newfarama at balboa park - Newfoundland Club of San Diego


newfarama at balboa park - Newfoundland Club of San Diego
Aug – Sept 2006
An official publication of the
Newfoundland Club of San Diego
A Regional Newfoundland Club
Bastille Day in the Park
By Chris Ferguson
Letter From The President
In Memoriam: Brandi
More Bastille Day Photos
NCSD Newf Birthdays
Newfs at the Fair
By Gina Anderson
Road Trip!
By Chris Ferguson
In Memoriam: Wheeler
The Eyes of a Newf
You can lead a Newf to water, but you can’t keep him out of it!
Bastille Day in the Park
NCA Water Test
Newf Rescue Benefit Party
Calendar of Events
Membership Renewal
Can You Help?
NCSD Board Members
Advertise In NewfWaves!
View NewfWaves In Color
By Chris Ferguson
s my shoes still drip, I write this. Was ours a spectacular
turnout or what? And you thought it would be too hot! It was
absolutely perfect on Sunday July 16 at Balboa Park! We had
about 25 dogs, and baby, did we stop traffic! It was a Newfy
parade! Anyone would have thought somebody had yelled
“free liver treats!”
We all gathered next to the huge fountain. New friends, old
friends, what a great crowd. Mary Killian’s friend, Milli, was
first on the scene with her cute little Landseer pup Helena.
After I had met the newcomers, it seemed I turned around
once or twice, and it was wall-to-wall newfs! Boy, I hope I
don’t forget to mention anyone. I must remember to take notes!
(continued on next page)
The material contained herein is educational, informative and entertaining in nature. It is not intended to replace competent
veterinary care, nor does it necessarily reflect the opinions of the members or boards of the NCA or the NCSD.
Aug – Sept 2006
Bastille Day (continued fromt page 1)
There were sooooo many of us! Wow!
Shelau and Monty Howard brought both
dogs, dear Rubee, and their new rescue
Merlin. Good looking boy! Jack and Sherry
Thomas had Kramer and Toby, ready to go.
Chris Cameron and Ian Cunningham came
with a great mixture, good ol’ Landseer
Strider and the black Lab who thought he
was a Newfy for the day, Raven. Shhhh don’t
tell … he’s so cute.
We saw the Herreras out in number with
Bijou and Yogi. Lively bronze puppy Atticus
brought Jon Dailey and Sara Silveus running
to keep up. Kimie Landers – long time no
see girl! – looked great with Storm hooked
up and haulin’ water with the cart. Esther
and Jose with Miss Tilly were lookin’ fine,
as always. Mary Milton brought Oz sportin’
a cool summer haircut. Carol Birch came
with her Leo team Hoss and Moya skillfully
pulling a cart. Most impressive! Barbara
Schmidt was so fun with Elvis, and Mary
Killian brought out her darling new pup
Mermaid. David Smith, whom we haven’t
seen in a while, brought Ansie. David will
move to Nova Scotia at summer’s end. See
the write-up about David in OH WOW!
Miss Kai brought Sharon Gilbert. As always,
Kai was ready to party! She and brown puppy
Atticus put on a delightful circus act! Sandra
Younger brought three dogs! Had her hands
full with big Charter, little princess Terra and
Rory, a cute, fearless King Charles she is
puppy sitting. Rory just LOVES beef jerky!
Photo by Jose Magsaysay
Mary Killian’s puppy Mermaid checks out Mary Milton’s big Oz.
Last, our resident mutant-Newfy, my boy
Poseidon, while fountain stomping, just
decided he’d sit IN the fountain and watch
the action. And stomp, baby we did! DOGS
AND PEOPLE! I thought the park guards
would kick us out of the fountain, but they
came by and didn’t say anything, except
“just how many of you are coming?” “This
is it,” we lied. In reality, the potential crowd
was unlimited! Between Newfies, tag-alongs
and “wish I were a Newfy today” add-ons,
we collected over 25 dogs!
After we were all dripping wet, we headed
down the promenade and unintentionally
formed our very own bizarre parade!
Photo by Jose Magsaysay
Mermaid ponders her status: “Will I ever grow THAT big?”
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People of course asked about the dogs,
and tourists actually asked for pictures to
be taken of them with our dogs! I was kind
of having fun with every opportunity, when
someone would marvel, and I got a chance
to say, “Ya, well there are about 25 more
behind us to follow.” The look we’d get was
way entertaining. Anyway, we found a shady
spot and had our lunch and talked and
visited. We ended the day there, then slowly
made our way back up to the fountain for
a last stomp before heading to the hot car.
Several peeled off along the way to go for
some ice cream.
I don’t know about the rest of you, gang,
but I haven’t heard a peep from Poseidon
since we got home. He found himself some
shade by our pond and is, I’m sure, going
to snore his way through the rest of the
Awesome turn out! Hats off and a humble
“YA” to ya’all who came on down. This is
what it’s all about! YEEE HAAAA!!!
Photo by Shelau Howard
There’s nothing like a little wet puppy named Mermaid !
Photo by Jose Magsaysay
Esther goes for a wet kiss from Atticus. Kai waits to play!
Photo by Shelau Howard
“It’s OK, Possy. We can sit here until you’re ready to go.”
(pictures continued on p. 6)
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Aug – Sept 2006
Letter from the President
Dear Membership,
There was a rumor going around earlier this spring that I was
going to resign as your president. Actually, this was true. I had
contacted some key board members (like the vice president who
would have to take over) and said I was having a difficult time
dealing with the loss of my sweet Brandi.
You see, her loss was very unexpected. Although she was
suspected of having bone cancer, that was not what took her
life. It was negligence by a local vet that was responsible, in my
opinion. I want to say up front that I can’t thank our regular vet, Dr.
Janet Moston, enough. She has been the most wonderful doctor I
have ever dealt with. I should have such a caring doctor myself.
My grief, along with Joe’s, was hard to take. While I was dealing
with that and pretending that not being president was going to
help, I realized I needed you guys. I needed to give back to you
in some way. So, I am still on board for another year as your
We will be starting off the year with a lavish Newf rescue fundraiser party at Pam Morgan and Joyce Rowland’s. I encourage all of
you to attend and bring a friend or neighbor. Pam and Joyce’s home
and hospitality create an ambience everyone should experience, and
Newf rescue is possibly our club’s most noble cause.
I hope to see all of you there.
JoAnn Wucherer
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Dear Mom and Dad,
December 5, 2000 – May 1, 2006
I have been looking down on you both and have been concerned about what I see. So much so, that I asked for the Lord
to help me get a message to you. He agreed! He helped get this message to you.
I want you both to know how wonderful it is here. My grandma’s Gwinny and Caper met me along with the one Grandma
Caper calls “The Big One.” We play and run all the time. We don’t sleep here, so I don’t ever have those awful nightmares
any more. I am really happy here. We are all waiting for the
day we can be together again. Oh, I almost forgot,
my leg doesn’t hurt anymore either.
I have to go now. “The Big One” says he needs
to take me to meet my Newfy daddy Port. We
never got to meet on earth, and he is
anxious to see me.
I love you Mom and Dad. I
am happily waiting for us to
be together. Remember,
God is watching over
all of us.
– Brandi
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Aug – Sept 2006
Bastille Day (continued from p. 3)
Photo by Jose Magsaysay
Time to walk. Gina walks Rory, and Charter walks Larry.
Photo by Jose Magsaysay
Carol Birch adjusts Hoss and Moya’s cart along the way.
Photo by Jose Magsaysay
David Smith (center) awaits consensus on where to go.
Photo by Shelau Howard
The Thomases and Sarah follow Gina looking for shade.
Photo by Jose Magsaysay
Kimie’s Storm pulls his cart, headed for another fountain.
Photo by Shelau Howard
A few inches of water is all it takes to attract a Newfy!
Up ahead! This is it! The perfect spot for our picnic lunch.
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Tree shade on a warm sunny day, good friends, food, conversations, and Newfies! What more could one ask for?
August / September 2006
Photo by Jose Magsaysay
Might as well scope the desserts on the way back to the car!
(J. Anderson)
Boudreaux (Geurin)
(Silveus / Dailey)
Teddi Bear
(Allicotti / Lowe)
(J. Anderson)
(J. Anderson)
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Aug – Sept 2006
Newfs at the Fair
By Gina Anderson
The goats came, the pigs came, the cows,
chickens, and of course, the Newfs came
to the San Diego County Fair. On a super
hot weekend, June 24-25, almost 20 club
members and their gorgeous dogs visited
with the crowds. Our “Meet the Breed”
booth in the animal care center was visited
by many hundreds of fair-goers. Children
and adults alike all wanted to hug our furry
gentle giants.
Early birds check out the booth. Larry checks out the early birds.
“How much does he eat?” “Is that a black
Pyrenees, Saint Bernard, hairy black Lab,
small bear, or a cow-colored dog?” “Can
they swim?” “Do they shed a lot?” “How big
a car, house, yard do you need?” Things
inquiring minds wanted to know.
This year we were in a new building,
supposedly air-conditioned, and we had
a double space. We were not next to the
adopt-a-cat booth like last year, but the
small, furry chinchillas adjoining our area
drew a lot of Newfy interest. Didn’t swallow
a single one, thank goodness.
Photo by Gina Anderson
A toddler hugs Mary Killian’s Marina.
Many thanks to all the great folks who
came with their dogs. On Saturday there
were: Mary Killian with Marina, Barbara
Schmidt with Elvis, Sherry and Jack Thomas
with Kramer, Katie Jacobsen with Angus
and Chris Cameron and Ian Cunningham
with kids Hailey and Spencer, and Landseer
Strider. Sunday’s group included: Joe and
JoAnn Wucherer with Sunshine and Reina;
Kerry Dennis with sun-streaked Mousse;
Joan McAdam with Landseer Bravo; Jeff,
Heidi, Miles and Noah Herrera with Yogi;
Patty La Pittus and son Jeff with Emmy; Jen
and Tim Craig with Mojo and Wallace.
Finally, big Newfy hugs go to Joan Hamilton
who came one day after an appendectomy.
She and Wayne brought GT and new puppy
Kali, and they packed up the booth and all
the supplies before Larry and I returned.
We had wandered off to see the fair and
celebrate our 46th wedding anniversary.
Hope we can do this again next year and
that you all can join us. For Larry and me, it
was an opportunity for a “Newfy fix” which
we both badly needed.
Photo by Gina Anderson
Barbara Schmidt lookin’ cute with Elvis
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The Wucherers’ Sunshine and Reina get a lot of attention.
Photo by Tim Craig
Photo by Gina Anderson
Kerry’s Mousse and Joan’s Bravo attract excited youngsters.
Baby smiles at Jen Craig as they both pet a tired and hot Mojo.
Photo by Gina Anderson
The Herreras’ Yogi is content to rest while little folks pet him.
Photo by Tim Craig
The Craigs’ Wallace loves to be admired.
Photo by Tim Craig
Wayne Hamilton tells about Landseer pup Kali (see OH WOW!)
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Aug – Sept 2006
Road Trip!
By Chris Ferguson
It was the best of times, it was the worst of
times … not! We had an awesome adventure!
It was the maiden voyage for us with our
newest family member, “Harvey the RV.”
Set off to see the world we did, with my
5-year-old happily occupied, playing his PS2
games, and 200 lb. Newfy Poseidon sitting
between the seats in front of the Beef Jerky
bag. It took Poseidon 600 miles to figure out
where the air conditioning vent was. I must
say, not the sharpest tack on the board.
After he “got it,” Possy sat directly in front of
the vent for the rest of the trip.
Photos by Fergie
Sid drove all the way; Possy sat in front of the cooling vent.
Anyway, the husband, Sid, you know, did
all the driving. There is no way I’m going to
even TRY to drive a 31-ft. anything. It’s like
a giant earwig!
Our ultimate destination was Colorado
Springs for a meeting of the most wonderful
group of highlanders and low landers in the
world: the Fergusons at our family reunion.
We alternate states every two years, and
it always lasts from four to seven days. It
is huge! Lots of girls born in this line; my
son Sid Joseph is the last male carrying the
Ferguson name. The boy will need to get
busy after he gets married (if not before)!
First stop was the Grand Canyon. We
quickly learned something about traveling
with a giant Newfoundland: it’s like traveling
with Britney Spears. I even started calling
Possy “Britney.” I’m sure all you dog show
folks are used to this kind of thing, but
this was our first out-of-town rodeo. It was
kind of amazing. Sid and I literally stopped
counting after the 13th time we were asked,
“Is that a bear or a small pony?”
The Grand Canyon was of course grand,
and wonderful. The rangers were great. I
went into the station to ask if I could bring
Possy into the area we were at, which the
rangers appreciated. Anything paved was
fine, just not down the dirt trails. Hey, that
was OK by me. A sure-footed donkey he
isn’t. After we went back to the RV, got him
and walked back by the ranger station, they
came out to meet him. Poseidon was really
basking in his newfound popularity.
Possy was popular with the park rangers.
The Fergusons with Poseidon at the Grand Canyon
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Discovered a couple things about the
Grand Canyon and Newfies at this point on
the trip. Weather changes FAST. Lightning
storms come and go quick! Newfies do
not get real excited when lightning flashes,
’cause they are usually asleep. But with
lightning storms comes thunder. OK, Newfies
just don’t like thunder. At all! I’ve never seen
Possy get to his feet ready for … I’m not sure
just what he thought he was going to do, but
the first time it cracked right over our head,
the hair on his back stood up. “Easy killer!”
I must tell you at this point about Possy’s
porthole, a small window next to the door of
the RV. Perfect height and width for him to
stick his head out. When the thunder would
let loose, he’d poke his head out and bark
back. Then he’d turn around and look at me
for a reward for telling off the thunder. Such
male ego!
The “Possy porthole” was very popular at
gas stations too. He’d have his head out like
he was on duty – please! Free food patrol,
maybe. I’ll bet he wishes he hadn’t been
asleep when three stray hungry dogs came
by at a Navajo gas station. While Daddy
wasn’t looking, I fed them all the expensive
beef jerky. Hey, I’m a dog lover! And one
of the dogs was a mommy. I told Sid when
he got back in the cab that he should kiss
Poseidon right on the lips for being with us.
Otherwise, Harvey would have three Navajo
dogs riding in him. OK, I know I need help …
Onward to Lake Powell. I was so looking
forward to turning small boy and big dog
loose there. I learned something about the
place. Pretty non-accessable if you don’t
have a boat. The few beach camping places
were slammed. We got stuck in the loose
sand there for a bit, but my wonderful
husband let air out of the tires, and away we
went. Yes, males can be useful at times!
We went to an alligator farm that insisted
you bring in your dogs and not leave them
in the car. Very cool place. My son loved
it. They let him hold a baby gaiter. We saw
all sorts of reptiles. Poseidon wanted to go
swimming in their fish hatchery. He was
unimpressed with the gaiters. The gaiter
wrestlers loved him. They said the gaiters
would flee from him if he got in their water.
“Possy’s porthole”
I wasn’t willing to test this theory, but
after I saw those huge gaiters hit the deep
water when the wrestlers went looking for
opponents, I changed my opinion.
When we got to Colorado, we stopped
at a park that had easy access to the river
for kayakers. Like a fool I took Poseidon
down there on a leash and forgot the long
line. That dog took me in with him! It
was cold, really cold! By the time Sid got
back to me with the long line, I was pretty
much soaked, but refreshed. Possy was in
heaven. We also pulled off beside one of the
many huge lakes, and Poseidon had a blast
chasing rocks we would throw out into the
water. Total H2O dog. I just adore this guy!
We saw so may beautiful things and
places, I could go on and on, trust me,
I could. Poseidon aka “Britney“ traveled
really well. He adored all the attention. It all
may have really helped to socialize him.
And we were happy to get home. It was
a great trip. We are going to try to do an
adventure at least one weekend a month.
That’s what life is all about, right? One big
Newfound-adventure after another.
Until next time gang ……
Chris Ferguson and Poseidon
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Aug – Sept 2006
In Memoriam: Wheeler
December 12, 1996 - July 5, 2006
You are in all of our everyday thoughts, from remembering to close the gate,
to our walks, to still trying to step over you in the dark when we go to the
bathroom. You were so much a part of our family in every way. You were
the ring bearer at our wedding. You ate dinner with us, waited for us on
the landing, and EVERY time we came home, you were there, wagging
your tail to greet us, happy and excited. You gave us unconditional love all
the time.
Wheeler, we Love You.
Jeff, Monica and Ryan Noonan
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What is it about them? Why do some Newfs become so completely a part of us?
It’s the eyes. I know this for sure, now that my Carbon is gone, because I can visualize him at
will, with one exception: I cannot make eye contact. Even now, if I let it enter my mind, the picture
of the way we looked into each other’s eyes, my insides start to dissolve, and I quickly look away
to protect myself.
When your Newfy looks at you with those soft, brown, translucent, warm, unblinking eyes, and
you look back, it’s as if you are both melting into a common soul. The bond that forms over time,
when you have really looked into each other’s eyes, is too beautiful to describe. It’s a quality that,
once experienced, enriches and never vanishes from life’s consciousness. If I have another dog
someday, I am certain I will see behind its own gaze, Carbon’s loving eyes, still watching, still
connecting with me from beyond.
It feels like an encounter with eternity.
Larry Anderson
Photo by Monica Noonan
Wheeler and Carbon at Del Mar
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Aug – Sept 2006
David B. Smith Is Chosen as President of
NSCAD University in Halifax, Nova Scotia
David with Leighland’s successor, puppy Ansie on Bastille Day
NCSD’s mild-mannered David B. Smith may be a superhero
in disguise. In the creative world of art and academics his
list of achievements reads like a work of fiction. His many
accomplishments encompass stellar fiscal management,
strategic planning and curriculum development. While serving
as Chair of the Department of Art, University of San Diego, he
initiated departmental restructuring, increased the number of
students majoring in art and art history by 75 percent, added
five faculty positions, completed a $3.2 million campus
renovation that increased instructional space by 200 percent,
and shepherded the development of two new programs: a
minor in Architecture and a specialization in Arts, Technology
and Critical Studies. He has been actively engaged in
building successful relationships with members of the wider
art and business communities. As Special Assistant to the
Provost since 2004, he has been responsible for a number
of university-wide special projects including: building
endowments for the arts; chairing the “Global Group,” a
standing committee on international programs; formulating
a plan for the implementation of new American Indian
academic initiatives in the College of Arts and Sciences; and
the development of curricular partnerships between the
University of San Diego and the San Diego Museum of Art, the
Timken Museum, and Stellenbosch University Department
of Fine Art in South Africa. He has provided expertise in
arts programming and development to the University of the
Western Cape in South Africa, and has lectured in that country
at the University of Cape Town and Stellenbosch University.
As an artist, David’s practice has spanned a number of disciplines in the visual arts. Working in public space over the past
decade, he has probed the complex intertwining of private experience and civic decorum, and he has examined the intricate
interconnectedness of the built and natural environments. His work has been exhibited widely throughout the United States
and Canada, where he has completed both permanent and temporary public art projects. He holds a Master of Science
degree in Visual Studies, with an emphasis in public art, from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
The Nova Scotia College of Art and Design (NSCAD) University is Canada’s premier university dedicated to advancing the visual
arts through education, research and production. Part of Nova Scotia’s cultural landscape since 1887, NSCAD offers graduate
and undergraduate degrees in fine and media arts, craft and design. NSCAD has developed an international reputation. Andy
Warhol received an honorary degree in 1972, and a year later, the influential magazine Art in America suggested NSCAD might
be “the best art school in North America.” NSCAD alumni are among Canada’s most highly regarded artists, gallery directors,
designers, curators and art educators. In selecting David as its next president, NSCAD’s Van Penick, Chair of the Board of
Governors, said “David has the passion, energy and experience to lead NSCAD through the next stage of implementation of
its strategic plan and vision for its future, including development of the new Port Campus, renewal of our historic campus,
improvement of support for students and implementation of new programs of study.”
Of course we know David and his wife Miro Davis, a practicing mixed-media artist, as loyal, long-term NCSD members whose
Leighland passed away last September. We were so glad to see David with puppy Springhaven’s Anselm at Balboa Park on
Bastille Day and get an update on the family’s activities. Miro and their two children, Milena, 6, and Sebastian, 4, and Anselm
will accompany David to Halifax. It’s only a short ferry ride to Newfoundland, so Ansie will LOVE the climate!
David, we know you’ll excel in conquering your new challenge. We’ll miss seeing you around San Diego County. So PLEASE!
Step into that phone booth occasionally, don your cape, and fly down here for a visit!
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The Hamiltons Get a New Pup!
We have a new addition to our gang:
Springhaven’s Heart of Callista. Callista means
“very beautiful.” We call her Cali.
She is a pistol and has made herself at home.
She is no longer a shy little girl and has come
out of her shell. All of our big guys are trying
to learn how to deal with her. She follows Truly
(Golden Retriever) around and steals her toys.
Truly doesn’t know how to cope with that yet,
as the boys always gave her their toys. The one
she has the most interaction with is Rugby (our
Havanese) who she thought was her long lost
litter mate at first. He wasn’t happy, as she has
about 10 lbs. on him, and the first day he avoided
The Hamiltons’ GT poses with his new little playmate Cali.
her at all costs. Now the two of them chase each
other, play stalking games and pal around.
When she needs a nap, she cuddles up with Newfy GT, who is quite accommodating. He is her official
protector and takes care of her if something goes amiss. Shade (Golden Retriever) tries to explain
the rules. In return, she pulls on his tail. DC (Golden) is just thrilled that another girl is in the house.
Amazing, at 141⁄2 years, all he thinks about is food and “chicks.”
She has slept through every night but is raring to go in the morning. She also feels I am either a poor
housekeeper or decorator. She is always rearranging the rugs, putting the dish towels where she thinks
they should be and moving the dog beds. I was in my office and heard water splashing. I got up to
investigate. We have a large shower stall in the downstairs bath. This is where the kids’ water bowl is
kept with a small bath mat under it to catch any runoff. Cali was pulling the mat from under the bowl to
put it in the “right” place. When I caught her, she looked at me as if to say “I’ll be done here in a minute,
just need to correct a few things.” As I said, what a pistol!
– Joan
Lois and Lyric Continue to Excel
Lyric and I have been having fun these
days. We finished our Rally Excellent Title
(RE) at the San Diego Obedience Trial in Del
Mar. We did agility at Silver Bay and got a
leg in Open Preferred JWW. Then on April
1st at ACSD trial at Rohr Park, she got her
third leg of Open Sandard Preferred and a
2nd place to finish her Open Agility Preferred
(OAP) title.
We also managed to keep all the bars up
in Open Perferred Jumpers on May 7th at the
Rottie Trial at Rohr Park. Her weekend had
seen fairly short runs, as she was breaking
her start and being taken off after a jump or
two. Then on the last run of the weekend,
we held it together and got our final Q
on Open Perferred Jumpers with Weaves
(OPJW). There were only 5 dogs in all of the
Open Jumpers classes that made it clean
through the OPJW class, and Lyric was the
only dog in the 20” and 24” height classes
to do it. I was so proud of her!
– Lois Apfel
Lois Apfel’s agility champ Lyric
(continued on next page)
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Aug – Sept 2006
OH WOW! (continued fromt p. 15)
The Churchills’ Bo is Still Going!
Our boy Bo is still going strong - thanks to
modern chemistry and excellent veterinary
medicine. He’s lost a little hair due to his
Cushing’s disorder, but we finally have it
pretty well under control. The problem is that
some of the hair follicles died, and the hair
won’t grow back. Fortunately Bo doesn’t know
he has bald elbows and a bald tummy and a
saucer sized bald spot on his rear. His heart
condition (cardiomyopathy) and his joints limit
his movement somewhat but aren’t bothering
him otherwise. We feel incredibly blessed to
still have him around at 91⁄2 years.
We are expecting our sixth grandchild in
December, and Bo is right in the middle of
the group at all times. He never fails to take
his spot under the highchair when one of
them is eating, and it is no coincidence that
among the first words of all of the babies
are, “No Bo!” and “Down Bo!” to which
he obediently responds - sometimes. He
positions himself across the top of the stairs
when we are in the upstairs playroom so
the “crawlers” can’t easily get over him to
fall down the stairs. When the grandbabies
spend the night, he still does bed checks.
What a Newfy!
– Judy
Photo by Judy Churchill
Not expected to live past 7, Bo enjoys his bath at 91⁄2
NCSD Members Participate in Wags For Wishes Event
The Make-A-Wish Foundation of San Diego held its
4th Annual Wags For Wishes, the largest and most
comprehensive dog show on the West Coast. With over
1,500 competitors, the event had everything: agility,
dock dogs, herding, flyball, lure coursing, carting, disc
dogs, Jack Russell events, obedience and conformation.
Last year’s event raised over $115,000 to help grant
the wishes of children who are battling life-threatening
medical conditions. NCSD’s Joan McAdam related a
cute story from this year’s event. “One look at our big
dogs was enough to close the sheep-herding entries,
so we went with Carol to watch dock diving. It was
hot, and I took Bravo over to where the final diving
competition was about to start. I jokingly asked the guy
running the event if we could have a private lesson, and
to my surprise, he agreed! But before I could throw
the bumper, Bravo raced to the edge and flew into the
water! I threw the bumper, and he retrieved it. The
packed bleachers went wild, so we did it again!” Wow!
Photo by Shelau Howard
Sharon, Joan, Carol and Monte visit at Wags For Wishes.
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Aug – Sept 2006
R.S.V.P. soon, please! We need a head count for planning. Gina Anderson,, 760.942.0877
Pretty baskets from last year’s gala event. The basket raffle alone generated over $1,000 for the Newf rescue fund.
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Please cut and post these events on your reminder board
Aug 13, 2006 (Sunday)
NEWF RESCUE BENEFIT 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Pam Morgan and Joyce Rowland’s home
5402 Las Palomas, Rancho Santa Fe
(see p. 18 for details)
Sept 23 (Saturday)
Glorietta Bay, Coronado
Sept 24, 2006 (Sunday)
8:00 a.m. Glorietta Bay, Coronado
Test chair:
Chris Ferguson (760) 630-9383
Test secretary: Debby Rothwell (562) 936-1259
(see p. 17 for details)
Can you help? Humbly but frantically
searching for help with the water Test
and future Newfy events
Are you just dying to participate? Not sure whom to talk
to? Just how do you go about it? But you ARE willing to
help out? THAT’S AWESOME! You just E-mail that gal,
Chris, at, and tell her you’re at her
disposal! We desperately need help with breakfast and
lunch set up and clean up for the water test. All costs
are refunded, you’re just planning for the count and
getting stuff there. “It’s just as easy as that,” as they say.
You’ll forever after be on the “hey that awesome person
is willing to help out, what a team player!“ list. We need
to know who is willing so stop hiding. We truly need
some willing do-ers. Questions? PLEASE ASK! –Chris
Is your name missing? NCSD membership renewal notices were sent out for
July 2006 – June 2007. Dues remain the same: $30 for Family Membership (2
Larry and
adults, 18 years and older), $25 for Single Membership (1 adult, 18 years or older),
Gina Anderson,
and $1 for Junior Membership (under age 18). Most members have paid. It’s way
Janice Anderson, Lois
past the July 1 renewal due date, and our Newfy still has raw spots. Don’t delay! Give
M. Apfel, Trent Archer
her that full coat in our next issue. PLEASE DON’T LEAVE HER WITH THOSE
and Veronica Garmo, Robin
HOT SPOTS! Benefits of NCSD membership include the bimonthly newsletter
Baloochi, Steve & Linda Barkas, Fred &
NewfWaves, participation in working events like water training and drafting,
Doreen Beale, Carol Birch, Chris Cameron education in health and behavioral issues, and gatherings for fun and socialization.
& Ian Cunningham, John & Claire Carr, Tom
& Kookie Charpentier, Gordon & Judy
Churchill, Andrea Connolly, Shari Cottrell, Tim & Jen Craig, Jon Dailey & Sara Silveus,
Miro Davis and David B. Smith, Dave & Cheryl Dawley, Kerry Dennis, Dave & Adelle Ennis,
Sid & Chris Ferguson, Heidi Forrest, Jerry & Sheila Gansch, Kathy Garcia, Chance & Jeanine
Geurin, Sharon Gilbert, Michael Goldbarg, Ross Hahn, Wayne & Joan Hamilton, David Hansch,
Jackie Helland, Jeff & Heidi Herrera, Charma and Adrienne Hill, Esther Hofer and Jose Magsaysay,
Monte and Shelau Howard: and Lauren Howard, Katie Jacobsen, Denise E. Jones, Kevin & Patricia
Kelly, Mary Killian, Barry & Connie Kirk, Patty La Pittus, Ryan & Kimie Landers, Peggy Lange,
David & Jennifer Laurent, Sylvia Linardi and Chris Wright, Terry Lowe and Gina Allicotti, Bob &
Sandra Lyon, Edward & Deborah Malz, Mike & Pat Martinez, Joan McAdam, Petra McAllister,
James & Marilyn McFadden, William McKinley, Dori McLaurin, Shirley McLelland, Pat & Ruth
McMartin, Kathy and Miel Mitchell, Chris & Natalie Morgan, Pamela A. Morgan and G. Joyce
Rowland, Jeff & Monica Noonan, Frank & Pilar
Placone-Willey, Jon & Lynn
Ringard, Eugenea Roben, Debby Rothwell
and Peter Schran,
Gerald & Melissa Rowden,
Kimiko Saito, Barbara
Schmidt, Blair & Kymythy
Schultze, Ronald and
Help restore our NCSD
Cynthia Schwartz, Bill
and Linda Shortell, Jon
Stahley and Mary Milton,
Donald Taylor, Jackson &
Please send your renewal form and
Sherry Thomas, Perry
Thompson, Anne
dues ASAP to:
Warren and Tim Snyder, Eric
and Nancy Wolf,
Esther Hofer
Tom & Gwen Wolfson,
4462 39th St.
Joe Wucherer, Bob
and Sandra
Thanks for your response!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Aug – Sept 2006
NCSD Board Members
JoAnn Wucherer – President
Steve Barkas – Vice President
Joe Wucherer – Treasurer
Gina Anderson – Secretary
Chris Ferguson – Historian
Denise Jones – Member at large
Edward Malz – Member at large
Advertise In NewfWaves!!
(760) 751-2302
(760) 749-9454
(760) 751-2302
(760) 942-0877
(760) 630-9383
(619) 504-6102
(619) 668-0514
Full page:
Half page:
Quarter page:
Business card:
$ 5
Make checks payable to Newfoundland Club of San Diego.
Rates subject to change and approval by NCSD Board.
The NCSD is not responsible for errors or quality of reproduction.
Send submissions and checks to Larry Anderson at 475 Orpheus Ave., Encinitas, CA 92024.
Submissions for OH WOW!, advertising and other contributions for publication in NewfWaves must be received by the 15th of the month
preceding publication. Submissions may be delivered by mail or e-mail to the editor, who reserves the right to edit material for length,
clarity, content or accuracy. Publication is at the discretion of the editor. E-mail to You may also fax it to
(760) 632-2458, or mail to Larry Anderson at 475 Orpheus Ave, Encinitas, CA 92024; Previously published
or non-member generated material and photos must include the author’s, publisher’s or photographer’s permission to reprint.
Gina Anderson, Editor 475 Orpheus Avenue
Encinitas, CA 92024 Ph: (760) 942-0877
NCSD Web Site:
NCA Web Site:
Our mission as the Newfoundland Club of San Diego is to protect and
celebrate the Newfoundland dog as a companion and working partner
through fun, fellowship, activities and education.
The electronic color version of NewfWaves is available in a portable
document format (pdf). You may download the file from the Web. The
Web address is: . Save the file Aug06NW.exe
to your hard disk for the current (Aug-Sept) issue. Then double-click
this *.exe file, and it will self-extract into the *.pdf file. Start Adobe
Reader, then open the saved pdf file, and view NewfWaves in color.
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