How to Settle Differences
How to Settle Differences
- . 21-1 (92) Release Date: May 16-22 Especially and for their e I • © 1992 by Universal Press Syndicate By BETTY DEBNAM from The Mini Page by Betty Debnam C 1992 Universal P..... Syndlca'e It's Cool to Learn How to Settle Differences I~ ~ O I A conflict is a disagreement between one or more people. ~ ~ Resolution is a settlement between them. • How do you handle conflicts? Put a check if you: Every day people have disagreements. It's hard to go through life without them. We all grow up learning how to handle conflict by seeing how others handle it. Some of us learn from parents, teachers, friends, or even Tv. In many schools, kids are taking lessons in conflict resolution. By learning these skills now, they can become better citizens who know how to settle things. They have learned a better way. Conflict is not all bad. Conflict often brings about changes. Often these changes are for the best. • Sam broke Bill's new computer game. They were best friends until this happened. Now they aren't speaking. Consultants: National Institute for Dispute Resolution; Stephen V. Nordfjord, coordinator, Writing and Speaking Program, and Robin Amann, guidance counselor, Montgomery County, Md., Public Schools; Joseph O'Brien, professor of social studies, University of Kansas; Federal Mediation Conciliation Service. Do nothing because you realize that the problem is temporary and you will just let it go away. D Decide to just give in and accept the changes someone wants. D Pretend that the problem is not there and does not bother you when it really does. D Run away and try to avoid the person or the situation. D Go to a parent, teacher or principal and ask them to settle it. D Fight and argue. Unfortunately, some kids are . groWlngup thinking this is the best way to settle things. D Please include all of the appropriate registered trademark symbols and copyright lines in any publication of The Mini Page®. 21-2 (92) Release Date: May 16-22 from The Mini Page by Betty Debnem C 1992 Unlve....1Press Syndicate Meet Jaimee Foxworth Jaimee Foxworth plays Judy Winslow on "Family Matters." Jaimee was born at Scott Air Force Base in illinois. Her mother is a singer and actress. J aimee's sisters, Tyren Perry and Jania Foxworth, are also actresses. The three sisters have their own musical group called Heaven Sent. At the age of 5, J aimee began modeling and acting in commercials. Her first TV role was in the show "Amen." She was in a TV show with her sisters. She has also been in a music video. In her free time, J aimee likes to work on computers and play the piano. ~Rookie Cookie's Recipe p~~'slPlU?Z?ZILlE-3 ILlEoID)CQ) Graham Cracker Cake You'll need: Fit the names that describe the looks on these faces into the puzzle. ~ ACROSS: • % cup butter or margarine DOWN: 1 4. • 1112 cups sugar 1'\ 1. 2 What to do: 1. Mix butter or margarine and sugar in a large bowl until ! j 2. l J ~~) Ii,," c ~ ~ @ E E 4 3. ~m ~~ O~ • ~~ Mini Spy and Basset are negotiating about playing on the • sock • candy cane • letter D • toothbrush • horse's head • word MINI • peanut • caterpillar • butterfly • one dice L.....II!IIMI~::::::::::::==--_ _-=-~=-_-=:::.:~~ • pencil • letter A • football • letter I • cheese wedge • number 3 e ! ! f >- SJ 1 c i\d~-eq 'f! 'p-ew '6 'paStlJU0:>'1 .,1 :UM.0Q 'p-es 'g 'pa.m:>s 'f' :'sso~:>v ~ :SH~SNV £ ~,!>f" ~ • canoe ! 3 5. i swing by taking turns. See if you can find: c::-::;:t~iA\~~~=~~=~~~~ (.!.. j @ smooth and creamy. ~ 2. Add eggs, milk, baking powder and nuts. Mix well. .z 3. Crush graham crackers into crumbs. Add to mixture in bowl. Mix well. :.c 4. Pour mixture into 2 greased and floured cake pans. ~ 5. Bake in a preheated, 375-degree oven for 40 minutes. ~_~ 6. When cool, frost with your favorite frosting. • ? ~ • 3 eggs, beaten • 1 cup milk • 2 teaspoons baking powder • 1 cup nuts, chopped • II-pound box graham crackers Mini Spy. 1\ eoe ,.... '" ~ ~ from The Mini Page by Betty Debnem C 1992 Unlve....1Press Syndicate '{\\t. ~t.~~~O'S \\o\) Feelings TRY 'N FIND Words about feelings are hidden in the block below. See if you can find: HAPPY, SAD, JOLLY, MAD, CONFUSED, DEPRESSED,GLEEFUL, SH~ WARM, LOVED, COMFORTABLE, DOWN, FOOLISH, BASHFUL, CARING, DELIGHTED, FRIENDLY, KIND, SCARED. FDA U W H SHY L S M C 0 F BEIN' A '00' FRlEN' 1$ LlSTEN/N' TO OTHERS' PROBLEMS. R E J 0 A A SAD 0 C A A E 0 I L 0 0 R P B H L V A 0 R P 0 E l L W M P C I MER P I R L N G L N 0 Y J N Q 0 E S N E I o H Y G LEE F U L 0 E G S S LTC 0 M FOR TAB L E S H Y E KIN 0 BAS H F U L E F G 0 K 0 CON F USE 0 ROT Please include all of the appropriate registered trademark symbols and copyright lines in any publication of The Mini Page®. 21-3 (92) Release Date: May 16-22 Endangered Sp-ecies Open doors to Columbus with The Mini Page Columbus Door Poster. This beautiful, large ( 28 ~" x 22 ~") full-color poster features a famous Columbus door in the U.S. Capitol that depicts important events in the life of the great explorer. Perfect for studying the quincentennial of Columbus' voyage. 1b order, send $4.50 plus $1.00 postage and handling to Columbus Door Poster, P.O. Box 419150, Kansas City, MO 64141. The Atlantic loggerhead turtle ... • is endangered because its nesting areas have been destroyed and disturbed. Development, beach-sand mining and erosion hav~ been some of the problems. Some turtles have been ... accidentally caught in fishing nets. The turtle is also prey for some dogs and raccoons. • weighs from 300 to 900 pounds when grown. • has a reddish-brown shell about 45 inches long. • female lays about 120 eggs at a time on undisturbed beaches with well-drained dunes, clean sand and grassy vegetation. The eggs hatch about two months later, usually at night. The babies make their way to the ocean. • eats ocean animals such as mollusks, sponges and horseshoe crabs. It has strong jaws that it uses to crush shells. • lives in the warm ocean waters along much of the Atlantic Coast. It comes on land from May through August to lay its eggs. I ~ • • :t- • "'. This is the 19th in a series about endangered species. -- • ('If ~--------------------------~=---------~~ Learn about our presidents! I jiit~~M " . The Mini Page Book of Presidents is a must in this election year. The book features a black-and-white 'resi~ents picture of each president, along with ",w~, such information as dates of birth and rji)~ t.\- ~: death, dates served as president, ~>~>~ .. ~:./' political party, signature and important by Betty Debnam achievements. It also features stories about the president's Cabinet, political terms, and a visit to the White House. ~ MIGHTY~o The Mini Page thanks the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for help with this article. 0 IT n~ ~FUNNY'S1!.\J.uilrnil ~ @ 1JU @~ P:;k To order, send $4.95 plus $1 each for postage and handling. Send only checks or money orders WHEIE '0 BLUE EIII CD.E FID., C!!D. lA' CHICKE~ ) Q: How do you treat an injured bird? A: Give it first aid tweetment! (sent in by Rumbi Mufka) payable to Andrews and McMeel, P.O. Box 419150, Kansas City, MO 64141. Please send me _ _ copies of The Mini Page Book of Presidents. N~e • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ City _ _ _ _ __ __ _ State Zip Q: What did the boat say to the harbor? A: "What's up, dock?" (sent in by Summer Springstead) from The Mini Page by Betty Debnam © 1992 Unlv.....1 Pre.. Syndlcala Please include all of the appropriate registered trademark symbols and copyright lines in any publication of The Mini Page®. 21-4(92) Release Date: May 16-22 Conflict resolution tries to teach you to: • stop and think about the consequences before you do something. If you have a problem with someone, you should: • try to figure out if you are part of the problem. Steps to settling differenceslnIP.g.bYB.ttyOebnam @ 1992unlversaIP""Syndl~t. First person I liAS VE'Y UPIET IIHEII • • • 1. Talk about yourself and your feelings. Don't attack the other person. It makes him angry and he'll try to defend himself. Give your version of what . happened. 4. You both search for solutions. HOlt ABOUT THIS ilEA? The other person YOU ItE'E AIII'Y BECAUIE ••• r • realize that you don't always have to win an argument. You can learn to settle things so both people get something of what they want. We call this win~win. Both ... 2. 1b show that he was listening, the other person retells his version of your side of the story. Then he gives his version of what happened. First person 3. 1b show that you have been listening, you repeat the other person's point of view. 'ihfAli~ For a solution to work, it must be: • something you both can do. • something that is not harmful to yourself or others. • something that settles the pro~lem so it will not happen agaIn. Both ... 5. You agree to a solution. 6. You build a future relationship that enables you to get along peacefully as classmates or neighbors. Peace Wheel Cut out wh~1 and pOinter, and mount on a piece of cardboard. Bring it out when needed to settle confhcts. I A. E.BA"Alii,/ • • think about your feelings. Feelings are most important because how you feel will guide how you react or handle things. Get set 1111011 A 100' TI.E? • Pick a good time to talk. • Agree that you both want to try to settle things. • DU' 'ULEI: • 110 IIA.ECALLIIII • 100' EYE CDIITACT • 110 BUTTIIII III • LlITEII POLITELY \ Add a brad and pOinter to show you where you are, and what comes next. Please include all of the appropriate registered trademark symbols and copyright IJnes in any publication of The Mini Page®. 21-5 (92) Release Date: May 16-22 Learn how to settle differences In '~~"i :.nJ.:~~ 'w.~~9q by Betty Debnam Appearing in your newspaper on ____ ' (Note to Editor: Above is camera-ready, one columnby-4 14-inch ad promoting Issue 21.) iiht'"lAili'iii ~ © 1992 by Universal Press Syndicate Teacher's Guide For use by teachers and parents at home and at school. For use with issue: Settling Differences Main idea: This issue is about settling differences. The following is a list of activities to be used with this issue. They are listed in order of difficulty, with the easier pre-reader assignments listed first. Ask the children to do the following: 1. Circle all the smiling face,s in The Mini Page. Look through your newspaper. Put a check on the smiling faces. Circle the ones that are frowning. Talk about your feelings and what makes you sad or happy. 2. Read nursery rhymes and fairy tales with conflicts and talk about how they might be solved. 3. Draw a picture of some of the things that bother you and might cause conflict. (Examples: someone pushing, or calling someone names.) Talk about these problems. ' 4. Act out the many ways to solve conflicts. Act out the steps to solving conflicts. 5. Follow the directions on the peace whee1. Get together with a friend. Using the wheel as a guide, write up a conflict situation from both sides and offer solutions. 6. Look at stories in your local paper. Put an "L" for local on the conflicts involving local people. Put an "0" for those that are out of town. 7. Make a list of20 feelings. Make up a cause for each one. Example: I feel unhappy when _ _ _ _ _. (Note to Editor: Above is the Teacher's Guide for Issue 21.) Goodsport' s ";:;: Supersport:. Scott ~Gl1S .< ..... " , . ,. Jaso~ Height: 6-4 Blrthdate: 2-11-70 Weight: 208 College: Boston University Look for Jason Scott to be in the Summer Olympics. He is a member of one of the top rowing teams in the U.S. Jason is not the only rower in the family. His mother, Vikki, is also a top rower. They both won silver medals at the Pan-American Games last year. They are the only mother and son to be on the same national team in the same year! Jason began rowing in high school in 1985. He has been on the senior national team since 1990. Before that, he was a member of the junior national team. In 1990, Jason's team was third at the U.S. National Championships. (Note to Editor: Above is copy block for Page 3, Issue 21, to be used in place of ad if desired.) Please include all of the appropriate registered trademark symbols and copyright lines in any publication of The Mini Page®. A
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