Primer - Oklahoma City Gun Club
Primer October 2016 The Oklahoma City Gun Club “Primer” Your news and information about the nationally recognized Oklahoma City Gun Club. P.O. Box 32043 , Edmond, OK 73003 YOUNG HUNTERS!!! This is your chance to show how well you: shoot shotguns shoot rifles shoot muzzleloaders shoot a bow *identify wildlife *use a compass * know your game * know the sport of hunting IF YOU HAVE PASSED THE HUNTER ED COURSE AND ARE 18 & UNDER YOU’RE INVITED! Held in conjunction with BROWNELL’S/NRA DAY STATE EVENT – OKC GUN CLUB – October 8, 2016 For all the important info, please visit: or find us on Facebook @ Oklahoma YHEC *Looking for a fun event that makes you a better hunter? Then “TURN OFF THE TV, GET OFF THE COUCH AND GET OUTDOORS!!!” Club Officers President Suzi Rouse 818-6125 1st VP Mark Vaughan Secretary David Barker 315-6082 Treasurer Matt Johnson 637-6373 October 2016 Primer 2 Classifieds Strictly From Commercial The Primer is availavle online at or mailed to our computerless members. It is not emailed directly to anyone.. Commercial Advertisements are free for Gun Club members only. They run until you ask to have them removed or leave the gun club. Keep them as short as possible. There is limited space in this publication. Leroy’s Roofing Service. Roofs, Gutters, Carports, and Patio Covers. Insurance jobs welcome 405 799-0381 Ladies conceal and carry fashion garments. Both vests and jackets available - complete with inner pocket and Mylar holster. Prices start at $69. Contact Pat @ 789-1368 or Martin Sharp is a senior club member and the owner of MAS GunWorks in OKC. I have some of the best prices on suppressors in the country. I also sell short-barreled rifles and other class III items, .22 AR conversions dedicated .22 AR uppers and other items. Transfers for club members $10. See or call 405-819-8215. JD Outfitters, Edmond, OK. Firearm transfers $20 per gun. For new rifles, shotguns, pistols, optics and related accessories call Jerry D Noblin, Esq. at 405-822-1564 or email for a price quote. Customer service is my top priority. OKC Gun Club member. Need Computer work done? Cash or trade. I’m a gun club member with 12+ years IT experience. Can do about any IT related task for your home or business; wiring, network setup/securing, cable TV outlets, Computer repair and much more. I’ll trade for just about anything but specifically firearms, reloading equipment or ammo (.45, .223) please call 405-426-5792 or email Thanks Missouri Bullet Company. All types of bullets. OKC Gun Club members receive a 5% discount. Discount code is: ocgc-gc Contact Customer Service 816 597-3204 Legal services including commercial, oil & gas, property, probate, trusts, injury contact Perry Kaufman OKCGC member. Goolsby, Proctor, Heefner and Gibbs, P.C. 405-524-2400 or Legacy interiors is a custom wood shop that builds custom furniture and cabinets. I also do light remodel work and refinishing. Please call Kyle at 405-203-9663 FFL transfers $20 Steel Targets Poppers, Heavy Pistol, AR 500 Rifle targets Bill Addis 405-370-0808 Come check out Cold Hand Arms, a new Class III dealer with a retail storefront. We specialize in AR-15 rifles, parts. Short barrel rifles. Short barrel shotguns, AOW’s and suppressors. All OKCGC members get a 10% discount off regular retail price. 7210 N Broadway Extension, STE 201, OKC. 405-418-GUNS RU Motorcycle Fairings for all of your Harley Davidson and removable fairing audio needs. From speaker upgrades to full system replacement ARC Audio #1 Motorcycle Audio Dealer 405-343-5050 or Brad Sullivan Tag Agency 2511 N Western Avenue OKC 73106 OKCGC Senior Member NRA Life Member Join U.S. Law Shield. Members receive comprehensive Oklahoma legal representation for police investigations through trial for a low monthly fee. Both Civil and Criminal Defense attorneys, for all incidents arising from the "defensive use" of a gun, are provided. Contact Kyle Baggett at 855-478-6607 ext. 730. Oklahoma Sales Manager. Nationwide network of trial lawyers available as needed. See our website, https:// American RV Outfitters LLC, Service, Sell, and Repair of RV's, Specializing in Diesel Pushers. We sell OptiLube Diesel additive and are a dealer for Dometic Avalanche Coolers. Dometic Coolers are comparable to Yetti Coolers at a reasonable price. 11630 N. I-35 Service Rd, Oklahoma City Ok 73131 405 478-2591. Owned by gun club member. My name is Matt Smith and work with Snap On tools. If anyone is looking for tool boxes, torque wrenches, torque screw drivers etc. call me at 405-473-6288 or email at October 2016 Primer 3 Classified Ad Information Classified ads are free for club members, however they only run one month. If you do not sell your item, email me @ to continue the ad. I must receive the email by the 23rd of the month. I will email you back to confirm. If you do not have email, call me at 405-326-0311. Leave a message if I do not answer. When I am working or driving, I may not answer. I will return your call. Make your ad as short as possible. I will edit as needed. Commercial ads are also free and will run without interruption. Definitely Individual Sales Advertise here free Your Classified Ad Goes Here Quote of the Month Assault is a behavior— not a Firearm. Emily Rupertus NRA BLOG Sept. 21, 2016 Primer October 2016 4 Action Pistol Division The September USPSA match had 65 competitors competing in beautiful weather -- 7 stages and about 180 rounds or so. Thanks to all those who came to play, to those who set stages on Friday and to those who stayed to help tear-down & clean-up after the match. The scores are as follows: IPSC Limited Limited-10 Open Production Revolver Single Stack PCC Steel Challenge PCC RFRI RFPO CFO RFPI CFL RFRO # 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place 3 1 0 1 3 1 1 4 5 1 Shane Pennington Kurt Miller Troy Barker --Yuth Juneweeranong --Chris Gober --Wes Boles Ryan Groves Jonathan Feero Shawn Bevenue Richard Miller Jeff Cawthon Mike Cox Roger Davis Chris Comer --- Bradford Bonar Cary Rowton --- 2 1 3 5 1 0 1 6 3 Larry Rigsby John Gill Doug Foster Eric Crotsley Roy Alexander Heath Vincent --Steve McGinley Heath Vincent John Gill ----Steve Pennington Cary Rowton Hazen Bazinet Brad Crotsley Bryan Hoover Shannon Conley Doug Foster Jessica Foster Mike Cox Important Announcements & Reminders: Starting October 20th and running through the 30th all action pistol bays will be closed for the SASS Regionals. 3-Gun Matches are suspended until further notice Our next monthly USPSA/IPSC match will be October 1st. Come on out and play. ALWAYS CHECK THE WEBSITE FOR LAST MINUTE UPDATES & SCORES. The last thing we want is for someone to drive all the way to the range for a cancelled match. Thanks! See you on the range. John Bent October 2016 Primer 5 Youth Division The State 4-H Skeet Shoot was held on Saturday, September 24 at OKC Gun Club. 134 4-H shotgun shooters competed in the event. Thank you to OKC Gun Club for hosting this event. The support of the club with respect to youth programs is wonderful. I would like to personally thank all the volunteers especially the families of the Oklahoma County 4-H Shooting Sports program. These volunteers give tirelessly to the program and I cannot thank you enough for your dedication. They are what makes this program great!!! Carey Pribil Oklahoma County 4-H Shooting Sports Coordinator Need a Workday? Want updates on Club News?? Urgent calls for club help??? We need YOUR help! We’ve recently implemented a more effective email distribution service to get club information out to our membership; while the feedback we’ve received is very positive, it is evident that we are still missing many of our members. Make sure your current/preferred email address is in our database so that we can do our best to disseminate club information effectively. Currently, about 30% of our membership have no email address on file. Of those that do have one, it appears that a significant percentage of addresses are not being checked – perhaps the email address on file is no longer being used. Please submit any contact information updates – including email addresses – to Muzzleloader Match September 18th 2016 Rifle Match 1st Ron D. 201 2nd Dell M. 125 3rd Jim C. 106 Tomahawk Throw 1st-Dell M. 4 points 2nd-Jim C. 4 points 3rd-Kent B. 2 points October 2016 Primer 6 October 2016 Primer 7 NRA Action Pistol... What is it? Unlike USPSA and other handgun competitions where a competitor is moving from one point to another and shooting, NRA Action Pistol is shot from one or more distance positions under time limits. For instance, in the Moving Target Event the tombstone style target comes from behind a barricade moving at ten feet a second. At ten and fifteen yards a competitor fires six rounds in both directions and at twenty and twenty five yards they will shoot three rounds each direction until twelve rounds have been shot at each distance. Total round count for this match is 48. In the Falling Plate event, at ten yards, at the signal to commence fire, the competitor will draw and fire one round at each eight inch steel plate in six seconds. At the fifteen yard line the competitor will fire one round at each plate in seven seconds, at twenty yards its eight seconds and at twenty five yards its nine seconds. Total round count is 48. NRA Action Pistol is shot with a variety of pistols, such as open, production, metallic sight and open rimfire. At the Oklahoma City Gun Club we have limited areas close to each other that NRA Action Pistol can be conducted. We are using the Bullseye Pistol range right now for these events. The events that we will be shooting at this time are the same as the ones held at the Bianchi Cup and they are: The Mover The Steel Plates These two will be added as we get the room. The Barricade The Practical Event On the Event calendar, this program is called the "NRA Action Pistol". We will have two events each month so check the Event Calendar. In the future as we obtain more equipment and space we will be having NRA sanctioned events where a competitor can become classified and obtain points for the NRA Distinguished Pistol Shot Badge. Contact information Chuck Abston 405.812.8223 October 2016 Primer 8 October 2016 Primer 9 October 2016 Primer 10 Primer October 2016 Division Action Pistol Contact 11 Email if Available Phone Matt Johnson" 405. 637-6373 John Bent 405.229.1271 Air Gun Silhouette Jim Fields 405.203.1268 Archery Dave Barker 405.315.6082 Gary England 405.202.3288 William Morgan 405.359.0515 Benchrest Whitie Blanshan 405.737.2236 Iron Sight John Imes Air Gun Indoor Fun Match Dave Johnson Fellowship Shoot Bob Dumont Military Bolt-Action Rifle Muzzleloader Ron Doggett Blackpowder Cartridge Rifle Silhouette Randy Rannberg .22 BPCR matches NRA Lever Action Matches Bullseye Pistol 405.396.8786 405.820.2067 405.615.1434 405-812-8223 918-231-4624 405-650-0538 Cowboy Action Shooting Dave Crossno Jeanne Ring Mark Thomas Division Chair Charles Abston Co-Chair Salli Wandke Team Captain Connie Roberts Co-Captain Charles P. Meloy John C. Milligan J.R. Hile 405.834.3020 801-300-8371 405.373.1472 NRA Cowboy Lever Action Jeanne Ring 405 820-2067 High Power Rifle Dan Arnold 405.307.0171 Darrell Blanchard 405.706.6822 Women’s Bullseye Pistol International Pistol Membership 405.720.1900 405.789.1368 405.232.6497 405.205.3274 Kent Shomber 405.205.3689 Carey Pribil 405-613-8755 Primer October 2016 Division Contact 12 Email if Available Phone Pistol Silhouette Jim Fields 405.203.1268 Plinking Range Marc McCormick Martin Sharp 405.749.6952 405. 819-8215 Primer Steele Ford 405.326.0311 Shotgun Paula Tate Brent Tate 405. 250.0607 405.706.7830 League Buck Sifford bucksifford 405.769.7317 Training Suzi Rouse 405.842.8828 Spencer Keepers 405.317.5674 Women's Suzi Rouse 405.842.8828 Website John Bent 405.229.1271 Youth Brian Pribil 405-614-1479 405.613.8755 October 2016 Oklahoma City Gun Club P O Box 32043 Edmond, OK 73003 Primer 13 WANT TO HELP THE CLUB? Since our club requires NRA membership, you can join or renew online using this link. By doing so, the Oklahoma City Gun Club will get credit for the transaction. NRA programs fund many of our activities, so this is a great way to support the Club & the NRA. To join or renew, if you are online go to or go to Directors Kent Shomber Jim Fields Joe Garcia Si Fentress Suzi Rouse Mark Vaughan Mike White Whitey Blanshan David Barker Leon Strickland Matt Johnson Brian Pribil Marc McCormick Charles Meloy Buck Sifford JR Hile Jack Legg Jere Korthanke Phillip Brandt 205-3689 203-1268 381-2470 621-9378 842-8828 642-5672 737-2236 325-6082 391-7078 728-8516 340-3353 749-6952 834-3020 769-7317 373-1472 and click the NRA icon “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” Established to ensure protection from tyranny Read the Bill of Rights
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