January - Cascade Treasure Club
January - Cascade Treasure Club
January 2014 Coin 1920-S Standing Liberty Quarter Mark Jenkins Jewelry 14k 1917 Fraternity Pin Mark Jenkins Token - Foreign Coin 1937 English Penny Gary Clark CTC’s 1st Saturday Hunt... Open 1935 Expo Match Safe Mark Jenkins Key Stick Pin - Gary Clark Find of the Month Totals 1. 12 Gary Clark 2. 12 Mark Jenkins 3. 10 Ron Aldridge 4. 7 Mark Kulseth 5. 6 Rick Razor 6. 4 Jack Davis 7. 1 Jon Gentry 8. 1 Joe Sacco 9. 1 Matt Mechler The outing was great fun with 16 members & guests showing up at a local Seattle green space. The natural finds hunt began around 9:00 & ended sometime after 12:00 with clear skies. After the hunt everyone gathered together to review their finds. Items to receive a prize were drawn from a container. For instance, if you found the only key or the highest number of keys and that item was drawn, you would receive a silver dime. Other mundane items such as pull tabs, bottle caps, tin foil, nails etc. are in the container so everyone has a chance to win. Silver or gold items automatically get a prize. Mark Jenkins won a silver quarter for the best find; a beautiful 1920-S Standing Liberty Quarter. Thanks to all the members for attending. Elections...CTC officials for 2014 are: President: Mark Kulseth, Vice President: Mark Jenkins, Treasurer: Ralph Shape, Secretary: Sue Kaas. Board members: Loraine Robbins, Garry Robbins, Paul Boyd & Gary Clark. New Members & Guests...welcome new member Bill Becker & Tom & Christine Galloway to the Cascade Treasure Club. We hope to share our great hobby and extend a warm greeting to each one of you. Joys & Concerns...everyone is doing ok as far as we know. Membership Dues are Due...($25.00 single, $30.00 family) Payment of dues must be before Feb. 1, 2014 to enter February’s Find of the Month & other raffles. Scavenger Hunt Contest...2nd mo. totals: Mark J. 31, Ron A. 30, Gary C. 22, Rick R. 17, Jack D. 16, Jim V. 12, Mark K. 9, Jon G. 7, Matt M. 6, Joe S. 4. New contest began after the Oct. 2013 meeting & ends at the April 2014 meeting (see flyer pg. 4). Awards...Robin Beekley would have won $74.00 in the Jug of Hope – if she were present! The Silver Dollar raffle was won by Christine Galloway. AOK Award was won by Sue Kaas for taking over as club Secretary...No-No Award was won by Mark Jenkins for forgetting to bring cookies even though he was reminded the night before. Club Patches & Hats...Patches are $8.00 ea. & Hats are $15.00 ea. Ja was wo nuary’s AOK A ward n by Su the club e Kaas for taki n Secreta ry positio g over n. The Club Plaque Contest...The club plaque is a unique piece of metal buried somewhere in King County & a clue to its location is given monthly until found. A prize of $20.00 will be awarded to the lucky finder. - Clue 1: The sound of the last streetcar echoed from the ravine as the young women headed home from the fair... - Clue 2: Once a place where old growth timber stood until an official thought someone else needed the wood... Feb 6th Board Meeting...Thursday, 7 p.m. at Mark Jenkins mom’s home, located at 8224 129th Pl SE, Newcastle, 425-223-2985. Feb. 9th Meeting...winners announced & awards given for Member of the Year, Treasure Hunter of the Year, Best Find & Oldest Find (in WA State). The club is celebrating its 41st anniversary & any stories of memories or tributes are welcomed. Theme for this meeting is “Presidential or related items.” John Beekley will bring his plastic laminator - bring your wallet cards & items to be protected. Cookies compliments of Jack Davis & Donna Shape. Upcoming Events...Club Outing: Saturday, Feb. 1st, 9 a.m. Volunteer Park... Bake Sale: March meeting...Puget Sound Treasure Hunter’s - Night Hunt, Mar. 8, Reber Ranch, Kent. Detecting on Public Land...When in doubt check with city, county, state or other intergovernmental websites for current regulations as there could be serious consequences both for you & the hobby in general. Detecting Alert...Now that ground is wet again it is recommended to use a ground cloth or similar to keep the dirt from discoloring the grass & leaving a mess. New Activity Fees for Non-members...continuing in 2014 $15.00 for a club activity & $12.00 for hunt only. Bring in Food Bank Donations...food is needed all year long at local food banks. It is suggested that each member bring at least one can of food to the meeting. Special Thanks to the businesses...who provide support & donations for our hobby & January ’s NoNo was wo Award n forgettin by Mark Jenki ns for g to brin g cookie though reminde s even d. events: Jeffery Sarvis, Treasure Dude Detectors, 206-229-3932; Northgate Coins, Bryan Geraghty, 206-364-0090. Find of the Month...other January entries: 4 pts 3 pts 2 pts 2 pts 1920-S Standing Liberty Quarter 1942-S Walking Liberty Half 1906-S Barber Dime 1887 V-Nickel Mark Jenkins Gary Clark Ron Aldridge Rick Razor 4 pts 3 pts 2 pts 1 pt 1 pt 1 pt 1 pt 14k 1917 Fraternity Pin 14k Gold Chain Silver Earring w/Stone Kids Cross San Diego Chargers Key Holder Corvette Pin Women’s Earring Mark Jenkins Ron Aldridge Mark Kulseth Jack Davis Gary Clark Mark Jenkins Rick Razor 4 pts 3 pts 2 pts 2 pts 1 pt 1938 British Penny 1928 Canadian Penny 2008 Dave & Busters GF Seattle Transit Token UDPA Parking Token 4 pts Key Pin 4 pts 1935 San Diego Expo Match Safe 3 pts Quartz Crystal 2 pts Old Large Brass Cross 2 pts 9mm Bullet Silver Utensil Handle 1 pt Apple I-Phone 1 pt Hubley Cap Gun Gary Clark Ron Aldridge Rick Razor Mark Kulseth Jack Davis Gary Clark Mark Jenkins Mark Kulseth Ron Aldridge Jack Davis Matt Mechler Rick Razor Joe Sacco Treasure Hunters Code of Ethics . I will always check federal, state, county & . I will, as an ambassador for the hobby, use local laws before searching. It is my responthoughtfulness, consideration & courtesy at all sibility to “Know the law” times. . I will respect private property & will not . I will work to help bring unity to our hobby by enter private property without the owner’s working with any organization of any geopermission. Where possible such permission graphic area. That may have problems that will be in writing. will limit their ability to peacefully pursue the . I will take care to refill all holes & try not to hobby. . I will leave gates as found. I will build fires in leave any damage. . I will remove & dispose of any & all trash & designated safe places only. . I will report to the proper authorities any inlitter that I find. . I will appreciate & protect our inheritance of dividuals who enter & or remove artifacts from natural resources, wildlife & private property. federal parks or state preserves. Cascade Treasure Club President: Mark Kulseth Vice Pres. Mark Jenkins Treasurer: Ralph Shape Secretary: Sue Kaas Board: Paul Boyd Loraine Robbins Garry Robbins Gary Clark Membership: Donna Shape 253-804-3513 Mail dues to: 7109 Hazel Pl. SE Auburn, WA 98092 Donations: John Beekley jbeekley@hotmail.com Newsletter: Ron Aldridge 206-818-2197 E-mail submissions to: editor@cascadetreasureclub.com Meetings: Second Sunday of every month 5:00 p.m. at the Highland Park Improvement Club 1116 SW Holden St., Seattle, WA (Located in West Seattle 1 mile west from the 1st Ave S. bridge) Guests Always Welcome! CASCADE TREASURE CLUB Scavenger Hunt Contest (November 2013 - April 2014) Name_________________________________ USE THIS SHEET FOR ALL MONTHS Place the first two letters of meeting month in front of items found - eg. NO for November, DE for December ALL ITEMS [1] POINT EXCEPT BONUS [3] POINT ITEMS OPENCOINS RING STYLE PULL TAB 1940 – 1958 WHEAT PENNY INK PEN 1973 NICKEL BRASS NAIL / SCREW CANADIAN SILVER COIN SPOONSILVER WAR NICKEL PLATED / JUNK RING V NICKEL JACKSON /PERKINS ROSE BUSH TAG 1800’S BARBER DIME RIFLE CASING / CARTRIDGE PRE-1930 MERCURY DIME RAILROAD SPIKEROSIE DIME 1950-60 METAL BUTTON MILITARY STANDING LIBERTY DATED QUARTER INSIGNIA PIN MILITARY1932-50 WASHINGTON QUARTER DUG BATTERY IKE DOLLAR METAL CLOTHES PINPRE-1910 BARBER HALF GOB OF FOIL FRANKLIN HALF BICYCLE NAME PLATE ANY KENNEDY HALF TOY CAP GUNCHINESE CACHE COIN OLD JEWELRY ITEMINDIAN HEAD PENNY TAX TOKEN WASHINGTON STATE BUFFALO NICKEL SCOUT ITEMCANADIAN LARGE CENT DOG TAG PRE-1960MEXICIAN COIN STEEL BEER CANBRITISH COIN TACOMA TRANSIT TOKENSPANISH REALE PADLOCKOTHER PRE-1950 FOREIGN COIN GOOD FOR TOKEN TOOTSIE TOY SUSPENDER PIECE ITEMS ENTERED ARE FOR PREVIOUS MONTHS DETECTING JEWELRY .925 0R STERLING ITEM 1st place winner is outright 10K JEWELRY ITEM 2nd & 3rd place will be drawn 14K RING from all participant entries 18 K GOLD RING 14K-18K GOLD BRACELET GOLD CHAIN COIN PURSE Use this sheet for all months WATCH BONUS 3 POINT ITEMS GOLD COIN SILVER DOLLAR SEATED HALF DOLLAR LARGE CENT U.S. All items must be found in WASHINGTON STATE in foundcondition PLATINUM RING
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