The 14th International Rainwater Catchment Systems Conference (IRCSC) 2009, Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC), Kuala Lumpur, 3-6 August 2009 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT OF RAINWATER HARVESTING Presented by Ir. HJ. AHMAD JAMALLUDDIN SHAABAN Director General of National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia (NAHRIM) NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) OUTLINE: • INTRODUCTION - Rainwater Harvesting Systems - Climate Change • R&D AND RAINWATER HARVESTING - Flood & Drought - Supplementing Public Water Supply - Rainwater Harvesting Systems: From On-site to River Basin Level • WAY FORWARD NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) Since Early Roman Times…... • Roman villas and even whole cities were designed to take advantage of rainwater as the principal water source since at least 2000 B.C; • In Northern Egypt, where tanks ranging from 200-2000 m³, have been used for at least 2000 years – many are still operational today; • In the Middle East in 2000 B.C., typical middle class dwellings stored rain water in cisterns; • The world's largest rainwater tank is probably the Yerebatan Sarayi in Istanbul, Turkey. This was constructed during the rule of Caesar Justinian (A.D. 527-565). It measures 140m by 70m and has a capacity of 80,000 m³. • Another cistern in Istanbul is called Binbirdik, thought by some sources to have been constructed under Caesar Constantine (A.D. 329 - 337), with a capacity of 50,000 m³. NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) TODAY’S RAINWATER HARVESTING SYSTEMS • Rainwater harvesting as a refreshing approach towards an integrated environment friendly and sustainable urban water resources development initiative, apart from the traditional development of water sources in the form of dams, ponds and pipelines; • An alternative technologies to fulfill sustainable and adequate freshwater supplies to meet societal equitable access to water is the most urgent and significant challenge faced today including climate change NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) Leaf Beater Filter Pits Rain Filters System Gutter First-flush Devices with Storage Tank NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) OUTLINE: • INTRODUCTION - Rainwater Harvesting Systems - Climate Change • R&D AND RAINWATER HARVESTING - Flood & Drought - Supplementing Public Water Supply - Rainwater Harvesting Systems: From On-site to River Basin Level • WAY FORWARD NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) Observed Climate Change GLOBAL* 1906-2005 Surface temperature MALAYSIA 1968-2002 0.74 0.49 – 0.91 (MMD)** (ºC) Sea level rise (mm/yr) 1961-2003 1993-2003 1986-2006 1.8 3.1 1.25 (DID @ Tg Piai)*** * IPCC 4TH ASSESSMENT REPORT (AR4), 2007 ** INITIAL NATIONAL COMMUNICATION, 2000 *** NATIONAL COASTAL VULNERABILITY INDEX STUDY,DID, 2007 NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) Climate Change Issues • Impact of climate change on water resources - is already here, as a result of previous GHGs emission ( highlighted in IPCC AR4, WG 2, V&A) • Nothing that we do now in terms of energy & GHGs emission is going to halt the impact of climate change on water resources in the immediate terms - Current control and changes to energy and GHGs emission is anticipated to draw result only after the next 30 years NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) Modeling Climate Change The main tools for simulating the global climate evolution in time and space are the coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Global Circulation Models (AOGCMs). Confidence in AOGCMs is due to the physical basis of these models in describing the various components of the earth system, and their high skills in simulating the observed historical climate and past climate changes. At large spatial scales there is confidence that AOGCMs provide credible quantitative estimates of the change in the future climate. NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) In 2001 the only publicly available multi-realization global climate change AOGCM simulation data (3 realizations) was from Canadian Climate Center. Due to its well-documented validation with the historical observations over Peninsular Malaysia, and due to its use of the most realistic climate change scenario (IS92a), as of 2001 (IPCC TAR, 2001), in its climate change simulation studies CGCM1 (Canadian Global Climate Model 1) climate change simulation results were selected for use in the climate change study for Peninsular Malaysia. NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) Regional Hydroclimate Model of Peninsular Malaysia (RegHCMPM) Study Objectives 1. 2. To develop a regional hydrologic- atmospheric model to take into account climate change in Peninsular Malaysia and validate the model by historic hydrologic-atmospheric data To evaluate the impact of climate change on the hydrologic regime and water resources of Peninsular Malaysia by means of the developed regional hydroclimate model (RegHCM-PM) (RegHCM-PM) was developed by downscaling global climate change simulation data (Canadian GCM1 current and future climate data) that are at very coarse resolution (~ 410km) to Peninsular Malaysia at fine spatial resolution (~9km). Able to quantify the impact of the complex topographical and land surface features of Peninsular Malaysia on its climate conditions. NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) 14 What is RegHCM? RegHCM = the atmospheric component of MM5 (Fifth Generation Mesoscale Model) + the land surface process module of IRSHAM (Integrated Regional Scale Hydrologic/Atmospheric Model). NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) MESOSCALE MODEL (MM5) CGCM1 G lo ba l S cale A tm o sp h eric & O ce an D a ta CGCM , NCEP B o u nd a ry C o n d ition s In itia l Fields MM5 M odel O u te r D o m a in Topography & Landcover (USGS) Soil (FAO) Boundary C onditions Initial Fields M odel Nesting MM5 M odel 2nd D om ain B oundary C onditions Initial Fields MM5 M odel Inner D om ain IRSHAM W atershed Scale H ydro-clim ate O utput IR SH A M M odel D om ain Topography, Landcover & Soil (N A H RIM ) NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) Necessary data for RegHCM Land Use/Land Cover: Global Land Cover Characterization (GLCC) by USGS. Soil Data: Digital Soil Map of the World (DSMW) by FAO Vegetation cover and land use dataset of Peninsular Malaysia from Malaysia Department of Agriculture (DOA); Soil survey dataset of Peninsular Malaysia from Malaysia DOA Hydrological data – rainfall, streamflow, evapotranspiration from Dept of Irrigation and Drainage (DID) Meteorological data – rainfall, temperature, wind speed and solar radiation from Malaysian Meteorological Department (MMD) NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) Data grid of CGCM1 that were used in the RegHCM-PM. NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) The grid layout for the outer domain (1st Domain, 26x28 grids, 81 km resolution) of the RegHCM-PM under Mercator projection. NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) The grid layout for the outer and inner domain NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) SIMULATION RUNS AND RESULTS Hydrologic conditions of Peninsular Malaysia were simulated using RegHCM-PM in three time periods, 1984-1993 for historical conditions, and 2025-2034, 2041-2050 for future global climate conditions. Downscaled climate simulation data for the 1984 – 1993 historical period, produced by CGCM1control run, were used for initial and boundary conditions for the RegHCM simulations of the historical hydroclimate over Peninsular Malaysia during this period. For the future hydroclimate simulations during 2025-2034, 2041 – 2050 periods, the CGCM1 data (for IS92a emission scenario) were used as initial and boundary conditions for MM5 (the mesoscale atmospheric model in RegHCM-PM). NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) Then the RegHCM-PM downscaled historical conditions were compared against RegHCM-PM downscaled future conditions To assess the impact of climate change on the water resources of Peninsular Malaysia. The RegHCM-PM simulated surface hydrologic outputs at its inner domain Include precipitation, throughfall, evapotranspiration, infiltration, river flow, surface wetness, soil water storage, soil water content, surface temperature, surface wind speed, net solar radiation, etc. NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) Future Rainfall More extreme hydrological conditions in the future may be expected since higher maximum and lower minimum precipitation are observed. Increase in maximum monthly precipitation of up to 51% over Pahang, Kelantan and Terengganu. Decrease in minimum monthly precipitation from 32% to 61% for all over Peninsular Malaysia. NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) Future River Flows An increase in interannual and intraseasonal variability with increased hydrologic extremes are expected in Kelantan, Pahang, Terengganu and Perak. Increase in maximum monthly flows from 11% to 47% for all over Peninsular Malaysia Decrease in minimum monthly flows from 31% to 93% for Johor and Selangor. NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) Simulated Monthly River Flow Periodic Means and Standard Deviations NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) Simulated Monthly River Flow Periodic Means and Standard Deviations NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) Simulated Monthly River Flow Periodic Means and Standard Deviations NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) Simulated Monthly River Flow Periodic Means and Standard Deviations NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) Climate Hazard Hotspots and Dominant Hazards Climate Change Vulnerability Mapping for Southeast Asia (By Arief Anshory Yusuf & Herminia Francisco – January 2009) NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) NAHRIM FUTURE HYDROCLIMATE DATABASE • How to access? - log on to and register. • 5 main modules/parameters: – Precipitation – Evapotranspiration – Soil Water Storage – Surface Temperature – Streamflow NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) Modules/Parameters • 5 main modules/parameters - with data retrieval and data analysis functions….can be used to access – Precipitation: Daily Rainfall, Monthly Rainfall and Annual Rainfall. – Evapotranspiration: Daily Evapotranspiration, Monthly Evapotranspiration and Annual Evapotranspiration. – Soil Water Storage: Daily Soil Water Storage. – Surface Temperature: Daily Surface Temperature, Daily Mean Surface Temperature During a Month and Daily Mean Surface Temperature During a Year. – Stream flow: Monthly Stream flow NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) OUTLINE: • INTRODUCTION - Rainwater Harvesting Systems - Climate Change • R&D AND RAINWATER HARVESTING - Flood & Drought - Supplementing Public Water Supply - Rainwater Harvesting Systems: From On-site to River Basin Level • WAY FORWARD NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) FLOODS REDUCTION From the research carried out by NAHRIM for a housing estate located at Kuala Lumpur, rainwater cum detention storage systems is able to achieve 20% of reduction in peak discharge by assuming every terrace house (covers 19% of total catchment area) has been installed with the same systems Further reduction of peak storm runoff up to 70% could be possible when the rainwater cum detention storage systems is extended to the shophouses, mosque, kindergarten and parks in the study area. NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) Location of Study Area NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) Study Area NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) Study Area House House Surau Shop Park Playground Kindergarden Outlet House House NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) Storage Cum Detention Tank NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) OUTLINE: • INTRODUCTION - Rainwater Harvesting Systems - Climate Change • R&D AND RAINWATER HARVESTING - Flood & Drought - Supplementing Public Water Supply - Rainwater Harvesting Systems: From On-site to River Basin Level • WAY FORWARD NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) PUBLIC RAINWATER HARVESTING SYSTEMS MOSQUE AT TAMAN BUKIT INDAH, AMPANG, KUALA LUMPUR NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) Main Components of Rainwater Harvesting Systems ROOF CATCHMENT 33° 47’ 151.723 20" 123° 47’ 31.682 10" 123° CONVEYANCE SYSTEM 47’ 80.905 20" 10" UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) Components of Rainwater Harvesting System - Distribution Network RAINWATER / STORMWATER CONVEYANCE PIPE COLD WATER TANK COLD WATER TANK 50mm Ø discharge pipe Permanently marked RAINWATER / STORMWATER CONVEYANCE PIPE COLD WATER TANK PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY NON RETURN VALVE Sump RAINWATER CONVEYANCE PIPE SENSOR CABLE FLOW METER Mechanism for automatic switching on of Public Water Supply in the case of power failure (i.e. pumps not working) CONSTANT PRESSURE STARTER PANEL RAINWATER PIPING SYSTEM PRESSURE TANK, PRESSURE GAUGE, PRESSURE TRANSMITTER AND FLOW SWITCH GRUNDFOS PUMP SQE 3-65 NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) Components of Rainwater Harvesting System - Underground Storage Tank PARKINGAREA 1300 200 200 12440 200mmTHK. SAND 1224Omx 5785mx 0.89mDEPTH 4mmTHK. CHEQUEPLATE ATLANTISSTORAGETANK EXIST. SUMP HYDRONET 200 890 200 500 PARKINGSURFACE 225mmTHKBRICK 1224Omx 5785mx 0.89mDEPTH HEAVYDUTYCOVER COMPACTEDEARTH ATLANTISSTORAGETANK ORAPPROVEEQUIVALENT HYDRONET EXCAVATIONEDGE 250mmØINLETPIPE EXCAVATIONEDGE 200mmTHK. SANDBEDDING HDPELINER SUBMERSIBLEPUMP WITHFLOATINGINLET 1 LAYERDRAINAGECELL 1:50 8360 2040 2040 NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) System Cost • • • • Conveyance System to cater for stormwater (modification) Plumbing works Underground Water Tank (60 m3 capacity) Water pumps including sensor TOTAL RM 15,000 RM 5,000 RM 60,000 RM 15,000 RM 95,000 NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) Other R&D on Rainwater Harvesting Systems for Supplementing Public Water Supply by NAHRIM • HQ Building of Department of Irrigation & Drainage (DID ) Malaysia; • A Double Storey Terrace House in Taman Wangsa Melawati, Kuala Lumpur; • National Zoo; • Sri Aman Secondary School; NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) Rainwater for non-potable use as a supplement to the traditional domestic water supply ~ can save up to 34% of the total water consumption based on a study at a double storey terrace house in Taman Wangsa Melawati, Kuala Lumpur NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) Malaysian’s National Zoo • NAHRIM is currently pursuing R&D on RWH and its utilization for the National Zoo; • The main objective of the research is to demonstrate the capability and reliability of Rain Water Harvesting as a secondary and alternative water supply for the ongoing development in the National Zoo; • Supply rainwater for Pygmy Hippo & Hippo ponds and toilet flushing; NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) Hippo Ponds Pumps Elevated Tanks Storage Tanks Roof Catchment Suction Tanks for Toilet NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) (1) (2) Roof Length : 80 m Roof Width : 33 m Total Roof area : 2,640 sq. m Runoff coefficient : 0.9 First flush : 1 mm 402 m3 of storage capacity derived from the available facilities: Water Wheel (4a) (3) (4b) 2 nos of 113.6cubic meter existing storage tanks; 2 nos of 68.2 cubic meter elevated tanks; 2 nos of hippo pond with each capacity of 11.36 cubic meter; I no. 6.8 cubic meter gallons new elevated water tank (for manual pump) NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) Water Use for Various Facilities NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) Calculation of System Reliability using Tangki NAHRIM Software NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) OUTLINE: • INTRODUCTION - Rainwater Harvesting Systems - Climate Change • R&D AND RAINWATER HARVESTING - Flood & Drought - Supplementing Public Water Supply - Rainwater Harvesting Systems: From On-site to River Basin Level WAY FORWARD NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) ON-SITE – COMMUNITY – REGIONAL / RIVER BASIN SCALE • NAHRIM is extending the study for the regional / river basin scale (Damansara River Basin). Impact of rainwater harvesting on flood reduction and as supplement to public water supply to cope with climate change is being assessed NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) OUTLINE: • INTRODUCTION - Rainwater Harvesting Systems - Climate Change • R&D AND RAINWATER HARVESTING - Flood & Drought - Supplementing Public Water Supply - Rainwater Harvesting Systems: From On-site to River Basin Level • WAY FORWARD NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) WAY FORWARD : R&D and Rainwater Harvesting Floods & Droughts • Use of Future Hydroclimate projections to assess the Impact of Climate Change extremes on rainwater harvesting systems Supplementing Public Water Supply • To provide complete technical guidance to assist the residents to install rainwater harvesting systems Rainwater Harvesting Systems: From Onsite to River Basin Level • Development of cheap and efficient technology through research and development to support rainwater harvesting systems is crucial; Robust rainwater harvesting systems for communities and cities; • NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM) THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION NATIONAL HYDRAULIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA (NAHRIM)