The Oklahoma City Gun Club “Primer”
February 2013 Primer The Oklahoma City Gun Club “Primer” Your news and information about the nationally recognized Oklahoma City Gun Club. Box 21067, Oklahoma City, OK 73156 1 February 2013 Primer Classifieds Strictly From Commercial The Primer is availavle online at or mailed to our computerless members. It is not emailed directly to anyone.. Commercial Advertisements are free for Gun Club members only. They run until you ask to have them removed or leave the gun club. Keep them as short as possible. There is limited space in this publication. Leroy’s Roofing Service. Roofs, Gutters, Carports, and Patio Covers. Insurance jobs welcome 405 7990381 Ladies conceal and carry fashion garments. Both vests and jackets available - complete with inner pocket and Mylar holster. Prices start at $69. Contact Pat @ 789-1368 or Martin Sharp is a senior club member and the owner of MAS GunWorks in OKC. I have some of the best prices on suppressors in the country. I also sell short-barreled rifles and other class III items, .22 AR conversions dedicated .22 AR uppers and other items. Transfers for club members $10. See or call 405-819-8215. JD Outfitters, Edmond, OK. Firearm transfers $10 per gun. For new rifles, shotguns, pistols, optics and related accessories call Jerry D Noblin, Esq. at 405-822-1564 or email for a price quote. Customer service is my top priority. OKC Gun Club member. Need Computer work done? Cash or trade. I’m a gun club member with 12+ years IT experience and can do about any IT related task for your home or business; wiring, network setup/securing, cable TV outlets, Computer repair and much more. I’ll trade for just about anything but specifically firearms, reloading equipment or ammo (.45, .223) please call me at 405-426-5792 or email Thanks Missouri Bullet Company. All types of bullets. OKC Gun Club members receive a 5% discount. Discount code is: ocgo-gc Contact Customer Service 816 597-3204 Legal services including commercial, oil & gas, property, probate, trusts, injury contact Perry Kaufman OKCGC member. Goolsby, Proctor, Heefner and Gibbs, P.C. 405-524-2400 or Legacy interiors is a custom wood shop that builds custom furniture and cabinets. I also do light remodel work and refinishing. Please call Kyle at 405-203-9663 FFL transfers $20 Steel Targets Poppers, Heavy Pistol, AR 500 Rifle targets Bill Addis 405-370-0808 Come check out Cold Hand Arms, a new Class III dealer with a retail storefront. We specialize in AR-15 rifles, parts. Short barrel rifles. Short barrel shotguns, AOW’s and suppressors. All OKCGC members get a 10% discount off regular retail price. 7210 N Broadway Extension, STE 201, OKC. 405-418-GUNS RU Motorcycle Fairings for all of your Harley Davidson and removable fairing audio needs. From speaker upgrades to full system replacement ARC Audio #1 Motorcycle Audio Dealer 405-343-5050 or Brad Sullivan Tag Agency 2511 N Western Avenue OKC 73106 OKCGC Senior Member NRA Life Member Foresight Firearms LLC of Edmond, OK Translates to “Low Prices and Great Service” Give us a chance to provide both during your next FireArms purchase. Transfers for Club members $10 per gun. Contact us for a price quote at 405-596-6662 or Rick’s Shooting Supplies will be at the Skeet/Trap fields on February the10th from 10AM to 2PM. If you need something, please call Rick at 580/761-3513 with your order 2 February 2013 Primer Definitely Individual Sales Beretta M9 Commercial 9mm new. Extra factory magazine (3 total) Plus factory solid steel recoil spring and guide, $600 cash. Springfield XDS .45 with factory hard case and accessories fired 24 rounds, $500 cash. Savage 10ML-II Smokeless Powder Muzzleloader with scope. Sighted in and fired once on opening day, $550 cash. Call Ron 405-620-4980 1- Gamo Silent Cat 1250 fps, .177cal, 4 x 32 scope w/ red laser light and DoskoPlano scope gun case. $ 65.00 A+ Cond 1-Beeman SS1000, 1000fps, .177cal, wood stock, new Gamo 4 x 32 scope and DoskoPlano scope gun case. $ 75.00 A+ Cond Note: Have both original factory boxes, all literature, tags and packaging. Call Larry, Home: 405-348-0976 Quote of the Month "...the rank and file are usually much more primitive than we imagine. Propaganda must therefore always be essentially simple and repetitious." -Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Propaganda Minister 3 1 2 February 2013 Primer Check out more support for your right to bear arms NRA Institute for Legislative Action Spring Skeet League Our spring league for 2013 will start on 26 March. If you are interested in a little friendly competition come on out. Buck Sifford will again be handling the squadding and the sign up, so let him know if you want to shoot. His phone number is 769-7317 and can be reached by email at If you haven’t shot with us in the past, come on out, we guarantee you will have a good time. Novice shooter are welcome, we have some excellent shooter who are always willing to give advice when asked. I anticipate at least 120 shooters wanting to participate in the Spring league this year, so with that in mind we have out grown the Tuesday/Thursday format and will be shooting on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this year. When you sign up please let me know which evening that you want to shoot. I cannot guarantee a particular night but will do the best that I can. I will try to have at least 40 shooters on each night. If 60 shooters want to shoot on Tuesday night, 20 will be asked to move to another night. Like last year the 2013 Spring League will shoot at 1800 hours (6 pm). We shoot 50 targets (two rounds) per week for 10 weeks for a total of 500 targets. The club has increased the cost for each round from $2.00 to $3.00 so that additional $20.00 must be passed along to the shooters. The cost to shoot the league this year will be $80.00 for club members and $120.00 for non club members. This covers the cost of 20 rounds of skeet and a trophy at the end of the league. We also try to have a pot luck dinner where we recognize the top shooters. As always this is a duel league, both scratch and handicap. The handicap portion is set up so that a steadily improving shooter has an excellent chance of winning the top spot. All shooters will be assigned to a team. Each team will consist of 4 or 5 shooters depending upon how many shooter sign up for the league. Each team will compete weekly against another team and will be assigned points depending upon how well they shoot that week. The highest point team at the end of the 10 weeks will be our Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday night champions. The Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday night champions will shoot off the night of our pot luck dinner for the Spring League Championship. To sign up for the league please send an email to Buck or call him. When signing up please indicate which night you want to shoot. If the night doesn’t matter please indicate all three nights, that way I can move people around as required. Please give me an email address and a phone number. If you can’t email me or call me there will be signup sheets at the club house. 4 February 2013 Primer 5 February 2013 Primer Action Pistol Division It’s the start of a brand new year, and we kicked it off with a great day for an IPSC match. It was a bit cold in the morning, but 82 shooters turned out to start the new year off with a bang, including about a dozen new shooters. I really appreciate all the help with the match – 7 folks turned out for setup on Friday before the match, Greg Goode designed a couple of our stages, and I had plenty of help running the match and scores. In spite of a big turnout and starting a few minutes late, the shooting was over by 3. That’s awesome! The monthly match results are as follows: IPSC Limited Limited-10 Open # 52 0 5 Production Revolver Single Stack 18 3 4 1st Place Mike Chambers --Yuth Juneweeranong Chris Lewis Javier Martinez Scott Graves 2nd Place Heath Vincent --Leroy Brace 3rd Place Robbie Daugherty --Joe Holmes Mike Stevenson Roger Davis Jerry Frydrych Kyle Farnham Scott Hearn Zeke Ernst 52 Limited Division shooters out of a field of 82?! That’s amazing. It looks to me like a lot of 9mm shooters are taking advantage of their higher capacity magazines and shooting Limited minor instead of Production. There was no 3-Gun match in December. January’s results will be reported next month. Our next IPSC match will be February 2nd. Come on out and play! Bring a friend. ALWAYS CHECK THE WEBSITE FOR LAST MINUTE UPDATES & SCORES… See you on the range!! John Bent 6 February 2013 Primer Tactical .22 Match When the benchrest range opens in April for the Friday .22 matches, we will be adding a “tactical” match for .22’s. These are going to be a lot of fun and this will be an inexpensive way to test your shooting skills. The matches will be for .22 long rifle guns and just about any repeater or semi-auto will work as long as it is not a heavy benchrest rifle. The guns that everyone used for the squirrel rifle matches will be fine and of course, one of the “tactical” .22’s would be ideal. We will be shooting a variety of paper targets at 50 and 100 yards, so a good scope is a must - the more powerful, the better. The matches will be informal, take less than an hour and shot with one box of ammo. For questions, call Dave Johnson, 789-1368 4 H Archery Eight members of the Oklahoma County 4-H archery program competed in the State 4-H Indoor Archery competition on Sat. Jan. 12 at the Payne County Fairgrounds in Stillwater. Those youth representing Oklahoma County were: Jackson Rhodes, Hunter Wade, Collin Freeman, Dakota Horton, Justin Houck, Jacob Houck, Grant Nanke and Jacob er. Over 200 youth from around the state participated in the competition. Jason Rhodes received 1st place in the Junior Division in the compound category and Dakota Horton received third place in the Junior Division in the Genesis bow category. Congratulations!!! Thank you to coach Jason Rhodes for his time and dedication in preparing these shooters for the competition. 7 February 2013 Primer YOUNG HUNTERS!!! THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO SHOW HOW WELL YOU: * * * * shoot shoot shoot shoot shotguns rifles muzzleloaders a bow *identify wildlife *use a compass * know your game * know the sport of hunting IF YOU HAVE PASSED THE HUNTER ED COURSE AND ARE 18 & UNDER YOU’RE INVITED! LOCATION: 2013 Regional Events March 9 – Enid Area March 23 – Canton April6 – Aline Area April 27 - Guymon May 18 – Norman STATE EVENT – OKC GUN CLUB – June 8, 2013 For all the important info, please visit: or find us on Facebook @ Oklahoma YHEC *Looking for a fun event that makes you a better hunter? Then “TURN OFF THE TV, GET OFF THE COUCH AND GET OUTDOORS! 8 January 2013 Primer 9 January 2013 Primer 10 January 2013 Primer Division Contacts Division Contact [email if available] Matt Johnson John Bent Jim Fields Dave Barker Gary England William Morgan Whitie Blanshan John Imes Ben Homer --Bob Dumont Ron Doggett Joe Garcia George Dugan --Joe Garcia Charles Meloy Mark Thomas John Milligan John Horton J.R. Hile Dan Arnold Darrell Blanchard Curt Bohlman Darrell Blanchard Bill Norfleet Bill Norfleet John Bradford Bobby Jump Jim Bishop Phone 728-8516 321-5049 721-2186 315-6082 202-3288 359-0515 737-2236 720-1900 266-6405 --232-6497 942-0488 381-2470 376-2868 --381-2470 834-3020 615-1434 799-0911 819-9327 373-1472 307-0171 706-6822 250-3624 Women’s Jim Fields Marc McCormick Martin Sharp Steele Ford Jack Arbogast Buck Sifford Suzi Rouse Jack Arbogast Spencer Keepers Suzi Rouse Website John Bent Workday Coordinator/Shotgun Training Youth Jack Arbogast Brian Pribil 721-2186 749-6952 819-8215 326-0311 340-5403 769-7317 842-8828 340-5403 317-5674 842-8828 321-5049 229-1271 340-5403 340-3353 (613-8755) Action Pistol League (IPSC) Air Gun Silhouette Archery Benchrest Iron Sight Ultimate Squirrel Rifle .22BR Fellowship Shoot Military Bolt-Action Rifle Military Revolver Schutzen Prairie Dog Match Blackpowder Cartridge Rifle Silhouette Bullseye Pistol Collegiate Division Cowboy Action Shooting High Power Rifle Highpower Rifle Silhouette Information Membership Muzzleloader NRA-ORA Contact Pistol Silhouette Plinking Range Primer Shotgun League Training 722-2721 722-2721 850-4242 751-9502 732-0518 11 January 2013 Primer Oklahoma City Gun Club P O Box 21067 Oklahoma City, OK 73156 Directors Kent Shomber Jim Fields Joe Garcia Si Fentress Bobby Jump Suzi Rouse Mark Vaughan Mike White Whitie Blashan Jack Arbogast David Baker Leon Strickland Matt Johnson Brian Pribil Marc McCormick Charles Meloy 205-3689 203-1268 381-2470 621-9378 751-9502 842-8828 528-5237 642-5672 737-2236 340-5403 325-6082 391-7078 728-8516 340-3353 749-6952 834-3020 12
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