presentation Maya Devi-culture, dance of Rajasthan


presentation Maya Devi-culture, dance of Rajasthan
Rajput Maharani dance
Milano –ITALY
Dances, Music and Cultures
of Rajasthan
International Artists
Nomad Dance Fest 2011 MAYA DEVI (Italy/india)
Founder of RAJPUT MAHARANI dance company
Artistic Director of NOMAD DANCE FEST
Gipsy dance dancer of Rajasthan, Indian folk and kalbeliya
Maya Devi (Monica F.) The first and only teacher FOLK RAJASTHANI DANVCES and KALBELIYA in Italy . She is a Member of CID-­‐UNESCO, international dance Council since 2007. She is the only italian disciplel of SUVA DEVI since 2007, one of the greatest teachers of Kalbeliya and Gulabo Sapera, the largest dance dancer of Rajasthan in the world.Besides being meditative dance teacher, ”Devi Dance", Hindi bollywood dance, contemporary Flamenco and Flamenco is Hindi spiritual Researcher, teacher of meditation and yoga. From 1996 she travels to India on a spiritual journey deep in the tradition of the great goddess Shaktas "The living goddess tradition" and learns Indian sacred dances and during long stays: the folk dances of Rajasthan with the Guru Vandana, Kalbeliya dance at the villages of gipsy enchanters of snakes and the teacher Sua Devi, dance Odissi with Rekha Tandon in Bhubaneswar, dance Khatak with Kamal Guru Maharaj and Sufi dance from Indian Masters. In 2005 in Milan began his Flamenco studies through stays in Spain studying with great masters of the dance as: Isabel Bayon, Rafaela Carrasco, Antonio el Pipa, Olga Pericet, Blanca Del Rey, Eva La yerbabuena, Angel Munoz, Belen Maya and Mercedes Ruiz. Studia Palmas y compas con El Londro, El Gamboa de Jerez, Antonio Mejias, Santiago Lara and Antonio Porro in Italy. Maya has founded MUDRARTE in 2009 to spread the teachings of Yoga and dance. She is also a teacher and Creative Director of the training school of Indian folk dances of RAJPUT company MAHARANI. Oct 2010 she performed at the Palasesto di San Giovanni Milano in honor of AMMA, the great Indian Guru and Mother of the hug. One of the few dancers admitted to this event. In February 2011 the company Debuts Its Devi Kalbeliya to Udaipur-­‐Rajasthan dancing for an important event organized by the Maharaja of Udaipur on LAKE PALACE. Also in February 2011 will perform in Delhi with the BOLLYWOOD NAACH company founded by Rahul Verma, one of the choreographers in Bollywood Dance the most quoted of India. By 2010 she dedicates herself to spreading the nomadic GYPSY Dances and ROUTE creating the festival NOMAD DANCE FEST dedicated to all gipsy dances and nomads from India to Andalusia which debuted at DANZA IN FIERA in February 2011 in Florence. Maya holds courses and internship in Milan and the whole of Italy and performed in famous theatres and abroad in international festivals of dance with his RAJPUT MAHARANI company. Every year organizes INDIA DANCE TOUR, a trip dedicated to dance for people who want to learn closely dances and Indian culture. Maya Devi in 2008 founded RAJPUT MAHARANI, the first Italian company of gipsy folk Rajasthani dance and Kalbeliya. The company offers performances of Rajasthani dances, Kalbeliya Ghoomar (Indian Court dances), Sapera, Chari dance, Bhawai and devotional dances of Mirabai. These dances of Rajasthan are considered to be the roots of some oriental and spanish dances. From the Thar desert in Rajasthan,over 1000 years ago started the “GYPSY ROUTE” , the Indo-­‐European migration of Gypsies, that has influenced culture, traditions and dances of North Africa. Middle East and Spain. Maya, is committed to rediscover the culture of Rajasthani dances and traditions all over Italy and Europe. In 2010 she created and organized the first Italian festival of dances, culture and nomadic music NOMAD DANCE FEST in Milan and in INDIA in March 2013. The next edition will be in Milan in 2013 and in INDIA in October 2013. EVENTS, SHOWS, FESTIVALS
MAYA DEVI & RAJPUT MAHARANI company participated in important
national and international events and shows: IN INDIA: -­‐March 2013—UDAIPUR CITY PALACE 26° of March 2013-­‐”Gypsy roots” show during Holika Dahan Festival organized ● by Maharana Arvind Singh Mewar at Udaipur at City Palace. -­‐31° March 2013 “Gypsy roots” show hosted by Fort Pachewar, Jaipur. -­‐2° of April 2013 “Gypsy roots” show organized by Bhawan Singh Palace. -­‐4° of April 2013 “Gypsy roots” show organized in collaboration with Italian Embassy and Istituto di cultura italiana , New Delhi. ITALY and EUROPE: May 2013-­‐ INDIAN DANCE WEEK Barcelona.Gala show. -­‐ January 2013-­‐64° Indian Republic Day in Milan-­‐Rajput Maharani invited by Indian Consul and Incredible India the evening of celebration for the day of the Republic at Palazzo Clerici in Milan. -­‐December/January 2012-­‐2013-­‐Touring concerts in India, Rajasthan and New Delhi. -­‐December 2012 RIVER TO RIVER Florence film festival. Rajput Maharani Devi and Maya dance in honuor of Amitabh Bachchan, the Bollywood Star. -­‐October 2012-­‐NOMAD DANCE FEST-­‐Gala show "GIPSY ROUTES" with international artists such as Rafaela Carrasco, Les Troublamours, Sayari Sapera, Almoraima, Rana Gorgani,presentation by Syusy Blady. -­‐October 2012-­‐YOGA FESTIVAL, Milan. Show "MAHARANI MAHAL" of Bollywood dance to Yoga Festival. -­‐August 2012-­‐Touring shows in INDIA, Rajasthan, with SAYARI ROOTS OF GIPSY. -­‐July 2012-­‐CID UNESCO International Congress in San Marino. Maya is the guest of honour for the Indian dances. -­‐July 2012-­‐VOICES OF the DESERT Tuareg Festival with dances during the concert of TINARIWEN, winners of Grammy Award for world music 2012. -­‐June 2012-­‐FIESTA organised by Syusy Blady NOMADAS, under the artistic direction of Maya Devi. -­‐March 2012 INDIA, Jaipur, Fort Pachewar "NOMAD ROUTES" Spettacol in one of the oldest fort of Rajasthan. -­‐February 2012 BIT Milan-­‐Stand Incredible India-­‐India tourism. Performance for the opening ceremony in the presence of the Indian Ambassador and Director of the India Tourism. -­‐Dec. 2011 "NOMAD DANCE FEST to Syusy Blady's Sal8" of “Turisti per caso” TV programme in Bologna -­‐Dec. 2011 MISS INDIA ITALY Milan Performance for the Gala evening for the election of Miss India. -­‐Dec. 2011 Indian RIVER TO RIVER Florence-­‐Florence Film festival opening and closing ceremony. -­‐Dec. 2011 ARTIGIANO IN FIERA Milano-­‐Incredible India Platform -­‐Nov. DANCE EXPO MILANO 2011 "Nomad Routes Show” -­‐Oct. 2011 Milan show of NOMAD DANCE FEST Gala performance with the Gipsyes of Rajasthan and Dhoad Suva Devi. -­‐Oct. YOGA FESTIVAL 2011 Milan Show GIPSY ROUTES -­‐Oct. Maya 2011 Rajput Maharani Devi and dance in honor of AMMA, the great hugging mother at Palasesto. Television coverage in TG 2 Special during the Darshan. -­‐Aug. 2011 INDIA Performance in His village have to together with the gipsies of Rajasthan and musicians of Jaisalmer. -­‐June 2011-­‐show "MUSE" at the Teatro Regio in Turin for the unity of Italy. -­‐February 2011-­‐Maya Devi participates in performance for the wedding of the son of the Maharaja of Udaipur LAKE PALACE along with his Mistress Suva Devi. -­‐February 2011-­‐DANZA IN FIERA Florence-­‐browse and Show NOMAD DANCE FEST. -­‐December 2010-­‐Milan-­‐MIDANZA Show -­‐November 2010-­‐WEEKEND DONNA Milano. shows and stage of Nomadic Dances. -­‐Oct. 2010 Maya Devi Kalbeliya dance in honor of AMMA, the great mother of the embrace the Palasesto of Sextus's Giovanni, Milan. -­‐August 2010-­‐Performance dances of Rajasthan in NEW DELHI. Nomad Dance fest
INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL of gypsy Dance, Music and Culture “The spirit of Desert roads” 17-­‐31 October 2013 A project born from the heart and the experience of Maya Devi, dancer and teacher of Yoga , Indian dances and spiritual prac?ce, a researcher of Eastern cultures, Ar?s?c director of NOMAD DANCE FEST,co-­‐ founder of NOMAD ROOTS Pvt Ltd, India. Maya is a member of ' Interna?onal Dance Council CID UNESCO declaring:: "The cultural heritage is manifested in the union of the various forms of ar?s?c expression of each country and that's what we want to promote," The Gipsy Route does not stop, and aQer the the italian edi?on in Italy (Milan) and the interna?onal in March and April 2013 in Rajasthan the gypsy caravan is ready for another tour in October 2013 travelling in Rajasthan and other states of India. A demonstra?on in broad cultural which has brought and will bring a unique stage of a myriad of Ar?sts and dances of the from India to Andalucia. A long journey started 1000 years ago from India, from the Thar desert crossing Persia, Turkey, Egypt, Morocco, the Balkans to the Mediterranean and parts of southern Italy. The Nomad Fest aims to rediscover and revive tradi?ons of folk dances and the cultures of nomadic peoples. For further informa?on: TELEVISION and PRESS
-­‐March 2013-­‐ PUSHKAR TV, RADIO and UDAIPUR T -­‐October 2012-­‐RAI DUE TV-­‐Special on AMMA’s embracing the world tour in Italy where MAYA DEVI performed with her group. -­‐October 2012 ”Le Invasioni barbariche” TV show on LA7. -­‐Oct. Maya 2011 Rajput and Maharani guests to ' HEALTH LABORATORY "on Telecolor with dances and interviews of the Silk Road. -­‐Oct. 2011 Special Nomad Dance Fest and dances of Rajasthan on BABEL of Sky TV -­‐Oct. 2011 special transmission on NOMAD DANCE FEST on RADIO POPOLARE to Jalla! Jalla! -­‐Oct. 2011 CLASS TV Special on Nomad Dance fest. -­‐Oct. TG3 Special 2011 Nomad Dance fest on RAI TRE national TV. -­‐Oct. 2011 Special Tg2 on AMMA with the dances of Rajasthan Rajput maharani. -­‐Febr. 2011 broadcast on SKY TV "FAMILY SCHOOL", Maya teaches Bollywood dance to a competitor. -­‐December 2010-­‐programme "HEALTH LABORATORY" on Telecolor. Maya 's Performance of sacred dances and dances of Rajasthan. PRESS UDAIPUR TIMES, Pushkar newspaper, Vanity fair, La Stampa, La Repubblica, Il Giornale, Il Corriere della sera, Vivimilano, Dancing travelling, Modern Woman, Natural lifestyle, El Diario de Jerez. PRESS REVIEW AVAILABLE on our website at Awards and adknowledgments
•  Maya Devi has received ARVINDSHAHI from the MAHARANA of UDAIPUR SHRI ARVIND SINGH in City Palace in March 2013 for her contribu?on to spreading the Rajasthani culture. CONTACTS
Tel. +39 339 1633201