January - Cascade Treasure Club
January - Cascade Treasure Club
Page 1 of 6 Newsletter Title January 2015 Finds of the Month The Lola Montez Compact The real Lola was an Irish showgirl who was made famous for her Tarantula Dance, her use of whips and her many affairs with European notables. She toured the United States in the 1850s, including spending time in the California gold fields. Lola died in New York in 1861 at the age of 39. Apparently by the roaring 1920s Lola’s racy lifestyle had developed into quite a reputation in the US, and inspired the makeup brand that began in 1928. The compact that won the Other category of Find of the Month would have contained vivid blue eye shadow. Very cool find, Gary Clark! Regular club business Membership dues: ($25 individual, $30 family) 2015 dues must be paid by January 31, 2015 to be eligible for February meeting contests. Joys and Concerns: Jon Gentry’s aunt passed away, and Sue Kaas’s mother and Bill Becker’s mother-in-law passed away. Spokane club member Sandy Witters lost her home to fire. John and Donna Shape have both been ill. Awards: The Jug of Hope, worth $67 would have gone to Marge Sherard, had she been present. The Silver Dollar raffle was won by Susan Lucier. The AOK was won by Loraine and Garry Robbins for hosting the January Board meeting with a great meal. The NoNo was not awarded. 2015 Club officers (l to r) Vice President Mark Jenkins, President Mark Kulseth, Treasurer Ralph Shape. Find of the month totals 1. 14 Ron Aldridge 2. 12 Gary Clark 3. 11 Mark Jenkins 4. 6 Rick Razor 5. 5 Jon Gentry 6. 5 Mark Kulseth 7. 4 Joe Sacco 8. 4 Ken Cochran 9. 4 Sue Kaas 10. 2 Matt Mechler Club Plaque Contest: Theofficers club plaque unique piece of metal buried somewhere in King 2015 (l to r)is– aVice President Mark Jenkins, County. A clue to its location is given a prize Ralph of $20Shape will be awarded to the lucky President Markmonthly Kulseth,and Treasurer finder. Clues so far: 1. Another serpentine green snaked its way…one that Olmstead had seen. 2. Named after a founding father, this school marks the beginning of the journey. 3. Past the old fraternal hall lies a street named after a Civil War general and you might stop to have a bite to eat if you love Italian food. 4. Gravity usually takes you downhill, and while some choose the high road, others might take the easier route. 5. “Good Dog – Green Dog” “Pesticides” You decide which hue is the color blue and don’t forget this might be the day for you are only a flush away. 6. You might find the answer on page 41 of the February 2014 issue of Western & Eastern Treasure magazine or if pictures are not your thing..."money may be the root of all evil but a person has to have roots." 7. Do not fear, it’s still near...the root pierced pull tab. Rain washed me clean, it could be seen...so to prevent the thieves, it’s now covered with leaves Welcome new members: Dennis & Susan Lucier Donald Qunell Raquel Mendoza Arnie Goldstein Phil Hoover Carol Collins Mike and Bethany Jauhola Gold, platinum and silver testing and value assessment: At each meeting, Matt Mechler and Jon Gentry have a gram scale and diamond tester, and Ron Aldridge can test gold and silver. Ron can also help with markings and hallmarks. Page 2 of 6 Scavenger Hunt Contest: Hunt lists for the current contest are available at meetings. The contest will last until the April, 2015 meeting. Subject of the Month: The topic for the January meeting was “Best or Favorite Finds of 2014”. Members Ron Aldridge, Jon Gentry, Mark Jenkins and Mark Kulseth shared some great treasure hunting finds! Dates to Remember Club Hunt Ron Aldridge shows a rare bottle Jon Gentry shows a favorite coin 7th February 9:00 AM Lake Wilderness Park Board Meeting February 10, 7:00 PM Dave’s Diner Club Meeting February 15th 5:00 PM Highland Park Improvement Club Subject of the Month Presentation of Hunter of the Year and Member of the Year awards Chairs and tables must be clean and stored at the end of each meeting. Starting January 2015 Club meetings will be held from 5:00 to 7:30 PM on the third Sunday of each month. Mark Jenkins shows a favorite coin Mark Kulseth shows a favorite coin Club hats and patches: Both are available at club meetings. Patches are $8 and hats are $15. Web site: Please forward changes and updates to Sue Kaas. Selling table: The table is available for members to bring items they wish to sell or trade. No used appliances or cars are allowed. Members who bring items must remove them at the end of the meeting. Gold coin raffle: A new raffle started, and will continue until all tickets are sold. Detecting on public land: When in doubt, check with city, county, state or other websites for current metal detecting hobby related regulations. Washington State Parks Metal Detecting pamphlet and web site answers many questions about which state parks are open and where to hunt. Check out their web site for more information: www.parks.wa.gov Reminder: Use good digging skills when digging in wet grass. Always use a ground cloth. Activity fees for non-members: $15 for club activities, $12 for hunts only. Nickel hunt game: Five silver quarters were awarded for coins found the prior month. Game rules are: Nickels must be found with a metal detector. For every 5 nickels submitted by a club member, a silver quarter will be awarded. Nickels are accepted on a first come, first served basis – when you find a needed nickel, email Sue Kaas at smkaas@msn.com to record your find – then bring your nickels to the next club meeting. PageClub 3 of 6 growth: Newsletter Title The CTC is always looking for new members. Ideas for new activities, ways to help our community or to promote our hobby are always welcomed. Food bank donations: Donations are needed all year long to support local food banks. It is suggested that each member bring at least one can of food to each meeting. Please ensure the items are unopened and not past their pull dates. At the Christmas party, club members also donated $100 that went to the food bank and the Union Gospel Mission. Thank you for your generousity! Activity List: Consider how you might support activities in 2015. Thanks: A special thanks to the businesses that support and provide donations to our hobby and events: Jeffery Sarvis, Treasure Dude Detectors, 206-229-3932 Bryan Geraghty, Northgate Coins, 206-364-0090 rd Monthly Club Hunt: The hunt was held on January 3 at Discovery Park, with 10 people in attendance. Members found military buttons and pins, silver dimes, a silver war nickel and a pellet gun. Brian Feierday found the lucky penny, but elected to leave the money in the pot to allow the funds to grow. $40 will carry over to next month’s hunt. Events Puget Sound Treasure Hunters Club will hold their second annual night hunt at Reber Ranch in Kent on th March 7 . The event will be held in a covered area in the event of rain. Proceeds from the hunt benefit the Fisher House at Joint Base Lewis-McChord. January Find of the Month Summary Page Ron 4 of 6 Aldridge 4 pts 3 pts 2 pts 2 pts 1 pts 1 pt 1 pt 1 pt 1 pt 1 pt 1941 Walking Liberty Half Dollar 1890 Indian Head Penny 1918-S Standing Liberty Quarter 1944-S Mercury Dime Dollar President Coin 1944 Washington Quarter 1942-D Wheat Penny 1942 Wheat Penny 1909 Barber Dime 1943-S Silver Nickel Ron Aldridge Gary Clark Mark Jenkins Jon Gentry Ken Cochran Joe Sacco Rick Razor Mark Kulseth Sue Kaas Matt Mechler 4 pts 3 pts 3 pts 3 pts 3 pts 2 pts 1 pt 1 pt 1 pt 14K Ring with Synthetic Ruby (1920s-30s) 14K Heart Pendant Sterling Silver Ring Silver Woman's Ring with Topaz Stone US Army Marksman Pin Sterling Ring with Imitation Stones Silver Ring Army Lapel Pin Sterling Ring Mark Jenkins Gary Clark Rick Razor Mark Kulseth Sue Kaas Ken Cochran Jon Gentry Joe Sacco 4 pts 3pts 2 pts 1 pts 1 pts 1 pt 1 pt 1 pt 1 pt Old Compact 1880-90 Army Button - General Service Crossed Rifles Button $12.20 Coin Cashe Charlie Q Dog Tag Fraim Padlock WWI Button with Rare Back Mark 1935 California License Plate Hohner Harmonica Gary Clark Ron Aldridge Mark Jenkins Rick Razor Jon Gentry Mark Kulseth Joe Sacco Matt Mechler Ken Cochran 4 pts 3 pts 2 pt 1 pt 1 pt 1 pt 1 pt 1 pt 1856 10 Franc Gold Coin/Love Token 1921 2 Franc French Chamber of Commerce Five Cent Trade Token Mexican 10 Pesos Chas O Berg Good For 25 Cents Modern Chinatown Parking Token 1935 Series Washington State Tax Token 1960 Turkey 1/2 Altin Mark Jenkins Ron Aldridge Gary Clark Ken Cochran Joe Sacco Sue Kaas Jon Gentry Rick Razor Treasure Hunter’s Code of Ethics I WILL always check federal, state, county and local laws before searching. It is my responsibility to “ know the law.“ I WILL respect private property and will not enter private property without the owner’s permission. Where possible, such permission will be in writing. I WILL take care to refill all holes and try not to leave any damage. I WILL remove and dispose of any and all trash and litter that I find. I WILL appreciate and protect our inheritance of natural resources, wildlife and private property. I WILL as an ambassador for the hobby, use thoughtfulness, consideration and courtesy at all times. I WILL work to help bring unity to our hobby by working with any organization of any geographic area that may have problems that will limit their ability to peacefully pursue the hobby. I WILL leave gates as found. I WILL build fires in designated or safe places only. I WILL report to the proper authorities any individuals who enter and or remove artifacts from federal parks or state preserves. President: Vice President: Treasurer: Secretary: Board Members: Sergeant at Arms Membership: Mail dues to: Newsletter: Email submissions to: Meetings: Mark Kulseth Mark Jenkins Ralph Shape Joe Sacco Loraine Robbins Garry Robbins Jon Gentry Sue Kaas John Shape Donna Shape 253-804-3513 7109 Hazel Pl. S.E. Auburn, WA 98092 Sue Kaas 206-604-6508 smkaas@msn.com Third Sunday of each month 5 PM at the Highland Park Improvement club 1116 S.W. Holden St., Seattle Located in West Seattle 1 mile west of the 1st Ave. S. bridge. Guests are always welcome! Page 5 of 6 1938 1938 D 1938 S 1939 D 1939 S 1940 S 1941 D 1941 S 1942 1942 D 1942 P 1942 S 1943 D 1943 P 1944 D 1944 P 1944 S 1945 D 1945 P Newsletter Title Here’s a photo of a trendy detectorist from the 1980s….what were you wearing to hunt back then? Could this be you? 1946 D 1946 S 1947 D 1947 S 1948 1948 D 1948 S 1949 1949 D 1949 S 1950 1950 S 1951 1951 D 1951 S 1952 1952 D 1952 S 1953 1953 D 1953 S 1954 D 1954 S 1955 1955 D 1956 1956 D 1957 D 1958 1958 D 1959 1959 D 1960 D 1961 1963 1965 1966 1967 1968 S 1969 D 1969 S 1971 1973 1976 1978 1979 1980 P 1986 P 1989 P 1991 P 1992 P 1993 P 1994 P 1996 P 1997 P 2002 P 2003 P 2004 D Peace 2004 P Peace 2004 P Keelboat 2005 P Bison 2005 P Ocean 2006 P Monti. 2007 P 2008 D 2008 P 2009 D 2009 P 2010 P 2011 P 2012 P 2013 P 2014 P 2015 D 2015 P Game Rules: Nickels must be found with a metal detector. For every 5 nickels submitted by a club member, a silver quarter will be awarded. Nickels are accepted on a first come, first served basis – when you find a needed nickel, email Sue Kaas at smkaas@msn.com to record your find – then bring your nickel to the next club meeting. An updated list of needed nickels will be available at club meetings and distributed in the monthly newsletter. CASCADE TREASURE CLUB 2014 & 15 NAME SCAVENGER HUNT OPEN – NOVEMBER - APRIL ALL ITEMS [1] POINT EXCEPT BONUS [3] POINT ITEMS COINS GREEN PULL TAB SUSPENDER PIECE HOT WHEEL DOOR KNOB PLATED / JUNK RING HOSE NOZZLE RIFLE CASING / CARTRIDGE LIGHT BULB BASE METAL BUTTON MILITARY JEANS BUTTON GROMMET SQUARE NAIL MARBLE BICYCLE NAME PLATE TOY CAP GUN FUSE TAX TOKEN WASH STATE SCOUT ITEM DOG TAG PRE 1940 GAME TOKEN SEATTLE TRANSIT TRIANGLE TOKEN BRASS SCREW/NAIL GOOD FOR TOKEN TOOTSIE TOY LEAD TOY JEWELRY _______________ 1955-58 WHEAT PENNY 1973 QUARTER CANADIAN SILVER COIN SILVER WAR NICKEL V NICKEL 1900 - 1916 BARBER DIME 1925-45 MERCURY DIME ROSIE DIME 1946 - 56 STANDING LIB QUARTER BICENTENNIAL QUARTER ANY DOLLAR COIN PRE 1910 BARBER HALF WALKING HALF ANY KENNEDY HALF CHINESE CACHE COIN 1880-1909 INDIAN HD PENNY BUFFALO NICKEL CANADIAN LG CENT MEXICIAN COIN BRITISH COIN SPANISH REALE OTHER PRE 1960 FOREIGN COIN WASHINGTON STATE QUARTER SEATED US COIN 1909 WHEAT PENNY ITEMS ENTERED ARE FOR PREVIOUS MONTHS DETECTING 1st place winner is outright 2nd & 3rd place will be drawn from all participant entries. .925 0R STERLING ITEM 10K JEWELRY ITEM 14K ITEM 18K GOLD RING CUFF LINK GOLD CHAIN COIN PURSE WATCH Use first two letters of meeting month you turn items in as marker for found items. [Ma for MAY] Use this sheet for all months BONUS 3 POINT ITEMS GOLD COIN SILVER DOLLAR AYPE ITEM LARGE CENT U.S. All ENGRAVED GOLD RING items must be found in WASHINGTON STATE in found condition
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