WANTED - Crowsnest Pass Herald
WANTED - Crowsnest Pass Herald
12 – crowsnest PAss HerALD – Wednesday, August 13, 2014 )+0 + $(" service If you have a drinking problem, that’s your business! If you want to stop drinking, that’s our business! Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting are held on Wednesdays (closed) and Sundays (open) at 8 pm in the Provincial Building (east door) in Blairmore. For more info, call 562-2466, 563-0644 or 564-2370. 46-tfn/nc Is someone’s drinking affecting you? Al-Anon can help? Call 562-8537 or 562-8155 for info. 49-tfn/nc for rent Central Blairmore Apartment for Rent $450.00 per month, utilities included Available immediately. 403 564 0007 Monday to Friday 9am – 5 pm NO PETS NO SMOKING. 28-tfn Mobile home Coleman, 3 Bedrooms, newly renovated, fridge, washer & dryer. $700/month + electricity and gas. $700 DD. No smoking, no pets. Available September 1st, 2014. Phone: 403235-4198 or 403-585-9833. 31-2P for &) local& and haul & Class ,, 1 Drivers +$/ +, !)+ ( long &)(" # .& +)* )!! + ,.' -) ), ( . +. %$(" * +0)) )+ 1 + ,.' -) for rent 2 bdrm Coleman house with office, rural. Includes washer/dryer, fridge, microwave, electric, gas internet. $900/month. Suitable for couple with a stay at home spouse that has some computer skills and is willing to operate a home run business during regular business hours for the winter months. This business may more than offset house rent. Phone 403-583-0020. for rent To inquire about availability of an apartment for rent in Blairmore call 403-562-8144. 43-TFN Beautiful 3 bedroom, 2 baths renovated Bellevue home for rent. Spacious living area, huge back yard and boulevard parking. Everything you need. Available September 1st. $1200/month plus utilities. DD $1200. Phone 403-564-4200. 31-tfn 1 bedroom condo for rent in Blairmore. Crowsnest Condominiums. Bright, third floor balcony. $650 + utilities or $725 electricity included. DD $650. Secure, quiet, adult building. Offstreet parking, pug-in. Fridge, stove, bathtub, shower. Coin operated laundry in building. No pets, no smoking References and credit check. Available immediately. Phone 403-562-2450. 22-tfn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¶V 50 Best Managed Companies. We offer continued growth and career opportunities and reward employees for their efforts and achievements. Kal Tire is a Canadian company that was founded in 1953 and has grown to become Canada’s largest independent tire dealer. Based in Vernon, BC, Kal Tire has flourished by focusing on customer service and teamwork. Kal Tire’s key differentiator is its 5000+ Kal Tire team members who are committed to exceeding the customer’s expectations with the best technical skills, quality products, competitive prices and exceptional service available anywhere. We are currently seeking a Service Advisor to join our Sparwood location. We are looking for relentless problem solvers who not only have strong technical skills, but who are also good communicators and thrive in the service industry. :H¶UHORRNLQJIRUWKHIROORZLQJWRMRLQRXUG\QDPLFPHPEHU service team in Crowsnest Pass: Financial Advisor (full time) You play an integral role in the delivery of superior personalized service to our memberr-owners. By building trust, delivering customized financial solutions and identifying opportunities to refer or sell additional products and services, you help our members achieve financial stability and a good quality of life. Prior retail banking and credit assessment experience is required. Visit servus.ca for the full job description, qualifications and application details. Closing date: August 17, 2014. We thank all applicants for their interest. Only those considered for the position will be contacted. WE HAVE FOR YOU: • An outstanding corporate culture where you become part of the Kal Tire family. • A complete comprehensive and purposeful training program. • A very competitive salary. • A benefits program including extended health, dental, long-term disability, employee assistance program and life insurance. • A strong and growing brand with over 240 locations servicing both retail and commercial customers across Canada. • Exposure to the newest tools and technology in automotive. • Work hard, Play hard mentality - you WILL be rewarded. YOU HAVE FOR US: • You bring 2+ years of direct sales experience and are confident in the customer service industry. • You have the ability to excel in a demanding environment that includes moving constantly throughout your shift. • You bring experience in taking an active approach to accident prevention and environmental protection. • Adheres to policies to ensure safety and environmentally responsible workplace. • Strong communication and relationship-building skills. • Dedicated to learning through hands-on training and development. • Previous knowledge and experience in retail and/or the automotive industry. • Previous management experience servicing local and neighboring markets also an asset. Kal Tire welcomes your interest in the Service Advisor opportunity. Interested applicants are requested to submit their resume to craig_hanzel@kaltire.com indicating Service Advisor in the subject line For current career opportunities please visit kaltire.com/careers Wednesday, August 13, 2014 - crowsnest PAss HerALD - 13 Chris’ Restaurant Rick Rypien Help Wanted May 16th, 1984 – August 15th, 2011 Thinking Of You With Love Rick Always We think of you with love each day, but that is nothing new. We thought about you yesterday and days before that too. We think of you in silence, we often speak your name. All we have are our memories, which we treasure just the same. Your memory is our keepsake with which we will never part. God has you in his keeping, we have you in our hearts. A million times we have wanted you. A million times we cried. If love could only have saved you, you never would have died. It broke our hearts to lose you. But you didn’t go alone. For a part of us went with you…. the day God called you home. Part-time waitress and dishwasher Apply in person with resume. Help WANteD Subway (Gayatri Restaurants Concepts Inc.) is urgently looking for FooD SeRvICe SUpeRvISoRS (2) in Coleman. Job duties include supervise and co-ordinate activities of staff who prepare and portion food. Establish work schedule. If you are interested in joining our team, please apply through this advertisement in person. Wage: $18/hr Permanent, full-time. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND CLAIMANTS Rest In Peace Rick. We love you always Rick, and you are forever in our hearts; And thank you for everything you still continue to teach us. Estate of GORDAN W. DuNfORD, who died on June 27th, 2014. If you have a claim against this estate, you must file your claim by: October 13th, 2014. Love: Mom and Wayner Crawford Wesley, Lindsay and Luke Rypien Nonna (Sharon) and Poppa (Stuart) King Aunty Shar, Uncle Mark, Taylor and Mitch Makin Aunty Steph, Uncle Tony, Louis, Gina, Maria and Chance Acosta-King and provide details of your claim. with Douglas G. Young North & Company LLP 12537 - 21 Avenue Box 810 Blairmore, Alberta TOK OEO Until we meet again. If you do not file by the date above, the estate property can lawfully be distributed without regard to any claim you may have. Rick Rypien Remembered HIllCReSt MINeRS ClUb We held you when you Came into this world, A beautiful gift from above. You grew into a fine young man, A man everyone loved. You were a hero and a treasure, As short as your life was. And you brought so much pleasure, As a talented young man does. We will always remember you, From the moment you were born. Until the last breath you drew, Forever you loss we mourn. We held you when you left this world, With a sorrow ever deep, And try to accept how one so young, Has met with eternal sleep. One day we will meet again, Altho’ we know not when. To laugh, to love, you will never leave, For this we pray, for this we know, You told us to always believe. August 15 requires a Bartender 3-4 days a week *Usual bartender duties *video lottery machine duties Please send resumes to: Hillcrest Miners Club General Delivery Hillcrest, A.b. t0K 1C0 or drop off at the H.M. Club Only successful applicants will be notified. Always loved, always remembered, Dad, Mom, Nola, Judge, Grammy, And the Rypien Family Help Wanted “Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, But by the moments that take our breath away.” Mary Angelon INteGRA tIRe – blAIRMoRe Requires a front counter person For a 1 year term with a possible extension this is a full time position. Monday-Friday, 8 am – 5 pm Duties Include: • Customer Service • Answering phone • Invoicing and estimates • Pricing and work orders • Tire and auto parts service • Computer knowledge • Front lobby maintenance Candidate must have strong multi-tasking and organizational skills Automotive knowledge is an asset, but will train successful candidate. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND CLAIMANTS Estate of WILLIAM GEORGE SILvENuS LIvINGSTON, who died on July 30th, 2014. If you have a claim against this estate, you must file your claim by: October 13th, 2014. and provide details of your claim. with please deliver resume in person to: Rob parkins 11218 – 21 Avenue, blairmore Applications will be accepted until a successful candidate is chosen. Mr. K. Livingston 702-19 Avenue NW Calgary, Alberta T2M 0Z1 If you do not file by the date above, the estate property can lawfully be distributed without regard to any claim you may have. In Memory of our son, Gene Alexander Cervo, who was taken away suddenly. Life is but a stopping place, A pause in what’s to be, A resting place along the road, To sweet eternity. We all have different journeys, Different paths along the way, We all were meant to learn some things, But never meant to stay. Our destination is a place For greater than we know. For some, the journeys slow, And when the journey finally ends, We’ll claim a great reward And find an everlasting peace Together with the lord. Mom & Dad Cervo and Families In Memory of Our Brother GeNe CeRvo 1954 – 2013 You gave no one a last farewell, Nor ever said good-bye. You were gone before we knew it, and only God knows why. A million times we will miss you, A million times we will cry. If love alone could have saved you, You never would have died. In life we loved you dearly, In death we love you still. It broke our hearts to lose you, But you didn’t go alone, For part of us went with you, The day God took you home. We will meet again someday, I know in a better place. We thank God he made you our brother, While you were here on earth. Forever Loved, Diane, Bob, Norman & Loreilee did you knoW? Pass Herald is the 2nd oldest business in the Crowsnest Pass. 84 years & counting 14 – Crowsnest Pass HeraLD – Wednesday, August 13, 2014 Obituary Obituary WILLIAM ‘BILL’ LIVINGSTON LORI-ANNE STRANDQUIST (Nee: George) (1934-2014) It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our mother, LoriAnne Strandquist (George), on August 1, 2014 at the age of 51 years. Born in Fernie to parents Anne and Roy George, Lori-Anne grew up with an appreciation for the great outdoors. She loved camping, fishing and playing darts. She had a special bond with animals and loved all creatures, but her greatest love was for her children and family. She loved them all unconditionally. Lori-Anne aka “Kaylor” will be sadly missed by her sons Jeffrey Strandquist and fiancé Kayla Parkins and Adam (Andrea) Strandquist, grandchildren; A. J. Malachi, and Abby, sisters Melodie Priest, Kathy Hoogenboom and brothers Terry (Dorrie) George, and Lyle Bowcock, best friend Mark Koentges, nieces Amanda Priest and Autumn Lisa Howell and nephews Brad and Travis Priest, Roy George, Trent Lisa, and Lance and Travis Bowcock as well as many friends. Lori-Anne was predeceased by her parents Anne and Roy George, as well as her sister Donna Lisa. The Memorial Service was held at Cherished Memories Funeral Services “Serenity Chapel” with Lynda Gawryluk celebrant on Thursday, August 8, 2014 with graveside following. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made in Lori-Anne’s memory to: Crowsnest Pass SPCA, 22213 - 9th Ave Hillcrest, T0K-0E0. Messages of condolence may be made to the family at www.cherishedmemoriesfs.com Arrangements entrusted to Cherished Memories Funeral Services Ltd. It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of William George Silvenus Livingston of Bellevue, AB. He was 80 years of age. Bill was born on April 1, 1934 in Wainwright, AB to proud parents Silvanus and Rachel Livingstone. He was raised with a strong appreciation for family, friends and for his country. This resulted in his joining the Royal Canadian Air Force where he dutifully served his country for many years and later became an active member of the Grande Centre Legion. In 1956, Bill married the love of his life, Hazel Edith Curtis. The couple was blessed with three beautiful children and the family moved to the Crowsnest Pass in 1971. Bill loved to laugh and always enjoyed a good joke. He was a wonderful person who enriched the lives of all who knew him. He will live on in our hearts forever. He is survived by his loving sons, Ken Livingston of Calgary, AB and Stan (Judy) Livingston of Edson, AB; his cherished daughter, Andrea Gedcke of Bellevue, AB; extended family; and the many friends he made throughout his life. A private family service will be held. In lieu of flowers, donations in memory of Bill will be gratefully accepted by the Canadian Cancer Society (P.O. Box 359, Bellevue, AB T0K 0C0). Condolences may be registered at www.fantinsfuneralchapel.ca. Fantin’s Funeral Chapel assisting the Family with funeral arrangements. (403) 562-8555. AWNA CLASSIFIEDS - ALBERTA WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS ASSOCIATION - Obituary KATHY HILL (1946-2014) It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of Kathleen Agnes Hill, of Blairmore, AB on August 2, 2014 at the Chinook Regional Hospital in Lethbridge, AB. She was 68 years of age. Kathy was born in Coleman, AB on February 7, 1946 to proud parents James and Marie Kilgannon. Along with her sisters, she was raised to appreciate the simple pleasures in life and to treasure time with family and friends. She grew into a caring and lovely young lady who won the heart of a charming gentleman, David Hill. The happy couple were married on June 6, 1970 and were later blessed with a wonderful family of their own. Kathy had many hobbies and interests including reading, arts and crafts, needlepoint, tending to her lovely flower garden, bird watching and feeding the squirrels. She loved people and socializing and was always ready to enjoy a chat. Kathy was very compassionate and she found great fulfillment caring for those in need; qualities that made her an amazing nurse. She was fiercely protective of her family and cherished her grandchildren above all else. Kathy’s kind, loving nature will be missed by all who knew her, but it will be forever remembered. Left to mourn her passing and celebrate her life include her beloved husband, David Hill of Blairmore, AB; her sons, Christopher (Diana) Hill of Airdrie, AB and Craig (Anita) Hill of Victoria, BC; her daughter, Connie Hill of Bairmore, AB; her grandchildren, Kelsey, Hailey, Sawyer and Caitlin; her sisters, Sharon (Jack) Turner or High River, AB, Patsy (Alf) Thompson of Coleman, AB, Mikki (Bill) Brown of Colwood, BC and Francine Kilgannon of Coleman, AB; numerous nieces and nephews; as well as the many friends she made throughout her life especially her beloved pets Dayo and Tobie. She was predeceased by her parents, James and Marie Kilgannon; her grandson, Reilly Hill of Calgary and her sister, June Sandgathe of Calgary, AB In keeping with Kathy’s wishes, no services will be held. In lieu of flowers, donations in memory of the late Kathy Hill will be gratefully accepted by S.T.A.R.S. (1441 – Aviation Park NE, P.O. Box 570, Calgary, AB T2E 8M7). Condolences may be registered at www.fantinsfuneralchapel.ca. Auctions Employment Opportunities WHEATLAND AUCTIONS Huge Fall Consignment Auction. Sept. 6 in Cheadle, Alberta. Farm equipment, construction equipment, vehicles, RVs, tools and much more! Phone 403-6691 1 0 9 ; www.wheatlandauctions.com. COLLECTOR CAR AUCTION! 7th Annual Red Deer Fall Finale. September 19 - 20, Westerner Park. Consign today. 1-888-2960528 ext. 103; egauctions.com. AUCTION. August 16, 1 p.m. Large variety custom log furniture. Each piece is unique! Location 30 kms south of Wainwright, Alberta on Hwy 41; www.scribnernet.com. 780-8425666. HEALTH CREW, Pen Checkers. Immediate permanent full-time positions available. Wages are negotiable and will commensurate according to qualifications and experience. Lakeside offers an excellent benefit package. Will train the right candidate. Fax resume to: Chris Sparrow JBS Lakeside Feeders 403-3628231. No telephone inquiries. WINCH TRACTOR OPERATORS. Must have experience operating a winch. To apply fax, email or drop off resume at the office. Phone 780-842-6444. Fax 780-842-6581. Email: rigmove@telus.net. Mail: H&E Oilfield Services Ltd., 2202 - 1 Ave., Wainwright, AB, T9W 1L7. For more employment information see our webpage: www.heoil.com. AN ALBERTA OILFIELD company is hiring experienced dozer and excavator operators, meals and lodging provided. Drug testing required. 780-723-5051. PCL Energy now hiring Journeyperson: Pipefitters, Millwrights ($40+/hour) and Scaffolders ($38+/hour) for immediate shutdown work on an industrial project in Vanscoy, SK. LOA of $145/day worked, travel and bonuses paid! We offer competitive wages and benefits. Call 780-468-8026 and send resume to: pclenergyjobs@pcl.com. INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT Operator School. No Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. Sign up online! iheschool.com. 1-866-399-3853. JASPER SUPER A. Jasper Super A is currently recruiting for Grocery and Produce Managers. The successful candidates will be responsible for all aspects of managing a grocery or produce department, including marketing, merchandising, controlling and human resource management. Applicants must have 3 years of retail grocery experience. A minimum Grade 12 Diploma (or equivalent) and a Clean Security Clearance are also required. Jasper Super A of- Autos FORD, CHEVY, Dodge, Toyota & more. Vehicles from $47/week with bad credit or no credit. Bankruptcy ok. $0 down options. Cars, trucks, SUVs and minivans. 1-800-591-5127. Apply online at www.CanadaDrives.ca. Business Opportunities GET FREE vending machines. Can earn $100,000. + per year. All cash-retire in just 3 years. Protected territories. Full details call now 1-866-668-6629. Website: www.tcvend.com. Career Training MEDICAL BILLING trainees needed! Learn to process & submit billing claims for hospitals and doctors! No experience needed! Local training gets you ready to work! 1-888-627-0297. Fantin’s Funeral Chapel assisting the Family with funeral arrangements. (403) 562-8555. 3” wide version Let us amplify your message! 12345 Cattle 12345 Add this feature to your next career ad booking Call for more details 3”1-800-282-6903 wide version ext 235 RURAL WATER TREATMENT (Province Wide) Tell them Danny Hooper sent you us amplify your message! Let 12345 )RON&ILTERSs3OFTENERSs$ISTILLERSs2EVERSE/SMOSIS h+ONTINUOUS3HOKv#HLORINATOR 0ATENTED7HOLE(OUSE2EVERSE/SMOSIS3YSTEM 7ATER7ELL$RILLING7ITHINMILESOF%DMONTON 2ED$EER#ALGARY.EW'OVERNMENTWATERWELLGRANTSTARTS!PRIL 4IME0AYMENT0LAN/!#FORWATERWELLSANDWATERTREATMENT ")')2/. 12345 View our 29 patented and patent pending inventions online at www.1800bigiron.com Add this feature to your next career ad booking Call for more details 1-800-282-6903 ext 235 • Buying and selling all classes • Financing available Grains, Pulses, Oilseeds • Buying Feed grains • Save on elevation Brent Heebner: 1-780-916-4299 Head Office: 1-800-780-0545 Phone: 1-877-907-1517 www.jglcattle.com www.jglgrain.com 3” wide version with a combined circulation of over 800,000 for only... 995 plus GST/HST 12345Value Ad Network Grains, Pulses, Oilseeds Cattle Alberta Weekly Newspapers Association • Buying and selling all 1-800-282-6903 x228 toll free email andrea@awna.com classes • Buying Feed grains or visit this community newspaper • Financing available • Save on elevation Brent Heebner: 1-780-916-4299 Head Office: 1-800-780-0545 www.jglcattle.com Phone: 1-877-907-1517 www.jglgrain.com Feed and Seed STRAW WANTED. Large square 4X8 bales. $60 metric ton for 20,000 bales. Please call Kevin Paskal at 403-330-9147. FEED BARLEY. Paskal Cattle Company in Picture Butte area is looking for Feed Barley. Put more $$$ in your pocket. Sell direct to us. Please call Main Office for details. 403-317-1365. HEATED CANOLA buying Green, Heated or Springthrashed Canola. Buying: oats, barley, wheat & peas for feed. Buying damaged or offgrade grain. "On Farm Pickup" Westcan Feed & Grain, 1-877-2505252. For Sale METAL ROOFING & SIDING. Very competitive prices! Largest colour selection in Western Canada. Available at over 25 Alberta Distribution Locations. 40 Year Warranty. Call 1-888-2638254. WHITE SPRUCE TREES for sale. 4 - 6 foot $35 each. 6 - 8 foot $45 each. Delivered and planted. Delivery extra. 403-3058201. Cont’d on pg. 15 3” wide version e SqueethezMOST 3.75” wide out ofversion your advertising dollars Place your ad in this newspaper 12345 wide and province $ fers competitive compensation and health benefits as well as the opportunity for personal and professional development. If you believe that you are prepared for these challenging positions and have an interest in working within a dynamic organization, please submit your resume, in confidence to: Human Resources Advisor, The Grocery People Ltd., 14505 Yellowhead Trail, Edmonton, AB, T5L 3C4. Fax 780-447-5781. Email: humanresources@tgp.ca. MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION is an in-demand career in Canada! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get the online training you need from an employer-trusted program. Visit: CareerStep.ca/MT or 1-888528-0809 to start training for your work-at-home career today! INTERESTED IN the Community Newspaper business? Alberta's weekly newspapers are looking for people like you. Post your resume online. FREE. Visit: awna.com/for-job-seekers. 112345 12 1234 2345 345 34 Wednesday, August 13, 2014 - crowsnest PAss HerALD - 15 AWNA CLASSIFIEDS - ALBERTA WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS ASSOCIATION STEEL BUILDINGS. "Steel Overstock Sale!" 20x20 $4,055. 25x24 $4,650. 30x32 $6,586. 32x34 $7,677. 40x48 $12,851. 47x70 $17,899. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-8006 6 8 - 5 4 2 2 ; www.pioneersteel.ca. A-STEEL SHIPPING Dry Storage Containers. Used 40' & 40' Seacans high cube & insulated containers 40'-53' long. Specials in stock now. Self unloading delivery. Phone toll free 1-866-528-7108; www.rtccontainer.com. STEEL BUILDINGS/METAL BUILDINGS 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100, sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572 2 0 6 ; www.crownsteelbuildings.ca. Health CANADA BENEFIT GROUP. Do you or someone you know suffer from a disability? Get up to $40,000 from the Canadian Government. Toll free 1-888511-2250 or www.canadabene- fit.ca. Phone toll free 1-855-380-2266. Livestock for Sale Personals PATTEN - POLLITT Performance Horse & Production Sale. Sunday, August 17 at 1 p.m. Preview at 10 a.m. Rope and ranch horses. Complete Mare & Foal Dispersal for Jim & Faye Pollitt. 7 day guarantee on all broke horses. Catalogue available at www.northernhorse.com. Rory Patten 780-388-2139. Shane Pollitt 403-746-5756. DATING SERVICE. Longterm/short-term relationships. Free to try! 1-877-297-9883. Live intimate conversation, Call #7878 or 1-888-534-6984. Live adult 1on1 Call 1-866-311-9640 or #5015. Meet local single ladies. 1-877-804-5381. (18+). Manufactured Homes SHOWHOME SALE. Substantial savings to be had! Need room for whole new display! Visit Grandview Modular Red Deer to see the quality and craftsmanship that set us apart. 1-855-347-0417; www.grandv i e w m o d u l a r. c o m ; terry@grandviewmodular.com. CRAIG'S HOME SALES. Moduline Showhome 20' X 76' on our lot. Options too numerous to list. Reduced to sell at $116,900. For more details call Marg at Craig's Home Sales. Services DO YOU NEED to borrow money - Now? If you own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits will lend you money - It's that simple. 1-877-486-2161. CRIMINAL RECORD? Think: Canadian pardon. U.S. travel waiver. Divorce? Simple. Fast. Inexpensive. Debt recovery? Alberta collection to $25,000. Calg a r y 403-228-1300/1-800-347-2540. GET BACK on track! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need money? We lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420; www.pioneerwest.com. Service TimeS To Join our FellowShip ComPass FellowshiP (a ministry of the evangelical FRee church of Lethbridge) For the months of July & August, Services 6 p.m. Tuesdays @ Compass Centre Building, 2029-130th St. Blairmore 403-563-7526 Coleman ChRistian assembly 1802-77th Street, Coleman 403-563-5453 Christmas Eve Service 6:30pm December 24th • All Welcome. Sunday Lord's Supper - 10:00 am Sunday Service - 11:00am Sunday School - 11:00am Rea Bryant, Ron Schulz www.colemanchristianassembly.org holy tRinity Roman CatholiC PaRish 13126 - 21st Ave., Blairmore 403-562-2103 Saturday Service - 5:00pm Sunday Service -10:00am Father: Ben Marino Email: htrinity@shaw.ca www.holytrinityparish.catholicweb.com CRowsnest Community ChRistian CentRe 8534 24 Ave. Coleman (North of Subway) 403-563-3537 Sunday Service - 10:00am Sunday School - 10:40 am Thursday Bible Study 6:30pm Email: ccentre@telus.net http://crowsnestchristiancentre.com PRayeR Canada Internationale Prayer Centre 2466 Main Street Bellevue 403-564-4994 Sunday Service - 11:00am Wednesday Healing Session - 7:00pm GRaCe anGliCan united ChuRCh An Anglican - United Church Ministry Rev. J Belgum - Rev. Nicky Keyworth 13307 - 20th Ave. Box 1044, Blairmore, AB. T0K 0E0 403-562-8589 Service and Sunday School Sundays @ 10:00am Mocaco . Security LtD est. 1995 Crowsnest Pass - 403-753-0029 24 hr. enquiry/help desk 1-877-333-1867 www.mocacosecurity.ca Honeywell Burglar and fire alarm systems for home, business, farms, recreational, camera and recorder systems (C.C.T.V.) and all other Electronic Security needs. Such as low voltage wiring, access controls, etc. Need a MeMorial Complete cemetery installations and services. Phone Lanny at 403-563-3675 PRESTIGE CLEANERS RENT A CARPET CLEANER LICENSED TO INSURE B.C. AND ALBERTA 562-2112 Blairmore • 425-7272 Sparwood *Authorized representative for Southern Monument & Tile Co. Ltd. Your T&S Self-Storage Units in Frank Industrial Park • 5”X10” • 10”X10” • 10”X15” • 10”X20” Call 403-563-8384 For Availability and Prices Clothing Alterations, Zippers, Coverall Rentals, Etc. & TUXEDO RENTALS 30 Years Experience Residential & Commercial Senior Discounts - Free Estimates Good Workmanship Serving the Crowsnest Pass and area since 2005 Garry Friedley - Master Electrician Cell: 403.583.2231 • Res: 403.564.5158 . . . choice for autobody repair. Ph 403 563 3999
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FOR SALE. Simmeron Simmentals, fullblood full Fleckvieh yearling bulls, polled and horned, A.I.
Chakras - Crowsnest Pass Herald
& Joanne Hauck of Calgry, AB; as well as numerous nephews, extended family and the many friends she made throughout her life.
She was predeceased by her husband, Graham; her parents, Angelo & Enis ...