Mar 1, 2016 - Wayne County
Mar 1, 2016 - Wayne County
WAYNE COUNTY COUNTY MANAGER GEORGE A. WOOD WAYNECOUNTY N O R TH C A ROLI N A Phone: (919) 731-1435 TO: Wayne County Board of Commissioners FROM: George A. Wood, Wayne County Manager ~ ~~ DATE: February 22, 2016 SUBJECT: Board of Commissioners Meeting - March 1, 2016 Fax (919) 731-1446 The Appointment Committee will not meet. At 8:00a.m., the Wayne County Board of Commissioners will meet for a briefing session and other matters in the Commissioners Meeting Room on the fourth floor of the Wayne County Courthouse Annex, located at 224 E. Walnut Street in Goldsboro, North Carolina. The formal Wayne County Board of Commissioners meeting will begin at 9:00a.m. in the Commissioners Meeting Room in the Wayne County Courthouse Annex, 224 E. Walnut Street, Goldsboro, Notih Carolina. THE GOOD LIFE. GROWN HERE. PO BOX 227 GOLDSBORO, NC 27533 WAYNE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AGENDA MARCH 1, 2016- 9:00A.M. NOTE: ALL PERSONS WITH CELLULAR TELEPHONES ARE REQUESTED TO TURN THEM OFF CALL TO ORDER- Chairman Joe Daughtery INVOCATION- Commissioner Edward E. Cromartie PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE- Commissioner George Wayne Aycock, Jr. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Wayne County Board of Adjustment - February 2, 20 16 Wayne County Board of Commissioners - February 9, 2016 and February 16, 2016 Pg 1-10 Pg 11-67 SPECIAL RECOGNITION - Sheriff Larry M. Pierce will present Representative John R. Bell, IV the 2015 Defender of Public Safety award from the North Carolina Sheriffs Association in recognition and appreciation of outstanding public service through legislative initiatives. DISCUSSION/ADJUSTMENT OF AGENDA 9:15 A.M. PUBLIC COMMENTS - Time limit of two minutes for non-agenda topics and four minutes for agenda topics Aft individuals who speak to the Board of Commissioners are asked to conduct themselves in a respectful and courteous manner. The speaker must be recognized by the Chairman as having the exclusive right to be heard. If a speaker intends to have handout materials for the Commissioners, those materials must be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, not the individual Commissioners. Signs wiff not be affowed. The public comment period is a time for citizen input and comment on matters on the agenda to be acted on by the Board of Commissioners. Speakers are encouraged to discuss only items over which the Board a/Commissioners has some control. 9:30A.M. PUBLIC HEARINGS I. To Receive Public Comments on Preliminary Assessment Resolution for Canterbury Village and North Creek Subdivisions Pg 68-81 2. To Receive Public Comments on Proposed Wayne County Zon ing Map Amendments Pg 82-88 UNFINISHED BUSINESS CONSENT AGENDA- 5 Minutes I. Resolution Adopting the Fourth Amendment to the Position Classification and Pay Plan for Wayne County, North Carolina 2. Establish a Meeting of the Wayne County Board of Adjustment on April 5, 20 16 at 9:30a.m. in the Commissioners Meeting Room to Receive Public Comments on a Special Use Permit Request for Proposed Solar Facility Ruskin Solar, LLC, 413 Ruskin Road, Dudley, NC 3. Change March 15, 20 16 Board of Commissioners Meeting to March 16, 20 I 6 4. Authorize Change in Hours of Operation at the Steele Memorial Library 5. Wayne County Public Library Policy Revisions in the Disruptive Behavior Policy, Meeting Room Policy and Registration/C ircu lation Policy 6. Budget Amendments NEW BUSINESS I. Duke Energy Progress Presentation on the Neighborhood Energy Saver Program in Mount Olive Neighborhood - 10 Minutes Pg 89-92 Pg 93-113 Pg 11 4 Pg 115 Pg 116-1 22 Pg 123-132 Pg 133-145 Duke Energy Product and Service Manager Evans Taylor wiff update the Board of Commissioners on the Neighborhood Energy Saver Program to start in the Mount Olive area in the June 2016/imeframe. Duke Energy Progress District Manager for Government and Community Relations Mille Chalk will also be present. 2. rvtotion to A rove Bonnie Farms Preliminary Subdivision PlatJ - I 0 Minutes Pg 146- 148 Wayne County Subdivision Ordinance requires the Board of Commissioners to review and approve every major subdivision before any construction or instaffation of improvements may begin. 3. Department ofSocial Services Presentation on the Northwoods Project- 10 Minutes Social Services Director Debbie Jones will update the Board of Commissioners on the improvements, cost savings and increase in productivity as a result ofthe Northwoods project. Pg 149-1 55 4. Motion to Award Bid for County Office Bu ilding Parking Lot and Drainage Syste m Project - I 0 Minutes Award bid to Barnhill Contracting Company, the lowest, responsive, responsible bidder, in the amount of$ 193, /00. 5. )'vtotion to A P.rove Budget Amendment #317 for Wayne Community College - 5 Minutes Pg 156 Pg 157-1 59 The budget amendment re-appropriates $764,8 12.48 in unspent monies f rom fiscal year 20 14-20 15 to be expended in fiscal year 2015-2016 for capital outlay at Wayne Community College. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS- I 0 Minutes BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS' COMMITTEE REPORTS AND COMMENTS - 15 Minutes CLOSED SESSION RECESS MEETING - Chairman Joe Daughtery COMMISSIONERS LUNCH- Lunch with the Goldsboro C ity Council and Staff at the Goldsboro Event Center, 150 I S. Slocumb Street, Goldsboro, North Carolina ADJOURNMENT enotes - Action Requested NORTH CAROLINA WAYNE COUNTY The Wayne County Board of Adjustment met on Tuesday, February 2, 2016 in the Commissioners Meeting Room in the Wayne County Courthouse Annex, Goldsboro, North Carolina, after due notice thereof had been given. Members present: Joe Daughtery, Chairman; William H. Pate, Vice-Chairman; George Wayne Aycock, Jr.; John M. Bell; Edward E. Cromartie; A. Joe Gurley, III and E. Ray Mayo. Members absent: None. Wayne County Board of Adjustment Convened At 9:53a.m., Chairman Joe Daughtery convened the Wayne County Board of Adjustment. The Wayne County Board of Adjustment held public hearings to receive public comments on requests for two special use permits. The Wayne County Ordinance Regulating the Operation and Maintenance of Solar Energy Facilities, Section S(B) requires any solar facility shall be considered a special use in all areas of the county covered by the Seymour Johnson AFB Airspace Control Surfaces as defined in the 2011 Air Installation Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ) report or subsequent reports. Approval as a special use must be from the Wayne County Board of Adjustment. Public Hearing- Sunlight Partners, LLC Reguest for Special Use Permit for Robin Solar, LLC, 898 O'Berry Road, Dudley, North Carolina At 9:54a.m., the Wayne County Board of Adjustment held a public hearing to receive public comments on a request from Sunlight Partners, LLC, per Section S(b) of the Wayne County Ordinance Regulating the Operation and Maintenance of Solar Energy Facilities, for a special use permit for one solar energy facility in the Outer Horizontal (OH) zone. The property is located in the Brogden Township at 898 O'Berry Road, Dudley, North Carolina. The property is listed in the Wayne County Tax Office as Parcel!D #2575437876 and #2575539705. The site is named Robin Solar, LLC. Section 54 of the Wayne County Zoning Ordinance, Subsection 54.1 when issuing a Special Use Permit, the Board of Adjustment must consider that, permission may be granted for the establislunent of special uses as shown in the district regulations if the Board of Adjustment finds from the evidence produced after a study of the complete records that: A. The proposed use does not affect adversely the general plans for physical development of the county and will not be contrary to the pmposes stated in these regulations; B. The proposed use will not adversely affect the health and safety of the county residents and will not be detrimental to the use or development of adjacent properties or other neighborhood uses; C. The proposed use will not be affected adversely by existing uses, and will be placed on a lot of sufficient size to satisfy the space requirements of said use; 1 I D. The proposed use will not constitute a nuisance or hazard because of the number of persons who will use such a facility, the vehicular movement or the noise or fume generation; and E. The proposed use shall be subject to the minimum dimensional requirements of the district in which it is to be located, and shall conform to the ofl~street parking and loading regulations. Section 54.2 Additional Restrictions. A. The Board of Adjustment may issue a special use permit if its findings are favorable. As an additional safeguard, the board may impose or require as conditions such additional restrictions and standards as may be necessary to protect the health and safety of the community, and to protect the value and use of property in the general neighborhood. B. Wherever the Board of Adjustment shall find that any of the terms, conditions, or restrictions imposed on the special use are not being complied with, the board shall rescind and revoke such permit after giving due notice to all parties concerned and granting full opportunity for a public hearing. The proposed Robin Solar, LLC solar energy facility will be a 5.0MWac solar generation facility. The facility will encompass 29 acres on two parcels. The solar plant will be interconnected to the local distribution system owned by Duke Energy/Progress. The site currently is agricultural. It is located on the north side ofO'Berry Road (SR 1120), 3/!0th of a mile east of its intersection with Herring Road (SR 1127). The property is zoned Outer Horizontal (OH) for height restrictions only. The site is bordered by agricultural uses on the east, west and south sides and on the north by woods. The site plan meets the requirements as outlined in the Wayne County Ordinance Regulating Solar Energy Facilities for setbacks, fencing, landscaping buffers, signage, etc. MichaelS. Fox, an attorney at Tuggle Duggins, P.A. and representing Sunlight Partners, LLC, presented the site plan for Robin Solar, LLC, 898 O'Berry Road, Dudley, North Carolina, Sunlight Partners information and pictures of solar farms, Thomas Cleveland, P.E. credentials and solar presentation, and Richard C. Kirkland's (Kirkland Appraisals) appraisal report. Sunlight Partners Project Management Managing Director Mike Wallace stated the company has 80-90 projects in North Carolina. The company has a decommissioning plan, which removes everything on the site. Approximately 90-92% of the solar equipment can be recycled. The site can be returned to agricultural farmland. There is nothing hazardous on the site. In response to a question from Commissioner Edward E. Cromartie, Sunlight Partners Project Management Managing Director Mike Wallace stated the company scouts underutilized farmland for solar facilities. Wetlands and floodplains prevent the use of the land. The farmland needs to be five miles or less to a substation. Sunlight Partners forms a partnership with the landowner. The study usually takes I Yz-2 years. The cost of the application is $25,000. 2 Tommy Cleveland, P.E., Renewable Energy Project Coordinator with the North Carolina Clean Energy Technology Center, stated the technology for solar facilities has been around for a long time. The solar panels became affordable approximately 3-4 years ago. Solar facilities will not create health problems over time. The electromagnetic fields emission from the panels is not a concern. Planning Director Chip Crumpler reviewed the following supporting documents: site plan, Ground Lease Agreement, Decommissioning Plan and input from Seymour Johnson Air Force Base. The site plan for Robin Solar, LLC, 898 O'Berry Road, Dudley, North Carolina is attached hereto as Attachment A. The letter from Seymour Johnson Air Force Base Deputy Base Engineer Dennis G. Goodson, P.E. is attached hereto as Attachment B. Planning Director Chip Crumpler stated on October 13, 2015 the Wayne County Planning Board approved the site plan for Robin Solar, LLC, 898 O'Berry Road, Dudley, North Carolina. The site plan was reviewed by the staff and was determined to meet the minimum requirements of the Wayne County Ordinance Regulating the Operation and Maintenance of Solar Energy Facilities. At I 0:09 a.m., Chairman Joe Daughtery adjourned the public hearing to receive public comments on a request from Sunlight Partners, LLC, per Section 5(b) of the Wayne County Ordinance Regulating the Operation and Maintenance of Solar Energy Facilities, for a special use permit for Robin Solar, LLC, 898 O'Berry Road, Dudley, North Carolina. Approval of Special Use Permit for Robin Solar, LLC, 898 O'Berry Road, Dudley, North Carolina Upon motion of Commissioner Edward E. Cromartie, the Board of Commissioners unanimously accepted the recommendation ofthe Wayne County Planning Board to issue a special use permit per Section 5(b) of the Wayne County Ordinance Regulating the Operation and Maintenance of Solar Energy Facilities for Robin Solar, LLC, 898 O'Berry Road, Dudley, North Carolina. Public Hearing- Sunlight Partners, LLC Request for Special Use Permit for Wilfork Solar, LLC, 385 Daw Pate Road, Goldsboro, North Carolina At 10:10 a.m., the Wayne County Board of Adjustment held a public hearing to receive public comments on a request from Sunlight Partners, LLC, per Section 5(b) of the Wayne County Ordinance Regulating the Operation and Maintenance of Solar Energy Facilities, for a Special Use Permit for one solar energy facility in the Conical Area (CA) zone. The property is located in the Stoney Creek Township at 385 Daw Pate Road, Goldsboro, North Carolina. The property is listed in the Wayne County Tax Office as ParcellD # 3611668840. The site is named Wilfork Solar, LLC. 3 3 Section 54 of the Wayne County Zoning Ordinance, Subsection 54.1 when issuing a Special Use Permit, the Board of Adjustment must consider that, permission may be granted for the establishment of special uses as shown in the district regulations if the Board of Adjustment finds from the evidence produced after a study of the complete records that: A. The proposed use does not affect adversely the general plans for physical development of the county and ·will not be contrary to the purposes stated in these regulations; B. The proposed use will not adversely affect the health and safety of the cotmty residents and will not be detrimental to the use or development of adjacent properties or other neighborhood uses; C. The proposed use will not be affected adversely by existing uses, and will be placed on a lot of sutlicient size to satisfy the space requirements of said use; D. The proposed use will not constitute a nuisance or hazard because of the munber of persons who will use such a facility, the vehicular movement or the noise or fume generation; and E. The proposed use shall be subject to the minimum dimensional requirements of the district in which it is to be located, and shall conform to the off-street parking and loading regulations. Section 54.2 Additional Restrictions. A. The Board of Adjustment may issue a special use permit if its findings are favorable. As an additional safeguard, the board may impose or require as conditions such additional restrictions and standards as may be necessary to protect the health and safety of the community, and to protect the value and use of property in the general neighborhood. B. Wherever the Board of Adjustment shall find that any of the terms, conditions, or restrictions imposed on the special use are not being complied with, the board shall rescind and revoke such permit after giving due notice to all parties concerned and granting full opportunity for a public hearing. The proposed Wilfork Solar, LLC solar energy facility will be a 5.0MWac solar generation facility. The facility will encompass 24 acres on one parcel. The solar plant will be intercmmected to the local distribution system owned by Duke Energy/Progress. The site currently is agricultural and is located on the west side of Daw Pate Road (SR 1546) % of a mile north of its intersection with Stoney Creek Church Road (SR 1547). The property is zoned Conical Area (CA) for height restrictions only. The site is bordered by agricultural uses on the north, east and south sides and on the west by one single-family residence. The site plan meets the requirements as outlined in the Wayne County Ordinance Regulating Solar Energy Facilities for setbacks, fencing, landscaping buffers, signage, etc. MichaelS. Fox, an attorney at Tuggle Duggins, P.A. and representing Sunlight Partners, LLC, presented the site plan for Wilfork Solar, LLC, 385 Daw Pate Road, Goldsboro, North Carolina, Sunlight Partners information and pictures of solar farms, Thomas Cleveland, P.E. credentials and solar presentation, and Richard C. Kirkland's (Kirkland Appraisals) appraisal report. 4 Planning Director Chip Crumpler reviewed the following supporting documents: site plan, Ground Lease Agreement, Decommissioning Plan and input from Seymour Johnson Air Force Base. The site plan for Wilfork Solar, LLC, 385 Daw Pate Road, Goldsboro, North Carolina, North Carolina is attached hereto as Attachment C. The letter from Seymour Johnson Air Force Base Deputy Base Engineer Dennis G. Goodson, P.E. is attached hereto as Attachment B. Plarming Director Chip Crumpler stated on October 13,2015 the Wayne County Planning Board approved the site plan for Wilfork Solar, LLC, 385 Daw Pate Road, Goldsboro, North Carolina. The site plan was reviewed by the staff and was determined to meet the minimum requirements of the Wayne County Ordinance Regulating the Operation and Maintenance of Solar Energy Facilities. At 10:14 a.m., Chairman Joe Daughtery adjourned the public hearing to receive public comments on a request from Sunlight Partners, LLC, per Section S(b) of the Wayne County Ordinance Regulating the Operation and Maintenance of Solar Energy Facilities, for a Special Use Permit for Wilfork Solar, LLC, 385 Daw Pate Road, Goldsboro, North Carolina. Approval of Special Use Permit for Wilfork Solar, LLC, 8385 Daw Pate Road, Goldsboro, North Carolina Upon motion of Commissioner John M. Bell, the Board of Commissioners unanimously accepted the recommendation of the Wayne County Planning Board to issue a special use permit, per Section 5(b) of the Wayne County Ordinance Regulating the Operation and Maintenance of Solar Energy Facilities for Wilfork Solar, LLC, 385 Daw Pate Road, Goldsboro, North Carolina. Adjournment There being no further business, Chairman Joe Daughtery adjourned the meeting of the Wayne County Board of Adjustment at 10:15 a.m. ~ucv lQ. Jhkur) Marc . W1lson, Clerk to the Board Wayne County Board of Commissioners 5 5 Attachment A SITE PLAN ENGINEERS NOTES "'- o - . 01 11115 ....... oS fOR 4 COtOIO.. USC ~~ ~ION rQIIII ~ MOO ~ 8QoWIO Of IIIONSJwt'" 10 SOVott ll.lC:nc: I'QII(lt~II..C~oc;.t.I'IQitO/FiiJ!'OSCO~Ht$1-S~Ml...O..CIUIIIOT 10. rc~ ~ NIIR4T. ~ OJWCfl1tR$. rwr~ PO_C!< MO UJCS. ~C• 10 WOUitCAI ION llUl. 10 $tit, Cl)lre!ICIN'..O. ~IIDioW. ~n.C II(Qt.llll(\1("'1$ (hiCQOI, J«<~. ~Ol. CIC'). (~ M I $P((II'C,.TIONS, ....,lOA Oht[fit ~~~ I S NtY ~YISI(lfljS •,wu 0C SV(JllttTU> fOA $111H ~ f'iAIOA 10 C~lloi\ICII()N I() lft_IW"f C~w<£ .. ,,. lOhoPoC lft:.OUM).;(tll!o ......, CCMJIIIOH$ AS wr '"' _,.. co.-rw c;:o.s•-..c• • ...,.,co _,a 7 -· 1-c. QJrolY UIUIY ~ rc:Jtt • - Silt (~Or(O (1111 6 )*oU. II( ~l MOPOSlO rl)lt U4..fltt' PAOCA(~ I'O I)IO!llf 1-.5 PIIO.ICCI ftC) [).U..:JJI LOU..C THIS ltolt <$ PI'OPOS(O .,, 114$ IN[ ~ ~ .V0U OOH$111UCIO., (IU')I CQMhO. 11w..1.-. ~0 In' .... ~~ CONIACihto W~ SI'UOS .a.fl(JI C()JdiAuC'TOrt. ~I tc)lol_,.,_ Will K """"'(M("TEO Too( SOI..M PN'of:toS 81' """llol. l ..CCflotoYfl IIOo'IO$ A.SMU ...S lltOUC.OCIIf...t::"""" Sl'f.(I)S "*-~-'CT •S I'N'IO~S,l~ PERIUCTCRf(f<tCINI;.fAU.ACI.IIS~'II'INOIIAf.AoC I ti(U) HOG ~ ll\llloll!o -.&. 1111. IIIOtJI...:&.f '1(..-cM.I,) fM(llool , .._ 5d{ 11 ~ '"" II($PCIJ$8LJIY OE ,._ 0(\I(LOP(It 10 ..:eu..N~~.r IJIIQCIE I..S $01\C:( 'ill£ & ..0 9 WAYNE COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA Du( fO~Oio lltof"I IC ¥01.-...c,-......~Willii£P'I(JW(I(OU(IIir()Joa.JilQ-OUIOf" II"'IS =~ttl r::IM"'OWWY -trl'oMIC£ CR(olf$ !il""l.~ Ul'l,o~( llo( CRII'oa. II(:C:($$ '111"1!' r()A' --.w,.~~PIIIOP05{QAI !J "ROBIN SOLAR LLC" 5 MVV SOLAR FACI LITY rvtuRC ,,lfoUIC"S S'lo<u. lit J FO R nc "-.~olflltlll "'ll SllfUCI'*l,$"" ~MI>t<; M0 ~U foP I..S ~0 ~ '. ~ ~ .o(CI ' II'USI 8£ • £11'1 0..-$11[ .. 1t. "[ttr.oll 81». h""l . Ul lo€ l'fiO.oi.CI ~ ~~<•CU.C~ CONSIII\ICIO. $ 11\CH:: Ncl~. w...t. lilt. Cl!Nolll.l No0 ~0 AS NCaSW'f ..., - ~ 1111(1- P'II[•O[\(<oPtolf.lrjl a.t-.a N.ntllltNS (t.C '«l CIV(lotoiC) A ~ ('Jr ,.., ~Ct I#IILit. IM1' OQirSoSf 0T Ita(( (l[MiroC; Olll.t ( NO ~)to.ou..r-lf:Sft,iOM;OTJ..:IIliiAY....o~t~ ....,oc:o...a~ ~M~UtrtJI "'"'LAS •o CM<tt Suliii'IIC( ~ OOo!StM,II';!Otl S•IIC:IM: U/0 ""'-"S Sl.& 10 llunoNC ~ CO.SI"'''UCIIQN 'llll..l I ( t(~T :> •1>'1 ~OCC>IG """1:0 .:..<"' ..... • 1 1 1...: ONI.,.. 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()I' "N:t.loSl ..,..~AI'$ at:•IWII'tiCI.., ., usc ~ UM) USC (IISIIJofC. ~ N'aMOuS· ~~~~~.... ,.."UJJIOJI< ~G,,_ SITE SUMMARY TABLE _,c , ~-~ ... ~11111:·»1 · -~- 1111 Gnff I<"'» 2~1>4 J 78'1'$ ~ =·~~ol'lf<n C.WW.I.l .....:£c:.or.......... ...., (I«JJIN . . ~ 7S.l.).S PARC EL NUMBER ~~-;;,!_ ,~,.... . t s.J-&11,., --.cB*-. ....._ . . --- ... ,., ___ """'c ... _,JM,._ .,._.. .....c:r.•~ .,., DI.O.I.T, NC t~A~K•-"""' ~cit•~- -...c: .. , .._......, €__,.. ~~ SITE ADDRESS . ~ ow;rc.(t If} f)r.I4,.J• ~ ti!NES [.4Q.(S f€Sl 1t0A0 ROBIN SOLAR LLC eto:t OIOIJIIT AOAO --~ """'c GOIN~'CIIUJ ~« (~0 8 - ~Jo~C.;ESAICM:CRoOOE)'tf>t(III ..........T[O.~'" ~Ioii!JitC,AC.¥oi()I>I' I JI((St<OIA.D ~ I ~0- t t(l M() A C~Mt fi!OI,.. :IO·fCCI Olf CRtAl (fl OC AT ~ tR((S ~IIIIEQol074 ,-. soa 8£ $T.t(;G(JI£0 oi'IIH CAOUI«l .. 1tC:a..cKIIOWIILL SOLUTIONS nc~.,.T @~- , ~ £NCINE[RIN~ O.E.E.P. ---~ - ,_, 81= '""" ~ "a-;w.o.P WC>oii£L WIIU...I\C( ENGINEER PARCEL OVERVIEW 2~ · f001 VfC)SCIIP( >o(CC'IAl~. S~ Oft&vstt(S ONt,.,..IIIQI'O'$,/>WJf'lt($ "'-""'1-.c;S SotAU 1!1t. lfOQ.t.O.I'i 10 I><( )~(COl ~ UJU>•IUJou AS ,. An~t: ' LANDSCAPE NOTES \:) DEVELOPER SUNt..ICHJ PARTNERS. LLC ~. 707-8119-IIU a:w"'""'f'OR',... l..C MOP0$(0 '-- - \ 1.) ~ CMR Wllf ....... ,.. TO II[ A o;.a. ~ CJIIK.~ I O 9£ ¥-~0 4loiO r.o.t:t~trn I.MO(It A ......,.1[-.ct AGAtt~NI 10 8( ~0 8'r r..: llttO.LCl 00/'(LOP(It ~~ ,; , n~SIIIIUI. fLCQit<t (J ) C~C SU\lK .., £.frO< 12 SI'SI(Vl, [QUAC,Itl, .tH) St-..chAIES-.., 1001 LIIC[[O 1:r-fU1 .. H(Ool ..C:ill QIQK) ..,.,_,, o ucu.a:n ,._.. t...s -c:.-...r IICOt.ll'llf'llllrillt Jilltf nrcu~~~: ~'SIOIII ~s MG UIUIT >'O..IS !HOnOI ......_.; oG!M(D 101 ~ VICINITY MAP PQin\NQ, W( 0<1101 INO[Art:lt, 10\N..H: ll.SS 1•- tC:OSt' (.t(:tt l<f, C11:1SI...C. OOI<OloONS !».lA 1 \ f ____.._} . ~ COHST"'-'CI<Ofl PCJII.WIE~tjl tW'(II...OUS SUIIf'AC(! QIU. B( 111ft~( I l__j__j __ ~ , I ' ; - - '.~ .-!.-~--,.. --~"-~----=---:~... - - - - - - -.. : ~ • ' ~ --:::----- .,...:--{s~ - ,,.,,.. '""""' ~ ..1<>-- \I\ ]~-~ :- •(m:l. \-'\.~'-~~ _. ·, \ ' '-- - -c;:;,- ' /Wwe OCJM.4 ~· QIIQ.l$ NlSI liD L ~ W ~~LINC$ ~$ ftiCMI 01" . ,.T UN( """"""" •ona"f:otJIO PNiiaL ID«.Jnl:/6 rn . ' ~· · ~"'" MltMtlrOVTIUIT ,...,_ DOUBLE SWING GATE N.T.S ~W( Sl"'~llo.t'r(NL""(S S((Uitlf'I'J'E:HC.t "'""'"' ~ ..,., _v $Cii.Aift~NfO!ItAOC "'"'""" W:£T NO TYPICAL PAN EL ELEVATION INVERTER ELEVATION N.T.S N.T.S Attaclunent B Pa.~Bill~ DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE 4TH FIGHTER W ING (ACC) SEYMOUR JOHNSON AIR FORCE BASE NC SEP 2 4 2015 Mr. Dennis G. Goodson, P.E. Deputy Base Engineer 1095 Peterson Avenue Seymour Johnson AFB NC 27531 Mr. Walter "Chip" Crumpler Jr., Acting Director Wayne County Planning Department 134 North John Street Goldsboro, North Carolina 27533 Dear Mr. Crumpler This letter is in reference to two solar farms being proposed - Robin Solar, LLC (NCUC Docket No. SP-5054, Sub 0) located on NC PIN# 2575437876 and Wilfork Solar, LLC (SP5051 , Sub 0) on NC PIN#3611668840, both located in Wayne County, NC. The property falls beneath the Outer Horizontal Surface of the Seymour Johnson AFB Airspace Control Surfaces described in the Seymour Johnson AFB 2011 Air Installation Compatible Use Zone report. The floor of the Approach/Depatture Clearance Surface (horizontal) is 609 feet above mean sea level at the property location. In addition, the location of the solar farm will not interfere with pilot vision, and electrical emissions will not interfere with aircraft communications systems or navigational equipment related to Seymour Johnson AFB flight operations. We appreciate the opportunity to assess this request and to comment on it. If additional information or clarification is required, please contact me at (919) 722-5142. Sincerely l 8 I 7 6 5 end ~ H Closed Fl ight Tracks Arrival Flight Tracks Outer Horizontal Surface G F E N i c Proposed ::Yolar FarmRobin Sola'r LLC D c Outer Horizonta 1Surtace 1 B B A 0 '.":'.._-·~~~~N~!I A ...... _........_-.,- 2 1 0.5 Nautical Miles 1.500 8 5 4 3 2 1 8 gend 7 1 ft ·~ 1--- - Closed Flight Tracks l- A rrival Flight Tracks G Proposed Solar FarmWilfork Solar LLC HF . 'i E E Oute r Horizontal Surface MOA US 02072 ...5::) D 0 0.5 1 2 •-==--=::=~•11111••• Nautical Miles c Conical Surface (~QJ.L ·'·' B .... Attachment C SITE PLAN FOR "WILFORK SOLAR LLC" 5 MW SOLAR FACILITY ENGINEERS NOTES ' "t. r~ 01" IHIS""'" rS fOR 1> CQOTON.\I._ !,1$( P(IMl N'f'lCIIIOOo rOA li£WW /lrHO ~ 81 Ttt( W.~ OOI.II'IIY BOUID or ...O...UStU[NI 10 COHSTik.CI SClAR (L(Cik .to ~ It<. ~OCJoiOo or~ ~lrll'i AS~ ..O.UOitrellulliiOI'-""'IlOIO.•~~Nflilii.',IMr;uc;,. afiii[IIIIUI'S, MA>CirD 10.£'5 NC llflo(S. (1C. IMt K SUillCI '0 fiii.Hif WAYNE COUNTY, 1\IORTH CAROLINA WCIOII'ICf,h(ltl DIJC 10 SIIC CDIOIIOHS. .< I'CI'Un..C: A(~III(HIS (NCOOI , NC'O(t«, VS<OC, [lC.). (~1111 COW'.l l~fS /l#fY 1"1,11\,lfl( RCYISO.S llilll Itt Suwuont.O f()lt ')IN! ~ I"'CCt 10 CQIISI~\.CION II) IO(IW"'' COo.IPI._IAIC( . .IH la-c fi(Qullll(loi[.Nf$ , . , C(oo.(lltoCN$ .. ' ... --- ~ Tot£ o-.• ut"'lfY I'IIIOPOSCO rws r(llt SITC 9toi!U. • l)l.ooQ. 11• 4<4r . . ~'- ,., .,,"""_ ,,.,,,.,.,)1 (loi(AIC:l "''ICJ!f'So;, 1'10 OIHfill ''l('i ';Mo l 8( [IIP\.Of'[O 011: OII;OPOS£n ~"'"" fOR ht1S PAOJ(CI J VOI..UIL. UUl •0 lOW lflllffC ~ ~ OU "'- ~-' .,_,vwc:: vPOft ~o.or or 1..s ~~"' n:~ OIC.S S......... oJII.tlf rtt( ~ .<Cet'SS•Y fOR~ ......,.. $OWL IS ~0 ~ ~ I~ <":'!~ ....... / " "'...:-;"/ ' "/<::;,/ ~~ / I..C NO t•t (f!IOR loCHI..C: 1$ Pf!OP'OS[I) J. l T..S Ta.l( 6 Or..-...c GIW)IroG NC ()()NSIRI,CTt(llro, OUSI CQNIIIQ.. - l pt" "'IIooCC(Q .... IWJ[AiroC: MD OOHIIIOUQ) ~ ~; Af'ltill (IOII(j:lttl~CtOl, OU$t CONlAOt. ...._ IC ~(0 tT IJIISt.lruJijC QoWo(\. MClofiUS IS W(u. A') ...~ lll(rti(IA,IOII ~[O!fl, lot[ SQUIIIt ~LS -... 1(1 AS -cl 8II(NCS. TIC P[AaC"(A r(ftOIIC tlllo.IICIA'i ... -«)fllltt,foc , 1 QI([O _,., ..OX.OVS 1'\Ni!S S>¥u. at IIOuiiN[~~ ACII()io(O fll(lt,l TO!( 'W( II 6 114 A(~IY 0T '"" otW'l(IP{II fQ i' ~-¢~::~"~~... SI"CI)f'IC...IION!:. <YIO/OR OI!C:R - -. / -- ·. i• :,11 1 ~--.. ..... ...............~-'\~ ~... ___ ...,-· ?I~;... _ _ ... - - - ... -- 1 I~ ........ ""! ,.- e..OI"l~SIIh.C IIA[SAIItPotCIII'OSlOfORI..S"""C'JlCI 'J C(lri(S 01' AI.~ P(llr•TS AH0 APPAIM"O f'oi......S ~~ II( ot• PI ON Slf[ 1't A K IN!• 8I)J{ T0¥<1 IS COHSII!euOuSI.V LUC#I!lC Nil: ~v IICC(SSielt ~ 10 101(. ~CT AA£A Sf~ 8[ Cl.£tr,ACO AND ~0 o\S Jll[((7....,.., MfD -.t PA(-QC\oCI.OPt,IOt ~~c.., c~c. NO IIIAl.-.s. '*'- -=""" wss ~). 1o r::ryrm POfUI()Jt 01 THf ~(I llii£A IMT CO!w$IST 01 Tit([ Cl,I'AIIM; ()lrllT (NO CRU89rHf:) 10 IOI.l (\M.IE 'itW)ttC (JII loti: l<ltfvi.Y• ......c)jf ~ I B7011W CltlrONC ""'' OCCI..IIt~INVCII:I(.II:olllllt£ASIOOIYEit1 SI.lltf'.<rU CCIMSI....CIOI SW:.C AND «JtS ~ s-.o.cct / DEVELOPER s ,'~. ' -...._ \1 ' I:> ' SUNLIGHT PARTNE~. LLC \' ~ -~- 1:1 I , - ' ~ \' ~ )7 l"tNNl Slll:tl:"f. .)<~1 ·' '' :' -, ,\ • {_ \II ENGINEER £A~070~-;;;::=== ,."vn. ACC:~,s~ €14M' II zs~-., OWNER 1!1.1' I NOAii'OAw 10 ll!Jnii'C !ol[ C»ol." P(llMoW[MT CONC'R("'C 0 ·~ 0.\WPA'I( _,..., 77')J4 WJ$ ~ . . . . . . ADOo4:0 ~ COid"'-ClO.. ~AT ""'" -r;IIIVIOI.IS 00< IOIIOI.INC L.l.SS 1 - tOO CO.DSeORO. HC ..........,- ~= SUIWAC[S 1'11U 8[ !MillE[ (J) ~RI(II:, sr SITE ADDRESS __ , _ ""--.« . ,. ., .,. , ., l •• II ..--· d\ ~rH~ I •:! SYSICUl,.[CUfl'loll[tti.NIIJST......,;TVIi(S'*'-1'()1 CIIC:Utl11·ftC'I 1M tOCHT -.[111 <aouJoO ltl(luhiC'O. CIIC:WOCO li(~ . .. r..:w 1+41$ ti(Otl I Aii( (l(CIIIIICI~UNf'SiofCIUIUn"PCU'S 1.l ~((W(II: •• .... ....If~ IS IOi!llf: "S..OWCROa!IIICCiti\SSTOB£ t.WNI.IoN(O NoO CCM:MO UNOE ~ A ...,..N it~( .oot((-..(NT 10 0( ~O IJY IIt(.~C:tOCIICI.Df'tJt u CJitoSIIIC CIOICIITOIS GioiA $HOrllloi ...S 081M<O lllol flflftt CoUIQUitA 'UN(- (405WJIIIItl,. I'OMI.W.: t\ I[ ~= i".:"ro:~ ~..:: s:u-s~~:r:.t#Oio ,._. 1ourrr'" ,..._..:... J .......:.~ •JJ"n . ,_ , n ~ '-* .~:_.~:r • ......, ~:1!!!,:=. . C.,..,tti{('Sg.w,ti{,.~OI'8-fU'TIHI'CC.01MfD lo. - 1·..0..:5 .. u..PCJI (~ ·-~ ....:Jio'( GIWlCJ MC:Io Pi..OOOI(U ....t:N - 1..-.._, A~ 1._,1,. SotQul.O Oil AI~· ~o-rCCT II!Q t At!1) tnQmf IIIIOI1t .so-r C(1 OR ~I(R ,_,.v( " ......U.,.~ IOif" 101(~~ .......U. 110<. •·IIIC>I _. CN..f'[tl (MCASI.IIt£0 ~. ...... i•IMCt<S .<rou. So-...s So¥rU K 01 " SKCXS lMCH CNo 8[ (.cPCCUO 10 Rr~o A _ , . , . 11(0<1 li·RC.tti.S ~ A .-.....u ;PA(..OI) 01 JO• !NCJot5 , , _ ~ VVolt'>Ot 1'\NollfoC. 6 lot( PVJojT{09uf"f•"ll'j,Wirtt I / I / - · - ·--·· : - ~- "" 1 .<aa;~ IGAICUlt~ tlf!ltC't' C(fii£M IIHC OISIIHC ~ :r.C) AC / • 1 AC • O. tt:: :r.-1.0 JC I •1 #oC • l.U .....:!IMOuS. ~ ... rt4- .IOf[$ f'ftOtill. - I'!IIOIIUOSCT~ ,.,. Sj(J( , ~· AI.J.SQ.) 'lit --~~ It ....... " lo(C(SW"'AI '"""'-::: . . SCA(EH NIC'.l . . .ll~ ,... • aurr£R ' • ' SHEET INDEX BDm - - 't ICHlor,..,·UNl ~ - l!r>IC... ... ~~~ ...,,..." t...Cs ~ -~ 81' t~ uturr sr:RC:t($) -r.. • _.,,_ LEGEND -- - - -··- ---- ~~-=., """"'"" 1 I rFfl - - -.... - - · - .........olt~ ......c:::IR (OioofOUIIft I , ~ ----••- - - ...... . . t:zl& !': j_ t ·•--- --. . - --- ~ OIICRI'IO.O "'" UHf: r~:.- •ow.< _,._ SCf~f{RLMS ~ ... ,~ SOVr!RI"No£i.S IIHORIIO< - INVERTER ELE VATION DOUBLE SWING GATE N.T.S N.T.S ,N:JIJr'r l'fiOII'OS(O LAND US( "-~···«~~Jil ,..,... /#~~ ' ' ..-. . '".,-'-- r-==-= - - = ----. - """"'"'-''"" ·~,_,.__ · "' ~··,H~'"TI I l.ANIJSC« or Gt)fwT-IiflltM\~ SITE SUMMARY TABLE CMOS'S ICAUoel. C.XISliNCI.NtOUSC• . SII[ P\Nt """""NfU QW)(J ....:111 ~ PARCEL NUMBER MCA OT N£tii$C _;. · . . or ()o <I • IHI 118011( ROoriO ,...#. .34111 ......0 NOf'OS(O • Cl"(RAli()IIW.. ,,.....~u""' too~.- 0AW"PAft ~H(' ~01«0 S£T8oiOtS.. l - . . . l "l ,.., ...T- & . J ' I ' lt .. f"(loo'- ·, r .•LCI - lllf"r' ., "LH 01 _ , ...,. .Mio.V WllfORK SOLAR LLC .»t .: ~~ !m,~"" 'I': -- ____,._ ....... .......~ I '• .. -:,;... . / l.-...t ..--l'_,_, LANDSCAPE NOTES =~• tO tooi. lo.I.Ci()loo IW.ICCL ..... ~.. I a I!Src• ~ 1 I. *""' 10<( JoC)ItfiM I..C NOI'OS!O ~ - fOOt~~ CNCINCERINC SOLUTIONS v.L.t..P tcNe:IAOI.Ot. ""0407<1 QUIWoiCCIQioiSIIIUtll(llo~I[I~YSI~-W. I.ClCCINC • 'ttONL 207-. . .•liU -- \ '( ~· .\' "~-. .,. , ,~OOR ~TI.NC). ME 0.101 \::' , ~,;~ ·'1'. ,_ ,.r \L'1!>' CQNS:TIIIUCTION ..ctur.c:. CON$~101 I 1,2 ·"' , , , ,,'-.... liiAI:MX 1.-$ SOMa: 10 ~ $11[ JI(Q.UMT II~·~~ I , , ,~' I ~~ I 1 - ____.o-..: ....... VICINITY MAP lt!V('RTCR ooOfllli: l " ati,IO• NORTH CAROLINA WAYNE COUNTY The Wayne County Board of Commissioners met in special session on Monday, February 9, 2016 at 8:30a.m. at Lane Tree Conference Center, 2317 Salem Church Road, Goldsboro, North Carolina, after due notice thereof had been given. Members present: William H. Pate, Vice-Chairman; George Wayne Aycock, Jr.; John M. Bell; Edward E. Cromartie; A. Joe Gurley, Ill and E. Ray Mayo. Members absent: Joe Daughtery, Chairman. Call to Order Vice-Chairman William H. Pate called the meeting to order. Invocation Commissioner John M. Bell gave the invocation. Pledge of Allegiance Commissioner E. Ray Mayo led the Board of Commissioners in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. Approval of Agenda Upon motion of Commissioner John M. Bell, the Board ofConunissioners unanimously approved the agenda as presented. Review of Ground Rules Vice-Chairman William H. Pate reviewed the method in which the Board of Commissioners would detennine its goals for calendar year 2016. Update on the Goals for Calendar Year 2015 County Manager George A. Wood reviewed the calendar year 2015 goals, attached hereto as Attaclunent A. At 11 :50 a.m., Vice-Chainnan William H. Pate recessed the meeting for lunch. At 12:50 p.m., Vice-Chairman William H. Pate reconvened the meeting. Approval of Goals for Calendar Year 2016 Each County Commissioner was given the opportunity to add goals for 2016 to the remaining goals for 2015. The Commissioners then voted on their top ten goals for calendar year 20!6. The top goals for calendar year 2016 are attached hereto as Attachment B. Closed Session At 12:51 p.m., upon motion of Commissioner A. Joe Gurley, III, the Board of Commissioners unanimously declared itself in closed session to consult with an attorney employed or retained by the public body in order to preserve the attorney-privilege between the attorney and the public body, which privilege is hereby acknowledged. II At 12:58 p.m., upon motion of Commissioner E. Ray Mayo, the Board of Commissioners unanimously declared itself in open session. Adjournment There being no further business, Vice-Chairman William H. Pate adjourned the meeting at 12:59 p.m. Wayne County Board of Commissioners id.J Attachment A Page 1 WAYNE COUNTY GOVERNMENT GOALS FOR CALENDAR 2015 ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOARD OF ELECTIONS COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE AND SOIL & WATER DISTRICT • Finish the 35% design of the Agriculture Center, and hold the fundraising events for major donors. • Seek federal and state grants and loans for this project. Y-ttdetWi:tj'-: • J.'inish the funuing f'nr the Wayne Regional Agricultural anu Convention Center e----1-}eeide on hmv and \·vhen-te--proceed with final design: desi-gn, bid, build, or--destg&,-ffi4 ~Man-ager will-tle-ve-l-ep-a-fif:l£ea-d-sh€ek't'ith the pros and oons or each method to rresent to tfie Board of.-GefHffli-ss-iotlers-. • Negotiate rental amount with Farm Serv ice Agency for Wayne Regional Agricultural and Convention Center. • IIirc di rector for the Wayne Regional Agricultura l and Convention Center. Di scuss hire date with arch itect at appropriate time and recommend hire date to the ful l Board of Commissioners. • Dc\·clop policies and procedures fo r the Wayne Regional /\gricultural anJ C'omcntion Center. • Select furnishings for the Wayne Regional Agricultural and Com ention Center. •- -he:v-y-H:l:e-l-o/it-€H-Hnt.:yw~Ele-room-+w.ffi·t*ffiey-{-H*-· •· - bf:eaw 4e-Wtty-H e-GB un-t:y~ t-:oori-sm-J.), mak7lti-ttg-!-fte--G+ty-ef f:i~-tkJsee-re-'-s- :-l-ML8!-atltt+tH·tftsm <:.~H»e-i-1-as-ffi~hle-fe-reasy E1eci sioo-rnak-~ng fffi-+Hat:ke~-Necd-k+-Eletermffie-.flm v-wt.'-Wi+l-m arkel Wtty-RettHm-1-y-,- -N-ee-d--to ~-ne--t:e-rH:ts- attd repretJe-ntat~~-ffH:l·~tp-wi-t-4-Gtt-y-ef..{ffildsB~ftl~ COURTS (SUPERIOR AND DISTRICT) • Finish installing the acoustical panels in Courtroom # 1. • Determine appropriate level of security personnel for the eourtrooms. - f lni-sfl-reAfw-a-t-H.-ttts--1-<+-eoo-tt--fae-i litieu as tliscussetl-'>-v--it-h-.1-llilge-Ame-k:i+)..-Je-ne-!r,-th {.-l-fHNF-Wfry-:- DAY REPORTING CENTER • Mire new director. • Need tn increase program participants. DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES • Continue implementing State required electronic recordkeeping, and upgrade our e~ softvvare. Ntwtl1-wHetb--t-~B--A:'1-vare-_fH.l-tt-A.-ased,-u-A-d-wtl-l-Ae-iffitHememetl-hy-P-e-B-rua-Fy:-MJ-l4 • Determine office space needs, and work with the Facilities Committee to include it in a Major Facilities Plan. This should include three of the six floors of the Borden Building 13 Attachment A Page2 currently leased by Eastpointe. That lease '\Vill expire in JuRe 2016. l-f-has-tre~Rte-k'U-Ves l-ffiffien- J~u~W it~~y,-Je1:€HH-i-R€--wfi-at·-Ufl-i+s--t-fie-.l--)eraf-ttRe-Rl-Bf.Soci al ~erv-iw.rea-n-meve te--n~--l-4!-i-hli-Hg.,...- (He-reeft-l.-fui-klffig-w·i-l+-Ho·t--ftf.»&-a~e-itth-~f-\.:.iee-s-erRf!-l eyee-s-:-) ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SEYMOUR JOHNSON AIR FORCE BASE SUPPORT ContiRue support for Seymour Johnson Air Force Base by hiring state and national lobbyists to monitor proposed legislation or administrative decisions that could impact the missions at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base. Continue to voice our opposition to North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources regarding their upcoming decision OR the Pantego Wind Proj ect, and other '.vind turbine projects that conflict with military trainiRg routes, particularly as they relate to the Dare County Bombing Range. • • HIGHWAY 70 CORRIDOR COMMISSION WAYNE COUNTY DEVELOPMENT ALLIANCE, INC. • - Continue to develop potential properties for industrial parks. Look at the Old Cherry Hospital site after the new hospital opens. Assist Wayne Community College in renovating the proposed Advanced Manufacturing Center for occupancy in the fall. Budget for the additioRal expenses to operate the Advancing Manufacturing Center. A.fter-!lat-ility-&wviees· stuff revie-w,-4-Re-Waytw Gt~e-i-Htie-s-(-:.eHlm-f.Hee-wH+-t~vtew-phase-by-f~hase itemi?.eJ li!;t of exact -Re€~ oost-R-~~ -ge-l-Ati-\-4:1!-~-R-g- -b<...'"'R-I:er-B-J')eru+i-t~~~-ffiaFtl-e-t. - (c;efftmi-Hs-it1Fteft<-ft:)f--6\Hlst6em-t:H.m: Afl"flw ve in centives--J.m~--a-fl.e-r-reOO!fHt-rern:kti:-ie-R-frtHR--Way-Ae- Co tl nty Dt->.¥e-1Bpmen t AJ..I-i.a.Ree-:.._.Negotiale agt=ee-HH~fllS-BfH}j71 iHing cost~~-e~al-paFk-infrostruuture w+lh-bity, afH:l-ltav-e-Wa-yH-e-Gfn-mt-y-Devel{.,pment A l+i.-afl€-e-fe:i-m-b\.:lFse--fet-t:fle.-i-nfrastf-uellife fFom flAA't-lli-tm-laml !;ale-:-- Concept has--lteett-presen-t.-e&.-·-Net."tl--tB-fi nalize ne-ge-tiftt.i.B.n&. .. --J)et-'-ffi.e-v,.<fle.l:l-~er-te-jt+in--t-fle.-r~tilt-.eas-t-N C All iaRc-e-i A- at!Jiti!ffi-~ ~:~:rtenl-Nefthen5t A-l+tanee-.---Way-Re--GBuffiy·+k-\<eft-~-Atl-i:-a:nee--kHna-ke-a-r-ewmfneFtEI-atiBn-kJ--t..fle-Boartl ef~iteyiooCflr. FACILITY SERVICES/MAINTENANCE • Formally organi:z.e fleet management as an internal service fund, and begiR securing additional equipment for servicing more of our fleet internally, rather than using private veRdors. • Provide construction day to day inspection services for the satellite jail project. • Continue to participate OR the Jail Advisory Group and the Agriculture Center Adv-isar-y Group. • • Continue to identify and complete major maintenance projects. Develop a Major Facilities Plan to address office space needs in several departments, particularly in Department of Social Services, Public Health, the E-9 11 Center, Emergency Medical Services stations, and the Adult Probation Office. t+ Attachment A Page 3 - (;mrecl aidlH-\"v-itt-i4 Vr\C at ~+ee.le--Mem{H:tal-1 ri8Fttry-:-Meeltani€UI hired. <mg-iHeer~eeA FINANCE DEPARTMENT • Prepare the fiscal year 20 16 budget using the nev1 budget format that gave more detailed information on the various funds, matched reYenues to e)£peaditures in each fund, and provided more information on the major issues to be addressed. • UpdaH!-El~tailed debt--service schedules for school and county general long term debt, including the new satellite jail. • Complete the 20 15 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report '•vitk another clean audit, and keep e>£penditures well below budgeted amounts. • Prepare a bond issuance package for the satellite jail, and obtain Local Government Commission approval. • Participate in selection of a medical insurance broker to help design our self insured medical insurance program, and negotiate the fees for tke third party administrator and the reinsurance policy. Selection will take place in January 2015. • Assist Human Resources and Information Technology ia a detailed review of dependent health insurance coverages and premium deductions. • Assist Human Resources and Information Technology in a detailed review of the 2% matching 401 -K contributions policy and implementation. • Refine the existing investment policy to improve our interest income, while keeping safety of principal as the first priority. • Have department managers eKamine ways to reduce costs when feasible. HEALTH DEPARTMENT • Work with the Facilities Committee on determining office/lab space needs, and how best to address them in the Major Facilities Plan. (See Facilities Management above.) • J.f -liepaFtment o-r-s~~a+ Serviee~ mtwes-enlployeetlto BonleH ·-g.H.ft<:titlg--ea-Flic-r-Jue-4:B !-<ttstJ*Hlt:&+ne~ffig el:lttwi{-l-F -te JrHte--2-A-l6,-l=t H'€-af}-are-h·ile€-K-fl J el:-e-R-nine Reedfre-f+leal ttl !-:)efi:H:t-mem--i-n l~tv (:-).fftt*)--gooa ifl.g-; HUMAN RESOURCES • Assure continued compliance with the North Carolina Local Government Employees Retirement System regulation that any employee 'NorkiRg 1,000 or more hours in a year must be enrolled in the system. • Assure continued compliancHvith the Affordable Care Act's requirement that anyone working 30 hours or more must be offered medical insuraHce. • Assure continued compliance with the North Carolina Local Governmental Empleyee-: Retirement System regulation for anyone who has retired from the system and goes back to work for Wayne County cannot work more than 1,000 hours per year, and cannot earn pay exceeding 50% af-his/her final 12 months' compensation retirement, whichever is greater. • Conduct quarterly reviews of all open 'Norkers compensation cases with the claims administrator. 15 Attachment A Page4 • • • • • • • • • • • Conduct periodic reviews with the nev1 medical insurance broker to determine the causes of medical claims, and possible ways to decrease them. Offer Gateway the opportunity to participate in our Workers Compensation Program in order to cut their annual costs by at least $20,000. Complete a detailed reviev1 of employees' dependent healtH. insurance enrollments aRd billing to assure the billing is correct. Review and update the PositioR Classification and Pay Plaa, and present to tbe BOG for formal adoption. Continue the nev1 policy of>.veekly, instead of monthly, new bire orieRtations. Review and confirm that each position classified as exempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act is correct, and denote which exemption applies. Have this listing approved by resolution of the Board of Commissioners. Review and confirm the use of fluctuating overtime in tbe emergency Medical Services and E 911 departments. Conduct more safety and other workforce training. Develop a certification promotion policy. Oe'lelop bonus/pay plan Address 4 day work week where needed. l:ffiBet:way . Should com~et&-~ef*em-hef ;ua-:) . .____ ~-e IorrC:lfld-tmp-lemeR-l-aH-e~~'e<..>-evaJ.uat-i Ofl-Sj'St em:- ~arms- tlflti-4-r-a-inffig-<..~rnpletse' l~lttai:Htfts-ure-tfRB~wa-y,- • Review of all employee positions to deliver services efficieRcy and effectively. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT • l'untinUl' to implement the sen cr 'i rtualim tinn project. • ( O IH"j-) l~le Wftfk-oo.-a-V-(flt! rlmoo-sysl-eA1 • AtT:;tst +hHllaft R-ef,OOr.£e!rttAd +ffittfloo-i lt ooth the--&o/o--4tl-l-K-aJH.l- t-he--th.'·PI...'f1WAl-metltl-'fl~ if tsHFafl£C • detailed rc¥ie-v.~, . htstall-tH:~w-n-i-r-Btmdttiootng;-cl~t;·t+i-sttl -\vtri-A-g-, up geOOfttk:tr ft+F-lfl£ 1-+ata { ~Hier. h->ffi tH-ine-need- ~f- ifH.i.He-e-tH-tltA-g-7 WAYNE EXECUTIVE JETPORT • • Implement full after hours use of the terminal buildiRg ana automated self fueling. Make a decision on allowing a sky-diving school, making sure it does not conflict in any way with the operations or missions of Seymour Johnson Air Force Base. 1\pplicant ha-> • Complete the engineering plans for the drainage improvement project, and pursue any state or federal funding to complete the work. ~-\v-if.l...k~ele itt ~ol:l{ HttHtthlf, .\~' t-lfk -\\':ill l~ffi....REH:I-s&: • ~etltt-Btl-1 Rettuest-t{:lf-Qttati+i-~t)-Jts- ~~I'- ("ngineef1 A-g-seT\~ tabl ed appli cation . • Review and approve the proposed rules and regulations for tbe \Vayne EKecutive Jetport . .__Bid n i:H t~+tfl-:4-t~-fcw i ali-on iitltl- jet-Iuelt-ne-w-l-ltat tK-~d-hel'\ ite Hlel+n ~P; o-pe-rat ~Hna+ • Update Capital Improvement Plan, ·which \'l•ill include TraRsportation Improvement Plan and North Carolina's eastern Region monies. /G Attachment A Page 5 • • Increase marketing oppllrlttnitics at Wayne Fxcc uli,·c Jctpnrt Airport minimum standards LIBRARY SYSTEM LITERACY PROGRAM MUSEUM PARKS AND RECREATION CONTRIBUTION MENTAL HEALTH • Monitor the full implementation of the individual and employer mandates (Affordable Care Aet) and the possible expansion of Medicaid by the North Carolina General Assembly to determine insurability for mental health services. • The county will be through 't\'ith the Eastpointe lease of the Borden B1::1ilding at the eRd of June, 2016. Consequently, the county can plan on freeiRg 1:1p three ofthe six floors for use by either the Department of Social Services or Health Departmf:lnt in appre>timalely 18 months. The building is in e>ccellent shape. • Continue to monitor the possible merger with other MCOs (managed care organizations) in eastern North Carolina. • ln\'ite l·.astpomte CEO Ken Jones to Board of Commissioners meeting to discuss Mcntdl l lcalth funding OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES • Implement administrative policies for the Emergency Services Cost Recovery Ordinance, which allows the affected departments to bill responsible parties for large clean-up and other unusual responses. These events can have a huge impact on smaller agencies' budgets Way. ne Count ~ h rcfi ghters Assoctat iou to rc\ icw forms E-911 SYSTEM ·• Review the staffing levels recommended in the E 911 study and develop a plan to address any needed changes. • Include the facility space needs from the study in the Major Facilities Plan, and apply for State E 911 Board funding to offset the major portion of this cost. • De\ clop a hackup pub lic sakty answering point (PSt\ P) plan to comply wit h SH 7Y7 (20 14) In progress. PUBLIC SAFETY RADIO SYSTEM • Complete the performance and acceptance testing ofthis system and place in-ej3eratton by early April at the latest. FIRE MARSHAL • \\'ork with the Purchasing Agent to conduct a live auction restricted to the volunteer fire departments in, or serving Wayne County, of the surplHs equipment at Pine·wood Volunteer Fire Department now ovmed by the county. Proceeds will help repay the outstanding debt. The county wi+J.-oo.n-tinue to use the sta-tiB-n--as-afi--Bmer.geHcy Medical Services station. EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES • Complete an Emergency Medical Services station location study for the entire county, which will guide future station locations as funding permits. There are some areas that still have a longer than desired response time. Work with the Wayne County Facilities ll Attachment A Page 6 Committee to include this in the Major Facilities Plan. Study completed. Need tu \\ork \\'ilh \\'a; ne County Fac ilities Commilt~e on recommcnualion. • Remount additional ambulances on new chassis as required, which is considerably cheaper than new ambulances. • Continue to work with Wayne Memorial Hospital, Emergency Management, Wayne County Sheriffs Office, fire departments, and other emergeacy responders to refine protocols, secure training, and obtain equipment for possible Ebola patient care. o Revie'>'t' the staffing levels of the Emergeney-Mediool-Serviees in terms of number of Emergency Medical Technician Paramedics versus Emergeacy Medical Technician Basics and Emergency Medical Technician Intermediates and develop a plan to address any needed changes. • Stud) lc a-;ihility ol communi t~ pcttamcuic program NON-EMERGENCY MEDICAL TRANSPORT FACILITIES SECURITY • Continue to work \Vith the jail architect on the security system. • -Qe~fm-i-Ae--t:tSage of former Pinewood Fire QepHrl:menl facili~y- l-er-+1fl&-emergeney metlicnltran!;port facility PLANNING, GIS, AND INSPECTIONS • Continue to review petitions as received, for street lighting special assessments in remaining de annexed subdivisions. Three have been received thus far. • Receive aad discuss next steps in the Dewberry Associates study of the utility system providers in and around the new intersections created by the new US 70 construction. The repurl will be received in February, 2015. • Finish the update to the AICUZ (Air Installation Compatible Use Zone) plan around Seymour Johnson Air Force Base. Should be ready for discussion in early spring 2016. Appointtncnls \\'ere Lkl ayed b) federal go\'CliUllCnt. Study now underway . • Continue participation in the federal government's Joint Land Use Study for Seymour Johnson Air Force Base and the Dare Bombing Range, including the military training routes connecting them. • Develop policy on creating special tax districts on gettiHg subdivision roads eligible to be a state maintained road. 0~~ ,.vfil!en-U$UFRfK.~ f£Hm-Ne-rl:fl-ba£-Biioo Hepaffil-lool of :.j. ru R-SflOflitt-i o-A--suhtlt-v+s itlfl r+>oos-- w~I--1-Be--ffik eA t-)-vor---as-!JIate ma-i-Rk!meu FtHitts.,-Am-end the Subdivision Ordinance to insert on subdivision plat a statement signed by the subdivision developer that he agrees to maintain the roads until accepted into the NC DOT Secondary Highway System. • Completion of amending Wayne County Outdoor Advet1ising Ordinance • Work with North Carolina Department of Transportation on marketing Wayne County at entryways into county. Signagi.' wa<> hucl gcted anJ applicat ion fii<'cl. • Address minimum housing code. Adupl state minimum housing code. • i\dd rc's noi'C' ordinall t'l'. • Address junk car ordinance. ---I-H-t~ AI..'\-\ PlttnniA-g; DiR!elor. • ,\ Jdn.:'" nwhik home p<Hk lltd inancc ICb Attachment A Page 7 • \ddrcss Spec ial EYenh Ordinance. • fklcnn inc if tnonC) is a\ ailablc to get I id ()('abandoned mohiJc lh)J1lCS in CO tlllt) . ..\ fief -oo.w-P-1-tlftning Dire€h:*- is-fl-iTetl, ~·o r-nt-a-tHntmiHee-t-e decide Hn-IJ.le ~~ue -; wrnch • fH:le4-t:t-1-~'e-a4:ifessed. PUBLIC EDUCATION: COUNTY K-12 SYSTEM • • • Continue to work with the Wayne County Board of Education on their construction of tw&+lew-middle--schools, and over $12,300,000 of other school renovations and e>cpanslOns. l'i nish construction nftfle+>.VB--tnidtl~e-He-l'ltH}I-s ttnd the \·\ astcwatcr systems. Rc\ iC\\ Capital Impru\'cmcnt Plan with Wayne County Hoard of J jducation Chairman and Supcrintcmknt to dctenntnc needs using propnsed upcoming stale bonds fundi> PUBLIC EDUCATION: WAYNE COMMUNITY COLLEGE • Continue to work with Wayne Community College and the Wayne County Development Alliance to renovate and occupy the Advanced Manufacturing Center. The Wayne County Development Alliance will own the property, and lease it to Wayne Community College for a dollar a year. Most of the equipment is already purchased, and is spread out in several buildings on campus. Once it is centralized iR the new facility, over 22,000 square feet of classroom space at the \VayRe Community College campus will be available for other programs. The additioRal operatiRg costs for this facility (about $270,000) \Nil! be a sigRificaRt new e>cpense for the Cotmty in fiscal year 2015 2016. • Address traiRiRg for the over 18 year olds vlith Workforce Development. • J~-\:lli-s.ft-C~tt-a-1-l-tnfH·flvemeHl P-lan needs l*w prHr~tl--uf*.'HmH--.g- st-ate--1-lt-HH:l +s..,ue • Gel a s<·~..:ond opinion on the need for a power plant PUBL IC AFFAIRS OFFICE • Work with InformatioR Technology OR a proposal to upgrade the county's website. e-t-1-H=e a teuflni-sta&-io ilf*>is+- Wa-J+Ie t\lk~ . • hmn a working group on ho\\ be~l to ma1kel Wayne Count) . • ~ HtAtl afd 1-1-e-sffieE:iu-1 e fiH- \\A-H--V: . PUBL IC SAFETY • Gemplete full design, specificatioAs, eoAtract documents aRd permittiAg on the new Satellite Jail by the spring, aRd then bid it out for construction. We aAticipate that with the $5,000,000 in fund balance set aside for this project, and over $1,100,000 annually--in debt service being fully repaid iA four years, this capital cost can be handled without a talc increase by financing it over 20 years. Operating costs will be handled by the $900,000 annually budgeted now for housing inmates in other jails, and by our then charging other counties to house some of their inmates in our new facility. For example, if we charged $40 per day, for an average of 100 inmates, for 365 days, that would generate $1,460,000. • CoRtiRue to upgrade the Sheriffs Office vehicle fleet OR a replacement schedule. • The Sheriff started usiAg inmate labor to cleaR the road rights of way. He has plaRs to 6*f*H'I.d that program iA FY 2016. Attachment A Page 8 • ---l:-).(...,:e-lop a spe0iu l-8-lnH'. t-a"'ik loR..'-8 ~:& IBBtltHHli*OPerl~ e+-tmes MEDICAL EXAMINER PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM (GWTA/GATEWAY) • Monitor the sufficiency of the existing rat:e structure and adjust rates and/or a General fund subsidy as needed to keep our Department of Social Services and Services on Aging transportation programs in compliance with both Medicaid and Area Agency on Aging. Both are satisfied with the current rates. • Continue to work ·.vith GATEWAY/GWTA using the agreed upon procedures to streamline the billing and reconciliation process, using software that: allows Department of Social Services and Services on Aging to pre approve the trips electronically. • Working on a policy to use the county' s Workers Compensation Program, which will save at least $20,000. • The City of Goldsboro is constructing the Transfer Station for new offices, and possible overnight parking of vehicles. Need to determine our participation in this project. • County Atlorney has drafted the lease agreement between GA'l HWA Y/OWTA and the Cit) of CloiJ shorn, which inc ludes the county's payments. Needs O.t\ I HWA Y/Ci\V l A anJ the Cit) oU1oldsbnro 's approval, then send to the count) to appro\'C. ·1he county's annual payment is in the fi scal year 20 I 5-20 16 budget. hxamine the feasibi lily of a northem and southern fi xed route. REGISTER OF DEEDS - Gl:\ange- w+tle pat~er-(~f-Stl-l::KH¥-isioR-f!la+ mar-s-)-GoAttaet-t& 1-o~thwa-('<vhiuh has the re"'t nf.the t.::(--Hifl~- ·-s ~in<-w•). which will-sa-ve u- eo-ns«k-mb-le amtHJfl~ Hf m-tHlt.:J: SERVICES ON AGING • See impact of transportation rates in Public Transportation above. • Continue to increase utilization of the new Peggy Seegars Senior Center. e--1-l+F£- reftlooe-R1e-n~--EI-ifeB-lof- ft}r&"f-vi ee-s-on Aging-; SEWER SYSTEM • Need to replace the existing piping from US Highway 11 7 to our sewer pump station, as the line is l 0 feet deep in soupy soils that will not allow for a stable rock bed. The Wayne County facilities Committee will be discussing this at its January meeting, and will have a recommendation shortly for the Board of Commissioners. A ~1:or-Hs-i-Rg--se-\¥el eat+le-Fa, ~Re>i~i-ties-6-ffiltnti-He€-Aa-:;.-ve~e&-tl el.--tB-f~ffiee-l-\:l~ • l la' e idenlilit.:d eight conned ion points to our sewer s> stt:rn h~ Cit) or Ooldsborn, c;.; outhcrn \\ aync San itar;. District and the Southeastern \\'a~ nc Sa nita r~ District based upun mapping !'wtn all thrcc t.:nmpikJ by 01 11 CI IS Di\ ision. Ne~d to install se\Yer meters to determ i ne location ori n nnwand infi ltration su \\ C can repair. ITa\'e stat1ed the procc-..-.. to aprll ) l'ot a Stale Rc\ O]Ying hmd loan fo r this work, as the deadline i::. soon. SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL • Continue to replace heavy equipment as needed. Compare purchasing vs. lease purchasing. Attachment A Page 9 • Will provide dirt and its transportation from the landfill to tne new satellite jail site once construction begins. TAX DEPARTMENT • Implement the budgeted software upgrade in the fall, after deciding to bill using the old software to minimi:z;e any problems. VETERANS SERVICES OFFICE e--I-ffil*O¥e--€-ustomer service levels through five day office hm1rs and improved communications. OUTSIDE AGENCIES • Continue to '.vork opportunistically with other agencies in a cooperative, constructive manner to enhance the community. Be open to possibilities to help. • Develop a policy for a fair way of handling funding for aon profits. • Work out a solution to Busco Beach with the City of GolJ shnrn on land, anJ the O\\'ncr. Make Busco Beach a J esti nation site. OTHER GOALS DISCUSSION • A.ddress anJ focus on improving the quality of life in Wayne County. • Utilizing technology to make Wayne County financia l infcnmat ion more unJerstandable for citi;:ens on-line. • Utili:;atinn of\ ideo con[ercncing for on-line employee medi cal vi sits. • 1Jtil intion of I Icallh Department clini cs and pharmacy for emp!o) res . • ( 'heck Wa\'nc Ctllll1t\- 1\nimal Control Ordinances \\'i th N 01 th Caroli na Clenera l Statutes to make sure \Va)nC l'ounl) ordinances prntect animals as much as possihle. • lm cstigat<..: impmY ing emergency room care opportunities in areas ul' thc county ouhidc of' Gnld<:horo. • Re\ ie\\ \·ehiclc model schedule and assigned employees in an cfl'o n to downsize \'chi cle n cet. • Plan to reduce the numher of menta l health patien ts in jail. cAl Attachment B Page 1 WAYNE COUNTY GOVERNMENT GOALS FOR CALENDAR 2016 APPROVED FEBRUARY 9, 2016 The red numbers in brackets denote the number of votes each item received out of a possible 6 votes. Chairman Daughtery was absent due to medical reasons. They are listed in order from highest votes to lowest votes. There are 33 of these goals. • • • • • • • • • Develop a Major Facilities Plan to address office space needs in several departments, particularly in Department of Social Services, Public Health, the E-911 Center, Emergency Medical Services stations, and the Adult and Juvenile Probation Offices. (4) plus 3 more that were voted for the EMS stations alone. Form a working group on how best to market Wayne County. Hire a marketing director or contract with an outside source to market all of Wayne County. Invite local governments/counties with good marketing and communications programs to present their programs to a working group. (4) Continue the solid working relationship with Wayne County Public Schools. Look at covering state raises for employees not covered by the State' s funding formula. Address technology in Wayne County Public Schools with a new appropriation in the budget that is earmarked for technology. Indicate support of performing arts program at Goldsboro High School. (4) Hire staff attorney and paralegal (clerical) to work under the supervision of the County Attorney. (3) Finish the funding for the Wayne Regional Agricultural and Convention Center. Negotiate rental amount with Farm Service Agency for Wayne Regional Agricultural and Convention Center. Hire director for the Wayne Regional Agricultural and Convention Center. Discuss hire date with architect at appropriate time and recommend hire date to the full Board of Commissioners. Develop policies and procedures for the Wayne Regional Agricultural and Convention Center. Select furnishings for the Wayne Regional Agricultural and Convention Center. (3) Review organizational structure in Office of Emergency Services, Finance and Human Resources. (3) Develop a backup public safety answering point (PSAP) plan to comply with SB 797 (2014). In progress. (3) Discussion/study of a replacement library to serve northern Wayne County. (2) Lobby for legislation to change NCDOT policies on subdivision street acceptance into the State Secondary Highway System. Request NCACC to add this as a legislative goal. (2) • • • • Finish construction of the wastewater system at Grantham MS. (2) Examine the feasibility of a Gateway northern and southern fixed route. (2) Have identified eight connection points to our sewer system by City of Goldsboro, Southern Wayne Sanitary District and the Southeastern Wayne Sanitary District based upon mapping from all three compiled by our GIS Division. Need to install sewer meters to determine location of inflow and infiltration so we can repair. Have received an $820,000 loan for renovations from the State Revolving Fund. (2) Work out a solution to Busco Beach with the City of Goldsboro on land, and the owner. Attachment B Page 2 Make Busco Beach a destination site. (2) • Develop community based apprenticeship program for unemployed and underemployed. Local, state, federal and grant funding needed. Non-traditional approach to training with skilled role models. Check with Wayne Community College, Employment Security Commission and other agencies for training opportunities to cover this population. (2) DAY REPORTING CENTER • Need to increase program participants. ( 1) e SEYMOUR JOHNSON AIR FORCE BASE SUPPORT (1) • Continue to develop potential properties for industrial parks. Underway. ( 1) • Schedule two separate work sessions for the budget- one for internal departments and one for outside agencies, schools, and the community college. ( I ) • Analysis of financial and human resources software (GEMS upgrade or another software) in calendar 2017. ( I) • Continue to examine pay plan - merit increase and/or separate pool of money for reclassification of some positions. ( 1) • Continue to implement the server virtualization project. ( I ) • Increase marketing opportunities at the Wayne Executive Jetport. ( I ) • LITERACY PROGRAM (1) • Continue to monitor the possible merger with other MCOs (managed care organizations) in eastern North Carolina. ( 1) • Study feasibility of community paramedic program. ( I ) • Address minimum housing code. Adopt state minimum housing code. Address noise ordinance. Address junk car ordinance. Address mobile home park ordinance. Address Special Events Ordinance. Determine if money is available to get rid of abandoned mobile homes in county. ( I ) • Survey interest in wireless Internet service throughout the entire county for countywide Internet service. ( I ) • Develop a security assessment at the Veterans Affairs Office. ( 1) • Offer assistance to municipalities. ( 1) • Continuation of WATCH services and van concern by citizens. ( 1) • Continue to work with Wayne Community College and the Wayne County Development Alliance to renovate and occupy the Advanced Manufacturing Center. ( 1) • Legislation to remove felony notation on job applications if a previous felony conviction was 10 years prior. Promote the existing tax credit for hiring ex -offenders. ( 1) • Review vehicle model schedule and assigned employees in an effort to downsize vehicle fleet. ( I ) In addition to the goals receiving votes, some potential goals received no votes, but are already being worked on. We will continue these goals to completion as well in calendar 2016. There are 11 ofthese goals. • Negotiate agreements on splitting costs of any industrial park infrastructure with City, and have Wayne County Development Alliance reimburse for the infrastructure from profits on land sale. Concept has been presented. Need to finalize negotiations. Attachment B Page 3 • • • • • • • • • • Assist Human Resources and Information Technology in a detailed review of the 2% matching 401-K contributions policy and implementation. Refine the existing investment policy to improve our interest income, while keeping safety of principal as the first priority. Review and confirm that each position classified as exempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act is correct, and denote which exemption applies. Have this listing approved by resolution of the Board of Commissioners. Conduct more safety and other workforce training. Develop a certification promotion policy. Implement administrative policies for the Emergency Services Cost Recovery Ordinance, which allows the affected departments to bill responsible parties for large clean-up and other unusual responses. These events can have a huge impact on smaller agencies' budgets. Wayne County Firefighters Association to review forms. Finish the update to the AICUZ (Air Installation Compatible Use Zone) plan around Seymour Johnson Air Force Base. Should be ready for discussion in early spring 2016. Appointments were delayed by federal government. Study now underway. Continue participation in the federal government's Joint Land Use Study for Seymour Johnson Air Force Base and the Dare Bombing Range, including the military training routes connecting them. Work with North Carolina Department of Transportation on marketing Wayne County at entryways into county. Signage was budgeted and application filed. County Attorney has drafted the lease agreement between GATEWAY/GWTA and the City of Goldsboro, which includes the county's payments. Needs GATEW AY/GWTA and the City of Goldsboro's approval, then send to the county to approve. The county's annual payment is in the fiscal year 2015-2016 budget. The following items received no votes, and therefore will not be considered in calendar 2016. They remain on the list as future possible goals for your consideration. ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOARD OF ELECTIONS COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE AND SOIL & WATER DISTRICT COURTS (SUPERIOR AND DISTRICT) DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT HIGHWAY 70 CORRIDOR COMMISSION Attachment B Page 4 WAYNE COUNTY DEVELOPMENT ALLIANCE, INC. FACILlTY SERVICES/MAINTENANCE Continue to identify and complete major maintenance projects. o FINANCE DEPARTMENT HEALTH DEPARTMENT HUMAN RESOURCES INFORMATlON TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT WAYNE EXECUTlVE JETPORT o Airport minimum standards LlBRARY SYSTEM MUSEUM PARKS AND RECREATION CONTRIBUTlON MENTAL HEALTH o Invite Eastpointe CEO to Board of Commissioners meeting to discuss Mental Health funding. OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES E-911 SYSTEM PUBLlC SAFETY RADIO SYSTEM FIRE MARSHAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES NON-EMERGENCY MEDICAL TRANSPORT FACILITIES SECURITY PLANNING, GIS, AND INSPECTIONS PUBLlC EDUCATION: COUNTY K-12 SYSTEM • Review Capital Improvement Plan with Wayne County Board of Education Chairman and Superintendent to determine needs. PUBLIC EDUCATlON: WAYNE COMMUNITY COLLEGE o Get a second opinion on the need for a power plant. PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFICE PUBLIC SAFETY Attachment B Page 5 MEDICAL EXAMINER PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM (GWT A/GATEWAY) REGISTER OF DEEDS SERVICES ON AGING SEWER SYSTEM SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL TAX DEPARTMENT VETERANS SERVICES OFFICE OUTSIDE AGENCIES OTHER POSSIBLE GOALS • Address and focus on improving the quality of life in Wayne County. o Utilizing technology to make Wayne County financial information more understandable for citizens on-line. • Utilization of video conferencing for on-line employee medical visits. • Utilization of Health Department clinics and pharmacy for employees. o Check Wayne County Animal Control Ordinances with North Carolina General Statutes to make sure Wayne County ordinances protect animals as much as possible. • Investigate improving emergency room care opportunities in areas of the county outside of Goldsboro. o Plan to reduce the number of mental health patients in jail. • Resolution to legislators to protect raises to state employees. Request NCACC assistance. o State of Wayne County quarterly meetings with other elected officials to discuss issues. o Four-lane Wayne Memorial Drive to new Goldsboro Bypass. NORTH CAROLINA WAYNE COUNTY The Wayne County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, February 16,2016 at 9:00a.m. in the Commissioners Meeting Room in the Wayne County Courthouse Atmex, Goldsboro, North Carolina, after due notice thereof had been given. Members present: William H. Pate, Vice-Chairman; George Wayne Aycock, Jr.; John M. Bell; Edward E. Cromartie; A. Joe Gurley, Ill and E. Ray Mayo. Members absent Joe Daughtery, Chairman. Work Session During the scheduled briefing and prior to the regularly scheduled meeting, the Board of Commissioners held an advertised work session to discuss the items of business on the agenda. Closed Session At 8:13 a.m., upon motion of Commissioner E. Ray Mayo, the Board of Commissioners unanimously the Board of Commissioners unanimously declared itself in closed session to consult with an attorney employed or retained by the public body in order to preserve the attorney~privilege between the attorney and the public body, which privilege is hereby acknowledged. At 8:59a.m., upon motion of Commissioner E. Ray Mayo, the Board of Commissioners unanimously declared itself in regular session. Call to Order Vice-Chairman William H. Pate called the meeting of the Wayne County Board of Commissioners to order. Invocation Wayne County Sheriffs Office Chaplain W. C. Hutchins gave the invocation. Pledge of Allegiance Commissioner Jolm M. Bell led the Board of Commissioners in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. Approval of Minutes Upon motion of Commissioner George Wayne Aycock, Jr., the Board of Commissioners unanimously approved the minutes of the special session of the Board of Commissioners on February 1, 2016 and the regular session of the Board of Commissioners on February 2, 2016. Discussion/Adjustment of Agenda Vice-Chairman William H. Pate adjusted the agenda by adding Intergovernmental Agency Agreement and Contract with the Town of Fremont to Unfinished Business and by adding County Manager's Comments for the Street Assessment for Canterbury Village and North Creek Subdivisions Update. Street Assessment for Canterburr Village and North Creek Subdivisions Update County Manager George A. Wood stated the Board of Commissioners would hold the scheduled public hearing on March I, 2016 at 9:30a.m. to receive public comments on the street assessment for Canterbury Village and North Creek subdivisions. The Board of Commissioners will not take action following the public hearing on the street assessment. It is the intention of the Board of Commissioners on March 1, 2016 to recess the public hearing to a date and time certain to allow the Board of Commissioners to examine its options concerning the street assessment. The property owners in Canterbury Village and North Creek subdivisions will be allowed to state at the recessed portion of the public hearing if they wish to keep the name on the petition or if they wish to add their name to the petition. Special Recognition -Myra Jones Retirement Plague Social Services Adult and Children's Services Program Manager Stephen Potter presented an engraved plaque to Myra Jones with the Department of Social Services in appreciation of her dedicated service as a county employee. Mrs. Jones began working with the County of Wayne on September 26, 1983 and will retire on February 29, 2016. The Board of Commissioners wished Myra Jones well in her retirement. Special Recognition -Audrey N. Williams Retirement Plague Health Department Nutrition Program Director Stephanie Howard presented an engraved plaque to Audrey N. Williams with the Health Department in appreciation of her dedicated service as a county employee. Mrs. Williams began working with the County of Wayne on June 1, 1988 and will retire on February 29, 2016. The Board of Commissioners wished Audrey N. Williams well in her retirement. Special Recognition- Employee Service Pins The Board of Commissioners recognized the following employees for their service to the County of Wayne and presented service pins to those present: • Thirty-five years- Evelyn Coley • Twenty years- Mary J. Bryant, KeiUleth W. Grice, Carter Hicks, Sandra K. Outlaw, Donna D. Phillips, Sally A. Sayer, Debbie F. Taylor and Kevin Whitley • Fifteen years- Danny G. Price • Ten years- Tina M. Arnder, Jacqueline S. Barnett, John R. Beaman, Matthew Buebe, Charles D. Faison, Douglas M. Honeycutt, Maria G. Jaramillo Niel, Sheila M. Pridgen, Jason Sasser and Julie Sutton • Five years- Pat Gamer, Tracy Mayo, Regina} L. Reid and Linda D. Williamson • One year- Heather B. Allen, Victoria E. Antoniak, Lisa Barker, Christopher 0. Best, Jonathan D. Griffin, Kristin M. Kelly, Shalysia R. Leonard, Keith 0. Lofton, Marcus McCarson, Michael J. O'Brien, Pilar Lavern R. Parks, Kelsey A. Rogers, Merisha S. Simmons, Hunter A. Spell, Philmina Thompson, Jessica Wolfe and Sarah B. Woodard Public Comments Angela Hart questioned if it was a conflict of interest for the head of the Facilities Department to run their own construction and management company called Kendall Lee Construction out of Mount Olive. She also questioned if the employee was conducting personal business during county business hours and using his county vehicle for personal business. She questioned the electrical safety of county facilities. Appointment Wayne County Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee Upon motion of Commissioner A. Joe Gurley, III, the Board of Commissioners unanimously appointed Aldea LaParr to the Wayne County Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee. Ms. LaParr's term will expire on February 15, 2017. ,:f,B Appointment- Wayne Countv Nursing Home Communi tv Advisory Committee Upon motion of Commissioner A. Joe Gurley, III, the Board of Commissioners unanimously reappointed Hazel L. Best, Dorothy Athenia J. Owens, Bessie E. Scott and Clarence Smith to the Wayne County Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee. The terms of Hazel L. Best, Dorothy Athenia J. Owens, Bessie E. Scott and Clarence Smith will expire on March II, 2019. Approve Study and Design Contract with Stewart-Cooper-Newell Architects for E-911 Center On January 19, 2016 the Board of Commissioners authorized the County Manager to negotiate a contract with Stewart-Cooper-Newell Architects to study five options for a new E-911 center and to design the selected option. The five options are: 1. Renovate two buildings in front of the Facility Services maintenance office and add on additional space as needed 2. Renovate the Facility Services office and relocate Facility Services 3. Renovate the existing brick building at the Facility Services tower site 4. Build a new building on county owned land behind the Wayne County Animal Adoption Center 5. Build a new building on county owned land adjacent to the county communications tower at Facility Services County Manager George A. Wood stated he negotiated the terms of the contract with Stewart-Cooper-Newell Architects as follows: I. The study component will be $18,300 plus reimbursable costs estimated at $982.84. This is a very reasonable fee evaluating five potential sites. 2. If the selected project option is a renovation/addition, the design fee will be 9.5% of the actual construction cost. 3. If the selected project option is new construction, the design fee will be 8.25% of the actual construction cost. 4. We have discussed the finer points as well, but have not completed the typing of the contract by the architect. The finer points included some County Attorney E. B. Borden Parker always wants in contracts, such as no binding arbitration and the county owns the work product for the purposes of construction. The language should be very similar to the contract with HH Architecture for the Wayne Regional Agricultural and Convention Center. Upon motion ofConunissioner George Wayne Aycock, Jr., the Board of Commissioners unanimously approved entering into a contract with Stewart-Cooper-Newell Architects with the following terms, subject to the final!aaguage being approved by the County Attorney and County Manager: I. The study component will be $18,300 plus reimbursable costs estimated at $982.84. 2. If the selected project option is a renovation/addition, the design fee will be 9.5% of the actual construction cost. 3. If the selected project option is new construction, the design fee will be 8.25% of the actual construction cost. 4. We have discussed the finer points as well, but have not completed the typing of the contract by the architect. The finer points included some County Attorney E. B. Borden Parker always wants in contracts, such as no binding arbitration and the county owns the work product for the purposes of construction. The language should be very similar to the contract with HH Architecture for the Wayne Regional Agricultural and Convention Center. Intergovernmental Agency Agreement and Contract with Town of Fremont Upon motion of Conunissioner E. Ray Mayo, the Board of Conunissioners unanimously approved and authorized an Intergovernmental Agency Agreement and Contract with the Town of Fremont, attached hereto as Attachment A Commissioner George Wayne Aycock, Jr. stated the monies would be used to repair the Norwayne pump station, which would be a savings for the Town of Fremont and the Wayne County Public Schools. County Manager George A. Wood commended Town of Fremont Administrator Barbara Aycock for exploring every opportunity for funding to repair the Norwayne lift station. Commissioner E. Ray Mayo stated he was glad the county could help the Town of Fremont with funding. He thanked the Board of Commissioners and Town of Fremont for making this happen. Consent Agenda Upon motion of Commissioner John M. Bell, the Board of Commissioners unanimously approved and authorized the following items under the consent agenda: 1. Application for present use value from Ammie Dean Thornton- Parcel ID #2545304868 2. Budget Amendments a. Sheriff's Office - #282 b. Social Services - #286 c. Sheriff's Office- #287 d. Library - #288 e. Sheriff's Office- #292 f. Library - #293 Senior Games and Senior Health Fair and Open House Presentation Services on Aging Director Paula Edwards infonned the Board of Commissioners the Senior Health Fair and Open House will be held at the Peggy M. Seegars Senior Center on March 4, 2016 from l 0:30 a.m.-1 :00 p.m. All Wayne County seniors age 50 and over were encouraged to attend. Health screenings and 30 vendors with infonnation for seniors will be available. Expired medications will be properly disposed. Information and registration for the Senior Games will also be available. Wayne County Senior Games Ambassador Terry Wright and Stacia Fields with Goldsboro Parks and Recreation invited seniors to participate in the upcoming Senior Games. Registration for the Senior Games is March 4, 2016-Aprill, 2016. The Senior Games will be held in May. The opening ceremony will be held on May 2, 2016. This is the 22"' year the Senior Games have been held in Wayne County. Last year there were 350 participants. County Manager's Comments County Manager George A. Wood stated work continues on the 2016-2017 budget and Capital Improvement Plan. He gave the Board of Commissioners a copy of the Policy and Procedures for Naming County Owned Properties and Facilities. The naming of the Wayne Regional Agricultural and Convention Center falls within the adopted policy and procedures. He is working to finalize the contract with T. A. Loving Company for construction manager at risk services at the Wayne Regional Agricultural and Convention Center. Board of Commissioners Committee Reports and Comments Commissioner E. Ray Mayo stated the recent retreat was the best one he had attended. The Board of Commissioners discussed a lot of issues in a positive manner. He felt good about the outcome of the retreat. He thanked the citizens and businesses for Wayne County for raising $875,000 for Impact Wayne. Impact Wayne is critical to the success of the Wayne County Development Alliance. Commissioner John M. Bell stated the Wayne County Juvenile Crime Prevention Committee is one of the best in the state. Eastpointe merger discussions are ongoing. He encouraged all seniors to take advantage of the opportunities officered at the Peggy M. Seegars Senior Center. 30 Commissioner Edward E. Cromartie stated former Wayne County Commissioner J.D. Evans was dedicated to the mission of the senior center. The primary concern of the constituents in his district is the WATCH van being on its regular visitation schedule. He commended the efforts of WATCH Executive Director Sissy Lee Elmore and thanked Sylvia Barnes for her concern. He encouraged everyone to see the movie "Selma," which depicts the time of voter registration in the United States. He thanked the Wayne County Public Library for showing the movie at the Steele Memorial Library in Mount Olive. He encouraged everyone to take advantage of the opportunities at the Wayne County Public Library. Commissioner George Wayne Aycock, Jr. stated the Board of Commissioners accomplished a lot at the retreat. He stated the staff in the Office of Emergency Services and Emergency Medical Services is a remarkable group. He commended the Emergency Medical Services staff for the excellent care they provide and their dedication to their job. He thanked Commissioner John M. Bell for his 15-years on the Board of Commissioners and his many contributions and dedication to Wayne County. Commissioner A. Joe Gurley, III stated he looked forward to accomplishing the goals set at the retreat. He stated the commitment of Commissioner John M. Bell speaks volumes for his dedication to the county. Vice-Chairman William H. Pate stated he enjoyed working with Commissioner Jolm M. Bell and Commissioner Edward E. Cromartie. The retreat was a focused effort to set goals for the year. He thanked County Manager George A. Wood, County Attorney E. B. Borden Parker and the staff for the work to make the retreat successful. Chairman Joe Daughtery recently had surgery, is in good spirits and ready to get back to work for Wayne County. Work Session- Proposed Wayne County Zoning Map Amendments Planning Director Chip Crumpler stated on March 1, 2016 the Board of Commissioners will hold a public hearing to receive public comments on proposed Wayne County zoning map amendments. The zoning map amendments for the public hearing consist of highway and interchange zoning proposal maps for US Highway 70 West, US Highway 70 Goldsboro Bypass (NC Highway 44), Interstate 795 and US Highway 117 South. The amendments consist of both rezoning and the creation of new zoning areas. The proposed Wayne County zoning map amendments are attached hereto as Attachment B. The maps were created generally utilizing a 300 foot buffer on the corridors up to the interchanges and then following existing property lines around the interchanges. The property was zoned Community Shopping (CS), Village (VI) or Residential Agriculture 20 (RA-20). Property was generally zoned to make it conforming to its present use. Vacant land was zoned Community Shopping (CS) or Village (VI). The purpose of such zoning shall be to promote the health. safety, morals and the general welfare by regulating the height; number of stories; size of buildings and other structlll'es; the percentage of lot that may be occupied; the size of yards, courts, and other open spaces; the density of population; the location and use of buildings, structures, and land for trade, industry. residence or other purposes; except fruming to establish boundaries for said purposes and to provide penalties for violation of the zoning ordinance, and for other purposes. The proposed rezoning would support the following policies from the Comprehensive Plan: Policy 2.6: SEYMOUR JOHNSON AIR FORCE BASE shall be recognized as a critical component of the local economy. County actions shall be consistent with preserving, protecting and promoting the mission of this pivotal major industry. Policy 2.11: Wayne County shall encourage a PUBLIC SERVICE AND REGULATORY ENVIRONMENT conducive to economic development, provided that environmental quality, public health and safety considerations are not compromised. Policy 2.12: Activities that bring new people and businesses to the county, including SPECIAL EVENTS, SPORTS TOURNAMENTS, ECO-TOURISM (E.G. NEUSE RIVER), HERITAGE TOURISM, AND CONVENTION ACTIVITIES shall be encouraged and supported. '21 _____ ) Policy 3.1: Wayne County shall be an active participant in recruiting new business development with the objective of providing higher paying jobs to area citizens, expanding the tax base and recapturing a larger percentage of retail sales. After the public hearing on March I, 2016, the Wayne County Planning Board recommended the zoning map amendments be adopted. At 10:36 a.m., Vice-Chairman William H. Pate recessed the meeting until Friday, February 19,2016 at 9:00a.m. Reconvene At 9:00a.m. on Friday, February 19,2016, Vice-Chairman William H. Pate reconvened the meeting. Convention Center Naming Agreement Vice-Chairman William H. Pate stated he inherited the Wayne Regional Agricultural and Convention Center project three years ago from fanner Commissioner Steve Keen. ViceChairman William H. Pate stated the project was a partnership including legislators, especially Representative Jimmy Dixon and the City of Goldsboro. The project also includes a private funding campaign. Vice-Chairman William H. Pate was approached by agri-businesses and the farming community and the Maxwell name was repeatedly mentioned. Wayne County Attorney E. B. Borden Parker reviewed the Convention Center Naming Agreement between Wayne County and Goldsboro Milling Company, attached hereto as Attachment C. The facility name will be the Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center. Goldsboro Milling Company made a $750,000 contribution for the construction of this building. Commissioner George Wayne Aycock, Jr. stated this project could not have been done by the Wayne County or the City of Goldsboro alone. The project was a joint effort. Commissioner George Wayne Aycock, Jr. thanked the Maxwell family, the City of Goldsboro and the fanning community. The project is finally going to happen. Commissioner E. Ray Mayo stated it is a natural fit because agriculture is the number one commodity in Wayne County. A lot of people came together to work on this project. Commissioner E. Ray Mayo thanked the Maxwell family for stepping up to the plate and for being a big part of the agriculture community. He was very pleased this is happening. Commissioner Jolm M. Bell thanked fonner Commissioner Wilbur E. Anderson for his contributions to the project. Commissioner A. Joe Gurley, III stated it is an exciting day for all of us and he is ready to see some earth moving at the Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center site. He extended his sincere thanks to the Maxwell family and Goldsboro Milling Company. Commissioner Edward E. Cromartie echoed what everyone said and added we will have a beautiful building. He was sure the Maxwell family would be proud to have their name on the building. It will bring a lot of activity to this area and will promote what we are about, which is to improve and highlight Wayne County. Upon motion of Commissioner Jolm M. Bell, the Board of Commissioners unanimously approved a contract between Wayne County and Goldsboro Milling Company to name the facility the Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center, attached hereto as Attachment C. ') '\. J '-) cJ John Pike with Goldsboro Milling Company shared the following statement from Gordon Maxwell and Jim Maxwell: "The Maxwell family would like to thank the Wayne County Commissioners and Goldsboro City Council for coming together to make this Regional Agriculture and Convention Center project a reality. We are pleased to be a part of it and we feel it will be a great asset to our area. We are taking the opportunity with this donation to say thank you to all the farming families that we have partnered with in poultry, animal and grain production since Goldsboro Milling Company began 100 years ago in 1916. The achievements that our companies have reached through the years is certainly due, in great measure, to the relationships we have with our network of growers and employees, whom we consider to be the finest in the country. It is our hope that this facility will help ensure the continued success of agriculture in the community for another 100 years and beyond." At 9:07 a.m., Vice~Chairman William H. Pate recessed the meeting. Reconvene At 9:21 a.m., Vice-Chairman William H. Pate reconvened the meeting. Wayne Countv Development Alliance. Inc. and Trustees of Wayne Community College Lease County Manager George A. Wood stated Wayne Community College needs to be on the March 15,2016 ballot to receive bond proceeds. Dr. Kay Albertson has earmarked approximately $1.6 million for the Advanced Manufacturing Center. Presently, the Advanced Manufacturing Center is on a year~to~year lease and the lease needs to be longer to set the bonds. County Attorney Borden Parker stated a 20 year lease is necessary between Wayne County Development Alliance and Wayne Community College. The Wayne County Development Alliance Chairman requested Wayne County sign off on the lease as an understanding on what is happening. Upon motion of Commissioner George Wayne Aycock, Jr., the Board of Commissioners unanimously authorized Vice-Chairman William H. Pate to sign a lease between Wayne County Development Alliance and Wayne Community College to extend the terms on the Advanced Manufacturing Center subject to the approval of Wayne County Development Alliance and the Board of Trustees of Wayne Community College, attached hereto as Attachment D. Adjournment There being no further business, Vice-Chairman William H. Pate adjourned the meeting at 9:27a.m. M a R. Wt!son, Clerk to the Board Wayne County Board of Commissioners Attachment A Page I NORTH CAROLINA WAYNE COUNTY INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AGREEMENT AND CONTRACT THIS INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AGREEMENT AND CONTRACT entered into this 16th day of February, 2016, by and between the COUNTY OF WAYNE (herein "County"), a body politic and corporate, and TOWN OF FREMONT (herein "Town"), North Carolina, a body politic and corporate; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, County has borrowed funds from the Eastern Region; and WHEREAS, the Town has been allocated $70,000.00 for economic development by the Wayne County Board of Commissioners with the terms of repayment as set forth herein; and WHEREAS, the execution, performance and delivery of this Contract has been authorized, approved and directed by the Town on the 161h day of February, 2016; and WHEREAS, the obligation of the Town to make installment payments shall constitute a limited obligation of the Town, payable solely from currently budgeted appropriations of the Town; and shall not constitute a general obligation or other indebtedness of the Town within the meaning of the Constitution of the State; and shall not constitute a direct or indirect pledge of the faith and credit or taxing power of the Town within the meaning of the Constitution of the State; and NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: I. DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS: The County, upon the signing of this Contract, the signing and delivery of a P~omissory Note with that UCC-1 securing it and upon the payment of 2% of the loan amount to the County by the Town the County shall disburse the sum of$70,000.00 I Attachment A Page 2 to the Town of Fremont. 2. REPAYMENT TERMS: The Town does hereby contract and agree to repay to the County the above sum of$70,000.00 with .25 percent (.25%) interest over a period of seventy-two (72) months paid quarterly with the first payment being due and payable on or before May I, 2016, and with quarterly payments thereafter in accordance with the terms of the Promissory note executed of even date herewith until payment of the loan is complete. In addition, Town shall pay at the time of disbursement of the loan an origination fee in the sum of $1 ,400.00. 3. LOCAL DEVELOPMENT: It is specifically agreed that all funds disbursed to Town shall be used for public purposes, and in a manner consistent with economic development or infrastructure construction projects set forth in N.C.G.S. § 158-7.1 and N.C.G.S. § 158-42. 4. LIMITED OBLIGATION OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNIT: No provision of this Contract shall be construed or interpreted as creating a pledge ofthe faith and credit of the local government unit within the meaning of any constitutional debt limitation. No provision ofthis Contract shall be construed or interpreted as creating a delegation of governmental powers nor as a donation by or a lending of the credit of the Town within the meaning of the Constitution of the State. This Contract shall not directly or indirectly or contingently obligate the local government unit to make any payments beyond those appropriated in the sole discretion of the Town for any fiscal year in which this Contract is in effect; provided, however, any failure by the Town to make any payment coming due hereunder will in no way obviate the occurrence of the event of default resulting from such nonpayment. No provision of this Contract shall be construed to pledge or to create a lien on any class or source of the Town's bonds or obligations payable from any class or source of the Town's moneys. To the extent of any conflict between this section and any other 2 35 Attachment A Page 3 provision of this Contract, this section shall take priority. 5. WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS OF THE TOWN: Town warrants and represents to the County (all such representations and warranties being continuing) that: (a) The Town is a political subdivision of the State, validly organized and existing under the laws of the State and has all powers necessary to enter into the transactions contemplated by this Contract and the Promissory Note and to carry out its obligations hereunder; (b) This Contract and the Promissory Note and all other documents relating hereto and the performance of the Town's obligations hereunder have been duly and validly authorized, executed and delivered by the Town and approved under all laws, regulations and procedures applicable to the Town including, but not limited to, compliance with public meetings and bidding requirements, and, assuming due authorization, execution and delivery thereof by the other parties thereto, constitute valid, legal and binding obligations of the Town, enforceable in accordance with their respective terms and laws affecting the enforcement of creditors' rights generally and such principles of equity as a court having jurisdiction may impose. Further, if the loan is for a purpose set forth in N.C.G.S. § 158-7.1, the Town shall comply with all public hearing and disbursement processes required by N.C.G.S. § 158-7.1 and adequate certification of such compliance must be provided in a form satisfactory to the County's attorney. (c) Neither the execution and delivery of this Contract and the Promissory Note or the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby, nor the fulfillment of or compliance with the terms and conditions hereof conflicts with or results in a breach of the terms, conditions, or provisions of any restriction or any agreement or instrument to which the Town is now a party or by which the Town is bound, nor do they constitute a default under any of the foregoing, nor 3 Attachment A Page 4 conflict with or result in a violation of any provision of applicable law or regulation governing the Town; (d) No representation, covenant and warranty herein is false, misleading or erroneous in any material respect; (e) There is no action, suit, proceeding or investigation at law or in equity before or by any court, public board or body pending or, to the best of the Town's knowledge, threatened, against or affecting the Town challenging the validity or enforceability of this Contract and the Promissory Note or any other documents relating hereto. The performance of the Town's obligations hereunder, and compliance with the provisions hereof, under the circumstances contemplated hereby does not and will not in any material respect conflict with, or constitute on the part of the Town a breach of or default pursuant to any agreement or other instrument to which the Town is a party, or any existing law, regulation, court order or consent decree to which the Town is subject; (f) The resolutions relating to the performance by the Town of this Contract and the Promissory Note and the transactions contemplated hereby, have been duly adopted, are in full force and effect, and have not been in any respect been modified, revoked or rescinded; (g) The Town reasonably believes funds will be available to satisfy all of its obligations hereunder; (h) The Town shall: (I) cause its Finance Officer to include the Installment Payments coming due in each fiscal year in the corresponding annual budget request and shall require the Finance Officer to use his or her best efforts to obtain an appropriation therefore, and (2) require that the deduction of such funds from the Town's 4 Attachment A Page 5 final budget be made only pursuant to an express resolution of the Council which explains the reason for such action. This covenant on the part of the Town contained in this paragraph shall be deemed to be and shall be construed to impose by law ministerial duties on its part and it shall be the duty of each and every public official of the Town to take such action and do such things as are required by law in the performance of the official duty of such officials to enable the Town to carry out and perform the covenant in this paragraph and the agreements in this Contract to be carried out and performed by the Town. Nothing contained in this paragraph obligates the Town to appropriate the moneys so budgeted; (I) The Town agrees that during the term of this Contract it will maintain any insurance if required pursuant to the Promissory Note and the UCC-1; and 6. DEFAULT AND REMEDIES: The Town shall be deemed to be in default hereunder upon the happening of any of the following events of default (each, an "Event of Default"): (a) The Town fails to make any Installment Payment or Additional Payment when due; (b) The Town fails to budget and appropriate moneys sufficient to pay all installment payments coming due in any fiscal year of the Town or the Town deletes from its duly adopted budget any such appropriation; (c) The Town fails to perform or observe any other term, condition or covenant of this Contract on its patt to be observed or performed in the Promissory Note on their part to be observed or performed, or breaches any warranty by the Town herein or therein contained, unless the County shall agree in writing to an extension oftime prior to the default; (d) Any bankruptcy, insolvency or reorganization proceedings or similar litigation, 5 Attachment A Page 6 instituted by the Town, or a receiver, custodian or similar officer is appointed for the Town on any of its property, and such proceedings or appointments are not vacated or fully stayed within 90 days after the institution or occurrence thereof; (e) Any warranty, representation or statement made by the Town herein, in the Promissory Note or in any other document executed or delivered in connection herewith and is found to be incorrect or misleading in any material respect on the date made; 7. REMEDIES ON DEFAULT: On the occurrence of any Event of Default the County may exercise any one or more of the following remedies as the County in its sole discretion, shall elect: (a) Declare the unpaid portion of the Promissory Note and Contract immediately due and payable without notice or demand to the Town; (b) Proceed by appropriate court action to enforce performance by the Town of the applicable covenants of the Promissory Note and Contract or to recover for the breach thereof; (c) Secure the Promissory Note and UCC- I; This Contract shall remain in full force and effect and the Town shall be and remain liable for the full performance of all its obligations hereunder. All remedies of the County are cumulative and may be exercised concurrently or separately. The exercise of any one remedy shall not be deemed an election of such remedy or preclude the exercise of any other remedy. 8. INDEMNIFICATION: To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Town hereby agrees to indemnify, protect and save the County and its employees and elected officials and the Local Government Commission members and the employees of the Local Government Commission harmless from all liability, obligations, losses, claims, damages, actions, suits, proceedings, costs 6 Attachment A Page 7 and expenses, including attorneys' fees, arising out of, connected with, or resulting, directly or indirectly, from the use of the funds obtained by the Contract and Promissory Note. The indemnification arising under this paragraph shall continue in full force and effect notwithstanding the payment in full of all obligations under this Contract. 9. PREPAYMENT OF PRINCIPAL: Town retains the right to repay all or any part of the principal at any time. 10. LOCATION WHERE PAYMENTS ARE TO BE MADE: NOTICE: (a) Payments: All payments shall be mailed or delivered at the address and to the person holding the position specified below (or to such other person at such address as may from time to time be designated). (b) Notice: Except as otherwise required by statute, all notices, demands and other communications which are permitted or required under the Promissory Note and Contract shall be in writing and signed by the party giving the same, and shall be delivered personally or sent by certified or registered United States mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, to the other party at the address set forth below (or such other person at such address as may from time to time be designated). County of Wayne Attn: Finance Director P.O. Box 227 Goldsboro, NC 27533 7 LJ-0 Attachment A Page 8 With a copy to: E. B. Borden Parker County Attorney P.O. Box 244 Goldsboro, NC 27533 FOR TOWN: Finance Officer 11. ASSIGNMENT: The Town shall not sell or assign any interest in this Contract. THIS AGREEMENT was authorized into by the Wayne County Board of Commissioners and was authorized by the Town by action of its Town Council at a meeting on the _ _ day of February, 2016. This day of February, 2016. COUNTY OF WAYNE By:--cc:-::::-:c---::c::--::---ccc::---::::-:---William H. Pate, Vice-Chairman Board of Commissioners ATTEST: Cynthia L. Whitfield Assistant Clerk to the Board of Commissioners (OFFICIAL SEAL) TOWN OF Fremont By: ~~---=~--~------ w. Darron Flowers, Mayor 8 Ljj Attachment A Page 9 ATTEST: Marti Jones Town Clerk (OFFICIAL SEAL) THIS CONTRACT has been preaudited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. This the _ _ day of _ _ _ _ _ _, 2016. Allison W. Speight, Finance Officer Shameshia Fennell Town of Fremont Finance Officer This contract has been approved under the provisions of Article 8, Chapter 159 of the General Statutes of North Carolina. Greg C. Gaskins Secretary, North Carolina Local Government Commission By:_--::-----:--:----c-c------Greg C. Gaskins or Designated Assistant 9 Attachment B Page 1 .. ~ --~ - ~ ',', . _:1}~~ ~- . .... I ~_,. 1 ... "', .• , ." . .. " • "' ' ;.... ........... ': / - - -·-.. , "'6t -. 'r-~ ' lEast US 70 Hwy Proposed Zoning !Map 1 of 2 F~~ .,.( I ~ / ~~ "' ft;.·~0 )' ,~ I '~ ~ ~ ~ - - Proposed zoning mange a-eas Proposed_Zone_Changes cs RA-20 VILLAGE County Zoning <all other values> --CII I ZONE AIRPORT cs HEAVY-INO UGHT-IND R-10 R-15 RA-20 RA30 -· ..c::J VILLAGE-OIST Property lines ' •., C~y im~s Extra Terrlorial Jurisdiction -+---+ Railroad - - - - New US 70 Bypass Interstate - - USRoutes - - NCRoutes - - NCSR - - ROIV ..__ I, Attachment B Page 3 West US 70 Hwy Proposed Zoning .... ~......,.. - - Proposed zoning change a-eas Proposed_Zone_C hanges cs RA-20 VILLAGE Co unty Zoning <all other values> cs HEAVY--IND UGHT-IND R-10 R-15 RA-20 RA30 VILLAGE-DIST .... Property lines ' • .. Cly l mgs c::J Extra Territorial Jurisdiction - - New US 70 B ypass ~ ·IJIIO - ~ ....,....,....'W'Wd\-,c"~'-, ·.-...,... r~')otl ~ -<. \~~~ •::.~ ~--. ';;'7." ,.. ,.:"!"1 1.._- • _ Proposed zonirg dlange areas Proposed_Zone_Changes cs RA-20 VILLAGE County Zoning • <all other values> ZONE AIRPORT cs HEAVY-I NO UGHT-IND R-10 R-15 RA-20 RA30 VILLAGE·DIST Property lines ;':!City l mls D Extra Terr!orial Jurisdiction -+--+ Rairoad - - New US 70 Bypass - - Interstate - USRoutes -- - - NC Routes - - NCSR --RON - Proposed zonirg change areas Proposed_Zone_Changes cs RA-20 VILLAGE County Zoning <all other values> AIRPORT cs HEAVY-I NO UGHT-INO R-10 R-15 RA-20 RA30 VILLAGE -DIST f: Property lines ; cny l mtts Extra Terrlorlal Jurisdiction -+-+ Ral road - - New US 70Bypass Attachment C Page I NORTH CAROLINA CONVENTION CENTER NAMING AGREEMENT WAYNE COUNTY This Convention Center Naming Agreement is entered into this 19th day of February, 2016, by and between Wayne County, a political subdivision of the State of North Carolina (the "County") with a business address at P.O. Box 227, Goldsboro, North Carolina 27533; Attn.: County Manager (with a copy to the County Attorney at the same address) and Goldsboro Milling Company, a North Carolina limited liability company ("Goldsboro Milling") with an office address at P.O. Box 10009, Goldsboro, NC 27532. WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the County has proposed the design and construction of a Regional Agricultural and Convention Center (the "Convention Center") to be located on the property described on Exhibit A (all of such property and the improvements thereon being defined as the "Project"); and WHEREAS, Goldsboro Milling, a local company, desires to make a meaningful contribution to the cultural life of the County by contributing a significant amount of money toward the construction and completion of the Project; and WHEREAS, the County wishes to recognize the contribution of Goldsboro Milling by naming the new Project in honor of the family that founded and continues to operate Goldsboro Milling and to acknowledge the Maxwell family's commitment to the civic life of the community and the StateofNorth Carolina; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the above premises and of the covenants contained herein, and for other valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: I. Term. The term of this Agreement shall commence on the date of this Agreement and shall remain in full force and effect in perpetuity (the "Term"). 2. Goldsboro Milling's Contribution. Goldsboro Milling hereby agrees to contribute a total of Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand and Noll 00 Dollars ($750,000.00) consisting of cash or other immediately available funds to the County from Goldsboro Milling and/or one or more of its subsidiaries or affiliated companies to be used toward the planning, design, and construction of the Project on the terms and conditions set forth herein as follows: 2.1 The first payment of not less than One Hundred Fifty Thousand and Noll 00 Dollars ($150,000.00) shall be made on or before the public groundbreaking ceremony for the Project (the "Groundbreaking"). 2.2 On or prior to the one (I) year anniversary of the Groundbreaking, the second payment shall be made in at least an amount to make the aggregate of the payments made by Goldsboro Milling at or prior to such point equal at least Three Hundred Thousand and Noll 00 ($300,000.00); provided, however, that such payment shall not be required to be made unless and I US2008 8150415 5 L/ B Attachment C Page 2 until the construction of the Convention Center is completed (as evidenced by the issuance of the final certificate of occupancy [or certificates of occupancy if more than one issued] for the Convention Center) ("Construction Completion"). 2.3 On or prior to the two (2) year anniversary ofthe Groundbreaking, the third payment shall be made in at least an amount to make the aggregate of the payments made by Goldsboro Milling at or prior to such point equal at least Four Hundred Fifty Thousand and Noll 00 ($450,000.00); provided, however, that such payment shall not be required to be made unless and until Construction Completion is achieved. On or prior to the three (3) year anniversary of the Groundbreaking, the 2.4 fourth payment shall be made in at least an amount to make the aggregate of the payments made by Goldsboro Milling at or prior to such point equal at least Six Hundred Thousand and No/100 ($600,000.00); provided, however, that such payment shall not be required to be made unless and until Construction Completion is achieved. 2.5 On or prior to the four (4) year anniversary of the Groundbreaking, the fifth payment shall be made in at least an amount to make the aggregate of the payments made by Goldsboro Milling at or prior to such point equal at least Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand and No/! 00 ($750,000.00); provided, however, that such payment shall not be required to be made unless and until Construction Completion is achieved. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, Goldsboro Milling's obligation to make the contribution shall cease if the construction of the Convention Center is abandoned prior to Construction Completion. 3. Granting of Naming Rights; Other Agreements. 3.1 Name. In exchange for the contributions contemplated in this Agreement, the County shall cause the Project to be named "MAXWELL REGIONAL AGRICULTURAL AND CONVENTION CENTER" (the "Name") in perpetuity. No additions, replacements, modifications, or changes to the Convention Center or Project shall result in a change or modification of the Name. For the avoidance of doubt, the Name shall apply to the entire Project and not just the Convention Center, including, without limitation, any parks or farmer's markets included as part of the Project. The Name shall not be changed except as provided in. this Agreement and no other name shall be given to the Convention Center or Project (but names for portions of the Convention Center and Project may be given other names subject to the terms of this Agreement). 3.2 Other Agreements. The County agrees that the Project shall be exclusively known as MAXWELL REGIONAL AGRICULTURAL AND CONVENTION CENTER in all publicity, announcer coverage, information, meetings and activities related to the Project, including, without limitation, use on the website for the County and the Convention Center and/or Project and any social media accounts. For example, if there is an annual meeting of the Friends of Wayne County scheduled, it will be scheduled in the John Doe room located in the Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center. 2 US2008 8150415 5 Attachment C Page 3 3.3 Construction and Maintenance of Convention Center. The County shall construct the Convention Center substantially in accordance with the schematic drawing previously provided to Goldsboro Milling. Goldsboro Milling shall be allowed the opportunity to consult on any modifications to the schematic drawing or any design or construction drawings created for the Convention Center. The County shall keep and maintain the Convention Center and all other aspects of the Project in a first-class condition. 3.4 Media. In furtherance of its agreements above, during the Term of this Agreement the County shall, to the extent it is within its power, use its best efforts to cause or permit or to make no objection to, as the case may be, the following: 3.4.1 All promotions and advertisements, whether on television or radio, in print, posters, flyers, newspapers, websites, social media or other media shall refer to the Project as Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center. 3.4.2 All video promotions for events at the Project placed or controlled by the County shall include both audio and visual identification of Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center. 3.5 Granting of Other Naming Rights. Areas within the Project that have other names shall not dilute the significance of the Project name of Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center. Goldsboro Milling shall be given at least seven (7) days prior notice to the entering into of any such naming agreement and be given the opportunity to provide comments to such agreements during such seven (7) day period. Goldsboro Milling will have the right to enter into naming agreements for areas within the Project on the same basis as others are given. 4. Signage. To the extent within its control, the County agrees to use its best efforts to cause or permit or make no objection, as the case may be, with respect to the following: 4.1.1 All interior signage in the Project that refer to the Convention Center or Project in general shall reflect the Name (for the avoidance of doubt, interior signage that refers to specific rooms shall not be subject to this sentence). 4.1.2 Any exterior signs allowed by the law and in close proximity to the Project shall contain the Name. The location of any signage with the Name shall be a collaborative effort with the Maxwell Designee having the right to approve such location. The graphic logo of the Name shall be a collaborative effort with the Maxwell Designee having the right to approve such graphic logo. As used herein, the "Maxwell Designee" shall initially be John Pike but can be changed by written notice from Goldsboro Milling to the County. Additionally, the County, at the County's cost and expense, shall install a professionally made and installed plaque in the lobby of the Convention Center at a location agreed to by Goldsboro Milling and the County of an appropriate size and material 3 US2008 8150415 5 Attachment C Page4 for the location that is agreed upon by Goldsboro Milling and the County and that contains a description of the contributions made by the Maxwell family to agriculture in the county and region. The language for such plaque shall be proposed by Goldsboro Milling but subject to the reasonable approval of the County. 5. Renaming by Goldsboro Milling. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, Goldsboro Milling may change the "Maxwell" in the Name to add other related family names (e.g., to "Maxwell-Smith Regional Agricultural and Convention Center") or to recognize the corporate name of Goldsboro Milling or any subsidiary or affiliate (e.g., to "Goldsboro Milling Regional Agricultural and Convention Center"). Goldsboro Milling shall reimburse the County for any costs or expenses in connection with any such renaming requested by Goldsboro Milling. 6. Use of Convention Center Space. Subject to availability, the County shall allow Goldsboro Milling to use rooms and space in the Convention Center that are generally made available to the public. Such use shall be subject to the County's rules and regulations generally applicable to such rooms and space and prior reservations. 7. Groundbreaking. Goldsboro Milling shall be allowed to participate in the Groundbreaking with prominent recognition of Goldsboro Milling and the announcing of the Name. Goldsboro Milling may make reference to its one hundredth anniversary as a cempany at the Groundbreaking. 8. Board of Commissioners Meeting. Goldsboro Milling shall be allowed to the opportunity to speak at the Wayne County Board of Commissioners meeting where this Agreement is approved. 9. Agreement to Cooperate. The parties agree, upon request of the other, to execute, acknowledge and deliver such further documents or instruments and perform such further acts as may be necessary, desirable or appropriate to carry out more effectively the purposes of this Agreement. I 0. Default. In the event that either party fails to perform any of its material obligations under this Agreement, or if any material representations, warranties, or covenants made by either party are untrue or incorrect, the other party shall notify the offending party in writing of the breach or misstatement and the offending party shall have thirty (30) days in which to cure said breach or misstatement. Neither party's action in pursuing any remedy hereunder will act to deprive that party of the right to pursue any other remedies available to him or it, as the case may be at law or equity, including, without limitation, injunctive relief. II. Representations and Warranties of the County. The County hereby represents and warrants to Goldsboro Milling that: 11.1 Due Organization, etc. It is duly organized, validly existing, and in good standing under the laws of North Carolina with the full power and authority to carry on its business as it is now being conducted. 4 US2008 8150415 5 El Attachment C Page 5 11.2 Authority to enter this Agreement. It has full power, authority and legal capacity to enter into this Agreement and to consummate the transactions contemplated in this Agreement, and the execution and delivery of, and performance under, this Agreement does not conflict with or violate any provision contained in its Charter or Bylaws, or with any provision of any other agreement, instrument, judgment, or order of law to which it is a party or to which it is bound. The County has not granted any other person or organization any rights or privileges with respect to the Convention Center or Project inconsistent with this Agreement. 12. General. 12.1 Entire Agreement. This Agreement sets forth the entire Agreement and understanding of the parties relating to the subject matter herein and, except as otherwise contemplated herein, supersedes all prior agreements, written or oral, relating to the subject matter thereof. 12.2 Modification and Waiver. No modification of or amendment to this Agreement, nor any waiver of any rights under this Agreement, shall be effective unless it is in writing and signed by authorized representatives of both parties. 12.3 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of North Carolina. The venue of any legal action by either party concerning or in any way pertaining to this Agreement shall be Wayne County, North Carolina. The State of North Carolina shall have personal jurisdiction over the parties for all matters arising from or related to this Agreement. 12.4 Relationship of the Parties. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to make the parties partners, joint venturers, employer and employee, or principal and agent. 12.5 Severability. If any part of this Agreement is deemed unenforceable or voided as a matter of law, the remainder of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect, and shall be construed and given effect to the maximum extent permitted by law. 12.6 Binding Effect; Assignment. This Agreement shall be binding on, and inure to the benefit of the heirs, executors, and administrators of Goldsboro Milling, and the successors and assigns of the County. The County and Goldsboro Milling agree that neither shall assign its rights or obligations under this Agreement without the consent of the other; provided, however, that Goldsboro Milling may transfer its rights in this Agreement to any subsidiary or affiliate or any entity into which Goldsboro Milling is merged or that purchases all or substantially all of Goldsboro Milling's assets without the consent of the County. 12.7 Headings. Section headings and captions in this Agreement are included for convenience and reference only and do not constitute a part of this Agreement for any other purpose. 12.8 Notice. All notices and other communications required or permitted under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed given when delivered personally, by overnight courier, or five (5) days after being deposited in the United States mail, certified, return 5 US2008 8150415 5 Attachment C Page 6 receipt requested. All notices shall be addressed to the addresses set forth in the first paragraph of this Agreement or to such other address as to which notice has been given in accordance with the provisions hereof. 12.9 Trademark. This Agreement does not give the County the right to use the trademark or other intellectual property of Goldsboro Milling or any of its subsidiaries or affiliated companies or any trademark or other intellectual property of the Maxwells. 6 US2008 8150415 5 t:3 ~) Attachment C Page 7 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the day and year first above written. Goldsboro Milling Company ~~-e:_ _ : ~=7'-~ ; t. ,.o~_!_~-7_;~;..,-L-Title: _ __c?kc~J.L)~-- WAYNE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA By:_,6/J~ma~,:.:.:...-.-=-i6 _ _ _ (SEAL) Name: William H. Pate Title: Vice Chainnan, Wayne County Board of Commissioners Attestedby:~~"'~ .~~~ cynthi ~ Whitfield, Assistant Clerk"'to the Wayne County Board of Commissioners This instrument has been preaudited in the manner required by the local governmental budget and fiscal control act. h\t~~!f\ \\. s~~ 7 US2008 8150415 5 Attachment C Page 8 Exhibit A February 16, 2016 O!!scriplions of a Survey for Wayne County Property located In Stoney Ctcck Township, Wa'(nf! Couoly, NC REFERENCE: Part of Dee<! Book 853, Page 303; AU of Deed Book 1607, Page 589; Prut of Deed Book 1692, Page 813; Part of Delld Book 1503, Page 821; Prutof Pial Cabinet K, Slide 52-C: Part of Plat Cabinet L, Slide 70-1 1: BEGINNING alan iron rod on the Eastern right of way of N.C. S<>aoodary Road No. 1556 f!Nayne Momorlal Drlvo), sold beginning point being localed S. 33" 25' 14" W. 459.86 feet from a point vJJhin the most Southoastom lnlcrsectionel co<ner of N. C. S<lcoodary Road No. 1003 (New Hope Road) and N. C. S<loondary Road No. 1556 (Wayne Memorial Drive); thence from the beginning, leaving U1o Eastern nght of way ol N. C. Secondary road No. 1556 (Wayne Memortal Drive), S. 56' 40' 4/" E. 6li.65 feet lo an Iron rod; thence S. 58" 17' 15" E. 72.86 feel to an Iron rod; thence along o curve to the right having an aro distance of 43.49 feet, a radius of 39.51 feet (a chord), s. 26" 44' 54" E 41.32 feet to an iton rod; thonca S. 04' 47' 26" W. 29.96 feet to on Iron rod; thence S. 77~ 32' 08'' E. 24.39 feel to Qll iron rod; thence afong a curva to the right having on oro distance of 49.97 feel, a radius of 408.00 foot (• chord), S, 74' 01' 37" E. 49.94 feet to an iron rod: thence along a curvo to tho left having an arc dlslimae of 5\J.67 feet, a radius of 188.00 feet (a chord), S. 80' 55' 39' E. 59.82 fool to an iron rod; U!ence N. 89' 56' 51" E. 416.76 feet to an iron rod, said Iron rod being loco led s. 33' 25' 44" W. 242.52 foetirom a concrete monument found on the Southern rtght ofwoy of N. C. Scoondary Roa<J No. 1003 (New Hope Road). the most Nortllwestom con!<lr of tho property of tho Trustoos of Wayne Communily College •• shown by de<>d rocordod In Deed Book 1893, Page 173 In 111o Wayne County Reglslr)•; thence with the line of tho property of111e Trus1ees of Wayne Commun~y Collage, s. 33' 25' 44' W. 379.14 feel to an iron red found: thenoe continuing, and with tho line of the propecr1y of !he Trustees of Wayne Community College, S. 33' 25' 44' W. 354.64 foet to an iron slake found; lhenoo with tho Uno of the property of the Trustees of Wayne Community Collofl", S 78' 25' 44" W. 282.64 foot to an iron stake iound; thence with the line of lhe proiJ<'rly of the Trustees of Wayno CommuMy College, N. 56' 34' 16' '1'1. 461.97 feel to o conarnto monument iound on tho Eastorn right of way of N, C. Secondary Rood No. 1556 (Woyne Memorial Drive), lllo most Northmstem comer of lhe property of Jho Trustees o; Wayne Communlly College I1S shown by dood recorded in Deed B!lOk 8S3, Page 303 In the Wa)•ne County Registry; thence wllh said road right of way, N. 33' 25' 44' E 373.50 foot to an Iron rod; thenre virth the Eastern rtght of way of N. c. Secondary Road No. 1500 tyVaync Momorial Drive), N. 33" 25' 14' E. 326.62 fool to an iron rod on the Page1 or 2 Wo!f< Ordar~ 160oJ64 8 US2008 8150415 5 Attaclunent C Page 9 Eastern rtght of way of N. C. Sooondal)' Road No. 1566 fY'/ayne Mamorlal Drive). lila point of beginning containing 481.452 Square Feel or 11.053 Aoros more or iass. 2: BEGINNING at an iron slake found, said b"'iJinniog point being located S. 56' 34'16' E. 461.97 feet ftam a conCfl)ta monument foun.d on the Eastem right of way of N. C Secondal)' Road No. 1866 (Wayne Memorial Drive). the most Northwestern corner at said right of way, of the property of tho Trustoos of Wayoo Community Cof€ge as shown by dee<! recorded In Deed Book !153. Page 303 In the Wayne County Registry: thence from tl)e beginning. N. 78' 25' M' E. 282.84 fool to an iron stako found; !honea S. 64' 57' 03' E. 9.68 feet to an iron rod; thence along a curve to tile left llavlng an arc distance of 210.89 feet, a radius of 147.50 feet (a chord), S. 15' 54' 37" E. 193.38 foot to an Iron rod; thence S. 66' 54' 16' E. 143.75 feel to an iron riXI; thence to and with the back of an o>isling concrete curve, S. 33' 13' 47" W. 76.24 feet to a point in lila back of the existing concmle curve; U1ence ulh the line of the property of the TMlees of Wayne Community Collogo, N. 56' 34' 16' W. 13.81 feet to an iron rod; thence oontlnuing and with the line of the properly of tho Trustees of Wayne Cortmunily College, N. 56' 34' 16' W. 266.47 feet to an iron rod; lhonco S. 33' 25' 44' w. 14.11 teet to an iron rod; thence N. 06' 34' 16" W. 143.61 feel to an Iron rod; lhcnoo N. 33' 25' M" e:. 14.11 feet to an iron rod; thence wtth the line of the property of the Ttusleos of Wa)•ne Community College, N. 56" 34' 16' W. 56.19 feel to an iron stoke found, tho polrll ol boginnlng containing 50,381 Square Feet or 1.15; Acres more or less. Work Orde-:-V 100DS4 9 US2008 81504t5 5 Attachment D Page 1 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA LEASE COUNTY OF WAYNE THIS LEASE, made and entered into as of the 15 1h day of January, 2015, by and between Wayne County Development Alliance, Inc., a 50l(c)(3) non profit economic development agency, hereinafter called "Landlord", and Trustees of Wayne Community College, hereinafter called "Tenant". WITNESSETH: That subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, Landlord does hereby let and lease unto Tenant, and Tenant does hereby accept as Tenant of Landlord, a certain parcel of land, together with buildings and other improvements thereupon situated, lying and being in Goldsboro Township, Wayne County, North Carolina, and described in a plat recorded in the Wayne County Registry in Cabinet 0 at Slide 171. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said lands and premises, together with all privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging to it, the said Tenant and its successors and assigns, upon the conditions hereinafter set forth: 1. Term. This Lease shall begin on January 15, 2015, and shall exist and continue for a period of twenty (20) years. 2. Option to Renew. Landlord grants to Tenant, subject to the conditions set forth below, the right and option to renew this Lease for one (I) additional period of twenty (20) years, at a rental as provided below, and otherwise subject to and on all of the tenns and conditions contained herein. This option shall be deemed exercised by Tenant unless Tenant gives to the Landlord a written notice of its interest not to exercise the option to renew at least thirty (30) days prior to the end of the initial term. 3. Rental. As rental for said premises, Tenant shall pay to Landlord, $1.00 per year. In addition to the rental, the Tenant shall provide liability insurance of at least two million dollars ($2,000,000.00) per occurrence and fire and damage insurance of an amount to equa\100% of the replacement value of the building located on the premises. Tenant shall be responsible for paying Attachment D Page 2 for flood insurance. All insurance policies shall be issued by insurers of recognized responsibility authorized to do business in North Carolina. 4. Taxes and Assessments. Taxes and assessments do not apply to Landlord, Wayne Community College, or Wayne County since these entities have non-profit status or are a governmental entity. The Tenant shall insure that the Owners of property other than Tenant who bring property onto the premises will list and pay advalorem taxes on said property. 5. Repairs and Maintenance ofPremises. Tenant shall, at Tenant's own expense, maintain the Premises in good and safe condition and make all repairs necessary to keep the Premises in good and safe condition. By state law, Wayne County is required to maintain or to provide sufficient funds for Wayne Community College to maintain college facilities. Both parties understand that if Wayne County does not furnish sufficient funds for the Tenant to maintain the premises and make all repairs necessary that the Tenant may terminate this lease. Tenant shall be responsible for keeping the sidewalks, parking lot and driveways located on the premises clean and free from debris. Tenant will be responsible for all landscaping and maintenance of landscaping, including mowing. Such landscaping will be in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 19 2A herein. 6. Alteration of Premises. Tenant shall have the right, at its sole cost and expense, to alter or improve the Premises to accommodate Tenant's business and use. Tenant shall make any alterations or improvements in a good and workmanlike manner and in compliance with all federal, state, and local laws, regulations and ordinances. On termination of this Lease for any cause, Tenant shall within 15 days remove any of its fixtures located on the Premises which may be removed without damage or injury to the Premises. On termination of this Lease for any cause, Landlord shall become the owner of any improvements on the Premises and any fixtures that have not been timely removed by the Tenant. Tenant shall make prompt repair to the Premises for any damage caused by removal of the fixtures. 7. Utilities. Tenant shall fully and promptly pay for all water, gas, heat, light, power, 2 Attachment D Page 3 telephone service, and other public utilities of every kind furnished to the Premises. That Tenant shall have the utilities switched to its name no later than January 23, 2015. 8. Insurance. In addition to the insurance required of the Tenant in paragraph 3 set out above, the Tenant shall maintain in effect, at its sole expense, all insurance on its fixtures, inventory, equipment and other personal property. All insurance policies shall be issued by insurers of recognized responsibility authorized to do business in North Carolina. Each party shall furnish the other with originals or copies of all policies. 9. Destruction of Premises. In the event of a partial destruction of the Premises during the Term, Tenant shall forthwith repair the same, provided that such repairs can be made within 120 days. Partial destruction shall not terminate this Lease. If such repairs caru10t be made within said 120 days, either Landlord or Tenant may terminate this Lease. In the event of a total destruction of the Premises either party may terminate this Lease. 10. Warranties of Title and Quiet Possession. Landlord covenants that it is seized of the Premises in fee simple and has full right to make this Lease and that Tenant shall have quiet and peaceable possession of the Premises. 11. Landlord's Right to Entry. Tenant shall permit Landlord and its agents to enter into and upon the Premises at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspection. 12. Uses Prohibited. Tenant shall not use or permit the Premises to be used for any purpose other than a legal purpose and that approved for the zone in which the premises is situated. No use shall be made or permitted to be made of the Premises, or acts done, which will cause a cancellation of any insurance policy covering the Premises. Nor shall Tenant sell or keep in or about the Premises, any article which may be prohibited by the standard fonn of fire and casualty insurance policies. Tenant shall not sublet the leased premises without the permission of Landlord except that Tenant may sublet a portion of the leased premises for training on equipment related to the College's use of the leased premises. Tenant shall comply with all applicable laws affecting the Premises, the breach of which 3 Attachment D Page 4 might result in any penalty on Landlord or forfeiture of Landlord's title to the Premises. Tenant shall not commit, or suffer to be committed, any waste or nuisance on the Premises. 13. Signs. Tenant may exhibit any sign allowed by the ordinances of the City ofGo1dsboro. 14. Abandonment of Premises. Tenant shall not vacate or abandoQ the Premises at any time during the Term. If Tenant shall abandon, vacate or surrender the Premises, or be dispossessed by process oflaw, or otherwise, any personal property belonging to Tenant and left on the Premises shall be deemed to be abandoned. 15. Liens. Tenant shall keep all of the Premises free and clear of any and all mechanics', materialmen's, and other liens arising out of or in connection with work or labor done, services performed, or materials or appliances used or furnished for or in connection with any operations of Tenant. 16. Condemnation. In the event that all of the Premises, or such a substantial portion as would impair the ability of Tenant to transact its business, is taken in a condemnation proceeding or by exercise of any right of eminent domain or voluntarily conveyed in lieu of such taking, the Tenant may, at its option, terminate this Lease on the date of such taking. If the taking does not substantially affect the Premises so as to impair the ability of the Tenant to continue its business, this Lease shall continue in full force and effect. 17. Indemnification of Lessor. Landlord shall not be liable for any loss, injury, death, or damage to persons or property which at any time may be suffered or sustained by Tenant or its invitees or employees. Tenant shall indemnify and hold harmless Landlord against all claims, liability, loss, or damage whatsoever on account of any such loss, injury, death, or damage. 18. Redelivery of Premises. At the expiration or sooner termination of this Lease, Tenant shall peaceably and quietly quit and surrender to Landlord the Premises in good order and condition. 19. Brownfields Agreement. The parties acknowledge that the Landlord is working towards obtaining a brownfields agreement for the property and that it may not be finalized until late 4 [cD Attachment D Page 5 20 16. The parties further recognize that the Landlord's eligibility is provisional and the Landlord will not have the protections of a brownfields agreement unless and until it is executed and recorded. Tenant will abide by any Brownfields agreement entered into by Landlord. The parties acknowledge that they and any sub-tenant of the Tenant must operate at the site as though the requirements and land use restrictions of the brownfields agreement were already in place. Until the time a final brownfields agreement is available, the following restrictions and requirements, based on brownfields agreement template language, must be followed by the Tenant and all sub-tenants on the property: I. The activities allowed at the site will be restricted to those explicitly allowed under the brownfields agreement. The requested uses from the brownfields application are: A. Community college teaching facility with classrooms, laboratories, offices and associated parking. B. Offices (for organizations not associated with the community college), light industrial (for manufacturing incubator), recreational (e.g., outdoor seating or picnic tables), open space. C. Future plans may include student services such as a sandwich shop/cafeteria or book store. 2. Examples of property uses that will be either prohibited by the brownfields agreement or limited unless pre-approved are: A. Disturbance of soil, including landscaping. Landscaping will probably be approved without an environmental management plan (EMP) that addresses soil and water management issues. Any cut and fill or excavation action would also require prior approval, but would likely involve approval of an environmental management plan prior to such approval; B. Use of the property for sensitive populations (children and senior citizens), such as a day care, after school care, senior day care, K-12 school; 5 Attachment D Page 6 C. Residential use of the property; and D. Athletic fields, playgrounds, greenway trails. 3. Examples of property uses that will either be prohibited by the brownfields agreement or limited unless pre-approved are: A. Use of groundwater or surface water B. Use of property for agriculture, including community gardens C. Use of property for kennels or horseback riding D. Use or bulk storage of contaminants known to be present in the soil/groundwater at the site: a. arsenic; b. polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) e.g. benzo[a]pyrene, dibenz[a,h]anthracene; and c. oils- for example, cutting or hydraulic oil, because of the Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Oil Range Organics (TPH-ORO) documented in soil at the site. E. Prior to use, Tenant must supply to Landlord an inventory of products/chemicals used at the property, typical maximum amounts to be stored, types of product/waste containers, a description/location of secondary containment and description of record keeping for the MSDS sheets/disposal manifests (as applicable). Landlord's environmental consultant will determine, based on the types of products/chemicals/waste, if it is necessary to contact the North Carolina Brownfields Program for approval. a. Tenant may need to obtain permission for and conditions to use and store oil(s) to be used at the site. b. Tenant may need to obtain permission for and conditions to use and store diesel fuel to be used at the site because of PAHs detected in the soil. c. Although the arsenic concentrations in the soil may be naturally-occurring, 6 Attachment D Page 7 any use of products containing arsenic by tenant would also require approval prior to use/storage. F. All spills shall be immediately cleaned up, and Landlord notified via phone call as soon as the emergency response is completed. Information relating to the release such as type of product/chemical, estimate of amount spilled, location of spill and type of surface upon which spill occurred- floor, concrete, asphalt, grassy area- and response actions shall be documented and reported via e-mail to the Landlord within one business day, so the information can be reviewed and reported to the North Carolina Brownfields Program within two business days. Prior to use, Tenant and any sub-tenant must supply to Landlord an inventory of product/chemicals used at the property. 20. Allowable Use by the Landlord. The Landlord may use the building for up to three hours every quarter after 5:00 p.m. for features such as "business or industry after hours". The parties acknowledge that Landlord may serve alcoholic beverages at such events. Landlord must notify Tenant at least thirty (30) days in advance of its intention to use such premises. 21. Notices. All notices, demands, or other writings in this lease provided to be given or made or sent, or which may be given or made or sent, by either party hereto to the other, shall be deemed to have been fully given or made or sent when made in writing and deposited in the United States mail, registered and postage prepaid, and addressed as follows: TO LANDLORD: Wayne County Development Alliance, Inc. 309 E. Chestnut Street Goldsboro, NC 27530 TO TENANT: Wayne Community College 3000 Wayne Memorial Drive Goldsboro, NC 27534 The address to which any notice, demand, or other writing may be given or made or 7 Attachment D Page 8 sent to any party as above provided may be changed by written notice given by such party as above provided. 22. Parties Bound. The terms of this Lease shall apply to and bind the successors and assigns of all of the parties. 23. Memorandum of Lease. The parties will at any time at the request of the other promptly execute a memorandum of this Lease for recording purposes. 24. Subordination. Should Landlord desire to obtain financing which shall be secured by a lien against the Premises, Tenant will, upon request of Landlord, subordinate any of its rights under this Lease to commercial lending institutions for the purpose of financing; provided, however, that Tenant should not be disturbed in its use or enjoyment of the Premises as long as it is not in default of the lease terms, notwithstanding any foreclosure. 25. Applicable Law. This Lease is being executed and intended to be performed in the State of North Carolina and shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the law of the State of North Carolina despite that any party, successor or assign shall now or in the future be a resident of any other state. Venue shall be in the General Court of Justice in Wayne County, North Carolina. 26. Entire Agreement. This Lease expresses the entire understanding and agreement between Landlord and Tenant. This Lease cannot be modified, changed, discharged or terminated except by a writing signed by the Landlord and Tenant. Time is of the essence of this Lease, and of each and every covenant, term, condition, and provision hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Lease on the day and year first above written. LANDLORD: Wayne County Development Alliance, Inc. By: (SEAL) 'C'ry-s~t'al~G~e~tty~s,'P'r-es~id'e-n~t----------' 8 Attachment D Page 9 TENANT: Trustees of Wayne Community College By:=-----.-.c--c----n--c-;---c-----(,SEAL) Kay Albertson, President By:-;=;;:-:=>-,-::-:::;..,---,~=~----(SEAL) Chris Martin, Chairman Board of Trustees Related Party Acknowledgement: Wayne County By: ATTEST: C)ln~Whitleld ~ Assistant Clerk to the Wayne County Board of Commissioners C:\UsersVmclendon\ShareFile\Shared Folders\JAMIWAYNE COMMUNITY COLLEGE! Wayne Co. Develop. Alliance to WCC Lease.wpd REPORT: ADJUSTEDIT GENERATED: 05 FEB 15 19:31 RUN: MONDAY F£8082016 12:30 PAGE 1 COUNTY OF WAYNE BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS EDIT UPDATE OPERATOR JANICE RICE ACCOUNT # 624.7420.125 624.7420.128 ACCOUNT NAME TELEPHONE ALLOWANCE SALARIES & WAGES - BASELINE BONUS TYPE DESCRIPTION BA SOLID WASTE BA SOLID WASTE DATE 330.00 02/08/16 330.00~02/08/16 TOTAL DEBITS 330.00 TOTAL CREDITS: 330.00- NET ADJUSTMENTS: «:;"" MOUNT 0.00 TRANS # 35200056670 35200056671 REPORT: ADJUSTEDIT GENERATED: 05 FEB 15 19:31 RUN: WEDNESDAY FEB172016 12:47 PAGE 1 COUNTY OF WAYNE BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS EDIT UPDATE OPERATOR JANICE RICE ACCOUNT # 110.4310.299.004 110.4310.121 1J0.4310.180 110.4310.181 110.4310.182 110.4310.182.001 110.4310.183 ll0.4310.186 110.4310.299.004 110.4310.299.002 110.3431.410.001 110.3431.410.002 110.4310.353 110.4310.540 126.5304.329 126.5304.352 110.6110.263 110.6110.260 110.3611.330.001 110.6110.630.008 110.3611.330.002 ACCOUNT NAME TYPE BA MISC SUPP - CONCEALED WEAPONS PERMITS SALARIES & WAGES BA BA SOCIAL SECURITY - FICA BA SOCIAL SECURITY - MEDICARE BA RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTION 401 K RETIREMENT BA HOSPITALIZATION INS CONTRIBUTION BA BA WORKERS' COMPENSATION MISC SUPP - CONCEALED WEAPONS PERMITS SA SA MISC SUPPLIES - FINGERPRINTING CONCEALED WEAPON FEES SA FINGERPRINT FEES BA MAINT & REPAIRS - VEHICLES SA CAPITAL OUTLAY - VEHICLES SA OTHER COMMUNICATIONS BA MAINT & REPAIRS - EQUIPMENT SA LIBRARY MATERIALS(BKS, PERIOD,EL DATA SABA OFFICE SUPPLIES BA LIBRARY STATE AID GRANT BA SMART START BA LIBRARY SMART ST GRT-EVERY CH READY READBA DESCRIPTION SHERIFF SHERIFF SHERIFF SHERIFF SHERIFF SHERIFF SHERIFF SHERIFF SHERIFF SHERIFF SHERIFF SHERIFF SHERIFF SHERIFF DSS DSS LIBRARY LIBRARY LIBRARY LIBRARY LIBRARY \ 113,907.00 TOTAL CREDITS: 113,907.00- NET ADJUSTMENTS: DATE 20344.00 02/17/16 14151.00-02/17/16 877.00-02/17/16 205.00-02/17/16 958.00-02/17/16 283.00-02/17/16 3630.00-02/17/16 240.00-02/17/16 4705.00 02/17/16 2250.00 02/17/16 4705.00-02/17/16 2250.00-02/17/16 20000.00-02/17/16 20000.00 02/17/16 10491.00 02/17/16 10491.00-02/17/16 10000.00 02/17/16 2067.00 02/17/16 12067.00-02/17/16 44050.00 02/17/16 44050.00-02/17/16 TOTAL DEBITS s-.1. AMOUNT 0.00 TRANS # 35200056824 35200056825 35200056826 35200056827 35200056828 35200056829 35200056830 35200056831 35200056832 35200056833 35200056834 35200056835 35200056836 35200056837 35200056838 35200056839 35200056840 35200056841 35200056842 35200056843 35200056844 WAYNE COUNTY COUNTY MANAGER GEORGE A. WOOD MEMORANDUM WAYNECOUNTY NORTH C AROliNA Phone : (919) 731-1435 Fax (919) 731-1446 TO: Wayne County Board of Commissioners FROM: Marcia R. Wilson, Clerk to the Board DATE: February 22,2016 SUBJECT: Canterbury Village and North Creek Subdivisions Street Assessment Public Hearing On February 11,2016 Wayne County Board of Commissioners Vice-Chairman William H. Pate sent a letter to the property owners in Canterbury Village and North Creek subdivisions notifying them of the Preliminary Assessment Resolution for Canterbury Village and North Creek Subdivisions, adopted on January 5, 2016, and the date ofthe second public hearing on March 1, 2016 at 9:30a.m. in the Commissioners Meeting Room in the Wayne County Courthouse, 224 E. Walnut Street, Goldsboro, North Carolina. I have enclosed a copy of the letter to the property owners; Preliminary Assessment Resolution for Canterbury Village and North Creek Subdivisions, Wayne County, North Carolina; March 1, 20 16 public hearing notice; and a map of the subdivisions. I have also enclosed a copy of an email from North Carolina Department of Transportation District 3 Wayne County Engineer Jiles Harrell with the estimate for the street improvements. The estimate from the North Carolina Department of Transportation totaled $3,007,080.85 . The estimated cost for the public hearing legal notices and mailings to the property owners totaled $1, 150.93. This estimate is also enclosed. The t ota 1 es f1mate fior the s ree t assessment was computed as fio llows: North Carolina Department of Transportation $3,007,080.85 (excludes utility relocation cost) 1,150.93 Public hearing legal notices and mailings $ $3,008,231.78 Total 00 THE GOOD LIFE . GROWN HERE. PO BOX 227 GOLDSBORO. NC 27533 There are 121 buildable lots in the Canterbury Village (87 lots) and North Creek (34) subdivisions. Therefore, the total estimate of$3,008,231.78 is divided by 121 buildable lots for a total assessment of $24,861.42 per buildable lot. On February 16,2016 County Manager George A. Wood stated the Board of Commissioners would hold the public hearing on March 1, 2016 at 9:30 a.m., but would not take action following the public hearing. It is the intention of the Board of Commissioners to recess the public hearing to a date and time certain to allow the Board of Commissioners to examine its options concerning the street assessment. Ma Enclosures a R. W1lson WAYNE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WAY N ECO U I~TY t-I O RT H CA. RO li N I'. l' hone: (9'19) ·r~rt -·t LJ 3b February 11 , 2016 t:ax (!fl U) 73'1-··1/fllu Dear Property Owners in Canterbury Village and North Creek Subdivisions: On January 5, 2016 the Wayne County Board of Commissioners unanimously approved and authorized the Preliminary Assessment Resolution for Canterbury Village and North Creek Subdivisions, Wayne County, North Carolina and held the first public hearing on February 2, 2016. On February 2, 2016 the Wayne County Board of Commissioners unanimously approved and authorized the enclosed Preliminary Assessment Resolution for Canterbury Village and North Creek Subdivisions, Wayne County, North Carolina. The resolution also established the second public hearing to receive public comments on the proposed street assessments in Canterbury Village and North Creek Subdivisions on March 1, 2016 at 9:30a.m. in the Commissioners Meeting Room in the Wayne County Courthouse Annex, 224 E. Walnut Street, Goldsboro, North Carolina. The public hearing notice is also enclosed. Please review the enclosed information as it includes the proposed special assessment amount. If you are unable to attend the public hearing and would like submit written conunents by 9:30a.m. on March 1, 2016, please submit them vial mail or email to: Marcia R. Wilson, Clerk to the Board County of Wayne P.O. Box 227 Goldsboro, NC 27533-0227 Marcia. Wilson@waynegov .com Please contact the Wayne County Manager's Office at 919 731-1445 if you have any questions. Sincerely, William H. Pate, Vice-Chairman Wayne County Board of Commissioners Enclosures WHP/mrw 70 l HL GOOD Llf f . G RO WN Ht R£~ ... I r NORTH CAROLINA WAYNE COUNTY RESOLUTION #2016-~: A PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT RESOLUTION FOR CANTERBURY VILLAGE AND NORTH CREEK SUBDIVISIONS, WAYNE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA WHEREAS, certain streets in Canterbury Village and North Creek Subdivisions have not been accepted by the North Carolina Department of Transportation into the NC Secondary Highway System for ownership and maintenance; and WHEREAS, Article 9 of Chapter 153A of the North Carolina General Statutes sets out a process whereby property owners can petition the Wayne County Board of Commissioners to repair such roads to a standard acceptable to the NCDOT, so that they can be taken into the NC Secondary Highway System; and WHEREAS, all expenses by Wayne County to repair said streets will be assessed against the benefitting property owners as special assessments, per the above statute; and WHEREAS, Wayne County planning staff previously had prepared the necessary petition, and the County Attorney had approved its form to assure the statutory requirements were met; and WHEREAS, residents of the two subdivisions previously had presented a completed petition to the Board of Commissioners; and on December 1, 2015 the County Manager had reported that the County Clerk to the Board had certified the petition met the criteria set out in NCGS 153A-205, and was therefore a valid petition; and WHEREAS, members of the County Board and staff have worked with NCDOT on the specifics of this project; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners has conducted the public hearing as required by the preliminary assessment resolution; and WHEREAS, as part of its process the Board of Commissioners has approved a second public hearing once all the costs have been estimated, and such estimates should be completed within a week; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners desires to move forward with this process to have the streets repaired to NCDOT standards; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Wayne County Board of Commissioners as follows: Section 1. The Board hereby declares its intent to undertake this project. Section 2. The general description of the nature and location of the project is as follows: The proposed project area encompassed by this preliminary assessment resolution includes 123 residential lots fronting on the subdivision streets of East April Lane, Abbey Place, Adler Lane, Chancery Drive, .fI Coventry Drive, Helms Court, Helms Drive, Hyde Park Drive, Lane Tree Drive and Londonderry Drive. These streets consist of 2.40 lineal miles and were recorded as public rights of way on plats in the Office of the Wayne County Register of Deeds. The plats and lots listed are; Canterbury Village, Section I recorded in Plat Cabinet L, Slide 32F, Canterbury Village Section I Revision recorded in Plat Cabinet L, Slide 4\D, Canterbury Village Section 2 recorded in Plat Cabinet M, Slide 19, North Creek Section I recorded in Plat Cabinet K, Slide 32E, North Creek Section 2 recorded in Plat Cabinet K, Slide 38D, North Creek Section 3 recorded in Plat Cabinet K, Slide 50, North Creek Section 4 recorded in Plat Cabinet L, Slide 8J, North Creek Section 5 recorded in Plat Cabinet L, Slide 620, individual lot identified as parcel id number 2691691227 and recorded in Deed Book 1545, Page 738 and individual lot identified as parcel id number 2691690024 recorded in Deed Book 2945, Page 426. The streets in the proposed project area are connected to the North Carolina Secondary Roads system by Chancery Drive to Salem Church Road (NCSR 1300) and East April Lane to Perkins Road (NCSR 1319). The affected lots and the streets they abut are further shown on the attached map entitled "PROJECT AREA", prepared by the Planning Director/GIS Coordinator, which is incorporated herein this resolution by reference. Section 3. The proposed basis for making assessments shall be the number of buildable lots abutting any of the streets within the project area at an equal rate per buildable lot. Section 4. The Board of Commissioners intends to specially assess to cover one hundred percent (100%) of the cost of the work, as determined under NCGS 153A-193. Section 5. The Board of Commissioners intends that none of the special assessments for this project will be held in abeyance. Section 6. Payment of assessments may be made fully within thirty (30) days after the day that notice of confirmation of the assessment roll is published; or in the alternative, any portion of an assessment not paid within the 30-day period shall be paid in ten (I 0) equal annual installments. The first installment with interest is due on the date when property taxes are due, and one installment with interest is due on the same date in each successive year until the assessment is paid in full. The interest rate for installment payments shall be five percent (5%) per annum on any outstanding balance. Section 7. The Board of Commissioners hereby adopts an Order setting March I, 2016 at 9:30 am in the Board of Commissioners' Meeting Room, 4'h Floor of the Wayne County Courthouse Annex, 224 E. Walnut Street, Goldsboro, NC 27530 as the date, time and location for the second public hearing on all matters covered by the preliminary assessment resolution. At said meeting, the final assessment resolution may be adopted by the Board of Commissioners following the public hearing, at which the specific special assessment figures will be discussed. Section 8. The Clerk to the Board is hereby directed to provide the notices of this preliminary resolution as required in NCGS 153A-191. Section 9. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. Passed and adopted this 2nd day of February, 2016. Attest: 73 NORTH CAROLINA WAYNE COUNTY Notice is hereby given the Wayne County Board of Commissioners adopted a Preliminary Assessment Resolution for Canterbury Village and North Creek Subdivisions, Wayne COtmty, North Carolina on January 5, 2016. The County received valid petitions from the Canterbury Village and North Creek Subdivision property owners for the County to repair the subdivision streets to standards acceptable to the North Carolina Department of Transportation so the streets can be taken into the North Carolina Secondary Highway System. The North Carolina Department of Transportation has agreed to the specifics of the project. The proposed project area includes 121 residential lots fronting on the subdivision streets of East April Lane, Abbey Place, Adler Lane, Chancery Drive, Coventry Drive, Helms Court, Helms Drive, Hyde Park Drive, Lane Tree Drive and Londonderry Drive. The Wayne County Board of Commissioners held a public hearing on February 2, 2016 to receive public comments on the Preliminary Assessment Resolution for Canterbury Village and North Creek Subdivisions. Notice is hereby given the Wayne County Board of Commissioners will hold a second public hearing on March 1, 2016 at 9:30a.m. in the Commissioners Meeting Room in the Wayne County Courthouse Annex, 224 E. Walnut Street, Goldsboro, North Carolina to receive public comments on the Preliminary Assessment Resolution for Canterbury Village and North Creek Subdivisions since the preliminary cost estimates have been received from the North Carolina Department of Transportation. All expenses calculated to be incurred by the County to repair the streets and costs relating to the project as set out in Article 9 of Chapter 153A of the North Carolina General Statutes will be assessed against the benefitting property owners as special assessments, as per the statute. The assessment is $24,861.42 per buildable lot. Within 30 days after the day that notice of confirmation of the assessment roll is published, each owner of the assessed property shall pay his assessment in full. Alternatively, the Wayne County Board of Commissioners has provided that assessments may be paid over ten years in ten equal installments, subject to a five percent (5%) per annum interest to any unpaid balances. The benefiting property owners may notify the Clerk to the Board in writing prior to or by 9:30a.m. on March 1, 2016 or give oral comments at the public hearing on March 1, 2016 at 9:30a.m. All or one of the deeded benefiting property owners may remove their signature(s) from the petition, add their signature(s) to the petition or indicate they wish their signature(s) to remain on the petition. For the petition signature to be valid, it must contain the signatures of all the deeded owners of the property. At the conclusion of the public hearing, the Wayne County Board of Commissioners and staff will determine if the petition, as amended, has been signed by at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the owners of property to be assessed, who must represent at least seventy-five (75%) of all the lineal feet of frontage of the lands abutting on the street or portion thereof to be improved. If so, the Board of Commissioners may take action to approve this project. Written comments may be made to: Marcia R. Wilson, Clerk to the Board County of Wayne P.O. Box 227 Goldsboro, NC 27533-0227 This the 18~ day of February, 2016. Marcia R. Wilson Wayne County Clerk to the Board of Commissioners ro Q) '- <( ........, (.) Q) e a.. ·~ George Wood From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Harrell, Jiles P <> Friday, February 05, 2016 5:54 AM George Wood Overman, Christopher B; Little, Timothy M; Chip Crumpler RE: Wayne County Subdivisions - Preliminary Cost Estimate for Canterbury Village and North Creek Subdivision streets petition Estimate - Cantebury and North Creek.pdf Mr. Wood, Please see attached estimate. As we discussed yesterday and based on our conversations with local electricians, the power that goes to the encroachments/headwalls in the right of way will need to be shut off for safety purposes and to ensure no circuit damage in the home prior to removal of the headwalls. The line going to the structure would be placed in a box at the edge of the right of way. To perform this work, a right of entry would need to be provided for access to the homeowners breaker box and shut off the power or at least cooperation from the homeowner to ensure power is off to the structure, but I am not sure whether an electrician would be comfortable with that assumption/assurance from the homeowner. I would suggest that all rights of entry be obtained prior to a contract being awarded. If a homeowner that has an encroachment to be removed does not agree to a right of entry or access to cut off the power to the structure (for instance if they were not one of the original75% and do not agree to the project as a whole but still required to participate as majority rules), how would the county suggest this moves forward? I just want to make sure that this is taking into consideration and no legal issues would arise. Thanks and let me know of any questions. -Jiles Jiles P. Harrell, PE District Engineer Division 4 District 3 -Johnston and Wayne Counties North Carolina Department of Transportation 919 739 5300 office 2671 US 70 West Goldsboro, NC 27530 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 Hello, Thank you for meeting with us this week regarding the street improvement/assessment process. I have attached a map showing the subdivision streets for Canterbury Village and North Creek subdivisions that are included on the petition. Please let me know if you need any additional information like recorded plats, etc. in order to provide the punch lists and cost estimates. I can also meet you on site if needed. The streets are· ~tPI~ E ·.$T:NANlE APRIL ABBEY ADLER CHANCERY COVENTRY HELMS HELMS HYDE PARK LANE TREE LONDONDERRY ··········:-::. .; ;:~m~L ~ --,, ccccc • ... jn/Jjte~ .·-.. 0.54 0.05 LN PL LN DR 0.46 0.56 0.10 DR CT DR DR DR DR 0.10 0.08 0.20 0.1S 0.16 Jil\o Thanks.again, Chip Crumpler Planning Director/ GIS Coordinator Wayne County, North Carolina 134 N. John St. P. 0. Box 227 Goldsboro, North Carolina 27533-0227 Phone# 919-731-1650 Fax# 919-705-1815 WAYNECOUNTY 1-lO~iH CAiiOlli'!J. Email corrospondencF: to ;.~nd from this sender is subject to the N.C. Public Records laV·! and may be disclosed to third parties I{ 3 From: Harrell, Jiles P Sent: Monday, February 01, 2016 4:43AM To: 'Chip Crumpler' <>; George Wood <> Cc: Overman, Christopher B <>; Little, Timothy M <> Subject: Wayne County Subdivisions- Preliminary Cost Estimate for Canterbury Village and North Creek Subdivision streets petition Gentlemen, Please see attached preliminary estimate for Canterbury and North Creek, which comes in just shy of 3 million dollars. This equates to an overall assessment of $24,200 per home or $2,400 per year on a 10 year assessment (not including any interest applied by the County). There will still need to be some small refinement for quantities for contract purposes, and I also have to verify labor rates to ensure the engineering and inspection costs are accurate. Also, there are a couple of items, for instance power abandonment and saw cutting of headwalls, which I am still awaiting some pricing information as these are non-typical items. That stated, I would be surprised if the costs are out of line with my assumptions shown on the estimate. I know that you are looking for a somewhat tight time table to move forward for the public meeting. Could we further discuss today to ensure our office is pursuing accordingly? I had hoped to have this estimate available earlier last week but our staff that was working on the data collection piece had to break from this to assist with the winter storm cleanup in Johnston County. Please let me know what questions you may have. Thanks. -Jiles Jiles P. Harrell, PE District Engineer Division 4 District 3- Johnston and Wayne Counties North Carolina Department of Transportation 919 739 5300 office 2671 US 70 West Goldsboro, NC 27530 ~/'Nothing Compares~-'--" Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third pa1ties. From: Chip Crumpler [] Sent: Friday, December 11, 2015 11:02 AM To: Harrell, Jiles P <> Cc: George Wood <> Subject: Canterbury Village and North Creek Subdivision streets petition 2 l0 '-> CANTERBURY VILLAGE AND NORTH CREEK SUBDIVISIONS EXPENSES Date 116/2016 1/22/2016 211112016? 2/19/2016 ? cS'> ~-~ ? ? ? Expense Mailing 151 public hearing notice and resolution to property owners 121 letters x $.49 Legal notice for 151 public hearing in Goldsboro News-Argus Mailing 2"" public hearing notice and resolution to property owner 122 letters x $.49 (one new property owner since petition signed) Legal notice for 2"" public hearing in Goldsboro News-Argus Mailing 3'0 public hearing notice and resolution to property owner 122 letters x $.49 (one new property owner since petition signed) Legal notice for 3'0 public hearing in Goldsboro News-Argus Publication of notice of confirmation of assessment roll Mailing to property owner confirmation of assessment roll 122 letters x $.49 (one new property owner since petition signed) Note Amount $59.29 $132.30 $59.78 Estimate Estimate $260.00 $59.78 Estimate Estimate Estimate $260.00 $260.00 $59.78 ~ Total - - · - - - • - - - - $1,150.93 \ Marcia Wilson From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: RICHARD FLETCHER <> Tuesday, February 23, 2016 3:14 PM Marcia Wilson Beth Fletcher; Rick Fletcher Resolution #2016-3 Ms. Wilson, My wife and I recently moved to 200 Chancery Drive in Canterbury Village. We reluctantly signed the initial petition, out of desperation, to support repairing the roads in our subdivision. I say reluctantly and out of desperation, because we feel there has been no support to pursue the responsible party or parties and hold them accountable for the needed repairs. The primary responsible party is the developer--Bill Lane. It is my understanding that Bill Lane, as the developer, is responsible for maintaining the roads and submitting the proper paperwork in a timely manner to turn them over to DOT. I assume the initial street design was approved and it eventually passed inspection once constructed. Therefore, if they were not designed and constructed to the minimum DOT standard, but passed inspection, the county should be partially liable too. After seeing the exorbitant amount each property owner is being assessed to pay, we feel it is unjust and ask that our names be removed from the original petition. We feel the aforementioned party and/or parties have been negligent and irresponsible is their responsibilities and we should not have to pay for their shortcomings with our hard earned savings and livelihood. Please confirm receipt of this email, so we know our names have been removed from the petition. Respectfully, Richard Fletcher 1 61 WAYNECOUNTY NORTH CAROL IN A Public Hearing Notice Wayne County Citizens Notice is hereby given that a hearing will be held before the Wayne County Commissioners to receive public comment on proposed amendments to the Wayne County Zoning Map. The hearing wi ll be held Tuesday, March I st, 20 16 at 9:30A.M. in the County Commissioners meeting room, Wayne County Cou1thouse Annex, 224 East Walnut St. in Goldsboro on the following items. Z- 16-01 Zoning map amendments for Highways and Interchanges: a. Zoning of land along the corridor and interchange of West US 70 Highway and new US 70 Bypass to the Johnston County line to Community Shopping and Residential Agricultural-20. b. Rezoning of land around the interchanges and corridors of new US 70 Bypass from Wayne Memorial Drive to the Lenoir County line to Community Shopping. Residential Agricultural-20 and Vi llage District. c. Rezoning of land along the corridor of l-795 to Community Shopping and Residential Agricultural-20. d. Rezoning of land along the corridor and interchanges of South US 11 7 Highway to Community Shopping and Residential Agricultural-20. Written comments before the meeting may be addressed to Wayne County Planning Depart ment P.O. Box 227 Goldsboro, N.C. 27533. For further info rmation contact the Wayne County Planning Department at 919-73 1-1650 or contact chip.crumpler@waynegov .com.. Marcia Wilson, Clerk to the Board MEMORANDUM To: Wayne County Board of Conuuissioners From: Chip Crumpler, Wayne County Planning Director Date: May 4, 20 15 Re: Zoning Map Change - Map Amendment Z-15-06- Highway Corridor and Interchange Zoning Proposal This zoning map amendment for consideration consists of Highway and Interchange zoning proposal maps for West US 70 Highway, New US 70 Bypass(NC 44), 1-795 and South US 117 Highways. The project consists of both rezoning and the creation of new zoning areas. The maps were created generally utilizing a 300 foot buffer of the corridors up to the interchanges and then following existing property lines around the interchanges. The property was zoned Community Shopping (CS), Village (VI) or Residential Agricultural - 20 (RA-20). Property was generally zoned to make it conforming to its present use. Vacant land was zoned CS or VI. The purpose of such zoning shall be to promote the health, safety, morals, and the general welfare by regulating the height, number of stories, size of buildings and other structures, the percentage of lot that may be occupied, the size of yards, courts, and other open spaces, the density of population, the location and use of buildings, structures, and land for trade, industry, residence or other purposes, except farming to establish boundaries for said purposes and to provide penalties for violation of the zoning ordinance, and for other purposes. The proposed rezoning would support the following policies from the Comprehensive Plan. Policy 2.6: SEYMOUR JOHNSON AIR FORCE BASE shall be recognized as a critical component of the local economy. County actions shall be consistent with preserving, protecting and promoting the mission of this pivotal major industry. Policy 2.11: Wayne County shall encourage a PUBLIC SERVICE AND REGULATORY ENVIRONMENT conducive to economic development, provided that environmental quality, public health and safety considerations are not compromised. Policy 2.12: Activities that bring new people and businesses to the county, including SPECIAL EVENTS, SPORTS TOURNAMENTS, ECO-TOURISM (E.G. NEUSE RIVER), HERITAGE TOURISM, AND CONVENTION ACTIVITIES shall be encouraged and supported. Policy 3.1: Wayne County shall be an active participant in recruiting new business development with the objective of providing higher paying jobs to area citizens, expanding the tax base and recapturing a larger percentage of retail sales. Recommendation: The Wayne County Planning Board recommends that the zoning map amendment be adopted. Next Step: A public hearing will be required. West US 70 Hwy Proposed Zoning iL!Ci'7J Property lines ; : ! c~yimls c:J Extra Tetrtorial Jurisdiction - - NewUS70Bypass ~ -r- ~ 'fiWP5'2W I&U · iP.ES-wdO':UUC: , lol··~t ....dC: NIIIO"S! •7:~~ ) R-10 R-15 RA-20 RA30 .... VILLAGE.OIST Property lines ' • .. c~ylm ls Extra Terntorial Junsdidion c:J - - New US 70 Bypass - - RCNV ~ East US 70 Hwy Proposed Zoning Map 2 of 2 - - Proposed zoning change a-eas -cs Proposed_Zone_Changes RA-20 - VILLAGE Property lines ; ' :! Qyimls c:J Extra Terrlorial Jurisdiction - Ralroad - New US 70 Bypass - - Inte rstate - - US Routes - - NCRoutes - - NCSR - - RON ~ ~ ~ ~ UGHT·IND R· 10 R-15 RA·20 - RA30 VILLA~·DIST Property lines • : !c•y lmls c:J Eldra Terrlonal Junsdidion __,_ Ralroad - - New US 70 Bypass - - lnlerstale - - USRoules - - NCRoutes - - NCSR - - ROW 81 - - Proposed zonirg dlange areas Proposed_Zone_Changes cs RA-20 cs HEAVY-I NO UGHT-IND R-10 R-15 RA-20 - RA30 VlllAGE-DIST Property lines ••• ! citylmls c::J Ex1ra Terrlonal Jurisdiction -+-+ Ralroad - - New US 70 Bypass - - Interstate - - US Routes - - NCRoutes - - NCSR