30g NOT - Monash University Research Repository
30g NOT - Monash University Research Repository
© Monash Student Association (Clayton) Incorporated (MSA). Lot’s Wife is published on behalf of MSA. All enquiries about the reproduction and communication of material from Lot’s Wife should be directed to MSA. 1 Contentionai RAN B 0 more fc serves 30g NOT • .••••' »->•, ' d o c t o b f f ^ 1994 • | | H J | | M | ^ ppJ.!8tiS5 00006 .jmim^mim, ..^ilHHHR v.VAW.VA'.M.t O w w w , m y head hurts. After a year in office w e have just one piece of advice for next year's editors: don't even think about combining layout w i t h visits to Union Nights, especially w h e n they coincide w i t h final editions. Oh well w e had f u n . Hie. As did everyone else. Thanx to all the lovely activities people. It w a s especially lovely to see Janoel, our wonderful M A S chairperson back at Monash. We are really pleased that you're up and about, babe. We are looking forward t o schmoozing around campus w i t h you next year. As this is our last Lot's editorial ever w e thought it w o u l d be appropriate to reminisce a bit, as well as thank some wonderful people w h o made it all possible in the first place; a big thanks t o al our stafiFM a t t , Kins, k d , Carrie, Slozza, Toolian and the one w h o started it all, Jeff. Thanks for putting up w i t h t h e crap hours and not being t o o superior w h e n w e made silly mistakes. Also, and most importantly, because they don't get paid, w e w a n t to thank the exceptionally gorgeous people w h o give their t i m e and talents to keep us going; Josh (reviews guru). Ash ' n ' Frase (Sports), M r M e n d (so tell m e , what's been happening on campus), Carrie (Interviews). Of course then there is the people w h o don't have official positions; Melea, Mel Quick Type M c G r a t h , Steve, Leigh, Shtepsi, Mary-Lou, Brett P, Neil B, Sam Lewis, Sera (for making Dave look like an ugly clown for his last ever layout) Eugene, w e still remember even if you don't, Alix because you're ace, Y v e t t e , our indomitable Women's Officer, for taking over where Janoel left off in t h e 'sorry I'll get it t o you t o m o r r o w morning' stakes. Bev and Jennifer f r o m t h e A l u m n i association for all your help w i t h mail outs. Jake the Brown D o g for being available whenever you were needed. The spare light globes that people w e hate have screwed w h e r e they fit. All the other schleppers. M u c h appreciation also to Nick, Bill, Georgie, Symon, Pat, Zoe and Gabby in activities (Thanx especially for the groovin C D Launch). Thankyou to all the people in MAS-Denise, June, Michelle and t h e AE. Thanks Joe for t h e Microwave. Thanks Prof Chubb and Gal Baldwin for t h e funding for the huge extra w o r k load that w a s the C D . Thanks t o all t h e people w h o just schlepp around t h e office(that's you Ari), you m a k e us feel popular. Oh look this is getting ridiculous, it isn't even t h e credits page. We've had a w h o l e lot of f u n , f r o m t h e O-Week clubs edition through to t h e various entertainment editions, t h e C D , Green Edition (It's About Cans, not Can nots). Human Rights, Elections, t h e death of our student association as w e k n o w it. t o this, the final edition. We hope you t o have enjoyed t h e ride. Of course you probably wouldn't have if you w e r e one of those loser types w h o complained of bias throughout the year. Look, its like this. We printed all t h e complaints of bias because w e aren't. Why would w e print t h e m if w e were? To all those annoying loser types w h o have complained throughout t h e year, get that ole familiar brown dog up ya. By now you should be fairly touchy feely w i t h one another. That especially means M a x and t h e boys M y this is good music. One of the strangest things about layout is h o w funny everything is a t 7 : 0 0 a m . Great comedians are born at sun rise, or is that great audiences? Finally, w h a t would an editorial be w i t h o u t a bit of a political rant? Let's just leave it at this: Next year, V S U will be here - and t h e only reason you w o n ' t notice too much diminution in services is because of t h e very hard w o r k and lobbying done by anti-VSU campaigners and N U S . We wouldn't have the Crean legislation (dodgey though it is) if it weren't for the w o r k of people commonly derided as 'hacks', and the very visible protests of activists. To these people w e say thank you and to the people w h o are concerned about the effects of this legislation but didn't get off their arses to do anything about it w e say, you are all a bunch of tuxxers. To the Sodom's spawn who brought the scourge of VSU upon us we'd like to remind you of something that you will never be able to escape: size does matter. Well, that just about wraps it up for us. Once again, thanks to everyone who has made this year enjoyable. Big doses of tinea to everyone who's deliberately been a pain in the arse in the mistaken belief that w e are demi-gods who just whip off an edition in a couple of hours and actually have the time to deliberately fuck them over. We wish. Thanks to everyone who has read Lofs this year. You are part of a great tradition which w e hope will never die. Lot's of Love Leanne Paton Uawela Forrest Dave Cody 'I Qlbts ts what if ca/ferf an incredihty uglyfont. A font is the style of UTiting that it vi. Incredibly ugly means that is incredibly ugly, only tn lie used on one of those wanted type posters that you can get up at SotKrign Hill with your name on it and that your friends think is the cleverest thing in the UHirUi hut only cost you a ample of bucks and you end up keeping it forever. Anyway, I digress. This contents heading really spoils the page though, doesn 't it!' campus news 4-5 get nude, dude 6 reclaim the night 6 education affairs win $ 5 0 . just by writing a few words about your course! 7 baby boon boon boon let's go back to my... report 7 activities.. Nick reminices 8 women's officer report 9 Steve draws an hilariously funny cartoon TO (campus) politics shouldn't be a dirty word II resource allocation in tertiary education 12-13 the laypersons guide to the new union structure 14 environment page 15 graduate employment How to get a job (well, where to start looking) past graduates tell it how it is that anti-climax known as graduation day 16-17 What Offends (the final entry really offends!!) 18 The Eternal Undergrads (bye, bye to Wayne & Hugh) 19 The Toasted Marshmallows 20 Origami - How to make a crane 21 Letters 22-23 Crossfire 24-25 Sport 26-27 Credits - the people we couldn't have done it without 28-29 Lot's On 31 Contents pa^es can he a really difficult thing to design. There LS nniy so much you can do with a page that tells yim what's in store for the rest of the exciting publication known only as Int's Wife. A really funny thing to do would he to not include a contenus page ai alt. That 'd really stuff you up, wouldn 't it.' 7he?i you 'd have to call up thai thing called curiosity that we were all encouraged to use as children hut have not develcped further since about the age of six. Did you use to hatJe an imaginary friend.^ I think 1 did, 1 think 1 used to talk to him outside the rose bushes in the backyard. I can only recall this from a memory 1 have when my mother came in to the yard to call me in for one of those absouluteiy unappatising dinners that you use to crack the shiLf oner, and I screamed at her for interrupting me, I stmnd like an incredibly fucked up child really, don't I? Well, I wasn 7. The only thing I really didn 'i like about mum's cooking was her {una casserole with rice and cold wholemeal thread just out of the freezer (mum didn 7 hat>e a lot of forethought when it came to food preparation), 'that particular tuna meal, I was on my way out (well, my mother was on her way out on my behalf being the taxi and all) to basketball practice when she really put thefoot doum and decided to really give me the shits. If I didn't eat my meal, I wasn 'i going anywhere. So I proceeded to play with myfood (as you do) and stormed into my bedroom and decided that throwing furniture would be an excellent way to get her attention (I was extremely advanced in attention seeking psychology). She bounced on in, wooden spoon in hand (the one with the really mean face drawn in thick black texta that my brother had grafted after a very close encounter} and broke the thingfairon my arse. I cried a little bit and told mum she was a big bully. My first memory (apart from sitting on a sheep and trying to get it to gallop) was waiting for ice-cream at Chad^tone. Not the new Chadslone, hut the old one. The one even before the really ugly extensions. I'm talking about the Cbadsione that was half outdoors, and had a sort of pantomine theatre, and a little old man with a white beard and a bizarre redand-white Striped shirt who sold popcorn. Not Just any pop-corn, hut Chaddy pop-corn. But 1 was in the Coles cafeteria waitingfor ice-cream, artd ktoking after my very small sitter. ForJoy. I can't remember if I actually ^t any ice-cream -1 assume I did, because I was one of those spoilt kids, who everyone . thought would grow up to f?e Prime Minister. Sbyeah right. Media mega-star maybe, but Prime-Minister. I think not. This photo was taken by Daniel Stefanski while attending the MUMPA conference in Cairo. It is such a wonderful photo that we had to publish it! Campus Roundup news from Monash Clayton Fiimmaicers Fiimscreening Child Care Subsidies From 1995, the Union will be providing child care subsidies to all students with children in long day child care. All full-time and parttime students are eligible to apply for a subsidy, but the scheme is means tested. Students must be eligible for the highest rate of child care assistance to qualify for the subsidy, and the child must be in a Class One centre or a child care centre where feereUefapplies. Subsidies will be paid directly to the student, in either cash or a cheque. Like the current Medicare subsidy, the payment is made after your child care fees are paid. However, unlike all govemmem subsidies, the Union subsidy is not subject to any test concerning how longyourchild is in child care. Any length of time from half a day to 52 weeks can be subsidised. The scheme aims to pay $5 per day of your child care fees. The subsidy starts from 1 January 1995. Enquires can be made from December to JuUe Meade on 9053125. SPEAK UP ON SEXUAL HARASSMENT By Chris White Monash Filmmakers is a small but increasingly active club on campus that has been around for about 20 years or so. This year the club has mainly consisted of people new to film making, but whal we lack in skill we make up for with enthusiasm. Apartfromthe various social activities we have had throughout the year: a trip away to Phillip Island; a pub crawl; an Academy awards night; a formal dinner and rushes screening parties (yes, we do drink lots of beer), we have found time to produce quite a number offilms.Thesefilms,along with somefromprevious years, will be compiled as part of the first annual Filmmakers' screening in lecture theatre H2 at lunchtime on Wednesday the 26lh of October 1 lave you noticed a new type of video game in the Union Building? Well, it looks like a video game, but it isn't! Looks can be deceiving... and everything is not as simple as it looks.. Watch out for SPEAK UP - a new video on what men think about sexual harassment and whal they do about it. Thi.s week on the Clayton campusthe Equal Opporlunty Unit and Monash Union are jointly hosting the new video SPEAK UP. This videoisa little hitdifl"erenl...itlakesaiTiaIe perspective and explores roles and options that men can take in eliminating and educating olliers about what .sexual harassment feels like, what can be done about it, and how it affects people. WATCH OUT FOR SPEAK UP WATCH OUT FOR SPEAK UP WATCH OUT FOR SPEAK UP WATCH OUT FOR SPEAK UP WATCH OUT FOR SPEAK UP WATCH OUTFORSPE.\KUI». — (the last week of semester). Most of these short films are the work of first time directors. chainsawbedroom scene!), and still in postproduction are Yumi Stynes' untitled movie about a journey across the Westgate bridge In a Kingswood and the practice of Dan Brodie's COLLECTING is naming cars after anatomical a little vignette about what a objects, and Adam McLellan's THE dangerous trip fundraising can be about a wife whose revenge on her around the Union lawn (featuring slob of ahusband is complicated by the stunning debut performance of un wanted visitors(thescones tasted Lawrence of Suburbia), Stuart great too). Jacobson's AN INSIDE JOB is an action thriller about a heist with a romantic twist (check out the Forthemeagreentrance donation amazing stunt driving!), Michael of $1 (the P.C. way of asking for Friedman's TIC TOC is about a money), you can experience the yuppie businessman who gets a cinematic thrill of film making in chance to amend his materialist its most uncooked state (ie very ways, Antony Lowenstein and amateur) and provide valuable Chris White's AWAKE is about a support to a club trying to keep man who's life is falling to pieces in cultural activity on campus alive in a waking dream state (see the '95. Oh yeah, and inebriated. Acupuncture n o w part of undergraduate degree by It/larc Cohen world to include acupuncture as a formal part of the course. For the past two years Monash Uni Medical students have been introduced to acupuncture as an optional unit in second and third year. This attempts to reconcile the fact that an MBBS degree entitles a doctor to practise acupuncture, despite no teaching in undergraduate years. This acupuncture option has been the most popular option offered, and Monash is the tirst university in the As part of a move towards including teaching in acupuncture for all medical students as part of their MBBS degree (rather than just an option), the Monash Medical Faculty is proud to announce a public lecture on the subject. Lord Pandit Professor Dr Sir Anton Jayasuriya will be giving a guest lecture titled "Why every doctor should know acupuncture". He is the head of Medicina Altemativa Instilitute in Sri Lanka, where over 2.5 million patients have been treated free of charge, and is the author of over 35 text books. This lecture is open to all interested staff and students (whether medically trained or not) and laypeople.lt will includeslides, videos and demonstrations, and will be heldinthe South I lecture theatre on Wednesday 26lh October, from 4.15 to 6.15 pm. How will the environment manage without you? DEPARTMENT OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING MONASH UNIVERSITY If you would like to put your biological qualifications to a practical use, consider these postgraduate courses in PRIORITY PhD SCHOLARSHIP IN BIOMATERIALS RESEARCH Ecology and Management Graduate Certificate, Marine and Freshwater (Semester 1) Graduate Certificate, Terrestrial (Semester 2) Graduate Diploma, Aquatic and Terrestrial (2 semesters) Masters (3 semesters) For further information contact: Dr George Ganf, Department of Botany The University of Adelaide, 5005 Telephone: f08) 303 5292/5280 Facsimile: (08) 232 3297 Applications close 30th November Tuesday 1Bth October 1994 An Australian Postgraduate Research Award (Industry) is available to work on a collaborative project involving the Department of Materials Engineering, Monash Universty and a leading Adelaide-based ophthalmic lens manufacturer. Ttie project involves the tabrication and ctiaracterisation of novel hybrid ceramic-polymer coatings with the aim of improving the abrasion resistance of plastic optical lens. Occasional trips to Adelaide are expected to make use of the industrial facilities there. Applicants should have an HI or HllA honours degree in chemistry, physics, materials science or materials engineering and must be Australian or permanent residents. The scholarship is set at the priority rate of $18,866 p.a. for 3 years with a possible extension for 6 months. The project is to be supervised by Dr G.P. Simon and Dr Y-B. Cheng in the Department of Materials Engineering. Please send a letter of application including CV and the names of two referees, and list of marks (obtained and projected) to Dr Y-B. Cheng, Dept of Materials Engineering, Monash Uni, Clayton, 3168. For inquiries phone Dr Cheng on 90-54930. Closing date for applications : 16th December 1994. Campus Roundup news from Monash Clayton — The Bachelor of Arts: under review "a leaner, less complicated degree" By Christopher Anderson Arts Faculty Board Representative The Bachelor of Arts review is the pet project of the recently appointed Dean of Arts, Dr Marian Quartly. In an interview vj\\hLot's Wife in May this year, she indicated that she wished to reconstitute the Bachelor of Arts degree program to include a component on the theoretical and practical aspects of knowledge that, "will create a student with a good range of knowledge under his or her belt."' Over the past few months, the newly constituted Academic Pol icy Committee of the Faculty of Arts has been working on a prop<isal to restrucmre the Bachelor of Arts degree program. Adiscussion paper that has been circulated to staff, entitled Reshaping the Monash BA: Ainis and Means', has been obtained by student representati ves on Arts Faculty Board. While containing some worthwhilereflectionson the idea of aBA, the paper proposes acentral strategy, that "the Faculty should aim to cut the numbers of subjects taught, producing a leaner, less complicated degree"^, so as to solve, "existing inefficiencies and inequities in staff deployment..."'. To implement this economic rationalist strategy, thepapermakes three majorrecommendations with impUcationsforBAstudents. These three proposals are as follows: implemented by 1995. 2. Requiring students to take 28 points in study on: acritical and/orcomparative study of Austrahan culture and .society AND; acritical and/orcomparative study of another culture or cultures AND; sizes, incidence of overcrowding etc. It appears that the recommendations will inevitably leadloiarger lectures,overcrowded classes and decreased access to teaching staff by students. Also in the long term it could well mean a reduction in teaching staff if student numbers don't increase (which appears unlikely). a critical study of the nature of knowledge or knowledge's These proposals are completely in the spirit of an efficiency and amalgamation agenda being run by to be implemented by 1996. University administration. Across 3. "Cut the numbers of the University degree programs, subjects taught, producing a leaner, Departments and even whole less complicated degree."', Faculties are being, or have recently especiallyfirstyearsubjects, Tobe been, reviewed to reach a leaner 1. Introducing "a compulsory implemented by 1997. academic and managerial structure firstyearsubject..., introducing such The Dean has insisted that these (the most recent example is the skillsascritical reading., .notetaking, proposals will not impact on staff ongoing review of the Faculty of tutorial presentation,data gathering, numbers, although no assurances Science'). Feeling amongst essay writing..."'etc. To be have yet been made about class students, and Arts students in particular, appears to be that decreasing the number of subjects is not the way to go. Rather, Faculties should be expanding the number of subjects offered, especially at first year level. Overall the long term result of these trends will be that the marketability of a Monash degree, in particular a Monash BA, will be impaired, as such proposals will not improve the quality of Monash degrees, but decrease it. I Lot's Wife, May Hth 1994, p. 8. - Academic Policy Committee, 'Reshaping the Monash BA: Aims and Means'. (Monash Uni, 1994), p. 1, 'Ibid. ' Md. p. 2 'Ibid. ' Elcelera. Issue 33, August 30, 1994. p.4. Union Board Update "the 1995 amenities fee" The amenities fee will not be known for some weeks until the size of the Sports And Recreation budget is finalised and the fijll On the 6th of October the Union effects of VSU are known. Under Board met principally to discuss Commonwealth legislation, the the 1995 Union Budget and the Union and the student associations Amenities Fee. Due largely to good receive a Commonwealth grant management on the part of the equal to the amount necessary to Union, the Board was able to recommend that the amenities fee remain at $330, despite early fund activities not covered under indications that it would have to VSU legislation. Monash will be rise substantially due to exhavagant the first university to receive such a spending on thepart of some student grant. Estimates on how much this associations. grant will be have to be varied, but By Brian Weatherson Union Board Representative itappearslikelynowthatdieimpact the financial burden on students at of this will be to reduce the fee by the start of the year. Hopefully diis change will be approved by the $10. University in time for 1995 enrolments. The Union budget remained essentially balanced, widi extra spending due to increased spending by MAS (12% rise) and MPA (8% rise) and salary increases being offset with efficiency gains in Union Board decided to extend Building Services and Clubs & Union Board has recommended the position of MAS Activities Societies as well as extra profits to the University that the amenities Officer to a fiill-time position, in from the Catering and Retail fee infiitureyears be payable in two recognition of the amount of work Operations. The Union budget was instalments, one at the start of each in this area. Activities nextyear will also boosted because the University semester. This would be a fairer be heavily involved with enrolled more students than was system for students, as they should orientation, hopefiilly including two expected at the start of the year. not have to pay in February for major outdoor events, and the Unless the University again overservices they do not receive until amount of planning and preparation enrols in 1995, the 1996 fee may November. It will also help to ease needed in this area is bound to rise. have to rise. ^ ^ H S ^ U K J I M A I ^ M \^mU^SWu & O H w l I The Orientation Handbook is a reference guide to Monash University given to all commencingfirst year students across thefive campuses of Monash. • • S m c l h n A H • • ^ " B*******^"* ^^^ Editors are currently seeking out of ttie tiny crevices of the University, talented graphic artists to help design and define ttie look of ttie publication, specifically ttie cover design. 1995 If you are interested please contact the Editors, Simon or Michael on 903-2561 or Llawela on 905-3184. Lots Vme EdKionie GET NUDE, DUDE ! Ok, which of the following is the odd one out: y. Pornography 2/. Voyeurism (Peeping Toms) 3/. Prostitution 4/. Swinging Couples (Wife Swapping) 5/. Beastiality 6/. Nudism Anyone that picked 6 should be a nudist, anyone else could be a Pimp, Penthouse "pet", a prostitute, or someone who may one day need either marriage counselling or a short jail term to sort out their psychological "biases". Yep! Nudism is normal, accessible, fun and it's thriving. Why would anyone want to become a nudist? Well, why would anyone not want to be one? Inhibitions? The associated social label? Wanting tofil in the social "norm"? ... soriy these reasons are all a little meek and insecure. If one needs self confidence to be a nudist perhaps the reverse is also true: nudism builds self confidence. If it's still not for you, OK, but read on anyway. There are thousands, nay,millionsof people who see nudism as normal, and anything outside of it as "abnormal" (we are bom nude!). While no-one advocates total nudity in every facet of life (frying bacon and arc welding are two examples!), all we want is just the freedom to give clothing a miss when and where it's appropriate. Nudists aren't militant and we don't want anarchy. It seems that our biggest opposition comes from fundamentalist idiots who seem to think that being nude causes you to bum, pillage, rape and kill. too far off when Bondi or St Kilda Beaches are as Clothing Optional as the largest beach inHolland,Scheveningen.Someofo'urcilies already have such beaches and they are probably more popular than the "textile" beaches. Try Swanboume beach in Perth, Sunnyside in Melbourne, or Lady Jane in Sydney. Why is nudism outside those other classifications above? Well in a way nudism is a fire break for the less healthy manifestations of sexual repression, sounds Freudian? I guess so, but it makes sense! One philosophy adopted is that it demystifies the human body without destroying its sensuality. No, you don't become obUvious to it all, just accustomed, and in some subtle way a little intoxicated with the "conrectness" of it. You only need to feel itonce to know what I mean. Another significantdifference is that you can involve any of your kids, neighbours, the vicar, a Local Member of Parliament (et cetera) without any fear of recrimination. Try to do anything else from the list with the fainily and you could be in strife. One parliamentarian even went in the buff to defend one of Sydney's nude beaches. Women are less under threat on a nude beach than at the footy, this is because there is a common ground for all and there is an unspoken code of correct behaviour which everyone partaking in a nude activity will defend. There are still oddballs around that may see nudism as an avenue to express their perspective. These goonseither become bored or cured, perhaps as acceptance of the nude body becomes more widespread they may disappear altogether. In this way nudism represents social progress and collective maturity. It's a little sad that many people don't Anyone who has been to the Greek Isles or discover nudism until quite late, and this the south of France, hel I evenrightnext to the means that nudism has a more "manire" RiverSeineinParishasprobablyencountered participation. It makesitalittle like an inverse nude people just soaking up a little freedom. generation gap where the older people are This last spot is sort of like going nude on the advocating change toayouth that may still be banks of the Yarra, right in the centre of harbouring theexccss baggageof an imposed Melbourne. We may have a long way to go view of "normal behaviour". If you feel before we get there, but maybe the time isn't inclined to change this trend and get away from all the sexual hype contact VYNE, ANF, or NAV at the addresses following this article. If you have internet access try the REC.NUDE newsgroup, any questions answered or topic discussed. What do nudists do? Some places and activities are: Beaches (there are all too few of them), S witimung pools (ditto). At home, Bush walking. Camping or Hiking, Snow skiing, perhaps (weather permitting). Indoor activities such as bowUng, squash .... Can you imagine any more?? Hope to see you down the beach one day. CONTACTS Viuon mVounj Nudist (nllmsn'.MVVNI i tH) Box H(XK,Ci MdKium^ MX)!. \us(niun Nudist Kd^ntion ( \NF"i IK> Bux 2iS8 BtUoniKn AC! 26P Nudist As-^o^idtHnjotVictiniiCNW) K) Bex I H MunUtiptlilc \ic '^Ibtx CloihiiigOptionil SttiiuUsC o!lu't\t f OSC r o s e w d propchcj group lor pcopk who icd tlitrre "uf sume a«.ti\ itics that should tx" tfene without thi tnciinitxniiui. •)! iUrihiny Miny sptifts aiid ^otial dttiviues Idll into this L -.111 g u r } . Ttie colicctivc wouid be a Ibmm where activities cuuld be fmiposed/organis^xi atid ihc COSQ members could join in with other clubs/stKieties thai may ^iready have the resourres and tnrnistmcturc. This mcuns thai \\\h club h;is the potential to contribute members to mitny other clubs while it may aist> draw its menrbers (am\ other cJubs. Plus it cxmki be a lot of i'un. however, this is HCTT an avenue i'or sexual orgies, Please consider ihts and if you have any suggestions call BK Greg on extension 54964 AH Nina on 885 6427 I LOVE THE NIGHTLIFE Women Reclaim the Night On Friday 28tii October- in Melbourne, and all the other capitalcities of Australia and all around the world, women will reclaim the stt-eets, chanting, dancing, and lighting the night together. numbers have been increasing - last year thousands of women gathensd in Melbourne's streets in a collective show of strength. One aim of the march is to allow women attending to experience a liberating feeling of safety walking through the streets at night that we can never feel when alone. Another aim of the rally is to highlight male violence against women and children - violence that takes many forms, and is prevalent on the streets in the home, and in other institutions. The 16tii Reclaim The Night march will begin at6.30pmat Parliament House-where tiiere will be speakers, music, street theatre, floats and other fe.stivities - and end at the State Library. After the rally hundreds of women will make their way to the .San Remo ballroom in Nicholson Street where a The rally focuses in the main on men's women's dance is to be held violence against women and children, as In 1978 San Francisco, America's first 98% of violence is perpetrated by men. This Take Back The Night rally was held, and violence manifests in many forms on a from the following year hundreds of women continuum from wolfwhistles, to sexual gathered here in Melbourne for thecity's first harrassment, sexual assault and domestic Reclaim The Night march. Since then, violence. Other forms yf violence - lesbian violence and violence perpeti^ted against men, are acknowledged by Reclaim The Night. What the rally is about however, is protesting against forms of gender specific violence orviolence that isjpeci/icaWy armed at women. This year - The Internationa! Year of the Family, Reclaim The Night will focus on male violence against women and children in the home, dispelling the myth of the nuclear family as always beinga'safe'place. Another theme of this year's rally is to bring to light the inadequacies of mainstream definitions of the family that are represented and perpetuated in the media. The concept of the family "norm" as being white, middle class and nuclear is a hoary old chesmut - and a myth that needs debunking in favour of new definitions of "families" that incorporate oiher kinds of families (ie lesbian families, extended families and self/community defined families). Violence in the home is inseparable from the way women are treated in public eg education, work, and social situations. Incidents that have occurred recently and have been highlighted in the media are testimony to the fact thatfliethreat of violence is still very much a part of the social context of the way Australian women live their lives. Through rallies such as Reclaim The Night women can use their collective strength towards challenging and changing society. ForftirtherinformationpleasecontactMamie Daphne on 537 2891 or Annie Reid at CASA on 344 2210. EDUCATION AFFAIRS COMMITTEE HAS GONE COMPLETELY MAD! WIN $50 JUST BY SUBMITTING YOUR COMMENTS TO THE COUNTER FACULTY HANDBOOK Just what is the Counter Faculty Handbook? The CFH is che vehicle for students to express rheir opinions and views on issues affecting them within their educacion here at Monash. Its main function is to present students' views on the quality of subjects taught, the standard of teaching staff, and handy tips to do well in those subjects. This allows students considering subjects an honest insight into which subjects are the most flilfiliing/entertaining/slack (insert pteferred adjective here) unrivalled by any info provided by the University itself. It's also a highly informative and entertaining publication that's essential reading for ail students wanting to extract the most out of their time here. Why? Because its the students that make it. And that's where you come into the picture— What was that you just said about winnifig an easy $30? One random student from each feculty who submits a subjective analysis proposal and gets published in the CFH will have a cool Cut here: • byMattAnstee Education Affairs Chairperson crisp $50 note (ot denomination of your choice) slipped into their palm. Not only that, but you will feel that indescribable ecstacy of knowing that (a) you've been published in a reputable publication (b) you're doing future students a service and (c) you can either praise or bury that lecturer that has either inspired you or sent you that little bit too close to the brink of academic despair [no defiimatory material obviously]. What do I hatv to do to truike that $50 mine again? Write a short description of your subjects, according to the criteria below and take it to the Union Information Desk where it will be placed in a sealed box. You must put your name and phone no on it but it will be published anonymously and kept strictly confidential. What was that criteria thing you were talking about? The following are just suggestions of what you might consider and there's no need to refer to any/all of them in your response: What is the style of teaching? How available/approachable is the lecturer/tutor etc? Do you have any handy tips for doing well (eg suggested texts, exam techniques, importance of tutes/pracs/lectures)? Is the subject vocationally based? Does the subject cover the wider social and policy issues? Are you encouraged to question and challenge the theories that are being taught, or are you asked to regurgitate uncritically? Is the workload heavy/light compared to other subjects? Does the teacher seek and value your opinions? Does the teacher use humour, is it effective/offensive? Is the assessment fair and reasonable? • Subject name/ code/ year: My name/ phone number. Is it true I can get an article published and stand to win even more? Absolutely. We would love to receive an article from you on any issue regarding your education (in both che narrow and wide sense) here at Monash. Once again we'll be providing super prizes, but more about that later. Its up to you whether it be serious/ fiinny/personaJ/issue based/critical/angry or silly. If its original, interesting and hopefiilly a little entertaining then hop aboard. These articles can also be submitted by the end of Semester. Is there anything else? The Education Af^irs Committee will be doing the layout in the Lot's offices straight after exams and we"d love to have fellow helpers who are interested in the experience of creating an innovative, top quality and entertaining CFH. We love meeting new people and apparently they love meeting us. Find out if this wild claim is true. Either come to an EAC Meeting in Room 905 Menzies Building 1.00pm Tuesdays, or talk to Matt Anstee in the MAS Office. COUNTER FACULTY HANDBOOK SUBJECT ANALYSIS FORM Lecturer's name MAS TVeasurer; Final Report Well, its the end of second semester and my term as Treasurer will soon be over (finally!). It has been a very eventful year to say the least, with the tragedies and numerous dirt sheets that flew around. However, I am happy with what was done for Ihe benefit of students by all the student representatives. In thisfinalreport, I would like to just recap on what was done, as well as what will happen for next year financially. MAS Finances for 1994 Thefirstand most important matter was the tightening of the MAS payment system with an emphasis on the payment instruments. Also, steps have been taken this year to increase the interest generated from our bank account, which for the past few years was at a ridiculous amount for such a large account. I also helped in the restructtjring of the union widi a paper that set out the financial procedures for all the associations, guaranteeing their autonomy and also ensuring accountability. After the exams, another paper will be prepared to set out the entire Union/MSAfinancial structure, emphasising the need for greater accountability and prudent management. Amenities Fees for 1995 Nextyear. the projected amenities fees (before the commonwealth grant*) should be maintained at the 1994 level, $330. This is still notfinalised yet, with approvalfromthe Joint Finance Committee and University Council yet to come. However, I am very confident that the fee will be maintained. This has been made possible from the commercial activities of the Union, ie catering and retail that has increased dieir surpluses consistently. These surpluses hopefully mean diat students will not be the ones who will pay for any increase in services in the future, if this trend continues. Also, we are seeking to have a two part payment for the amenities fees, eg $165 for each semester. This will mean that students no longer have to put up all the cash at the beginning of the year. *NB; Do take note that due to VSU, die amenities fees for next year will be less than $330, this is because the services that are disallowed by the Victorian Act will be funded from commonwealth grants. MSA(MAS) Budget for 1995 MSA will have in 1995 the biggest budget that MAS has ever had for our present level of services. It is in the vicinity of $791,000, compared to this year's $700,000. Most of the increases are for the restructuring cost that will be incurred in 1995, which will hopefiilly provide sufficient contingency funds to meet any nasty surprises. Finally, I would like to thank the staff in MAS, especially Denise (the Ogre),Michelle, Sie (the paymenthound from hell), Sylvia (a gem) and Les for helping me so much during the year. Baby Booners AE Treasurer Lofs WHe Edition 16 MIAS ACTIVITIES PRESENTS ^^m ^ ^ ^ ^^m ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ A ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^k ^ H ^m ^ ^ ^ ^ ^1 / f^^^^ ^ As Monash inexorably slips back into its reputation for being the most politically Left of all and those with vision take stock, I find myself writing the last column for MAS Activities ever. Most likely the Editors will carefully scrutinise it in case I blow a gasket and lay the boot into every arsehole I can think of as a fitting farewell. For now is the time to take stock, review and reminisce as I pack my bags for the cultural wasteland of the West. This year I have suffered the personal disaster of Luna Park, the outrageous success of the Band Comp Booze-A-Thons, strained backs, failed exams and a range of associated highs and lows. What this has meant is, in my opmion, a year of Activities that whilst Nick Welsh no means perfect was one that we gave a damn good shot at, where we came Activities Chair close to the brink but we put our faith back mto you and you came through. Green Week saved our arses. But that was because, most of all, I believed that you wanted the old style Green Week but with a few modem updates (thanks to the wisdom of Bill McGowan and of course his persistence). This year it may mterest you to know, MAS Activities has provided entertamment for 7574 paying guests at our evening functions, an uncountable amount at lunchtime concerts and activities including Green Week, free BBQs and Orientation. 183 of Coke Slabs: 834 of Beer W e have provided and you have consumed; 47 Botdes: 34 of Bundaberg Rum 26 of Solo of Lite Beer 13 of Tooheys Blue 39 of Lemonade 70 of Jim Beam Bourbon 26 21 of Sunkist of Water 36 of Southern Comfort 20 of Diet Coke 25 of Scotch 69 of Vodka Bands and performers that graced Monash Clayton included: 17 of Bacardi Rum Che Forrest, Andrew Elliot, Clowns of Decadence, Duck Cameron, The Clouds, 2 of Gin Boom Crash Opera, Dr Succubus Circus and Luna Park, Clockwork, Dave 50 of Sambuca Graney, Weddmgs Parties Anything, Tiddas, Ovemite Jones, Hurdy Gurdy, 7 Curses, Jane McCracken, The Whitlams, Stephen Cummmgs, Big Electric Cat, Celtic City Preachers, Raspberry Cordial, Peachfuzz, Barefoot, Stronger Than Dirt, Inclusion, Pamters and Dockers, Bellydance, Bad Boys Batacuda, David Cassell, Thmgs of Stone and Wood, Swordfish, Treehouse, 6 Appeal, Curtis Late, Jimi the Human, Heavy Denver, The Jaynes, Aubergine, Quite & Very, Greenhom, Psychosphere, Magic Dirt, No More Chilli Jam, D'Lerium and Hunters and Collectors, not the Sharp and defmitely not TISM. This related into a turnover of $280 000 and a fuckmg huge time was ^^^a^^^^^m^^^m^^^^^^^^m^^^^^^^^i^ had by all I Relationships began or ended at one of oiu Nights, legends were made, hang overs remembered and I disgraced myself terribly at the 3MU Blow Up The Cellar Thanks to Pat Kissane, my flower bed will never forget that night nor will Zoe who seemed to get the raw end of the deal hoping for Crowded House We had the largest (turnover wise) Indoor Union Night ever, took you to Luna Park and we are set to eclipse that with Orientation '95. We introduced Cover Band / Spirit Nights, messed with drmk prices until it was suicide to go any cheaper, stressed over our failures and decided that 1 had more than flogged a dead horse with the Cellar. In retrospect they should have been alcohol nights, it seems no one was really mterested in the Bands, only free entry and grog which ultimately ends in damage bills and bloody noses W e saw the mtroduction of the Poster Pillars, possibly the dumbest, most impracticaJ and immanageable idea in the history of Admin disasters. Hunters & Collectors finally felt we had got everything right and it seemed ^ ^ ^^k that every Lecttrrer in the Mmg Wmg had a pet hate about lunchtime entertamment. The Gramstore and The ^K A ^^^ Tunnel got mto the spirit of things by givmg out free beer and advertising with us and Activities began to fulfil ^m ^ ^ ^ B its role m aiding and abetting in the events put on by other Clubs such as Pandemonium, Cellar Nights, CD W ^ ^ ^ ^ Launch and MYE Orientation events. I ^ ^ ^ ^ J So what's on the cards now? Somehow next year MAS Activities must become something new and exciting, a part of the Monash Student Council. It must find new playing venues and hold your attention and appeal. It must come up with new ideas and events and it must find ways to combat and get around VSU. It must upgrade its equipment and most of all it needs you. Without your involvement, how can we be your Student run Entertamment Department Sure it lacks the glamour of Lots Wife and the only work to be had is damn hard but it's fun and to be honest, we're a bloody good bunch of people once you get to know and have a beer with us. Out with the old ... I spent seven years at Monash, got a few degrees, a tremendous job m Perth and for the last four years had ... In with the MSA? a great time in Activities. The best times I had were outside classes, what I most talk about to my work colleagues is the great fun I had at Monash, the Scav Hunts, Concerts and great spirit of those determined to enjoy their University days. It's your last great chance to have a ball, sleep in, have holidays, stay up really really late and go home when you've had enough for the day Too often these days I see that people aren't taking advantage of this and most likely will live to regret it. So for a word from the wise (wisdom does come from bemg stuck at Uni for so long) Be Involved! Up the Fremantle Dockers and better luck next year North!! Nick Welsh, Activities Chair flCIIVITIES This year 7574 paying guests came to an evening event, that's neaily 50% of our full time Student population ... and a huge time was had by all! nniviTiES I Tuesday 1Bth October 1994 IHliFliNAL WUMiiiN'SOl-HLliRRiiPOKl 1994 Whenever I sit down to write a report for LOT'S there is always so much to tell. Thankfully this is my last report as Women's Officer for 1994. I'll start with congratulations to Kirrily Graydon and Karina Nolan, (Kaz), TTiese two women will job-share the position of Women's Officer in 1995. Congratulations also are in order for Juliana Dickenson, Sharon Valles and Melissa Stead, the three new menbcrs of the WAC. Bielcctions will be held early ncxtyear for a further three positions. N.O.W.S.A. Monash sent 33 delegates to the Network of Women Students in Australia Conference at Macquaric University. Many of these women liavc since contributed to the women and Media campaign, DISSENT, have stood or election (and won), or arc active within their own fecultics or clubs, NOWSA is an inspirational experience for the women who go and the benefits to Monash pay off for the rest of the students time at Uni. Already NOWSA delegates, with others, have organised a National Day of Action on Women's Reproductive Ri^ts, a theme and direction determined at the Conference. Melbourne women held a forum at Melbourne Uni, which attracted a large audience. Action has continued at a campus level, with investigations into and the provision of information to women on these issues. Monash women are also following the debate on RU486 with some interest. NOWSA is in Melbourne in 1995, so if you want to be involvetl in planning and organising a conference for women, contact Kirrily or Kaz. Go on, it's fun. BUDGET '95 Union timelines have always been troublesome for students, blidget time usually occurs during semester break when consultation can only be minimal. This year, because of Union restructuring, budget time fell to the beginning of semester. Timelines were still tight enough to prevent broad canvassing of student opinion, however, quite a few women, active in the WAC and the women's room were involved in the formulation of the budget. The WAC have asked for $5,000 more for next year. With NOWSA in Melbourne next year, we will be able to provide administrative support, mail-outs, newsletters, etc. The Women's 0(ficer without an office needs a pager. This was discussed as a priority at NOWSA and the Admin Exec have agreed to the necessity of women being able to easily contact their Women's Officer. The United Nations Fourth World Conference of Women is in Beijing in 1995. The various international Non-Govcmment Organ isationsarc also taking the opportunity to meet, at what will be an event of international significance; setting the agenda for the women's movement for the next decade. 'I"his conference occurs only once every decade and applications to attend this conference close nationally in APRIL '95. Monash will be sending Academic staff and negotiations have begun to send two Undergraduate women students. It is important for young women to be involved at this level. There will be a process of application early next year, so stay tuned, or ask Kirrily or Kaz or mc. We have maintained the level of our Projects budget and Conference line item and increased the DISSENT budget by $500, So our budget looks like this: Projects/ Campaigns S6,100 Conference Administration DISSENT tion) NOWSA tion United ence Pager Women's rarium $2,700 Si, 100 (Publica$3,500 administraSI.OOO Nations $2,000 Officer $13,130 Confer$ 500 Hono- TOTAL,..$30,030 Come to MAS or the Women's Room for the budget notes. Janoel Rolls Back to Monash As Monash students and staff are aware, MAS Chair Janoel Liddy has been recovering in hospital this Semester from a house fire in June. She has asked us to pass on her thanks for the support and messages she has received from everyone (including heaps of people she has never met!). Janoel is definitely on the mend she was sighted at Monash, on Union Night rolling around chatting to people. She wishes it to be known that she will return to fight the forces of evil at Monash in 1995.... UNION RE-STRUCTURE It has been more than difficult getting information about the rc-structure from Michael Wilkinson - it has been exasperating, conflictual and damaging. Michael Wilkinson was your representative, (nominated byamajority vote of the Admin Exec), on the Union structure committee, headed by Peter Summers, (from University Admin). I opposed his nomination because I did not believe he had the necessary knowledge for this task, the skills in information dissemination to enable student participation in the process, or the integrity nor political will to advocate for the combination of representation and services. I have been proved correct by Michael's lack of consultation, his advocacy of a split in the structure which operates services from the structure which operates representation. His total lack of accountability, first to the students who voted overwhelmingly in the SGM (first semester), to havcscrvicesand representation combined. Then to to Admin Exec, who received one unsigned, undated 'report,'which offered more confusion than satisfaction and exposed a clumsy attempt to get men onto the WAC! WOMEN and the NEW STRUCTURE The Women's Officer has a seat on both the Monash Student Association and the Monash Student Board. This means that women will have an avenue to ensure that their needs are heard in both service provbion and representation. The Women's Affairs Committee will become a more autonomous organisation and the committee will be expanded to nine voting members , Tliere wil 1 beone representative each from MAPS, MUlSS and MPA, and six generally elected women students elcted by and from Monash women, A draft constitution for the WAC is in process and will be entered into the Monash Student Association constitution. In this working document we have sought au- tonomy in our fmances and elections. In turn, we have created more realistic avenues of accountability to women students. We have established Women's General Meetings to provide policy and direction for the WACand Women's Officer. We also intend to initiate an Annual General Meeting, to ensure that there arc reporting mechanisms for our activities. These pro visions were never available to students in the M ASstructure and there are no direct avenues for reporting in the new constitution. (In fact, the new constitution re-creates many of the old accountability measures which have never been adequate). The document is available to students for discussion and comment will be actively sought. I feel that I have left the Women's Officer position and the Collective in the best possible situation to be able to advocate for the benefit of women students at Monash. The particular achievement of women only voting for the Women's Officer and Collective is very gratifying to me. Particular thanks go to Lara Woolf and the women and men of Union Board and University Council who supported this important recognition of the pjower and contribution of women on this campus. Thanks must go to the staff at MAS; Michelle, June, Denisc, Michael, Sue and Sylvia, to Jim and Lcs, to Tony, Jane, Gemmaand the staffand volunteers at Wholefoods, to joe Curtiss, Christine, (from BSO), Union desk suff, Cathy Henderson, JacquieRobilliard.Juanitaand Bel, to the LOT'S WIFE Editors to all my friends, com rades and confidants, to the Mullers & Packers and to the women of the WAC and the women of Monash and to Janoel...long and happily may she live. Yvette Shotemeyer MAS Women's Oficer, 1994 =sp»c1njm Tlnt-a-Cdr LOOKS COOD. FEEU C M A PROTECT YOURSELF AND YOUR CAR WITH FORMULA ONE WINDOW TINT The most advanced Auto Tint In the world! Tests hove proven that new Formula One will not only out perform other tints, It will last longer too. Consists of a p a t e n t e d and exclusive fomiula containing Nickel Allov b o n d e d l o a specially t r e a t e d layer of potymeric film Protects your car's interior t o l<eep ttio resale of your car titgtier Blocks out to 99% Of UV Roys - An equivalent to SPF 100+ Up to &5% Heat Reduction For Greater Comfort o n d sofety Cuts out over 60% Of ttie glare - For safer drtvir^ d a y AND night Reduces thte Air Conditioning load by 20 - 30% A n r i it n a m e s w i t h AUSTRAUA'S FIRST 10 v e o r or 200.000 k m worrontvl Should your tint develop even the sligfitest crock, bubble or blemish within 200.000 km of fitting: M Will S££LAQ£ IIBBS Q£CHMSE- TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT OUR SPECIAL PROMOTIONAL OFFER PLEASE CALL SIMON ON 569 1188 V\i,tny " " " * A 5 W M . I'we tlnuuv\ gi\ tyMV C9.v^o<»a -tViVs y e a y . 1- — , . o,/'»i/lH +ll«M . TllOM k Hex A i r d i 'A'>'"' ' * " ' * ^ ovie drtu VewjC) W l « ..I fl'PP*^ '''^t 4 comMitti a crimt . 1 tiflt Jawn the 5tf<i1 i^vKi l'"i 01 Ar'd. Btixg a jjcd crtixew, I Called ^\\t ^ r t Iwiga'it , a<llic>\ wa'i me. Ll*<.k|lui I iMi Srnci I »»as TIK host rf CriwtsWoMS on Tv/., t U t fl,:Jrt I d d a Sf»v« i n fJt •fk< " b P " ' ^ " •"'" I " " " •^'"w IB*, fttt u>tts) aid y l t ) lt;,'ti''lt. ^ (.oriiwrrv «CT of trie -^ sacje-fa-- I iTi "TA'^fif'^ie ffl*»- -item. -(Vie S^»M laltJ(1 't(>»t n q k t I w l to 1<ij>t rt), r ijo^td nijM/f in . . •io -fde na/ict (mi,) onA et«>Kt<J mustlf •foifli'- • 1 » p.-..^ Bfl^TaBaJ ^ ©©ISC' o«' ijgiiri Thftt da>A |a1tv 1 Itt "Hi^lf <"*+ •tVi\iik'i>ia I wigltt havt rtf>»'p«M. Whilst uoorkinj at llw. supntMirktl, I 1 Ihvf iVifH" « p»i(u +0 oUbrtite ( ^ suddiulu ))«M m^stlf up at «»n pomt reWfl**..-. b«t «ot into a fiaVit i^'itl, mi^sflf ojiti' Ti«i/i»'\ too muci to drink. an^ r » ^ « l n^u stbve, T p f r r f t 1 even -rtw;*; of ipi-ewing^ \ 4 l a T (nifo" 'KT ROW " 2. Se I I t f t , t u t 30T htld up, in + l i t Str-ttt, U WJtelf. I Secidl I didn't . . . b u t kneu ) •">* k m g . So I bfrf iht. etop eat <t ""HSeJA and t o o k mM s l « e $ CAMPUS CONSERVATI CORPS ^d in summer 94/95 'ohool%«-''^^"" projects'The Campus Conservation Corps provides tertiary students with an opportunity to gain experience in a range of The C.C.C. is organised by the Australian Trust for Conservation Volunteers for the National Parks Service and the projects chosen for the program are nominated by the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. conservation activities, letting you spend the summer break In a new and exciting way, and offering a practical way to care for the environment. Initiated in 1993 by the Minister for Conservation and Environment, Mark Birrell, the Campus Conservation Corps offers a unique summer program of practical conservation projects in Victoria's Great Outdoors. This year's program includes coastal projects in the Wilsons Promontory National Park, flora and fauna protection in the Murray-Sunset National Park, board walk and walking track construction in Angahook Lome State Park and Alpine National Park and completing heritage projects at Point Nepean. »re there a^'i''''"^'^''''''or costsl Some basic conditions relating to common sense and safety apply for the benefit of all volunteers.The only cost involved is $40.00 per week as a contribution towards food. All you bring is your own bedding and personal camping requirements. '\i^^fesfg^7 Simply call the ATCV on (03) 602 4066 for further details and registration forms will be sent out to you. Country or interstate callers telephone 008 032 501 "POLITICS" SHOULD NOT BE A DIRTY WORD With Voluntary Student Unionism, the liberals are trying to destroy student organisations in the wrong ways, for the wrong reasons. There are very good reasons for attacking student organisations - image politics, game playing, corruption, careerist politicians and the bureaucratisation of politics - but VSU b not the answer. Liberal students offer an immature version of politics where our rights arc defined by our choices as consumers. What we pay for and own matters more than what we say and how we say it. Liberal students who promote VSU do not distin* guish between political and economic rirfits thus they argue that student organisation should sell their product like any other. They do not see how making decisions via elections, rcfercndums and most importantly by Stu<lent General Meetings are important democratic processes. Participation and debate are not valued. This year liberal sGidents have managed to impose their degraded form of politics on all students, notby convincing them that VSU is good for students, but because theyhaveaccesstolhose in power, TTic Victorian State Government has intervened in student affeirs, overriding our dcmocraticdecision'making process to implement VSU (coming to you in 199S!). While I can argue vehemently against dicir position it has become increasingly harder to defend ourstudent organisation, Tliere are obvious contradictions infightingfor an ideal of participatory democracy when the reality is most like the student elections we were unfortunate to witness recently. Electoral politicsseemedtoreachanew low this year. My concern is to rescue 'politics' fi>3m the grime, to assert a different version of politics which is worthy of passion. To do that there is a necessity to critically examine what was so wrong about the recent elections. I always thought that students were apathetic (which is partly true) but now I am realizing that student politicians are much to blame for the delegitimation of student unions and demoralization of student politics. 1 could talk about ballot stuffing but that is too obvious a sign of corruption. What is of more concern is that students are right to be cynical about most of the people running in elections. Students sec through the image politics and the trivia! game playing that goes on between theopposingsides.Manypeople I spoke to couldn't distinguish between the two main tickets that were running and didn't feel compelled to vote, which they had done in previous years. The electoral turnout was quite low, indicating a high level of cynicism and apathy amon^t students, which was particularly disheartening considering the support for the antiVSU campaign last semester. I, amongst quite a few other people resorted to voting for Magical Hacks, a joke ticket. I only voted for the people I knew had worked for the anti-VSU campaign and women's campaign. I felt totally disempowered by the electoral process since it reminded me of state and federal politics where there is no choice between the sterility of the party agendas. It seems that image politics has come to be a major part of student elections (something I think should be contained to state and Federal levels without contaminatinguniversities). These have been features of election for the past 3-S years but what is most striking this year is (hat the "left, pro^ssive" ticket used those means and far surpassed the right in slickness (i.e. swapcards). 1 am disappointed for numerous reasons; 1) the conservatism of the United Students campaign which even had liberal blue as an emblem. Their policies were innocuous and their politics were notablv absent. 2) I suspect the lack of explicit politics was a facade whidi hid another facade; that the majority in this group actually have a very underdeveloped, infantile political perspective which can hardly be identified as left or progressive. 3) If they are left and progressive then they have misled students into voting for them and have undermined the legitimacy of the democratic process. 4) The group claimed to come together to unite against VSU. This is absolute bullshit, they were united to get into power in opposition to VISION (Spe(nrum,Focus), the BADDIES (who arc undeniably corrupt). About 6 people were in the anti-VSU campaign and 1 can verify this from the list of namc-s of those who attended meetings. T^iose otherpcople in the group who obviously didn't care enough about the is.sue. Glad to see you cared so much during election time guys, S) Some of those who were actively involved in the anti-VSU campaign felt quite uncomfortable about others who screamed out slogans .such as "United Students Against VSU". The discomfort arose from the appropriation of a campaign for election propaganda; this isn't about people being genuinely concerned about the issue or issues, it is about using a popular campaign as a means to an end, power. That is what I call a corruption of politics. 6) Ironically, the use ofimage politics confirms the liberal students views that politics can be reduced to market principles where student groups are sold to students much like the student organisation itself could be sold as a product. Forgetting the practicalities of the scenario, the morality of image politics leaves a lotto be desired. There were two incidents this year that hi^lighted the corrupted way many of these people view politics. I hada warning ofthings to comeafterthe first Student General Meeting on VSU this year where 1,200-1,400 students voted almo.st unanimously in opposition to VSU (9 people for!). The SGM was a euphoric experience with many students realizing the meaning of participatory democracy as their ri^t to have control over their own aflair and to influence and make decisions about and through their student organisation. At a gathering of campaigners and others after the event my partner overheard a non-campaigner say how wonderful this result would be for elections. This sickened me to the core and I would like to dissociate myself and many other campaigners from that sort of cynical, depraved attitude. The other incident was the Student General Meeting in second semester which certain people promoted for the ri^t reasons, because a lot of decisions over the new union structure have been made without student knowledge or consultation. However, this SGM was used as a cynical vehicle for election propaganda with candidates showing their faces. When Ben Moore spoke in the only way he knows how, with honesty, sincerity and idealism, everyone else in contrast obviously ladced passion and integrity. No wonder students think politics is a dirty word The anti-VSU campaign vv'as full of contradictions for me personally. I wasn't defending student politicians, I was defending an ideal of student democracy and politics which is based on creating meaning throu^ collective action, 'fhis is a (ar cry from the degraded form of politics we have seen in student elections where there seems to be a lot of self serving egos who act as if politics is a game where you try to outwit an opposition. These people are dangcroiis because without a belief system there is no reasoning behind their actions, apart from self-gratification. They are unlikely to act consistently or have an ethical framework which makes them receptive to the ideas of others or to perform their role democratically. Ifthecndsjustifles the means then democracy is often left out of the equation. Politics becomes neutered, barren and uninspired when removed from beliefs, desires and ideals. This letter is not jus t a negative response to student elections.! want students to start demanding more from student politicians, to realize politics doesn't have to be a trivial, corrupt game. Politics is ^ o u t controllingourlives, being able to speak out for ourselves, to debate and discuss issues with others and toactcollectively to change our world. Fucking hell, this is a university. If we cant create an exciting, idealistic, participatory political environment what hope is there for the rest of society? Kerry Wardlaw A Co-ordinaKjr of the Aati-VSlJ Campaign last s l^U^^M 540 0500 LEARN Car & Truck Rentals C LAYTO N 20% Discount to all Monash Staff and students. 'Applies to brochure rates only. Lot's WMe I Edition 16 1]'i] TO The Monash Uni Sailing Club will be running a sailing course for absolute beginners on 25th (night), 26th and 27th November. The instructors are from Monash and are accredited by the Australian Yachting Federation. Overall cost - $30; Usual cost - $110. AYF logbook and accreditation - +$5. BBQ is included on Saturday and $15 deposit is payable to S&R Office. Leave the details with the deposit so you can be contacted. For more info contact a c'ttee member (see Club notice board). NUMBERS ARE UM/Tm SOGETINEARLY. PeSOUTce Could it be that our illustrious goverment is telling fibs when it comes How would you like to pay a $ 1,000 up-front charge for your education before you enrol next year? In a recent report from the Department of Employment, Education and Training, $1,000 up-front charges were proposed so that extra enrolments could be funded. The report called Resource Allocation in Higher Education also proposed tuition fees for students who would be allowed to enrol if they failed to get into university under the publicly funded allocated 'quota' for undergraduate enrolments. These highly problematic proposals formed some of the 'options' put forward by DEET. For students, the last eight years has seen an erosion of public commitment to the funding of higher education. wards thecostsof their degrees. This was argued on the basis that students benefit from higher wages and hence should pay some ofthe costs. The 1988 Hobart conference explicitly rejected any form of up-front fee on the basis that this would advantage the rich, and FfECS became part of ALP policy. Despite this opposition to up-front fees, the Federal Government was amended the HECS scheme, to make it less favourable to low income earners and to advantage those who could afford to pay their HECS upfront by increasing the discount. Central to the recommendations of the report Resource Allocation in Higher Education is the assumption that the large growth in enrolments in higher education in the previous few years has been funded out of public coffers. Indeed the resource report in its opening remarks limits its options when it takes the approach of the Minister in assuming that the capacity of the Commonwealth to continue to expand publicly funded places has approached its limits (Johnston; 1994, p.4). The push towards increased userpays was not limited solely to amending the HECS legislation, since 1993 there has been a focus on reducing the government's commitment to the public funding of higher education through; The limits upon the higher education sector are numerous, but in the context of the report what it presumably is referring to is the limitation within a budgetary context. This assertion can be immediately traced in its origins to the 1993 budget where Minister Beazley stated that "There are limits to the funding the Government can direct to higher education. It has developed measures to ensure that the present amount of pubic support for higher education is used by as many Australians as possible" Beazley (1993: p.5). Since the 1988 Hobart Conference of the Australian Labor Party, the Federal Government has introduced or attempted to introduce a number of userpays measures. The Higher Education Contribution Scheme was introduced by the government on the basis that this was to cover the contributions of students to- •Fees for second degrees, (defeated in the Senate) • One and a half time HECS, (defeated in the Senate) • Deregulation of Post-graduate fees, (successfully inttoduced) • Tuition fees, (proposed) • Charges, (proposed) International Context As a measure of public commitment to education, measuring its proportion of GDP is a fairly crude device. A measure that took account of the population's ability to afford education (GDP per capita) in relation to the funding per student, would provide a better indication of public support for education. Unfortunately, Australia has not been included within this measure except for a reported total amount of funding from public and private sources per GDP per capite of 66.4.(OECD; 1993, p.95). Currently Australia is the lowest taxed country within the OECD. Australia's total tax revenue stands at 29.2% of Gross Domestic Product compared with the OECD's average of 38.7%, (OECD; 1993, p.74). In other words AustraUa could increase its taxation revenue by almost 10% of GDP and still be ranked as an average taxed country, (see figure 1). National Effort in Education The proportion of GDP which is devoted to education is often used as a measure of comparison between countries to determine relative contributions to education. The OECD publication Education at a Glance compares both the proportion of GDP committed to education as well as expenditure per student per GDP per capita. Looking at expenditure on tertiary education for countries which report information for both 1988 and 1991 it can be seen that Australia's ranking internationally was reported as fourth in 1988 and third in 1991 (see table 1). Adjusting GDP per capita and outlays for university funding (public and HECS) for price rises allows for a figure for university funding per student per capita to be calculated. If the contributions by the Commonwealth for research and Austudy are removed, then an idea of the relative position of the funding of university education activities by public and private (via HECS) sources can be obtained. This data for public expenditure contains the HECS contribution which as argued below cannot be included within public contributions. If university funding has the HECS component removed and then is compared internationally Australia rates in 1988 as eleventh out of fourteen, and fourteenth out of fourteen (last) in 1991 (see table 2). Comparing Australia's commitment between Expenditure as a percent of GDP to Expenditure per Student per GDP per Capita shows Australia in the former as near the top of compared countries whereas in the latter at the bottom of the lost of compared countries. This is a result of the way that data is reported by the OECD and the Federal Government. The OECD receives the data from the Federal Government, the Federal Government then uses this OECD data to back its assertion that Australia compares very well internationally. The data sent to the OECD contain funding for research funding, Austudy and contributions from HECS. This explains the difference between Expenditure as a percent of GDP to Expenditure per Student per GDP per Capita. It has been a common line of argument through recent statements from the Government and the Department of Employment, Education and Training (DEET) diat the expansion ofthe higher education sector has occurred through some form of Commonwealth largesse. It is further impUed that further expansion of the tertiary education sector has reached the limits of the capacity of die government to finance this expansion, and hence options are limited to the maintenance of sectoral size at some steady state or else increases in size must funded be through an extension of some user pays arrangement. This report will examine the public and private funding of education in recent times, and consider the assumptions of the resource allocation report. The key theme in this submission will be an examination of the assumptions surrounding the terms, capacity, financial commitment and limits to expansion. In terms of removing transfer payments to students, the OECD (1993, p.91) noted that France and the United Kingdom included subsidies for food and board within their expenditure figures, whereas other countries did not. Hence removing transfer payments to students was justified. The OECD also noted (1993, p.91) that some countries also included expenditures for research. By removing the research component and HECS contributions for Australia's expenditure clearly represents Australia's position in pubhc funding of university education activities, and hence these figures should be regarded as the bottom line. Funding of University Education Activities If the changes in funding since the introduction of HECS are looked at we can get a picture of the Commonwealths commitment to higher education funding. Looking at the contribu- 198a Japan SpaJn Portugal Unrtotj Kingdom B^^um Sweden Germany Swttzerland Norway Austria Ireland Uniied Stales Australia Netherlands Denmark Canada IJrtlMKirottln Mean Figure 1; Total tax revenue as percent of GDP; 1991 0.36 0.5S 0.81 0.90 0.91 0.92 0.96 1.01 1.06 1.10 1.13 1.34 1.5T I.Bi 2.03 2.23 1. U 1991 Japan Spain Qermaoy Bet9)um Portugal Uniied Kingdom Austria Ireland Switzerland Sweden Denmark Norway Uniied Stales Australia Neihertands Canada 0.30 O.BO 0.90 0.90 0.90 i 00 MO 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.30 1.30 1.40 1.48 1 70 2,20 MB Table 1: Public Expenditure on Tertiary Education as a Percent of GDP d 8 t i J J1 1 allOcatiO n to funding tertiary institutions? Michael Murphy does the figures.. tion from the Commonwealth to the funding of university education since 1987 it can be seen that the total amount has increased from $2.7 billion (198687) to $4.8 billion (1992-93), an average annual increase of 13.2% in 19868 terms. category is further justified in that the Australian Bureau of Statistics has recently revised their classification of HECS from being included as a tax within government revenue to that as a charge and hence included within private consumpdon expenditure {ABS(b); 1993, p.43-44). DEET and the Commonwealth Government are apparently still working under the assumption that HECS forms part of the taxation revenue, and is continuing to report HECS If personal benefits payments are removed from the Commonwealth contributions a net figure for the funding of universities is obtained. This figure i9sa Country 20.50 Couniry France 27.60 United States 32,70 Franire 26,10 AUfliraild 35.00 Belgium 35-80 39.40 Austna 37,30 Austria 40.40 Denmark 43.70 Canada 42,60 Ireland 48,60 Sweden 43,00 Belgium 0. 1991 Australia Spain Spain :a 50 24.00 2B50 Norway 50.00 Norway 47.00 Canada 50.10 Ireland Unilad Kingdom 58-40 Sweden 52.60 58.70 United States 53.60 SwiizerlaDd 61.40 Unilfid Kingdom 63.30 Portugal 66.10 Portugal 67,10 Denmark 78.00 Switzerland 67,60 Average 46,20 Average 45.68 represent the funding from the Commonwealth to the running of Universities. From 1986-87 to 1992-93 die average annual increase of funding from the Commonwealth was 11.1%. The removal of personal benefits payments is justified by the simple fact that the Australian taxpayer is expected to cover the living costs of student, and not other students who contribute privately (via HECS) for the cost of their education. If the contribution from the Commonwealth to Universities for the funding of research and a proportion of the capital contribution is afso removed then a net figure for the contribution from the Commonwealth for the funding of education activities within the university sector is derived. The concept of separating HECS trust fund payments and HECS up-front payments from the Commonwealth's contribution allows an overview of changes to the funding of university education since 1987. Until 1986, the Commonwealth had primary responsibility for the funding of university education activities. The changes introduced since 1986, firstly the higher education administration charge and then the higher education contribution scheme have enabled the Commonwealth to fund growth in the university system from student contributions rather than from general revenue. Removing HECS from the public funding II li - N« CommanmiiMkn ouiWv* en Llntnaitily Edutnlion AdMllac Adjusred tiM Educaiioi Prisss - T«BI Outlays on Unnp»rs<y Edimtion AdivtilM Miut\oa b EdiKation PricM as part of govermnent commitment to higher education. contributions to reflect real prices gives an indication of real growth in funding dollars since 1986. If the debt and the up-fi-ont contribution for students for HECS is then removed then from the above net figure for the funding of university education activities then an idea of the relative contributions from the Commonwealth and private contributions can be obtained. The annual increase from 1986-87 to 1992-92 is a more modest figure of 4.7%. This represents an absolute increase where inflation and GDP increases have not been factored into any of the above calculations. These relative increases are displayed in figure 3. The contribution that students have made to the running of the recurrent costs of education activities is contrasted with the contribution made by the Commonwealth. Figure 4, shows the relative percentages of the contributions. It can be seen that student contributions have risen since 1986-87 to 1992-3 to approximately 23% of recurrent funding of university education activities. Growth in Gross Domestic Product Inflationary Effects Looking at the total contribution and the net Commonwealth contribution to the funding of education activities at Universities and adjusting these If the real figure for the funding of education activities from the Commonwealth is next compared to the real gross domestic product then an idea of the capacity of the Commonwealth to fund education at university level can be obtained. Figure 6 shows the relationship between the total funding outlays from the Commonwealth and students via HECS) in terms of GDP percentage and that of Commonwealth funding only for education activities. Conclusion Assumptions about the capacity of the public to suppon higher education have to based upon a better appraisal of the current situation. Firstly, Australia's position internationally is that of a low taxed, and low education spending country. Australia's capacity to increase public contributions to the tertiary especially the university sector is probably the greatest within the OECD. Private contributions (via HECS) covers 23% of annual funding for university education activities. As a proportion of GDP, the public funding of education activities within universities has declined to approximately 0.54 References ABS(a), 1994, Expendilure on Education Australia 1992-93; ABS 5510.0, Auslralian Bureau of Statistics. Cant)erra. ABS(b). 1994 National, Income and Expenditure and PiDduct; ABS 5206.0, Australian Bureau of Statistics, Canbetra, ABS(a). 1993. Australian National Accounts; ABS 5204.0, Australian Bureau of Statistics. Canberra. ABS(b), 1993, Government Financial Statistics Australia 1993-4, ABS 5510.0. Austfalian Buicau of Statistics, Canberra, pp. 43-44. Beazley, K.. 1993, Higher Education Budget Statement 1993, AGPS, Canbetra Beazley, K,. [993, Higher Education Funding for the 1994-96 Triennium, AGPS, Canberra. DEET, 1993, SelccledHigher Education Statistics, Department of Employment, Education and Training, Canberra. - Johnston, N., Resource Allocation in Higher Education; Report of the joint DEET/HEC working party, HEC, Canbetra, • OECD, 1993, Education at a Glance: OECD Indicators, OECD, Paris OECD(a). 1992 Education at a Glance: OECD Indicators, OECD, Paris .OECD(b). 1992, Revenue Statistics of OECD Member Countries 1965-1992, OECD. Paris i ^ ^ ^ _ ^ - ; : : 2 ^ "" 390 ^ = ^ ^ IfOI inoo an iw bV KW-B8 lonwuWi wuv W6W» '• Cornnomf^h DuWnrt 10 UBII*IIMBII M»W • IMWI TDM Odiyi on i>ii«ii*¥ t<luc«lii»i \Vt\JB '^ Stem Figure 3: Compsrison of Commonwealth Outlay minus funded activities N« Conw cultiyiD .«s-w i^/ o.g- GDP percentage points, a relative decline of approximately 32%. HECS contributions has ameliorated this fall to an extent total HECS and public support has declined by 12.5%. A restoration of public support to 0.8% of GDP would raise in the order of $4(K) million. This would eliminate the need for increased fees for students. uco 3CE0 r i'^ Si Rgur^ 6: Net versus Total Outlays t^n University Education Activities as GDP Tlie Laypwsons Guide to the NEW UNION STRUCTURE THE NEW LNION STRICTURE. JUST A buiNch of AbbREviAiioNs AINCI NAMES ihROwiN loqErheR iN ONE RANCIOM htAp? YOUR AVERAqE cowfusiNq UNtvERsiiy STRUCTURE, T^E lypE JUM EVERVONE shiEs AWAy FROM? IT'S defiNiTEly soMErhiNq I^AT TAICES A full dAy of ExplANAiioN ANd A full MONTh o f ANAlysis. Beyond the boredom and the silly abbreviations like MUU and MWOPS. there is a glimmer of importance. Believe it or not this system,therewillbeasmallinteractionbetweentheMSAandthe MUU. The President of the MSA also sits on the UB, as shown One may believe that Yvette's criticism of the new stnicUire is mere paranoia. Of course, the MUU will carry out the wishes of structure, as structures go, is very important to every student at the above. The same goes for the Women's Officer, the Treasurer, the students, without going behind their backs or being corrupt University. Alright I know that most of you don't care, in fact I 4 of the six generally elected individuals on the MSA and the and insidious. Nevertheless, one wonders what reason was given have a faint feeling that none of you are reading this, but please delegates from MUISS, MPA and MAPS. The MSA also includes for not joining both Students Representations and Services listen to me, deep down where the little people live there is the following positions: together, considering it had been something that was always on something important you should know. the drawing board. • A Vice President • A Publicity Officer The New Union Structure affects you! The following isalayman's-andlstress layman's-description of how the so called new structure will be set up. As per usual, at the top of the heap will be the University One exp! anation voiced during an SGM this year was that Arty • An Activities Officer. Party students can't manage money and would simply watch it So there you see the system as it wil 1 stand next year. Of course because, the Treasurer on the UB under the new system is a Societies and MAPS etc will still exist. They, like MSA, will have student. I spoke to Peter Summers, a member of the Working money given to them by Che MUU. Party, and asked him why Yvette and Company's system was Council. FoUowingthiswillbetheMonashStudents'Federation which is simply comprised of representatives from all the campuses. So far this set up leads to no debate and barely any discussion. It's not until we get to the third line of the hierarchy where the fireworks beein. run through their fingers. This of course is a feeble argument, it goes without saying that departments such as Clubs and To tell you the truth I don't really think the above positions are that important. What actually catches the eye in this whole kefuffle. is the debate that is still muttered over about the whole system. thrown out the window. He said, in an extremely diplomatic way, that the guild or integrated system was forwarded to the diverse Working Party. However after long discussion it was rejected in favour of the new structure. You may fmd this to be a disappointing answer to an otherwise saucy question, however Mr Summers was willing to discuss the advantages that the new system will present to the students. It has been established tliat the third line will be separated into three parts. The first arm is the Monash University Union (MUU). This arm concentrates on the Services provided to ihe He said that the system for the first time provides members of students, throughout the year, The MUU, has of course a Union the MSA tositon the Union Board. This,he said allows for greater Board (UB), which embodies ihefollowingdemocratically elected cohesion between the MSA and the MUU. positions: The system as it stands also allows for the creation of an Execudve Committee that works between each sitting of the • The President Union Board. This Executive of six will comprise of the four • The Women's Officer Presidents from the MSA, MAPS, MUISS and MPA. There will • A MAPS representative (Mature and Part Time Students) also be two naughty adults, i.e. the Chairperson of the BoanJ and the University' s Genera! Manager. As you can see, diis Executive • A MUTSS representative (International Students) will be overrun by students who will do things such as formulate • An MPA representative (Post Graduate students) the budget and make recommendations on money used from the ThE NEW UNION Union's piggy bank. • The Treasurer STRUCTURE AffECis • The Director A third advantage is that minor associations such as MAPS, YOU! • One representative from the Union Council Fmally, the new system clarifies, in bold letters, the distinct jobs • One staff representative Yvette Scholtmeyer, MAS Women's Officer, disagrees with • 4 generally elected people from MSA (Monash Shidents' Association) • A representative from Clubs and Societies the new structure. She sees the system as being too complicated, full of the usual and ever present red tape. She said that this so called new structure, is no different from the structure of previous tlie new structure. She sees the system as being tot) complicated, • A representative from Sports and Recreation full of the usual and ever present red tape. She said that this so called new structure, is nodifferentfromthe structure of previous • One staff representative from NTEU (I have no idea what this years and hence contains the same flaws. She argues that with the is and the below abbreviation stand for. but I know they're Union Board controlling services, the MSA only becomes a unions of some .sort... I think the "U" gives it away.) token force, thus demoting the power of Student Representation. • One staff representative from LTU MUISS and MPA, will gain a larger voice. An example is that any decision made by an SGM can only be recommended to the MUU, a recommendation which the MUU can rightfully ignore. Yvette went on to say that in her belief the of both MSA and the Union. Hence, a greater clarification between Services and Representation has been created. Peter Summers was also prepared to point out that just because MSA doesn't have the power to conUt)l services they are still an important facet of the new system. Not only can they discuss and make moves on such subjects as VSU and upfront fees to students, they can also use the SGM as a powerful tool. If wielded properly, the SGM can be employed to focus on issues which the UB should be examining. For instance, any service diat students need can be voted on and then be proposed direcdy to the MUU without going through the MSA, hence removing all t h ^ yucky red tape. minor interaction between bodi the MSA and the MUU through As I mentioned, these people will argue and fight over where the Amenities fee, handed to them by the University Council, will such figures as the President and the Treasurer, is not enough for Student Representation. be going. As they provide services, it is assumed that they will Are you still with me? You didn't get lost did you? If you did, don't worry, you wouldn't be the first. Even for an intrepid and keep most of what is given. However, money will also be Yvette supported another union structure that was pushed during the debate but was discarded. The proposal simply stated intelligent reporter such as myself exploring the issues has been syphoned of to the third arm of this structure - Sports and that both the MUU and the MSA should be welded together tlius difficult, hi any case, at the end of the day, no matter what system Recreation (SR), and the second arm - the Monash Students' giving students power over both representation and services. you believe in, the Union Stmcture has finally been decided upon. This, according to Yvette, would cut down on bureaucracy and Only time will tell if it's a good one... Association (MSA) The MSA is also a democratically elected body. Under the new I Tiiesday 18th October 1994 conflict, which is inherent in the system as it stands. IAN MONO - News Sub-Editor EH^IRO-UPDRTE GET INVOLVED IN VICTORIA'S NATIONAL PARKS THIS SUMMER. The State government and the Australian Trust for Conservation Volunteers have teamed up to provide Victoria's tertiary students with a fresh range of volunteer project!! in National Parks and public land during the sunmier break. The Conservation and Environment Minister, Mark BiiTell, has annoimced that the Campus ConseAation Corps initiative, which began last year as a pilot program, will now be a permanent feature of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. More than 250 students participated in the Campus C>>n.serration Corps during last year's summer vacation. ThegovemmenthasprovidedJVS.OOOthisyeartofund 35 projects in many of Victoria's most scenic and popular parks. The projects, which have been selected by tlie Department, include: - Heritage works at Point Nepean National Park -Coastal projects atWi!.son's Promontory National Park and along the Great Ocean Road - Trail and boardwork construction in the Grampians National Park and the Alpine National Park -Flora and Fauna protection in the Hatlah-Kulkyne and Murray Sunset National Parks Projects are of one or two weeks duration. Students are required to make a contribution towards food and ATCY membership. ATCV provides die transport and project locations. A Campus Corps brochure is available from most student unions or SRCs or by phoning die ATCV on 602 4066 or 008 132 501 for country callers. You can also visit the office at Level 10, 440 Collins Street, Melbourne. .\n opportunit)- exists for 17-25 year olds tojoin the expedition and learn about the rare and endangered flora and faiuia of tliis area while collecting valuable data for the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR). Tingaringy is registered underourNational Estate and forms part of the magnificent Alpine National Park. The smdy area contains rainshadow woodlands of the scenicvalley of the upper Snowy River and the high wet forests of the Gelantipy Plateau. The diverse vegetauon communities provide habitatfor endangered and vulnerable animals. Datawillbegathered using DCNR methodology; it will augment their knowledge of die area and assist the department in developing management plans for the park. Projects ivill include radio-n-ackingTigerQuolls, recording vegetation communities and surveying rare reptiles and bats. OCTOBER 10TH - 14JH. NKnomt LETTER WRums CAMPAIGN - Swp EXPORT WOODCHPPING A coordinated national letter writing campaign calling on the Federal Government not to renew next year's round of woodchipping licences. Victorian university campuses are focusing their campaign on this week. Monash Environment Group will have a letter writing table for people to sign letters in the Union Building. Please, please, 'please sign one. It'll lake two minutes and will really make a difference for Keating to see widespread student opposition to export woodchipping. OcwBER S4m S 25TH. NATIVE FOHEST NETWORK - .AusTTRAUAN FOREST Coi'eERErjCE.- AUSTRALIAN FOREST ANZSES - ONE FOR THE CIPPER The Australian and New Zealand Scientific Exploration Society (ANZSES) is launching an expedition to survey the flora and fauna of East CJippsland's remote and unexplored wilderness. UPCOMING EVENTS IN THE CAMPAIGN TOHALTEXPORTWOODCHIPPINGAND LOGGING HIGH CONSERVATION VALUE FOREST INCLUDE: u p to sixty young people will participate, working in small groups led by qualified scientists. Expeditionens will walk into remote areas to collect data and record sightings of indigenous and feral animals. One project will involve setting hair uaps. Hairs collected will be analysed to reveal what passed thnigh during the night. This way, nocturnal animals' presence is recorded witliout interference in their habitats. Results of the surveys will be published and distributed to expeditioners and the science communitv-. ANZSES is now recruiting healthy and interested people tojoin this expedition (preferred age 17-25). General expedidoners do not need to be experienced: workshops are conducted in science, minimal impact camping, firstaid, radio use and navigation. Afee covers all costs (ANZSES is a non-profit organisation). Anyone interested in the environment, camping under the stars and being part of an exciting research project should contact ANZSES for more information. Telephone (03) 690 5455, fax (03) 690 0151 orwrite to PO BOX 174, .Albert Park, .3206 GREEN GROUPS UNITE IN NATIONAL FOREST CAMPAIGN Over 50 people representing twenty environment groups from all over Australia gathered in Canberra recently for a national forest campaign strategy weekend. The results provide direction for a unified and successful campaign to end export woodchipping and protect high conservation value forests all over Australia, h's an exciting time for forest activists - the Nauonal Forest Campaign is bringing forest acdvists together to make our combined efforts as effective as possible during the next crucial months. To make it work, forest campaign groups and supporters everywhere are being asked tojoin in, and that means you! A series of leaflets has been produccdfor use by all green groups, encouraging people to write letters to the Prime Minister expressing their opposition to export woodchipping. They were launched on September 1st ona Nauonal Day of Action held across Australia. Actions included protests and rallies, letter wrinng to Paul Keaung and banner drops. In Tasmania a ute load of native animals poisoned by 1080 in forestry operations was brought to the demonstration. Now is an important period for Australia's forests. Every day we're losing more and more of our scarce remaining old-growth forests. As you may have heard, the Federal Environment Minister, John Fawkner, has made encouraging statements and taken some steps to implement a moratorium on the woodchipping of high conservation value old growth forests. The next few months will see a real test of his government's ability to turn talk into action on environmental issues, with several woodchip export licences due for renewal soon. If the environment movement can prove that we can deliver pain or gain to the Federal Labor government we have a chance to save our forests from woodchipping. To do this we need to get .50,000 letten on Mr Keating's desk expressing our disgust that our old growth and high conservation forests are exported for woodchipping. Anyone who cares at all about our forests needs to write a letter. Think of it this vray- for every letter you write one hectare of forest may be saved, so for five minutes of your time dozens of trees and all tlie animals that live in them will be saved. In addition to letter W7iting, a huge week of'Forest Embassy' actions with hundreds of people camped on the lawns of Parliament Hou.se in November will send a loud message demanding an end to forest destruction. The camp is on the 4th to the 8th, and despite being so close to exams anyone is welcome if you can make it. CONFERENCE. 'TOWARDS A NATVNAL FOREST ACTKN PLAN. " MonashEnvironment Group students are helping organise this forest conference to be held at the Glas.shouse RMIT. The Conference intends to bring indigenouspeople, forest activists, students, politicians, unionists, NGOs and government organisations together to discuss the crisis facing Australia's forests. Running over 2 days, the conference will examine the threats to Australia's forests and the need for a national action plan. On the Wednesday following the conference there will be.a forest tour, then an additional 2 days of intensive strategy at "Commonground" nearSeymour. Conference information, programmes and registration forms can be obtained from the Environment Group's notice board in the Union building, at Environment Group's Tuesday meetings (1pm 9th floor west-wing of the Menzies) orfrom Friends of the Earth (ph: 419-8700). Don't miss out!! The Conference will blow your mind. NCA/EMBER 4TH - 8 T H . "GrSENiES" HEAD TO CANBERRA; NAVONAL TENT BMEMSSV. At least 4 days of actions, displays, stalls and campaigning against the forest policies of the Federal Government and Opposition and the national timberindustry during a tent embassy/vUIage on the grounds of Parliament House. Bring your own tent, musical instrument etc. to what will be an amazing 4 day demo. Contact FOE on the aforementioned number or Monash Environment Group for more details. Gavan McFadzean Monash £nviromnent Group DATES TO REMEMBER! OcTOBSi S4TH - 38m: A/flnwe FOREST NenAofx CoweiiFNce ft/ovBwas) 4TH - 8m: EMBASSY'ACTIONS, WEEK OF 'FOOEST PARUAMENT HOUSE, GaABESfM 4 s YOU am SEE, THEK'S LOTS GOING ON. ntow's 4 GREAT TIME TO GET SWOLUSD. THE CteB&CSAfflS ENVmONMENT A/ETMWW WELCOK^S ANYmm NTmESIED IN FINDING OUT MOfm AM} FmLfmiG SAVE FORESTS TO GIW USA RING OR COME TO ONE OF OUR Bh /VOVTHtVMEET iSnadccate S^^^fi^l^^umeat.», W^l Llawela Forrest Attempting to find employment can be a sobering experience. Where does one start? Monash University is one place where the process of job, or rather as we would prefer to term it, career hunting, can be made a lot easier. Monash actually offers you many options and helpful paths along which one can tread in an attempt to locate our dream job, or at least some position to earn some money post-graduation. IWany of the options are only available to students during their final year, however depending on the measure of enthusiasm, they are a few ways in vrfiich you are able to sample jobs and gain experience in your field of interest, which is incomparably invaluable in the current job market. VACATION JOBS tJany student tend to undervalue their work experience. In some cases many students tend to even fail to mention it in their resume. Work experience taken in the university vacation or on a regular part-time basis throughout the year can tie of considerable value to students because it helps to develop new skills. When seeking course related vacation work it is laestto make direct approaches to employers, and to present a resume and letter of application. Both Student Employment and the Careers Centre are valuable resources for finding information on such businesses. Towards the end of each semester the Student Employment Service advertise positions for vacation employment in most disciplines, in particular Science and Engineering.ln particular the employment sen/ice arranges and places undergraduate students in course related vacation employment (summer vacation) in a students home country eg Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. The employment is usually for a period of three months or longer. Most displines are covered, howeverthe service concerntrates on the crucial twelve weeks of practical work required by Engineering students. Workshops are also organised through MUMSU and for Engineering students through Monash Young Engineers. During these workshops lists of employers are given to students to enable them to contact prospective employers. Graduate Opportunities Hand Books are available for Hong Kong, Malaysia and-Singapore as well as information on European countries and Japan. Most of these positions and other positions are advertised on the Student Employment boards as early as May each year. The Course and Careers Centre advertise vacation work to potential recruits on a reguair basis. Large law and accounting firms often do this; other companies offer vacation work experience to students taking courses appropriate to theirbusiness operations. Often Arts students aren't accomodated by vacation employment as such due to the broadness of specialisation ' ^ within the degree. The best way for these students to obtain information on employers within your field of interests is to seek the Graduate Opportunties Handbook (available at both careers centre and student employment). Summer clerkships in law firmsare an excellent wayfor law students to gain experience in the industry as well as getting a foot in the door for the Articles year. The Law Students Society has information and a list on all the Law firms that participate in this scheme. In particular the new publication "A Practical Guide for Law Students", produced by the LSS, has furthere guidelines for summerclerkships, closing dates for applications etc. It is best to apply to firms which specialise in the particular area of law that you would be interested in. Firms usually take undergraduates in their third year of studies. (Ml ate R e ment and CaThe Course an extensive reersCentreoffers program of graduate recruitment, specifically for accounting graduates. Information presentations are given on campus by major and middle tier chartered fimns together with other major employers from manufacturing industry and the financial sector. These events form part of the gradute recru itment prog ram and often second year students of accounting will participate in the infonnation presentations to assist them in their career planning. At the beginning of each academic year the centre advertises on behalf of fimis who are interested in recruiting graduates. Final year students are encouraged to apply via the centre, and finns come out to Monash during April to conduct two weeks of inten/iews. Students from other disciplines may gain the impression that the campus graduate recruitment program is mostly for students of accounting. The program does, however, encompass employers seeking graduates frtjm other disciplines, soon after the accounting round. This information is found in the fortnightly release of 'Careers Update': a newsletter produced by the Careers Centre which also includes other helpful information on obtaining employment. It is important to remember howeverthata limited range of employers participate in graduate employment programs. The principle participants include major companies, corporations and some public sector enterprises. The e are many substantial and medium sized companies with a need forgraduate skills who do not participate in campus recmitment programs. Other Options Many of the disciplines hold comprehensive information sessions on graduate employment opportunites. An accounting Open Day is held very early in first semster. The Law Students Society has just introduced an annual Open Day, vrfiere approximately 200 Law Firms and Govemment Agencies are gathered to discuss the firms and articles programs. The Careers Centre offers workshops and seminars during the entire academic year on practically any subject you'd care to know about: Where do graduates go? How do they get there? An Arts degree-What';s next?. Options for Science Graduates, as well as interview skills and resume techniques. Regularly monitor the weekend newspapers and other appropriate journals for job advertisments. This is a means of identifying employers of potential interest even though you may not be available to commence full-time work until the end of the year. Keep open the option of part-time employment in making approaches to employers. In contacting employers where an immediate job vacancy is not applied for, let them know of your long term interest in employment with the organistaion, and desire to gain experience. Use the resources in the careers library and student employment as a means of identifyiung employer entries in "Graduate Opportunites" Make approaches to medium/smaller size employers in additon to the larger corporations. Establish contact with employers and follow up the contact from time to time where some interest has been expressed by the employer. Special programs are held by the Careers Centre, in particular the "Career Start" session, which is for final year students, and Is conducted over three days. It focuses on skills in the workplace and usually falls during September on the Clayton campus. Keep an eye on the Student Employment Service noticeboards and the Careers Centre noticeboard. These listings change daily, and you never know what you could find S^nac Studies Felicity Caton Current Occupation: Research Adviser to the Premier Job Description: to advise on media matters, gather information for Parliament - keep opposition on their toes! What degree did you graduate in: Bachelor of Arts (Australian Politics) in 1992. What other jobs have you held since graduation: Sales (Collins Booksellers), Music Teacher (Flute), Aloette Cosmetics. All part time. How did you obtain your current employment: During my final year, when the current govemment was in opposition (1992), O worked a couple of days voluntarily, helping out the research staff. When the Government won the lection I contacted Chief of Staff and expressed interest in working full time. It still took six months before I was offered part time work, and I eventually started working full time in September 1993 after a position tiecame vacant. In politics, your degree is less important than your ability to think quickly, take initiative, and put in 110% continuously. What advise would you give students on finding employment after a degree: Research the area you are interested in, write lots of letters and try to get a foot in the door. I think it is important to do this before you finish yourdegree, but that is easiersaid than done! Voluntary work is only one way to make contracts and get experience, but w/hatever you do, make sure you focus on our aim of getting a job! Anything else you'd like to add: Before anyone asks. •Yes: Jeff Kennett is a great man to work for. Freya Carkeek Current Occupation: Articles Clerk Job Description: Research, drafting documents, general assistance with trial and other legal preparation, developing practical legal skills before admission as a solicitor. What degree did you graduate in: Arts/Law honours How did you obtain your current employment: I sent away applications just t)efore Christmas in the year before my final year, for inten/iews the following Janu- ary/March. It isagood idea to includea photo of yourself to try and convey a sense of your identity to the employer who will be sifting through hundreds of 'anonymous' applications. Generally Articles positions are not advertised. I used a list from the Careers Centre at Monash of law firms which were offering positions in my year. The list gives contact names, but you should make sure that they are still current just tiefore you apply. You can't get away from the fact that employers will always judge you primarily on your academic results, as this is the only objective measure they have. But if you can show commitment, enthusiasm and receptivity in the short chance you have in the interview, and in your resume and covering letter, these are also important qualities for an employer. What advise would you give students on finding employment after a degree: With so much competition for positions, particularly amongst law graduates, you should try to think as broadly as possible about what your first job might be. You are unlikely to step imme- ^^i^^BStattfiUbJBan* the King Of Camp F A V O U R I T E SOAPIE? "Coronation Street. It's in about its thirtyish year, or about myage,thirty-five. It's marvellous, it's really well written and really well acted, and I don't really watch any of the Australian ones that we get, that everyone in England is obsessed with. Coronation Street Is really funny when it wants to be funny. Home and Away is funny unintentionally, all the time." F A V O U R I T E FILM/STAR? "Favourite f Im star is Montgomery Clift, just because I like him. I don't really watch films very much because I get very bored very easily. Once I've worked the plot out I see no point in staying. I do like Gone W i t h The Wind which is an extremely long film, buti can actually lose myselfinthatone." ^ K w ^ ^ J F A V O U R I T E ROYAL? "Well. Prince Edward, obviously." F A V O U R I T E JOCKS? "As any self-respecting homosexual would know, the answer is Calvin Klein." F A V O U R I T E SOCKS? "These are rather good." he points at the ones he is wearing. "I bought all new underwear and all new socks to come to Australia, because its a sort of family tradition. My mother always does that when she's on holiday, not that I'm on holiday. These are from NexL They've got blue tips on the toes and the heel, down near the ankle there, and multicoloured flecks otherwise they're beige." F A V O U R I T E CITY? "London. I get very spoilt living in London, because it has everything that you might possibly want, except weather. And it's home, to me, I find thatvery exciting and stimulating. I loathed New York, everyone shouted at me," he puts on a nasal attempt at a New York accent '"Get Out Of My Way'. I got very English and very hypersensitive when I was there. I couldn't go out to post a letter some days in case someone shouted at me, and 'cause they always did, I just found it too aggressive, too urban." F A V O U R I T E P I C K - U P LINE? O L D , N E W O R U S E D BY Y O U . "Pick-up line? I don't go around 'picking people up'." FAVOURITE OUTFIT? "I bought some tartan trousers for sleaze ball this year, which wasn't terribly appropriate to sleaze, as the theme was black leather. They were quite bit tight and a littie bit ambitious for the over thirty-five's but those, with a lycra top, I felt young again." FAVOURITE FOOD? "I'm on a high carbohydrate dietat the moment, so its pasta." FAVOURITE QUOTE? '"A tear left unshed turns to vinegar in the heart' which is byJanetObstoy,a lyricist, and that'sfromoneofherobscu re songs." STARSIGN? "Gemini. I a fairly typical Gemini. I think. I'm fairly flighty and low boredom threshold. I'm quite good at knowing a little bit about everything, butnotalotabout anything in any great depth. They're supposed to be promiscuous and disloyal. I disagree with that I've had my promiscuous moments, but I've never been disloyal. I've alvrays been very loyal to people I liked." F A V O U R I T E LIPSTICK? "Well, I have a Lancome lipstick pencil. I favour the matte look at the moment I don't like shiny lipstick. It's very long lasting, very durable, and a very deep red colour." JL f^ m m jg^ contents the Iff^ reviews liftout nake in the Suburbs The Edge and A Midfummer Nights Dream "ello everybody, and welcome to the last Snake /n The Suburbs for this I I year. It's been a fun filled year and looking back. I see many a justifiably gratuitous plug interspersed amongst some heavily pondering, yet slightly entertaining, thoughts. Who could forget that time I called Kurt Cobain "fucked in the head", or the time I made people who don't watch television how much of society they were missing out on? Ah, yes, we've had fun, and now it's time to go, so shed a tear. Sob, sob. Wait, I have one more set of justifiably gratuitous plugs to bombard you with. The first is probably the most exciting. Sydney Theatre Company are going to be doing a version of Okanna, a play by David Mamet. This will begin at our very own Alexander Theatre on November 17. The second is a show called Sex, Drugs, Rock & Ro//which is a series of eleven monologues about life in New York. This was written by Eric Bogosian, who is so good that he actually wrote Talk Radio which is another excellent Oliver Stone film not about Vietnam or the 60s and itopens at the Universal on November 3. The fourth is a comedian appearing at the Last Laugh. His name is Greg Morton and his comedy style has been compared to Bill Cosby, and the similarities are definitely there. Go and see him, he's only there till October 30. lanagan 6-7 Doug Anthony All Stars 8 Fun Natural Born Killers 10-11 Film Reviews 12-14 Music Reviews Book Reviews Ohmigod, how rude of me. I welcomed you to my column, but not to the whole insert so here itgoes. WELCOMETOThe Snake. AN ENTERTAINMENT/ REVIEWS INSERT. Wasn't that dramatic? The Snake is a project that the legend Chris Tomkins and myself have been trying to get off the ground ever since edition I. The faa that It only ever eventuated in the last edition of the year does not mean that we were too lazy to work on it, nor does it mean that the editors were not willing to accept our ideas to better the reviews section. What is important to consider is that the liftout ever eventuated at all. It had actually just started as a joke. Chris and I got a little bit schlaggered one night and thought it would be really funny if we could have a sixteen page reviews liftout. W e never realised that it would result in so much work. Reasons not to drink; No. 12. t o the girl who persisted to stand on my foot for an excessive period of time at the Beastie Boys show: My toes and I thank you oh so very much. You really made my evening. I was astounded at how often somebody has to tell you to get off their foot before you actually do. Thanyou also for your lack of apology and moronic look. I'm sure you and the boy who insisted on vomitting a lot closer to me than I would have liked him to will live out a very happy life together. Well, that is about it for the last Snake In The Suburbs. I'd like to thank everybody who has ever even been remotely involved, especially the readers because that's the sort of sucky thing 1 would do. I would also like to say nasty things to all the people who a) refused to help, b) refused to be nice, c) did not make any effort whatsoever to read this section. You all suck great big nobby things and I wish strange Icelandic curses on you. But before I go, I've got a giveaway to give away. W e all know thatNatura) Bom Killers is a bloody amazing film with a bloody amazing soundtrack. To celebrate this fact we have three copies of the soundtrack to giveaway to three people who can name an aitist appearing on that album. Don't believe everything you need. Julian Clary * A yE'VE ALL SEEN JULIAN CLARY O N A SCREENS, EITHER SILVER \M \ g (Carry On, Columbus) or cathode-ray {Sticky Moments, Terry and T T Julian). We've all sat there with great anticipation of the next double entendre which have been known to fly out of his mouth at extraordinarily high velocities. His ruleless game show, Sticky Moments, convinced many that this is why God created the VCR. Thegameshowwouldseejulian, as the host, humiliate audiences members who have been pre-selected as contestants. Most people, though, associate the thought of Julian Clary with an image of outrageous costumes (always designed by Michael Ferri), consisting of excessive amounts of rubber, leather, make-up and D r Marten's boots ("I used t o wear high heels, but I thought they mademelookalittleeffeminate.").Anyvvayyouviewhim, however, Julian Clary is the epitome of camp comedy. Wtien Lot's found Julian in his Hotel suite he was wearing a T-Shirt and pyjama bottoms - a rather different lookingjulian to the o r e we know from the telly. His day had been spent doing talkshows ("I've done so many chat-shov«, they've all ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ _ merged into one. Except for Bert, of course. He's in a league of his own."). He had just come off the phone to his mother who, when told that her son had journalists waiting said "Let them vraiL I'm your mother." N o t being the greatest fans of having to wait, we decided to punish him by immediately putting him through the gruelling Lot's Celebrity Quiz (see front page). fW People may remember Julian's single journey into the world of celluloid with a film that tried, not very hard, to continue the great tradition of British comedy that was the Carry On films. The film was Carry On Columbus. "I enjoyed the process of making it, whatever the finished product was like. I won't being saying no [to other film offers]. A Carry On film without most of the old team was certainly a bizarre concept A certain many of them are dead now. It's all very well to throw a group of new comedians together, but they didn't have the vaudeville training that they all had, which is what held it together in the old days. There was Bernard Cribbins and Jack Douglas [involved in Columbus], but they were very minor in the old days, and very minor in Columbus. People like Barbara Windsor, and people who are still around refused to be in it, quite wisely." The rise ofJulian Clary has been fairly hassle-free and Is quite simply described. "When I left college I started doing cabaret, and that was 1981, to get my equity card. A t that time the cabaret circuit was very small and was just a strange collection of eccentric people. It wasn't a career move. It wasn't a means t o getting on television. As luck would have it, the cabaret circuit suddenly mushroomed, it had suddenly become a very popular thing in London. I went from working once a month to being able to work four or five times a week, if I wanted to. Then there was a show called Friday Night Live on channel 4. They used to have guest comedians on. They seemed to avoid me like the plague for the first few series, and then they ran out of people to ask, so they asked me on eventually. It went rather well and they asked me back two weeks later. Its as simple as that I then got asked to do my own show. I had already had this idea of Sticky Moments, with Paul Merten. another comedian who I had been working with on the circuit In London. So that was that" Julian Clary has toured Australia every summer for the past three years with various shows based around his song's and comedy, including a live Sticky Moments. This year will be his second Australian Christmas. "[Last time] I had a horrible time. I was very homesick, so this year my parents are coming out and we're having Christmas together. It will appeal to me if my family are with me,l think. Wewere in the Barrier Reefbefore, for Christmas, and everyone tried t o be jolly and have Christmas dinner, but I just found it unbearably h o t N o t at all like Christmas should be." The fact that his parents are joining Julian on tour for Christmas is a sign that they are now feirly used to the idea of what their son does for a living. It has not always been this way. "When I started they were a bit concerned and it all seemed a lot more sinister than it was. They knew I went off and put lots of make-up on and wore black rubber and did an act in a night-club somewhere. So they probably imagined all kinds of things. N o w they know what it is, and they're fine about i t My sense of humour Is derived from them. So they like I t You could often see them in the audiences of Sdcky Moments, if you knew who you were looking for." Julian Clary embodies the working comedian. When he finishes this tour he is returning to England to start filming a brand new series of Terry and Julian, which he has just completed writing. He seems t o be constantly writing and touring and filming, but never resting. In that heavy schedule, he has had the chance to make many observations about people and places, including a point about Melbourne being one of the hardest cities t o perform in. "There's a lot going on here culturally, compared to anywhere else. Same as London. People always seem to be like 'Go and entertain us then,'. It's a very chique place, Melbourne, for Australia. Maybe that holds people back. [Australian people] are very straight-forward and very up. In England people are quite dreary a lot of the time, and apathetic. Australians have a lot of energy really, just happy and smiley people. That's not necessarily complimentary." You can rush off to see Julian Clary, along with his pianist the lovely Russell, and his glamorous assistant Hugh Jelly at Her Majesty's Theatre on N o vember 21, 22, and 23. fnteiviewed by josh KInal Photographs by kd-obbyn ATbeSnahe pagethree^I^ B^d' And the spirit once flailed As her air was removed. Her life didn't feel flesh It felt used and abused And It hurt so tostnig^e^ To contest the dark walls, For It was said, "Those treading the edge Will be pushed •till theyfijIL " ^jUA- If a person is embellished with the title 'Mother' or 'Father', why do they suddenly possess a dangerous annount of influence and power? Apply such labels and people grow in status, gaining value and respect within a community. W h y then, when placed in such a position of loving, do they abuse this power? The Edge is a newly developed theatrical piece which explores die resilience of up-bringing, the dilemma of family, die reality of disfunction, the repression of emotion and the ambiguity of truth. It is a full length production both written and directed with the scope of theatre in mind. Theatre is an experience to be lived, not just observed. Elements of vocal atmosphere, movement, dreamscape, realism and live, thriving, continuous energy are all combined to provide moments of palpable cerebral, visual, aural and emotional stimulation. ir The final production for Monash Players 1994, Ti^eft^bringsmuchexcitmentwith itas it steps from the realm of safe, established theatre into belief and support for up and coming future writers. This time it is not a name or a reputation that predictably draws audiences but the exhiliration of new blood and fresh, professional, dedicated talent in all areas of production. The season runs from Tuesday 18 - 22 of October (8pm) with a matinee (2pm) and evening on Friday the 21 st, in the Union Theatre. Tickets are $7 and $ 10 and bookings can be made on 905 3108. Your past will always be present By Keira Lyofo. II Ulidsuinniers D'qhtniare Remember the anticipation ofyour first sexual encounter; palpitations, music of the spheres, slow motion visions, romantic glances, breathy whispered nothings?Rubbish! It was probably bumbling, rushed, sweaty, amateurish, mistaken, miserable: and let down; and Shakespeare knew it! A Midsummer Night's Dream is about sex. It's about the letdown and the terror offinding yourself on the borders of sexual maturity, in a worldfree of parental restrictions. All the dreams of anticipation and expectation become the reality of nightmare. Horned Moon Promotions presents an energetic, youthful and vibrant production of A Midsummer Night's Dream for the 1990s. Showing for two weeks only at the Universal Theatre as part of the Melbourne Fringe Festival. Hot on the heels ofa sellout season here at Monash injuly (rave review in the last edition), the produaion, with a slightly altered cast. has been revitalised and is better than ever. The play is directed by Scott Crozier, who In the last three years has produced successful performances o\As You Like It King Lear, and Hamlet all staged at the Malthouse. The cast includes actors whose experience spans both amateur and professional fields. It includes GEOFF DUNSTAN (CoolPower!Transbliss). DIANA GLENN (Salome, Crucible, Maire-Louise Ou La Permission), ADAM BROINOWSKI (Last Chance Gas. De Soxy Theatre), RADHA MITCHELL (Phoenix. Feds. Law of the Land, Neighbours). T O M HUTCHINGS (St Angels), SIMON W O O D (Baby Bath Massacre). NAOMI SAUNDERS (CoolpowerlTransbliss) and also VALLEJO GANTNER, SOPHIE RAYMOND, JAMES HULLICK, TIM BYRNE. MELISSA PAGE, SHARON CALLAGHAN, CHRISTIAN MATHESON, SIMON HALL, CHARLES NEAVE, GEORGINA CAPPER and ANDREW GILLARD. For three hundred years since its first production the play gathered tulled fairies, idiotic mechanicals, Mendelssohn's music and monstrous stage machinery. This Midsummer Night's Dream Is not romance, fairy lights, ham acting nor the Botanic Gardens. The lovers and mechanicals do not exist as mere buffoons for cheap laughs. The fairies, dwellers within the metallic, industrial and percussive forest will delight with a sensual combination of wild acrobatics, dance and a cacophony of sound. Watch the set become an enormous musical instrument, listen to the tribal/industrial rhythms of James Hullick and sit back as tfje cast of eighteen transcends your understanding of theatre. PeLerBrook discovered the play inawhite gymnasium. DeclanDomiellan found his in aforest of sound and light Robert Ijspage fished it from a pond of mud. Find it for yourself in the industrial forest in the Universal II Theatre, Victoria St, Fitzroy. Cut price preview 18th October, then 19 - 22 & 24 - 29 October at 8pm. Sunday 23rd at 6pm. Tickets $I5/$12. Bookings 419 3777. inaheA ^ TheSnahe ^pagennir Penny Flanaflan R EMEMBER CLUB HOY? W E L L THEY BROKE UP. BRAVADO IS the first solo release from one of the founding members, Penny Flanagan, with her new band TheNew Moon. Lot's Wife spoke to her about Club Hoy's demise, her new album and Paul Hester... Penny Flanagan was not in a funky, publicity mad mood. Sitting around a record company office for an hour while ratbag journalists from a publication which shall remain nameless do a no-show tends t o do that to a musician. Fortunately, your student rag Lot's Wife had a working tape recorder (for once), and a list of questions. Unfortunately, before I'd let her talk about Bravado, she had to explain the upsetting news that Club Hoy were no longer... Lot's: So what happened to Club Hoy? Penny:V^e\\, the abbreviated version is "musical differences". W e just wanted t o do different things. W e couldn't be Club Hoy anymore, because we needed a singular vision, and just didn't have one. W e (Penny and fellow Club Hoyer Julia Richardson) had been working together since we were 16, which is a long time to be with the same person... Zof'f.'So is this solo album something you'd been wanting to do for ages? PennfHo, not really. For years and years. Club Hoy was my future, and I was focused on that lalways had this vague notion that in thefuturejuliawouldhaveher own album, and I'd do my own album, but when the band broke up I didn't suddenly go " O h , now I can make my own album". It was more "What am I going to do now", and I gradually came round to the idea that I could do it myself. Lot's:\s the material on Bravado stuff that you've been collecting and mulling over for awhile? Penn/:When we were in Club Hoy, I didn't have the room t o move -1 was kind of frustrated. Once the band broke up, I had a clearer vision of what I wanted t o do, and it gradually emerged in the six months after (the breakup). Club Hoy broke up in July 1993, and it's taken only twelve months for Penny to get a new band and material together. W i t h her new collaborator, bass player Steve Bull, Penny has found a working relationship similar to the original Flanagan/Richardson nucleus of Club Hoy. Lot's.'TeW us about The New Moon, is it a permanent grouping, or a studio grouping? Penny:Steve (Bull) is always playing bass with me, and we're always writing together. I guess we're the centre of it, and he's the mainstay of The New Moon. I v/anted to give the band anamefor this phase, forthis album. Itmay not always be the same people, but it's the same approach. If I want to start something new, I'll re-name the band... Lot's: How did you get Paul Hester (Crowded House) to drum for the album? Penny:W£ were looking for a drummer who didn't want to hit hard all the time. W e were saying "Someone like Paul Hester would be good, someone //ke Paul Hester would be good", and then we decided we should justask him. we sent him a tape, which he liked, and he rang back t o say he'd do it.. Working with him was flying by the seat of our pants, but it all came together in the end. Lot's:Your lyrics are based on personal experiences - you seem to be very upset about boys! This shows through on the first single off the album. 'Lap It Up'. /"enn/Yeah, I guess it's that kind of thing that spurs me to write a song -1 don't know why. Problems with relationships and people always inspire me to write songs -1 don't know why. It brings out a real intensity that I can't express anywhere else. Having exhausted the list of craftily prepared questions, it was snap decision time for your intrepid interviewer - t o ask the underwear question or n o t Given the weary tone to Penny's voice, I decided to err on the side of caution. Hence, dear reader, the world will never know if Penny Flanagan has a pair of lucky recording underpants or not The first single from theflrorarfo album, 'Lap It Up', is already getting rotation on Triple J. The album is available from Festival Records. Interview by Leanne Paton, with much assistance from the spunky new tape AlheSnahe oaoefiue^bcd Paul (HcDprnioU anri the Qoiiq Hnthony Hli Rtars: TheTruth When Lot's asked Paul about how the trio came up with the name, a smile came across his I he scene: Brunswick Street, Midday, early spring. slightly tanned face and he laughed, "You'd have to ask Tim about that I wasn't around at the In the dim light of Mario's Paul McDermott stood waiting. He wore old trousers, a leather time. I have nothing to say about the name, other than I think it has been effective." jerkin under a black bomber jacket and a pair of Ray Bans. Actually Paul did have something to say about the name a litde later. "Its been effective "I'm me, and you are Paul McDermott," I stammered feeling late. overseas because it has confused people," he started. "Most of the lies we hatched to the "Yes. Pleased to meet you Dave." press were to do with who Doug Anthony was." After the pleasantries of introduction we set out to find a place to do the interview as it was Paul listed a number of incredulous lies about Doug Anthony's origins; he had been the lead abundantly clear that Mario's was too loud. The next place we tried was nice and quiet, but singer of the group, and since he died in a ballooning accident the All Stars have been unable didn'thaveapowerpointfor the tape recorder. This was beginningto sound likeabadparody to do anything other than comedy, he was a Canberra children's circus ringmaster gaoled of Goldilocks. Thankfully the third place vras just right for paedophilic activities. Exceptfor the manager. WhenLot's asked the cashier if we could use a power pointto record "The best one," Paul explained, "was that Doug Anthony vras the National Country Party the interview he said he would check with the manager. Due t o some real life phenomenon polidcian who was a spiritualist, high minded thinker, kind of like the Nelson Mandela of known by scientists as the Chinese Whisper Factor, the manager assumed we wanted to Australia who came to power as Prime Minister before being assassinated on N t h interview him. November 1975. This wasn't going right at all. The British press would go, 'What?' Paul displayed an encompassing knowledge of idol gossip as he chatted with the manager We'd go, 'You do know Doug Anthony, don't you?' about Planet Hollywood, a restaurant chain owned by Sly Stallone, Amie and Bruce Willis. They'd go, 'No. W e knew something happened then, but we didn't know he was The conversation moved on t o sensationalist journalism and People Magazine's propensity assassinated.' for multi-phallus stories. That story was printed in the Times, the Independent and the Guardian. It was a beautiful "Multi-phallus stories are always fantastic I think they should continue," Paul enthused. moment picking up the paper." Speaking of multi-phallus stories, there are three male members of the Doug Anthony All Stars, and they're about to split up. Why is that so! "Primarily,"Paul began,"the reason isTimdoesn'tvranttoworkin England anymore because he has family commitments in Australia. I think we've basically exhausted the possibilities for the All Stars in Australia, unless we went to a commercial station t o do thejimeoin thing. "I don't want to comeback and do what I've donealready. I want to go forward, do something Lot's asked Paul about how the All Stars moved away from cover songs to original comedy? "Before I joined they were singing funny covers of Bob Dylan etcetera, standard par for buskers in Australia. I always felt itwas important to do original stuff. After I joined the whole nature of the group moved away from 'Boy From New York City' and 'Tell Laura I Love Her' and moved towards 'I Fuck Dogs'." different," he continued. Over the past seven years the Doug Anthony All Stars have been incredibly successful at the Lot's asked Paul about how the group originally got together. Edinburgh Fringe Festival and have enjoyed playing t o packed houses several times a day. Paul "I was in arts school in another group called Gigantic Fly, and I needed money. I remember talked enthusiastically about the festival and the first time the All Stars visited it. that." "Edinburgh fringe is probably the largest in the world. It's an extraordinary free for all of "The other two, Tim and Rich, were busking in Canberra, doing covers of Neil Diamond and professionals and amateurs that come from every where. The nature of the festival is that Bob Dylan and, oh, absolutely shocking stuff with another member, Robbie Piper, Tim at that only about 10% of what is on is any good. time was 180cm of ego, I diink that's what rfiey called him. Which vras probably quite true. "In ourfirstyear there were about 1200 acts, rangingfromschoolgroups with SOperformers Any way, we met when Gigantic Fly did a couple of things with them. Then Robbie was off to solo poetry readings in someone's lounge room. doing a few assignments and they asked me to jump in." "Later thatyear, 1986 itwas, we wentto the Adelaide arts festival and won thefestival award." "Two people were doing a show called Drive where they would pick up t w o passengers. the audience, from abus stop and drive them around while having an argumentas if they were husband and wife. That v^as the show. "Another show called S/eep was a device whereby people who had no where to stay could go into a theatre and sleep along side the cast of S/eep. The Edinburgh Fringe has only began to focus on Comedy in the lastfewyears, "In the sixties it was performance art, in the seventies hard hitting, aggressive plays were the big thing," explained Paul. " W e went to Edinburgh the first time for the experience and found it incredibly exciting." Paul said, his eyes lighting up and a genuine grin spreading across his face as he reminisced. " W e did four weeks of three or four shows a day. I got so drunk on performance, and so drunk on every spirit after performance that I didn't have any idea of whether it was day or night W e were inside performing, it could have been midday or 4am, we just didn't know. When I was really drunk I would go home and sleep until the next show. Then after the show I'd be drunk again," he continued. Rolf Harris has said of die All Stars' Edinburgh act, "The ONLY show worth seeing." Lot's asked Paul about the circumstances behind this statement "Yeah, Rolf did actually say t h a t " Paul admitted. "We'd been doing a radio show together in the afternoon. Rolf had just flown in t o town earlier diat day. As we left the radio show Rolf was swamped by reporters because the Andrew Denton 'Stairway To Heaven' had just gone to number one. Rolf was back on top basically. Tlie Doug's in their TV-series DAAS KAPITAL "Because he didn't know what else was on, he said, go and see us," Paul confessed. "It's a marvellous little quote from Rolf, but knowing the honesty of the fact I'm not that impressed." TheSnahe «^f |>gea Paul talked Incredulously about Rolf Harris' enduring success, "The thing that ama2es me is Lot's questioned Paul about the obvious roles the three All Stars fulfil. "Once, after a show that when he did the big Glastonbury Rock Festival in 1993 he opened the whole show and in Bendigo we were standing on the street drinking with a few friends when a rough looking got the biggest audience of all the performers. Which means that already you've got the new short little biker type came up to me and put his fist in front of my face. He said, 'What's age, feral, hippie traveller generation of the 90s looking at nostalgia as a positive form of this?' I was a little worried by him, but replied 'I don't know'. He said, 'Truth. You are Truth' expression. That's a bad thing. Tim asked, 'If he is truth, what am I'. The man replied, 'The good looking twit'. So Tim asked The aesthetic debate of what is good artseems t o have been finally settled by a simple opinion him what Richard was and the man replied. T h e peanut on the end.'" poll, "in a survey carried out in Britain to ascertain who was the greatest artist of all time, This certainly seems to be a fair description of each All Star, but did Paul have to do much Rolf Harris won convincingly over Picasso, Rembrandt and Van Gogh. It's one of those convincing t o become what is basically the sex symbol of the group? " N o convincing. They're things," Paul continued, "that is understandable if you adopt the position that humanity is stereotypes based on what are. essentially, our personalities. I think the other two would essentially stupid, poorly educated and backward. disagree with that, and its probably not fair t o say it, but I will because we're breaking up soon "It's all felling apart at the seams when someone like Rolf Harris doesn't just become the and I'll never get another chance." greatest artist of all time, but by a marked majority is the greatest artist of all time," said Paul in a state of mild disbelief. When Lot's asked Paul if he had anything interesting or egotistical to say about 25 Years of Fun he replied, " N o . I think if you've enjoyed us over the years, you will enjoy this show." Conversation moved onto the nature of comedy and the fact that it is not itself an enduring thing. "Comedy is still seen in art circles and rock circles," Paul began, "as a very weak thing to do. It's not like you're in an avant garde rock band doingsomethingworthv^ile for society. You're trying t o make people laugh. "Comedy is still considered, and rightly so, as a secondary form o f a r t Comedy is very momentary," he continued. "You can't look at it in 200 years, like a Rembrandt, and say, That's a keen joke', because its momentary, it has that transience. Lindy Chamberlain jokes So what does the future hold for Paul McDermott? "I'm a bit tired of Comedy," Paul admitted, "I got into it by accident I'd be interested in doing music. There a few musicians around town who I'd like to work with and who seem interested in workingwith me. I'm also doinga little bitof script writing in England for comedy shows. a few years ago were the big thing. N o w if you make a Lindy Chamberlain joke its as if you've been through a time warp for 15 years. Despite an advertised breakup earlier in the year Paul denied any reunion in the future. "I think when we put the Doug Anthony All Stars t o bed, we'll put it t o bed properly." Despite this, comedy Is gaining more and more commercial and popular success against other entertainment art forms. "Comedy has started dominating TV and the music charts and The Doug Anthony All Stars are performing their farewell show, 25 Years of Fun at the pushing into the realm of rock music," argued Paul. Comedy Club from the 18th of October. They can also be heard on Sunday arvos on JjJ during Let's face it," he continued, "rockmusic in all its marvellous forms is quite tired at the moment October. Very little of it is actually stimulating, engrossing or rebellious. The mere fact that Nirvana can knock Michael Jackson off the top of the charts surely indicates, although they are a very fine band, that it is not fringe o r rebellious, but rather the staple diet of teenagers across Interview by Dave Cody America, Australia and Europe. The Doug Anthony All Stars L to R: Tim Ferguson, Paul McDermott Richard Fidler f un • N THE INTERESTS OF FINDING N E W A N D INTERESTING WAYS T O TELL Y O U about new films, Leanne goes undercover with pseudo-celebrity Liam Cody of Toasted Marshmallow fame. Their brief: to watch the world premiere of a critically acclaimed "gothic teen film" FUN, and chat about it in an amusing manner. Unfortunately, Liam had a hangover and Leanne had her unlucky underpants on. The result • The scene: A hurried yet mellow cafe, two long blacks, and the hubbub of city worker's conversation. Leanne: Ok, let's talk about this movie... Liam: FUN, at the Lumiere. Starring Renee Humphrey and Alicia Witt, who was inTvwn Peoks apparently. Leanne: But tell me Liam, what did you think of the movie - you can say something fijnny now. L i a m : Well. I went along hoping for an unhurried piece of fluff, and I was sadly disappointed, because what I got was an interesting and structurally demanding introspective examination of two young women who shared more experiences in one day than more people experience in a lifetime...Now there's a reason for that - most people never murder anyone else in their lifetime, but Bonnie and Hillary do. Leanne: W e should probably explain the structure of the film...It's told as a series of flashbacks from the juvenile detention centre... Liam: it starts as a flashback, and it's Interesting because all the flashbacks are in colour, and it's the reality which is in a black and white cinema verite style. The reality is the present, in prison, where a journalist is trying to write a story on this unusual murder - unusual in that it was motiveless. Their motivation (Bonnie and Hillary) was to have fun. Leanne: It was really interesting that Bonnie pointed out that people only do most things for fun - why do people go bowling? It's a ridiculous thing, but you do it for fun. They just seemed to have a perverse idea of what is fun and amusing. Liam: So it was motiveless in the sense that they didn't set out to murder until just before they did i t Murder was just another one of their pranks for the day. You don't really expect people to kill as a prank But they had reasons to be pretty warped and twisted, both of them. Incest really fucks up a lot of people... Leanne: I'm not going to touch diat one...So, did we enjoy it Liam: Yeah, I think. I give it sbc stars out of seven. Leanne: I give it three stars out of five, because there wasn't enough sex in I L Liam: Yes, one of die issues was the relationship between these girls - was it sexual? Leanne: Well, they'd only knov/n each other for one day... Liam:Yes. but they were obviously physically attracted t o each other... Leanne: Hmmm...So, would you recommend FUN^. Liam: Yeah! I t h o u ^ t it was great I would say yeah, for sure. It's quite challen^ng, It can make you think Leanne: Yep, but not in that embarrassingPump Up The Volume teen angst. let's-go-smokeand listen-to-loud-music way. You don't feel too guilty about being moved to think. Liam: It wasn't really teen angst at all. In many v»Qys they were mindless, and totally thoughtless about what they were doing, so there wasn't any angst in there. Leanne: But there was this angst about their society - the manipulative reporter, the manipulative psychiatrist, the abuse by their parents, the way Bonnie and Hillary were being torn aviray from each other. Liam: The reporter was obviously a device. He played Kevin on Me/rose...He looked a lot spunkier then... A t this point the conversation degenerated into salacious Melrose gossip. However, you get the general gist FUN Is more intense and stylised thanRjver's Edge (even though it lacks Dennis Hopper and Keanu), and with a lot more sweet cred than Pump Up The Volume. It's a film tiiat explores an extremely complex relationship between two apparendy ordinary American teenagers, as well as the horrifying impact of sexual abuse. The performances of Alicia W i t t and Renee Humphrey are astoundingand are captured documentary-style by director Rafal Zielinski. A great disturbing film. Reviewed By Uam Cody and Leanne Raton Written by Leanne (at tast, a tape recorder that works) Paton TheSnaheA &f*rf f pageeight natural bnrn hiliers HIS FILM IS A VISUAL ASSAULT. THE IMAGERY A N D FILM QUALITIES T H A T DIRECTOR Oliver Stone presents form a violent collage. It is a road movie in the very best tradition of road movies; plenty of middle Americans and rednecks meet their maker. The story Nature/Bom Killers was written by Quentin Tarantino; there are a great many guns. In short there are many reasons to see this film! t Oliver Stone has, in the past, been subjected to scathing criticism for his directorial talents and his limited choice in subject matter. This fact had not escaped the critical eye of Joe Queenan when he observed that "Oliver Stone's movies as merely spectacularly obvious, misogynistic buddy films in which people lose important parts of their bodies that already have lots of drugs In them." For Stone, a lot rested on the success of Natural Born Killers - just the future of his career, really. In any measurable sense he has produced a winner; and the film is not set in Vietnam, and it has style! Stone has decided that the use of different film mediums is a legitimate stylistic device, monochrome, colour, super 8 and video, slow motion and time lapse photography, different film exposures. This device w^s used t o good effect in jFK and here Stone has expanded the use of this device, adding animation and chroma-keying (the use of bluescreens to super-impose multiple images into a single scene) to his repertoire. Interesting things can be seen The result is 120 mins of intense visual stimulus. The h ighlight of which Is the ten minute sequence "I Love Mallory" which presents the young Mallory. and her family, in the manner of an archtypal american sit-com, replete with canned laughter. Natural Born Killers Is a disturbing film about two young mass murderers, Mallory and Mickey Knox (|u!liette Lewis and Woody Harrelson). Itadopts a blase, satirical treatment t o the violence inherent within the story. The audience becomes desensitized and Mickey and Mallory are perceived as anti-heroes. They are sympathetic characters despite the offenses they commit against family, lovers and society. It needs to be noted that diey 'come' from violence, in what is rapidly becoming an American tradition violence is perpetrated generationally, from mother/father unto son/daughter. The violence theme is maintained within the examination of the american media and Its facination with, and celebration of, violent crime. Quentin Tarantino offieservo/rDogs and True Romancefamehas received the story crediL To his credit. Stone had optioned the rights toNaturalBorr) Killers beforeReservoir Dogs had even been filmed. Tarantino remains circumspect about the what Natura/ Born Killers became after Stone et al were through writing the screenplay. 'I didn't want to make the movie and I didn't want anyone else to make i t Everyone in the world is trying to get a movie made. I didn't want a movie made and it got made.' (juice, October 1994) Tom Sizemore as a dirty cop, Tommy Lee Jones as a grotty jail warden, and Robert Downey Jr as a sleazy tabloid television host, all provide excellent performances. It is Lewis' and Harrelson's work, however, which attains 'career' status, and carries the film. Lewis In particular is vibrant and charismatic. While comparisons with her role in Kafifomia are inevitable, they are neither relevant nor fair. The camera loves her, and she Is fascinating. The cameo by Rodney Dangerfield as Mallory's father, and first victim, is just great and is another reason to see this film. As for the soundtrack, it Is truly that - a sound recording of the film. The tracks, In the order and versions of the film are Interspersed with much dialogue and other general sounds from the scenes associated with tiiose particular tracks. The film and soundtrack are so similar. In fact, that there Is only 40 minutes (out of 120) worth of film not included on the CD. Trent Reznor (Nine Inch Nails) has done a job well beyond anybody would have expected. His job as producer of the soundtrack went as far as selecting and coordinating all music appearing In the film. The obvious example Is a track called 'Sex is Violent', which accompanies a very memorable sex scene, is Jane's Addiction's 'Ted, Just Admit It'with Diamanda Galas' version of "I Put A Spell O n You' placed very neatly in the middle. The roller-coaster mood of the film Is displayed in the collection of songs which range from Leonar Cohen's deep throated 'Waiting For The Miracle' to Paul Smith's New Yorkpunk'Rock *n' Roll Nigger'to Peter Gabriel's 'Taboo'to The Dogg Pound's 'What Would You Do?" to Bob Dylan's whiny 'You Belong To Me*. The best sign of a great motion picture soundtrack is that you re-live ^ e film each time you listen to it. This occurs with this album. The attitude with which Trent Reznor has approached the soundtrack is evident from Its tide - Natural Born Killers, A Soundtrack for an Oliver Stone ftlm, implying that the soundtrack should be something to accompany and complement the film. The two are not mutually exclusive. Natural Born Killers the film and the soundtrack, are two parts of a whole that has taken full advantage of the potential offered by the motion picture and music industry. It is a whole thatcou Id never be transfered t o print, nor could its full intensity bedescribed accurately. The only true way t o understand the appeal and brilliance of Born Killers is to experience It in its original form. Go and do diat now! ATheSnahe pagenine\&(*^ By M a t t Nicol and]osh Kinal CabaretUerboten C abaret Verboten is a form of dinner and show entertainment that is alien to 1990s Australia Billed as being "cabaret in its most audacious form" and recreating the feel of a Berlinesque Cabaret of the 30s", this reviewer was expecting some grand show with dancing girls and lots of music. What the audience got was something quite different. Cabaret Verboten is not a single show with one theme or story running throughout. Rather it is a Cabaret, aseriesof independent and autonomous sketches and songs which are often somehow linked to one another. Being the fool that I am, it took me quite a while to realise this fact, and consequently, I thought the first act (?) was very disjointed and confusing. The three performers, Belinda Lloyd (who is also creditedas director), Phillip Gleeson and Rainsford (both credited as collaborative directors) sing dance and perform their way through a show which lasts approximately two hours while being backed by two musicians on Piano Accordion, Cello and Double Bass. Much of the performance is very casual and one gets the impression that the performers own personalities are being displayed to the audience. This is especially so of Rainsford as he chats to the audience during his numerous loosely scripted monologues. Cabaret Verboten is a kind of arthouse, stylised 90s version of 30s German Cabaret. It is crude, rude, base, sexy and at times, amusing. Symbolism lurks beneath every moment, but much of this symbolism was lost to me. The music was quite good, as was Gleeson's dancing. Rainfords's monologues were interesting and amusing while Lloyd's singing was strong and sexy. Unfortunately, Lloyd looked often uncomfortable on stage and her acting ability left a lot to be desired. poignancy to the song than any other before. The Queen wedding was amusing and light-hearted while the simulated rape and fellatio scene was laden with meaning, and very effective. Three course dinner is served from 7.30 and is a respectable $28.50 per head including show, The Greek cuisine is very tasty and surprisingly light. The service was inoffensive and efficient. Supper and show from 8.30 is $12.50 per head but I would advise going earlier for the meal, it was really yummy. The lighting and useof effects wasvery interesting, one of the strong points of the show. As with a lot of Cabaret/Revue type shows, some bits were good and some were not. The valued rendition of Rage Against the Machine's 'Killing In The Name' on cello and double bass was excellent. This version gave more meaning and Cabaret Verboten is showing at the Fitzroy Boite every Friday until December. Carrey)is working on. That is, to findthe abducted mascot dolphin for the Dolphin football team beforetheSuperbowl. Ace is hired bythe beautiful, but not very comic, PR lady for the Dolphins to his recently released video, after only average track down the kidnapper. Ace is really the one success at the box-office, is well worth a look. who provides all the laughs in the film. It does lack Ace Ventura: Pet Detectiveis a slapstick comedy a few ingredients such as an all round amusing with laughs for most. There is even an underlying cast. message that we should all be concerned for Ace Venturahas many distinctivecharacteristics. animals a little more. James G Robinson directs He wears an Hawaiian shirt over a Bonds T-Shirt, this slick and colourful movie that is filled with a "Grease" hairstyle, a charming and confident detective music and moves. smile and fluttering eyes. He symbolises "Noah of Ace Ventura: Pet Detective \s based around one the Ark" and places animals at the centre of his particular case that Ace Ventura (played by Jim life. He has an answer for everything. Ace is a likeable character and Carrey plays him flawlessly. He even has some Paul tvlercurio dance movements as he swaggers around. Ace Ventura exaggerates his language, walkand mannerisms to create a unique character. flee yentura: Pet Detectiye T (231 Smith St, Lvl 1, above the adult book shop). Reviewed by Davey Dave. There are some really funny aspects of the film which are not meant to be anything else so do not take them literally. Ace likes the idea of his role and plays it well. There is really not much more that can be said. This is a comedy that has sex, violence, car chases and many animals. You should enjoy it. Reviewed by Anna Pftelps Clear and Present Danger W Jack Ryan is a role tailor-made for Harrison Ford, aheroandapatriot who must battle the established order. A believable and extremely likeable character, he is supported by an impressive cast (including Willem Defoe and James Earl Jones) who provide a complex web of intrigue which can be, at times, somewhat scattered. This is a film about America, not just geographically but socially and politically. The pomp of military ceremonies is juxtaposed with the machinations of back room politics which jeopardises the lives of young Americans. Whilst in another instance this kind of criticism may seem heavy handed. Phi! Noyce manages to subtly imbue the scenes with a pathos which gives Clear and Present Danger another element. hen is the United States Government entitled to act and what form should this action take? In his second realisation of a Tom Clancy novel Phillip Noyce examines the role of the US Government while providing the audience with a first rate action thriller. The title of the film refers to a section of the US law which prohibits the commitment of American military power except in situations where there exists "a clear and present danger to the national security of the United States". Into the corridors of power steps Jack Ryan (Harrison Ford), a CIA analyst promoted to deputy director of intelligence. Immediately he is thrust into a war on drugs which involves everyone from the President to guerillas in the jungles of Colombia. Essentially however, the film is an action thriller spanning two continents. Jackfaces his fair share of dangerous drug lords and narrow escapes, the action sequencesreminiscent of many Indiana Jones escapades. Ultimately of course the good guy must win, but in this post-Reaganite era of political disillusionment the sanctity of the Oval office is fast crumbling with representations such as these. In the tradition of The Hunt for Red October and Patriot Games, Clear and Present Danger combines action thrills with political complications. In this case Phil Noyce has succeeded in both fields, providing his audience with a rewarding cinematic experience. Reviewed by Michelle Wright TheSnahe A , W*, f page ten I remember hearing about Muriel's Wedding when it received some very worthy and deserved critical acclaim at the Cannes Film Festival earlier this year. Its success is no accident. P J Hogan has written and directed a movie that takes the audience through a roller-coaster of emotions. Sometimes one is not sure which emotion is appropriate but you will laugh, cry, pity and admire at one time or another. The cast consists predominantly of successful and familiar Australian actors. All the characters are given a special role and many exaggerated characteristics. Toni Collette plays the title role of frumpy lazy Muriel Hesslop who who develops into a voluptuous and happy woman. Bill Hunter plays her father, a corrupt and selfish businessman responsible for breeding a warren of fat and useless children. Rachel Griffiths is Muriel's best friend Rhonda, whose stoic spirit is highlighted in the second half of the film as troubles replace her life of sex and freedom. However all films are similar in representing one area of Australian life through comedy, music and exaggeration. The movie is based around Muriel's external and internal changes In her pursuit of holy matrimony. However it is far removed from a Cinderella or an Muriel's Wedding invites you to a ninety minute ugly duckling story. Her desire to get married is insight into particular people, places and events to please herself with her day of attention and that have not come to the screenn before. There beauty. She does not seem concerned with are some embarrassing cultural stereotypes. marrying someone she loves and it seems the None of the characters are perfect. They all have romance need only be imagined. We admire that flaws or some pervading tragedy in their lives. Muriel can realise her dreams even if they are There are many surprises in the movie such as shallow. tears and pain. After Crocodile Dundee. Strictly The cast are outstanding even if their characters Ballroom, or Pr/sc///athis really comes as a shock. are a little overdrawn and ugly. The script is lively, A rnie's never been the same since he went from being The Big German Guy With The Funny Accent to a fully paid up member of Hollywood's aristocracy. Becoming life member of the Republican Party didn't help, nor did his penchant for wearing Hawaiian shirts. In True/-/es.thisArnie paradox is again exposed; whenever he plays himself (rather than a passionless cyborg - although it can be difficult to differentiate between these roles), you can't AlheSnahe iem^tit^^ C^^J rmms help feeling he's taking the piss out of himself. He makes jokes at his own expense, drops oneliners that make you groan, and his pacy, actionpacked films self-consciously resemble one another, and those' of the broader actionadventure genre in general. True l/es takes this tendency to new limits: it is essentially a collage of other films, held together by the glue of Schwarzennegger's undeniably enormous personality (or at least his undeniably enormous body). The film begins with the action sequences, gadgets and plot of a James Bond, whose cool spy/secret-agent character Arnie resembles, then becomes bogged down in a jealous husband amusing and surprising. The strong representation of suburban Australia is a little embarrassing, but portrayed sympathetically. The mise-en-scene includes great Abba music and glarey but not too tacky scenes. Things do move very quickly in the second half and it is not always explained why. Some of Muriel's success seems to appear without effort and some people appear without explanation. Overall Muriel's Wedding\s energetic, honest and a comedy that has to be believed, and so it should be, as everybody is invited to Muriel's Weddingt Reviewed by Anna Phelps routinereminiscentofnoneotherthan0eiv/fc/)ec/. This process reaches a climax when wife Jamie Lee Curtis remarks "I married Rambo"; Arnie displays all the improbable indestructability of that character, in several scenes remarkably reminiscent of said film. If you can suspend all belief for about two hours, True Lies is reasonable light entertainment. It is also quite funny, even if I did laugh at all the inadvertent cliches, as well as the intentional gags. It is (worryingly) more plausible thanSpeed, and also has better special-effects, although it is hard to justify the $US 100 million+ budget. Reviewed by Winston Todd fHonsteroRGd] T he most frequently heard cry at the release of REM's 1992 a\bumAutomatic-For ThePeople was "they've sold out completely". This has been a continual problem ever since the band made the big label change from IRS to Warner Bros. (especiallywith'Shiny Happy People')Thisalbum, Monster, shouldfinally leave those die-hardR.E.M. fans at ease with the knowledge that the band have always been doing exactly what they chose to do, and if their music became popular, then that was due to a shift in the definition of popular music. UJelconiB to Shy Ualley»Kyuss T his is pure musical bliss, it is not often that an album of this magnitude will come along. S/<y Valley is a symphony of musical genius, and I mean that literally. It is hard to imagine that what comes out of this CD is the product of just four guys. Kyuss, an amalgamation of sounds of Black Sabbath, Iron Butterfly, Hawkwind, and, on this album especially, Pink Floyd, have created a masterpiece. The trip to Sky Valley is set out in three movements, each consisting of three or tour songs, so that you can't skip through a particular song. The whole album flows on so well, from the opening lines of 'Gardenia' you Monster, to compare it to other REM albums, is know that this is a ride you'll never forget. most like the material they were releasing during Kyuss came to prominence in Australia in 1992 their career with IRS That is to say, it is heavily when their second album Blues for the Red Sun guitar based, without a string quartet in sight. The was released. More importantly, was when in lyrics are indecipherable andthe tunesare simple 1993 they came out here to support Metallica without being obvious. Monster is an R.E.M. and absolutely wiped the floor with them. I don't album saying "we never really went away, we think anyone who saw them live will ever forget it, were just hiding", the anger, the energy. By now you should have all heard the first single 'What's The Frequency, Kenneth?' and have realised that the distorted guitar and vocals make the song, because the song itself is nothing overly innovative. Scott Litt, REM's producer in residence, has definitely been very influential (or at least more than usual) in the recording of Monster. No doubt he has been, himself, heavily influenced by his recent(ish) work with Nirvana, realised that the distorted guitar and vocals make the song, because the song itself is nothing overly innovative. Scott Litt, REM's producer in residence, has definitely been very influential (or at least more than usual) in the recording of Monster. No doubt he has been, himself, heavily influenced by his recent(ish) work with Nirvana, and so has incorporated "tricks" he has learnt elsewhere into his "routine". Reviewed by Josh Kinal llJe m\\\ alone« exploding lUhite mice E ver since seeing the classic B-grade movie Rock 'n' Roll High School starring the Ramones, I've been meaning to see this South Australian band on one of their many tours to Melbourne. What's the connection? Well, in the movie, there is a fantastic scene where the mad principal of the school, in her attempt to ban rock and roll music and to show what a danger it is to society, places a couple of white mice in a glass case, and plays music to them at an ever increasing volume. Measuring the volume on her 'Rockometer', we see it rise from the level of Donnie and Marie Osmond, through to the Rolling Stones and the Who, until finally, at the top of the meter, we see that the music reaches the volume of the Ramones, at which point the mice in the cage explode - hence the name "Exploding White Mice." Blues... is a magnificent album. Sky Valley is 500% better! Each one of the movements works superbly. For me, my personal favourite, is the second movement, made up of '100','Space Cadet'and'Demon Cleaner'but the whole album Is mesmerising. Buy the album now, put the CD in and follow the instructions on the sleeve "listen without distraction." Reviewed by Brett Peebles Sleeps (iiith angels «lleilVoQng and Crazy Horse T he new Neil Young and Crazy Horse album, Sleeps With Angels, is a lot like so many of their other albums in that it is astounding. It is astounding that Neil Young has been around for so long and is still at the forefront of modern music. It is astounding that Neil Young has been around for so long and his voice still sounds like it did 25 years ago. It is astounding that he has been around for so long and still produces albums with some sort of cynical commentary on our society. I can definitely see the link with the Ramones. This is yet another album designed to appeal to the 16-17 year old age group - vaguely thrashy, but with catchy, poppy melodies. Definitely in the genre of the Meanies, Ramones and All. Nothing noteworthy. All the songs sound vaguely similar - not that that is necessarily a criticism. They do seem to have a lot of energy, and manage to sustain it quite well throughout the entire album, and I imagine they would be a lot of fun to dance to at a gig. But they don't strike me as being anything particularly special - nothing stands out as a classic hit. There are, however, a couple of things that make them stand out from ordinary punk rock bands, which do make them one of the better bands producing this kind of music. Firstly they have two singers who both appear to be able of sustaining not only melody, but also a harmony and they use this to full effect throughout the The album has a lulluby theme to its sounds, but by no means does it send the listener to sleep. On the contrary, with the passing of every lyric the listener is increasingly attentive, eagerto hear the next social comment or metaphor for our bleak existence. The album, however, is by no means a "doomsday" album, which is what makes it so good. It manages to make all of these ideas known to the listener, but the only comment it seems to be making is "live with it". If you were previously unintroduced to Neil Young and Crazy Horse, thenS/eeps WithAngelsmakes the perfect introduction, which will no doubt get you hooked. Reviewed by Josh^Kinal album. The lead singer's voice is not overly impressive - perhaps a little light weight - but at least he can hold your interest. And the melodies are also fairly catchy, whilst maintaining a harder edge. Sort of like a cross between the Ramones and Rat Cat. Most of the songs are about how much they hate the world, and how horrible life is. They're not bad , but don't really seem to fit the music. It seems a little incongruous to be singing lines like "Contemplating suicidal thoughts of you and me; at least one thing's free" in a jangly poppy voice, over the sound of whirring guitars. The lyrics seem a little more suited to someone like Henry Rollins than to this band. Oh and one more thing. For some reason, despite the inclusion of 12 distinct tracks, there is in fact only one 32 minute track according to my CD player. This can be damn annoying. Reviewed by Jamie Walvisch Hyliefllinogiie«KyliefIlinogije C onfide in Me' is Kylie Minogue's latest single, and I really like it. It's very different to what she has done before - funkier, sexier and more mature. Unfortunately, the rest of the album is a bit of a disappointment. It is much more mellow than we are usedto Kylie, and soundsdisturbingly similar throughout (with the exception of 'Confide in Me'), and is a bit boring on the first listen. It is, however, slowly beginning to grow on me. The single, while easily the best song on the album, is areal exampleof what is to follow. Along with the new image and un-boppy songs, it is a distinct move away from her previous musical style, but seems to be just trying to prove that Kylie is mature now, and can sing, rather than giving her audience a good time. The new songs may be more professional, but they are less fun. Many comparisons have been made recently between Kylie and I^adonna, and rightly so, with their image changes, their 'portrait style' books (Madonna's Sex for sale, Kylie's eligible to be won by purchasers of the CD) and media hype. 'Confide in Me' may be very similar to Madonna's new single, but the rest of the album is nothing like her: more Lisa Stansfield or Margaret Uriich. The last few songs on the CD are more impressive than the earlier, with the beat improving and the tunes more sing-able, 'Where has the Love Gone' being my personal second favourite. This album will not feature much on the dance floor. Reviewed by Caroline Gaylard Urban Discipline "Biohdzard T his release from Biohazard, prior to their signing to Warner Records, on Roadrunner records gives you a taste of the diversity of music being thrown at us. This group of four heavily tattooed, long haired louts play with aggression, attitude, and speed. They combine music based on hardcore/metal and vocals almost in the hardcore/rap genre. Not much can be said about this album. If you're into this style of music, which I am, you need to listen to it to appreciate it. The only criticism I have is that it's a little slowfor my liking, and the production has let them down slightly. Most songs are written by Biohazard apart from 'We're Only Gonna Die' written by Grey Graffin of Bad Religion. These whiteboys from New York do pretty well for themselves. Two live tracks, 'Shades of Grey' and 'Punishment' are better than the studio versions. These probably make the album but it's good for a thrash. Reviewed by Joel Tyndall fHo'lllldth* Blues Explosion E lvis is alive and has just toured Melbourne. He's changed his name to Jon Spencer, and he's finally learnt how to play good music - but it's still Elvis. Or so it seems. With the same rumbling deep tones, and the same amount of sex appeal it's easy to see that the King is one of the major influences on this band. Don't get me wrong though. This is not some 50s retro rock and roll band. This is definitely a band of the 90s - and an amazing one at that. When I first listened to this album, I was a little sceptical. Despite some cool, funky moments it sounded a little like experimental jazz to me - the kind that is an experience, but very difficult to say if you actually enjoyed it. But I persisted, and listened to it a few more times, and it began to grow on me. After listening to it a few more times, I realised that I had a gem in front of me - one of the better albums of the year. From the funky, organ backed first track, Jon Spencer never lets up through this entire album. The music has a definite blues feeling, but it is healthily revised and injected with raw energy, the result being what can best be summarised by the name of the band - a blues explosion. Tracks such as 'Afro', 'Memphis Soul Typecast' and 'Ole Man Trouble', a cover of an Otis Reding song, are funk rock at its best. With Jon Spencer singing in his Elvis-like rumble, they inspire you to slink around the house, swaying in time to the music. Some of the other tracks don't work quite as well, such as'WetCat Blues', which isabitexperimental for my liking. But when the band gets going, there's nothing like it. A typical song may start with Spencer singing in a creepy falsetto, accompanied by an eerie, discordant harmonica, and aslowly ticking guitar, the feeling of expectation slowly building up so that you can hardly wait for what you know is coming. When it eventually does come, you are not let down. Huge crashing blues chords, and instruments you can't even recognise wailing in the background, accompanied by the sound of the vocalist screaming wildly, leaving you exhausted and pausing for breath as the music suddenly cuts out, only to come back again two seconds later at an even more frenetic pace. The album may be difficult to enjoy at first, but if you listen to it enough, you won't be disappointed. It's quite an experience. Reviewed by Jamie Walvisch strays ® Junhhouse T he opening riff from their first single 'Out of My Head' is used in a Triple J station promo. Says a lot really. This four-piece band from the industrial town of Hamilton, Canada have produced an albumthat will probably feel right at home on the playlist of our erstwhile 'youth network'. Sfraysis the first release for Junkhouse, and contains lots of slow, ponderous songs that explore spiritual and social themes. Their sound is described in the press release as "swampified boogie", but most of the tracks on this album make this a misnomer. This is an acoustic oriented album, and the sound is certainly swamp. But boogie it ain't. Lead woop and walioperTom Wilson gives Strays a certain J J Cale feel, but this isn't carried through by the rather pedestrian guitar work. Interesting percussion sounds (such as glass bottles and sticks) offer some distinction, as do the rather thought provoking lyrics (if you go for that spiritual angst kind of thing). Strays is a competent album, but it just doesn't capture your attention. It would make an OK soundtrack to one of those quasi-spiritual road movies. Music to walk the dog to (Josh said that). Reviewed by Leanne Paton Uleezer'lDeezer World has turned and left me here' is a lost love song with original lyrics and massive climax, forth song 'Buddy Holly' is a poppy Ramones-like eezer's self-titled debut album comes on buzzsaw tune with more great lyrics ("what's with like a collection of singles, any of the ten these homies dissin' my gurl" sung falsetto is truly tracks on this album could have been released to classic). 'Say it ain't so' starts with a reggae beat become that song that you can't stop singing. As and builds into a Boston style stadium rocker, it is, the first single, the anthemic 'Undone - the and 'In the garage' is a proud declaration of their Sweater song' has hooks large enough to catch pimply origins with references to Dungeons and a whale. A drunken riff winds its way through a Dragons and Kiss. college party and builds into a cruncher of a song set off with some great vocal harmonies. This is an album that is difficult to pick stand out tracks from, but for the sake of turning this review into a As much as I hate to use media buzzwords (they fruitful exercise I'll try. The opening song 'My are so much pseudointellectual laxative for lazy name is Jonas' has a rolling acoustic start and minds), Weezer is bound to be classified as the becomes a real bone crusher. Third track 'The quintessential slacker band because of their W Carniual of Light* Ride with a neat understated guitar solo. Other stand out tracks arethe previously mentioned'Birdman' (a great trip song to ride the gossamer wings of ide's new album Carnival Of Light marks a Mary Jane upon); 'How Does It Feel to Feel?', a new phase in their musical development, tune that harks back to the earlier days of Smile (1990), and the crystalline instrumental 'Rolling seeing them depart from extended interstellar Thunder'. The last track 'I Don't Know where it feedback soundscapes to enter the domain of Comes From' is dubious pastiche of the Rolling the song. They are still the quintessential guitar Stones classic 'You Can't Always Get What You band though, and the giant psychedelic jams are ever present, such as the first single 'Birdman', Want' and leaves me feeling slightly uneasy. but the tone of this album seems lighter and cleaner. The opening track 'Moonlight Medicine' Most critics see the' absence of feedback and begins with a crunching riff and builds into an distortion abuse as "maturation", but I can't help early Floyd-like mini epic with some great vocal feeling nostalgic for a bit of eardrum piercing. harmonies and insistent strings. The second The inclusion of strings and Hammond organ are track '1000 Miles' has some nice acoustic work nice touches that soften the sound without and the fifth track 'Only Now' is a gentle ballad becoming bland and the vocal harmonies of R playfully ironic musical and lyrical references to popular culture (a sense of humour and self parody in other words). If you're a sucker for the quiet/loud sound with fantastic vocal harmonies, then you'll probably blowyour speakers and sing yourself hoarse listening to this album. Produced by, of all people, Chris Ocasek of The Cars, this is really an incredible debut, and might prove to be a hard act to follow. There are rumours of a forthcoming tour, and it promises to be one huge sing and air-guitar-a-long. Reviewed by Chris White Mark Gardener and Andy Bell are as smooth as honey. If there is one real weakness on this album it is the lyrics, eg 'Crown of Creation', 'I wanna be your relation/I'm getting off at your station'. Still, the nostalgia won't go away, and I hope that their impending live show at the end of the year will be just as incendiary as the 1992 gig at the Palace when they blew the roof off with songs from Going Blank Again (1992), the classic Nowhere (1990) and Sm//e. Carnival Of Light could possibly see them crossover, but hopefully not at the expense of the guitar junkies that they've been feeding tor the last five or six years. Reviewed by Chris White Pool ^mm^m^^^a^m^mi P ool is a novel about a Hollywood actor who is supposedly so famous that everyone thinks that he. and not Tom Cruise, was in Top Gun. His name is Emery Roberts and he has just walked off the set of his latest multi-million dollar movie. No one knows why he has called it quits, including himself, and the story is based around his retreat with a few of the film crew and hangers-on to a farmhouse out in the middle of nowhere. Unfortunately, this Hollywood novel does not have much to recommend itself. The main character is the most unlikable, unexciting and uninteresting protagonist that I have ever had the misfor- Romeo of the UnderiDorld R omeo of l/ie Underworld is the "30-somethings"' answer to the questions and eyebrows raised by such works as Noture Strip and Praise. Whereas these other novels deal with the blackness of existence, Romeo deals with the blackness of emotions, and the soul destroying journey that one deals with when faced with building a new reality. Set mainly in Brisbane, the reader is introduced to another side ofthis capital ofthe Sunshine State. A side that has visible signs of poverty, one with no hope. Into this darker side of life enters Romeo, a Sicilienne- tune to read about His only characteristic of any interest is his incredible good looks, and since this is a novel this really doesn't save the reader from dying a slow death of boredon'i whatsoever. The title of the book is derived from one of the charaaer's attempts to create for himself that essential Hollywood item - an inground pool. For the majority ofthe book he works at digging himself a huge pit in the ground, and attempt\s to beg, cajole, and blackmail the other disinterested Hollywood rejects into helping. But his ridiculous aspirations, like those ofthe book, are ultimately futile. Sydneyite, back in Brisbane after nearly twenty years of trying to build a life in Bondi. He returns to house sit for a childhood friend, and believes that Brisbane holds his salvation, a way to a better life. Romeo attempts to achieve this by finding his one true love, who he believes is his last and only chance at happiness. What follows is a story containing fabulous imagery, real language and characters that one would find at any bus stop, pub, or street corner. Forever falling back into Romeo's reminiscences of the past, Armanno treats us to a lost world, that of the teenager in the 1970s. One who is trying to find himself amongst that ARE YOU GETTING YOUR SHARE ofthe Bookshop Brilliant Bargains? Stop in and check the price comparisons we have done with other University Bookshops. Monash University Bookshop 905-3111 I suspect that this portrait of the young Hollywood crowd may be quite accurate with their superficiality, namedropping, drug and alcohol abuse as well as gross materialism. But why should we have to suffer the interminable boredom of having to endure their shallow and vacuous lives ! So my advice is, unless you're planning to become a vacuous Hollywood movie star and want some pointers on how to annoy the hell out of everyone else, then you're much better off leading your own boring life than reading about the lives of those in Pool. Reviewed by Angela Crocombe era of free love and even then, lost values. We see how history has a funny way of repeating itself and having the last laugh at us. Romeo ofthe Underworld is a love story with a difference. It tells of the belief in true love, what love can do to a friendship, and that eventually, you can let go. All in all an excellent book and a definite must have for not just the study avoiders. Romeo ofthe Underworld. Venero Armanno. Picador. (Also by die same author The Lone^ Hunter and Jumping at the Moon) Reviewed by Thea Baker A N U Neuroscience Why aren't you studying Neuroscience with more than 100 research staff in one or more of these topics? Computational Neuroscience Developmental Neurobiology Neuropharmacology Membrane Biophysics Auditory Physiology Visual Sciences Neurophysiology Neuroethoiogy Undergraduate, Graduate Diploma I Honours year, fA.Sc. and Ph.D. Courses The Australian National University's Neuroscience Program offers training in Neuroscience with access to world-class facilities. Students may worl< in thie Departments of Chemistry, Psychology or Zoology, or in the John Curtin School of f^edical Research, or in the Research Schools of Biological or Physical and Engineering Sciences. ANU Scholarships are available at the (u1.Sc. and Ph.D. levels. Ph.D. students at other institutions may obtain support to study part-time at the ANU. For further information contact: Tel ; (06) 249 4099 Fax : (06) 249 3808 G-mail: nsconv@tife.edu.au Dr. T. fuladdess, Convener, Neuroscience Graduate Program R.S.B.S, A.N.U, GPO Box 475 Canberra A.C.T. 2601 Spot the DiFfereTice There are twenty tbree subtle differences between the two photo graphs below. Can You pick all twenty three differences? ^Snadccatc S^tn&emteHt.,. w%i Mark Jeanes Many final year students are about to finish their last exams. Ttiey graduate early next year. What's it IJI<e? IVIarl< Jeanes gives some reflections on graduation and offers some sage advice. Graduation is exactly as you have been told. It is the most exciting thing you can do if you haven't ever done anything. First things first. Graduation costs money. If Mummy and Daddy show signs of being a bit proud of you, try asking them to cough up. The $45 will pay for the hire of your academic dress, your ticket and two guest tickets. You can request extra tickets, but you won't know if there are any spare ones until you actually receive them a week before the big night. So don't promise a ticket to your sensitive boyfriend or girlfriend if she/he is likely to do a Kurt C. when there are not enough seats to go around. You'll receive the tickets in the mail with a funny sheet of paper which gives guidelines on how to tjehave during the ceremony. It tells the men when to remove and replace their mortar-twards. It tells the women when to curtsy. It even tells you when to "doff your bonnef. w w used gown, cape and mortar-board. (If you don't want to give them $50, they'll accept your driver's licence but don't tell them I told you.) Bring some insecticide if you are ooncemed about the nits in the hired headwear. At this point, I'd like to tell you about Mai Logan, our Vice-Chancellor. He belches a lot. You can see him burping regularly in his big chair while on stage. Make sure you watch and enjoy. Onto the ceremony and you are officially a "graduand". From what I can gather, "graduand" is a nifty little term used to describe those who have stopped being students, but haven't started being graduates. The point of transition arrives somewhere in the ceremony. Once the ceremony has started, the key word is patience. The whole process is very long and tedious. You don't realise just how many graduates Monash chums out until you go to one of these things. Being a university student can feel so special until graduation when special person after special person parade across the stage. There will be hundreds of you. Very soon, you will feel about as special as a table-spoon. The graduands sit away from the pleb relatives and friends. You'll probably be seated next to someone from your course that you hate. Oryou might end up next to that awkwardly familiar person whose name you can't remember (refer to the graduation list forhelp). You will definitelynotbe seated with a friend or someone you feel ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ com' fort^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ able Mil Don't make the mistake of trying to shake the Chancellor's hand. He'll probably look at you as if to say, 'You don't deserve this degree because you'vejustwatched scores of other graduands before and you still haven't realised that you are not supposed to shake my wonderful hand. Get off the stage you stupid git." Just doff (God I love that word) respectfully and he'll return the most surprisingly sincere smile of congratulation. I'm sure he practices that smile in tied at night it's just too genuine. I lovethe idea of "doffing" your txinnet. I must confess that I had no idea of what it means. (Weil, I had one idea, but the thought of being intimate with my graduation cap in front of hundreds of people would probably have landed me into trouble with Grandma.) The mail-out will also includeglossy samples of photography done by the three companies who will compete to take your happy-snaps on the night. There will also be a surprising array of advertising for graduation videos, degree framing, and (getthisljgracfuafonnngs. So much to buy! There ought to be a separate economic sector just for graduation souvenirs/junk. As the night approaches, don't bother telling your friends and/or relatives to get there early to get a good seat because they will all fall asleep during the ceremony anyway. But you definitely should get there early - the queues for academic dress are not short. On my night, the queues were so long that I nearly started asking about credit-points because I thought I was back at enrolment. You will pay a $50 deposit in exchange for a very diately into your'dream' job and almost any position will offer you the chance to leam work, rather than study skills and to build up a work history. When you are studying it is easy to feel that you will end up as a professional student, but before you know it, your course does finish and the earlier you can start thinking about planning for what you might do, the more options will be open to you. Anonymous Current Occupation: Managing Director of own consulting business. Job Description: My main responsibility is to keep a small business, viable in extremely difficult economic times and other business conditions. In addition to myself, there are five full time and one part time person employed in our company. To maintain the company and grow it through totally uncertain decision making processes of govemment (particularly federal) demands most of my time instead of applying my techni- Alphabetical just doesn't that. More than be seated next to friend or ex-boywished you hadn't fore. When it comes to your turn, at least look confident. Doff your bonnet according to the funny sheet of paper in the mail. Women, curtsy if you want to - i wouldn't if I were a woman, but we're not discussing feminism here. Whateveryou do, don't trip up on the steps. That would be social death. order work like likely, you'll your ex-girlfriend who you doffed the night be- The massive pipe-organ will play for ages and then the Official Procession will enter the hall along a platform high up on the wall. The Vir-" Chancellor, The Chancellor and others will all descend like angels from Academic Heaven, resplendent in their most ridiculous garish dresses. Actually, a couple of the older blokes looked so old and frail under the heavy robes that I nearly applauded when they made it to the stage without collapsing. cal expertise to the business. What degree did you graduate in: Masters of Management How do you obtain your current employment: I was already self employed during the course. What advise would you give students: Over recent times we have interviewed people for various positions and would like to offer the following guidance to job seekers based in our experience of those who have responded to advertisements: Presentation You have less than one minute from, the time you enter the interview to stand a chance of getting on the short list. The first impression you make in this short time about your professional image In critical. Our customers are expecting a professional image from our company, so it is important that we can gauge how the person would appear to our customers. Clothes, personal grooming and self-confidence must reflect someone who has the potential to make a good impression At the end of the ceremony, you will get to follow the Official Procession up the big ramp. That's pretty cool, butthe fossils upthefrontwill make the going slow. And Mai might stop to fart. But you are notagraduate yet. Oh no. The ordeal hasn't quite finished. Outside, Aunt Maude will want to take some happy-snaps. Tell her "forget it" and get her saggy butt over to the Union Building as quickly as you can. You must tie the first in line for the real photographers. OthenA/ise, you could be waiting for up to an hour. Once you've finished with the photographers, degree framers and ring-fitters, only then are you a graduate of Monash University. You'll find the beers in the Main Dining Room upstairs. Enjoy. Congratulations. to our customers. Everyone in our company is in sales irrespective of their function. People Skills The ability to get on with people is absolutely key. A person with high technical skills and poor people skills is unlikely to have an advantage over someone with lower technical skills but higher people skills. We ask ourselves this basic question: "Can this person fit into the culture of our company and client base?" Commonsense/lnitiative A commonsense understanding about the business. It you are not sure, find out about the company before the interview. In our case we would welcome people who have applied for a position to request some very basic information about the company. Who are we, what do we do, who are our customers, are we a big or small company, etc? Asking for details such as balance sheets etc are a waste of time as they won't be given out. Be proactive and assertive, and demonstrate initiative to get involved. Ic^s \me Edition 16 V wkat Offends opinion and diatribe from Sam Lewis ... the Tlflasked Offender rlacker, tills absolutely gorgeous young lady comes .slinking out of the bushes towards me. Well, let me tell you, I was stunned, and not to say a little finned by the whole tiling. Anyway, she slides over to me, starts stroking my hair, massaging my nipples, running her hand down my torso, lower and lower and lower It was faaaaaannnntaastic. Then 1 woke up. I'd faQen asleep in the sun. The rather plejusant, nay, incredibly pleasurable sensations I was experiencing were not in any way traceable to the loverly young lady in question. There was another reason. My dog was licking my balls. It liked the nice salty taste. Nnnnnnnnnnyyyyyyuuuuurmgggggghhhhhh. Nrirmriririnnrirmooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhh. Right. Listen. I've got a joke. What's the difference between a right-to-life demonstrator physically harassing some poor young women coming out of an abortion clinic, and a screaming crazed Nazi flaying the skin off a small child's back? Give Up? BUGGER ALL I HATE PEOPLE LIKE THAT, THEY OFFEND. BIG-TIME. You must be fucking joking. If you believe that, then you'd Inelieve that the female cast of Models Inc aren't all sucking down 300 laxatives a day and shitting pure mineral water. You snipid great COCK. This is it, my last chance, my last desperate ditch to bring to you, the fine, intelligent, sexy, crazy, smelly, rosycheeked, firm-thighed and taut-buttocked people of Monash; what tnily-ruly, honest-to-god, no-shit-I'mserious-if-I-lie-may-god-piace-my-nuts-in-an-industrialvice-and-crush-them-to-powder.. .offends. Trying to have sex with goats offends, trying to have sex witli any animal offends really, trying to have sex with animals, fucking it up, and injuring yourself in a fairly serious way, and looking like a complete arse, offends. Believe me. Being caught mastuibating beliind one of the manneAlright, alright this is it. Thefinalbumper bonus bonanza quins in a lingerie shop offends an extraordinary amount. edition of "the things that offend". My final opportunity In fact, catching your uncle, furiously beating away with to really cut to the chase, pull up m'socks, blow m'nose, a barbie doll up his arse and a porno taped to his shoot to kill, and go for the throat. forehead really offends a hell of a lot too. This time... I mean it. Flicking 'V signs at a policeman's back, being caught, and then being gratuitously shot in the head 37 times coz, like, he thought the V signs were a loaded weapon, I was thinking that maybe I'd provide you, the loverly, offends like a screaming crazy thing. and somewhat moist, public, with a super list of the top Labia piercing offends, believe it or not. Also, mming up 40 most offensive things of all time. to a party, meeting a really gorgeous girlie, trying to impress her, and then, when she asks you what you do Then 1 realised that no-one's had a crapper idea than that for a living, having to say, "Oh well actuaUy, I'm a labia since Mr and Mrs Kennett decided they'd love to have piercer. Funny old world ain't it"; that offends. Trying to another child, a boy perhaps, he could go into poliUcs have sex with an animal, and being totally unsuccessful coz it turns you down, that offends. maybe, and one day, well you never know... Instead, I'm going to leave you with my swan song. Not perhaps the funniest, not perhaps the cleverest, not perhaps even the most cutting, but instead, the very essence of how, why and to .serve what purpose that I have seen fit to grace the pages of this rag with my prophetic prose. Yeah... Sure... Like fuck I am. ^ 5 ^ I Tuesday 18th October 1994 Another thing that offends is having a fantastic shag, going away at it like a crazed baboon, having an orgasm, and inadvertently making a noise like a high power steam whistle when you come, and thus waking the entire house and indeed most of tlie subuib. Let me tell you a little story. The other day I was sitting, naked in my garden (as is my wont), on a more than comfy banana lounge, the sun was beating down, I was feeling a little lethargic and dozy when, all of a sudden, totally out of tlie blue, and with less warning than a baby .suddenly dropping out of your Telling someone that a nun paid you $50 to shag her doggy-style, and that person actually believing you, for some time, that offends. And amuses. There's another thing that offends. You. The general public offend in a big way. People who believe that paying Tax is not a vital and important part of our duty to society, and an attempt to reverse the imbalance of our society, offend. People who believe that homosexuality is some kind of disease and that gay people should be ridiculed and hated, offend. People who believe that other people with different coloured skin are strange and fundamentally different or inferior to white people offend, as do people who believe that Aboriginal people who try and claim some small part of the land back tliat the settlers .stole from them and murdered them for, offend. People who honestly believe that cars speeding around Albert Park at upwards of 300kph is in any way a good thing offend. Lots and lots of things really offend, that we can do very little about. All tliat we can do, is have a voice, be heard, makea stand for what you thinkteright rather than just complaining when its too late. Wt^re the X Generation, confused, alienated, bombarded from all sides by TV dinners, fast food, crazy music, sicko films, removed and unassailable politicians, we have an unceitain fiiture, an unappealing past, we have no identity and no soul. We can only grasp flashes of meaning from the occasional rewarding encounter with others or moments of peace on the beach at St Kilda. Cherish the good tilings, shout about the bad things, and above all, maintain the offence. I will leave you with a couple of my favourite things that offend. Hairy black spiders crawling out of your underwear just as you put it on offends, being in the water within a 2000 kilometre radius of a shark that could swallow you whole offends, being on a ferry with 899 other innocent mothers and fathers, sons and daughters, and having some stupid arse, not close the back door properly, really Ol'FENDS. But to finish I'm going to leave you with the ultimate, the honific, the most disgusting thing that offends in the entire kno'wn Universe; what offends is . . . ^j'.^JJiJi?i"iJj^JiJliJ[jJli!PB Goodbye Wayne and Hugh, Hello Virge and Ian S omeone famous (andprobablydead) once Road and Chapel Street. Wayne should have The Don King award for blatant self-promo- said 'parting is such sweet sorrow'. 'Tis got off his Ps seven months ago but acciden- tion: true, the end is near and we are facing the final tally did forty kilometres over the speed limit in The 1994 Lot's Wife editors curtain - in the form of the exclusions commit- front of a Police station and lost his licence - tee. Wayne and Hugh have used every excuse those fascist Police would not believe my story The Geelong Football O u b award for second- we could think of to stay in this imiversity, that my speedo only went up to one hundred best column in Lot's Wife. includingseventeen deaths in the family, eight and thirty so I did not know how fast I was "What Offends'—Sam Lewis religions conversions and four changes in going. Wayne copped it sweet (so to speak). sexual preferences. We think they are on to us. Being a fully licensed driver Wayne would like The Fuck You, Fuck You Very Much award Tears do not work any more, we cannot afford to say to all P platers - keep out of my way you goes to those insidious people responsible for the brown paper bag option and to actually fucking P plate scum. the VSU legislation pass subjects - at this late stage - don't be ridiculous. The good news is that Wayne and Hugh's litde brothers, Ian and Virgil, are going to be first years next year and we have Wayne and Hugh would now like to present their Inaugural Annual Legends and Losers Awards- ^ ^ ^ " ° ^ " ' " ^ " ^ " ^ ^ f^"" ^ * ^ '°^ cockswhofadedtogetcompletelyschlargered ^ ' ^^ ^\m3. Park, O-Week Union Night, The Princess Diana awardformarryingaweirdo and consequendy monopolising the cover of And finally... conried them into continuing the Kerr and Jorgen joumalisdc tradition. In the second 'Australian movie review that does not feature Jack Thompson' Hugh and Mrs Hugh ventured into Compton of Victoria - Dandenong to see Muriel's Wedding. Hugh would have had more fim at Uncle Alf and AuntVera's wedding in Tyabb in 1963 when all the beer ran out, the bride was in labour and the speech was made by a sheep. Hugh would The Perpetual Eternal Undetp^ads Awards for every women's m ^ a z i n e in Australia: 1994s greatest c o n t r i b u t i o n to eternal Lisa-Marie Presley undergraduateness: The Bernard King award for handiwork with a kitchen knife: Lorena Bobbit you can remember it, you weren 't there.' TheArthiu-Tunstallawardforwinningfriends and influencing people: The Monash Parking Inspectors could. Pass on what you have got from us The MAS Activities mob for Green Week Seven - 'If Goodbye, we loved you all, or as many as we (except that nasty rash) and most of all, remember . . . Use the Force. have had more fUn watching the time change on that ridiculous sundial on the wall outside The Pierre Cardin award for best use of a Love, the Cellar Room. Hugh would have had more shoelace as a fashion accessory: Wayne Kerr and Hugh Jorgen fun watching this year's fucking AFL Grand The Komer KoUective The Eternal Undeigrads Final! It should have been a shotgun wedding so someone could have shot that annoying person who played Muriel (and the rest of the cast, if there were any bullets left over). It was however, good for an Australian movie. One fist (in the groin of that stupid South African who marries herl) A great moment occurred for Wayne over the break - a coming of age moment for every Victorian - the ceremonial coming off of the P plate. Common opinion says that 'P' stands for probationary but as any o ther P plater knows it actually stands for 'please run my P plate arse off the road because I am a P plate scum.' Yes, that's right, P platers are a much maligned species - stopped at every occasion by members of the constabulary and breathalysed so much that quite often they are left short of breath. The only benefit is the fact diat P platers always check out otlier P platers at traffic lights-so Wayne is diinking of reapplying his plates when he goes driving dovm Toorak Wayne & Hugh being told that they do not measure up to the standard at Monash Ljofs W«e Edition 16 '® DON] M : RE The Toasted Marshmallows Exams are looming. As usual, your life Ls just getting interesting. To help Instead of examining the topic on a purely numerical basis, it should as Zonk you party harder, don't bother reading boring lecture notes. Just learn says, be looked at side-ways. When one does this, and dissects the essay topic the Toasted Marshmallows' all-purpose exam answers, copy them out in into each of its parts, one can see that die proposition stated is often, but not your exams, and hit the Nott early. You are guaranteed to pass.* always, true. * Guarantee only effective where pre-exam tests have taken your results The Multiple Choice Answer above 50%, and you don't get caught cheating. This answer works for any multiple choice question in any subject in any faculty (except where there are only two choices • if you get one of these, The Essay Answer (400 words) choose A and pray it's right.) This answer works for any essay topic in any subject in any faculty (except: 'Treudian Theories. Discuss" - if you get this, choose another topic, or if there are no other topics: panic). The essay topic contains a very interesting question, and one that can not be dealt with sufficiendy in the short space of time allotted in this exam. It must always be remembered that the question raises a great many issues that - while not strictly on the course guide - gave me a great many hours of intellectual enjoyment in learning about them and expanding my knowledge in this, one B © D The Mathematical Proof This mathematical proof works for any maths question asked in any English Lit exam. of the more relevant, u.seful, and need I say it well taught subjects in the University. A more detailed examination of the issues raised can be found in Hayes' well-written and thought provoking book. However, in this essay I Where a = the first variable of the question b = the second variable of the question will attempt to deal with some of the more pertinent points that should be raised. c = the third variable of the question Essentially, the answer is "yes" in some cases, but "no, not always" in other d = the fourth variable of the question cases. Good exceptions to the proposition propounded in the essay question e = the fifth variable of the question are those exceptional instances with which we are all familiar. These include the examples referred to in Hayes' well-written andtiioughtprovoking book, f=the sixth variable of the question (and so on) and also the entertaining incident described on pages 25 and 26 of Puzo's brilliant "Godfather" study, and the stimulating subject-matter on page 63 of a = b, "Forever" by Bloom. More often than not, the proposition in the essay question is true. The reasons '-IT for this are many, but include: the simple reasoning and logic implicit in the question; the size of tiie sample that can realistically be examined in the short time I have, and the other factors referred to by Zonk in her lectures delivered i-I 'Vn^ SSw •£ (Ci /n, to the Debating Union at Cambridge University. It is, in many way these other factors (the Zonk factors) which are best to examine, because they are both relevant and pertinent, and show that in a majority of the instances examined by her, the essay topic was held to contain true propositions. One cannot, of course, look at the issue on a purely numerical basis. To do so reduces the intellectual rigour of the subject to a simple memorisation of numbers. While this is important, and many would say vital, in another sense, this approach undermines the very basis of the essay topic. T)YT\4' O ( ^ "K S •*"^ •*• • ^ • • * - V ^ V - ' X X . V ^ B O O K S E L L E R S 769 Burke Road Camberwell. (Next Door to Chocolate) And that's it. A brilliantly clever way to avoid study. If you use these answers and pass, please send $ 10 to the Toasted Marshmallows, c/- Lot's Wife. If you failed, then put it towards next year's fees. Good luck, and keep toasting. P.S. You can hear The Toasftd Marshmallows every Sunday on 106.7 PBS-FM at about 11.00 in the morning. "^^® Largest Australian Owned Book Retailer Carries a wide selection of books including Business, Computers, Philosophy and Fiction. Use our special order service to track down that elusive book. Phone: 882 0032 Fax: 882 0286 Tuesday 18th October 1994 QED Extended Hours: 9am to 9pm Thursday to Saturday 10am to 4pm Sundays ^ ^ ^: HOW TO FOLD A CRANE In Ten Easy Steps (and One Hard One) By Michael Stillwell 1. Find or make a square piece of paper. (The end bit of A4 will do nicely) 2. Make folds as indicated (1). 3. Fold it in half diagonally, and push in the direction of the arrows (2)... 4. ... you should get something like this (3). Fold the corners in (4)... / A\ B /> / ' \ / g r 5. ... and then unfold them (5). Grab the top sheet of the bottom corner and lift it up (6). 6. Do steps 4 and 5 for the other side. 7. Fold the sides in (7); do the same for the other side. "Open" the shape and then re-close it so the inside "pages" are now on the outside (8). 8 8. Take the bottom flap and fold it up as far as it will go (9). 9. Do the same to the other side. 10. Bend down part of the front flap to form the head (10). 11. Gently pull the wings apart. A "body" should pop out! 9 wing wing head 10 Lafs Wife Edition 16 ARTS FACULTY LOSES POINTS SORRY, LAVISHING PRAISE Dear Bronwen and Jayne, Dear Lot's In reply to your letter to Lot's Wife (13/9/ 94). Upon reading your letter about the 162 point maximum we were appalled, no outraged, at this plain infringement of student rights, After all, even we, as student reps on the Arts Faculty Board, did not know about it. So what did we do? We wiote a letter to the Dean demanding an answer to a number of questions. Namely why they have done this, and why they seemed so intent on not letting students know. Well, we received an answer at Faculty Board on 5/10/94 (I hope it was minuted). The Dean accepted our complaints about the limitations of this limit and admitted that the Faculty had been lax in notinforming students. Therefore it will be highlighted in the 1995 Arts Handbook. (Students: 1, Admin: 0). However, she then informed us that she could do nothing about it as it was a requirement imposed on all Faculties at Monash by DEBT, (Dept of Education, Employment and Training) and thus is a Federal Government responsibility (Students: 1, Admin: 1). However, the rule only effects first year students and should not be applied to second or third year students. So, if the Faculty has been misinforming second and third year students, get angry and let us know (via MAS, 905 3138). Pitifully, if you want to do mote than 162 points in your degree you have to pay the Faculty money to do the subject. However there is a small glimmer of hope. At the ALPNationalConfeience.aresolutionwas • passed directing the Government to review all course fees (thanks to NUS President Penny Sharpe & Welfare Officer Edwina • Hanlon) - maybe something will come out of this. So all is not lost. We are there fighting for you and occasionally we do have a small victory (after all we are outnumbered 80 to 4). Thanks Bronwen and Jayne for bringing this to our attention. If you have any problems get in touch. Yours in Solidarity, Christopher Anderson Undergrad rep Arts Faculty Board Arts IV Tanya Kovac Undergrad rep Arts Faculty Board Arts I Holly Schauble Undergrad Rep Arts Faculty Rep Arts! Brian O'Connor Undergrad Rep Arts Faculty Board Artsn I tind myself recalling any praise I may have incorrecdy bestowed upon your 'rag' in my previous entry. Any acclaim conveyed became void when you cominitted a most horrible 'typo'. My last entry should have read: "I am writing to you in order to bestow lavishing praise on the journalistic quality of your publication. In Uiis way, I find myselfunwittinglycontributingto die wider university family." You reproduced my artistic unpression of Monash University beautifully, but unfortunately inserted the word 'lashing' instead of 'lavishing' in the letter, diereby doing an injustice to yourselves as well as instilling angerin me. As well as committing this heinous act, you incorporated the misprint into a shoddy headline: "Lashing Praise". Aspunishmentforthis nefarious actlsubmit the following toon. LotV =f n^fl r^t^^ jjpj_ V^i^ Nigel Robyne-on-Avon EnglV A SHOCKING RELIGION Dear Lor'j, 1 believe in the concept of representative democracy.The beliefthat all peopleshould have therightto an informed vote and a fair election. What I don't believe is the levels to which some students will resort to in order to win elections. As an AEFocus' 95 candidate, I wish to say to Catherine Wolthuizen I was shocked as yourself to read die Focus religion policy. Why? Because it was not ours. Weil, who printed it?Good question. In fact, what this was one of the most deceitful, yet possibly convincing dirtsheetsofthe entire election. It is one thing to make personal attacks (that can only be deplored), but it is another to imitate somebody and represent them on fake pretences. I believe that law calls it fraud. You also question how we can 'represent' the entire Monash Campus. We do not exactly advocate that. What we do maintain is that we made a concerted effort to ensure that candidates would come from as many groups, religions, ideologies and faculties on campus as possible, just as long as they were not affiliated with any poUtical party. The only problem with this approach, howev.er, is we become a threat to the pol iucal melodramaon campus. We have a range of beliefs and by Focus's diversity, cannot and will not ad vocateextreme views. We can't be validly labelled as any ideological orreligiousfaction, and so they react with political propaganda. To those who wrote our religion policy, yes, you may have influenced some voters; but only at the cost of democracy and truth. Deciding who to vote for at elections is difficuh in itself. It does not need people like yourself undernuning the process. Respect students, don't fool them. Andrew Seiter Focus Candidate '95 MAS Administrative Executive Member Without Portfolio Elect IMAGINARY FRIEND Dear Lot's, If Michael Wilkinson is "Wilko", can Tim Milikan be "Milko"? Milko, for all those who' ve forgotten, was Sally'simaginaryfriendfiDmdiefirstseries of Home and Away. I think that is very apt. Lot's of Love SueDonym. RETARDED CAT'S VOMIT Dear Rezo (well-dressed KezarashvilU, I don't think) Youstupid Utfle 18 year old shit. You idiot I know who you are, I know what you look like. Isaw you deliveryouremotionally and intellectually retarded piece of cat's vomit to Lot's Wife, 1 was sitting nearby at the time. I'm gonna track you down, and ram your incredibly passe blackdenimjacket so far up your insignificant litUe arse, diat the ink is gonnatum your tongue black. Imagine being young and stapid enough to honestly beUeve that I, or indeed anyone in the entire universe, honestiy gives two flying fucks whether you live or die, let alone what you diink (and I use the word think only in die broadest sense of the word, beUeve me). In the future, when you've started shaving or something, and you look back at the embarrassing littie diatribe you felt your ego so badly needed to inflict on die fine people at Monash, I do hope that you cri nge with the same sense of intense embarrassment and humiliation that I felt for you on reading your little scrawl. I don't know, honesdy, what is the world coming to, is i t me, or are first years actually getting stupider, there is only onefirstyear that I can think of diat is of any worth at all, apart ftomcat-food, and her name isJoanne. Anyway, lookfijckwit,just fiickoff and die and please don't show your ugly little head anywhere around Uni next year. Oh yeah, and by the way, your Mother blows goats. CARESSING THIGHS Dear Archangel Michael, That was simply the most piss-weak attempt at a letter I have read in my entire life. What's the matter widi you, lost ya spunk? Didn't you like the bit about your Modier, is that your problem? WIMP. I mean, didn'tyou have time or something, rushing to get to your next conversion-byviolence, didn' t want to miss those last few magical and heart-stirring moments of "Songs of Praise", too busy feeling guilty for not having whacked youurself over the head witii a Bible 37timesbefore going to sleep.Honesdy,youcan'tevengetadecent Bible basher to be nasty to these days. I give up. I'm goima sacrifice a couple more virgins to the dark lord and maybe chew on a couple more chicken's heads. Well, tara Mickey-boy, it was fun while it lasted, don't go stepping in front of a semi-trailer now will you. Will you? All my love and threefingersup yajacksie, Sam Lewis PS. Joanne, your letter was absolutely fantastic and warmed my heart, tiiank-you very much, it was an absolute cracker. Keep up the good work darUn' and maybe, one day, who knows, we might even havealittie offender of our own. Many kisses and a gentie caress of the inner ttiigh, Sam. HILARIOUS Dear Lot's Wife, Sadly diis is my last year at Monash and I just wanted to write something for your last edition...isn't that sweet: we have something in common. As this year's Entertainment Officer I feel diat I can honestiy say fliat you guys are die most unappreciative big bunch of bonking bastards! I put all my heart and soul into coming up withhilariousroutines topeaoim at lunchtime and you simply dig die knife in andtiientwist. I mean who could forget the hilarious sketch about Matt Nicol's facial hair; or die dig at Welsi's first gear driving technique; or die unmistakably 'FullFrontal Standard' comedy skit entiUed, "Putting Kinder Toys in the Lot's Microwave to See If They'll Melt in aCup of Superboiled Water!" Anyone can see there is a plediora* of stand up comedy in my body just waiting to escape. It is only die fact diatl was neverpaid or appreciated that I did not let any of my comic talent escape when writing this letter. Suffer you dirty birdies! Ha hahaha haa! * Favourite word of uni students. Lots of larve Dave Button Artsm TROT? Dear Matt Nicol, Love, (not in the least) Sam Lewis. Outrageous, but what's a Ux)t? EmmaGardim. THE X FACTOR Dear Matt Nicol, Thank-you for your construct! ve criticism. Unfortunately, the only new inforaiation you were able tooffer us was die fact that we are all trots. We knew the formula, and we knew that Real ity Writes would be a perfect example of it. We did not see any point in trying to compete directly with the Labormachinein a marketing exercise of that type, and still don't. We took a gamble and lost. In my opinion because; a) we were fucked over very early on. The Reality Writes ticket had months longer to prepare than X, as Labor had them up and moving whiletherestoftheleftconcentrated on the main ticket. United Students came together as an attempt to elect the most competent people for the job, regardless of percaved electoral viability or background, Xw'asacontinuationofthispolicy.Ibelieve Reality Writes were selected by Labor months ago on the basis of their popularity .b) we were absolutely killed on the ground. A consequence ofthe time we had to prepare, and the number of people the left had devoted to the U.S. campaign, c) our campaignjust didn't work? Hard to say really as a) and b) had killed us before it started, and d) in the dodgiest elections in MAS history, we didn't pull any dirty tricks. I apologise to the candidates and campaigners of Reality Writes, as you didn't have any idea what was going on. We are very proud of what we were able to put together in six weeks, and had an overwhelmingly positive reaction from almost everybody we talked to. We all learned a lot. Thank-you, Matt, for signing your real name to a controversial letter. It was much easier to take coming from someone I know and respect than it would have been coming from someone anonymous, like Brett Williams. Yours somewhat bitterly, Mark Ilott POLITICAL CORRECTNESS: A DOUBLE-EDGED SWORD MEN DENIED THE RIGHT TO VOTE Dear Lot's, Dear Lot's, I write in response to the article "Price Check on Political Correctness" by Simon Price in the most recent Lot's Wife. To protect myself from accusations that I am committed to any particularpolitical interest by the things I will say, I will have to admit that I am a member of NO political organization on campus. I hope that I will be judged by my words rather than by any political "label". Yes, I'm a feminist. Yes, I believe in equality for women. Yes, I want to fight for the equality we all deserve. Yes, I ran for Women's Officer so as to help achieve this goal.But no, I do not believe men should be stopped from voting for Women's Officer or WAC positions. This is just as discriminatory as women accuse men of being! Labels are what I want to talk about. Simon Price says that "Political Correctness is a weapon of the Left, which is used to stifle political and social debate" by labeling its opponents and their beliefs with words such assexist and racist,thussilencing opposition. This is a kind of cultural censorship which erodes freedom of speech and in many cases PC has gone too far. It seems to me that a number of political elements now use the term "politically correct" as a label by which to trivialize and dismiss their opponents. Those who throw about the phrase' 'politically correct" willy nilly may well be committing the same offence as those whom they fit into the PC pigeonhole. I cherish my freedom of speech along with all my other fieedoms. Yet I do think that there is acase for selective use of censorship. Ihope that this does not makeme an illiberal authoritarian. I certainly hope that my admission will not have me labelled as some "smelly trot". I think that the M and R restrictions for films are a good idea. I also think that the Lot's policy of censorship is regrettable but necessary. If it were not in place then I can imagine that our student publication would be less a newspaper and more the university toilet wall. Daniel Berk Arts IV OBVIOUS P.S. a huge thank-you to all those who helped out, wore our t-shirts and especially all tho.se who voted for us. To that "ever more conservative student body" that ignored us: may you rot in your Country Road clothes while you sit on your degree in some dead-end job, you unimaginative little consumers. I hate you all. Men were used to help gain the votes needed to acquire a Women's Officer. Men pay part of their amenities fees to fiind theWomen'sOfficerandWAC. Menare equal to womenjust as much as women are equal to men. So why is it that women feel the need to pass such motions as these? Are they scared? Do they think women are better than men? Do they want to alienate men as women have been alienated for years? Is this payback time? I just don't understand. It is every student's democratic right to vote in shident elections, and it's hard to understand why halfthe students of Monash havejust been denied this right. Shouldn't we consider, as I continually reinforced during election week, that men and women need to work together, and not against each other, to achieve equality? Currently, by creating more anger, and distancing ourselves from the other half of the population, we are not achieving anything. If a female is being discriminated against becauseofher gender, the situation should be rectified. If a male is being discriminated against because of his gender, the situation should be rectified. This is equality. Banning males from voting is not equality. Banning males from voting is encouraging inequality. Banning females from voting would be encouraging inequality. But women are not banned from voting, because if they were, there would be an uproar. For the same reasons there should be an uproar now. Undernocircumstancesisitbeing suggested that men are in any way better than women. It is not being proposed that they can make our decisions for us. It is not being insinuated that they should control us. It is merely being suggested that they should be allowed the democratic right to vote for a position they help pay for. I am not Desi Lot's, I'm a dickhead. Yours truthfully, Simon Arts I MONASH MOTOR SCHOOL Macpherson Kelley ESTABUSHED 1961 Immigration lawyers Lessons 7 Days Manual, Auto Patient Lady & Gent Instructors "Over 30,000 Satisfied Clients" Specialising in overseas change over Licences "DISCOUNT FOR STUDENTS AND STAFF" 803 6184 803 6179 S 0 L t C I T0 R S We are conveniently ioiated in Dandenong. For an initial no obligation tree consultation please contact Ross McDougall or Mictiael Thornton. 229 Thomas Street, Dandenong, VIC, 3175. Tel: 791 6444. compromising my feminist beliefs in saying this, as the definition of a feminist is "a supporter of women's claims to be given rights equal to those of men " (The Oxford Senior Dictionary, 1982). In thisparticular instance we already have equal rights, as both men and women have voted up until this point. It appears to me though, that we may soon have to fmd a word describing males who want rights equal to those of women! Caria Veith. LUNCHEON Dear Colonel, How have you been; where have you been? I miss you colonel, and I hope to see you shortly. We must do lunch soon. Yours sincerely, THE Colonel. AN ELECTION JOKE DearX,oi'i, Q: What did the ballot box say to the Returning Officer? A: I'll be stuffed if you're gonna count me. Love, Brett Williams Artsm THE SEARCH NOW OVER Dear Christopher Anderson, You have made me so happy, I have been searching for so long for an Arts student that can think. It makes me feel really good that there is someone out there that all Alts smdents can look up to and aspire to. I expect you'll be enrolling in Engineering soon. Yours, Jo Kristensen. Engn PS. Steve, Volvos really do suck. A FREEMAN THANKYOU Dear Suzanne Freeman, Thank you for your recognition. Love Caroline Gaylard ArtsV We are pleased to offer an expert, confidential service to all Monash University students and staff, their families and friends, in all immigration matters including: Applications for Australian permanent residency from inside or outside Australia; Business migration & employer nomination scheme applications; Student and visitor applications and extentions; Refugee Applications; Appeals of rejections to relevant Tribunals and the Federal Court. CROSSFIRE lf}(2 political rot and bother from various angles in relation to the political divide DIRTY SHEETS I would like to respond to Catherine Wolthuizen's letter "Focus on a Downer", found in thelastZ.or'^ H'l/eedition. I agree, for any information sheet to include such shocking content as the religious policies on the sheet you read is disgusting. You may have noticed that I neglected to include the word 'Focus' when describing this horrific policy sheet. There is a good reason for this - it was not a Focus policy sheet. It was a very devious dirt sheet, disguised as a Focus information sheet (did you notice it wasn't coloured, because they photocopied the logo). Ifsomeone puts out a dirt sheet that is obviously dirt, people are not likely to take much notice. On the other hand, put out a sheet on the pretence of being serious, and fill it with rubbish just look at the reaction! So I would like to take the opportunity to express my disgust at these mystery dirt sheet writers (no doubt trots who have nothing better to do with their time than corrupt the democratic electoral system). I am not aiming to supportFocus, nordisagreeingwithanyof their 'real' policies. Myonly intention is to publicise the fact that many of their policies were perceived as legitimate, when in fact they were not. Catherine, you reacted in the right fashion, but unfortunately it was unfounded considering the source of this rot. Caria Veith. FEMINIST HYPOCRISY PURPLE & GREEN LOVER JILTED Dear Lol's, Dear Lot's^ Ju.st a couple of points. Firstly, Chris Anderson, thanks for your credible and factual response. The fact that three completely different people from different political persuasions and walks of life wrote in to take you to task over your poorly misguided opi nion, yet none of your corm"ades leapt to your defence should suggest something to you. You have still failed to source any of your "crazed ravings" yet have the audacity to question your detractors' alleged reading material. The day the Herald-Sun publishes the sort of bullshit thatyou consistently dribble, it will have as much credibility as you do. Secondly, Jane Treleaven, it is of some concern that four years into a law degree, you appear to have U'ouble distinguishing between what is sexist and what is not. You claim that a couple of joke slogans on Liberal badges (by far the most popular badges of the whole stinking elections) are sexist and demeaning to women, yet you support a Women' s Officer who has actively denied men the right to attend or vote for a department which tiiey are forced to fijnd. In areasoned discussion, the R.O. ruled that our badges were not sexist in any way and onlychangedthatrulingafteryour persistent screaming at him. Lighten up, enjoyyourself, look at the real issues of discrimination and sexism on campus and give the Daughtera red hot go next year. D&a Lot's, The recentUnionBoard decision toendorse women's onlyfranchisefor the position of Women's Officer has exposed the radical feminist agenda being carried out upon Monash Students by a group of narrowminded self-interested women. Their actions and words over the past two years have demonstrated their marginilisation from mainstream feminism and contempt for men. Kirrily Graydon and Yvette Scholtmeyer are hypocrites. They expect male students to compulsorily help fund the Women's Affairs Committee, yet deny them the right to elect office-bearers or even attend committee meetings. Andrew Kimm ArtsFV Thirdly, Yvette, Kirrily and all the others who believe in taxation without representation. Maybe if you had made your hidden, radical, exclusionary agenda clear at the SGM responsible for creating the Women's Department, the men of Monash would have had more sense than to have voted for it. You have used us just to pull quorum, vote "YES and pay for your purple and green, then tossed us on the scrapheap like ajilted lover. I urge all the men of Monash to not pay the portion of our fee that goes toward this Department until wegetatleast35%ofthewinnablepositinns. YounhXyJbot's tVi/ewas biased enough this year with only one ex-Labor student as editor. How much worse will it be with two, Julia and Cassandra? Best of luck in the pioneering year as a voluntarily funded newspaper. Dear Matt, Ournamesare Cassandra, Symon and Julia, only our friends call us Cass, Sym and Jules. But £is our humble employee, please refer to us as Ms. Wavish, Mr. Rubens and Ms. Shtepa. Lastly, to the silent majority out there who support Voluntary Student Unionism (and who wouldn't afterthis farceof an election?), your persistence and encouragement will be rewarded as VSU begins next year. From now on. corrupt politicians, incompetent and excl usionary departments and bia.sed rags will have to pull their collective fingers out and convince you of their worth. Heck, democratic elections may even return. Ms. Wavish, Mr. Rubens and Ms. Shtepa Lot's Wife Editors 1995 Yours with the freedom of choice, Clayton Ford CALLING MR. NICOL ^ gi. Tuesday 18th Octot)or1994 SECRECY How did University Council end up approving a new student association with 99% of the student population kept almost totally ignorant of such a fundamental change. It's clear our so called representatives in MAS such as Michael Wilkinson did everything they could to keep students uninformed, butsurely others knew what was going on. One such group that did know was the Labor Smdents. At the beginning of the year a proposal for the new union structure was submitted to die university. Athough a numberof student politicians were involved, such as the MAS Chairperson Janoel Liddy, this proposal was largely formulated by a fewmembers of the Labor studentexecutive. For six months the Labor exec has been pushing their structure, but how many students had any idea what these few Labor students were doing, let alone have any detailed idea about what was being proposed. In fact I bet that the vast majority of Labor students themselves are unaware of what their "leaders" have been up to. This secrecy is a byproduct of what I believe are the undemocratic processes pre fered bythel^borexecutive(fromhere on refered to as hacks) These hacks have operated totally behind closed doors, negotiating with the university and other groups. They have done so under the guise of being pragmatic when in reality they have achieved nothing(their proposal was ignored) and theyjust helped to see students fucked over. The only way to defeat the underhand scheming of Michael Wilkinson and CO would have been to expose the process and educate smdents about what was being done to them. A mass education campaign that actually involved students, leading up to ademocratic forum such as an SGM or a referendum is the only way to keep office bearers in line or to force the university to listen to students. However, these Labor hacks have had the opportunity to share vital information with students all year but they have been silent. For example BrianO'Connorwason the Administrative Executive (and has just been re-elected) this year with Wilko, yet I believe he did virtually nothingtoexpose what Wilko was doing. When an SGM was finally called to deal with this issue, Labor hacks were instrumental in rushing the timing of the SGM and thus preventing an adequate education campaign and quorum being reached. They also cynically used this SGM to score cheap electoral points to further their upcoming campaign and caused the SGM to degenerate into a name-calling farce. This was agteatoppotunity to involve students wasted. Regardless of the merits of the Labor students proposal, I believe their failure to inform studentsof their actions, their silence on die abuses ofWilkoandtheirsabotaging of the SGM have helped to screw students over. Student politicians left andrightwho have trial (and succeeded) in keeping the power of decision making to themselves and not with the student body are the reason why most smdents view student politics with exd^me cynicism. The formation of a new studentstructure with no student input, is only on more sad chapter in a long history ofben-ayal. David Heller Artsm HONEST EXPRESSION CRITICISM OF Deal Lot's, I was deeply disappointed at the treatment of an article I wrote for the last edition of Lol's. In this articlelwas strongly critical of the behaviour of the Labour Student Executive, and how I believed their undemocratic behaviour helped us all lose a student union. I was told this article could not be printed in the form I submitted because it was libelous and factually incorrect. The libelous passages could not be printed becauselhad not used thecorrect legal language, ie I did not say "I believe" in the correct places. I'm not sure what's sadder - whether the editors lied about the libelous nature of my article or whetiier I actually would have been sued by Labor Students for merely an honest expression of criticism. As for my article being factually incorrect, I do not deny I may have made some errors in my piece.If had made mistakes, the Labor club could have easily written a reply pointing out my errors, or die editors could have added an ed's note disagreeing with me. Ithoughstudentnewspapersweresupposed to be forums fordebate, notencyclopaediac type journals of facts. The editors are certainly not so sensitive when it comes to criticisms of right-wing students. I hate to agree with the Liberal Students, but I can't help but feel I have been yet another victim cf Lot's unspoken bias towards Labor Students. No wonder you guys spend thousands of dollars to win the paper. I only hope that next year'seditors haveastronger idea of what tine press freedom, political diversity and debate in astudent newspaper entails. David Heller Artsm Ed's note: The laws of libel were not instigated by the editors ofLoi's Wife, but we do not apologise for not breaking them simply so you can throw in your two cents worthabouthowthereisa giant conspiracy attempting to fucic you over personally. True press freedom and debate have to be accompanied by journalistic ethics and integrity - ethics that include not printing something you know to be factually incorrect, and not printing din on people wilhoutmakingitclearlluititisonlyopinion. We do not apologise for trying to do our job. aiul uphold the right of people to not be vilified in their own student newspaper. There's a convenient brown dog at Dave's place. hl!^ fCROSSFIRE political rot and bother from various angles in relation to the political divide I AM WOMAN HEAR ME ROAR THOUGHT CONTROL I'M A N INDIVIDUAL Utai Lot's, Dear Tim Millikan, To Tim Millikan, IreadSimon Price's article 'Price Check on Political Correctness' with interest and annoyance. I can't say I was surprised to read that he thinks that the women's room, women's officer and women's affairs committee were an example of political correctness. I assume he was implying that they weren't necessary. Liberal boys like Simon have been writing statements like this all year in Lot's Daughter and Lot's Wife. They seem to be of the opinion that women are not oppressed on this campus. For somestrange reason you seem to equate abinding caucus with thought control. Silly twisted child. A binding caucus does not mean thatdiversity of opinion isnotallowed within the group. We have our own disagreements but we don't air them in public. A binding caucus works on the belief that which ever way we go, we go together. The direction of the group is not dictated by one or two senior hacks. We decide as a group and we accept that which ever way the caucus decides to go, then that'sthewaywego.Why?Wellifwedon't then we will spht and the only people who would gain from this are pricks like you. Re: Vision. What exactly do you mean by 'group of individuals'? I can not imagine howyouwouldgo about substantiating any meaningfiil difference between Vision as a group of individuals on flie one hand, and Labor Students as a group of non-individuals (presumably) on the other hand. Chris Jack.son Arts i n Can there be such a thing as a nonindividual? It would be a strange entity indeed (I think definitionally 'a'and 'nonindividual' are mutuallyexclusiveconcepts. DearLol'i, I find these opinions necessary for two reasons. Firstly, I am tiled of Liberal boys hying to tell me what it's like to be a woman on this campus, I am one. My reality is that 1 doaft go to the gym at night anymore becaiise several female smdenis here have been raped on this campus at night. Blatant examples like this of male oppression of women are common both on campus and in the wider society. Australia has the third highest rate of .sexual assault in the worid and it is estimated that 25% of women are sexually abused as children. I have personal experience of this; my best friend (who attends another university) was raped by her boyfriend when we were thirteen. There are, of course many more subtle ways in which women are oppressed. Secondly Ifindit interesting that a member of the Liberal club thinks that there is no need for a Women's Officer when the Liberal club ran a candidate in the MAS elections this year for that position. Women need a place to go where they can relax and be among friends in a nonihreateningenvironment. Many women are abused and harassed by men and they need someonelikeaWomen'sofficertogotofor advice. I don't think Simon Price is at all qualified to tell me what it's like to be a woman. He obviously has no idea. Tineke Stannard Arts/I.aw III David Thom Labor Student and bloody well proud of PS. Why should wehavetoputourpolitical ties at the bottom of our letters? Let me guess, it makes singUng people out for politically motivated discrimination and harassment much easier. ' C IS FOR COOKIE Dear Simon C Price, Holy shit! More bias in Lot's Wife'.'. Give me a break. Is that the best you can do? It's truly amazing just how predictable right wingers are. If they disagree with someone they scream 'bias!', the catch cry of the whingeing liberals who lack anything substantial to say. Let me reiterate my original point. Militarism is the belief thatis acceptable for a state to exercise its monopoly of violence against other states. Just that. Not even shooting Jeff Kennett wouldqualify as being militaristic(al though it would certainly qualify as a step in the right direction). David Thom PS. What does tiie ' C stand for? 'Cretin' perhaps? Perhaps your intention is to point out that Labor Smdents exists only as a collective (get it?) entity. You would not be the first. Frequently this opinion is formed by people making a superficial analysis of a party political system. The notion of having to 'tow the party line' does suggest that individualism must takeabackseat, doesn't it? Well nothing could be fiirther from the tinth! Tim, I am certain that you would happily admit that Labor students are not a bunch of Julian Hill clones. Diversity of opinion and intemal debates over policy, process and ego are every bit as Uvely within our collective consciousness as they appear to be within your 'group of individuals'. There is a dichotomy that exists between the notion of the individual, prima facie, and the individual as he/she exists witiiin a group. This is a difficult concept, and it is the very reason why people balk at the use of labels. They are convenient, lazy, but necessary... and while there is a desire on the part of some to be totally descriptive, there are insufficient resources (and the exercise is doomed from the start, as you are presupposing an objective observer). What it all boils down to is this: If you areagroup of individuals, then so too are we. Admittedly, diiferences exist between us. It is ironic that these revolve predominantly around issues of 'codes of conduct' and "Pena/Moi Ao^uiO^ ^ 'personality' ratherthan substantialpolitical differences. PSIjust thought; whatifyou'rean individual who is part of more than one group? THE ELEPHANT INVASION Welcome to Monash 1995. No MAS, no elections and now no outdoor forum. The fact that outoverlords have decided to erect "another" monstrosity slap bang in the middleofthestudenl'scommonis symbolic of the fiihire of education in Victoria. Our masters need another tower in which to watch over us. A tower which will cast an evil shadow over us all. It has taken me five years to overcome all my naive ideas about education and the modem university. The uni is not here for students at all. It is here for politicians eager to implement their misconceived ideologies. It is here for administration staff who can now getridof all those filthy studentrepresentativesand gel on with the real job of running the place. It is here for academics on life tenure to tive out their Uves in comfort. Now, with extra parking they can be herded inlikeelephants,coming to Monash to die. Students rifle through their rotting corpses in the vain search of knowledge. The uni is here for construction workers. It is here for parking inspectors. It is here tor the grounds staff, here only to water and manicure the concrete. "But wait", I hear you cry, you want an. aesthetically pleasing, functional and exciting campus. You want (dare 1 say it), an education. Well, Monash and Jeff Kennett's Victoria stand by their motto proud and tall; "Fuck off, pay me now, and go bother someone else." Daniel Oakman ArtsV THIS IS THe" LAST 155*^^ OF LOTS V'JlPE. OHif^ 7iMnt^ic(f/UiU ^uftfra^^'! New car Travel Furniture Computer Unpaid Bills Interest rates from % 7 B W % p.a. ' Interest rate quoted is with Mortgage Security; interest calculated dally. Tertiary Credit Union Co-operative Ltd. 16 Walcefieid Street, Hawthorn, 3122 8195561 Fax: 819 5470 B U T CHEBK UP/.....L£^SS ^Ehprno-. TfMC =. i^ofKB DRlNK^riGr TfME P o w / M T H £ NOTTZ // iofs wife Edition 16 BASKETBALL; D IS FOR DYNASTY THE FRASHLEY AWARDS By Ash & Frase Bruce McAvaney: It's been a sensational year for sport: the Commonwealth Games Perkins Riley fantastic the Chinese women marvellous and there's football the West Coast Diesel Williams isn't he great to watch Rafter hasn't he been a treat to watch world records in so many events horseracing Well Bruce, it has been a great year in sport and to celebrate the year that was we have decided to award for the fitst and possibly last time the FRASHLEYS ©. The ceremony held at the Currawa St Radis.son was a huge night. For those who missed, out here are just a smidgin of those presented on the night. The 'I wanna hold your hand' Frashley: James Lillywhite (English cyclist) for his romantic pass at Grant Rice at the Commonwealth Games The 'Schwarzenegger' Frashley: The Chinese Female Swi/nming team (by the way dianks for providing the drugs on the night). The 'impoverished' Frashley: The US Baseball League. Poor fellows justdon'tgetpaid enough. Send money now. The 'Next Big Thing' Frashley: Pat Rafter. He is the 32nd recipient of this award since Pat Cash bowed out of tennis. By PATRICK CROSS The 'is that sand in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?' I THERE IS A FORCE RISING IN Ithe National Basketball Frashley: Association's West that may soon Mike Atherton. We expected so much morefromaCambridgeboy. become impossible to stop. They have yet to receive the recognition from NBA fans, many of whom The 'Arthur Tunstali aiequick tojumpon the bandwagon administration' Frashley: of the Bulls, Suns, Hornets and All-Australian Netball Magic. Still, no team in the NBA Association. It's not whetheryou today can boast a roster with more win or lose, it's how big a fuck-up explosive talent and pure ability you can make. then the Golden State Warriors. The Warriors have All-Stars or future All-Stars at every position The AFL Grand Final The 1/2 but centre, so centre is the problem timeentertainmentsurpri.sedusyet coach Don Nelson must face for again with kids making a map of yet another season. How do you Australia.Gee, can't wait for the form a championsiiip puzzle with opening ceremony of the Sydney the most important piece simply being a stop gap? Defence has Olympics. always been the Warriors problem, The 'GOLDEN FRASHLEY lor and without a true centre, that always looking on the bright side doesn't appear I ikely to change this son. otiile': The 'it made the Gary Sweet special look good' Frashley: The Monash Liberals. Their Other teams have managed Nostradamus-like predictions without a centre. Just look at the certainly hit the spot. Big hugs and Chicago Bulls' performances with kisses from us. Bill Cartwright at centre, but Well, there ends a great season Golden State haven't even picked insport.Lookatforthe"bestbitsof up a handy free agent. At present, Ash'n'Frase" out now on A4 at all there are possibilities like Chris Galling, Victor Alexander and good bookstores. draftee Clifford Rozier trying to fill the void. They are tall, but all are better suited to power forward. The Warriors may Uy Carlos Rogers at centre. He was selected by Seattle, and then traded along with Ricky Pierce who was unhappy with Gary Payton in Seattle, for injury prone Sarunas Marciulionis and Byron Houston. The Warriors got the best of that deal, but not the quahty centre diey need to toughen the defence. It is up to Nelson, now, to mold a championship team with what he has. There are a lot of coaches who would love to be in that position. At guard, start All-Stais Tim Hardaway and Latrell Sprewell, with Ricky Pierce, and Keith Jennings as more then adequate backups. Unquestionably, this is the best set of guards in the NBA Just wait until Hardaway hooks up with Chris Webber, and see him lake out die assiststitlethis season. Hardaway has recently started playing pick-up games in his hometown Chicago, and reports are he will be back to 100 percent after last season' s tragic knee injury. Pick from Chris Webber, Chris Mullin and Billy Owens to start at forward, with Chris Gading, Carlos Rogers and CliffordRozier splitting time between forward and centre, and Victor Alexander playing centre. If the Warriors remain relatively injury free, this is the year they could win their first championshipofwhatmaybecome a dynasty over the next ten years. With over half the roster having three years NBA experienceor less, and depth of talent greater then most teams, alltiieyneed is tougher •D". Other teams which appear to be building dynasties are the Orlando Magic and the Charlotte Hornets. The Magic have some great talent, but no depth, even with Horace Grant and Brian Shaw. The Charlotte Hornets have more depth, but Zo isn't Shaq. So, in future years,don'tbesuiprised if Charlotte is playing Orlando for the right to meet Golden State in die NBA Finals. My pick as most likely dynasty - the Warriors. INTERVARSITY SOCCER ByROLFTESMER THE PHRASE "BAD LUCK" sums up the Monash University Soccer Team's performance at this year's AUG in Wollongong. With so much expectation riding on the shoulders of the team after the previous year's runners-up performance in Brisbane, the best the team could manage this year was a discomforting 5th position, due to a loss to the home town boys, Wollongong, in the quarter finals. Nevertheless, Monash crushed its nearest Victorianrivais, the Victorian University of Technology 5-3 and Melbourne on, and they weren't disappointed. University 4-1 staking its claim to Wollongong put on quite a show be the best soccer university in with a variety of functions and Victoria. Other matches played parties designed for all to enjoy, included a 0-0 draw with with their efforts almost rivalling Queensland University, I-I draw the Brisbane 1993 AUG. However, with the Australian College of theDarwin 1995 AUGisprDmising Physical Education and a 1 -1 draw to be the biggest and best ever, so with Newcastie University. now is the time to get involved. The AUG was not just competition. 4500 students from around Australia and overseas descended upon a well prepared Wollongong with their party shoes One final tfianks to die AUG Sponsors, Schweppes Sports Plus for making this marvellous event a reality, and to EDS for their sponsorship committment to the Monash University Soccer Team. Doug Ellis Swimming Pool Warm yourself up in tropical 29'C Swimming Coaching Stroke Correction ^ Squad Training 6 . 3 0 - 9 . 0 0 a.m. ^ Only $ 2 . 0 0 Water Aerobics ' Low Impact ' Re.sislance Training Sun, Mon. Tucs. & Thurs. at 6.16p.rn. - 7,00 p.m. $3.50 includes entry and spa after Monash University S&R Tuesday tSth October 1994 lan Roast PROFESSIONALS Monash l^rtiyersrpif aMdClMh Special Offer Fully catered functions from $6.50 per head Includes Succulent Spit Roasted Beef Damper Rolls, Salads and Condiments Fantastic Food at Fantastic Prices > Phone Ray Prohasky 752 2744 - NOW! ySPORT REPORf^ WINNERS & LOSERS 1994 ByBENCUSSOLD Season 1994 is now dead and buried, a second cup headed west, but the good news is that we probably experienced one of the greatest seasons ever. Why? It was tighter, tougher, and faster than ever before. It is only a few months until next season (a bit like uni really), and cricket will now take our attention, but like all football journalists, I must fust give my reflections of Season J 994. ADVERTISING INJURIES Winners: DOCTORS: how did they get M. Mansfield back on the track after one week with broken ribs and a punctured lung. Losers: ESSENDON, ST KILDA, & GEELONG: all decimated most of the season. P. CAVEN: next time duck! - do not take on an elbow that big. MASCOTS Winners: HALF CAT: made it to 250 games, and lead Geelong out onto the field. HAWK: stole the blue's head and won the fight. Winners: AFL: "I'd like to see that" an international award winning ad. COCA-COLA that was CocaCola for those that missed it the first time, or perhaps Coke is easier Losers: BLUE: still looks like a pretty for you to read. boy, and was pummelled by the Losers: hawk. CUB: first they let Tooheys KANGAROO: looks like the sponsor clubs, then they dropped coyote, not a roo. you. Loyalty - I'd like to see that (sorry). PUYER SWAPS CHEER SQUADS Winners: Winners: CARLTON: B. Mitchell (under ESSENDON:someone was given Salary Cap this year ???). a pocket speller for their birthday. COLLINGWOOD: N. Buckley. Losers: Losers: CARLTON: too much tape on C. N. BUCKLEY: thought he might Bradley & G.Williams' 200 game play in a premiership with banner - tripped 'em over. Collingwood. CROWDS RULE CHANGES Winners: AFL: record numbers. Winners: THREE INTERCHANGE: about bloody time. Sudden death in finals. Losers: CARLTON & HAWTHORN SUPPORTERS: always leaveeariy when losing - it is so good to see such loyalty. Those who wanted to sec the grand final. DRAW Winners: GEELONG: the easiest run of the top teams. ANYONE who played Carlton on a large ground. Losers: COLLINGWOOD & MELBOURNE: Copping West Coast at the WACA in the finals. GEELONG: playing afieshWest Coast in October. Losers: CROWDS: blood rule is right, but takes too long. TIPSTERS Winners: Bookies. Flukes. Losers: EVERYONE ELSE: I fell from 127 in 22 rounds lastyear,to lOOin 24 rounds this year - yuck! TRIBUNAL Winners: GEELONG: Only two players booked, one charge withdrawn, other thrown out. CAR1,T0N: How did Harry get oil, and those who suspiciously were not booked - onya I.C. Losers: NORTH: W. Carey and C. McKeman, Biownlow and rising star favourites. W. Carey had a death wish, but C. McKeman just played for the wrong club. CONSISTENCY: The obvious loser this year. UMPIRES Winners: GOAL UMPIRES: paid only a little less than the boundary rabbits, for far less work. FITZROY: at least the umpires gave them some sympathy. D. HOWLETT: won as many umpiring awards as G. Williams did player awanls. Losers: BOUNDARY UMPIRES: pink armbands - how pretty. THIRD UMPIRE: who is in control out diere? - Consistency? Maybe give it more time. Then go back to two field but four boundaries who may pay frees. Hocking, Hinkley, Handley, came of age. MOST IMPROVED Richmond What are these boys on? PROTECTED SPECIES G. Williams More free kicks at three-quarter time than the entire Melbourne side (finals - week one). SOREST LOSERS Footscray Fight on the field not in the court. Winners: MCG: new scoreboard. Losers: WAVERLEY: too big - ask Carlton. OPTUS OVAL: third best venue in the AFL - you are kidding. COLLINGWOOD Injuries, lack of real stars, but gave it their best shot against the Eagles. BEST GAMES OF'94 HAWTHORN Lack of superstars for finals - not as good as a couple of years ago. Best: State of Origin, Geelong vs Collingwood, Geelong vs Footscray, North vs Hawthorn, North vs Geelong. Worst: Geelong vs West Coast: Cats simply ran out of steam, whilst the AFL. and Melbourne ensured that the Eiagles did not. GOALS McGuane vs Carlton, Ablett vs S A, Bradley vs Richmond (I think), Wanganeen vs Richmond (fluke), Colbert vs Richmond. AWARDS BEST RUN FINALS TICKETS - MY SOLUTION Geelong 1 Ithafterround 17, Do not sell any tickets until Grand moved to fourth by finals, and Final Week (excludes super-boxes finished second after winning nine and dining rooms). out often before the GF. MONDAY - have AFL & MCC BIGGEST AWARD Member reserve seats - no J. Elliott Wallet, nose, reservation, no entry. cigarette and cheat. TUESDAY - Sell tickets to Club Members and representatives. COMMUNTFY SERVICE Footscray Thecheersquadfor the age impaired. GAME OF THE YEAR State of Origin We robbed. IMPROVED ATTACK Essendon Kirzner Cummings look good. was & IMPROVED DEFENCE Geelong O'Reilly, McGiath, Mansfield, Colbert, S. THE REASONS WORST COLOURS Fremantle Purple on footy jumpers? MARKS Ablett vs Collingwood, Modra vs Brisbane, Bames vs Carlton, Cook vs North, Brownless vs West Coast (the only real highhght of GF). VENUES is duly packed to capacity, and better atmosphere will result. There were 7,(X)0 empty seats at the Grand-Final this year. As a restricted member, I was unable to acquire a ticket after going to 20 matches, including 12 involving Geelong. Yet caller 32, a Collingwood supporter who has never been to a footy game of any type could - UNFAIR! WEDNESDAY - Sell tickets to restricted AFL & MCC members. THURSDAY - Sell tickets to memtiers of non-competing clubs. FRIDAY - Sell tickets to General Public. Sell in order until sold ouL If sold out after day two, bad luck! This way those that support the competition, and the competing clubs get thefirstchance at die best seats. It will ensure that the ground FOOTSCRAY Not good enough under pressure - only injuries got 'em close against Geelong, notsoagainstMelboume. CARLTON TOO SLOW. Diesel starson littie Optus Oval but not on the G or Waverley. Incidentally, Carlton were just average until they got him. MELBOURNE Screw around too much, make too many errors, give up when behind. NORTH Tackle badly, giving away too many frees Will leam and improve. GEELONG Best team in the second half of the season, but injuries and fatigue caught up with 'em. WEST COAST Draft concessions are still paying off, but still far superior. Good run helped them, but the best of 1994 by 80 points. CRICKET BIT Does anyone else find it strange that Pakistan all but lost the first test in Karachi, when for the first time an international umpire was there. They have not been beaten there for 35 years. Perhaps you could claim that they only had half tile help this year !?! In the words of some fisherman: "It's Yibbidy Yabbida to 1994". The jumper, scarf, beanie, and badges are put away and we await 1995. Until March, we will have to watch cricket, and wonder what to do on Thursday nights witiiout die Footy Show. Cya. 5tVJ^ People who hang around the office a lot. i Name: McGrath, Mel Alias: McGrath.doc, Quick Draw, Quickie Wanted lor: Too mucii. Eleven offences, one of tliem repeated five times, and one of tliem wiiiist sober. And for tiaving her pelvis broken by a hoisa. Name: Browndog, Jake the Alias:The convenient brown dog Wanted forFoul poses and and typesetting room farts. Getting the whole Rorty Rorty ticket disqualified. Name Briggs, Steven AliasBriggses, Briggsy, The Briggster, Briggs are heavy Wanted lorConstant insecurity about own talent and stereofascist tendencies. Name: Cameron, Fraser AliasFrase, Cameron Daddo Wanted for Chair stealing, refusal to write anything but sports articles. Excessive studying in Office. -^^f-'^ni Name: Tomklns, Chris Alias:The Evil Mr Kins, Christ Omkins Wanted for:Rldiculous accents, refusal to go to sleep and late night Southern Comfort consumption , 5 i 4 ik * N Name: Cody, Dave Alias: Davey Dave, The odious Cody Wanted for: Indecent exposure (too many times to count), Indecent language (see brown dog) and Indecent politics (see PC). Name: Clampa, Mary-Lou Alias: The Happy Clampa Wanted for: Piking in the office masseuse stakes. -^ T a t , e A. t- Name Baker, Neal Alias: Neal, Neii, Heel Wanted tor Setting a new record for lack of quotes from Interview subject in an Interview. Name: Forrest, Liawela Alias: WeisI, Weiiington Boot Wanted for: Indecent exposure (Panorama Street), and continual layout night romantic dinners. Name: KInai, Josh Alias: snosh, Schmooze-meister Wanted tor Excessive consumption of mind-altering drugs (PepsiCo variety) and accumulation of thousands of dollars of freebles under false pretenses. ^ T ^ Name Paton, Leanne Alias: Lee Lee, Grumpy Bum Paton Wanted for: Vagueness, Political Correctness and being unimpressed with charges. Name: Hill, Julian Alias: Toollan, The Pratt Wanted forEverythlng In the office that goes wrong that isn't Jeff's fault. Also, aversion to laying out ads Name: Kris, Dobbyn Alias: Ingenue k.d. Wanted for Excessive D'ohing and high pitched maniacal glee. Victim of sports drink advertising Name: Gaylard, Caroline Alias: Goolard, Clank, Yvonne Wanted lor: Being a proof-reader. Nuffsald. Name: Jurburg, Ashley Alias: Sausage Boy, Sumo, As'n'Jerkburg Wanted for: Using the office as a recruiting ground for basketball players. Name: Mond, Ian Alias: The News Sub-editor Wanted tor Failure to understand simple grammatical concepts, and repeated use of the phrase "tell me whats been happening on campus lately". ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ <\ <» Name: NIcol, Matt Alias: Shmicol, Nicole Matthews, Brett Williams Wanted tor Assuming that his cuddly exterior will excuse ail manner of offensive jokes. Name: The Moroni TWins Alias: Bill McGowan & Symon Rubens Wanted forExcessive promising to do something at lay-out. And just before we go... A quick thanks to all the people who brought you this year's Lots Wife. We couldn't have done it without you. Many Smooches Photos by Cameron McConnell - thanks Cameron!! The lovely people who turned up to the photo shoot are: Back Row: Bill (sometime feature writer) McGovv^n, Gabby (seriously, I will kick the door down) Ackland, Chris (don't tell them I'm evil) Tomkins, MaryLou (need a massage?) Ciampa, Neal Baker Third Row: Brett (I do so like this newspaper shit) Peebles, Steve (tell me if you think this is funny) Briggs, Llawela (do you mind if I hit you) Forrest, Sara (does anyone want some coffee?)Porto, Mel (give me something else to do, I haven't got enough on my plate) McVeigh Second Row:Cassie Wavish.Julian (I think I need some drugs) Hill, Leanne (has anyone seen my scalpel of death?) Paton, Dave (there's a convenient brown dog at my place) Cody, Mel(quick type) McGrath, Josh (has Catherine from Warner Bros Called?)Kinal, Ian (give me something to write)Mond Front Row: Kris (Sev run anyone?) Dobbyn, Matt (I'm just going to buy some food in the Onion) Nicol, Jake (Brown Dog Brown Dog) Brown, Symon (I do not look sleazy) Rubens, Fraser (pass me another one of those beers) Cameron People who are still lovely but didn't turn up for the photo shoot are: Ashleyjurburg, Carrie Gaylard, Marion Slawson,Jeff Mentiply (piker), Melea Tarabay, Alix Winter,Jamie Walvisch, Andrew Ford,John Molnar, Joel Tyndall, Leigh Vogelaar (got it right this time), BO'C, Lorien, Yvette S-M, Janoel Liddy, Julia Shtepa, Ari Abrahams, Richard Kassaby, Dave Button, Dan Lewis,Jerome Lupkes, Lara Woolf, Brendan Jones, Celia Armstrong, Mark llott, Marty McQuilten Sara Trennery, Liz Vun, Eugene Ware, Liam Cody, The Mystery Men, Suzy Howard, Adam Parker, Anna Phelps, Bel Arber, Nicolajayawardhana, Markjeanes, Vicky Graham, NatashaToholka, Sel Papps, David Le, Tim Gattuso, Stuart Orr, Tanya Sokolowski, The Monash Liberal Club, and everyone else who we can't remember at this stage of the evening. You're all very naughty, but we love you anyway. Thanks guys. .g Hiitihison ^ l,.|o(;<»ms N O W AVAILABLE W I T H • M) MOTOROLA VOICEMAIL BE O N A I R FOR LESS T H A N $4 A W E E K 24 H O U R S A DAY 7 DAYS A WEEK • R E C E I V E MESSAGES W I T H I N 30 S E C O N D S Now Available from the Union Shop. fun things for students to do and a few un-fun things too - batteries not included - parental supervision optional Comps And Gimmes Ansett Australia Young Writer Awards To be organised through the pages of The Independent Monthly, the competition featured prize for first place exceeds $ 1,000 in value. All entrants must be 26 or under and entries must be in by December 1. Details in The Independent Monthly. PCU Pit Party To graduate they've got to pull off the biggest party of the year. Lot's Wife has five double passes to see the latest Fox/Columbia/Tristar release PCU Pit Party Wednesday October 19 - 6.30pm Hoyts finenui Centre. To wiii'one, just race into the Lot's Wife Office before 5.00pm on Wednesday and answer this question: Will you please give me a double pa.ss to PCU Pit Party? Live and Sweaty At The Station Hotel Studio 52 and BASF present Remedy Stone Every Thursday - 8.30pm ph: 5102881 At Luna Park Pusli94 Saturday Nov 19 Ipm-llpm Featuring: The Meanies, IMagic Dirt, Battle of the Bands with Peter Rosethom. $14 At The Continental Cafe The Swedish Jazz Kings Tiies & Wtds - Oct 18 & 19 Vince Jones Fri & Sat - Oct 21-22 MS Benefit Featuring: The original Captain Matchbox Whoopee Band, and a .star studded lineup of music, comedy and entertainment. Multiple Sclerosis is a disease of the central nervous system affecting more young Australians than any other neurological condition. Thursday October 27 ph: 510 2788 At The Prince of Wales Red Dress Wed 19 The Browns + Drama Queen + Philospher Stone Thurs 20 Hard Ons + Christbait + Snout -I- Mace Fri 21 Dave Graney & Coral Snakes -i- The Plums + Black Susans Trio Sat 22 Hooray for Everything Sun 23 And coming up . . . TISM, The Fireballs and Frenza! Rhomb Fri 28 to Man 31 Imagining the Future: Our Cities 340 Gore Street Fitzroy Wednesdays 6.30-9.30pm Forum 2 - Nurturing a Greener Aesthetic tudent Association will employ people t o | fill the following positions: pproximately 25 hours per vreek ( m ^ e shared) iommencing salary from $23,000 pa lust be conversant with: Idus Pagemaker (VS.O) :orelDRAW! (V3.0) licrosoft Word for Windows (V2.1) Briod of Employment approx 29 weeks 4 weeks semester one; 15 weeks imester two; mid-February ) mid-October) At Other Places World's Greatest Survivor Joe Simon, world-renowned mountineer, best selling author, outstanding speaker, and all-round world-saving great dude will be touring and giving lectures to raise money for the Australian Geographic Society and to promote his new book This Game of Ghosts. Tuesday 18 Octob -r Melbourne University. Contact (02)450 2300forUckets. Lunch and Music Mature Age and Part Time Students present The Vegetarian Euphoria Luncheon Friday December 9 - 12.00pm Wholefoods Restaurant Featuring the B Mus Quintet Phone: 905 3199 Theatre At The Ecoversity Wife 1995 ITESK'rraiKS): October 19 Forum 3 - Transforming Public Infrastructure October 26 Forum 4 - Enhacing Community Life Novenher2 Forum 5 November 9 Waged $7 Unwaged $5 ph: 417 2033 PlUM)FRKAl)li:K(S)| $150 per edition (may be shared) Experience preferred. I^LINAC^ilK $136.70 Period Of Employment Approx 31 Weeks (early February to late October) Individual a p p l i c a t i o n s a r e r e q u i r e d . A p p l i c a t i o n s a r e t o b e l o d g e d w i t h >hn M a r t i n - B r o w n , H u m a n R e s o u r c e s M a n a g e r , b y F r i d a y 4 t h N o v e m b e t j 1994 ( l e t t e r b o x l o c a t e d b e h i n d U n i o n D e s k ) . Lano and Woodley Perrier Pick of the Fringe Award One Show Only October 28-8.00pm Athenaeum Theatre S 19.90 and $15.90 concesssion Rusden Dance Theatre presents Gauguin's Questions Forum No 2 - October 19 Oct 19-22 and 26-29 8pm Studio 5 Building C pW.2M1319 Monash Players presents The Edge Written and directed by Keira Lyons October 18-22 Union Theatre Bookings: 905 3108 Sydney Theatre Company Oleana by David Mamet November 17-19 Alexander Theatre Bookings 905 1111 iradltional Festivals Exams Back again this year with a vengeance. Nothing will stop this festival, not even fantastic weather. Christmas will be held on the 25th of December this year, all around the world featuring the acclaimed T o o Much Tinsel' and badly produced celebrity Christmas Carol CD's playing in all the major shopping centres. If you would like to promote anything on the free listings "Lot's On", you can't anymore. But still tell us about it because we're going to need something to do now it's all over. Lot's returns in March, so if you 've got something on then, call Matt on 9053183. J i^j^titw a MEMBEUS FOR UYV S mVll 'UliVM 1995 Positions Vacant: OTHER POSITIONS: Basketball Tipping Co-ordinator Footbal Tipping Asstant Co-ordinator Cartoonists Photographers C&S Liasion Officer SUB EDITORS: News Interviews Reviev/s Sports Campus Politics MUlSS MAPS MPA International Students ideal applicants should have some experience in these areas o r an insane amount of enthusiasm and dedication! These positions are voluntary. W r i t t e n applications can be made t o the Editors Elect, c/- Lot's W i f e , by t h e 4th of November. Lofs me Editkxiia Nothing is ever simple. (p^^ New Union Structure - Anti-Student Unionis Elections - Exams - Where to go for your holiday Thank Goodness for your student racq Borrowed from