View Bulletin - Resurrection Parish


View Bulletin - Resurrection Parish
February 15, 2015
6th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Pastor: Father Stephen Bill 306-352-0988
Asst. Priest: Father Thomas Nguyen
Main Office:
Fax: 306-352-0999
3155 Windsor Park Road, Regina SK S4V 3B1
Office Hours: Monday – Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Office Administrator: Lori Babyak
Pastoral Assistant - Liturgy
Kevin Harty
Finance Office
Rick Wilgosh
Pastoral Assistant - Sacraments
Lisa Polk
Operations Coordinator
Lori & Rob Bresciani
Youth Ministry Coordinator
Braden Kuntz
Pedro Onza
Jay Opulencia
Lev 13:1-2, 45-46; Ps 32; 1 Co 10:31-11:1; Mk 1:40-45
Feb 16 Gen 4:1-15, 25; Ps 50; Mk 8:11-13
Feb 17 Gen 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10; Ps 29; Mk 8:14-21
Feb 18 Joel 2:12-18; Ps 51; 2 Cor 5:20-6:2; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18
Feb 19 Deut 30:15-20; Ps 1; Lk 9:22-25
Feb 20 Is 58:1-9a; Ps 51; Mt 9:14-15
Feb 21 Is 58:9b-14; Ps 86; Lk 5:27-32
Gen 9:8-15; Ps 25; 1 Pet 3:18-22; Mk 1:12-15
Pancake Supper
Resurrection Parish Hall
Tuesday February 17
5:30 – 7:00 pm Free Will Offering
Ash Wednesday
February 18
7:00 PM Mass
Mass & Stations of the Cross
Fridays in Lent at 7:00 PM
Weekday Masses February 17 - 20
Tue No Mass
Ash Wednesday: 7:00 PM
Thu 8:30 am +Neil Schlosser by Ken & Marg Engel
Fri 7:00 pm +Helen Schmalz by Art & Lila Giesinger
followed by Stations of the Cross
If you wish to offer a Mass Intention please contact the Parish
Office. Because we receive a high number of requests, some
Mass Intentions will be sent to other parishes to be celebrated.
Daily Prayers
We invite you to spend a few moments each
day this week praying for these Intentions ...
- for those in government to recognize the sanctity of life
from conception to natural death
- for the unborn who will die from abortions
- for the faith community of Little Flower Church
If you are in need of the Power of Prayer, please, let us
pray for you or if you wish to join in prayer for others,
call Lila Giesinger at 306-789-1600.
Please Pray
for Lori Bresciani, Donna Loran, Lorie Matthewson, Dean
Vey, and Georgina Churko of our parish and all Lay
Ministry Formation Candidates.
for Arron Polk and Kevin Harty and all preparing for the
for Parker Love, our Seminarian and all Seminarians
Tax Receipts
are now ready for pickup at the
church. Please help us save postage costs and
pick yours up after Mass or during office hours!
Building Campaign Donor Wall
Please check the temporary Donor wall in the Gathering
Space, to ensure the spelling of your name is correct.
Snowflake Gala Dinner
Thank you!
Thank you to everyone who helped out with this Year’s
Annual Fundraising Dinner!
• If you attended the Gala or Donated an item
for the Auction
• If you purchased a Raffle or 50/50 ticket
• If you volunteered your time to make it a
perfect evening!
Please watch the bulletin for Proceeds raised
Together Building Our Church and Our Community
for Michael Perras and all who are preparing for
Resurrection Parish Youth
Franciscan brotherhood.
And please pray for their families.
Development and Peace brings the Joy of the Gospel
for Share Lent 2015 On Ash Wednesday, Development
and Peace will launch its annual Share Lent campaign with
the theme “Sow much love … to give.” This annual
campaign raises funds to support its mission in more than
30 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle
East. Each week you will read quotations from Pope
Francis’ Apostolic exhortation, The Joy of the Gospel. In
each one, Development and Peace shares the joy of its
mission. It is hoped that the Holy Father’s inspiring words
will move you to give generously to the Share Lent
Campaign. See more at
DivorceCare is a video seminar series featuring some of
the nation’s foremost Christian experts on Divorce and
recovery topics as seen from the biblical perspective. If you
miss a session, you can still pick it up at any time. 7:00 pm
Monday evenings beginning Monday February 23. To
register, please call Deborah at 306-789-2378
Have you ever wondered why we fast during
Lent? What is fasting, anyways? Join us February 21
beginning with Mass at 5:00 pm to explore what Lent is
really all about and to start your Lent the right way! Cost
$10, RSVP to or Braden at 306-352th
0976 no later than February 19 .
JUMP3 Same great fun on a different night! Friday
February 27 from 6:30 – 9:00. Walk with us as we learn
about Lent and what it truly means for us as Catholics.
Cost $5. RSVP to or Braden at 306th
352-0976 no later than February 25 .
Sunday evenings for Food, Friends, & Prayer
for High School Students and Young Adults
February 22: Holy Family
March 21: with O’Neill Youth Rally
April 26: Holy Family
May 31: Christ the King
40 HOURS FOR LIFE – Come and pray to end abortion.
Daily: 4:30 – 5:30 pm, February 18 – March 29 at the
Regina General Hospital. Hosted by Regina Pro-Life 306-569-1985 Please pray for the
sanctity of life, in all its ages and stages and that it’s God
given dignity will always be protected and respected.
Training Saturday February 28 , Conexus Arts Centre, in
the Quebec Room. Fee is $55 per person. Parish will pay
$35 for Parishioners who attend! This is recommended for
volunteers who are interested in Serving and helping out
with the Hospitality Ministry! To register, email or call Mike 306-540-9868.
Live in Day at the Myriam Family, February 26, from
9:30 AM to 9:00 PM. (Prayers, teaching, Mass, Sacrament
of Reconciliation, personal prayer for you, Adoration. Our
theme will be: Forgiveness…Is it possible? You can also
come from 5-9 P.M. the same day, for a Pot-Luck supper,
songs, teaching and prayer. RSVP: 306-761-0528. 2527
E, Margaret Place. February 10-27: Silent Adoration
Tuesday to Friday, 4-5 P.M. (except Friday 20)
How well do YOU know Jesus? Join us this Lent to
deepen your relationship with Jesus through Fr. Robert
Barron's new DVD program, Priest Prophet, King.
Sessions will be Wednesdays, March 4, 11 and 18 at 1:30
p.m. at the Archdiocese of Regina, 445 Broad Street
North. Pre-registration requested. Please call Teresa at
306-352-1651 ext. 238.
My Generation Youth Rally for students in grades 8-12 is
an energy, fun-filled, purpose-filled weekend exploring how
God is calling you to make a difference in the world. Rally
will be held March 21-22 at Archbishop M.C. O’Neill High
School in Regina. Cost $50 person/$100/family.
(Sponsorship available if needed). See
or call Michelle at 306 352-1651 ext. 223
Bridge Tournament hosted by St. Martin’s CWL, 4720
Castle Rd. on Saturday February 21.
The cost is
$25/team. Registration begins at 9:15 am with coffee and
muffins. Play begins at 10:00 am. Phone Eileen 306-5864261 or Eileen 306-586-3722.
Tour Israel and Italy in one trip! October 6-20, 2015.
The tour features 6 days in the Holy Land then fly to Italy,
Florence, Assisi and Rome. There will be an information
meeting Sunday March 1 at Holy Family, Regina following
the 11 am Mass. Questions? contact Rose 306 586 8680.
check it out: tour # 1588217XC .
Parents/Guardian and Catholic Rate-payers, At the
February 2, 2015 Public Board Meeting, the Regina
Catholic School Division Board of Trustees approved 2
recommendations which outlined Division direction for use
of its facilities and program courses for students. The
Board recommendations will now guide Division short and
long-term strategic plans. As background information, the
Building a Vision for the Future Praxis Consulting Report
summarized community feedback from community
consultation sessions and an online survey. The details of
the Board recommendations and the Building a Vision for
the Future Report can be read at our website:
Are you looking for a place to gather for some
casual social interaction with other young families?
We invite you to join us:
Mondays: 9:30 am until 11:00 am in Room 2.
Closing Celebration of Canadian Martyrs Church
will be held on Thursday, February 19, at 7:30 p.m.
Everyone, especially former parishioners, is welcome
Dr. Martin LeBoldus Catholic High School Grade 8
Parent/Student Information Night for students entering
grade 9 in the fall of 2015 will be held Wednesday
February 25 in the gymnasium at 7:00 pm.
Steve Bell an award winning Christian recording artist
from Winnipeg will be performing at Holy Child, Regina on
Friday February 20 at 7:00 p.m. as part of his 25
Anniversary Tour. Tickets are $15 and are available at the
parish office or from Burns and Hanley. Sponsored by the
Social Justice Committee.
Camp Monahan registration is now open at The Annual General Meeting is
March 4, 7 pm, Archdiocese of Regina, 445 Broad St. N,
Regina. Info: 306-522-1047. We thank everyone for
supporting Camp throughout the year. The 2015 camp
registration form is now on our website. Phone: 306-5221047
Come and See Weekend: A weekend live-in experience
for men who are discerning a call to the priesthood at St.
Joseph’s Seminary in Edmonton. If you’ve been talking
about the priesthood, come & see for yourself, ask your
questions, express your concerns, meet other seminarians
and pray for God’s will. No cost, no obligations. Meet the
seminarians who are discerning God’s will and learning
how to be priests and the wonderful team that trains and
forms the Seminarians. Weekend is March 6-8.
register, please contact your parish priest and email for the registration form.
Igniting the Passion Lenten Mission with Father Ben
St. Croix, CC March 9 - 12 , 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Holy
Trinity Parish, 5020 Sherwood Dr. in Regina. Many have
experienced healing, spiritual empowerment and greater
freedom in Christ as a result of his ministry! He is a ‘spark’
the Lord uses to set people’s hearts on fire. Free will
Cuernevaca Fund-Raiser Dinner Dine by Design catered
by Fireside Bistro will be held March 22 at Holy Child.
Tickets are $40 and will be sold after Mass next weekend.
Campion College invites you to the 35th annual Nash
Memorial Lecture Dead Man Walking: The Journey
Continues delivered by guest lecturer Sister Helen
Prejean. Sister Prejean has been instrumental in sparking
international dialogue on the death penalty and helping to
shape the Catholic Church’s newly vigorous opposition to
state executions. Thursday, March 5, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. in
the Education Auditorium, University of Regina (Main
Campus). Admission is free, but please note that seating is
limited. Complimentary parking is available in lots 13M and
14M. See or call 306-586-4242.
Ministry Schedule February 21 & 22
5:00 PM
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
Carrie Osika
Shirlanne Carr
*Karen Erickson
Tannis Fahlman
Bernie Schaan
Diana Adams
Carolann Buehler
Rita Chabot
Surriya Gabriel
Lorne Kirzinger
Carole Ring
Sherry Gray
Kevin Mackay
*Michele Hoffert
Lois Schatz
Brian Schatz
Suzanne Benning
Shannon Gilbert
Doreen Nicolay
Anna Mae
Agnes Fuchs
David Smith
Alyssa Hoffart
Heather Duczek
Tom Reynolds
Darwin & Gail Mott
*Darlene Sliva
John Sliva
Diane Bodnarchuk
Edilberto Guingab
Ngoc La
Carol Terry
Hermie Carubio
Lila Giesinger
David Thomas
1st Proclaimer
Shelley Thiel
Gary Thiel
2nd Proclaimer
Candace Curle
Brian Klenk family
Corinne Edworthy
Isabel Kress
Bev & Mike Hungle
Gary Hoffert
Navee Blair
Nick & Mary Ann
Evan Lizee
Sera Lizee
Breanna Morrison
Maria Buttigieg
Vicky Argerami
Kevin Tran
Zach Gherasim
Jase Gherasim
Shelley Barthel
Angelica Ong
Power Point
Angela Duczek
Carter Brezinski
Heidi McLean
Max McLean
Stephanie Lloyd
Lori Romanski
Beth Compton
Emma Compton
Carson Daly
Sr. Genevieve
Gift Bearers
1. __________
Selinger family
1. ____________
Denny Lizee & Cynthia Lizee, Donna Loran,
Leann Debert, Lorie Matthewson, Linda Arnold
Altar Servers
Offered before Mass or by Appointment
Hospital Visits & Anointing of the Sick
Please call the pastor at 306-352-0988.
Sacrament of Baptism
Kevin Harty
Sharon Mayor
Anna Barone
Hanna & Regan
Gerald & Laurena
Marjorie & Wayne
Lorraine Larochelle
Fran Geisler
1. _______________
Sacraments and Services
Donna Loran
Shawn White
Mike Wolf
Noah Dionne
For information and dates of upcoming Baptisms,
please see Father Steve after any Mass
Sacrament of Marriage
Make an appointment with the pastor
at least eight months in advance at 306-352-0988.
Do not book reception venue
until you have met with the Pastor.
Ministry of Care
A weekly visit, a ride to Mass, Holy Communion at home,
accompaniment to treatments or an appointment, someone to
pray with, to share the load of grief or anxiety, to befriend
through surgery or illness or to be there through difficult or
troubling times. Call the parish office: 306-352-0800.
Knights of Columbus
Ken Engel:
Catholic Women’s League
Audrey Patrick:
Pastoral Council
Chairperson: Tom Kuntz
Vice-Chair: Vacant
Ministry of Care: Joanne Flegel
Communications & Public Relations: Vacant
Reverence for Life: Marg Engel
CWL: Lila Giesinger
Social Justice: Chris Gillen
Ecumenism: Alynn Ferstl
Spiritual Development: Don Stevenson
Knights of Columbus: Jason Trehas
Stewardship: Vacant
Liturgy: Dean Vey
Youth: Angela Carnegie
Recording Secretary: Barb Moser
Finance Council
Co-Chairs: Gay Patrick (306-569-1477)
& Adynea Russell (306-790-7910)
Vice-Chair: Greg Vogelsang
Finance Administration: Krista Halayka
Fundraising: Shirley Carter & Richard Frontain
Members at Large: Lindsay Folk
Hall & Catering: Vacant
Gary Stainbrook
Building and Grounds: Tony Gartner
Stewardship: Vacant
Recording Secretary: Anne Collins
New Parishioner Registration / Change of Address
Please call the parish office at 306-352-0800 or email
To register, we welcome you to stop in to the parish office or take one of the forms from the pamphlet rack in the foyer
or see our website at and print the New Parishioner Registration Form.
Return in person, by mail, or in the collection basket in an envelope marked: “Attention Office”