Oceanside Welcomes NCSD Newfs - Newfoundland Club of San


Oceanside Welcomes NCSD Newfs - Newfoundland Club of San
June – July 2008
An official publication of the
Newfoundland Club of San Diego
A Regional Newfoundland Club
Harbor Walk
By Larry Anderson
A Note from JoAnn
Our New NCSD Board
A Note from CeCe
NCSD Newf Birthdays
New Member Update
Oceanside Welcomes NCSD Newfs
Cabrillo KC Dog Show
In Memoriam: Raven
In Memoriam: Kramer
NCSD Board Minutes
New Guyatt Puppies
Newf Rescue Benefit
NCSD Newfy Play Day
Photo by Liz Salazar
Craig Dennis, Emma and Charles Salazar, and Shirley McLelland at the Harbor
Harbor Walk
NCSD Water Play Day
Calendar of Events
Membership Renewal
NCSD Board Members
Advertise In NewfWaves!
View NewfWaves In Color
By Larry Anderson
he sun was already blazing by 11 a.m. on Sunday, May 18.
CeCe Guyatt had generously volunteered to cover for
activities chair Chris Ferguson who had a schedule conflict.
CeCe arrived to lead the group but assumed it would be
small to non-existent because of the oppressive heat. She
was wrong. Many NCSD stalwarts brought their Newfies
down to Oceanside Harbor, including recent new members
from far north county, glad to attend an event close to home.
Photo by Jose Magsaysay
heat was harder on the Newfs than the people. But it
was a nice opportunity to relax, stroll and get acquainted.
(continued on page 2)
The material contained herein is educational, informative and entertaining in nature. It is not intended to replace competent
veterinary care, nor does it necessarily reflect the opinions of the members or boards of the NCA or the NCSD.
June – July 2008
Harbor Walk (continued from page 1)
I wasn’t able to go, but CeCe took the pictures
on this page from which I can identify some
of our members and their dogs. Some who
attended include: CeCe Guyatt with camera
and with K.C. and Jillian, Kerry and Craig
Dennis with Vinny and Mousse, Jennifer
Vampola with daughter Marina Kroeger
and Maddy, Shirley McLelland with new
pup Buffy, Joan Hamilton with GT, Barbara
Schmidt with Elvis, Vu Nguyen and Greg
Dotzman with Lance, and Liz and Charles
Salazar and daughter Emma with Aslan.
Prospective new member, Catherine,
with Genghis, and two friends who are
professional dog walkers also came along.
Shirley, Jennifer, Marina, Joan and Newfs get some shade.
CeCe reports that the walk was fun, but the
oppressive heat eventually got to some of
the Newfies, and several folks decided to
continue on at Dog Beach where the Newfs
could cool off in the water. Nevertheless,
our incoming new president, CeCe, was
encouraged by the enthusiastic turnout!
Chuck, Liz, Kerry, Greg, Vu, Barbara and Emma with Newfs
Emma Salazar with Aslan
Strolling along the harbor
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A Note from our President JoAnn Wucherer
I want all the membership to know how fortunate I feel to have been your president these
past six years. As I plan for the next chapter in my life, retirement, I feel it is time for a new
leader to take over as president. We are all fortunate that CeCe will be the next president. It
doesn’t take long when talking with her to know just how much she loves her furry kids. She
really cares about the continued health of Newfs in general. This can be seen in the diverse
activities she shares with them. She is involved in showing, breeding and training. The
experience she brings to the club will ensure it’s continued growth.
I always have felt that fun activities for our members are important. Our constitution was
changed to require fewer general meetings, thus allowing for more activities where we
can just get together and enjoy our dogs. Chris Ferguson is truly gifted when it comes
to planning our get-togethers. Her energy is contagious. So, do fewer meetings mean
less information getting out to the members? Thanks to Larry Anderson, publisher of
NewfWaves, the answer is no. I think I can speak for everyone when I say we all look
forward to each new issue. Every issue thoroughly covers recent events in words and
pictures that are informative and enjoyable to read. I have had puppy buyers that live
outside our area decide to join the club just to get NewfWaves.
Because we are an official Regional Club of the Newfoundland Club of America, we need to
remember the responsibilities that go along with that status. The Regional Specialty every
February fulfills a part of that responsibility. My husband, Joe Wucherer, as Show Chair, has
made sure this show is held each year and meets all the NCA and AKC requirements.
Our Water test is another important event. Steve Barkas has made sure of its success
through the years.
I would love for the club to sponsor draft tests again. Anyone interested in draft training
should let the board know.
The success of any regional club depends on having a membership that is made up of
people who not only love the breed, but who support each other in their wide variety of
interests. This club is fortunate to have such people.
Enjoy your summer and make sure to mark your calendars for the Annual Newf Rescue
Fund Raiser in August. Pam Morgan and Joyce Rowland have once again offered to open
their home to all of us. A special thanks to both of them for their continued support and
generosity. I believe Newf Rescue is a critical role for our club. Jen Craig has spent an
enormous amount of her time coordinating our club’s rescue program. A very special
thanks to her. It is important that we all support Jen or any future Rescue chair. If you are
not in a position to offer support to rescue, such as providing a foster home, please plan on
attending the fund raiser, and bring a friend!
In closing, I would like to thank the members of the board who have served so well with me,
Steve Barkas, Vice President, working chair
Gina Anderson, Secretary
Joe Wucherer, Treasurer, regional specialty show chair
Chris Ferguson, Historian, activities chair
Denise Jones, Member at large
Jen Craig, Member at large, rescue chair
And, although not currently an official board member, a special thanks to our own
Esther Hofer, membership chair extraordinaire.
JoAnn Wucherer, President
Newfoundland Club of San Diego, Inc.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
June – July 2008
Jen Craig,
Chris Ferguson, Historian
Joe Wucherer,
CeCe Guyatt, President
Mary Milton,
Steve Barkas, Vice President
Sherry Thomas, Secretary
Our new NCSD Board of Directors, starting July 1, 2008
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A Note from our Incoming
President CeCe Guyatt
Dear NCSD Members,
Thank you for placing your trust in me as
I assume the position of President of the
Newfoundland Club of San Diego, Inc. As
a proud member of the NCSD, I cherish
the friendships I have developed, and I
am impressed with the dedication and
commitment of our club and its board
members. I have been especially inspired by
the leadership JoAnn Wucherer has shown
in her role as President, and I look forward
to building on the great work she started.
New Member Update
In our last issue we included profiles for
our new members Kathy McIver and the
Freunds. We had no pictures at that time,
so here are some we received since then.
Below are Kathy’s Select Ch. Kilyka’s Katie
Cachalot, ROM, CGC, TDI, resting at center,
surrounded by her champion kids.
Dave and Lisa Freund came to our egg-hunt
event at San Dieguito Park only to learn it
had been cancelled. But we got their picture!
The role of President of the NCSD is
about servant leadership, and I thank you
once again for allowing me to serve in
this position. I look forward to a year full
of fun activities that will both increase the
awareness of and interest in NCSD and the
amazing Newfoundland dogs we so dearly
I can’t wait to see all of you at the
upcoming events. Please feel free to contact
me with any ideas; I would love to hear from
New member Kathy McIver’s beauties
CeCe Guyatt
June / July 2008
6- 02- 99
6- 07- 03
6- 11 - 00
6- 11 - 00
6- 17 - 99
6- 17 - 03
6- 21 - 04
6- 23- 00
( Shortell)
7- 05- 06
7- 06- 05
7- 08- 97
7- 20- 05
7- 24- 98
7- 30- 02
New members Dave and Lisa Freund with Winston
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June – July 2008
Pictures from the Cabrillo KC Dog Show
Del Mar Fairgrounds, Sat. - Sun. May 10-11, 2008
Sandra hugs her Charter. He placed 3rd in Open Dogs.
CeCe’s K.C. won Am. Bitch and Best Opposite on Sunday.
Jackie’s Zoey won Winners Bitch and BOS on Saturday.
CeCe flies with her Jillian, who won her class both days.
Jackie Helland’s Willie won Best of Breed both days.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
In Loving Memory
MeadowLake’s Riverdance Raven
April 19, 1997 — March 1, 2008
Good-bye my big sweet girl.
I send you off to the Rainbow Bridge with Love
and to be with those who went before you....
Sharon Gilbert
I lost a treasured friend today
The big black girl who use to lay
Her gentle head upon my knee
And share her silent thoughts with me...
She’ll come no longer to my call
Retrieve no more her favorite ball
A voice far greater than my own
Has called her to His golden throne.
Although my eyes are filled with tears,
I thank Him for the happy years
He let her spend down here with me
And for her love and loyalty.
When it is time for me to go
And join her there, this much I know...
I shall not fear the transient dark
For she will greet me with her bark.
-Author Unknown
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June – July 2008
In Memoriam
Bacchanal’s Kramer
Jan. 11, 1998 — May 19, 2008
With heavy heart, we pay tribute to our beloved Kramer.
With his large, beautiful Newfy head, he was a true show
stopper! There are not enough adjectives to describe his
attributes. He was sweet, calm, loving, great with children,
other dogs and people in general. He was also spoiled,
willful, stubborn, but never mean or in any way aggressive.
This probably describes a typical Newfy, but he never
seemed “typical” to us.
He came to us only five years ago, and it seemed our lives
had been meant to intertwine. He was one of the real success
stories of NCSD Newf Rescue. We are forever grateful
to Doreen Beale, Sharon Gilbert and everyone involved in
returning him from Las Vegas and nursing him back to health
so he could come into our lives.
Kramie, our big boy, we miss you terribly but know
that you are now healthy and happy and in no
more pain. We will think of you often, especially
when we have pizza crust and Sunday waffles.
Your family, Sherry & Jack Thomas and Toby.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
NCSD Board Meeting Minutes May 17, 2008
Call to Order
The Board Meeting of the NCSD was called to order by President JoAnn Wucherer, in her home, at 10:15 am. In attendance were: Joe
and JoAnn Wucherer, CeCe Guyatt, Esther Hofer, Jen Craig, Steve Barkas, Mary Milton and Sherry Thomas.
II. Minutes
Minutes of the March 9, 2008, held at Marie Callender Restaurant in Escondido, CA were reviewed by the board members and approved
as presented.
III. Treasurer’s Report
Joe reported that we currently have a balance of $11,243.93 in the Newf Rescue Account, $6,723.23 in the General Account and
$5,136.20 in the CD. Joe stated that some equipment purchases have been made. They include a 10’ X 10’ mat for the”Meet the Breed”
booth which is kept at Steve Barkas’ and some new coolers, with one kept at Joe’s and one at Steve’s. Jen Craig posed the question of
investing some of the Rescue Fund money in a CD or other form of investment. Joe will look into it and report back to the board at a
future date.
IV. Committee Reports
Conformation: Joe reported that he has already begun the planning for the 2009 Regional Show. He is considering a Canadian and a
Riverside judge but requested other suggestions for judges anyone might have. Joe reported on the Income of $1,917.78 and Expense
of $1,714.06 on the NCSD Regional Specialty Show in Feb. 2008. The report showed a profit of $203.72. There was also a report on
income and expenses from the show secretaries, Lea Plaut & Janis McManigal. A check for $172.03 was sent by them to NCSD.
Membership: Esther reported that due to the late date of the board meeting she has been unable to mail out the renewal notices for NCSD
membership. The board agreed that no increases to the current schedule of dues assessment should occur at this time. The board also
agreed to keep the request for any donations over and above the dues should be kept low key and with no pressure on members to do
this. Any member who wishes to donate over and above the assessed dues will be recognized by the club. Esther also requested in-put
as to what to do about members who do not pay their dues on time and, in many cases, do not pay even after several mail and phone
requests. It was agreed that she should follow the By-laws [Article I, section 4, paragraph b)] on this matter. A discussion took place
on how to tighten security with our NewfWaves and other information on club members appearing on the internet. The conclusion was
to check with Larry Anderson to see what measures can be taken to protect our club and our members.
Newf Waves: No report.
Rescue Jen reported that she has received several applications for a dog. At this time we only have Charlie and he is not ready for
placement. Rincon will be kept by Joan McAdam and $400.00 was sent to her for expenses incurred in Rincon’s adoption process. Jen
is looking for a replacement for her job in Newf Rescue. She requested any suggestions the board could give. None were brought up.
Jen is always looking for foster homes to have when we are asked to rescue a dog. These homes are few and far between. Any help
with this was requested.
Working: Water Test is set for Sept. 28, 2008 and the application has gone in to the city of Coronado. Steve is waiting for their reply.
He has selected the judges. The rising airfares are of some concern when selecting judges.
Programs/Activities: Chris was not present and there was no report. The Newf Rescue Benefit is scheduled for August 24, 2008. More
details will be presented at the next board meeting.
Newf Boutique: Sherry reported that she gave Joe an assessment of the Boutique stock on hand. Sherry will also prepare some promotion
of our merchandise for presentation on the Web page and in the NewfWaves.
NCSD Web Site: No report. The board agreed we need to find a way to gain more control of the Web site to protect our members.
Historian: No report
Old and Unfinished Business
Joe reported that he is working on gathering information on the possible tax exempt status of the Newf Rescue. The application is
twenty-two pages long. He is unsure of the time line for completion of the process but he will continue to work on this and have more
information at the next board meeting.
VI. New Business
The incoming new board members were introduced to the board. They are CeCe Guyatt, President, Mary Milton, Member-at large and
Sherry Thomas, Secretary. Joe reported that the audit report is due at the July meeting and needs to be completed. Jen and Tim Craig
offered to complete the report. Steve Barkas asked if we wanted to once again offer a water fun hour after the Water Test in Sept. It
was decided that since it went so well last year that it would be offered again this year. JoAnn reported that the club had several items
donated by the Newfoundland Club of Northern California for the now defunct raffle at the Regional Show and suggested we either put
them up for auction at the Newf Benefit in August as individual items or put together a basket of items. It was decided to look at the
items and possibly do a little of both suggestions. Esther reported that Jennifer Vampola called her and offered to have a Newf event
at her house. This would be for dogs and people which would include access to the pool, cook-out and what ever activities could be
arranged. It was suggested that Esther contact Chris with this information and see what could be set up.
VII. Adjournment
The next board meeting was set for July 13, 2008 at 10 am at the home of the new President, CeCe Guyatt. The meeting was adjourned
by JoAnn at 11:45 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Sherry Thomas for Gina Anderson, secretary
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
June – July 2008
Puppies, Puppies, Puppies
Landseer Puppies due the first week of June 2008
Proud Parents:
Threepond’s Zambuka on the Rocks (Rocky)
Watchbear’s Dibs
(Shown below lounging in the pool)
For Information please call
CeCe Guyatt
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
We need raffle baskets for our
annual Newf rescue party.
Use the theme to create some
fun prizes. Your hometown
or the one you wish you had
can be a theme. The Bay
area with the Golden Gate
Bridge, Haight Ashbury and
Berkeley. Or San Diego with
coupons for fish tacos, a mansize rash guard, and sun tan
lotion. Or ideas from a fair
(notice the spelling of Faire):
funky fair food, games of skill,
agriculture (or gardening),
animal husbandry (or Newf
care), crafts of all kinds.
Please e-mail me with your
own contribution and name.
We will need the items by
August 14 to wrap them.
If you are not inspired, send
me a money contribution and
I will create a basket in your
name. Many thanks,
Gina Anderson
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
June – July 2008
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June – July 2008
Photo by Bill Kohler
We have a new champion! Mary Killian’s Marina earned her championship at the Silver State KC show on April 5-6, 2008.
Photo by Rich Bergman
Jackie Helland’s Willie won Best of Breed at Cabrillo.
Photo by Kit Rodwell
Jackie’s Zoey won Winners Bitch and BOS at Cabrillo.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Marina Earns Her Draft Dog Title
Mary Killian and her Marina passed the NCA
Draft Test held at O’Melveny Park in Granada
Hills, CA on March 30, 2008. Congratulations!
June 8, 2008 (Sunday)
Details on page 12
July 13, 2008 (Sunday)
10 a.m. at CeCe Guyatt’s Home
Photo by Andrew Patterson
Marina negotiates the tight passage.
July 27, 2008 (Sunday)
Fiesta Island
Details on page 13
Aug. 24, 2008 (Sunday)
Pam Morgan & Joyce Rowland’s home
Details on page 11
Sept. 28, 2008 (Sunday)
Glorietta Bay, Coronado
Details in next NewfWaves
Photo by Andrew Patterson
Marina crosses the bridge on the mile-long freight haul.
Members! Please be aware that the board of
directors has asked the membership chair
to adhere to the NCSD by-laws which state
that your membership will be automatically
terminated if your dues are not received
within 60 days after the due date of July 1.
This means if you have not renewed by Aug.
30, 2008, your name will be dropped from
the NewfWaves mailing list, the NCSD e-mail
distribution list and the NCSD Membership
Directory. The membership chairperson will
no longer send additional reminder notices
or “chase” you. It is up to you to respond
promptly to the renewal notice sent to you
in the mail in May. You may also send your
dues to the Treasurer (marked “Membership
Renewal”) if you misplace your renewal
notice. Any dues received after the Aug. 30
deadline will reinstate your membership,
but you will have lost club publications and
activity notices in the interim.
For 2008, dues remain the same, $25 for
single membership, $30 for families and $1
for junior membership (under age 18).
Photo by Andrew Patterson
Mary is proud of her young Marina.
Treasurer: Joe Wucherer
30667 Lilac Rd., Valley Center, CA 92082
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June – July 2008
NCSD Board Members
JoAnn Wucherer – President
Steve Barkas – Vice President
Joe Wucherer – Treasurer
Gina Anderson – Secretary
Chris Ferguson – Historian
Denise Jones – Member at large
Jen Craig – Member at large
Advertise In NewfWaves!
(760) 751-2302
(760) 749-9454
(760) 751-2302
(760) 942-0877
(760) 630-9383
(619) 504-6102
(760) 746-6513
Full page:
Half page:
Quarter page:
Business card:
$ 5
Make checks payable to Newfoundland Club of San Diego.
Rates subject to change and approval by NCSD Board.
The NCSD is not responsible for errors or quality of reproduction.
Send submissions and checks to Larry Anderson at 475 Orpheus Ave., Encinitas, CA 92024.
Gina Anderson, Editor 475 Orpheus Avenue
Encinitas, CA 92024 Ph: (760) 942-0877
NCSD Web Site: http://ncsd.biz
NCA Web Site: http://www.newfdogclub.org
NEWF Rescue: SanDiegoNewfRescue@gmail.com
Submissions for advertising, OH WOW! and other contributions for NewfWaves must be received by
the 15th of the month preceding publication (mailed 1st of each even-numbered month). Submissions
may be by mail or e-mail to the editor, who reserves the right to edit material for length, clarity,
content or accuracy. Publication is at the discretion of the editor. E-mail to ginander@pacbell.net.
You may also FAX it to (760) 632-2458, or mail to Larry Anderson at 475 Orpheus Ave, Encinitas,
CA 92024; larry@thedogpark.com. Previously published or non-member generated material
and all photos must include the author’s, publisher’s and photographer’s permission to reprint.
Our mission as the Newfoundland Club of San Diego is to protect and
celebrate the Newfoundland dog as a companion and working partner
through fun, fellowship, activities and education.
The color version of NewfWaves is now sent by e-mail and is also
available on the NCSD Web Site http://ncsd.biz. You need Adobe
Reader to view this portable document file (pdf). The Web Site provides
a link for you to download Reader. You can save the NewfWaves pdf
file to your hard disk for future reference. The Web Site will only
carry the most recent issues. Anyone wishing not to receive the pdf
by e-mail should reply with a message “don’t send” or equivalent.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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