03_Nov 00 NW - Newfoundland Club of San Diego


03_Nov 00 NW - Newfoundland Club of San Diego
November–December 2000
NCSD Board Members
Sandra Younger – President
Dori McLaurin – Vice President
Joe Wucherer – Treasurer
Doreen Beale – Secretary
Sharon Gilbert – Historian
Larry Anderson – Member-at-large
Nancy Wolf – Member-at-large
Advertise In NewfWaves!!
(619) 697-9337
(858) 271-6192
(760) 751-2302
(909) 657-0465
(760) 747-3351
(760) 942-0877
(619) 279-7031
Full page:
Half page:
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Business card:
November–December 2000
An official publication of the
Newfoundland Club of San Diego
A Regional Newfoundland Club
$ 5
Make checks payable to Newfoundland Club of San Diego.
Rates subject to change and approval by NCSD Board.
The NCSD is not responsible for errors or quality of reproduction.
Send submissions and checks to Larry Anderson at 475 Orpheus Ave., Encinitas 92024.
Submissions for OH WOW!, advertising and other contributions for publication in NewfWaves must be received by the 15 of
each month prior to publication. Submissions may be delivered by mail or email or fax to the editor. The editor reserves the right
to edit material for length, clarity, content or accuracy. Publication is at the discretion of the editor. Email to legalcat@adnc.com,
or diskette delivery is great. You may also fax it to 760 632-2458, or mail it to Larry Anderson at the above address. Previously
published or non-member generated material must include the author’s or publisher’s permission to reprint
Denise Jones, Editor 2514 Jamacha Rd, PMB 502-31
El Cajon, CA 92019 Ph: 619 667-7077
Our mission as the Newfoundland Club of San Diego is to protect and
celebrate the Newfoundland dog as a companion and working partner
through fun, fellowship, activities and education.
NCSD Water Test 2000
Sydney Meets San Diego
By Sandra Younger
President’s Column
By Sandra Younger
Membership Corner
By Esther Hofer
“Name That Newf!”
Dooley’s E-Mail Survey
NCSD Newf Birthdays
A Tribute To The Carrs
By Eric & Nancy Wolf
NCSD Regional Specialty
NCA National Specialty
Calendar of Events
In Memory of Casey
Encinitas Holiday Parade
Advertisement – Dirty
Paws Dog Wash
NCSD Water Test 2000
Lisa Rosen is stoked as Luigi completes the underwater retrieval.
It was a perfect sunny day at Glorietta Bay for the year
2000 NCSD Water Test. Read all about it on page 2.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The material contained herein is educational, informative and entertaining in nature. It is not intended to replace competent
veterinary care, nor does it necessarily reflect the opinions of the members or boards of the NCA or the NCSD.
November–December 2000
Sydney Meets San Diego at NCSD’s Water Test 2000
By Sandra Younger
It was a great weekend of water fun for the Newfoundland Club of San Diego Sept. 16-17
at Coronado’s spectacular Glorietta Bay. Beginning with a club meeting, picnic and
practice swim Saturday, we followed with our Water Test 2000 on Sunday. A record
crowd of members, newcomers and spectators turned out to enjoy a typically perfect
San Diego day on the bay, starring a sampling of California’s finest water dogs.
We were happy to see Pat McMartin down from Seattle and meet his charming
grandmother, Lucy. Special guests Wendy Scheeres, a Newf lover for 30 years, and family
joined us from the Land Down Under. Wendy showed her priorities are in the right place
by foregoing the Olympics unfolding near her hometown in Sydney, Australia and bringing
her vacationing family to San Diego instead to see a water test. Although Newf owners
train their dogs for water work in Australia, they don’t yet hold tests, so Wendy was eager
to soak it all in. What a privilege to share the day with these new international friends.
The dogs, of course, were in fine form. Portside’s Luigi, CD added a WD to his name
in a strong junior performance, then post-entered and came very close to taking home
his senior title as well. Luigi is loved and handled by Lisa Rosen, whose long hours
of practice were evident in the great teamwork displayed by this dynamic duo! Joan
Swanson-Hamilton’s veteran superstar, Mex/Am CH Springhaven’s Kodiak Bear, CD,
WRD, TDI, CGC (Kody) showed everyone he still knows his stuff by easily re-qualifying at
the junior level.
We were honored to welcome Cheryl Dondino, chair of the NCA’s working dog
committee, as our mentor judge, and our own Debby Rothwell, in her first water test
judging assignment, as her able partner. Thanks to both Cheryl and Debby for a
wonderful job!
Stewarding was first-rate. Thanks to all who helped and especially our head steward,
Linda Barkas. Brenda Church, in her first experience with Newfoundland water work,
was absolutely expert as our kayaker. Joe Wucherer, despite a croaky voice, persevered
as our take-a-line caller, and Larry Anderson squeaked a distress signal to Luigi in the
senior test.
Continued on page 4
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(near post office)
Tierrasanta Gateway Center
6030 Santo Road, Suite F
San Diego, CA 92124
• State of the Art Fiberglass Tubs
• Raised platforms for small pets
(858) 569-PETS (7387)
• Hassle free pet cleaning
Our other entrants posted strong performances also, leading us to expect more new
titles from this bunch in the very near future. They were Jane Kulesa and Tippecanoe’s
Flower, CD, DD, CGC, all the way from Colorado; Nina Roben and Portside’s Chris-Sea;
Steve Barkas and CH Seaworthy Texas Ranger, DD; Joan Swanson-Hamilton and Mex/Int
CH Springhaven’s Kaila Has Style, CGC, TDI; and Brian Cortes with Wandersea’s Bishop.
After the official test, three of our super seniors had fun showing off in a special
exhibition of senior exercises staged especially for our new Aussie friends. Thanks to
Joan Hamilton and Kody; Bob and Sandra Younger and Seaworthy’s Epic Tide, CD, WRD,
DD, TT, CGC; and Peggy Lange and her spring-loaded leaper, Ironwood E.T. Dillon, WRD,
CGC. Also, Sheri Cotrell graciously escorted several parties via her motorized dinghy for
a tour of the family’s beautiful catamaran, “SeeLife,” anchored in the bay.
We clean the tubs
We supply the shampoo
We supply the conditioner
We supply the towels
We supply air dryers
We supply brushes
We supply aprons
Standard Wash
Your choice of one of the following shampoos
o Pina Collie
o Strawberry Bark
o Peaches & Paws
o Dog Gone Almond
Use of the dryers and towels
• Grooming Tables
• Frequent washer program: Every 10th wash free
Santo Rd
Pet Therapy
. Oat Melba Therapeutic, Hypo Plus shampoo
. Conditioner
. Use of the dryers and towels
Flea Be Gone
. Sungro Flea & Tick shampoo
. Conditioner
. Use of the dryers and towels
Dog Gone Shine
. Super White or Pure Bright shampoo $12.00
. Conditioner
. Use of the dryers and towels
. Skunk Odor shampoo
. Conditioner
. Use of the dryers and towels
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
November–Dectember 2000
Our thanks for all the cards and telephone
calls. Of course, our special thanks go to Steve &
Linda Barkas for breeding Seaworthy Fort Casey.
Out of all the Newfs who have shared our lives,
Casey was special. He was a joyful traveler wherever we went, to Newfoundland or to our many dog
shows. As he matured, he made many friends for
his breed, reigning over his part of our booth with
dignity and only recognizing other dogs that passed
if they were Newfs.
Farewell good friend. We’ll meet again in some better place.
Dave & Adele
Saturday board and membership meetings, and lunch.
Kody pursues a drifting cushion dropped from a kayak.
Lucy’s Candy-Coated Treasure CGC, owned by
Edward & Deborah Malz, passed her Canine Good
Citizen Test with flying black and white colors at the
Silver Bay Match on Sept. 10, 2000 at Balboa Park.
Good job Lucy!
Wynship Seabiscuit “Dooley,” owned by Denise Jones, trotted off with a Group 2nd at the Silver Bay
Match. Dooley went on to take Winners Dog, his first major, on Sunday, Oct. 1, 2000 at Lake
Perris (photo, above). Thank you Betty for handling him!
December 2, 2000. Parade starts at 6 p.m.
As we pass the reviewing stand at the south end of the Lumberyard Center in Encinitas, you will hear
these words: “The Newfoundland Club of San Diego presents the Newfoundland Dog.  For centuries these gentle
giants have worked alongside their human partners on land and sea - hauling firewood, carting fish to market,
and rescuing sailors tossed overboard on the high seas.  Today’s Newfoundlands continue to display these natural
abilities in water rescue and in draft work as you see here.”
That’s right! You and your Newfy will help us strut our stuff in a parade which annually draws some 20,000
attendees and features well over 100 marching groups. See the Calendar on page 13 for our up-coming practice
session at Balboa Park. If you must miss the practice, just be sure to join us at the parade!
Here are some details. We’ll meet at our staging area in the alley next to the 7 - 11 store at the corner of
the Coast Highway and D Street between 5:00 and 5:30 p.m. The store will remain open. There is water, poop
bags and a disposal bin. Unload carts and heavy stuff at Vulcan and D St. and walk across the tracks to the 7 - 11.
Parking is remote. The lot above Moonlight Beach is the closest. Reserved parking for parade entrants is available
at the Shell Gas/Wendy’s lot at Encinitas Blvd just west of I-5. A free shuttle will be running from 5 to 9:30 p. m.
Sorry, no dogs on the shuttle. Bring crates or ropes to contain dogs at the Anderson’s dinner party after the parade,
but do not bring crates to the staging area. After our place-holder leads us into the parade, no one guards personal
items left behind. We will march south on the Coast Highway from D St. to J St., about 1/2 mile. Dogs must be on
leash and under control at all times to comply with the City of Encinitas safety requirements.
Costumes for dogs and people should reflect the “Music, Merriment And Mistletoe” theme as much as
possible. Santa hats are O.K., but no Santa costumes – the City of Encinitas has exclusive rights to Santa.
Afterwards, come for a buffet dinner at the Andersons’ at 475 Orpheus, just a short distance away. B. Y. O. B.
Go north on Vulcan to Orpheus; go right to the top of the hill. Park across the street. Bring dogs. We’ll have a blast!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sunday. Basic control: Kaila comes to Joan Hamilton.
(Positions of judge and steward altered to fit cropped photo)
Cris-Sea easily tows a “stranded” rowboat to the shore.
Ranger “rescues” Joe Wucherer in the “take-a-line” test.
Flower delivers a bumper to Jane’s hand after retrieve.
Jane Kulesa from Colorado and her Newfy
Flower (above) illustrate the need to trust
each other completely, the ultimate water
training goal. Jane is legally blind, yet she
participated with Flower in all the exercises,
including the “swim-with-handler” test.
Bishop and Brian Cortes in the “swim-with-handler” test.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
November–December 2000
Sydney meets San Diego - - continued from page 2
Other stewards included Steve Barkas, Shari Cotrell, Brian Cortes, Joan Hamilton, Wayne
Hamilton, Esther Hofer, Denise Jones, Nancy Wolf, Kathy Mitchell, Sandra Younger and
Haley Cottrell.
Haley, our new 8-year-old junior member, helped guard the basic control ring and did a
super job calling out raffle numbers. No megaphone needed! Thanks to Barb Thompson
for organizing the raffle, which brought in a record $142—and to all who donated.
Steve Barkas led the early morning set-up crew, including Mike Goldbarg, Jerry Gansch
and Mike Griffith, and took on the lion’s share of the clean-up at the end of the day. Esther
Hofer stayed busy talking with newcomers about club membership. Gina Anderson and
Joan Hamilton laid out a beautiful potluck lunch buffet of sandwich fixin’s, fruit, salads
and dessert, not to mention yummy coffee and pastries in the morning. Thanks for all the
coordination, legwork and donations. And kudos to Joan also for handcrafting beautiful
entrants’ gifts, qualifiers’ trophies and judges’ gifts. What creativity!
Last but not least, big thanks to our water test chair, Jackie Helland, for an excellent
job of organizing the day. Even though family commitments took her out of town that
weekend, we all benefited from Jackie’s hard work and planning. Test secretary Sharon
Gilbert, and committee member Steve Barkas, deserve applause for their contributions.
It takes a village to hold a water test, but the results are well worth the effort. To all who
helped, our sincere appreciation. To all who joined us, entrants and spectators, thanks
for coming! And to all who couldn’t make it this time around, we’ll see you next year!
The raffle (above) was a
big hit. Gina Anderson
(left) bought a fistfull
of tickets and won the
coveted stuffed Landseer pup and several
other prizes. Visiting
Aussies (right) Wendy
Scheeres (left to rt. in
photo) with Kate, Rob,
and Ross, were hosted
at the test by Dori McLaurin and Applejack.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
January 6 & 7, 2001
Kennel Club of Palm Springs, Indio, CA
Entries close 12/20/00
January 14, 2001
11 a.m.–3 p.m. San Dieguito Park (tentative)
Demos of conformation, draft, obedience, etc.
January 27 & 28, 2001
Orange Empire Dog Club, Inc.
San Bernardino, CA Entries close 1/10/01
February 4, 2001
Hosted by Newf. Club of So.California
Beverly Hills Kennel Club
Cal State, Northridge
Judges: Patrick Doniere, Jr. (conformation)
Joseph Reinisch (Puppy & Veteran Sweeps) Entries Close 1/17/01
Superintendent: Nancy Wilson
February 23, 2001
8307 Camelback Rd., Scottsdale, AZ 85251
NCSD REGIONAL SPECIALTY – Hosted (602) 949-5389
by Newfoundland Club of San Diego
November 25 & 26, 2000
Del Mar Fairgrounds, Del Mar, CA
Judges: Sweeps, Pat Randall; Breed & Jr. Sahuaro State Kennel Club
Showmanship, Col. Jerry Weiss
Arizona State Fairgrounds, Phoenix, AZ February 24 & 25, 2001
(Indoors, fully matted ring)
TWO ALL-BREED SHOWS – Silver Bay Superintendent: Newport Dog Shows
K. C., Del Mar Fairgrounds, Del Mar, CA
For info contact: Vicky L. Hansen, Specialty Chair
Entries close 2/7/01
18014 N. 145th Dr. , Surprise, AZ 85374
March 18, 2001 (Tentative)
(623) 975- 0595
Raffle tickets available in advance. Prizes include two Newf bronze statues, blow dryer, draft cart, art San Dieguito Park, Solana Beach, CA
work by Claire Carr, gift certs up to $200, and April 2-7, 2001
more. Send checks to Ahna Bowman 1438 N. NCA NATIONAL SPECIALTY
Sprie Ct. Chandler AZ (no zip listed); 480 456 Hosted by Great Lakes Newfoundland Club
5303; $1 each or 6 for $5
Frankenmuth, MI (Between Flint and Make checks to Mesquite Newfoundland Club; Saginaw, “Michigan’s Little Bavaria”)
Enclose name and return address
Info on town: www.frankenmuth.org
December 2, 2000
Info on site: www.bavariainn.com
NCSD NEWFS TO MARCH IN THE Reservations accepted starting Jan 1, 2001
6 p.m., Coast Highway, Encinitas, CA See the article on page 14
December 2, 2000
Larry & Gina Anderson’s house
475 Orpheus Ave., Encinitas CA 92024
Supper. B.Y.O.B. Bring Newfs and crates.
November 11 & 12, 2000
TWO ALL-BREED SHOWS – Del Sur K.C., Polo Grounds, Rancho Santa Fe, CA
November 12, 2000
NCA DRAFT TEST – ”The Turkey Trot” Hosted by Newfoundland Club of N. Calif.
Lagoon Valley Park, Vacaville, CA
November 18, 2000
Bring your Newf(s) & lunch, meet at noon at main fountain by Reuben Fleet, Balboa Park
November 24, 2000
REGIONAL SPECIALTY – Hosted by Mesquite Newfoundland Club
Arizona State Fairgrounds, Phoenix, AZ (Indoors, fully matted ring)
Judges: Jo Ann Riley (conformation)
Billie Hayes (puppy & veteran Sweeps)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
November–Dectember 2000
Hosted by the Newfoundland Club of San Diego
February 23, 2001, Del Mar, CA
Preparations are underway for our Regional Specialty on Friday, February 23, 2001. The Trophy Committee
has selected a collection of elegant Wilton Armetale serveware pieces from the distinctive Fauna Collection. As
you can imagine from the descriptions below, an engraved trophy from the Fauna Collection will be cherished by
the winner over the years and provide fond memories of a special day, down by the sea, in Del Mar. The NCSD
must rely on the generosity of members and friends in order to offer these quality trophies. Please honor the
Newfoundland breed by pledging a donation for any of the trophies below:
(All trophies will be engraved)
Luigi rescues Larry Anderson in the senior division exercise.
Best in Specialty Show – Scallop Handle Buffet Tray - $150
Best Opposite Sex – Scallop Handle Divided Tray - $100
Best of Winners – Shell Rimmed Small Round Bowl - $90
Winners Dog – Flounder Small Dish - $60
Winners Bitch – Flounder Small Dish - $60
1st Place All Conformation Classes – Mint Julep Cup with Lighthouse Medallion – 24 @ $25/each
Best in Sweeps– Scallop Handle Small Round Plate - $50
Best in Veterans Sweeps– Scallop Handle Small Round Plate - $50
Best Jr. Handler – Gift Certificate - $50
The Newfoundland Club of San Diego will provide a special ring favor to all entrants on Friday
and trophies for the Silver Bay Kennel Club supported entry on Saturday.
Please include the following information with your submission:
Our water test judge in a boat
Was retrieving a stray cushion float
But she then lost an oar
Onlookers on shore
Got a large anxious lump in their throat!
I would like to sponsor the following trophy(s):
Offered by:
I have enclosed $ as sponsorship payment.
Business card enclosed (if a business)
(Make checks payable to NCSD, Inc.)
Please mail your donations to JoAnn Wucherer, 30667 Lilac Road, Valley Center, CA 92082
by February 1, 2001 to ensure publication in the catalog. Any donation by a business sponsor
qualifies for a free business card ad in the catalog. We will gladly accept donations after February 1
but cannot then ensure publication in the catalog. We will contact you if your choices of trophy(s)
have already been sponsored by someone else.
If you have any questions, please call or e-mail:
JoAnn Wucherer
Ph. (760) 751-2302
e-mail: jcwucherer@nctimes.net
Denise Jones Ph. (619) 667-7077
e-mail: legalcat@adnc.com
Thank you for supporting the Newfoundland Club of San Diego.
Presentation of the WD award to Lisa Rosen for Luigi, who
passed all junior exercises and all but one of the senior
exercises. Left to right in the photo: Sharon Gilbert (test
secretary); Cheryl Dondino (mentor judge); Lisa Rosen
(owner); Deborah Rothwell (judge, face hidden behind Lisa).
Old Larry swam vainly to reach her
With the oar for our water dog teacher
It appeared, so to speak
They were both up the creek
Larry’s wife soon sent out for a preacher!
The folks in the raft, they were real swell
Spied our judge in distress, Debby Rothwell
She received a low score
For dropping that oar
But was rescued, so all’s well that ends well.
(Larry’s Limerick)
It=s time to start planning for the Newfoundland Club of America National Specialty! The Great Lakes Newfoundland
Club is hosting the 2001 Specialty at the Bavarian Inn Lodge in Frankenmuth, Michigan. The dates are April 3-7, 2001. Although
Michigan is quite a distance from home, this is a wonderful opportunity to combine a vacation with hundreds of Newf lovers and
Newfs from the United States and abroad.
The Bavarian Inn Lodge is nestled on the banks of the Cass River in Frankenmuth, Michigan=s #1 tourist attraction.
Staying at the Lodge is like stepping into an Old German Fairy Tale in Michigan=s “Little Bavaria.” The Lodge offers five indoor
pools and three whirlpools, 18-hole Miniature Golf, Children=s Village, two lounges, two restaurants and four outdoor tennis courts.
The Holz Brucke (Wooden Covered Bridge) enables guests to walk to 100 Main Street Shops, a golf course and most attractions.
For more information, consult the web addresses listed in the Calendar of Events. NewfWaves will keep you posted with additional
information in the January–February 2001 edition.
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The Youngers’ pup Terra has learned fast, with Epic’s help.
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© 2000 Phillip Roullard
November–December 2000
President’s Column
A Tribute To Claire And John Carr
By Eric And Nancy Wolf
By Sandra Younger
Fellow Newf lovers,
In the September NewfWaves, I promised I’d share in this issue the results of two
intensive planning sessions your NCSD board has completed since taking office in July. I felt
it was critical to begin our year by charting a good course because, bottom-line, organizations
that plan are almost always healthier and more successful than those that don’t.
We have a dream!
We started by dreaming about the kind of club we want to be. What we decided was:
we want to be the kind of club that’s capable of hosting the National Newfoundland Specialty.
Now don’t panic. Nobody’s saying we actually want to host the National, at least not anytime
soon. What we’re saying is, we’d like to be strong enough as an organization to tackle that
monumental task.
Something for everyone
Next we talked about what a club of that caliber would be like. What characteristics
would it have? We decided depth is a big factor. Lots of active, experienced members, not
just a few stalwarts doing it all, year after year. That means we need to offer lots of opportunities for everyone to be involved, to learn more about the breed, to work and play with
our Newfs, to mature into future leaders and teachers.
Seven easy pieces
We decided further that we need that kind of depth in seven major areas: programs,
fund-raising, membership, newsletter, conformation, working activities and rescue. So we
set up permanent committees and recruited experienced chairs (see the photo on page 7) to
ensure that each of these critical areas functions on a continuing basis, year-round, not just
event by event.
Mission possible!
We talked, too, about the specific purposes of our club, and we wrote a mission
statement to help us stay focused on our goals. Here it is: Our mission as the Newfoundland
Club of San Diego is to protect and celebrate the Newfoundland dog as a companion and
working partner through fun, fellowship, activities and education
Save these dates!
Finally, we planned a few great events to get us going. Saturday, Nov. 18th we’ll gather at
the fountain in Balboa Park for a picnic meeting, followed by a walk in the park with our Newfs.
We’ll also use this time to practice for our big holiday celebration—marching in the Encinitas
Holiday parade!
Yes, it’s that most wonderful time of the year, time to deck your Newfs with reindeer
antlers and Santa hats. Pencil in Saturday Dec. 2 for the 6 p.m. parade, followed by a holiday
party at Gina and Larry Anderson’s house in Encinitas. See page 14 for details.
Next, we’ll welcome the new year with our First Annual Newf Fun Faire, Sunday, Jan. 14
at San Dieguito Park. Here’s a chance to check out the whole range of Newfy activities at once:
draft, water work, conformation, obedience, agility, tracking, therapy and more. See a demo;
ask questions; try it out. If you find something that tickles your fancy, we’ll help you pursue it.
Where credit is due
Well, that’s it. That’s where we’re headed. We’re glad you’re on board to see it unfold.
My sincere thanks to our board members, our new committee chairs and our able planning
facilitator, Bob Younger—all of whom donated many precious weekend hours to complete
this important foundational work for NCSD.
Best wishes for a blessed holiday season!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
f one were bestowing the Nobel Prize for science
or literature, what would be the most important criterion
on which to base this honor? We believe it would be
the way in which the recipients had affected the lives of
others; how they touched those around them for the better.
NCSD has used no less a standard in awarding its first
Honorary Lifetime Membership to Claire and John Carr.
Claire’s love and devotion for the Newfoundland
dog goes back many years. She acquired her first
Newfoundland while she and John were still raising their
four children. Her commitment to the breed grew into
raising, showing and educating others about her “big black
dogs.” She soon spearheaded the establishment of the
water rescue trials in order to revive the natural working
abilities of the Newfoundland. The NCA adopted her
proposal, and the Water Test was born. Thanks to Claire’s
intervention and continued support as a participant, judge
and trainer, Water Rescue Dog is now the most coveted working title obtainable by the breed.
“It’s kind of like adopting a child,” Claire would tell those fortunate enough to “adopt”
a Newfy pup from her, and those that did took away a commitment of life-long responsibility
for their dogs. And to be sure that the new “parents” got started off on the right foot, Claire
establishd her own puppy kindergarten program. One class, however, wouldn’t let the
training sessions end. Thus was born puppy first grade, which grew over the years into
Wednesday Nite Capers. With Claire at the lead, the training classes expanded into social
events centered around a growing number of Newfoundland dogs. That “puppy school”
class had grown into an extended family of people and their Newfs; and Claire was the
group’s leader, teacher, surrogate parent. It was “Grandma Claire” that everyone turned to
for advice on new puppies, training for dog events, and, in the end, for support when that
inevitable sad day arrived. When, like her children, she felt the group had matured, she
relinquished the reins and, as one of the founding members, was instrumental in helping
NCSD become a regional club.
Claire’s gregarious personality drew many to the Carr home, where John patiently
endured hosting the many social functions during which it was not uncommon to find a
herd of Newfs staking out his back yard, and a mob of “dog addicts” occupying his living
room. John supported Claire in all these endeavors - even though he was not appreciative
of the proverbial black hair in his salad. (Claire’s hair is white!) John would not relinquish
his “alpha” position to the point of allowing dogs on the bed, or in the dining room –
except when Trinity grew elderly and enjoyed her peanut butter on toast at his elbow each
morning. And, after dinner, when the invasion of enthusiastic Wednesday Niters chattered
on about dogs in the Carr kitchen, John could often be found in his den quietly reading, a
curl of pipe smoke floating up from behind his newspaper, and a contented Newfoundland
asleep at his feet.
It has been said that true friends are like family. After all these years, Claire and John
feel more like family than friends. Reflecting back upon when it all began, we realize now it
wasn’t we who were adopting a puppy, but rather, Claire and John were adopting us.
Thank you Claire and John for making our lives richer and better.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
November–Dectember 2000
New committee chairpersons
for the permanent committees
“Name That Newf” Continued from page 9
SEAWORTHY WYNSHIP LADY GWIN “GWIN” Wynship came from many trips to the San Diego Airport and passing the
street Winship. When Claire registered Wynship as her kennel name, she offered her old kennel name, Seaworthy, to Steve and
Linda Barkas. Gwin was a puppy out of the Barkas’ first Seaworthy litter. “Lady Gwin” was a ship that fought in the Civil War for
the Confederacy, alongside the “John F. Carr.” Together they won at least one battle. BACCHANAL’S REINA OF WYNSHIP
“REINA” Reina was such a lady as a puppy, she didn’t like to get dirty or play too rough. Doreen Beale suggested something like
“Duchess.” Some friends at work came up with Reina, Spanish for “Queen.” She has truly lived up to her name. WYNSHIP
TOP GUN “GUNNER” Gunner was named after the Top Gun School at Miramar NAS. We thought about “Maverick,” but
we didn’t want a big male who lived up to his name. He did grow up to be the best of the best for Wynship with three Best in Show
wins and gorgeous puppies on the ground. WYNSHIP SEA CAPER “CAPER” We had dreams of a great water dog and she
was a free spirit. She does things her way and mom’s (Gwin’s) corrections produce only minimal results. WYNSHIP’S RAY OF
SUNSHINE “SUNSHINE” Always a very active and happy puppy. She was, and continues to be, bright and cheery. Truly,
she lights up our lives. A lot like Gunner, a lover like her mom, Reina. WYNSHIP’S SEA LEGEND “LEGEND” Always
very smart and active, nicely put together. Very vocal (comes from mom, Ariel). Bold and fearless. Has all the potential to be an
outstanding Gunner show daughter. BACCHANAL’S TESS OF WYNSHIP “TESS” Doreen Beale suggested her name and
we agreed…a very innocent and sweet soul – that is Tess forever. BACCHANAL’S ARIEL OF WYNSHIP ”ARIEL” Ariel was
named after a 19th Century sailing vessel that was lean, sleek and very fast…she was NOT named after the Disney character!
-Joe and JoAnn Wucherer & Claire Carr
SEAWORTHY TRINITY BAY, “TRINITY” Trinity’s co-breeder was born and raised in Newfoundland! We met her in San
Diego where the litter was whelped. We decided to name the litter of eight for locations in Newfoundland. Thus, Trinity Bay. Look
for it on a map of Newfoundland. Trinity’s sister was Seaworthy Belle Isle Freya (Barkas).
-Claire Carr
WYNSHIP SEABISCUIT “DOOLEY” Seabiscuit defeated Triple Crown
Winner War Admiral in the Pimlico Special to clinch Horse of the Year in 1938
and was one of the grandest and gamest thoroughbreds ever to race in California
and the United States. He raced at Del Mar in 1938, defeating Ligaroti, who
was co-owned by Bing Crosby. Dooley’s mom loves watching the horses run at
Del Mar. “Dooley” was derived from the name of an Irish Pub called Hooley’s.
I spent ten days horseback riding in County Galway, Ireland (and some of those
nights frequenting the many pubs) and believe Newfoundlands possess the
rugged, powerful and majestic beauty of the west coast of Ireland!
-Denise Jones
* Phillip Roullard Photographs
Phillip specializes in pet photography. Dooley met him at the dog beach
in Coronado and invited him to attend and photograph our water test.
Contact Phil for water test prints, holiday cards, or personalized Newf
photo sessions. Ph: (619) 698-9512 E-mail: phillipr@mill.net
© 2000 Phillip Roullard *
(left to right in photo)
Nancy Wolf – Fund Raising Committee
Esther Hofer – Membership Committee
Denise Jones – Newsletter Committee
Joe Wucherer – Conformation Committee
Gina Anderson – Programs Committee
Sharon Gilbert – Rescue Committee
Steve Barkas – Working Activities Committee
The new Programs
Committee did a fine
job of organizing the
food for the water
test. An attendance
record of over 40
people helped
bolster confidence
in our energetic new
program and NCSD’s
MEMBERSHIP CORNER: New Member Applicants
By Esther Hofer
Residence: Escondido, CA
Occupation: Revenue Officer, IRS
Dogs: Kathy owns Wynship Midnite Sentinel, a 4½-month-old black male Newf, and Hoover, a 10-year-old cocker spaniel (named after the vacuum cleaner). In playful puppy mode, Midnite loves to “test” Hoover to his limits, transport snails into the house where he then eats them, wolf down his food, and make a mess of his water…Kathy says, “It’s like I have a small lake in the kitchen!” Despite the sometimes-frustrating puppy behaviors, Kathy is “hooked” on Newfs. She has assisted in the delivery of Newf pups and has developed a strong bond with the breed. “Midnite has wormed his way into my heart.”
Hobbies: Craft projects (crocheting, macramé).
Newf-related goals: Obedience and conformation titles.
November/December 2000
Nicky P-nut
Moby Dick
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Residence: San Diego, CA.
Occupation: Movie industry.
Dogs: Jeff and Jenece are the proud owners of Bacchanal’s Webalani, a 5½-month-old black female Newf. Webalani was named for her webbed feet and the Hawaiian translation of flower, “lani.” She is their first Newf.
Hobbies: Skateboarding and surfing.
Newf-related goals: Water rescue training and to teach Webalani how to surf!
Residence: Hanover, PA
Dogs: Kelly has owned Newfoundlands for 11 years. She currently has four Newfs (Harris, Maxine, Owen & Tatonka), two males and two females, 2 ½ to 10 years old, and all black.
Affiliations: Kelly is a member of the Newfoundland Club of America and webmaster for the NPD and CNC.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
November–December 2000
AFFENBAR’S PANDABAR D’HOLOKAI “PANDA” Okay, we admit it; we weren’t very creative. Panda was our first
Landseer, and she looked just like a baby panda. Affenbar, our kennel name, is German for “Monkeybear,” her mother’s kennel
name. AFFENBAR’S CUTE AS A BUTTON “BUTTON” Named because she is, indeed, cute as a button! AFFENBAR’S
PRINCESS GRACE “GRACIE” Our matriarch, Panda, is queen at our house. Grace is Panda’s daughter and therefore heir
to the throne (at least in her mind!) AFFENBAR’S DEACON BLUES “DEACON” Two pounds at birth and referred to
as Mr. Beefy. “Deacon Blues” stuck. It’s the title of a Steely Dan song. AFFENBAR’S BON AMI “AMI” Blair is quite the
Francophile and “bon ami” is French for “good friend.” And that she is!
-Blair and Kymythy Schultze
PEPPERTREE’S APPLEJACK, CGC, TDI “APPLEJACK” was named by his first owners. The Tates liked nautical names,
names used in American history or in American folklore. They wanted a name people would remember, but a search of books in the
library was futile; nothing seemed to fit. One day, Don Tate stopped at a phone booth near a toy store and spotted an old-style wood
rocking horse with its name, Applejack, written on the side of the saddle. They loved the name and knew it would fit their new puppy.
-Dori McLaurin & Barry Whitfield
BACCHANAL KENNELS “Home of the Wine Dogs” While attending a wine tasting, we tasted a Merlot. My husband thought
that would be a great name for a Newfoundland, and we decided our kennel name would carry a wine theme. “Bacchanal” means a
party/gathering of wine drinkers or people who worship the Roman God, Bacchus. The black newfs are named after red wines, and
the Landseers after white wines. Some of the “wine” dogs include Bacchanal’s Gamay Beaujolais “Beau”, Bacchanal’s John
Cabot of Cha-Moi “Cabot”, Seabrook Bacchanal Port Tabu “Port”, Bacchanal’s Cabernet Sauvignon “Cabby”, Bacchanal’s
Bardolino “Bart,” Bacchanal’s Claret, Bacchanal’s Blush, Bacchanal’s Burgundy “Burgie”, Springhaven’s Chardonnay
“Char”, Topmast’s Madeira, and Bacchanal’s Sangiovese “Sandy.”
-Fred & Doreen Beale
CHA-MOI’S CATHERINE THE GREAT “CATHERINE” Cha-Moi is a combination of my name and my husband’s
name. Catherine was a German princess who became empress of Russia. She was very interested in the arts and built schools and
hospitals, encouraged the smallpox inoculation, promoted the education of women, and extended religious tolerance. Because of
this, many teachers, scientists, writers, artists, and actors moved to Russia. Catherine worked mostly to improve the lot of the
middle class. She also extended Russia’s borders. CHA-MOI’S ANNE BONNY “ANNIE” Anne Bonny and her shipmate,
Mary Read, were two notorious women pirates. Anne fell in love with “Calico Jack” and went away with him on his pirate
forays. She was eventually captured, tried in Jamaica and convicted. Anne pleaded pregnancy and her sentence was commuted.
BACCHANAL JOHN CABOT OF CHA-MOI “CABOT” John Cabot was an Italian explorer. With the backing of Henry VII
of England, John Cabot sailed from Bristol with about 20 men aboard the “Matthew.” He landed on Newfoundland on June 24, 1497.
-Charma Hill (History Teacher)
EBONTIDE’S DIAMOND IN THE RUFF “CARBON” Diamond is a crystalline form of the element carbon. Lamp black
is another. Also, there is a city in Newfoundland named Carbonear. Carbon’s human daddy is a chemist.
-Larry & Gina Anderson
INTREPID QUEST OF HARBORTOWN “QUEST” Quest was a gift to our daughter, Kristin, from his breeder, Kenn
Watts, Harbortown Kennels. We chose a name to represent Kenn’s mission. Every quality breeder is on an intrepid quest–a
fearless, bold search for the right combination of genes.
-Jon, Lynn & Kristin Ringard
LUCY’S CANDY-COATED TREASURE “LUCY” We decided on Lucy’s name with some help from our daughter. Lucy is a
Landseer and has black specks on her legs. She would be lying on the floor and my daughter would keep saying there was candy on
the floor. We could never find any. She said the candy was M&M’s. We finally realized she was looking at Lucy’s black spots on her
legs and thought they were candy, thus “candy-coated.” Treasure is because she is our treasure.
-Ed & Debbie Malz
MEADOWLAKE HAS KARISMA “KARISMA” Karisma was from the first litter I bred. “Charisma” in Greek means “favor”
or “gift,” which she is. MEADOWLAKE RIVERDANCE RAVEN “RAVEN” Raven is named that because she is a big, bold,
black girl. I was also taken with the Riverdancers from Ireland. UMI-HOLOKAI MUKI AT MEDOWLAKE “MUKI” Muki
was truly a gift from two kennels, Umi and Holokai. The first is Japanese and the second is Hawaiian. My son liked the name
Mookie so we phonetically spelled it. I abbreviated my kennel name to make it fit.
-Sharon Gilbert
NASHAU AUKES KEMO SABE “KEMO” Kemo Sabe means “trusted friend.” Nashau Auke is the kennel his father came
from, and one of my best friends is the owner.
-Perry & Barbara Thompson
Continued on page 9
“Name That Newf” Continued from page 8
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PORTSIDE’S PILOT “ONSLOW” Onslow’s registered name refers to Portside Kennels and Pilot was the name of Mr.
Rochester’s Newfoundland dog in the novel Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte. Onslow’s call name originated, as did his predecessor’s,
Hudson, from a character in one of our favorite BBC series entitled, “Keeping Up Appearances.” Onslow’s namesake is the
nerdowell brother-in-law of Mrs. Bucket, pronounced “Bouquet”, who is a source of endless embarrassment to Mrs. Bucket’s socialclimbing sensitivities, but who is the first one to offer his help and support in a pinch. And believe me, Mrs. Bucket gets in a lot of
pinches. Onslow has a heart as big as all outdoors, as all Newfs do, so it was a name that picked us. Also, both Onslows like a bit of
bitter once in a while.
-Eric & Nancy Wolf
SEAWORTHY SHINING SKAGIT, “SKAGIT” When we took Skagit’s dame, Freya, to Seattle to be bred, there was a
beautiful, broad, powerful, sunlit northwest river, the Skagit. This became a reminder of the trip and his sire, Newmhoon’s Hug.
-Steve & Linda Barkas
SEAWORTHY’S EPIC TIDE “EPIC” We decided Epic’s name years before he came into our lives. It’s always struck us as the
ultimate Newfoundland name, one word that connotes the size, the nobility, and the magnificence of the breed. To add a nautical
flair, we wanted to call our future puppy, Epic Watermark. But to more than one person, that combination suggested carpet stains
rather than legendary distinction, so we went with Epic Tide instead. PINE MOUNTAIN’S O MY AMERICA “TERRA”
After Epic, we had eight and a half years to come up with another perfect puppy name. But I’d really found it long before that, in
a John Donne poem I studied in college. Overwhelmed with the loveliness of his lady friend, the poet exclaims, “O my America,
my newfound land! OK, so we took it out of context, but how much more perfect could a Newfy name be? Coming up with a
related call name was the hard part. We finally decided on “Terra”, the Latin word for “land”, “earth”, or “world”, as in “terra nova,”
the “new world.” (Which explains, by the way, why Newfs are known in some parts of Europe as the Terra Nova dog.) Adding the
kennel name, 11-week-old Terra became Pine Mountain’s O My America.
-Bob & Sandra Younger
SPRINGHAVEN’S CHAMONIX BABY “CHAMONIX” First there was Springhaven’s Chamonix Baby from Springhaven
Kennels. Her Dad is Springhaven’s Baby Huey, thus the Baby. Chamonix is the name of a ski area/mountain/ town in France.
Since our two cats have French names (Ysabeaux and Navarre, from the movie Ladyhawke), we thought we’d keep the French theme
going with our first Newf. Plus, we’d figured that a dog as big as a mountain should have a fitting name. SPRINGHAVEN’S
JACQUES COUSTEAU “COUSTEAU” Two litters later, there was Chamonix’s little (NOT!) brother, Springhaven’s Jacques
Cousteau, “Cousteau.” We had to keep the French thing going and since Jacques Cousteau was a great aquanaut, we figured it would
fit a Newf well.
-Chance & Jeanine Geurin
SPRINGHAVEN’S LEIGHLAND “LEIGHLAND” pronounced “lay-land,” came to us after months of searching for the right
name for a puppy in various baby name books. We settled on three names, and after we picked our baby up from Springhaven
Kennels, we knew Leighland was it. The name “Leighland” is the Celtic spelling of the Old English Leyland, as in the Lorry
Company, UK. It means “grazing ground,” which for our Leighland is wholly appropriate, as he bears a striking resemblance to a
Jersey cow.
-David Smith & Miro Davis
SPRINGHAVEN’S “TEDDI BEAR” Teddi Bear looked like a big, fuzzy teddy bear, Teddi with an “i” sounds more feminine.
At age four, she still has the thickest, shaggiest coat of any Newf we’ve ever owned! UMI’S “KUMA” Long before Kuma was
born, we chose the name from a children’s book that translated the names of animals into many foreign languages. Next to a
picture of a bear was the Japanese translation of “Kuma.” We liked the idea of continuing the bear theme in names. It was only
after we got Kuma that we found out “Umi” is Japanese for ocean. So, Kuma is an “ocean bear!”
Gina Allicotti
SWEETBAY’S CIMARRON “CIMI” The Cimarron is a river in Arizona. Cimi’s sire is Rio, Spanish for “river.”
SWEETBAY’S LYRIC “LYRIC” Lyric’s name came from her being a very vocal dog and my interest in musical freestyle.
-Lois Apfel
WYNSHIP PRINCESS “DAISY” Ronald looked at her and thought she was a precious little Princess. Cynthia wanted to name
her after a flower and Daisy sounded cute.
-Ronald & Cynthia Schwartz
SCOTIA ALLEY OF WINSHIP “SCOTIA” We wanted to give our puppy a Canadian name, a city, town, body of water,
region, etc. We thought Scotia, from Nova Scotia, was a cute name. Her middle name, Ally, was given to her because we enjoy the
television show “Ally McBeal.”
-Bill & Steffi Retin
WYNSHIP’S JEWEL Jewel is named after the singer. SWEETWATER’S PEARL Pearl is named after a nurse.
-Linda Shortell
Continued on page 10
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
November–December 2000
AFFENBAR’S PANDABAR D’HOLOKAI “PANDA” Okay, we admit it; we weren’t very creative. Panda was our first
Landseer, and she looked just like a baby panda. Affenbar, our kennel name, is German for “Monkeybear,” her mother’s kennel
name. AFFENBAR’S CUTE AS A BUTTON “BUTTON” Named because she is, indeed, cute as a button! AFFENBAR’S
PRINCESS GRACE “GRACIE” Our matriarch, Panda, is queen at our house. Grace is Panda’s daughter and therefore heir
to the throne (at least in her mind!) AFFENBAR’S DEACON BLUES “DEACON” Two pounds at birth and referred to
as Mr. Beefy. “Deacon Blues” stuck. It’s the title of a Steely Dan song. AFFENBAR’S BON AMI “AMI” Blair is quite the
Francophile and “bon ami” is French for “good friend.” And that she is!
-Blair and Kymythy Schultze
PEPPERTREE’S APPLEJACK, CGC, TDI “APPLEJACK” was named by his first owners. The Tates liked nautical names,
names used in American history or in American folklore. They wanted a name people would remember, but a search of books in the
library was futile; nothing seemed to fit. One day, Don Tate stopped at a phone booth near a toy store and spotted an old-style wood
rocking horse with its name, Applejack, written on the side of the saddle. They loved the name and knew it would fit their new puppy.
-Dori McLaurin & Barry Whitfield
BACCHANAL KENNELS “Home of the Wine Dogs” While attending a wine tasting, we tasted a Merlot. My husband thought
that would be a great name for a Newfoundland, and we decided our kennel name would carry a wine theme. “Bacchanal” means a
party/gathering of wine drinkers or people who worship the Roman God, Bacchus. The black newfs are named after red wines, and
the Landseers after white wines. Some of the “wine” dogs include Bacchanal’s Gamay Beaujolais “Beau”, Bacchanal’s John
Cabot of Cha-Moi “Cabot”, Seabrook Bacchanal Port Tabu “Port”, Bacchanal’s Cabernet Sauvignon “Cabby”, Bacchanal’s
Bardolino “Bart,” Bacchanal’s Claret, Bacchanal’s Blush, Bacchanal’s Burgundy “Burgie”, Springhaven’s Chardonnay
“Char”, Topmast’s Madeira, and Bacchanal’s Sangiovese “Sandy.”
-Fred & Doreen Beale
CHA-MOI’S CATHERINE THE GREAT “CATHERINE” Cha-Moi is a combination of my name and my husband’s
name. Catherine was a German princess who became empress of Russia. She was very interested in the arts and built schools and
hospitals, encouraged the smallpox inoculation, promoted the education of women, and extended religious tolerance. Because of
this, many teachers, scientists, writers, artists, and actors moved to Russia. Catherine worked mostly to improve the lot of the
middle class. She also extended Russia’s borders. CHA-MOI’S ANNE BONNY “ANNIE” Anne Bonny and her shipmate,
Mary Read, were two notorious women pirates. Anne fell in love with “Calico Jack” and went away with him on his pirate
forays. She was eventually captured, tried in Jamaica and convicted. Anne pleaded pregnancy and her sentence was commuted.
BACCHANAL JOHN CABOT OF CHA-MOI “CABOT” John Cabot was an Italian explorer. With the backing of Henry VII
of England, John Cabot sailed from Bristol with about 20 men aboard the “Matthew.” He landed on Newfoundland on June 24, 1497.
-Charma Hill (History Teacher)
EBONTIDE’S DIAMOND IN THE RUFF “CARBON” Diamond is a crystalline form of the element carbon. Lamp black
is another. Also, there is a city in Newfoundland named Carbonear. Carbon’s human daddy is a chemist.
-Larry & Gina Anderson
INTREPID QUEST OF HARBORTOWN “QUEST” Quest was a gift to our daughter, Kristin, from his breeder, Kenn
Watts, Harbortown Kennels. We chose a name to represent Kenn’s mission. Every quality breeder is on an intrepid quest–a
fearless, bold search for the right combination of genes.
-Jon, Lynn & Kristin Ringard
LUCY’S CANDY-COATED TREASURE “LUCY” We decided on Lucy’s name with some help from our daughter. Lucy is a
Landseer and has black specks on her legs. She would be lying on the floor and my daughter would keep saying there was candy on
the floor. We could never find any. She said the candy was M&M’s. We finally realized she was looking at Lucy’s black spots on her
legs and thought they were candy, thus “candy-coated.” Treasure is because she is our treasure.
-Ed & Debbie Malz
MEADOWLAKE HAS KARISMA “KARISMA” Karisma was from the first litter I bred. “Charisma” in Greek means “favor”
or “gift,” which she is. MEADOWLAKE RIVERDANCE RAVEN “RAVEN” Raven is named that because she is a big, bold,
black girl. I was also taken with the Riverdancers from Ireland. UMI-HOLOKAI MUKI AT MEDOWLAKE “MUKI” Muki
was truly a gift from two kennels, Umi and Holokai. The first is Japanese and the second is Hawaiian. My son liked the name
Mookie so we phonetically spelled it. I abbreviated my kennel name to make it fit.
-Sharon Gilbert
NASHAU AUKES KEMO SABE “KEMO” Kemo Sabe means “trusted friend.” Nashau Auke is the kennel his father came
from, and one of my best friends is the owner.
-Perry & Barbara Thompson
Continued on page 9
“Name That Newf” Continued from page 8
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
PORTSIDE’S PILOT “ONSLOW” Onslow’s registered name refers to Portside Kennels and Pilot was the name of Mr.
Rochester’s Newfoundland dog in the novel Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte. Onslow’s call name originated, as did his predecessor’s,
Hudson, from a character in one of our favorite BBC series entitled, “Keeping Up Appearances.” Onslow’s namesake is the
nerdowell brother-in-law of Mrs. Bucket, pronounced “Bouquet”, who is a source of endless embarrassment to Mrs. Bucket’s socialclimbing sensitivities, but who is the first one to offer his help and support in a pinch. And believe me, Mrs. Bucket gets in a lot of
pinches. Onslow has a heart as big as all outdoors, as all Newfs do, so it was a name that picked us. Also, both Onslows like a bit of
bitter once in a while.
-Eric & Nancy Wolf
SEAWORTHY SHINING SKAGIT, “SKAGIT” When we took Skagit’s dame, Freya, to Seattle to be bred, there was a
beautiful, broad, powerful, sunlit northwest river, the Skagit. This became a reminder of the trip and his sire, Newmhoon’s Hug.
-Steve & Linda Barkas
SEAWORTHY’S EPIC TIDE “EPIC” We decided Epic’s name years before he came into our lives. It’s always struck us as the
ultimate Newfoundland name, one word that connotes the size, the nobility, and the magnificence of the breed. To add a nautical
flair, we wanted to call our future puppy, Epic Watermark. But to more than one person, that combination suggested carpet stains
rather than legendary distinction, so we went with Epic Tide instead. PINE MOUNTAIN’S O MY AMERICA “TERRA”
After Epic, we had eight and a half years to come up with another perfect puppy name. But I’d really found it long before that, in
a John Donne poem I studied in college. Overwhelmed with the loveliness of his lady friend, the poet exclaims, “O my America,
my newfound land! OK, so we took it out of context, but how much more perfect could a Newfy name be? Coming up with a
related call name was the hard part. We finally decided on “Terra”, the Latin word for “land”, “earth”, or “world”, as in “terra nova,”
the “new world.” (Which explains, by the way, why Newfs are known in some parts of Europe as the Terra Nova dog.) Adding the
kennel name, 11-week-old Terra became Pine Mountain’s O My America.
-Bob & Sandra Younger
SPRINGHAVEN’S CHAMONIX BABY “CHAMONIX” First there was Springhaven’s Chamonix Baby from Springhaven
Kennels. Her Dad is Springhaven’s Baby Huey, thus the Baby. Chamonix is the name of a ski area/mountain/ town in France.
Since our two cats have French names (Ysabeaux and Navarre, from the movie Ladyhawke), we thought we’d keep the French theme
going with our first Newf. Plus, we’d figured that a dog as big as a mountain should have a fitting name. SPRINGHAVEN’S
JACQUES COUSTEAU “COUSTEAU” Two litters later, there was Chamonix’s little (NOT!) brother, Springhaven’s Jacques
Cousteau, “Cousteau.” We had to keep the French thing going and since Jacques Cousteau was a great aquanaut, we figured it would
fit a Newf well.
-Chance & Jeanine Geurin
SPRINGHAVEN’S LEIGHLAND “LEIGHLAND” pronounced “lay-land,” came to us after months of searching for the right
name for a puppy in various baby name books. We settled on three names, and after we picked our baby up from Springhaven
Kennels, we knew Leighland was it. The name “Leighland” is the Celtic spelling of the Old English Leyland, as in the Lorry
Company, UK. It means “grazing ground,” which for our Leighland is wholly appropriate, as he bears a striking resemblance to a
Jersey cow.
-David Smith & Miro Davis
SPRINGHAVEN’S “TEDDI BEAR” Teddi Bear looked like a big, fuzzy teddy bear, Teddi with an “i” sounds more feminine.
At age four, she still has the thickest, shaggiest coat of any Newf we’ve ever owned! UMI’S “KUMA” Long before Kuma was
born, we chose the name from a children’s book that translated the names of animals into many foreign languages. Next to a
picture of a bear was the Japanese translation of “Kuma.” We liked the idea of continuing the bear theme in names. It was only
after we got Kuma that we found out “Umi” is Japanese for ocean. So, Kuma is an “ocean bear!”
Gina Allicotti
SWEETBAY’S CIMARRON “CIMI” The Cimarron is a river in Arizona. Cimi’s sire is Rio, Spanish for “river.”
SWEETBAY’S LYRIC “LYRIC” Lyric’s name came from her being a very vocal dog and my interest in musical freestyle.
-Lois Apfel
WYNSHIP PRINCESS “DAISY” Ronald looked at her and thought she was a precious little Princess. Cynthia wanted to name
her after a flower and Daisy sounded cute.
-Ronald & Cynthia Schwartz
SCOTIA ALLEY OF WINSHIP “SCOTIA” We wanted to give our puppy a Canadian name, a city, town, body of water,
region, etc. We thought Scotia, from Nova Scotia, was a cute name. Her middle name, Ally, was given to her because we enjoy the
television show “Ally McBeal.”
-Bill & Steffi Retin
WYNSHIP’S JEWEL Jewel is named after the singer. SWEETWATER’S PEARL Pearl is named after a nurse.
-Linda Shortell
Continued on page 10
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
November–Dectember 2000
New committee chairpersons
for the permanent committees
“Name That Newf” Continued from page 9
SEAWORTHY WYNSHIP LADY GWIN “GWIN” Wynship came from many trips to the San Diego Airport and passing the
street Winship. When Claire registered Wynship as her kennel name, she offered her old kennel name, Seaworthy, to Steve and
Linda Barkas. Gwin was a puppy out of the Barkas’ first Seaworthy litter. “Lady Gwin” was a ship that fought in the Civil War for
the Confederacy, alongside the “John F. Carr.” Together they won at least one battle. BACCHANAL’S REINA OF WYNSHIP
“REINA” Reina was such a lady as a puppy, she didn’t like to get dirty or play too rough. Doreen Beale suggested something like
“Duchess.” Some friends at work came up with Reina, Spanish for “Queen.” She has truly lived up to her name. WYNSHIP
TOP GUN “GUNNER” Gunner was named after the Top Gun School at Miramar NAS. We thought about “Maverick,” but
we didn’t want a big male who lived up to his name. He did grow up to be the best of the best for Wynship with three Best in Show
wins and gorgeous puppies on the ground. WYNSHIP SEA CAPER “CAPER” We had dreams of a great water dog and she
was a free spirit. She does things her way and mom’s (Gwin’s) corrections produce only minimal results. WYNSHIP’S RAY OF
SUNSHINE “SUNSHINE” Always a very active and happy puppy. She was, and continues to be, bright and cheery. Truly,
she lights up our lives. A lot like Gunner, a lover like her mom, Reina. WYNSHIP’S SEA LEGEND “LEGEND” Always
very smart and active, nicely put together. Very vocal (comes from mom, Ariel). Bold and fearless. Has all the potential to be an
outstanding Gunner show daughter. BACCHANAL’S TESS OF WYNSHIP “TESS” Doreen Beale suggested her name and
we agreed…a very innocent and sweet soul – that is Tess forever. BACCHANAL’S ARIEL OF WYNSHIP ”ARIEL” Ariel was
named after a 19th Century sailing vessel that was lean, sleek and very fast…she was NOT named after the Disney character!
-Joe and JoAnn Wucherer & Claire Carr
SEAWORTHY TRINITY BAY, “TRINITY” Trinity’s co-breeder was born and raised in Newfoundland! We met her in San
Diego where the litter was whelped. We decided to name the litter of eight for locations in Newfoundland. Thus, Trinity Bay. Look
for it on a map of Newfoundland. Trinity’s sister was Seaworthy Belle Isle Freya (Barkas).
-Claire Carr
WYNSHIP SEABISCUIT “DOOLEY” Seabiscuit defeated Triple Crown
Winner War Admiral in the Pimlico Special to clinch Horse of the Year in 1938
and was one of the grandest and gamest thoroughbreds ever to race in California
and the United States. He raced at Del Mar in 1938, defeating Ligaroti, who
was co-owned by Bing Crosby. Dooley’s mom loves watching the horses run at
Del Mar. “Dooley” was derived from the name of an Irish Pub called Hooley’s.
I spent ten days horseback riding in County Galway, Ireland (and some of those
nights frequenting the many pubs) and believe Newfoundlands possess the
rugged, powerful and majestic beauty of the west coast of Ireland!
-Denise Jones
* Phillip Roullard Photographs
Phillip specializes in pet photography. Dooley met him at the dog beach
in Coronado and invited him to attend and photograph our water test.
Contact Phil for water test prints, holiday cards, or personalized Newf
photo sessions. Ph: (619) 698-9512 E-mail: phillipr@mill.net
© 2000 Phillip Roullard *
(left to right in photo)
Nancy Wolf – Fund Raising Committee
Esther Hofer – Membership Committee
Denise Jones – Newsletter Committee
Joe Wucherer – Conformation Committee
Gina Anderson – Programs Committee
Sharon Gilbert – Rescue Committee
Steve Barkas – Working Activities Committee
The new Programs
Committee did a fine
job of organizing the
food for the water
test. An attendance
record of over 40
people helped
bolster confidence
in our energetic new
program and NCSD’s
MEMBERSHIP CORNER: New Member Applicants
By Esther Hofer
Residence: Escondido, CA
Occupation: Revenue Officer, IRS
Dogs: Kathy owns Wynship Midnite Sentinel, a 4½-month-old black male Newf, and Hoover, a 10-year-old cocker spaniel (named after the vacuum cleaner). In playful puppy mode, Midnite loves to “test” Hoover to his limits, transport snails into the house where he then eats them, wolf down his food, and make a mess of his water…Kathy says, “It’s like I have a small lake in the kitchen!” Despite the sometimes-frustrating puppy behaviors, Kathy is “hooked” on Newfs. She has assisted in the delivery of Newf pups and has developed a strong bond with the breed. “Midnite has wormed his way into my heart.”
Hobbies: Craft projects (crocheting, macramé).
Newf-related goals: Obedience and conformation titles.
November/December 2000
Nicky P-nut
Moby Dick
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Residence: San Diego, CA.
Occupation: Movie industry.
Dogs: Jeff and Jenece are the proud owners of Bacchanal’s Webalani, a 5½-month-old black female Newf. Webalani was named for her webbed feet and the Hawaiian translation of flower, “lani.” She is their first Newf.
Hobbies: Skateboarding and surfing.
Newf-related goals: Water rescue training and to teach Webalani how to surf!
Residence: Hanover, PA
Dogs: Kelly has owned Newfoundlands for 11 years. She currently has four Newfs (Harris, Maxine, Owen & Tatonka), two males and two females, 2 ½ to 10 years old, and all black.
Affiliations: Kelly is a member of the Newfoundland Club of America and webmaster for the NPD and CNC.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
November–December 2000
President’s Column
A Tribute To Claire And John Carr
By Eric And Nancy Wolf
By Sandra Younger
Fellow Newf lovers,
In the September NewfWaves, I promised I’d share in this issue the results of two
intensive planning sessions your NCSD board has completed since taking office in July. I felt
it was critical to begin our year by charting a good course because, bottom-line, organizations
that plan are almost always healthier and more successful than those that don’t.
We have a dream!
We started by dreaming about the kind of club we want to be. What we decided was:
we want to be the kind of club that’s capable of hosting the National Newfoundland Specialty.
Now don’t panic. Nobody’s saying we actually want to host the National, at least not anytime
soon. What we’re saying is, we’d like to be strong enough as an organization to tackle that
monumental task.
Something for everyone
Next we talked about what a club of that caliber would be like. What characteristics
would it have? We decided depth is a big factor. Lots of active, experienced members, not
just a few stalwarts doing it all, year after year. That means we need to offer lots of opportunities for everyone to be involved, to learn more about the breed, to work and play with
our Newfs, to mature into future leaders and teachers.
Seven easy pieces
We decided further that we need that kind of depth in seven major areas: programs,
fund-raising, membership, newsletter, conformation, working activities and rescue. So we
set up permanent committees and recruited experienced chairs (see the photo on page 7) to
ensure that each of these critical areas functions on a continuing basis, year-round, not just
event by event.
Mission possible!
We talked, too, about the specific purposes of our club, and we wrote a mission
statement to help us stay focused on our goals. Here it is: Our mission as the Newfoundland
Club of San Diego is to protect and celebrate the Newfoundland dog as a companion and
working partner through fun, fellowship, activities and education
Save these dates!
Finally, we planned a few great events to get us going. Saturday, Nov. 18th we’ll gather at
the fountain in Balboa Park for a picnic meeting, followed by a walk in the park with our Newfs.
We’ll also use this time to practice for our big holiday celebration—marching in the Encinitas
Holiday parade!
Yes, it’s that most wonderful time of the year, time to deck your Newfs with reindeer
antlers and Santa hats. Pencil in Saturday Dec. 2 for the 6 p.m. parade, followed by a holiday
party at Gina and Larry Anderson’s house in Encinitas. See page 14 for details.
Next, we’ll welcome the new year with our First Annual Newf Fun Faire, Sunday, Jan. 14
at San Dieguito Park. Here’s a chance to check out the whole range of Newfy activities at once:
draft, water work, conformation, obedience, agility, tracking, therapy and more. See a demo;
ask questions; try it out. If you find something that tickles your fancy, we’ll help you pursue it.
Where credit is due
Well, that’s it. That’s where we’re headed. We’re glad you’re on board to see it unfold.
My sincere thanks to our board members, our new committee chairs and our able planning
facilitator, Bob Younger—all of whom donated many precious weekend hours to complete
this important foundational work for NCSD.
Best wishes for a blessed holiday season!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
f one were bestowing the Nobel Prize for science
or literature, what would be the most important criterion
on which to base this honor? We believe it would be
the way in which the recipients had affected the lives of
others; how they touched those around them for the better.
NCSD has used no less a standard in awarding its first
Honorary Lifetime Membership to Claire and John Carr.
Claire’s love and devotion for the Newfoundland
dog goes back many years. She acquired her first
Newfoundland while she and John were still raising their
four children. Her commitment to the breed grew into
raising, showing and educating others about her “big black
dogs.” She soon spearheaded the establishment of the
water rescue trials in order to revive the natural working
abilities of the Newfoundland. The NCA adopted her
proposal, and the Water Test was born. Thanks to Claire’s
intervention and continued support as a participant, judge
and trainer, Water Rescue Dog is now the most coveted working title obtainable by the breed.
“It’s kind of like adopting a child,” Claire would tell those fortunate enough to “adopt”
a Newfy pup from her, and those that did took away a commitment of life-long responsibility
for their dogs. And to be sure that the new “parents” got started off on the right foot, Claire
establishd her own puppy kindergarten program. One class, however, wouldn’t let the
training sessions end. Thus was born puppy first grade, which grew over the years into
Wednesday Nite Capers. With Claire at the lead, the training classes expanded into social
events centered around a growing number of Newfoundland dogs. That “puppy school”
class had grown into an extended family of people and their Newfs; and Claire was the
group’s leader, teacher, surrogate parent. It was “Grandma Claire” that everyone turned to
for advice on new puppies, training for dog events, and, in the end, for support when that
inevitable sad day arrived. When, like her children, she felt the group had matured, she
relinquished the reins and, as one of the founding members, was instrumental in helping
NCSD become a regional club.
Claire’s gregarious personality drew many to the Carr home, where John patiently
endured hosting the many social functions during which it was not uncommon to find a
herd of Newfs staking out his back yard, and a mob of “dog addicts” occupying his living
room. John supported Claire in all these endeavors - even though he was not appreciative
of the proverbial black hair in his salad. (Claire’s hair is white!) John would not relinquish
his “alpha” position to the point of allowing dogs on the bed, or in the dining room –
except when Trinity grew elderly and enjoyed her peanut butter on toast at his elbow each
morning. And, after dinner, when the invasion of enthusiastic Wednesday Niters chattered
on about dogs in the Carr kitchen, John could often be found in his den quietly reading, a
curl of pipe smoke floating up from behind his newspaper, and a contented Newfoundland
asleep at his feet.
It has been said that true friends are like family. After all these years, Claire and John
feel more like family than friends. Reflecting back upon when it all began, we realize now it
wasn’t we who were adopting a puppy, but rather, Claire and John were adopting us.
Thank you Claire and John for making our lives richer and better.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
November–Dectember 2000
Hosted by the Newfoundland Club of San Diego
February 23, 2001, Del Mar, CA
Preparations are underway for our Regional Specialty on Friday, February 23, 2001. The Trophy Committee
has selected a collection of elegant Wilton Armetale serveware pieces from the distinctive Fauna Collection. As
you can imagine from the descriptions below, an engraved trophy from the Fauna Collection will be cherished by
the winner over the years and provide fond memories of a special day, down by the sea, in Del Mar. The NCSD
must rely on the generosity of members and friends in order to offer these quality trophies. Please honor the
Newfoundland breed by pledging a donation for any of the trophies below:
(All trophies will be engraved)
Luigi rescues Larry Anderson in the senior division exercise.
Best in Specialty Show – Scallop Handle Buffet Tray - $150
Best Opposite Sex – Scallop Handle Divided Tray - $100
Best of Winners – Shell Rimmed Small Round Bowl - $90
Winners Dog – Flounder Small Dish - $60
Winners Bitch – Flounder Small Dish - $60
1st Place All Conformation Classes – Mint Julep Cup with Lighthouse Medallion – 24 @ $25/each
Best in Sweeps– Scallop Handle Small Round Plate - $50
Best in Veterans Sweeps– Scallop Handle Small Round Plate - $50
Best Jr. Handler – Gift Certificate - $50
The Newfoundland Club of San Diego will provide a special ring favor to all entrants on Friday
and trophies for the Silver Bay Kennel Club supported entry on Saturday.
Please include the following information with your submission:
Our water test judge in a boat
Was retrieving a stray cushion float
But she then lost an oar
Onlookers on shore
Got a large anxious lump in their throat!
I would like to sponsor the following trophy(s):
Offered by:
I have enclosed $ as sponsorship payment.
Business card enclosed (if a business)
(Make checks payable to NCSD, Inc.)
Please mail your donations to JoAnn Wucherer, 30667 Lilac Road, Valley Center, CA 92082
by February 1, 2001 to ensure publication in the catalog. Any donation by a business sponsor
qualifies for a free business card ad in the catalog. We will gladly accept donations after February 1
but cannot then ensure publication in the catalog. We will contact you if your choices of trophy(s)
have already been sponsored by someone else.
If you have any questions, please call or e-mail:
JoAnn Wucherer
Ph. (760) 751-2302
e-mail: jcwucherer@nctimes.net
Denise Jones Ph. (619) 667-7077
e-mail: legalcat@adnc.com
Thank you for supporting the Newfoundland Club of San Diego.
Presentation of the WD award to Lisa Rosen for Luigi, who
passed all junior exercises and all but one of the senior
exercises. Left to right in the photo: Sharon Gilbert (test
secretary); Cheryl Dondino (mentor judge); Lisa Rosen
(owner); Deborah Rothwell (judge, face hidden behind Lisa).
Old Larry swam vainly to reach her
With the oar for our water dog teacher
It appeared, so to speak
They were both up the creek
Larry’s wife soon sent out for a preacher!
The folks in the raft, they were real swell
Spied our judge in distress, Debby Rothwell
She received a low score
For dropping that oar
But was rescued, so all’s well that ends well.
(Larry’s Limerick)
It=s time to start planning for the Newfoundland Club of America National Specialty! The Great Lakes Newfoundland
Club is hosting the 2001 Specialty at the Bavarian Inn Lodge in Frankenmuth, Michigan. The dates are April 3-7, 2001. Although
Michigan is quite a distance from home, this is a wonderful opportunity to combine a vacation with hundreds of Newf lovers and
Newfs from the United States and abroad.
The Bavarian Inn Lodge is nestled on the banks of the Cass River in Frankenmuth, Michigan=s #1 tourist attraction.
Staying at the Lodge is like stepping into an Old German Fairy Tale in Michigan=s “Little Bavaria.” The Lodge offers five indoor
pools and three whirlpools, 18-hole Miniature Golf, Children=s Village, two lounges, two restaurants and four outdoor tennis courts.
The Holz Brucke (Wooden Covered Bridge) enables guests to walk to 100 Main Street Shops, a golf course and most attractions.
For more information, consult the web addresses listed in the Calendar of Events. NewfWaves will keep you posted with additional
information in the January–February 2001 edition.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Youngers’ pup Terra has learned fast, with Epic’s help.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
© 2000 Phillip Roullard
November–December 2000
Sydney meets San Diego - - continued from page 2
Other stewards included Steve Barkas, Shari Cotrell, Brian Cortes, Joan Hamilton, Wayne
Hamilton, Esther Hofer, Denise Jones, Nancy Wolf, Kathy Mitchell, Sandra Younger and
Haley Cottrell.
Haley, our new 8-year-old junior member, helped guard the basic control ring and did a
super job calling out raffle numbers. No megaphone needed! Thanks to Barb Thompson
for organizing the raffle, which brought in a record $142—and to all who donated.
Steve Barkas led the early morning set-up crew, including Mike Goldbarg, Jerry Gansch
and Mike Griffith, and took on the lion’s share of the clean-up at the end of the day. Esther
Hofer stayed busy talking with newcomers about club membership. Gina Anderson and
Joan Hamilton laid out a beautiful potluck lunch buffet of sandwich fixin’s, fruit, salads
and dessert, not to mention yummy coffee and pastries in the morning. Thanks for all the
coordination, legwork and donations. And kudos to Joan also for handcrafting beautiful
entrants’ gifts, qualifiers’ trophies and judges’ gifts. What creativity!
Last but not least, big thanks to our water test chair, Jackie Helland, for an excellent
job of organizing the day. Even though family commitments took her out of town that
weekend, we all benefited from Jackie’s hard work and planning. Test secretary Sharon
Gilbert, and committee member Steve Barkas, deserve applause for their contributions.
It takes a village to hold a water test, but the results are well worth the effort. To all who
helped, our sincere appreciation. To all who joined us, entrants and spectators, thanks
for coming! And to all who couldn’t make it this time around, we’ll see you next year!
The raffle (above) was a
big hit. Gina Anderson
(left) bought a fistfull
of tickets and won the
coveted stuffed Landseer pup and several
other prizes. Visiting
Aussies (right) Wendy
Scheeres (left to rt. in
photo) with Kate, Rob,
and Ross, were hosted
at the test by Dori McLaurin and Applejack.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
January 6 & 7, 2001
Kennel Club of Palm Springs, Indio, CA
Entries close 12/20/00
January 14, 2001
11 a.m.–3 p.m. San Dieguito Park (tentative)
Demos of conformation, draft, obedience, etc.
January 27 & 28, 2001
Orange Empire Dog Club, Inc.
San Bernardino, CA Entries close 1/10/01
February 4, 2001
Hosted by Newf. Club of So.California
Beverly Hills Kennel Club
Cal State, Northridge
Judges: Patrick Doniere, Jr. (conformation)
Joseph Reinisch (Puppy & Veteran Sweeps) Entries Close 1/17/01
Superintendent: Nancy Wilson
February 23, 2001
8307 Camelback Rd., Scottsdale, AZ 85251
NCSD REGIONAL SPECIALTY – Hosted (602) 949-5389
by Newfoundland Club of San Diego
November 25 & 26, 2000
Del Mar Fairgrounds, Del Mar, CA
Judges: Sweeps, Pat Randall; Breed & Jr. Sahuaro State Kennel Club
Showmanship, Col. Jerry Weiss
Arizona State Fairgrounds, Phoenix, AZ February 24 & 25, 2001
(Indoors, fully matted ring)
TWO ALL-BREED SHOWS – Silver Bay Superintendent: Newport Dog Shows
K. C., Del Mar Fairgrounds, Del Mar, CA
For info contact: Vicky L. Hansen, Specialty Chair
Entries close 2/7/01
18014 N. 145th Dr. , Surprise, AZ 85374
March 18, 2001 (Tentative)
(623) 975- 0595
Raffle tickets available in advance. Prizes include two Newf bronze statues, blow dryer, draft cart, art San Dieguito Park, Solana Beach, CA
work by Claire Carr, gift certs up to $200, and April 2-7, 2001
more. Send checks to Ahna Bowman 1438 N. NCA NATIONAL SPECIALTY
Sprie Ct. Chandler AZ (no zip listed); 480 456 Hosted by Great Lakes Newfoundland Club
5303; $1 each or 6 for $5
Frankenmuth, MI (Between Flint and Make checks to Mesquite Newfoundland Club; Saginaw, “Michigan’s Little Bavaria”)
Enclose name and return address
Info on town: www.frankenmuth.org
December 2, 2000
Info on site: www.bavariainn.com
NCSD NEWFS TO MARCH IN THE Reservations accepted starting Jan 1, 2001
6 p.m., Coast Highway, Encinitas, CA See the article on page 14
December 2, 2000
Larry & Gina Anderson’s house
475 Orpheus Ave., Encinitas CA 92024
Supper. B.Y.O.B. Bring Newfs and crates.
November 11 & 12, 2000
TWO ALL-BREED SHOWS – Del Sur K.C., Polo Grounds, Rancho Santa Fe, CA
November 12, 2000
NCA DRAFT TEST – ”The Turkey Trot” Hosted by Newfoundland Club of N. Calif.
Lagoon Valley Park, Vacaville, CA
November 18, 2000
Bring your Newf(s) & lunch, meet at noon at main fountain by Reuben Fleet, Balboa Park
November 24, 2000
REGIONAL SPECIALTY – Hosted by Mesquite Newfoundland Club
Arizona State Fairgrounds, Phoenix, AZ (Indoors, fully matted ring)
Judges: Jo Ann Riley (conformation)
Billie Hayes (puppy & veteran Sweeps)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
November–Dectember 2000
Our thanks for all the cards and telephone
calls. Of course, our special thanks go to Steve &
Linda Barkas for breeding Seaworthy Fort Casey.
Out of all the Newfs who have shared our lives,
Casey was special. He was a joyful traveler wherever we went, to Newfoundland or to our many dog
shows. As he matured, he made many friends for
his breed, reigning over his part of our booth with
dignity and only recognizing other dogs that passed
if they were Newfs.
Farewell good friend. We’ll meet again in some better place.
Dave & Adele
Saturday board and membership meetings, and lunch.
Kody pursues a drifting cushion dropped from a kayak.
Lucy’s Candy-Coated Treasure CGC, owned by
Edward & Deborah Malz, passed her Canine Good
Citizen Test with flying black and white colors at the
Silver Bay Match on Sept. 10, 2000 at Balboa Park.
Good job Lucy!
Wynship Seabiscuit “Dooley,” owned by Denise Jones, trotted off with a Group 2nd at the Silver Bay
Match. Dooley went on to take Winners Dog, his first major, on Sunday, Oct. 1, 2000 at Lake
Perris (photo, above). Thank you Betty for handling him!
December 2, 2000. Parade starts at 6 p.m.
As we pass the reviewing stand at the south end of the Lumberyard Center in Encinitas, you will hear
these words: “The Newfoundland Club of San Diego presents the Newfoundland Dog.  For centuries these gentle
giants have worked alongside their human partners on land and sea - hauling firewood, carting fish to market,
and rescuing sailors tossed overboard on the high seas.  Today’s Newfoundlands continue to display these natural
abilities in water rescue and in draft work as you see here.”
That’s right! You and your Newfy will help us strut our stuff in a parade which annually draws some 20,000
attendees and features well over 100 marching groups. See the Calendar on page 13 for our up-coming practice
session at Balboa Park. If you must miss the practice, just be sure to join us at the parade!
Here are some details. We’ll meet at our staging area in the alley next to the 7 - 11 store at the corner of
the Coast Highway and D Street between 5:00 and 5:30 p.m. The store will remain open. There is water, poop
bags and a disposal bin. Unload carts and heavy stuff at Vulcan and D St. and walk across the tracks to the 7 - 11.
Parking is remote. The lot above Moonlight Beach is the closest. Reserved parking for parade entrants is available
at the Shell Gas/Wendy’s lot at Encinitas Blvd just west of I-5. A free shuttle will be running from 5 to 9:30 p. m.
Sorry, no dogs on the shuttle. Bring crates or ropes to contain dogs at the Anderson’s dinner party after the parade,
but do not bring crates to the staging area. After our place-holder leads us into the parade, no one guards personal
items left behind. We will march south on the Coast Highway from D St. to J St., about 1/2 mile. Dogs must be on
leash and under control at all times to comply with the City of Encinitas safety requirements.
Costumes for dogs and people should reflect the “Music, Merriment And Mistletoe” theme as much as
possible. Santa hats are O.K., but no Santa costumes – the City of Encinitas has exclusive rights to Santa.
Afterwards, come for a buffet dinner at the Andersons’ at 475 Orpheus, just a short distance away. B. Y. O. B.
Go north on Vulcan to Orpheus; go right to the top of the hill. Park across the street. Bring dogs. We’ll have a blast!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sunday. Basic control: Kaila comes to Joan Hamilton.
(Positions of judge and steward altered to fit cropped photo)
Cris-Sea easily tows a “stranded” rowboat to the shore.
Ranger “rescues” Joe Wucherer in the “take-a-line” test.
Flower delivers a bumper to Jane’s hand after retrieve.
Jane Kulesa from Colorado and her Newfy
Flower (above) illustrate the need to trust
each other completely, the ultimate water
training goal. Jane is legally blind, yet she
participated with Flower in all the exercises,
including the “swim-with-handler” test.
Bishop and Brian Cortes in the “swim-with-handler” test.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
November–December 2000
Sydney Meets San Diego at NCSD’s Water Test 2000
By Sandra Younger
It was a great weekend of water fun for the Newfoundland Club of San Diego Sept. 16-17
at Coronado’s spectacular Glorietta Bay. Beginning with a club meeting, picnic and
practice swim Saturday, we followed with our Water Test 2000 on Sunday. A record
crowd of members, newcomers and spectators turned out to enjoy a typically perfect
San Diego day on the bay, starring a sampling of California’s finest water dogs.
We were happy to see Pat McMartin down from Seattle and meet his charming
grandmother, Lucy. Special guests Wendy Scheeres, a Newf lover for 30 years, and family
joined us from the Land Down Under. Wendy showed her priorities are in the right place
by foregoing the Olympics unfolding near her hometown in Sydney, Australia and bringing
her vacationing family to San Diego instead to see a water test. Although Newf owners
train their dogs for water work in Australia, they don’t yet hold tests, so Wendy was eager
to soak it all in. What a privilege to share the day with these new international friends.
The dogs, of course, were in fine form. Portside’s Luigi, CD added a WD to his name
in a strong junior performance, then post-entered and came very close to taking home
his senior title as well. Luigi is loved and handled by Lisa Rosen, whose long hours
of practice were evident in the great teamwork displayed by this dynamic duo! Joan
Swanson-Hamilton’s veteran superstar, Mex/Am CH Springhaven’s Kodiak Bear, CD,
WRD, TDI, CGC (Kody) showed everyone he still knows his stuff by easily re-qualifying at
the junior level.
We were honored to welcome Cheryl Dondino, chair of the NCA’s working dog
committee, as our mentor judge, and our own Debby Rothwell, in her first water test
judging assignment, as her able partner. Thanks to both Cheryl and Debby for a
wonderful job!
Stewarding was first-rate. Thanks to all who helped and especially our head steward,
Linda Barkas. Brenda Church, in her first experience with Newfoundland water work,
was absolutely expert as our kayaker. Joe Wucherer, despite a croaky voice, persevered
as our take-a-line caller, and Larry Anderson squeaked a distress signal to Luigi in the
senior test.
Continued on page 4
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(near post office)
Tierrasanta Gateway Center
6030 Santo Road, Suite F
San Diego, CA 92124
• State of the Art Fiberglass Tubs
• Raised platforms for small pets
(858) 569-PETS (7387)
• Hassle free pet cleaning
Our other entrants posted strong performances also, leading us to expect more new
titles from this bunch in the very near future. They were Jane Kulesa and Tippecanoe’s
Flower, CD, DD, CGC, all the way from Colorado; Nina Roben and Portside’s Chris-Sea;
Steve Barkas and CH Seaworthy Texas Ranger, DD; Joan Swanson-Hamilton and Mex/Int
CH Springhaven’s Kaila Has Style, CGC, TDI; and Brian Cortes with Wandersea’s Bishop.
After the official test, three of our super seniors had fun showing off in a special
exhibition of senior exercises staged especially for our new Aussie friends. Thanks to
Joan Hamilton and Kody; Bob and Sandra Younger and Seaworthy’s Epic Tide, CD, WRD,
DD, TT, CGC; and Peggy Lange and her spring-loaded leaper, Ironwood E.T. Dillon, WRD,
CGC. Also, Sheri Cotrell graciously escorted several parties via her motorized dinghy for
a tour of the family’s beautiful catamaran, “SeeLife,” anchored in the bay.
We clean the tubs
We supply the shampoo
We supply the conditioner
We supply the towels
We supply air dryers
We supply brushes
We supply aprons
Standard Wash
Your choice of one of the following shampoos
o Pina Collie
o Strawberry Bark
o Peaches & Paws
o Dog Gone Almond
Use of the dryers and towels
• Grooming Tables
• Frequent washer program: Every 10th wash free
Santo Rd
Pet Therapy
. Oat Melba Therapeutic, Hypo Plus shampoo
. Conditioner
. Use of the dryers and towels
Flea Be Gone
. Sungro Flea & Tick shampoo
. Conditioner
. Use of the dryers and towels
Dog Gone Shine
. Super White or Pure Bright shampoo $12.00
. Conditioner
. Use of the dryers and towels
. Skunk Odor shampoo
. Conditioner
. Use of the dryers and towels
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
November–December 2000
NCSD Board Members
Sandra Younger – President
Dori McLaurin – Vice President
Joe Wucherer – Treasurer
Doreen Beale – Secretary
Sharon Gilbert – Historian
Larry Anderson – Member-at-large
Nancy Wolf – Member-at-large
Advertise In NewfWaves!!
(619) 697-9337
(858) 271-6192
(760) 751-2302
(909) 657-0465
(760) 747-3351
(760) 942-0877
(619) 279-7031
Full page:
Half page:
Quarter page:
Business card:
November–December 2000
An official publication of the
Newfoundland Club of San Diego
A Regional Newfoundland Club
$ 5
Make checks payable to Newfoundland Club of San Diego.
Rates subject to change and approval by NCSD Board.
The NCSD is not responsible for errors or quality of reproduction.
Send submissions and checks to Larry Anderson at 475 Orpheus Ave., Encinitas 92024.
Submissions for OH WOW!, advertising and other contributions for publication in NewfWaves must be received by the 15 of
each month prior to publication. Submissions may be delivered by mail or email or fax to the editor. The editor reserves the right
to edit material for length, clarity, content or accuracy. Publication is at the discretion of the editor. Email to legalcat@adnc.com,
or diskette delivery is great. You may also fax it to 760 632-2458, or mail it to Larry Anderson at the above address. Previously
published or non-member generated material must include the author’s or publisher’s permission to reprint
Denise Jones, Editor 2514 Jamacha Rd, PMB 502-31
El Cajon, CA 92019 Ph: 619 667-7077
Our mission as the Newfoundland Club of San Diego is to protect and
celebrate the Newfoundland dog as a companion and working partner
through fun, fellowship, activities and education.
NCSD Water Test 2000
Sydney Meets San Diego
By Sandra Younger
President’s Column
By Sandra Younger
Membership Corner
By Esther Hofer
“Name That Newf!”
Dooley’s E-Mail Survey
NCSD Newf Birthdays
A Tribute To The Carrs
By Eric & Nancy Wolf
NCSD Regional Specialty
NCA National Specialty
Calendar of Events
In Memory of Casey
Encinitas Holiday Parade
Advertisement – Dirty
Paws Dog Wash
NCSD Water Test 2000
Lisa Rosen is stoked as Luigi completes the underwater retrieval.
It was a perfect sunny day at Glorietta Bay for the year
2000 NCSD Water Test. Read all about it on page 2.
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The material contained herein is educational, informative and entertaining in nature. It is not intended to replace competent
veterinary care, nor does it necessarily reflect the opinions of the members or boards of the NCA or the NCSD.