Strategic Plan Booklet - Coweta County Schools
Strategic Plan Booklet - Coweta County Schools
Coweta County School System Strategic Plan 2014-2019 Coweta County School System Coweta Committed to Student Success COWETA COUNTY SCHOOL SYSTEM BOARD OF EDUCATION Sue Brown District 002 Amy Dees District 001 Winston Dowdell Chair, District 005 Frank Farmer At‐Large Harry Mullins District 003 Larry Robertson At‐Large Linda Menk District 004 Dr. Steve B. Barker Superintendent Coweta Commi ed to Student Success Table of Contents Getting to Know Coweta County Schools Mission and Vision Statements 5 Core Beliefs and Commitments 6 Guiding Principles 7 Strategic Planning Process Strategic Goal Areas 9-15 8 4 GETTING TO KNOW Coweta County Schools COWETA COUNTY SCHOOL SYSTEM Enrollment Elementary Schools 22,563 19 Middle Schools 6 High Schools 3 Charter Career Academy 1 Alternative Schools 2 Fine Arts Center 1 Total Employees 3,065 Certified 1,678 Classified 1,387 Operational Budget Millage rate Per-Pupil Expenditure Transportation $168,026,000 18.59 mills $7,751.24 300 buses/472 routes Students transported 14,000 Daily miles travelled 12,000 2013 CRCT (grades 3—8) Outperformed state in all 30 areas Coweta 2012 SAT 1476 Georgia 2012 SAT 1452 The Coweta County School System is a community of 3,000 professionals and over 30 schools and facilities dedicated to the education of Coweta’s children. Located in one of Georgia’s fastest-growing and most historic communities, the system’s elementary, middle, and high schools provide education and enrichment for students. In addition to exceptional academic, enrichment and athletic programs offered at each of our schools, our system provides unique opportunities to students and our whole community at our Center for Performing and Visual Arts. Here, we showcase our student artists, and feature artists from around the nation. Our Central Educational Center, the model for Georgia’s Career Academies, provides unique college, industry and work-based instruction in a variety of career paths. With strong community support, and in service to parents and citizens who hold high academic expectations, we are… Coweta Committed to Student Success CCSS M I S S I O N A N D S TAT E M E N T S V I S I O N The mission of Coweta County School System is Coweta Committed to Student Success. The vision of Coweta County School System is to Ensure the Success of Each Child The Centre for Performing and Visual Arts Core Beliefs and Commitments We believe, as a learning community, we must continuously improve. We are committed to long-term, in-depth professional learning for all teachers and leaders to ensure that students receive high quality instruction in a supportive learning environment. We believe, as leaders of learners, we must see students as volunteers in their learning. We are committed to engaging our students in learning through higher order thinking processes that integrate technology and the arts to make learning relevant and meaningful for all students. We believe the Coweta County School System, in partnership with the family and the community, must focus on providing challenging, interesting and satisfying work for students. We are committed to building partnerships between school, home and the community to engage all stakeholders in the education process. We believe we are responsible for the success of each student. We are committed to developing life long learners that graduate college and career ready. NINE CHARACTERISTICS OF HIGH PERFORMING SCHOOLS A clear and shared focus High standards and expectations for all students Effective school leadership High levels of collaboration and communication Curriculum, instruction and assessments aligned with state standards Frequent monitoring of teaching and learning Focused professional development Supportive learning environments High levels of family and community engagement Shannon, G. S. “Nine Characteristics of High Performing Schools.” State of Washington: Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, Aug. 2007. Web. 08 May 2014. Guiding Principles for CCSS COWETA The Coweta County School System, in a collaborative partnership with the schools, family and community, focus to provide engaging, challenging and relevant work for students. In order for Coweta’s students to have college and career readiness skills, this partnership connects families to needed resources to help students overcome barriers, providing a pathway to success. COMMITTED TO CCSS is committed to continuous improvement. By providing high-level, engaging instruction for all learners; equitable resources for all schools; and relevance of standards and curriculum, we strive to meet the needs of all stakeholders. STUDENT Coweta County schools see every student as volunteers in their own academic success. As active participants, we expect students to be engaged learners who take responsibility for personal choices, produce quality work and invest time and effort in their education. SUCCESS Georgia’s academic content standards provide a framework for clearly defined goals and skills required to prepare for success in college and the workforce. Coweta County students exceeded state passage rates in all grades (3-8) of the CRCT and subject areas (Reading, English/LA, Math, Social Studies, Science) in 2013. The SAT (2013) average score for all three sections was 1476 for Coweta students, compared to the state average of 1452. Strategic Planning Process Below is a summary, in two phases, of the work of our district to align our strategic plan with a clear definition of student success as used in our vision statement. Phase I and Phase II of this effort focused on defining and targeting student success. Parents Students Staff PHASE TWO: COMBINING WITH STRATEGIC PLANNING As part of our 5-Year Strategic Plan renewal effort and to further define student success, the Strategic Planning Committee was formed, more detailed stakeholder feedback was obtained and quantitative data sets were analyzed. This information yielded Evidence and Opportunities for the future of the Coweta County School System. Within the ”opportunities” that were listed, there was clear evidence to support the definition of “success” as determined in Phase I. These opportunities include a desire for continued emphasis on STEM/STEAM to prepare students for careers, student goal setting for career interests and leveraging technology for skill development and knowledge. Expanding work-based learning, apprenticeship models, dual-enrollment and advanced placement will prepare students for college and careers. These opportunities provide a road map to future success for all students. Teachers Focus Groups PHASE ONE: DEFINING STUDENT SUCCESS As part of an ongoing effort, the Coweta County School System and its stakeholders held conversations about the definition of “success” in the district’s vision statement. This formal process began when each school conducted focus group sessions during the 2012 school year with staff and stakeholders defining student success. The feedback was compiled, and top defining School Councils terms were identified in order to create a Administrators visual of the responses, as presented in the Wordle. Based on the top defining terms, student success includes or must reflect: Accomplishment, Being Work -Ready, Having Responsibility, Acting Ethically, Achievement Mastery, Being Confident, Achieving Happiness, Being a Hard-Worker, Graduating, Acquiring Reading Skills, and Being Respectful. While many additional terms were also provided to further define student success, these eleven terms captured the essence of responses. Strategic Goal Area 1: Purpose and Direction Performance Objectives Strategic Initiatives Continuous Improvement Develop, monitor and communicate system strategic plan and school improvement plans to ensure consistent, high-level rigorous expectations and a shared commitment by all stakeholders. Innovative Opportunities Analyze and develop avenues to meet the emotional, social, academic and behavioral needs of all students. Performance Measures Stakeholder Engagement Engage stakeholder groups through dialogue and surveys about achievement of learning, thinking and life skills for students as well as levels of satisfaction and areas for growth of employees. The Communities in Schools initiative will provide further collaboration between the community, businesses, and schools to provide support for students. Strategic Goal Area II: Governance and Leadership Performance Objectives Strategic Initiatives Board of Education Leadership Ensure that the Coweta County School System Board of Education is knowledgeable in best practices for leading schools with a focus on our mission and vision when making all decisions. Stakeholder Involvement Involve stakeholder groups in dialogue and through surveys about achievement of learning, thinking and life skills for students as well as levels of satisfaction and areas for growth of employees. School Based Leadership Work collaboratively at all levels to develop leaders’ ability to provide a safe, secure learning environment focused on meeting student achievement goals. Expand the Central Educational Center. Develop Leaders at All Levels Develop, monitor and communicate a system of leadership opportunities at all levels to ensure a seamless succession plan. Performance Measures Strategic Goal Area III: Teaching and Assessing for Learning Performance Objectives Strategic Initiatives Standards Based Learning Utilize differentiated instruction, balanced assessment and student goal setting to ensure mastery of rigorous learning expectations. Express student literacy, knowledge of content and process through writing. College and Career Ready Students Provide advanced opportunities for students at all levels. Increase career cluster opportunities and EOPA. Develop avenues for nationally competitive students to compete. 21st Century Classrooms Increase personalized opportunities for learning through the use of BYOT and virtual learning. Increase opportunities for students to engage in higher order thinking skills and processes. Performance Measures Strategic Goal Area III: Teaching and Assessing for Learning Performance Objectives Strategic Initiatives Achievement Gap Closure Develop, implement and monitor specific instructional strategies to improve the achievement of the following groups: ED, EL, Gifted/Advanced, and SWD. Performance Measures Cultural Experiences Provide multiple opportunities for students to engage in artistic expression and community participation through visual and performing arts of students and artists. Strategic Goal Area IV: Resources and Support Systems Performance Objectives Strategic Initiatives Safe Schools Ensure all schools and system facilities have up-to-date emergency plans, participate in ongoing safety drills and trainings and provide a safe and secure facility for all students and staff. Healthy Environments Provide nutritious meals, that meet the Coweta County Wellness policy, to all students with a focus on ensuring all students receive meals regardless of home income. Ensure facilities are maintained at the highest levels of cleanliness and staff is trained. Performance Measures 21st Century Technology Infrastructure Ensure all schools have wireless network capability that meets the needs of the technology plan. Monitor stakeholders’ perceptions of technology infrastructure to plan for growth. Monitor Student Information System (SIS) data for accuracy. Transportation Develop, implement and monitor transportation routes, work order completion, training and fleet inspection to ensure on time arrival and safe transport of all students in well maintained vehicles. Strategic Goal Area IV: Resources and Support Systems Performance Objectives Strategic Initiatives Student Support Provide students learning environments which meet their social, emotional and academic needs. Develop, implement and monitor personalized plans to support students from alternative settings back to the home school. Monitor participation at alternative education programs by subgroups. Highly Qualified Workforce Recruit and develop highly qualified teachers, leaders and support staff who create quality learning environments focused on rigorous expectations for all students. Performance Measures Fiscal Management Ensure system and school budgets are developed to address district and school improvement goals, maintained according to state guidelines, and utilized to support student learning. Premier Facilities Ensure system and school facilities are clean and maintained at high levels. Strategic Goal Area V: Using Results for Continuous Improvement Performance Objectives Strategic Initiatives Teacher and Leader Effectiveness Ensure all staff members participate in ongoing professional learning to provide and support high quality learning environments that are innovative and focused on rigorous achievement goals for all students. Comprehensive Assessment System Monitor and maintain a comprehensive assessment system ensuring test security and validity. Develop, implement, and monitor a plan for successful use of the State Longitudinal Data System (SLDS) and parent portal by teachers and parents to promote student growth. CCRPI Develop, implement, and monitor school based plans to address CCRPI indicators to enhance school programs. Connecting Schools and the Community Utilize multiple avenues to communicate student learning, school performance and achievement goals of students to all stakeholders. Transforming Schools with Stakeholder Input Ensure all stakeholders are provided multiple opportunities to share input and provide personal reflections for beliefs and goals. Performance Measures