sepla 2012


sepla 2012
facing SRO’s
starting a
new program
law update
eighteenth annual
s e p l a 2012
3 Days of Essential Training
J u ne 19 t h , 20 t h a nd 21 st | M o u nt P l ea sa nt, MIc h iga n
police school liaison training
bullies &
active shooter
exercises &
quad training
P.O. Box 330
Leroy, MI 49655
police school liaison training
3 Days of Essential Training
Ju ne 19 t h , 2 0 t h a nd 2 1 st
M ou nt P l ea sa n t, M I ch i ga n
day one
issues facing SRO’s
juvenile law update
starting a new program
day two
social networking
changing behaviors
day three
active shooter exercises
quad training
w w w. s e p l a i n st i t u te . o rg
Eighteenth Annual SEPLA - 3 Days of Essential Training
S c ho o ls E ducators Poli ce Liai son A s s o c i ati o n
Pol ice Scho o l Liais on Training
Spring 2012
police school liaison training
Dear Law Enforcement and School Official:
SEPLA is a non profit organization formed with the specific objective of providing training and networking opportunities
that create an environment that is conducive to open communications between law enforcement officers, educators,
students, parents, and the community. The Advisory Council of SEPLA is pleased to invite you to attend the SEPLA
Conference to be held at the Comfort Inn Conference Center in Mount Pleasant, Michigan from June 19 through June
21, 2012. They are working diligently to come up with a program that is packed with current information about issues
of interest to anyone who is responsible for keeping Michigan schools safe.
This training program is specifically designed for school liaison officers, their supervisors, school principals and
administrators. The overall purpose is to help schools, law enforcement agencies, school administrators and
communities learn to work together and gain expertise in the area of implementing and managing school safety
programs. Instruction focuses on the latest innovations, techniques and procedures for establishing, conducting and
administering the school liaison program.
The conference has traditionally been a five-day program. In 2011, the Advisory Council, in response to the shortfalls
in funds available for training and travel, and the fact that many organizations are working with fewer people, plus
the degree of difficulty having someone away for a full week; have changed SEPLA to a three-day essential training
program. The 2011 program was highly successful and well received by those in attendance. The intention is to
maintain SEPLA as a three day program through these tough times and go back to the five-day program when the
funds become available again.
Scheduled activities begin at 9:00 AM on Tuesday and end at 4:00 PM on Thursday. See the schedule for specific
details. The fee for the conference is $375.00 and the fee includes classes, student materials, breaks and some meals.
Registration information is enclosed and the deadline for registration is June 1, 2012. Participants that attend all
classes will receive certificates of completion at the conclusion of the last class on Thursday. Guests that wish to
attend one day of the conference can be accommodated on a limited basis at a cost of $150.00 per day. See the
registration form for more details. Don’t miss this opportunity to attend an exceptional program planned around
current issues and challenges faced by schools and communities of all sizes. Please refer questions to the Program
Coordinator Mary Bender, 231-797-5536.
Tom Daugharty
Tom Daugharty
Frankenmuth Police Department
Chairperson SEPLA Advisory Council
Don’t get caught in the crossfire!
Register today for current events and training that pertain to you and real life situations.
• School Liaison/Resource
• Police Administrators
• T.E.A.M. Officers
• D.A.R.E. Officers
• Parochial, Private, Charter
School Administrators &
• College & University
Law Enforcement
• Security Officials
facing SRO’s
starting a
new program
law update
Eighteenth Annual SEPLA - 3 Days of Essential Training
Ju ne 1 9 t h , 2 0 t h and 21 st |Comfor t Inn Conference Center, Mount Pleasant , M ich igan
Registration Fee
37500 before June 1
Registration fee includes classes, student
materials, lunch and breaks.
Lodging Information
Advisory Council
A block of rooms has been reserved for
SEPLA until June 1, 2012.
Mary Bender
SEPLA Conference Coordinator
Single Day Registration
Lewis Bender, PhD.
The conference is designed for
participants to attend all sessions. Single
day registrations will be accommodated
for a fee of $150.00 per day if paid by the
deadline, June 1.
Officer Tom Daugharty
Frankenmuth Police Department
A $50.00 administration fee will apply to
registrations received after the deadline,
June 1.
There will be no refunds for cancellations
made after the June 1 deadline. There
are no refunds for people that do not
show up or cancellations received after
the deadline of June 1.
Funding Sources
MCOLES has approved the SEPLA
Conference for Public Act 302 funding
Conference Sponsors
•Schools, Educators, Police
Liaison Association (SEPLA)
•Michigan Association of
Chiefs of Police
•Michigan Sheriff’s
•Michigan Association of
Secondary School Principals
•Michigan Association of
School Administrators
•Central Michigan University
Comfort Inn Conference Center
2424 S. Mission,
Mount Pleasant, MI 48858
Please contact the hotel and indicate
that you are attending the SEPLA
Conference. Remember to provide your
agency’s tax-exempt number to avoid
the state taxes on the lodging cost.
Single occupancy rooms are available
at reduced rates starting at $75.00 per
night. The Comfort Inn does not have an
elevator. Be sure to ask for a room on
the first floor if you cannot use the stairs.
Range Equipment
Officers are encouraged to bring range
equipment for the exercise at the school
on Thursday, eyes and ear protection,
vest and all protective gear used in
live fire training. Please contact Mary
Bender at if you
can bring Airsoft guns and ammo for the
school exercise.
SRO Randall Gage
Mundy Township Police Department
Jeremy Howard
City of Mount Pleasant
SEPLA Web Master
Lt. Michael D. Kinaschuk
Livingston County Sheriffs Department
Bill Conley
Oakland County Schools
Lt. Jamie Baber
Davison Township Police
Officer Jeff Soli
Fowlerville Police Department
police school liaison training
bullies &
active shooter
exercises &
quad training
w w w. s e p l a i n st i t u te . o rg
facing SRO’s
starting a
new program
law update
Eighteenth Annual SEPLA - 3 Days of Essential Training
Ju ne 1 9 t h , 2 0 t h and 21 st |Comfor t Inn Conference Center, Mount Pleasant , M ich igan
8:30 AM - 9:00 AM
8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
The Ever Changing
World of Social
9:00 AM - 9:30 AM
• Cyber Bullies
9:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Practical Answers for
Issues Facing SRO’s
Kriste Etue
Director of the Michigan State
Lewis. G. Bender, PhD.
SEPLA Facilitator
• Sexting
• Cameras
• Smart Phones
Julie A. McMurtry
Oakland County Prosecutor's Office,
Juvenile Division Chief
SEPLA Advisory Council
Carolyn Claerhout
Manager of District and Pupil
Services at Oakland Schools
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
1:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Choose One of Two Sessions
1:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Suicide Prevention
for Schools and
Legal Update
Get the latest on juvenile law from
one of the best sources in the
David L. Morse
Prosecuting Attorney
Livingston County
Suicide is the third leading cause of
adolescent death. This session will
cover warning signs and treatment
options for this serious problem.
Barb Smith
Survivors of Suicide Yellow Ribbon
8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Scenario Based
Exercises at West
Intermediate School
Don’t miss this hands on quad
training featuring a variety of
realistic scenarios for handling
school violence in the class room,
gym, parking lots and athletic
Lewis. G. Bender, PhD.
SEPLA Facilitator
SEPLA Advisory Council
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
1:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Scenario Based
Exercises at West
Intermediate School
Lewis. G. Bender, PhD.
SEPLA Facilitator
SEPLA Advisory Council
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Debrief and Closing
Starting a
New Program
Designed for anyone that is new
to the position or those that are
starting a school liaison program.
Certificates of completion will
Officer Tom Daugharty
Frankenmuth Police Dept.
of the last session to received a
be provided to participants that
attend all sessions. You must
be in attendance at the close
certificate of completion.
Officer Jeff Soli
Fowlerville Police Dept.
police school liaison training
w w w. s e p l a i n st i t u te . o rg
sepla 2012 Registration Form
3 Days of Essential Training | June 19 - June 21, 2012
Deadline June 1, 2012
Full Name: ______________________________________________________ First Name:________________________________ Title:__________________
Organization: ____________________________________________________ (for name tag)
Bus. Address:____________________________________________________ police school liaison training
3 Days of Essential Training
J u ne 1 9 t h , 2 0 th a nd 2 1 st
M o u nt Pleasan t, MI ch i g a n
City:____________________________ State: ______ Postal Code: _________
Bus. Phone:______________________ Cell:___________________________
Email: _________________________________________________________
day one
issues facing SRO’s
juvenile law update
starting a new program
How long in your current position? :___________
During what year/years have you attended previous conferences?
_______________________________________________________________ SPECIAL NEEDS: _____________________________________________ day two
social networking
changing behaviors
Officers Only: Please contact Mary Bender at if
you can bring Airsoft guns and ammo for the school exercise.
Yes __________________No _______________
You will be contacted for specific details.
day three
Please make checks payable to Schools
Educators Police Liaison Association (SEPLA)
and return by June 1, 2012.
active shooter exercises
quad training
police school liaison training
Important Links
Lewis Bender, Facilitator
Send to:
P.0. Box 330
LeRoy, MI 49655
Please check the following:
Amount enclosed
Early Registration before June 1............$375.00 _________________
Registration after June 1.......................$425.00
Single day before June 1.......................$150.00 per day _________________
Single day after June 1..........................$200.00 per day _________________
Indicate day single day attending:
Total Enclosed
For additional information contact Mary Bender
Phone (231) 797-5536 • Fax (231) 797-5865