21b5 -21-71 - Newburyport
21b5 -21-71 - Newburyport
FORM A. AREA Assessor'sSheets USGSQuad Form Numbersin Area Area Letter BA l44e,4s1 21b5-21-71 HistoricalCommission Massachusetts Boulevard Morrissey 220 etts02125 Boston,Massachus Town: Newburyport Place (neighborhoodor village). Photograph (3" x 3" or 3-I/2" x 5", black andwhite only) Label photos on backwith town and addressesfor all buildings shown. Recordfilm roll and negative numbers here on theform. Staple I-2 photos to left side rfform over this space. Attach additional photos to continuation sheets. roll negative(s) -13 Name of Area: Brown's Wharf PresentUse: Commercial.Offices Construction Dates or Period: earlv 19th to present OverallCondition: eood MajorlntrusionsandAlterations: considerable new constructionsince1960 SketchMap Draw a map of the area indicating properties within it. Circle and number propertiesfor which i ndiv i dua I i nven tory form s have been compIeted. Label streets including route numbers, if any. Attach a continuation sheetif spaceis not sufficient here. Indicate north. Acreage: Recorded by: Lisa Mausolf Organization: Newburyport Hist. Commission Date (month/year). July 1999 .wrotuaaapts Duatu) rajsgay puouoN pataldaor rr rlrr4tDtsttw no[ 'patlcaqctf icu]sl(I reisr8egI€uoIleNe se pepueuruoceSI 'oprstso.\\eql uo peppuuoeqseq,{eq 'sllrs pue slolurl olorcuoco^eq s,\\opul\\ uepoo,tLpp peted oq1 'learls cerulrretrAlEqceg po4elqe8 o3gre3palSurqs-poo,\{ V eoqs,'(qeqrolluoJ eJo a]Is sll qfl^\ peluorrosr Surplrnqfeq-g x e or1l orrJte6l eqt ut pe,{orlsepse.\{qclli^n,{:o1ce3 peSoo: a8ero1s7e3ere8 Surppnq eqt uo fgSnor polecol sr iI JJeqr\\ s.[eyc1A1o1Surpealpeor erl] uo po]mol s\ (EL6,#JH141) .fro6-r13ut. 'leuorlrppeuV 'roop e8ere8tuoporu€ qlh\ polllJ uooqse{i opmeJoql uo ,{eq e8ere8el8urs eq1 'se1e:6 -alqeS pdered ple1lJqll{\ peranocor€ qcrq,\\s.{\opur^rtq3r1-r11nu lelaur pu€ (ttOZ*lllW) rae:t5 3€tulrretrAlZ6 o} rellluls sI t{tlqM 'ipeq puB per peluled eql ere so?e}ns ,'!rou Suqleds lclrq Ued-aorqte s,{eldsrp6u1p1pqegt 'sossrulloo}sr{trmpo3roJuloU 'sdetu oousrnsuluroques o1Suprocce gV6l u\ pepru$uoc (OgOZ+lFIt{) eq1 ,{ltuenbesqnsse,nSurppnq>lcrrqrrlo11e,,( '0rI} c?ururotr{ u sr tE6I aql lpun olls asnoqerolslcFq .&o1s-elEurs loorls iV w [rotce1 eolls rauuoJ eI{}pulqeq lSnI sFPleq} sreedde Eurpynq se.,vr peprulsuoc oql uo sea\qclq \ Supgnq.&opeg ooqsplo uego ued eprod:ocut ,{eru11tt6l fsod .s^topur,u Suqe:ofuocu1 '1uo-t3t eued g x 9 le1eurureluocpuu sterd {opq ,{q pornl}noare sfeq eql 'sreprrE1ee1s f1qEnoqliy e 4 (LL6(,#JHI D leerls o€rul-r.rotrAl lederedged-esrql e ql1,t\suoqcosomt ul 4ceq sdelsqolrll'\ 8urplnq lcuq ,fuo1s-e16urs 'org pue se8ere8 rreder qcFI.{\ sdoqs {clrq I€Je es eJeeer€ eq} u$llrl\ tg6l eqt reg€ pa]cru]suocoro^\ Z6 te Suplrnq o11L 'relpo eqt uo ,\ropuv$lueurecelderI/I e pue opls e sureluoJoclrerluopess$er eq1 'dec elerouo3 e ,{q pelueg sl qcFl.t\roop leued-pue-sse16 euouo,rropul{r.{eldslp sse18-41mu eql ol ol€p o1 s:eeddelr fllecnsrt&s eq1 .{:nluac q1g7,{1.ree qg,trlede.redpeddelse ,{q peddec s1Sulpgnqlcuq ,{:o1s-a13urs 'f:quec 1116Iolel ot{lur,{ueduro3 qEnoqtleSupgnq roplo oqtJo ued seprofuocur Surplrnqoql tellt olq€^Iocuoosl11 eJo o}ts eql uo spuels { '.{-lopej -re3Uod.,{:nq^\oNaq} JoJpe}cruFuoc 'ezls oruessq1.{1q8no:se.\rqJIq}\ ecgo Xrols-o.eq eqJ luecefpeaqt se oturl eureseq] 1?tlrnq uooqe^eq ol s.resdde(tgOZ*lIilN) rertg 3ewIrreIAIZt 1" Eury[nq lclrq lletus 'se3so suleluoc rrrouEulpllnq Supynq eqJ 'eclruoc reddoc pue ledered 1uo.r3 eq1 'pecelderere^\ s.uopurly\yeulSFoeqlJo IIe puu Z86l uI pele^ouarse.a,r e 'rorrrolJole1olo>1cFqeldrurse 'smopuvrl,{:o1sreddn eq} enoqe8w11eqroc,\to[€qs 'slelwl puu slls e]eJcuocelduns leq] Joqlo 's.{\opw.trpasseosraW eurl}nopue 8urppnq oqr;o tq61eqoql eslr qcrqaasrerd ilelap lernpelrqor€Jo Xe.rleql q el$ll sr areql eqtgo s,{eqeqr'ulgFC '/rt'D fq sueldol8tnprocce 9I6I uI pepru$uo3 {cl-tqa{olleqs.{qpeugepere Srnppnq,{:o1s-eelql 8up[nq 'oJ ooqs q]n6 reluroJ oqJ 'sern1cru1s leulsnpul f:n1uec qgg,{lreego lecrdfl q (lS?#f,HW) lee:t5 c€uruel4l ?? }€ 'pua lseo eqt uo poprutsuoc semuorlrypef:erodrusluoc ,{:o}s-orq E plre qses I/I urepou qtl'n psceldar oJOA\ seropuvlrpufpo erllJo IIV 'seogo JoJ066I'c poqqeqorsezuSrnppnqeql'uee,{,(ueru ro3 osnoqere&\erruIluqie se Eur,r:es 'esnorlare.\\e se ,{:npec q161 roUV 'puD{,{uego tueureruos1ce18ruppnqpeJoor-elqeEeq1'erqeu uelre{Iln s{ 8q$geg pFu eqf q polcru15uorueaq e^€q ol sr€eddeqcrq ,r (ggOZ*lWW) SurplrnqlcFq .{ro1s-oerql€ sl 3ueq1\\s.ulYr,orguo peleco'I 's0s6l olp u! epls pue reer eql 1€popruNuo3 ore,r{s.uopuFnIepur qlp\ suo$1ppe{colq oprcuoc olrsuolxo ororupuu 0Z6I'c SqpUnq oq}Jo reor etp le p4cru}suoc se^r uoqrppe lcolq otercuoc V 'qses g7gleqESroue sacelderpue ,{rquec tp6l olq eql ol sepp qses ZlZ ltreutuoperd eqa 'puoq qsrurolC€ ur prel lclrqJo pelcruNuoc s18up11nqfuo7s-711geq1 'pod.{rnq&\aNut enbnm ,{p1eEf1 se)pruJoor lerqure8 '}eeJls e qlr^{ uoqcrutsuoc IOIrqJo uo4eurqruorsU ',{:ruuocq61 ,(1ree.ror08I o1eleqt ol et€p o1 s:eoddeEuppnq eql uoarg elrsoddo'(OW#f,HN) teerfg c€rulrretr41 6y f EurplrnqIelf,rouruoc eql sI eor€ erp ur ftrlpynq Eunn:ns Feplo erf,l 't€6I pue t68I ul serg Surplser'eP ,{q pe{orlssp eJo./r\ ee1?srq}q seJnlcru1spurEFo eqlgo ,{ue6 '.{ep tueserdeI{}pue .{.tnluec{$Z ,(l:ee eql ueeA{pq popru$uoc oJe^{sloo;ls uoeJg pue rouruns leer1g c"ruIJJoW. q popunoqeoJBluolpele.{l eqt ur s8urppnqsqlJo lsofi 't1runwwoc aqj uryjk soato nqlo/o salal m apnlD^a puo satnloat adocspun1puD lp.tryln4s 'loJnQallqctD aq4csaQ NOIIdnIJ SEC TTUNIJAJIHJW naro{ vlnry I}ryENTORY FORM CONTINUATION SI{EET Historical Commission Massachusetts MassachusettsArchives Building 220 Morrissey Boulevard Boston-Massachusetts02 125 Town Newburyport PropertyAddress Area(s)FormNo. BA ARCHITECTIIRAL DESCRIPTION (continued) Partsof the largewood-frameboatshopat 58 MerrimacStreet(MHC#2972)maydateto the 1930sor 1940sbut the in a combinationof board-and-batten buildinghasbeengreatlyexpandedovertheyears. Thetwo-storybuildingis sheathed l2lI2 includesa combination of sashand3 x 2-lightwindowswith siding,asphaltshinglesandwoodshingles.Fenestration largeslidingdoorson the elevationfacingthewater. (MHC#2968)is a since1960.TheBlackCow Restaurant The remainingbuildingsall appearto havebeenconstructed c.1980buildinglocatedon Brown'sWharf. Directlyto thesouththeHudsonBuildingat 38 MerrimacStreet clapboarded facade.The (MHC#2965)is a two-storyblock with two concreteblocksidewalls,a metalrearelevationanda wood-shingled with a (MHC#2970) metal building is a two-story 54 Merrimac Street at Hilton's lll windows. 8/8 and c.1980buildinghas Yard 58 Merrimac Yacht at The Windward painted with a whale mural. single-storyrear addition. The southfacingwall is by a gableroof with dormers cot[age(tvlllc#2974)embellished Streetincludeswhat appearsto be a c.1980wood-shingled (MHC#2975). Thebuilding gabled marina is office nearby a small and beams rests on steel The building andbay windows. It is setbackfrom Merrimac building c.1990. brick constructed at 58 MerrimacStreet(1fr1c#2971)is a large,three-story on eachlevelanda centralglazed Streetby a parkinglot. The broadfacadestepsbackwith bandsof glazedrvindorvs entranceportico on the first floor. HISTORICAL NARRATIVE Explain historical developmentof the area. Discusshow this area relates to the historical developmentof the community. What is nolv Merrimac Street existed as early as 1645,describedas a "way to the river" and extendingfrom the foot of Greenleaf s Lane (rvhat is norv State Street)to the foot of Ordway's Lane (the presentMarket Street). After the year 1700 the number of wharves and docks constructedalong the riverfront steadily increased. As early as 1730, Abiel Somerby was granted permissionto build a wharf at the foot of Ordway's Lane (Market Street)that rvas subsequently designated"the upper long w-harf'. On the 1851 and 1872 mapsthis wharf is known as Patch's Wharf. To the south additional rvharveswere constructed,lined by lvarehousesand dockserectedby various merchants. Horton's Wharf was located near the end of Titcomb Street and on the 1884map was the location of the shipyard of A. Currier. Brown's Wharves w.erelocated betweenTitcomb and Green Streets. In the early 19th century Moses Brorvn had a large lvarehouseon the wharf at the foot of Green Street rvherehe storedcargoessuch as sugarand molasses. Moses Bror,m lvas a chaisemaker in Ner.vburlport as earl-vas 1766. In the early to mid lgth century Piper and Hainesowned a sail loft and store on Brown's Wharf. In the early to mid lgth century the waterfront lvas lined by warehouses,coal shedsand maritime-relatedshops.The 1884 map showsthe shipyardof A. Currier locatedon the wharf north of Brorm's Wharves. From 1869until 1885B.F. Atkinson and John T. Fillmore had a shipyard at the foot of Titcomb Street. This boat yard was later taken over by Capt. McKay who movedfrom the foot of FederalStreetin the 1880s. By the time of the 1894map therewas no trace of the shipyard. Other a riggingloft at Bror,r'n'sWharf, paint shopsand coal maritime-relatedbusinesseslocatedin the areaincludedwarehouses, shedsand trestles. INVENTORY FORM CONTINUATION SHEET HistoricalCommission Massachusetts ArchivesBuilding Massachusetts 220 MonisseyBoulevard etts02125 B oston,Massachus Town Newburyport PropertyAddress Area(s)FormNo. BA ARCHITECTURAL DES CRIPTION (continued) Partsof the largewood-frameboat shopat 58 MerrimacStreet(MHC#2972)maydateto the 1930sor 1940sbut the building hasbeengreatly expandedoverthe years. Thetwo-storybuildingis sheathedin a combinationof board-and-batten includesa combination of 12/12sashand3 x 2-lightwindowswith siding,asphaltshinglesandwoodshingles.Fenestration largesliding doorson the elevationfacingthe water. since1960.TheBlackCowRestaurant(MHC#2968)is a The remainingbuildingsall appearto havebeenconstructed c.1980buildinglocatedon Brown'sWharf. Directlyto thesouththeHudsonBuildingat 38 MerrimacStreet clapboarded facade.The (l\tfrtc#2965)is a two-storyblock with two concreteblocksidewalls,a metalrearelevationanda wood-shingled with a (lvtr1c#2970) metal building is a two-story 54 Merrimac Street Hilton's at 1/1 windows. c.1980buildinghas8/8 and Yacht Yard at 58 Merrimac The Windward painted with mural. a whale single-storyrear addition. The southfacingrvall is by a gableroof with dormers embellished cottage(l\tEIC#2974) Streetincludeswhat appearsto be a c.1980wood-shingled (MHC#2975). Thebuilding gabled marina is office nearby and a small beams steel rests on The building andbay windows. It is setbackfrom Merrimac c.1990. brick buildingconstructed is a large,three-story at 58 MerrimacStreet(MrHLC#2971) on eachleveland a central glazed Streetby a parking lot. The broad facadestepsbackwith bandsof glazedwindor.vs portico floor. first the on entrance HISTORICAL NARRA'TIVE of the community. of thearea. Discasshowthis arearelatesto thehistoricaldevelopment Explainhistorical development asa "way to theriver" andextendingfrom the foot of What is nolv MerrimacStreeteristedas earlyas 1645,described GreenleafsLane(whatis norvStateStreet)to the foot of Ordrvay'sLane(thepresentMarketStreet). alongtheriverfrontsteadilyincreased.As earlyas 1730, After the year 1700the numberof wharvesanddocksconstructed Abiel Somerbl'was grantedpermissionto build a wharfat thefoot of Ordway'sLane(MarketStreet)that rvassubsequently "the upperlongwharf'. On the l85l and 1872mapsthis wharfis knownas Patch'sWharf. To the south designated anddockserectedby variousmerchants.Horton'sWharf was linedby warehouses wereconstructed, wharves additional map wasthelocationof theshipyardof A. Currier. Brown's 1884 locatednearthe endof TitcombStreetandon the on WharvesrverelocatedbetweenTitcombandGreenStreets.In theearly lgth centuryMosesBrorvnhada largewarehouse thewharf at the foot of GreenStreetwherehe storedcargoessuchas sugarandmolasses.MosesBror.vnlvasa chaisemaker in Nervburyportas earlyas 1766. In theearlyto mid lgth centuryPiperandHainesowneda sail loft andstoreon Brown's Wharf. shops.The 1884 coalshedsandmaritime-related In the earlyto mid lgth centurythe waterfrontwaslinedby warehouses, 1885B.F. Atkinson until 1869 mapshowsthe shipyardof A. Currierlocatedon thewharfnorthof Brorvn'sWharves.From andJohnT. Fillrnorehad a shipyardat thefoot of TitcombStreet.This boatyardwaslatertakenoverby Capt.McKay who movedfrom the foot of FederalStreetin the 1880s.By thetimeof the 1894maptherewasno traceof theshipyard.Other a riggingloft at Brolr.n'sWharf, paintshopsandcoal locatedin theareaincludedwarehouses, maritime-related businesses shedsandtrestles. INVENTORY FORM CONTINUATION SHEET HistoricalCommission Massachusetts ArchivesBuilding Massachusetts 220 MorrisseyBoulevard etts02125 Boston,Massachus Town Newburyport PropertyAddress Area(s)FormNo. BA HISTORICAL NARRATIVE (continued) almosteverybuildingon bothsidesof MerrimacStreetfrom Winter On May 19,1934the "Million Dollar" Firedestroyed portion of theDodgeBrothers'shoefactorythat survivedthe 1934fire StreetandBridgeRoadto TitcombStreet.The only wastle powerhouse.The shoeindustrywhichhadalreadyfallenon hardtimeswasunableto rebuild. Followingthe 1934 fire onlythe Ruth ShoeCo. at 44 MerrimacStreet(MHC#451)wasleft in business.The companyremainedthe largestand by busiestshoefactoryin thevicinity for manyyearsbut eventuallywentbankruptin 1963. The buildingwas purchased Inc. in 1964. Geonautics, In 1934the Route I By-passwas construcredto the norttrof the studyarea,bringingadditionalautomotivetraffic to the area. After the 1934fire a numberof auto showroomsandfilling stationswereerectedalongMerrimac Streetand Bridge Roadand at 56, 85 and92 MerrimacStreetandon Bridge theareawasknownas "GasolineAlley". Gasstationswereconstructed Road. TheVolponeFord SalesRoomandGaragewaslocatedat 58 MerrimacStreetfrom the 1950suntil the early 1990s whenthe building at Horton's Landingwas constructed. Boatbuildingon a somewhatsmallerscalecontinuedin thewaterfrontdistrictin theearly20th century. About 1905oneof theformerNewburyportCar Co. buildingswas reusedas a boatbuildingfacility, laterknownas EmmonsBoat Shopin on for boats,boatsuppliesandboatbuildingwereconstructed 1914. Additionalsmallerbuildingsservingas storehouses McKay'sWharf. After the 1934theseearlyboatshopswerereplacedby newbuildingsservingthe samepurposes.Marine to the Brorvn'sWharf areasas well. activitiesgraduallyexpanded in 1969as part of Urban demolished GreenandTitcombStreetsr,vere Most of thebuildingson MerrimacStreetbetrveen on theriverfrontproperfyownedby GeorgeHilton offMerrimac Street.The Renewal.In 1971a restaurantwasconstructed by Hilton, Bert ReedandMickeyVillane. Thebuildingat the cornerof TitcombandMerrimac restaurant was constructed House,burnedin 1971. Streets,knownovertheyearsastheWashingtonHouseandlaterthe Sedgewick was Theso-calledHorton'sLandingbuildingat 54-64MerrimacStreet(MHC#2971)containingshopsandcondominiums area erectedin the early 1990son the formersiteof theVolponeFordSales& Garage.In recentyearsadditionalr,vaterfront on thenorthsideof Brown'sWharf hasbeenfilled. INVENTORY FORM CONTINUATIONSHEET HistoricalCommission Massachusetts Massachusetts ArchivesBuilding 220MorrisseyBoulevard 02125 Boston,Massachusetts Town Newburyport PropertyAddress Area(s)FormNo BA BIBLIOGRAPHY and/orREFERENCES 1764-1906, vols.I &2. Newburyport:1906& 1909. Currier,JohnJ.HistoryofNewburyport,Massachusetts, Irving, Ron. Unpublishedresearchon MerrimacStreet. StateArchives,Boston]. Massachusetts Divisionof lnspection.BuildingInspectionPlans. CardFile. [Massachusetts Inventory:Newburyport. Massachusetts HistoricalCommission.HistoricResources NewburyportCrty Directories,variousdates. Photographic Collection,PhillipsLibrary,PeabodyEssexMuseum,Salem,Massachusetts. Somerby,Charles[., Sr. "Sagaof Newburyport'sMany SeriousBlazes",NewburyportDaily News,March22,195I. NarrativeHistory", Stirgwolt,Mary Jane. "HistoricalBuildingsSurveyandInventory,Newburyport,Massachusetts: 1980. HistoricalCommission, Preparedfor the Massachusetts Maps Atlas of EssexCounty,Massachusers.Philadelphia:D.B. Beers& Co.,1872. Boston:GeorgeH. Walker,1884. Atlas of EssexCounty,Massachusef/s. Mass.:BigelowandHazen,1880. Beck& Paul. City of Newburyporf.Framingham, H. Mclntyre,1851. Planof Newburyport.Philadelphia: StateLibrary, MapsofNewburyport,1888,1894,1906,1914,1924,1946,1961.Massachusetts Sanbornlnsurance Boston,Massachusetts. INVENTORY FORM CONTINUATION SHEET Town Newburlport PropertyAddress Area(s)FormNo. HistoricalCommission Massachusetts ArchivesBuilding Massachusetts 220MorrisseyBoulevard etts02125 Boston,Massachus BA E' w --'--:.-z:.-e jr" :.i .,-t .?i'.:+'ir €.; --: *';:; Brou.n'sWharf EssexMuseum,Salem,Mass.(8.I. neg.#Il77l) Source:PhillipsLibrary,Peabody