Grade - Scottsdale Christian Academy


Grade - Scottsdale Christian Academy
Phoenix Zoo
Jr. Kindergarten
9:30 AM-12:30 PM
5th Grade Science Fair, Gym
8:00-10:30 AM
ACSI Math Olympics, GCCS
12:30-4:30 PM
Fairmont Scottsdale Princess
5:30-9:30 PM
STO Workshop, ACR, 8:00 AM
Career Exploration Day
Gr. 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Tolmachoff Farms
9:15 AM-1:30 PM
Arizona State Capitol
Grade 4
9:30 AM-1:30 PM
ACSI Art Festival
Redeemer Christian School
3:00-6:00 PM
STO Workshop, ACR, 5:30 PM
Elementary Olympics, Grades 1-3
Pioneer Day, Grade 4
Chase Field
Grade 3
9:45 AM-1:30 PM
Elementary Olympics, Grades 4-5
Early Dismissal 11:30 AM
(Aftercare by reservation only.)
Evening with Presidents, Recorders
Concert, Grade 3, 6:30 PM
Friday, March Eleventh
Two Thousand and Sixteen
Fairmont Scottsdale Princess –Princess Ballroom
7575 E Princess Drive
Scottsdale AZ 85255
The celebration begins at 5:30 PM
Hor D ‘oeuvres and Silent Auction
followed by
Dinner, Entertainment and Live Auction
Tickets are $125 per person
Please RSVP by February 26th, 2016
Semi-Formal Attire
For more information visit
Dear SCA Families,
Families of SCA,
My father often said, “It takes so little to be
above average.” This seems to be especially
true when it comes to kindness. In a society
marked by its self-centeredness and indifference to others, we are called by God to be
different. John 3:35 paraphrased says, “They
(the world) will know us by our love.” Each
kindness, however small, can be a significant
blessing in the life of another. I try to encourage SCA students to be “kids known for
their kindness.” The Christian radio station I
listen to has encouraged its listeners to participate in “Make-a-Difference Mondays.” I
want to urge our students to do the same
thing — go out of their way to do be a blessing to others.
Model kindness — to your kids and to this
desperately needy world! One single act of
kindness could have a profound impact —
not only on the one who receives, but in the
life of the “giver”!
It’s so hard to believe that it’s already March. I feel like it
was just yesterday that we were just getting started with
the school year! Thank you so much for all of your continued support as we work together to make this awesome
program the best it can be. We love to see new and familiar faces this year, and please know you're always welcome to stop by and check us out.
Please note our next early-release day is Wednesday,
March 9. We’re going to become artists with clay as our
canvas and our hands as brushes. Please get signed up early as we will reach capacity quickly! The last day to sign up,
depending on space, will be Friday, March 4, at 5:00 PM.
We have been very blessed in the past with donations, but
we are always looking for more to add to our collection or
replace those items that have just been loved on a little
too much. We would love some new and fun children’s
movies, considering the majority of our movies were made
before our kiddos! Ha-ha. Also, any type of fun computer,
Wii, or board game would be much appreciated because
ours are loved so much that the CDs are extremely
scratched-up and the boxes are… well… destroyed, sadly. If
you would be willing to donate any of these things, please
drop them off in our room (1206) or with Kim Baker at the
front office.
Thank you so much for blessing us with your wonderfully
unique kids. Have a fantastic March!
God Bless,
Aftercare Director
602-992-5100 Ext. 31206
Serving Him,
Sheri Moy
Elementary students in Grades 1-5 meet in the gym on
Thursdays, 9:35-10:25 AM. Parents are welcome to
attend! The following schedule indicates
who will be leading the chapel.
Mr. Bynum
Bible Buddies in Classrooms
All School Easter Chapel (1:30 PM)
Mrs. Evans
Our school calendar this year does not
provide half days off for spring parent
teacher conferences. If your child’s
teacher feels a conference is needed,
he/she will contact you to set up at time
to meet with you. If the teacher does
not feel a conference is necessary, you
will not be contacted to schedule a
meeting. Of course, if you would like to
meet with a teacher, you may contact
him/her to schedule an appointment.
The 3rd quarter ends on March 18th,
and the following week is Spring Break.
Grade calculations will be completed
the week of March 28th, and report
cards will be sent home with students
on Friday, April 1.
So far, we have had 13 students who have read 1,000,000
words or more this year! Eight students made it to this goal
just this month! Once a student accomplishes this, he/she
is allowed to choose a celebration book that is then donated to the library in his/her honor. Mrs. Moy donates the
Reagan Gage chose Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate. Gabriel Reschreiter chose I Survived Joplin Tornado. This is a
part of the very popular I Survived series. Josh Veiga chose
Treasure Hunters: Secrets of the Forbidden City by James
Patterson. Logan Evans chose Skeleton Key by Anthony
Horowitz. Hope Hand chose Five Kingdoms: SkyRaiders by
Brandon Mull. Anthony Zwarg chose the new Alex Rider
book, Russian Roulette, by Anthony Horowitz. Keira Spina
chose a Magic Tree House book, Danger in the Dark Hour by
Mary Pope Osborne. Robert Hall not only read 1,000,000
words this month, but 2,000,000 words! He chose I Survived the Nazi Invasion, 1944 by Lauren Turnin for his
1,000,000 word book. He chose a new Geronimo Stilton
book, The Hunt for the Curious Cheese for his 2,000,000
word book. Congratulations to all of these great readers.
We are proud of you!
Celebration books are a great way to celebrate any event.
Birthdays, honor roll, and homeruns are just a few ideas.
You may either donate a book of your choosing or choose
from our selection. If you are interested in learning more,
please call Gayle Grant at X1030.
The SCA Library will be hosting a Christian Book Fair sponsored by LifeWay. Please stop by anytime March 15-18,
7:30 AM-4:00 PM. This will be a great time to shop for
some Easter gifts! A percentage of the sales will come back
to the SCA library. We hope to see everyone there!
Through Target’s Take Charge of Education program, families, teachers and members of the community have an easy
way to raise money for their school. Here’s how it works:
When parents, teachers and other school supporters use
the REDcard®, Target donates up to 1% of their purchases
to the eligible K-12 school they designate. Each September, those funds are distributed to schools nationwide.
We encourage you to get involved in this easy way to support SCA. You can sign up for the program and designate
SCA in one of three ways:
 Visit .
 Stop by the kiosk in your favorite Target store.
 Call 1-800-316-6142.
This is the last year Target will be offering this opportunity to raise money for schools, so take advantage of
it while you can!
SCA can earn points to purchase items when our
families sign up for the Labels for Education program. Some of the participating retailers are Safeway, Fry’s, and Albertsons.
To learn more about participating retailers and products, visit
Our February Box Tops for Education contest ended
Friday, February 26th. For this 2nd collection period,
6,841 Box Tops were collected, making a total Box Top
count for the year of 8,133! This equals $813.30 extra
cash for our school!
Congratulations to Mrs. MacDowell’s 4th Grade Class,
who collected a record breaking 915 Box Tops! These
students will be rewarded with a special treat to celebrate their success!
Keep collecting Box Tops to get ready for the first contest of the 2016-17 school year!
Your Box Top Coordinator,
Jennifer Okland
Advancement and Marketing
Auction Gala, March 11
FUNd Run, April 13
Please contact Karin Suter if you would
like to help with any of these events. Her
email is:
Renaissance Faire
The Eagle Shoppe
Eagle Shoppe hours are:
Monday, Thursday, Friday
7:30 AM—3:30 PM
SALE: 30% off all apparel and gift items.
Come in and see the great collection of
Spirit Wear!
April 1, 2016
It’s coming! The event you’ve been waiting
for! Our 15th Annual Renaissance Faire will
be held all day in the gym
on April 1st. Hosted by our
intrepid 6th graders, you’ll
be treated to all kinds of
games and amazing wares!
Tickets will go on sale
the week of the Faire.
Spirit Shirt Day will be every Friday. Students may wear any official SCA spirit shirts or red,
white or blue standard attire shirts.
Once a month we will have a “Jeans/Athletic Pants Pass Day” to benefit a charitable organization. Students will be able to purchase passes for $3.00 the morning of Jeans Pass Day. In
February $380.00 was sent with the Yucatan High School Mission Team to help provide for the
needs of the people in that area.
Our next Jeans Pass Day will be Friday, April 1.
► Respectful
► Responsible
► Ready
“Whatever you do, do it all
for the glory of God!”
1 Corinthians 10:31
Attention Moms!
Do you worry about your children? Replace your anxiety and fear with peace and hope by praying with other
moms. Moms in Prayer International brings moms together to pray specifically and scripturally for our children and our school. ( Won't
you join us in prayer for this next generation?
When: Thursday mornings from 8:00-9:00 AM
Where: Room 1001 (close to The Eagle Shoppe)
Contact: Stephanie Meyer for more information
602.485.3517 or
"Pour out your hearts like water before the face of the
Lord....lift up your hands toward Him for the lives of
your children."
Lamentations 2:19
Theme Verse 2015-16
“Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love,
a tender heart, and a humble mind.”
I Peter 3:8
Scottsdale Christian Academy Mission Statement
The mission of Scottsdale Christian Academy is to maximize the God-given potential of each
student, preparing them to live lives of distinction, by impacting the world for Jesus Christ.
Scottsdale Christian Academy Christian Core Values
Core Values guide both the internal and external conduct of the school. They are the nonnegotiable qualities that differentiate the institution as they identify, inspire, galvanize, and determine the school’s highest priorities.
Preparing our students with Christ-centered experiences that by God’s grace lead to spiritual
transformation, which enable them to develop a maturing relationship with Jesus Christ.
Providing a Biblically based accredited curriculum that prepares the student for the challenges of
higher education and life-long learning. We seek to serve the developmental needs of the whole
student, endeavoring to maximize the student’s God-given potential, which stimulates and cultivates critical thinking and the pursuit of creative expression, in the academics, arts, and athletics.
Cultivating a community of believers, founded on the basis of shared commitment, common union, fellowship and Christ’s love. We value the importance of relationships, as modeled by Christ
and his love for others. As we partner together to unify our body of students, parents, faculty and
staff, we extend Christ’s love and grace to each other, celebrate each member’s unique God-given
abilities, and glorify Jesus Christ.
Loving our neighbor as ourselves is reflected in an academic community that models and encourages Christ-like character, conduct, accountability, and service to our community and the world.
We seek to conduct ourselves with deep care and compassion for all, reflecting faith in action, by
being doers of God’s word.
During March, our pre-kindergarten classes will step into our next unit, “Following Animal Tracks”. This unit
will focus on discovering dinosaurs, farm animals and zoo animals. During these units, our classes will continue to look at number recognition, adding and subtracting, graphing and reviewing shapes during Math. We
will also be looking at letters P-S and focusing on letter sounds and always reviewing each of them during our
Language time. As always, students will be busy bees exploring and discovering during our designated weekly
In Bible, we will finish up discussing Jesus’ miracles and continue on to His parables
where we will learn how Jesus wants us to live our lives. We also will have the wonderful
opportunity to learn about and celebrate Easter, where we will discuss what it means in
our lives that Jesus died for our sins. We will celebrate God’s love through our Easter
class parties.
We are looking forward to exciting hands-on experiences and can’t wait to find out what we discover through
our learning.
Our busy month of March will begin with a celebration of Dr. Seuss’ birthday on the 2nd. We will rotate to the
different kinder classrooms for a fun activity in each.
Next up is our field trip to Tolmachoff Farms on Thursday, March 3rd. Expect to see a bag of
healthy vegetables coming home that day. We will continue our study of farm life and end
with Farm Day on the 11th.
Bible will take us from the Good Samaritan to Lazarus. In the middle will be our study of the Easter story and
the truths that lead to our Lord dying on the cross for each of us.
Language Arts has us reviewing 20 phonograms a week, 10 spelling words, and daily reading and writing.
Math keeps us in Chapters 7 and 8 for the month of March. Chapter 7 is our unit on time and money, and
Chapter 8 will introduce geometry and fractions.
Science has us planting and learning about plants, land forms, our earth and sky.
Social Studies takes us to stories of the past.
First Grade
February fun is shared in first grade in many ways. Valentine’s Day gave us the opportunity to share the love of Jesus
with others and enjoy creating valentines for our loved ones.
It was also a month to consider our American History as we celebrated and learned about the birth
of two of our great presidents, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, in Social Studies.
In Science, we investigated Earth’s rocks and minerals, natural resources God has provided for us. We also discovered
the purpose and design for teeth in animals and people.
Our Reading included more fiction, nonfiction, understanding the main ideas, comparing, contrasting, predicting and
identifying characters, and drawing conclusions.
In Language Arts we continued practicing writing correct sentences by identifying fragments and identifying topics and
paragraphs. We continue to use our phonograms to become expert spellers and use excellent handwriting to express
our ideas.
In Math we used place value to determine more, less, greater than, less than, expanded form and exchanging ones for
tens. Lots of numbers and lots of learning are happening in first grade.
Our Bible lessons continue to teach the history of God’s people being led by Moses through the desert for forty years,
receiving the Ten Commandments and arriving at the Promised Land with Joshua as the new leader, then King Saul and
King David. We are happy to know that God will lead us if we choose to follow Him.
A DINO-Mite Group of Second Graders
Second graders have been hungrily soaking up knowledge this month as they embarked on geometry and telling time.
Students learned to identify and even create three-dimensional solid figures like cubes and cones. They then related
plane shapes such as squares and circles to these solid figures and began to look at dividing plane shapes into equal
parts. That knowledge was then turned into telling time on a round, analog clock. Students learned to relate fractions to
the clock as they told time using words such as “quarter past”, “half past” and “quarter till”. Students continue to practice math fact skills using Mad Dog Math with many working in the 1-Minute Club successfully.
In Reading and Writing students continue to expand sentences using adjectives, adverbs, prepositional phrases, and now
pronouns and possessive pronouns too! They share their writing skills in each subject but this month, particularly, as they
write interesting and thorough sentences for various dinosaur reports.
Students are eagerly learning about the differences and similarities in our country today versus long
ago. They read about the beginnings of our country’s history from colonies to United States. Students
recognized the fight that our founding fathers, and later Civil Rights leaders, had before them in
bringing forth the great nation we live in today. Students then focused in on our nation’s government
and how it runs. They studied elections, along with branches of the government and the function of
each one.
In Science, we’re also comparing and contrasting ideas but this time with Creationism and Evolutionary ideas as we study our Earth from long ago. Students are learning how paleontologists study dinosaur bones to learn
clues about God’s amazing creation. They will examine fossils and even create their own! Along with many other activities involving dinosaurs, each of our students will be tracing, cutting, stuffing and sewing their very own dinosaur pillows
to commemorate the study. Students in second grade visited the Arizona Museum of Natural History where they saw
dinosaur bones and replicas on display. We were all eager to learn new things on this visit!
Third Grade
Wow! What an amazing job the third graders have done in the completion of their President Reports! They cannot wait
to show off their hard work on the evening of Thursday, March 31. An “Evening with the Presidents” is a night you won’t
want to miss as the students showcase their reports in a “Presidential” manner and perform the grand instruments of
the recorders, not to mention singing all 44 Presidents in order.
In Reading, we will be focusing on the theme of communities and gaining a better understanding of realistic fiction. We
will see how communities are affected by natural disasters and how communities have changed over time. It is also exciting that we will be heading to Chase Field to tour and understand how the baseball field and Diamondbacks have
helped shape the atmosphere and community around the downtown Phoenix area.
Math is full of very exciting new concepts as we are now getting ready to enter fourth grade. It
is hard to believe the time is approaching to let these amazing third graders go onto fourth
grade. This month, Math will bring us to the concepts of fractions and measurements. We will
explore all the different ways to analyze fractions, such as, estimating fractional amounts, comparing and ordering fractions, and evaluating mixed numbers. Finally, we will apply our understanding of measurement to converting miles into yards, yards into feet, and feet into inches.
It is going to be an exciting month of measurements!
What a perfect time to be learning about witnessing for Christ as we send our high schoolers off to the mission field. In
Bible, we will learn how as Christians we should be witnesses everywhere and that we should always serve God with all
our hearts. We are excited to finish up the month with lessons on the resurrection and learning about the events that
led up to the crucifixion of our Lord and Savior. As the month of March comes to a close with Easter Sunday, all of us in
third grade want to wish each and every one a very Happy Easter! May we all praise the Lord for the ultimate sacrifice
His Son gave for us to have eternal life and the forgiveness of our sins. “HE HAS RISEN!”
Fourth Grade
Mountain Man Rendezvous with 4th Grade Students
Before the pioneers settled in Arizona and the west in general, mountain men made their way
into Arizona trapping beaver pelts for the popular top hat of that time period. Williams, Arizona
is named after mountain man Bill Williams. Present day mountain man, Scott Sorenson, gave a
presentation to all 4th graders on February 25th. Scott is an author with his own book about
mountain men. Scott wore authentic mountain man clothing, told tall tales, showed animal
pelts, played the dulcimer, sang folk songs common to that era, and showed slides of mountain
Pioneer Day in 4th Grade
On March 9th all 4th graders will experience an array of fun and educational "pioneer" activities. The students will have
the opportunity to learn about how the pioneers lived during the early days of our history. They will be able to visit
different learning stations with historical hands-on activities.
Activities may include crafting pioneer items such as tin lanterns, leather pouches, and candle making. Playing pioneer games and events like tug of war, jump rope, drop the handkerchief, and wheelbarrow racing will be great fun for everyone. Students will get a chance to
taste Johnnycakes and salt water taffy….um, um, good, and will dress in western wear or as
pioneers for the day.
Fifth Grade
March is another great month to be a 5th grader. Students will have a fun and busy month,
and they will also enjoy a week off for Easter Break.
Students are doing their best impression of scientists as they walk through the scientific method and test their hypothesis with their science fair projects. They have been working on projects for over a month and are well versed in how to carry out an experiment and evaluate the
data to test their hypothesis. The Science Fair is a culmination of their hard work, and all students will get to show off their projects during the fair.
In Bible, students will begin talking about the early church from the book of Acts. They will be
challenged to live like the first believers did. The first believers were selfless, loving, and dedicated to serving the Lord.
As the science fair projects are coming to a close, students will begin working on their culmination writing project for 5th grade, the State Report. States will be assigned and students will be
walked through various activities as they complete their reports. Some tasks they will accomplish while completing their state reports are: researching, writing an
essay, illustrating state symbols, and participating in a taste test of various state foods. The State Report project is always a fun one for the
Mrs. Kreykes’ 4th and 5th Grade Band Classes
The month of March is Spring time in the band room! In music education, Spring always means “solo
and ensemble” time – contests, festivals and lots of performances (when you get to middle and high
school band, that is). Our 4th and 5th graders are just beginning to learn about the intricacies of solo
and ensemble literature in class this month. Fourth grade band members are trying their very first solo, “The Good Life”, on page 19. Fifth grade band members are working on ensemble literature at the
level that it would take to enter a solo and ensemble contest. It is a great
time of stretching their newfound abilities, which brings about greater and
deeper growth. Please encourage them to practice carefully, slowly and
methodically on these challenge pieces and their Karate Belt quizzes!
We are all working hard to prepare music for our Spring Concert and Art
Fair, May 12th @ 6:00 PM. Please mark your calendars!
The kindergarten students have been painting with oil pastels and watercolors this past month. They
created a lovely landscape with the pastels, which they enhanced with extra oil. Great results! They
drew whimsical frogs, painted them with watercolor paint, and outlined them with Sharpies. They
have been so excited about this quarter’s activities. They also learned how to make salted watercolor
landscape paintings that are gorgeous.
First graders made gorgeous, large floral paintings with tempera sticks. Each student created his/her own composition with outstanding results. Their enthusiasm is contagious. The
latest project involved drawing a fish, painting it with watercolor and adhering the fish to an
under-the-sea background page, also painted in watercolors.
The second graders worked very hard on a complicated 3D art piece with torn tissue paper. The mother hen and three baby chicks art work required concentration and perseverance. They also made
some awesome valentines.
Third grade has had a great time designing their Metal Relief Bugs. They used a wood stylus to impress
the designs into the metal and then added color by using Sharpies. They cut out their bugs, added
wire and tin foil legs and antenna and then mounted then on mat board. Beautifully Buggy!!!! They
are also working on creating an amazing Matisse style watercolor.
Fourth grade has a few masterpieces in the works. The Georgia O’Keefe Encaustic
Florals are almost done. A pancake griddle has helped melt and blend the crayons
into these inspiring gardens. They have also been creating Chinese Lanterns with
beautiful watercolor cherry blossoms. Georgia has also inspired our talented artists
to create an interesting colorful close up of a butterfly wing.
Fifth grade has been equally as busy with wire self-portraits, trying to maintain a single line of wire
while twisting and turning to create eyebrows, eyes, nose and so on. Each one is unique and full of
personality. They have also been working on a mixed media wild flower garden. They are using gloss
gel medium, fluid acrylics, liquid inks, gesso, ink pens and sharpies. Wow!!! Wait until you see these
Many of our SCA students have been creating some wonderful artworks that will be at our upcoming
SCA Gala Auction. We know you will be excited to own one of these creations.
Hands on Technology
Kindergarten students have been using the tools in KidPix to practice their AABB patterns and other skills
they have been learning in their classrooms.
First graders typed a story about a space adventure in Microsoft Word and illustrated a picture in KidPix.
Second graders are using PowerPoint to share some information about themselves through text and pictures.
Third graders have been solving puzzles and building contraptions with the software The Incredible Machines:
Even More Contraptions.
Fourth graders created a PowerPoint about their Christian hero from Mr. Goldsmith’s Bible class. They also
learned the basics of coding through a website called
Fifth graders have been taking digital pictures and editing them in Picasa. Picasa is powered by Google and
can be downloaded at home as well. They will be finishing their Photo Tips PowerPoint with pictures that they
took themselves.
Physical Education
Hello Friends,
This time of year becomes an exciting one for us in P.E. class. We spent the beginning of February finishing up our President’s Challenge fitness testing, and now we begin to prepare for the Elementary Olympics.
I was very pleased with the efforts during our fitness testing. Many of our students earned either the National Fitness
Award or the Presidential Fitness Award (which will be given out during an Awards Assembly in May). This testing has
also given me an idea which areas that we, as a whole, need to focus on to achieve a higher level of fitness.
The Elementary Olympics are coming up at the end of March. 1st – 3rd graders will compete on Tuesday, March 29th, and
4th—5th graders will compete on Wednesday, March 30th. This will be a great event that will have our students competing in a variety of track and field type events with the ability to earn awards based on their performances. It will take
up the entire morning of each day, and all parents are welcome and encouraged to come out to support your children.
We will also need help with providing snacks for each day. More information will follow concerning that.
Finally, we have begun our intramural basketball competition for 4th and 5th grades. I am looking forward to a great season of competition.
Have a great month and remember that God is always good!
Coach Z
La Vista
We are marching into the month of March, winter is almost over - the season of
newness and growth already seems to be here in the warm and sunny southwest.
During the month of March our Kindergarteners will be finishing up Spanish numbers through 20. We will
also be learning a famous Spanish folk song called, “De colores.” The song is about the beautiful changes in
nature during springtime. We will also be revisiting the farm animals as the students prepare for their farm
field trip!
Our First Graders will be studying, reading, and writing the vocabulary for food in Spanish, as well as learning the vocabulary for table settings.
Second Graders will be reading, writing, and identifying the vocabulary for parts of the body and learning to sing “Head & Shoulders” in Spanish. We will also be learning how to give directions in Spanish.
In Third Grade, we will be learning the Spanish pronouns and several Spanish verbs. The students will learn
the present tense conjugations for the three types of verb endings: -ar, -er, -ir.
Fourth Graders will be learning how to tell time in Spanish. We will also be learning the vocabulary for
family members and creating a family tree in Spanish. We will revisit the adjectives to practice describing
people with the verb “ser.”
Our Fifth Graders have just about covered the entire range of vocabulary in our textbook! We will be revisiting verbs and learning about special verbs such as “ser,” “estar,” and “tener.” We will also be learning
conjunctions and prepositions in Spanish. These tools will allow us to start reading and creating complex
sentences in Spanish!
During the month of March, we will take a look at a very important holiday to
Spanish speaking countries – Fiesta de Pascua. We will also be investigating the
only African country with Spanish as its official language: Equatorial Guinea.
Every week SCA students learn a new “Word of the Week” during their library class. We read the
word, define the word and use it in sentences. Ask your students about these words, and they will
“WOW” you with their growing vocabulary!
The words of the week for February were:
hibernation, valentine, president, Dr. Seuss
1 – 5 Grade:
honesty, admire, distinction, pioneer
Pre-Kindergarten: The students enjoyed listening to Hedgie Blasts Off while learning about outer space. During letter “Mm” week, the students listened to 5 Little Monkey’s Sitting in a Tree and then sang the song.
While learning about cowboys, they listened to the silly story, Are You a Horse?
Kindergarten: The kindergarteners listened to Substitute Groundhog to help celebrate Groundhog’s Day.
They listened to Arthur’s Valentine and made a valentine for a special someone. They learned about our 16 th
president in the story, Abe Lincoln: The Boy Who Loved Books. We just started a unit on Dr. Seuss and listened
to his very first book, And to Think I Saw It on Mulberry Street.
First Grade: The first graders are doing a great job with the Accelerated Reader Program. They have been
busy reading and taking AR tests. The students are encouraged to take at least one test each week. They may
take tests before school, during library class, or after school with a parent. They have also enjoyed some stories this month. They listened to The Kiss that Missed and Pluto Visits Earth.
Second Grade: The second graders are reading so well and doing such a great job with reaching their AR
goals. The students listened to The Giant Hug, George Washington’s Teeth, and Digging for Dinosaurs.
Third Grade: The third grade students have been using their research skills to find facts for
their president reports in the encyclopedia. They also listened to Roses are Pink Your Feet
Really Stink, So, You Want to be President, and Crankee Doodle. Crankee Doodle is a Grand
Canyon Reader Award and can be voted on as a favorite.
Fourth Grade: The fourth graders used EasyBib to make a bibliography for their Christian Hero reports. They
learned about the history of presidential pets from the book, Wackiest White House Pets. They also enjoyed
the story, Somebody Loves You Mr. Hatch, to help celebrate Valentine’s Day.
Fifth Grade: The fifth graders finished their research on an inventor/invention and then shared it with a partner. They also learned about the legend of St. Valentine and how the celebration of Valentine’s Day began.
They enjoyed the book, Your Life as a Pioneer. This nonfiction book about the Oregon Trail is one of the books
that the students are voting on for the Grand Canyon Reader Awards.
Mrs. Reed’s Elementary Music Classes
Pre-Kindergarten: Students enjoy learning new songs every music class. A “music master” is picked to sit in the
hand chair and be the special helper. A puppet friend, “HP”, which stands for “Hallelujah Praise”, starts our morning with a monthly praise song. February’s song was “Jesus Loves You and Me”. Classroom themes are incorporated into the music program to help the children learn. This month for President’s Day we enjoyed a Patriotic unit
and sang songs about America. For Valentine’s week, we had a heart hunt and sang songs about valentines. We
also sang songs about colors and learned a minuet dance written by a famous composer, Mozart. We concluded
the month with a cowboy unit as we sang songs around the “campfire”, played the washboard, and danced to “The
Old Brass Wagon.” We love to sing in Pre-Kindergarten!
Kindergarten: Students begin each morning with their song “So Glad to See You.” Students concluded their winter unit by comparing two different “Sleigh Ride” songs by LeRoy Anderson and Mozart. Kindergarteners have been
learning about “ta” and “ti-ti” in music through familiar old songs such as “Two Little Blackbirds” and “Busy Buzzy
Bee”. For Valentine’s week, we had a heart hunt and sang a spelling song about valentines. We finished the
month with the cowboy unit as we sang songs around the “campfire”, played the washboard, and danced to “The
Old Brass Wagon.”
1st and 2nd Grades: Students started the month reviewing “ta” and “ti-ti” (one and two sounds to the beat) and
comparing the steady beat with the rhythm of a song. For Valentine’s week, we had a heart hunt and sang a
spelling song about valentines. We also reviewed high and low notes in music through various songs and activities
such as frogs leaping up and down and waves going up and down. Children played a Native American music game
as they worked on hand and eye coordination. We finished the month with a listening game as we guessed the
sounds of our junk music montage. In other words we listened to music and sounds from ordinary objects like paper, cans, glasses, keys, and more. The students were very good “sound detectives.”
3rd Grade: Recorder students have learned two new notes, C and D, to go along with B, A, and G. They continue
to review their recorder procedures: Rest, Ready and Set. Third graders have been working on a songs for their
spring concert on March 31, 2016. They are working on the songs, “B A Superhero”, “Big Round Bag” and “Finale
Maestoso”. Students also sight-read a song every time they come to music class to work on their note reading
skills. Folders have gone home with the music and practice sheets so the students can keep track of their practice
times. Practice time at home helps the students be prepared for class!
4th & 5th Grade Choirs: Students are working on music for their Spring Musical on April 21 st. It will be a Musical
Journey through Time with songs and scenes from the early 1900’s through our current day. All students will be in
the choir, but students also had the opportunity to choose to be in a scene of their choice. Rehearsals for the
different scenes are during lunch recesses or after school. It is going to be a wonderful time enjoyed by all. We’ve
already started learning songs such as “We Go Together” from Grease and “Which Ball Game”. In class, a “Music
Maestro” is picked to sit in the hand chair. Their responsibilities include playing the step bells, watching for
“expressive singers” and handing out “Bach Bucks”. Students who answer music theory questions at the end of
class compete for a chance to sit in the “Diner” the next class.
Reenrollment applications were due by February 12, 2016. New applications are being processed and space will be
filled starting in March. Please do not delay in completing your reenrollment registration online including the additional late enrollment fees.
Complete reenrollment forms as outlined online.
Nonrefundable reenrollment fee is required with reenrollment forms. Refer to Late Enrollment rates for enrollment forms submitted after February 12, 2016.
 Student’s tuition account MUST be current for your reenrollment to be processed for next year. We will accept
the reenrollment registration; however, it will remain as a pending file in the applicant pool until your account
becomes current. At that time, if space is available, your registration will be processed.
 It is necessary to indicate your method of payment when submitting this form. ALL requests for monthly payments require ACH authorization forms completed (download and print) and returned to the accounting office
(Dori Richardson) with a fee of $75 per student. If this area is incomplete, your entire reenrollment registration will be held. Monthly payments will be drawn out of your account on the 5th of each month beginning
June 5, 2016. Make sure you SIGN your ACH form before returning with your fee.
 Remember, incomplete packets will be held up and not processed.
Financial assistance is available. For information and application forms, contact Dori Richardson at Ext. 1101.
We strongly urge you to apply for scholarships through Student Tuition Organizations (STOs). Below is a list of STOs
that provide SCA with brochures for donors. You may wish to visit the Arizona State Department of Revenue’s web
site,, for a list of all organizations. If you have any questions regarding the STO
scholarships, please direct your questions to Dori Richardson at extension 1101.
We notify families when new STO funding has been received. Distribution dates vary from STO to STO and year to
Arizona Christina School Tuition Organization, Inc.
(480) 820-0403
Arizona Private Education Scholarship Fund, Inc.
(480) 699-8911
Arizona Scholarship Fund
(480) 497-4564
Arizona School Choice Trust
(602) 454-1360

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