File - our lady of peace parish
File - our lady of peace parish
Michael Lasko Freelance photographer 64 Woodward Ave / Michael Lasko Photography Regina, SK Capturing Y our Moments In Time S4R 3H1 306 924 1076 Place your Advertisement here Bulletin - May 17, 2015 #26/14-15 DESIGNS OF DISTINCTION RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL INTERIORS & MILLWORK POPE’S INTENTIONS FOR MAY 2015: Universal: Care for the suffering~ That rejecting the culture of indifference, we may care for our neighbor urs who suffer, especially the sick an the poor. Evangelization: Openness to mission ~ That Mary’s intercession may help Christians in secularized cultures be ready to proclaim Jesus. 3121 SASKATCHEWAN DRIVE REGINA, SK. S4T 1H6 P | 352 6044 F | 359 7425 RCCABINETS@SASKTEL.NET RICKSCUSTOMCABINETS.COM THE JEWELLERY FACTORy INC 425 Broad St. North Regina, SK. S4R 2X8 BUY DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURER AND SAVE Gold Rings, Earrings, Chains, Diamonds and Gem Stones We will create for your individual taste. We do repairs. Antoni Siwic * Grazyna Siwic 558—10th Avenue Regina SK S4N 5P2 Call us today for a FREE Planning Kit! 306-791-6789 Tel: (Rectory) (306) 949-8854 (cell): (306) 737-8313 E-mail: Phone or Fax 522-3908 1050 CRANKING AMP DUAL TERMINAL BATTERY $79.50W/CORE 1444-A LORNE ST 306-791 9844 A special place to remember Beautiful gardens, fountain walk, mausoleum and upright sections. Discover your options and make plans that suit who you are. Pastor: Fr. Peter Thang Nguyen Adolf OzembloskiPhone: (H) 306 924 0418 (cell) 306 536 0980 Maurice Raboud Phone: (H) 306 543– 0313 (cell) 306 535-3333 OFFICE HOURS Please call the Office Monday- Friday 8:00 am –12 noon 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. by Arbor Memorial Arbor Memorial Inc. Website These spaces waiting for your advertising Pastoral Council Pastor — Father Peter Chair — Aduvie Akpedeye ViceChairPR& Organizations -Twylla West &Jodi Wilton Secretary — Anita Rieger Finance – John Hartney Liturgy – Terry Bedard Music – Pat Mulvay Education/Sacraments- Dean Vendramin Youth – Jodi Wilton & Twylla West Ecumenism— Michael Braimah Pastoral Care— Irene Grad Deanery— JoAnne Zuck Stewardship— Anita Rieger Social Justice – Art Judson Membership, Annual Appeal, Schools’ Liaison & Screening — Antonette Rothecker CWL— Irene Haynes Seniors— Anita Rieger Knights of Columbus— Bob Rothecker We appreciate help on these committees— Just call the office Caretaker Hall Rental These spaces waiting for your advertising Regina Memorial Gardens & Funeral Home OFFICE Tel. (306) 543-5355 Fax: 543-9837 E-mail: Secretary: Ebere Nwadike Chair—John Hartney Aduvie Akpedeye Anita Rieger Dale Reed Lukose Luka Maurice Raboud Please call the Office Please Support our Advertisers SUNDAY LITURGY: Saturdays 5:00 p.m. Sundays 9:00 a.m. & 10:30a.m WEEKDAY LITURGY: Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. Baptism Preparation for Families with children under 7 years of age: A one-day (Saturday) class will be offered on May 23rd, with Baptism on Sunday May 24th. Please call the office to register. The Sacrament of Baptism - is celebrated when needed. Call Parish office to register for the one-day class The Sacrament of Marriage – please contact Fr. Peter at least 6 mos. prior to intended marriage date. RCIA/RCIC – begins in Fall – Call Fr. Peter to register or more info. Reconciliation – celebrated before every Weekday, and Sunday Mass or call Fr. Peter for an appointment. Hospital or Shut-Ins – would like a visit or the Eucharist - or require a Ride to Church – contact Parish Office Celebrating and sharing God’s gifts Ascension of the Lord: May 17th. Jesus ascended into heaven, blessing His disciples and promising that they would soon receive the power of the Holy Spirit. We who have received that promised gift of the Spirit are now empowered to be His witnesses to the ends of the earth – to use our time and talents to spread the good news of salvation. Discuss Next Week Read,Read, Discuss for Next Week DECEMER DEPray,Pray, Acts 2.1-11 1 Corinthians 12.3-7, 12-13 John 20.19-23 Proverbs 8:22-22 Romans 3:1-5 John 16:12-15 Masses & Activities of the Parishes -- Week at a glance Mon. May 18 9:00 a.m 10:00 a.m Mass– +Charles Kozack by Katherine Kozack Bible Study at 1309 Dover Avenue Acts 19.1-8 John 16.29-33 Tues. May 19 9:00 a.m Mass-+Florence Harty by Denis & Judy Dumont Acts 20.17-27 John 17.1-11a Wed. May 20 9:35a.m 1:30pm 7:30pm Zumba for Seniors Prayer meeting Mass– followed by Parish council Meeting Acts 20.28-38 John 17.11b-19 9:00am 9:40a.m. 1:30p.m Mass-+Florence Harty by Marie Heisler & Family Forever in Motion Knitting & Crocheting Acts 22.30; 23.6-11 John 17.20-26 Fri. May 22 9:30am 1-2p.m. Mass+ St Gregory School Yoga– Acts 24.27; 25.13b-21+ John 21.15-19 Sat. May 23 5:00 p.m. Mass–+Florence Harty by Denis & Judy Dumont Sun. May 24 9:00 a.m. 10:30a.m. 7:00 p.m. Mass– For All Parishioners Mass– Journey with St. Mark gospel Acts 28.16-20, 30-31 John 21.20-25 Acts 2.1-11 1 Corinthians12.3b-7,12-13 John 20.19-23 Thur. May 21 Pizza Lunch for ALL seniors of the parish on Tuesday, June 2nd at Noon. Card or board games will follow the lunch. Tickets are $10.00 per person. Call, see, or e-mail Donalda 543-2728 or Anita 543-0421. Plan to come. May 20— Prayer Meeting @ 1:30 p.m. May 23 Baptism Class @1:30pm, May 24-Baptism May 24 – Journey with Mark Gospel @ 7:00 p.m. May 28 Country Gospel Music @7:00pm June Exercise Zumba— Wednesdays after 9:00 am Mass . (for this exercise bring $3.50 and a water bottle.) Forever …. In Motion—($2.00)Thursdays after 9:00a.m. Mass. Yoga—Fridays –1 to 2p.m. $3.50 per person Cards - Ended and will resume by September. Knitting/Crocheting $1.00 Thursdays at 1:30 pm Call the Office, if you need more Information Come join us for another evening of song Country Gospel Sing A Long Music led by Free Spirit & Friends, at Our Lady of Peace Parish, 425 Broad St. N. Thursday, May 28 @ 7:00pm. Free Will Offering. Refreshments to follow Wheelchair Accessible. John Tom Georgina Cleveland Clorinda Gianoli Vera Eklund Isabelle Stilwell Jessica Gelowitz Albert Sentes Carol Braconnier Louise Linnen Kathy Kapell Bob Braconnier Norbert Wilkes Mary Kish Rita Malley Janet Edginton Jerry Paul Marie Burkhart 7 K of C Annual Beef supper-4:30pm 7:00pm PASTOR’S MESSAGE Dear parishioners of Our Lady of Peace Parish, Our Pastoral Council has the following positions available, Vice Chair, Secretary, Liturgy, Education/Sacraments, Stewardship, & Ecumenism. Please consider taking your turn in filling one of these positions. For more information, please contact anyone of the Nominating Committee —Maurice 543-0313, JoAnne 569-9189 or Anita 543-0421, Knights of Columbus 21st Annual Beef Supper, Sunday June 7th, 2015- 4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m @ Our Lady of Peace Parish. Catered by Charlotte’s from Moose Jaw. Tickets are sold after each Mass: Adults—$20.00; 5 to 10 yrs. - $10.00 Under 5 - FREE. Or Call Roger @ 543 5667 Come and See Retreat: Do you ever wonder what priest- hood is all about? Have you ever thought that maybe …just maybe … the Lord MIGHT be asking me to be His priest? Even if you have NEVER had these thoughts before – and would just like an opportunity to enjoy a good time at the lake with some of other young men your age – and take a look at some of these questions … come join us. There will be an opportunity for Q + A … Mass … Adoration …Confession … Campfire … Outdoor activities … and much more. In Matthew's gospel, chapter 28, verse 18- 20, Jesus commis- What is it? A couple days spent at Pasqua Lake taking a sions his disciples: "All authority in heaven and on earth has look at priesthood Who is it for? Young men in grades 9-12 been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all na- When is it? J uly 15 and 16, 2015 How much will it cost? $20.00 r egistr ation tions, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey every- Who do I contact for more info? Father Stephen Bill @ or 306-352-0988 thing that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age." Santa Maria Volunteers will hold their Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, J une 9 2:00Pm 4215 Regina Ave. Our Church is mission church. Mission is the nature of the Consider joining in our efforts to support & enhance the lives of Church as on our journey of faith each one of us personally the residents at Santa Maria. Contact person is Margaadvances in encountering Jesus, we cannot stop making him ret Sills 306 586 8611 known to others. The zeal for evangelization is derived from Archdiocese of Regina Leadership Camp! The Archdiocese the joy of the gospel which is given to us and only God can give that joy. If we do not have this joy we need to pray for. of Regina Youth Ministry Office will sponsor 2 leader ship Without the joy of the Gospel we have no interest in evange- camps this summer. These camps are for those teens and young adults looking to grow in faith and strengthen their ability to lization or we only do it as a hobby. lead in all areas of their life. The first camp runs from Aug. 16At the beginning of today's gospel, we hear: "Jesus appeared to the eleven, and said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation. The one who believes and is baptized will be saved; but the one who does not believe will be condemned." (Mk 16.15-16) and at the end of today's gospel, St. Mark tells us: "They went out and proclaimed the good news everywhere." (Mk 16.20) Today, in Canada, we celebrate the Ascension of the Lord. We must thank Jesus for entrusting us the missions of evangelization and pray that we may have the joy of the gospel in order to fulfil this mission of evangelism. Sincerely yours in Christ Fr. Peter Thang Nguyen CONGRATULATIONS ! TO Bev Mohr, from the Annual General Meeting of Our Lady of Peace—May 31 — after 10:30 mass Bulletin board 19 and is for those students ENTERING grades 10- 1st year university in the fall. The second camp runs from Aug. 21-24 and is for those students ENTERING grades 7-9 in the fall. BOTH camps have a theme of “Holy Holidays….So Much to Celebrate!” Cost of the camp is $120 and is held at Glen Harbors Camp. For more information or to register please email or call Michelle Braden at 306 3521651 ext. 223. Spaces are limited and camp fills up fast. Kensington Green area, the winner of the Mother’s Day Basket. Transitions: Your Journey of Transformation through Grief and Loss:This 3.5 day r etr eat, gr ounded in Chr istian spirituality, will provide insight, hope and prayerful support for We need Volunteers for SACRISTAN / AL- those who have experienced a wide variety of losses including the death of a loved one, illness, loss of a job and the ending of TAR LAUNDRY. Call Maxine @ 306 949-4728 a marriage or significant relationship. Thursday May 28, 7pm – or the parish office if you can help. Sunday May 31, 1pm. Cost: $390 (live-in) at Queen’s House Retreat Centre in Saskatoon. Retreat is limited to 12 participants – register early. Limited financial assistance available. Any Senior interested in golfing please call Grant Registration deadline: Monday May 25. Facilitator: Sarah DonPlayter at 543-5140. nelly, BA, M.Div. To register or for more info please contact Sarah at 306-717-3707 or Strawberry Social: Guest speaker : Bar b Ulmer fr om the Alzheimer Society Speaking on “Heads Up for Healthier Brain” @ St Peter church hall on Saturday, May 23, 2015 @ 1:00pm Cost: Silver Collection. Call Charmine Offet at 306-550-7494 or Doris at 306-537-4740 *** Sponsored by St. Peter CWL*** Garage Sale – We want to thank the many people who helped sort, price, patrol tables, pack, bake cookies and squares, daily clean up, and all the many tasks to make this a GREAT success. We raised $6,560.44….breaking it down to $4,363.08 for items sold, $686.76 in Concession, Raffle $614.10, Perogies $540.00, Silent Auction $356.55. May God Bless you all abundantly for your good works. Thank you to everyone for your support of Camp Monahan! The winner of the Camp Monahan Quilt Raffle was Balgonie Knights of Columbus. The fundraising garage sale for which we received an overwhelming amount of donations from parishioners will take place May 29 - 31, starting at 9 am each day - 424 Mullin Ave. See you there and thanks to one and all, again! Please join us for our Open House & BBQ at Camp Monahan- June 28, noon to about 4 pm. Meet the staff and Board, tour the camp and join in some favourite camp activities - including campfire! Marci Brisbourne Executive Director, Camp Monahan Phone:
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File - Our Lady of Peace Regina
Finance –
John Hartney
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Terry Bedard
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Pat Mulvay
Education/Sacraments- Dean Vendramin
Youth – Jodi Wilton & Twylla West
Michael Braimah
Pastoral Care— Irene Grad
Please Support our Advertisers
Liturgy –
Terry Bedard
Music –
Pat Mulvay
Education/Sacraments- Dean Vendramin
Youth – Jodi Wilton & Twylla West
Michael Braimah
Pastoral Care— Irene Grad
JoAnne Zuck
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Liturgy –
Terry Bedard
Music –
Pat Mulvay
Education/Sacraments- Dean Vendramin
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