File - Our Lady of Peace Regina
File - Our Lady of Peace Regina
Michael Lasko Freelance photographer 64 Woodward Ave / Michael Lasko Photography Regina, SK Capturing Y our Moments In Time S4R 3H1 306 924 1076 Place your Advertisement here Bulletin - April 19, 2015 #22/14-15 DESIGNS OF DISTINCTION RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL INTERIORS & MILLWORK POPE’S INTENTIONS FOR April 2015: Universal: Creation~ That people may learn to respect crea- tion and care for it as a gift of God. Evangelization: P ersecuted Christians ~ That persecuted Christians may feel the consoling presence of the Risen Lord and the solidarity of all the Church. 3121 SASKATCHEWAN DRIVE REGINA, SK. S4T 1H6 P | 352 6044 F | 359 7425 RCCABINETS@SASKTEL.NET RICKSCUSTOMCABINETS.COM THE JEWELLERY FACTORy INC 425 Broad St. North Regina, SK. S4R 2X8 BUY DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURER AND SAVE Gold Rings, Earrings, Chains, Diamonds and Gem Stones We will create for your individual taste. We do repairs. Antoni Siwic * Grazyna Siwic 558—10th Avenue Regina SK S4N 5P2 Call us today for a FREE Planning Kit! 306-791-6789 Pastor: Fr. Peter Thang Nguyen Tel: (Rectory) (306) 949-8854 (cell): (306) 737-8313 E-mail: Phone or Fax 522-3908 1050 CRANKING AMP DUAL TERMINAL BATTERY $79.50W/CORE 1444-A LORNE ST 306-791 9844 A special place to remember Beautiful gardens, fountain walk, mausoleum and upright sections. Discover your options and make plans that suit who you are. Caretaker Adolf OzembloskiPhone: (H) 306 924 0418 (cell) 306 536 0980 Maurice Raboud Phone: (H) 306 543– 0313 (cell) 306 535-3333 OFFICE HOURS Please call the Office The Sacrament of Marriage – please contact Fr. Peter at least 6 mos. prior to intended marriage date. RCIA/RCIC – begins in Fall – Call Fr. Peter to register or more info. Reconciliation – celebrated before every Weekday, and Sunday Mass or call Fr. Peter for an appointment. Hospital or Shut-Ins – would like a visit or the Eucharist - or require a Ride to Church – contact Parish Office Divine Mercy Sunday Celebrating and sharing God’s gifts Passion Sunday: March. 29th Good stewards strive to conform their lives to that of Christ – emptying themselves of all pride and putting themselves at the service of others. Question of the Week “If you were arrested for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you? Monday- Friday 8:00 am –12 noon 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. by Arbor Memorial Arbor Memorial Inc. Website These spaces waiting for your advertising Pastoral Council Pastor — Father Peter Chair — Aduvie Akpedeye ViceChairPR& Organizations -Twylla West &Jodi Wilton Secretary — Anita Rieger Finance – John Hartney Liturgy – Terry Bedard Music – Pat Mulvay Education/Sacraments- Dean Vendramin Youth – Jodi Wilton & Twylla West Ecumenism— Michael Braimah Pastoral Care— Irene Grad Deanery— JoAnne Zuck Stewardship— Anita Rieger Social Justice – Art Judson Membership, Annual Appeal, Schools’ Liaison & Screening — Antonette Rothecker CWL— Irene Haynes Seniors— Anita Rieger Knights of Columbus— Bob Rothecker We appreciate help on these committees— Just call the office OFFICE Tel. (306) 543-5355 Fax: 543-9837 E-mail: Secretary: Ebere Nwadike Hall Rental These spaces waiting for your advertising Regina Memorial Gardens & Funeral Home The Sacrament of Baptism - is celebrated when needed. Call Parish office to register for the one-day class Chair—John Hartney Aduvie Akpedeye Anita Rieger Dale Reed Lukose Luka Maurice Raboud Please call the Office Please Support our Advertisers SUNDAY LITURGY: Saturdays 5:00 p.m. Sundays 9:00 a.m. & 10:30a.m WEEKDAY LITURGY: Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. Collection Envelopes:- Still available at 306-543-5355. for those who have not picked up theirs. If you do not have envelopes and wish to receive them please fill out the form at the Information table or call the office John 20.1-18 Discuss Next Week Read,Read, Discuss for Next Week DECEMER DEPray,Pray, Acts 4.7-12 1 John 3.1-2 John 10.11-18 John 16:12-15 Proverbs 8:22-22 Romans 3:1-5 Masses & Activities of the Parishes -- Week at a glance Mon. April 20 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m Mass-Eleanor Biro By Rick & Susan Bereti Bible Study at 1309 Dover Avenue Acts 6.8-15 John 6.22-29 Tues. April 21 9:35 a.m 1:30p.m. 6:30pm Tai Chi Senior Cards Mass-Followed by CWL Meeting Acts 7.51-8.1a John 6.30-35 Wed. April 22 9:00 a.m. 9:35a.m 1:30pm Mass–- + Leo Nazereth by Teresa Rodrigues Zumba for Seniors Prayer meeting Acts 8.1b-8 John 6.35-40 9:00am 9:40a.m. 1:30p.m Mass-+ Ingrid Hill by Teresa Rodrigues Forever in Motion Knitting & Crocheting Acts 8.26-40 John 6.44-51 Fri. April 24 9:00am 1-2p.m. MassYoga Acts 9.1-20 John 6.52-59 Sat. April 25 5:00 p.m. Mass- Sun. April 26 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Mass– For All Parishioners. Mass– Louise Linnen by CWL Journey with Mark gospel 1 Peter 5.5b-14 Mark 16.15-20 Acts 4.7-12 1 John 3.1-2 John 10.11-18 Thur. April 23 April Exercise Tai Chi— $2.00 each for beginners – Tuesdays after 9:00am Mass . Zumba— Wednesdays after 9:00 am Mass . (for this exercise bring $3.50 and a water bottle.) Forever …. In Motion—($2.00)Thursdays after 9:00a.m. Mass. Yoga—Fridays –1 to 2p.m. $3.50 per person @ Children's Liturgy Room Cards - $1.00—Tuesdays at 1:30 - Several different games to choose– 21— Prayer Meeting @ 1:30 p.m. April 23-Country Gospel @ 7:00pm April 26– Journey with Mark Gospel @ 7:00 p.m. April 30, May 1 & 2 Garage sale. May 9th and 10th Mother’s day Strawberry Social April 27 Officers General Meeting Knitting/Crocheting $1.00 Thursdays at 1:30 pm Call the Office, if you need more Information Come join us for another evening of song Country Gospel Sing A Long Music led by Free Spirit & Friends, at Our Lady of Peace Parish, 425 Broad St. N. Thursday, April 23 @ 7:00pm. Free Will Offering. Refreshments to follow Wheelchair Accessible. PASTOR’S MESSAGE Dear parishioners of Our Lady of Peace Parish, Everyone of us should experience how happy we are in this time of Easter? During the period between the Resurrection and the Pentecost Jesus' Apostles were still in the process of accepting the reality of Jesus' Resurrection, even at Jesus' ascension some of them still doubted, (Matt. 28.16) but through the witness of the apostles, the first Christian community and so many others throughout the History of Christianity, we clearly know what was going on. Do we feel happy? Do we believe more than them? If we accept that our faith is still very weak then we should listen to today's Gospel of St. Luke: "The two disciples told the eleven and their companions what had happened on the road to Emmaus, and how Jesus had been made known to them in the breaking of the bread." (Lk 24.34) The fact of the two disciples of Jesus on the road to Emmaus recognized Him at the Breaking of the Bread tells us how important the Eucharist is. The Eucharist is always the center of the Catholic faith and the meal we share with one another is the Body and Blood of Christ. Nothing is better than this. With our faith in the Eucharist, we are able to recognize Jesus and personally encounter Him in order to share his love with others. Alleluia! He is truly risen Alleluia! Sincerely yours in Christ Fr. Peter Thang Nguyen We are LOOKING for someone who has a background or expertise in Project management. Can you help us? Please call the parish office. Music Ministry is in need of help, John Tom Georgina Cleveland Clorinda Gianoli Vera Eklund Isabelle Stilwell Jessica Gelowitz Albert Sentes Carol Braconnier Kathy Kapell Bob Braconnier Norbert Wilkes Mary Kish Rita Malley Janet Edginton Jerry Paul Marie Burkhart Louise Linnen Garage Sale – April 30, May 1 & 2 here at Our Lady of Peace. Thurs & Fri. 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.. Free Admission · Concession · Wheelchair Accessible Donations may be delivered after Mass April 26th until 8:00 p.m. or anytime April 27, 28 or 29 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. or from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Need more information OR can you help us? -- please call Ken/Betty at 545-3402 or John/ Netty at 545-1190, Jackie at 543-3014, or Anita at 543-0421. leading music for Sat. 5:00pm & Sun. 9:00am Mass . Please contact Pat Mulvay @ 306 924 0418 Congratulations!!! To our newly Confirmed and First Eucharist Candidates….. Alain J. Luansing Andrea Casas Ashly N.Cuico Gil A. Lopez Haelie M Daschle Kyden Jerome Loudette Dabu Townes L Gibbs Brooke E .Deitz-Pankratz Emma Marie Gaebel Gerielle M. Agustin Harryx Raven Pedronio Justice Jordan Benesh Kin Francheska Gerena April 21, CWL General Meeting beginning with Mass @ 6:30pm. Bulletin board Variety Night 2015: May 22-25 Come enjoy a musical bus tour as we travel to Nashville, New Orleans, Disneyland, Broadway and Las Vegas! This entertaining dessert theater is sponsored by the Archdiocese of Regina Youth and Young Adult Leadership teams and proceeds this year go to orphanages in the Philippines. Tickets are $20 and are available from any cast member, at the diocesan office (445 Broad St. N), at Resurrection Parish office or by phoning 306 540 6321. Come learn about our Eastern Catholic neighbours with Ukrainian Catholic Bishop Bryan Bayda on May 23 at St. Basil's Ukrainian Catholic Church. Sponsored by the Archdiocesan Ecumenical Commission To register, e-mail ecumenical officer Brett Salkeld at On December 4, 1915, Pope Benedict XV, raised the Diocese of Regina to the status of Archdiocese and as we prepare to celebrate another milestone, Archbishop Daniel Bohan would like us to focus our celebrations on “The Archdiocese of Regina - Celebrating 100 years of our Family of Faith” We are also looking for ideas from you: How do you celebrate your faith as a family. Send us a picture or video of themselves along with their favourite Grace Before Meals. We will choose the best 6 Prayers Before Meals and have them made into a downloadable Placemat that you can print. You could also send us a picture of how you display Sacred objects in your home, (Rosaries, statues, crucifix etc) Send us a picture of your children or the whole family praying at bedtime. Please send your suggestions to me at and I will post them on the Centennial Page as an inspiration to others Marcos Jay Solis Mikaella R. Benamir Nathan Riley Hendren Noel Alexander Morelli Olivia Gytha Laurel Renae E Sparrowhawk Joy Nwadike Muna Nwadike Olunna Nwadike Chijioke Nwadike Rave Fernandez Maria T Ngoho Gianmari M Ngoho Shaylee Myette Riley Marie Berezowski We wish to express our Special Thanks to Archbishop Daniel Bohan and Fr. Peter Nguyen for celebrating the Mass. To all that contributed to make it a success, especially Cheryl Exner and Dana Gibbs for their dedication in helping us prepare the Children.
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Liturgy –
Terry Bedard
Music –
Pat Mulvay
Education/Sacraments- Dean Vendramin
Youth – Jodi Wilton & Twylla West
Michael Braimah
Pastoral Care— Irene Grad
JoAnne Zuck
File - our lady of peace parish
Liturgy –
Terry Bedard
Music –
Pat Mulvay
Education/Sacraments- Dean Vendramin
Youth – Jodi Wilton & Twylla West
Michael Braimah
Pastoral Care— Irene Grad
JoAnne Zuck
File - Our Lady of Peace Roman Catholic Parish
Liturgy –
Terry Bedard
Music –
Pat Mulvay
Education/Sacraments- Dean Vendramin
Youth – Jodi Wilton & Twylla West
Michael Braimah
Pastoral Care— Irene Grad
JoAnne Zuck