Bulletin for St James & St Rita


Bulletin for St James & St Rita
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Rev. Reymundo Asis
Pastor Administrator
Bulletin for St James & St Rita
Box 386,
Southey, SK S0G 4P0
Bulletin Bits
Phone: 726-2035 Please
leave a message!
In today’s second reading, St. Paul thanks the Philippians for being willing to
share in his hardships and promises that God, in turn, will fully supply all
their needs. Our God truly cannot be outdone in generosity!
Cell: 726-7571
St. James Parish Office
Regional Mass Times
Upcoming Events
Jackie David,
Administrative Support
Tuesday, October 14
CWL Meeting
Following the 9 am mass
October 18
October 26
November 1
November 9
5 pm
9 am
7 pm
11 am
October 18
October 26
November 1
November 9
7 pm
11 am
5 pm
9 am
October 19
9 am
October 25
7 pm
Please contact:
November 2
11 am
Bess Butel @ 726-2168
November 8
5 pm
Thursday, October 16
Parish Council Meeting
7 pm
St. James CWL Strudel Sale!
Available from Thursday, October 16th and while
supplies last!
9 x 12 pan $15
October 19
11 am
October 25
5 pm
November 2
9 am
November 8
7 pm
F or mor e i n f o r ma t i o n o n w h a t ’ s
ha p pe n i n g i n t he Ar c h d i o c e s e
vi s it :
Elsie Strahm @ 726-4390
Gizella Buckshaw @ 726-4593
Parish office phone:
Bulletin submissions by
9 am Wednesday!
Don’t forget to VOTE!
Camp Monahan is also very excited
to have Board Member Fred Exner as
a well deserving nominee in the Scotia Bank Game Changer contest. He
has promised to donate any prize he
receives if he wins to the camp. Take
a minute to set up an account and
vote for him every day! You can view
his nomination:
Thanksgiving Prayer
This Thanksgiving let those of us who have
much and those who have little gather at
the welcoming table of the Lord. At this
blessed feast, may rich and poor alike remember that we are called to serve on another and to walk together in God's gracious world. With thankful hearts we praise
our God who like a loving parent denies us
no good thing.
Making Christ Matter - A CTK Parish Mission
You and your family and friends are invited to attend another exciting, faith-filled Parish Mission featuring popular Catholic speaker Ken Yasinski. This two-day Mission will take place on October
18th from 1:00pm - 9:00pm and October 19th from 9am12:00pm at Christ The King Parish 3239 Garnet Street, Regina.
Through powerful talks, personal witness and moving music, you
will be challenged to realize the full potential of a living, active
relationship with Jesus Christ in your own life! Registration is free
and includes a dinner on Sunday evening, though there will be
opportunity to make a free will offering and a second collection just for the mission will be taken at the 11am Mass
on Sunday for those wishing to make a donation. For more information or to register contact Eric at 306-586-9020 or
email ctke@accesscomm.ca.
Ken Yasinski is one of Canada’s most sought after Catholic
speakers, with 14 years of full time experience, proclaiming the
fullness of the Catholic faith. He is the founder of Face to Face
Ministries, a Lighthouse Catholic Media Speaker, author, and
Since October is traditionally celebrated as
a month dedicated to Mary, why not spend
some time this month learning more about
and praying with Our Lady? The Archdiocesan Resource Centre has many wonderful
DVDs and books that can be borrowed
FREE-OF-CHARGE. Check them out online at www.archregina.sk.ca under the Resource Centre tab or call Teresa at 3521651.
October 12, 2014
S t . R i t a P ar i sh
ALPHA is up and running and from all accounts everyone is really enjoying the evening.
This coming Tuesday will be the last day for
COLLECTIONS: September 28 - $432
newcomers to partake, so if you are looking for
LITURGICAL WORKSHOP: Father Rey will be an enjoyable evening please come out and join
holding a liturgical workshop on October 26/14 us. Supper is served at 6:30, followed by praise
following the 11:00 Mass. Anyone involved as
and worship, a short video and then discussion.
lectors or communion ministers, or just thinking
Everything wraps up by 9:00PM sharp.
about it, should attend. It will last approximately
1 1/2 hours.
"Growing Faith" is also continuing on a parttime basis for this fall. We meet on Wednesdays at St. Rita's beginning at 7:00PM. Please
call Jan at 306-539-8648 for more specific
St. James Parish
October 18, 2014
October 26, 2014
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
CWL MEETING: Next CWL meeting will be on Tuesday, October 14th after the 9 am mass.
PARISH COUNCIL: Next meeting on Thursday,
October 16th at 7 pm.
ALWAYS WELCOME: Are you looking for a way to
share your time, talent or treasure with the parish?
Would you like to try reading, greeting, altar serving
(adults are welcome too!), sacristan or any one of
the number of volunteer positions available. Fresh
faces and ideas are always welcome to these jobs
and appreciated. Please contact any council member, Father Rey or Jackie either at the parish office
phone or by email.
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Denise, Doug & Emily
Lia, Deb N. & David
Joe & Bess
Rudy & Pearl Flaman
Willie & Clare F.
Les B. & Rosemary F.
Megan & Ian D.
Callie B.
Cross Bearer/
Caden D.
Cross Bearer/ TBA
Bob & Shauna
Joe & Bess
Diocese News
St. Therese Institute in Bruno, SK: Our next 9-day 'triumph' retreat will be taking place October 17 to October 26. 'triumph' is a 9day facilitated journey of spiritual growth, leading you deeper into a
fulfilled, peaceful, Christ-centered life filled with joy! Don't miss out
on this great retreat! More information and registration at http://stt.ca/triumph or call Carolyn at 306-369-2555.
Growing/Evangelizing Faith in Our Parishes and Beyond, October 25, 2014 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. St. Martin de Porres 4720 Castle Rd. Regina. Guest presenters: Archbishop Emeritus of Winnipeg
James Weisgerber and Dr. James Rice, Astrogeologist Mars Rover Project - Geology Team Leader Planetary Science Institute Phoenix, Arizona as well as Bobbi Yanko, Eric Gurash, Marian Grady and
more. Registration: $20 (incl. lunch) payable at the door Registration deadline: October 17, 2014 to cschimnosky@sasktel.net or 306
-543-3203 Hosted by: Regina Deanery Pastoral Council
Dating, Engaged and Newly-Married Couples. 8 Session with
dynamic speakers, couple sharing time, Q&A with presenter and Fr.
Steve and a time for food and new friendships. Singles are most
welcome too! Registration Deadline is October 20th, First session is Sunday, October 26th. Registration Fee: $80/couple or $40/
singles. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Linda @ 306-5338355 bmueller@sasktel.net or Rose @306-530-5544, rtrheas@sasktel.net
“Hey Nunnie Nunnie” – Enjoy the madcap antics of the unconventional Mother Redepta and ukulele-wielding Sister Philomena Claire
in “Hey Nunnie Nunnie,” a comedy performance sponsored by the
Saskatchewan Knights of Columbus in three locations, with proceeds going to the cathedrals of Saskatchewan. The Regina performance will be held 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 4 at the Orr Centre, 4400-4th Ave. Fr. Weckend will be the opening act for the Regina show, before “Hey Nunnie Nunnie” comedians Shannon O’Brien
Camp Monahan has been celebrating 70 years of summer
and Dana McCain of New York take to the stage. Advance tickets
camping this year! Come celebrate and reminisce with us at the
Dinner & Dance to be held on Friday, October 17th at St Mary's Par- are $40; at the door $45. Tickets are available from the Orr Centre
at (306) 522-4677 or contact Paul Ponak at (306) 790-9317 or prpoish Hall, Regina, cocktails at 6 pm, supper 7 pm, program & dance
nak@sasktel.net for tickets or information
to follow. Special Guest "Miss World Canada 2014" - Monahan
Alumni Annora Boureault! Tickets are $50.00/per person (receipts
will be issued for a portion of the ticket price). Proceeds will be used
for the new cabin build project. For tickets, please call 306-5221047 or email: campmonahan@sasktel.net. Everyone is welcome
to attend - hope to see you there!
October 2014
9 am Strasbourg
9 am Cupar
Mass for the
Dead & Holy
8:30 am Divine
Mercy @ Southey
9 am Dysart - Mass
- Mother of Perpetual Help
9 am Mass Southey 9 am Southey
9 am Cupar
9 am Cupar
Mass for the
Dead & Holy
8:30 am Divine
Mercy @ Southey
9 am Dysart - Mass
- Mother of Perpetual Help
9 am Mass Southey 9 am Southey
11 am Southey
11 am Dysart
9:30 am Mass Southey
9:30 am Mass Southey
5 pm Southey
10:15 Shalom Mass for the Sick
7 pm Strasbourg
10:15 Shalom Mass for the Sick
5 pm Dysart
7 pm Cupar
*DM = Divine Mercy Holy Hour and Cenacle of Prayer.
**MP = Morning Prayers
EP = Evening Prayers
***First Friday Mass in Southey - 6 pm Holy Hour of Adoration, Reconciliation 6:30 pm & Benediction follow by a 7 pm Mass