1940 thru 1944 Council Minutes
1940 thru 1944 Council Minutes
M . I'5'U''T STHASBURG yg40 E S BOHBUGH to 1944 COUNCIL " MINUTES OF MEETING OF STRASBURG BOROUGH JANUARY The meeting The following COUNCIL HELD TUES13AY EVENING, 2~ 1940 called to order was by President lÃilton H, Ranck, present: were Burgess Frank B. Koch Water Superintendent Jacob H. Ranck Secretary John Milton Ranck and the following of Council! members Milton H, Ranck M. Huber He'ss Harold H. Messner Sherman W. Book %5.1liam T. Koch ' E o R ~ Murphy' Chas ~ M. Mi lie r Leon C ~ Hensel Sen. Frederick L. Ex-councilman The Minutes of the previous Homsher were read and approved, meeting of Chas. M. Miller, seconded. by Nm. T. Koch, the Secretary was directed to issue a voucher to the R ~ D. Wood Company in the sum of $1.21 to correct Voucher No. 405, dated December 4, 1959~ . On. motion 1 ' Jacob" WATER', DEPARTMENT ) H. at the reservoir and that -the water was h he has (been Mater Superintendent. Thad Mr. Murphy the repair Street, overflow it since of leaks at Rineer property and the ' Street, on North Jackson than he has seen 3.ower 'reported 3. property 'on East Main Brackbi'll's filed; that He little reported '~Ranck, , Nater Superintendent, ( & ~ rep'orted that the Denlinger lease had been received R. C. Eppley, Assistant Enginner, Departon a personal'inspectment of Health of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and he had conducted. I ion of our Borough springs . from the springs ~ A property letter sent and that Mr ~ Eppley to Mr. Mr Eppley had taken samples 'I by Murphy showed, that the water was safe for J, E. human consumption, for' Goodell's water analysis December was received and filed. The directed to have emergency permit cards issued of Jacob H. Ranck, Lancaster Avenue, and Chas. M. Miller, of Secretary was t~. in the names %KAQ~ K The that Secretary reported all year 1936 had been paid with the exception of the against which a lien water accounts delinquent for the Conard property M. Annie entered. was STREET DEPARTMENT Mr, Messner excavation by the Fire reported Company for a sidewalk in front of their property on North Decatur Street; patching on North 'Decatur. Street, Franklin Str eet, South Decatur Street;- and the cleaning of inlets. RELIEF COMMITTEE: No report LIGHT COMMITTEE: No report. ~ TREASURER'S behalf of On W. J. Weaver, Report as of January Treasurer's Balance from last REPORT f ollowing the Secretary made the 2, 1940: 5~022, 23 month ' Received since 249 50 $ 5~2'Il, V3 1 083, 69 Paid out f Balance on hand: motion of Sherman W, Book, seconded, by On passed. , the Treasurer's The and rentals payment: E. R, Murphy to Council the following and duly filed, bills, salaries Report was received and ordered. to be Secretary presented for 4~188~04 Harry Coyle, labor-Water Department 1 70 Miller~ labor-Water Depart'ds nt; John Milton Ranck, monies advanced for recording Denlinge'r lease, filing tax revival suggestions, telephone calls, pos tage, etc ~ I ~ 0 ~ OoF ~ Hall Association, room rent. for council room from 1/1/39 to 12/31/39 Lancaster Vallte Company, street dressing - 13,00 tt tt tt tt Chas ~ 4, 50 M, , 15 ~ 9B 35 ~ 00 - 8 14 Balr, police duty Jacob H. Ranck, labor-Water Harry F, Work, labor-Water 2lo 14 10o00 Thomas Dept, rtment Department J~ H ~ Long Hdw. Co ~ Supplies. -Water Department John G, Homsher Est ~, printing durlng 1939 Pennsylvania Power & Light lighting B. F. Koch 8c Sons, Supplies-Street Depertment B ~ F, Koch h Sons, Supplies-Water Department Chas, S. Aulthouse, Labor-Street Department Samuel W, Bleecher, police duty, Sept ~ Oct Nov, 8c Dec, E, RE Murphyts garage - Supplies, Street Department Herr & Co, , Supplies-Water Department 6 ~ 75 6 40 ' 1~ 36 40o2 5 73 ~ 12 Co„street ~ 77 14 o20 13~ 95 45 00 4 79 99o27 35o00 ' ' Salary-Health Officer W; S+ Tlnney, Salary -, Secretary' of Health 0, Ei Rice, Salary-High Cons table Jacob H Ranck, Salary-Water Rent Collector J'i Weaver, Salary - Treasurer Chas', S ~ Aulthouse, 65i00 25o 00 100 o00 35o00 100o00 25o00 2, 00 2, 00 , John Milton Rane k, Salary-Secretary John Milton Ranck, Salary-Solicitor Isaac L. Ressler, rent for hose house site Annie Rlneer, rent for hose house slte '0 ' 0.F. Hall Assoc. , rent for hose house site I. 2 +00 I On motion of passed, and unanimously Hess, .seconded by Chas M. Huber lt was ordered that the above I On motlon and "duly passed, of Leon C~ of the transfer . seconded Hensel, within funds passed. BUSINESS William T, Koch was appolnted of organization The bills be pald. by Harold H. Messner by William T ~ Koch , Council adjourned NEW purpose Miller M. the Budget from one fund to another where necessary was authorized, On motlon of Sherman W. Book, seconded and duly ~ following President Vice-President - for the pear nomlnatlons CD Kaufman I 1940 Temporary Chairman for the 1940. for offices were Milton H. Ranck H. - made, duly seconded, - John Milton Ranck Treasurer - W. J. 'Weaver' - Jacob H. Water Superintendent Secretary I Ranck of Board of HealthWater Rent Collector- - 'Jacob" H, Ranck, , Member So.lici On it was tor - John Milton Ranck motion resolved of Harold H. Messner-, that the nominations " seconded. be: closed, by -M' ~ Huber Hess. , , 0 of Leon C ~ Hensel, seconded by Chas. M. Miller and duly passed, the:Secretary was directed: to cast a ballot for each of :On motion the above nominees, been done, they were declared and the same having to be duly elected to office for the year 1940.— 7 Milton H. Ranck having been reelected as President af Borough I Council, « took the chair, and. made the following for the. -year 1940: I Street Commi. t tee: Light Committee: Re lie f C ommi t tee: H C ~ Kaufman Wi 11'iam T, Koch Harold H. Messner M. Huber Hess Sherman WE Book Chas. N. Miller* William T. Koch Chas. M. Miller Harold H. Nessner p Water Committee: E. RE Murphy M. Huber Hess Chas ~ N. Miller Le.on C ~ Hense1 Budget Committee: H. C. Kaufman Har o ld H. Mes s ne r, Leon C ~ Hens el Shade Tree Committee:Harold: H. Mes sner N. Huber Hess William T ~ Koch Committee Safety: on Publ H. C ~ Kaufman Leon C ~ Hensel Committee appointments Burgess Frank B', Koch swore in the f'ollewing men who were elected to 'Borough Council for the ensuing four years: Sherman Wi.. Book, Harold. H. Nessner, Chas ~ M. Leon Mi;lier, and E ~ Hensel~ C ~ R ~ Murphy. Secretary read to Council a communication from the Strasburg Fire Company No. l requesting appropriation for the year 1940 of The $2OO. OO. On it motion of Sherman W. Book, seconded by ED RE Murphy, and duly resolved that Council ad')ourn to meet on Friday, January 12, 1940 at /:30 o' clock P. M. , at which time a proposed Borough Budget passed, was for the year 1940 should be presented other matter considered regular by the Budget Comm1ttee, by Council which might be considered and any at any meeting. Respectfully submitted, ec e ary MINUTES OF MEETING OF STRASBURG BOROUGH to Adjournment Pursuant meeting, 12 COUNCIL HELD JANUARY of the January Resolution Borough Council convened. on- Fr iday evening, 1940 2, 1940 January 12, 1940 at 7:30 o'clock, The and the following f ollowing present: were members Secretary, John Mi. lton Ranch, of Council; M. Huber Hess Harold H. Messner William T ~ Koch E, R. Murphy Chas. M. M111er Leon C Hensel The readi. ng of the Minutes of the prev1ous meeting was dispensed with. In the absence of the President and Vice-President E.: R. Murphy assumed the Chair, Pursuant to Resolution of January 2, 1840 meeting Harold H. Messner, of the Budget Commi. ttee, submitted to Council the proposed Budget for the year 1940 ' a of 'M. Huber Hess, seconded by William T ~ Koch and duly passed, , it was resolved that Borough Council received, the proposed Budget and the Secretary be directed to advertise to the Electors of Strasburg Borough that the proposed Budget was open for public inspection at the re-On motion sidence of Harold tM Bg. dget ~ssed, the in the sum passed, Yuninger ~. Committee, East Main Street, Strasburg~ daily for fif teen days ~ Messner, member of of Chas. N. Miller, seconded by William T, Koch and duly Secretary was directed to see to the bond of the Borough Treasurer of $5000, 00 and the Water Collector in the sum of $2000, 00 ~ On motion On motion of Harold H. Nessner, the Water Committee was seeonded by Leon C. Hensel and duly directed t;o with the view of purchasing make arrangement;s his land, adjoining Original authorizati. on for the purchase Minutes Pa, , a of the January 4, 1939 meeting, the Borough springs, of this land contained stated with Jacob on page 5b of in the the Minute Book Mr, Messner brought to Councilrs attention pole tax for the year 1939 agains t the Pennsylvania the assessment Power and Light Company and the Postal Telegraph have the poles . send of these whe M~ ~ counted Miller was dir ected to in order that we may ~ to Counc11's attention brought Mr. Messner and Chas Company, two Companies bill therefor them a l07 ther or not the Borough lot on North Jackson Street had croached. upon by a building erected on the of been en- the question Ulrich property of William T, Koch, . seconded by M. Huber Hess and duly passed, it was resolved that J. E. Rohrer check the boundaries o f the Borough lot in order to determine whether or not the Ulrich buildOn ing encroached The up .w1th motion thereon. Chair appointed Strasburg Fire the- view to determine whe No ~ l the na tter of ther or not the Fire for periodically sponsibility Borough hos Company Chas. M. Miller a Committee inspecting and, the Borough hose with Company keeping of one to take would assume re- in repair said e, to the attention of Council the unsightly condition of certain sidewalks in the= Borough limits. Mr. Messner and dangerous On brought motion duly made, seconded and passed, Respectfully submitted, Sec the meeting adjourned. MEETING OF STRASBURG BOROUGH COUNCIL The meeting The f ollowing was HELD FEBRUARY 5~ 1940 called to order by Milton H. Ranck, President. present: were Burgess Frank B, Koch Jacob H. Ranck Water Superintendent Secretary John Milton Ranck and the following of Council: members Milton H, Ranck H. C . Kaufman M. Huber Hess Harold H. Messner E. R. Chas. Leon The Minutes The passed, imously bonded through ~ Hensel of the previous of + ~ meeting were read and approved. to Council the bids which he had re- Secretary reported ceived for bonding and on motion C Murphy M. Miller the Borough Treasurer and the Water Rent seconded by Leon C. Hensel and unan- R ~ Murphy, the Secretary was directed John E ~ Homsher, at a WATER to have these two overflow DEPARTMENT a great deal during at the reservoir; officials total cost of $57 ~ 00, Jacob H. Ranck, Water Superintendent, have not increased Collector, that a leak repor ted the last month; and break at tha. t the springs that there is the Ben Yuninger some pro- that a leak at the J. M. Hagans property has been repaired; that there has been a break of the 4" main on South Fulton Street, and that a leak at the John Minnich property is yet to be repaired. The Secretary turned over to Mr. Murphy of the Water Department, perty has been repaired; a report of the Strasburg the Depa rtment conditions Borough water of Health a t Harrisburg, the Department system which he- had received. from said repor t s tating under what of- Health would approve our Borough water system, direc ted to repast thereon at the next meeting- o f Council ~ Harold H. Messner, reported to„Council with reference to a special reserve fund for depreciation and for the water s ystem which was Mr. Murphy was discussed by the Budget Committee, of. a reservoir future one. relative thereto It attempt the erection in the of Internal from the De~rtment Affairs ~ of opinion of Council that we should such a special reserve fund within the next year ~ the consensus was to set toward seven times the size of our present approximately read a communication He looking up STREET COMMITTEE H. weather, Kaufman C~ reported breaks in the no bad tea t despite street surface the severity of the had as yet come to his at ten tion. LIGHT COMMITTEE M. Huber lights that during the last Hess reported have been out for one hour. Chas. Miller made M. month partial report concerning a the the of pcs tal Telegraph poles and Pennsylvania Power + Light poles within the Borough. He s tated. that he would present a complete report number at t he next me e ti ng. RELIEF COMMITTEE Burgess Frank B ~ Koch reported of coal for Laura rre eting of January of three bags sister. that pursuan Secretary reported The at the Bowman's the purchase 12, 1940, t to Resolution made had been placed an advertisement electors of the proposed. Strasburg Borough Budget being on file at the home of Harold &. Messner, a member of the Budget; "ommit tee, for a period of fifteen days ~ in the Strasburg On Borough Budget by vote Xeekly News, advising motion of H. C ~ KauDnan, the seconded by M. Huber for the year 1940, in the form required of six ayes . and no nays, and Hess, the by law, was adopted that in connection with the adoption of the Budget and as part thereof the appropriation resolution containin for the year 1940 was duly the anticipated receipts and appropriations g adopted, of Chas. motion On the Ordinance duly passed, M. Mille levying r, s ec onde d by Leon "C tax for the year 1940 the the salary of Borough Officers was adopted, by vote of behalf of On J. Weaver, W~ Treasurer~ s Report as of February Bala nc e f r om las t . Hensel Secretary the six and and fixing ayes and no nays. the following made 5, 1943; 3, 421, 65 month Received. since 249~99 3, 6"/1, 64 motion of M. Huber Hess, seconded by Harold H. Messner On the Treasurer's duly passed, report was ordered to be received. and and f iled. Secretary advised Council that he had directed J. E ~ Goodell's office to regularly forward a copy of our water analysis to the Department The of Health at Harrisburg, Secretary presented The bills for to Council the following 1t J ~ E~ Herr 8c 1I 1I Oct. Nov, 8c Goodell, Water Analysis, Co. , materials for Water Department, Ida B, Eby, tax commissions duly passed, Ob Motion it was the meeting ~ 1939 $28, 59 1 ~ 95 1,60 21 F 00 30,5 4 7 F 02 of Harold H. Messner, seconded by M. Huber Hess, and ordered that the above 'bills be paid. There being passed, Dec payment: 18 ~ 65 73 ~ 13 16 ~ 10 18,22 Jacob H. Ranck, Labor-Water Department Power & Light Co, , Street Lighting Pennsylvania Department Labor-Water Harry Coyle, Chas ~ M. Miller Harry Work, i. no further business on motion duly made, adjourned. Res pec tfully submit ted, Seep e a seconded and MINUTES OF MEETING The meeting The OF STRASBURG BOROUGH COUNCIL called to order by Milton was 4~ 1940 HELD MARCH President, H, Ranok, were present: following 1 Burgess Prank B. Koch. Water Superintendent Jacob Secretary John Milton Ranek and the following Ranck H of Council: members Milton H, Ranck . C Kaufman M. Huber Hess H, Harold H. Messner William T, Koch Chas ~ Miller M. Former Councilman of the previous The Minutes Fred L, Homsher meeting were read and approved, WATER DEPARTILENT Il Jacob H. Ranck, Water Superintendent, at the Reservoir Street, Secretary presented The ordered of service at and. renewal reported plenty of overflow John Minney J. E, Goodell~s property on water analysis Miller which was f iledy STREET COMMITTEE H, C~ fi.re hydrants Kaufman reported and that patching had dug up the street to make that snow had been had been done where shoveled away from the the water department repairs, LIGHT COMMITTEE M, Huber lights Hess reported were out from that on the night of February 8th street 8;00 to 10:00 P.M. RELIEF COMMITTEE Burgess Frank B ~ Koch rep'orted' for Mrs' Moore, the purchase of 400 lbs ~ of coal behalf of On Treasurer's Report as %~ of J, %saver the Secretary gave the following March 4, 1940! Balance from last month error Correcting . '3, 671i64 $3, 666.64 5~00 Received since 140 48 $3, 8O7. 12 last Paid out 186 86 month ' $3, 62O. 86 Secretary presented The to Council the folio@ring bills for Power 8c Light Company, s'txeet lighting Stauffer, thaw'ing pipes-Rater Department Coyle, Labor-Street Department Pennsylvania J. L , Harry Isaac Sweigart, Labor-Street Department Harry F ~ Work, Labor-Street Depax tment Chas ~ Harry Chas ~ Harx y Aulthouse, Labor-Streeat . Coyle, Labor-NaterDepartment S Miller, Labor-Na ter Department M. 5~k, Labor-Nater E. Fran L Homsher, Coll ec tor bonding John M, Momshsr, 8c $73, 12 15M, OO 5 20 2, 80 2, 80 13005 7, 20 8, 76 ' 7+20 Department Ide B. Eby, Tax Commissions Jehn Department nt: payne ~VS borough Treasurex coal for Mrs, and %@ter Rent Moors 60 00 (Rsllsf) of Harold H. Mesiner, seeonded by Nm T. Koch, it was ordered, that the above bills be paid. ' On motion of Chas. ~ M. Miller, seconded by H C, Kaufman. and duly passed, it was ordered that a voucher in the sum of $184, 50 be issued, payable to theFirst National Bank of Strasburg, being six months interest at 3$ on of $12,300, 00 ~ Borough indebtedness to Council with Senator Homsher made certain recommendations On motion. relation to the Relief and Sinking Funds, i, t eras On motion of Hax'old H, Messner, 'seeonded by H. C, Kaufman, resolved that the Treasurer be instructed to make the following transfers: 1~ Transfer from the Sinking Fund account $200, 00 princ ipal and $4, 00 $n ter es t to the Relief Fund Savings Account. Close out Sinking Found Account by transferring $384g34 to General Account ~ 8~ ' 3~ Transfer $83 ~ 85 of Relief Fund Income in General Account to Relief Fund Savings Accounts 4~ Withdraw from the Relief Fund Savings Account $145,89 for purpose of opening Relief Fund checking account, There followed Jacob Minney land. was again CD ad)oining directed to On Leon , make relative to the purchase of the the Borough Springs~ arrangements- CD Kaufman motion duly made, were appointed of this land. Harold H. Messner, a Finance Committee, seconded and passed, Respectfully and the Water Department f' or the purchase motion drily:=made, :-seconded-, -and passed, Hensel and H. On a discussion submitted, the meeting ad)ourned, AUDI TORS'REPORT of FINANCES the OF STRASBURG BOROUGH For the Fiscal Year Ending January 8, 1940 RECEIPTS Cash Balance on Hand - January Water Rents Delinquent Taxes - 1930 lg3 1 1933 tt tl 1934 tt tf 1935 tt lf 1936 ft fl 1937 1938 of 1939 Duplicate ff Amount 4~491, 70 15,84 13,99 tt Abatements 9, 80 9, 44 10,30 63, 14 62, '70 145.70 $ 3, 630.01 93 ' 34 ions Unpaid balance Commiss Sale o f Wa ter Me ters Water Service Connections License Fees Wood 3, 454, 01 4, 1939 709~04 4'70 00 Sold. Sundry Income TOTAL RECEIPTS tra ti on Expens e s Borough Buildings & Offices Po" lib e Sa lar i es Fire Protection Board of Health, Salaries & Wages Cons true tion and Main tena ne e 5f S tree ts Street Lighting Military & Civic Contributions Interest on Borough Bonds State Tax on Borough Bonds Appropriation to retire 2 - $500 Bonds Maintenance of Water System, Labor & Supplies Insurance Ida B~ Eb j., commissions on tax collections - TOTAL' January 2, 1940 2~920ff97 10000 159+00 308+00 6 ' 65 52, 36 11~895,41 j. 299, 18 37, 75 230, 00 206, 00 Adminis CASH BALANCE 24 "/, 61 110,00 1~ /63, 10 8'77, 50 50 ~00 849, 75 cleaning water main E XPENDITURES; 18,40 10000,, 00 2, 865.68 62, 29 109,00 3 416, 65 11 895, 4 STRASBURG BOROUGH Keinbort's RELIEF FUND Legacy 4OO. OO J. M. Potters Legacy Bernarda Black - Elwood Kreider~s Strasburg 300iGO 911 22 ' Legacy Iegacy Senate Appropriation 300 F 00 60 ' 50 1 971 72 RELIEF FUND Firs t Mortgage Bank of Strasburg Milton, Mowrer First National INVESTMENTS - Savings Account 1 400 00 571' 72 1 971o72 RELIEF Cash Balance - January Interest Received FUND - INCOME ACCOUNT 4, 1939 310~ 82 55 ~ 72 366 ' 54 Expended for Relief ' 20 65 345 89 STRASBURG BOROUGH SINKING FUND Balance January 3, 1939 Interest Received .Borough Bonds 15 620 04 364, 29 p retired April 1, 1939 ~ 15 600 ~ 00 Balance TOTAL BOROUGH ' 384~34 INDEBTEDNESS - $12~300g00 The Sinking Fund Account in a Savings Account in The First National Bank should be closed by transferring $204 .to the Relief Fund and $384 ~ 34 to the General Account. There is no further occasion to have a Sinking Fund Account. After correcting an error of $5 F 00 in the Treasurer's General Account $83 ~ 25 should be transferred fr'5m tpe ";General Account to the Relief Account. I Samuel Herbert AD M. Vfeaver Foulke Frank K, Rohrer S tras burg, Pa, , March 18, 1940 Samuel 1Veaver, &erbert M. Foulke, at the Borough Council at .7:30. o'clock P. M. , for met Room on the evening the purpose and Frank K, Rohrer, of Tuesday, of auditing March the books Auditors, 12, 1846 of the Borough Treasurer, All accounts, certified etc , were found to be in proper order by the above Auditors ~ oroug ecre ary and were so MINUTES OF MEETING The meeting following were OF STRASBUR8 BOROUGH COUNCIL HELD. APRIL called to order present: by Milton was H~ li 1940 Ranck, President. The Burgess Frank B' Koch Water Superintendent Jacob H. Ranck Police Officers Bleecher and Bair Secretary John Milton Ranck and the following of Council: members Milton H Ranck H. C. Kaufman M. Huber Hess Wm. T ~ Koch Chas. Leon The Minutes Miller . .Hensel M. C of the previous meeting were read and approved, WATER DEPARTMENT Jacob was a H~ bit stronger; that construct; to house. the lime in)ecting apparatus connection had, been made at the .Rufus Singer the building ION was under reported that the water supply Ranck, Water Superintendent, that a new . property~ S TREET,DEPARTMENT feet of for a storm sewer was being laid on the East side of North Decatur Street; that a lot :of repair work had been done at the Borough lot; that a new bridge has been erected to take care of a broken culvert. He further. reported that Harry Coyle, while working. for the Street Department, had been involved in an H. C~ Kaufman reported accident, resulting LIGHT COMMITTEE: 125 in hip shoulder No 12". corrugated. pipe being broken in three places ~ .report RELIEF COMMITTEE: No. report PUBLIC SAFETY Officers Thomas Bair and Samuel Bleecher asked instructions from Council of as to the enforcement regulations. The matter of Public Sa'fety, The feeling of Council our Borough parking referred to the Committee seemed to be that after a. preliminary was warning; first offense, all on the ' violatioz. s should be fined. motion of William On T, Koch, seconded by N, Huber Hess and duly pass- ed, the issuance of Vouchers Nos, 454 and 455, both on March drawn 16, 1940, was approved, of Revenue, tax No. 454 Penna. Dept, No. 455 W~ J, Weaver, The ' Secretary presented commission en on Borough State to Council the following Samuel A, Weaver, auditing Borough books ft tt Herbert Foulke }I 1i 0 Frank K, Rohrer Ida B, Eaby, tax commissions Harry F ~ Work, Labor-Street Department Koch & Sons, material Street Department Koch & Sons, material-Water Depar tment First National Bank of Strasburg, safety deposit box rent Samuel W, Bleecher, police Hock Paint & Chemical Works, Inc, , traffic paint John Milton Ranck, filing Auditors t report Penna. Power & Light Co ~ , street lighting Jacob H. Ranck, labor-Water Department Chas ~ N. Miller, labor-Water Department Chas, N. Miller, labor-84&est Department Harry F ~ Work, Labor-Street Department C~s ~ ST Aulthouse, Labor-Street Department it was On motion ordered of $ 2~50 2~50 2~50 3,46 Bo40 2, 85 23, 90 2 ~ V5. 24, 00 22, 20 .50 V3~ 13 13 20 0, 40 3,60 12 o62 2V seconded. by Leon Ce Hensel, H. C. Kaufman, $ 1V 48 ~ 92 bills: F. B, F. B ~ On Bonds Tax 45 and duly passed, that the above bills be paid, behalf of W. report as of Apri 1 J. Weaver f, the Secretary gave the following Treasurer's 194/: Balance from las "Received since t month $ 3620.86 V96 39 $ 441V, 25 Paid out last month 398e V5 $ 4O18. 5O Members of Council had a general discussion on the subJect of the of constructing a sewer syst'e m in the Borough, and the Secretary was directed to obtain a rough estimate of the cost of the advisability Job~ if the same M. Huber could be done without Hess brought obligation to the attention of Council, a request of the to construct a lean-to on the Borough Springs for permission property, close to the Fichtner farm. Water Committee for their approach, 1, Boy Scouts On motion duly made, to the Borough, The matter was referred seconded and passed, Respec tfully , the Committee submit ted, Secre a to the ad)ourned. MINUTES The meeting The OF STRASBURG BOROUGH COUNCIL HELD MAY 6 OF MEETING called to order by was H ~ C. 1940 Vice-President, Kauf man, fo llowing were present: Burgess Frank B ~ Koch Water Superintendent. Jacob H. Ranck and the following members of Council: H. C. Kaufman M. Huber Hess Harold H. Messner Sherman W. Book William T. Koch E ~ R. Murphy Chas ~ M. Miller Leon C. Hensel of the previous The Minutes were read and approved. meeting WATER DEPARTMENT reported plenty of overflow, Weaver ( J, E. Rohrer) on E Main St. , Jacob H, Ranck, Water Superintend6nt, and renewals at the properties of J. W. of Miss Margaret McElhaire, South Decatur Street, and property of Jacob H. Ranck, Riller. .SCX'eet .. -. E. R. Murphy repor'ted satisfactory progress with the building to thereof. He reported house the lime injecting apparatu3. and the installation property . . that the State man had been here, had inspected location of the injector ~ The report of the Strasburg Borough Fire ence to the Borough motion of Leon it was C~ carts, hose, sheds, Hensel, directed that the seconded by "same be and hydrants E. as well as the the springs, R ~ Murphy Company was No, 1 with presented, and unanimously in the Minutes, incorporated. refer- and, on passed, which is incor- porated herein, STREET The Street Committee was COMMI TTEE directeCh to make of fixing a drain on the property of Clyde Weaver, lative to the 'Street Committee, a report No on the other reports cost re- LIGHT CO MMI TTEE that a light Burgess Frank B ~ Koch reported Street had been in succession and that three out five nights was on South Decatur new bulbs inserted. Relief Committee: motion On it report. No of Leon Hensel, CD seconded by First National E. .R. Murphy and duly of Strasburg, Pennsylvania be the official depository for Borough funds for the year 1940 ' M. Huber Hess, Acting Secretary, on behalf of W, J. Weaver, presented the Treasurer's Report as of Nay 6, 1940: passed, that the resolved was last Balance from Bank 4, 018,50 month 294 ' 73 Received since $ Paid out last 230 96 month $ The tate bills following Insurance Workmenr s 4, 313.23 4, 082 ' 27 to Council: were presented prem. on Workmen's Fund, 96496 Power 8c Light Company, Street Lighting Pennsylvania Lancaster Valite Company, Street Department Supplies No Edward ED RE C. Witmer, Murphy, labor Street Lancaster Valite and. materials, Department Company~ Street J ~ E. Rohrer, engineering work, BE Eaby, tax commissions Thomas ChaIs. supplies Department Bair, police N. Miller, labor-Street Street Department ~ ED On mo it was tion o f Chas. ordered and directed On M. 169,00— 5 ' 75 125 F 01 supplies 7 ' 20 26 ' 80 7 50 ' Department Goodell, water analysis for January, Harry F ~ Work, labor-Water Department Jacob HE Ranck, labor-Water Department supplies Herr, k Company, Water Department J $ 46 ~ 14 73, 12 38 ' 68 Water Department Harry F ~ Work, Labor-Street Depar'tment Charles ST Aulthouse, Labor-Street Department Ida~ policy ~ February, 1~ 08 8c March 1~ 76 Miller, seconded by William that the above bills be paid motion of William T~ 38o00 13' 95 21,00 12 F 00 21 ' 72 T~ Koch, ~ Koch, seconded by Harold H. Messner, and duly passed, in the Vouchers services it sum was that Strasburg resolved of $50, 00. to Ila Kline, for issue a Memorial Day ~ Chas. M. Miller reported the death of Harry Coyle on April 10, 1940 from injuries received while working Decatur borough on a bridge on South Street. On motion duly made, seconded and passed, the meeting mourned. Respectfully submitted, ag M. ber Hess, Act ng Secretary, ad- REPORT OF STRASBURG FIRE COMPANY NO ~ 1 Strasburg, Pa ~ May 2, 1940 Str'asburg Borough Str'asburg, Pa, C ouncil it, At the March meeting of the Strasburg Fire Co No 1 by the Borough Council, that the Fire Company testing of hose and recommendations of the Boroughs Fire fighting equipment. it was requested make inspection We the Committee inspected Hose Houses, and find the following First Ward. House of the Strasburg Fire Co No 1 have tested all 2-1/2" Hose at Hydra nt pressure All 2,-1/2" Hose stood up under same, Types' and equi ment There is 200~ Weather Boarding off at present. of 2-1/2" Hose on the Cart at present. One 2-1/2" Nozzle, Two Roof leaking, Spanner Wrenches pi;n Second Ward Hose House and equi ment At present Roof Leaking. One 2-1/2" Nozzle one, Rocker Spanner Wrench. Cart. there is 300~ of 2-1/2" Hose on the Two Spanner Wrenches, pin type and Third Ward Hose Hojise and Equi ment loose on doors at present there is 230~ of 2-3./2" Hose on the Cart, One 2-1/2" Nozzle. One Hydrant Wrench. , Two Spanner Hinges types'~ pin type Wrencnes The Rec ommenda 1 tions are as Placing a Fire Hydrant type only. That all Coupling That all new present Fire Hydrants 4 That all New Extensions above in sizes 5 That 6 7, all present 2-1/2" hers . at Center and replacement each Six Months was f o llows Square Steamer of Fire Hydrants be Coupling of a Steamer be opened and closed, once of water Mains Hose Couplings be of Six inches or be replaced with new That the Second Ward Hose House Doors be made to open end of House, That all Hose Carts have Straps attached. Nozzles and wrenches ~ at to carts to carry 8 9 $0 all That all Tha t all That Two Hose Carts carry same Hose Houses Hos e -Car to each Cart. amount of 2-1/2" hose. be repaired. ts be equipped with Rocker Spanner of the S tras burg Fir e Wre nches Committee S. Aulthogse ]Palter F. Book Chas-. . Frank W. Herr C o No 1 MINUTES 01P MEETING The meetihg was OF STRASBURG BOROUGH can. ed to ordex by Sherman %' 1940 HEED JUNE 5~ COUNCIK Book, ~ The fbllowing were present; Rater Superintendent Jacob H, Ranek Secretary John Milton Ranck. and Craxe fbllowing of Council: members .M, Huber Hess -Harold H. Messner Sherman Ni. 111am N, Book T, Koch E~ ~g Murphy M. Miller Chas. Geon The Minutes Jacob new Earl H+ Hensel of the previous meeting were xead Ranck~ Water Superintendent, taps installed property, Horn CD at the lime infecting Iva~ a renewal aC Ben Xuninger's E, reported RE Murphy rent in the sum of cleaned, his water $5OQQ, was which were put up during reported and property on that Bill louis, so rusty . Chat it eonneet1on new - owes delinquent who that after has complained, plenty of water; at the at B, Frank Rohrer's at Miller Street, house; east of the Borough; and approved, Che water . yipes were ruined;his, canned vegetables the tIme when the water was unusually rusty, finally compelled to get water elsewhere until the rust situation clearaed, Mr, Eouis indicated, that he would like a re bate on his delinquent water rent;Co compensate him fox' his loss ~ IC was made clear by Mr. Murphy that Mr, Louis~ watex is now free from rust and that he and that he put in was no complaint Borough Council~; duxing useable, Che asi5 Co do whatevex J~ . & ~ . , the Rater department tne time when he stated After a general diseussionafthe Nater Committee tamination through to take up the matter it mattex' wi rusty and not the Chair direc'Ced, th Mr, Eouis personally they though was Justified under Goodell~s water analys5s was- or the fox' May showed the circumstances' some, s11ght eon- in the old spring, -which he sijjgested might have'been e'aused from surface drainage his opinion, was fit cultivated from the soil~ but that the water, in for domestic use, S TREE T . DEPARTliENT Miller repair'ted of the following streets! East and Nest Main Street/ South Decatur Street, Franklin Stxeet, Fulten Street, North Jackson Stx'eet, and Miller Street as far Nest as Clyde Chas ~ M. the cleaning ' t further reported, that the gutter had, been, patched, at the Hagan~s property and the Fire Company. property on North Decatur Weavex's property, He Streets Harold HE Messner reported Myers in .front of his property to be much lovex' Chan on North Decatur street the it Department, Highway that the grade had been given to Stxeet and conversations Aftex it Hax'ry was found with the State that the only aid they will give us P AD labox' to make the gxade, was found vill their e'ffex't te obtain N+ Chas ~ M. pliller repoxted that burning torches have been nightly placed, in fx ont of the Harry Myers' property to protect any motorksts from driving into the ditch caused by the construction of the curb at a levex level than the stx'eet, which practice will be continued until be the street C to the property Eight Committee: No Relic f No On repox is leveled Commit behalf of tee: W, J f grade. report. report. Weaver, the Secretary presented. She Treasuxer's , as of June 5, 1940x Balance from last month Received since 4 4p082eSV 1 1 1 $ 5, 74'. 7a 658~71 Paid out $ S, lou. 07 On motion of Hess, the Txeasurer's seeonded. by Koch, and duly passed, x eport be received and filed, , it vas ordered that - bills The following 1 were presented to Council: Pewex' &, Light Co, street lighting Pennsylvania I'ancas ter Valite Company, street dressing-. ':Chas ~ M, . Miller, Labor-later Departaent Chas ~ M. Miller, Labor-Street Department Harry P Q Work, Eabo r-'S t re e t Deparrm ent Chas', S", Aulthouse, L'aber»'Stxeet Depaxrment - Defiefsney 1n May gan wages - . Co, , Water Department Supplies Howard G ~ Johnson, carpenter work on Lime 'Injecting House (Water Deparrment) Herr $ 73. 13 5 '% Qo37 57, 29 $ 66 ~ 37 g, gg 8c J. Weaver, dilinfeetants John Milton Ranck, highway occupancy-permit J. Keneagy, Coll, County Road Tax on W. C ~, 8c 'property in Paradise, Tonship Jacob 8, Ranck, Labor-Water Departns nt Harry Work, Labor-Water-Department Eandis Work, Eabor-Watex Department On motion duly passed, 1. t of Harold. H. Messner~ 69 ~ 72 10~50 35 ' 40 2 ' 25 6gOQ 7o69 18g39 4oQO 3~60. seconded by M. :Huber Hess, and directed that the above bills be paid furthex' business, on motion, the meeting ad)ourned, was ordex*ed and Thez'e being os (Water Dept+) Borough 43+40 Respectfully submitted~ MINUTES OF MEETING folowing called to order was. The meeting OF STRASBURG BOROUGH COUNCIL, HEED JULY by Mil. ton 1~ 1940 Ranck, Presid. H~ ent. The present: were I and the following Water Superintendent Jacob H ~ Ranck Secretary John Milton Ranck of Council: members Mi 1 ton H, H~ Ranck, C. Kauf man : , Hess M. Huber Harold H. Messner ED RE Murphy Chas Leon M. ~ C Miller Hensel of the previous The Minutes 4 meeting . were read and approved, WATER DEPARTMENT reported Jacob H. Ranck, Water Superintendent, that the reservoir the reservoir; renewed at the Frank hose house, J ED Secretary's The analysis Koch property. that two and two lengths at had been acquired. and. showed addressed- continued that the water be chlorinated in opera tion ~ The Water Superintendent automobiles on Miller Street; tha, t a Connection further that reported. had been placed new fire motion for the month of June, together with the to the Water Superintendent, fermentation, when suggestion is injecting apparatus a complaint by. Mr. to John Echternacht Johnson of East The H. Messner, seconded by M. Huber fi le, placed on with Mr. Goodell's our new lime reported was for hire in front of his residence. of Harold hose at the Massoit Hall at Main Hess, and. put the Street, Secretary directed to write John Echternacht and advise him that in the future wishes to continue this practice it will b6 necessary for hi'm to pay merical water rates ~ On that mowed; the Clyde Weaver hose house, garage on West Main Street relative washing He lengths Goodell's water analysis letter cleaned and the banks had been. at the Kitch property a leak was repaired plenty of water at was if he com- duly of the Water Committee passed, the Chairman to execute all necessary relative to the application for electric housing the lime injecting apparatus ~ S TREE T CQ MMI T TEE that the streets had been cleaned and that reported O had been done where patching and 'directed authorized papers service at the building H. C. Kaufman was the streets had been dug up, He stated. that the delay in„ fixing the grade on North Decatur Street had been caused by waiting for Mr. Worst, of the State Highway Department, to 'obtain. W, P, A, labor to complete the job, It appeared that the applic tion had been made and that the work would commence shortl'y, to. Council that milky water from Frank K, Rohrer~s milk plant was. being ejected in and upon Frank K, Rohrer~s farm and that the road. adjacent thereto, which is partially. , in StrasComplaint was made burg Borough, had in consequence thereof been made -impassable. upkeep.The Borough Solicitor was directed. to check the matter of the. road arith reference to take care of the obligation to the Borough's a .The Secretary to write J. M. Hagans and advise him of curb and sidewalk, along his property the East side o f North Decatur Street was commenced within thirty the construction that 'unless on instructed was days, the Borough would proceed to D' 1 -perty, specifications and grade charge by the Chairman do it and. charge same to his pro- to be furnished of the Str'eetCommittee to Mr. Hagans free of and the Borough Engineer ~ EIGHT COMMITTEE M. Huber Hess reported that the lights were off as a result of the' storm on June 50th. RELIEF COMMITTEE: On behalf of Treasurer's W .J No ~ reports Weaver, Report as of July l, the Secretary presented 1940) ~ the following Balance from last month Received, since $5105 ~ 07 232 ~ 92 $5337 ~ 99 346 ' 49 Paid, out $4991~ 50 On passed, motion of Harold H. Messner, it seconded by Leon C~ Hensel and duly that the Treasurer~ s repor t be received and filed, bills. were presented to Council; was ordered The following Pennsylvania Power 8c Light;-Company, street lighting . Ida B Eb:, ,. tax commissions, . June 3rd bill $ 4,'10 Ins B, Eby, tsx commissions, July 1st bill~ ~ '14 Herr 8c Co, water department; supplies Reading 'Fire Equipment Co ~, fire hose, . Water Dept, supplies Chas. S ~ Aulthouse, labor-Water Department Harry F. Work, labor-Water Department Pittsburgh Equitable Meter Co. , meters-Water Dept. supplies Jacob H Bros' Rane'k~ labor-Water Department Eandis Work, 'la~bor-Water I)epartment Chas. M. Miller~ labor-Street Department Chas. M. Mil'ler, labor-Water Department Harry F; Work, labor-Street Department labor'-Street Department Chas ~ ST Aulthouse, street . department supplies Messner , Garage Fred E:~ 8c John Murphy's On passed, — Valuate Co ~ - ED Water Department supplies Homsher, Water Department motion of H. it was C ~ Kaufman, supplies 176 F 00 20, 25 27+40 58,'05 21 ~ 50 4 ~ 80 24 07 33 ' 60 seconded by M. Huber Hess and duly ordered and dir ected. that the above There being no fur~ther ' 4 84 39'60 26,'40 39 15 1 y 73 14 ' 81 39,00 7, 67 7, 68 211 ~ 77 , street dressing Samuel W, Bleecher, police Murphy's Garage - Street Department suppl'les Lancaster $ 73;12 business, on motion, Respectfully bills be paid, the meeting submitted, adjourned. MINUTES OF MEETING The meeting The following were OF STRASBURG BOROUGH COUNCIE, HEED AUGUST called, to order by H. was f ollowing Harold H. Messner, ~ present: Burgess Frank B. Koch Water Superintendent Jacob H Secretary John Milton Ranck and the 1940 Vice-President Kaufman, C~ 5~ of Council: members William The Minutes H ~ E. R. T, Koch, of the previous Ranck C. Kaufman, Murphy, Hess, M. Huber and Chas M. ~ Mille r, meeting were. read and approved. WATER DEPARTMENT Jacob H~ Rane k, Water &uperi ntendent, leak fixed at Homsher's Ernest Breuninger, The warehouse; renewals repor ted plenty of over flow at properties J of' Ross Book and leak to be fixed. at the Frank Rohrer property, Secretary submitted J ~ ED Goodell's water analysis made on and a July 20, and July 29, 1940, showing slight contamingtion in. springs 6, '7, and 8 ~ ED J. ED for R. Murphy reported a meeting with State health officers and Goodell and their findings to the effect that our water was quite safe further stated that hasps and locks are being placed on all Borough springs' Chas. - M. Miller reported that the lime injecting apparatus was' flirst put into operation on July 24 and that the practice since that date human consumption, He k has been to operate sixteen pounds the injector daily from 9 lime to every one hundred AD gallons M. to '7 P, M. , injecting of water. STREET COMMITTEE Harold Messner in Harrisburg reported that Mr, Worst, of the State Highway Depart- to see him and that as yet he had received no answer as to the availability of W, P, A. labor for the grading ment, was- of North Decatur Street, when he stopped that the Clyde lVeaver water:. course is being taken care of and that tbe reoiling of Nolt's Hill on a 50-50 cos, H, reported Kaufman C~ basis with Strasburg care of in the near future. that he had by let;ter advised g. M ~ -Secretary" reported The be taken would Township fail side walk and curb along tbe west side of his property on North Decatur Street, on or before August 5, 1940, the Street Department would construct same and assess Hagans that in the event he should to construct costs against sai'd property. H. C". Kaufman stated that' he wf. ll "ask for bidS from three bidders for 'tbe concrete work in constructing the side walk and curb, . Harold H. Messner was authorized to again discuss of North Decatur Street. Mr. Kaufman reported that general repair work following excavating by the Street Department. Anna tbe widening Denlinger Light Committee: No report Relief No report Commit;tee: Shade Tree Committee: No Public Safety Committee: J, behalf of %. On with. Ross and Balance from las Received since t report the follow- the Secretary presented 5, 1940: Report as of August ing Treasurer~s report No Weaver, had been done 4~991 ' 50 81' 39 month 5~0V2 F 89 831 ' 44 Paid out $ 4, 241 ' 45 Balance on hand On motion of M. Huber Hess, seconded Report was ordered and duly passed, tbe Treaeurerls to be received and filed, 1 The Seer Pennsylvania Thomas Harry John AD Howard Ida Herr I BE Power Bai r, po lie e F. Work, 8c labor, lVater , supplies, the following Eight Co, , street lighting Coyle, electrical Johnson, carpenter Eby, tax commissions 8c Co ~ to Council etary presented DeparI;ment work, VIIzter Department work, Sister Department %tater Department bills: $ "/3 ' 13 28 F 50 9~00 65 ' 76 9 ' 90 6:N Jd J E, Goodell, water anal sis M Miller er, laabor, Water ~ Chas BE Koch & 30~06 Department Sons, Water Department 60i40 16 ~ 35 14 ' 55 Supplies Jac ob H ~ Ranck, Eabor, Water Department Chas ~ S ~ Au. 1 thous e labor or, Sttreet Department On motion it was of E.~ R ~ Murphy, seconded by Harold H M 32 F 85 essner and duly passed that the above bills be pa1d paid ~ The Solicitor was direct rected. to write Aaron Harnish, Witmer th year 1939, in the en f or the payment of delinquent water rent P ordered 'I demanding o ~, f $20, 00 on p operty at Iva, recently There being no further Respec business tfully Pa ~ l sum sold by him on moti. o on submit ted, t he meeting adjourned. JB4 MINUTES OF MEETING OF STRASBURG BOROUGH The meeting The following GOUNC called. to order was II 3, 1940 HEED SEPTEMBER by Milton President. Ranch, H~ present: were B. Burgess Frank Koch Eater Superintendent Jacob H. Ranck Secretary John Milton Ranck and the follovring of Counci. l. : members Milton H. Ranck M. Huber Hess Chas Miller Harold H, Messner William T. Koch ~ M, Leon C. Hensel of the previous: meeting were read The Minutes WATER a DEPARTMENT reported Superintendent The Water leak fixed at Frank Rohrer property; building; fire on the borough President The The and new Street; on Franklin water main were flushed. advised Superintendent was groundhog some at both places; tap at school that and all ~ that he the Water Superintendent notified by Mr, Goodell that there was a tree near Spring No ~ 6 and, that possibly caused thereby. a good overflow line renewed tap for Walter Hassel property hydrants and approved. had. been hole under the apple contamination might have been directed to take care of the situation. Chas~ M. Miller advised Council that the lime injecting apparatus satisfactorily, was working that the Water Department Harold H. Messner suggested doctors, undertakers, before turning were mumerous off the flow to complaints the water without It restaurant:"owners was warning reported. make routine as the result at and other to Council large users of water flushings of the linc' of" the Superintendent noon one day during notify There cutting off the past week, that" Aaron Harnish, of Witmer, Pa. , his delinquent has paid the, Water Superintendent water rent for the y'ear 1959, STREET DEPARTMENT William On o f the T~ that Nolt's Hill Koch reported behalf of H. C. Kaufman, had been the following he submitted: cost of piping drainage water across the property of on Miller resurfaced. e stimate Clyde Weaver Street: 56" corrugated 42 tl 7 bands 7 bands If pipe $ tt 5.00 42 5 F 00 40 (56" pipe) (42". pipe) Less 10/0 on all of the above items. Total length of pipe 124&, The total estimate on the tl ft ~ tl ea, tt large pipe is as follows: 421 ' 60 25 ' BO Pipe 7 bands Less per 445. 40 54 los% $... 400. a6 I that the total estimate, including labor, was $700, 00, provided that the dirt from the correction of the grade on North Decatur Street be available for fill. Harold H. Messner reported a conference with Worst of the State He reported Highway Department, in which he the project of the changing On duly passed, .a xeport is submitted advised that Harrisburg had approved of the grade on North Decatur Street, motion of M. Huber final action was Hess, seconded. by Harold H. Messner, on the Clyde Weaver pipe line was deferred and until to Council by the Engineer. Light Committee: No Relief Committee: No Shade Tree Committee: report report No report PUBLIC SAFETY' Secretary reported to C ouncil that there was a vacancy in the office of constable in the first ward and that he was preparing a The petition for the appointment; of John motion of Harold H. Messner, On duly passed, the Solici. tor was directed ough springs properties and to behalf of On W. plot. tbe -', J. Weaver to Ulmer seconded by Econ to make same C~ Hensel, and a deed search of tbe Bor- ~ the Secretary presented Balance from last month Received since the f ollowing 4~241 ~ 45 218 ' 47 $ Paid. out motion of Koch, seconded ordered, was Tbe by 4, 459. 92 375 ' 96 ' Balanc e on hand: report the vacancy, report as. of September 2, 1940: Treasurer's On fill 4 083 96 Miller, to be received and Secretary presented and duly the Treasurer~s passed, filed. bills: to Council the following O Power 8c Light Co. street lighting Pennsylvania Chas, M, Miller, labor-Water Department Herr 8c Co. Supplies-Water Depart;ment Harry F ~ Work, labor-Water Department; Jacob H. Ranck, labor-Water Department labor-Street Department Chas ~ ST Aulthouse, J, F ~ Robrer, survey establishing grade for Herr property Miller Street Lancaster Iron Works, Supplies-Water Department Chas. M. Miller, labor-Street Department Harry F ~ Work, labor-Street Department Lancaster Valf. te Co. — street; dressing (Nolt's Hill) Aldus Zittle, stone-Street Department Aldus Zit;tie, stone-Street Department Aldus Ida On o rdered Zittle, stone-Water BE Eby~ tax commissions motion of Miller, 73. 12 11' 70 10 ' 20 4 ~ 20' 12r70 45 ' 68 10~50 5 ' 50 2 ' 25 10 ' 80 80, 00 38 ' 92 10 ' 36 18 ' 85 Department; 5, 26 seconded by Hess, and duly passed, that the above bills be paid. Tbe Secretary was it was directed to send Ira J Book, Secretary of Supervisors of Strasburg Township a bill for Township~a one half share of the cost of resurfacing Nolt~s Hill ~ the '. On motion of Harold H. Messner, the followings passed, unanimously to tbe Firs t; Na 5/& tional interest Reduction on sums Bank of S tras seconded by William were appropriated T. Koch and for debt service burg:; 1, 1940 to indebtedness on fp12, 300 April principal Pi' OoC ~ 1, 1940 — $184 ~ 50 41000 00 B. Prank Koch, Burgess, brought to the attention of Council of picnics on the Borough springs property and it was ordered that until further notice, no one was to be permitted on the premises except residents of Strasburg Borough. It was also suggested that signs the matter be posted. advising Keys for the locks to be in the hands It the general of Jacob was HE suggested prior to their presentation A On meeting list public to keep out. be placed on Ranck, Chas ~ M. all Borough. springs Miller, and E, R. will Murphy, that all bills be approved by Committees to Councils of delinquent water rents was presented motion of Harold H. Messner, duly seco'nded. and passed, adjourned. Respectfully to Council, submitted, the MEETING OF STRASBURG BOROUGH OCTOBER 7~ 1940 called to order by Milton H. Ranck, Presifollowing were present: The meeting dents COUNCIL, HEED MONDAY, The was Burgess Frank B. Koch Jacob HE Ranck Water Superintendent Secretary John Milton Ranck and the following of Council: members Milton H, Ranck H. CD Kaufman M. Huber Sherman Hess W. Book Harold H. Messner E. R, Murphy Chas. M. Miller Econ CD Hensel 'I of the previous The Minutes meeti. ng were read and approved, , WATER DEPARTMENT repor ted that there was not Superintendent The Water overflow at the springs, but plenty at the reservoir; leak been fixed in Frank Rohrer's had, renewal at the Willis reported that he Herr property, had dug the hole with stone ~ He meadow; much that another that there had been a East of the Borough, He further for the ground hog near Spring No ~ 6 and. plugged stated that locks had been placed on the Borough Springs, Chas. apparatus He further M. that the motor Miller reported had been out of order for stated that the clock two days but on the lime injecting again functioning. on the lime is now injecting apparatus was out of order. The Secretary presented to Council Mr. Goodell's ana$ysis, a copy of which had been previously forwarded to the Water Committee ~ The report showed positive and contained, a suggestion by Mr. Goodell that the water be chlorinated. The properties Solicitor presented of Strasburg borough to Council his written in Paradise Township report showing and Strasburg Township XBB draf ts of all springs properties. advised Council that the making out and mailing together vrith composite President The of' Borough water now bills, in the hands of Senator Homsber, previously being placed 'in the bands of t'be Water . is tee. Commit STREET COMMITTEE H that he reported Kaufman C~ ~ had told Clyde Weaver, on Miller Street, that the limit of the Borough's obligation to put down a drain pipe for surface wat;er vrould be the laying of one hundred feet of pipe. motion of Chas. M. Miller, s econded by M. Huber Hess and -d. uly passed, tbe Street Commi. ttee was authorized to purchase one hundred feet of forty. -two inch, l2 gauge corrugated pipe, as per estimate contained in Minutes of Borough C ouncil of September 5, 1940, and to lay same on On the Clyde Weaver property. Mr Kaufman ~ that tbe Street Committee reported proceed with the job of regrading On E. R. Murphy, the Street Committee passed, services Street motion of Chas ~ M. Miller brought; sale to Dallas Hull of the Company's seconded. by Sherman tvro be authorized to the at;tention C~ Kaufman 'building Hagans' land on Nort;h Decatur Street H~ Street; W~ Book and duly directed to notify the W. p, A. that its in tbe changing of tbe grade on N. Decatur tbe Street Committee and that ready vras not be required wrDuld North "Decatur was further to do tbe job immediately. of Council the alleged lots north of the Fire ~ reported patching work throughout tbe Borough. The Secretary was directed to write Walter Hassel and advise that in laging the sidevralk in front of the last; property vrbich built on Franklin Street, be has made an error in the grade Eight Committee; No report, Relief Committee: No reports Committee on Public Safety: Shade Tree Committee: No report. No' report, be has him 140 behalf of On Treasurer's J. Weaver W. the Secretar y gave the following report as of October 7, 1940: Balance from last month $ Received. since 4, 083 ' 96 2 869 ~ 60 $ Paid out 6, 953.56 1 524 ~ 54" 5 429 F 02 On Culy passed, The motion of H. Kaufman, C the Treasurer's report Secretary presented seconded by Econ was C~ Hensel and. ordered to be received. and to Council the following. bills: Power- 8 Eight Co ~ s tree t light;ing Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Power & E.ignt Co ~ elec ~ for lime inject ~ app, motors Jacob H ~ Ranck, Eabor-Water Department Harry F, Work, Eabor-Water Department W. Weaver, disinfectants John Milton Ranch, Borough springs properties report 8c draf ts C~ Keneagy, Tax Coll ~ School tax on Borough property in J. J. Paradise Townshi. p Miller, Eabor-Water Department E ~ R ~ Murphy'8 Garage, Stree t Department Supplies E. R ~ Murpby~s- Garage, Water Department Supplies Samuel Wo Bleeeher, police Kaneaster Ualite Company, street dressing Harry F ~ Work, Eabor-Street Department Chas ~ S. Aulthouse, Eabor-Street Department Chas. M. motion of Harold and duly passed, On it is motion ordered duly made, H. Messner, , $ 73 F 13 26 ~ '74 20+90 F 00 2 ' 25 50 F 00 15 ' 65 2 ' 45 20 ' 29 6 ~ 76 31 ~ 50 28 ~ 86 21 ~ 60 56 ~ 03 89, 99 Ida B, Eby, Tax commissions On filed. seconded by Sherman W, Book that the iibove bills be paid, seconded and passed, Respectfully submit the meeting ted, Seer et;ary adJourned. OF MEETING MINUTES The meeting The OF STRASBURG BOROUGH was COUNCII, HEED NOVEMBER called to order by Milton H. Ranck, 4, 1940 President. were present;: following Burgess Prank B. Koch Water Superintendent Jacob H. Ranck Secretary John Mi. 1 ton Ranck end the following members of Council: M. Huber Hess, Harold &. Messner, Chas. Miller. M, The Minutes Milton H. Ranck, Sherman of the previous W. DEPARTMENT The Water Superintendent reported tailed at the Chas. Miller reported M. off since Saturday, been. tunred M. Huber ter. bills. property and were read an'd approved. . that the springs were stronger; on North ~~an new Street; service ~ that the lime injecting apparatus 2nd, at; November 4„00 P. M. It had that appears of lime had been injected into the water. too 3~arge a quantity wa Mentzer C. Kaufman, of B. F. Benedict; that a leak had been fixed at the property had. been ins ~ Book, E ~ R. Murphy, meeting WATER H Hess report;ed. that the Water Committee is preparing the ' S TREET DEPARTMENT Secretary reported to Council telephone conversation had with Walter Hassel relative to incorrect grade of curb and sidewalk on Franklin The Street, in stated that which Mr. Hassel had have to be made at the oost of the borough if any change uvere made, of Strasburg. ported that as directed by Borough Council at the written Mr, Hassel, advising that he Street Department C. Kaufman stated that, he had not consulted H, him the Oc The it would Secretary re- tober "/th meeting, he had error in the grade and in laying the last stretch of sidewalk, had made an had just returned from New England that work had been temporarily halted in change of grade North Decatur Street. He stated that the work would continue immediately. and did not know on stated further He the Clyde Weaver property, tha. and t 13.8' corrugated had been lai~d in pi~pe that 18' thereof will be paid by Clyde that the gutter had been repaired along the Musser Herr property. Weaver; Light Committee: Relief Committee: Shade Tree Committee: Safety Committee: of On, behalf W. - No No No No J. Weaver, report;, report, reports repor t. the Secretary gave the following report as .of .November 4, 1940: Balance f rom las t mont;h Treasurer's 5, 429e02 Rec e i ved. s i nc e 201 ' 62 5, 630 ' 64 Paid out las t 450 ' 15 month 180 ' 49 5 motion of Harold H, Messner, On the Treasurer's duly passed, report Secretary presented The the following to Council, W ff fl Co. , street lighting Co. , power for lime injec ting apparatus 'l1 J ~ E. Goodell, ~ bills: Chas, M. Miller, labor-Water Depart ment S t;rasburg Railroad, Water Depar t;ment; Supp~pies Strasburg Railroad, freight-Stre t Department Jacob H ~ Ranck, labor, Water Department-, Harry F ~ Work, labor, Wat;er Department Harry K. Smi th, Vacate& Department Supplies Il Book and. ~ to be received and filed ordered was Power k Light Power 8c Light Pdnnsylvania Pennsylvania seconded by Sherman 'II 78, 12 $ 9 ~ 94 . 14 ~ 50 27 ~ 99 6', 02 15 ~ 05 5.20 7 ' 08 F 07 55 F 00 July, August 8c September 4 ~ 05 D. S. Warfel, Stre t Department supplies 74 19 Street Sup. Ready-Mixed Concrete Co. , ' Dept' fp J. water analysis, Discount F 00 lone ting propert y 1Tne-Nunc on pzopenty, and curb line along Harnish property g ~ Ronren, Lancaster Valite Co. , street .dept D, Hersh, labor-Street Warren Harnish, Wm ~ Isaac Sweigart, Chas Harry On passed, it; . S ~ Aul thous F. motion was ordered supplies Department tt e" Work, of ~ M. Huber n Hess, sec'onded by E. that the above bills be paid, R. Murphy 18.74 16 ~ 00 454 ' 43 16 F 00 14 ~ 60 47 ~ 60 80 ' 85 57 F 80 and duly Secretary The in order to determine property on. N. was directed to confer with the chicken house situated whetner Jackson Street encroacned partially Strasburg -Borough, and in the event the finding existed, to notify the encroachment writ ten s tatement The of was Hi:ghways, from the owner, on the Munson propert; of should be that the r of the property acknowledging or not they wished the snow from the main highways The owne on the Rohrer, ask for a arid the encroachment. Secretary presented to Council a lett er f rom the Department Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in which the Borough Council asked whether winter. J. ED Secretary was the State Highway Department the Borough during througn directed to write the Department to remove the coming of Highways, accepting their offer. The Company, Secretary also presented in which letter Bell Telephone they asked for. a bill for pole rent in the Borough of a from The S trasburg. There being and passed, the meeting no further business, on motion adjourned. Respectfully submitted, duly made, seconded C OF MEETING MIiNUTES The meeting Tbe following we OF S TRASBURG BOROUGH HEI D DECEMBER 2 CO'UNCIX 1940 called, to order by Milton H. Ranck, President was ~ re present;; Ranck, Wa ter superintendent John Milton Ranck, Secretary Jacob and the f ollowing ' H~ of Council: members M. Huber Hess, Harold H. . Nessner, and Leon C~ Ni'lton Sherman W~ H~ Ranck, President, Book, Chas. M, Miller~ Hensel, of the previous The Minutes WATER approved. COMMITTEE received and filed. , Goodell~s report The Water Superintendent; was wer e read and meeting reported tha t there was plenty of overflovr at both places; nevr meter put in at Earl Horn property, that the pipe was lowered. at tbe Harry Myers ' property, that the gate was lowered at tbe end of N. Decatur Street; that the stand pipe vras painted on the » , outhide, that the hose house in tbe rear of the Massasoit Hall had and J repaired. been M. Huber Hess reported that a large portion of Icon C~ Hensel tha t the water them had. been that 2, reported of keeping the Water Department s ending out of the bills, method Chas ~ N. Miller reported building -housing evening, He bad been sent out and "paid, R ~ Murphy records bad been di scussing vrl a nevr tb reference to tbe that the temperatur e in the inside of the the lime 1njec t;ing apparatus s tated further lime vras now being bills vras 40 0 Fahrenheit this that a three' to four per cent solution of injected, that in order to keep the pipes from freezing in the lime injecting apparatus building, an electric heater with a thermos tat set; at 40 would be installed. ' The possibility of N, Huber Hess advised Council . insulating the building discussed, was STREET COMMITTEE for rep'orting Harold H. Messner, H ~ C~ stated that the Kaufman, gutter had been completed; that Clyde Weaver had been billed for his share of the expense of the corrugated pipe laid on his property; that the John Harnish gutter had been completed; that the grading and reMusser Herr O Decatur Street had been completed; that the gut ter for storm water on the Borough lot~ South Jackson Street, had been cleaned, Council „was . advised that Walter Hassel had sold to Maurice Weaver, pairing on N. R. F, D. pl~ Strasburg, Pa. , the house and lot on North Franklin Street in front of ghich the sidewalk and curb had, been laid to improper grade& and that settlement Secretary therefor dir ec ted. to advise was not be made until April would the purchaser 1, 1941, The' that unless the sidewalk to proper:. .grade~ said work would be done by the Borough and cha rged to the property, and curb were changed a~dvisability The of issuing building t~ ]Light Committee: No repor Relief Committee: No report, permits discussed. by Council was ' SAFETY COMMITTEE ference to the a of Council with re- Chai man, asked instructions Harold H. Nessrer, of John Ulmer, Constable employment in the First Ward, as traf fic policeman. .On passed, motion of it resolved was. . Safety Committee M. Huber Hess, seconded by Chas, N. that the matter be Ni. left in the lier hands and duly of the ~ BUDGET COMMITTEE I Xeon C~ sub-divisions The Hensel advised Council of the expenditures of the Budget as of the Secretary was November directed to write to the under the various meeting. Chairmen of the various ~ advising Committees, which expenditures note On motion of Harold H. Messner, it 5ely passed, was behalf of Treasurer's W~ J, Fire fall properly would in and to to Councilo seconded. by M.. Huber Hess and. that a voucher in the resolved issued to the Strqsburg On presented. when of the Budget categories numbers their Departments by their bills on same of the them of $200, 00 be sum No, 1 ~ Company the Secretary gave the following Weaver report as of December 2, 1940, , Balance from last month $ 5 180,49 1 31'7 ~ 69 received since last Paid out ' 6 498 18 909 04 mont;h 5 589gX4 On of Sherman motion the Treasurer's duly passed, Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Power Power 8c & was to Council Eight Eight Bair, police duty, Thomas Book, seconded by Chas. report, Secretary presented The , W, ordered Miller and. to be received and the following Co ~, s treet lights Co, , power for lime ing apparatus 80 hrs ~ at 50$ hr, - M. bills: inject- $ 73 ~ 13 Ranck~ Eabor-Water Department Mille r, Labor-Wa ter Depa rtment Ida Be Eby, commissions - Nov, 1 $4 ~ 1/ 2 ~ 43 13ec. Jacob H Chas M. ~ ~ 2, oonnt, passed, On mot;1on it was motion duly passed, it to the Strasburg of Harold H. Messner, seconded. by I,eon C, Hensel ordered. that the above b'ills be paid ~ of Chas. M. Miller, seconded. t the 6 ' 64 40 ~ 00 20, 20 12 ~ 60 lancaster Iron Works, Inc ~, manhole-Stre~e75ept. supplies Heady ~"'ixed Concrete Co ~, Street Department Supplies $9, 87 M Die street clressing Kansas ter Verite Company Warren IeLzzi'ieg Eabor-Street Depar. tment William D, Hersh, Labor-Street Department Harry F ~ Work, ~abor-Street Department; Charles S ~ ~ul thous e, Eabo r-S treet De~ r tment Isaac Sweigart, &abor-Street Department Supervisors Strasburg Townsip, use of Township graders' Garage - Materials, Street Department Z ~ H, Murphy's On filed, by Haro ld H. Messner 6 ~ 60 F 00 9, 07 40, 00 19~ 80 25 ~ 60 41 ~ 60 55, 65 35 ' 80 2li00 2 3 ~ 33 and duly and, Council give permission lions Club to erect a Chr1stmas tree in Centre Square, was resolved tha E)orough Strasburg, Pa, Secretary reported The in which she acknowledged the receipt of a letter from Jennie RE Ulrich, that the chicken house adjacent to her property Stree. t, encorached on the Borough lot, The Secretary read to Council a communication from the Strasburg Pos t Mas ter in which the Bozo ugh wasrequested t o s ee to the numbering on South Jackson of the new houses on North Decatur, Fulton, Franklin, West Main Streets, and Lancaster Avenue. The matter the Street. Department a nd the Secretary" was Nor was th Jackson, and turned over to directed to acknowledge. . letter. Borough C~ of Council read a letter from the Iancaster County President The Association Hensel and duly Association the in the and on motion passed, sum it was of Harold resolved of $3. 00, in payment H. Messner, seconded by Leon that a voucher' be issued. to the of Strasburg Borough~s member ship fee, There being passed, no the meeting further business, on motion duly made, submit, ad. journed. Res pec t fully t ted, seconded. and 14S OF MEETING OF STRASBURG BOROUGH 'COUNCIL MINUTES The meeting following vrere called to order by present: H. was C ~ HELD JANUARY 6~ 1941~ Vice President, Kaufman, The Burgess Frank B ~ Koch Super in tende n t Jac ob H. Rane k Secretary r John Milton Ranck Na t;e r a nd tbe f ollowing Hess, Harold H. Mess ner, M. Huber' Mi, lier, of Council; members Leon C lVm. Milton T~ H~ Ranck, H. C. Kaufman~ Koch, E ~ R. Murphy, Chas. M. ' Hensel. ~ of the previous The Minutes meeting were read and approved, WATER COMMITTEE that he had received. a letter from the State in t be Borough Springs Depar tment of Health in regar d to the contamination and that be had written the Board, advising them that; the matter bad been. t;aken care of. E. reported R ~ Murphy J E. c o n taminat for the Goodell rs analysis ~ ion, vr as of December, month 1940, shovr'ing f i 1 ed, Jacob H, Ranck, IVa ter Superintendent, reported plenty of vrater at both places; that tbe meter had been taken out. Rt the Ross Denlinger :- perty, tested. , and found to be working properly. Chas. M. Miller reported that fifty pounds of lime for every three mechanism further reported gallons ioning that; the had been apparat;us M, hundred fu. net vras no of water, i ~ e ~, a 2/0 vras pro- being in)ected solution, and that the si~ days a week from 7:00 A. M, to 6;00 P, M. He ceiling of tbe building housing the lime injectirg insulated. Huber Hess reported - ~ that a n electric heater was novr in oper ation in said building, STREET Harold Stormfeldt H ~ Messner reported relative to the COMMI TTEE a conversation numbering which he bad bad with Mr. of houses in the City of Lancaster r that the matter is here in the hands of the. Post Master and was advised of numbering to the Street Committee. the houses The problem H. reported Kaufman CD Light Committee; On behalf of report as o f W. gutters No No No Relief Committee; Safety Committee: i. n the Borough inlets and had. of Strasburg was returned been cleaned. report report report J. Weaver, the Secretary gave the following 6, 1941: las t month Treasurer's January Balance from 5, 589 ~ 14 696 ' 66 Received since 6, 285 ' 80 last Paid out 640 ' 32 month 5 645 F 48 . On motion of Treasurer's The e T~ Wm, report Koch, seconded ordered was Secretary presented Pennsylvania Power 8: by M. Huber Hess, and duly passed, to be received filed. and to Council the following Eight Co ~, bills: street lighting for lime. inject. power H F. B F. B, Koch Koch ~ Hc 8c 73 ~ 12 12 ~ 12 appQ Sons, Water Department Supplies Sons, Street Depar tment Supplies Zittle, s t;one - Street Department Chas. S. Aulthouse, labor, Street Department Eancaster Valite dressing ~ , street W; J. Weaver -'disinfect;ants Samuel WE Bleecher, police duty - 53 hrs. at 50$ Thomas Bair, police duty, 12 hrs. at 50$ hrs John G Homsher Es tate, general printing Aldus 30, 25 9 ' 43 97, 71 3e15 5 ~ 71 Co ~ Fred printing ik John John Milton Ranck, postage 8c stationery labor Water Department 26 ~ 50 ~ for Board of Health . John E. Homsher, insulation-Water Milton Ranck, Tax revivals D, hr 2,'64 ~ , $18,'75 6 ~ 50 Departme~n e I, S. Tinney, Salary, Secretary Board. of Health Chas. S ~ Aulthouse, Salary Health Of ficer O~E —. R-i-ce, Salary — High ~ons table Jacob H ~ Ranck, Water Rent Collector W, J. Weaver, Treasurer' s Salary John Milton Ranck, Secretary. 's Salary John Milton Ranck, Solicitor's 'Ss. lary ' 6.00~ 25, 25 3;88 F 00 for 1940 Chas. M. Mi. lier, I da B, Eby, tax commissions — Jan. 3, 1949. Jacob H ~ Ranck, Labor, Wat;er Department J ~ 6 ~ Budding Co. , insulat ion - Water Department O. O, F. Hall Asoc, , room rent for council room 1/1/40-12/31/40 W. the 11'92 3o82 9 ' 45 10,20 F 40 35 F 00 65 ~ 00 35 ~ 00 25,00 100 F 00 35' 00 100,00 25 00 Isaac L ~ Ressler, hose house rent 2, 00 Annie Rineer, hose hous e rent 2;00 I ~ O. O, F, Hall Assoc. rent for hose house F 00 On motion of -H ~ C ~ Kaufman, seconded by Leon C, Hensel and duly passed, it was or der ed, tha t; the above bills be paid. On motion of Chas. M. Miller, seconded by Harold H, Messner and duly passed, it was ordered that a voucher in the sum of $25. 00 be issued to the Lions Club to help defray the cost of the Christmas Strasburg Centre Square On at; ~ seeonded motion duly made, and passed, -lN~n~lf NEW Leon tree C. Hensel appointed was Council adjourned. M lr BUSINESS "hairman Temporary for the purpose of or ga ni za ti on for the yea r 194ly The follewing for officewere made; and seconded; nominat;ions President Vice Pr esident Secratary Treaquder. - Mil to n Hi Ra nc k H. C. Kaufman John Milton Ranck W. J, Weaver Tax Collector — Ida. B. Eby - , - Jacob H ~ Ranck Water Superintendent Water. Ren t C o llec tor — Jacob H ~ Ra nek Soli c i t or — John Mi. 1 ton Ranck ., On motion of solved that; the On H ~ nomi. C~ Kaufman, nat;ions seconded be closed. motion of Harold H. Messner, by Harold H. Messner, it was re- . seconded by M. Huber Hess and duly passed, directed to east a ballot f or each of the above nominees, been done, they were declared to be, duly elected to the hand the same having office for 1941 the Secretary .Milton HE was Ranck having took -the chair and made been re-elected as President the following of Borough .Council~ Committee appointments for the year 1941;- Street Commit;tee: H. CD Kaufman 11 iam T. Koc h Harold H, Mes sner Wi . I,ight; Committee: M. Huber Hess She rman W, Book Chas. M. 'Miller Relief Committee; William Chas. T+ M. Koch Miller' Harold H. Messner Water Committee: RE Murphy M. Huber Hess Chas. M. Miller ED Econ Budget Committee: Shade Tree Committee; H C Hensel C~ ~ Kaufman Harold H. Messner E,eon C. Hen@el Harold H. Messner Hess M. Huber William Committee T ~ Koch on Public Sa f e ty; Harold H. Messner H~ C. ~ Kaufman Eson C, Hansel of H ~ C ~ Kaufman~ seconded by Harold H, Messner, the First 'National Bank. of Strasburg, Pa. , was designated as official depository of the Borough of Strasburg. On motion of E. R ~ Murphy, seeonded by Wm. T. Koch and duly passed, the transfer of monies between funds in the 1940 budget was authorized, On motion of E. R, Murphy, seeonded by Leon C ~ Hensel a nd duly passed, the bonding of the Borough Treasurer and Water Rent Collector in tbe same as in 1940, was authorized and the business to be placed wi th John q amounts E. Homsher. In tbe event t;hat it is determined that the tax collector / shoql~~d also be bonded. tbe writi'ng-o'f that bond should likewise be placed in tbe hands of John E. Homsher;:" On motion Secretary read a communication Fire Company under date of January 4, 1941 in which the Fire Company asked for an appropriation for tbe year 1941 in the sum of $200 ~ 00, listing anticipated, expenses for the year, and thanking Council for the appropriation of $200 ~ 00 made in the month of December, 1940 ' The . from Strasburg Harold H. Messner delinquent On. it was reported a conversation with Mr. Kitch relative water rent, motion resolved of HE CD Kaufman, seconded. by E:. that Council adjourn, RE Murphy to meet on Wednesday, and duly January passed, 15, 1941 o' clock p, m. , at which time the proposed, budget for the year 1941 be presented by the Budget Committee, and any ether matters considered, at to 8 Council Shich might be considered at any regular Respectfully meeting. submitted~ would by 453 MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Pursuant OF STRASBURG BORCUGH COUNCIL. . HEED JAN resolution to an adjournment ~ 15~ 1941 of the January 6, 1941 January 15~ 1941 at of Borough Council, Council convened on 8 orclock p. m. The following were present! Burgess Frank B. Koch, Secretary John Milton Ranck, and the follovring members of Council: meeting Milton H. Ranek, H. C. Kaufman, Wm. T, Koch, and Chas The ~ of M. Hess, Harold H. Messner, M. Huber Miller, of reading /the Minutes the previous meeting dispensed was with. Pursuant Kaufman, of the January for the year 1941~ On T, Koch and duly passed, by William 6th, 1941 meeting H, CD submit ted to Council a pro- of the Budget Committee, Chairman posed budget to resolution motion of M. Huber Hess, seconded it was resolved that Borough Council receive/ the proposed, budget and Chat the Secretary be directed to advise the electors of Strasburg Borough, by advertisement in the for public inspection at the residence of Harold H. Messner, East Main Street;, Strasburg Borough, a member of the Budget Committee, daily for fifteen Strasburg days Weekly News, Chat the proposed budget was open ~ discussion There was a general advisability possibility and of setting in Council relative up a to the special reserve fund for depreeiat;ion, H. Kaufman C ~ of Council permission requested to use Borough of his factory for use as a public also use of fire wood from Borough lot for building vrater and hose to flood land in rear skating pond~ fire near. and the skat1ng surface On motion of Chas, M. 'Miller, ' and duly passed, Borough water, Council's hose and permission fire wood ~ I . seeonded by Harold H. Messner was granted for the-use of the On motion duly made, seconded, and passed, adjourned' Respeo&'ully subnd. tted, the meeting MINUTES OF MEETING OF STRASBURB BOROUGH COUNCIL, HEED FEBRUARY called to order fo 1lewing were pres e nt: The meeting The by Milton was Ranck, HE 5, 1941 President. Burgess Frank BE Koch Water Super int ende nt Jac ob H. Rane k Secretary John Milton Ranck and the f ollowing member s Mil ton Hanck, H~ M. Huber Hess, T, Koch, E ~ R. Murphy. She rman W, Book, William of the january 6, 1941 meeting and the Minutes held January 15, :.1941 were read and approved. The Minutes of the Special of Council Me'Sting WATER COMMI'TTEE reported, ' tha Jacob H. Ranck, Water Superintendent, plenty of water at both places, and that Milton with Borough water be available Borough at his '. Mann wished 10$ West of the Borough, Such . to him provided he pays t there was te be served service will for the laying of the line from the limits, STREET COMMITTEE William regard T ~ Koch to water flowing reported a complaint over the sidewalk Kelsey Johnson garage on W. Main Kaufman p osition will take may up by Mr, Edwin Brown with and freezing It Street. was in front of the reported t hat H~ C, the matter with Mr. Johnson in order that some dis- be made of this car washing vrater. REK IEF COMMI TTEE Mr, Mur phy repor ted tha t he had ordered Homsher ~ s to s end one half ton pea coal to George Herr ' s family, Eight Committee: On No behalf of report, W~ J. Weaver Treasurer' s report as of February the Secretary gave the following 3, 1941: fr om Balance laa t month l) 5, 645 ~ 48 Recei ved sl nce 151~ 00 5, 796 ~ 48 Paid out last; month 797 ~ 55 4, 998 93 motion of E ~ On passed. , it ordered. that the . Treasu'rer was The seconded R ~ Murphy, s r by M. Huber Hess and duly report be rec'eived and f ilsId ~ bills; presented to Council the fo llewing Secretary ingg E, R ~ Murphy~ s Garage, Supplies -80i.eet Dept, Pennsylvania. Povrer 8c Eight Co. s treet; lighting Penna ylvania Povrer 8c Eight Co ~ power, Ida S ~ Eby, tax commissions John A. Coyle, elec trical vrork, lime in]ec t- 2 ' 45 73 ~ 13 , apparatus 11~ 09 3, 89 20/74 shed. 21 00 J E. Goodell - water analysis, Oct ~ Nov, & Dec ~ John E. Homsher, Water Rent Collector's bond - 10 ~ 00 ~ Treasurer'a Solicitor!s motion of' Xm. On passed, it vras T~ 50, 00 bond 5 bond. Koch, seconded Oo 65 F 00 Hess and duly by M. Huber that the above bi 1'ls be paid, ordered Secretary reported that pursuant to resolution made at the m ee ting Januar y 15, 1941, an adverti. s ement had been plac ed in the S trasburg Weekly News, advising the el ec tora that the proposed Borough Budge t The S f er the year 1941 on waa motion of the home for a period of of the Budget Commit;tee, On file at E. R. of Harold fif teen H. Mes sner, days ~ seconded by William Murphy, for the year 1941, in the form required five ayes and no nays, and. tha t in connec t;ion vri th Borough Budget by budget; and as part thereof the appropriation anticipated receipt;s On passed, resolution of Borough Officers, by levying and a tax authorizing vote of five ayes and T ~ Koch, for the the adoption containing by William was. duly of the the adopt;ed. T, Koch and duly year 1941 and fixing the salary the, bonding no nays the by law, was adopt;ed. for the year 1941 appropriations motion of M. Huber 'Hess, seconded the Ordinance was adopted and. a member ~ of certain Borough Officer There being no further seconded and passed the meeting Res pec business, on motion adjourned. t f ully submi t ted. , duly made, i5S MINUTES OF MEETING OF STRASBURG BOROUGH The meeting The was called to COUNCIL 3~ HEUD MARCH 1941 President or der by Milton H. Ranck, ~ were present; following Burgess Frank BE Koch Water Superintendent Jacob HE Ranck Secretary John Milton Ranck qnd the following members of Council: Milton H ~ Ranck, H. C, Kauffman, M. Huber Hess, Harold H. Mess ner, Wm. T ~ Koch, and E ~ R ~ Murphy . of the previous The Minutes meeting. were read, and a fter cor rection were approved, WATER COMMITTEE Ja-cob H reported Ranck, Water Superintendent, ~ tha t there was of water; that during the illness of Charles Miller he hs. d been tending to the lime injecting apparatus and sges'ted that a new strainer plenty for the apparatus be purchased. The Secretary presented J. E. Goodell~s water, analysis February 24, 1941 which showed no contamination whatsoever. sell poplar trees that the Water Committee reported ED RE Murphy on the borough lot at $12 ~ 00 per thousand contracted feet, to stump that Philip F ichtner will mark the trees. to be cut, measurement; further Mr. Murphy reported fur ther brought He Arthur Wenger to the and. -stated that he had been in communication bill with William Lewis about his water bill of had made and. that it will be paid' att ention of Council the disputed. water that a water meter will be ins tailed in front of the property and Mr. Wenger will be billed for past, present future service on the basis of the meter's findings ~ ard STREET COMMITTEE Mr. . Kauffman State cleared the snow stated that everything from the main Jacob H. Ranck reported fire plugs and fire houses ~ was in order an. d that the streets. that he had shoveled. snow away f rom the EIGHT COMMITTEE ~ RELIEF COMMITTEE: behalf of Gn Treasurer ~ s J. Weaver W. repor No report the Secretary gave the following repor t as of March 3, 1941: Balance from last month $4~998g93 120 45 s ince Received t No $5 119,38 197' 30 Paid out Balance on hand: On duly passed, 4 922 F 08 motion of it ordered was Har sec onded by old H. Messner Hess and M. Huber that the Treasurer 's repor t be received and filed, Secretary presented The Pennsylvania Power 8c to Council Light Co. , Thomas Hair, polic e duty Jacob H. Ranck, Water Dept. Ida 'B. Eby, tax commissions Qn motion of it was ED RE ordered The bills: treet lighting for lime app, $ 73 ' 12 14 ~ 12 15 F 00 11F 05 ~ 53 power - by labor 0 C. Kaufman and duly passed, that the above. bills be paid ~ Secretary was directed to write Walter Hassel that after investigation for unnecessary seconded Murphy, s the following him the Street Committee had found and advise that it to change the grade of the curb and sidewalk would him be in front of his property on Franklin Street. There was a general of purchasing certain land discussion ad jacent in Council as to' the to the Borough springs advisability property, t There being no fur ther business, seconded and passed, the meeting on motion being duly made, adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Secre tary l— 44, g~a Pa„ Strasburg, April Sp 1941 Herbert Samuel Vleaver, Auditors, wednesday, of auditing at M, Foulke and Frank K, Rohrer, of the Secretary on the evening of April 2, 1941 at 7:50 o'clock p ~ M. , for the purpose met the home', the books of the Borough Treasurer All accounts~ etc. , so certified. by the above Auc5. vrere found. tors ~ to be in proper order ~ Secretary and. U D I 0 T R S' of FINANCES R E P 0 R T the OF STRASBURG BOHGUU For the Fiscal &ear Ending January GH 6, 1941 RECEI PTS Cash Balance on Rater Rents, Hand Kiened Taxes Delinquent Taxes - It ft Amount 3~ 995 ~ 37 38 ' 79 80o02 130 o37 105+41 - 1936 1937 1938 1939 of 1940 Duplicates 1l 3, 416 ~ 65 2, 1940 January 152 ' 66 99 27 386 ' 49 Abatements Commissions Unpaid balance Sale of water meters 3, 718,29 634, 42 Se'rvice Connections 'License Fees Water Sale of Rood Transferred from Sinking Pump Rental Sundry Fund 224, 26 3p079 ~ 87 33 ' 20 150 F 00 323, 40 25, 00 384 F 54 3 ' 75 187 67 ' Income TOTAL RECEIPTS 178, 10 EXEENDtI" TURES 368, 31 Administration Expenses Borough Buildings and Offices Poli, ce Salaries Fire Protection Board of Health - Salaries Sages of Streets Construction Street Lighting Military and Civic Contributions & and Maintenance Interes t on Bor ough Bonds State Tax on Borough Bonds Appropriation. Maintenance to retire o f Nater - 2 Sys tern, Insurance Ida B ~ Eby, Commissions $500 Strasburg Borough Bonds Kabor, Material 8c Supplies on Tax Collections TOTAL EXPSÃDITURES CASH BAEANCE - January 6, 1941 43 ' V5 258 ' 50 200+00 100 F 00 65 073. 2, 877 ' 50 55, 00 369,00 18o40 lp000o00 1~790 24 46 ' 14 129,68 7~33' 17 847 ' 93 178, 10 STRASBURG BOROUGH RELIEF FUND Keinbort J. Bernarda M. Elwood ~ 400.00 300, 00 s Legacy Pott's Legacy Black legacy Kreider's Legacy Strasburg 911022 300i00 60s50 Senate Appropriation RELIEF Milton Mowrer First National - 1st Bank Mortgage Strasburg 8c 1 9Vl V2 1, 350 00 FUND INVESTMENTS - 621oV2 Savings Account C $ FUND " INCOME Cash Balance - January 2, 1940 I nte res t Rec ei ved - Milt on Mowrer Mor gag e RELIEF Interes t Received - First National t 1,9V1, V2 ACCOUNT 345, 89 Bank VO, OO of. Strasburg 11,59 42V~48 c' Expended ' for Relief 2 94 424. 54 Cash Balance STRASBURG BOROUGH SINKING FUND G Balance - January 2, 1940 Trans f er r ed to Gener~al Xccount March 6, 1940 "384,34 384~34 000+00 TOTAL BOROUGH INIEBTEDNESS We, the undersigned do 'hereby Tre'asurer, certify that Auditors we have examined (ll ~ 300 F00 for the Borough of Strasburg, of the Accounts for the Fi. seal ~ear ending January 6, 1941 same as'- above W. and J Weaver9 ~ we find the stated. Samuel Weaver A Frank K, Rohrer Herbert M. Pa. , Foulke 163 OF. MEETING MINUTES The mee The following ' ting were called to order was APRIK COUNCIL HEED MONDAY, OF STRASBUB9 BOROUGH by Milton H ~ '7~ 1941 President. Ranck, present: Water &uperintendent Jacob H ~ Ranck Burgess Frank BE Koch Secretary John Milton Ranck and the following M. Hube of C ouncil; members r Hess, Harold H. Mes sner, Wm. of the previous The Minutes Milton H ~ .Ranck, Koch, and Chas T~ meeting ~ Kauf man, H. C M. Miller, ~ were read and approved, WATER DEPARTMENT Jacob waiter at H~ base and the r eservoir; the receiving plenty of reported Ranck, Water Superintendent, that a renewal had. installed at the Annie Harnish property on Eancaster Avenue; that a new service was installed at the Walter Reinhart property on Weal Main Street; that the meter was changed at the Arthur Wenger probeen perty, being moved Chas ~ M. from the milk house The contaminatfon that a Miller reported chased for the lime infecting 0 new s trainer had been pur- appartus. Secretary presented for the past to the main house. J. E ~ Goodell's analfsis showing month. STREET DEPARTMENT H, 'C ~ Kaufman cleaned. and that an attempt gutters before Easter will be all inlets made to clean and mains nad been all streets and ~ LIGHT COMMITTEE: No report RELIEF COMMITTEE: No repor On Treasurer's that reported behalf of W. J. Weaver Report as of April t the Secretary gave the following 7, 1941: no last Balance from 4, 922 ' 08 month 143' 54 Recei. ved since $ 5: 065' 6Z last paid out 113F 82 month Balanc e on handmotion of M. Huber Hess, seconded On it duly passed, r was ordered by Harold that the Treasurer's H. Messner and. Report be received and filed The Secretary presented to Counci'1 the following bills: Eight Company, street ligbti ng Light Co. , power for injecting appartus F1rst National Bank of Strasburg, 6 mos, int ~ 3/o on $11 300 John Milton Ranck, filing Audi. tors~ Report and Affid, Pennsylvani. a Power Power Pennsylvania 8c fp - ~ WE e, labor-Water Depar tment labor-S t;ree t Department Bleecber, police . Fred 5 K John E Homsber, Water Dept; ~ Supplies Harry F ~ Work, labor-Street Department Fred L. 8c John E. Homsher, relief On motion of H. C. Kaufman, seconded by Chas. bills 15 ~ 95 23 ~ 94 4 ~ 00 F 00 4 ' 50 11' 25 S ~ Aul thous Chas. S ~ Aul thouse, Samuel Q 169' 50 i+00 2 ~ 50 2 ~ 50 2 ~ 50 safe deposit box rent 2, 50 1,97 Samuel AD Weaver, Additor Prank Ki Rohrer, audi tor Herbert M. Foulke, auditor First Nat;ional Bank of Strasburg, Ida B, Eb y, tax commis sions Jacob H. Ranck, labor, Water Department Enos Herr, +abor - Water Department Harry F ~ Work, labor-Water Depar tment Chas 73 1'3 8c 30i00 ~ M, Mi. lier 60 and duly to be paid ~ Tbe matter was brought to the attenti. on of Council that the State is considefing change. of the location of stop-signs at Highway Department the intersection of Eancaster Avenue and Miller Street, by which Eancas ter Avenue will be made a tbru-tboroughfare and the stop sign will be placed, passed, the above were ordered / stopped traffic moving matter will be presented East on Miller Street at said intersection. to Council There being no further and passed, tbe me eting adjourned. at t;be May meeting business, Res pe c on motion Tbe for action. duly made, seconded MINUTES OF MEETING OF STRASBURG The meeting following The were pr COUNCIL BOROUGH called to order esent: was HEED MAY by Milton 5, 194l President~ H. Ranck, Water Superintendent Jacob H. Ranck, Burgess Frank B. Koch Secretary John Milton Ranck the following and H. C. Kaufman, ED of Couricil: members Harold H, Messner, M. Huber Sherman Hess, Milton H. Ranck, Book, Vf ~ Wm. T~ Koch, and R. Murphy. of The Minutes previous the were read and approved. meeting WATER DEPARTMENT Jacob H. Ranck, Vtater Superintendent, reported plenty of water at the reservoir and recei ving bases; and that a new connection had been made at the Milton Mann. property west of the Borough, on the Lampeter Road. E ~ R, Murphy, Chairman of the Water Commi ttee, reported that the water bills will that poplar be mailed out within the next few days. He stated trees on the old Bor ough springs property had been sold for $163 ~ 65 ~ He presented to Council communication from the Water some Service, of Reading, Pa. , in which the Company offered, the consideration of $125.00, to make a blue print of our entire water system, commencing at tne springs, showing our line entering the UUorks--Operating Bor ough, within snd mains, stops, valves, gates, fire hydrants, etc. , the Borough limits, On passed, all it motion of' E ~ R. Murphy, was seconded by Harold H, Messner and duly ordered that the proposition Service, as above outlined, of the Water Works Operating accepted. to the at tention of Council the necessity of Mr~ Murphy brought having a resurvey of, our entire water service system, showing the number of faucets and other water faciliti. es on properties not served through a meter. The matter was be lef't with the Water Committee ~ ZTREET DEPARTMENT H. C Kaufman, ~ Chairman of the S tree t Department, r epor ted that streets had been cleaned; that white lines had been painted streets, that and two danger tripods brought Mr. Kaufman on bad been purchased. to tbe -attention of Council the ad- vishbility of purchasing s treet signs for the Borough, and on motion of E. R. Murphy, seconded by M. Huber Hess and. duly passed, it was ordered that the Street Department make a survey of. tbe situation, with authority to make the necessary purchases. 'I In connection with the proposed of Fire of Strasburg the property J. J. Messner on tbe ompany sidewalk from Centre Square to No, l and f rom ther e t o tbe property East side of North Decatur Street, H ~ C~ Kaufman 0 directed to again take up the matter with Mr. J. M. Hagans and in the event Mr. Hagans failed to comply, to ask for bids for the erection of such sidewalk, cost thereof to be liened agains t the real estate adjacent was thereto. The matter its throughout decided rect was again brought to drop the matter of said Street should tne S North Decatur Street should feet as or- length be opened to a width of thirty-eight iginally authorized, was of whether or not opened to tbe attention until the property owners as to whether come to an agreement of Council. . on tbe West side or not they wished to the full width. Eight Committee: No repor t. No r eport. Relief Committee: The Secretary was directed, to make .an .investigation the Pennsylvania It Power and L'igbt Company and the as to postal Telegraph when Company las t paid tbei r pole tax. of Council .the matter of a proposed change of stop signs at Kitch~ s Hotel. Under tbe suggestion of tbe Department of Highways tha t the traffic survey had shown that Lancaster Avenue accommodated heavier traf fic than Miller Street, and Tbe Secretary orought to tbe attention that, therefore, made a "Thru" Lancaster Avenue, rather than Miller of this matter After a full dfscussion Streets Street, the sense of Council that so far as the Borough is concerned should it be was this change for two principal reasons. 1, it would cause a traffic bottleneck, particularly at noon on Sunday for traffic from the Strasburg Mennonite Church moving eastwardly toward the intersection, and 2, it would mean that traffic could not move in an eastwardly direction would be inadvisable from the West end of Strasburg on a "Thru" highway. Borough to the Eastward The Secretary W. J. Weaver, was of end !the Borough directed to so advise the State Depar tment. Highway Treasurer f behal On ' s Repor t~ of as of May the Secretary gave the following 5, 1941: Balance from last month Received since 4, 951~ 80 98 ~ 30 5, 050 ~ 10 353 ' 72 Paid out 4~696 ' 38 On motion it was of Harold H. Messner, order ed tha The t the seconded by above Treasur Secretary presented er' HE s repor CD t Kaufman r'I advance labor, ma $I . ff 1t Qn motion it was of' Sherman W, $ filed, bills: to Council the following Wa duly passed, be received a nd de to Fichtner, ter Se pa r tme nt Herr 8c Co. , wrought. iron pipe, 61~ and trolley, Water Dept ~ Supplies Fred L Ec John E Homsher, lime, Water Dept ~ Penna, Power 8c Kiyht Co. s tree t lighting power for apparatus J. E ~ Goodell, Jan. Feb. 8c Mar. water analysis Chas ~ S. Aulthouse, labor, Sater De~rtment Street C. J. Keneagy, Tax Collector, County a. nd Road Tax on Borough property Paradise Township Kyle Signs, Inc, 2 danger tri. pods Harry F ~ Work, 'abor, Street Department tt tl 0 Water Thomas Bair, police Ida B, Eby, tax commissions R. Murphy, and 3.00 ll 49 1 ~ 95 73 ~ 12 9 ' 70 21 ~ 00 3 ' 38 26 ~ 10 7 ' 69 8 16 22 ~ 40 F 00 17, 50 ~ 47 Book, seconded by Harold H, Messner and duly passed, ordered that the above bills be paid ~ On motion duly made, there being no further seconded and passed the meeting business. Resp ec t full y s ubmi t ted, Secretary adjourned', OF SPECIXK MEETING 'OF STRASBURG BOROUGH MINUTES to written Pursuant evening, Tuesday of May 1, 1941, May No The meeting The following were ~ notice, Council 2'7, 1941 to consider COUNCIL 1941 HEED MAY 27~ in Special Session on met action. with regard to the Act 1V ~ was called, to order by Milton H. Ranck, President ~ present: Burgess Frank B. Koch Secretary John Milton Ranck and the following Harold H. Messner, On of Council: members Sherman Mf ~ Book and Chas motion of M. Huber Hess, passed by five ayes and no nays; Strasburg re ject the provisions Milton H. Ranck, seconded it was M. ~ Miller by Harold resolved of the Act of May M. Huber ~ H. Messner 1, 1941, ting. Respectfully submit and duly that the Borough of No ~ 17, that the Secretary be directed to so advise the County Treasurer, wri Hess, ted, Secre ary and in MINUTES OF .STRAKBURG BOROUGH OF MEETING The meeting Chairman. The was following COUNCIL~ called to order were HEED JUNE by Harold 2, 1941 H. Messner, ~ Ac ting present: Burgess Frank B. Koch Water Superintendent Jacob H. Ranck Secretary John Milton Ranck and the following E. R. members Chas. Murphy, Miller, M. The Minutes special meeting of of Council: and Leon M. Huber C ~ was el ~ of the last regular meeting of May May 5, 1941 and 27, 1941 were read and approved. VOTER CGMMKTTEE The Hens Hess, Harold H. Messner, water analysis J. of .-. E. Goodell, showing no contamination, filed. received and that the springs were not quite so strong as they had been but that there was plenty of overflow at both places, and that the lime injecting apparatus continues in use ~ He further reported a new connec tion at the John H. Witmer Jacob H Ranck reported ~ . property on on Miller Street, and a renewal at the Abram Buckwalter property Miller Street. STREET COMMITTEE Chas. M. Miller reported that the streets had been swept and inlets cleaned, and that a "no parking" line had been painted in front of the alley between Massassoit Hall and the Hagans property. The Secretary was directed to write Isaac Barge, R. F ~ D. gl, Ronks, Pa. , who has recently purchased a lot of Anna Denlinger, and advise him of the official width of North Decatur Street. Relief Committee: No report. the " , Eight Committee: No repor t. On behalf of W. J. Weaver the Secretary gave the following Treasurert s report as of June 2, 1941: Balance from las t 4, 696 ~ 38 month Received since 1 185 ' 02 5, 881 ' 40 Paid out las t month 208 ' 96 5 672 F 44 On passed. , it motion of M. Huber Hess, or dered was that the Treasurer's Secretary presented The seconded by E. R. report be received ft tt ft tl ft Jacob H. Ranch, labor-Water Harry F ~ Work, tt Miller, Weaver, disinfectants Chas. W. Dept. tt J. Wor kmenf State s Insurance Borough polic y, Fund, 35.05 8, 02 20, 70 6, 00 2 ' 25 2 ' 25 prem. on 40, 40 18s41 S. &ulthouse, labor-Street Department Rohrer, obtaining, curb line and grade on Hagans'property' North. '.-Decatur Street Ida BE Eby, tax commissions 62 F 10 J. E. duly passed, On. passed, of it @30~ 00 motion of Leon it ordered that the above bills'be was ~ Hensel, motion of E ~ R. Murphy, was resolved that Strasburg seconded seconded by has. ' 3, 60 34 ' 20 52 ' 40 Chas. C fi led. 43 ~ 07 Lancaster Valite Co, , street) 11~ 72 tf dressing 7 ' 69 Harry Stauffer, Eabor-Street Department Chas. M. M'ilier, Labor-Street Department Harry F. Work, Labor-Street Department On and 73.13 9, 35 ft M. and duly bills: to Council the following Penns ylvania Power 8c Light, s treet lighting Penns ylvania Power 8c Light, power Herr 8c Company, Water Dept, Supplies $ ff Murphy 7, 50 6 ' 47 M. Miller and paid. by M. Huber Hess and duly Borough issue a voucher in the sum to the Rosina Hubley Tent for Memorial Day Services. There being no further b'usiness, on motion duly made, seconded a nd pas s ed, the' mee ting ad j our ned. Respectful ly submi ed, TES OF MEETING. OF STRASBURG BOROUGH COUNCIL, =HEED The meeting called to order was MONDAY, JUEY '7, by Harold H. Messner, l941 Acting C hairman. The were present: following Burgess Frank B. Koch Water ~uperintendent Jacob H. Ranck Secretary John Milton Ranck and the following Wm. of Council:::; members T. Koch, Charles Miller and Leon C. Hensel. M. of the previous The Mi. nutes a e, WATER DEPARTMENT . t both places; that lin on were read and approved. meeting analysis o ~ ~oo( consumption, was received and filed„ Jacob H. Ranck, Water Superintendent, The water human FranlrjStreet that a and that new connections and at the -::. renewal was M. reported Isaac Barge property, made at the Ben Hull at on for of water plenty the Mower property Decatur on North property fit the water showing had been made a fi. re plug had been repaired Chas. Hess, Harold H. Messner, M. Huber on Kancas Street; ter Avenue, Lancaster Avenue. Miller repor ted that the lime injecting apparatus was in operation but ted: on occasions the second hand on the electric clock 7 in the lime injecting apparatus sned gas not functioning properly. STREET DEPARTMENT The matter to the attention was brought walk on the East side of North Decatur lot and Center Square, had been width of North Decatur The between that the Borough lot discussion nad been mowed. in Council with regard to the Street. Secretary advised Council that he had written of a lot on North Decatur Street, advising width of North Decatur Str eet. purchaser the Fire "ompany finally completed. Chas. M. Miller reported There was a general Street, of Council that the side- him Isaac Barge, of the official Z~„ight Committee: Relief On. Treasurer's Commit behalf of No No tee: W. report report J. Weaver, the Secretary gave the following Report as of July 7, 1941: Balance from last month recei $ 5, 6V2. 44 since ved 991' 17 6, 663 ' 61 Paid out 412 ' 83 $ 6 250, 78 passed, it of motion On Hess, seconded by M. Huber ordered that the Treasurer~s was Secretary presented The E. R. Sa muel Murphy~ s Garage, W. Ble echer, po Street Dept Koch, and duly T Report be received and to Council lie e Thomas Bai r, po lie e Chas. M. Miller, Labor-Street Wm. the following ~ bills: Supplies $ On passed, it 8c 8c . power motion of was ordered Wm. for lime injec ting apparatus T. Koch, seconded by Econ C. Hensel needs a re available. in Water Department On 2. 40 13 ' 40 6 ~ 54. 10.50 V3, 12 10 ~ 45 and duly that the above bills be paid. There was a suggestion its 15.00 19F 10 I.. street ligating E, 11' 25 35.00 26 ' 50 5 ' 85 F 00 10 ' 40 Department Chas. S. Aulthouse, L~abor-Street Department Harry F ~ Work, labor-Street Department E. R. Murphy, Monies advanced to Elsie Mae Wea ver~ Water Department re issuing water bills Jacob H. Ranck, Kabor-Water Depar tment Harry F ~ Work, I'abor-Water Department Ream~ s, Water Department Supplies Eddy Valve "ompany, Water Department Supplies Chas . M. Miller, ~abor-Water Department P. IP. P. P. filed. motion duly made, made supplies that the Water Department and now purchase seconded and passed, Respectfully anticipate same while they the meeting a djourned. submitted, Secre ary OF MEETING MINUTES The meeting The following OF STRASBURG BOROUGH COUNCIE called to order was by Milton HEED AUGUST H. Ranck, 4, 1941 President. were present: Burgess Frank B. Koch Jacob H. Ranck Water Superintendent . Secretary John Milton Ranck and the following Harold H. Messner, of Council: members E. R. The Minutes . Milton H. Ranck, and Chas. Murphy, of the previous water analysis for human. consumption, J, E, of received was Miller. ting pere read and approved. Goodell, riot quite places; that the reservoir mowed'; that the had been made E. at fire reported had been f lashed, the Dallas Hull property R, Murphy introduced that the water of overflow at both cleaned. ; that the banks had been had been hydrants fit filed. and but that there was 'plenty so strong, the water showing Jacob H. Ranck, Water Superintendent, was Hess, Huber IKPARTMENT WATER The mee M, , M. and that a on North Decatur to Council I. S. Horton new connection Street. of the Water Service, of 526 Franklin St„,Reading, Pa. , who explained to Council the Atlas plan of the water works which he has completed, showing the entire layout of our water system. There was a general discussion as to the advisability of employing Mr. Horton to make an actual survey of our real estate holdings with r eference to the springs and to f ix the elevation of the principal points. Works' Operating STREET DEPARTMENT Harold H. Messner thar rubbish had been taken s treets the borough lot, that the reported away from Light Committee: No r Relief Committee: No epor t. repor t ~ had. been cleaned; Safety: The Solicitor was directed to determine whether or not the State would supply thirty-five mile an hour speed limit signs, and to look into the advisability of an Committee on Public ordinance. Secretary reported to Council that .he had made a search of .the Treasurer' s books from 1935 to date with regard to pole tax and found tha t the Bell Telephone Company is paid up to and including October e 31, 1941 poles; that the Pennsylvania Power and Light Company owes for the years 1940 and 194$, having last paid a tax on 100 poles; and that the Pos tal Telegraph Company has paid no pole tax since 1935. Charles M. Miller was directed to make a survey of the Postal Telegraph system in order that a bill may be sent to them for their delinquent pole tax. on 82 behalf of 0n- Treasurer's W. J. Weaver the Secretary gave the following report as of August 4, 1941; Balance from last month Received since 6, 250, 78 - 187, 07 6, 437, 85 Paid out las t 248 ' 51 month $' motion of On it duly passed, was Huber M ordered 6p189. 34 Hess, seconded by Harold H. Messner that the Treasurer~s report be received and and filed. &ecretary presented The to Council the following Ida B. Eby, tax commission Fred L' E- John E. Homsher, lime-Water Herr 8c. Co. , Water Dept. supplies J. E. Goodell, water analysis, April, P. P. P. P. 8c K, E. R. Mur R E, Jacob H. Chas. Chas Harry M. M. . Company, Company, . Ranck, Water S. W Dept. supplies May 8c June labor-Water Dept. Labor, Street Dep t. '. 1.20 3.30 13.05 21.00 73 13 9 ' 55 ~ power Garage-Street Department Miller, labor-Water Dept. Miller, Labor-S &rect phy's . F. Work, Chaa. street lighting bills supplies Aulthous e, labor, Street Dept. or ks 0 crating Service, Atlas plan of water works 32. 90 6.84 23 ~ 85 2.25 11.00 15.30 125. 00 On motion of Harold H. Messner, it duly passed, On was motion ordered tba duly made, t the above seconded by bills submi R. Murphy and be paid. seconded and passed, Respectfully E. the meeting adjourned. tted, Sec re tary f77 TES OF MEETING OF STRASBURG BOROUGH COUNCII. HEED TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2p 1941 MIND The meeting were present: following The called to order by Milton H. Ranck, President. was Ka ter Jacob H. Ranck Superintendent Secretary John Milton Ranck and the following members of Council: Milton H. Ranck, H. C. Hess, Harold H. Messner, M. Huber M. Miller and Leon , Sherman M. Book, Wm. T. Koch, Chas. C. Hensel. of the previous The Minutes 1NA were read and approved. meeting TER DEPARTMENT Jacob H. Ranck, llllater Superintendent, reported a good overflow at the reservoir; 'new connection at the Dallas Hullcproperty Decatur Street, and renewal at the Frank Horn. store on East The Secretary presented to Council J. E. Goodell's showing fit water Chas. new for M. human on North Main Street. water analysis consumption. Miller reported door on gate house at new locks on one of the springs and reservoir. sugges ted' the advisability of the Borough~ s sending to the State Mater Convention at State College. H. C. Kaufman a representative Kaufman, STREET DEPARTMENT reported Leon C. Hensel was working would on a new plan soon be submitted Relief Committee: Public Safety Committee: he had been in communication ordinance was necessary. P. P. 8c for street lighting of Strasburg to Council that in order to establish that Mr. Carroll, . engineer Borough which ~ No repor t. The Borough Solicitor reported that with the State Highway Department "M mile speed limit" within It is E. necessary to make and found the Borough no application to Harrisburg through the State Highway erection falls it duly passed, made their and was and that all necessary applications be thereto. pursuant behalf of On Treasurer's cost of the signs of Harold H. Messner, seconded by M. Huber Hess and resolved that a "55 mile" speed limit be established the borough of Strasburg, within and the on tne Borough motion On Department W. J. Weaver, tne Secretary presented the following report as of September 2, 1941; Balance from last month $ 6, 189', 34 206. 90 Received since $ Paid out last 6, 396.24 338 ' 37 month 6p057 ~ 87 On passed, it motion .of Wm. Koch, seconded by Chas. M. Miller and duly that the above Treasurer's ordered was T. report b+eceived and filed. Secretary presented The bills: to Counci'1 the following 1st Natl. Bk~ of Strasburg, reduction of principal of Borough indebtedness due 10/1/41 -1st Natl. Bg of Strasburg, 6 mos interest on gll&300 F 00 at 3' Power 8c Eignt Co. s treet lighting Pennsylvania Penns ylvania Power h Eight Co. power State Workmen's Insurance Fund, bal. of prem. Jacob H. Ranck, Eabo r-Wa ter Dept. Harry F. Work, Eabor-Water Dept . Miller, Eabor-Water Dept. collec tor-Paradise Township Tax Bor ough pr ope r ty 1941 ILancas ter Valite Company-street dressing Chas. M. Miller, Labor-Street Department Chas. S. Aulthouse, Eabor-Street Department Hock Paint k Chemical Works, traffic paint Herr k Co. Water Dept. Supplies Thomas Hair, police Fred I;. 8c John E. Homsher, water dept. supplies Chas. C. On passed, it 169 ' 50 M. J. Ken'eagy, motion was 1000 F 00 ~ ~ of ordered H. C. Kaufman, seconded by Sherman that the above bills be paid. on 73. 12 11,25 2 ' 48 20, 00 4, 00 11' 40 18 ' 78 40, 50 4 ' 95 15, 75 21 ' 50 69 ~ 38 24. 00 5 ' 08 W. Book, and duly There was a general di. scussion in Council as to the advisability of paying off more than a j'1000.00 of the Borough Indebtedness 1, 1941; no action was taken. on October of the E. H. Rawlins Company, Philadelphia, appeared oefore Council and discussed the adirisability of setting up a Strasburg Borough Sewer Authority. On motion of H. C. Kaufman, seconded by M. Huber Hess and duly ~ssed, anexpenditure of not more than' $200. 00 for an. engineer~s surveying Mr. DeGoy es timate Companies Company of the cos t of ins tailing Chas. M. "Miller presented wi a sewer survey of the poles' of the various thin the Borough of Strasburg, the owner of 11 individual system was authorized. tal Telegraph 57 joint poles, or a total showing poles and the Pos of 48 poles. Zhere being no further and passed, the meeting business, on motion duly made, adjourned. Respectfully submitted, core ary seconded MINUTES OF MEETING The meeting OF STHASBURG OCTOBER BOROUGH 5, 1941. COUNCIL HEED MONDAY, , called to order by Milton H. Ranck, President. was were present: The following Burgess Frank B. Koch ter "'uperintendent Jacob H. Hanck Secretary, John Milton Hanck Vfa and the following Huber of Council: members Hess, Harold H. Messner, Miller, Sherman Milton H. Ranck, H. C. Kaufman, Book, UU. E. R. Murphy, M. Chas. M. and L~eon C. Hensel. of the previous The Minutes meeting were r ead and appr oved. VfATER COMMITTEE reported lower; that the s tand pipe approximktely were somewhat; servoirr.that; full; further there is a leak in Singer's stated that It drought was he had brought was meadow which repaired and painted to the attention certain in@i~iMuals had been using t;he )Ueekly News E. H. Murphy mus three-four ths t be repaired, He gate house at the re- of Council that during the current for irrigation inserting notice in Borough wat;er stated that it was forbidding this practice. reported that a survey of the water users poses, and the Vlater Department Strasbur'g that the springs Jacob. H. Ranck, %ater Superintendept pur- had been also advised Council tnat the Annie Conard delinquent water rent; bill in the sum of fp]. 77.00 had been compromised on the payment of $142. 00 which includes $42. 00 lien and costs and $100.00 in addition thereto. completed. He STREET DEPARTMENT H. C. Kaufman that; the pavement reported that traffic lines n" d been painted had been completed on Nor'th Decatur Hess reported and Street. tnat Harry Myers had reques ted the ins tal lation 5f a s t;r ee t light at; the nor ther n end of Nor th EIGHT COMMITTEE: M. Huber Decatur Street. On of H. C. Kaufman, Street, the location President The it passed, motion was of gabe M': this purpos X, to use the Borough lot e and the . Vl. to use the Borough rink be granted Book and duly lot and Borough by Borough Council in of citizens will take over the con- committee and management of the enterprise. Secretary reported to Council the 'cancellation The on North ight Committee. Hess, seconded by Sherman of a skating event a responsible structions rHQber that permission resolved water for the purpose street light of the. Borough to use the Borough lot as a Borough wa. ter to accomplish On H. Messner and of Council the desire to the attention rink this Winter and permission skating by Harold by the to be determined brought of a. number of residents seconded the erection of a Council autMrized duly passed, Decatur motion by Strasburg $500. 00 Bonds, being Nos. 104 and 105, as well as all October 1, 1941 coupons; that the aforesaid cancelled Bonds and coupons have been turned over to the Borough Treasurer; As a result of this cancellation the outstanding bonded indebtedness of Strasburg Borough is now National Bank of two (10w300 F 00. report. It was brought to the attention of Council that many juveniles within the Borough were operating bicycles at night without displaying RELIEF. COMMITTEE: head lights. On No No ac tion was taken. behalf of W. J. Weaver the Secretary gave the following report as of October e, 1941. Balance from las t month Received since Treasurer's $6p 057 87 3 492. 75 9, 550 ' 62 1, 491.69 8, 068 ' 93 Paid out On passed it motion was ~ of M. Huber Hess, seconded by Chas. N. Miller and duly ordered that the above Treasurer's report be received and filed, 182 Secretary presented The pennsylvania Power 5: to Council ]Light Co. bills; the following street 1'ighting for lime inject. app. 73.13. 9.15 32 ~ 40 19~ 60 power Miller — Labor, Water Dept. tt Jacob H. RanckSamuel W. Bleecher — police Xancaster Vali@ Co. - street dressing Chas. M. 1.00 3. E. Rohrer, surveying gbade - Hull property, Chas . S. Aul thous e — labor Stree t Bept. tt tl Har ry F, Work E. R. Murphyt. ;s garage-Street Dept. supplies J. On passed, it motion of E. R. Murphy, was Mr. the preliminar On phy y es by Sherman 7 ' 24 St. 5.00 16 ' 20 7 ' 60 12 ' 58 W. Book and duly that the above bills be paid. ordered Mur seconded N. Decatur reported timate that Mr. Fohrman of Ltancas ter of the motion duly made, s ewer pro j ec on t. seconded and passed, Respectfully was working submitted Secretary the meeting adjourned. MINUTES OF MEETING OF STRASBURG BOROUGH The meeting The following was COUNCIL HEEJ3 NOVEMBER 3, 1941 called. to order by Milton H. Ranck, President. present: Jac ob H. were Ra nck, Wa ter Super i n tend e'nt. John Milton Ranck, Secretary and the following M. Huber of Council: members Hess, Harold H. Messner, Milton H. Rancl», H. C. Kaufman, of the previous The Minutes T. Koch and Chas. M. Miller meeting were read and approved. William ~ WATER, DEPARYMEN T that the springs were somewhat lower, but that there was a good overflow at the reservoir; that a leak on the Lancaster Avenue main had been repairs; that the banks at the reservoir had been mowed;' that leaks in the Singer meadow and B. Jacob H. Ranck, Water Superintendent, reported Frank Rohrer meadow had been repairs@. Chas. M. Miller reported that the lime injecting apparatus is again func ti. oning. STREET DEPARTMENT H ~ C ~ that as soon as all the. leaves have fallen that; repairs had been made in front of the Hall reported Kaufman I the inlets would be cleaned; property on North Deca tur On passed, of motion Stree t. H. C. Kaufman, Resolutions the following seconded by Wm. T. Koch and duly were passed: RES OKU- TI ON WHEREAS, speed on State of Strasburg, West Boro Kine 254-59 and the Borough Council desires to limit the Highway 698, Miller Street. , in the Borough in the County of Lancas ter, between the Station 172-63 and East Boro line, Station Signs will be. r equited in accordance with the The Vehicle Code and the Manual of Regulations for Official Traffic Signs and Signals. WHEREAS, provisions NOW, of THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the speed on State 698 from Station 172-63 to Station 254-59 shallbe per hour after proper signs Highway and is hereby limted to 35 miles have been erec ted, and BE IT RESOLVED, That the Borough of Strasbmg reques t the Department of Highways to authorize the erection of signs on said State Highway Route in accordance with The Vehicle Code, and the Manual of Regulations, and does hereby FURTHER . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That spped on said State shall not be restricted unless or until the Secretary Highway of Highways approves this resolution and authorizes the erection of the necessary signs as above. " . RESOEUTION l desires to limit the speed on 36011-Decatur Street-in the Borough of Strasburg in the county of Lancaster, between Station 330-01, South Boro Line, and S tation 351-19, North Borough Line, and The Borough Counci. WHEREAS, State Highway L~R~ Signs will be eequired WHEREAS, in accordance with the proof Regulations for visions of The Vehicle Code and the Official Traffic Signs MOW, Highway and Manual Signals. BE IT That the sspeed on State from Station 330-01 to Station 351-19 .andR. 36011 is hereby limited to 35 miles per after THEREFORE, RESOLVED, , E~, shall. be signs have been erected, hogr, and. proper BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Borough of Strasburg doeshereby request the Department of Highways to authorize the erection of signs above'on said State Highway Route in accordance with The Vehicle Code, and the Manual of Regulations, and BE IT' FURTHER RESOLVED, That speed on said State Highway shall not be restricted unless or until the Secretary of Highways approves this resolution and authorizes the erection of the necessary " signs as EIGHT COMMITTEE M. Huber on North Decatur Hess reported Treasurer's in the erection of street lights Street. REK, IEF COMMITTEE; On progress behalf of W. report as of No report. J. Weaver, November 3, 1941: Balance from last month Received since Paid out the Secretary gave the following 8, 068 ' 93 1" 10~02 $ 9, 578, 95 213,90 9 365 ' 05 On motion of M. Huber Hess, seconded by Chas. M. Miller and it duly passed, was ordered that the above Treasurer f s report filed. ceived and The Secretary presented to Council the following bills: s treet lighting Iight fl Company, . lf, ff power E. Goodell, water analysis, July, August 8c Sept ~ Jacob H. Ranck, labor-Water Department Chas. M. Miller, labor-Water Department W. Weaver, diSinfectants Herr 8c.Co. Water Department supplies Chas ~ ST Aulthouse, labor-Street Department Harry F ~ Work, labor-Street Department The Valite Company - June s tatement Ida B. Eby, tax commissions Pennsylvania Power 4 tt tf J. , , J. On duly. passed, motion of H. C. Kaufman, it was ordered seconded and passed, seconded $ 73.12 3 ' 47 21 00 22 ' 04 7 ' 50 2 ' 25 F 20 ' 84 12 ' 60 7 ' 20 7.73 100 ' 72 by Harold' H. Messner, and that the above bills be paid. There being no further made, re- be business the meeting f before Council, on motion duly adjourned. Res pec t ul 1 y s ubmi t ted, MINUTES SF MEETING The melting The following was 1, 1941 HEED DECEMBER COUNCIL OF STRASBURG BOROUGH called to order by Milton H. Ranck, President. present: were Burgess Frank B. Koch Jacob H. Ranck Water Superintendent Milton. Ranck Secretary John and the f ollowing Harold H, of Council: members Mes s ner, T. Koch, Wm. Chas Milton H. Ranck, . of the previous The Minutes M, Mi Hess, C . Hens el. were, read-and approved lier meeting M. Huber and Leon ~ WATER DEPARTMEN T Jacob H. Ranck, Water Superintendent, was about empty, . water Chas. not at present bill M. had tailed at the Rober t been paid. in charge of the ice skating connection water by William T. Koch, project be furnished. and duly Groh proper On passed, the Borough main on South Jackson standpipe ty, and thh4 his on the Borough on. lot, desir South Jackson was resolved Street, adjacent to e that a Street, leading in motion of M. Huber it was of local citi, zens, that the organization to the Borough main, lot, to the Borough and the that the lime injec ting apparatus Miller reported func tioning, that at the reservoir; that but that there was a good overflow a new s er vice had been ins delinquent reported Hess, seconded that a comnection the Borough lot to be made. The was written report of E. R. Murphy, Chairman of the Water Committee, as follows: 1941 Colle cti. ons: Current water Collected ~ance due bills 1699 ' 50 1248, 00 451.50 bills Delinquent water Collec ted ff Balance due Metered Co llec 686 F 00 water rent ted )) Ba lane e due -Delinquent Collected 9l9. 00 233 F 00 447 ' 7l 388 ' 74 58 ' 97 rent 56. 87 on meter s 26 ~ 25 Balance due 30 ~ 62 Solicitor reported to Council that to forestall any pos sible sui ts being brought agains t the Borough as a result o f an y accident ori the Borough lot, growing out of the ice skating pro ject thereon, i. t would be' advt. sable to have a public liability policy writ ten, covering ar y possible liability arising therefrom. The Borough . motion of Leon C. Hensel, On the Secretary was directed duly passed, by Chas, M, Miller, and liability policy to have a public risk, said policy to. be obtained locally, placed, cover ing the aforementioned if seconded possible. Leon C. Hensel r'eported system will be bookkeeping The of Production to Council that a i ns tituted commencing wi aew, '.:IVater Departmerh th the Secretary read to Council, communications new year. from the Office to Preference Rating A-10 under Preference Rating Order No. P46, covering materials and supplies f or maintenance, repairs and operation of the water system. On motion of Harold H. Messner, was with reference Management seconded by Chas. M. Miller, the following duly passed; "IT IS RESOLUED: of in acceptance of Preference Rating, . (1) That Milton H. Ranck, President Borough Council, be authorized to execute, duplicate, Order Fjo. P46. (2) That E. R. &"'urphy, Chairman o f the Resolution Water Committee, be authorized to endorse on -all purchase orders for mater ia ls f or operation, maintenance and repair of the water system, the following endorsement: "Purchas e order for utilities operation, maintenance and repair, Preference Rating A-10, pursuant to Preference Rating Order No. P46, 1Vater Department Cnatrman, STREET DEPARTMENT passed, It was On motion of M. Huber that the gutter reported had been patched Hess, seconded by the action of the Secretary in placing for "speed limit" at a unit price Relief Commi t tee: No report. No report. Light Committee: s igns On behalf of Balance f rom las Received since Paid out last t T. Koch, an order through and duly Floyd Atkins of. 83/, was approved. ', J. Weaver W. ing Treasurer' s report as of December Wm. Street. on Miller the Secretary gave the follow- 1, 1941: 9, 365.05 month 504. 41 9, 869.46 278. 47 month 9, 590, 99 On passed, it it of Harold H. ordered was On passed, motion Mes s ner, , s econded that the above Treasurer's motion of Harold H. Messner, by Wm. report be received seconded by Icon C. Hensel, resolved that the Lions Club of Strasburg was T. Koch, . a nd duly be permitted Borough, filed. and duly to erect tree in Center Square, and that a voucher be issued by Strasburg in the sum of ~@25.00, to be used toward defraying the expenses in- a Chris tmas . and cident thereto. The Secretary presented to Council the following bills: Ida B. Eby, tax commissions Goldbach' s =' flowers ( Ric e) Elsie Mae Weaver, preparing water Thomas Jacob bills ter De par tme n t Bair, police .. Rane k, labor-Wa F. Wor k, labor-Water H Harry Department Frank B, Koch, Water Department supplies Chas M. Mi lier, labor-Wa ter Depar tme nt Fred jt;. 8c John E. Homsher, Water Depar tment . . supplies . Co. L. Co. 3.34 5 ~ 50 25. 00 27 ~ 00 11.0K 4. 00 9. 19 6 ' 80 2. 09 street lighting 73. 13 8c power for lime inj. app. 9 50 Chas. S. Aulthouse, labor-Street Depar tment 5 40 Harry F. Work, labor-Street Department 3 20 It;ancas ter Valite Company;-; s treet dressing 7 86 P. P. P. P. 8c E, ~ ~ ~ F. B. On it ~ Street Dept. 2. 36 motion of M. Huber Hess, seconded by Chas. M. Miller, and duly passed, was order ed that the above bi llsbe pai d. There being no further business, Council, on motion duly, made, Koch seconded and passed, 8c Sons, Supplies, adjourned, . Res pec tfully submit ted, SPECIAL MEETING OF STRASBURG The meeting The f oil owing was COUNCIL; BOROUGH HEED DiTKEMBER 15, 1941 called to order by Milton H. . Ranck, President~ present: wer e Burgess Frank B. Koch te r ~uperi nt e nden t Jacob H. Rane k Secretary John Milton Ranck. Vfa and the M. Huber M. following members of Council: Hess, Harold H. Messner, Miller, and The T. Koch. Special. Meeting Milton H. Ranck, H. C. Kaufman, Sherman Book, Leon C. Hensel, Vf. Chas . VJm. was called by the-Burgess pursuant to the receipt of a telegram from Governor James, advising all Mayors to see to the protection of public and priva te property wi thin their juri sdic tion. After a general discushkan of this matter by various members of Council, it was ordered that the Borough springs proper ti es be checked each day, , including Sunday, in order to determine whether or not any locks on the springs have been tampered is noted the water pressure o f th, and in the e vent tampering to be shut off and a warning given to the users Borough water. The Secretary reported burg Borough Defense Council and wi its progress thus far and to Council the activities of since its organization its continued the in November, functioning business, Res pec the meeting tfully submi 1940, were approved the Burgess and Council. There being no further Stras- adjourned. t ted, ' by MINUTES OF MEETING BOROUGH following 5, 1942 Uice President. esent: Burgess Frank B. Koch; Water Superintendent Secretary, John Milton Ranck, and the following were pr Jacob H. Ranck, and members of Council: Sherman W, Book, The Minutes Milton H. Ranck, H. C. Kaufman, T. Wm. Koch and X'eon of the December 1s.t of Borough Council were read meeting CQVNCIL HEED JANUARY meeting was called to order by H. C. Kaufman, .The The OF STRASBURG C. Hensel and the M. Huber Hess, December 15, 1941 ~ special and approved. WATER COMMITTEE Jacob H. Ranck, Water Superintendent, at the reservoir; overflow that a renewal spring; that no had been ins reported water was flowing Street, and that @he new connection to South Jackson Street had been installed. it ed, was from the No. 1 the rink skating on of what mileage should- be allowed to Chas. Miller in his daily trip to the Borough Springs property was discussed, motion of Leon C. Hensel, seconded by Wm. T. Koch and duly pass- The and on t there tailed at the Lloyd Yuninger garage, West Main making tha matter was that he be paid on the basis of ordered the us e of his c ar . .05$ per mi. le for STREET DEPARTMENT H. C. Kaufman repor ted that everything had seen ILloyd Yuninger. with reference Street Main nd and had advised concrete sidewalk, and him was in good shape; to the garage property of the Borough specifications that the. Borough Engineer that he on West for curb will check. the grade and advise him thereto. Relief Commit tee: Light Committee: No repor M; Huber t. Hess reported that the P. P. 0 8c L. Co. has not paid their pole tax for the years 1940 and . 1941, but that the matter would be taken care of in the very near future. to Council conver sation with Fred L. Secretary report'ed sber, advising us that the Tbe skating On premium liability on the publi. c Hom- bond for the rink project is $15.00 a year. behalf of er's report; W. J. Weaver', as of January Balance from last: the Secretary gave the following Treasur- 5, 1942: 9, 590 ' 99 month Received since $ 269. 55 111' 69 381.24 9, 972. 23 Paid out last 220, 38 month 9 751 ~ 85 of Leon C. Hensel, On mot;ion the Treasurer's The seconded by M. Huber report; was or dered received and Secretary presented Hess, and duly passed, filed. to Council the following bills: Power 8: Eight Co. s treet lighting pennsylvania. Power 8. ILight Co. power pennsylvania Ida B. Eby, tax co mmissions John Milton Ranck, pos tage and s tationery E. Rohrer, S &rect Department survey John B. Homsher, printing for the year Chas 11.60 M. Miller, labor', ,Wa ter Depar tment checking Boro spring, time . :.— 24. 45 and mileage Jacob H. Ranck, labor-Water Department J. . Bair, police Samuel W. Bleecher, police John B. Homsher Est. printing (re Defense Council) Aldus Zittle, stone — Street Department supplies Chas. M. Miller, labor-Street Department Department of Welfare, Prison Tiabor Division, (Educational Bldg. Har'r isburg) street speed signs Fred L. 8c John E. Homsher, freight-Street Dept. Banc as te r Vali te C ompany — s tr ee t dressing J. H. Long Hdw. Co. Street Dept. supplies Loder & Sharp, Inc. sign posts - 34 at; g2 00 ea. Thomas F. S. ~ Irabor-Street Dept. Chas. Aulthouse, Labor-Street Dept. O. O. F. Hall Assoc. room rent for Council room 1/1/41 — 12/31/41 W. S. Tinney - Salary, Secretary, Board of Health Chas. S. Aulthouse, salary, Health Officer Jennie Rice, Salary of High Constable O. E. Rice, d ec ~d. Jacob H. Ranck, Water rent collector s Salary W. J. Weaver, Treasurer John Milton Ranck, Sec.retary~ s salary John Milton Rane k, Solic itor 's salary Harry I. Work, ~ '73. 12 15 ~ '75 6 ' 46 16.12 7 ' 50 30 ~ 75 36.05 18 ' 60 13.50 31 F 00 10 ' 50 8 ' 24 1.35 28 ' 22 1.71 11' 64 3 ' 31 68, 00 2 ' 80 11' 25 35 ~ 00 65 F 00 35 F 00 25 F 00 100 F 00 35 F 00 100 F 00 25. 00 isaac Annie hose house rent . Ressler, er, hos e hous e r ent L~, Rine I.. 0. 0, F. motion of Sherman it was Fire On W. Book, seconded Secretar y from the Strasburg read to Council communication No. 1 as to Company Hess, and duly passed, by M. Huber that the above bills be paid. ordered The hose house rent Hall Association, On 2. 00 2. 00 2. 00 for the year 1942. their probable expenditures motion of H. C, Kaufman, seconded by T. Koch and duly passed, Wm, it of $200, 00 be issued, payable to Strasburg Fire Company No. 1, toward their expenses for the year 1941. the meeting adjourned. On motion duly made, seconded and passed, was ordered in the that a voucher NEV/ Econ C. Hensel of organization On was sum BUSII'TESS appointed for the year 1942. motion of H. C. Kaufman, seconded by on motion duly made, seconded and M. Huber Hess, and duly to the Office of President, Milton H. Ranck was nominated passed, for the purpose Chairman Temporary passed the nomination and for said of fice stood closed. On motion of Milton passed, H. C. Kaufman and on motion was duly made, H. Ranck, seconded nominated to the office of Vice President, seconded and Kaufman, seconded by M. Huber Hess and duly passed the nomination for said office stood closed. On. motion of H. C. John Milton Ranck was nominated motion duly made, seconded by Wm. T. Koch and duly passed, to the Office of Secretary, and passed the nomination and on for said office stood closed, On pressed, ' motion ll. J. Vfeaver motion duly made, stood closed. T. Koch and duly to the office of Treasurer, and on of. Milton H. Ranck, seconded by was nominated seconded and passed, Vlm. the nomination for said office On motion of H. C. Kaufman, Ida B. Eby was nominated passed, motion duly made, seconded by Milton H. Ranck and duly to the office of Tax Collector, seconded and passed, the nomination and on for said office stood closed. On seconded by M. Huber Hess and duly Jacob H. Ranck was nominathdnto passed, ent, motion of Milton H. Ranck, and on motion seconded duly made, office of the passed, and Water Superintend- to. said the nomination office stood closed. On of motion Wm. T. Koch, seconded by H. C. Kaufman, seconded duly passed, to the office of Water Rent Collector, Jacob H. Ranck was nominated motion duly made, and and passed, the nomination and on for said office stood closed. On motion of M. Huber Hess, seconded and duly passed, Solicitor, and on motion for said office stood to the off Lce of John Milton Ranck was nominated duly made, by H. C. Kaufman seconded and passed, the nomination c los ed On motion of H. C, Kaufman, seconded by M. Huber Hess, it was re- solved that the above officers be elected by acclimation. Thereupon, to adminstered the following Koch, M. Huber Burgess Frank B. Koch took the oath of him by Econ re-elected Hes s, C. Hensel, members the Burgess thereupon and of Council: which was swore in Milton H. Ranck, William T. H. C. Kaufman. Milton H. Ranck, having Council, office, took the chair and been made re-elected as President the following appointments 1942; STREET COMMITTEE: H. C . Kaufman iVillia. m T. Koch Harold H. Messner LICHT COMMITTEE: M. Huber Sherman Chas. M. Hess Book W. Miller of Borough for the year RELIEF C OMNI William T TEE: HaroldnH', Chas. M. T. Koch Messner Miller E. R. NATER COMMITTEE: Murphy M. Huber Hess Chas. . M. Miller Leon C. Hensel BUDGET COMMI . Leon C Hensel Harold H. Messner H. C Kauf man TTEE: . SHADiH TREE COMMITTEE C OMMI Harold H. Messner. N. Huber Hess William T. Koch TTEE: ON PUBLIC SAFE TY". Leon C. Hensel Harold H. Messner H. C. Kauf man of the Finance Committee was called for Thursday January 8, 1942 at 7 o' clock P. M. at the office of H. C. Kaufman, On motion of Lenn C. Hensel, seconded by William T. Koch and meeting A , duly passed, was the transfer of monies between funds in the 1941 Budget author ized. On passed, bonded motion it of H. C. Kaufman, seconded by M. Huber Hess and duly that all Borough officials required to be under the Borough code, and in addition E. B. Murphy, Chairman was resolved of the Water Committee, On be bonded through the motion of Sherman W. Book, seconded duly passed, it was resolved office of by William that Council adjourn, John E. Homsher. T. Koch and to meet on Thursday 15, 1942 at 'i':50 p. M. , at which tim the proposed budget for the year of 1942 will be presented by the Bidget Committee and any other matters will be considered by Council that may be considered qt any January o ther meeting. Respectfully submitted, 1 MINUTES S PECIAE MEETING OF to Pursuant lliam T. Koch, E IE HEED JANUARY of the January 5, 1942 15, 1942 at 7:30 on January B. Burgess Frank C. Kaufman; H. ~ R. reading The Koch, Water S uper- eon C. Hensel, and WIurphy, Hess, Harold H. Messner, M. Huber L~. of the Minutes of the previous meeting was dis- with. Pursuant Hensel, to resoluticn of the January of the Budget Committee, t for the year 1942. On it passed, motion of was E. R. Murphy, Econ C. to Council a pror' seconded by William T. Koch that 8'orough Council receive the proposed resolved that the Secretary be directed by adver tisement Borough, 5, 1942 meeting, submitted Chairman posed Budge and C OUNC Jacob H. Ranck, Secretary John Milton Ranck, and the following of Council: members pensed resolution an adjournment were present: following The i ntendent Wi 15, 1942 of Borough Council, Council convened meeting M. OF STRASBURG BOROUGH I. , „ arig', ",'duly Budget to advise the electors of Strasburg in the Strasburg Weekly News, that the proposed for public inspection at the residence of %eon C. Hensel, Strasburg, Pa. , a member of the Budget Commit tee, daily for f if teen days. of the The mat ter of: the terms of office and present incumbents budget Borough Board of Health was brought Strasburg and the open was Solicitor to determine who was the present There being and passed, directed no to the attention to check the law incumbents relative of Council, thereto and also are. further business, on motion duly made, the meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, seconded MINUTES OF MEETING OF STRASBURG BOROUGH The meeting The COUNCIL. . HEKD FEBRUARY 2, 1942 ~ called to order by Milton H. Ranck, President+ was were present: following )Vater Superintendent Jacob H. Ranck Secretary John Milton Ranck and f ollowing the Hess, Harold H. Messner, Chas M. .Huber 15, 1942 held January Milton H. Ranck, H. C. Kaufman, ~ M. Miller, and DRPA'~RTMENT Jacob H. Ranck, Nater Superintendent, did not become stronger J. J. Messner McElhaire property) C. Hensel. were read and approved. WATER at the lLeon of the January 5, 1942 meeting and of the Special The Minutes Meeting of Council: members . the month; during reported that a meter was installed Street {formerly the on South Decatur property new that the springs STREET DEPARTMENT H. C. Kaufman reported everything in good repair and that the s treets. were being cleaned. Eight Commit tee: Relief Committee:. report No report behalf of N. On Treasurer's No J. Weaver Report as of February Balance from las t the Secretary gave tne following 2, 1942: 9, 751 85 22. 00 9, 773, 85 month Received since Paid out last 1 021, 87 month 8, 751 ~ 98 On motion of M. Huber the Treasurer's The report Hess, seconded by Charles M. Miller and duly passed, was ordered received and Secretary presented filed. to Council the following ' t bills: John E. Homsher, premium on bonds of Treasurer, Water Rerit Collector, Water Committee Cmd. rman, Solicitor, and Skating Rink Kiability Policy Hexx' &: Company, Water Dept. Supplies $ 35. 14 22~70 Water Labor, Department Haxxy F ~ Work, Penna. Power 6c Eight Co. - powex' penna. power h Light Co. - stxeet ligating Ida B. Eby, tax commissions Neaver, dis1. nfectants N. Chas. M. Miller, labor - Water Depax tment Pittsburgh Equitable Metex Co. 400 Lexington Avenue, Pit tsbuxg, 12 meters John A. Coyle, electxical work - Natex Department 85 00 57. 84 3, 20 27, 05 73 13 , 87 J. 2 ' 25 21, 55 154 ' 80 25 45 J. E. Goodell, water analysis E. RE Murphy - Water Depax'tment Supplies E. R. Murphy - Street Department Supplies Kyle Signa, Inc. 2720 Univex sity Ave. Minneapolis, 21,00 18 15 18 15 Minn. one tr1. pod danger sign - Natex' Dept ~ supplies Kyle Signs, Inc ~ one txipod danger sign - Street Dept. Suppl1es Donal5 Bachman waa of motion On - expenses of air raid Keon C. Hensel, seconded F 00 4.00 10,33 warden H. Measner, by Harold it ordexed that the above bi, lls be paid, . Secretary reported The 15, 1942, on January meeting file the year 1942 was on Budget committee, for motion On Borough Budget an advertisement waa a t the home of Leon. C. Hens a period of M. Hubex at the Borough Budget fox el, a membex of the of fifteen days. Hess, seconded by Chas. M. Millex, for the year -1942, in the form x'equired ed by 5 ayes and no nays, and that in connectopn budget made. placed in the Straaburg the elec tox's that the proposed advising Weekly News, to resolution that pursuant the by law, was adopt- with the adoption of the thereof the appropriation resolution containing the receipts and appropriations for the year 1942 was dQly adopted. and aa -paxt anticipated On passed, motion of H. C. Kaufmanp seconded by Econ C. Hensel and duly I levying a tax x'ate of f1ve and one-half mills fox' the Ordinance the year 1942, and fixing the salary of Boxough Officials and authorizing the bonding of certain Borough Offi. cials, was adopted by vote of five ayes and no nays The creation and ~ Solicitor repox ted to Counc1. 1 the law relative to the duties of the Boaxda of Health in Boroughs, as set fox th j in 55 P. S. the present 15681 and membership c, and from information. . Z. E. Rohrer Charles Aulthouse, and passed, to Council, of the Board was listed as follows: Secretary , Dr. %. S. Tinney, Harry Groh Isaac Ress le r Samuel Weaver, Were being available no Health Officer further business, on motion the meeting adjourned. Respec tfully submit ted, duly made, seconded MINUTES OF MEETING OF STRASBURG BOROUGH COUNCIE. HEED MARCH called to order by Milton following were present: The meeti. ng was The H. Ranck, 2, 1942 ~ President. Burgess Frank. B. Koch te r Superi nt e nden t Jacob H. Rane k Sec re tary John Milton Ranck Vfa and the following M. Huber Hes s, members Milton H. Ranck, H. C. Kaufman, H. Mes s ner, and Chas Harold The Mi. nutes of Council: of the previous . M. Miller. were read and approved. meeting VlATER DEPARTMENT Jacob H. Ranck, Rater Superintendent, were no s tronger the springs repor ted that although there the month, during was plenty of overflow. Chas. M. Miller reported that two locks on the Borough springs slight tampering, but no serious damage was done. He further reported that he had obtained a box for the electric clock in the lime injecting apparatus building. soem showed S TREET DE'PXRITAFNT reported H. C. Kaufman and oae inner Relief Commit li;ight Commit On repor t that he tube for the Borough tee: tee: behalf of No report No report W. J. Vleaver, had obtained a permit the Secretary gave the following 8, 751, 98 ;~85, 89 8~837 ' 87 526 ~ 77" ~ Paid out tire truck. as of March 2, 1942: Balance Received since for one 8 311.10 Treasurer's On motion of M. Huber Hess, seconded by Harold H. Messnex duly passed, The Secretary presented the following to Council filed. received and the Treasurer~ s xeport was ordered and bills: E. R. Murphy~ s gaxage, Street Department Chas. S. Aulthouse, Xabor, Street Depaxtment P. P. L. Co. power P. P. 8c L. Co. s treet lighting Chas. IZ. Millex, labor, Water Department Fred I, . R John E. Homshex, '~ater Department y Hc 52. 68 4 ~ 05 21 ~ 85 7' 12 29 ' 75 . , Supplies Dx essex Manufac tuxing Coupling On passed, The Water motion of Chas. M. Miller, j duly - . 13radford, Pa. Department supplies it was Co. seconded by H. C. Kaufman ordered that the above bills 1 ~ 75 15 ' 54 and be paid. Secxetax'y read to Council excerpt from the Philadelphia 21, 1942, referring to a new invention of H. C. Kaufman~ s fishing tackle factory, and also a query Strasbuxg is located. as to where in the World or Pennsylvania, The Secretary x ead to C ounc il let ter o f apprec ia ti on of thanks Record issue of Saturday, from the users February of the Strasburg There being no further and pass ed, t he meeting skating business, project oQ ~ motion duly made, ad journed. Respectfully submitted, seconded Strasburg, Herbert Samuel Weaver, at the M. Pa. April 2, 1942 ' Foulke and Prank K. Rohrer, of the Secretary on the evening of Thursday, April 2, 1942~ at 7:50 o' clock p. m. for the purpose of auditing the books of the Borough Treasurer. Auditors, met home All accounts, etc. were found to be in proper order an5 so certified by the. above Auditors. Secre ar AUDITORS'REPORT of the FINANCES OF STRASBURG BOROUGH For the Fiscal Year Ending January 5, 1942 ~ RECEIPTS Cash Balance on hand - January Water Rents Delinquent Taxes -- 1933 6, 1941 $ 4, 847 ~ 93 4, 570 ' 31 2 ~ 10 - 11 1934 1935 ll 1936 n 1937 n 1938 — 1939 tt ] 940 of 1941 Duplicate 2 ' 10 F 10 8 90 12 ~ 05 128 ' 64 ' tl n n fl 138' 22 Amount Aba tements 3, 655 ' 29 4 156 ' 57 93.10 298 84 Commissions Unpaid Balance Qale of Water Meters Water Service Connections 236 ' 95 548 ' 51 3, 106 ' 78 31,40 210 57 License Fees Sale of Wood Pump 308, 20 163 ' 65 3, 00 Rental Sundry Street 56, 90 Income TOTAL RECEIPTS: $ 13 829 F 80 EXPENDITURES 307 ' 35 43 ' 78 286 F 00 200.00 100 F 00 Administration expenses Bor ough Buildings and Of f ic es Police Salaries Fire Protec tion Board of Health - Salaries and Wages Cons true ti on and Maintenance of 8 tree ts S tree t L:ight ing 626, 75 877 ' 50 60 ' 50 339 F 00 1~000 F 00 1~093 F 49 40 ' 40 125.05 Military and Civic Contributions Interest on Borough Bonds Appropriation Maintenance to retire 2-$500 Strasburg Borough Bonds of Water system, L'abor, Material 8c Supplies Insurance Ida B. Eby, Commissions tax collections on 5, 099 ' 82 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: CASH BAKANCE - January 5, 1942 8 729 ' 98 $ 13,829 ' 80 STRASBURG BOROUGH RELIEF FUND 400. 00 300, 00 Keinbort's Legacy J. M. Pott&s legacy Bernarda Black Elwood 911 22 300, 00 60, 50 Xegacy &reider's J.egacy Strasburg Senate. 'Appropriation 1 971 72 REEIEF Milton Mowrer First National - 1st Bank FUND INVESTMENTS Mortgage of Strasburg - 1 250 F 00 721 ' 72 Savings Account 1 971~ 72 REKIEF FUND - " INCOME ACCOUNT Cash Balance - January 6, 1941 .Inte. rest Received - Milton Mowrer Mortgage Interest Received - First National Bank of Strasburg Expended 424, 54 65.00 14 ' 38 - 503 92 4, 38 for Relief 499, 54 Cash balance: TOTAL BOK UGH INDEBTEDNESS the undersigned - do hereby for of Strasburg, examiaed the accounts of ~. J. Auditors certify that we have Neaver, Treasurer, for the Fiscal ~ear find the same as above stated. pa. $10~300, 00 /he Borough January ending 5, 1942$ and Samuel A, Weaver Frank K. Rohrer Harber t M. Foulke we MINUTES OF MEETING OF STRASBURG The meeting The following was BOROUGH COUNCIL HEED APRIE, 6, 1942 called to order by Milton H. Ranck, President. present: were Burgess Prank B. Koch Vlater. Superintendent Jacbb H. Ranch Secretary John Milton Ranck and the. following E, R. members Milton H. Ranck, H. C. Kaufman, Chas. N. Miller and Econ C, Hensel. Murphy, The Minutes and the of Council: of the previous meeting were read and approved, Secretary brought to the attention Borough Auditors , on Apr1l 2, 1942, and the " for the fiscal year ending January 5, l942 of Council the meeting of the fact that the Auditors' has been spread upon Report the Minutes. RATER DEPARTMENT Jacob H. Ranck, Vlater Super intendent, reported that the springs at both the reservoir and the receiving basin; that a new meter was installed on the J. J. Messner farm on East Main Street; and that connections had been changed at the Yuninger garage on Seat Main Street. E. R. . Murphy reported that the li. me injecting apparatus has been f unctioning. to He made the suggestion Council that an auxiliary motor shaft and propeller be purchased to take have increased and that there care of an emergency breakdown On passed, it an overflow was of ~tne motion of Leon C. Hen~sel, was resolved that E. R. equipment. seconded Murphy, by H. C. Kaufman Chairman of the V/ater and duly Committee, to purchase motor shaft and propeller for the lime injecting said equipment to be used as a spare in case of breakdown of the be authorized apparatus, e'quipment. also reported' a change in the bill forms to out to tne users of Borough water. Mr-. Murphy e sent , STREET COMMITTEE The Secretary brought to the attention of H. C. Kaufman the fact that the speed limit signs and pos ts should be erected at the earliest possiole date in order to be within the six month period from the date of authorization by. the State for tneir erection. H. C. Kaufman, Chairman of the Street Committee, the streets and inlets were being cleaned. Econ C. Hensel brought to tea of rounding street intersections at the intersection of West Main Street of Council the possibility attention within that reported the Borough, particularly Streets. Iight Commi. ttee: and South Jackson No report Relief Committee: No report the Secretary gave the following On behalf of W. J. Weaver, Treaaurer~s report as of April 6, 1942: 8, 311' 10 Bs, lance from last month I Received since $346. 66 '72 ~ 84- 419 ~ 50 8~730 ' 60 Paid out last 198m'V4 " month $ 8, 531 86 of E. R. Murphy, seconded by Chas. M. Miller the Treasurer's report was ordered received and filed, On motion On passed, it motion was of Strasburg, of ordered ending Hensel seconded by Leon C that a voucher be issued First &ational to tne ~ Bank of $154.50 covering interest on outstanding of y10, 300.00 at 3' for six months for the period sum April 1, 1942. The and duly H. C. Kaufman, Pa. in the Borough indebtedness and duly passed, Secretary presented . to Council the following Samuel A Weaver, auditor Fra rik K. Ronrer, auditor Herbert M. Foulke, auditor', P. PE 8c ji, ~ Co ~ street lighting P. P. 8c K, Co. power Jaco b H. Rane k, labor-Wa ter De par tme nt »err 8c Co. supplies-Water Department Chas. M. Miller, labor-Water Depar tment Samuel W. Bleecimr, police . bills: 2. 50 2.50 73 13 8 ' 05 24 ' 15 36 ' 95 2 ' 50 ~ 41,50 31' 50 Thomas Ba i r, po lie e John Milton Ranck, report 1st National f iling 28 ' 50 audi tors ' of Strasburg, safety deposit box rent E, R. Murphy~ s garage, Stree t Depar tment supplies Chas. S. Aulthouse, labor-Street Dept. Harry F. Work, 1hbor-Street Department Bachman, expenses-Civilian Ida B. Eby, tax commissions Donald On duly passed, motion it Leon was .50 Bank F 00 40 ' 66 5~85 . 2 ~ 46 Defense 13 ~ 24 3 ~ 64 ' of Leon C. Hensel, seconded by Chas. N. Miller ordered the the a bove b ills be paid. C. Hensel brought to the at tention of Council the reques t of the Civilian Defense authorities that the Borough furnish sand to the of the town, to be used in case of emergency in fighting residents and in- cendiary bombs' On motion of Leon C. Hensel, passed, it buckets per family. seconded by E. R. Murphy and duly that Strasburg Borough purchase sand and furnish the' Borough truck and the services of two men in order that sufficient sand may be delivered to each interes ted household, not to exceed two was resolved There being no further and passed, the meeting business, on motion duly made, seconded adjourned. Respectfully submitted, cretar OF MEETING MINUTES The meeting was called to order President. by Milton H, 'Ranck, were present: following The 4, 1942. OF STRASBURG BOROUGH COUNCIL HEED MAY Burgess Frank B. Koch Jacob H. Ranck Water Superintendent Ranck Milton Secretary John , f ollowing and the Sherman Harold H. Messner, . C Hens el Mil ton H. Ranck, H. C. Kauffman, of Council: members W. Bcrok. , E, R. Chas. Murphy, M. Miller, and %eon . of the previ ous meeting were read and approved, The Minutes WATER DEPARTMENT reported Jacob H. Ranck, V/ater ~uperintendent, a that had been property, South Decatur Brackbill wished a new cohnection for the old cannery property Road; and that the line had been flushed. J. E. received and Goodell's water analysis, he was changing produced permission Chairman Murphy, a survey he was making that no on contamination. , was of auxiliary of the Vlater water supply the form of the Commit tee, advised Council for the Defense Council; bills for the Water Depar tment. record books for the Water Department. H. C. Kaufman advised Council that the fire wardens wished to use one of the Borough fire plugs for practice demonstrations. his There being no new objection thereto, permission Chas. M. Miller reported surveys showing of the springs that was duly granted. he has been making his periodical property. S TREET DEPARTMENT C. the State St" filed. E. R. He on the Edna Boyd Thad the Gap and installed overflow of the springs; noted in the strength both places, with no great improvement that a renewal a small Highway that efforts were being made to borrow street cleaner; that new white lines h d been painted on Kaufman reported the streets, that a new pipe had been installed concrete replacing broken terra cotta. Light Committee: No report. property, and Relief Committee: On Treasurer~s report as of report. No W. J. Weaver May 4, 1942: behalf of in the Ike Foulke the Secretary gave the following Balance from last month Received since . 531.86 1, 475 ' 85 10, 007. 71 8p g~ Paid out 9 532. 64 On and duly passed, The of Chas. motion Miller, M. the Treasurer's report Seer etary presented P. P. L. P. P. E, . was ordered to Council s treet power Company, Company, seconded by Harold H. Messner received and filed. bills: the following lighting $ S. Aulthouse, labor-Street Department Harry F. Work, labor-Street Department New Holland Concrete Co. Street Department Chas. 7. 14 Supplies C. J. Keneagy, Tax Collector, Paradise Township taxes on Borough property Ida B. Eby, tax commissions Donald Bachman, telephone for control room Pittsburg Equitable Meter Co. Water Dept. Supplies F ed L. & John E.~ Homsher, Water Dept. Sup.~ S ta te Wo r kmen' s Insurance Fund, pr em. J. E. Boodell, water analysis for Januar y, 7 ' 05 1 ~ 71 4. 62 12 ' 69 28, 20 lb. 63 ~ 19 F 00 36 ~ 75 February and March, Chas. M. Miller, labor, Water department On and dguly passed, On andc'duly Yj sum and passed, motion it was of Sherman ordered motion of E. the Secretary W. Beak, seconded by Leon 73.12 6 ' 17 21.60 12.80 ". Hensel that the above bills be paid, R. Murphy, was seconded directed by Harold H, Messner to issue a voucher in the of $30.00 to the Rosina Hubley Tent for Memorial Day services. seconded by Harold H. Messner On motion of H. C. Kaufman, duly passed, the Fir st National Bank of Strasburg, Pa. was designated as the official depository for Borough funds. On it was motion of Harold H. Messner, seconded by H. C. Kaufman, duly that WHEREAS, by an A" t approved March 19, 1941, presently known as Act No. 3 of the Sessions of 1941, the Eegislature of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania provided for the est ablishment of a State Council of Defense, which Act likewise con- tains provisions f or the utilization of local Councils of Defense; and WHEREAS, there presently and -cooperation exists in Stras- burg Borough and vicinity an organization known as DBf ense C ounci 1 of S trasburg Borough and U ici ni ty", which was formed November 23, 1940 by voluntary action on the part of the local citizens at a meeting called by Captain John M. Groff for that purpose, and has, since November 23, 1940 been functioning and engaged in active duties similar to those prescribed and set forth in the aforesaid Act of. March 19, 1941 relating to Defense Councils. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council NOW, of the Borough of Strasburg in so far as the same relates to the Borough of Strasburg, the Defense Council of Strasburg Borough and Vicinity is hereby adopted as the local Defense Council and that the name of the said organization be cer tified to the State Council of Defense as the local organization' which will cooperate wi th said State Council of Defense and will perform such duties, engage in such activities as are prescribed in the aforesaid Act of the Assembly relhting thereto, and that the appointment of John Milton Ranck, Deputy Commander of such Defense. Council by the said Defense Council is hereby approved. Secretary read to Council a communication from the Xancas ter '.Elks Club Flag. Day Parad8s6ommittee in which Strasburg Borough was The urged to participate. in the Parade. Harold matter H. Messner of dogs running seconded by Harold loose in the H. Messner to the attention of Council the Borough, and on moti. on of E. R. Murphy, brought and Culy passed, the Burgess was directed to notice to dog owners, in the Strasburg Weekly News. There being no further business, on motion duly made, seconded publish a warning and passed, the meeting adjourned. Respec tfu'lly submitted, MINUTES OF MEETING OF STRASBURG BOROUGH l~ 1942 ~ HEED JUNE COUNCIL, called to order by Milton H, Ranck, President. The following were present: burgess Frank B. Koch jacob H. Ranck Water Superintendent Secretary John Milton Ranck Milton H. Rancg, H. C ~ Kaufman, and the following members of Council: M. Huber Hess, Harold H. Messner, Nilliam T. Koch, E~&, R ~ Murphy, and Chas. M. Miller. The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Yhe meet1ng was 0 NATER DEPARTMENT Jacob H. Rane'k, Rater Superintendent, at both places; that brand for a leak at the he had been checking that a building suggested 1n which Borough tools and supplies would plenty of water Ross Hilde- property and had found none. Mr ~ Murphy lot reported bring ~ be kept. might to Council: plans and es tima te Chas be erected on the Borough o f the He stated he cost. Miller reported his periodic cneck-up on the Borough to the attention of Coupcil the necessity lock across the entrance to the spring property. springs property and brought a chain and of placing STREET XEPARTMENT H. C. Kaufman with inlet, installed had been the baseball Mr. Kauffman No new four foot pavement Harry Brackbill cleaning block, property. the grass along Jackson Street field, advised Counc11 of the difficulty cold patch or any tarvia products RELIEF COMMITTEE: that a at the suggested The burgess and around reported report. for the repairing of obtaining of streets ~ XIGHT COMMITTEE Hess Mx'. stated it be imposs'ible, would duxing present Che 'C to obtain a. street li. ght fox North Decatur Street, On behalf of W. J. Weavex the Secretary gave Che following emergency, report as of June 1, 1942; Treasurer~s Balance fx'om last 9, 532~64 month I Received since 503, 90 10,036.54 last out Pai. d 277, 48 month ~ 9~759, 06 of report motion On the Treasurer's Hess, seconded by M. Hubex was T. Wm. passed, filed. to be received and ordered Koch and duly t Haxold H. Messner visability of investing brought attention of Council the adcash balance in Government Wax Co the a pox'tion of our Bonds. also advised Council that He of the Borough the State Police po speeding this was a on the Borough reflection Mr. Messnex police and our Justices of the Peace on our Borough the Borough po11ce and violatoxs had come to town streets. locally prosecuted may be The 8ecretaxy presented May Weaver, to attempt the following 6 months salary, water bi. lls was stop suggested in order thaC bills; preparing . . Jacob H. Ranck, labox-Watex' Depax"tment Harry F ~ Woxk, labor-Water Department & Co put a stated that in his opinion a closer cooperation between g 35. 00 special services 15.00 P. P. & E, Co. street lighting P ~ P ~ 8 I, . Co. street lighting Ida B. Eby, tax commissions Xancaster Valite Co. street dressing Chas S ~ Aulthous e, labor-Stree t Depa r Cment Hax x y F. Work, labor-Street Depax. tment Herr Co police befoxe our local officers. by our Clarence Kandis, water metex' parts Elsie of cex Cain x'esidents request on the Watex Department Suppl'ies labor Wat;er Department Chas. Miller, I 4.50 50, 00 73. 13 14, 72 1 68 2, 94 ll o70 9, 20 19,79 5, 60 4, 94 32.25 L, B ~ Herr B. P. On and motion duly passed, On Koch it 8c 8c of was Sons, ledger sheets Sons, water department Harold H. Messner, ordered motion duly made, 4, 60 14 ' 56 supplies seconded by E. R, Murphy that the above bills be paid. seconded and passed, mourned. Respectfully submit ted, the meeting ad- OF MEETING MINUTES OF STRASBURG BOROUGH The meeting following COUNCIL called to order was by Milton H. Ranck, tThe Jacob H. Ranck Sec re tary John Mil ton the following of Council: members Hess, Harold H. M. Huber ~ present: were Vfater Superintendent and 6, 1942 HEED JUEY Mes sner, Rane k Milton Sherman V/ ~ Ranck, H. C. Kaufman, H~ Book, Chas. M. Miller, and Leon C. Hensel. of the previous The Minutes VfA were read and approved. meeting TER DEPART)'ENT - Jacob H. Ranck, Water Superintendent, water s at that a permit had been obtained of the s treet to the opening the news springs and two hundred received; Chas. property a new it and all some the fire he had cleaned he had the the reservoir; pipe had been purchased hose in the Borough had been tested and repair. Miller reported his periodic check-up of the springs in good order. He also reported that showed everything M. had been placed on The that a leak a t stated that further one inch galvanized fire carts all fire carts. axe for one of the analysis of State to from the the repairs; well in hand:;-;that feet of that that one needed make had been repairs@, He water r'ent collections that plenty both places, and a leak in front of the Milton H. Ranck milk tation warehouse; permit reported Secretary presented had been purchased the report of as of June 25, 1942, which showed J. E. and that straps Goodell~s water the water in excellent con- Q dition. THEET DEPARTMENT H. C. Kaufman property on Miller repor ted a Street. new pavement at the Harry Bracklbill Secretary read to Council a letter from the The Department signs. It was discussion best be done regarding at this time. in Council as to what could the Borough limits within speeding mile speed limit not be erected that signs should determined There was a general officers thirty-five the erection of regarding Highway local by our Justices of the Peace without the necessity of erecting speed limit signs, and it was determined that a meeting of the Committee of Public Safety be called within the near future, jointly with the justices of the peace and the local police officers. and Relief - Committee Eight Committee behalf of On treasurer's report. no report. — no J. Weaver WE , the Secretary gave the following report as of July 6, 1942! last Balance from 9, 759 ' 06 137.19 $ 9, 896.25 month $ Rec e1ved s inc e 249 ' 61 Paid out last; month ~ $ 9 646. 64 On duly passed, The motion of M. Huber Hess, the Treasurer's Report was ordered Secretary presented P. P. P. P. Prank seconded by Harold H. Messner and to be received to Council the following . ff 8c buckles, Mater -De~ rtment labor-Street. Department; Bair, police Samuel W. Bleeche r, polic e George Sangrey, Street Department supplies Messner Bros. Street Department supplies Chas. S ~ Althouse, Thomas ' Defense Donald Bachman, expenses-Civilian Herr 8: Co. water department supplies. Jacob H ~ Ranck; labor-Water Depa r tment; Reading P'ire E'qadi&Zo. Wa'ter Department supplies Weaver, disi nfec tants Vf. J. Chas Harry M. Miller, labor-Water . P. Work, labor-Street I„.B. Herr e- Son, difference Depart;ment Department on stationery filed. bills: treet lighting R E-. Co. s R E, Co ~ power Ho man, straps and 73.12 1 ~ 61 2.50 9 ' 90 28 ' 50 30 ~ 50 13.40 1 ~ 57 28o66 38 ' 12 18 F 50 4 ' 80 2 ' 25 34 ' 60 5 ~ 60 2. 70 On motion of Econ C. Hense1, it passed, was Messner, vote, it spoke to Council about Sar Bonds, Series F or G. seconded by H. C. Kaufman Gn the advisability motion of Harold H. and duly passed, ordered that the Borough out of was Miller and duly by Chas. M. ordered that the above bills be paid. Harold H. Messner of purchasing seconded its by unanimous General Fund purchase three $1000 ~ 00 Series F Bonds, selling at $740 ~ 00 each or a total expenditure of. $2220. 00, said bonds to be purchased from''the'First National Bank of S trasburg, There being no and passed, the meeting pa. fur ther business, on motion duly made, adjourned. Respectfully submitted, , seconded M lNUTES COUNCIL BOROUGH HEItiD AUGUST 3p l 942 called to order by Milton H. Ranck, President following were present: The meeting The S TRAS BURG OF MEE TING OF was Burgess Frank B, Koch Water Superintendent Jacob, H. Ranck Police Of f icer Thomas Bair Secretary "ohn Milton Ranck members of Council: Milton and the following M. Huber H'. Ranck, . H. C. Kaufman, Hess, Harold H. Messner, William T, goch, E. R. Murphy-, - and Chas. M. Miller of the previous The Minutes were read and approved. meeting WATER DEPARTMEN T Jacob H. Ranck, Water Superintendent, at at at the both places. two renewals „ M. lime injecting Ed Wimer property, and a renewal that the motor in the clock of the Miller reported is being repaired by Harry Muss; that he signs, and placed a chain across the entrance appara'tus had erected posts and property. to the Borough springs E. R. plenty of overflow on Eancaster Avenue. the Jacob H. Ranck property Chas. reported Chairman Murphy, collections were of the coming along Water Committee, reported that sa@Mfactorily. STREET DEPARTMENT H, , C~ Kaufman reported ight Committee: Relief Committee' X, On behalf of 5 ~ Treasurer's ng in excellent shape, report, report, No No J everythi. ~ Weaver Report as of August the Secretary gave the following 3, l942! Balance from last month $ 9, 646, 64 Received since Paid out last 67, 50 $ 9 71414 2 516 ' 43-~ month 7 197o71 On passed, The motion of N. Huber Hess, seconded by Harold H. Nessner and duly the Treasurer's report was ordered to be received and to Council the following bills: Power & Light Co, street lighting. ff filed. Secretary presented Pennsylvania tl fr rr Jacob H Chas N, ~ ~ Ranck, Niller, w labor-Water pow er $ J. On 36 F 00 1,28 BE 9, 50 34 ~ 1.4 motion of William duly passed, it was SoBS 11.55 Department Eby, tax commissions E. Rohrer, engineer work-Street Department Donald Bachman, civilian defense expenses Ida 73.13 T. Koch, seconded by harold H. Nessner ordered that the above bills be paid. and Bair, Chief of Police, brought to the attention of Council the problem he was having with-children operating their bicycles, It was suggested that the Solicitor make a check of the law, both as to local Ordinance and State Statutes relating to bicycles, and report Thomas Bairn' '. to Nr. Justice of the Peace John Groff called in to the meeting, and there followed a general discussion of the handling of motor vehicle violations in the Borough. A meeting of the Public Safety Committee, with the Burgess. and Solicitor attending, There being no further passed, the meeting was business, was suggested. on motion duly made, seconded and adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Secre ry II MINUTES OF MEETING OF STRASBURG BOROUGH COUNC 1942 EVENING, SEPTEMBER 8, HEED TUESDAY called to order by Milton H. Ranck, President. The following were present: Burgess Frank B. Koch Jacob H. Ranck Water Superintendent tar to re John n Banc k Mi 1 Sec y Milton H. Ranck, H. C. Kauf man and the following members of Counci. l; The meeting Hess, Harold H. Messner, M. Huber E. R. was Chas. Murphy, W. Book, William Sherman T. Koch, Miller and Econ C. Hensel. M. of the previous The Minutes were read and approved. meeting WATER DEPARTMENT repor ted an abund- Jacob H. Rane k, Water Superintendent, ant supply of water. E. R. Murphy, Chairman of the Water Commit-tee, that he had received a bid of/144. 00 to construct against the Borough shed on the Borough. lot, a frame reported lean-to with cement foundation. to store tools and equipment. seconded by Harold H. Messner On motion of H. C. Kaufman, J' and duly passed, it was ordered that the Water Committee proceed with the erection of the building at the above figure. Mr. Murphy fur ther suggested the purchase of a wide car riage typewriter (second-hand) for the sum of $50.00. The mat ter and floor, in was left in his which hands. Chas. the is woods the third dead was The for the Miller reported the Borough springs . on dead animal M. month calf thrown property he has found from a passing Sec retary presented of August;, showing that he no had found a dead calf in and had same removed. in this locality. Presumably This the truck. J. E. , Goads 3 contamination. l's water analys is STREET DEPARTMEN T trimmed, and that the inletE had been cleaned. that the scrap pile will be lo» Burgess Koch reported lot, cated on the Borough September that the Borough lot had been reported H. C. Kaufman collection the to be made on Wednesday, 9th. Light Committee: Re On ing Treasurer's lief 0ommi t tee; behalf of W. No report No repor J. Weaver, report as of September Balance f rom las Received since Paid out las t t t the Secretary gave the follow- 8, 1942: 7, 197' 71 27,'92 $ 7, 225. 63 month 174 ~ 45 ~ month 7 051 ' 18 Qn motion passed, of William T, Koch, seconded by Chas. M. Miller and duly the Treasurerfs report was ordered to be received and filed. The Secretary presented to Council the following bills: Pennsylvania Power R tl Donald fl Bachman, ff Eight Co. Street lighting ff 'tf Civilian power Defense Expens es Chas. Aulthouse, labor-Street Department Fred L. Rc John E ~ Homsher, Water Department Chas. N. Miller, labor-Water Department Jacob H. Ranck, labor-Water Depar tment America. n Water Softener Co, Extended shaft motor. for mixing tank in lime injector labor-Stree t Depar tment Thomas Bair, police Murphy's Garage, Street Department Supplies Aldus Zittle, stone-Street Department Supplies Chas. M. Miller, labor-Street Department C. J. Keneagy, Tax Collector, Paradise Township Clyde Weaver, Tax on -Borough Springs Qn and duly passed, motion it was of geon ordered C ~ property Hensel, seconded by Sherman that the above bills be paid, $ 73.12 3.91 13, 36 20 ~ 70 5 ' 23 24 ' 30 ' 10 ~ 62' 75, 007 80 20 ~ 00 18 ' 03 24 ' 17 13 ~ 05 18 ~ 78 W. Book matter of the proposed contract to supply The Camp 'nea'r. Eancaster with Strasburg attention of Council and by the Secretary. E. by Council as to the advisability to a head by a motion brought M. Huber Hess that to the Borough water was brought discussion of this made of the Rater Chairman H. Murphy, There was a general theNYA by the various move The matter ~ by Harold H. Messner, the the Borough supply was six nays and two ayes by a supply by a vote ~ Solicitor reported to The finally seconded rate of 20$ per thousand gallons, plus the cost of installing outlet for this purpose. This motion, on vote, was defeated of of members with water at the Camp NYA Committee, the local Ordinance Council Statute of 1959 governing bicycles ~ The Solicitor also brought to the attention of Council old Borough Ordinances dealing with the sub)ects of water, and curbing of 1896 and and the Pennsylvania guttering, moti'on On passed, Koch and duly payable to the Pennsylvania s econded the Secretary was directed First National interest on Borough t irement of Borough A of Harold H. Messner, Bank of Strasburg, Bonds up to October 1, 1942, draw voucher Pennsylvania, and s, for also for the re- of $5000 ~ 00 ~ check of the Borough receipt book discloses that the Power Bonds The in the amount and Eight Company of $10 ~ 20 per year up to and has paid including its pole tax in the also reported. that the three $1000 F 00 Series Treasurer box in the First National of Strasburg. There being seconded and passed, sum the year 1941 ~ F Rar Bonds were in the Borough safety deposit Bank to T. by Rilliam no further the meeting business, on motion duly made, adjourned. Res ectfully submitted, MINUTES called to order present: The meeting The 6, OF MEETING OF STRASBURG BOROUGH COUNCIL HELD OCTOBER following was were 1942 President. by Milton H. -Ranck, Burgess B, Frank Koch %later Sup rintendent Jacob H. Ranck Act'ng Secretary Harold HE Messner and the following Chas. M. of Council: members Miller, Wm. T, Koch, M. Huber Hess and Leon C. Hensel of the previous The Minutes were read and approved. reported a renewal -at Ranck, Vfater Superintendent, H~ the home of Mrs. residence meeting B. L. ~ DEPARTMENT WATER Jacob Milton H. Ranck, H. C. Kaufman, and a leak Yuninger, at the repaired H. F. Work ~ STREET DEPARTMENT H. C. Kaufman reported a concrete gutter new front of the John Eshelman property requested ruling the Borough'to that all in order to Mi lie r S tree make and was advised in Mr. Eshelman of the Borough by the property owners the. Eastern terminus of the was unable to get tarvia also reported that he repairs in front the property of Dr. L. Lovelidge, He to the pavement at the repairs reported Roy ty. Chas. LIGHT COMMITTEE: lights were out on September RELIEF COMMITTEE: Treasurer's Street. Main be maintained installed t. pr oper On East between Center Square and Leon Hensel Phenegar bill pay the curbs and gutters at their expense, Borough limits. on was behalf of W. No M. Miller reported that .the street 2Y, 1942 ~ report. J. cleaver, the Acting Secretary gave the following Report as of October 5, 1942: last Ba;lance from Received '7, 051, 18 month SS'68-- since $10~259 F 86 Paid out last month 5 Balance 4 '7VV, 28 motion of H. C. Kaufman, On 's report the Treasurer passed, was seconded by Leon Hensel and duly ordered Secretary presented The Acting Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Power J, E. to be received and to 'Council the following and Light Co. street and Light Co. power Power On it passed, M. .Bleecher, Bac hman, C 8c 'filed. bills: $73. 13 lighting Goodell, water analysis for April, May Geo. Sangrey, Jr. Water Department Supplies labor Street Depar tment, Chas ~ S' Aulthouse, Harry F. Work, labor Str ee t Depar t ment Chas. M. Miller, labor Water Department Jacob H. Ranck, labor Water Deyartment Harry'. Work, labor Water Department Ida B,Mby, tax c ommissions Samuel Donald ~~ 482. 58 June 8, 32 21.00 32.30 20 25 2, 00 20 4V 19' 50 VAQ :2 56 25 0'00 police ivilian defense 4 51 motion of Chas. N. Mil'Ter, seconded by M. Huber Hess and duly was ordered that the above bills be paid. repor't of J. E, Goodell, Chemist, showed the Borough water to be safe for domestic use. Harold, H. Messner, Acting Secretary, reported to Council the cancellation on October 1, 1942 of Borough Bonds Mo. 106 through 115, The 10 bonds at $500, 00 each as well as the payment October 1, 1942 ~ or a of six total retirement months interest of principal on jl0, 300.00 M. at 3$ to business, on motion of M. Huber Hess, Miller and duly passed, the meeting adjourned. There being no further seconded by Chas. of $5000 00, Respectfully submitted, Ac ting Secretar y MINUTES OF MEETING MONDaY, Tbe HELD 2, 1942. called to order by f ollovring were present: The meeting Chairman. OF STRASBURG BOROUGH COUNCIL NOVEMBER was old H. Messner, Acting Har 0 Burgess Frank B. Koch Rater Superintendent Jacob H. Ranck Secretary John Milton Ranck tbe- following and of Council: members Book, Rilliam T. Koch, Sherman )V. C. Hense 1. E. R. of the previous The Minutes M. Huber WATPZ Chas. Murphy, meeting Hess, Harold H. Messner, had that stronger; jut property; up about DEPARTMENT. that The month of a Secretsry presented showing ;K. R. Murphy to the water no trespassing leak in tbe gate on November, reported no repai. rs had been made during two hundred Miller, and Leon read and approved. vrere Jacob H. Ranck, Rater Superintendent, vrere M. Nor signs tha t the s pr ings the month; that he on the Borough springs th Decatur Street had been reported. J E. C oodell's ~ vrater analysis for the contamination. no reques ted the Secretary to check for amendments rates. Mr. Murphy further conference vrith carpenters tated that the Rater Committee had had a and that a shed 28' x 8' is being erected on s the south side of the Borough shed, with the roof combed up to the peak of the borough shed. STREET DEPARTMENT No report. LIGHT COMMITTEE No report. BELIEF No repor 'to COMMITTEE w~ — N~ He. l, l'fz~ a behalf of |V. On Treasurer s re por t as of -~~/;z, g P, ~ «oaCI Qaaa@ J. Pe the beczetavy Weaver', the folloetna 2, 1942: November Balance from last month Received since pave 4, 777, 28 fp 1773 ' 70 78 ~ 31 1 852. 01 6, 629 29 236. 64 Paid out 6 392 F 65 motion On it duly passed, was of William T. Koch, seconded by ED R. Murphy and ordered that the Treasurer's report be received and filed. The Secretary. read to Council the following bi. lls: Elsie May Weaver, V/ater Depar tment (wages in preparing bills Apri. l 1, 1942 to Oc tober 1, 1942) Ida B. Eby, tax commissions Pennsylvania Power & Lig'ht Company, Pennsylvania Power & lighting 4 str eet 7/a ~ 3,47 power tment Depart . M. Miller, labor, ter Ross E Book, Street Department-labor, ing Borough 73, 12 Light Company, Chas 25. 30 mow- lot 2 ~ 30 Inc ~ Rater Department Buckwalter-Sweigart, Supplies-typewriter J. E. Goodell, water analysis July, August 50, 00 21 ~ 00 and September On duly passed, It . motion of it ordered was was Leon C. Hensel, reported 35.00 96, 92 seconded by Chas. M. Miller and that the above bills be paid. to Council that Isaac L. . Ressler, Acting Health The question was raised whether or not Officer, wishes identification. the Health Officer is appointed by the Depar tment of Health or by Borough C'ouncil. to make. a check and report. The Solicitor was requested There was a brief discussion, as to the scrap on the Borough lot that might be distributed to the Sa'lvage Campaign=. There being no furl, er busine'ss, and passed, the meeting adjourned. sp on motion t ully su duly made, seconded . Secretar 7 MINUTES OF MEETING The meeting The f ollowing OF STRASBURG BOROUGH DECEMBER 7 p 1942 called to order was COUNCIL HELD MONDAYS by Milton present: were Burgess Frank B. Koch Water Super intenden t Jacob H. Secretary John Milton Ranck and the following M. Huber President. H. Ranck, of Council: members Hess, Harold H. Messner, R anc Milton H. Ranck, H. C. Kaufman, W1111am T. Koch, Chas. of the previous meeting were read The Minutes k M. Mi, lier ~ and approved. WATER DEPARTMENT Jacob H. Ranck, Water Superintendent, overflow at both places, «a temporary repair to the gate at the Solicitor reported The .Reese could be purchased was obtained Mr Reese. end to Council a conversation the new corporated with Levi Borough springs for fjl85. 00, total consideration. the three property This information not volunteered was t. Solicitor further reported relative to H. Messner and duly passed, said report amendments M. Huber was to the Hess, seconded directed to be in» in to the Minutes. November ED by the Water Committee, water rates since March 7, 1921, and on motion of by Harold and a of North Decatur Street. Solicitor and President referred the ms. tter to with power to ac The the Enos Herr property, perches adjoining at the request of The plenty of that the tract of woodland containing in which he advised acres and one hundred ~ at renewal reported R. Murphy, 5, 1942 Chairman Water Committee Strasburg Borough S tras burg, Pa, In re: Amendments to water rates approved at meeting held by Borough Council March 7 1921~ Six: Deax I have checked past twenty-one the Borough Minute Book fox the years, as well as the Ordinance Book, and the only mention of rates tha t I was a, ble to find is the following. ' , August 3, 1925 motion, the sum of $25 ~ 00 be chaxged for. tapping the water main, and including pipe and curb. Duly seconded and adopted. On It would seem that the above is an amendment to section 3 of the Rules of .the prin. ted form which reads, as f o llows: Sec. ti ons 3. The Borough at will furnish all con- the curb line of the s tree ts, at which point consumers may connect aftex having obtained a written pex'mit. from the Water Superintendent, fox which five ($5.00) dolJLars will be charged. , payable at the time the permit is issued. nec wi th s tops this is the inf ox mation Trus ting Very truly you desire, I am yours, JMR: JOHN CAB Chas. The M. reported Millex Secretary px progress J. esented MILTON RANCK, Secx etary on the shed on the Borough E. Goodell' s water analysis lot. showing no c ontaminat ion. t Street Committee: Relief Committee: No repox No report Light Committee: No report The Burgess suggested the Secretaxy immediately that all Borough vouchers after their execution be mailed out by by the Borough Treasurer. to the attention of Council the matter of the skating rink on the Borough lot. It seems that muskrats have at many places tunneled through the bank and as a result it is impossible to flood H. C. Kaufman the axea. The matter brought of obtaining the services of a contractox with a b811- dozer and txucks in oxder to excavate below the ground and, on motion of Harold H, Messnex', passed, the Street Committee level was di cussed, seconded by %1111am T. Koch and duly and Water Comm'. Lttee were authorized tc proceed 229 project at a cost not to exceed $300 F 00 ' Xn answer to a request from the Salvage Committee the -use of the Bor ough truck to transport tin cans to Lancaster, was authorized. It was directed that the Bell Telephone-Company be billed for pole license fee for the year ending October 31, 1943 for eighty-two poles at 10$ each or a total of $8.20 ~ On behalf of W. J. Weaver, the Secretary gave the f ollowing Treasurer 's report as of December 7, 1942:.i. with the excavation Balance from last month Received since Paid out las t 6, 392 ' 65, 302 ' 27 6~694 ' 92 307. 11 & month 6 387 ~ 81 motion On it duly passed, was of Chas. Miller, seconded by H. C. Kaufman ordered that the Treasurer ls report be received M. and and f i led. Secretary presented The Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Thomas Power Power Bair, police 8c 8c to Council the following bills: Light Co street lighting Light Co. power 73, 13 3 ~ 64 30 00 2 ' 78 3 ' 30 23, 90 2 ~ 00 18 ' 75 11' 90 Ida B. Eby, . tax commiss ions J. Weaver, disinfectant Jacob H. Ranck, labor-Water Department B. Enos Chas. E~ R. On motion of H. C. Kaufman, it duly passed, On duly passed, r, Labor-Wa ter Depar tmen t Miller, Labor-Wa ter Depar tment Murphy's garage-Water Department Supplies Her M. was motion it was ordered of T. Koch and that the above bills be paid, M. Huber. ordered seconded by William Hess, seconded by William that the appointment T. Koch and by the Board of Health of Melvin Ress ler as Health Officer for the Borough of Strasburg be approved, and tha t a cer tificate be issued There being no further and passed, the meeting to business, him authorizing on motion duly made, adjourned. Res pec him tfully submit ted, to act. seconded OF STRASBURG BOROUGH OF MEETING MINUTES The meeting dent. was following The were COUNCIL called to order Vice by H. C. Kaufman, 4, 1943 JANUARY HELD MONDAY, Presi- present: Burgess Prank B. Koch Jacob H. Ranck Superintendent Secretary John Milton Ranck . Water and the following H. Messner, Harold of Council: members William H, , T. Koch, E. R. C. Kaufman, Murphy, M. Huber Chas. M. Hess, Miller, and Leon C. Hensel. The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. WATER DZiPA'RTMENT Jacob H. Ranck, Water Superintendent, plenty of water at both places; E ~ R. Murphy, Chairman no leaks of tbe or new th-t there reported connections. Wat;er "ommittee, r'eported. taken an option on the Levi Reese woodlot adjoining he bad property ~prings of the pr analysis and would was enter. into a Sales Agreement that the Borough for the purchase to the, instruct;i. ons at the December meeting. The Secretary presented to Council J. E. Goodell's water for tbe month of December, showing no contamination. operty pursuant STREET DEPARTMENT H. C. Kaufman reported that the gutters and inlets had been c leaned. epor t, RELIEF COMMITTEE: No r LIGHT COMMITTEE: M. Huber . Hess reported that forty candle Street lights were no longer being manufac tured and that on Apr il 6, 1943, sixty candle power bulbs will be used and continued in use until such. time as for ty candle power bulbs This will represent an, increase for our s treet; lighting are available. budget for the ensuing year. The over-all cos t per annum is f igur ed at $1,057 ' 50 ' power bulbs now used in the Borough behalf of On Treasurer's W. J. Vfeaver, the Secretary gave the following report as of January 4, 1943: Balance fr om las t month 6, 387 ' 81 119' 96 Received since 44 ' 88 164 ' 84 $ Paid out 6, 552. 6S 169.40 $:6,383 Treasurer, on entering on his books No. 109, . dated September 8, 1942, payable Keneagy, Tax Coll. Paradis~e Twp. , in the sum of $18 ~ 78, erroneously stated the figure as being $18 ~ 79, thereby causing his balance to be one cent less than the actual balance, and we, therefore, add one cent to the present balance to make the c orrection— ~ 25 F 01 The Borough Voucher to C. J. $ 6 motion of M. Huber On passed, the Treasurer's report Hess, seconded by Leon C. Hensel and duly was Secretary presented The 383.26 ordered to be received and bi to Council the following filed. lls: Pennsylvania Power Ec Light Co. pow-er Power R Light Co. s treet lighting Pennsylvania Chas. M. Miller, labor-Street Department Thomas Samuel Bair, police VJ. Bleecher, police Ida B. Eb y, tax c ommis s ions Harry M. Lefever, shed on Borough lot-Vlater Dept Donald Bachman, Civilian Defense John Milton Ranck, pos tage F. B. Koch 8c Sons, Supplies-VJa ter Department Chas M. Mi 1 le r, Lab or -Vfa ter De p John G. Homsher Es , pr inting f or the year Ã. S. Tinney, salary, Secretary Board of Health Chas S. Aul thous e, Sa lar y-Hea 1th 0 f f ic er Jacob H. Ranck, . Water Rent Collector salary Wea ver, Sa lar y- Treasurer W. John Milton Ranck, Salary-'Secre tar y John Milton Ranck, Salary-Solicitor . t. . ~ 7 ' 75 4, 08 t. 8 ' 70 42. 28 65. 00 35 ~ 00 100:~ 00 35.00 100 ~ 00 25, 00 2. 00 2 ~ 00 2.00 J. Isaac L. Ressler, Hose house rent Hose house rent Rineer, ' O. 0. F. Hall Assoc. Hose house rent I.Annie O. O. F. Hall Assoc. rent for Council ' I. 1/1/42«12/31/42 On passed, it was order'ed Room T. Koch, seconded by E. R. that the above bills be paid. motion of )~'filliam 3.47 73 ~ 12 9 ' 65 10 ~ 00 35 ~ 00 2 ~ 24 269 F 09 17 ' 88 $ 35.00 Murphy and duly The Fire Company On it passed, Strasburg Secretary read to Council a communication from Strasburg No. 1, as to their probable expenditures for the year 1943. motion of H. C. Kaufman, seconded by M. Huber Hess and duly was ordered that a voucher in the Fire Company No. 1 towar d n sum of $20000, payable their expenses f or to year 1942, be the meeting adjourned the issued~ On motion duly niade, seconded arid passed, to re-organize. BUSINESS NEVJ E, R. Murphy of re-organization and Temporary Chairman fop the purpose for the year 1943 ~ following The appointed was for Officers nominations vrere made, seconded passed: President, Milton H. Ranck Vice Pres ident;, Harry C. Kaufman Secretary, John Milton Ranck Treasurer, Vl. VJea ier Tax Collector, Ida B, Eby Jacob H. Ranck Nater Superintendent, Rater Ren. t Collector, Jacob H. Ranck So lic i t or, John Ni lt on Banc k. J. closed seconded On motion duly made, On motion of Leon C. Hensel, and passed, the nominations were o passed, the Secretary and they were thereupon Milton H ~ vras Hess and duly declared elected. Ranck, having took the chair and t;he year 1943: STREET CONMI TTEE: C M. Huber directed to cas t a ballot; for the above nominees, Council, LIGHT seconded by ONMITTEE: made been. re-elected as President of the follovring H. C, Committee . Kaufman Wi lliam T. Koch Har o,ld. H. Nessner M. Huber Hes s Sher ma n Vf. Book Chas, M. Mi lie r . Borough appointments for 1 liam T. Koch Har old H. Mes s ner RELIEF COMMITTEE: V/i Chas. WA Miller E. R. TTEE: TER C OMNI M. 1K!ur phy M. Huber Hess Chas M. Miller . Leon C. Hensel COMMIT~: BUDGET Leon C, Hensel old H. Messner H. C. Kauf ma n Hax Harold H. Messnex SHADE TREE COMMITTEE' Hess M. Huber T. Koch Vfilliam COMMITTEE Leon C. Hensel Harold H. Messner H. C. Kauff man PUBLIC SAFE TY: ON of the Finance Committee was called for Fxiday evening, January 8, 1943 at 700 o' clock PM. at the o ffice of H. C. Kaufman. On motion of E. R. Murphy, seconded by M. Huber Hess and duly A passed, meeting On passed, of monies between Funds in the 1942 ~Budget was authorized. motion of H. C. Kaufman, seconded by Leon C. Hensel and duly the transfer it was resolved the Borough Code, be bonded On passed, all that Borough thxough the motion of Leon C. Hensel, the following police officers were appointed Secretary reported Tinney, showing the following Bair . Bleecher Samuel John Ulmer ~A~ from Dr. to Council a communication members under for the year 1943: . Thomas bonded T. Koch and duly seconded by V/illiam Chief of Police: Lieutenant: Pa trolman: The officials required to be office of John E. Homsher. of the Hoard S. )V. of Health: 1 Vfeaver John E. Rohrex Harry Groh Samue Res s ler Tinne y' Isaac L. S. On being advised that the term of Samuel motion of H. C. Kaufman, s econded by Vfilliam Samuel 1Veaver was appointed o f Hea 1 th. V/eaver h's expired, on T, Koch and duly passed, to a five year term as a member of the Board On motion and duly passed, it of was M. Huber revolsed Hess, seconded by Chas. that Council adjourn M. Miller to meet on, 15, 1945 at 7:50o'clock, at which time the proposed Budget for the year 1945 will be presented by the Budget Committee, and any other matters will be considered by' Council that might be Friday, January considered at any other regular meeting. Respectfully submitted, MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF STRASBURG 15' 1943 ' JANUARY BOROUGH COUNCIL HELD resolution of the January 4, 1943, meeting of Borough Council, Council convened on January 15, 1943, at 7:30 to an adjournment Pursuant P. The M. f o llowing John Milton R wer e present: nck, and the following Hess, Harold H. Messner, M. Huber Burgess Frank Koch; Secre tar y of Council: members Sher B. man W. H. C. Kaufman, Book, =. Chas. M. Miller, and Leon C. Hensel. reading The of the Minutes of the pr evious meeting was dispensed with. to the Resolution Pursuant of the January 4, 1943, meeting Leon of the Budget Committee, submit ted to Council the proposed Budget for the year 1943. On motion of Chas. M. Miller, seconded by M. Huber Hess and duly passed, it was resolved that Borough Council receive the proposed Budget and that the Secretary be 'directed to advise the electors of Strasburg Bor ough, by adver tisement in the Strasburg Weekly News, that C. Hensel, Chairman the proposed budget Harold H. Messner, days was open a member for public inspection at the residence of of the Budget Committee daily for fifteen . Secretary outlined The and the Defense as fo llows: telephone, Council as to the cost of maintaining The running etc. , to Council the understanding expenses of the Control to be borne by Borough Council; between the Defense Council, Room, all Council hea. t, light, other expenses by the Defense Council. There being no further passed, the meeting business, on motion duly made, 'djourned. Respectfully submitted, seconded and MINUTES OF STRASBURG BOROUGH ' FEBRUARY 1, 1943 ~ OF MEETING MONDAY, called to order by following were present: The meeting The was H. COUNCIL HELD Vice President. C. Kaufman, Burgess Frank B. Koch Secre tary John Milton Ranck and the following Sherman W. Book, The Minutes held January of Council: members E. R. Chas. Murphy, of the January H. C. Kaufman, M. Miller, 4, 1943 meeting 15, 1943, were read H. Messner, Harold and Leon C. Hensel and the ~ Special Meeting and appr'oved. VOTER DEPARTMENT that the Chas. M. Miller reported the fire hydrants and the entrances trees near the reservoir The Secretary presented Solicitor owned by Strasburg Ranck and wife conveyed fr om of 1943, showing no J. E. contamination. to the attention brought disc Township alleged to be fact away to the hose houses, and that the to Council the water analysis woodlot containing disputed cleared had been trimmed. Goodell for the month of January, The snow had been of Council the matter of the three acres and one hundred perches in Para- owned Borough, by the Levi Reese being the same premises to Levi Reese by deed da ted corded in the Recorder of Geeds Estate, office in Deed &ook May B, which is in which David 14, 1907 and reUolume 21, page 530 ~ The us a of the opinion that Levi Reese wishes to sell in the Levi Reese Estate adjoining our springs pro- Rater Committee lot of woodland was perty but that he has exhibited to us the wrong deed, and it seemed to be the feeling of Council that in the event he is able to produce a deed to cover this woodland, should readily purchase which he wishes same. to sell to the Bor ough, Council STREET DEPARTMENT H. C. Kaufman had been plowed th. t the s treets in the Borough of Strasburg that snow had been removed from in front of the reported open and Str asburg Bank. RELIEF COMMITTEE: No LIGHT COMMITTEE: No On behalf of report. report. J. Weaver W. 1, 1945: Report as of E'ebruary Balance .from las Received since Paid out las t t month $ $ 8.20 13.91 passed, motion of Harold month it was ordered There followed ief discussion and duly report be received and filed. concerning Council was advised .1 s. by E ~ R. Murphy seconded that the Treasurer's a br Officer. 'Borough Health H. Nessner, t, 583.26 22. 11 $ 5, 405. S7 1 084 ' 24 . On Treasurer's the Secretary gave the following the appointment that Melvin Ress ler of a was not able to qualify as Health Officer without taking a course of training, and-i t was determined that in the event a Health Officer was required, for the time being in Btrasburg Borough, Dr. ' ne~shoulct call on the Health Officer of Gap, Pa. The Secretary presented P. P. P. P. Donald Chas. J. E ~ Chas. to Council the following L. Co. power for lime in)ecting apparatus &, L. Co. street lighting Bachman, Civilian Defense - telephone bi. ll M. Miller - Labor, Water Department Goodell's water ana'lysis, Oct. Nov. 8c Dec ~ M. Miller — Labor, Street Department 8c ~ John E. Homsher, renewal prem. on bonds Weaver, Jacob H. Ranck, E ~ R. Murphy, Milton Ranck Ida B. Eby, tax commissions J. On pressed, The motion of it bills: E. R. Murphy, of. Wi lmer sTnd John 15 ~ 90 75 ~ 15 4 ' 90 17 ' 05 21,00 1'. 55 70 ~ 00 ~ 70 seconded by Chas. M. Miller and duly that the above bills be paid. Secretary reported that pursuant to resolution was ordered made at the of January meeting 15, l943, an advertisement was placed in the Strasburg advising the electors of Strasburg Borough that the pro- Weekly News, posed Budget for the year 1943 was on file at the home of Harold H. of the Budget Committee„ for a period of fifteen days:. Mr. Messner reported that:there had been no inquiries relative to the 1943 a member Messner, Budge t. mot1on On of Sherman E. R. Book, seconded by W ~ Murphy pass- and duly ed, the Borough Budget for the year 1943, in the form requ1red by Law, was by a vote adopted of five ayes and no nays, and that in connection with of the Budget and as part thereof, the appropriation resolfor the year ution containing anticipated receipts and appropriations the adoption l943 was On passed, duly. ado p ted. motion of E. R. Murphy, retaining the Grd1nance seconded by Chas. M. Miller and duly a tax rate of five and one-half mills fixing the salary of Borough Officials and authorizing the bonding of certain Borough officials, was adopted by vote of five ayes and no nays. for the year 1943 On passed, be and and motion of Harold H. Messner, it was resolved that the &'irs t National is hereby declared to Borough funds, seconded by be the as wd1 as funds official of the Borough E. R. Murphy and duly Bank of Strasburg, depository Pa. , of all Strasburg in. the hands of Borough off icia ls ~ On motion of Harold H. Messner, passed, Chas. Borough M. officials Miller was t o attend the Instruction New and duly School for Holland, at House. There being no further me delegated t R ~ Murphy to be, given by Mr. Ivan P. Lowry, of Lancaster County Cour pas s ed, the seconded by E, business, on motion duly made, e ting ad j our ned. Respectfully submitted, seconded and the MINUTES OF MEET1NG OF STRASBURG BOROUGH COUNCIL MARC H The meeting The f ollowing HELD MONDAY 1, 1943 calged to order by Councilman was Harold H. Messner. present: were Burgess Frank B. Koch Water Superintendent Jacob H. Ranck Secretary John Milton Ranck and the following of Council: members Harold H. Messner, Viilliam H. C. Kaufman, E. R. T, Koch, M. Huber Chas. Murphy, M. Hess, Miller, Leon and C. Hens e 1. The Minutes of the previous VIA meeting were read and approved. , TER DEPT) R Th'jENT Jacob H. Ranck, Ufater Superintendent, abundance of water; that there were no new reported connections tha t there was an nor leaks dur ing the month. The for the month Secretary presented to Council J. E. Goodell~s water analysis of I"'ebruary, 1943, showing no contkmination. Chas. but pine trees up work had M. . - Miller reported were being Murphy fr removed om. the Fichtner repor ted commencing commence the actual survey Kauffman is manufac turing locust — in fact everything land and. that cleaning the reservoir, been Pony around E. R. that briars, Saturday of the Borough springs the markers to bq next J. E. Rohrer will proper ty and that Mr. used. STREET DEPARTMENT H. C, Kaufman repor ted that Franklin of the High School, is in ver y bad condi RELIEF COMMITTEE: No report. LIGHT COMMITTEE: No repor t. tion. Street, in the neighborhood behalf of On Treasurer's repor t '. J. V, as of March Balance fr om last Received since the Secretary gave the following Weaver 1, 1943: mon. $ 5,-321. 13 0 000 F 00 th $ Pa id ou t las t mo nth 5, 321.13 204 ' 23 5 616 ~ 90 On passed, it of mot;ion that the Treasurer~ ordered was Hess, seconded by William M. Huber Secretary presented The report be received s Co. — ": s tree Chas. M. Miller, W. Calvin On passed, it passed, it ordered was t a voucher or dered tba Bank of Strasburg, ir terest on the rem' ining Harold H. . Messner sugges ted tbat we employ Pa. , as our Health Officer sum drawn T. Koch and duly of $79 50, payable in payment of april 1st of „p5,300 ~ 00. that be had talked to: EIealth Mr. Pennock, of Gap, Lancaster Burges s Koch s ta ted tha ~ to the t he would take with Dr. Tinney. Chas. M. that the school for Borough Officers, con- Miller reported ducted at the Lancaster was in the advised Council County, up the matter ter Department seconded by William Borough indebtedness Kur who nt seconded by H. C. Kaufman and duly Pa. , be Officer tz V~a - that. the 'bove bills be paid. motion, of M. Huber Hess, First National . er, Jr. labor, motion of Leon C. Hensel, was On Mowr t light;ing De par tme filed. 5.40 73 ~ 12 30.35 1.80 3.30 8, 60 power labor -Water Department . M. Mi 11er, la bor -S tr e e t J. Wea ver, dis i nf ec tan ts C has and duly bills: to Council the following Power R Light Pennsylvania O'. Koch and County Cour very inter es ting and helpful t and House by Ivan P. Lowry, of that there were twenty-two New Holland, individuals in attendance. 'I December Letter The Solicitor repor ted tc Council Operafions 1, 1942, by the office of Civilian Defense, covering No. 95 issued the subject "Medical and Cash Benefits There being no a nd pas s ed, the mee ting — injuries to Civilian fur ther business, a. d Defense Worker on motion duly made, j our ned, Respectfully submitted, ary s". seconded IINUTES OF MEETING OF STRASBURG BOROUGH COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, I", The meeting wer e called to order was by H. C. Kaufman. The APRIL 5, 1943, f ollowing present: Jacob H. Ranck, ~&Vater Superintendent John Milton Ranck, Secretary and. tbe fo llowing H. Mess ner, Vli of Council: members E. lliam T. Koch, H. C. Kaufman, R. Murphy, of the previous The Minutes and Chas meeting M. Huber . M. Mi Hess, Harold lier. were read and approved. VV. TER DEPARTMENT both places; a water wants . Bowman's Es t- te, 1, 1942 to He ing par t; month in preparing brought the Borough; and that that a check in the water bills to the attention due was of March, showing of Council farm, adjoining Secretary presented Henry the sum Elsie of 435. 00 in payMay Weaver from no t;he possibility of purcbas- the Borough spr ing property. J. E. Goodell's water analysis for tbe contamination. RELIEF V4illiam ter April:1, 1943. of the Yuninger The outside Les Street is being sold in the settlement of Mrs. the. t; delinquent water bills s tood agains t the same. reported Murphy for services Oct;ober and field; that fixed in Frank Rohrer's was connection to bis property E. R. ment le' k a, proper ty on Miller Bowman Ed. that at repor ted plenty of water Jacob H. Ranck, Vfater Superintendent;, C OMMITTEE to the attention of Council the case of lives on Miller Street. No action was taken. T. Koch brought Sallie Stoutzenberger, who STREET DEPARTMENT H. C. Kaufman repor ted that the State is patching Jackson S treet. LIGHT COI'IMITTEE Harold H. Messner s tr ee t lighting. inquired relat'ive to the change of rates for behalf of On W. J. Weaver Tre' surer. 's report; as of April Ba1" nce from las Received since t Paid out last t the Secret ry gave the following 5, 1943:. $5~ 116 90 month ~ 378 F 00 a f& mont;h 5, 494. 90 202, 07 5p292 ~ 83 mot;ion On it duly passed, was of William T. Koch, seconded by Harold H. Messner and ordered that the Treasurer's report be received and f i led, Tbe Secretary presented to following Council 1 the bills: Elsie Mae Weaver, ser vices from 10 tl/42 to 4/1/43 prepar ing Water Bills Pennsylvania Power 5: Light Co ~ - povver ff s tr ee t lighting Ida B. Eby, tax f"ommissions E. R. Murphy' s Garage- s tr ee t depa rtment Donald Bachman, Civilian Defense, telephone bill for less t two months J. E. Goodell, water an- lysis for Jan. J. E. Rohrer, Engineering ser vices f or surveying Chas . M. Mi spring lier proper ties — Sur veying Inspection Springs of Feb. month 8c Mar. in re passed, it motion of E, R. Murphy, was ordered. that; the above 9 ' 47 21 F 00 75 ~ 15 16 ' 80 45. 15 seconded bills 73 ~ 13 4 ~ 34 24. 85 j 28. 35 Calvin tlowrer, Jr. labor, Water ~Ziep r merit George Lesher, labor-Water Department Fred L. Ec ~John E. Homsher, Water Dept. Supplies Jacob H. Ranck, labor-Wa ter Depar tment 1st National Bank of Strasburgrg. box rental On 35.00 5 ' 90 by M. Huber 16 ~ 40 11' 75 3 ~ 87 17.80 F 00 Hess a nd duly be paid. Secretary directed Councilfs attention to letter from Trave ler s I nsuranc e C ompa ny re pub lic lihbi li ty insurance for the Borough, as well as State Council of Defense memorandum ESW-3 in re assistant The benefits and services available for Volunteer Civilian Defense workers injured in line of duty. No ac tion was taken on either matter. There was a discussion in Council rel' tive to the employment of Mr. Pennock, of Gap, Pa, as Health Officer. The mat;ter vias deferred for another month. 244 Gn passed, unanimously be issued, purchase motion of Harold H. Messner, seconded by I'l. Huber Hess and it was resolved that a voucher in the sum of $2960 ~ 00 to the Firs t National payable Chas. ng M. P-. , for the passed, Bonds to be Account. that the, Borough school course liIiller reported was satisfactori~ly. There being no further and of Strasburg, of four {4) Series "F" Bonds, at $740 ~ 00 each, said placed in the Water Fund Depreciation proceed) Bank the meeting adjourned business, on motion seconded duly made, . Respectfully submitted, 8tras burg, Pa. April 9, 1943 The Borough Auditors met at the home of the Secretary of Friday, April 9, 1943, at 'T:30 P. the books of ihe Borough Treasurer. on the evening of auditing , for the pur'pose 1 Ell and so cex M. tified the accounts, by the Auditors. . etc , were found to be in pr oper order AUDITORS ' REPORT .o f the OF STRA S BUR'G BOROUGH FINANCES FOR 'IHE FISCAL YEAR ENDING RECEI PTS Cash balance on hand, January Sa ter rents taxes - 1939 Delinquent ft ft 5, . 8, 729 ' 98 4, 340 ' 61 . g Commissions Unpaid balance Sale of ~ater Meters Water service connections License fees Wood sold Pump rental street 4, 1943~ 1942 19401941 of 1942 Duplicate Amount Aba tements Sundry JANUARY 135.32 3, 719~ 79 95 ~ 50 294 ~ 10 524 ' 92 3, 194,87 52. 19 9, 87 320+40 7, 35 13 ' 25 10 ~ 10 income TOTAL ' RECEIPTS: 16 997 ~ 53 EXPENDI TUBES.'. 242 ' 63 44, 00 239 F 00 126 ' 74 200 F 00 Adminis tra. tion expenses Bor ough bui ld ings a nd of f ic es Police salaries Expenses of Civilian Denfes Fir e Pro tec tion Board of Health - Salaries and vrages Construction and maintenance of streets Street lighting Military and Civic contributions Interest on Borough Appropriation to Bonds retire 10-~500 Borough Vlater Bonds Maintenance of vrater system, labor, material h supplies Purchase of 3 Series F Bonds for Water Fund Depreciation Insurance and premiums on bonds Ida B ~ Eaby, tax commissions ' CASH BALANCE AS OF JANUARY 62. 10 97, 66 159, 17 4~ 1943 100,00 307, 95 877 ' 50 30+00 309 F 00 5~ 000, 00 1~ 786 ~ 38 2p220e00 101~ 63 113~ 68 11,698 51 5 299, 02 16 997+53 RELIEF FUND STRASBURG BOROUGH Keinbort's 400. 00 300, 00 Legacy Legacy Bernarda Black Legacy E lwood Krei der r s Legacy Strasburg Senate Appropria tion J. N. Pott's 911.22 300, 00 60 ~ 50 1 9Vl, V2 RELIEF FUND INVESTMENTS - 1st Milton Nowrer First National Bank Mortgage - of Strasburg Savings Account 41, 150,00 821 ' V2 1 9V1 ~ V2 RELIEF - FUND INCOME ACCOUNT - 1 499, 54 January 5, 1942 received - Milton Nowrer Cash Balance Interest Interest. received - First National mor 65 F 00 16.88 tgage Bank of Strasburg 581,42 WATER FUND DEPRECIATION 3 - $1000 Series "F" Bonds TOTAL BOROUGH We, Pa. , Weaver, =we the undersigned do hereby same $V40 00 2 220, 00 $5~300 ~ 00 for the Auditors certify that Treasurer, find the - INDEBTEDNESS ACCOUNT we Borough of Strasburg, have exarr~ined the accounts of W. for the Fiscal Year ending January 4, 1943, as above stated. SAMUEL A FRANK . ~ WEA VER K ~ ROHRER :HERBERT Mp FOULKE J. and MINUTES The meeting following were . The Burgess Frank B. Koch Water Superintendent Jacob H. Ranck Secretary John . Milton Ranck of Council: members Milton H. Ranck, H. C. Kaufman, E. R. Hess, Harold H. Nessner, M. Huber ~, 1944 present: following. the NAY called to order by Milton H. Ranck, President. was . and OF STRASBURG BOROUGH CO'CECIL HELD MONDAY, OF MEETING Chas. N. Miller, Murphy, and Leon C. Hense 1. The Minutes of the previous were read and approved. meeting WATER DEPARTMENT Jacob H. Ranck, Water Superintendent, water; a on new connection at the Henry property Miller Street, at the Hull property; Street. reported a leak an abundance of (Earl Herr farm); a leak at the gate on, North Decatur also reported tMt the Wenger girls would like to have a water connection, presumably for irrigation purposes, on the pr operty they recently purchased in the country. No action was taken. E. R ~ Murphy reported that it was the Water DepartmerVs intention to retain fifty locus t posts for fencing purposes ~ He stated that of the semi-annual water duplicate of $2152. 00, there had already been collected $1797 50. He The man Estate Esquire, Solicitor reported that and had presented the attorney The Solicitor delinquent him by the Water The water an. bills appearance in the Jas. Lightner, to N. Bow- for the Estate. was directed to enter his appearance Ulrich Estate and present delinquent to he had entered in the Jennie water claims, which will be forwarded Depar tment. Solicitor brought to of Council the reservations acres of land in Paradise Township the attention in the deed to water rights in twenty-one as set forth in deed from Jacob L. Ranck, Executor, et al. to Strasburg t 15, 1898, recorded in dated Augus Borough, Lancaster in Deed Book purchase Borough~s in Paradise Vol. 15, page 164, in connection with the liV, from Jacob Yhninger Township the Recorder 's Office at 69.2 P. , 3 A. containing of a small tract of land and wife the the same being a par 21 acre tract above purchased. of N. Huber Hess, seconded by Chas. N. Miller and duly passed, it was resolved that the Borough purchase. 3 acres 69 ~ 2 perches of " land in Paradise Township from Jacob Yuninger and wife for $350, 00, and. that. On &potion to issue a voucher the Secretary be authorized passed, it On motion of was resolved H;:C. :Kaufman, therefor. seconded that the Borough purchase at this time, questioning by E. R. and duly the said property, without, reserved. to the. Grantors the water rights et al to Strasburg deed from Jacob L. Ranck, Executor, Murphy, Borough, in the; ns hereinbefore referred to ~ S TREET DEPAR'IDENT that the inlets will be cleaned in the H. C. Kaufman reported near futures RELIEF COMMITTEE: No report. Leon C:;,.Hense 1 reported LIGHT COMMITTEE: that as of April 3, 1943, the bulbs in the s treet lights have been raised in candle . sixty higher and that consequently the. n her On Treasurer's etofor our bills for s power treet lighting are slightly ~ behalf of W. report as of J. Weaver, 3, 1943: last month the Secretary gave the following Nay Balance from Received since 5, 292 ' 83 1 V17 ~ 46 "/, Paid out last month 010 ~ 29 3 316 ~ 81 3, 693, 48 to motion of L'yon. On passed, it C that the- Treasurer's was ordered The Secretary presented Pennsylvan. Pennsylvania Samuel Thomas ~tate seconded '~Handsel, ia R. Murphy to Council the following Bleecher, police Bair, police Insurance bi Fund, workmen's $ 17. 13 . J. J. passed, it was motion of ordered H. C. Kaufman, sec onded by M. Huber lls: 4 ' 90 26 ~ 86 9 F 80 34 F 80 48 F 00 F 00 7 ' 05 Hess and duly that the above bills be paid. raised the question of the miscondm t of t Mowrer. No action was taken. There being no further business, on motion duly made, seconded Harold H. Messner Ruper Q. led. 7.33 compen, . 9 ~ 72 Calvin Mowrer, Jr. labor-lVater Department John Milton Ranck, expenses incident to. Yuninger property 34, 30 John Milton Ranck, advanced for filing Auditors' Report 1942 50 E ~ Rohrer, engineering services Robert Y. Herr, Treasure'r, Lancaster County Borough dissociation - dues C ~ . Keneagy, . Coll. Taxes on Para dis e Twp. Borough Springs property ' On and duly $ 4.50 85 ' 58 27 ' 50 19.50 lighting Civilian Defense-telephone Chas. Mi lier, labor-Ka ter Department trips to spring " Donald Bachman, E. report be received and Power & Light Co. power Power & Light Co ~ street Vforkmen's by a nd pas s ed, the mee ting ad j our ned. Res pec tfully submi t ted, MINUTES'. OF MEETING The meeting The following OF STRASBURG BOROUGH JUNE 7, 1943 called to order was COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, by Milton H. Ranck, President. present: were J . Burgess Frank B, Koch Jacob H. Ranck Water Superintendent Secretary John Milton Ranck and the following Sherman of Council: members Chas. N. Miller, and Leon C. Hensel. Book, E, R. Murphy, W, of the previous The Minutes Milton H. Ranck, Harold H. Nessner, meeting were read and approved. WATER DEPARTMENT Jacob H. Ranck, Water Superintendent, at the Ella Hall property a renewal Jake Warehouse, Rowe on formerly property reported an abundance of water; Miller Street; leaks fixed at Homshsx's the Nowery property on East Main. :Stree B. Frank Rohrer farm. Ralph MuIpby, Chairman of the Water Committee, presented progress report of J. E. Rohrer re survey of Borough springs proper ty, dated June 7, 1943, whic h was read by the Secre ta ry. and the Milt Rohrer farm and the negotations Nr. ~~':phy fur ther reported and Rena E. and On passed, it J. was resolved C~ the Water Committee for purchase of land adjoining LeRoy Wenger motion of Leon between Hensel, seco. nded by Sherman that the Borough purchase springs property. W. Book and duly 11 acres and 147.2 perches for $360 F 00, /said property adjoining small tract recently purchased from Jacob Yuninger and wife. ' Chas. M. Miller repor ted finding refuse on the Bei ler property ad- of land in Paradise Township from Rena E. and J. LeRoy Wenger, . j ac en t to our new springs pr oper Nr. Miller further that the land surrounding ty. brought. to the attention ". the Borough reservoir was of Council the fact being farmed and advised that permission to farm the land had been given to Clayton Howe's son by the Water Department. was ', The of month Secretary presented May, the water showing J. E ~ fit for STREET Goodell's water analysis for the consumption. human DEPARTEMENT Chas. N. M111er' reported, that the inlets had been cleaned There followed sewer between it for approximately his opinion was discussion regarding it ter wi Chas. N. Miller repor'ted question The M. Miller and he Gr off, either to pay him was fifteen years. ll, ultimately that Henry Book to open the gutter Borough permission on':.Vtes of the mowing directed to have Mr. Groff on his mow R. Paul warning willing was property. No was the best bargain it for Street Main come. of the Borough lot make t Nr. Hense1 s tated could not be opened without Long, on whose pr oper ty the wa of a st orm the opening pr'operties and Hildebrand the Eshelman which had been closed that a heated ~ the hay to grant the action raised he could taken. was by Chas. with Harry or, fails. ng that, to for said work. Light. Committee: behalf of N. On Treasur er J. No. repor t. 1Veaver, the Seer'etary, gave the following Re lief Commit tee: No r eport ~ 's repor t as of June 7th: Balance froni last month $3, 693 ' 48 Received since 556 ~ 10 $4, 249e58 658 F 81 Paid oug 3 590 ' 77 motion On duly passed, it of Harold was ordered H. Nessner, seconded that the Zpeesurer's by Chas. N. Miller and repor t be received and fi led. Secretary brought The a voucher, Ro. 44, dated for Memorial Day to the attention of Council theissuance of 98, 1943, payable to the Rostna Rube& Tent services, in the sum of $30 ~ 00 ~ On motion of Harold H. Nay seconded by Chas. M. Miller and duly passed, Messner, said voucher The issuance of the was approved. Secretary presented Pennsylvania street lighting Power & Light Company, 0 tl bills: to Council the following II 88 12 6, 65 5 ' 45 27, 56 7, 20 15 ' 76 power Donald Bachman, Civi lian Defense ( telephone)Jacob H. Ranck, labor-Rater D, epartment Harry F. Work, labor-Hater Department Proportioneers, Inc. Vlater Department Supplies J. E. F. B. F. B. Chas. Cbae. Calvin Calvin Clyde Hair y Koch Koch ' On motion of Leon C. Hensel, it was passed, orde'reed:that The Burgess turned !aeconded by the above bills E. R. 56, 47 8, 10 12 ~ 60 4 ~ 50 5, 00 1,55 Mur phy and duly be paid, over to the Secretary a letter from the of Internal Affairs re Victory Tax. Department There was a lengthy concerning more 55. 25 22 ' 45 2. 75 er, engineqring ser vices-surveying & Sons, Mater Departrhent supplies & Sons, Street Department supplies M. Miller, labor«lVa ter Depar tment Tri ps to s pr i nga 415 ~ 00 Sur veing 81,47 M. Miller, labor-Street Department Mowrer, Jr. Labor-Wa ter Depar tment Mowrer, Jr. Labor-Street Depar tment li ~ Neaver, labor -Street Depar tment lVork, 'labor-Street Depar tment Rohr automob1. 1e code rigid enforcement discussion 'violationa among wi the members of Council thin the Borough limits. A was recommended. directed to see J. E. Rohrer in the hopes that he could be persuaded to r'un for Justice of the Peace in the forthcoming munici@l elec tion. There being no further business, on motion duly. na de a, nd The sec onded, Secretary the mee ting waa j a d our ned. Res pec tf ully / submi tted, The meeting The OF STP&.SBURG BOROUGH COUNCIL OF MEETING MINUTES was called to order 6, 1943. HELD JULY by Milton H. Ranck, President. fo llowing were present: Burgess Frank B. Koch Jacob H. Ranck Water Superintendent Seer e tar y John Mi lton Ra nck and the following Hess M. Huber M. Miller, & members of Council: Harold H. Messner, and Leon C Hensel ~ Jacob* H. Ranck, new Kreider's C Wa W. Book, William T. Koch, Chas. ~ WA water; Sherman of the previous The Minutes Milton H. Ranck, H. C. Kaufman, meeting were read and appr ar ed. TER DE PARTMEN T ter Superintenden. t, repor ted an abundanc e of line into the Clarence Landis property; leak fixed at India property; and a leak about to be fixed at Homsher 's warehouse. There was a discussion ef. Council as to a proper charge for the larence Landis ' connec Leon C. Hens reported Committee, tion. el, on behalf 'of E ~ R. that the deed from Rhena Chair man of the Water Murphy, E. Wengez' and husband to Stras- burg Borough has been executed. motion of Leon C. Hensel, On passed, the Secretary was directed payable to H. C. Kaufman, of the To Wm. to draw a voucher to reimburse him T. Koch and duly in the of sum for monies advanced 00, for &+~3b0 ~ by him property. The Solicitor repor ted that he had taken up with H. C]ay Burkholder, representing Levi Reese, the matter of the disputed spr ing proper ty. the purchase Esquire, seconded by all intents Wenger and purposes, the matter is closed. So'licitor also reported entering his appearance in the Jennie Q3Lich Estate for the Borough as a creditor for delinquent water rent. The It was sugges ted by the Chairman of the Water Committee that the reservoir be cleaned in the near future. The Secretary presented J ~ E. Goodell's water analysis, of June, month fit the water showing for for the consumption. human STREET DEPARTMENT H. C. he had secured of the Street Committee, repor ted that priority for asphalt to resurface the s treet in, front of Chairman Kaufman, a the school house. sylvania poles at r'e RELIEF COMMITTEE; No. LIGHT COMMITTEE: The port Secretary directed to bi 11 was for the 1942 pole tax on the basis of 102 Power & Light Company office of 10$ each and to send the bfkl to the Strasburg Pennsylvania Power On & The Penn- attention Calvin Mowery Heaver, the "'ecretary presented the Light Company, J. behalf of H. the Treasurer's report as of July 6, 1943: Balance from last month 3p590 ~ 77 47. 00 Recei ved since $ Paid out last 297 ' 21 month $ On passed, it Seer'etary Pennsylvania fl M. presented to Council Power h Light tf tt tt Company, the following s bills: treet lighting power on Henger John E. Homsher, acknow ledgmen ts John Milton Ranck, services in re Henger Transac tion Recording deed Federal stamps on deed E. Rohrer, sur vey springs properties E. Goodell, water analysis, April, May J. J. Ca 3, 340 ' 56 Miller, seconded by II, Huber Hess and duly ordered that the Treasurer's repor t be received. and filed. motion, was The of Chas. 3, 63'. VV lvin Mowery, Jr. Labor -Ha ter Depar tment Chas. M. Miller, tr'i ps to spring Chas. M. Mi lier, Labor-Hater Depar tment deed )I10 00 3 ~ 00 ~ 55 Ec June $ 88 ~ 13 6 ' 40 ~ VS 15,55 11.25 2 1,'00 6 ~ 80 )j'18.60 10,54 29 ~ 14 i f 4.68 Do na ld Bachma n, C vilian De e ns e W. Z. Weaver, disinfectants Thomas Bail", police Samue 1 B lee che po lice 1~ 67 85 F 00 34 F 00 . r, On it ordered th" Council discussed the duly passed, forthcoming motion of Har old H. Messner, was municipal There being a nd pas s ed, the mee t the above seconded by H. C. Kaufman, bills and be paid. filing of the various offices for the election. no fur ther business, on motion duly made, ting ad j our ned. Respectfully submitted, seconded OF STRASBURG BOROUGH COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, OF MEETING MINUTES AUGUST The meeting The following were 2~ 1943 ~ called to order by Milton was President. H. Ranck, present: Burgess Frank B„Koch Jacob H. Ranck Water Superintendent Secretary John Milton Ranck and the following William Harold H. Messner, CD Hensel Milton H. Ranck, H. of Council: members T. Koch, E. R„Murphy, Chas. M. C Kaufman, ~ Miller, and Leon ~ of the previous The Minutes meeting were read and approved. WATER DEPARTMENT Jacob H. Ranck, Water Superintendent, at both places; a new line installed Street a leak fixed at the reservoir has been cleaned. Main Secreta'ry presented The month at the reported Harold Mowery property, Stauffer property, Harry J. E. of water plenty and that the Goodell's water analysis of July, showing no contamination. It was reported thst the gate valve at the North end East for the of North Decatur Street was leaking. E. R. the Murphy repor ted that the survey work will be held up until Fall. STREET DEPARTMENT H. C~ job on the patching stated that he is attempting to get labor, to the street in front of the school house. Kaufman LIGHT COMMITTEE: Leon C. Hensel has been paid by the Pennsylvania On ing Treasurer's behalf of W. reported do that the pole tax Power and Light Company, J. Weaver, the Secrstar report as of August 2, 1943: y presented the follow- Balance from last month Received since Paid out last $ 3, 340, 56 241, 62 3, 582 ' 18 602 ' 37 month 2 motion of Chas. M. Miller, On it duly passed, was ordered 979,81 seconded by Harold H, Messner and that the Treasurer's repor t be rece'. ved atrl f i led. Secretary presented The to Council the following bills: Pennsylvania Power 8c Light Company, s treet lighting Ida B, Eaby, taax commissions John Milton Ranck, reimbursement, advanced to record. deed from Samuel Myer to Georg~ Sme ltz Donald Bachman, Jacob H. Ranck, Chas. Miller M. $88 ~ 12 3 ~ 81 F 00 4, 79 34 30 Civilian Defense Labor-Water Depar tment Labor-@a ter Depart ment 15 ~ 75 Trips to Springs 20, 80 Chas. M. Miller, Labor-Street Deparkhaat On passed, it motion of H. was Kaufman, and duly that the above bills be paid. a discussion in Council as to the skating project on t, There being no further and passed, seconded by Leon C. Hensel, ordered There was the Borough lo C~ 36 55 1,80 the meeting business, on mot'ion duly made, seconded adJourned. Respectfully submit ted, ary MIK/TKS OF MEETING OF STRASBURG BOROUGH SEPTEMBER The meeting following COUNCIL HELD TUESDAY, "7„1943 ca'lied to order by Milton H. Ranck, President. was The werepresent: "Burgess Frank B ~ Koch Water Super intendent Jacob H. Ranck " Chief of Police Thomas Bair and the following of Council: members Harold H. Messner, Sherman and Leon C. Hense 1, and H. Milton H. Ranck, W. Book, William C. Kaufman. The Minutes M. Huber T. Koch, Chas. of the previous M. Hess, Miller, Meeting were read and approved. WATER DEPARTNENT Jacob H. Ranck, Water Superintendent, reported plenty of water aprings; a renewal at the Elwood Kreider property; Breuninger's property. a leak at at both Mrs. C. W. D C. Hensel reported a hole on North Decatur Street and that an auto spring had been broken by a motorist in driving over this hole ~ H. C. Kaufman reported that the borough lot had been moweC, Leon Li ht Committee: Pennsylvania Borough Ordinance Power and Light Company up and agreement with the in re light contract 4'eceived. The Solicitor for an opinion, and; if satisfactory, for approval at the october meeting of Council. matter was referred sentedd: to be brought The proposed Relief Committee: The Report of W. to thy No report, J. Weaver, Balance from las Received since t Treasurer, as of September 6, 1943, . was pre- 2979 F 81 1V 50 month $ 299'f 31 Paid out las t 172 ~ )7 month 2824 ' 94 On motion of Leon C. Hensel seconded by Chas. M. Miller and duly passed, it that the Treasurer's was ordered bills following The Pennsylvania Perinsylvania Chas. J. R~ Murphy's Pr opert1es in Paradi. se Township Garage, Street Department 2b ~ 00 20 ' 35 supplies 38el0 25, 00 F 00 5 ~ 12 Defense motion of Sherman W. Book, seconde@ by Chas. M. Miller and duly passed, On ordered was that the above bills be paid, of H. motion On C~ Kaufman, the- Secretary was directed Bank 88 ~ 13 1~ 76 power Miller, trips to springs $ 20 15 Miller, labor, Vfater Department 5.85 KeneagJ, tax collector, taxes on Borrow~ r Samuel Bleecher, police Landis Groff, mowing Borough lot Donald -Bachman, telephone-Civil1an it st-rect lighting Power h Light Company, Power 4 Light Company, M. Springs E. to Council: were presented M~ Chas. C. f iled. report be received and seconded to draw vouchers, to the payable for interes t on Borough Bonds of $79 ~ 50, and also for the retirement of Strasburg, the amount T. Koch and duly passed, by William up of First National to October 1, 1943, in Bor ough Bonds in the of $2300, 00 ' On motion of Harry C. Kaufman, seconded by Leon C ~ Hensel and duly passed, it was ordered that henceforth Chas. Miller and Jacob Ranck be paid at the rate of t0$ an hour. Burgess Koch r eported that boys in-the Borough were violating the bicycle amount ordinanc e. .Applicat1on 1Nilliam Lewis Christ D, Herr for right to join the water line of along the Strasburg Pike. The matter was left wi th the Water was ma'de by Committee, Bair repor ted that dogs were annoying residents on North Decatur Street ~ No .action was taken unless reports were submitting in writing. There being no further business, on motion duly made, seconded and passed, Constable ,the meeting adjourned. f Res pec t u lly s ubmi t ted, Haro d H. Mess ner, Ac t1ng ere tary OF MEETING OF STRASBURB BOROUGH COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1945 MINUTES called to order following v ere present: The meeting The was . by Milton H. Ranck, President~ Burgess Frank B, Koch, Jacob H. Ranck Water Superintendent Secre tary John Mi lton Rane k and tbe following of Council: members Mi Hess, Harold H. Messner, 0/illiam M. Huber lton H. Ranck, H. C. Kaufman, T. Koch, E. R. Murphy, and Chas. M. Mi 1 le r'. of' tbe previous The Minutes WA meeting were read and appr oved. TER DEPARTMENT Jacob H. Ranck, V1ater Superintendent, both places; and that a proper'ty a leak bad been fixed tha. t new line had to tap on to He Bill at the installed C. W. Breuni~er property, Ed Bowmn {Frank Koch) bill one and one-half was permitting t Chris Herr inch pipe along the Strasburg also brought; to the at ten%ion of Council the fact that East asked whether delinquent t;he that the Borough reported Lews' Mr. Murphy Paul Graham, at of overflow at Miller Street. on Ralph Murphy Pike. been repor ted plenty of' the Borough, the Borough in view owes fj88 ~ 00 in delinquent rent. water willing to make any adjustment of the alleged damage to Paul Graham'f on was n this the collap- cost @5.00 each insta lied, Mr, Graham claims that these boilers ccllapsed because of the negligence of the Borough in flushing the line without notice sing of two water boilers t;o his property, which Mr. Graham alleges him. On passed, way on motion of Harold H. Messner, it was t;he liable for the be no reduct;ion seconded by H. C. Kaufman decision. of Borough Council that the Borough and duly was in to Paul Graham', s boilers and that there would or adjustment; in his delinquent water bi 11. damage no S TREE T reported H. C. Kaufman . TTEE COMMI difficulty in obtaining help to repaix the s treets. He was directed to obtai. n specifications and let bids for the skat- project. ing LIGHT COMMITTEE Secretary. brought. to-' the Borough's contract with the The, , pi. res January of the;q, ttention of Council the fact that Pennsylva nia Power and Light Company 1'7, 1944 and the proposed Ordinance authorizing ex- the execution contract with the Pennsylvania Powex' and Light Company to cover the use of sixty candle power bulbs as opposed to the foxty candle power bulbs under the old contxact. a nevi On motion of M. Huber Hess, seconded by Chas. M. Mi. Oxdinarr e was passed by Borough Council and was appxoved Boxough lier, the following by the Burgess: of St;rasburg Ordinance No, . : Providing for the fuxnishing of electric s treet; lighting sex vice to the Boxough of S txasbuxg, County of Lancas ter, Pennsylvania ~ of WHEREAS, agx'cement BE IT Stxasburg, there is now on file wi th the Borough Secretary a form covering overhead elec tric', street lighting service. ORDAINED and- the same: it AND ENACTED by the Council of the Borough of and enacted by the authority is hereby ordained of That the Borough of Strasbuxg, County of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, enter into an agreement wi th Pennsylvania Power hc L'ight Company for the furnishing of a ll overhead electric street lighting service requir ed to light the stxeets of the Borough f or the peri'od and in accordance with the texms contained in the foxm of agreement now on file with the Borough Secretary for the furnishing of such sex vice; and tha't the proper officex's of the Borough be and they hereby are authoxized and directed to execute and deliver said form of agreement on behalf of the Box ough. Enacted into an ordinance and passed by the Council Borough of Strasburg, this 4th day of October, 1945. Attes t: Mi lton H. Ranck President of Council John. Milton Ranck Borough Secretary Approved thi, s 4th day of Octobex, 1943. Frank B. Koch . Bux ress. of the behalf of On Vl. J. VIeaver, Tre'. surer, 'ts report as of Balance from las t Oc the Secretary gave the. following tober 4, 1943: month 2, 824 ~ 94 $ Received since Paid out las t 109~ 50 2, 934.44 2 586 ' 96 month 34'7 ' 48 motion On it passed, motion of On ed, be it was of L. R. Murphy, seconded by William T. Koch and duly ordered that the Treasurer's report be received and filed. was ordered E. R. Murphy, seconded that henceforth by M. Huber the minimunwage Hess and for all duly pass- Borough workers set at fifty cents per hour. The Secretary presented to Council the following bi lls: Power &, Light C o. s tree t lighting Pennsylvania labor-Str eet Department Vf. Weaver, Clyde Harry Work, labor - Street Departmen. t Wea ver, di s inf ec tants Chas. M. Mi. lier, labor-Water 'Depar tment — fj13 ~ 80 tr i ps to springs 17.19 Jacob H. Ranck, labor-Water DepartmerL Harr y I". .Vfork, labor-@ater Depar tment J. 88 ~ 12 14, 00 8 ' 50 3.35 30, 90 29 ~ 50 10, 00 of H. C. Kaufman, seconded by Chas. M. Miller and duly passed, it was ordered that the above bills be paid. There being no further business, on motion duly made, seconded and On passed, motion the meeting adjourned. Res pec tf u lly s ubmi t ted, ecre ary OF MEETING OF STRASBURG BOROUGH COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, MINUTES 1, 1943 called to or'der by Milton were present: The meeting fo 1 lowing was B. Burgess Fr'ank NOVEMBER President. H, Ranck, The Koch Jacob H. Ranck Superintendent Secretary John Milton Ranck V/ater and the following Harold H. Messner, motion of p E. R. Chas. N. Miller, Murphy, Murphy, Milton H. Ranck, H. C. Kaufman, Leon C. Hensel. and meeting were read and approved. seconded by Leon C. Hensel, and duly of Voucher No. 97, payable to Ida B, Easy, in the for tax commissions on collection of Borough taxes was ap- the issuance passed, sum E. R. of the previous The Minutes On of Council; members of $104 ~ ei8 roved. WATER BESETMENT Jacob H. Ranck, Water Superintendent, at at both places; renewal of a connection connection E. R. water at the Christ Murphy bills, April 1, due and payable Herr property repor ted that the reported on the Methodist Strasbuzg bill of Elsie 1943 to October the Borough would make no reduction or ad5ustment Murphy new ~ for typing of $35 ~ 00, is May Weaver sum ~ he had advised ~ Parsonage; Pike 1, 194$ in the also reported that Mr of overflow plenty Paul Gram by letter that in his delinquent water bi 11 The Secretary presented J. E. Goodell's water analysis for the month of October, showing no contamina tion. S TREF, T H. C. Kaufman reported DEPARTMENT that he had made arrangements the State Highway Depar tment to fix up Franklin Street. Mr. Kaufman s tated that he had prepared specifications for labor from and asked for bids thereon for the skating 8c Son, Talmage, Pa date of November project. The only bidder was 9. M. Stoltzfus to the Borough of Strasbourg ~, whose- bid, addressed under 1, 1943, read as follows: to suomit a;price for the excavation of a skating pond according to the specifications furnished us and for the laying of 6" corrugated pipe at the inlet for the lump sum of $500 ~ 00. "V/e wish-. and grading Yours ver y D. On. it was E. motion of resolved . and duly that the Borough accept the bid of B. N. Stoltzfus Pa. , for the Talmage, . STOLTZFUS" by Chas. M. 'Miller seconded R, Murphy, N truly, LIGHT C 016K TTEE reported several individual Harold H. Nessner Son, of $500, 00. sum lump Bc passed, lights had been out during the month. Secretary reported that the Ordinance authorizing the execution of the contract with The Pennsylvania Power and Light Company had been published and that the contract had been entered into by the Borough. After execute!on The .Power by the Pennsylvania r eturned for the RELI EF COJCJII Light Company, 8c Borough files TTEE: No J. cleaver, Report as of November 1, 1945f behalf of Balance from las si nc e Rec ei ve d of theoriginal copies wi ~ t the Secretary gave the following Treasurer's 34"/ ~ 48 month 5 Oo/ ~ 34 $ 5, 414, 82 last Paid out 289 ' 05 month 5 125 ~ '77 On passed, motion 6Z H ~ C the Treasurer''s ~ 11 be report. W. On one Kaufman, seconded by Harold H. Nessner, Report was ordered to oe recei ved and and duly filed. 26,~ On passed, Fire ~ motion of the Murphy, seconded by H. C. Kaufman and duly of $100,00 was appropriated by the Borough to the Strasburg No. 1, to be applied for the expense of expense of erecting aum Company a Ser vice Men's The E. R. on North Plaque Seer'etary presented Pennsylvania Street. to Council the following Power 8c ft II tt Decatur bills: street lighting Light Company, ff tl 88. 13 6. 18 F 00 F 00 F 00 5 ' 25 power Herbert M. Foulke, audi tor Samue 1 A Vfea ver', audi tor Frank K. Rohrez, audi tor The Rosery, flowers for Leon Hensel .Ss.mme le% B lee cher, po lice Donald Bachman, Civili. an Defense-telephone J. E. Rohrer, Eng. Serv. S. Decatur Street Chas ~ M. Miller, labor-Water Department g 15 ~ 30 tri pa, to springs 1 ~ 80 . 25, 00 ' 9 F 80 7 ' 50 17 ' 10 3 ~ 60 9 00 3 ~ 75 . M. lier, labor-Stree t Depar tment Harry Vlork, labor-Voter Depar tment Chas Mi Harry %or k, labor-Stree t Department Hock Paint k Chemical Works, Inc ~ Street D'epartment supplies J, E. Goodell, water analysis, July, August Jacob H. Ranck, labor-I%a ter Department Ida B. Eby, tax commissions On passed, motion of Leon C. Hensel-, lt was ordered Mr, Murphy turning off the that the above bills by 39 F 90 21 F 00 29 ' 36 2 ' 70 September Harold H. Neasner, and duly paid. be to the attention of Council the matter of without advising the residents of the Borough. again brought water There being no further passed, seconded & the meeting business, on motion duly made, adjourned. Respectfully aubml tted seconded and MINUTES The The OF STRASBURG BOROUGH OF MEETING f ollowing 6, 1943. meeting COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, DECEMBER called to order by Milton H. Ranck, President. was were present: Burgess Frank B. Koch Jacob H. Rane k Water Superintendent Secretary John Mi, lton Ranck and the following members T. Koch, Chas. 'William M. of Council: ' Milton H. Ranck, HaroldH. Miller, and ]won C. Hensel. of the previous. meeting were read The Minutes' Messner, and approved. WATER DEPARTWENT ter Superintendent, reported that there was overflow at both places, a lthough not as plentiful. He stated that had flushed the dead ends of the mains last Saturday. Jacob 'an 'he The month of H Ranck, ~ Wa Secretary presented showing November no c Street M. on Novemoer He Miller reported DEPARTMENT that the State 12th and that Harry further repor ted that the and Clyde Weaver Light Committee: No Street and the gutters had Street. fixed the in front of property. report. report, Received since last the Main Franklin Depar tment Relief Committee: No On behalf of &~. J. Weaver, the Secretary Treasurer's report as of December 6, 1943: Balance from last month Paid out Ba lane e had patched Work hadpatched curb in front of the Musser Herr property, Dr. Love lidge property for the water analysis ontamination. S TREET Chas. J. E.Goodell's month gave the fo llowirg $ 5, 125.VV 411,41 $ 5, 537 ~ 18 409, 2V motion of Harold H. Messner, Qn and duly and passed, pro)ect was reported that the Treasurer''s report Miller be received who were William that the ma jor part of the work on the skating had been completed. The V/ater was ordered was M. filed. lt pond it seconded by Chas. delinquent Superintendent reported in the of their water rent, payment T. Koch, seconded by Leon C~ the names of several of the Nater Committees The Secretary presented to and on motion Hensel and duly passed, directed to lien those water bills turned over to C ounci bi lls: Power & Light Co ~ power Power & Light Co. street lighting Lancaster Valite Co ~ street dressing A ldu's Zi t tie, s tone-4ree t Depar tment Musser Herr, Labor, Street Department Calvin Mowr ex, Jr, Labor, Street Depar tment Chas. M. Mi lier, Labor, Stree t Depar tment Harry F. Work, Labor, S tree t DepartmentC lyde Weaver, labor, S treet Department Donald coachman, Telephone, Civilian Defense H. Long Hardware Co, Water Department Supplies J. On passed, it and passed, & Co. , Water Department motion of Wm. Leon 51 ~ 08 4 ~ 68 10 ~ V5 6 ~ 00 26. 40 22, 00 4 00 F 01 2.01 51,2V C. Hensel, that the above bills be paid. There being no further business, on motion duly was 3 ~ 47 88. 12 Supplies T. Koch, seconded' by. Solicitor the Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Herr of him by the Chairman f o llowing 1 the inditiduals and duly ordered the meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, made, seconded MINUTESOF MEETING OF STRASBURG BOROUGH The meeting The following COUNCI L JANUARY 5, 1944 ~ called to order by Milton H. Ranck, President. was present: were Burgess Frank B. Koch Water Superiritendent Jacob H. Ranck and the following Harold H. Messner, Leon C~ of Council: members William Milton H, Ranck, H. C. Kaufman, T. Koch, E. R. Mur phy, Chas. M. Mt. lier, and Hensel. of the previous The Minutes meeting were read and approved. I WATER C OMNI T'iKE Jacob H. Ranck, Water Superintendent, flow plenty of over- reported at both places; and repair of a leak at the Ross Denlinger E. R. Murphy r'eported the repair of a leak, which was the water system had had in the past twenty Council delinquent by Leon proper C~ Hensel, water the years ~ Ee proper ty. the worst also presented to bills and on motion of H. C. Kaufman, seconded solicitor was ins, tructed to lien same at the time. of E. R. Murphy, seconded by H. C. Kaufman, and duly passed, t. t was ordered that in view of the energency repairs made during the month, that an additional sum of $15.00 compensation be paid to On motion Jacob H. Ranck and Chas. M. Miller, S TREET H, C ~ Kaufman reported Jackson Streets, and the gutter clearning at LIGHT Leon DEPART)/IENT the gutters Ross Book pr'oper C OMMI on Miller and North ty. TTEE C. Hensel repor ted that defective head at the parr fever proper ty. RELIEF COMMITTEE: No report y Le- behalf of On Tleasurer's following J. Weavel", W. Repor t the Acting Secretary gave the as of January 3, 1944: Balance fr'om last month 5, 127,91 Receive since e2 28 5, 190~ 19 last Paid out Ba lance f 4 915 ~ 40 . it was The of R. Murphy, seconded by William T ~ Koch and duly ordered that the Treasurer 's report be received and filed. motion On passed, 274 ~ 79 month E~ to Council the following Light C o. s tree t lighting Acting Seer'etary presented Pennsylvania Power R Pennsylvania Power 6 Light Co ~ power Harry F. Work, labor-Water Depal tment D. M, Stoltzfus, 80fo of cost of skating bills: $ uu. l3 47 20 ~ 50 400 00 pond Chas. N. Miller, labor-V/aYe9' Be+'Pnme'4'h Chas. M. Miller, labor-SfzeetDDepar tment Z. R. Murphy's Garage, Street Dept. Supplies ' 21 ~ 88 14 ' 55 18,00 4 ' 79 40 ' 15 Samuel V/. Bleecher, police Donald M. Bachman, telephone-Civilian Defense Jacoo' H. Ranck, labor-Rater Depar tment John G. Homsher, pr i nti ng f o r 1943 John Milton Ranck, pos Cage 45. i5 . Hair, police Herr Ec Co. , Vifater Depal tment Supplies John Milton Ranck, Solicitol &s Salar y John Milton Ranck, Secretary's salary Dr, R. S. Tinney, Board of Health Secretar'y - salary V/m. Pennock, Health Officer - salary Jacob H ~ Ranck, Water Rent Collector, - salary V/. J. Weaver, Treasurer's salary Isaac L. Res s ler, hose house r en t Annie Rineer, hose house rent I ~ O. O.F; Hall Association, hose house rent O. O. F. Hall Association, rental for hall for 1943 Strasburg Fire Co. No. 1 contlkbution Thomas 25. 00 100,00 CHOO 25 00 100 F 00 35 F 00 F 00 2, 00 F 00 35 F 00 I. On duly passed, Qn motion of Charles it was ordered Miller, seconded seconded that M. it project be paid in accordance vras ordered by Leon 200, 00 C. Hensel and that the above bills be paid. motion of Leon C. Hensel, jbassed, as contained M. 14 ~ 18 40 ~ 50 82 ' 48 UOg of the D. by H. Kaufman and duly Stoltzfus bill for the skating with the suggestions in his letter to the Secretary C. under' of the Borough Enginaer date of December 28, 1943 ~ J. E, was Goodell's reorganize for the no contamination month filed. received and On report showing seconded and passed, motion duly made, Counci. l adjourned to ~ NEW HUSI NESS Leon C. Hensel was appointed for the purpose for the year 1944 ~ of reorganization following The Chairman Temporary for officers nominees were made, seconded and passed: Ni lton H. Ranck H. C. Kauf man John Milton Ranck lVeaver N. Ida H. Eby Jacob H. Ra. nck Jacob H. Ranck President Vic e Pl ea ident Secretary J. Treasurer Collector V/a ter Superintendent Mater Rent Collector Tax Solicitor John Milton Ranck I On motion. duly made, On motion of the nominati, ons were seconded and passed, c loaed. pa'saed, it was resolved E. R. Murphy, seconded that the above Milton H. Ranck having Council took the ch~ir and made been by Vtilliam elected. be nominees T. Koch and duly reelected aa President, the following the Borough appointments Committee the year 1944: ' STREET COMMITTEE: H. C. Kaufman Koch Vti 1 liam T. ' Haro ld H. Nes a ner LIGHT COMMITTEE: M. Huber Hess Sherman W. Hook Chas. RELIEF COMMITTEE: 'lVi M. lliam T. Koch Harold Chas. 'mtATER COMMITTEE' E. Sliller' H. Mesaner M. Miller R. Murphy Huber Hesa Chas. N. Miller Leon C, Hensel N BUDGET COMMITTEE: Leon C . Hens e 1 Harold H. Mesaner H. C. Kaufman for TREE CONMI SHADE COMMITTEE Harold H. Neasner N. Huber Hess lVilliam T. Koch TTEE: C. Henael ro ld H. Nes a ner H. C. Kauf man Leon PUBLIC SAFE%V: ON Ha evening, passed, of the meeting A Committee Finarme was called for Monday 10, 4944 at 7 orclock P. M. at the office of H. C. Kaufman. On motion of Leon C ~ Hense1, seconded by H. C. Kaufman and. duly the transfer of money between Funds in the 1945 Budget vraa authorJanuary ized. On passed, it of motion was Wf, lliam T. Koch, seconded by E. R. that resolved all On passed, motion of E. R. through Borough Police were appointed the following Chief of Police Li cute nant Pa tr o lman On duly passed, by Chas. M. Miller seconded Murphy, Thomas and duly for' the year 1944: Bair . Bleecher Samuel 5 John Ulmer motion of Leon C. Hensel, J. E. Rohrer and duly officials required to be bonded the office of John E. Homsher. Borough the Borough Code, be bonded under Murphy vras seconded by Vfilliam T. Koch and to a five year term aa a appointed member of the Board of Health. Burgess swore into The office Chas. N. Miller, Harold H. Neasner, the following Leon C. Hensel, passed, 1944 motion it. vras of H. C. resolved considered seconded by Chat Council adjourn at 7:30 o' clock, at will be presented Kaufman, by Council and and Murphy, E. R. Murphy to meet on Friday, tf ully Ac Bleeche& and duly January 14, budget that might be considered at any other regular Res pec also for the year 1944 any other matters will be which time the proposed by the Budget Committee, E. R. Councilmen: of Police, Samuel%. the Chief of Police, Thomas Bair, and Lieutenant On nevr s ubmi t ted, ti ng Secre ar y meeting. MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF STRASBURG BOROUGH COUNCIL HELD JANUARY 14, 1944 Purauant resolution to an adjournment of Borough Council, Council convened meeting P. M. of the January 3, 1944 January 14, 1944 at 7:30 on following wer e pr es ent: The John Milton Ranck, Secretary and the following Harold Messner~ H of Council: M. Huber reading The wi members Hess ~ Milton and Chas of the Minutes H Mi M ~ ~ Ranck, H. C. Kaufman, lier. of the prev5. ous meeting was dispensed th. Pursuant to the resolution of the Janu', ry 3, 1944 meeting, Harold subm] tted to Council the proposed of the Budget Committee, Budget for the year 1944. On motion of M. Huber Hess, seconded H. Messner, passed, and it was resolved by Chas. M. Miller and duly that Borough Council receive the proposed budget that the Secretary be directed to advise the electors of Strasburg in the Strasburg Weekly News, that the proposed Budget was open for public inspection at the residence of Harold H. Messner, a member of the Budget Committee, daily for fifteen. days. Borough, by advertisement There followed a general discussion 1944, and the matter of the further was discussed ~ M There being no further passed, purchase of the proposed tax rate for of land near the Borough springs the meeting ousiness, on motion Respectfully submitted, adjour ned. duly made, seconded and MINUTES OF MEETING OF STRASBURG BOROUGH The meeting The 7, 1944 COUNCIL HELD FEBRU4'iRY ~ called to order by Milton H. Ranck, President. was were present- following Burgess Frank B. Koch Secre tar y John Milton -Ranck and . the following Huber C. Hess, Har old H. Hens of Council: members Mes H ~ sner, VEilliam T. Koch, Ranck, H. C. Kaufman, Chas . M. ¹i lier, M. and Leon el. of the Janu ry 3, 1944 meeting and also the Minutes The Minutes of the Special meeting of Janu'ry llfA Chas. M. TER C OMNI Tl'EE plenty of overflow at both places. conversations reported r epor ted that Mr. Ranck would with Jacob H. Ranck and not commit himself as to job. in his present continue 14, 1944 were read and approved. Miller reported Leon. C. Hensel would Milton whe ther or not he hold con- Mr. Hensel was direchdto ferences with Mr. Jacob Ranck. Nr. Hensel further for the year, 'Vatei Report as to the condition &Venger forestation, a few days that Mr. Murphy had sent in the State late. C. Kaufman repoi ted the survey of the land purchased H~ Leroy reported of the land and the necessity from J. for re- '. On. motion of passed, H. C. Kaufman the approximate sum M. Huber was of Hess, authorized seconded by Harold H. Nessner to purchase )t'300 ~ 00, on. w2iich twelve thousand and duly trees for the express would be approximately $40. 00, and to proceed with the clearing out of the tract prior to planting of the trees at the approximate cost of )t100 ~ 00 ~ Nr. Kauffman explained that the Sportmens Association had gone on record as agr'eeing" to volunteer for the planting of these trees on the follov~ing conditions: (1) That no hunting be permitted on the tract; (2) that the Sportsmens Association be permitted for redistribution to ot2ier hunting areas. to trap rabbits on the tract motion of On and duly passed, bill H ~ C. Kaufman, seconded by Harold H. Mess ner to purchase the Borough agreed from Anna Ranck Brack- lots of woodland adjoining the present new Borough springs property for $50 ~ 00 an acre, sub jec t to survey by Borough Engineer ( the two lots together containing approximately nine acres) ~ two STREET DEPARTMENT repor ted that the water H. C. Kaufman (formerly Ed property Bowman) on Miller Street leak at the Frank Koch was serious ly affecting the condition of the Street at that point. LIGHT CG, M', KE TTEE: RELIEF C018/fITTEE: behalf of On Vl, J, No report. No repor Weaver, t. f ollowing the Secretary gave the report as of February 7, 1944: Treasurer's Bala me from last month- 4, 915 ' 40 Recei ved since 36 F 00 la s t 4, 951 40 1 445 ' 68 3 505. 72 ~ Pa id out On duly passed, f i led motion of it was month M. Huber ordered Hess, seconded by William that the Treasurer's T. Koch and repor t be received and ~ ouncil the following Darling Valve Mfg. Co ~, water department supplies $117.20 less 2' Ida B ~ Eaby, tax commissions Power & Light Co. s treet lighting Pennsylvania The Secretary presented to C bills: O Power hc Light C o ~ power Pennsylvania Do na ld Bac hma n, Ci vi lia n Defense John Homsher, premiums on Borough E. Bonds Calvin Mowrer, Jr. labor-EVater Department Calvin Mowrer, Jr. labor-Stree 5 Department Chas. M. Miller, labor-Vjater Ddpartment Chas. M. Miller, labor-Street Department E. Goodell, water ana lys is, Oc tober, November 1943 K December, J. 114,86 3 31 82 ~ 12 3.11 4 ' 68 70, 00 5, 00 7.00 15.20 8 ' 40 21,00 On duly passed, motion of H. C. it ordered -that the above was seconded by Leon. C. Hensel and Kaufman, bills be paid. secretary repor ted that pursuant to Resolution made at the meeting of January 14, 1944, an advertisement was placed in the Strasburg ~~Veekly News, advisi. ng the electors of Strasburg Borough that the proposed budget for the year 1944 was on file at the home of Harold H. Messner, The a member of the Budget Committee, reported that there had been no for a period inquiries r of fif teen days. Mr. Messner elative to the 1944 Budget. of Vfilliam T. Koch, seconded by M. Huber Hess and duly passed, the Borough Budget for the year 1944, in the f orm r equired by law, was adopted by a vote of six ayes and no nays, and that in connection with the adoption of the Budget and as par t thereof, the appropriation resolOn motion . was for the year 1944 and appropriations duly adopted. Qn duly passed, for' receipts anticipated ution. containing motion of Harold H. Messner, the Ordinance retaining seconded of certain Borough officials, ayes and no nays . motion of Harold H. Messner, it and one»half of Borough officials ing the bonding On lliam T. Koch and V/i rate of five a tax the year 1944 and fixing the salary by was adopted mills authoriz- and by vote of six seconded by H. C. Kaufman and that the Firs t National Bank of Strasburg, Pa. , be and is hereby declared to be the official deposi. tory of all Strasburg Borough Funds, as well as funds of the Bor ough in the hands of Borough of ficials ~ duly passed, was resolved of Leon C. Hensel, duly seconded and passed, John Milton Ranck was given a leave of absence in his positions as Secretary and Solicitor of Borough Council for the duration of the war, and Vfilliam C. Storb, Esquire, of Lancaster, was retained as Acting Solicitor. Gn moti, on There being no further passed, the meeting business, adjourned. Res , on motion ectfull duly made, seconded and submitted Secre tarv OF STRASBURG BOROUGH OP MEETING MINUTES The meeting The following was were prese COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, 6, 1944, MARCH ca.'led to order by Milton H. Ranck, President. nt: Burgess Frank B. Koch Secre-tary John Milton Ranck E. Rohrer J. and the following Huber of Council: members Hess, Har old H. Messner, C. Hens Milton. H. Ranck, H. C. Kaufman, T. Koch, William . Chas M. Miller, and Leon el. of the previous The Minutes meeting were read and approved. WATER COMMITTEE Charles at both places Leon M. and C. Miller repor ted tha that repairing no . Hense 1 reported t passed, i, t was of resolved M. Huber during the of water month, conversati. on with Jacob II. Ranck, wherein latter declined to continue in his job Collec tor. motion was an abundance had been done the On there as Water Superintendent and Hess, seconded by H. C. Kaufman and duly that Chas. M. Miller be elected Acting Water Superi ntendent. On duly. passed, bills be motion. of William it was five hundred On gallons w Miller and C ~ that Mr. Hackett, ter motion of Leon it Committee reported of M. that the matter of the collection of the water resolved lef t with the Water Mr. Hensel T. Koch, seconded by Chas. of Iampeter, was refused by the Water Committee. ~ Hensel, seconded by VJ1111am T, Koch and of Jacob H. Ranck as Water Superintendent and Water Collector b6 accepted with regret, and the Secretary was directed to so advt. se hire. duly passed, was resolved that the resignation Secretary reported The to Council that Brackbill Ranck Anna is willing to sell to the Borough of Strasburg only one woodlot containing four acres and fifteen perches at $50. 00 per acre, and not two woodlots as previously indica, ted. Solicitor The was directed to execute a deed, following de- scription in her deed, and was further directed to make no title search. The Secretary presented J. E. Goodell's water analysis for the month of February, showing contamination. no I S TREE T 'IKPARTME H. C. Kaufman Street of snow Main ~ No Light Committee: No Treasurer's th. t the State had cleaned the reported Relief Committee: behalf of On NT W. report as of report. report. J. Vifeaver, Secretary gave the fo llowing 6, 1944: March Balance fr om las the t 3, 505 72 301~ 00 month ~ Received since 3, 806 Paid out last month ~ 72 334 ' 68 472 04 On passed, i, t motion ordered was The of Hess, seconded by H. C. Kaufman and duly M. Huber that the Treasurer~s Secretary' presented report be received and filed. to Council the following Power & Light C o. street lighting Power 8: Light Co. power Chas M. Mi lier, lab or -1Va ter Depar tment Ca lvin Mouser, labor, Voter Depar trrs nt E. R. Murphy~ s Garage, Water Depar tment John A. Coyle, e9hctrical work, Water Department Strasburg Railroad, Water Depar tment, freight Pennsylvariia Pennsylvania . J. H. Jr. Long Hdwe. Co ~ Water Department Samuel W. Bleecher, po lie e Donald Bachman, telephone, On motion of Chas. M. supplies Civilian Defense Miller, seconded. by Vli bills: 94 ~ 13 3 ~ 00 22 ~ 65 6 ~ 00 49 ~ 55 10 ~ 90 ~ 74 5. 0021.00 4 ' 68 lliam T. Koch and duly passed, H. it was C. Kaufman the Borough Springs as soon as the ordered frost is and passed, no bills be paid. that he had ordered the trees for- reported property There being that the above th' t they will and be shipped from Maine out of the ground. further business, on motion the meeting adjourned. Res pec tf ully submit ted, Sec re tary duly made, seconded MINUTES OF MEETING OF STRASBURG BOROUGH The meeting The COUNCIL 6, 1944 ~ APRIL HELD MONDAY, called to order by Milton H. Ranck, President. was following were presents - Burgess Frank B ~ Koch Eo Rohrer John Milton Ranck Secretary-J. and the following Harold of members T. Koch, E. R. Messner, William H~ Milton H. Ranck, H. C. Kaufman, Council& of the preceding The minutes Murphy, Chas ~ M. M. Huber Miller and Leon meeting were read and approved Hess, Hensel C~ ~ ~ ~ WAT ER CO1'.9~i ITT EE Charles places and that the leak at the Ralph Murphy ED bills after and Messner, of engaging Murphy a it passed, collector passed, and duly it was On Mae motion of Harold ordered was duly executed The no and Secretary presented of collect'ing water seconded Kaufman, by Harold H. Messner, that the bill be paid that the deed H. look into the matter for the water bills+ Wea~er, Secretary of the Water Corrmittee, from Anna Ranck Brackbill and Landis Strasburg, showing of Harry C. he trees' method the necessary forms printed John Milton Ranck reported woodland also stated that He resolved that the Water Committee and having salaryi months on motior was also stated that Elsie for six Hotel had been repaired' raised the question concerning the discussion, some and duly Swan of water at both was an abundance in clearing the woods for the plant ng of pine progress was making that there Miller. reported M. seconded was due gr+ $35.00 by Harry C. Kaufman, ~ for four acres and Brackbill, her husband, fifteen perches of to the Borough of recorded. J. E. Goodell's water analysis for the month of inarch contamination. STREET DEPARTMENT Hi reported C. Kaufman reported to the Pennsylvania essary repair that the cave-in in the street at the of Department s~ Rel ie f Committee & No Repor t. , Highways and Swan Hotel was that they took care of the nec- Mr. Harold Light Committees it not possible, at this time, to was and Mr. Leon C. Hensel the War Production have a new let W. J. Weaver, raised the question as to whether light installed stated that, 'in his opinion, Board has not behalf of On H. Messner it on North or Decatur Street possible at this time as was not its restrictions. up on the Secretary'gave Treasurer's the following report as of April 3, 1944' Balance from last month 3, 472. 04 Received since 103+00 3, 575+04 4 Paid out last Balance on Hand of E. R. motion On Secretary presented The 3, 357 ' 39 Murphy, that the Treasurer's was ordered 217 ~ 65 month by Leon seoonded report be received Hansel, C~ and and filed, to Council the following billss . I Herr Co ~, Supplies, Water Department Reading Fire Equipment Company, 'Supplies, Water Department John Milton Ranck, Legal expenses, Water 'Dept. . John Milton Ranck, Monies advanced for purchase of woodlot Paradise Township - Water Department J ~ E. Rohrer, Survey o f Bo ro Spr in gs pr oper t ie s Donald Baohman, Telephone, Civilian Defense Weaver, Dissinfectant Charles M. Miller, Labor, Water Department Calvin Mowrer, Jr. , Labor, Water' Department Frank B. Koch k Sons, Supplies, Water Department Elsie Mae Weaver, 6 months salary Power 8c Light Co. , Power Pennsylvania Power % Light Co. , Light Pennsylvania B Frank ~ Koch, Supplies, Street, Department 45 5+25 5 F 00 in 208 ~ 24 31 ' 50 4 ' 68 3 ' 35 29 ' 65 14 F 50 20 ' 64 J. On it motion was ordered A of Mi Huber Hessp from the Strasburg at their meeting Council members by William seconded that the above bills be paid communication on April John Milton Ranck in discussing was a that up to date was an extensive duplication it may be of similar job, The T. Koch, 35000 F 15 88 ' 12 3.13 and duly passed, ~ Lions Club, requesting 4th, 1944„was read some was handled the Tax duplicate discussion brought work done by the Secretary the presence of ~ of the work which Secretary in the past, stated that the work of preparing same it duly passed, by the and keeping out that some of the work of the Strasburg School Board possible that he would be able to handle this work for the Borough. On and motion of Leon C. Hensel, that the Seoretary contaot would this do compensation what There being no further the meeting duly passed, it was resdlved Ressler, Secretary of the School Board to see whether Mr. if so, work and by Harry C. Kaufman, seconded business, he would for his services require on motion duly made, secnnded and he ~ passed, adjournedi Respectfully submitted, ecretary. MINUTES OF MEETING OF STRASBURG BOROUGH COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, 1, MAY 1944 ~ The. meeting was called to order by Milton H. Ranck, President, The were presents following Burgess - Secretary and the following William T. Koch, of Councils Milton H. Ranck, members E~ R. Frank B ~ Koch - J, E. Rohrer Chas Murphy, M. ~ places that. the ahd Kaufman, ED R. that there Miller reported nevr Charles Aument Mr. C~ Murphy Book, Wo ~ and approved ~ of water at both to the properties of H. C. Childs' reported that the water bills had been mailed and that were made with Rev. Alvin H. Stoner to be the arrangements Hensel was an abundance water services were installed and John Hoss, Sherman COMMITTEE WATER M. Miller and Leon of the preoeding meeting were read The minutes Charles M. Huber collector of water rents' STREET DEPARTMENT Mr. Miller Borough and that it reported that several appeared Mr ~ Ranck ~ Relief Committeet Light Committee). driveways were being constructed that the water course in the construction locations were being obstructed. the matter new No Report No Reports instructed at the Street Committee some in the of these to look into as of May On behalf of W. J ~ Weaver, the Secretary gave the following 1, 1944& Balance from Reoeived last since Balanoe on motion On it was ordered The J. of last F 00 3, 359e39 452 ' 63 month 2p906a76 Hand Leon C. Hansel, that the Treasurer's Secretary presented by Sherman W. Book, and duly passed, seconded report be received filed. and bills& to Council the following E. Goodell, Water Analysis, Jan. Feb ~ % March, 1944 Engineering Servioes, month of April, Springs properties Jo E ~ Rohrer, Stat ioner y and Suppl ie s Elsie Mae Weaver, Postage, Water Dept ~ Charles Aument, Labor, Water Dept. Calvin Mowrer, Jr. , Labor, Water Dept. Char le s M. Miller, Labor, Water Dept. Power Light Company, Power Pennsylvania Power 4 Light Company, Light Pennsylvania First National Bank, Strasburg, Rent of Deposit- Box Paradise Township, Institutional 5 Road Tax J E. ~ 21 +00 Rohrer, 40 ' 35 5 ~ 25 F 00 1.75 24 ~ 25 54 ~ 80 2 ~ 00 88 e13 I ordered that the above The hog pen and, forward June . Murphy, he was contacted by at times, the stench vicinity in the immediate and in the Borough of Strasburg, Secretary also reported of the Strasburg Borough and keeping up same $60 F 00 per year. and that Roy is that so The ~ was Herr, Miller Street, who is in the it is practically great that Secretary was to instructed enacted by Borough Council on of garbage, accumulation manure and other etc ~ he contaoted School Board concerning to date it passed, places the offals in the open adjacent to from the offa'. 1s 6, 1932, xegulating the disposition The and duly his neighbor, to Mr. Weaver a copy of the Borough Ordinanoe waste matters 3.00 ' 8 54 ~ and in doing' so by the residents unbearable be paid R. being created by Elvin W. Weaver, of raising hogs business his bills Secretary reported that nuisance concerning E. motion of W. T. Koch, seconded by On report 3, 357 ~ 39 month $ Paid out Treasurer's Mr ~ E. Day Ressler, Secretary the matter of preparing Mr. Ressler agreed to do the tax duplicate the work for the sum. of motion of Leon C. Hansel, On Secretary was ordered to contact Owing of Jacob to the resignation Collector, the Secretary Ressler Mr, E. R. passed, the and-duly inform him to proceed with the work. as Water Superintendent Hi Ranck and Water to transfer Homsher the bond ~ that Elmer Rineer reported Murphy and Murphy, to notify John E. was ins+ructed for water collector to Alvin H. Stoner Mr. E. R. seconded by was making improvements to his property at the corner of West Main and North Jackson Streets, and he desired to have the Borough hose building removed. motion of On E. R. seconded by Leon C. Hensel, Murphy, and duly passed, the Safety Committee was ordered to look into the matter with the view of removing building and finding Mr On Street ~ W. M of E~ Secretary was ordered to sylvania Department R. fill to for, same. that the Huber Hess, was ordered motion place Koch suggested motion of Committee On T. a suitable have Murphy, the new addition to the seconded by Chas. M. Miller, this shed be Borough painted. duly passed, and work done. seconded by out and forward W ~ T. Koch, and duly the cuestionnaire of Internal Affairs, requesting information passed, the by the Penn- submitted concerning municipal activities' There being no further business, +he on motion made, seconded and meeting adjourned, Respectfully submitted, Sec retary, passed, the MINUTES OF MEETING OF STRASBURG BOROUGH COUNCIL HELD MONDAY» called to order by Milton H. Ranok, President The meeting was The following ~ were presents Burgess - Frank - J» Secretary and JUNE. 5» 1944 the following Messner, William members of Councili Koch, E» T~ B. Kooh E. Rohrer Milton H. Ranck, H. C. Kaufman, Charles and R» Murphy M. H. Miller. of the preceding meeting were read The minutes Harold and appreved. WATER COMMITTEE Charles places and that the on Borough that new It Miller Street» service water was E~ R. Murphy to the property. of Isaac Ressler, installed of the meadow rents, has collected over $1,000.00 to date out personal make Mr. Miller ~ also Frank Rohrer. property was repaired. B~ reported that Mr. Stoner, the starting next week he intends to last property in the out that this was the been served by Borough water had not previously Mr» was also brought that the leak in the reported of water at both Miller reported that there was an abundance M» new oolleotor of water approximately iaaf ocntaots with some $2, 200.00 and that of the residents in the borough, On H, CD motion Kaufman of E. R. was appointed seconded by Charles Murphy, Forester, Borough in order to maintain future purposes» Borough Council All'anticipated planted on the improvements said that terest in the Springs preperties Mr» supply making Kaufman and he felt portion of the new or additions do and should be presented Mr, Kaufman, so» 7„000white properties pine trees just purchased have been from Jonas that the balanoe of 5, 000 trees which were received, were transplanted Wenger and on his faotory property for use in planting or to in as he has always taken an in- will oontinue to springs duly passedj of water both for present honored stated that approximately and any improvements for their action before prooeeding with the work, the appointment aooepting an abundant Miller, duties will be te periodically for the purpose of inspect the Borough Springs properties additions whoopee M» next spring» May:;;i Ji E. Goodell's Secretary presented The showing for the water analysis month of contamination. no Committee. was instruoted The Water using Borough water for irrigation to look into the matter of Clarence Landis purposes' STREET DEPARTMENT the matter of obstl uction to water courses in gutters due; to the Concerning of construction new Son, Contraotor, is donstruoting who mission must be obtained ' gl ade the Secretary was instructed driveways, most of these to write D. driveways M Stoltsfus &: inform him that per- and is from Borough Council before any change made in the gutter ~ up services have been installed. where new water & No report Committeel No report Light Committee Relief On that the holes in the streets have been patched reported Mr. Kaufman behalf of W. J. Weaver, the Secretary gave the .following Treasurer's report as of June 5, 1944i Balance from last month $ 1,047+27 Received since $ Paid Out — Balance on On it motion was ordered The last 288e07 ' 4 3~665 96 H. Messner, Secretary presented ieconded. ny. William T. Koch, and duly passed, report be received and filedi that the Treasurer's to Councif the following billsl Rosina Hubley Tent - Memorial Day Services Charles M Miller, Labor, Wa~r Dept. H Trees, Springs Properties CD Kaufman, Ji Ei Rohrer, Engineering services, Street Dept+ Cali Mowrer, Labor, Water Dept' Donald Bachman, Telephone, Civilian Defense Eo R. Murphy, Garage, Water Dept. Jr, Samuel W. Bleacher, Police Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Power Power 3, 954.03 month Hand of Harold 2, 906 ~ 76 & % Light Co. , Light Light Co ~, Power 0 30.00 70' 320 ~ 27 29025 21 F 50 F 57 16.20 44m 20'F00 88 ~ 12 2 +00 / it T~ Koch:, and duly passedp C of motion of Strasburg, Bank in the Secretary reported that of the a oopy Borough Ordinance out that brought ever, there was Mr ~ Weaver still some the Health Of f ioer, to Mri C. Kaufman H letter to Council was read and the Borough property had taken complaints the d'isposition of gar- and accumulation discussion The oertain action to relieve this condition, and stated that it that per iod ic cheoks was felt advisable for how- Mr. Pennook, ~ he would look into the matter also that he would so to of the moving take care ef on South Jackson it communicate It summer who is now in the United at Quantico, Virginia, expressing his best wishes to determine or not there was an agree- whether of the grading at the skating was decided was a ohioken house on Street+ that this work should be that grass seed oould be planted time speoified. Secretary, Jennie R. Ulrioh to cover the encroaohment disoussion sdme stationed matter of completing The immediately. pond was brought done during The up. the month Seoretary was in- with Mri Stoltafus and arrange to have this work done at the also suggested that weeds in the in order that a good grading . There being no further meeting to Elvin Weaver, Miller Street, ~ ment on reoord with ing the accounts in the Borough of Strasburgi seoretary was requested The struoted he forwarded from John M. Ranok, former States Marine Corps August depreciation the Borough shed. A After Series F bonds at 4740. 00 each, two from the Elmer Rineer propertv Borough hose house painting make Fund passed, and duly Kaufman, C~ of 41„480. 00 be issued, payable to the First regulating other waste matters bage, manure'and sum for the purohase of said bonds to be placed in the Water The ~ seconded by H. H. Messner, Harold that a vouoher was resolved National of Miller. .. seconded by .C ~ M. that the above bills be paid was ordered On it of William motion On business, pond be kept mowed down dur- job can be accomplishedo on motion made, seconded and adjourned, Re tfull Seoretaryi submitted, passed, the MINUTES OF MEETING OF STRASBURG BOROUGH The meeting JULY S, lg44. called to order by Milton H. Ranck, President. was following were present! The - Frank - J. E. Burgess Seoretary and COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, the following Messner, B ~ Koch Rohrer of Council: members Charles. Sherman W. Book, M. Milton H. Ranck, M. Huber Hess, Harold H. Miller and Leon C. of the preceding meeting The minutes Hensel. were read and approved. WATER COMMITTEE Charles M. Miller reported places and that there also that the No. 6 spring is still was an abundance blocked of water at both off awaiting inspection by the State. The Secretary reported that at the request of E. R. T. Frank Brubaker, Miller Street, by letter, that he ough water to Clarence Landis The June, showing was Murphy, he to discontinue notified Mr. furnishing Bor- ~ Secretary presented J. E. Goodell's water analysis for the month of contamination. no STREET DEPARTMENT Mr. Miller caused considerable trees removed 4 1 1 1 reported that the severe electric and wind damage from the to trees in the Borough and that it storm on June 18th was necessary to have streets at the following locations: trees along the Playground, tree, Jackson .Street. Funk Street ~ tree, along the school property on Fulton Street. tree, at the B. M. Mowery property, E. Main Street. 1 tree, on the Spangler property, 7/ ~ Main Street 1 tre e, on the Mellow property, Miller Street. ~ It installed by Burgess Borough published to make Koch at the meeting at his properties that the new concrete curbs on W. Main and in the local newspaper similar improvements. and pavements Miller Streets were considered in this locality and that the Street Committee fine improvements articles out was brought should to encourage other property arrange owners to have in the Mr. Miller in the gutter along the bank property about water laying Bank, complained Decatur Street and, after this seotion grade along that Charles D. Miller, caretaker for the First National reported the Secretary was recuested discussion, some to run a gutter this condition. can be done to improve and see what on South LIGHT COMMITTEE stated that Mr. Leon C. Hensel out for one or two nights were burned Relief On Committees behalf of W. to the storm on June 18th street lights due ~ reports No J. Weaver, the Secretary gave the following Treasurer's report as of July 3rd, 1944s Balance from last 3, 66' 96 month 799.60 since Received 4 Paid out last 2, 080 ' 48 month Balanoe on Hand On it motion was ordered The of 4 Harold H. Messxser, that the Treasurer's Secretary presented Ida Eby, Tax Collections J. E. Rohrer, Engineering Thomas Bair, Police 4, 465. 46 seconded by report be received IN. 2, 384 ~ 98 and fkledi to Council the following bills& 5 Services Bachman, Telephone, Civilian Landis Groff, mdwing Borough lot Donald Total passed, it was ordered The 13, 1943 Borough's and of Harold H. Messner, that the above bills 7 ' 20 4 ' 89 F 00 2000 22 ~60 14' 60 9e52 3 ' 87 45 F 00 88 ~ 13 2+00 227 ' 05 Defense Bachman, Labor, Street Dept. Charles IN. Miller, Labor, Street Dept' Charles Mo Miller, Labor, Vl'ater Dept. Lancaster Valite Co ~, street dressing State 1Vorkmen' s Insurance Fund First National Bank, Interest on Bond Power & Light Company, , Light Pennsylvania Power h Light Company, Power Pennsylvania motion 1.34 23, 00 Donald On Hess, and duly passed, Huber seoonded by Sherman Book, and duly be paid' Secretary reported that $4, 000 ' in U„ S. Series F Bonds dated April $2, 000. in U. S. Series F Bonds dated June 15, 1944 were placed in the safe deposit box, First National Bank. Secretary also reported that The and informed Borough He that it him be necessary 'in the future would for changing water course in also requested to D. he wrote any new driveways M. to obtain permit from the being constructed in the Borough. to arrange to complete the grading at the Borough him Son, Talmage, h pond during the of August, month There being no further meeting businessi, on motion made, seconded passed, the and ad mourned~ Respectfully S MINUTES OF MEETING The meeting The Sto'1tzfus OF STRASBURG BOROUGH COUNCIL called to order by Milton was following were present submitted cretary. HELD MONDAY, H. Ranck, 7, 1944. AUGUST President ~ i Burgess - Frank B ~ Koch Seer etary - J ~ E. Rohrer and the following VVilliam T~ members E. R. Koch, of Councils Murphy, Charles of the preceding The minutes Milton H. Ranck, H. C. Kaufman, M. Miller and Leon C~ Hensel Harold H, Messner, ~ meeting were read and approved ~ VOTER COMMITTEE Charles however, M, Miller reported the dry spell several weeks ago the water in the reservoir during 6 inches' approximately He also reported out and that samples were turned domestic use that the wa'ter from No. over to Mr. Goodell, who reported had dropped 6 spring was pumped the water safe for ~ E, R. had been that there is plenty of water at both placed, collected to approximately reported Murphy and that all water bills excepting approximately that the delinquent $200. 00 accounts have been reduced from $1, 100.00 $600 ~ 00 ~ Mr. Miller stated that Mabel and Blanche VVenger again inquired under what they can obtain water for oonditions 200 approximately feet After from our water main, that they should be furnished mittee recommended ditions their residence in Paradise discussion, some is which Township, the Voter Com- con- water under the following & Service pipe to be installed by customer at their expense. to main to be installed by Borough at a coat of fp25 ~ 00 to customer. Meter to be furnished customer by the Borough at a. cost of $15 ~ 00 ~ Borough to furnish curb stop at no cost to customer. Rates for water use: Annual minimum of 420. 00 which will include 100,000 gallons. All additional use at the rate of 20 cents per '1000 gallons. 1Vater to be used only for domestic purposes and not for irrigation purposes. Tap E. R. motion of On Murphy, seconded by Leon AD Hensel, girls that water the Secretary was ordered to notify the V/enger passed, and duly be furnished would the above condit ions. them under The July, showing J. E. Secretary presented no for the Goodell's water analysis of month contamination. STREET DEPARTMENT Mr. H, C. Kaufman owner of a used car lot on reported that he was informed by Vfalter Reinhart, Vf. Main Street, that the oesspool used by Mrs' Book, at the corner of ursanitary and duly passed, ' Mr ~ condition it and was ordered ' Main and After the Borough surface drain on his property. was an VV some of H. C. on motion overf'low from be made discussion, Mr. Charles at the. and M- felt that this was T. seconded by Vlilliam Kaufman, Koch that the surface drain underneath and ~ Main Street that arrangements clear this drain. Miller reported that'he Rohrer presented of S. Decatur Street, from'Center flushed the drain from the bank the condition cif this drain is Square and that he believes J, E. it into that the matter be referred to the Board of Health. H. ,C. Ka»fman also reported to try septic tank or Fulton Streets, empties at the Reinhart property is clogged with branches of trees, etc would the a draft Square showing conditions the gutter to the C. J. much Groff property inlet improved. along and the„side explained that the trouble of water laying in this gutter at various places, after rains, could be eliminated ~. ~ by having macadam installed along th'is section at a certain grade I ~ motion On of Harold passed, the Street Department dition proves. satisfactory Lizzie end Musselman J. &V ~ was ordered to proceed with this work similar arrangements a sketch S. Jackson Streets Main and it does not permit door of a parked in the front of the would Homsher emedy permit the c~losing, of the Committee work and if he satisfactorily, be to would feels, in his opinion, the Street Committee enters his property, was new some it disoussion, should face concrete box drain This' property. and the raising was suggested that the large enough to carry the water to take the necessary steps to also stated that remedy he had not been shed should pa be painted. After some inted and the Street Committee work doneo RELIEF COMMITTEE report. LIGHT COMMITTEE report. set-up will function proceed with the work. and the Street this condition. able to hire a painter to addition to the Borough shed and, in his opinion, the entire shed should be No property Kaufman that this proposed grading is not sufficiently instructed ition but the entire No a a sur also stated that the inlet crossing South Jackson Street, which Mr. H. C. Kaufman paint the install in front of the Kaufman inlet in front of the After location one obtain an estimate from George Sangrey, Willow Street, for the concrete Kaufman Committee now Kaufman stated, that in his Mr. Rohrer this condit ion corner to the drain inlet property that this condition does not permit the car to be opened at this location. of the gutter grade at this location. Street Hagans at the in- Homsher is at property Kaufman drain inlet at both the corners of South Jackson Street and install the J. M. H. C. Kaufman. to cross Jackson Street in the front of the opinion, the most logical way to r from the con- grade of the property and along 12 inches below the curb grade and approximately curb and gutter showing after each rain water lays at the corner of the Also, that the gutter property' if and out for the be worked should and duly properties. out that was brought as drainage seconded by Leon C. Hensel, E. Rohrer also presented tersection of It H. Messner, not only the discussion it should arrange new add- was decided that to have this 2 behalf of On W. J. Weaver-, Treasurer's the Secretary gave the following report as of August 7th, 1944' Balance from last 2&384a98 month Received since 508e34 2, 893o32 Paid out Balance on motion. On it 178a24 month 2p715e08 Hand of Vlilliam T. Koch, seconded that the Treasurer's was ordered The last Secretary presented by Leon C. Hensel, report be received and to Council the following and filed, bills& J. E. Goodell, Water Analysis Darmstaetter ' Framing Map T. E. Rohrer, Engineering Services 21.00 s, 3 ~ 90 11~ 25 E ~ R Murphy~ Reps irs to trucks, o il, eto ~ Bell Telephone Company, Civilian Defense Charles M. Miller, Labor, Street Department Calvin Mowrer, Jr. , Labor, Street Department Charles M. Miller, Labor, Water Department 12.30 o Pennsylvania Pennsylvania 4 ~ 89 60 60 F 00 38 ' 38 88 ' 12 2.00 189o44 Power Pr. Light Company, Light Power 5 Light Company, Power Total motion of H. C. Kaufman, On was ordered and Secreta'ry presented total taxes outstanding presented a report prepared E. R. Murphy, amount and duly passed, it There being no further adjourned E. Day Ressler, showing to 4245. 80 ~ total tax to property owners, that He also tenants of $3, 714.80. The Pre. ident ordered the Secretary to turn over to the Tax Colleotor as well the 1944 duplicate by for the year 1943 delinquentamounted the 1944 Tax Duplicate which showed a singles in the meeting seconded by that the above bills be paid. The the duly passed, business, e, s the report of tax delinquents. on motion made, seconded ~ Respectfully submitted and passed, the MINUTES OF MEETING OF STRASBURG BOROUGH The meeting The following called to order by Milton was - Frank - J. Seoretary the following Harold HELD TUESDAXp H. Ranok, President SEPT ~ 5~ 1944 ~ were presents Burgess and COUNCIL of members H. Messner, Sherman B. Koch E. Rohrer Council& Wilton H. Ranck, Hi C. Kaufman, Book, )William T. Kooh, Chas. M. Miller and Leon Wi of the preceding meeting were read The minutes M. Huber Hess, C~ Hensel. O~ K. and approved. RATER COMMITTEE Chas. Mi Miller reported that the water supply at the reservoir however, at the springs the overflow in the receiving basin reported that he installed Mabel and Blanohe Ylenger i The water service at the Playground that he finished and installing Secretary reported that he Murphy for the month of August showing no ~ He also for the residence of Garage was received the letter agreement girls to cover their water service also presented avenger and somewhat the water service for H. C. also reported that the leak at the Mr. Miller Kaufman. new was down was J. E. repaired. signed by the Goodell's water analysis contamination. STREET DEPARTMENT Chas. M. Miller reported Bleacher and Methodist Rhoads, Mr. H. C. Kaufman property that Church reported disclosed that the present he repa properties' that the survey of South Jackson Street along his street grade is considerably grade as shown on the Borough plan and that aocordance with the Borough plan otherwise, mately there would be fifteen inches C. Hensel, the State seoonded Highway a it ired the gutters along the Kooh, Groh, would if his sidewalk be necessary and curb were have the construoted street reconstruoted, street grade. After by M. Huber Hess, and duly passed, to see if some discussion, on motion Mr. Kaufman was ordered they will make the neoessary changes if they refuse the Borough will proceed with the work at LIGHT COMMITTEE No report, its of Leon to oontaot in the street 1 grade and in condition where the s idewalk and curb would extend approxi- above the Department to out of line with the expense. RELIEF COMMITTEE No Report. On behalf of %. J. Weaver, Treasurer's the Secretary gave the following report as of September 5th, 1944& last Balance from $ 2, 715+08 month 139e56 Received since 2, 854e64 $ last Pai. d out Balance on On passed, it T. Koch, seoonded by Harold motion of William Ida B. Eaby Donald Baohman, Samuel . 61 4o89 25e00 12.75 24. 12 Services deessing Company, Power &, Light Co ~, Light Power A Light Co ~, Power E. Rohrer, Engineering Lancaster Valite 88e13 Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Fred L, 8c Jno. E. Homsher, cement Chas. M, Miller, Labor, Street Dept, Chas ~ M» Miller, Labor, Water Department Samuel Weaver, Auditing Frank K. Rohrer, Auditing Herbert Mi Foulke, Auditing 2000 1.15 40 35 020 2.50 29m 2050 2 050 230' 75 Total On it motion of H, was ordered On that the C~ paying bills above motion of Harold the Secretary was instructed seconded Kaufman, motion of H. Messner, to submit Leon C. Hensel, Secretary was direoted to for interest draw vouohers on Borough Bonds' up for the retirement Sherman Borough concerning of V1. by Chas list of a group of boys Miller and duly passed, members tenants and singles to be exonerated of Council) to Ida seconded payable by H. C. Kaufman, he who 'l. Eaby, Tax and duly 944 in the amount Bank from Collector. passed, the of Strasburg of 445. 00 and also of $1,000.00. had numerous had been B~ to the First National to Ootober 1st, that M seconded by Sherman %. Book, and duly passed, Borough Bonds in the amount Book said ~ be paid. 1943 taxes (which were read to On filed. and Civilian Defense &lice and duly billsJ the following Telephone Bleaoher, H. Messner, report be reoeived that the Treasurer's Secretary presented The 2, 665~20 $ Hand was ordered J. 189~44 month oomplaints disturbing from residents in the the peace suoh as noises in the late night, using profane language, Storb, Borough Solicitor, eaoh and eto ~ have him prepare of the boys involved notifying and if that them Secretary was instructed forward a to see Wm. T. letter to the parents of is the condition not corrected the to take action. Borough would be compelled There being no further meeting The business, on motion made, seconded and passed, the adjourned. Respeotfully submitted, ec rema ry. MINUTES OF MEETING OF STRASBURG BOROUGH The meeting The following was - Secretary and the following Hi called to order by Milton members Messner, Frank B. - J. E. H. Ranck, 1944 ~ OCTOBER 2 President. Koch Rohrer of Councils Milton of the preceding WATER Chas. M, Miller reported no overflow H. Ranck, H. C. Kaufman, W. Book, Chas. M. Miller Sherman The minutes that there is HELD MONDAY, were present! Burgess Harold COUNCIL M. Huber Hess, and Leon C. Hensel. meeting were read and approved. COMMITTEE that the water supply at the reservoir was 0 ~ K. but at the old springs ~ He also reported that all the water meters ex cept fo ur have been read. Mr. Kaufman last fall are The ember which domestic ooming reported that the trees planted along very Secretary presented showed on the Borough Springs property satisfactorily, J. E, Goodell's water analysis for the month of Sept- that the water samples taken from the Borough springs were safe for use, however, he recommended that Spring No. 1, at the cleaned and treated with chloride of lime ~ Old Springs, should be of Chas. motion On Miller, seconded by M. the Secretary was ordered to draw a vouoher in the amount of his salary as water H. Stoner as part payment Leon C. Hensel, duly passedp and of $50'00 in favor of Alvin collector. ~rent STREET COMMITTEE matter, He did, however, report that Iron Works and that the ing t he co ming mo inlets new he, had and six inlets Department look into the from the Lancaster sometime dur- Miller reported that he had filled in the gutters at the Horn properties. On motion of to street light COMMITTEE Hess, seconded by Sherman W. Book, and duly passed, the M. Huber Secretary was instructed new ordered he would portion of sewer would be instatted LIGHT for as yet see the State Highway nt h, Mr, Chas. M. and Bank he did not of South Jackson Street, but that the reconstruction concerning that reported Mr. Kaufman renew the on North Decatur application, of Pennsylvania Street, close to the Power k Light Company Harry Myers property' RELIEF COMMITTEE No re port. On behalf of W. report as of October 2, Balanoe last Received J. Weaver, the Secretary gave the following Treasruer's 1944& month 4 2, 665.20 3, 043 F 00 since 5, 708 ' 20 Paid out Balance on On it motion was ordered last 1,275 ' 75 month $ Hand of Harold H. Messner, that the Treasurer's 4, 432 ' 45 seconded by H. C. Kaufman, report be received and filed. and duly passed, 7 The Seoretary presented billsi the following Lancaster Va lite Company, Dressing C. J. Keneagy, Taxes Pennsylvania Power Ec Light Co ~ Light Pennsylvania Power 8c Light Co ~, Power 31 ~ 94 25 ~ 94 88 ~ 12 2 ~ 10 Ida B ~ Eby, Tax Commission Thomas 90, 00 Bair, Police 20 ~ 00 26.40 10 ' 65 12 F 50 4+00 Chas. M. Miller, Labor, Street Dept. Chas ~ M Miller, Labor, lVater Dept. Calvin Mowrer, Jr. , Labor, Street Dept. Calvin Mowrer, Jr. , Labor, Vfater Dept ~ Total On passed, and duly it mo'tion was ordered Concerning ',-C; Kaufman, H. Borough. During the discussion somewhat improved and the pease, residents and gratefully that donations appreciated. duly passed, On member it Wm. of M. Huber of the Citizens There being ho further business, a copy of letter which T. Storb, Esq. , Solicitor for the was brought made out that the condition by the Citizens for the rental of the hall to carry motion in the Borough Committee is of the in the .Hall once a week for the "teen-age" the Seoretary was ordered to draw Stanley Burrows, a by .Mi'. Mi11'er-;;- ~ Secretary presented %he are being of entertainment ~ received from residents of this matter that arrangements Borough to have some form . segonded;. by.'Chas that the above bills be paid to the parents of the boys involved, was sent meeting of the matter of oomplaints about a group of boys disturbing 311' 65 II on this project would be Hess, seconded by Sherman %. Book, and a in the amount voucher of 410 F 00 to Mrs. Committee~ on motion made, seconded and adjourned. Respectfully submitted, ecretaryi passed, the MINUTES OF MEETING OF STRASBURG BOROUGH The meeting was called to order by Milton - Burgess the following - J. of Councili members William H. Messner, T. Koch, E. R. Chas. r flushed M, Fulton Street and that he repaired pro pert Hess, M. Miller ~ COMMITTEE in the old spring; services on the Harry those on N. Decatur Street and Groh and the Homsher Warehouse ies ~ The essary form between Secretary read correspondence of Health concerning ment M. Huber meeting were read and approved. in the Borough excepting the hydrants s. that there was a small overflow Miller reported all and. Cha Murphy , WATER he 6, 1944 ~ President. Milton H. Ranck, H. C. . Kaufman, of the preceding The minutes that H. Ranck, NOVEMBER B. Koch E. Rohrer Frank Secretary Harold HELD MONDAY, were present& The following and COUNCIL users and forward Old Spring it to No ~ J. 6 and he was E. Goodell instructed the State in order that this spring and the to fill State Departout the nec- may be connected to the system~ The month Secretary also presented of October which showed J. E. Goodell's water analysis that the water samples report for the taken from the springs were safe for domestic Mr. bills amounted E. R. Murphy to 41, 220 ' 86 stated that the water rent collections to date for current and bills that delinquent have been reduced to between 4500 F 00 and 4600 F 00 ' Mr. Murphy also inquired Paul Graham property and what of Secretary Henry ough Book, The Solicitor for advice' as to whether procedure was should instructed or not a lien has been placed on the be taken to collect the delinquent to take both these cases up with account the Bor- STREET COMMITTEE stated that inlets were installed H. C. Kaufman 8c Jackson Streets and that he has not as yet contacted at the intersection the State concerning of Main the reconstruotior. of, Jackson Street LIGHT COMMITTEE The Secretary was instructed to contact the Power Company and inquire as to the street light on .N. Decatur Street will be installed. under what 'conditions RELIEF COMMITTEE Mr, William L. 8c John T ~ Koch E. Homsher On behalf of report as of delivered and Vf. J. Weaver, that one-half ton of coil was ordered from Fred to Cora Lefeyer. the Secretary gave the following Treasurer's 6, 1944' November Balance reported last 4, 432 ~ 45 month 1,536 ' 98 Received since 5, 969 ' 43 Paid out Balance on On it motion 371 ' 65 month Hand of M. Huber $ report be reoeived Jr'sented the fo 1 low ing b il ls Secreta ry pre and J. . Murphy, Mae . Garage-services-Street Dept. ~ W~ w~~4 6 mos ~ salary Vleaver, Total I filed. & Pennsylvania Power 8c Light Co ~ Light Pennsylvania Power 8- Light Co ~ Power Herr 4 Co ~, Supplies-Water Dept ~ J. E. Goodell, V&ater Analysis J. E. Rohrer, Engineering Services, Sept. 8. Oct. Lancaster Iron Works, Inlet grates-'Stree%Dept. Ida Eby, Tax Commission Lanca ster Va lite Co. - Tarvia-Street Dept. E. Rohrer, Disinfectant 5 Notary Fees Chas. M. Miller, Labor-Water Dept ~ Chas. M. Miller, Labor-Street Dept Calvin Mowrer, , Labor-Water Dept Calvin Mowrer, Jr. , Labor-Street Dept. E. R. Murphy, Water Supplies K Expenses E. R. Elsie 5, 597 ' 78 Hess, seconded by William T. Koch, and duly passed, that the Treasu'rer's was ordered The last I 88 ~ 13 2 ~ 00 5 ~ 13 26 ~ 00 ' 13~ 50 16 ~ 90 9o49 9 ' 00 2 ~ 10 24. 36 6.80 12 ~ 75 4.50 13~ 50 17 00 35 ~ 00 286 ' 16 it M. of Harold motion H. Messner, seconded by H. C. Kaufman, that the chairs in the Council was decided Secretary submitted The a Room report from E. show that out of a total of $3, 716 ~ 80 both property been collected as o f motion On October payable Bonds at $740 ~ 00 each, said Bond Bank be duly passed, and. duly passed, repaired. Ressler, of taxes collected to Day capita taxes, y3, 249. 76 has and per Bank of Strasburg, te be issued in the name for the. purchase of three Series F in the Water Fund Depreciation from the Borough for the purchase of of the Strasburg business, of $2, 220. 00 from the General in the amount of $1, 500 ~ 00 a Relief A'ccount Fund, 41, 500.00 Series payG Relief Fund. Borough hh motion made, passed, and duly by Haro ld H. Messner of Strasburg, bonds to be placed There being no further meeting draw a voucher in the amount draw a voucher able to the First National Treasury to to the First National Fund, also to and 2, 1944. of Vfilliam T. Koch, seconded the Secretary was instructed and H. Messner, Miller, seconded by Harold that the above bills be paid. was ordered On it of Chas. motion On seconded and passed, the adjourned, Respectfully s bmitted, Secretary MINUTES OF MEET ING OF STRA SBURG BOROUGH The meeting The following was were present Burgess the following Sherman %. Book, members Chas The minutes ~ M IL, HELD called to order by Milton MONDAY H. Ranck, ~ DEC EMBER 4 ~ 1944 ~ President. s - Secretary and CO UNC Frank B ~ Kooh - E. Rohrer J. ' of Council: Miller and Milton H. Ranck, M. Huber Hess, Harold Leon C~ Hense1 ~ ~ of the preceding meeting were read and approved, H ~ Messner, WATER Chas. N. Miller reported at the reservoir. overflow mowed COMMITTEE overflow at the standpipe no but there was some also reported that the weeds at the skating He pond were e Secretary read correspondence The Health and the Borough concerning Service, Reading, seconded s e same pure ha to the water system. 6 Moo of Department from the Water Works Operating offering to sell to the Borough the original tracings they pre- for the of 41S.75 sum it by M. Huber Hess, and duly passed, and on motion of Leon that the Borough was ordered ~ of motion On ~ letter received a the Borough's water mains, pared showing C. Hensel, Pa of Spring the connection Secretary also read The the Pennsylvania between the Secretary was instruoted property of Paul Graham Hess, seconded by Chas M. Huber to notify the for water rents N. Miller, and duly Solicitor to enter Borough owing ~ lien a from 1941 to 1944 inclusive passed, on the ~ STREET DEPARTMENT Nr. Miller reported have been Harold remove and Homsher this obstruction The of Pennsylvania and that the driveway constructed Ps. , at the property of Irvin Struble, properties must is any work , be obtained done on before-hand by D. N. Stoltz- Street, caused W. Main the Secretary was instructed and that before and line in the future, permission Street, reported H. Messner to the gutter grade obstruotion to ~ Son, Talmage, Ec Kaufman repaired. Mr fus that the gutters along the an to notify Mr. Stoltsfus streets outside the curb from the Borough. Seoretary reported that he contacted Lester Worst, Looal Superintendent Department of Highways the reconstruction ooncerning that Mr. Worst said the matter should be taken District Engineer, at Harri'sburg. The Secretary was up with instructed to of South Jackson Mr. R. J. Harper, oommunicate with Nr. 'Harper. LIGHT COI~SJITTEE The a new Seoretary reported street light and he was informed on North that he had taken up the matter Decatur Street, with the Pennsylvania that this light will be installed of the installation Power in the near future & of Light Company in line with contract of $16.50 per year for sixty (60) candlepower lighting the Borough's motion On of Sherman W. Book, seconded, by Harold to provide lighting the Light Committee was authorized H. Messner, facilities at and light. duly passed, the Borough skating i pond RELIEF COMMITTEE Mr. Harold behalf of On reported H. Messner W. J. Weaver, that coal was again for purchased Cora Lefever' Treasurer's the Secretary gave the following report as of December 4, 1944' Balance last month 458597. 78 since 777o84 Received 6, 375e62 Paid out Balance on On'motion last 43, 869e46 Hand of Leon C. Hensel, seconded by 'Secretary presented The Sherman report be received that the Treasurer's was ordered 2, 506. 16 month and W. Book, and duly bi'lls: the following ster Iron V~orks, Maintenance-Street Dept. Dept, Lancaster Valite Company, Maintenance-Stre'et 33 80 10 ~ 75 6e25 Lanca Ida Eby, Tax Commission E ~ Day Rassler, Boro Tax J E~ 'George 2000 $687o82 The of J. what that the above bills be matter of proper M. Hagans, properties. seconded by 'Harold motion of Leon C. Hensel, was ordered Elizabeth pa Musselman H. Nessner, and duly passed, id. street drainage Mr. Rohrer was instructed can be done 1.30 88 ~ 12 Total On 14.04 40e00 1888 436o12 17e 76 Rohrer, Disinfectant Dept. Sangrey, Maintenance-Street F. B. Koch, Supplies, Water Dept Power &: Light Company, Light Pennsylvania Power h Light Company, Power Pennsylvania ~ 75 4o 75 Calvin H. Mowrer, Labor-V(ater Dept. John Kooh, Labor'-Parks L Playgrounds it 30 15m 15m M ~ it filed. Miller, Labor-Street Dept ~ Labor-Vkater Dept. ~ M. Miller, Calvin H. Mowner, Labor-Street Dept. Chas Chas passed, was and between discussed . and the properties the Elmer Rineer and William Koch to take elevations to improve the conditions& concerning if' some at these properties to see plan can be worked out satis» to Son lt f could contract with D. M. St we do the work The purchased f rom sa f e that possibly as thought y, Secretary presented from the General the Relief Fund depo s it and the three same e W, the, l 500 .00 also Fund and (3) $1 000 00 Series Series over too I'JI.ir. Leon were turned C~ G F Bonds that were Bond which f' or Hensel was purchased in the placing bex in the bank. There being no further business, on motion se seconded on e an d passed, the made meeting adjourned. Respectfully ~ The meeting eoretary. called to order by Ifilton was submitted, H. Ranck, President. following were presents T e Burgess - Secretary ' a nd the f'ollowing - J. R. norphy anc,k H Kaufman, Choar i e y '. . N'll i er and of the preceding„meeting ere read and approved. Shormon W. Book, William y. Koch, k ~n tro'ATER C harles t ska ing pond Mr pa rtment 22nd, 1944, when the Borough dropped nine feet. Leon C~ Hess, Hensel ~ town also reported and school was destroyed, three feet while the six approximately He M, Huber ~ pumps the were in started using water the reservoir that the water was -furnished to the X ~ Rohrer read correspondence of Health concerning o ,ecembeor~2'7'tTi, o ha ~ there is plenty of water at both places after the residents of the however, dr opped approximately o+n on December in the reservoir op aration, t Ra E COIilNIT Miller reported N. that during the fire water B. Koch E. Rohrer ' 'i . Milton 1. qf Council: on H. members The minutes Frank 1'944, Mr.~ between the Borough and the Pennsylvania the connection I:atter D'ins'trict i of Spring No ~ 6 and Mr. i was taken by Engineer gmeer, De- Miller stated that ooroommrr'omomol im to the spr