Secondary Article Heading Calabasas Village HOME OWNERS
Secondary Article Heading Calabasas Village HOME OWNERS
Secondary Article Heading MARCH 2016 Cathey Sinai, Editor Welcome to Spring. Could we ask for more amazing weather this last month? On Sunday, March 13th, we spring our clocks forward, due to Daylight savings time (which some California legislators are trying to abolish). We gain an hour of daylight, but lose an hour of sleep. The Spring Equinox is Sunday, March 20th at 3:29 am PST. It is the day when we have 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night. March is also the host to St. Patrick's Day and Easter. I want to thank everyone that came to our appreciation brunch and General meeting last week. Many compliments on the food that Board members Phyllis, Linda, and Diana put together. As you know, events don't just happen. It takes organization and people donating their time and energy. We had a great turnout and a very informative and interesting meeting. Very thoughtful questions were asked. It was so great to see Mary Simon. Calabasas city council members David Shapiro, Alicia Weintraub, Mary Sue Maurer (mayor pro-tem), were present, as well as Mayor James Bozajian, who spoke about some issues and events going on in the city. We also had Fire Captain Scherot and 2 other firemen from fire-station 68, speak on fire safety and legal issues. Bottom line: keep barbecues a safe distance away from house siding, no un-grated open fires in these hills, and if it's a windy day, no fires, period. Always put all embers out completely before you walk away. Common sense. Speaking of common sense, some security tips from Bill Meyers: 1. Awareness: Always be awar e of your sur r oundings. Be observant. Never let headphones or cell phones block the sights and sounds around you. Where is the exit? Be aware. If a situation doesn't feel right, leave. 2. Avoidance: Don't go wher e you shouldn't go. Don't say what you shouldn't say Don't flip off who you shouldn't flip off From the Manager Charter Internet Q&A’s Calabasas Village HOME OWNERS Association 3. Don't leave dark what should be well lit Don't leave unlocked which should be locked Don't leave silent which should have some sound Don't leave vacant which should look occupied Don't leave visible which should be hidden (Don't tempt an honest person) If you see something say something. Please r epor t anything suspicious or questionable to security or police. We need to work together and be each other’s eyes and ears. At the end of the meeting we had an hour long Question and Answer conference call with Charter about upgrading our internet to an Enterprise system. See page 4 for a list of the questions and answers. To be honest, at this point, we are not sure that a 5 year deal to upgrade our system is feasible. We would need at least 180 coaches to sign for it. The other part we have discussed is: with the speed that technology is changing, a 5 year deal seems like a long time to be locked in. Also, we are still unsure of how payments would be administered, collected, adjusted, and, what exactly the payment amount would be. We will keep you updated as we get new information. At our request, the Park had new signs installed at the entrances. Many have spoken to me about being unable to see them from the street. The letters and numbers are small and unlit. I will be speaking with Sean about it and I'm sure we can resolve the problem. Hopefully an easy fix. We want to welcome our newest board member, Frank Reale, and say thanks to all the returning members. We look forward to your input in our interesting and productive discussions. Please have a great month. Be open, honest and loving. Embrace everything that is beautiful. Fully experience and treasure each moment. The gift of life is amazing. Show appreciation in any way you can. Here's to peace on earth, Derol Pg 3 DAYLIGHT SAVINGS Pg 4-5 Begins Sunday, March 13 Calabasas Events/Activities Pg 7 General BBQ Safety Pg 8 Set Your Clocks Ahead 2 The CHATTER March 2016 CALABASAS VILLAGE HOMEOWNERS’ ASSOCIATION 2016 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Officers * DEROL CARACO, Pres. PHYLLIS SCHER, Vice Pres. CATHEY SINAI, Treas. TERRY FOLADARE, Sect’y Space #23 #170 #192 #148 Phone 222-5117 222-7604 222-1728 914-6329 Members At-Large KAREN LAMPERT LINDA LESSER MYRNA PICARD FRANK REALE SCOTT WIMMER #41 #10 #126 #125 #152 223-3248 222-7951 466-9045 968-8030 222-4408 CVERT SKIP CORDER, Chair CATHEY SINAI #127 #192 591-1385 222-1728 THE CHATTER CATHEY SINAI, Editor #192 LINDA KESLER, Contributor CONNIE WRIGHT, Proofreader SCOTT WIMMER — Photographer Day 2 2 2 2 8 8 10 10 11 13 15 16 16 16 17 17 18 19 23 30 30 222-1728 ENTERTAINMENT SCOTT WIMMER Board Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in the card room. The first 30 minutes are an open meeting where residents can come and make statements or ask questions. Day 3 5 14 19 23 * Board will reorganize with officer vote at March meeting . Officer listing will be updated in the next Chatter. March Birthdays Name Eva Reale Shira Priel Ron Hod Max Engoian Gabi Gross Mahsa Jarrahi Linda Lesser Arie Getter Suzy Cronk Lyndsey Livingston Martin Steinberg Monse Garcia Marva Wimmer Arlene Kramer Eli Shetrit Codi Caraco Barbara Evans Jaco Caraco Mitra Jarrahi Alan Katz Caitlin Schnair March Anniversaries Name Tom & Barbara Evans Mel & Bryna Solon Pablo & Monse Garcia Matthew & Jade Young Ed & Susie Fink Space 125 186 175 188 203 79 10 150 47 30 193 93 152 202 102 23 27 23 79 100 183 Space 27 25 93 196 142 Did We Miss You? Chatter Deadlines If we have omitted your birthday or anniversary information please drop a note in the can beneath my mailbox so I can update the files. Cathey Sinai, space 192 Deadline for articles is the 20th of every month. Deadline for typeset, ready to print ads is the 23rd. If you have any questions regarding the Chatter Ads you can call Phyllis Scher at 222-7604. To submit articles email them to Cathey Sinai at and please note in the subject line that it is it for the Chatter. We welcome guest contributors. Thanks! Home Repair Grants—Calabasas Check This 2 The Feb. 25 Acorn article on the 2016-2017 grant program indicates qualifying mobilehomes must be on a foundation. Most homes here are not. If you have an application pending and are on the waiting list you should call the City’s senior analyst, John Bingham, (818) 224-1663 to see if you will still qualify for a grant. 3 The CHATTER March 2016 Manager’s Message March 2016 FIRE SAFETY: This continues to be an important subject. We ask for everyone's cooperation in not using woodburning fire pits and in making sure BBQ's are kept away from the home siding and away from the gas riser / gas meter of your home. This is a serious safety concern. Please test your smoke and CO2 detectors to make sure they are operational and replace old batteries. We are located in a severe fire hazard and wildlife rated area. Thank you everyone's cooperation. HOME IMPROVEMENTS: Not all home improvement projects require permits but every single project on the home requires management's review and approval before beginning work. Always. Please come by the office to discuss your home improvement project. Your contractor will also need to stop at the office to provide their insurance and a copy of the project diagram to complete the plot plan. We must have a copy of the permit in your file and it must be posted at the worksite. These items need to be handled at the office before beginning any work. If anyone starts illegal construction, we will have to stop your work. We have all of the plot plans, permit applications and forms and guidelines at the office to assist you in obtaining proper approval. We are here to help you do things the correct way. ANNUAL HOME INSPECTIONS: The annual home inspections are coming up in June. Please take a little time each week to take a look at the outside of your home to see what needs to be cleaned up, disposed of, repaired or stored out of sight. All landscape should be completed on the homes. Old paint should be refreshed or the outside of the home washed. Management will be visiting each space and no appointments are necessary and are not being set. We will be out there starting in June and we plan to visit every space to check for safety and compliance. Please make sure all clean up and repairs are finished by the end of May. Thank you in advance for everyone's best efforts! 3 SPRING CLEANUP DUMPSTERS: The annual dumpsters will be set up and ready April 22 for one week, or until they are full. This is a great time to dispose of unwanted items and debris from your spring cleaning, to clean up your carport and space in preparation for the annual June inspections.'s free!!! FREE BULKY PICK UP DATES: Also, free bulk pick up dates through the waste vendor are Saturday, May 21 and Saturday, October 22. To schedule one of those free pickups in front of your home call the Park office by Thursday prior to the pick-up date. You may dispose of up to four (4) items. Acceptable items: furniture, mattresses, water heaters, appliances, bundled green waste no larger than 4x4x2 and weighing less than 60 lbs. Call the Park office to schedule a pick up (with your list of four items) 818-222-8500. FRANK J. EVANS SCHOLARSHIP: The applications for the 2016 scholarship program are now available. Over the past couple of years, Calabasas Village has had three winners who won $1,000 each! The deadline is June. Don't miss out on this great opportunity! You can apply for the scholarship every year! SWIM SEASON STARTS APRIL 1: Please call the office if you need new guest passes. Guests must have a guest pass with them when visiting the pool and spa, fitness room, clubhouse or any of the other park amenities. A reminder of the two (2) guest limit. Pool parties are not allowed and pets should not be brought to the pool and spa areas. Security will be monitoring the pool and common areas during pool season, just as they did last year, checking for guest passes. No alcohol, glass, cigarettes, electrical devices, or excessively loud noise at the pool area please! Have a Wonderful Spring! Carrie Heinzen, Calabasas Village Property Manager 818 222-8500 4 The CHATTER March 2016 Charter Internet Q&As As part of the CVHOA Board’s ongoing effort to answer resident questions about the proposed upgrade of the Charter Internet system a conference call was arranged for the end of our annual CVHOA meeting on February 21. Below are the questions asked and the answers. We continue to communicate with Myron Dickstein as additional questions arise. 1. What will the new boxes consist of and how will they be installed? Enterprise network as opposed to a residential account. Ruckus R500 Consists of cable modem, power distribution unit, Ethernet power switch, microchip router Remotely monitored, coordinated network, cloud based Individual connections, monitored for nonconflicting connections 2. Will technical support, repairs, maintenance, installation be handled as it is now? Onsite support expected to be unnecessary for the most part Boxes will snap in for replacement when needed Local trained person 25 (approx. 4) replacement units will be kept on site at all times Self-monitoring enables self-repairing Individuals have own bandwidth Each has 60 5. If it turns out that we stay as we are and don’t take the 5 year contract, will there still be an upgrade in equipment? No upgrade if park doesn’t do a new contract Need 180 subscribers 6. What happens when a subscriber drops out for good cause such as the subscriber leaving the Park? Is there a penalty? Must the new owner then subscribe? Bulk account all in – owner gets the bill Agreement stays with the unit 7. Under the new contract will there be different tiers of service and speed? Will subscribers pay less than $55 a month, which is now required, to get very high speed (Internet Ultra 100) service? No tiers – all the same Speed may increase as market speeds increase 8. At any speed, at any time, will transmissions for uploads or downloads be degraded or curtailed? In other words, Will there be any data limitations? Will there ever be any Throttling? Enterprise account No throttling like with cell service Each individual gets 60 3. Who will handle our account, our individual internet service, and our tech problems. Will we have a personal West Coast rep servicing our needs? Think I covered it in #2 Separate 800# for internet tech support 4. Do we have a choice of using our current wireless router if it is better than Charter's new one? Or is this totally wireless without router? Totally wireless no need for current personal routers 4 (continued on next page) 5 The CHATTER March 2016 (continued from prior page) 9. Will there be any times, when due to high volume of users, i.e. 6pm, that speeds will slow down due to lack of bandwidth or other reasons? Should not occur on this property unless another property shares our node This will have 10 times the number of channels Speed diff between 2.4 and 5.0 should not be an issue here like Apple devices now experience This will be a tremendous upgrade 10. Is there an open enrollment period? Some potential subscribers may wish to defer signing the new contract if better pricing is available under promos --- even if only for a year (and some say they have been able to extend that). Contract is between Charter & Myron. This will be a Myron question 11. Under the new contract, will Charter offer a no-cost ability to view a subscriber's TV programming on the Internet at a later time? Pause or Instant replay? Charter app available now free to view Charter channels on any device TV contract separate from the Internet DVRs available from Charter 12. What recourse do we have if we are not satisfied with the quality, speed, or performance of the new system? When installation is complete Myron will only signs the contract when satisfied it works as represented. 13. Since we are looking at a 5 year deal, will there be any clauses about keeping up with current pricing and technology? How will we be keeping up with the changing technology, Streaming, internet, and movies? Upgrades to speed addressed in Q7 Upgraded hardware would require a new/ revised contract Contract allows for it to be remediated or re- 5 freshed with new contract over time if deemed necessary 14. What will the price increase be each year? Is there a way to guarantee our fees to stay competitive with new subscriber fees and fees of your competitors? Lures of lower prices in introductory years by competitors are short term with high bumps in price This contract allows more stable pricing with the Enterprise account not available to individual account holder Some other notes: Ideal to install in all homes, but mobilehome parks are a bit different. If not installed initially future installation would be at a cost not yet determined. Enterprise quality much higher than residential. 6 The CHATTER March 2016 EMAIL SCAMS Cathey Sinai Because so many of you got the scam email from the hacker who stole my contact list, I think it is timely to discuss some common scams and how to avoid becoming a victim of them. The below information comes from At that website you can additionally find information on Lottery scams, Survey scams, Paypal, Credit Card, Banking scams, Mystery Shopper scam, Nigerian Check scam and others. How to Avoid Common Scams Online Whether it’s an email scam or a social networking scam, there are some dead give-aways when it comes to recognizing them before they get you. Here are five ways to avoid common scams: Delete Unsolicited Emails. One of the best ways to avoid email scams is to delete unsolicited emails. Legitimate companies will never send you pertinent information by email. Don’t Believe Promises of Money or Prizes. Any email or social networking link that promises free money or prizes should be dismissed, as these are almost always scams. Question Requests for Donations. Whenever there’s a national disaster, con artists have a field day sending bogus requests for donations. Instead of donating through email to an unknown charity, give to legitimate charities, such as the Red Cross. Never Disclose Sensitive Personal Information. Any person who sends you an email asking for sensitive information, such as your bank account number or Social Security number, is up to no good. No matter what they promise you, mark 6 the email as spam and move on. Hover Before You Click. Whenever you receive an unsolicited email asking you to “click here,” beware – even if it sounds like a legitimate company. The same goes for social networking links that take you to what appear to be login pages. These may be, in fact, sites designed to steal your information. Final Word If you’ve fallen for any of these online scams, you’re certainly not alone. Online con artists are very clever, using underhanded methods to get information and money from unsuspecting people. However, you can protect your identity and your money by arming yourself with knowledge – as well as warning your children and elderly relatives – and avoid falling prey to scammers. Other Scams some of us have encountered. Calls supposedly from the IRS saying you owe money. This is a scam. The IRS will not call you if you owe them, you would receive an official written notice. Calls supposedly from a Federal Law enforcement official saying there is a warrant for you and local law enforcement will arrest you if you do not respond to the caller. It is scam! Caller states a close relative is in jail in a foreign country and needs bail money. Another scam. Caller is selling tickets to police or fire events. This, too, is a scam. These departments DO NOT make calls for donations. Please be aware, change passwords frequently, delete suspicious emails, do not click on unknown links in emails, do not give out personal information. 7 Calabasas Events The CHATTER March 2016 Here’s what’s going on in Calabasas that you may want to participate in: WI FI Community Emergency Response Training—each Thursday evening ,March 3 thru April 21, 6:30 to 9pm, at the Calabasas Library Founders Hall, 200 Civic Center Way. Call 818-224-1620 to register. These classes are free of charge. At the Clubhouse Calabasas Speaker Series—Gil Garcetti—March 11, 7:30 –pm, Founders Hall. “The Elusive Beauty of Nature—from DA to Photographer. Ticket price $20, register online at Calabasas Village Guest Password: cv23777! St. Patrick’s Day Celebration! Sat. Mar ch 12, 11am—3 pm. At the Agoura Hills/Calabasas Community Center, 27040 Malibu Hills Rd, Calabasas. Food, Entertainment, Activities—FREE, FREE, FREE, Internet access shuts down at 10PM. Earth Day Festival, Sat. Apr il 9, 2pm—5pm at La Virgenes Creek on Agoura Rd. Admission Free. Green Expo, Giveaways, Recycling Art Contest, Learning Booths, Wildlife Presentation.. Network Sign in: No loitering around the clubhouse after 10PM. Thank you & enjoy! I will be participating in Arbor Day Celebration - Sat. Apr il 30, 11 am—1 pm at Calabasas High. Tree planting ceremony. American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life, Apr il 2 @ CSUN Images of America The Don Jose de Ortega Chapter of the DAR has a team participating in the relay in memory of one of our members who recently succumbed to cancer. Calabasas New book of the early years of Calabasas offering its colorful history of buried treasure, cattle and sheep ranches, stagecoaching, ghost sightings, and some of Southern California’s roughest toughest residents. As a chapter member I am participating and asking anyone who would like to make a donation to do so by going to and enter ing my name, Catherine Sinai, in the “find a participant” section. Follow the prompts to complete a donation. Cost is $24.99 with discounted price of $20 to Calabasas-Las Virgenes Historical Members. To order your copy contact: Thank you for considering this. I look at this as my way of honoring all friends and family who have been victims of cancer. Catherine (Cathey) Sinai Cim at Or Ad paid by CSinai 7 8 The CHATTER March 2016 Use long-handled utensils. General Grilling Safety With more Americans lighting their grills than ever before, (Including in the winter) it’s important to remember that a fun barbecue is a safe barbecue. The following safety tips are designed to guide you through the grilling process. Remember, anytime you work with fire, there’s a chance of getting burned. So, take precautions. Common sense and planning will prevent injuries. Read the owner's manual. Always read the owner's manual before using your grill and follow specific usage, assembly, and safety procedures. Contact the grill manufacturer if you have specific questions. (Be sure to locate your model number and the manufacturer’s consumer inquiry phone number and write them on the front page of your manual.) Use barbecue utensils with long handles (forks, tongs, etc.) to avoid burns and splatters. Wear safe clothing. Wear clothing that does not have hanging shirt tails, frills, or apron strings that can catch fire, and use flame-retardant mitts when adjusting hot vents. Keep fire under control. To put out flare-ups, either raise the grid that the food is on, spread the coals out evenly, or adjust the controls to lower the temperature. If you must douse the flames with a light spritz of water, first remove the food from the grill. Be ready to extinguish flames. Use baking soda to control a grease fire and have a fire extinguisher handy. A bucket of sand or a garden hose should be near if you don’t have a commercial extinguisher. Grills are for outside, only. Barbecue grills are designed for outdoor use, only. Never barbecue in your trailer, tent, house, garage, or any enclosed area because carbon monoxide may accumulate and kill you. Consider placing a grill pad or splatter mat beneath your grill. These naturally heat resistant pads are usually made of lightweight composite cement or plastic and will protect your deck or patio from any grease that misses the drip pan. Use in well-ventilated area. Set up your grill in an open area that is away from buildings, overhead combustible surfaces, dry leaves, or brush. Be sure to avoid high traffic areas and always barbecue in a well-ventilated area. Be aware of wind-blown sparks. Keep 3’ from any combustibles Never leave a grill unattended once lit. Stay away from hot grill. Keep grill stable. When using a barbecue grill, be sure that all parts of the unit are firmly in place and that the grill is stable (can’t be tipped over). Follow electric codes. If electrically-operated accessories are used (rotisseries, etc.), be sure they are properly grounded in accordance with local codes. Electrical cords should be placed away from walkways or anywhere people can trip over them. 8 Don’t allow anyone to conduct activity near the grill when in use or immediately following its use. The grill body remains hot up to an hour after being used. Don’t move a hot grill. Never attempt to move a hot grill. It’s easy to stumble or drop it and serious burns could result. No Open Wood Burning Pits No Flying Embers 9 It is NOT Too Late Pay Your $25 Dues to CVHOA Drop at Space 192, Cathey Sinai, Treasurer The CHATTER March 2016 CVHOA Annual Dues Homeowner association dues become due on January 1st. Any new member who joined in October, November or December is paid through 2016. Do you wonder what comes with membership and the $25 dues? Which by the way has not increased in over 35 years. Representatives who work with the manager and owners to discuss resident issues with any number of success stories—including pushing for the exterior landscaping, urging financial considerations during the past several years of economic challenges. Reduced ticket prices for CHVOA sponsored events. Monthly production and delivery of the Chatter Coordination of volunteers who put on events and parties. Finally, we are slowly building a fund that is earmarked for use in attorney consultation fees when it is time to renegotiate our current lease, which expires in 4 years. This association is distinctly different than the Park Management. Both play critical roles. CVHOA is here to represent and be a voice of and for park residents. The par k manager s ar e the voice of park ownership. CVHOA is here to bridge the gap between residents, management, and ownership. We urge all residents to join CVHOA. We welcome new members and volunteers. We look forward to seeing you at our events. Calabasas Village Homeowners Association Dues Name: __________________________________________ Coach #: _____________ We wish to maintain a current database and up-to-date lists. Please complete the below information so we can include you and household members in our Phone Directory and Birthday/Anniversary listings. Phone #: _______________________ Anniversary: ___________________________ Birthdays: Name: _________________________________________ Date: _____/_______ Name: _________________________________________ Date: _____/_______ Name: _________________________________________ Date: _____/_______ Name: _________________________________________ Date: _____/_______ Please return this coupon with your 2016 Dues in the amount of $25. Check payable to CVHOA. Deliver to Cathey Sinai, #192 or any board member. If you are unable to drop it off, call and a board member can pick it up. 9 10 The CHATTER March 2016 On Facebook Now—Created by Frank Reale Is our website address where you can find archived Chatters and Emergency Preparedness Information. Ideas for other content? Please contact a board member. Calabasas Village Community Bulletin Board Check it out! Join the growing group! City of Calabasas Emergency Preparedness for residents: -management/emergencyguide.pdf OTILIA’S ALTERATIONS And Custom Made Knitted Clothes and Quilts Pants Hemmed (Shortened) - $5.00 each Skirts or Dresses Hemmed—$10.00 each Sleeve Alterations—$8.00 each One of a kind caps, vests, purses, etc. available for sale or custom made items of your own design. 20% added to hand-sewn items I finally found someone who does terrific alterations and is right here in the park. She does great work at reasonable prices. I recommend her highly. Phyllis Scher Otilia Foladare Space #148 Phone (818) 914-6329 Cell (818) 274-6950 10 11 11 12 Gloria E. Beauty Services, Pro Beauty Center, 23375 Mulholland Drive, Woodland Hills, CA, 818-225-0176, Tuesday-Saturday: 9:00 a.m.-6:30 p.m. A full-service salon for both women and men including (lowest prices in town): *Haircuts *Hair conditioning *Styling *Perms *Blow drying *Hair weaves *Coloring *Complete Nail Care by Kim Calabasas Village Customers: Ernestine Blane and Cynthia Myers Located at Pro Beauty Center, 23375 Mulholland Drive, Woodland Hills, El Camino Shopping Center (next to Health Nut). While having your hair done by Gloria, you can also treat yourself to a manicure or pedicure or both by Kim, 818-222-0902. Brittiney Harde 1(818) 590-6748 cell 1(818) 888-2133 home College student (4.0 GPA) Experienced in: Tutoring Babysitting Pet care House sitting 12 Responsible College Student, experienced with both children and pets. 13 13 14 CVHOA Board meetings Second Tuesday of Each Month M a rc h 2 0 1 6 Sun Mon 6 Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 St. Patrick’s Day 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 7 CVHOA Board Mtg 13 Daylight Savings Begins 20 Good Friday 27 28 29 30 31 Easter PADDLE TENNIS—EVERY Tues. and Thurs. at 7:pm. NEW PLAYERS ALWAYS WELCOME CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE EVERY 2nd & 4th WEDNESDAY EVENING AT CITY HALL. FREE ELECTRONICWASTE COLLECTION 10-3 the 1st SATURDAY of EACH MONTH at Albertsons, 26521 Agoura Rd @ Las Virgenes FREE ELECTRONICWASTE COLLECTION 10-3 the 3rd SATURDAY of EACH MONTH at Vons Shopping Center, 23381 Mulholland Dr HAZARDOUS WASTE ROUND-UP @ Tennis & Swim Center 10-2 the 2nd SATURDAY of EACH MONTH Need more INFO? Call City Hall 878-4225 FARMERS MARKET—OLD TOWN CALABASAS—EVERY SATURDAY 8am to 1pm 14
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Cathey Sinai, space 192