brochure - Osservatorio Permanente sull`Applicazione delle Regole di


brochure - Osservatorio Permanente sull`Applicazione delle Regole di
Faculty of Law
14-20 JUNE 2015
The first edition of the Summer School will take place in Moena (Italian Dolomites) from 14th to 20th June 2015.
The Summer School is organised by the Osservatorio Permanente sull’Applicazione delle Regole di Concorrenza
based at the Faculty of Law of Trento University (“Osservatorio Antitrust”).
The Summer School is co-directed by Gian Antonio Benacchio and Michele Carpagnano.
The Summer School offers a unique opportunity to analyse and study EU Competition Law and Economics at an
advanced level. This advanced course combines academic studies with a pragmatic approach to the application
of competition rules.
The program is designed to cover both substantive and procedural aspects of EU Competition Law with practical
sessions (complaints, immunity, leniency programmes, estimation of antitrust damages and institutional cooperation)
and demonstrations (dawn-raids and EU Court proceedings). There will also be two workshops on hot topics in
EU Competition Law and Economics.
The Summer School is addressed to graduates, practitioners (lawyers, in-house counsels, economists and managers),
judges, officials of Competition Authorities, and other national and international organisations.
The courses will be conducted in English.
7 days
15-20 June (6 nights)
Arrival on June 14th
Departure on June 20th afternoon
Historical foundations and their relevance today
Economic foundations & analysis
Advanced Art. 101 TFEU
Advanced Art. 102 TFEU
Public Antritrust enforcement
Private Antitrust enforcement
Advanced EU merger control
Hot topics EU competition law
Hot topics competition economics
How to apply for leniency
How to check your damages
How institutional cooperation works in practice
How to submit a complaint - file a claim
2 practical simulations
(Dawn-raids and hearings before the ECJ)
4 days
18-20 June (3 nights)
Arrival on June 17th
Departure on June 20th afternoon
June, 14
June, 15
June, 16
June, 17
June, 18
June, 19
June, 20
Advanced Art.
101 TFEU
Advanced Art.
102 TFEU
Advanced EU
merger control
Morning plein
air lessons*
foundations of
law and their
relevance today
Welcome &
Lunch break
Lunch break
Afternoon plein 14.00-17.00
air lessons*
Private antitrust
Public antitrust
foundations &
Lunch break
How to session:
check your
Hot topics
How to session:
submit a
complaint / file a
Lunch break
Lunch break
Dawn raids
Hearings before
How to session:
* The program may change due to weather conditions
Hot topics
Competition law
How to session:
apply for
Richard Whish is Emeritus Professor of Law at King’s College London; in
2014 he was appointed QC Honoris Causa. He was a non-executive director
of the Office of Fair Trading in the UK from 2003 to 2009, and a non-executive
director of the Singaporean Energy Markets Authority from 2005 to 2011.
He is the co-author, with David Bailey, of Competition Law, 7th edition 2012
(OUP), and the author of many other books, articles, case-notes and book
reviews on various aspects of international competition law and policy.
Mario Siragusa is a partner at Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP, based
in the Rome and Brussels offices. He focuses on corporate and commercial
matters and specializes in EU and Italian competition law as well as complex
commercial litigation. He appears frequently before the European Court of
Justice, the General Court of the European Union, the Directorate General
for Competition of the European Commission, as well as the Italian Antitrust
Authority and Italian civil and administrative courts. He lectures regularly at
conferences throughout the United States and Europe and has published
numerous articles in U.S. and European legal journals. He is a professor at the
College of Europe in Bruges and lectures at the Catholic University in Milan. He
is a member of the Commission on Law and Practices Relating to Competition
of the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris.
Jesús Alfaro has been a Professor of Commercial Law since 1995 and is
currently teaching at the Universidad Autónoma of Madrid. He specialises in
(i) EC and Spanish competition law (mainly, cartels and abuse of dominant
position investigations); (ii) Unfair competition; (iii) Contracts (mainly distribution
agreements, termination of manufacturer/distributor relationships); (iv)
Consumer law. Aditionally, he is also well known as a Corporate law specialist
(mainly, internal corporate conflicts, corporate governance and corporate
litigation). Consultant at Linklaters since february 2012. As well as his strong
practice in commercial and competition law, Jesús has also written books and
dozens of articles on problems related to constitutional and private law, general
theory of contracts, antitrust law and economic analysis of law, corporate and
consumer law.
Roberto Chieppa is the Secretary General of the Autorità Garante della
Concorrenza e del Mercato since December 2011. Councillor of State
since February 2000. Lecturer for university and post-graduate courses on
administrative law and antitrust law; co-edited and contributed to legal trade
journals, authored over 50 publications in the administrative law sector. Roberto
Chieppa collaborated with the Ministry of Regional Affairs and Local Autonomies
as a member of the joint Committee on the laws for implementing the special
Statute of the Region of Aosta Valley and as an expert on issues concerning the
liberalization of public services and the reform of the consolidated law on local
entities and issues related to mountainous areas. Member of the regulatory
quality and simplification Unit established at the Presidency of the Council of
Andrea Pezzoli is the Director General for Competition of the Italian
Competition Authority, where he has worked since 1993 as head of the
Investigative Directorate “Food, Pharmaceutical and Transport” and as Chief
Economist. Previously he was head of the Industrial Policy Unit of Centro
Europa Ricerche and senior economist at the Research Department of Istituto
Immobiliare Italiano. He teaches Competition Issues at the University of Tor
Vergata and at Luiss University in Rome. He was also lecturer of Competition
Policy at the University La Sapienza in Rome and at the University of Macerata.
Educated at the University La Sapienza in Rome and at Lancaster University
in UK, he published various articles on competition, regulation and industrial
policy issues.
Paolo Buccirossi is the Director and the founder of Lear. Paolo has been
working in the field of competition policy since 1994. After five years as
economic advisor at the Italian Competition Authority, in 1999 Paolo set up Lear.
Paolo has also cooperated with several governments in the implementation
of a national competition policy regime and has advised the Dutch and the
Czech Competition Authorities on their system of sanctions for breaches
of competition law. In addition, he has led several research projects for the
European Commission, the OFT, the UK Competition Commission and the
Brazilian CADE. Paolo has been Visiting Scholar at George Mason University,
New York University and Cambridge University. He also teaches Economics of
Competition Law at the University of Rome Tor Vergata. Paolo has published
on several academic journals.
Assimakis Komninos is a Partner at the Brussels office of White & Case
LLP. Between 2009 and 2011 he was a Commissioner and Member of the
Board of the Hellenic Competition Commission (HCC). He has acted before the
European Court of Justice in several leading cases. He has also represented
or advised clients in proceedings before the Albanian, Cypriot, French, Greek,
Kosovo and Romanian competition authorities and Belgian, Bulgarian, Cypriot,
French, Greek, Latvian and Spanish courts of appeals, and has particular
expertise in arbitration cases involving EU and national competition issues,
and in private antitrust litigation cases in national courts. Dr Komninos is
currently a visiting fellow of the Centre for Law and Governance in Europe at
University College London (UCL), where he teaches EU competition law, and
a senior associate fellow of the Institute for European Studies (IES) at the Vrije
Universiteit Brussels (VUB).
Paolo Palmigiano is the General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer
(EMEA) for Sumitomo Electric Industries. Previously he was the Head of
Competition Law at Lloyds Banking Group in London, the General Counsel
of the Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg), the regulatory
and competition authority in Ireland for telecoms and post. From 2000 to
2009 Paolo headed the Competition and Regulatory team of BT Group plc
in London. Is the chairman of the European in-house competition lawyers’
association, vice-chair of BIAC (the voice of business at the OECD in Paris) and
a non-governmental advisor to the OFT/CMA in the UK. He is also a member
of the Competition Appeal Tribunal’s users’ group.
Daniele Calisti joined the European Commission’s Directorate-General for
Competition in 2008, where he served until 2011 in the European Competition
Network and Private Enforcement Units. After working in private practice, he
returned to the Commission to work on the policy initiatives concerning the
private enforcement of the EU antitrust rules. Dr Calisti currently works for
DG Competition on merger cases in the basic industries, manufacturing and
agriculture sectors. A graduate of the School of Law at LUISS University in
Rome, Dr Calisti holds an LLM in European Law from King’s College London
and a PhD in Public Law and Economics from La Sapienza University in Rome.
Prior to joining the European Commission, he also served as an advisor on the
implementation of EU law to the Chair of the Committee for Legislation of the
Italian Parliament.
Till Schreiber is director at CDC Cartel Damage Claims Consulting (CDC) in
Brussels. In this role he is responsible for the analysis, preparation, management
and funding of some of the largest private damage cases relating to panEuropean antitrust infringements. Till has spoken at numerous conferences
and has published widely on the innovative approach of CDC as well as general
developments in the field of private antitrust enforcement in Europe. Till studied
law at the universities of Bonn, Cologne, Barcelona and London (University
College) and published a doctoral thesis on international competition law. Prior
to joining CDC he worked as competition lawyer in a leading international law
firm in Brussels, Cologne and Madrid.
Francisco Marcos is expert in economic analysis of law, commercial and
competition law, he teaches law at IE Business School, having studied as a
Fulbright scholar (1994-1995) at UC Berkeley and having enjoyed a scholarship
for the Real Colegio di Spagna (1997-1998) in Bologna (Italy).
He works as an independent consultant and as short-term consultant for the
World Bank-IFC, advising governments, companies and firms on different
matters in the area of market regulation and antitrust law. In October 2006 he
was appointed General Director of Competition Policy at the Regional Antitrust
Authority in Madrid, stepping down from that position on September 2009. He
is member of the Editorial Board of the European Business Organization Law
Review and of European Company Law. Author of numerous academic works,
including two books.
Mattia Melloni is one of the four members of the “Conseil de la concurrence”
of Luxembourg and in this capacity is responsible of the ECN for this Authority.
He is also an associate professor at the University of Nancy, Law School.
He started his professional career in London and moved to Brussels later on
while working for two leading international law firms in competition and trade
matters. He also spent several years at the General Court of the European
Union while working as référendaire (law clerk) before joining the “Conseil de
la concurrence” of Luxembourg (2012). Mattia Melloni qualified as “avocat” in
Brussels (2004). He holds a Ph.D. from the Free University of Brussels, an LL.M.
from the University of Minnesota Law School, a D.E.S. from the Institute of
European Studies of Brussels and a law degree from the University of Bologna.
Mario Todino is a partner at Gianni, Origoni, Grippo, Capelli & Parteners,
Brussels office. He is an expert of mergers, cartels, state aids and Internal
Market. Has acquired an extensive and qualified experience of more than 15
years in the field of EC and national antitrust Law, by working for the Italian
Competition Authority (Legal Service and Cabinet of the President), the EC
Court of Justice, the Directorates for Internal Market and for Competition of
the European Commission. Since joining the firm in 2007, he has built a strong
EC and antitrust practice, assisting on a regular basis some of the major Italian
and International groups.
After graduating in Law from the University of Naples in 1990, he obtained an
LL.M. in “European Law Studies” from the College of Europe of Bruges (Belgium).
He is Co-Author of “La disciplina della concorrenza in Italia (Competition Law in
Italy)”, edited by “Il Mulino” (2nd ed. 2010) and he published several articles and
essays. He is admitted to the Italian Bar. He speaks Italian, English and French.
Gwenaël Muguet-Poullennec is a référendaire (law-clerk) at the General Court
of the EU. He first worked with Judge Rafael García-Valdecasas before joining
Judge Sten Frimodt Nielsen’s cabinet. As a référendaire for the reporting judge,
he actively contributed to cases such as Airtours v. Commission (T 342/99),
My Travel v. Commission (T 212/03), Ryanair v. Commission (T 342/07) or
Kingdom of the Netherlands and ING v. Commission (T 29/10 and T 33/10).
Prior to joining the Court, Gwenaël practiced in the Paris office of an American
law firm. In this capacity, he advised clients in competition law matters. He
also worked as a legal expert in relation to several WTO disputes between the
EU and the USA. He qualified as an attorney-at-law in New-York State after
obtaining law degrees from Panthéon-Assas (Paris II) and Panthéon-Sorbonne
(Paris I) Universities as well as the Columbia University School of Law (NYC).
Gwenaël has been lecturing on a regular basis in France and Switzerland.
He is also co-editor of the pages on State Aid and Procedural Law for the
Revue Lamy de la Concurrence, one of the French-speaking leading reviews
dedicated to Competition Law.
Ginevra Bruzzone is Deputy Director General of Assonime, in Rome.
Assonime is a private think tank active in corporate law, tax law, competition
and regulatory policies.
At Assonime, which she joined in December 2000, she is in charge of EU
and Italian competition law, consumer protection, IP law and regulation. She
was formerly Senior Economist at the Research Department of the Italian
Competition Authority, from 1991 to 2000.
Ginevra Bruzzone has published extensively in the field of law and economics
in national and international publications, and has a significant experience as
teacher and lecturer on antitrust issues. She teaches a course on Competition
and Consumer Protection in the EU in the Master on European Economic
Governance at Luiss University, in Rome. She is a member of the Advisory
Board of the Italian Authority for Transportation and of the Steering Council of
the Italian Section of the International Chamber of Commerce.
Gian Antonio Benacchio is Full Professor of European Private Law at the
Faculty of Law of Trento University, where he has also taught International
Commercial Law, Private Law and European Union Law. He is co-Director of
the Osservatorio Permanente sull’Applicazione delle Regole di Concorrenza,
an independent Research Center, member of International Academy of
Comparative Law, Paris, of Société de législation compare and of Board of Sird.
Co-director of Trattato di diritto privato comunitario, published by Giappichelli.
His research interests are Comparative law, Private European law, Public
Procurement Law and East European Law. He is author of several publications,
among which Diritto Privato dell’Unione Europea, VI ed., Padova, 2013.
Michele Carpagnano, PhD, holds a teaching position in EU Competition
Law at University of Trento and he is the Founder and Co-Director of the
Osservatorio Permanente sull’Applicazione delle Regole di Concorrenza.
As Attorney he represents national and multinational companies before the
Italian Competition Authority as well as the European Commission and he
has been involved in several cases and class actions before domestic courts
concerning antitrust infringements (private enforcement). Michele Carpagnano
advised the European Parliament on the introduction of EU legislation on
collective redress. He is author of three books on private antitrust enforcement
and several articles on competition law issues.
Julia Suderow is Rechtsanwältin and Abogada, based in Bilbao. As a lawyer
she advises companies and law firms on competition law issues. She is also
specialized on energy issues and international litigation. She previously worked
as an associate with the Spanish Law firm Gomez Acebo y Pombo and with
the law firm, Dr. Frühbeck Abogados y Economistas in Madrid. She studied
Law and History in the University of Hannover Germany. She has an LLM
of the University of Hannover and holds a doctorate in Private International
Law and EC Competition Law of the Universidad Carlos III of Madrid. She
has several publications on Private International Law and Private Enforcement
of Competition Law. Julia is the coordinator of the Spanish Team of the 13
Osservatorio Antitrust.
Claudio Lombardi is post-doc Researcher at Skolkovo Laboratory on Law
& Development, Higher School of Economics. He holds a doctorate from the
University of Trento (Doctoral School in Comparative and European Legal
Studies). He has an LLM (University of Aberdeen, UK), a bachelor and a master
in Law (both at the University of Brescia). He researches about comparative
competition law and policy, comparative regulatory law, law and economics
and private comparative law. He is also chief editor at the Osservatorio Antitrust
and coordinator of the English team.
Maurizio Dellantonio is Police Inspector, he coordinates the Mountaineering
Activities of the Italian State Policy. In 1991 he became Alpine Guide and
participated in extra-European expeditions. In 1980 Maurizio took part in the
Corpo Nazionale del Soccorso Alpino e Speleologico (Alpine Rescue Team)
and obtains the title of ‘Instructor’ and ‘Rescue Helicopter Technician’. In 1995
he became Station Master, in 2001 Managing Director of the zone FiemmeFassa, from 2004 to 2009 he was the President of the Provincial Service of
Trentino. From 2007 to 2012 he was National Councillor, and since 2013 he
is the National Vice President. During his 35 years of militancy in the Alpine
Rescue Team takes part and coordinates innumerable rescue operations. In
2001 he was nominated Cavaliere of the Italian Republic.
Sunday, 14th June
Arrival in Moena, registration and check-in
at the assigned Hotel
Rooms will be available from 3 p.m.
18.00 Welcome drink
20.00 Dinner at the Hotel
Monday, 15th June
9.00 Opening of the Summer School at the Scuola di
Addestramento Alpino della Polizia di Stato
Welcome speech from Local Institutions
The venue is about 10 minutes walking distance
from the Hotels
9.30 Historical foundations of competition law
and their relevance today, Conference room Polo Scolastico
Speaker: G. Bruzzone
11.00 Coffee break
11.15 Second part - morning lecture
12.45 Buffet lunch
14.00 Economic foundations & analysis,
Conference room - Polo Scolastico
Speaker: P. Buccirossi
15.30 Coffee break
15.45 Second part - afternoon lecture
17.15 Free time
20.00 Dinner at Hotel
Tuesday, 16th June
9.30 Advanced Art. 101 TFEU,
Conference room - Polo Scolastico
Speaker: J. Alfaro
11.00 Coffee break
11.15 Second part - morning lecture
Wednesday, 17th June
9.30 Advanced Art. 102 TFEU,
Conference room - Polo Scolastico
Speaker: M. Siragusa
11.00 Coffee break
11.15 Second part - morning lecture
12.45 Buffet lunch
12.45 Buffet lunch
14.00 Excursion to the Chalet Rifugio Baita Paradiso.
Bus transfer and walk to the Chalet1.
15.45 Lecture at the Chalet: Public Antitrust
Speaker: R. Chieppa
18.45 Return to Moena
20.00 Dinner at the Hotel
14.00 Private Antitrust Enforcement
Speakers: A. Komninos, M. Carpagnano
15.30 Coffee break
15.45 Second part - afternoon lecture
17.15 Free time
20.00 Dinner at Hotel
Bus transfer to Chalet available on request
Rifugio Baita Paradiso
Thursday, 18th June
9.30 Advanced EU merger control, Conference
room - Polo Scolastico
Speaker: D. Calisti
11.00 Coffee break
11.15 How to session:
Submit a complaint / file a claim
Speaker: F. Marcos
12.45 Buffet lunch
Friday, 19th June
8.30 Excursion to the Chalet Rifugio Baita Paradiso
Bus transfer and walk to the Chalet
9.30 Lecture at the Chalet:
Hot topics competition law
Speaker: R. Whish
11.00 Coffee break
11.15 Hot topics competition economics
Speaker: A. Pezzoli
14.00 Simulation: Dawn-raids
Speaker: P. Palmigiano
15.30 Coffee break
15.45 How to session: Institutional cooperation
Speaker: M. Melloni
17.15 Free time
20.00 Dinner at Hotel
14.00 Simulation: Hearings before the ECJ
Speaker: G. Muguet Poullennec
15.30 Coffee break
15.45 Second part - afternoon lecture
18.00 Return to Moena
20.00 Dinner at Hotel
12.45 Buffet lunch at the Chalet
Saturday, 20th June
9.30 How to session: Check your damages
Conference room - Polo Scolastico
Speaker: T. Schreiber
11.00 Coffee break
11.15 How to session: Apply for leniency
Speaker: M. Todino
12.45 Buffet lunch
13.30 End of Summer School
Historical foundations and their relevance today
The historical foundations of competition law are essential to understand the current legal framework. The workshop
will present the main aspects of the evolution of competition law in the EU since its origins. The workshop will also
consider the goals of competition law and the methods applied by public authorities to pursue these goals, as applied
in the last century and today. Moreover, the main theories that support Competition Law & Economics will be discussed
from a historical perspective.
Substantive law: Articles 101 and 102 TFEU
These two advanced courses aim at analysing the application of Articles 101 and 102 TFEU in light of the latest case
law and decisions from European and National Competition Authorities. Departing from the general description of the
functioning of competition rules, this course focuses on complex legal, economic and practical issues encountered in
the application of these rules. Summer school participants will discuss the relevant case law and decisions during the
course also confronting their knowledge and perception of specific problems.
Competition economics
The aim of this advanced course is to provide the participants with a practical understanding of how economics is
used in antitrust law assessments. The course will look into the modern usage of economic tools for the enforcement
of competition rules and will encourage active participation in order to foster the creation of an interactive environment.
Public Antitrust enforcement
The aim of this advanced course is to analyse the dynamic of public enforcement in the European Union. Moreover, it will
focus on specific procedural problems that arise in practice, adopting a practical approach.
The Commission is charged with the enforcement of EU competition law and, since the entry into force of Regulation
1/2003, also National Competition Authorities are empowered to enforce the same competition rules. The course will also
take into consideration the policy background that characterises the EU of competition law enforcement system.
Private Antitrust enforcement & collective redress
The aim of this advanced course is to provide knowledge
and practical guidance in relation to damage claims
resulting from infringement of EU competition law in panEuropean cases. The workshop will also discuss the EU
Directive for damage claims and relevant case law as part
of the legal framework applicable to private enforcement
of Competition Law in Europe. The course will also give
guidance on Collective Redress legislations and their
practice in Europe.
How to sessions
The four practical sessions of the Summer School will give
participants insights and guidance on: i) How to submit a
complaint before the Competiton Authorities and how to
file a claim; ii) How to apply for Leniency; iii) How to assess
antitrust damages; iv) How institutional cooperation works
in practice.
Hot topics competition law & economics
These two sessions will provide a summary and an
authoritative outlook of the main developments in
European Competition Law and Economics. Case law on
European and national levels as well as relevant legislative
developments that have taken place in 2014 and 2015 will
be discussed with the participants.
Practical simulations
The two practical simulations will be based on the
interaction with participants. The basics of each case will
be presented (Dawn-raids, Court Hearings) and then the
participants will have to simulate with the speaker and the
Early bird
before April, 26, 2015
Advanced student track (14-20 June)
7 days: classes from June 15 to 20 (6 nights)
Arrival on June 14, Departure on June 20 afternoon
€ 1.800
€ 1.300
2nd participant:
discount 10%
Executive track (18-20 June)
4 days: classes from June 18 to 20 (3 nights)
Arrival on June 17, Departure on June 20 afternoon
€ 1.600
€ 1.100
discount 15%
The fee includes:
• Academic Program and E-Learning Platform full access for 1 year
• Accommodation in 4 stars hotel in Moena (breakfast included)
• Dinners in the hotel for the period of stay
• Lunches in the School facility and Coffee breaks
Travel expenses to and from Moena are not included and are up to each participant.
The application form is available here:
The Summer School accepts only a limited number of participants. First-come first-served rule applies.
Applications close on 31st May 2015.
Hotel Dolomiti****
Strada R.Loewy, 24
38035 Moena (TN)
Tel. +39 0462.573218
Fax +39 0462.574308
Leading Relax Hotel Maria****
Strada de San Pelegrin, 1
38035 Moena (TN)
Tel. +39 0462 573265
Fax +39 0462 573434
During your free time or if you want to extend your stay, in Val di Fassa there is plenty of opportunities to practice
different sports and recreational activities: tennis, swimming, hiking, biking, horseback riding, paragliding and many
others. In the Summer School facilities a list of outdoor activities addressed to Participants will be available.
For information and reservations, please contact the tourist office (APT) of Val di Fassa in Moena, Piaz de Navalge, 4,
tel 0462-609770, email:
By car
Driving directions
• A22: exit Egna/Ora. SS 48 delle Dolomiti, Passo San
Lugano, Val di Fiemme, Moena. Km 45;
• A22: exit Bolzano nord. SS 241 Grande Strada delle
Dolomiti, Nova Levante, Carezza, Passo Costalunga,
Vigo di Fassa, Moena. 37 km. This is the shortest
way but it takes longer; • SP 346: Falcade, Passo San Pellegrino, Moena;
• SP 641: Malga Ciapela, Passo Fedaia, Canazei,
• SS 48: Arabba, Passo Pordoi, Canazei, Moena;
• SS 242: Val Gardena, Passo Sella, Canazei, Moena.
By train and bus
Train stations nearby and connected with bus stations:
• Trento station. Connected to Moena by Trentino
Trasporti bus;
• Ora/Auer station. Connected to Predazzo by SAD
bus; change bus company from Predazzo to Moena
(Trentino Trasporti);
• Bolzano station. Connected to Vigo di Fassa by
SAD bus; change bus company from Vigo to Moena
(Trentino Trasporti).
By airplane
Airports nearby
• Bozen 50 km;
• Verona 180 km;
• Innsbruck 190 km;
• Bergamo km 280;
• Treviso 160 km;
• Venice 175 km;
• Milan 350 km;
• Munich 320 km.
Autostradale bus and Granturismo lines
From Milan, Bergamo, Brescia, Venice, Treviso, Genoa,
Pisa, Parma, Mantua.
The Osservatorio Antitrust is an independent research center founded and directed by Gian Antonio Benacchio and
Michele Carpagnano and is based at the Faculty of Law of Trento.
The Osservatorio relies on the collaboration of researchers, academics, judges, lawyers, economists and representatives
of institutions responsible for the application of the competition rules in Italy, France, Spain, UK, Germany, Luxembourg,
Greece, Portugal, Poland and other Member States of the European Union.
High level training
Aimed at judges, government officials, organizations and institutions, lawyers, consultants and in-house legal counsel.
Trento Antitrust Conference
This conference is now in its fifth edition and marks an important event for the European antitrust and business
Events and publications
Seminars, reports, position papers and e-Learning.
Antitrust compliance programs
Detailed guidelines on compliance with antitrust regulations and market standards.
Antitrust intelligence
Weekly and monthly newsletters, Antitrust Alerts, Data Bases, Antitrust reports.
Academic studies
Insights into legal and economic issues, also from a comparative point of view.
Assessments, surveys, empirical analysis and reports
Analysis of behaviour and perception in the marketplace, including the multi-annual Report on the Application of
Competition Rules in the Economy of Trentino region.
Legal and economic advice to institutions and companies
We provide independent legal and economic consultancy to national and multinationals companies as well as to
institutions and organizations.
Summer school’s logo credits: Julieta Rouge, Dirección de arte, Madrid
Photos credits: Comune di Moena
Institutional support
Comune di Moena
Italcementi Group
In association with
Media partner
Associazione fra le società
italiane per azioni
Osservatorio Permanente sull’Applicazione delle Regole di Concorrenza
University of Trento - Faculty of Law
via Verdi, 53 - 38122 Trento, Italy
tel. + 39 0461 281847
fax +39 0461 1631111
Follow us on twitter: @eucompschool