March - Cascade Treasure Club
March - Cascade Treasure Club
MARCH 2013 Coin 1896-P Barber Quarter - Mark Jenkins Jewelry 1897 Gold Rolled Pocket Watch Jon Gentry Token - Foreign Coin 1881 Haitian Penny - Open 1930’s Seattle Dog Licenses Matt Mechler Find of the Month Totals 1. 36 Mark Jenkins 2. 28 Ron Aldridge 3. 25 Gary Clark 5. 25 Rick Razor 6. 23 Matt Mechler 7. 17 Jon Gentry 8. 9 Iggy Lazana 9. 6 Randy Rutsala 10. 4 Mark kulseth A One of a Kind...Super-Find Jon Gentry’s very special Elgin Sportsman, 15 jeweled, gold filled, men’s pocket watch is a once in a life time find. The watch case is specially made by Jas. Boss & is 14k double gold rolled - a unique process. Although found in the woods, it is in remarkable shape with little environmental damage. The seconds hand needs to be replaced as well as the glass protector. The watch mechanism will need the loving care of a watch maker to restore it to working condition. The watch face cover plate is very ornate & has an engraved elk on it. The mechanism cover plate is engraved “Mother 1897.” Recessed into the back of this cover plate is an intact cardboard insert with the watch case manufacturers information & guarantee. The final plus is that it still has its watch chain attached. Great Find! Annual Bake Sale was a Sweet Success...Thanks to the club members for their purchases via the auction and their donations of home-baked & store-bought cakes, pies, cupcakes, cookies or other sweet surprises for the auction. Also special thanks to Jon Gentry for being our auctioneer again as he made this event fun as well as helping to make this a good fund raiser for the club. A special thanks to Rick Razor’s mother, Charlotte Nicholson for all her cakes & cookies that she baked & donated. Membership Dues...($25.00 single, $30.00 family)...must be paid before April 1, 2013 to be eligible to enter April 2013 Find of the Month & other raffles. Joys & Concerns...A warm welcome to our guest Tom Boardman & new member Allen Henenberry. Walt Sipila is back in rehab & having tough time...John Shape had a knee transplant & is also in rehab. Deepest sympathies to the family & friends of Tom Deleza, a much loved & long standing member, who passed away last September. Awards...Darrell Corgatelli would have won $46.00 for Jug of Hope...if he were present. The Silver Dollar raffle was won by Gary Clark. AOK - no entries & the No-No was won by Ron Aldridge! Scavenger Hunt Contest...Final totals: Mark J. 191, Ron A. 119, Gary C. 71, Randy R. 66, Matt M. 47, Rick R. 38, Mark K. 35,. Flyers available at April meeting. New contest begins end of May meeting lasting 6 months ending at the Oct. meeting. The Club Plaque Contest...The club plaque is a unique piece of metal buried some where in King County & a clue to its location is given monthly until found. - Clue 1: Preserve 2’ from the boulder’s left shoulder. Tom De leza, a va lued frie panion be misse treasure hunte nd & comr, will d by CT C c lub mem surely his pass be ing last Septem rs with ber. Clue 2: You can walk above the rock. April 11th Board Meeting...Thurssday, 7 p.m. at Mark Kulseth’s business, 655 South Orcas St. #108, Georgetown, Seattle, 206-767-2711. April 14th Club meeting...Theme for this meeting: “Tax & Transit Tokens.” Refreshments & cookies: compliments of Mark J. & Loraine R. Upcoming Club Events...Club Outing: Saturday April 6th, 9:00 a.m., Seward Park (meet at the south parking lot - Mark Kulseth)...Club Outing: Alpental Ski Area, Sunday April 21, 9:00 a.m. (meet at Summit Pancake House - Rick Razor) ...Spring Playday: April (place & date to be determined)...Hobby Expo: Saturday, May 4 at Pickering Farm...Club Outing: Stevens Pass Silver Hunt, Sunday, June 2 10:00 a.m.(meet in parking lot - Rick Razor). Other Upcoming Events... Gold & Treasure Expo: April 6 &7th at Puyallup Fairgrounds...SWATH Hunt: SE Assoc. of Treasure Hunters on May 11 &12 at Benton County Horn Rapids Campground, Richland WA, contact Lyle Thomas @ 509-591-8716...MayFest 2011: Pilchuck Treasure Hunters Club on May 25, 26 & 27 at Stanwood Fairgrounds, Stanwood WA, contact Lora Hetzel @ 425-308-2255... NWTHC Hunt: June 14 -16th at Kootenai County Fair Grounds, Coeur d’alene, Idaho, contact Duncan Bell @ 208-687-1570. CTC Web Site...Board still deciding on how to approach updates. Mark k. usual m & Mark Jenkin onth sb cookies, s supply of ba uy their nana bre brownie goodies many of s & other asso ad, rted which w donated ere ge by Rick Razor’s nerously mom. Jon Gen drives th try, our perennia eb l au for this su idding to help ra ctioneer is ccessfu l club fu e money nd raise r. New Activity Fees for Non-members...continuing in 2013 $15.00 for a club activity & $12.00 for hunt only. Detecting on Public Land...Mark J. & others are putting together a pamphlet on public sites that do not allow metal detecting. When in doubt find out first as there could be serious consequences both for you & the hobby in general. Metal Detecting Hobby Talk News brief...a newsletter worth checking out containing topics such as special events, legislation, discoveries, updates & other topics related to metal detecting & gold prospecting...available @: Bring in Food bank is needed all year long at local food banks. It is suggested that each member bring at least one can of food to the meeting. Special Thanks to the businesses...who provide support & donations for our hobby & events: Jeffery Sarvis, Treasure Dude Detectors, 206-229-3932; Northgate Coins, Bryan Geraghty, 206-361-6090. March was giv ’s No-No Award e his digg n to Ron A. for ing clo losing lose a se th & proceeded to cond borrowe d from M one just ark Jenki ns. Find of the Month...other March entries 4 pts 3 pts 2 pts 1 pt 1 pt 1 pt 1 pt 1996-P Barber Quarter 1909-S Indian Head Penny 1887 Indian Head Penny 1903-P Barber Dime 1900-P Barber Dime 1907 Indian Head Penny 1917-D Buffalo Nickel Mark Jenkins Randy Ruotsala Rick Razor Ron Aldridge Matt Mechler Gary Clark Jon Gentry 4 pts 3 pts 3 pts 2 pts 2 pts 2 pts 1 pt 1 pt 1 pt 14k Gold Filled Pocket Watch - 1897 Jon Gentry Old sterling Ring w/Red Stone Ron Aldridge 14k Bimetal Gold & Silver Ring Gary Clark Gold Color Zebra Pin Rick Razor Lake Washington Brass Head Mark Jenkins Air Artillery Collar Piece Jeff Sarvis Leaf Pendant Matt Mechler Plated Aluminum Ring w/Stones Jack Davis 10k Ring w/Stone Randy Ruotsala 4 pts 3 pts 2 pts 1 pt 1 pt 1 pt 1881 Haiti 2 Centimes 1908 Canadian dime Sea. Municipal Railway Token 1983 Canadian Penny Tax Token 10 Euro Coin Rick Razor Mark Jenkins Ron Aldridge Jon Gentry Matt Mechler Gary Clark 4 pts 3 pts 3 pts 2 pts 2 pts 2 pts 2 pts 1 pt 1934/35/36/38 Sea. Dog Lic’s Seattle Marathon Medallion Small Plate 1962 License Plate Key Chain Youth Soccer Coin Life Long Wind up Radio Old Axe Head Boat Hook Matt Mechler Gary Clark Rick Razor Ron Aldridge Jeffery Sarvis Jon Gentry Mark Jenkins Randy Ruotsala Treasure Hunters Code of Ethics . I will always check federal, state, county & . I will, as an ambassador for the hobby, use local laws before searching. It is my responthoughtfulness, consideration & courtesy at all sibility to “Know the law” times. . I will respect private property & will not . I will work to help bring unity to our hobby by enter private property without the owner’s working with any organization of any geopermission. Where possible such permission graphic area. That may have problems that will be in writing. will limit their ability to peacefully pursue the . I will take care to refill all holes & try not to hobby. . I will leave gates as found. I will build fires in leave any damage. . I will remove & dispose of any & all trash & designated safe places only. . I will report to the proper authorities any inlitter that I find. . I will appreciate & protect our inheritance of dividuals who enter & or remove artifacts from natural resources, wildlife & private property. federal parks or state preserves. Cascade Treasure Club President: Mark Kulseth Vice Pres. Mark Jenkins Treasurer: Ralph Shape Secretary: Matt Mechler Board: Paul Boyd Loraine Robbins Jeffery Sarvis Gary Clark Membership: Donna Shape 253-804-3513 Mail dues to: 7109 Hazel Pl. SE Auburn, WA 98092 Donations: John Beekley Newsletter: Ron Aldridge 206-818-2197 E-mail submissions to: Meetings: Second Sunday of every month 5:00 p.m. at the Highland Park Improvement Club 1116 SW Holden St., Seattle, WA (Located in West Seattle 1 mile west from the 1st Ave S. bridge) Guests Always Welcome!
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