April - Cascade Treasure Club
April - Cascade Treasure Club
April 2012 Find of the Month First Places - April Coin 1942-S 50¢ -Matt Mechler Jewelry 1909 AYPE Medal - Gary Clark CTC’s Theme of the Month was Token - Foreign Coin Al Ballard GF 5¢ - Randy Routsella Slater & Dahl GF 5¢ - Gary Clark Locks & Keys... Special thanks to club member’s Jon Gentry, Matt Mechler & Rick Razor who brought in & presented their collections of locks & keys. Rick Razor had a giant padlock & a can full of modern keys & talked about the keys he was able to return. Matt & Jon discussed the numerous older padlocks & skeleton keys they found at older sites. A Welcome to...guests Alan Seeger & members of the Bedrock Prospecting Club, Jack Ragusa & Richard Halcomb who gave a talk about their club & the political & environmental issues facing their hobby. The Gold & Fish Book was discussed & both clubs agreed to start attending each club’s events more frequently. Joys & Concerns...Loraine Robbins is feeling under the weather. Open Street Mailbox Lock - Matt Mechler Find of the Month Totals 1. 51 Ron Aldridge 2. 47 Gary Clark 3. 36 Rick Razor 4. 28 Matt Mechler 5. 24 Ken Cochran 6. 21 Mark Jenkins 7. 14 Jon Gentry 8. 13 Mark Kulseth 9. 9 Randy Rutsala 10. 7 Stan Applestone Awards...AOK won by Mark Jenkins for finding Gary Clark’s cell phone on a detecting outing...the No-No Award was again won by Jack Davis for kicking & spilling a can full of keepers on a dock while scooping...Donna Shape would have won $17.00 in the Jug of Hope if she were present...the Silver Dollar raffle was won by Mark Kulseth. The Club Plaque Contest...buried somewhere in King County is a piece of unique metal (club plaque). A clue to its location is given every month until it is found. The finder receives $20.00 and gets to hide it again and create new clues. - Clue 1: “look for the song on the nylon curtain” - Clue 2: “This three acre park once was the site of the Duwamish Elementary School.” Scavenger Hunt Contest...totals: Gary C.-79, Rick R.-44, Mark K.-41 & Matt M.-21. FMDAC...for information about potentially controversial regulations & other legal matters affecting metal detecting contact Mark Jenkins, 425-223-2985. Detecting on Public Land...Mark J. is putting together a pamphlet on public sites allowing detecting. Included will be how to get permits & where to ask for permission. When in doubt find out first as there could be consequences for you & the hobby. May 9th Board Meeting...Wednesday, 7 p.m. at Jon & Sharon’s home at 20908-125th St E., Bonney Lake, WA 98391, 253-826-7688. May 13th Club meeting...Refreshment cookies: compliments of Lois Richards & Jeff Sarvis. Theme for this meeting is “Patches.” Membership Dues...($25.00 single, $30.00 family)...must be paid before May 1, 2012 to be eligible to enter May 2012 Find of the Month & other raffles. Mark Je nkin of the AO s was the recip ient K Aw Gary’s lo ard for finding st cell pho ne. Upcoming Club Events...Spring Playday: (date & host to be determined)...Just for Fun Fair: April 28th at Pickering Farm. No host Outings: Snoqualamie West Ski Slope Hunt, Rick Razor April 29th 9 a.m., Ensign Ranch Outing, Mark Jenkins, May 27th, 3 p.m. Other Upcoming Events...SWATH Hunt: SE Assoc. of Treasure Hunters on May 11, 12 &13 at Benton County Horn Rapids Campground, Richland WA, contact Lyle Thomas @ 509-591-8716...MayFest 2011: Pilchuck Treasure Hunters Club on May 25, 26 & 27 at Stanwood Fairgrounds, Stanwood WA, contact Lora Hetzel @ 425308-2255...NWTHC Hunt: June 15, 16, & 17 at Kootenai County Fair Grounds, Coeur d’alene Idaho, contact Duncan Bell @ 208-687-1570. 2012 Activity Fees for Non-members...$15.00 for a club activity & $12.00 per hunt. Special Thanks to the businesses...who provide support & donations for our hobby & events: Mary Gladding (detector sales), 253-277-3562 (reopened at16-B Wells Ave. So.); Northgate Coins, Bryan Geraghty, 206-361-6090. March’s N awarded o-No was again kicking th to Jack Davis fo eir bucke r t of good during a ie scoopin g outing s . Find of the Month - April Entries 4 pts 3 pts 3 pts 2 pts 1 pt 1 pt 1 pt 1 pt 1 pt 1 pt 1942-S Walker Dollar 1942-S Walker Dollar 1903-P Barber Half 1889 Indian Head Cent 1943 Mercury Dime 1929 Mercury Dime 1923 Buffalo Nickel 1944 Roosevelt Dime Coin Susan B. Anthony Dollar Matt Mechler Mark Kulsuth Ron Aldridge Rick Razor Randy Routsala Jon Gentry Stan Applestone Ken Cochran Jeffery Sarvis Gary Clark 4 pts 3 pts 3 pts 2 pts 2 pts 2 pts 2 pts 2 pts 1 pt 1 pt 1909 AYPE Medal 14k Ring 14k Earring Military Button Dog Pin Sterling Necklace Unicorn Pendant Old Charm Necklace Aquatics Promo Pin Gary Clark Randy Routsala Ken Cochran Mark Kulseth Matt Mechler Ron Aldridge Rick Razor Jeffery Sarvis Stan Applestone Jon Gentry 4 pts GF 5¢ Al Ballard 4 pts GF 5¢ Slater & Dahl 3 pts Alabama Tax Token 3 pts WA State Tax Token 3 pts 1918 Canadian Penny 3 pts Canadian Quarter 2 pts Euro 1 pt 1945 Canadian Penny Randy Routsala Gary Clark Rick Razor Matt Mechler Ron Aldridge Ken Cochran Stan Applestone Mark Kulseth 4 pts Street Mailbox Lock 3 pts Toy Railroad Car 2 pts U.S. Button 1 pt Compact 1 pt Toggle Switch 1 pt Pot Pipe 1 pt c1892 Suspender 1 pt Keys 1 pt 1913 Tacoma Dog license 1 pt Early 1900’s Knife 1 pt 45 caliber Round Matt Mechler Mark Kulseth Jeffery Sarvis Rick Razor Stan Applestone Ben trower Randy Routsala Ken Cochran Gary Clark Ron Aldridge Jon Gentry Treasure Hunters Code of Ethics . I will always check federal, state, county & . I will, as an ambassador for the hobby, use local laws before searching. It is my responthoughtfulness, consideration & courtesy at all sibility to “Know the law” times. . I will respect private property & will not . I will work to help bring unity to our hobby by enter private property without the owner’s working with any organization of any geopermission. Where possible such permission graphic area. That may have problems that will be in writing. will limit their ability to peacefully pursue the . I will take care to refill all holes & try not to hobby. . I will leave gates as found. I will build fires in leave any damage. . I will remove & dispose of any & all trash & designated safe places only. . I will report to the proper authorities any inlitter that I find. . I will appreciate & protect our inheritance of dividuals who enter & or remove artifacts from natural resources, wildlife & private property. federal parks or state preserves. Cascade Treasure Club President: Jon Gentry Vice Pres. Mark Kulseth Treasurer: Ralph Shape Secretary: Matt Mechler Board: Paul Boyd Loraine Robbins Mark Jenkins John Shape Membership: Donna Shape 253-804-3513 Mail dues to: 7109 Hazel Pl. SE Auburn, WA 98092 Donations: John Beekley jbeekley@hotmail.com Newsletter: Ron Aldridge 206-818-2197 E-mail submissions to: editor@cascadetreasureclub.com Meetings: Second Sunday of every month 5:00 p.m. at the Highland Park Improvement Club 1116 SW Holden St., Seattle, WA (Located in West Seattle 1 mile west from the 1st Ave S. bridge) Guests Always Welcome! CASCADE TREASURE CLUB 2012 JON GENTRY SCAVENGER HUNT MARCH -- AUGUST 2012 1 POINT 3 POINTS LIPSTICK TUBE 1973 PENNY RING STYLE PULL TAB CANADIAN COIN PLATED / JUNK RING POCKET KNIFE SHOTGUN SHELL RAILROAD SPIKE METAL BUTTON CIVILIAN 1919 WHEAT PENNY 1959 MEMORIAL PENNY CHUCKY CHEESE TOKEN MODERN GAME TOKEN BICYCLE NAME PLATE RUSTY TOBACCO CAN COMPACT TANSIT TOKEN 1910-15 WHEAT PENNY CANADIAN SILVER COIN 10 K RING .925 SILVER RING BRASS PADLOCK TOOTSIE TOY MILITARY BUTTON 1934 - 40 WASH QUART 1942 MERC DIME GOOD FOR TOKEN R.R. BAGGAGE TAG AUTO HUB CAP PRE WW II TOY CAP GUN 5 POINTS 10 POINTS 14K GOLD RING INDIAN HD CENT 1890-1908 WW II S. NICKEL 1950 - 60 FRANKLIN SIL HALF TAX TOKEN WASH. STATE TAX TOKEN OTHER STATES SCOUT ITEM MILITARY DOG TAG DOG TAG 1900 -1930 LOCKET 18 K GOLD RING 1909 INDIAN HD CENT DATED STAND LIB QUART. WALKING LIB HALF BARBER HALF BARBER QUARTER 1900-12 BARBER DIME GOLD or SILVER BRACELET LIGHTER 10K-18K GOLD CROSS 20 BONUS POINTS 50 BONUS POINTS SILVER DOLLAR SEATED HALF DOLLAR LARGE CENT U.S. ANY CC MINT COIN GOLD COIN PRE 1850 COIN SEATED HALF DIME PLATINUM RING ALL ITEMS TO BE FOUND IN WASHINGTON STATE- MUST BE SHOWN UNCLEANED TOTAL POINTS OVER 225 GOOD FOR CASH PRIZE
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