincerely yours, JOHN M. CORI.IKS. •AT C. H. ROBERSON'S 29 COURT STREET Philadelphia E v a Speclnllat. Sad N.tloD.I Bonk Bid... Room 28 '' I ET«TT WxlMiiUr Houri liOO to » tv. m. IPreeHold, N . iJ. Telephone No. 8 In celebration of our second year in business, wes'Tiave decided, to hold a two-day bargain sale, in which prices will,be slashed left and right. The two-day Sale will be :-r, - Just glance at this list of real bargains: OF Live Stock, Machinery and Crops! _ _ NEXT _ i : • , As 1 am discontinuing my dairy business on account of ill health, I will close out my entire stock without reserve, on the farm known as the S. E. Hall farm, Tuesday, for ARCHIBALD L. MILLER ON ROAD FROM BELMAR TO ALLAIRE, \ Democratic Candidate for Nomination for State Senator He is a successful business man and the first Democratic mayor to carry the Rspublican stronghold of Red Bank in 10 years. (TieM l o r l>y A r c l i l b i i l J . L . M i l l e r C u m . ) CaUloir. Addreit , WUllam Power. Kelly, Headmaattr New Brunswick, N. J.. Saturday, September 22d Monday, September 24th PUBLIC SALE -Vote at the Primary Preparatory School lBBtK y«ar. QIVM b*yt an al ^apatatory •dueation at minimum eoft. ftttiua th«m thoreuuhly for mny adltwi. Graduate* admitted without examination to all colletrwa that accept itudcnti on c«rtiftcat«. Owntd and m r i M I by Rutgeri CoUtge Th« acliuol has ua unusualiy compl*** equipment. Cottage dormitMiei. tK or twenty boya t» » huuue, hav« • beautiful aettioit of river and csnaom. While the preparatory ictiouL hfia 1U own buildings, nthletlc enufpment, anil tiepar•t« aocial life, it has &1MO the privilaff«s ol the »pl«iiditi liti'rary anil uttiletie fu cilitioa of the coikg", giving it advati ic o'rdlnarity bi'yoml the reach-of a privatt aehoot. h u g e new KymimHium, 7B-(ont Hwimminir pool, tennis courtu. atnlctic flclUs, cinder truck. Golf course Kvailtthlo. * Located one hour from New York on the l\ It, H. in tha chU-f fduCStJonal center of the State. A peraunul repredtmtativu o{ the school will be glad to call upon anyone Inlert'Mteii. Thia service cntnila no ab\i'aation of any nort, but it duaitrn Kive full to posniNe pat citp^clally how to earn *i,OO0 in Bcholarahipa at Rutgera. " Second Anniversary Sale! Paid for by John M. Corlios Committee 1 Do Not Fail to says: "I was troubled with pains through my kidneys brought on by being on my feet long hours at a time. I also had djzzy spells, which blurred my vision. I was not troubled very lone, however, as I heard of Doan's Kidney Fills and got a box at Cooper's Drug Store. I was relieved before I nnd taken the first box and was completely cured after taking two boxes. I nm glad to say that I have not been bothered since." (Statement given June 12, 1916.) On June 14, 1020, Mr. IJalmer said: "I am always ready to endorse Donn's Kidney Pills as they always proved satisfactory to me when I needed them." Prico 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for u kidney remedy.-get Doan'a Kidney Pills—the aame that Mr. Palmer had. Foster-MiU burn Co.,' MfrB., Buffalo, N. Y. RUTGERS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1923 al'~10 a. m. daylight saving time. ;1T hi-ail hi^h (,'raile Ilolsti'in dairyy cows,, (a lot of these will freshen soon') ;; 2 heifers coming two years old. ld i i profit ft IIlnlsteiiv llti h l l coming i two t l l f four months h ld i l d to register; i hull, years; bbull, old, entitled S year old; gray horse, !l years old; lmile, good wurker, Mayo tractor engine, with plows all in. good order, ensilage cutter with blower and pipe distributor; I double disc harrow, ?, harrows, Acme h u n m , spring tooth harrow, furrowing sled, Itiggs plow, 1 hnrse riiling plow, 2 riding uiltivutors, 2 new wheels and Mi\ 2 Paris green guns, yet iit^uy wagon springs, ^ hu^gy wagons; 300 bags,/!!) bushels rye, 50 bushels rye and vetch, fully halt vetch; lot harness and other articles t n . i n : ! ! i : e i OILS mention; Ho cord of seasoned oak Wood; ISO KJ-qt, milk cans, some new, never been used. All peojilt' int ested may come and inspect the stock on or before day of sale. There will be a truck on t!ie uTuumis to move the cattle any distance a t a reasonable rate. 50 iieres of of standing standing corn, corn, planted planted in in rows rows and and to to be be sold sold by by the the row; row; 7 acres growing gg corn and ld by b tlie l acre; 10 tons of f alfalfa l f l f andd clover l h 8 or 10 acres of f growing i h cow peas to be sold hay, hay. TKK.MS: All sums of S2!i.OO and under to be cash; on all sums over $25.00- three months' credit with bankable note and approved security, with a privilege of renewing once with one-half. (iKiHUIH II. ltOUKHTS, Auctioneer. .I.AMKS 1.. H.M.I-, Inside Clerk. S .E . H A L L WILLIAM C. 1'ATTKHSON,'Outside Clerk. . -• • ' TIIKKE WILL BE A CATERER OX THE GROUND'S. .10 Cups and Saucers . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Bluebird Soups . . . . . . .15 Large White Plates . . . : . . . . . . .10 Gold Band Plates . . . . .10 Pie Plates . . . . 10 Cereal Dishes .10 Lyknu Polish (large) •'. .30 Mione Hand Soap . . , .10 Lyknu Polish (smalt) / : f .20 Hand Brushes Flour Sifters . . . . . " , .20 Wash Boilers (copper bottom) . . 1.85 45 White Coffee Pots 1.00 Gray Coffee Pots . , Gray Tea Kettles ._ 75 Gray Tea Kettles . . . . . . . . . . : . . 1.00 1.40 6 and 8 qt. Aluminum Pots 95 Square Point Shovels . .90 Round Point Shovels 1-40 Deitz Lanterns 1.00 Wash Boards r. 1.00 E-Z Seal Jars, quarts .90 Jar Rings 08 E-Z Seal Jars, pints 20 Stove Lining .25 Rolling Pin* .10 Hammer Handles 10 Chair Bottoms .15 Scrub Brushes .20 Sponges 1.45 Galvanized Pails 25 Long .Handled Axes During this two-day Sale there will be a 10 per cent discount on all builders hardware and mechanics' tools. Also 5 per cent discount on all paints purchased during these two days. Red Bank Hardware Store 75 Monmouth Street Telephone 936 Blankets . „ , . ; Comforters i The biggest Blanket values in years. So said our buyer. You, too, will agree with him, we know. They are big values. The best Blankets we have ever sold at such reductions as these. Surely this selling will suggest you purchase your Winter's supply now. T HOUGH »lw«y8 highest in quality, Goodyear Tire* ore never h i g h priced, as thig chart shows. See how Good year Tire prices for years have kept under the average price level for all commodities. Today, the bed tires Goodyenr ever built sell for 37% lest than in 1920; 30% leu thnn in 1914. This is n jjiiod time to buy Gooilyenm. Al domhtnr Servl<* Station I W l f l Ul> . i » . m , I , , , , , „ , . » l « m f II.r , , . u . > , „ „ < < , , , , , ( o . J . m i l / , I/,,, I . . . - f » i Ml. W,.tl,., l..u,l ,.„,/ l,«ck !/»«>»< up with t i u n j a r j (;™J«.r SmrtUt J. W. Mount, Mncl.- A...11111.. Jur SriU II,« en. 11! W « l I'niiii !lti,.,.|. A. t,. tlavlkiiit A -Hun. Mlilminulli .-It...,-!.. H6 Muni IViutt ^trpvl. IN LIIANI'I IU 1)1 NI.W JI IIM Y •Id JKK'SK ttl.1 1'IPI I ll» V l l l ' l f " t I II • ' • " ' < M I I M U l l N i » . I n • ! ii'i'l' i> I"' ,1li ilHlf lifl I'IIF III I i ' I " i V I • I * ' l l ' i ' II I'llllllillllllll. nt ill '!• • .n\.|.n I I I V * Ml it uttii I - ill** -liffH I ll'l 'i'1 i » n t m i mill i' HI. 1 ' Mil H I «r l i v f r f <•" " l . t . 1 . . iH. , l i , , 14 < i m i l * i . » • • ! , ui •>'" "ul l i ' l «•" I'll i t i 114 riit'ft'm.1'I »|iHln I V'"l I In' lull t^ tll*.<l III ullUfil fl |i|liill>'i '<•,'' fj.,jl '*if f r r t h l u inllli* » l , » l ' i i f -'^liil' \ \ i* (ii(-.| nf.|Kf4 4MMI0* hi'F I'flf 1 ttl I'l^ ' <:.!• W«'<|<I|. 911' H!».|u « l i m i t l)nf»ii...' >i,ii m i l Km ivn-l mail rlilni it i b hi 11 >>r "ffcUint*1, ui ii HIP 11 \ Trustworthy Service Fifth Aveniif, 34th aiul J3d Streets, N. Y.' Esiiiblislit'il r 8 s5 Known for almost seventy years as "The Greatest" Treasure House of Linens in America," McCutchcon's isju'ver content to list on past laurels.' Only a constant search of the markets in the workl's'lincn centers enables us toinaintain an abundant assortment of. linens that are exclusive in .design and superior in texture. Lspetisc and care are never spared hy our specialists in collecting the best examples of the linen, weavers' finest art. Although price is never the first consideration in ollerinn our stocks to our patrons, a careful comparison will show that McCutehcon's prices arc always decidedly moderate. Ai tin', tune w\- wiiulJ cnll (fc.irtlcuhir utttnlktri to our jeeond ' tUu'r xvltii'li him Jmt K'l'h ri'Jeci'rnfiM .inJ rcfittcil, In lt» rc»tfuj, uimmphrri1, thv out-of-town ihoppcr enn moke unhurried «cI«Huii I turn tlit,' (ciniprehviiiistf nrriiy o( Llnncrlc, I All-Wool Blankets Bath Robe Flannels ' 70x80 Blankets made of ; finest all-wool in white, ! gold, tan, pink, blue and lavender colorings in plaids and plain colors. Priced at $12.50. We have just received a new shipment of Bath Robe Flannel in a wide assortment.of the newest colorings, 36 inches wide. 95c yard. 72x84 Fine Quilts filled with best grade goose down. Pretty figured sateen covers them and they are bound in satin. Priced at $13.50. Auto Robes Fine Comforts All-Wool Robes in plain 72x84 very special Silk Cotton and Wool Blankets Down Quilts 70x80 Cotton and Wool colors with contrast colM u l l Comforters with Mixed Blankets in white, ored borders. $6.00. with pink and b l u e plain borders. These are borders. Now priced $5.98. All-Wool Robeu in espe- very good Comforters, j cially .smart plaids. $8.00 Cotton Blankets Cotton Blankets wool-filled. A great value ; for $6.98. ; 70xH0 Fine Cotton Blankets with a wotil (Inish. 70x80 Cotton Blankets in They are thick and warm. litfhtwdtfhtH. ,In grey, tan, In while; grey and tan white antl blue, With w i t.h colored bordeiu colored borders and nar- —with bunnies and other Ribhoiibounrt. Priced at row nilk bindings. Spe- pattern^. Pink v blue nnd $3.85. white. 75c. cially priced $1.96. Crib Blankets c-' BED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 1 9 , 1 9 2 3 . Page Five BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. F R E D J E N N I N GS G S II IN General Jtwtrag Contractor | HAPPENINGS OF 1WOHMOUTH A funeral conducted by us ia noted for its simple, dignified grandeur. The talents of our well directed organization mftfec each funeral ceremony a decidedly urListii lu'liiovumunt. To btnutit by. our experience, talk over your problem with us. INTEREST C&UNTY. Personal Notes, SaUs of Property, 120, South St., Freehold, N. J. }*! Building Operations, Lodga Doings, Slight Fires, Births, Mar-. Distributer of the Ambler Aclxiitos A . triages and Death*—Other Items. 8bl«ll«». Full stock. u:l fiics and '» ''.Mr. 'mid Mrs.-H. K. Ferry uf As- e a l i n carried lo FrteholJ. .Wo eithpr 'fi furniah yeu the .material or KI>C an ,*, Ijury Faik have (join.' to Unities Falls, ctriee. Can be implied over ,•; New York, for two wcuks. Mr. Furry applied y<m old shlnjle ftW« n» any- A is president of the Asbury J'ark .where, BUt«. Blac and Tile RooOriK^ A ' Faones 170-M and It8-W. ,J and Ocean (irove bank. Waiter Irelon of Mnnascjuan, a former member of the Asbii'ry I'aftT] police forci*, has pickrtl a late crop of strawberries. He also hits u large chicken furm there. The Asbury Park Tni?t company building, which hns undi'inone altera- 5 • , ' OF-" tions, was opened for public inspec- f 4 WATCHES, CLOCKS tion Saturday'. About If 100,000 was aptiit in niieruUoiirf. j andJEWELRY j MVA Miiuiie Cohen, wift-of Frank | Ciilmn ui lielmnr, cljucl of heun dm- 5 Accuracy, skill and exi t^ase u f'-;v days UKO. She was (12f perience enable us to years old ;uul iiravt-s two daughters and Untie tons. » 4 do the- most delicate rei iuitiiai.1 ,-iuiiano of Bradley Bca^h, 5 pairing. We guarantee [owner of a Cmlilku' aiitumobile, left the ear at Asbury I'iirk a few nights S satisfaction. Our prices y g 4 will please you. , f and wlan'lie returned the car 4 Silverware Repaired 4. (I lday I'lt'i'.nian of Freehold, who i.T i(n! I'nivi TMIV of Pennayi- \ and ReplateH Like New. j vaniji titis year, is at xhe university'* I'noUmll ^((uad training camp at Cap*. May. A rei-i'plioii Was given a few nights Bank 4. ago to Mr. ami Mrs, L. C. Schwartz 4 36 Broad St. Red Ban of W".-:t Kml, who returnedtoNewark after spendirig the summer there. MVAWAVtVV A farewell liauquet was given last' week for Miss Cora Smith of Asbury Park, who- has entered the Salvation Army training; school at New York. Reginald .Stokes, son of A. J. C. Stokes of Freehold, is taking a preparatory course at Penninjfton seminary for Princeton university. Robert II. Thomas of Asbury'Park died of heart disease a few days ago. He was 64 years old and leaves a widow, a dughtcr and a son. At the Long Branch hospital in August 307 patients were admitted. Forty-twp babies were born and 173 operations were performed. An" automobile driven by Samuel Birk of Asbury Park hit Lillian Waters of that place last week. The girl was slightly injured. Chester Keen, Leslie Gifford, Preston Wooley and George Gifford.have joined the American Mechanics' lodge at Long Branch. 1 Irene I. YanSanW has a new Nash touring car, Harvey Hyde has a new Chevrolet sport car and Charles Red Bank Pierce has a Ford sar. Office Opp. R. R. Depot Mrs. C. F. French of Imlaystown Phono 704 is teaching school at Princeton. Her husband will enter the Princeton New York Office theological seminary. 75 Weat Street William Smith of Farmingdale, who Telephone: Bawling Green 9327 is employed bf an advertising agency, has been transferred from New York to Asbury Park. Dogs owned by Mrs. C. Kingsland won several prizes at the international toy poodle show at Philadelphia last week. The Asbury Park lodge of Red Men are holding a fair this week. The proceeds will be put into the building fund. Mrs. Harold C. Musgrave and her infant son of Freehold have returned home from St. Francis's hospital nt Trenton. John Prevcst is building a house at Paint and Varnish Products \ Expert Repairing F U N E R A L DIRECTOR* 7 HOMf for SERVICES- 6 0 E. FRO NT St. RED BAHK,N.Jt PHONE :DAY6-NIGHT, RED BANK 557 AUTOAMBUIANCESERVICE- CHAIRS &TABLES for ALL OCCASIONS Prevent Destruction , { REUSSILLE'S j Wtot is the best way to protect linoleum front wear and discolorment? THE DEVOE AUTHORIZED AGENT 75 RED BANK HARDWARERed STORE Bank, N. Monmouth Street ROBERT DONOVAN, Prop. J. Phone 986 The Wlenchings of an Earthquake are in the Frost! ANDERSON BROS., Local and Long Distance Moving. T T S icy grip tears apart the strongest joints, and forces a thousand openings in the wood for rain and rot'. to enter. Its freezing clutch starts , certain ruin in a hundred secret places in your home. Prevent this destruction. Shut out the fury of the elements with the magic wall of paint. Use Devoe . Products to give your home invincible protection and enduring beauty FIREPROOF VANS. New York and Asbury Park NOTICE! DAILY EXPRESSSERVICE. Brower Bros, wish to announce to the public that they have opened a Cider Mill at Headden's Corner and will press every day. Bring your apples to us and have your Cider made while you wait. We will call for your apples and deliver your Cider to your door. Just Telephone Red Bank 653-R. Cider For Sale by the Gallon or Barrel ANDERSON BROS., Red Bank Hardware Store, 7 5 Monmouth St., Red Bank. ROBERT DONOVAN, PKOP., Telephone 936. Frost can't wrecb homes protected tottk: Dcvoe Lead aod Zinc House Paint . Dcvoc Porch and,Deck Paint Devoc Shingle Stain. iMiuan. (Continued on next page.) ••••••••••»••• W W W I Why Worry About Scarcity of Coal? Qimbers™^* Have a Chambers Fireless Cooker installed in your home and Save Time, Worry and Money. It cooks, heats and retains the flavor of the food with the gas turned off. Also, now is the time to look over your heating plant, roofs, gutters and leaders, because FaH is Here. ' ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN. Telephone 6O9 Red Bank. COOKS seat Uu CAS TURNED O F F p HOWARD SANITARY Hits by the scorein PLUMBER 7 4 Mc»ninouth Street R E D B A N K , INT. J. Steinbachs Shop for Boys IIIMmiMIIIIIIHMIIMIIIHIHMMI On the Finest Super-Six Chassis Ever Built The right styles are here—the right values, every advantage for you that can be produced by an organization centering its attention and effort on providing for your boys' needs. $1450 HUDSON COACH Hud»n Pricei i H * f - - furs 7-JW. rhwton 1125 Coach • • • MiC . - - 1995 law Mxtr* These arc the lowest prices at which these cars have ever been sold. They make both Hudson and Essex the most outstanding values in the wbrld. Kiiex Pricei Touring • f Chri.ltt . . 1141 Co»rli - . . 1141 Fr,i[ht mmd Ttut Bxtrm 65,000 Coaches In Service KENWOOD MOTOR SALES CO., Inc., 18 Mechanic Street, Red Bank. Telephone 159 ESSEX COACH $1145 Boy Suits Juvenile Suits Frtight and Tax Extra _ Nobby little suits for the younger boy in Oliver Twist and middy styles. Finely tailored ot serge, tweeds or knit fabrics, with yoke and inverted plait backs. Big, roomy pockety and two pairs of trousers to every suit. Si/.es ',\ to S. $5 to $10. Man-tailored suits in Lweeds, cassimeres and cheviots, also in corduroy. Norfolk styles with four pockets and two pairs of trousers. In browns, niix-" tures, grays and blues. Full and roomy for (he active boy. Sizes from 7 to IS. '$12.50 to $25. Juvenile Overcoats Big Boy Overcoats Smartly tailored overcoats, with either Tailored »f a linp heavy ovnroalinp, regular or radian shoulders, inverted Bome double-faced, (ithers fully lined plait back and belt all around. Two . in button-to-tlu'-ncck models with plain side pockets and two mull' pockets, or ragliifi shoulders. Inverted phut 1 back with hell all around and mull" Double laced overcoating or singli , fully lined. Shawl collar. In brown, pockets. In bniwms, tatiH, RmyH anil tani way or blue. Si/.es s to IS. $12 up. blues. $H,50 u>$25. STI'JNMACIIS ••«»-• * eiiinl * • I-'IMT. .•*-?>--;•—- RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 19, I M S . aM Six BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. Heat "bleed Sxpensive TlspossiMetohaveawarcn comfortable home at little cost if care is taken in selecting a heater that has proven qualities of economy in'fuel consumption, and in heat transmission. The Thatcher Boilecohss many individual features that coitobine to make this heatet universally . popular with home owners. Visit our nearest ahow rooms for further particular*. I TOTCHER HEATERS GRANGES Since 1850 tVLaui: «* Newark SoIJ Everywhere THATCITT-H FL'llNACE CO.,Th«,triiM Buildins. 9t- rrands and G^orfie St.., Nmrtrk, N . J. Now York Dikplay Room.: 13.1435 W « t 35th Street ' H-ii Before Painting Do a little More Figuring On Paint ' How do you usually buy your paint, by the frallon, or by the job ? Do you buy it*itt so much per gallon or so much for doing what you want done? • Did you ever figure with a brush, tlic ccst of your painting instead, of doing it with a pencil ? Before you do any more painting, just drop in an 1 let us do a little more figuring on paint. Be prepared to have your eyes opened. (=3 JOS. T. BURROWES CO. BumsteatrsWiimyrup Or M O m t AH* ELECTION, Jr., *mm»ti. MtJ.. Is k«*ter «i»J» «• tkt MOTKBUlU* * M w • v a ^ K H. J. f tka Nolle, of tka t*M t*MM M44»fcya «T holding ••?'tmZmiTTiS**!** **'"""• ******* tka «tMNl t U Trtmmw ••»»»••»•»' «t Ua «U i ll uunn to W •Iwtot, ••* ••* mtmUmf ml tin Paaawat U the ovaer af Jaaeak L. locrdd .{ Wh { kntotn k t o t aai i WhH la i t . Borhay, aarnaase af tha Ooont» at Jteaj ith, o>lk oJ UWt BIHCT, k X at «••mi, °N»tlM U hh.riby N. J., Jan. U, t i l l , ' ™°Nl i b drcs tkM • Otnmi MIIOD IIOD will will k. k. h«U hU U U —* Uf Uf UM Broug Borough MAMT AMN B i a u a n of L Llltl. SIITU. iia tk tk. Q Qmmtt l l SII t off MonM ' af wmmt." t (Continued from lagt page.) •rail* Mrs. Edward Norris of Long fVU-TONIW, Branch gave birth to a son last week Me » M & . at the Or. E. C, Hazard hospital. nun. tot. 0 1. T w k w . U. D_ Mrs. Thomas Penn gave birth to a daughter at the same institution. Jo,hn Tietjen of Freehold, who conducts a riding school at that place, has bought the John I". Meyer property. . jrfrs. Ethel Gordon and Mrs. '•Richard Burlew, Jr., of Cheesequake, have returned from a trip to Canada. Miss Thelma S*hock of Matawan ia taking a course in a dressmaking and millinery school at New York. ^ Mr. and Mrs, A. E. Hendrickson of- Mata\\T-n have returned from a three weeks' trip to Canada. Misa I.UL'y Miller of Matawan is taking a business course at Coleman'a business college at Newark. Judge and Mrs. Jacob Steinbach, Jr., of Long Brnneh, are on an automobile trip to Canada. Miss Flora Voeleker and Miss Hattie lioltu of Matjnvan have entered Trenton normal school. Jimmy DeKorrest of Long Branch is training- "Tiny Tim" Herman, the Omaha heavyweight. Mrs. Samuel Hall's Sunday-school class at Adelphia. made $8 at a cake sale recently. Charles K. Ostrnnder is building a house at East Farmingdale for Waiter 1R. Eddy. I 'rank T. Hendrickson of Adelphia is building ;i new poultry house on his property. .Alice Wilson of Be-imar fell last j week while playing tag and broke her , left. elbow. Arthur C White is building a house at Farmingdale for George \V. j Matthews. |1 Mrs. llsn-ry Wells o.f Matawan gave birth to a daughter on Tuesday of last week. Frederick F. Heuser of Matawan is LI patient at the Spring'Lake hospital. Dr. F. Felice of Long Branch ! sailed Saturday for a tour of Europe. Miss Myrtle E. Day of Allentown is attending Trenton normal school. A daughter was born last week to Mis. Hobert Lay ton of Freehold. Miss Vivian Magee of Matawan i« teaching school at Middletown. A son was born last week to Mrs. William W. Algor of Belmar. •Charles Pentek of Allentown has Say -j bought a Ford touring car. .1. D. Grossman has opened a fish market at Asbury Park. Crippled Children Home. Harold Brumell and Dorothy Ar—not just . '. thur of Freehold, who underwent operations at the Post Graduate hos"a quart of oil pital for deformities, were brought home last week by C. S. .II. Mount and II. C. Levy, members of the Freehold Elks' lodge crippled kiddies' committee. The cost of the operations was paid by the Elks' lodge. Parties at Adelphia. A surprise party was given Tuesday of last week for Leona-C. Barkaw of Adelphia, who left Thursday for Carlisle, Pennsylvania, where she will attend Dickinson college. The party was given by members of the Adelphia Sunday-school. A birthday party was given last week for Mrs, THE F. A. Fielder of Adelphia. Eight-Hour Day for Cops. The Asbury Park policemen are now working eight hours a day, but they will have no time off for meal^. • The men will get their usual vacations and they will be required to attend mure strictly- to porieo dutiej. Married in August. Announcement has been made of the wedding of Miss Mae Ralph Reed of West Freehold to Raymond John Bartlett of Savannah, Georgia". The ceremony took place on August liiith. (Continued on next page.) ath, >nd SUU of Kn> Wfntl, on TutiN U k irai M tk. hour of fMV« ix o'eliMk A. M- t e ike fceW of U o'.lock P. H., at UM fallawisw »bu* b* said fiorouvb; Uttla 0Uv«r TW—t—r W M ©o*** TROUBLE r istftin * O VERHEATING; The Fleet Boa«knew the oil wasn't to blame, for it was giving entire sat' isfaction in all the other cars. Matter of fact, the water pump-was nearly worn out and the radi» ator partly clogged up. Drivers marvel at the unfailing accuracy of the Fleet Boss' advice. "It's just long experience and common sense," he tells them. Polarine is the finest oil you can get today, be* cause the men who make it have been through the school of common sense and long experience. You can trust the unfailing quality of the oil they give you. If'you use Folarine regularly you're sure of one thing about your car—the oil is RIGHT. Experience has, in quantity production and efficient distribution, kept it moderate in price, too. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) 'STANDARDS OIL The Polarine Chart bolls down year« of experience with every kind of car and recommends the right consistency of Polarine for youn. Consult It at your dealer's. HOWER BROS. Mason Contractors 12 Spring Street Red Bank, N. J. Small Jobs Promptly Attended To. Phone Red Bank 954-R is the good news about storage batteries Phone Red Bank 1121. Associate this ,flrm with durable work at low cost. for a brand-new, high-grade storage battery, fresh from the factory, ready to put in your F o r d , C h e v r o l e t , Overland or other light car. /\ craekerjack of a battery-one tli:it you know, made by experts for hard 6-vuli 11-plaitstandard capacity THE H. SMITH CO., Fair Haven, New Jersey. on the Road! service. (Hutteries for other types of cars at similar /im< prices.) Snick ^onv-wheel "Brakes Buick four-wheel brakes give all 1924 Buick curs twice the amount of grip on the road, thereby doubling their braking efficiency. It ia the friction or grip of the tire on the road surface thai brake* or glows down the cur. Recharge your present battery for $1 _.i . _ ,. . . v, our absurdly small fee for rccluirtfin^your present battery. NVo do it quickly and properly and you are put to no inconvenience, lurwe^ive you a K-jrvit'c battery to rt'ti your ear wliilu t!r.; other i:s hc'n<< charged nnd I he service biillery is * Buick four-wheel brakes nut only provide n greater [lower to itop in case of emergency but, because of this four-wheel road grip, reduce skidding dongers to n minimum. i nf iirilimiry iiuulity are not good eiiniigh fin | vi [icrjjitiun wnrk. I Duly dnii;n i.nil i heiniouls of the | w r y liighi'St unnlc nf purity arc I lit fur use in presiTiptioiid. We IKI< Ihe best iibtainiible no mutr Ur wlmt (lie cost anil nllow no "He but riglitcrcil jihiirimid»U to I'liinpiiuiid the medicine. ' VICTOR C. G00DRIDGE 24 Miple Avcniw, Red fchnk, N. J. 'leirnlitmi. * etinWy, PRRST-0-MTH AND COLUMBIA ef lil^ t"lll«imBl IB lll» BMl«r ftf Jll'rBtl Ii. !>'*IS" h i ' , tturmnU af Iri* t'uutilr »r MmniiUlli, maH» an i n fuMlih dar "I C«Hi>ll)ll<T, IHJi <ui Ikp < (if Uiiilif rt K, lltjliii, «il. MlitMkrtlHi' a j Ik* Hlglf Hi ilftMe »••> HalMr, .?W*«H4, M I U I II hNtwr iri»>H t» iki ar^a. nt I ergestiiTe tin 1,1 «!*,<»>• m>,| | ( , | . t l > u , u i mltnlniaUiiiiir « . »fi-n-»i'l l l uiuW i«ih *)ikin u s miMillo t'»m (I,. <-f lh« tt, -».« I ,,r,i»r. or y i . j win i,, t y liirrid 11 llrtf ••linn* (l,«f,f<.r n III* | ( 4 i < La^ni.f, IUli.1 »->r«h. .1 H J., H H I M H U I 4 . . *i i. lAMftlUir K I U U Buiek four-wheel brnkea [on nil models] together with countless otlicr distinctive fcnturcs of the 1921 cnra further establish Buick ns the Standard of Comparison.. ZOBEL' VIIU may dr>|icnd upon tlio |ire«ci'l(itUiii» yuu.hueo filled fiturad* ll«llrrl*t anil p«»n r«cli l\ c-ly. |[ >i.u tin nut nwl a liei* buttery cur rrpnlr (lr,..irliiic,il itlil .ira you full inliifaoiluii, 11, lli» maltrt of tl>s> »'txl> >r Jrim* »Ui> Il*l11<i, tlcfe, ilfp Mi «r«f]|. . • In nrxrnt tlnlnn Miltut Buick four-wheel brake construction distribute! braking friction over four drums and four wheels, This reduces wear on brake linings nnd tiros, thereby amuring their longer life and greater efficiency, with fewer adjustments. All prciMTiiitloiiH mi' iloublo checked, thus Klint<linK iiKiilnat tlie pimniliility uf error or Initc- 11CKI • No f»!"tltu!|f>n~Wc Immtle ** Menmuulh County Stirmmla's Offles, In turning, Buick four-wheel broke const mot ion automatically releases whichever is the outside or guiding front wheel so it isinstnntly responsivcto the steering mechanism, Monmouth County's Largest Automobile Distributor SCHROCDEB'S PHAKMACY, Red Bank, N. J. Sea Bright. N. J. H.C. lU.BBARD,S»r«p. 16 Broad Sirtet, R«d Dent., Talepbeit* 14,6 T«l«ph«n« SS Telephone 955 Tslsphoi)* 90 N t 1 • - er-- .<• - BETTER AUTOMOBILES AKE BUILT, BUICK WOL BUILD THEM Said «]eett'n wIH b« UU far th« yiiri»** of .IOCUBK « S U U BmmUr fwmm Woamputh nt r ; two MemlMn •€ «W Gcaevftl * • bl,; a Sheriff af i W Cavmtf of Honmautti: thr«« Oovoiwra af tlw County of Monnouth; two Hawtom *f tha Board of 0Hos«n PrceHoltloTB. for Klwaa ycavs, lot t«« County of Monmoatk; u J far tb« ftril.twfiK aaunlelpal offiear*. vf>: A Maror for tha Borouvh of Uttla BiW«r, far tw« yemra: two CounriltnaM, for thnw jm»t tara Councllmen, 'or two r«wr»; two <i»nmtUwmmt. for on* y«sr; .n Aiitii^r, for thrca raara; a Collector, for :hr«« yaari, an* ana JTWIUM of tha Petoa, 'or flv* year*. Notiaa af Prtaaaay Clactlari. Also Uka notice that a. rMmary Electio« 'or all political oartUa u t l t l e d thcMto w.11 i>e ht-ld iri and for tht Baraaxk «f l i t t l e Sil*r, pn Tuesday, 8a**amfctr 26th, 1B28. rum tht hour of m n •'d&eV A, M. to ha hour of nlna o'clock P. M, (SUndard tlnQB.) Bald Primary BtaeUcm to b« held in the Place In th* m v a e t t o dlitrlet »a apeciflcall/ abova' •Mntiamad u d tsld Prfmary Election will tw k«M tor the parpoe* of nominatinir parsona aff the respeetiva partieu to thi offleea t k v « Mentioned, and IIBO for Mtmben of th« Coarrtr Bxemtiva Committee for each political Dirty participating In said Primary KWetion. A1«o a Mfembar of the SUt« E n e u t f r e Committo* r each political party. Said .lota will also be t W aceoRtl pegUtrr dat« in the said Hortragft. Notlca ol Raclatnitla«u And further take nutStm taat on Tucedtf, September lltk, 1U2.V th« Beard of Mt^intrf and Klection shall m,r-l and make the reKta- , try by a bouBe to hou.c, which »«ld canvMR shall b* •omtftUtd OP or befora Septamber 14th, 1923. And that on Tuesdar, October 16th, 1028, the Hoard of K«R-|ttry and. Election will meet at the placs at which they will holJ the General Election tUtove meatimwU, between the houn of on-- o'rfock in th« nfternoun and nine o'clock in the eveninu, for the purponv of tnaklnff tfe« final revision currectlon of tha vexUUr for th« Gonerul Klvctlon. Notice t o Abaania* Vvtera. Any elector who la regUterol for tlio General Election, who bj reaaon of inability thruuKh illnosu or absence from tlie County in which he reside* ia unable to cast hit ballot on the day of the. General Klection at the polling place In the Election District In which he Is rcfflatered, may make application for an official ballot to the Municipal Clerk In any Municipality In whirls he reHideB or to the County Board af Election)* of the County of Manmouth, a n «nc before Tueii•\ny, October 28.!, 19ZS, and m. formal 'application will be forwarded aaid eleclur and when properly rilled oat and returneil to tha Count/ Board of Election* «f tbe County of Mnnmnuth, an absentee ballot will he lorwarded to sucr, elector. EMERSON QUACKENBURH, Bourn Kb Clerk. NOTICE OF REGISTRY A N D ELECTION] Borough af Runuoo. N . J . Notice is hereby civen that a General Election will be held in and for the Do-rough of Rumnon, in th* County of Muumouth and Htato of New Jersey, on Tiipaday, November 6th, 1923, between the tiuura of six A. M. and save it F. M^ a t the respective polltng places in aaid Borough. Suid election will be held In the unitl Borough fqr the pmiwie o f (lectio* a .SUU Semitur from Monmouth fJamnty; two Mumlierrt o( the Genera! AsAemhly, a Eberifi of the County of Monmouth; Urrce CtMJ-onurs of the County of Monmouth. tw« Idetnbeni of the Guard of Chosen Freeholders, for three yenra; n Mayor for the Uorumth of RumHon, for two years: two CouixiltiitiD, for three ycitru, nnd a Justice of the Peace, for five years. Notice of Primary EatctTon. : Alao take notice that a Primary Elect ion for nil political partita emtitlfd thereto will be held in tbe salt Boroaxh, in natt County, on Tuesday. September 25lh, 11»28, between the hour* of serem A. M. arid nine F. M. (Standnrd Unr.) Said 7'rimnry Election to be held in tfce placen I-JI the respective districts as brrcin avt forth, and said Primm-y Eltctlon will W fcfW Ttir the purpose of nominating; persves of thr respective parties to tbe offices alivve .mentioned and also to elect M r a & m of the County Executive Committee far vn\*h political party, participate no; In aaid t'rininry Election. The Boarda abM att on this -day for registration pnrposea. Notice of ReanUratfanu And further take notice aat TV«*day, September 11th, 1023, th« Beanla of It. K iBtry end Election shall meet ta. their rehpective diatrictB and proceed Ca> anaJU: a 'hauno to houao ennvass of the Ttvten in their respective diatrlcta, resist«rfttaT all p*-ri»onH entitled to vote at the enaniBa; Primary nnd Cunenil Eleetionn. which s«id caavAHu nhnll Vi« completed on or befor* Vvlday, fieptembi-r 14th. 1»2M. Si'rond reuiatrntion dagr—Primary (lur, 7:1)0 A. M. tc n : 00 1\ M. (Bbutduxtl time.) Third rpftUtrrition dny—October Kith. P.)a:,, 1:00 I1. M. to 0:011 P. 11.. *o rtn hv And Cfin-cct the U«t tor the Gentrrttl Elertiun. Iinuminrit'ri of the eleetion d»t>i.-tti in the IlormiKh of Humion, and the tirlliiu: l^lnce in t'iiL-h [liHtrict, are as fuUawa: Fir«t Eleetim Oiatrict. All that iHirtum of t h e Beraw^h of 3turnson rtitmite went of the center line nf ltlntrhnm uvonue between tbe Hoctb nnd tiuuth Shrewsbury rivers. The noliiriK plnco for tH» FiTst election district it* Hook ami ladder H»ow. Ooeurdc. Second Election DimtwUt. All that portion of the Borwith <rf Jtum• on aitunte cntit of the center I W uf tlin»hiim avonuit between tba Nerih ond South Shrewsbury rivers. The pollnm 'place- for tlw Second u\sCt>*jn ' district is Itumnon Fire Cknnpanji'ti leu'*Rumson. Notice to AbaeatM V-trrii. Any. elector whft in registered, far fho fipnLTH] Election, who fay reason of innhilitjr through illrvoHa or absence? from thr County In which he resides Ia unable in cast h\a ballot on the day of the General ElVclimi nt the pollinK plncc in the Kiectian TJintrlct in which hu i» 'r(>ic>Htcred. may make npiillcntlon for an oliidal ballot to thv Municivnl Clerk in any MunlefpaUty ia wbicfa hi- r<<~ eidea or to the Coantf Boeurtl.^f Elections of tho County of Monmouth. 0a *r before Tiifn«lny, Uctoher 2;i(L 1928. and a formal npp|lcution will be Torwardfd naid rJwtor imil when properly ftllfd out and rein-nt*! to the County llourtt nf Elretiona of th* County nf Monmouth, fin absentee ballet will l»o forwarded ti> mu'h flee lor. JRmK X CAREW, Clerk ol RUSMOJI Ilort/ujth. Dntril AuKust.27, 1928. NOTICE. Notk<- \* li.'irby KUCH to t h e IVffnl \(I1>TH nf I In: Milinol Oirtlrict o f t b * born» K ii of UiiniHon, in the oninty of Mtrasaout^i, thnt a Hp.H'iu, nu-c(hiK will he K.-U a t Itumnon .Srhool, No. I, on Momlay, Hfutrmlwr 24lh, \i)2'.\, nt "even o'cluch. T h e poll" will reiniiin'Ml'fn ono hour, a s d M n w h Imiiccr itn rnny W ut<i'v*nnry, to cnnblW all tlio \vuti\ vntHTB IITCH.MII to riist tlwiw ValMti. At Hftl<l P i l l i o n will IW. aii.>mitt<Ml l ! , - ilui-Mlun of votiiiK H U > for • < " - - . . 1 M),,,,,) Tin. Inlal amiiunl Ibouaht to be nrr,' nary IH $U,l>l)o.l)(t. " Tin' fcillawliiK pruaoallloaa aril I IIIH., I,, ulimiltml: Iti^iilvnil, Thnt the I l o a l * ea? I^nfnticm l,« hereby nutlMirixcl to aerruw' Ihc aura <>f $ t^.UOO.DO fitr the followrtiej aarponrr.: I'o n\ccV thv tlt'ftclts of W.aR4.54 i a r<MfT*'itt »•»pmini', »l,«ri«.<« l a a m n l trulnlmr iKi'iiuiit HIHI MO.Otl i n t h e eepair an'oiint omllnr .Ii no, U J S , f o e Urn mrnr, nml »f».7, mlilitlonal fee ta« n«vr l"l].•!. In «r-h,,,,| No. t , aualna a ''•'»! " ' »M.OOO 1)0. II lv«l, 'Hint t»o miles hr ls«u»d, rnrli Tor >7,ODD.IX), onit (u m a t u r e J a t v Ib, 1 0 2 1 , HIIII OIIP ti, mitlun* J H I F llnu-il \\\U 1 0 t h d a y ol I A . l*Za>. HeateatlKT, m a , n. A. nri"i ici., qtstrlrt CliTk. Monmaiilh Ceuatf SarwaaaaWa Otlit. In the muUr-r of the estate ef UVrrtian Hiilonum. (leiH'sswI. Nullc-i. I" creilltura lo pmeaa ahlma aifahint I'urnuiint In the order. «• J a n * ) f^ t)»nahaf, surroaiil^ sf tke eeorttr e t Monianutli, ma.le on l)'« f^ rl«» af « - v , int. on \\\* aiinllrsUon uf Hnttilaa Ibfb^tion. mlmlnUlra4rls ot the estate mi ftewnsii Holo. mnn, HP(*IIRIOII, tiutUe la Nereair *4**ri til the (rp4K-r. ,,f «»|.l ilxeaeefl t» »MI,H I,, I h . euli^critiiir, ailiillnlatralrla a« utmr***\<\, Ilifiy , ilnliia mtil ,l.,,I«IMU aeralMt tr— • • ! ! M I < I . , (tlL<t«r oath, within sis. asnntfcs flttea fttn ilnta ol IU- sfrireaalil unler, ar U e r will tie for. ever barrett tif their aetiaaa taerefur aHKliist tha Haiti subscriber. Dalsil IVi.h.ilil. M. J_ Mar Utk, t»n. • _ _ _ _^ UtlLUAH M>I III MOM. Monnwulli ( « i a t r •ariajaar'a Ofllr.. In the matter nt tke eefete tt Haanah U Cuoa, ile«ea*t<«. N.itl.i lo ere<lli»ra is nausea) sfaaaii acalnsl MUWI I'or.imiil to the «r4ee af Janrali I,, Doiiahay, «uin.«al» uf Ike CawatT af Mamaniith. made «l> the twenllatk ear af Jala, I»«S nil Ihe analleallun el l a j M l O. Walbaii, u « . ulrli ..r the eeUta a( etaaaaa U «%)«., ,le. '. I" RED BANK REGISTER/ SEPTEMBER 19, 1923, . BRIEF GOOD AfOV)NO'ofr ACTION! IS WORTH When It Comes To Moving we put the action In satisfaction. REPAIRS ,ToN OF PLANNING-. Dont Waft Until the Breezes Blow ! 5 Or Till the Ground is White With Snow. Fix that Stove, Range, Furnace, Steam, or Hot Water Heater, When you're planning to move let us assist you. Oon l»*a record of consistent, public service. • If you don't believe it ask anjbody. WHEN IT'S YOURI MOVE 40 Mechanic Straat, RED BANK, N. J. TtUpbon* S04 14 W e s t F r o n t S t r e e t Red Bank, New Jersey. . Telephone 616-J. Opp. Broad St. STORCK mis OF NEWS. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY. 04 Broad St., Had Bank, N. J. . •arrlces Snndaj 11:10 a.. M., T.U. InDdar-School—1:85 A. M. W«<ta«sdar Evening Testimonial Meattafi —»:10 P. M. Eeadios Room—^Ysdnssdars and Sandaji from 2:80 to l i t P. II. t Tli. public 1> ctirdlallr Invited to Tlslt t h . BaadinB Ko«m and, to tb« •«rvie«i. During July nnd Auyust the Sunday avenintr will he discontinued. (Continued from last page.) The Monmouth Y club of Asbury Park has fleeted Miss Msibul Winsur president, Mrs. William Taylor vice president,- Miss Edith Christopher trtiayurt'i1, Mr*. Oscar I.ano rt'iordin^; secretary and Miss. Mildn-d Stccle TUNING corruspondinj; aeinrtury. Sutphen Bequeathed $10,000. John H. Sulphen, formerly of Englishtown, who committed Miicide at New York recently by drinking cyanide of potassium,, was left $11),000 in the will of Mrs. George W. lielme, fur whose son Sutphen worked. Temperance Union Election. The Freehold women's temperance union has elected Mrs. Minre'tta Demott president, Miss Fannie VanMater treasurer, Mrs. 'Richard VanSant ALL WORK recording secretary and Mrs. Thomas E. English corresponding .secretary. I NOW! Samuel Swartt Burdge & Russell LET U S KNOW I TIP Page Se»a» , Rose—Naitasia. - Miss Clara Marie Rose, daughter of Anthony Rose of Long Branch, ami Frederick Naatasia, .son of John Nastasia* of Asbury Park, were married last Wednesday by Recorder Leo J. Warwick of Long Branch. THAT THE MASTERS MAY LIVE Attending Business School. Mildred Hendrickson, Marion Yetman, Helen Stirwell, Edward King, Frank Whitbeck, William Fredericks and. Charles Mount of Freehold are attending the Rider-Moore school at Trenton. . W HAT a glamour there is in attending the recital of a celebrated pianist. At the concert hall or theatre, you mingle with the eager enthusiasts of music. You hear the great artist, who interprets the works of the masters to his. audience. Perhaps one or two of his selections are your favorites. When it is all over, you go home happy. You think to yourself: "How glori- ' ous it must be to have the talent of a tine artist—a pianist who can interpret the master composers. Yet, what a pity his playing must vanish across the footlights—gone—lost to every use except my delighted memory of this occasion.'' • '<' ' Now compare such an experience with the possibility of hearing that same artist at your will-Mn your home! • "...», LIKE A HIGH-GRADE AUTOMOBILE The "Original" Welte-Mignon Reproducing Piano is the last word in quality of workmanship and materials, freeddtn from trouble, durability, perfection of performance, flexibility and pride of ownership. --_ "Reproduces with utmost fidelity the playing of the world's greatest pianists." | We will be glad to arrange by appointment, mail or pHone, to Iiave Me. Storck personally demonstrate the latest creation of this wonderful work of a r t I Big Jewel Robberies. Jewelry valued at $35,000 was stolen from the homes of Frederick Starr and Dr. Alfred Hagendorn of Deal a few days ago. Entrance at both houses was made through windows. Keyport Man's Thumb Crushed. Arthur Hall of ' Keyport crushed ijs thumb when it got caught in a liece of machinery at the aeromarine factory at Keyport. Nine stitches were taken in the thumb. MacDonald—Morton. Miss Pauline MacDonald, daughter of former Mayor William E. MacDonald of Bradley Beach, and James Morton, Jr., were married a few days ago at the bride's home. High School Orchestra. The Long Branch high school orchestra is composed of Mansfield Lane, Cosmo Puglignano, Eustace Barkalow, George Dey, John Smith and Edwin McElhenney. Building Permit Reroked. A building permit recently granted to the Veedol company of Bradley Beach to build an automobile service station at Keyport has been revoked by the Keypart council. tfc Of Course STANDARD c Ihe 'Balanced Gasoline Made in New Jersey CHOICE ft r f M GASCLiNc STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) NOTARY PUBUO and COM.M1SBIONBE OK DEIDS. Tailw'a N«ws Stand. IJBroad Strest. : Had Bapk. B. . RIILLY, QUINN A PARSONS, GUARANTEED COUNSELLORS AT LAW. Davidson Buildini. R«« Bam John J. Quinn, _ Theodore D. Parsons. JOHN 3 . APPLEGATE * SON, COUNSELLORS AT LAW. D.r.d.0- B » » ^ J ^ WILSON & SMOCK, COUNSELLOB A ^ 0 « e e s : 10 Bust ProAt'Street. ALSTON BEEKMAN, John Hansen. 42 West Front Street, RED BANK, N. J. NIGHT PHONE 12O9-W. ) COUNSELLOR AT OIBoes. 10 Broad St., B DR. W. M. THOMPSON, DENTAL SURGEON. Id N a H Bank Building, Bed Bank. H. *< Oas sdmini»t*red. . HOUB^I^^ GEORGE D. COOPER, CIVIL ENGINEER, , Baecesior to Qeociie Cscrier, 0 . • . ' Pstterson Building, RED BANK. N. J. GEORGE H. ROBERTS, GRADUATE AUCTIOHEEK. Grade Stock, Farm es, rs a m Sales, Pedlxree N M Monraooth, M. I. sons! Property New l a t S U Telephone GEORGE K. ALLEN, JR., C. E., tat* GEORGE F. RANDOLPH, C. E., OIVIX. ENGINEERS A«ND SXTRVEYOWI. , « t Broad Street. Red Bank. W J Eat Heartily Without Fear. Knickerbocker Pharmacy guaran» tees Mi-O-Na Stomach Tablets t » promptly relieve after dinner distress and indigestion or money back. Charles Lewis. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TIRES SUNDRIES All the same high quality—all the same honest value DEALER IN LUMBER, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Glass and Builders' Hardware. RED BANK. N. J. TIMOTHY R. H0UN1HAN, Contractor and Builder. SPECIALIZING IN JOBBING. SCREENS AND STORM ENCLOSURES. Telephone 881-M. 160 Bridge Avenue, Red Bank, N. J . ESTABLISHED 1M4 TUPHONB 111. * ALEXANDER D. COOPER Real Estate and Insurance 5 8 ^ 4 BROAD STREET RED BANK. N. J. Fire, Life, Accident Tornado and Plate Glaw Insurance •- ' Shower for Asbury Park Girl. A miscellaneous shower was j^'ven a few nights ago to Miss Mildred Mann of Asbury Park. Miss Mann will soon be married to Charles Mink. (Continued on next page.) »••••••••»•••»•••«•••••••» Cement, Sand and Gravel I Sold at Lowest Prices • PRICE OF BLOCKS. Plain blocks Uo Halt 12c Bock face .....21o Half ISc Ends 28c Chimney block &5o Sand, per ton 13.00 Gravel, per ton $4.00 9lda Walk and Curbing done at Lowest Prices. BENNETT BROS., G*u«ral Contractor! and Builder*. 233 Shrewsbury AYO., RED BANK. Telephone 407-J »»•»•»••••••••••»«>«>•«>»•••• of a great host of motorists, m o tor truck drivers and taxicab owners, who use it exclusively day in and day out. Satisfaction in a motpr fuel is no longer a matter of chance. It is an established fact with everyone who buys "Standard'*, the balanced gasoline. M. J. M. F. TETLEY, C0N3ULTIN0 ENGWEEB, CIVIL ENUINEE& and SUIIVEYOE, 86 Ri-ctur Flace.^ Iteil Bunk. N. It TELEPHONE 72-R. Visiting Nui*se on Vacation. Mrs. C. R. Conner, the visiting nurse at Freehold, is having a vacation of two weeks. Mrs. Harry M. Burke is acting as nurse in Mrs. Conner' . They buy it because it gives them the finest all-round service at low cost. •STANDARD LAW. New Jsraar, AtlantU H l h l GEORGE McC. TAYLOR*. C. E., For Tire Service Murch—LetU^ Miss Gertrude Murch and Raymond Letts of Asbury Park were married a few days ago. Stephen Gody and: Miss Lillian Taylor attended the couple. STORCK C O U N D B L & O B A.T Haw York. (0 Broadway, N. V. City. DENTAL SURGEON, , Baccanior to Dr. Frank L««. 14 Broad Street. Eisner Building, Hooms 4. 6 and t. t Office Hours 8 .SO to 6:00 o'clock. Telephone 30Z-W. Our service bur is always ready. Steam Vulcanizing. Brattdn—McLaughlin. Fabric and Cord Miss Kathryn C. Bratton of Elizabeth and Leon W. McLaughlin of Tires in Stock. Bradley Beach were married a few. Of Course WILLIAM E. FOSTER, DR. HAROLD J. STOKES, Continuation School Opened. • The continuation school for working boys and girls of Long Branch opened last week. The teachers are Miss Elizabeth Conklin, Miss Sellina Pierce, Miss N. Iietts, Miss Gertrude Corbett and Andray Porter. days ago by Rev. F. A. DoMaris of Bradley Beach. The couple will live at Bradley Beach. > REPAIRING J. C. fc G. A. DELATUSH. AKCHITEOTS. BOOB 11. Elsnar Bid,.. Bad Bank, M. J, T«L Cons. A £>ry Cellar—Yet a Cool One A warm cellar is a poor tables and other foodstuffs basements of homes heated or the more costly systems. storehouse. T5iat'3 why vegecannot usually be kept in the by the old style pipe furnaces, The Home Ventilator Furnace TU OritW PATENTED PMasa Model Manufactured omfy by t h . HOMER FURNACE CO., Homar, Mick. will radiate enough heat to keep the cellar free from dampness, but will not detract from its natural coolness. Vegetables can be stored with perfect safety. Heat is not wasted with the "Home Ventilator." The scientific principle of design and operation sends all heat units through the combination hot' and cold-air register, * and from there it is evenly distributed throughout the house. Clean, simple and safe. • Doesn't waste space and doesn't necessitate a big installation cost We can equip your residence with a "Home Ventilator" in • few hours, for a little more than you would pay for a good base burner. Aalc us for more information. «. W M t r a C B r i e a , R*4 Baa* Make us your headquarters for every thing for your car, remembering that our aim is to see that you got the most for every dollar you spend. TIRES TUBES Acceiioriet and Repair* EMPIRE GARAGE 21 E*it Front Street RED BANK. N. J. , Tttephonii 200 . ALLEN FROST. Prop. tmi MERCHANTS STEAMBOAT CO. OF NEW JERSEY FALL SCHEDULE TIME TABLE IN EFFECT SEPTEMBER I l t h , 1913 Subject to Clmntrti Without Notico Steamer SEA BIRD or ALBERTINft HetwtMm H»r 21, f"»t » f Kriinkliii Stro«l, Now York (U.mlim; at l»« llntti'i'y tn lake on mid Id uflf I'lUiMinwrit only), uinl Hl|»hlis*Oit| Oceanic und U<>il Hunk, T«l«»h«n« Call 70fi0 W.lkar, New York. 4 2 } R»i B.ak, N. J. lll|kU>«ls T . l t f U n a IZaUFOR RED HANK Dally a»c«i>l Sunslay r. M. L.av« PUr 14, ( s a l aff F».kltn F k l i tlmt 2i4> !.•»»• Battary L*ns)li|t 3il5 A«rlv« Hlgklsia*ls ak*«il , . t . 8iO* Arrlr* OsakitU ab*iit ll Arrive R*4 Haak ak«al . . . . . (i FOR NSW YOIIIC Daily • > » r * Sunalir A. M« L i s n R*4 Berth •••. U » i Oaa.nli U « » HlikUndi Arrlv* H%lHttUnMui Arr,« f » M M U •«»»*• NOTICB-At Salary U R « I I « , all •l*f»>»f ™ n * d iubw»y fur upluwn or»t» OfaaU/H ••»• »2 r '«". * • ' * • ' " Btattn Utand and flrwMfBi «tn b« n«tb«t U» twt »*•• RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 19. i»23. ESgfat INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT Because Business is steadily growing more complex, the advantage of a College Education is greater today • than ever t?efore in. history. BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. courteous atmosphere of The T HE'helpful, Second National Bank of Red Bank is something you will notice the. moment you (Continued from last page.) i'o.-tmastiT atyl Jlrs. K.R.-Thompson. A-:-i.-t:iiit Poslnia-lcr Josrrh Hai.-r a n d M l s s K.ilty of Maf.1wan a t U ' i u i c l t h e p u s t m a ^ t r i V r n ' i v ^ n l i o n ' a ! A t l a n l i c <'it\' last wet'k. enter this institution. Reist—Teilje. Mi>5 Mario:, li.ita nf l-'.-af mill Kn:il II. Ti-iiji- of lloliokcii were matTHMl iu,--t wiH'k. Tht- couplr went I J CIIIUULL on thi'ir wililinn trip. : , Real service to fit YOUR business requirements. * .'>>"•. In addition to a broad cultural"education, "Industrial Management" provides that specific and' practical Police train-ing the man entering business needs most—the abil- • Thi' asking ity to do certain things accurately and Well. niaitiT Want SliorU-r Hours. ISiailKy lU:uh pulii'i'ilK'H arc for an fiiriu-limii; iluy. The will la- Mitnii-ilivil to the volcrs at tlie W>\ I'IHIHT iltvtioli. Other Standard College Degree Courses SCHOOL OFBUSINESS ADMINISTRATION DREXEL I N S T I T U T E On European 1 rip. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas MiShiTry of Lang liranch saili'i! last week nn the Ben-iiKaria fur a visit lo the principal .eitie.- oi' Ktirojn'.Tendiing at Perth Amboy. Miss Kmmii Appli'itaU' of Farmint,'dale -has lua-n eitjjiiKi'il to teach. stenography and typewriting -at the Perth Ambuy hijih srllool. Candy Store Sold. Charles i Xkkles has bought the. fo'nfiHtionery business of Mrs. Peter Apustolacos .in the Broadway theater building at I.onn' Branch. Freehold Property Sold. Thomas O'Connor h a s hoiiuht the Mrs. Valentine Buek resiilf/ire property on McLean street at Freehold for his own occupancy. Philadelphia Write K. G.Matheson, LL.V, Sc.D. President W h e n Y o u W a n t a Plumber in a Consult the Classified Section of the Telephone Directory The Classified Section of the Telephone Directory contains .. the business cards of progressive • concerns in many different lines of trade and profession. These little advertisements are arranged under various trade classifications, and are easily and quickly located. We practice— ' • CONSISTENT COURTESY AUT> SERVICE. Long Branch Couple Married;*' Miss Teresa Do Fiore- and James Todararo of. Long Branch were mar-' rietl Sunday of last week by .Kev. Gerard . Christiano. Fined for Speeding, Henry Ely of Monmouth Beach was fined J12 last week at LOHK Branch for exceeding t h e speed limit in his automobile. Our constant aim is to be helpful to our customers and to the community by rendering a thoroughly modern and progressive banking service. Member Federal Reserve System. THE SECOND NATIONAL. BANK RED BANK, N. J. Total Resources over $6,500,000.00 L BAMBERGER & Co. One of America's Drawn on United States Jury. Joseph C. Johnston, J . R. Bulk and George T. Ford of Allentown have lie.T, drawn for the September United States petit jury. , %' Made $3,000 for Legion Home. The I.onji; Branch American Legion post has collected .about $3,000 for the benefit i^f t h e post's new memorial home. Long Branch Hal 3,428 Pupils. The enrollment of pupils in th;' Lon^' Branch si'hixds. this; year is 3,428, an increase of 187 pupils over last year. Married Twenty Years. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Loudenslager of Asl>ury Park' celebrated the'v twentieth wedding anniversary last week. Observed Gol'den Wedding. . Mr. and Mrs. E. Wood.field of Freehold observed their golden wedilm?, Sunday with a family gathering. Safe in Japan. j . I. K. Cody of Trenton, a brother of Mrs. James F u r y of Asbury Park, is reported safe in Japan. Co«l Office Entered. Thieves broke into William Patten's coal office at Freehold last week but they did not get anything. The next time you need a plumber, painter, carpet cleaner, electrician, taxi or any other business or professional man, consult the Classified Section of the Telephone Directory. Enters Kentucky College. ; • Julius T. Wolff, soil of Rev. Juliu! Wolff of Manalapan, has enterel Centre college in Kentucky. NEW YORK TELEPHONE COMPANY Musicale at Manaiquan, A musicale will be given at the Manasquan Presbyterian church on Friday night of this week. Caught a Bluefiih. George Gaskin of Long Branch caught a bluefish weighing six and a half pounds last week. Building a Bungalow. Stanley Green is building a bungalow on the corner of Golf street and Sherman avenue. New House at Keyport. Lawrence J. Walling of Matawan is building a house at Keyport for his own occupancy. After Every Meal We Have With Us This Evening*— Rachmaninoff—or Levitzki or Godowsky. f !As after-dinner coffee is served your guest, introduce this most distinguished entertainer—the Ampico "Cut Yourself a Piece of Cake" AH the goodness, flavor and Quality that goes i n t o WRIGLEYS at the factory IS KEPT IN IT FOR YOU. The sealed packace does that—You break the seaL WRIGLEVS is pore chicle and other ingredients of the highest quality obtainable. Made under modern sanitary conditions. Played bv Ted Lewia and Hii Band on Columbia Record A-3944 a rouse a a dance-desire like the hunger for homemade chocolate cake. And Jones and Hare sing it raoEt nmxtizingly on Columbia Record A 33S4. At Columbia Dealers 75 cent* Colu THE AMPICO HELP FOR GIRLS WHO WORK This Instrument i9 a reproducing piano unlike any other, it seems to possess the very soul of the ardst who is playing. Close your eyes and you can see the flitting of the performer's fingers across the keys. Mrs. Lodic, Tells How Lydia £. Pinkhatn's Vegetable Compound Helped Her Folks who love musk count The Ampteo their most prized possession. And the price of so much enjoyment is moderate. An upright Ampico at 085.00 up, the grand modd at 1075.00 up. And you may turn In your old piano In exchange. Tyronn, l ' a . - " A friend told my huebund how Lydia K. Cinkhnrn's Vt'(?<>Ublo Compound had IIC1]MM1 his trifc, BU WRIGLEY'S aids a t * * tltc. keeps teeth white and helps digestion. Save Wrlgley's wrappers They are flood for VariuaMe PTCMMS. Perhaps you have day-dreamed of sometime entertaining your clrcte of friends vdth a world-renowned pianist's performance. Rehearsed with yourself the little words of studied carelessness which will introduce him. Has your imagination ever pictured the pleasure of A WHOLE PROGRAM of the best pianists—Levitzki, the Minuet of Mirovitch, as he plays it himself-—Rachmaninoffs elfin touch? A carefree snatch of a dance measure. The ballads older folks adore? Such entertainment is affotided by— my husband buu|;ht mo it bottlo b^caime 1 wig BO run-dotvn, hnd a ncrvoiu wenkncsa. no ntrongth in my Ixtdy ami painn in my loft itiilo no b a d t h n t I c nil Id hardly do my work. li<>f(iro I wan married I lined to work in tint fneUtry, und I hint |Miinn iutit tlm ti:im<! Own m 1 |i:iv« hud tiiiiff I Imvo di>nr nty hmmowork. i would not Im without n Imttlu in tho NOTllT. ()|- Rl.aiSTRY AND M.KCTION, Atlanlli l,,wn.klp, N. J. linn u> now, 11 liiii lUiipiu'd tin' |ininn nil rli;t)t "ml I luivii fnunil out Unit it in a wonderful l»>dy buildur, nn it nnn mndn inn wull »nd ntrimit. It in K"'i(( to l)« tin1 'old ri'llnhlo' with niu hereafter, nnd 1 niu ill wiiyn willing to toll otluT ff vou like, pay on the BAMBERGER DCKERftED PAYMENT PLAN. For further information, fill out the coupon below and mail it today. L. Bamberger & Co.: Kipilly aend me full inforaintion regarding the Ampico and The Baraberger Deferred Payment Plan. Other pianos, 350.00 and up. Prayers, 375.00 and up. Grands, 505.00 and up. Informal Recitals on, the Amptco Daily L\ BAMBERGER WOIIIMI bow It hii!) Iro I|H'U m». Ymi t a n uitn this II'IIIT iM you wluli IU 1 can hon•<Mtly wiy ttint my word* urn tmc>,"™ Mra. M. \*Hnc, U.V.I). No. 4, Ilox 40, Tyrom1, I'o. I ll bd them«rlt i f LydiaK.. I'lnUhm InUhmj||^K«tat)ln(iirnt. Thdv idll n l W U f t t from mjch imliKnnd »llm»ntii »f (uraililng Lydli B, )1nkhttm'» V«K«Ubl« Coin NEWARK unthi 6? CO. for (hi* follow- r.lectlnn, > l " a MxmWr of tl>« HIM i Out* Timn»Mp vcutlvo t'uiiiniltltw ftrr tuch MBllral ll.l.l l«l.' will «l>i> I n tha a«TT>n>l I « I I ilal* In >alil Towntlilp, Nolka ol HatUtratlan. Ami further lakt nntTra that oil Tu< « ht r*aaun uf I t r t i K Illi or nttitne* from Hi* l 111 wllkll ha i-ealilKl It unaljla |.j cant hla h (lanaral l Irnlliit nn Itii' day of Iht Klnftlun at Hit* KOIIIIIK ii Mt** in tha Klaatlun IM^trl<-t in *)tlt-!i hff la r»ifUtar«<l. U t l may mn W ll *l I n l l u l to Ui llun lur in unw\*l Ui<Mm.lrliml C M nlitvalilf tl IIn whluh Im rc< t R l f K ) t of BANK REGISTER I u t i d W«k)l, Inur«4 u iMood-Glaai MatUr at tkl ?«•». •Dice at Bad Bink. N, 1 , aujar tu. A*t of Maria Id, 1111, VOLUME XLVI. 12. PRUARY NEXT TUESDAY. j s t r e n g t h , It. is also said of Mr. l'acli ' t h a t w h e n W o o d i o w Wilson i\a., r e jeloclcd in lllliO a n d a p a r a d e -,va, h-hl RED BANK,- it. J., WEDNESDAY, iSEPTEMBER 19, 1923/ SPEEDY AND SURE RELIEF.; "WEDDINGS. DEMOCRATIC WOMEN. MEET. $1.50 Per Year. PERSONAL. PAGES 9 TO 16; NEWS FROM M1DDLET0WN. Gath Ho Otterion,— Larkin. • ^ ; M dyor Mille i i i i i i l i a r - i n . t : . r, ! M o n d a y Nig Ii tHirtl , JJiiiik, Mr. I'udi's dec-,:v.e.,i Mi-;. Margaret 11. (m.-ixin, .laugh- SIGMUND. EISNER COMPANY CIVIL WAR VETERANS MEET BIG STRIFE FOR DEMOCRATIC ill I!wl ,".i- final u-nri. autmiiiifiilc led t h e priiceision. tor of J a i n i ^ / D . U U r i ^ . u , J1 r . , of Al NEW MONMOUTH. ih I r n l i i y i -t i ; i ifi>*" NOMINATION FOR SENATOR. Hank attend 1'. Jacob (!. Campbell and Ed'.vari A. ! |jruu<i <i street, Keel Hank, was. mar- 1 MAKES RECORD SHIPMENT. .:i';ili'»:i o f t Sunday iifU'fiiuon (if last Red Cross Appeal Brings Rapid Re- night at Mrs. Archi M M I 1 I I T ' : .,M Only 2 4 of Regiment of 1,642 Men Sheriff, Freeholder and I.', XKinith, the present assemblymen, ' ned on Mi-. Frank I!(iconic Biaiidrcth Liirkiji, T h e D e m o n ; ! litsponse from Factories of tlie Com- Hiverside avenue, Now Living Port Monn-ioiith. FireAoembly—Red Bank'i Only Con- are candidates for another te.rm,, week to •("-I i r a v e i . i r t i i er last primary candidates had !*<•*• n i m iw-o It. IJiuiio^if Long ltran.h' son of Colonel Kraneis Larkin of Usmen Demand Apology from K e a m pany in the East, South and West text ii Over the Aiieisrfr—Hot i'l.'iV a l t h e I.'if, ' lira; (,-nital.. to the meeting, but o m e of tin-in. luni ed to be a Republican assembly eai\- J sinir.^. New. York. The . ceremony burg Firengnteri. —One Car Sent from He-fe. f-'igiit in Middletown.Mi-. K e i i i v w a - f,. rinerly .Mi-.- .' didate last year and was promise] j was performed at St. Mary's church IJuick, sure and ampi-- i-e!i,.-f for Two iiiiniiied JXTSOIIH atleiided thi? This your's primary liifht is draw- the Republican nomination th'.s year 'at Scarboro, New York, and the only Han, 1 were unable lo be preseli , (il reunion of the 2'Jth reginu'iit of civtl ing to an i:iid and it is becoming if he would lie a (food boy. He w;vs j attendant WIIH Lawrriice Hedway, a Lh'. immediate material i;"."i- of the LJj;rry and Richard • H. N wma 1 1 , 1 WO or. A. ui.'lay of. w a r fame'at the New Monmouth BapJivelier than ever. Next, Tuesday is a good boy. but he hasn't got the r— J brother-in-law of the groom. The Japanese earthquake vic'.im.;! be 01 the freeholder L'luidi. IL ti ii ii'>s{il;al !') ni:nle ! i ... a certainly if any consul,-raj,le numtist church last Wednesday.: Of tlft limitary day and the contest will then w a r , | ]! .Mu,:<>v. l-'air Haven. addresses. Airs. Kathe inr ( rinv,' i'l is.' promised, ill', Campcouple are living for the present at ber of persons uct .is promptly aiit^-as: original regiment .if I ,(i-l'i men but Shu i,c decided ut the [lulls. There are .\ii^.^ F.velvi McCarty gave a talk in winch she bell and Mr. Sexsmith want th.i Rosclle. They will move, to Ossinelbui'-ntly a3 the. hi^rni;:..i, Eisner, ^•1 a r e now alive a n d nineteen of Herups over county nominations in .Jiai.k urged tin- women to worl- .•very Jninnominations again and they have the ing next January. The bride is a c.Jrnpaiiy of Red liaril-,. L:nl Tliur,1 'ijioll) parties ami tliere 'are contests Mis- Mary IJru WIT of , who these were a t tlie reunion. . \ m o n g ute of the time they could I.C, support of the Republican muchni'. . graduate of the Red Bank high school day J . Lc-ster EMii'.'r, o.-.c of the them wa.s Kdivard (Jriggs of I'olum^ ju u number ut' municipalities, ceil i.\ I ps, , I Nevertheless Mr. Ijruuo is making ;• gand (if Ileechwood school at luis, Kentucky, who is visiting ut N'eW Jenkin- members of the company, was 3 u m - i tween now and primary for the noiiii-1 di Mrs. visit n," h.-r a u Tlii! contest which iis drawing the i |,VK'^iK and he thinks he will wii;., moned to Washington fur a confer-'• natiim ol Mayor Miller l o r senator. , Monmouth. This wart th'e lirst reof- W h i . c - t r • attuiiUou is the scrap for the! 'The only contest at Red Bank is town. The groom is u graduate of i-nee. with national Red Cross ofli- : ' S h e s a u l t l u ' m y | i r ' s adnuni;•tratn.n ,,f union of the. ri'irimunt t h a t he ever Mrs. Albert' Democratic nomination lor state for vthe Democratic nomination for Princeton university and dui'inc; the cials. ' Various other large clothing ' w u s l h t ' best the town ever .bad. She li at attended.late war he served in the aviation senator between Judge ., ..^ . - Ward Kroner — .-i.assessor. The .candidates are George. corps, l i e is.employed a s a commar- manufacturers, were at t:.e meeting. : s ! l l c l tl11-' women present had met a t •-P" we i The secretary of Ihe J'urt Mons ( cial engineer for the American tide- '[hey were told thu'. the Red Cross , M'' - Miller's often enough to ki.ow. Siiriii^ - t r e . l rnouth lire company, a t the .Jirec'tion-: Mr 1-' e.l 01; phone and telegraph company of New wantt'il clothing an.) wanted it a t '.bout the of the mayor and ,. of \s"hit*, of the company, has written a l e t and \ l r s I-'rark * > u " ] ^ 8 ' \ 1 " ter ™M J{('l'U'J)1'c';lns almost' nR .,,t s Hhuwing that Ked Bank is dis- York. j once for the J a p a n e s e . The Red bis wife and she dei'lnred thai il h" slat.- coi.- t e r to' the Keansboi't; company, d e «.i niuui as it mteiests .Uemourals, , criminated against by other taxing of such a character as to show the streel a r e nlL-M.'iii.g is of America manding an a[iology from t h e latter . Cross placed an order with t h e Sig\-eliticn (if I lie ' l).tU^ir.' ior the successful Democratic cundi-! c-ui.dt- ( l u t l . i ( . t a n ,i claiming inequalities in Pryor —Fitzpatnck. true character and worth of Mr. mund Kisner company for company. T h e l'ort Monmouth rireal Trenton. evens,!\ a a s C 8 9 m i n t l i w h k h ^ a k e Ked Bank .late will oppose W dham A. Stevens, Miller. The club accepted an invitaMiss Aunes C. IVyor, daughter of 'qu"a,rtity oFcbthinl' tthe Republican candidate, in thu' much more than its sharu uf jJohn .I'hilip S. Walton, -.r ia urii- ..f the m e n say t h a t while they-were lighting II. i'ryor of Kair M Ki t avc-n; anil ' JJ,. £ i . telegrupheii immediatej tion to attend a county Catherine; of S I U r iv. 'was a riiig-v a fire a t Keansburg last Friday nightelection. Ked Hunk Tru.-l i-omiia :ounty und stutf luxes. ! (I. J. .''iLzpatriek, sun Irs. ,). I.e- jy . u ^ ; i [ ! f.'i-ancisco. wheie hi.- broth- : Democratic women at the Freehold side spectator at tin-)eni]).s, y-l'.irp.i t h e KeansburK firemen turned a Mayor Miller's friends claim that' Republican vote is j Grantee of -Detroit, trim, were ,;,. Victor Eisner, is in charge of the t courthouse on Friday, On Thursday - a l New York slream (if w a t e r on them. T h e Port mot only is Mr. Miller M U< ta n compaiiy's plant a t that place. Goods ! nittht of next week the cluli will hold Monmouth firemen say there was no ,fonipetont und well equipped for tile where thore is a battle royal between James's church -by Rev. John C, 1'av- were rushed "from tin1 company's a card party at Thomas's Inn. - Jlr! and Mr.-. Char is K. Thomas provocation for such ill) a t t a c k . position of senator, but that the ap- Assessor W a r d E. Snydl-r and Les- rell. The bride wore a earmneljfa,,- vvar-'Houai; there to a ship and a fe.v ] , ^~m ' a Iir. a n d Mrs. Mr. .-111(1 Mrs. Howard W. Roberts (jf liroad street and pointment of Mr. Kremer as a judge ter A. Sickles, both of Navesin-k, for ton crepe dress and curried Yoses. DIED IN HIS 74TH YEAR. William M. Tlioinii.-im .f Kast l'ront a n d their d a u g h t e r Elizabeth a n d i a sufficient reward for his politi- th.1 Republican'nomination for aasM The bridesmaid,1 Miss Catherine Har- hours later these products were rid-: Wives toward Japan. Anoth- j _ , 1..., . siret-t a r e att'-'hiln.^ : ie reunion ol Thomas KolK-rtu of New Monniouth tal activities, •IM, l'hey say .that oue^ian H o r . i l r . Snyder was appointed as- j ahan of Matawan, was dressed in tan in^t':i(> I'ilegraph messag.- was sent to At-1 Francii E. Cooper of Catherine tile Suiireme e[)Lineii if :lod degree• .returned Sunday from an automobile should be satisfied with one political sessor a few weeks ago by the town-' Canton crape and carried roses. er l a i ; ^ , lieor^ia, to ship a|[ the under-! Street a Victim of Complication;. job at a time and that -he- ought | ' committee • • which . . . Mrs. - . .I I- . Raymond --,=--- not — Kship a t a meeting Phillips played the thai could p-j.s-dbly be spared j Francis E. Cooper of Catheriii" Masons of the I'nileil States a t the t r i p to Wat-limgton,, and Mount ,Vcrt o be h u n t i n g a n o t h e r political j u b Vvas not a r e g u l a r session of the com- j wedding march, Luke I'ryor, a in thu enmpuny's plant there to Ued j stveet died from a complication o' l'cnnsylvaiiia hotel a t New Y'.rk thisn i ) n . of Le Mrs. Henry Ehrarnjiaii of Lennurwhile he is d r a w i n g down a salary , rnitU'e b u t which. a vvas called f o r the i brother of the bride, was groomsma,-, Bunk. These goods from the South; diseases Monday after being -ii-k :i week. Mi:, Thomas and Dr. Tl:ompco.llicil. ' d o me.t with a painful injury last o t $3,000 a year for a job already special purpose of getting Mr. Snydct;: A' receptiim. was held a t t h e bride'? arrived at Red Iiar.k Moiida..- after- long time. He was born in Middle- son ai'e inenibcr.- uf tin.- i-o. of Shrew.s- week when t h e needle of a sewing Miss Alberta lieinii-u of Bceuivd. A meeting was held a t Long i,,to ollice. T h e appointment w a s : house, and afterward, thu couple left noon in a freight t i c , which pulled ' town township 71! years ago and wa tirundi on Monday night u t which made in the face of a petition for Mr mi a wedding trip. They will live int'i t:,- f '.eight sta:,.,!-, .h"i-,- with i. a contractor and builder." lie ha-iiiury avenue saiie.l.. today on the machine broke off in her linger. T h e steamship Presidel!! Monr • e .'on a needle was extracted by a doctor. both candidates- spoke. Mr. Miller Sickles'which"was signed by :;r,i) W o- at I).'tti>il, whore the groom is u>; rinnt of way over all • other Irallic ' livod in Red Hank about- 55 y e n s , L Mrs. John W e r m r r t of lielt'.ird re1 that while both w.ere striving for m i ,,,. Mr. Sicldos's adhercn'..- say elecM'ieiun. The bride received mai'.j and .with a big p-iwerfu! engine ' lie is survived by a .sister. Miss Cku;. business trip tn Fnglati'l, '.\hei-i.' slie wiil remain until November 1 -t. She t u r n e d liomc last week from the Long the nomination they were friendly the. appointment was maiie ir, a hiu-h.-.d to it. ' . | A. Conperof Ked Hank. The I"u:i7>,ul ; will l>e acconi|ianie'i by Mrs. John enclitic,-! and that he would lieurtily Hiieaky and underhand th s Branch hospital, where .she underHardly had it -'. .ppe'i at the ' was held this afternoon a l half-pa-: (iayle Hamnioiid vi Texa,-., Williams—Snedecor. support Mr, Kremer he were is their trump card argument in the went an operation. • it'ioii bof'-r- • tfi.-i: working two o'clock at the house will) Ucv. Miss Alice Williams, daughter of the nominee.- The Republicans of campaign. I.eon WJIICOU ol .Mad'.i.-"n avenue Mr. Snyder's aH.'ierer.'.s !o;i'li::; into W. Holland Raver, pastor f t speed this |i .it of the county believe that point to the fact that Omar Sickles, Willialn Williams of Lemiardii. and al fev is altendiiiH" llruwn univ,-r.-i:.v al Big Houses a t Champlin Shows. the Methodist, church, in charjro. liuri. S. Siiedeeor of Atlantic High- it ur.d' g a r m e n t s i.aj.eq •Mr. Kifiner would be b much the weak- the father of Lester Sickles, was a-- Nelson l'rovidence. Mhode I-laad. The -hows'given last wc-k at th-3 1 er c:iii()idale of the two and they are sessor for 2K years andI that it would, son of Smith I. Snedecor of Ki-i;.-r nl-jtttt. a t Red bank ii;,. ULiiomo- with the Odd Fellows' servi Mis. F r a n k StrmulVlinw .,1' iliitwn Palace theater by Charles K. Clmmpt J t h e statior., wh.-ri- iv wasmade in Kair N'iew celiietfrv. hoping lor Mr. Kroner's nomination. |l(, wronu} to make the job a herein Hri.oklyi,, were married Sunday at iiil.'S place and Mr. and Mrs.' Stritigfcllow lin and his stock company divw hia [Ku'lLe'i L'I tile- utmost. liy sui.ilov/n iVL.y.r Miller is 4 8 years old ami tary acquisition of thc-Sickles fan..... tile Leonardo Iiaptist church by Rev. «f Ays!iuryy I'ark are mi a two week : , Ulldielices. A A motion molion pic p i c ttil u r e scent(|i,.mes. 111... c a r wa; loaded ar..| m: its way. .Jan; •U.''Sdmi'ifi'iof Atlantic' Hiijhsj'id Red Banker Dead. lor i iiuarter ol a century he h a v To this a r g u m e n t Mr. Sickle.- i . tri, the West. I hey will .stop, at t a k l l | 1 ,,, HealiriglU'by linixel , l.'iorri land.-. Rev. II. IJierce Simiison, pas- Fred liu/.cy hud ci.ari;e of the joii. -Mrs Adelaide Kivon ul" K iieen in the employ of the Hoeblin^ sponds t h a t the people h a d ' p l e n t y i.r Uuti'alo, Ck-vehiml and T o Ck-vehmd a n d T o lledo. edo i "I'apt. ] l ^^ ; l a K |,| O wn o f l t r i j j l ls . l n ] The slr.^'.e ear without, utiy other ca'.v i - om(miy wliust1 service he entered chances to kick ins Father out of of- tiii' o:" tlnj cluin'h, assisted. Mrs. 1!. atlaei;,'i r o it has -;:e right of way place, widow of Frank Kweii, ( t i e Mrs. lO.lith Wolcott .. .Madison A p p l e j a c k . " T h e c o m p a n y s playingfrom I Ralph l h of f New Vork inplicat ;i general clerk at a small salary. He fice d u r i n g those" 28 years il" they Nolan and I i . I'. ,)f diavt'iiuc ba. taken a p'lMliuli with -lhhe t j l i s ^.^,,1^ , l t O n e o n t n , New Yc-rlc. •j.s now a sales aK'ent of tlie company wanted to and the fact that they d i l atl'-ndt-d the couple. The bride wore over 1 all otl'.'T tratii' aoross ihe con- M o n d a y n i ^ l t t . S h e vv'as <S'i y e a r . - , o l . l Applla nee il isl ribuliim; C"l]i(»ratiiin (ii lir.ei: .. U s duatiriut.on is Seattle, a n d h a d b e e n m a k i n g h e r h u n i e w i t n in the New Vork district and. the fact not do so shows t h a t his father must a white Canton crepe dress and carp New York and will travel in \ V w "Indian Trails in Hew Jersey." Washington, where its contents will t h a t he has made silicic sales of mote have done h i s j o b in a satisfactory ried a shower briquet. Th p be put on a boat for .lupan. On tbi. h e r c o u s i n , M i s s I . i i i l i y VvnUitiji' o l ' York state. Rector place. Tlie f u n e r a l sei \ic "(In Thursday afternoon uf this than I half-million dollars shows his manner. F o r several years Omar left on a two weeks' wedding trip and same :,oat will be a '•>:£ lot of goi . Mrs. Fornian H: Sntfih.m and liei h "J will be held tomorrow night a t half- new burn son i,f rh:iia'..\ a r e imnk' week a t three o'clock l'rof. Charles sibility as a business man. He wasSickles had been in poor health and on their return they will live at Atat iihippod from the Kisner plant past seven o'clock with Rev. from Dr. K. C. Ilaxard's hospital at II. I'hilhower ul' Wc.-tlield, Ne.v Jeri'duc;if'.-d at Columbia university. His Lester • did most of the work. 11' lantic II ij'hlan-ils. Mi1. Sneclec.ii- is The c a r from E, Unlisted in charge. sey, will spvak on the above topic l e The buiin! ' Long liranch. course as mayor of lied Hank has elected assessor he. would r.'it begta employed by the United (.'andy com- Omaha t ) Seattle. 1 Hod Hank luis a lar^ • and impressive will be made Friday morning- in Ken•jn'ivtm Mil town the best business ud- t-he jjob a s ti new and untried ollicial. pany of New York. •Air. and Jl r.i. All.i-ri T. D o r e m u s thi' Monmouth-county historical suciplacard on it with the '.vonls, "Ameri- sico cemelerv aL New Vork. it luis ever had, A In Miridletown township every and Theodore Doi-emus of Reckless ely. The talk will be given a t t'h* can Ke I (Jross—Fi'iiik 'Waterhouse, parish house of St. J a m e s ' s Kpiscopa! monthly audit of the finances of thethins? i beine; suliordinatod to this Moyer—Armstrong. |ilace and Mr.' ;LI;I! ^\IXS., <(ii-nr^e C. Seattle, Washingtoi: — Kush—Japantown is made and this gives informa- asst^sorship scrap. The township ofMiss Marguerite Mo?er of Allitn- eie P.elief— Shipped-:IT Sigmund Eis- Red Bank Discriminated Against. Ht>]>p:iiX of West Front street have church a t 1-oni! Branch. tion ol the amount of money spent licials are for Mr. Snyder, hut it i. I wn, I'ennsylvania, and Morris .S. Three hundred a n d eleven acres 'tunii'if home from a motor trip i in iivciy department of the town and. said that many of the party worker-' Armstrong, son of William W. Arm-' ner To., P.:"i Bank, N. . 1 . " In the car showing assessed valuation of Sfir,,New Dancing School. through t h e Southern sMte.-. unable.i the commissioners to duly and organization men are for M stroni*»Bf Maple avenue, Ked liank, are liii.OOj) articles of wcarir.K a p - •10G and a purchase price payment uf Mr. and Mrs. Clvirle- llembling Mrs. Sophia Mason of New York aegul.-il.e expenditures in every dc- Sickles. Both sides are trying to get were married on Sunday, September $221,0011 (jives a V per cent lux ami son Donahl of Shrewsbury a w - will open a dancing school in Red •partment of the town's business. It llic Support of John Bennett, a nur- id, l,y Uev. Lyman C. I'ctit of valiic on the property of the fortun- nue. Mr., and Mr-, l-'ra J^ I!. Craw- Hank in which she will give lessons lias also (jivi-n . the town the biggest -~ seryman at Navesink who ia credited Spenciif Memorial church at Brook- WILL NOT BE CONTROLLED. ate owners, {names supplied on r e -ford of- Hridge a v i u u - and Mr. a n l in toe, ballet, folk and interpretative 1 unit l>ent pavniK program it h a s e v e r w | t i , having: much political influence , lyn. Only the immediate families at- Thomas L. Smith Defies Effort to q u e s t ) . This property, located in an Mrs. !''red Williams u:" I-.on.u I'.ranch dancing for children and adults. had -mil tbiihas been put through He used to "lie overseer of several im- tended tlie wedding. Thu couple will Mrs. Mason is a former pupil ol IsaForce Him from ^lirieridty Race. adjoining - taxing - district is farm spent Sunday at New York. with -.< iniiimium of expense. , portant Iliads in the township but th" reside at Brooklyn. Mr. Armstrong The ladies' auxiliary of t h e In dora Duncan, Edouard Kurylo.and Failing to got h-irr. to withdraw on property assessed on an a c r e a g e Four Democrats are after the two ! township committee a few years ago is connected with the Westinghouse, cliijue persuades wife to basis, which .should be assessed as pendent lire company will hold a rum- • the late Vernon Castle. iiomiii.itums fur freeholder. John M. ! lucked him out of this job and gave electric and manufacturing company institute divorce proceedings. building . ^ lots; , ,; and which should c a n yy mage sale Saturday morning in tl l.orhes ol Kuniiion, by reason of the , the place to Edward E. Snyder, at New York. ant building in Shrewsiiury aveThomas U Sraith. KepublicaTi-can-' "' )o , ut ' ! ' J l-> I1"' <^nl v a l u i - instead Lookl Read! large acquaintance he made during ;wliom they later made assessor'. It nue near tlu1 ShreWsury avenu. 1 duiate fo.- sheriff, proves a worthy j ° \ p P e '", e e n t - ., ,. . , •. XZ ^ p I'" ^ , Jl? * T""!" V"/ ?! f ft^ his pivviouB terms us freeholder, : ),„,< been "learned that Mr. Bennett ' Voters of Middletown Township. and because of his excellent work as has been promised hi.s old job back I desire to ask the voters of Mid1 freeholder, Is generally thought to of the roads if he will dletown township for their co-opera,-..,• I as oversee,!- Snyder and Mr. Bennett tion and support in the coming priJiave I,lie inside track, although the :support said toMr. have given a non-committal , mary election on Tuesday, Septemother three ciinilidates are all said to '"is answer to this proposition. ber "25th. , be fonfnlent of winning. Daniel iides are wondering what he willBoth do. , I am aspiring to the office of asKobbins of Anbury .Park has been sessor on tile eRpublican ticket. Suvtrwisiiii.-r of the Democratic county , Perhaps he will do nothing. Last and eral weeks ago some three hundred ten -has surrobeen ysupported e a r he kicked employ.'d in theyears office and of the the over wholethe tractDemocratic and lifty respective voters petitioned gate il. Freehold for uUjven years, ticket. The Democrat* «rc hopinir', the township committee to appoint nnd this has given him a wide ac- l l i a t he will keep out of the Republi- ; me to act as assessor lo fill the unand manyy ppersonal c l l n primary scrap and support i expired term of my father, tlie late q(lUauitince making an extensive II. Roberts, the Democratic ; H,.. Omar Sickles. On' tho evening •friend'.-,: He l ]h candidate for tlie nomination in n - ' , lcl f '•'""."ty lax Koard had this school building. Mrs. Alice UOOJI fusing to withdraw his candidacy in ' f' brought to their attention, an:l in charge f tiie sale, • • •• they the Everett Uirriscn, win. h a s is While you do your shopping in Red Bunk let us repair your; shoes. Positively the only shoe repairing shop Drumo'f the sreateat numlMir of people with!* 1 ' 5 0 0 -Per a c r L '; ( ' ai ' n a c n ' contains : the company. W. R. Snell an cyo to an economical return out of 1,b e1e_ l o t s ', fr>x\m and^ these lots have mond place sticceeds Mr. Larrison, Omar Khayyam and James N. Bunell of Hudson avc- regaled himself on bread and wina for betterments and i " so «j and.are sellin at troni B the investments canue has reaumed the management of . The tract known ' ? *l.»00 per lot, depending on l extensions; made with his "best seller"—hut he s dead, Id'the cigar department. h d , township, . n t ' x t ' . he will fuinis'.i ull the hofp required.'• u '"l individuals get away m i l l o r W1 k t.'aulii'ld of Middlet ivr. p, tJHement. present freeholders nnd they are run- j I^i'i.i'f'' m/nimo'to \>l ',"K ""•' "' ° f UlC ° m CUe During his .nlminutration, outside , values. for another tern,. They have , t h i s t u l , w e U &om\n<. l h a l h u v . '* '* -v ' ' ' ^ " ' ' who left lifd IJank in June on a trip fiM' l justly qualified to administer the'of Rid Hank, Keyport has been the How would yuli, Mr. Small Home Overland Sedan. the support of the Republican ma-!„,„,.-=_ ... .>.: .i... . '"-'' across the continent in a 1' d rdcar. niony in all things mewns tlie better- :cst of the duties ellicienUy. ally There- unly major biwi'-ir city in the county owner, like to pay your taxes on awere lit Seattle, Washington, last chine. Truvora U. Keed of Allenhurst ment of same. A very nice aeilan, in good condifore I am asking you to go. to the which Ir-i- not been raided by county ' two to live per cent biuiis of value week. They are contemplating going tion, for $ 4 " b c a s h ; a good bargain. ;ilso w-:ints the mtmination. He is u Daniel A. Nnughton. ; instead of the 3U per cent, 51) .per polls on primary day and nominate authorities. . Jiew man in the political game and —Advertisement. Owner is l e a v i n g town. P h o n e tifl-W, Honolulu for the winter. Mr. Smith ciindtioti a successful cent or 75 per cent Imnded out to to Mr. me to run on the Republican ticket •with the machine hacking the other and Mrs. Frank North, who Red Hank, o r t a l l on Charles Wesnon, Thirty per cent have been two candidates it is not thought that to till the last year of my father's real estiitf and insurance business be-' you at present? spending thy .-ummer with Willow street, F a i r Haven, N'. J.—But to Tre«t*n Fair. cause of hi.s pleasing personality and where you lire in right; 51) per cent Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Heed has much of n chance. term. William A. Snyder of Advertisement. On Wednesday, September 26th, successful businei- ntothods. He is a where yoii are only touched up mod- Spring street, have The contest for the Republican Burdge Respectfully yours, started on a the& Ku.ssell will run a bus to lavge property owner and lives in erately and 75 per cent when you atrical tour. Mr, and nomination for sheriff Is attriictine Lester A. SickleN. J2.3O Silk lloia at $1.95. Mrs. M. ('oakone of his own houses, one of the lire in wrong. more attention than either of tlie Trenton Fair, leaving Globe: hotel al —Advertisement. of New have also been Despite the uncertainty in the raw VM\ A. M. and returning leave TrenI know of \\ HlO-ncre farm bought ley spending the York summer other Republican primary ncrups. ins. ton Fair at 11:00 P. tl. Round trip I 1 ' i i i i i f i l l l , > l , ' . * l , ' i ' S i . ' k l ^ i C u r n i i i i U e . ' . t lines'., pluses in Keyport. Ho is a colwith Mr. and ! dilk market, we offer for one week tloge i^iMduute ,tnd a lawyer although recently for $li0,0U0, having a tax Mrs. Snyder. M i n t V. l'uch of Asbury Turk is the $!1.0t). Ciet your tioli«t« in advance of WesUsidt only our women's $2.50 full-fashionrf Mrs. Usibelli " ' he dims tint practic" law in this sUU. 1 aswssnient of $!>,UO0 atininst it Notice to Taxpayers. c a n d i d a t e of the Republicun machine. at ollice of Burdge ft Russell, Globe avenue has returned froin a visit to pure silk liusc at Jl.DG per pair, A. 1 With these line qualifications ami i pur acre for taxes hut JfiOO per acre All M r . I'ucli was formerly a I'lngrcMsiv.. Court and Mechuni* street, Red unpaid tuxes in Shrewsbury Kalz & Co., lU-il Hank. - Advertewtown.diip will be advnrtised and sold splendid equiprn.'n' he ia well fitted - to buy; and I am reliably inform. .1 ,-ln-r d a u g h t e r , Mrs. Joseph Mount of niont. Kepublican b u t he went over to t h eHunk.—Advertisement. worth of lots have been Asbury I'urk. during the mouth of November ill or-to condii't. Mi • otli' •-) of tihtM-iff. It ia jj tthiit $200,000 , KepHblicun muchlnc three y e a r s ago. Mr. and Mrs. William Uicrkinan ld from f hi farm f d thh a t il i*ica of the county ! sold this and der to make a final s e t t l e m e n t with lh,. ohi p l i e r a n f o r the regular Republicun For Rrnl. Phonographs of tin.' nherill to \ leaves a halunce of If'lifi.tlOII worth if (if New Voi'U w e r e r e c e n t g u e s t s of nomination for freeholder two years the We, will •lak, ti lib»ral allowuuce Little .Silver Koniugh. This Includes ami if St ,re nnd Mat, nil iniprovenuntn, does M r s . I l i e c k i n a n ' s c o u s i n , Mrs. Th.-uuis otl'.'nd.-r.i and to collect I lots to be disposed of. How ugo and wu.s decisively bentcn ut the on your phonograph (regardless of any and ull taxes up to and ncluding apprehend 211 West Front street; line Idcatios, -! ' '"•'• vi lonua is prenentcd • your treatment by the assessor a n d • Irvine, Hi o w n o f ISroml s l r . - e l . evi'iience. whi primary. Thomas L. Smith, the jimirie) which r a n h« applied to thi' • next to Cook & OakleyV Inquire of Mius A l m a 1'. T h n m p - o n of C h e s t In t h e s r a n my- Tlu1 grand jury • county hoard compare with tin ? . Edwin Hobb.i, p r e s e n t mayor of Keyport, is th-iprice of one of th« a«w Art Model j Newton UiiremtiB, 10 Kust Vront illreet spelll lasl week witll utnismon of three of 1 a m IIIHO i n f o r m e d t h a t o v e r Mill n u t tither Republican candidate fur theVictiolas. Collector. is picked by street, Rnl llank. -Ailv.itiaement. Come in ami ask to #>.• ', which the * fill w unti of its mini- p r o p e r t y o w n e r s h a v e called Lo p a yh e r c o u s i n , M r s . ,1. <>. T h ' . n i p s o n of ---AdvertHenuMit. nomination for sheriff. Mr, I'ach'tt the new Btyle -100. 'r««tini{'», Moi her. taxcH a n d failrd t o find t h e i r n a m e s C a w v i l l e . friends claiin that the Republican mouth ulrect, Red Hank.-- Advertisi lluiincu Apjirtnxint Miss Sully H o r n s ,,f W h i l e I ' l a i n - , Ill his ciint..-it. >r this* .illlce lie him mi t h e h o o k s nf thin t a x i n g d i s t r i c t . Attractive Eitatft W a n t e d . iniu'liiHe is with him alinim to n man ment. for runt »t '<!1 »n«l ^3 Hr«ud utrcul, 1 is v i s i t i n g Mm. <.uy II. V a i i N e s s ul i develnp-il much -trength and has ti. W n r r u n A u m n c V i s r u n n i n g f o r i\\\d Unit he will win tlie nomination l'hie, to HIK acres nenr Little Silover Wilbur's jewelry titore. S I * eatiily. Mr. Smith is p u t t i n g up a { Spencer C«r»«tie.ra. ver, Krd Hank o r I'nii 11 m e n hmiic been appro file.I • >y people of politi- ii.s.HiiHsor of K a r i t i i n t o w n s h i p f o r t h e S h r e w s b u r y a v e n u e . rooms and hath. Inquire at 10 Ells'. Very iitrong light for the nomination, i T h e Spencer su|ipirrtliig corset in of nine tii fourteen roimin. Mefritt cal |iroiniiieti''e i 'ht> ounty wlio do purpoHc o f c i | i i a l i z i n g v a l u e i , t o p u t S t a n l e y H r o w n v i l l re|)l'esent (hi Kronl- .SIMTI, Hi'il Hunk. Newton Ueil Hunk O d d l'.-ll"» • .It t h e Mhlle l i e him been very successful as mayor ' giinriinted t<i give UDMfort »nd to lit It. Lammin, I linmil street, phoni 1 not w.ifit l m u; : hii character and a s l o p t o nui'li f a v i i i i l i s i u . Adv.Ttia«meiit. m office that mny <leovge <'.. Uwighi is r u n n i n g V..i i-i.iiv.-ntinii t n I.e held at Wildwrniil lioreinua. «f Keyyort a n d he i-. very popular i any, figure. I t s UuI ability will save A MO -J, Red Bank Anvi'ltincment. 1 it t •T for Komi or evil, niMi'Sniir o n thi D e m o c r a t i c t i c k e t in thi m o n l h . hi' then*. Hiri wil'v recently brought on your corset exp^iiH*. Phone Hail i-t been made to re- UcH H u n k for t h e twinr n u r p i i s e . If i M i s . l'l. Ko.-n.-r of W i l l i m a i l l i c . He nyi :m "'I utrit iigainsl him for divorce on llic | Hunk l'.!fill.l, o r <t4\ Kinner huililNew Fall Millinwrf. Stoif of A. & 1'., ni'iir Union fir«1 1 1 1 money'* expended you t h i n k r n u d i t i o i m call f u r acliiin ' C i i u i i e c t i c i i l , i n n i i i k i i i K t i s l a y w i t h hiitii'i'i Sh»»w»l'Oiy avenue, tliiii Hati n i b u i s e b n n Ifc'iouiid of cruelty. Mr, Smith suys j ing, 11:110 to (1:00 I . I I .• Stuart creiitioiH of nilky velve .. i it. ciini|iaign as well in this direction;* be :Uire Hiul vote lit. her -listM-, M r s . Ulc. id L. Kind of thill there in no t r u t h in h e r charuen I menl. duvelyn, felt, veluur iind' nil \\w I I I | In- e n l l d l i e t1 unlay morning IO;IH> oVlock. U d i i n " ^ood politicnl jioid- Ihi 1 p r i m a r y e l e c t i o n . Mnliv v u l e i s I Mechanic s t r e e t . wgabiHl. him and thut it was purely a " "~ newer fabrica most inodcHllv prici'd. I a'-i t h e p f ill'. 1 ' H r » Comof Shrews Auxiliary of liidciwnduiit Mrs. K n r S, Ci ' h d n i w . Kuiling in fail t o rt'nli/.e t h e iiniinrtuui'c of t h e; > liolltic.d move to injtne Ills ciiudi.hicy. Tlln I'.Mirl Shop, H llruail itl'eet, Re.l I t i i M I i f b " w i l l n nip1. IIIM been nn.dt1 print'iiry a n d n e g l e c t t o v o l e , w h e r e j bur.v liven ue un'ivi ! in thi-> cuiuitry nnuy. Ailv»rliiwnn nt. I tlii -. II1OVl i d nlno n»y» Unit oilers have heeii us light a s a f e a t h e r n n d iti w i : m a s H a n k . — A d v c i t i i e m e n t . (loin i wife to itmtitute (mlit iciiiliM anil t h e n idu follow.T.s a r e ' M o i ' d a v .-.tuv of Aevernl iy per m a d e to i oMiimir:..1 him fur all mon- a f e a t h e r b e d . p u r e Tiruiu wool, u (:,>.!• ( t . r t K . H t U k 1.11 U a y t . Ili-ninatk. A reception '•4ft b y the«. 1 Ki.mi a l w a y s o u t in full f o r c e . i CoaU Tor t h e Ilrilk I .11 P a y . . i In ey;, he linn spent In the cntn|xii|(ii if] hair o r eaniel, plu All t h e iifwrnt Myl.'-'i a n d »hmU«, f o r M r s . I li.-dv-.iMi w i ll b eh e l d a t t h e j C o l l s e q u e l l l l y I link y o u , M r . Vut All tthe h e ninvi'Ht tyles n n d "IIIIIIPH, effort they luivi,iv- I ninvrit sstyles nnd "limit" p e r . o n i , in wlir'n effort lie will withdraw and thai lie h u s ^ l n j | n ' l o r s ^ t tlhi ee yv i lill.' l . h e r e «r;d a t a <av-I 1 1 Mr. m i t h . '»» well - i u g T I I \ i ' n y e r , t o nee lluil y o u r w , l e i n . , ' t i n g ..f t h e w o m e n , t e m p e n i n c i j with o r wkthoiit f u r Irli.iniing; r r i r . . l -.trfut, w i t h o r w i t h o u t f u r t l i m t n i u j r ; pi i r e d ' lii'en »ui;. e< (I"ul, M r . S Bn been lu'oniisi'il II good political jolt if ; inK- I''h"e' 'r . ' i i i l S h o p , 5 ,,w Hfternoon a t Sir,. I from ^ ' . 1 . t o » I 3 U . I hi- It.,".- Hhon. i s t o r y uf t h e hel|is t o choii 1 '! 1 y o u r ennilidiil e lioni i , n l , , , n i , , , link. Adviituemen1, friiin %lb t(i $KI!>. T l u ' Kimi' ,Sho|t,! u» t l u x " who kn-n* t h u hhi he will do KII. He sayn he tins rejeii i l l " 1 ' •i . . " * 'w . T ~, Dr .o , l, ? •, i ' > l i p o - « l t ' ' M o i t t i i o u t h » U e P t , R e d l t n n k , : ' • u s e , hu» t a k e n .. v n r y ,.|luirituble nt- nil hiniie IIIH! let iithelH bent y o n :., W a v m o i i Wiliun'st on Miiplc nveiiue. ' iipim.iiW M m i m o i i t h n U e e t , l l r d Halt*. ed ll,,. H . olVers nnd will ,.tay In the | | o w ., Advi'rtinfmrnt, of*lludso'l • In H e w of !it>r !lt«r pp rr e i c t i t eondi ; it t;el m i t juid vote f u r the miin you \ ir^ i.'«pt>('t him nnd lire (•(ili'iidrr b.'nt lilted t o d o Ihe work of n v e i i u e il|>elll t h e WiI,-eli,I w i t h Mr Mat for Kuril. Mt« Itolliind Dry of Haul ; nivpuri'il to I'efjte t h e t'KiiUium | nei'vinc y o u , for ' o rth t h e o n . ' wh'Uii y o u and Sti'iim heat nnd nil impi'ovemc«t»i rau>li> liy In1 r. jtViinfc will .'a'lve y o u . i n i t c i i d ,..1' th.-Oriingc. V ;1 hi Mri. iliirbiiru HIHHCII mi(l her "•ninl I'coi : four rnumx nnd bntli, Mr. Smiih h.i . <t»t.'.l 111' duel mil favorll.'B, f o r t h e nil.' y o u t b i n k will niiteil .Some ol t h e v e r y HtionneU. I Shop, I. llroad ittrent, Hi'd liitrk.— lni|utie ill 10 Kiml Front ntrret, Kod , .llplMl' I " hi' ''<iiit.fcilied by nny mini, Iry lu i m p r o v e llic c o n d i t i o i i i of dinjKlitcr KloriMirM »|ii>nt lii»t n n d in nil p r o m i n e n t R e p u b l i c " ! ! " i i i i . . . . ' ,; ,, Hunk, Newton lloii^nun,--Advvrtlau- eomlilniitioii of mi'n, u r iUi|W nr yotlti'i'lf mill y o u r fellow», w h o will with.-frlefuls Hi N«w "iwrk und t h e c o u n t y ,,r,. of (1,1K o p i n i o n u.,-1 ] A ( l v i ' r l 1 " " 1 1 1 " l - _ . , . _ uvun tii»UKli tl«>y Httiimiit t r y t o ninlvt1 Itcil llniik a Imlti'i 1 ]Anw iKtnten Ulniul, ttlBtlt, ilo n u t h r a i t i i t c lii^miy «», J , , | m I c , , . t , f or , | , . Brl.U Full O»y», to rtliruilt III" !u>tn«f, for y o u i m d y o u r fliihlrcit t o live In, •loci, o t Lontf liiHiich wimihi- K.'|iuli. ! All tin' newfut ilylen « n d nlmrt**. Victor Dattc* H l l i , lli> U iitti'i ii"d with tht> followir-K I n no l i n i n g you will licit nvrw J oil I lie.ui ••iinilhliitf for aht-rlir alx y o u r s vvltli m w i t h o u t f u r tilinniliiKi prlceil C.iiuu 1:1 ami ll-Hfti tn mniK nf t h e n u n i A l ' u u r u ' a t | . i n < : MM»HU», •t<|f iiml y o u r t o w n . «l«. mill he wit* lifuti.ii b y t h e v o t e ; ft-oiti o ||Mf,, ho R ' « « Sliip, Slion, >ti<w fox I m t i Innlaht, •" Tuntlnu'i, ,,,,,, $^r, $ r t(„ ||M, T flio K»«« (ndi'iiniidiTt O r d e r of Odd FidYuum trtllyi •which Mr. I'nch ri'i'tiivnlun the I'm. ••" Ani'i - ll'"."'it'. Hi- I I . . ! How ( , « n W . D o 117 |, Ailvi«i'llm>ini'iit. i tlfu tlfuile Mi."i""'v of , u . h charming »tyl.'», i;ci ',uu,,,rb;'eU;:;iifheun,J ;;;;^';^'';'; j;; ™-'-^ . t toft. ^ |,,i,,aiir Miiiiiniiiilir«lrm, lUii H»nk. MmimuiiLh utrmst, Ki>it Hank,—AdKie cniMliiliito, Wr. Mr. Mock Hock wil will • A AilvrrUiii<ini>nl. v«rtl««mtnt. l U l !>c mi indcpenileiil llppublicmi ciindl «lnti« tin niipriff ttlln y#»t, in unliT I" Sau»—Skua—S«MU(*, Mr.. M r . uHUriTi B*h..| B*h..| S , bring »bfmt Hi, ilof«.»t of Mr. 1'neh, fumaui. round M, at . rou Wnrld'i O ld' f d fr»«h wilt, eptn WvdaMklay. Oeioh«r liutl»< M>» It Mr. Hmlth Him the rtntly, n t ' Mirfitt, Mfit nd tb hw»i8() X, K, for tbi ))»»»». 11»H H whMl numiiitUuii hi> will wlthilr»» from t(i» ot pun p«rk mm. 8» Cut Kwot 8» C K iimt, H Had d r w t ,jn.J «t|| KIVJ* Mr. Imi^h.*!! kl« Auk, » l » n t 4 } W A vtlmit *'. IDWN, Tull t'"ilitii »nii a vhnrt'r Mliiciln Htore, Hunk.—A 4 v»jrt4»rin»Mt. mmtur nf !.h« KlwinU club momlur l of Hoy y A d v c r t l l . until »Uo ni af th» lUrl- (fild f..r lir ilwifj^t'.ju II I i iwiiM W« H»*» I Un T«rml«»l Tb» Bhrowiburyi Acatlnmy H fte ap«m«l th« full U>rm. • Lucullan, 40 I»(M fit tV TMWal U llHllk.l • ~' L plat*, Rid U«nk. 11. MAfv«rtlMn i Rl».r H«nW Pr,.i>«rlT W a n l . d . '\'"i\ ti> (rttlft't'ii KIOIIIH witll moilIII ini|iH>v<'«Mint«; w'tli MtlrarUvij REI> BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER l p , ^ & 3 . Page Ten In which he reaidei ifl. unable U> wist hit ballot on t h e day of th« General KUclnm at Ui'tiee of the- time and place of holding the polling place in t h e Election i)i-tri.-l in may niiiki> «pi>Itcu* Primary EJ**ciiuir and Vf which h e is tvgiatared, tinn for a n official ballot to tin- M(jiiiiiip:\! e l e c t e d . d.m! a m i E l e c t i o n in t h «Clerk in a n y Municipality in "dr« or to t h e County llcnrd <•(• H w i i o r Harvey 'f } Kv t " " " ' " the C utity f Mr T » r > k 1 «l C ra3 1 I > t c » r ] C f i r i a t n w JJ 1 I « n H til a v. n p r P«-tb * I Uf M l S w t i L t in f i " ii A I e f M 7 I ft A M t hi- i f » b« f rwur i t I u*1! •> i s u I e M I O t D WVIIil a n It r u Im I f a r Ii \ A L t « t en D »t Kt NOIICL O F L H I E \ L M O / L O I S [ / 1 H a t t i M%%%%%^%WVMM.%< 'NOTICE OF REGISTRY AJ^D ELECTION, 1 J AUTUMN OUTING $2.8O ^—'-T r »^-fy'' -""-I IO MAUCH CHUNK K 4, v._ o j * It Bk i A M K e i u n >, M, 0 1 M *•« I L i 1. l u I c u r * 1 Iiu NO] Cj < I S,( r 1 I M I M UI A(fO NT I r f | 1 *, U* i »* i, i.- UA , ^(.,C r " m - H T T E « t. a' , •in I , T r e r « n I* i - * 1" ( i t^ i ' -v! \ t.l.r i i n f i. n L - T , M mar' n . r ' i . i r v. i 1 , >, , „ .• !,< »i t ™m«*iTip iK*-,r, ' - i , ]«t , *r t h f r 2 ^* h,, , m . i tinI . tl-' *nftlrn ' -hi ~ - m , F i iinrni. u i i . i i u I-"" * K V(.;t silvertown Coi is make your u r look b e u e r a!, a last longer. T L y • give you tfje gn.test return on yo-r • tire investment. • at the 1924 Spring Election* without |' the aniioyance of an affidavit— ^CORD TIRES UNLESS you register or vote &e$t in the {png l&n at the Primaries this Dealers Listtd September 25th. Below SilvertDwn :r o R.I , II Li, i I ~n I r, ,- W t 11, 1! • . » 5 N '\n t l ' If • , • i BUS TO TRENTON FAIR! ill Mll>ljl.l IOWN Kl.l OUML 1> i.UUl ,,11 l.*i.l ! ! . , , , . , . , i i p . i l , , i i , t , i '- K . , \ , i , , l i i ' , MAZ/JPs HAI LlJL-'.AN)N(i > . i i , . i . , , , u i i , iit.-.i-i «i-.-i.7-ii. 1'ARI.OK, , 1 , - n . i . i n ROUND TRIFV S3.OO E»L BUNCAUIW 1OK • M lUIiALi' i.f ilulid i.i»u;iJ«. H n l Uanli KPJ H J K M 1 U R 1 - . I O K SA1.U. r ui.'iiil.. N. .1 I ItiJ _ I i)'A,«.j'!,li',-,:l FIIUIL. ^OV-n i,",-i.i,.,,ui.i,, li,< . , t i , ; l i . s t m . - t . uil l(i,lfiiifii, K i d i ; . . n i , . M l , •- - ^ Itrll'l..,,, .lli-u.1 l l . r t A|,|ll) W. K i.i r i / X N S UUILOINC AND LOAN <jl mill; i-MlltNational SSELL .'uljUiUl.i i-.ii ,i, .,.[«.iimr H I I I,.,!', j 2 tit 4o I , ' I M is™ 1-UKNlTUIU. 10H SlAlj:. I'll,1.,111.i- I,.,-,,,,.I.- I',-r .,11 MIIIIII1. . III,,IMIW "'',.-,,.. r , p' . V i . ' i i . i i i i . fiii' j I - . , , , i . ' ! i l . n T O i l l l">. I J - T . \ i - - : I'VIII l , , , i , l - . ; i , : i - ' , Hi,!. , ' ; • .'; I , I. 11. • 1 Ati.1 S.N'UIU VJ]\\ rl-.D : . , , ! . , , 1 , !•: l t i . L K 'l)l.f l.ii-m. ; , , , I I ; , . > > , : t i ,-,.l. I..-,! K1AND U I U I T -i.Ak l i t i i / It.'.i w«»il I I . , I I i . i n k i,-ill f ' i 'ii |!;iin. r,;-.n k . | ( '' " i 1 . m i lJ ; - < i . v t l I'.,,: l!..n!'. l l " ' • " " ' " r.' . ? . . . o LOST. 1IOU.SI- lniiuii I-OK RfcN'l 1:^1,K. FOR.SAI-K. U: IV,I Hun* P HOOJM iUH tAH:.. i n l '.•<>I,-.,IIII'II,-,',. ,-iiiiii'ii»- iiij iTIi.'ii,' •••.<•.' vv, K.,i i i S U D A N I'UH b A L E . -.I'OKD All ! . " i , ' ! , , . , • ' i o n Kf.Ni'. * ; , i1 , ' • , • ! , UOt.;.'* I OH SAI.F. S I O R E !»., .-,111;-IV, lit..) mi.iiit-: ll.-.i-i I OK S A I . E i u l , l ^ i . v u n , BI.IM - I ' l ^ l n m i l v l Alli.nli. i ! i i i i i . . n , ; » 3r, I . l i i , . K, J b.,,,,-, I'l,..!. h;i7 C i - U i . ^ l ,iv.:r.i;,'. A.-I.iuy I'.-n'k. Tl J >'UHN1SHED ROOM. „ , ,. , .TWENTY-FIVE. A C K V ' K A K M FOK SALE Hiv.i-i.1. Hi-,! Hi.ilk. , N[, ,iuii,., , , , ,,,,,M,y ;.,„! , , , „ •S BIC'YCLK I'OR S A L E . U n n -. IT, II:, K.-.l Hni.i- :m,l l i v r i . l t i i , j i i . i . m i i i i u i , . J'l.11.' Jtiil linn:. i:>:;'.. ):, M i;_|... 1 . . , , ; . ,,!., •... n . • '}'.: M n p l t ii.-i-nlii'. R , il >:.inl ' C L A S S J A K S l O i i S/il-I COOK STOVE I OR' SALE. lli.:.:,,iii. :..ii , n u m b , 1 ,,l 1 •,>.,• 1, ( in. a i . In I,, ..'I'll ,,,-ri ut ul l'\ F J-, illUul,. I r . i.-,,-, . ,iii:.i.:, f.11 .,,,1,1,1,,,- f JU M,cl».iiiv ,'.!,,ci Rill Iliinl-,.V : ; ' ii,',,.iil ',!,-.i-i. Jt.-il niuik. LtM I O K SALK AT K t b BANK :111K uuil J i . v , r i i l i i u i . .22 U'nal, iuul mi,,, lu« :<•>.. llfll llullV.' )'],,,l.l- C.M-.T. ;,();. I hm liOAKOJiKS W A N I L D , •'." il«> J*i H i , / , . ' . |ili..iu- K - l Until CHICHESTER S PILLS ~ ~ TV 6 ™ « U ° . " A " . .. c'i"i'i.i-n'i!s?r>.ii i" in. INI» j ' l i . L - . ; , a.. <.» Mi.rf.,,1 H.M-... K.1.I Hani. -,„„ ,...„ , ™ ' < : ^ 1 ^ i , ! a l , in MOUSE I OK K E N T ! ~ COIIIIHI.T,. 1 vtuti.i .11..; t i n ' . Ainily I'nul linn'., in ii.-.1.,:i..- I n - U i i i i :• ,Ud null 10;l)0. iilajTll, i t . , I , 11,-i.iiiir. M. .1 " ' I OK KKN'I '.AKhliAU SilUKUVlKLN. Ill, " SOLD »V D«t ; liU:STi EVLKJ *HL Ht Globt Couri and.Mechanic Street Red Bank n i i . ' : l ; ; , t \ ' , , Li, - i i n u l ijvr. li?i.*.--t'",Vi;ir,".r,yf(',"l::i/A\ BURDGE & ' * u ] l.l.'il-: iOBEKT COO; KE I>IABOMI H u m - I-.I,I.<I w l . i t i - .-i-oli . . . . . l l i P K j u h i L ! , , n : . ill t , , , t i i . A i i u l y ,,L U\ 11,11.:. ill-ll lll.llll, W J , l l . • liiiiil..' !.HVi!t. Hunk. I'OSIIIONS WANIKt>. •l'niflu S V u l i ' . Hull' , (il.l.ll l , | . J - , » l , , l K.l.l'l! I , I . " I [jM 1.1.. I., K . Il U i . l i i j ! M . U« I:, U.MS .... tioW 1 ,-,..,. t \ V ^ ' Gst Your Tickets in Advance at office of *"'" I'OKD SEDAN I OH SJtIJt. M,, ] \'.>'X.. i - t i o r j , J : M l ; ^',,i,d i i i a , : l « in; l.y 1 I | . I M , I » 1 i,u-IH., ( •„„ I,,- . , ihui.'-il,-;.,' ..-,,i '.'.', U - i l D I I I I I . . • . '"' , 'KNOIJ.WOOO. .1. 71' ftkonmouth RED EANK, N. J. •• TELEPHONE 1344 R GAfiAGf FOR KKNT. /ll. 1.1 Byrni-1, iil.a-i'. It. ,1 ll.ulii, . W 1'. HI.,,. 1,1,,111, .i/r.-.l. ll»il Hunk ' KtGlblfcKfcO I'H/iKMACIST WANTED'. BUCK J. C. REXDEICKSO.N'-« S.OP Miidieiowi. *1* MAN'S OVEKCOAT IOH ^ lh liki- IO« SALE. vl'.viiL J u . " ~~ ' (,„,, . u . w ' ^ T l t l f i ] , ^ ith^'^Kili.mi .-»- illillk.. Two iuiiuf liililiit ii.uuil. Hi. lUiil. Ni-w MviiiiiiHiUi. N. J . t r t j U l i KOH KKNT. & A . KrU> 1|"IVI."MII, w'-.|,u'i)",N'"'!/." '""'" " ' " '•' i '" , ' .C H I C K I L N S WANItB ,. ' r u n j , i- i- l i t of i'lnull u r lal'ifi' cliii-1,1 it, 1., F U \- , If • I n l ' " " " " ' " " " '"""'' " M ' "•''"' * '""'• i o n SAU-: ReKabiKty—At Your Price Autompbile Electricians l-XIKiy I J V K AX.RE 1 A K M i-OB S A I J ; " ' r > 1 1 ' m " " 1 ' " " . " * L ' I Duiili ; |tuo4 f i r ' " ' i x"""'" i»"l'l'lS"k J-URMSHLD ROOM. JOS.1 SESTA TIP.:: CC Eed ! Tola- - ' " " '" " " l l ' ? ' " ' " ' ;,» W , r l I f l A I O E S I-OK S A L E , A n i i.-*i*'y t u fcUMilj yi,u willi w i l i e r 1,1.- WCMAN WAN'IKl) !,.,:>. r.ill ui> ;,.. - I I I I - I H I u-il-l:iiul, - l'?C~ M0KOA>"e SEEVIOI .-T.'iTICi:. , Beii t a n k ' . ; caw run SAiJi. il IV , 5( , • t, M .al W. HH.' J rcuii.»>r llu.U, 'in l'i WOMAN WA, I.AM(;t 1 OK; iiA |.i'ii-.. ISBC. E. WELLS M£)NEV TO IJJAN. Moiuy to lonh im liunil and niuflgjifci, Ali•»l» l4i"A. I.. Ivum, UegliiU'r boiXlliiB, B M I bUNiiAl.oW fOK WliNT. I'l.. 11. Jim., in i H W. Slrpli. II I-'. iuo'ltii •, '.'On Wednesday, S^ept. 2<1 Burdge & . ' Riisseir will run a bus to Trenton Fair, ; • (: .:• leaving Globe Hotel at-9:30 A.M., and . returning, leave Trenton Fair at 9 P. M. • ,. * l | ' v | ; )W0 HOUSES 1O« SALE. *.rti,i,,w,', :r/ Kiwi _|jji,fi-, Ju-.i Uunii MOIOHBOAT H)K SALE. " This 4-Burntr (ias iSiove with laj-gfe oven and Star Bakeja Spetiii f We ifMiVt WWlar«3 Bat[' teiies. at a wide range of i prices and evtry single ! out of theni tli£ kind you can count on» i .ii , 71 11 Hi.. ,c a K"i,il <lti\ii,t Ii.a-Ff, u n c II e«i,4 w.'ij linn-.-. J.ii..:i,i,,ivi-. Nnv.-sink. I'lHAMUUl Al'OB 1 OB SAI.t. 'What you want oul of u batU:ry ic contimuou£ c!;iy-iii and dtiy-ou^ servKt. You can get Ujftt j kind of s,e»vict" only troni I <i tveli-built battery. HAMILTON Republican 1 1.IHJ WANJi-Jj r ' ' " ' «i >•• u « F ;jj' 14 West Front Street ;^ Opp. Broad St 5 Red Baak, R J. " „„„,„, O K i 11 1 I i i i , j ) k l > r i M i . m i l M 1 9 i i i m H1.1 a « i m i Mil lilin H l l . , ' . UJ., ,11 .111 . l U l i l l l l u I'OIAIIJLS [ U K l l 1 1 . 1 p t i n .|/l Hi. Wluii muuii ' | ~ " ' " !, 1 •"' {Samuel SwartzJ v 1>- • <i 1 I 1- »l Ni W \ m k mil juilt,i , WO .. I H.(.'j,ul, Ml > ll,l,j f f 4 ,,„..„ 1 IJIAITb I OH .SAUL. l..i M in.,.' -lri-,-1, i t . d IJ.uili. Regular I IIU I I T II, A J ? A • Silvertovr.s .AHM IIAM>b ail'flltoi ' ' " .V ' .v - .' W il w j i1l 1,11 . y I, M ,I 1' . 'I. .*)> L' i. ^ ii" 1" 11 Ji l i i / u j A l l j l l t K l ) l « l i l 111,1 , J Ullili K : i i - , J Goodrich ,i • ivr, i I a I YOU CANNOT VOTE L1 * UO TART tOH 5*1 t in.. I . I ilit i 111 in i nl 1.1.,l,iii i, ,11 . l l Ml ».l , 1 , / in I il fl, I (I.i I I UMbU OAK I l i l l f c l I UK &AH. in i . J n i i t i in . j i miJI jtfrhM M 1 t1 i at VVIiiuli.ll V i m i h t IJUIILL- m i , in l l u Itiiiu u i . , f u i i u i l l In l ) t u Jnimr ni jilai i \iii,iii(f tIi• I U i . l i V . l l l V l n U l . l l , 111)) . i n i l U l i 5 ii'" 1*1 ", , " ' J ',"* ii' AND SWITCHBACK Thursday, Oct 4, 1923 , EM 01- AH.OLM j| J Dance * | Atlantic Highlands I UJtMbHKQ ROOM FOB Hh| A . u i i p r i lirfiiLt met. U V H I lust Hat ' - " ' " i > - " » ' " * " " ' t " K l l t M " tilm uirhl l i y l l r u n d M m Jul.n ' . , , BOOKCASE K)K M L B Uaiil! 1'I.UIK' , _ j . 1.. t S t - n t L l i A C H * iUlv, . " ' ' - AUIOMOHII.K I-OH »ALIt. W i l l Kiout i l n r t . Heil Uank'fJ»U<iu. ,Si->i:i,-i,,.-,,,,,.i;, 1 Wmlun. I-IX i-ylin.l.'r «( New Jersey •"* * ' '11 nwctiHi.iiiifff i IJM ! I , , I - ,11,11, M n;.' A I,,,Hi... rOK II- M u p l i DKAU 1'. IjOI.Kort'. WuyoiJi. N, J. mill vult*i,itlii^ KENT. :..II.UI. r-lmiif 11,,- , 1 . , f,., j , ! , „ • ; , • " .-li.-u.ii Ai-Dly ,ii' li.i, Iwi.l'.: . . . I1..HIJ t ' u r i.|,[. I),-i,ii,-,,u. 1,.,. u » , I » i " t - >• •' lltlMtWOKKliKS - -• • u f ,JI,J<! Ami)-. H i , ! linn!.. ANIMALS. , jii, I ~ — .>:' i,. I... . . . i n . ill .-i. <;,-,,,.l,,-l '..,..,I,1 uliiutu , . , 1 ^ l,.u,il | -iiiliiui.l, -.,11 1.1 Mr .1. Mm 1,11.. l!.d Hunk N .1. ll. Klll-r-lt W A M E D . :-;-ll-M KOOM H O O M AN*> UOAKU UOAKU WANIED |'l. ' l . | l > ..f I*-,, ll.^ff.- I . , l,flld i.tlh l l l i i . u ,1 milli ill. lOjin i W H t t l . Sk-KVICK. . Mlil,',, ,^-iUl] i.. Call Ho<l fliilil. Wltr «1IC«IK rvbuilt. ^^liii JIUIIBCH. -41 ,— -, ,t> I »'c«l JVunt « » « ! , H«<1 U«nk. I'liuu. 72.B ' ' " . „., , , * " " ' " u'l I.i i,- • «(' W i I •• • • WOMAN WAN1ED. 1, 1,1 li.-il I l i . '. ^./T^l^'^iu,,,, Im i i r . nliil M1I11-: II.IIIIH. C_ii l,iijii»li K .N A , " . ' Caklonuu PRUNES ' ...• II,...'•,. ii i You will learn from the reports of Single-Six owners that you can expect 16 to 21) miles to a gallon of gasoline and 204XX) miles to a set oJ tires. H. L ZOBEL PACKARD SING 1,11.1 i » l WANTED. ; l"uM l i , l H u n k li,J . ! i,,,,i 1 I illli A. M . IrilUj, i-,,IIlIH-t.'TH. Wt^.'i'll 0:^(1 Parker & Sever's Taxi Service DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE Drivers *od Firat CU.i C»r« HUY KLAL l I;,,, 1.1 KiKillu.igd. lU-il U«nt It'K Kiln- tu lirinii in 11 hit: ri'inrn. Whit.' UIUBIMVH, »II llruuil >lrcil. Huil Hunk. SEVENTY ACBK I AKM FOR SALE. All' irtmkffl with iKirmi^. cuivi,. liulfH, imul11 y .mil furm l o n U ; Imrualn. MN tin* uvim-i * u n u . l>i null f^niihiKV>. M. llnli-y A Sun. n imii-ii. i;«,<i B u n t . H O U S E W A N l f c l ) J O IUiN;i. )li.u«.- wilh l ) i . ,,r ,,l« riMinih. U«d aluitt i.r S-Uiitlly, i,,nt *atl ,„• *4ll 1,1 u l l m i*ullhbi<- fin humll t>i,uUi i fium. Ad.lrwiiH (Unitiiiiilii. ,],4>...r M. l t , , l Him1 Cleanser HCKJSK VOH SAL£ ) On KI,I,-WI,1,UI> i|vt,i. Inn ruumii, Iwtl,, I i l . r t i i u l l y . wuliT. I'lol 1'Zfi t«rt nil rUiul, ri-.'t il.-ot. I'rlM U,S»II. W. A. » « , I M M U W W M c'JMI. ~ A,.,I rarniur, l U l x n fmx*' m>m,i»l 1-hui-rli.tii-i. UAIIIH n PIHIM< mm liotur Mr ^auill^ . On man, itiiuil mail. Can br ruaciiiil 1 Wt.ait uvtmu«, JUMI Bask. FCMUKNr ftdm Oiivr S - p UII You williind that they have learned there is so high a re-sale value, such small repair bills and so little depreciation, that gpod business judgment necessarily dictates the Siugk-Six as the one choice. M t, N. J. II IKII A«l) JOBULK. ; WE WANT TO SHOW YOU ul ., ,-... ',i,i,i,!.' i.iii-.. J|,i-l Klii.lliMHH', H.-,l HaliK'r- tl,'w,'. • ul,liri,nn illJ..-.1.1- I- La 1 ,,,. lioil U u u k . ,,.l,,,ii,i,.|,t . B !i i u n i t . , i 11111 n l » . i,ri.-> H riirlil, IIU1 1 b t . U A K I OH I5AI.K. U r m . ri«lil W I n l , Il,,,tlii,th, UO litoml u< rvt,,. V - i ; , r l . !-:i-ii-!,i .1:1 Ijii-l ( t l l t ' . " 1 - Ki,d Iliiiil, I , . . : »i..l l),.i.r. <.i,r.l.-.n.|,-,,,1,,,,. , ' 'UL^JNIiS-S AI'AlllMK^T O. J HILL, Willn. in,, mill Lull, . ll.iiuu til I'< K I I K I I ' l . i l l -.l. H « l II.'..,I ' Ni * 1 I lit,• rURNHUrli; I OH SAI.C. ri'id , , J . dlniiii' i,,i.m fiiii-.iliiii . 1 y , L,,.. ,M<\ tlihl.', in , " ,«l ''..n.lll.u 1,' V, : •;,-iil.iii.l, .'117 Sj.,1 .111' , H \ f ! . I'L ii.'ii i.^i-i.. fotturu> Like most men and women whe have lound tht- Packard their logical choide you, too, will serve your own best interest ii you study careiully the SingleSix in relation tc economical buying.' f uf i i ' l t t r a ™ , . Allaiilir .1 1" (;„„',,. ^ l u l Miul'li«w.-, Mitktun svnuuu, liatf li«n»«, Uro ip ; rn»r I I iU iU# u ; ; IminvdWtr im«Mi»Klun. W. A. llriHtd •«>"•'• » • " ' Ilvrft. ~'*O*JNC « » * « • « ? * » • « » . mlMi tit worh In »tair* sad h I'H lit! 11 100. Atllllr «t Orua MIOM,, Uwrl Rank. io/So" w/*rtr«»V iivl lady ilaiitri* U>ar« ««lll. ; «i»l - . . ...Muflinuutli > l l » ' -. Hull II1111V, Vm fttrtlpr Mill ll»it llauk 011.W. stKtr.fkm w*«r«n. Keeps cars lookbctitrG&t mtikumrM Mlil.ll« a w i l , fur KkUnwr urn* Urn nhll, dren, aw«iF all d a y . Numa«Mi UMkfclHtf l a r , a f(Mfi! huHM1 aDft Niellrirat^ » * ! ( • • . Asvfv 1 M»lwnl.K|i»r, " . - . - • • - • ™~" MJM1I TO MAMt W O 1 _ _ l« »uni t« IwKiiia* Ml attract!** le.KIti " ' * ' well Uliaer «• Bi-i,«i< p t r w l , llnl VUMlilMlBO MWM8 Mm M N T Wlxlll !<n lro<lMilt'«t>llV: i r n W l l taMlF'l rtaounalili. ..»* iliulMr >tmM. I M «a<ik • RED BANK REGISTER. SEPTEMBER 19, 1923. P««e Elc DINING ROOM FURNITURE FOR SALE. OIRL W A N T E D . CAR! W M H E . I Y O J J I LEFT IT7 ,j YOUR FEET TROUBLE YOU? I FURNISHED OR JlSFUWNilSHED. APARTMENT FOR RENT. Oak . dinlnv ' roqra furniture: table, sideWhite frirl wasted for general rrousrivorli ; Leave it a t the Uoru Auto Storaie, M e - 1 WeHr Weiotr 8 FeKlherweiibl arch t u y H i m iiuite :. numbi-i- ..( , , l « t rolUKrit itiniishtd, lhit«- room» and privutv lttitft; board and china closet: alto one oak» In family; no Washing. Phone -Red >hamc »tr*el and Globe Court,.lWd Bank, 'port, made from an impremiun of your toot. nt. bull, fur shi-il ov. fr.r Bunk lUtt-J. .t.aii Phone 21S-M. Red Bank. (0«€>ttno«<! Inua p • nd eliminate the .uueition. , i Broad Street National Uank buildine. Red " i.i-linl. W. A. lluvpinv. Broad'street, lie J i-uc.-. Ocrupancy .bout Uetubrr l i n t A.1HOUSES tOU I A L « — P O R T MOTIMOUTH. _ _ THE BARTLE STL'Dld, PHALANX, N. jT, ' U»»k: Phone 1067. . -Bank. ^ - . . ilr..«, W, It. P., drawer M, Itnl Hank.'. ' •' C AH" FOR SALE. Have several houses for aaia at Port Mtisr W l T FOR SALE. ~ " ~ " " " ( n . a r Red Hank) : antique.. A Kift . h u p , LET US BE YOUR BARBER. • BUNGALOW FOR SALE. " ' ' !' " " '" ' WANTED. Overland acdan, sin cylinder, food condi- moatll. N. 1. ( M e t L. boaar. , Lady*a fur trimmed euit. navy blue, almost whc;re unuautl articles nmj U- found Hare I P»r.oii.l a p g w i n i . d , t ™ d . more on l.,n. ! F h , . „,<,,„,, |,,t i m i b o . n e u , nvVr. A Middle m»,l couple to take l,.,u.« with t i o n ; c h o w . ' « « t " " ' Front »tre«l, • « W. J. foueie KaswnWnr, < * * - U . new; nine UK; Utt.00. II* Newman .Syrinttw antique nhuwla, tieedle point b»R*, liookeil . rial work than upon the quality of your : »l l.nmiiiii Price »2 300 ii'.u«t l,av, l.ol wjtf i ' h e a l i-lrctric liul.ta uarden >o re LOT FOR SALE. road, Red Bank. _ ruB», patchwork guilts, rhinii, furniture. t l o t h e . . Let us be your barber. We know . ,1,011(1 down. Kd. Ilaye.. Phone Ked Hank shjdr, Truit, Karaite, P t c . to board owner for DOME" FOR .SALE. FOR SALE. Lot. 40x100 feet; flnt location; impruve. TO MEMBERS AND OTHERS. how to nati«fy. ^Curchin's, Second National . lOU-W. ' r. nt ' Adi)r"s« Ilcirn.-, drawer II, Jin! Blink, S. y ^ A flve*Borae power motor, perfect order. l Reaftooable. Q U aoune am* fixtures; «iao several chairs ments of Niaawalk and For the cominK hholidays ld B k bildi " Uttv l'ro*l»fct market. ROOM5 TO RENT. H O U S E FOR S A L E . in need i Bank building upstairs.tai Apply a t »7 Locual avenue, K*d Address Lot, drawer M, Red Bank. lor «ah . | Inquire Highlands, N. Uautsch}, J. —J_ » • a n e > t r a » u p p l y of liaiid-niude jtifts a n d . LOOKING FOR A REAL BARGAIN 7 P l e a s a n t laritc o r -malt lui -lushed in.un-. ! s . . unis and hut h, fii-ry i.npr.iv ctiicnt: Bank. • DOUBLE HOUSE FOR RENT ' I i.o.eltU-i.. l i e d I l a n k W o m a n ' s . " " n o i a n i / i - . •!•'. H o u s e o n F»ir H a v e n road. p e c J j i m n r o v e sinale u r double Kv-ndt-ulial .,,.• FOR SALE V E R Y R E A S O N A B L E . t c , r e , , t i s i i ; steam heat, two pdirlien, fine 'larKc —"liTTTORD TOURING f O-R SALE. . , -by October 1st; each side contains six rooms tnenta, IS,6(10. C a n b e bauv^ffgRt^.OOO i,,,r. , „ „ . , , n , , r , t bo b u s i n e s s - . - , n t . - r „ „ , ! , 1 1 . c s . larite l"t , near bus hue ul Fair Oak bookcase, Hue d o o r s , l i v e f e e t l o n i l H i i e r . s i d e a v e n u e , R e d _ l l m i k . o h . m e » M . ' Good running order.; 160 c»|*h. Phone H n u hath, with all Improvements. Phone flv-iT f e e t " hiirh and one f, ..nil a t i i - e l , R e d H u n k ,iti-n< ] I , i v SALESMAN WANTED. " . d o w n . - P. F. K e n w d y . .coro^Wlngfflroulh ' |,i<>.' lit, Atclits, III OiikUu.i 'strei-l, Ite.l Long Branch 6U between »!(!«- and ,12:00 I Hum-ion 307-W, Stephen V. Stevens. deep Call at, IZG Branch ait-nut Exptrftnrca). ame N e w Vurk t r t c U . Hed ( 4 7 - K . i i-fM -M Hun phu ExperH'ncea. for for llame New Vr.rk ivhole «h.,!e :: »nd "I'd Pearl Pearl eetrtcU. Red Bank, Bonk, pTioHjr phoT!5^(47-R. . . f A . M. '.. _. | * U V E HOOS AMD M O T H S W A M t t D . I Uiii'-W, Bed Bank. fi ale «hoe h u u s e : salary nnd cummin, ion;'• residence phone lo^O-lt. 'ROOMS FOR R E N T . .. .• " iI j , GLASS T O P J A R S . COW FOR SALE. I Wctjh.nij frota. III potua.ll to M l e»tabll»hed t r a d e . Writ.- "I . a l l J. K. Hat.-i. ; HOUSE FOR RENT. (". ! On account of rm.i inir will. eit Gentle family (»«• Irwuire o( Peter De- , caah price. Phone i w n U 11 i o n Hnd white, with black spot, mule : | , t - j , , housekeciiiiii/; miproveni Near Broad street, ci«ht rooms, Kan, elec- & Co.. ^ o ^ . ; C h u r c j i j u r e e t , Nt-w ^ i ^ t City,-1.1-1 ' r l i u p , do,..-n, lifty cents. AUi> H I M M.iMidowiU. River Plal-a, R«d Hank, Appletate | Idsa, Pretaold, W. J. Planer l«t-W. tricity, bath, lot 4 0 x l » 0 ; rent U S per month. ' F U R N I S H E D ROOM7 . ' " "" l.unrul. II»»OIS lo the num.- of Sporty. Han j , , t telephone. V.ry desirable !• Kei.t -on jars nt thirty-five rent-. il,.-/,.-ii, Cull •street^ __! Call 10S Broad street, ll.-.l Mrs.. D. W. Martin, Ea*t Front Mre.-t, lte<i j 1 One o r t w o nicely furnished r.iumB in i.wny l i m home with chain on. • 1 .'. reward ; reusonable. L 0 T FOR SALE. ll.-.l I n d u y nnd .Saturday. til Oakland sir. el, CARPENTER AND BUILDER. l o t . lOxloo feet; line location; Hank. Phone 64-J rent, handy Lo station, ami liu<>im->-.s H.-^tiuD, ir r.-tur ml to Duinenico Arcerrii. bilker, II : jj u n [,. ray lied Bank. Jobbing and alterations. 11. A. Hendrick- . mrntl of sidewalk' and «uitalll.« for Kenlleman ur l,u«in.~« ,-,,ii,jle. CHALMERS SEDAN FOR SALE. "/I FOR SALE. eioit. Newman Sprinus nyi<t, llfil Bank. I'hom Lot, drawer M, Red Bank, ,_ p f o r , . n j m « d e anal fncUiry farm • n . - n i , p. "UPHOLSTERINC. Paul Revere, 16 Hroad itreM^. lle.l Hank. way for t h e winter, m i l - . e l l . i . ' * (In I'JUI, :,,l.-r Kui J208-J. _ _ '_ ITpholsttfriiiu, all kinaa. of furnltare a « d , Chulir SALE OF FURNITURE r d a n : lirst-clas HOUSE FOR RENT.I talo bodies, broad tlms and tires. Ulaek11- ; A -1 n , 11, hi i n n , r , . , , , l r u l . l i . - r A 1 VIA [ l i i i r l . and electric llirhl, be- ' smith and wheelwrluht. M. Keiscy & Son, I l t 10-0(1 A W t o 2:0(1 1'. 11, i h u week ' rennlahlng, old oak bedrvom suit in vmlnut. tiun. BORO AUTO S' Alsu six tine liuildii.K hits fur -i.i'-. ' . l i l i v . - r y , w i t h .-:ih, l i n n i i l n . - w . *!M>0. C a n E a s t Freehold, N. J . _ | only ; . l , u i r e l , Morris chair, I.eHiooni suite, \ mnhoKany and i i o r y ; a l s . r-u-irinu n n - Flunk I'ittctlKer, 14'J lludpon lucnu. I t - . I b e S I - . T . l i t T a y l o r ' s ' t i t m i c e , ' I ' e l i f l Mechanic s t r e e t and Globe Court; indoor twt-eti t h e rivt>r and road. Hefcrenc ftr->t, Ui|U*«. Frank Howard. 181. Hudson uv tj-juriHtL-nt parking upice. titty «nd night quired, Bos 125, Fair Haven, N . J . i K r d HuTih. Hnnk, jihorie 7*;i. REAL E S T A T E . \ chairs, h a t rack, With mirror, i.i.i ' R"i Rank. Phone l l l . W . Double house, all i m p r o v e m e n t s : one block J . T . l.ovctt. 171 Hroad en-ret, II. "I II. "WINTER""APPLESTFOJT S A I X FORD SEDAN FOR SALE. j WASHING MACHINE. near Hroad Vlret-t, bit r.lixlfioj FOR SALE. ROOM FOR RENT. Well hprwyetl Halnbury, IMiean, York aijJ 'rtim river, S.-lf Mnr'.or, demountable rim*. Ir. e •O...I I I'll..Miiymt' will »i,-ili t h e dirt from -AIII. \ Mextaan. wide. piouifOJX. Ifold atW silver. ?7,,r.OO. A. 1.. I v i n s t.^.-iuy. Ki'Kisli'r, J'iie-pHh-cnKer st-d.i -) Nicely furniahed room with all impro Imp? rial apple.-; HI.O KieflVr pear a. C, H,flect; nn.l , rli.tb.i i n s i x, 1 . , 1IKIII miniil.-s (»|-,-iipi.-* r e ; ?, I IlMttons, pinkia*:, plalti**?—machine embroin l . ment*, in private family. Plion l Rank R hum, Star Rout* No. 1, Red Hank.* l r « ; < i n a l l s p i i . . S . . - il.- m , . | i . . l r a t i o n n t K n i i i - ' , . Hi,00(1 iliv.-l i.l t i . ,.,;„," "dcry. Dwdi and aovorties for isle at t«Hi : : buijdlnK._H«d, Ilank. x ruik' ^ l Ilrr:nl -I-..I. K...I H u n k . Chin-lei K . M ' DOUBLE HOUSE FOR RENT MONMOUTH B E A U T > - ^ A L O N . Hi'PiiinK', M U I I iii"iitli i-uiity itm'til. _ _ - ' reet, lle.1 Ha i , l by Ocl<>h<.pl'lMt:'each niria enntalna K!X roomH Marcel waving, water wa{;ini*. shanip T l l i t N S BU1LD1NII AND LOAN and bath, with all improvements, Phone $10,110 REWARD : II WITH F'LOWEKis." FOR RENT. catp treatment, bahhinit and facial OeFONTENY BALLEJT SCHOOL, fcas numer t o loan for the purchas* of Ilumson 307-W, SUpbcn K. Stevens. 1 o Monmouth Htrtet, near Hi-oa.l street. K«'il \ aloUiins could be mor« aptwoi>rifit« and lll.llMKi^li ill nil.rov.-- T o r 111-- r i f . i r u ; i l u l 111. i | i l . - ^ l u l l - i i r . 1 , . , 1 . i , r nil Ino.l.-ri II n v i i . i . u u i . i I . H W I , ..v... i i i ' - n i . - , . . . • . , i - m | BIQUltHJJ HJlHU ots UMIIS. a i-v« W • w»W( Bliu . . . t i -.1 vt . I I , fcomes. Apply at Th« Second NatUiul balk, | lll«|.-••: u e l l 1o.-lit.-d; imiii e.h i:i|.- | . . - - i . l i u l . l . - 111:. r i n a l i i . i l ; i ^ l u ' w l , , , • - t . t l v .11- h a s """ SALESLADY WANTED. auk. P h o n e SI71I-W. ' _ l n o t h l r . l t SO w « 4 . . , « i u a a « o w « r s j a b « t « » t o r - a l I l r - j i i d w u y . f o r m e r l y . w i t h . .M. l r . , | . . , l i l . i n Bed Bank. tini-ano.111 l l i - i r IHISM-S-I,,,. Ink,-,, [r.,i., Kxpei-ii-nced NHk^lady wanted, permanent HOW MUCH BETTER YOUR CAR LOOK.3 B U N G A L O W S FOR S A L E . "" •!«>»« a l e a t n o v . e e . froa. W W. K«nned,y i . YJ"'!.' . .'."'ji,.„ '|','-i 11,-1,',,,„ duncini' tli.-'n.-iv bi.'.ich ..I t i n -Villi. F.rmiiiiii, lliv.-i-.-i;.!.1 ,-t..-.-. t h e 11. \ \ '. Mni-l in,''! room""l I,,..'-."•'.' Inuulre at once. l after a Lhorouiih wutthliiK nt t h e H u n i Auto position, ^nu.l gnlary. Three f u r n i s b c l b i m n a l u w s : price *l>00 « i ! 2 ? . ? " L l < " 2 !BURIAL r . ? ' - t > LVAULTS. - h " l l > " n ' ^ ' r " h - _ « i ™ : , '' ' , n , t e s •,1™" 'n fox t !.i -h,..,- J-I.l K i^< I I-.. n* , t . ,-ei. HI- ,1, Hi ^ * f ^ l , o l , e . I r i ' - . - e , I . , , r i i s l I ' . - i n l . N \ , .1 I).->.1 i p t i . , n i.f e a c h ; a t Delford drawb i n - I l , ur 2:t-W l..mir Ur, ciiiioi-: D.'.-p •>.-;. s p e c i a l . 01.1 T o w n biid'y Storatre. filobc Court and M«cliani« Btrwei, Ynnko'n, S2 street, Red Hank. ;. i - .1. within ' o yenr. Fi-eil ('riilK', :1K Ki-iu-iiey j Pnrltur .^-rBeu« w H , FURNISHED ROOM TO LET. painle.l i:r.-i-ii .v i l l . K i , | ' i l f t r i p e " . M .11. M - , Bed Bank. REAL ESTATE, ITE, LOOK I FOR RENT". , . "\ e h . . p . » t h . . . brick, si tii or si FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT. Nicely furnished room, suitable for one ,nu,.. K e r n e l ' . N.'.l. I have Monmouth scanty btmi lonnty ho«s««, btmKBl'.ti l l . i i m a n r-"ti t , N e w Y o r k C i t y . J. S. At 1 nir 11n v en. N. .1. /ami b.llle ,s.•,,'...',,,li.'r .Pleasant front room, nenr buth : rate *}t.r»O or tw..; till improvement.; in private fatally REAL ESTATE ' u*"i»*rtii!ier f"*" them. ni lots A QUICK QUICK SSALE BARGAIN. i , ? e S ? r « . " " c J i e * »l»3 I - ' ' .il'ht-ruonv h o u s e ; all modern iuipriii'i- : A ALE B ARGAIN. xitr v-tek; second llouri ^7 LuatiKt avenue, of tan. 8r> WiiTcrly place. K»d_nBnk. New slx-room, nil modern Inwove- ! '•""« Branch. N. J. Phon,; l.oi.u llranch 7!l d l lied Hank. ' •• i o o | , t h«m menls, ciintrully loc.ited; lot :i7xl,r)0 feet; [ CIDER MII.L FLORAL WORK" A, I,, lvin will o p ™ A u i i u s t 2 7 l l i . lirln.l M u n a n y s . h r t * e r , box 1S6. Belford, ~ " KNITTING-MACHINE FOR SALE. nf all descriptions at iilinrtast notkn. Cut St.OOB, terms „ : • ' ^ ^ V r - r » ^ ™ c - i l l - l "•»••»• Also l,u.,«,,low i n U c l i , b e r ; n i l ll.-.tiiil, t i " » I w,, ^ l.|.,.-U f.-i-m l.i-nnd ,-tr....t b ui li lddii n g , Ileii Hunk. |«, HnturdHyd. ( l e t juice f i u m y o u r *-.f\uri~, New 'nuloinatic knittinir innchine, never flowers at moderate price*. Floralhurat t e r b FAMILY HOUSE, GOOD •I H h n w i l i i i r y liier. Title t ) u i used. Cull be seen ul :iti ILU«I 1-ront street, Flower Shop. Wallace street, Ited Bank. - ' . ' " " . " ' MASONS'"W ANTED." " I ? " " "J,1'1'"' ^ K "V,',' l 'i' , " " , " ' ' ' , I'V o u i i l ^ t-iich s i . l . - ; liot u i i t i - r li.'i.t. . - l . - c - 1 l.i.l .".OxSllll. l'..uV-i| . . i s mill uleepillK HOUSE DQAT FOR SALE. lied Bank. • _ T w o m i i . o n , m i n t e d t o finish t h e si | Klpp, Marlboro. P h o n e l l l s - l - l , . I-, e.-bolil. t r i c i t y , K i n . . ' b n t h . l u l u . ; i / u r i i i H T i n 110..1I l o - : | |i,,r.-!l H o - I , o n - . - , i-li.ek.-ii l n . l i . s . . . , f r u i n h e , HOUSE FOR R ' E N T . H o u s e l . i . n t . 2 ( u r . 2 u ' . ' r a l l ; l . W K I h . . u u : s ] i l . HOUSE FOR SALE. nlks in front ,.f store a t 2 1:1 KLrcwsL y -*s.(HI0. Will. • .-ality ; r i e , . ir.iril.-n - p Hum.- iiece.-soni-. f o u n d WELLS DUG. Six room luiiisc on Shrewsbury river nt 1 n , . , . i . | i f u l i r l i c l r o u m s , " U r y e l i i i n i r r i . n n i , l . i t i l i . n One b l o c * f r o m H r o a d -li.-.-l. .'i.'l.l nut'. Apply I'.-lt- llepunte, 2-t:i Sbri-us^Ifrrilt H.- , I . n n i s . i n ; 1.-. i-nli in In...-, built b y „ » • -. A.I.I.-.-.-. F . » WellB dun and cleaned, e s s pools Porl-su-1'erk, with hi-ftt «nd electric. Hry" ;«an.l d i n i i m r u . j . a ; o n . - o f t > » b e s t n i l l i a r . i . live u p n n d b a t h , t h r e e .luv, n ; ele.-tricity, \ -',',.,'',,t ,,|, e.-|.t:i,ii;il H . - i r t e . , t , ; i i . . - e M , K.-.l ' l l n n k l.ury avenue, lied Hnnk. I20-.I. R e d llniil,. • pumyi* repnircd. H. Tillon, b, 1X2, Hum- | an. Lorn- llranch, N. J., phone SB5-W. H ; , y . • will s e l l , n l ii s a c r i l i c e . Aimly l t l i a : l ' i i s ; l , n ( l l x l K d ; *.".,SO0. Mrs., II, W. Mart ill, ' - •-'••••- "HOUSES FOR SALE. BOARDERS W A N T E D ! , o n , N, J . FLORAL WORK - K o s s .M. C l l i y U i i i . 1 0 2 A s b u r y a i e i u i L ' , U r e i . n ,,. . . - l o r y , finiii.. b n i l i l i i u ' « In s. private I'r.itcstinit fHmily, irouil home, K a s t l-'ront s i r e d . R e d Hnnk. plum.- .'. I - J . of nil der-erlvllona at shortest ntrMce. Cot FOR SALE. (..]••: . ( „ , „ , M . j " . p h . , n e 267 7 . HOUSE FOR RENf. U l . l i t i . . n a n . ) 1 r n ^ y I n 11111 in library l--.ul.lini:. 11 Mnmiiuuth ..lli'.'t. id Three-uteee parlor suite, uphulsttred ill flowi-rs ' «t moderate urices. Floralhurst fxccllent table, i-teiim bent; larne rootn, no otlior biiiirdcrs. S7 Muple ni-enue, corner dire' ' In* j COOK OR H0USF.KF.EPER'S POSITION il c l o s e 1.1 111. tJUiemry. 103 Uerm'n place, lied Hank, or Flowor Shop, Wallace «treot, Red Bnclc. 1'or p - . i l i . - i i l . i r u i ' i i l y ' t i . M i , , s W . ' i u , '.ill W e s t P e t e r s place, lied Il.nik. o u n d ; located nl N e w l l ~ tl l.V t l l o r u l l C t l l . l ...inliet. f II. Wrii-lil. Locust Point. Phone At Dhone 713. • • - \ - POULTRY BOUCHT AND BOCD. Fn.nt s l n v t , I!.-.I Hank. " nth. In i.l -10 1.-.......-.I u i . i i , . . . , A In-elv.v.-.lis i , , l a -I n i o i i ! - , . lui llii'lijands. N . J . , 'Jils-.l. """' FOR R E N T . HOUSE FOR RENT. Alive or fresh dresael ehletene tj»w. P h o n e A t l a n t i c lli .. t h a n S I - (Ml p e r i i . - l . . W.u.l.l K ).li.n Stoic nnd flm, all impinivmi-nts, «t 20 iiK.iinn.i, _-M | D i ) L E T O W N HOUSE IOII SALE. Kurnishcil complete, nn river at Runwin; i sold; will pay best prices. J. Baker, M«I.' i n t . . N ' . - i v Y o r k .'ity. (,.,!! .-i.l,Went l-'i-.uit. riti-e.-t; -fine 1.,,-iitK.ii, next I.. ! 200. fxri'llrnt cottuKj'. Aptily l'ostnuisler. Sea- chiinlo street, Red Bank. PHoao lOO'-J. • \V.-,li,es,lnys. u r writ. l'....k. 2 : : 7 ' Cook « OakleyV, . In.mire .it 111 Enst Front ' ROW BOAT LOST JiriKht, N, J. • I M.-.-liatiie .tre.-t, H.-.l H n n k . il:iu -III-I p a i l i . i ! . ,|.ci-.Cuniiii'.ini.'.ik s t r e e t . lJorcrnii,*. ' fruin Alluntic Highlands bun! 1 KUS rending lump in . TRUCK FOR f 1 l) : t A | I I . ( I . II..I.I-.''', \ l l : . : i ( i , - l i i i ' l i l i i i n l - . N . J . . - ! i.iiliincc o n •multi'iii'e. Telephone. C h r i s t ,W E A R E B-EINC T A K E N A D V A N T A C E O F . » Mrd Julia Trims R. O. No. 1. "PRIVATE" "LESSON"S~|N S T E N O G R A P H Y ^ " • ' ' " " . " ' " » ' " ' - Painl.-d Kiiiy, " ' " " • One ton While truck, i Mary h. Went, public SU-n<il!rai>h«r. mill ' ? ! " ' ' " ' " r u l e motor ; l l w n v l , ! , . , „ „ . , , , ,.,.,.,0,-y, Ml, N . .1. , , i n i r e a t n u m l . r u f people,.t b . ' i r . "phone ' lVeeho|d. N. .1. I' Freehold IQit-F-lil. Cull 'jr. Mechanic street, Ilcl Bn enroll IIUVIIH o t any time for privnte l e s s o n . ' N'ltify H e r b e r t Cnrliart, .Alluntic 1IIK1IIUI.II L O O K I N C F O R A R E A L BARGAIN 7 . c m - , witli us wbile .nteii.lir-K ll..- -Incv. a m i 1 COUPE FOR BAI.E. in s h o r t h a n d . Call Room 7, H(^ond Notional N. J. Double house n n (hiklmid stix'et Irt-ini/in^ I .loiiur t h e i r sliopiiinir, 'I lie line.- i- - m a i l . Hud-ton' mechanically t'liintint; uml iiiini-rhiuiKini*; wnrk prompt~ WANTED TO BUY^ , Will MaoriHcc • —. . Bompo, . . bank buildinn, Red B a n k , C H A U F F E U R W A N T S POSITION ii n j 7 0 p e r m.inth. Tun IK- liuuitht fur 57,00(1 i Hie c o m eni.-in-e is .mil Hi.- -nf.-l-. . . - H.-liil n.ill route iii Hed Hunk o r vl-, ! ru-riee.t; t i r e s sn.l p a i n t Im »ejry Rood c o n t h a t will lu-.'ii h i m in c n i t i t r y vein- i-uiin.1; ; on ,-nsy lernw. 1'. V . Kirincily, corner M o n - • Miie.l. Bom Aut.. Stiu.i^.-,' M.. i wn,i,- - I n , I ly alien.led to. Clinrlw H. Dcimia and REAL" ESTATE." 6 r ,'initv. Address P. O. Hox 2s5, Atlantic d l l i o n ^ r h o n e R.d. ? ! ! » J L ± S - 2 ! 2 ! i " drivillK, with lie-....- .... n.'i'i- i m o u ( b " a n . | P™rl s t r « , t » . It,si Ilsnk, p h o n e j nnd lllobe c u r l , lt.-.l Ifnnk. CCIIIM E. VMnli'n.:? Phone Hed Hank E I K I . I room In.use, a l l model Jlinhl.iiiils, N. J. . " I R O N , F E N C t T T O R SALE. m e n t s ; ' c.i-n.-i- p r o p e ' r t v ; c e n t r a l l y lociitc.l; f ]"«l- l l r s t r l » » » •'.•ter.-nre. Wo-|,|n.!t. K , . . . i d e i u - ' | . h . . n e ' 1 ,',20-R. | FAMILY LAUNDRY ,WOHK. ' . Somi- iron fence for sale, now enclnslnR S 1 0 0 p e r n . ' a n l b , A. i l . ' I v i n i , aKcn.-y. » . • ( ! - I ' , ' " ' " ' " . l - l " ' l i ' » i l i « . , K i v e r l.le a v e n u e , lied - F f -OORR' S, SAALLEE OONN S H R EL W SSBBUURRYY IR I V E R . R W j Fi.inijy ivn«h. w e t . n u t exec, .liiu! 2S ,-„(.,- i S i f f i ^ S a bnU. ' -be ub, Moiimoutb omoutl, C, ApHank. r,y fsir Krouiid. biiil'linu, lle.l J l n n k M..-,t nttt-.i.-tii." piui.ert.v, eoli'i-liiiL' «{ pouwds,' "ll c e n t s ; rulluh d r y w.lph.' [i c e n t s fair r KroumlB. Apw t 1 County r t •'Ir-it house from Main roa.l, Jiancc road, l'jy_ j!| '' ."j°"-'... j ." .•°_ ^!il^l .t2LJ "' 5 i _ VI: FOR SALE REASONABLE. ' I H . U H - of el.-v.-n Vuums, nil m o d e r n i m p r o i . - p e r p o u n d ; l l e i i « h d r y u-nsli n n d Hut FOX H O U N D S F O R S A L E . WATCH LOST. K. AiilU'i'tt will nivc tr«»o<l si'rvii'* avA i-air IIincii, N . J . ' Virgil p e r f e c t e d prActiee C l u i i r . w i t h (it- ' ,„,,,,t^. t h r e e a c r e s Inivii. fruil, sl.iule; t r i p l e Fruu.-tl, 7 ircnta p e r p o u n d . H a n d irutlini: il I hiive some hiwh cluss foxlioilmls, very Ool.l Modiwhn S w h « w r i s t w n t c h , with ^l:l,liyo . - n - y Ji-nir."!, J."r.-ey C o n s t l a u n d r y , '.Vcat I-'roiit liruiiuit ilflivcry. .Mail-or Jcuv« orders nt 14 WOMAN WANTED Also y.iui.K -ached n r t m n pe.ial ; i u «uud c i i i l i t i u n , J o h n - • . , | , n u j e • o t h e r oiitliuiliriiu.'s. nek irroirrain build, l o s t . Please r e t u r n t o flint on f o x ; rnbbit proof. • t t u u e . l,ucu»t Poii.t, p h o n e S - W , At^ I term's W A H o p p i i m lle.l B a n k . • s t r « t . R e d Il»nk, p h o n e 2 0 1 . h o u n d s j u s t et.irlcil .mil fnst. W a l t e r - D. Wfst Garfu'ld iivi>n'.ip, Atlantic Hiyhlurula. Isntic HiKhlands. N. .1. Adolph W. H' FOR SALE. Smock, Katonliiwn, N . J . N. J. Phono 7K-R. Vocko. • ] RF.D B A N K ACITEACE Btrcet, Boil Bunk. 1-FOR S A L E . " d e v e l o p m e n t iWto l o t s ; k a t a i / o o d . . F r u i t i a r s three, dozen p i n t s . Itlnnn . tops, ' for Invostnr di-airinir s u b . U n t l a l p r o f i t F . I tn'i'kili'/.i 1 i n a l l s m a l l n i a s n i i i-«,i;iirs n t 7 1 " t i l . F r" « « l Ad.licsa P i n t J a r . . ' A. M o r e h o u s o . S5 W a l l a c e . ( n e t . Red B a n k . :i n-;t -iiiinlji.- iiri, 1 . 1 . l ! a v i « y o u r cliinirn_-y^ n>- d r a w e r M, R e d Hunk. , ! O L D CARPlSTS, R U G S A N D C H E N I L L E CHICKENS FOR SALE. curtniim m a d e into bcmitifnl riiKi.,"nny size. p j i i r r d i>t.-f<ii-f w i i i l o r :-*-t" i n . I . S . H a r r i s o n , F i f t y B a r r e d Rock chickens lo clear, c h e p . I Wo also w e a v e raK c a r p e t s . Call E a t o n t o w n Ih W t n l i - s t r c i - t , Hi-.l H u n k . Bryan Port-nu-Pcck, Luni! Ilrunch, phono . 210r.-M. (.nston & .Icrvin, K n t o n t o w n , N , J . lyinit n r a n c h M.5-W. HOUSE FOR RENT. - B A B Y ' S NURSE. I F'»"> rooms, with some ' W r o v e m e n t ., linii- innt t r e s s e s , pillows, carpet; otsej iiavlnff davuio. I'tts iinr iMm.-iliiite possession 1 : worth the ... ntm\r lui.inesH busin f town. qr a t 5E I.oni:, Moral, plii.-e, Ki-ansliu ru/ N. .1. T r n i n e d b a b y ' s n u r s e wishes p o i i t i o n in iwaar c efn t e r of Inqul MAN WANTED ON PRIVATE PLACE. «> Leiurnhm avoauo, lUd UosUt.' la.lj'sh'ric.- ^."..500; term's. .M.-rrilt It. 1.unison, I rut-!., b o x . c u i i o h , ln.i'ci.u»; p i c t u r e s , Red n«nk. city o r country. W r i t e t o l l a b y ' s N u r s e . Mechanic Blrcct, MEN, \ V ° M E N , „ ; . . , c o _ . _ c Phone 420-W. Will pny S100 per month or $60 per month I ' B r o a d street. It.-.l Bunk, 42O-.I. bic>-clc. e t c . ; T h u r s i l . i j - n m l F r i . I n / . G.-urge -drawer M, R e d B u n k . i.- , 5 . ESTATE. and board. Apply at- once to Patrick Mil- I LOOKING FOR A REAL BARGAJN 7 Eik-bleen upward. For i:ii0erTiiaent IiusiSIX" ROOMS, I M M E D I A T E P O S S E S S I O N : " M . .San.It, : l i r . lli-und s t r e e t , IlL'd I l a n k . Elltht room flut, Ka». water nnd toilet; ,SG | , m . Superintendent, .1. Bhubert estate', Ilii'H O U S E K E E P E R WANTS POSITION. 1 Buntfalow on new Drummond truct, con Iw tinns : ?120-f]:{l! ninnth : cxiH-ruincc unm-c(.'sN e w luitlso, vtooil l n c i i t i o l i : lleilt, lii:li!s, A. L. I erside drive. locust. N. J . Middle ..lied womnli would like a position ricr month: irnmcilinto poBucssion. .bought for t-1,500, 11,1)00 ca»h. P. V. Ken- sury; • Km- free list of pusiti' write It. Kiis- n n . l rnliKt-; lint l i n t e l h e a t e r : full si/.e i n a smnll fuinily. Address H o u s e k e e p e r , IVIIIK ai/ency, KcKister buililinfr. Red Bank. ~ CEpTTHAL BARBER SHOP, |n»dy. corner Monmouth -and Pcinrl stmeto, Terry (former civil service examiner), llfi'.l l o t : well built n m l i n e x c e l l e n t liun ; n : PrunitiK by fxptTienced men; up raying, YOUR O L D ' C A R P E W " _ Hnrrinti'r builditiK. Washington, D._C. d r a w e r M, R e d Frank goUi, proprietor, T4 Moruncmtb atnMSi. \ Red Bank, phone 447-K. Rosidcnoe phone h n m e t . . b . " p r o u d of. P r i c e 'SS.OIIO.,.>nly ~DAJLY^"SALE"OF~HOUSEHOLD 'GOODS. PIGS" FORTSALE. I""'1 chenille curtains made into beautiful . « « , Haul* avcnii«. &i»ert"w"orlrmanahljr"at ¥ 1 . 0 0 0 .-ash re.iuired'. M e i r i t t I I . l . i i i n . o i i . -I layinK uut of grounds, lurse or small roum set, luass I./.I, vith lu.\ ^ Seven six-wceks-old plus; nlsn a brood nin»: . n y . . . . . VS c also w e a i e r» B c«rpct». M U M ™ . Boothlaek In (attendance. Bve»yvice given its to whnt, . when and how t* C. U. 2 B. Ilrond s t r e e t . Hod H n n k , p h o n e 4 2 0 - J . 6 w.w K M. Wyckoll, LincroCt, N. J., Phone I"li,.nc- 210.,-M. Cnston S Ji-rv... Eatontown, t t i n * uow bvet toe location. .. . ..... y o « e porch screens, doom and vftn- spring, single b.'.l nnd sprinK, ' china, pi«'• plant. *T. H. Stiles, 12 L Harding roail, Red HOUSE" TO RENT. "'J ' 7S-1-F-12. Midjlkto COAL. ' iavfn matlA W Tttom«ja GlaaMr. 85 Bridfrc tures, bunks, liii.'ns, uuti.|U..s, two InterFourteen rn..n!»; also bunirnlow. five Bank, phone 1163. POSITION WANTED I'hi.'koii hovers. Mrs. "Wnltcr Use cftnne] coal in your fircplnce; chenper BTcnu«. P. 0. Boa 111, TdepKoaa 484-J. national SIGN THE i i i u n i i . o n r i v e r d e v e l o p m e n t ; e n l ruiu-i-!- D e us carMnkor, nnin and wif.*: steady, corupe- nnd better than wood. Try it jind be con- !4Ud Bank. Work dolWered and # < up when Belcher._l!i Waverly jilace. Red Hnnk. lettering F o r e s t n n d I s i c u s t n v e n i K i s ; ol.en lireul.-iccs. tt-nt and trustworthy ; only responsible party viriced. M. V. Rrown. conl uml Kl'nin. 24 i ivtult/sd. ATTRACTIVE F A R M , O N L Y $2,(100 CASH. „._ Gcorite Parker, 86 l-'iii., e l e c t r i c i t y , b a t h s , trnnijres ,1'id nil o t l i ' i " ; need answer. Address R. R., Morgani'llle, Wharf avenue. Red Bonk. KUK3—beautiful ruvcrsihle 'UgB made from ' " I.orated.about four miles from lied Hnnk F O R" S A L E . Red Bank, phone 766-J. . iiiiin-uvi'iiii'iits.; r e n t s j l O O a n d -'US. I l e a t t i e . N. J . your old carpi'ts and rui<9, Send poatal for C h u n k y b a y h o r s e a n d t o y peddlinK wtiKon; in village; Kuod six-room house, ten lien APARTMENT FOR RENT. D e F o r e - i t a v e n u e , lle.l H a n k , i.l.nn.- 'ICO. " D I N I N G TABLE FOR SALE. j KOnd soil, necessary outbuildings; pri HORSES F X ^ SALE.^ F o u r r o o m s v.jth u l l i m p r o v e m e n t s e x c e p t iilso h a r n e s s , i u i , m farni . , . . ^, wnudii, m n n o . d j fnrm. u i u -^, j nnd full particulars. Weirficlil Rug n W : VK Round fumed onk ilinimr tnblc. excellent FOR SALE. Menitt It. l.i h e a t , a t 45 Firs"! a v e n u e , A t l a n t i c H i u h l a m l . ; ii n K u t o n s i l s ; n b n r i t a i n if sold q u i c k . 216 : J-J.uou; misj- t . . . nnJ Carpet ClvaniiiR Co.. 3 91 Welrfield condition, 8 2 2 : nlso parlor chair, $7. Phone double. Kevonty-iK-re farm, t u n hoiuen : thrco a e n l street. Red Bunk, phone 420-J. . l-'or particulars phone 47-R, Red y Phone Rod Bunk 1250-.I, be| West Front street. Rod Hnnk, near n Atlantic Hwhlnnila 101, Bank, ii writo II. !•". D., 44-A, Erttontovfn, DRESSES FOR SALE. t'iis: fruit. lavKe Ixirns nnd .ititbuilil- etrect. Brooklyn, N. Y. d six P. M. SECOND-HAND CLOTHES BOUGHT. N. J. w; lnni; Komi rivi.l; price Sli.f.OO"; ?:l.r,(IO .. . - — y , , , "j"_>"i"~i» • Several dresses, worn unly n few lim NEW BUNGALOW FOR SALE. FARM FOR RENT. I Jlen'a only; must be In good condition. ilk, tTcnrju'tte and white net. I *""" JUST "ARRIVED. ~~ cash, balance first muriEiuii-. One mile from ;• Ladies, W o n d e r n i l Bargain. Six rooms.and b a t h ; lot ',(> !"i0 ; wnrnire on x fertile farm, Kood six(Call at I. Kerber'H, 168 Monsnouth itrort. ri! U 0 ! r c ln lia i One hundred oil heaters, all makes. I,our- room house, barns and out lu trinim'ed": siJ' 3s"'.mly ; " t " to % lo'' ' Alr.o | ^ ' " ^ "f p T ^k' i s - F - " t i ' l, 'bKI^ aIn skW . ^ '-00 "' S S '5 ° 0 ; " >h " " " 1 ;lm i " l d " ; on Sevon- p r o p e r l y ; for small chick D l' f I' Red Bank, phone 872-J. cst^price in town. Samuel Swarti, U West Bridue road, Port-uu-Peck. iiryan, | Prim. St.SOO: J2.000 doivn. A biirKain t.» LADIES—ATTENTION. BOY WANTED. Front street, opposite Brosd street. Red Branch. N . -I., phone 35S-W. • jituick b u y e r . E d . Hiiyes. Phone Red Bank holdinK «• sale this n'oek ,.f Indies' " H ton.slablc & l o . . New ^orli. a t $1,200. Boy wanted for genera! store work: mil.t . Hnnk. EXPERT UPHOLSTEAINC PUPS FOR SALE. jersey suits, uhich u-e ar* ntr.-i-iinr nt, SHI Can bo made int.- a cent, blouse, c-tc. Adfce willinB, steady position. Y.nko s. S3 BOARDERS" WAKfCD. fumrtur«. iManbloaa, «Hp cohHOUSE FOR THE WINTER Irish Belter pups, two months old: b ? eech. We ore lilen selliuv: jersey cl..tli :tt . , ll . L . ; ,,. Q _ ,| r . l w l ,i- ^ i ? jt,,,i R j , , ^ . Hroad street, Bank. | W n u l ( | ,ik(. ^ h , v e ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ le ^ r by the your for rent lit Itumson, N. J.ere mnd« to order; Mipciltoe. tapeeurv. cW, Championo I.ondnnilerry Ia?Kion— Sy . • . * . Champion a Londnnilerry IrfKion-^Hycumore , r , FOR RENT. m Uomrdora ; hotn< in river front, slu.rt distance from tonne and lootber; kuoop Bbadc sUke, wire ^.iiranu'ed ^M'I.U^IVOU"^iJe-jiVre^i^iiiu!•- "Asbury Park Business CoTlegeT Sh board reauon- i j , u r u . Sycamore . KonnoLs, Shrewsbury, ! "oun S . Churk's furntau-e Ni.-i-ly furnished rooms: ell improvements; , a b j e . I bun line, ten rnoniH, nil iinprui-eiiiiMits. Ap- framea. trknanines. UlK . N. J . Phone 104 Red Bunk. jn privnte fnmlly; men preferred. 8 8 Bust Bank. ply D. Pftrnily, Ilumson, N. J., phone 377, stor«. Hfl Monmoutb fctrttet. Fed lUiikHELP WANTED.' "' ' i ' r ^ ' " ' '"' bU"n"" "' 9 ^ l i " i » 1 ' " " Tn'rAn n w u r ^ \" ROSARY BEADS LOST: -\ i. . , p , F r o n t ' street. Red Bank. LADIES ATTENTION I " : Pitninn nn.l ahortlinn.l; speed Wanted by the Wiirbuctun iiutini-y. n lut F.Ht-c BeMtr Shoe. MunwurUX, n l E H t e B e m . t r B h o s . Manwuruwt. r b « B t > » ......u-., . . . u . e , . „ . . - . , . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . , • „ , . „ a-«i,tcil STORE FOR" FOR RENT R •k: „Krn.luuto ted t to o pp oo ss ii tt ii oo nn ss -; IIn nYou can now have your car thoroughly „<§*„ '."/enue? ™is"n t a n p , r Sted" K i "fYPEWRTTElT-BARCAirfs: fPEWRTTElTBARCAirfs: 5jt 213 Shrewsbury avenue; two rooms in washed and clowned a t the Boro Auto Stor- j „;!,,„,. rnaD,.t. U.K. ? c n l p t r . » * ™ e « U w R h . o r w i t h o u t violet l « « P - r . o r k'irls : u 1 pi s , t i . . n , ,. en nov,, - . , Mirk graduate, n . s i . c d t o positions. Int,_,,,iu M Jeffrey Bur. rent. Belt estchasure and rewdr all shed and cleaned at the lloro Auto btor | ; Wll J J Tear of store. •"<?(' Pete Deponte. 243 Shrews- w e . Globe court and Mechanic street, Red ^ J ™"enUe. RurnB.m N. J. "lrt)' r a y : lnibbing. curliojr. dyeln K nod Wea^otaur Il " '•" t.> nearby c i t i e . Inter < , . . . , . , . » . i v . i t - dividual i n s t r u c t i , . . , ; school b e c m s B c p l c m b e r B . k . . ; Mmmereial .tn«o»ery ro-* bottom: hofc. liury avenue, Red Bank. O p a i .-vwiiniffl b» w i p o l n t T O ^ t . 6 8 !j e s s e s friends ur s i s t e r s t..^etllel n list 1 ? U i E r n i , B l ,,., principal. LOTS w—w i— rnks, ribbona and carbon P«JH*«. Pl " UPHOLSTERiWa" FURNITURE FOR SALE. Seven ReflnlshlnK and polishinic fnmWurw a«o P i a n o , .it n siicniicc un a c r u u n t of m, F S ? t r ; nXNr pianos. Frank Howard. 181 H W Bed Bunk, phone 11B-W. " " ANDREW J . H I U , Paper hnniiin"- nnd docmtltlnss i—Bnd exterior palnt'inK. l i Worthier Bt»Mt, Red Hank. Phone 1416. MOTOR FOR SALE. " Five horse power Gem-nil Electric motor, FARM FOR RENT. Il.u-Kuln. -Al«u «ld« r a w l fifl-cyclc, '2-phuse. Antoiiiilc.-i rhnrmneT, Houses for rental or lnireluise in Fair H n BOY WANTED. need uf a iruinl furniture vim for builditiK. AWNING AND CARPET CLEANING. Tivortly-iux acres fertile farm, mind six- ilition. If Atlnntii: Hlitbliinds, N. Jbody y.n. •d look ...i further. HimlKe & iitfl Iwix for Htort. Rc««o.utbUi. Frwl Madyears of SKI'. Apply nt once, house: barns and out houses: on S Awtiinua. boat covers nod curtninH, car- vcn. Slireivsliurj-, Kiitimtuivn and I.ittk' Sildalotui. lOd ^hrevctiburr nvoniw, SUd Uauix. ver. Mnil ii.irli.-iilars to Alston Ki-alty * Dei cl.iptner.t I'omnuny, llruail Strfet N n tionnl Hank btiil.liiiE. Iloil Hank, idior.c n i l . WAKT i . r p . e r ^ ^ I ™.;n,s , ^ ^ ^ . i S . . " ^ ' - ^ i ^ * '^ I ' Z l l ^ TWO ROOMS TO LET MEN WANTED. DENNIS & WHITING. nor,. NATURAL AND PURE ICE. ~ /OBB1NG MASON." i FURNITURE SALE. "LANDSCAPE GARDENER.^" ; SAVE YOUR OLD CARPETSr ^ X \^^ ^-^ W' *Pht4«*- r . « * w j u ^ ? • - • » ^ , . . ;jr;; ,r<Zz 'itTViwr:L';. z ; — ,Nn r. A« S — OAK STOVE WOOD. W i l l . ( ,l i v . - r ,i l i m i t e , I c u t i n. M o v e i i m m i n t n ti l r y o n k . i n . Ili'r.-.iln-e l.n.tilis, i l l S.-l.t.-tiil.ei I ' . t h I.1B21 F O R D TOURING BOOKCASE TOR SALE. 1 ,t 111-wly r .n u w i t . - . l . I ' . O f.-,'t t' m u lied H u n k . i n , II ' c i n i t y : l-ii.-e Sl'j.ilil fi.pthii A i,rv 1™™;™,?™^for;™'\%^'. 7 -"T in'," ; T u m i - .ml. l.o.ikriisc with 'li'sk nnd mirror / o r Hale ; l^ .u.l nn nt.. newrubber* m ust bo Mr. It. .Sun. Shnrnhbii hi • J \ - \ a bli>t' k s h p r i , , .ml i n s t l t . Iliiiiisun. Aul.i mild t h i s l i •ek. . 7 West W.ishin'tl' I. HITeil'iilnr b u r . .li-ii,-k I...I.1.' J-'liii ' I I . C'-'-.k, . • o m b i n i i d t will »i-ll fur ?'::.. Cull ul !!•'. 1 t i i r cith< • f liHrl.ers ill iittendnliee u quirk sen lul-il,- i l l i v e t o l e n r u f l i o l i s e . Kent " J " nu . A t Inill • I I i i ; l i IUI.1,1. N . J. 1-bune 1 S 0 M i t D I M •Sim "Wullacc -.lret-,1, Ilcil Iliuik. _ ice. An ,li-., N , -,-.,,1.1,1 S|,iii.:.;s a i . - a u i . K i d It,.ilk, W, lli-d liank. until. \|i|.K- t o S t e p l i e u |-\ I'm.I,.-. l..ilii> Clmrl.-s Willniiftreet. Fair I I « . -. „ , , , M , . e b . , , , i . t,'-.'-t • „ , ? or 0 1 . J . ,),,. . ! ! - •• I CHICKENS WANTED. pin.inli'-.i I I . . . . •1.. . t r e e l . H11111-1.11, N . . 1 . ' FOR R E N T . ' -~~ vm. N . J . ', , „„,;,,; EDMONDS * f* W i l l I V t h e hitrhent m n t k « t nrt«<l l o t Ve-rT atteactlve two-room HurU*, HUO Hinflle SALESMAN. carpcntt r a Hlld builders naak« a sv BALDWIN AIM'I.KS FOR SALE. " "FURNISHED ROOMS FOR R E N T . ' " Sive c h l c k c n a . 89 . N o r t b Br«di»«*, L o t * th. 1 ma douM* r o o m ; ucwlr f u r n b h e d ; all-conW e n : - e t h e \ v , . r l . t ' . l : i i | . - e s t l u t 1.1v l . l . i : ! ! of all kinds o('alt< ratixmn . atj rcfj*ijrr-a. Ftsmc N n i v r i - n i l i - , i ! 5I / i n p e r b u s b j . l l i H ^ u u ' i n . i - r ' ' A t t• - , , - t i , , i " , ,i-n.un-. r , , r n 1-..I ,-,,i.n.l. B r a n c h , N ^ ' J M p h o n e UOO. • nienou*. N . w Whittiul.l buildinu, Ilroofl in i n M - l.'iil'liiii: lui-n'eil u t riO-112 ,M.--ri . - t i i r . - r s . \ . i l h n p i u i l n . I i i . 1 1 . . ( ' l - ' . , U ' l ' i i>. i n lie 1 Ilank 721-11. oi allM M HcaLaran SI.110 1 . - I - h i .I T , I . A l lf r u i t hillid- pici-i'd. f , , ,| i t - i i t h , , i n . I • • . . ] , i n . - • 1 , I . •. 11 -'.. 11", • • - • , .-I,CAR W H E R E YOU LF.FT i f 7 t r w t . Ki-d U«nk. l'huiin 1515. , i- , 1 - 1 V . u n . I i l . i . l 1 , n l v i l i r . - e l w i li i t i • t l -et. s l i . - e l , ll.-.l H a n i , , - i / e u f e.l,-ll at,,.. Alsil l u t u l "a,-,,], l i t .111 , - e l l l s . K . M .t n , . ' ] , , . , | .n.,t-l,. || eU.-ui ]| , - . n J f u v ' n i l u L e a v e it nt tile Horn Allln StoroBi-, M i .ml,I I,, REAL E S T A T E . W y e k u t r . Liner,.ft. N .. 1 . P l u m e 7'Jl - l - ' - 1 2 . • • • • " • ^J.i'.'J. :;:.IIIII luni niliiiii.ri'V.-inents , cellar DOUI1LE GARAGE FOR RENT. i ;iji;.r r l i n n i c street nml (Hub.- Court, Hi-.i Ilank, Sis rn.iin lu.use. nil i..uiru'...|iieiits : tnrni:.-. l l i ' l - l l - t . i i - i i S.". ( . . r .'ii.'li - i d . - , i-uiii.-i . . 1 ' I ' e - i . l a n d S l i . n 11..IM1U U'ily iilnn m i l . i n . : i t h eiiti:-.- - l u r e Al-l'ly f u r I ' . i r t i c u - ' Bind eliiniiinti- t h e u u e s t i o n . near scbo-1 nn,I r i n - r ; IHteen niinutes frein .|iiali:'i upiily I ' . K .M . H i l t o n , -I . ' I ll.,.-.i..i • m . n i t l i s l i t , . It,.,I I t i n . l i . V . !-•. K i - n n e i l y . ' GUERNSEY IHII.I. FOR SERVICE Hank. A. 1,, Ivins iik'enliuililiiir. Perlli Aiuliuy, N . J . ,ph..i.e .:;u," lari I.-l l j l i e - t c r S c u l e l l n r . . . niMier, 1 4 POSITION W A N T E D . | I l l u m e -117-11, l i e d H n n k , | - , » i , l e i i . - e L l i . i u e i-tatiull. si;r, ,iei- iin.nth. A'.l (;ii.-.-ns..y Inill r , , r . e r . i,-POSITION WANTED. cy, Itenister Imildlnir. ll.-.l Hnnk. S . i . t r b i n a t i nnd n i f e M'nnt cnrelilkinil p.i- H . - i l l - U . M n i i m i ' i l l h s i c u t . l t d ! ' l l n nk. SEVKNTEI-.N-ACRE [ARM FOR .SAIL. i has 1 11 i n s t a l l . - . I her,, t o m p n l y t h e i n . i i i t i i u i ; niiylliili':: a r e I.: ii'iir-. lluiis...... 70 i CUIHI t . u 111 , . t l i n t u i i h i i ' 11. N . . 1 . H i - i ; PORTABLE GARAGE W A N T E D . ciea-, e i n ileiiinu.l f . . ra l i i u h e l n s > bull o f FLAT FOR RENT! "' 'i-i-aiiui.a • r i 1 eilil. < l r e e n sli'-et, N e w a r k . N . J . • t e r I'uril eul ; nill pny uuml price tl.nt I -•I. H - I'.irnily, llinKlinin Fnrni. S l e n i i i l u . i t n m ln i l i t n p i n i . t i i e t i t - ; s i - e u n . l , i ! - ! , ! ! . m i l , - I', 1..11 t . v . v n : , - t . , - h 1, i t . ., , . , , ! . , 1 , 1 . I" liny...... liiiihna jiiiin.-e f o r MI|,-. .See H u m s , , CORD W O O D F O R S A L E . N. J . Hour: l - . u i n u . I i nIii. hi.mire lit 1 0 All H i eJ i i t e r t vl.i-Iral..rtnbl» Al. W>,,.l..-.. Ani,'iie,.ii I ,.,.,! rumpnnj-'s ' film: li.'i.t. I".nil, I • ...... .1 i ..... F o r fireplace o r In a t o v e lcnirti}*. D«ttr- K n s l l-'i-ntit -ti.-.-l, 1 1 . -.1 Hnnk, Neiituii W A N T I D R E N T . Sini-er sevi'ii: Iiin,-Ii:ii.-.S. in,,lor a l t :u'h»ia. - t . n - e . :l l l i u n . l - h e , - t . l i e i l H . u i k . ,|.W(| bilil.lil.l-... <)• ...I MIIII'M f u r I - . . I I . I H . . ' l I •red anjwhore. J . U. C a r t o n . B v m t t . M. J . l l o r c i i l U K . ,;, T w o i.r iin,. i n - . 1:110,1 si/.e: IIIII'III-T l . o n c M-.Mli-t..v.-t. 1 8 6 - K - 4 1 . H i d u r n . I n i i . s . t i i l c n i n . • i . i i i i n . ' c . l ' .,sh j f I WANTED. 1n1ee.. l 1i , d d , . r I'IIIIII-.1-.,!: «ell liei.l.'.l; i n I n . . . - .,BUIXS AND BULL CALVES I O K SALE! r i l t I I . I .II i • l'U^lPi^(', SIA'I KIN. l.'il I. til l.lii t i n - i l l s . ,H,.|i\stiteliiiiu dune STOVE REPAIRS. W u l i t t o r e n t l o o m i, s m n l l I n . . . .. u , b u n - \i ii ii tl ll i. ii u i t n u v - - . , , , 11: in , , en - u r )le,| HenLIl.-Kistered l l , , l . l e i n liulin u m l bull enlvi-H FARM FOR SAI.F. OR Rt.NT. H.luliliini l e t s 1'iir . l i . v e ri'l.tlil's. nil .nukes. f.n- ,.,,le; b u l l , m e o u t ,,f h i u b I ' l l h i i v . e n s i l , b e . i l e . l , i l j . l | . r . . l . m i I l l . ; fur l i e . p.,it.'-.' \ , | , l s Aniericnns .l.-jm.-r yen wail n t d u i k e r Shi'ti. (leorBf W o o i l t . J i . nroducinic hundr f a r o i . I.II A.lilr. Samuel SiinrU M W'esl l-'inilt s t r e e t , u|.pu- lining. M . It,..I Until,. Hull,in I'm m l ) , lliu-ilu.m l-'nrni. l t i i m - . l i ' t . i n c - K e . l Hi m l , c i - n t . - r . I. •_".) M u n i u i u l l i slv.-el, 11, -.1 I I : , i , k . itli, tuilet. nil home ivilli ate I ' n i t i c i i l m s , .i.nii.-I- M . K e . l H a n k . Hili' I'.ll.iul stlVI'l. Ke.l lillllli. s u n , N . .1. MONF.Y TU LOAN. :tls. b u i l d i l u i s ; In it, «pa CAI'E LOST. CHA1KS AND BASKETS KEI'AIKED. On bund and nn.l t^nue on.renl entiitt' in ul: Ijfte Jlt.ijt p . LOOK I LOOK! 1 Small rhilil":. cloth cnpi' In-t I" ritrnml M o d e r n u n d i u i t i . j U . i e l . a i r b o t t o m s r e l i e d H a n k u r v i e i m l i i n s u m s u f f j . u o t u s e ul e r v u Ill,111 , U i t l I 1II.nil 1.el II slatinn. t . u minute,; t u Mi , l . l l - t , . v n ur prni.e, l y thriiiiirli I m l i e i l . C i m e «oe.t c b l . i r s l e v H I i e d . H a s k e t a bijO.UUll.^ A p p l y J . i l i n A . L o v e l y , c o u l l H e l u r «ln-iit-r Siilur-hii iifl.-m....... lind.-r liinilly W e c a n -,11 y u l . III. Hi . . Sa n i l l e i st.iti.m; i. 1 roiuli.; US.UOII. Will rent N E W H U M ' . A i . O W IOII K E N T ic p e r I , n t f u r . I. Mi.liiiel 1'ulte t - U n . S.»utli,.)-. N . J., id.... r e t u r n ti. S t r a n d ..Hire. 1 1Wc-I I-'r n n t - t i e - •t, npi.i.silo Ml i i m 1 > . t r ur I'llKiO. A.lilri-.-ii, tlwn.-r, iluuver M . lie,I I'llir H i l l . Il b eI I",'..I i , - n . H i l l ; > • K.ll Moninnulli An.bofc- 1S1-H. " I . H...I llnnk. ill.- | . r . . [ . . - r l y i n 11,. 1 lluii k . O F F I C E I'.OOMS F O R R E N T w; lUuk. i n t l . . ' llnii.lsoii l.uil.lh.K; lbr.»i ran™ r o r Iliiii- i . u i . i . l e u t ll.-.l MOTOR IIOAT FOR SALE. IU Al'. I STATE. "• i i r i . i . o n KOOM A N D HOARD, II' D E S I R E D , tmivli' <>,-. ui.i.'.l by Itelllv. Qiijnti A 1'iirnims. l - : i i - l i i r m m I , H I .- l . i r u n t , l i n . - . - u anil 1..I - l l Mel'.-.|-.-in m l I'.-ai-l , i i , i l.oi.t if . l u l u . I I . l i r e * . . . v . i.-nl .. W e repair nulii,t.,r-, i,iu,lriinnl-, l.ue.lV I stl'icll) | . | . i n i l . 1.,,11-e; n o, , t h e r I ' m . /Vllil'v idsnli's, lle.l Until. f i . . u H i . . ' I d ~ l i . . I . n . . r I l i e I ' l l . ' I . S . ' . r ui.i •-• . l u l l . h 'Iliiinplirii'i.. ' Hi. el. Ill "I l u m p s . n u . I d o "nil I ill u - o r l . « ' • ' »<dl n • >t, I t . ' d l i n n ! . , Iii, !,• l l i i ' . l . l : • ' n i l mu.lei i, i n , , , .I. ::~.1-W. New m o n t h , h u l l .• . . ! . ' . , , , PFDICRF.KI) r . U K l l N S F . Y B U l X . in lint,,r f..r n F.ird f u r'l-l'.ll i. n Apply 11.1 K.I-.I |.',-,,,,t ,!,- " I , in.-Ml A 1 l . i , II, - u , - i , I ! ,,-i, i , - r I .Il-ls, 47 1 . li. t, N . ,1.'> c o m b lii' Hull limit free/e. \V» I'.-dlwrei'd Ciieiln'-!' bull fur s e m l c . Api.lj | |(,..| Hi,,l. Sl.VKRAI. GOOD HWr.l.l.lN(;.S. inc. lied Hi, , er.nleinl-'tit Shore A.'l'fii, l . l l t l e Silver, j ,.„ » . | | j ' l r e s l i . i i e .Ui.i " l l i . T u i i l l l l " u r ( i r e . . Hell' I W t l |-'l!t'..SII IXrtVS 1OII MA1J-. I)Y IOII SAI.K. ,,, «..ii:il.',.' price lle.l Hnnk A m . . U.i-liiid , S. .1 I'liime Hed Until. 1 : '"'. OIK- (ill. H I . e y und eii.- ,Ier, ey with rol •VI'AK'l Ml N I FOR l l l . M ' . iii,-r l.tibody for ill,-, iV,,.U, 11:1 \ \. t I ' n i . t - . t r e . I , I I . ,1 l : , i , l . by ibeir M W ; will enclitiii|.«> sainc 1(n li 'I'l,,--. " CO1.ORI.I) IIOV W A ' N I K D . ,i I'.- '--Inpii'ltneiit. h a '. clieni.: iii iii t . -, c . n i l i l i i . n . Ilillili'.* .nilI., or b . . K . . T.d,pln.n.' ..r writ-. II. Zb.t-. e,-' P I U'.'-' i i. - . . . u . - s . u u i l M , i n , ,; 1 , , - i - . lien- illH-«e|l, lle.'lini (',,.,,,1 - . I m i i j eolureil !•... iiunn-.l i n - h e . I I . . , - n i - ..i l l i ( ' , ' • ; , ' . ( - H i , i l . i i h n !. i i s||-.-et >...,! I l l , , b e I'liitrt, kin. l',l<l. M J. P h . IC'.'-W. li L i n - . u l , I I'.i.'n.l 1,,,-t tt,-,l 1 i,. S I I H A C 1 1 V 1 ' R I V I U I H O V 11 1 O M 1 1'u . ! II.-.1 llnnk. .-•I . -nil not1;. Inqiiire P...1--.-1I'l'Hi .1 i l l . id 1t uI li-,I. I. IVi 1. ul At CORN ('Kill I Oil SAI.I.. li.i.T -n-.-.-l. Ite.l Ilnnl.. JUST ARRIVED. 1 ill iiiinl'hi. . -1 Inn e Inl bll.le t'u nl. ,.l . N. -I l l O l l S f . I-OU R K N T . COOK SI'OVI'. 11)11 SALE. n.I be .-',••.-Hi n t t In 1'u 1. IK fine nl I.It -iii»i. r. SI'l I l.M , SATUHDAYS. i.l S\wuA.I.-I.. -I.-i N ii.,"ul l.i.l,.-r: r e llel I I I , 111, .-nl' I., 'll.-.l il.inV. ( i i i u i i ; l u u - , p b . Irirre i'i.II:I,. 111. \,l.ll-.<. • lied H nut'' liuiiii - „ ,, l < I'.irlier I n u i . e t ; ...•u.UiI'll I "I-ft' I''"I It ana 1.. -! N i - i W," I I'Voi ul.l 1 lie Illlil lllllll-il.ll I. u i i l l i u i l i l i i H . t i i l i l : i.-,...i i . , l . | . m l i I ' . I ' H I H l l l l l . l l l I l l l l t l l l i , lle.l llalili. •nan Sjirliii'A rnii.l- lied Hank. M. II..I II ink. I.I.I,,.', .ii... tiu'iit . ; -iiltnldi. ' i r r l , i d , o n ,H I I .. . , ' i l l m i l . . , . . I I . , I1 1 , m l . « , REAL ESI'ATE. ROOMS I'Olt l i r . N T . imun AUTO sroiCAr.i'.. \1 '•_I ! I n . - i I M . , I H . . . i.l : : ; M c c h . i n l c . . l I iili.l ( i l u l . e C u . n l W i l l i l n n - | I ' l l i i l l--li.-.l n u l l . f u r i . - n t t u ilesliul.l.. I - < ' i • ' " • " • i I ' ' ' " " ' ' , a l l U ' ' ' bI -. -lI n H u p - " V c i n c n t i : '"•' '•1'1 •"•- FOR--SALE. • i i r "• y.,t,,> e n r b y I I . . - li.iur. . l u i . tti-ck. m o n t h o r i.nrti.'s. A l . o .'ill.,net .iif,f u r . n l e . | n . !c - n l i a l l v l i m i t e d ,-i,i,,ce, l o t ,,ni|-,u f e e l ; I I . • . I ' r n p i r t i e * ..(nil kl.ul» t i . r .ill., u n d r e n t , I'OH SAI.F, KENT OH I.I'ASE I'OH I I I : N T A T UUMSOM. miOMS I OR RENT. ! 1 7 v t e a r . H.-ivraid llillbl s e r v i c e . • m i l - t i l . 1ll<i M . . n m l . , t i , - , ( , p h u i i e . ' I I ' . ! . , 1 , ' ' " " " • • " " " l"l . - u»b l 'e r" " Vb u' 'i ,l dJi n i r . ! ••• ! > " ' • I'l.iins;l l t i . - i n t u . . h u n d r . it , l i l t l 1 iiili u i t i . i v_ii.|.erl iefl i n m y t l n r f i v i n d u w . I I ,', ,'| , , i-l n In-r • ••• i n . . - I . . . ' i n -for, HOllSIIHOAl' i o n S A I . F . i.r iillb."il bull.Ilium; .iiiilnl.le f i . r d a 1i r y , . l i t . : l.nir i , r iiiui-.e 'I'; ';* 1( l i n n . ' liiliii'lri-iia I'l. l . i . . | . . . r l i . . « ' f . . r » « ! • i ll I.-.11 . • ! . . . , . t i n - ; f . i . - i , ,1,,.,| MACIIINIS I'OH SAI.F.. KAO (AHPI'.T FOR SALE. O n l y ,, . . , • „ , o l d : I ' l l . ' . ' < - n t i . M M - illandd t r u c k u rf r u i t . I k - i n c ill,'I c u i i i p - i l e s i Al-i'tim,'iitli. n i l i n i | . | ' o i . i n iiti, Oet,,l,ei |.|; Aln iH'i .i.ii-11.. I . I I.H i l l y f u r.'..miiiiilliiii: *•'» ' HI I . - r n u t i n u n l i . t . I b u m t i n . i n j n y l a Si-vint..-n aiul li l u t i r iin.l-i neiv lio'nief v I t i H r i e . v i, M l n i ' t i ' I l i i ' l i l i i i u l . , l.-.x !<". 11-.nt Ilif Mtiliii'Kiiiilir fiver, nnar Kiiriiitni'ilnlil 1 . i n H . i ' I ' u r i i i l i e . l i f .!•• i -i'l. A ' i . , , 1 , . , rui.-mil". ' " i-liililii'ii. "-L: ll.-.-t.u Hi l.lll-l.. I . . . ' . ' l i l | . e t l-lii-e H ' ' , n e l e , e l l l , Mirt. II,N , ' . L : s i t . . s i n III.- l l i , . V ' M » i n > " l ! i t l ' . i l l u ' ..I.l ,,IU I i. i.l I., - l i e ' - I I , in I.. n.Ivi-ill... '-elLinilvlv. r u . n e l u nli.l 1 v i l l .Ires ill-|| Ili-rill. n|.|i...ite V i e t |'i Pink. I!.-.I llnnk. I'l: nil Ii I A . I,, ( I n i m i . W . l l e y . I I J l l l t l . i ' l i l i u i l i n . ' l i n e . 1.1,III.Imlii.n mini.'I .* I I . e I ' i r . e . . . i t . . - I K | 1 V » t i l ' III 1.1 V - . I If l l . l i r e n t e d . J.llll I I . K(K)M.S I O H H I N T . S, J. linn,, I' N . .1 I"'-. Mai m e n u - . I l i r h l n n u V N . ,1. t - hundred ii.-r.--, : b l i ' h . l e i atlnii, • p r i l u - - . ot | | ,o K r. . . m , ,n, -...-..ii.l II m i l liller 1 1 . . . . . . 1 1 ' , I . u l . • . h u e , rlT . i r r e t , II..4 r u lii'lt. l . . r .i r v i i i K . t l t t f i p r a n n d n . i - i . l-ne un'.-r ' II W . -l-.-lilliil. Iannul .!,,:.. I-. Rl'.AI, ESI'AIT-., 1 OR S A L E OH H I N T ,,.,,1 .1,..-. ,-,,1.. 1 ml Inuihie WJ.i'.' Shoe M A K E A C L E A N .1011 0 1 I I . i'-l . . e r i l c i ' I1,.i p i i i n l ) . i i i - . i p b . . Al-ii. m e n I ' . • ' > ' N . ! , . _ ll.itlk. I'll..II.' I.I.' ,-l'e "111111 (in- . n t e ,|l b y I I . - i ' « i •-• i . - . • . . . . . > , . h i m , , . . , I n , . - , -.-llur <-, . 'I I;,,, ,,| . , | . Ite.l li.llll,. W i l l i e n t t c i i i l i l i i . i b -m u l t , , i il,,!,,,, ,,,_„,• . . i l l ' I I f - r lii>'-, i > n k ; I n n II . - , i , u l r e f e r I V . I I in''.,- . - f K -.1 H n i i l . , IU-I.I- . - t i , ! , . | | i buns : llelii' b i t - , l i n e ; ivill ^ e l ] u n i-uiiy linyIIII-IIIH. MONP.Y I'OR I-A It Ml". IIS. HOIK) All 1 0 .SinilAC.F.,' A-i.-lut IIU-I.^, "is I.inilen , n.vl old I'.,, in h,,,,-,. ,-f - l i - l i l I'I.UI.Ii-l eleiineil nl Hi,- II,,,,, Am,, ;;|,,,-|,'.,,. (i|,',l,',, I'lllil. I I , . , . : l l e l f u i i l , .'- J , 1 , 1 , I I i n KIUI:IK. '', , T l * l-'i-'i'riil I n n . l llniiW. III.' e t i ' v f a . I n e l " ' W . - . - b n l i l . ' -ti.-.-t m i . I lll.-l.e I'I.IIII Will -lore l l u i Ilnnl i n t m l M i v l i i i u i e l i . . I I I . . | l l , . . , . 1. 1 1 . ' , • , . all mud Illlil,I burit T - I ' - J t . I J inutu'il In n ' I I . . . . I . . u - . J n u . . f i l . k« . i I I . , u.,1i n , . m i l 'n u i n liny ,\ » o . i r , ' i i e h i ( I n -b o . i i , . I m , < k ,liionlli u r I.I " I ' l l 1 I I I I I - I . l . II. I I t . J .I l 1 Illlil S l l V1.R 1 . in iii' \ A l l I OH SAI I .. U ! f It MM i MAXWMI.I. TRUl K FOR SAI.F.. l» i ru il. , II I II m l , H,H i i t t i ' , tliu li il.l in II 4 •rear | i . i v . m i lu i i ' l i l " e nIre. t 1 • 1 i i 1, •i 1 HI I Tnlile I t r lilt 1 I- illlM M I . I t \ rt cl ,1 Im. M.H.V.-II Ir.l.-I., I OUNU— FOR SAt.f.. I i . I , m I iiI nI, i . H i . l . i l i i | i i ».n<t!i lint,, IH 1 till litll t Ul t M t t,i - ,|\ U l t> r u ni M 1 i no..1.-1 I ' I > n -.11,1,1 a m i , , , , - k b.ulienli n n . l " i n n .' •. H H i ;; 'm' "i "l Ik. ii" - l ll l, , i, mi n l - I, i l il n m l i , , l v t , , I , , n j l n i v In thr-t l t U t o | > n u ' v e b m i f l . l ,| I h a v e I w n b o l l " . " Ill lUll.lson, IM-«r r l v w ,( I 1 n i n tl i tin in I 1,1'li ' i\i,nlr I - I , 1 , i -ll'v's I ' a " di'lii, I'l.'d. Wl|i,iim \ (in,,, , . |l|i,,|n,,< ' M-il »ti> i t itii nh i 1 pi Til 1 1 1 1 < I....II l t d illu, I , , ! n f Ii I[ h i * • N J I I V « l a , m . _r Mi,l,|l,l,,i,,i i M'»l"l'<. inimfw ii.irrj irtul • . i | . e u * « . II.. w u r . U s 1 t e f , . r « y o u bill illume T f t - r ' - ' l l , KraiwrMnt. N t(. ill I - d , | ,u t »S * 1 ll If" \ >ur f i n | II Mnll \ ' , , ,' 1(<<l 1 , i , , 4 1 I , . | . 1 , I I . . . .1 . . . I t . .1 l l . i t . l i l > i n | i . i l v K c n r i 1 . . . E 1>. f >i>- i . , u b u y s> - V . I 4 ' n l . l . I,, l.tilier, l l l f i . u l N . J. f,\ 111 ,11 If V [til i 1 •-II t \ « it it i n t i i n ii,U nun \\ H U M , t h e I I I . I-<, Ililln', , {i h t . 1• 1 i u (h inn h aoai) PIIII i.s PAID *| ,,i. . > I . I m I I I " ,. i t , I r , N . v » CIIKKIIN FARMS rOH SALE. 1 iin», >.l.. im.l mi, Lr, m,i l l . . l o t . .III.-., r ImllilUii.'. l l r d i u , 1(1 f, H i ii y \\ H i Ul;,.' I b a v - ibo'ke.i /ati.i.-, wltb nitres o u t andfor nim'a x-crul-hmul clolbo at Iba ("It? H,-,,, , „ I n , I ,I I I I I . , I I I , . - I . . i bmuniloii il l l . l t u n l „ I ttil,,,, * I b i . l i e T4-I k <•" 1 ••IH ! 0U K ii i . i i c . 'II.OIMI IH0IH t 1.7 " . i.. ..I to n w1o0 • ' " ( ,', l "*' l !"" I ,i v " 1 M ', n '| 1 1 M " r l? 1 1 l ' 1 l A •""* Ml 1 l A* 1 1 At •CnlM. I, l,uk..r, llelfmil, N, J, """' ' " " • " • " ' " " • •""•"William . " . I . I ; , . . . I . . m i l . LUI, " > " . , 1 " " « I ' I . A I N SI-WINC. WANTIJ). VAHIOOS A R T , . I I S I OR l.ti,,...-. l.,i,,,,i,-.l nn.l niiifl.e.l; •«•*. I I'll I ,, '. .Ill ! . „ . llll.l. b. ,IV C ' - I 1 ;:::';;. %«::"^7M?,::.:.'.; izfz [.T^'TI;:,::;:;'„';:;';:• TWO STORES FOR RENT SEWING MACHINES. • ' " ATTENTION. " r. FURNISHED ROOMS WANTED A LOAD OF WOOD? '. r , • e 1 lt.-.l llnlil U . - m n t . 1 . l \ i ' ) i . . l i l - i - , 4f. l l l v < r » | i l c .|.,,,-ie |,|, U . . . I D i m 1< I 1 / ; Wilt I f, COUt'l.i: WANTED Mr. lle.l I t M llnli'i, I ' . ' - J Iliii.-,,. K , .I. flint,,. 1 FORD CARS. 11 1 1 1 r !,.';"!;;..'.: ,';";., ", ;:.. ; ' I ' . i w ( ' » ' • " .. .. m m ii ll ** .. ,, I l l n l l l l r i - II W l l v t l l , , , - • 1 1 huincr..,,,. I . . II.1 I'.ilnl, S ?&« ,,l,,l,.. J < ! « •'"Ml Hi' . H.'J 111 HH.I III p i l l n« n m l . .l i u i i . - i n . r l n - r . . m l it-eHil m n l i l i n live w i l l . j . r t . H i , . f t . i n i l v In , i , n u t . . ; U t - i m a i . i i i c firrrd, I'III.IIV " ' - ' l U i l Hank, 9Air. lit',, it'.riml ' l i t ' , , it'.riml -'liili'i. n m l »••«. n,,i|,|iu, l U " | ,'„,!', n",x, „ , u ^ V, , l r , ' . . , l { m < v I II , , , , . , I' 1 " ,",, „ n n V , , „ ! , , , , , "iVl.ll.. 1 , , . Ir , , H , V, , ' 'l I- ' ' . m i l i . I . 1' " m IV n U I L M N f l M A T K K I A L INCftKAMNCL " H A N D W I N T K R T U | O R I N ( l SCIIOO1. i i l ' n I,. ' , , ' H ' , V , " , , l " * » i ' , " u ! ' ' ' | ' 11' • I-'AHMS V A N T K i l . ! l . I.,.!. I , . . I, In, I . . . 1, ..1 • M a s s t h o . t . r r t w l r t o r b u i l d n n w , l o n t » | W > O.-I I- 1 » l ; l u l u M i m i d , . | i t , i H « i y , ('('I- , L 1 H . - l l i n k • » " " ' • • ""'I I I I . K . i i ' „ I , . , , turn-In M-IIII IHII l * m HIII ul I...INI m i l I n . ' !•• Hl e l ^ u r^,"",,, f a l l u n U l i . H c c - . n m hlnli.r. I ' l i o i w I l * d l - « . Imnrd ., I |,,|,.,.|, A.I.I. — . K.lwlti W , ' '.,'' " „ „ , . . , . „ „ „ O A _ . M o t i m . x t t h / . . H U H , n l . i i h , l « . . u l t . . « i i w m i | I M H I I I I I U - m v .ml • «< l i l l m l I « • ' . »i FOH RENT. S FOR RAOS, l l. .nnll . 1 * . H f u r K d m i m . l . * B n , A utl ul l t m . Bl«a4il«,, » t 114 Wand, A . N., N . , A lAllenhui.t, l e n h u i . t , NN, , JJ, ,utH I O I I I 1 I I'RKKS FOR RAOS, ,,,tl.» I'or n o H . . limil I I i m u 11b. ill i.n.- n m l Imlf I r uuu l | i « n - . l i l t . llnl l >.-lir > ll i M p c r t r 'nub Offlcf •mi.'- un .»('.-iul, |j\ru» rn.mi-, jj n n . 11 . «u,|| . , »., I I ,l M U M'Ul.11 sl l r ~ ( ,( I t.m t m H..»s», H . » s » Kealirluhl, K l l u h l N. N J l-hon. l - h IH, IH f . n l ii w . 1.1.1111I M , W » . I I ! M ' ' b fruni f l '»iil. M WIH nil. I In m i l Inniili,. al Wlul- Hlin„ „ „ Mtlllmaii, M,ililin.lltli Hfl« IT ibJ I ' ';' ;I1"1" , . „ " , " ' ' ' , ' . " , / • " '.V'""1' " " l "' <"'"• •••«•<««»«»•••. N > , ( * . miHlMli m l It I im-nn. I . n . . l HAVIS VOUlt CIO11IM - | - - - - ' SSwwrri illll CORN, Tib J"I «'i. II I I , mil . H e , I IU.I llnnk M 1 l N >, ( * . I «-l . .!'J' u" V 1'»""" ' <"'"• " " ' ' '•••«•<««»«»•••. ' """ '"""" ' ' " \ .-leaned a« I h . H i , llrr Ci™nln« anl Dp.- I • I l * . . • « ..r r C.l.len C l l l l a n U m i . 1 . , , I mm , " J ' " ' . . Jl" f.V,""' " ' H A T Uml VORITION WANTtl) " ;l H- ••it. "ml » . « „ « . . » . , , r ; '" T* . " » „ , « ' " * •'"I 1 '""". I ItOUIILK (UH'sr. I'OH U l 1 , HOM? HOM? VAI.UAI1I>. VAI.UAI1I> rAU IM Work;, « M«l,anl» • I M . I . n«ir l h « j «« pnmniinln.i I I b. u~|.lit.r|ii.r hv mi A.iii.rl- Mrwt, I W tlana. I'han. lOH'lt, WllUam 0 * . iflall l u . l r r . . « . | , (,„ ,.»,mln» Mt, K ' " "'"'"fc ' , . ' . _ „ „ I tiiin.|ilii, on ,.,.l|b, I,,I,»I l Hi..... . i n \ , ' l ' . . i r I m n c.n,.« ttn,.l ( » , » •'Itl wxtitAli niij.l bi. ui'.iil III.III*. ilA Mi.r* lm«, pruprlatar M ii rr , llliiin.oii l i i n . i i inn.I nI l | t lm l N ,,,,,. OM I t l . SPACE, „ »„„„ H l l l t M,,, |,i, h t,. , | , , , . t ,,i| t . m , , . , , » , ,11 „ „ „ . , . , i I IIIIIIIIHO, IIOIIoil %th«6 II M l..|tlr> mlier, N JJ I r l l alimrl, l.iiiin llrailih, N, J . HOUsK COW' *MJk, ' LOOK THIS ONE CIVKR i . " ' ' . " ^ * i"'1"1 •"*»*"•" *im «>i' "f l « l . • ,iu-iii< (f 11.11 nunt it m i l hit, . , . I1 r II (.- n . u . itn idiinl Inn »cti-> 111 m i l i i l i w t 1 1 (lirm h l m < 1 u l ( !rl Vlll l> ! m l (l , lUM/IR I 0 H HKNT, " rrt..»n . » n 7»Tm., 7 T m , Inf.. I n f . . " SStar. t a r . I. I."' 44 0 , 1 , j | LLl.slri.lil. *lnht hmi..-. m-olr I * 1 R M Nfvin room Itiilx; Iwiitil un rornvr uf •nill N r M. ..lll« i n * , |..i, ami l «M. | i tola l n << HtMrKlly, H M K l ll y , « ««. , H H Httltl,,l tttint i in tt/ /,,|| i > Tj7l l#wlaa and thi|i|lri. ter. «ara«. l f «ner .1 111 »»lh¥r I'rK. M t n * a n Illih I l l i h ^airiBvta, l r f > l , Kti.ifiliita-n. Kalfilow T>rm> M n l H II l b i t * . . I » I M « 1 him * « f c ImildlnJ t(L I i l ,\"""*• " " " " l t - B ' " " ' |>h«ii« HJ0-1I, H».l flunk, Jn.iulr. l I I H d B i ! u K >t»a, R.d t , P. »uM. K«l»nt.*n, W, J, * ' " " *I A T J' V j f e ''Vail £"11 .?\t!t" "J ",""," *!.'*«' ldlnJ t(L I i l , \ | — >lf»Nltl)RB WANiier """ l . mi 1II11IM r » m »»<) trljewm "UlIM, m i l HUal W -rt(.«»M«. 11114* if* tmttml MM Atnnti an III. " " "" ' "'i " ' !llJ " f fill, ,mi|i ir i m u t , f u l l tmirllii/, m i l ' .dill,, fl.MI I -.1 I n n I . r n u , I ,-iiiellII..Ii, I nu nt n ii.cil •itmvi m u l li«iri>«t I j i r j . .i >. 11 in-HI nf i t ' HI'-"! c m « 1JII I.. ( I Oil, 111 I . i l l ^>llii Kiilm I ' ' . . I * ' * lli:,i, Ii Fl I I'li-i"- M i . ' NEW BUILDING FOR IAUT N m *ri. If »i»l 111* itUf'ti kttlMllit hi mil., f.u.l»liilii» iwu .lnr««, «1«»» f f t »»f* • lure, ami lour luarllnnntd. ula SKI*I "?i' ' >" ? " "" ,"'" ''"!" ","'' ' *"' J Will •f l i», « Hi | j w |o» l»(t» of p l w » H r m < « • • ln«m 111 P«(li »«»«»«». «»'at lit RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEgfeER 19, J923L It Card of Thanki. 1HE REDBANK REQSTER. many I express my sincere thanks for the acts of kindness and assistance IF Ydy WANT A and expressions of heartfelt sympathy 1923 : t shown to me during- my recent bereavementcaused 4iy the death of TOWN TALK. my beloved husband, William Fran-j Albert Patterson, n ftumpon"polirf' cis Valleau, .Ir. I also desire to thank : 1 sn'Hi, has been fined twtnty day*' p:\y- | Rev* W-. Rullaiul Haver, tho Standard I HMIJ deprived of n vatntion of two i oil comptrtiy, the Soeo cluli, Mr. Al-; v.ii'ks as ii result of petting into .1 bert W. Worden, Jr., the pall hearera, ii t 'ht with Jamcn Itrucr, chairman of | those who donated automobiles and UiV policoHrommittot- of tHc Rtimnen those who sent flower*. Mrs. Anna L. Valleau. W EDNESDAY, SEPT. 19, DANIEL W. ROBBINS Lever... WHO c o n a u c i e a i n e fur t b i ' b o r o u g h , a r g u e d that l,i. ••. P a t t e r s o n should b e p u n i s h e d , I r . l In--did not. c l a i m t h a t M r . 1 ! I I K : ;'t MIIIII be p u n i s h e d . The- senator'. 1 nr<mme!it p r e v a i l e d V. Ih t h e council a n d h e won hi t : i . e . 1! m e v e r , t h ^ seomr- like mitrhiv un i- H ual j u s t i c e . W h ' d i: f d u c c f a r tr." j; .MI-,, s h o u l d be -wince f o r th<' '>'u;di>r •)f it w a s M r : l i r u c e ••houkl i'-:t be p u n i s h e d f o r ire-Uini; i n t o •> • : r . i p ;md -lappine; ' M ' \ l > atU'r.,on in tlii' f a r e , t h e n it w.v: riprht M r . -r.ilt'']-.soti should i-ot he puni.-lK-d f o r 1 Ji;: 1 iii-r"liiir. liiwk. Ol: lhi>either h a n d if it w a s r i , ; h t that Mr. Patterson ...I.,.nil he. -punished, t h e n i t «:>s riprht HI .it Mr. Hru.-e should lie p'tnr. h,>.l. S nilni- S t e v e n - 1 ' hrj.nd <jf j u U i i e i r . a is case m a y lie jrood l i w , h m it ,t-.i- not Kcejn like . op'iinnn ,Ar.'-: cv j ;i! j u s t i c e HIIIMMIIHIIt Republican Treasurer of the M o n in o u t li County - Democratic Committee .for 10 Year* is a. Candidate for DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION FOR ••••««••< Six of the Greatest Furniture Bargains Before the Buying Public Today Needless to say it was necessary to buy these particular quantities in solid carloads for cash, "in .order to enable us to ,quote these temporarily low figures. If you have looked at furniture elsewhere, it will help you to set up a comparison of values which will clearly and quickly point out to you the real saving possible, while we have these special lots to offer. BED ROOM SUITES DINING ROOM SUITES 4-piece Walnut Suites 10-piece Walnut Suites Dresser, Bow End Beds, Dressing Table, Chifforobe, Dull Rubbed two New attractive Queen Anne designs, tone Finish on genuine Walnut Veneer. finished Dull Walnut, finished interiors, Selected plate mirrors, all drawers fine drawer work. Oblong Table, Endovetailed front and' back, and fin- closed Server, large Buffet, China ished two coats shellac. OUR REGU- Closet, 5 Side and one Arm Chair in leather. OUR REGULAR PRICE ir • LAR PRICE $127.50. $198.00. NOW $99.50 FREEHOLDER VOTE FOR He Would Appreciate Your Support at the PRIMARY SECTION, ., THOMAS LSMITH Tuesday, September 25 T h e p r i a c i p ' o of t h i piece of l:iv>,-. m < t,i be tli:it, if y o u b i t IK- o t h e r •i''.-llu\v first, t h e n y o u r n " all riirht i iml. ir t h e o t h e r f e l l o e h i t s y->ii b a c k , -.1 :•!, h e is all w r t m p . '1'he inor-il nf S'-iuitor Stevens';: l a v would i n d i c a t e the Hi-it it is iihvny;- ••.•\fo-y tn p.. FOR FREEHOLDER AT THE PRIMARY ON HARRY G. BORDEN Tuesday, Sept. 25th Ur-t hlow. NOW $137.00 If he is nominated, there will be no Independent Republican running to split our vote on Election Day. . He is well qualified to fill the office. Church' Ne.vr. The worker.;' conference c I ' I', iptist H'uncl i\•i'.'hool held tin i i I >mvlinf; of t h e fall !-en:'or, M n i / l i l . a t t h e home of M r s -• Allen on Oakland sircet. Tin. fcr.-nce will- hold u ham^n i ' i \t month. M i s Mildred l l a r n r l i a i n n a n of ilie b a n q u e t c o nv n Mr. SkcMn will :]).enl; in l i it p ip I • 1.' .i. church. Huiidny n o mini,' U i th U:>r relief wor): and ML-, l e inj , .tii' Enrich will iiieal: for l i % Neil K,-t Relief movement at t b n P-e— T liyd-i ]:ni- <?Vn\)-- h Fu,uil:iv m o r n i r " ' ' A l HI. 1 Mi'lhocii-i c ' u i u h , ' i id .v >n;,rni|.|; th.-iv v.'ill he a solo L\ 111 t.r.i.v Kin,? and a sermon n\ l ' e J o h n \V. Mace, who h a s just reti:.rned fi.iiri a trip in the Levant. Atni.!<ht! II™ ii will be tin rrgiin recital b y ! !\'i.-- ,Hai.i Ariii.-lrour a n d a sermon j ti;, Uev. W. R o l b n d Uaver on " T h e KV.hl I'l-Ds.pcrtive, Ol' C^imtP a n d C^iniels " 4-piece WALNUT SUITES Large Dresser, Large Chifforette, Bow End Bed, or Four Poster, Extra Large Semi Vanity. Qualify merchandise in every way. All exposed panels genuine Walnut Veneer, Mahogany drawerbottoms—all-dust •proof.'- OUR REGULAR PRICE $189.50. Mayor of Keyport, Successful Business,Man, Lawyer, College Graduate, Mason, Odd Fellow, Tall Cedar, Elk, Kiwanian, Vice President of the Raritan Terminal and Waterways Association. NOW $159.00 l'aid for by THoinas'L. Smith. I IllltH Cfti^i of TI»onlt«. I>t.;ii' -Ni ig-hher,-- ' a n d F r i e n d s accept p our thanlw. for (foe ! Vote for a man w h o ii. uiy act - of :-ympathy and kindness given honest service to ji -rliifiiuul for us in o u r Lrreat heMor.mouth County.. i r iM'iuent callsi'i! hy I he death of ov lei.h.u.d and father. Mr: Uoward SL'eley. Port Mniimotilh, -N. J . -'— Adveitiseniont. ^ ^ ^ ^ Card of ThanWr,. Word- cannot fully express o u r : AT PRIMARY • ii in! s to everyone .for their kind ev- NOW $150.00 4-piece BIRDS EYE MAPLE or WALNUT This is a beautifully designed Suite in a very attractive two tone finish on genuine Walnut Ve.neer or Birds Eye Maple. Suite consists of large Dresser, Bow End Bed, Chifforette and Full Vanity. OUR REGULAR PRICE $169.50. s H'IUMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 10-piece WALNUT DINING SUITES Our Regular $269.50 Quality at $198.00 , Note these out of the ordinary specifications : 66 in. Buffet, Bottom Drawers build in solid, all mahogany drawer bottoms, sliding Silver Tray, six legs, brass locks,.solid hardware, Oblong Table 45 in.x60 in., but equipped with .8 ft. slides. New locking device. China Closet 44 in. Wide with wood or glass panels,'long bottom drawer, mahogany lined. Large Enclosed Server with deep compartments. Suite also includes at this price, choice of high grade chairs in fine leather or tapestry-slip seats, box frames. COMPLETE NEW STOCK HIGHEST GRADE SUITES FOR BED ROOMS, DINING ROOMS, LIVING ROOMS. A STOCK OF FAMOUS ROYAL WILTON RUGS, SECOND TO NONE. QUALITY AND PRICES GUARANTEED DEMOCRATS has REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE i'H--»u,i'- o f s y m p a t h y e.hich h e l p e d ! ^ . o, listen our sorrow ;,, v,-e laid [o S e p t e m b e r . l e t our litt,l;> little- son ltoss. Mr. ,ind Mrs. Cliirence Sheldon. » . . 25, ' . KEYPOBT . 1923 QUALITY & PRICES ,, ,.T!>lii.n ,.,„„ A ll »•••»••»»••< As far as Bear Mountain xcursion Sent 30,1923 Steamer "Pocahontas" leaves Keyport at 8:20 A. M,; Keansburg 9:00 A. M. Park autos at foot of Broad street, Keyport, and on Pier Keansburg, in care of watchman, without charge. Excellent Music Delightful Sail Refreshments Picturesque Scenery EVRRYRODY WELCOME Tickets $1.00 READE'S Broadway Theatre BROADWAY, LONG BRANCH S T O C K T O N r . I . l d n . U i h l d c . i Tviiiiuiiti-r. I'lio.ii. I mil! n.-.iiu-li ( 1 1 TODAY, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26th >•••••»••••••»•< GUARANTEED >»••»»••»»»»•»•»•»»•••»•••»»•»•••••••»•»»••»••»» Wagner Market Co. a 3 NEW JERSEY The following appeared in the Asbury Park Press, September 17th: ;, .Indue Kivniei- is said to luivi .hil^-e Wiird Kremt'l', enndidate f o r ' , the i'emoeratii 1 noiniiKi- sa\t'-l consuini'is served l>y these 1 lion, who reeenlly w a s stamned liy •omnatiies, $1 L'll;linn per year i n ! Mayor Aivhilmjd 1,. Miller of KedI'hsii'K'-'s, as eoinpared with tho rates Hunk, his o|ipoiient for t h e nomina- asked for liy the ennipanies.tion, a s a n organisation Democrat of IhirinK the past few months Jud(,re the politieian lyjie, said this morn'mjr Kremer won a fiuht aicainst t h e C o a s | J that lie believes ill sti-one; party o r - Clas company, obtaining n reductioli ' H-anizatiiin in politics as t h e only ef- of 20 cents jier I.IHH) cubic feet f o r i ! fective way t o achieve p a r t y success. t?as served to all year round conJ u d ^ e Kremer lias been c h a i r m a n sumers. of the Monmouth county Democratic After last year's political campaign • committee for four years. F o r t h r e e in which Governor Sil/.er was elected, ! years prior to t h a t he was s e c r e t a r y Monmouth county Democrats tento the committee a n d his work in t h edered to Judge Kremer a n d Miss committee has a t t r a c t e d attention of Miidelaine Clancy, president of the Democratic leaders throughout t h e Women's Democratic cluh, a testistate. monial dinner in recognition of their In his ten years of practice a s a services in the campaign. In Fchrulawyer here, .lud^e K r e m e r has m a d e iiry of this year Governor Silznr npa record a s a lighter in the public m - pointe<l Krcinc-r jiuhre of t h e district teresls against public utility corpora- court in Asbury I'ark. He is now octions, which his friends (piote in ri 1 -cupying this position. i ply lo Miller, l i e first a t t r a c t e d a t dKc Kremer » n . ,;rnduntcd from lleiition in I'.IICi by compcllilljr t h e the High School of Cummerce in New (Aliaiilie l'.i;,-,t Kleitrie Railway n i m - York city. He u.-e, brought u p '» j pany 10 b - u c Iridli'.v t r a n s f e r s a t t h e St. AKIICS Trinity l'i|>iscopul chureli, ' ! corner of i'ookman .-iveime -iind Miiin of which Hi v. William MumimKi' str.'et. T h e ra* wii-. trii'd lieforc present bbliop of the Kpiscopnl (lio: the I'ublu 1 l ! l i h t i v . comniis.sion a n d ! cc?;c, was then viuir. He Htudi'Ml ilthnu^h ii wii larrii'd to tbe bi^hest I law al Conu-ll imivt'1'nity, where he [•unit by (he c o m p a n y , t h e unlei- iwu. coxswain "f the junior Varsity e.-r.-int line Ib' 1 Iralinfel^ \va- UHtanU'ii i rivw ami edii..r of the Cornell Widow. and i-. :.lilC ill etfect, > At. ro||i'i;e In. WHS a inemlier of the j 111 1 *• lit ,,11,1 r.I'MI, when the ulili- Kappa Simula fiatemity and tho I'lii tie- carp,,!-.,! inn . abinjr I he shore w e r e Didlti I'hi h'lrul fraternity. • i --.ei-kilir; increasci in rate, ,Iiu In lii.H seiiini j . - a r u t (Iitrni-ll i Kleiner a p p e a r e d a^ counsel forI'I Kremer ua> elected by the clawi of 1 Iliadley iieaeh, Avon a n d Neptum i" j I!• i:i. of which he iva, a memher, us l i l y in oppu'qlion to t h e IIIIM-CIIM1^ , j life i-epi'i" , nialive in tin' Corncllian roni|i<iNeil of nne In t h e f n u r onse-t brought h y t h eI'lUiiicil, a li'idy i o-aler, i:.v, lil,'ht and Irollev coin- uiemlief fi tun ea, h i IHJ;H, Friday and Saturday Specials! If your standards are those of quality—you can confirm them by buying in Wagner's The Very Finest Corn Fed Beef Top or Bottom ROUND Roast Another treat for your Sunday Dinner. Milk Fed ROASTING City Cut Fresh Corn Fed . PORK Shoulders Our Own Pure Pork Sausage Meat 39c 35c 18c 38c Pound Pound Pound Pound Very Fine Fresh Chopped HAMBURG Fresh Cut Fresh Pork New Long Cut Libby's Very Fine 2-It Cans Pound Pound Pound Per Can Very Fine Sugar Cured Machine Sliced BREAKFAST Sugar Cured Boneless Sugar Cured . Plate or Navel CORNED SPARE SAUER CORNED BEEF Steak Ribs Kraut Hash 22c 14c 9c 19c Philadelphia Made Scrapple Bacon Salt Pork Bee! Judge Ward Kremer 15c 28c 25c 7c 2 lbs. for if i ''uiKi-.tV rv«>vfi, "The Trail of the Lonesome Pine" With an All-Sttir-f'tv-t includiiiKMARYkMILES MINTER niul ANTONIO MORINO THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY 9«ptembor 27th, 28th and 29th Elinor GlynnV'She Paysf> . COMING SOON ' IF WINTfR COME*' "SLANDER XH% WOMAN" Pound FOR^ENATOR Primary Election iber2! Pound Pound Above Specials for Shore D'mtrict Only: RED BANK. LONG BRANCH. ASBURY PARK. HIGHLANDS ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS. CAMPBELL'S JUNCTION. KEYPORT. MATAWAN. IT ' REP BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER IS, 1923. Juaea Howland is doing the work. FISTIC FAMILY FIGHT. Mrs. John Lay ton, who has been and Draf-Out S«np» an an invalid nearly twelve years, has a Pbalux r u m . shown A remarkable improvement the K fight occurred Sunday on Daniel past week. She in able to be around. _cC<>rmicli'» farm a t Phalanx over loesesadon of the farm. The ownar Littl. Silver Now.. -AT>f the place hia been in the Long The Methodists cleared *2<]0 by Branch aosbital and on Sunday his their annual harvest hojne lust Thurssons, Daniel and John McCormick of IPront itreet, Red Bank, forced ad- day night. Mr. and Mrs. Roliext Flatley have1 ]*Jj mittance into the iarmhou»e which 4 Linden Place w»s in charge of Mr, McCormick's returned to Eliabeth after having j BID BANK NEW JERSEY ;•; spent two > V L * e k a with Jumett Ayres. daughter, Mr». Abram Patterson. A A spark from a fireplace lire set! Utruggio ensued in which Jeaae Boyd, Store will be opened Oct. l a t $ colored farmhand on the place, took fire to the roof of V. Parker Wilkirv son's house last Friday. The firemen. Bides with Mrs. Patterson and received a scalp wound that required put the hla-ix out aftur damage- »f about $100 had been done. twelve stitches to JJOBC Mrs. William W. Shampanore at* Mr. McCormick'a ,two sons were tended the state convention of wo•arrested later and haled into Justice 7 <fl ainWright's court. Th <vtVw.i Cu»« ' men's of the American ItTelephones fathtr «« was Ig . ? n a auxiliaries t w l l l l w o o d lli9t wm?k- S h l , lirouylit into. co\^rt to testify. 747 and 506 fainted at the hearing and this re- \vas elected a member of the stall! tuitcd in the postponement of theadvisory board. ' case. Yesterday, it is alleged, the Mr. and Mrs. Lester C. Lovctt will two McCormick brothers again tried spend the winter at Red Bunk. Their to get possession of the farmhouse, son, Vanderveer Lovett, will enter .but were driven off !>y Constable l'eddie institute at Hightstown toGeorge Robinson. morrow. Andrew J. Hill v Home-made Candy] S and French Chocolates Porch Enctpiur" LLOYD FRANCIS General Contractcr and Builder Ladies', Misses' and Children's Wearing Apparel "WATCH OUR WEEKLY SPECIALS" QUALITY GOODS AT ECONOMY PRICES ACKER, MERRALL &CONDITCO. Red Bank Gondolier Brand, large tin, 27c; 4 tins for 1.00 Shrewfbury Nawa. Choice Tomatoes, No. 3 tin ., , .18 Potato buyers at the railroad sta| tion have stopped buying potatoes for Salmon, Watchman Brand, No. 1, tall tin 18 I this season. No more shipments will Robertson's Imported Orange Marmalade, 1So1 - JBr .34 I bo made. Mrs. Machonice and her two Pitted Red Cherries, Burt Olney'a, 17V2-oz jar. . .43 J daughters of New York returned I home Friday after spending the YOUR ATTENTION IS CALLED TO OUR I Bummer -with Mrs. Richard Sickles. C. S. Leo has returned home from FRESH MEAT DEPARTMENT trip to Narraganset I'ier. Specialties Including: Mrs. N. J. Knott is spending two hweeks in Vermont. Fresh Pork Tenderloins, Calves Liver, Broilers, Mrs. C. C- Banker is homo after Squabs, L. 1. Ducks and Turkeys, also impending three weeks in Virginia. I Mm. Jamps Bell is kept in bed with Fresh Fowl, 2l/2 to 3l/2 Ik each, per Tb 29 I neuritis. E*lonlown Nnwa. At thn election in November t h i liinpli of thi.i jiliuc will vutu on .1 |ifi.]»>HitUm to H|>wutl % 12,li00 for new lire itpparntu*. I'.iiijniiiiii DIIIIKW is n paliitnt in i New York' honpital, Siinui rniilli'iuUx |ierwin early onn niipi'iung laat wiu-U ihri'W n nick gUuuutch u imrlor wimhivr of the h»un« Km Hutli nlrcut owtuul by LciuU llcrrii:i' unit ni'i'iifili'd 1.y A. II. Kilwurili, j Htc|)hiii Aumark him moviul t i ; ikliiirnt nnd On1 hi.uw which hi1 ati'il ii MOW ori'upiml by Mm. ldn H'M'tT, who moved Iiew from Ai'n NiH'k, Jucub Applnby madii A inuv*mt«nt I* <>n fuul t o noniliinl* I Chi.iL'> maillo for iommlttocmnn nn Ittuiic it will H«VB to b« dnno by writMr. ItlddU1* n»m§ on th» ticket kt the primary, No Dttnixmt fll«i • in th. RtmtbUwi^ <wp» . t o n i i , i |CI«D fw tWi m Window Screens ;u!vertisinp is a profitable -Advertisement. WILLIAM O'BRIEN MEANS Frankfurters, best grade, per Bologna, best grade, per tb tt> 22 24 OUR CANDY DEPARTMENT Carries a Large Assortment of MaiUard's Candies Including Chocolate Covered Mints, Vi lb box 50 Cream Peppermints, Y2 ID box 40 Marshmallows, V2 H> box, 35c; I tb box .65 Assorted Cum Drops, 1 lb box 29 POVOU ENJOY READING? ' O n e of tli''+'T<'.'itest ji,y:in this lift: i:i;in>.'S to a ttian iliity l o :i| it i^ai y to strain y< takt- hi '.vhat printed pafrf it lu-t'oriH':jll'Sl **19 nt.!i'fvs;ii"y that yow • c o n s u l t a n a u t h o i i t y on c p t c m t ' l r y : Have u s iiui!<lv f o r y o u a pair, uf jj,lassL-.< t h a i v.'itl KLVC yuur vision the pro pi'i' jw-'t'tjinniodation.1 HIGH GRADE SERVICE 14 West Front Street; Approved and Improved Heating . Plumbing Roofing Water Systems Copper Work Earthen and Iron Pipe Opt1-Broad St. We We Handle Handle the American Radiator Compony's ARCOLA HEATING SYSTEMS RED BANK and SEA BRIGHT i • . Red Bank; N. J. ALSTON REALTY & DEVELOPMENT COMPANY Broad Street National Bank Building Tel. Red Bank 1411 -NOWPERMANENTLY LOCATED AT Insurance Loans Estate ALSTON COURT hoice plots, 60x168, for sale in this restricted.river front development. 25 MECHANIC ST; —DISTRIBUTORS FOR— DURANT STAR AND Mrs. Lida Taylor and her elanghitcr Gladys spent the -week-end at I p Branch. TELEPHONE 943, 944, 945 Mr. and Mrs. John A. Chaunccy, who have been away the past two Breakfast Coffee, » *»»•«factory blend, :„ b.,ik only, it, 2 5 Lyoiirs, are again occupying their ghouse on ltottin road. Kippered Herring, Golden Net Brand, 8-oz. tin, 2 for . . .27 Krnest nnd Frank Otto have startPrunes, Choice Santa Clara, 40-50 size, per lt> . . .15 ed on a vaudeville tour. Charles Kckman is repairing autoBorax Soap, Noreca Brand, 5 cakes for. . . . . ' . . . .24 limubilea in Cameron'a garage. Fancy Seeded Raisins, 15-oz. pkg. . ". . . . .14 George Hawkins has been awarded J a contract to build a house on the Chicken Broth, CoUeS^ '"" BranJ, U-oz. tin, 2 for 27 ||mam road for Dr. Maiton. 12 George Hawkins has bought a new Lima Beans, Sinclair Brand, No. 2 tin KBuick sedan. • Imported Boneless Sardines, in pure olive oil The parent-teachora' association j met Friday nifrht at the school. 1 Speeches were made by Supervisor Dickey, Theodore N. Parmly lind Miss RandHll, t h e county librarian. Piano and vocal solos v»ere given and re| f ri'shmcnts were sorven. Dr..Irving K. l,ovett of Red Bank I and his nurse ar« conducting an «x1 ami nation » t tli« «cho«l thia week. A dancp for the benefit of the fire I company will be held at the lirehouse litonifrht. V Jllwf HCKMII! Cuiiper hiiH Rono to •Oningo for a short ntay. K. A. Stark, president of the | Shrewsbury iluiry comimny, l» on « two weekn vair«tion in Canada. .lohu Lnnx ia homo on a two wei-kti' vacation from hiii work at New York. W. (I, Nirholns's IIOUHI! in bciiiK piiintrd. PHONE 973 RED Red B&nk, N. J. 11 Broad Street 29 P«iW Art., K««n>burg, N. J. Jobbing Promptly Attended *c Eitimatei ChecrfuHy Furriiitd I unf-ey. ,iii,! tiecaUKc you i*tart the nd tirfd, Rtiff it'Kti an'' iirrnn IWHI chinu head, UiirniDK and tt*-arinK down • in t n t back- worn nut bffurf the <!»> !? — ilit not think y«iu hav* In stay ir rt r.rlititin. - i tronf, w«?llt with no f^tifT joints, pore clip, rhcumati3 ' pnine. achinif back OT Ii y bfd y rtuiilf* ac idn. i t atfvr from bladder wrnt IICHH, with . . ijr i) yt j svr^ in t of Ltd hslf it (Joten timfH a ni^ht, the ri^t. comfort nt (should K'««\ Red Bank, N. J. 1 Hazlet New*. Collection For a Cripple. Special collections will be ma4c at Mrs. J\ 0 . Weigand! J. | Calvary Baptist church of. HeU Bunk Kund, Mr. and'Mrs. Ernest E. Peseux Sunday afternoon and night for uud children and Miss Grace H, James'Scott, who is crippled as a re- gand were LaUehurat visitors on Sunp u l t ot an accident several months day. ago when he was struck and knocked The fair <md supper held by th'.' ||dowp by an automobile owned and Hazlet fire company Wednesday and .driven by Arthur A Patterson a T h u M ( l a y n j g h ts wasu great success, former mayor of Red Bunk. Kev.!about . . .*-A-v* .. realized, „..*• A . chickci ..:..i... SfuTJ'bKinK J o h n W. Ilumlin of Brooklyn, a, for- u p / w a a aevv%d t o a bout 350 pen JUST SAY "SEND A CAR" tifier pa&tor of the church, will preach. ! j n Wednesday night. The last night clam chowder was served. Mu when you call up No. 717 ()r .100 and New.. sic was furnished by Voting's orclies Henry Kruse spent Sunday at New traa from Keyport." Several articles in a ft>w minutL'S it will In- at your were disposed of on the co-operativ: door. Our auto delivery service is york. Miss Helen Lung g is attending a t g a i pl p an,, and were won by y the following l d i h Mrs. M Rudolph Rdlh Z [fashion school at New York. . salad dish, Zurex o all that you could possibly desire of Stephen F. Stevens is remodeling Hazk't; 100 pounds of sufitir, Ade yom* own tar. Our mV.s are always is double house on Lakeside avenue. | line Connver, uf Wiekatunk; ton coal ; clean mid neat—-drivers also. Bach side will have .six rooms and a Randolph- Phillips of Hazli't; bathroom and will lie equipped with tray, Mrs. John S.' VanMater of Hay. - Under New Management noderu improvements. The house let; sweater, Harold Warnock ol be ready for occupancy October Hazlet; Silverton cord tire, (I. War f Formerly Bratch Broi. ren Aumack; embroidered pi list. Can for All Occuiom. Cup3 were awarded to the tennis cases; Miss Agnes Hannaway. Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Wilsmi o. [tournament winners by Bertram H. Open Day and Night. iBorelen at the band concert Brooklyn are visiting 1'. O. WeiganJ Offico: Red Bank, N. J. Opp. Depot Sr. ^Thursday night. Edward O'Brien and his son Edward Attended the Dempsoy-firpo I M I M I M I I M M I W > — « — C — — « O — « — » • • » » » » • » » « [fight last Kriday at New York. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Keefe and 19O2 1923 tfamily of Brooklyn spent Sunday, at l.their Summer homo here. I Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kerr enterI'taintd company from New York SunTjday. Mrs. Eva Clay has Teturncd to Jersey City" after having spent two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James E. Bogle. The bathhouses at Victory park gclosed .Saturday for the winter. The Eumson band will continue its weekly concerts in the park until cold Bweather. The next concert will be Kgiven tomorrow night. One of Rumson's enthusiastic tenfnis players is Mickey Walker, the gwelterweight champion. He likes to play the gamp and, it helps to keep fjhim in-condition. Mrs. V. V. Anderson of ShrewsPbury will speak at a meeting of the 'parent-teachers' association Friday ilMM»MM«tMM«MI«IMIMtMM8MWIMW«IIHI«ni night of this week in the high school liBUilkoriura. Itown. Miss BaTry has returned to Baltinore after having spent several Iweeks with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 85 Cent Bottle £ 2 Doses) Phon. 1416 Rnl 1 Fair Hav«n Newt. The Methodist ladies' aid society eld the first meeting of the full | season last Wednesday afternoon at (the lirehuuse. The society will meet fit-very week. Miss Mary E. Hendrickson reIturned last1 week from a visit to BosIjtun. She is now visiting at Tarry- F. D. PRESTACE ; | TRY THE WILLIAMS ExparUncad ! • all brancbaa. EttimatM Furnitlinl 14 Worthily StrMt, White Star Taxi Service 3 Broad Street, URIC A C I D Paper Hanging, Painting and _, • ' Decorating Sed's Candy Shoppe | Page Thirteen AT . The ambition of many a youngster is to get his 1 cloth is wiiere his Dad gets his! We encourage it! Prices as moderate as the quality's fine! YOUR SERVICE WITH SERVICE PHONE 1553 ROGERS P E E T COMPANY STANLEY DANSER, Manager Brimi\wr\y at 18th St. "Four Ilcrnlfl 3a. nt 85th St. Cunv oliier.t Broftdwny Cornori" ITfth Ave, m Wtttruii »t 41st St. AN Nunr Tort C'ltr States Stores System FOLKS We believe your dollar goes farther at our stores. CHOICE FRUITS AND VEGETABLES In Season fit Attractive Prices Fresh From Farm to Your Table. • Orders Delivered to Your Door Within Following Territory: RED BANK Three Deliveries Daily Daily Atlantic Highland! K»l lido Park l''ntr Havnn lli K l.l. l ul> Litlln Silvnr Moninmiili Hi HlllltiltM H-t, Bright Sl»n« Church Slircwibury W « | f r Witch Minin\oUlh liaach Tueid&y and Friday Chapel Hilt Cumubril'a Junclion IIOHJIIKH'I Corner Now Munmoutli I'nrt Monmoulh Klv.r I'lai* M Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday AlUnhurit Aaburir P»rk B»4l*y B u m ' , . l-nnj Branch Nurlh Aibury P.rl. Octanpvrt/ Lean Smoked Cala Hams - 12£c lb Reg. Sugar Cured Smoked Hams Fancy Dry Picked Fowl , Best Cuts Prime Rib Roast Choice Cuts Chuck Roast 24c lb 35c lb 34c lb 20c lb F R E S H F I S H Every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday NEW' JERSEY 31£BroadJStreet F O O D STORES Red Bank. N. J. "The Stores for All of. V. S, 1 RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 1 9 , 1 9 2 3 . Page Foorte .ilAtlAAAAilAiAAfcAAA Correct Weight Means Economy In Cooking as Well as Purchasing. Here are kitclien scales in convenient sizes, especially needful in canning time to assure best results—but they will also pay for. themselves in checking up the weight of meats and other foods. A quarter pound now and then soon runs into money that-.a good scale will save you. • . . •- "X and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harris have rented t h e flat over Cherry's store, been making an auto trip this week owned' by, A. Heleotiii. through New York state, •'. Rehearsals are under way for the Mayor Thomas L. Smith has reHEBREW CONGREGATION HERE turned from'a visit to Chatham, Vir- two-act comedy "Mr. Bob" to be given early next month by the First TO HAVE SYNAGOGUE. ginia, where he placed his son Her-BnptUt choir. bert in a military school. Rev. Philip S. Smith, rector of St. Old People'! Bank Building to Be Miss Catherine V. Dowd is taking • Used (or Thi» Parpose—Maple course in nursing at the Long Branch Mary'g church, is enjoying his annual vacation. He will visit WashPlace Paving Job Progressing hospital. ngton, D. C , where ho will meet MB Rapidly. ' Robert Bartley, a government in- wife, who has been spending several The People'* national batik liae spector at the aeromarine factory, weeks in the Western states. sold its old building on Uroad street has rented one of Mrs. C. J. Post'B Mr. and Mrs. M. Finkle will soon to the local Hebrew congregation, flats a t East Keyport. move into the Walling- house on Main who will cpnverj it into a .-synagogue. Charles Mery has bought the Wil-street which they recently purchased. [ The work of concreting. "Maple iam Hoffman house on the west side Miss Marjorie Bedle will enter CeI place from Broadway to broad street of Broad street and is having it dar Crest college at Allentown, Pennis soing ahead rapidly, the stretch moved back on a line with the ad-sylvania. | is from Broadway to the bridge being joining house which he recently purcompleted but not open to the'pun- chased from Mrs. -William H. Stan- MIDDLETOWN VILLAGE NEWS. lie. The board of freeholders will hope. Mr. Mery is having a small have the bridge repaired shortly.. frame dwelling on the Stanhope Six .Thousand and Two Hundred Miss Dorothy Hedle resumed her property torn (io\Tii anil lias built an Penniea Reaped by Church. .studies in the women's college at addition to the other house on the The members of the ladies' aid soNew Brunswick this week. property, which he is oecupyinc" ciety of the Reformed church turned Mr. and Mrs. .1. 11. Uendricksim Harvey S. Bedle has returned from in their penny, strips at a meeting at and daughter .spent Sunday with Mr. an auto trip through the New Eng-the parsonage last Friday.' The ! and Mrs. Douglas IVw of MorrisvilU", land states. amount^collected was $G2 and the Pa. „, ' Mf. and Mrs. Harry VanNess of women had quite a job collecting Mi-, and Mrs. Michael Collins and Rutherford were recent guests a t the and wrapping the pennies in fiftycent bundles. The money was turned Martin Huffman left this' week for liaritun Inn. a trip to l'ermuda. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Davis have in by two teams of women. One I (Jeur^e H. Conover ulul .hick Ko.ul been spending their vacation in Ohio. •team was the Pinks captained by i attended a shoot at tile .Wehtehe.slerMr. and Mrs. E. T. Bridgcman Mrs. Edwin Beekman and the other | niltmore country club at Y., have purchased a lot mi Majn street was the Blues captained by Mrs. John M. West. The Pinks turned i the first three days this week. from Mrs. Edith S. YaiiDevertter. . I Benjamin Lufburrow and E. Ken- Joseph ' K. Judsun has been enjoy- in the most money ami the Blues will ! netli Hoose have returned from a ing a vacation from his ituties with have to treat them to cuke and ice j vacation at Raquette Lake,, in the tile Public service company at Perth cream. Adirondack mountains. Charles McCloakey, J r . , son of Amboy, Frederick A. Kckhart returned .to Miss Margaret .Malonry has entered Charles McCloskey, is laid .up with • Syracuse university this week tu re-Trainers' business college at Perth disease in his legs resembling paralysis. He has been'at a New York hossume his studies in the electrical en- Amboy. _f £ir.cerinu' depai'tmnnt. E. Kenneth Hoosc is enjoying a pital, but he is now at his home here. ' The Thought eluli will resume thc-i'r vacation from his ilutk'.s with the Benjamin .Hankins is'employed on meetings next Week, the first bei Ki'ypwi banking comp:i:iy whic'h he a road construction job at Upper he!,1. Monday niirht with Mrs. Louis is spending at Riiquejt-.1 lake in. the Montclair. SVu'r/., Jr. ' . • • ' " Ai'iicndsicks. Benjamin B. LufburMrs. Mary Dickinson has been oi1 has a vacation from his job with the sick list, but she is improving. _.;:>> lli-r.rie'.Ui Wall has returned row 1 which he fv.ui; a vi-il witii friends at I'eekskiH, th." Matawnn tile cor..p:iny, is spending at the sani1.1 place. Register advertising is a profitable, N. V. .Mr. a-d Mr.,. Chester A. Walliiig Mr. and Mrs." Richard,Coogan have investment.—Advertisement. • NEWS FROM KEYPORT. 3 Family Scales . . . . . . . . > . . . . . $ 2.75 } Grocers Scales •• • • • • 6.50 • Butchers Scales . ' . . . 4.50.£ Spring Balances-^ 5 1 6 size .20 a h d .60 t Spring Balances- 5 0 1 b size .40 and 1.25 | Ice Scales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 t R. HANCE & SONS 12 Broad St. Red Bank, N. J. 1 " • ' • The Bayard Domestic Fuel Burner (Electric) Unit handles any oil that will flow, the oil is broken up or atomized by centrifugal force, not by heatinp to « vapor. Sufficient air for complete quiet "and .smokeless combustion furnished by blower— BAYARD UNIT can be installed by your steam titter in any standard steam, water or vapor boiler. 8c Fuel Oil is equal to coal at $10.50 per t o n Bayard Units are priced at $410 to 9660 according to size of building. WILLIAM C. GERBRACH Box 174 Highlands, New Jersey VALUES:Thoughtful thinking serves to acknowledge that SHREWSBURY Milk, eitiher Raw or Pasteurized, has no equal in v:due as food at a conservative price. SHREWSBURY DAIRY CO., Inc. Telephone Red Bank 1455 Night Call 1076-J. TTTTrfTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Buy your Butter and Eggs from the Shrewsbury wagon ROBERT HANCE & SONS Tie Sa/eJi&rug Stores 60 Broad Street SALES of TOILET NEEDS idant Stock of Better Furniture Beautiful Living Room Suites X Library Table in Oak 37 LINOLEUM DESIGNS 59c to 3.00 sq. yd. 12.00 rtany patterns nd colors to e had. Bring our room »ize» ith you. We ill advise in he most exert fashion * lyit what you nn ute at the east expense, The library table is a dec- ; rative piece of furniture and at this price you can hardly be without one; > White Enamel Bed Spring and Mattress 19.50 \ 3-piecc 3-piecc 3-piecs 3-piece -in i.nlv be b ^ d h e r e i\t tliis .Dining Table, only Tapesiry Suite . . . : Tapestry or Velour Cl-.oice of Velcurs Ci-nice of Veiours • l ! l i I.:,(i '! vi |.i-;^ . » ; in. CI...I :... i --^•I.I- nivi-d Cl,.-«t i n . C'IM-.I • Suiie in I'rcnch Grey •4-l'ji«!cc Su'.tu in Ivory ICiicj Tut 3 i.;<r;-e Pii-c.s in W.^lniH $ 1 2 . 7 5 I . I M . . . I-l.!)5 . ,- - 1 5 . S K . .'. 1' $ 122.50 139.50 151.00 Hi.i.- >1 M H U . : . » I n . u k " i l ......-I,,-,- • - , ' - !,.-.... nl „»,, IIMI.I, 'id,id :•,! , i , . , , , i \'lilirlli Slyl., ,173 .|,00 ' 19c SSKSBES C R E A M Light ami soft m down. Rn<!» It* WIT ' n ' ° •'•• P°'a of the skin, leaving it imooth mtuitott, without • bit of gicnslncsj or nicklncw. The bt»c c««i» with which to prepnre the skin for the appllcaiion of Face Powder. Delightfully perfumed with Odor Jontetl. odlways 50c. September Special 39C CUT TABLE PRICES NEEDS WEEK-END Tea iyt Ik irii. 50.-)2 for 61c OiKtxifH lb.rn(.Z5c) 2 for 26c Mayim1 a IM DrrMlnR (ttllct'O (Kig. 38c) 2 for 39c Clu>t»liiU! I'tultllng (Re«. 15c] 2 for 16c CJac CJvKolltlti - • Crniforters for iheae (hilly Mornings I" I r 111 2/(>r;)lc ' v e r y d a y rMII« i n tilt* n n t * t t)t*iiut if lit « ) r i i ^ t n ** 1 2 %\i>- vvhii h y o u i f*mi»t O P A A , , »iO«UU in thi* d u a l i t y or piici* You Will Always Do Better At 14.75 JONTEEL Attractive in dritign nnd <>xvncditi)ily /well mn«tv. I'iniilit-d iii K('ldrn <i«k mttl «uV< <*r**<l in n KIKU! ^rnde />( i-liPin Irflllicr. A rral vitliH* nt tliii low ptiM-. "3L Bo»ton B»g , $ 2.00 Suit C « M 3.50 Truvollng BAB . , 5.79 Steamer Trunk . . . , , , , 13,50 ROBERT HANCE & SONS * . 12 Broad Street cAliuay* 30c a tube. 25c Co*f« (IUI.ICK. 4V) 2 for 52c We Evcrythlnj (hat |OTI will expect In a perfect Shaving Soap. A large tube) the imaBot miantlty ptodtices a coploiu lubei qulcltlyi lather lemslna until uuved ufl. Will not amact. i 18.50 i50 , , ,-, SPECIAL Luggage The Duponts of France iv^Y*.' a world wide repiita* tk»ii #(.>r making some of the beat Drushci. We hove fortunately obtained & lot oi 144,000 of factory ends, all perfect ivhich will ordiiutrtty retail from 35cto7%c Shaving Cream Special I n r «| , ,, ] Dupont's French Tooth Brushes 13.00 ,$;!.()(| fC A Sale of I,,..,!,,, '>. . . . . n d S l y l . . ' . | . , . , Trunk' September Special This Oak Chair or Rocker roll, «,,d • '••••'• ' t y b - , , ( OHM* SAFETY RAZOR Tin WWMMII ham never believed It possible to aoc » Knoodi a shave from a Safety Razot. You o m it to yourself to try the Gem. Conv pleto Outfic in a sanitary all metal case, tu piauxai, « M two blajet. n f\ September Special in Furri' d Oak • DUO PLATE Mahogany Davenport Table The Harmony of Beautiful Rugs Is Here Today. lV«;is?a'.irii? Bothfor7Sc NEW GEM The best way to cover the floor of your kitchen, pantry, closets, bath or halls is with linoleum. Easy to keep clean and attractive in appearance. ; The kind of' table that drcor.i ic*. in Tudor and Queen Aiinv design with five ply 'ih<->'niiy toj»». You will 1 vi' Ky taking advnntnRC of ii,H low price. Choice of Ct-dar Ch•.!;,'s . Wwwlou famoue line of Toilet Preparation*. R«ige and Powder RV£:1$lu' Dont fail tn Ri>t one of ihc.c inattresio at this special price for full size. Priced less for smaller sizes. Bedroom Suites in Latest Design In a most original, hondsom^ poUikcd Vanity Box, with each purchase of a full afac 75c package of UCCM f 1 \4n¥ °* ?*numbert """J "in the »« i n t i u r^nr VJ \X f Far** a c e l Pnwdpl* U W U u ^O"? j popular 9.00 M.n!r nf Mili'l oil U w i t h stronli 1. ,; I,.•*<•, t'.irfe |.ly ' l e i ; ; u . d lias a 'A leaf v\ t e n ; ion, [ur lln- U n r ; i u n [irict- .(hove. ju-rt BMHMBflHHii^l High Quality Cotton Mattress, only $ 98.50 165.00 185.00 250.00 14.00 rlilpi.U'iil MONSIEUR VTVAUDOU PRESENTS:j @ h ^ MINIATURE of Mai* \yot Rouge These Suites a r e t h e iirpa All w e a s k ih c a m p e r ; .ion. 1 'icsr- ( i i m f o r t a b U ' S i m m o n s 'ids w i t h S i m m o n s *uiinij .!-,-- Red Bank, N. J. SEPTEMBER Continuous striving on the part of this store »nd its organization to i;et together the best of the world's furniture and to serve that furniture to the people of Red Bank in *n attractive and pleasing manner at a fair and rt-ii so liable price, which has brought us rightfully to the position we hold. 0 Red Bank, New Jersey "WXiKW Oriii^ye Mjirinnliido SPECIAL Telephone Stands With Chairs Golden Oak $ 5.00 Fumed O&k 6.Q0 Mahogany .."*... 7.00 Fancy StyU . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 . 5 0 •> t Stramh^rry Jani • - • /or. (15 ^ i<». 4tV) 1 for 49c n M ^ w r r y lam • - ((15 <». leu. 4Hc) 2 for 49c Onmjtim • • • •' 1 for 46c t'omM iWmcr • • • Iforitk Vantiia. Emmet. . • VmrfTtiy, O0 • . . [ Orap*JMr . . . . . (Kfc».|imi.He; Iforlte SI'/H 50c MulsiGnJ Cocaanal 38c * Oil SK.mpoo $1.25 Father John's M«J.. .HIIr. Z5c l.yona Tmilh P.iwrlor 1 ttc Rile Jl 00 M.UIn'a Ko«J &Oc l'«h«co f n o t h F a i l s . ,M>e ROc Phillip*. Milk M» R . . . :\<<c 00 I'orhan's Tool I. Pait«. ,37c $1.10 Tanlac 83c 10c Ivary 5oay v anmll. . . fyc 40c <«il.»r>« '/Sr •/n< Cullmra Sumy . . . . . . IDc »1.()O, I-.vnri., U'%» Hit $ C I' F u r Powikrr Zri, lUctkaia'a Pill. 7llc 21c 60c Menn#n'a fibavini 25c Carter'. I.l».r PIIU . IBc %\ in Pinaud'a V>f«l>l, aOl] •m»ll *, .'IRr S i n . , ' , l i . t a a . a l 7S. P U . . J ' « t..m 4 * QuLln. «S< $1.00 LUtwi*>f t a r n . . . , « » « (10c PpnaOanl Ti& f $1.10 Ca^U'i f ••>• BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 19, 1923:1 BRIDGE New Jersey Brick Co., Inc. EATONTOWN, N. J. HOL.L-OW TIL.E Common Brick, Face Brick and Face Tile. Plaster Blocks. American" Ceylon ; TEA 49c lb. 3 Broad St., Red Bank; N. J. Meat Department Swift's Dixie Bacon, lb 14c Fresh Beef Liver, 3 lbs for 25c Fresh or Corn Plate Beef, lb 8c New Sauerkraut, 2 lbs 15c Rib Veal Chops, lb 29c Short Forecasters of Spring Lamb, lb 25c Grocery Department Tall Evaporated Milk, Can Kirkman's Soap. 5 bars 24c Best Pink Salmon, 2 cans 25c Marshall's Kippered or Tomato Herring, can 23c Loose Oatmeal, - lb NEWS. ] Mill Alice VanSchoick Engaged to ; Marry Long Uland Man. | Mr. and Mi's. Fred Uurnell and | daughter J«an, who have been living ! with Mr, Durnejl's parents, Mr. ami < Mrs. George Durnell, have moved to i Red Dank. • Several residents of this place went on an excursion to Coney Island Thursday afternoon which was run y the Fair Haven fire company. On the return trip the bout gi>t s'turk on bar off Highlands. Most of the j passengers remained on tin: boat all night. '• . • '• Mr. and Mrs. Harry VanSchoick announce the engagement of their daugjiter Alice to IJeaii I): Mcdruw of Long Beach, Long Island. N> date has been set for tile wedding. Mr. McCiraw spent Saturday here. John MaHoiiey returned from the Walter Reid hospital at Washington, D. C, last week. Mr, Malioney underwent an' operation two months. ago. He is greatly improved and is now able to attund to his business affairs; • Mr. and Mrs. Louis Millar and son Leigh were nailed to Philadelphia Monday by the death of Mr. Millar's mother. Mrs. .Henry Hush and children Mario and Kaymond have returned toIKeir home at New York after having spent the summer here. Lieut. Franklin L. Hash has had a now-"radio set installed in his houHe. ! Mr. and Mrs. James Eramons and I daughter-Addie and daughters Rose I and Jeitnnette nf Long Hraneh and ! Frank Kmmons of Deal spent Sunday with Mrs, Emmons's sister, Mrs. Ella Fields. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sickles and son Francis have returned home after having spent a week with relatives al r Brooklyn. . I Caplain Jiobert Cook is having a I new garage built on his property on i | Oecanphrt avenue which will be oc- | I cuuieil by Daniel Sullivan. ! Captain and Mrs.'Joseph Hcckard . and sons James anil Joseph spent ! Friday with Mr. and Mr*. Harry VanSchoick. Captain llcckard was a niajur during the war and was stationed at Camp Vail ill 1D17. He is now stationed at an army post in Texas, Sherlock Woodward is employed as a tiding itiBtructor a t Charles Powell's Tiding academy at Kumson, Rev. Aurice Persells has returned from a. vacation of two weeks from his duties as pastor of'the Methodist church. Main street-has been re-opened tar j traffic and the shuttle bus is now i operating on Main, street again. It | now leaves two minutes earlier than before to make connections with the main line busses on the. state highway. The bus route is now.up Main street as far as the railroad and then up'Wolf Hill avonue to tKfe highway. Mr. and Mrs. William Rodger and hildren, who have been spending the summer with Mrs. Rodger's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William McLaren, have returned to their home at Woodbridge. 100 lb sack $4.50 Cream of the Creamery Butter, lb 55c IAMERICAN Jhe Quality Stores uTith t Everett News. Joseph Kti.stace and Bernard A. Hickey saw the Dempsey-Firpo prize ht Friday night. Mm. Eustace and the other members of the. Eustace family stayed at home and entertained twenty quests who called to ^et the fitrht reurns from Mr. Eustace'a radio apparatus. Mrs. John Kowe is improving from sickness. Misses Funnic and Anna Doblskey and their brother Julius Dobiskcy sti'e working at New York. Mission stfvices are heinK held every morninff and night this week at St. Catherine's' church. Edward Rowe bought a cow. last week. NMM HlMIIMIIt miiiiHMi New Brfdgo to Be Built at Iml.y. lown--Repair! for Another. | The contract for'building a .new j iriiige at Imlnystown wus awfttnk-i | iy the- freeholders a t their last mei-ini? to It. J. MansfU'ld of Ni;\v York I or *^5,()2!).aii. I'our other bids were ; •eceived fur this work. r'o'r i-c|ilucin>i the timber flooring *on the Maple place briclft- at Kcyport and making : *licr repairs Mr. Mim.<;field \vas ; igain the low bidder. . His estimate j 'or this work was $22,102. Five! ithcr contractors submitted hids his job. _ OCEANPORT American" Blend COFFEE HWIWMIMMMII JOB AWARDED. This wonderful lal'ge Cabinet Gas Range guaranteed to do the work. Delivered and set up. Special $43-00 Regular Trice $60.00 Responsibility rests heavily upon the wife when she is • appointed executor or trustee of a- will which directs the payment of legacies or annuities. By appointing this Trust Company as co-executor and co-trustee, your estate/will have the advantage of her personal directiongand she will be relieV.ed'of the burdensome details of management\ Additional information regarding this feature of our service will be gladly given by our officers. RED BANK TRUST COMPANY Samuel Swartz Under Stat Supervision Red 14 West Front Street Opp. Broad St. ' N . J . •. Red Bank, N. J. WIHIHtlHMIIlllBIII »•—••••••—••••••»•••••—•••*»••••••—•—<—— Copjti(ht IJ»J Tht % Greeting Autumn with a Btilliant Array of Men's StylesSuits and Top Coats in abundance—distinctive models for men and young men. Kuppenheimer Good Clothes and our own Special Makes " $25.00 to $55.00 SALE Unequaled of Cut Glass AT OFF BEGINNING WEDNESDAY, SEPT.19th A Stetson Hat wiltlop off that new outfit to perfection Sfnce every piece of cut glass in this sale is being sold at cost, we wilt not furnish boxes (luting this sale BUY NOW Afljie>cutglass piece or two for your home or wedding gift. . W$ must make room for other goods, so offer you this opportunity. Reussille's , MtamoBtrs UM*Mg J$w*Hr "^ , ' '*. * hum Stetson Hats $7, $8, $10, $12 •—: Others $3, $4, ? J. KRIDEL RED BAI^K (•tor* Will B* CloMd Thur^l«y, ••pt«mb*v »O) , f*gc Sixteen / 'QUASHES S *n the R I W m d ; h ; l f ,,„ „„ , ia™™ THEATRE ; | > W 65S R m BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 19, 1923. BELMA.R .RUM CASE. I Community h o u * m e t last we" hj wpre m a motorlinat a few dajfs atjo | _.r f [ when it was )»it ) y a mu'.orboftt a n d ; ^ j u'i**'i-ked. Mrs, K 'j^r? wus slijrhtly injured. ,Kt?tlra l vas thrown frojni **•«*•*»* W~i (..'adil-' « ' tlie boat and \\u> rtseuuil f remi RED BANK, N. J. BURNS-sriiAr AMUSEMENT CO. 1 : 3:00 P. M. .Sanmiav: 2:30 P . M. LVEN1NG5—Ceiumuout: 7:15 to 10:45 Paramount Pictures Wednesday, Sept. 19 Tin- La-t flay of the "Merry Go Round" with a brilliant cast including MARY PHILBIN and NORMAN KERRY Good Comedy '* Scenic Thursday and Friday Sept 20—21 Constance ITalmadge in her latest success "DULCY" Now making a big Hit11 on Hroutlway. The New York Tinifs .praised this jiic-tuiv tu the nkios as being the ho.n. foiim1 drama • Const ark-d e1- w ^pp'-nred in — SO'dont n K s i:.' ' " Kinogram Comedy "Hold Tight" Our Regular Prices Will Prevail Saturday, Sept. 22 Wyridham Standing in a sirrin "The inner Man" A story that will first provoke, trradually stir up Your fnuttions to heated interest and finally tost" you imo raptures. ADDED ATTRACTION George O'H&ra of the Fighting Blood Series in The New ! Home of THEATRE Hie Real Home of Supreme Vaudeville RED BANK E X T R A ! TODAY, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 E X T R A * Ja raidin,' m v v Th i ? T ' hlotll"r' ™ f > s O'Learv .•!• ]!i-.,,klyn spent : R c v ! 6 . C . H . , n J . v l l p ^ 1 B ™ ! w F T T ' ^ l-'ausht.,,-, ,,! |.ii,,.-..v l«,l Ke Saturday ami Sun.iay wi-h- M r s Ho'.u o t t n y e r John N'O,.,-,. i ^ A ; b ^ ; f ; : ; - ^ ; 1 . . ^ ; ^ " " A ^ P . K : : 1 , ^ ^ ; . ; . , " ; ; - , ' : - ! l ' r b v I j ^ ^ v 0 - s t . , , - v -«u,oo , ^ U f , has ivk-k I Kroes^.,^""'^'"^"'IFred-i ' Anlas;(l.(1 ,,.,,,,,. , i n i l ) l a ,-, v W . 1S ^ m l y marri,.,!. Gloria Swanson in "Bluebeard) 8th Wife" And tHe Season's Best Vaudeville Show! ' I V h .us, has six • • P ' ° n i t ) i u u n a g e n t s , J ^ J ., , ( . w ..j^h,^ .Ko i,,. ,5,^ 7 U -; M r o ( i m s a m | h : u h n'ul a!l moili-ni im; A T I "^•-•" I.iyht d u i i at Kni.-i'.- piivilimi. Mi>s pruvi-mtnts. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS NEWS. Haiti.. M a y Hc.i.y « i . . . a l.ivali.'ic Mr. a n d Mrs! (^'i:,:,! Kadd.-nba.-h p , , 77 . a for t h e f i n ' u i ' i i ' . - n i m . ' . have tnnvcil i n t . . t'Si--:v :u'.v hmi.-e 0.1 T i-arent-lcachers Associ.tion G i v « Mr a n d Mrs F r a n k G r a ^ m a n d Shri'M-slmry av.-mi,-. Kecept.on t o T e a c h e r s . Mr. ami Mrs. ,lan^< Martin uf lli.l.:.. 'Hu- Snns nf \ n u v u a lodsri- i;!i. ICi'V. K. A . liisluira. ])ast(.r of tliu . kon w c r t l u r e uvi-r S a t u r d a y a:iil ii.ycd a cliiniUa.1'' ^K- 1 1 ri-,cntly a t o y n a i i l'r<;sbyt. r i a n uhui-ih of Jirouli- Sunday. ' ' ' \',n-vn Culili-^ ivt I ..M»- Ilram'h. J y u , prcachiai al tin- Prusbyleria.i'!' J l r . ' a i . i i Mr.-. Harry K-.u'crs .a!H! llarry. Lod^r ha> ^.'.ist.d ill t h , cnim-h h e r e S u n d a y . H e is spVndini ilaught.-r N'tilra ami^th W u r i ' ; . a r m y . . a va.cation h e n - with frioiids. Rev. J o s e p h H . S c h a e i l e r will l e a v j tor-, B a l t i m o r e this week, where h '. will s p e n d - a b o u t a m o n t h . The parent-teachers' assoeiation gave a reception .Monday • for tlie t e a c h e r s a t t h e school. M r s . 1'ercy J[ L o u t t s w a s chairman i,f t h e r e f r e s h - ! ' ment committee. _ E. I1. Mason will 'be o r g a n i s t a t t h e ' % i r e i h y t e i ian church d u r i n g t h e rest : •• of this m o n t h . . • •{ Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sept. 20, 2 1 , 22, ROTTINA & BARRETT tt UP Our FALL SUITS IN THE AIRV 3—OTHER REAL, ACTS—3 Ready for Your Inspection. Mep's and Young Men's All Wool 2 Pants Suits Dr.- 1', A. Rosewater of Newark X. spent .Sunday liere: •} .'^{Ef' ' vl - 1 ' u > k ' " h l u s returned home X aHeryjjH'nihn;;' three weeks with his . •!• sister, Mrs. Mary Clark of Haddam- ? neck. I'l.iineeticut. . , • 'f, •"^tie iin:-uu!-reu!iii)ii of t h e May $25.00 •'{ term of (he irrand jury of line, was V held a: Ardena Muiiday, where .. 4 Dutch diiiii.-r was served. A. M. {• I'listeii. who was the foreman nf the " jury ; attended the ilmncr. \\ . Lrnest West of Kcyporl. em- y ployed on the railroad, was injured X last week while making a jlyiiie •!• swiuii. He was taken to thO l'.oli^ 't ' Boys' Wool Two Pants Suits Sizes S t o 17 Branch hospital f o r t r e a t m e n t . Kngiisoers from X<j\v York liave liiaili- a hlui- pi-ir.t of t h e proposed ... ainiiseineiH park to h|, i i u i l t here. .;. Tlie p a r k , will have concessions anil f a m u s e m e n t s similar t o Coney Island, X A i.e\c pier will In- huili to a'ecommo- } , dale the S'v crowds expected. T h e f pi-ept k : o f t ! : e ] i a r k is n o r t h 1 uf !>. tlie S a i a l y H i a i k l i n e d o c k . . A l a r u e . u l d i l i o n i s IILMII^ -built t ( . t i l e u - r a i i d s l a n i l oil t i l e N a v e s i n k b a l l •THE SKY-LINE lie!d b y t h e A t l a n t i c H i g h l a n d s a n d Il^'hlands haselwll : e a m . T h e stand THE fNATION i " \ v a c L ' j n i m o d a t c s a b o u t l.Ttlf) p e r - Here are tlie roar- •. ' ing day« of '49; the Harte is a classic. days of tli*>9winding The play Armstrong A tr 1 by Paul Slage-coacli was a and "alick-up" man; the huije hit. The pic- rough ture, mi r. u Ic fashioned and readycamp; ih e from both of them, is a knockoMt. You Bret Harte'a CANT story JACQUELINE LOGAN be disap- GEORGE FAWCETT MAURICE FLYNN pointed ! WILLIAM B.DAVIDSON OF great of wild ad- venture and rouiing The spirit of Bret Harte is in this splendid prodvetion of his world-famous story. It was screened at the very scene of Harte's inspiration, amid the pictorial splendor of California's Redwoods. A GREAT PARAMOUNT PICTURE! NEXT WEEK ! NEXT WEEK ! ; Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Sept. 24, 25, 261 Monmouth St., Near Broad S t , Red Bank, N. J. Open Evenings Until 8 O*ciock —VAUDEVILLE EXTRAORDINARY j - KENNETH CASEY End of a Perfect Day : The Great Movie Star will positively appear on the above days with A.Coinpk'H1 .Su-ry Novelty Styles of Excellent Taste Announcement Extraordinary! Comedy—"Take Your Choice" Monday and Tuesday Sept 24—25 1 CIS "WKIIKU'S 3—Other Surprise Acts—3 and the World's Famous Photoplay Production, With All the Stirs in Hollywood Skies I We announce "with pride and pleasure our acquisition of the exclusive agency of WALKOVER SHOES. Our New Fall Models reflect the charming artistry of master designers, and viewing them will quickly explain the prestige which our Shoes enjoy among women of Fashion. "A Chapter in Her Life" • f r o ^ : h e r.r.v • • / r w i ) l . " By Clara LouLit- Hvirndam featuring Claude Gillingwater Jane Mercer Jacqueline Gadsen Frances Raymond Robert Frazier i Eva Thatcher Ralph Yearsley Fred Thompson Beth Rayon White Shoe Co. 9 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. rmn ••••+••••»••••»••+••••••••••»••••»•••••» A T TH E &tid m tri-mrnrloui «ll i l n r cn%\ JAMES CRUZE J OLD CHERRY TREE FARM? It cut) !.,• truly s.mi that this i'. a t r e m e n i l m - , |>n.duel ion. It baniK human M.IIIS tn t e a c h a lessi-n, a n d (ii.iK il in a n T AI'PLKS, f>nrri.NMi>n in,,) lie.mtiful w n y . I'KACIIKS, It runs t h e « hide puiniit .,f Im- J ^r MTLONS, (our own improved), rnnn emtiiions, >rrippint:l» r*«l, inuriM'ly sati-fyniir and totidly • TOMA IOCS, <ii(Ter»nt fruni a n y t h i n g this ^ CAKKOTS, t h e a t r e h u s shown in * l'.i'^ ,JL I'OTATOKS, timn. T A )>)(,', (Iclill, Wih(.|eH.|)ll' |iictllllr J that the whole fmiiily enn and • Rhniild see. JL Review of llir lnl«rn«linnal Convention af Rotary held in Si. LOUU. Fa«t and Snappy Comedy NO AIIVAMF. i.\' I'UICKs ' Thursday and Friday Sept. 27—28 Booth Tarkington'. SMILING SUCCESS | Penrod and Sam LIMA IIKANS, KRKSH tCiCS, MONEY, Itl.l.lSHI .S, MARMALAUF.S, COODKICII TIRES i;ANI)1 anil IOI1ACCO. ' ROUND BUSHELS i° noluancc. Mi::ot- T lor i u s -l.ousht if Re i s-'-'da:: :'--Jin Jurne- riayton. .Mr. a".d .Mis. .1 • >hn 1!. Swan are on a mi.tni trip to Niagara Kails, Cb-vehual. Chie.iK'.i and Milwaukee. While i:i they attended the n a - • X lii..)'.a!.eneani|imt'ni of civil w a r vetllrs. Hall and children of North •% I'ai-olina. who have lieeii spcmliiifr . •> the summer with Mrs. Hall's p a r e n t s ;jMr. anil Mr*. Frank K-winr;-, have re- ' f, ; turned home. .'. Mr. a m i Mrs, Chai-les R. Snyder i 'I; have lieen entertainini,' their ilji'ugh- ?'. ti-r. Mrs. Arehiliakl Neil of Verona, * and lier husb:unl. ' - "j* Vliss Klorence Seulthorp has r e - , * f-um-eil her duties a s teacher at the •'• Keansbury .school. :'£ rnio:i mid-wet'k prayer sen-ices >;» will be held at the- Baptist ehuich * this ninnth and next. X A Red Cross drive for Japanese •> 28 relief, has ,been- started with H. II. * r.mvt.-ll in rhui'jj-i'. . !•! ^*' Tlie ivoman's auxiliary of t h The story by Bret SPRAY MATERIALS (of Unexcelled Merit). "Blue Slon«»" or "Dluc Vitriol" "Arientte of U l i i , " "BUck Lmf 40," BEAN SPRAYERS In Stock. lOna tor Every Purp»»«) "Ciilciuin Ar««n*te," "B»rde*uji Mix t u r n , " "Inircticid* Soup," "N, J. Dry M i l , " Fruit I ' i d i n j L«dd«r> Pi.Ui,,, Bag! Pruning Shonrt I tot*—lilt Ingt—K«p«lr». "K,«y»o # " "Ni«fam Duilftri/' "NM K im Duit Mixturei/' A^)|i^ov^^l H*-ntllt|hl L*m«a for "N ill gar* Superfin* Sulphur," GAS. OIL . n d ACCESSORIES. FRUIT GRADERS All t OB. BISSELL HARROWS Win! «i. i«U«! K morir nlxiul the moviesl Such • .rtlinll Tl» luixl •>( itudlot nn4 il«rt. And the call—«»nrybody b i l you cmt thtnk uf 1 All thr>« jolJ«n «l«n»nt> wnv i n into I lit «l>p«fl'"I ilory of m Rirl who trt«d In briob into tli« movtci. A picture you'll talk •bout lur month*. J. C. Hendrickson $ Son M i d d l e t o w ^ J. Telephone 798-R. Daalara In FARMERS' SUPPLIES ••»•»»»»••»•»•####• Dy Frank Condon—Adapted by Tom <3«r«ihty GREAT PARAMOUNT PICTURE COMING SOON WATCH FOR DATE RichardDlx. NoahBMry, " T f Y T U C IA C T LoU Wilton. Robarl Edtton In I U I f l E L#%9 I £-!!;&--.frt'i*.X ffl