Newfy Easter in the Park - Newfoundland Club of San Diego


Newfy Easter in the Park - Newfoundland Club of San Diego
June – July 2009
An official publication of the
Newfoundland Club of San Diego
A Regional Newfoundland Club
A Day in the Park
By Esther Hofer
2009 National Specialty
By Michelle Alpern
NCSD Board Mtg. Minutes
Membership Corner
By Esther Hofer
New Book: “Last Words”
By NCSD Authors
NCSD Board Members
Advertise In NewfWaves!
View NewfWaves In Color
Calendar of Events
Membership Renewal Notice
NCSD Newf Birthdays
Newfy Easter in the Park
Photo by Jose Magsaysay
Finding hidden eggs filled with treats, Esther carries Tilly’s shoping basket.
Story on page 2
The material contained herein is educational, informative and entertaining in nature. It is not intended to replace competent
veterinary care, nor does it necessarily reflect the opinions of the members or boards of the NCA or the NCSD.
A Day in the Park
June – July 2009
By Esther Hofer
Spring had sprung, and on Sun. April 19, San
Dieguito Park was blessed with sunny and
pleasantly breezy weather. Although it was
the week after Easter, the Easter Bunny was
still at work distributing baskets for hunting
eggs and delighting both Newfies and their
folks. With the help of Kerry Dennis, Jen
Vampola and CeCe Guyatt, the Easter Bunny
gathered, stuffed and assembled the eggs,
after which Kai and Marina Kroeger discreetly
hid them in the park. While some Newfs were
actively engaged in egg hunting, others were
content just to take a leisurely stroll in the
park. Newfs on the prowl could detect the
contents of the eggs and promptly split them
open, devouring the treats within, as if to say,
“Aha! Look what I found! Let’s go for more!”
Photo by Jose Magsaysay
Oz drags Mary to each spot where his nose leads him.
In addition to the Easter egg hunt, a delicious
potluck luncheon was provided by club
members. NCSD folks certainly know how to
put out a spread!
Following the excitement of egg hunting and
the satiation of our appetites, Steve Barkas
presented a mini-seminar on draft work (or
“draught” work as the British would say.) He
explained the concepts of properly fitting
a cart and harness to a Newf, along with
training tips to facilitate learning for both dog
and handler. One of the most challenging
aspects of carting is correctly orienting and
donning the harness! Steve, with Sebastian,
along with Kerry Dennis and Vinny and
Ed Wiesmeier with Muffin, displayed their
carting set-ups. Each sported a different
harness and cart, whether self-made,
custom-designed or purchased through
Dog Works. This mini-seminar was well
received and provided a good introduction
to potential carting participants.
Photogs Larry Anderson, Jose Magsaysay,
and Shelau Howard caught the images and
antics of our members, including Jennifer
Forman and Barbara Schmidt with playmates
Hagar and Elvis, respectively, and Rick and
Marilyn Otto with their ever-so-handsome
Zeus. Joe and JoAnn Wucherer were present
with their lovely ladies Sunshine and Mariah.
Jen Vampola’s Kai & Marina hid the eggs but aren’t telling!
One of the major organizers, Kerry Dennis leads Maddy.
Steve organized the carting demo, and CeCe stuffed eggs.
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Shelau and husband Monte came with
their active, fun-loving canine trio—Rubee,
Merlin and honorary-Newf-sibling (golden
retriever) Spencer. Linda Barkas and Craig
Dennis accompanied their spouses to the
event, and Mary Milton came with “The
Great and Powerful Oz.” Along with Muffin,
Ed Wiesmeier brought younger sister and
teammate Sunshine. Playful puppy Jake was
chaperoned by mama CeCe, and youngat-heart Newfy girls Maddy and Josie were
accompanied by Jen, Kai and Marina. My
chow-hound Tilly—in her perpetual search
for food—was combat crawling and tugging
at her leash (while in a supposed down-stay)
looking for any stray tidbit.
Curious onlookers Matt and Angela Brooks
came to see what Newfs are all about.
Undeterred by the girth, excessive drool and
“floating” hair, the Brooks took great interest
in our Newfies and spoke with several club
members regarding Newfy behavior, lifestyle
and upkeep. The Brooks seemed enamored
with the Newfs and engaged themselves fully.
Who knows? Maybe some day Matt and Angela
will have a Newf of their own . . .
Esther, Barbara & Newfs greet Jennifer Forman & Hagar.
Mary & Oz answer visitors Matt & Angela Brook’s questions.
Once again, Newfies and their people came
together to enjoy food, fun, information and
fellowship. Many thanks to Kerry, Jen, CeCe,
Steve, Ed, Kai and Marina for organizing this
event and, in the process, entertaining
and educating us. There’s nothing quite like
hanging out with our furry—and not so furry—
friends for a beautiful day in the park.
“I know you found it, Rubee, but you’ve eaten enough!”
One of San Dieguito Park’s many tranquil green meadows.
After the dogs got their treats, it was human chow time!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2009 NCA National Specialty News
June – July 2009
By Michelle Alpern
If you’ve ever dreamed of gazing at hundreds
of Newfoundlands in one place, I suggest
you start planning a trip to Frankenmuth,
Michigan, where the 2010 NCA National
Specialty will be held again May 3-10, 2010.
After lunch, Ed Wiesmeier reviewed the basics of carting.
Steve Barkas demo’d harness hook-up and types of carts.
Kerry Dennis with Vinny displayed another type of rig.
Photo by Jose Magsaysay
Ed demo’d the arduous freight haul with weighted cart.
This past April, enthusiastic members of the
Newfoundland Club of San Diego stuffed
their suitcases with clothing for all types
of weather, and those traveling with dogs
stuffed duffle bags with dog food, treats,
drool cloths, and all the other paraphernalia
required for traveling over two thousand
miles to the Bavarian town of Frankenmuth,
Michigan. Usually, Frankenmuth is known
for its outstanding chicken. However,
during the week of April 26 - May 2, 2009,
the town was known for hosting the 2009
NCA National Specialty, which was held
under partly cloudy skies and occasional
downpours, perfect Newfoundland dog
show weather.
The event kicked off with an exciting Draft
Test, followed by Obedience and Rally
Obedience. Evenings were just as eventful
as the days, with the Welcome Reception,
Coffee with the Authors (NCSD members
Claire Carr, JoAnn Wucherer, Linda Barkas,
and Nancy Wolf were on hand to sign
copies of Last Words), Working Dog &
Breeders Forums, Newf Olympics and
Decorative Carting, the Annual NCA Board
Meeting, Top Twenty Dinner, Auctions
benefiting our Newfoundlands and much
more. There was never a dull moment.
Included in the events were several health
clinics, cardiac, cystinuria, and CERF
screenings, as well as DNA blood tests.
All were done for very reasonable rates. If
you had any extra room in your suitcase,
vendors were on hand selling some musthave Newfoundland collectibles.
For those of us who brought our Newfies
entered in conformation, it was comforting
to have other San Diego club members
and friends along to provide comic and
stress relief. Members who attended sans
Newfoundlands were: Linda Barkas, Jackie
Helland, Charma Hill, Claire Carr, Sharon
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Gilbert, Kathy Mitchell, Barbara Thompson,
and JoAnn Wucherer. Then there were
those of us who had spent hours of
preparation for what would be the biggest
moment of our Newfoundland’s life to date,
in no particular order: Peggy Lange with
Miley, Cece Guyatt with KC, Greg Dotzman
and Vu Nguyen with Lance and Lucas,
Kerry and Craig Dennis with Maddie, Joyce
Rowland with Bryce, and Michelle Alpern
with Izzy. Michelle conscripted Charma Hill
and Denise Hatakeyama to babysit Izzy as
part of the “Rent a Show Dog” program.
One by one it was time for the San Diego
dogs to strut their stuff. First up, Legacy’s
Sir Lucan of Camelot (Lucas), placed first
in the 9-12 Months Sweepstakes dog class
and finished with a third place ribbon in
the regular puppy dog classes. Mtn. High
Oceano Altitude with Attitude (Miley) won
first place in 9-12 Months Sweepstakes
bitch class. Mtn. High Natural Wonder at
Oceano For Acqua Terra (Bryce) made the
cut in the 9-12 month puppy dog class.
The youngest club member entered was
Goldcoast Madison Ave. Uptown Girl,
(Maddie), who made her debut at just six
months in the 6-9 months puppy bitches
class. Maddie made the first cut. Way to
go Maddie! Castanewf’s Irresistible (Izzy)
was shown in Bred by Exhibitor. She did
an outstanding job making the final cut and
would have gotten a ribbon for 5th place,
if there actually were a 5th place. Oh so
close! The last girl to show was Watchbear’s
Katherine Claire, (KC), who was shown in
Open Any Other Color Than Black Bitches.
Finally, CH Pawsinn Threeponds Lancelot
(Lance) was moved up to Best of Breed and
looked spectacular.
The NCA National Specialty is the most
prestigious dog show for Newfoundlands
in the country. It provides a unique
opportunity to recognize the Newfoundland
breed and draws entries from around
the world, such as Spain, Hungary and
Italy. With over 500 dogs entered, we
were thrilled just to be part of this grand
spectacle, and we certainly look forward to
the 2010 NCA National Specialty.
See you there!
— Michelle
National Specialty Photos by Michelle Alpern
Top priority: Shopping! Denise Hatakeyama, Izzy, Charma
Comic “Build a Newf” workshop in the grooming area
Jackie Helland and Linda Barkas struggle to keep warm.
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June – July 2009
Pam and Joyce’s Bryce
Sweeps judge Marg Wilmont inspects Vu & Greg’s Lucas.
Michelle’s Izzy: “Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful.”
Peggy Lange’s Miley
“Just look at what I must endure!”
Vu and Greg’s Lance
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Date: May 9, 2009 Location: Home of Sherry Thomas
Meeting Called to Order by: President CeCe Guyatt Time: 10:15 am
Attendees: CeCe Guyatt, Steve Barkas, Joe Wucherer, Sherry Thomas, Mary Milton, Jen Craig, Kerry Dennis
Minutes from last meeting: Approved by board earlier and submitted to NewfWaves.
Treasurer’s Report: Newf Rescue: $10,341.32
General account: $5717.09
CD: 1) General Account: $5444.53
2) Rescue Account: $5027.82
Joe reported that due to the poor market he is leaving the CD’s for only 90 days and then rolling over to another 90 day account until
things improve.
Historian: No report. There was a brief discussion to clarify for Kerry just what her duties are and what the board expects of her.
Following the guidelines in the bylaws she will “ compile the club’s archives, including pictures, newsletters, catalogs and other
reports and/or memorabilia of club functions. The Historian shall also brief prospective and new members on the club’s founding
and history.” It was also suggested that the Historian receive and keep a record of how those organizing activities and events do
their jobs and what procedures they follow. This would be helpful for those performing the task in the future.
Members at Large: Jen suggested that membership forms for the next year include an area for members to declare their willingness
to become more involved in NCSD activities. Mary made a motion to include the above information in next year’s membership renewal
forms. Jen seconded and the board voted unanimously to add this information to the 2010-2011 membership renewal forms.
Committee Reports:
Conformation: Joe reported on the income and expenses of the NCSD Regional. Due to a decrease in the number of entrants
in the show our income of $1650.94 was down by a little over $250.00. Expenses were up about the same amount. Joe wrote an
article and sent pictures for publication in “NewfTide.”
Next year’s Specialty will be held on Feb. 26, 2010. Planning will start in June, 2009. CeCe will assist Joe next year. Joe requested
that any members contact him if they wish to suggest a judge for next year’s event.
Membership: No report. Addendum: Esther reported by mail that we have two new member families: Mike & Elise Savage and Daisy,
and Tom & Lisa Davies and Baron. Membership renewal forms have been mailed out.
NewfWaves: No report.
Rescue: No report. Joe reported that he has contacted an attorney, Robert Danelen, to assist with the application for Tax Exempt
Status for NCSD Rescue. The fee is $1500.00. They will begin work on the project during the upcoming week.
Working: Steve reported that preparations are on track for the Sept. Water Test. He will submit the application for use to the city of
Coronado soon. The Draft group is meeting informally on a regularly basis.
Program/Activities: The Walk in Balboa Park will be on May 31st. We will meet at the Rueben H. Fleet water fountain, at 10:00 am
and walk through the park. We will request that Larry send out an e-mail to remind members of the activity. Each member will be asked
to bring a picnic lunch to enjoy in a quiet place later on in the walk and water for their dog. CeCe and Mary will be the contacts for
information. On June 28th we will sponsor a day of “Fun & Games” at San Dieguito Park. There will also be a workshop on grooming
the Newfy. The August Rescue Fund Raiser Event is scheduled for Aug. 23nd and plans are underway.
Newf Boutique: No report. It was suggested that we have NCSD boutique items for sale at as many events as possible. We have
some great totes to sell with the NCSD logo printed on them. They will sell for $5.00 each.
NCSD Web Site: Steve has worked with Diana Stewart on up-dating our Website and making it more user friendly and informative.
He reports that she is great to work with and very knowledgeable. Members of the board who have seen the site were very positive
about what they saw. Jen had some suggestions on how to make it even more attractive. Steve encouraged Jen and anyone with
suggestions to send them to him and he will work with Diana to implement those that enhance the site.
Old/Unfinished Business: There were no nominations from the membership for the 2009-2010 board. The current board will
continue to serve until June 30, 2010.
New Business: None. A suggestion was made to appoint a member to serve as chair of a committee for planning and carrying out
programs and activities.
Next Board Meeting: Sun. July 12th at the home of Kerry Dennis at 10:00 am
Time of Adjournment: 12:00 noon
Resptfully submitted
Sherry Thomas, secretary
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June – July 2009
New Member Profiles
By Esther Hofer
Mike and Elise Savage
Residence: San Diego
Occupation: Mike is a systems analyst for Epsilon
Systems Solutions. Elise is a medical coder of
diagnoses and procedures for Rady Children’s
Hospital. She is also an Avon representative. Mike
and Elise have three children: Jessica (18), a freshman
at SDSU, and sons Tony (16) and Josh (14), both
students at Horizon Christian School.
Dogs: “Daisy Buttercup Savage,” the family’s new
7-month-old black Newfy, is described as a “really
sweet, mellow and gorgeous girl.” Simply known
as Daisy, she is the Savages’ first Newf. The family
was inspired to get a Newf by Elise’s sister, who
has two Landseers. At her tender puppy age, Daisy
can already be deemed a rescue dog. Although not a
barker, according to Elise, Daisy drew attention by
barking loudly to alert the family to imminent danger.
Violet, her younger (14-week-old) Landseer “cousin”
had fallen into the swimming pool and was unable
to swim. Averse to water, the soft-spoken Daisy,on
land, rescued her cousin by using her voice to cause a
ruckus, quickly bringing family members to the scene.
What a gal!
Hobbies / Interests: Mike is a “huge golf fan.” Elise
enjoys reading, going to the beach and walking.
Both are involved with their church and with their
children’s sports and extracurricular activities.
He loves the water and learns very quickly. At 42 lbs.,
Baron considerably outweighs his canine sisters. He
tries to win their affection, but only Tinkerbell loves
and tolerates him. Both Sasha and Chelsea (the Davies’
11-year-old Himalayan cat) want nothing to do with him.
Hobbies / Interests: Tom and Lisa are working
on building their dream home in Yosemite at Bass
Lake. They go up monthly and enjoy boating and the
beautiful out-of-doors.
Newf- related goals: “Water and draft tests.”
Let’s welcome Mike, Elise, Daisy, Tom, Lisa and
Baron to the NCSD!
The Savage family at home with Daisy
Newf-related goals: “We plan on enjoying time with
this club and also possibly doing therapy work in the
Tom and Lisa Davies
Residence: San Marcos
Occupation: Tom is a dentist, and Lisa works in his office.
Dogs: Lisa has always had small dogs growing up,
including toy and tea cup poodles. She and husband
Tom currently have two little long-hair Chihuahuas,
5-year-old Tinkerbell (4 lbs.) and 4-year-old Sasha
(5 lbs.) The Davies’ had always wanted a large, smart
dog who loved the water, and a Newfoundland seemed
to fill the bill. Lisa had never met a Newfy before.
They got Baron, their 4-month-old black Newf from
Kentucky. He is affectionately called a “hillbilly.”
Lisa, Baron and Tom Davies at Bass Lake
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Photo by Realtime photo
Vu & Greg’s puppy Lucas won the sweeps and third in his class at the Nationals and was Best of Breed at Lake Matthews!
Obie Adds His CDX!
Karrie Cook’s VN CH Karableu’s
Ocean Breeze, CGC, CD, RE,
WRDX, TDD, “Obie” completed
the third leg of his Companion
Dog Excellent (CDX) on Friday,
March 13, 2009 at the Del Sur
Kennel Club show. He received a
beautiful third place rosette.
With the completion of his
CDX, Obie now qualifies for the
Newfoundland Club of America’s
Working Achievement Award.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
June – July 2009
Would you believe
six women who love
Newfoundlands got
together twelve years
ago to write a novel.
The only two criteria
at the outset were
that the book be a
mystery and have a
Newfoundland Dog as
a character. The result
Follow the adventures of
Marlee Fleming, newly
admitted attorney, as her life
turns upside down. Follow
her to the north woods
where she is adopted by
a Newfoundland, meets a
mentor, an old flame and
uncovers a nefarious plot.
The pieces come together
in a terrifying climax.
For more about the book, see:
(Now available in paperback
– $18.95 plus tax)
Please join us for our book
signing at “MUTTROPOLIS”
– 7755 Girard Avenue,
La Jolla, California on
Saturday July 11, 2009
at 1:00 p.m. 20% of the
sale proceeds will be
donated to San Diego
Newfoundland Rescue.
Who is C.J. Lang?
C laire Carr
J oAnn Carr Wucherer
L inda Barkas
A nn Vitale
N ancy Wolf
G ail Wettstein
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
NCSD Board Members
CeCe Guyatt – President
Steve Barkas – Vice President
Joe Wucherer – Treasurer
Sherry Thomas – Secretary
Kerry Dennis – Historian
Mary Milton – Member at large
Jen Craig – Member at large
Advertise In NewfWaves!
(760) 295-4734
(760) 749-9454
(760) 751-2302
(619) 466-0143
(858) 354-5672
(858) 454-7688
(760) 746-6513
Full page:
Half page:
Quarter page:
Business card:
$ 5
Make checks payable to Newfoundland Club of San Diego.
Rates subject to change and approval by NCSD Board.
The NCSD is not responsible for errors or quality of reproduction.
Send submissions and checks to Larry Anderson at 475 Orpheus Ave., Encinitas, CA 92024.
Larry Anderson, Editor 475 Orpheus Avenue
Encinitas, CA 92024 Ph: (760) 942-0877
NCSD Web Site:
NCA Web Site:
NEWF Rescue:
Submissions for advertising, OH WOW! and other contributions for NewfWaves must be received by the 15th
of the month preceding publication (mailed 1st of each even-numbered month). Submissions should be by
e-mail to the editor, who reserves the right to edit material for length, clarity, content or accuracy. Publication
is at the discretion of the editor. E-mail submissions to Please send text as *.rtf files
for compatibility across computer platforms. Preferred layouts may be shown, but all graphics must also be
included as separate attachments, usually as *.jpg files. Previously published or non-member generated
material and all photos must include the author’s, publisher’s and photographer’s permission to reprint.
Our mission as the Newfoundland Club of San Diego is to protect and
celebrate the Newfoundland dog as a companion and working partner
through fun, fellowship, activities and education.
The color version of NewfWaves is now sent by e-mail and is also
available on the NCSD Web Site You need Adobe
Reader to view this portable document file (pdf). The Web Site provides
a link for you to download Reader. You can save the NewfWaves pdf
file to your hard disk for future reference. The Web Site will now carry
most of the recent issues. Anyone wishing not to receive
City of
by e-mail should reply with a message “don’t send” or equivalent.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
June – July 2009
NCSD-sponsored events are shown in the dark rectangles.
June 28, 2009 (Sunday)
San Dieguito Park, Solana Beach, CA
Details to follow in E-mail flyer
July 12, 2009 (Sunday)
Kerry Dennis’s House
10:00 am
July 19, 2009 (Sunday)
Fiesta Island
San Diego, CA
Details to follow in E-mail flyer
August 23, 2009 (Sunday)
Pam Morgan and Joyce Rowland Residence
Rancho Santa Fe, CA
Details in next NewfWaves
September 20, 2009 (Sunday)
Glorietta Bay, Coronado, CA
October 24, 2009 (Saturday)
Andiamo! Ristorante
Tierra Santa, CA
Details in the October issue of NewfWaves
December 5, 2009 (Saturday)
If interested, please contact an NCSD board member
December 12, 2009 (Saturday)
San Dieguito Park, Solana Beach, CA
Details in the October issue of NewfWaves
December 13, 2009 (Sunday)
Pacific Beach, CA 1 pm – 4 pm
Parade is only six blocks long
Shari Cottrell will host a post-parade party
For arrangements, please contact:
Barbara Williams 858.488.4424
The NCSD membership renewal notices have
been sent out for the upcoming year (July 2009
– June 2010). Dues remain the same: $30.00
for Family Membership (2 adults, 18 years
and older), $25.00 for Single Membership (1
adult, 18 years or older), and $1.00 for Junior
Membership (under the age of 18). Dues must
be received by July 1, 2009.
Benefits of NCSD membership include the
bimonthly newsletter NewfWaves, participation
in working events like water training and
drafting, education in health and behavioral
issues and gatherings for fun and socialization.
Esther Hofer
Membership Chair
June / July 2009
6- 2- 99
6-2- 08
6- 7- 03
6-11- 00
6-11- 00
6-17- 99
6-17- 03
6-17- 06
6-21- 04
6-21- 04
(Dotzman / Nguyen)
( Shortell)
7-5- 06
7-6- 05
7- 8- 97
7-8- 06
7-18- 06
7-20- 05
(Forman / Morel)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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