Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Test-R for donor KAAS


Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Test-R for donor KAAS
Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
Test-R for donor KAAS
Emotional Intelligence Test-R assesses the ability
to perceive, understand and manage one’s own emotions
and those of others.
For more information about the EQ Test-R, please visit www.centraltest.com
KAAS’ score distribution
Quotient: 117
Level: KAAS has above average emotional
intelligence. On the whole, he is at ease with
his emotions. Nothing is stopping him however from improving and attaining excellence!
KAAS’ personality graph
Cryos International - Denmark ApS | Vesterbro Torv 1-3, 5. | DK-8000 Aarhus C | Denmark
Website: dk.cryosinternational.com | Email: dk@cryosinternational.com | Phone: +45 8676 0699 | Fax: +45 8676 0685
KAAS’ strengths
KAAS’ main weak points
KAAS approaches others very easily. He likes being able to
share what he thinks and how he feels. He knows how to
maintain good relationships with people.
KAAS may underestimate his positive qualities and focus on
shortcomings. He tends to give his negative traits a little too
much importance.
KAAS always says what he thinks and how he feels. He
does not run from confrontation, and he is good at defending
his points of view and interests.
Advice for KAAS:
KAAS almost never thinks about what he is missing, and
he appreciates what life has to offer. Being optimistic, he
believes that the best is yet to come.
In general, when KAAS feels negative emotions, he is able
to control them and continue thinking and acting in a calm
KAAS compares himself too much with others. He should
accept that perfection does not exist. While recognizing his
shortcomings and errors is important, he needs to put them
into perspective and be kinder to himself.
Read much more about KAAS’ personality traits on the
following page...
Cryos International - Denmark ApS | Vesterbro Torv 1-3, 5. | DK-8000 Aarhus C | Denmark
Website: dk.cryosinternational.com | Email: dk@cryosinternational.com | Phone: +45 8676 0699 | Fax: +45 8676 0685
An interpretation of KAAS’ score
KAAS is somewhat introspective and is able to analyse his
own emotions and behaviour. However he is not always
completely aware of his own desires and needs and it takes
time for him to understand what he wants.
KAAS does not throw in the towel after failing badly at something. He gets back on his feet and does his best to learn
from his mistakes and not feel regret.
Clearly KAAS has a high level of self-control. In stressful or
unusual situations he knows how to take a step back and he
can easily master negative emotions such as anger or frustration. However being able to control these feelings does not
mean that KAAS should never express himself.
KAAS is aware of his abilities and he believes in his own resourcefulness. He is not afraid of responsibility and he is
generally confident about his choices. Few things can shake
his self-confidence.
Interpersonal skills
KAAS’s motivation is solid enough to get him through his projects. However at times, he may need encouragement to
His communicative behaviour and ability to express himself
perfectly clearly show that KAAS is a “people-person.” His
enjoyment in talking to others can be seen all day long. As he
is open to all subjects of conversation, his easygoing attitude
makes him well-liked and people seek his company.
It is sometimes hard for KAAS to stray from habit or change
his points of view if he feels particularly strong about them.
He does however possess an ability to adapt and he is ready
to accept change.
While KAAS can appreciate some of his good qualities, he
does not understand how valuable they are. On the other
hand, he gives his shortcomings too much importance. In
some situations, he judges himself fairly, while in others, he
underestimates himself.
KAAS is very happy with life. Full of optimism, he always looks
on the bright side of things. KAAS can appreciate what life has
to offer and he believes that the best is yet to come. However
sometimes his rose-colored glasses cause him to minimise
certain problems and he does not take the time to solve them.
KAAS insists on sincerely expressing his point of view, even
when others do not agree. He is ready to deal with confrontation and he never runs from heated debate or lengthy discussion. He is open to exchanging ideas and finding constructive
compromise, even when this takes much time.
Empathy and lucidity
By paying attention to his environment KAAS can correctly
interpret other people’s emotions. Being able to decipher
unspoken messages, he does not often make mistakes about
people or their intentions. To sum up, KAAS possesses the
ability to empathise with others.
Mediation and influence
Being good at managing conflict and motivating teams, KAAS
can find the right words to sound convincing, to show encouragement and to reconcile diverging points of view. He knows
how to ease tension and get people interested and he also
has a talent for persuasion.
Cryos International - Denmark ApS | Vesterbro Torv 1-3, 5. | DK-8000 Aarhus C | Denmark
Website: dk.cryosinternational.com | Email: dk@cryosinternational.com | Phone: +45 8676 0699 | Fax: +45 8676 0685