Community Guide - Crowsnest Pass
Community Guide - Crowsnest Pass
MUNICIPALITY OF CROWSNEST PASS Community Guide Spring/Summer 2016 Municipality of Crowsnest Pass Welcome TABLE OF CONTENTS Message from Municipal Council 2 Community Services Department Contact Information 3 Municipal Services Information 4-5 Municipal Facility Information 6-7 Community Facility Information 8 - 11 Municipal Recreation Programs 12 - 14 FCSS Programs 15 - 17 Municipal Map 18 - 19 From left to right: Community Trail Map 20 - 21 Community Programs 22 - 23 Marlene Anctil, Dave Filipuzzi, Bill Kovach, Mayor Blair Painter, Shar Cartwright, Dean Ward, Doreen Glavin Community Groups 24 - 26 27 Community Transit Schedule Community Directory 28 - 33 2016 Spring/Summer Events 34 - 35 MUNICIPAL COUNCIL CONTACTS Mayor Blair Painter ph: 403-563-0700 e: Councillor Marlene Anctil ph: 403-562-8180 e: Councillor Dave Filipuzzi ph: 403-564-4013 e: Councillor Doreen Glavin ph: 403-564-4195 e: Councillor Bill Kovach ph: 403-564-4709 e: MESSAGE FROM THE MUNICIPALITY Welcome to the Municipality of Crowsnest Pass Community Guide. As part of Municipal Council’s ongoing commitment to serving and informing the public, the Community Guide is an initiative that is published twice a year: Spring/Summer (April to August) and Fall/Winter (September to March). This publication is a comprehensive guide to community facilities, sports, recreation, social programs, parks, arts, culture and more. As such, it is an invaluable resource for all residents and tourists. As you will see throughout the guide, there is significant investment and commitment to supporting various leisure and social opportunities in the municipality. These opportunities are vital to the quality of life in our community, and we encourage you to get out and try something new. Thank you to all the organizations and groups that offer their programs and services in the community, and for their contributions to the Community Guide. Councillor Shar Cartwright ph: 403-563-0563 e: Councillor Dean Ward ph: 403-563-4128 e: Mayor & Council Mayor Blair Painter Cover photo courtesy of Mountain Drift Photography 2 Municipality of Crowsnest Pass Department of Community Services Information SERVICES: Office located at M.D.M. Community Centre • Facility Bookings/Rentals • Program Registration • Parks & Facility Maintenance • Community Events & Programs • Family & Community Support Services • Resource Referrals PROGRAM REGISTRATION: Program Registration is available in person at the Community Services Department, phone 403-5632208 at or visit 2802 - 222 Street, Bellevue P.0. Box 600 | Crowsnest Pass, Alberta | T0K 0E0 Main ph: 403-563-2209 Regular Office Hours 8:30am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday Closed from 12:00pm to 1:00pm & Stat Holidays We accept Cash, Cheque, Debit, Visa, and Mastercard for payment. DEPARTMENT CONTACTS: Director of Community Services INFORMATION ON KIDSPORT: Please contact Tracey at 403-56-2208 for Kidsport Application forms or Kid Sport Crowsnest Pass at ABOUT THE COMMUNITY GUIDE: The Municipality of Crowsnest Pass will produce a Community Guide twice a year. The Spring/ Summer & Fall/Winter Community Guides will be created to promote community events, activities, amenities and services which have a recreation, health, leisure, educational, sport, art or cultural theme. GUIDE DISTRIBUTION: The Guide is distributed to every household in the Municipality via Canada Post and will be available on-line. Copies are available at the Municipal Office in Coleman & the Community Service Department Lyle Hannan ph: 403-563-2214 e: Recreation Programmer Tracey Linderman ph: 403-563-2208 e: FCSS Programmer Kim Lewis ph: 403-563-2207 e: Administrative (Facility Booking) Assistant Carrie Baher ph: 403-563-2209 e: Community Services Lead Hand Sam Marra e: Municipality of Crowsnest Pass Office in Bellevue. UPCOMING FALL/WINTER COMMUNITY GUIDE SUBMISSION: To have your community information and events in the upcoming Fall/Winter 2016 Recreation & Community Guide, please contact: Kim at kim. or 403-563-2207 by June 15, 2016. VISIT OUR Details on Departments, WEBSITE VISIT RECDESK Employment Opportunities, News & Press Releases, list your organization’s events, and more! Access to facility information, schedules & program registration 3 Municipality of Crowsnest Pass Municipal Services Information Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm General Information 8502 - 19 Avenue, Coleman P.O. Box 600, Blairmore, AB T0K 0E0 403-562-8833 We accept Cash, Cheque, and Debit for payment. Utilities Business Licenses The Municipality provides water, wastewater, solid waste, and recycling services. Bills are due bimonthly or residents can sign up for monthly preauthorized payments. For more information or to sign up for pre-authorized payments, conatct the Utility Department at All businesses that operate in the Crowsnest Pass require a valid business license; some will require a Development Permit prior to applying for a business license. Business licenses are renewable yearly. For more information please phone 403-563-2218 or email Property Taxes Dog Licenses Property taxes are due annually on June 30. Assessments and tax notices are mailed by April 30 of each year. We offer a monthly pre-authorized payment program free of administrative fees. For more information, contact our Tax Department at All dog owners in the Crowsnest Pass must license their dogs in accordance with Bylaw No. 897, 2014. Dog licenses are availabe at the Municipal Office and are renewable annually. For more informaton, please contact the Main Office at 403-563-8833 or email Summer Watering Restrictions Bylaw No. 622, 2004 Summer watering restrictions are in effect from May through September inclusive. During these months, outside lawn and garden watering will be allowed on the following basis: EVEN house numbers may water on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays between the hours of 6:00am - 9:00am and 7:00pm - 11:00pm ODD house numbers may water on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays between the hours of 6:00am - 9:00am and 7:00pm - 11:00pm There shall be no outside watering between the hours of 9:00am 7:00pm nor between the hours of 11:00pm - 6:00am. There shall be no outside watering on Mondays. For details regarding Special 21 Day permits, please phone the Municipal office at 403-562-8833. Non-conformance of this bylaw will result in fines. 4 Municipality of Crowsnest Pass Operational Services Information Residential Garbage Collection Residential Garbage is collected on a weekly basis. A maximum of 5 bags in approved animal proof containers will be picked up each week. Receptacles must not exceed 84 litres nor weigh more than 23 kg when filled. It is the owner’s responsibility to ensure that animals do not get into the garbage prior to collection. Please visit for the holiday collection schedules. Monday Blairmore: North side of CPR tracks, a few streets on south side. Frank Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Blairmore: South Coleman: Willow Coleman: North Coleman: South side of CPR tracks. Drive, Carbondale, Tecumseh, Old Blairmore Road, South of CPR tracks, Bushtown, Ironstone. side of Hwy 3, Sentinel. side of Hwy 3. Bellevue Hillcrest: North side of Drum Creek Hillcrest: South side of Drum Creek Service Plus Toxic Round-up The Municipality offers a Service Plus Program each spring and fall that allows residents to bring larger household items that cannot be collected during normal weekly garbage pick-up. This includes large household items such as furniture or appliances; fridges and freezers containing freon will be charged a $25.00 fee. Once a year, the Municipality coordinates with the Alberta Recycling Management Authority to bring Toxic Round-up to the community. Service Plus is not intended for commercial or construction materials; no toxic materials will be accepted including tires, oil, paint, electronics. Saturday, June 18 Coleman Sports Complex 8702 - 22 Avenue, Coleman Spring 2016 dates for Service Plus are as follows: Coleman Sports Complex 8702 - 22 Avenue, Coleman June 16 - 18 Hillcrest Operations Yard 22201 - 9 Avenue, Hillcrest June 20 - 22 Blairmore Operations Yard 12525 - 21 Avenue, Blairmore June 23 - 25 Bring your old computers, TVs, paint, oil, car (lead acid) batteries, brake and transmission fluid, printers, computer cables, servers, keyboards, and other household hazardous materials. Community Yard Waste Site The Yard Waste site is a place where residents can bring their organic materials such as tree branches, grass clippings, and leaves. Anything larger than 6” in diameter will not be accepted; all loads are subject to inspection. Hours of operation Monday - Friday 7:30am-12:00pm and 12:30pm-2:30pm Saturdays 11:00am-2:00pm 1152 - 148 Street, Frank Industrial Park For more information please visit or phone the Operational Services Department at 403-563-2220. 5 Municipality of Crowsnest Pass Municipal Facility Information ALBERT STELLA MEMORIAL ARENA ELKS HALL Location: 2025-129 Street, Blairmore, AB Location: 12602 - 17 Avenue, Blairmore, AB The Complex contains a Turf Arena as well as an Arena The Elks Hall contains a large banquet hall and kitchen, with a Skate Park, Climbing Wall and Gymnastics area.. pull out stage, and seats a maximum of 200 people. 2016 ARENA RATES (Turf or Skate Park/Climbing) 2016 ELKS HALL RATES Commercial Hourly Rate $76.50 Commercial Hourly Rate $54.00 Commercial Daily Rate $535.50 Commercial Daily Rate $378.00 Adult Hourly Rate $51.00 Adult Hourly Rate $36.00 Adult Daily Rate $357.00 Adult Daily Rate $252.00 Youth Hourly Rate $28.05 Youth Hourly Rate $19.80 Youth Daily Rate $196.35 Youth Daily Rate $138.60 BALL DIAMONDS M.D. McEACHERN COMMUNITY CENTRE Isabelle Sellon Ball Diamond #1 (East) 12602 - 17 Avenue, Blairmore, AB Isabelle Sellon Ball Diamond #2 (West) 12602 - 17 Avenue, Blairmore, AB Location: 2802-222 Street, Bellevue, AB The community centre houses a gymnasium, .meeting room spaces and community group lease space. 2016 MEETING ROOM RATES Commercial Hourly Rate $27.00 Commercial Daily Rate $189.00 Adult Hourly Rate $18.00 Adult Daily Rate $126.00 Youth Hourly Rate $9.90 Youth Daily Rate $69.60 2016 GYMNASIUM RATES Commercial Hourly Rate $76.50 Commercial Daily Rate $535.50 Adult Hourly Rate $51.00 2016 BALL DIAMOND RATES Adult Season Rate (per player) $21.00 Adult Daily Rate $357.00 Youth Hourly Rate $28.05 Youth Season Rate (per player) Youth Daily Rate $196.35 Hillcrest Ball Diamond #1 (East) 8 Avenue, Hillcrest, AB Hillcrest Ball Diamond #2 (West) 8 Avenue, Hillcrest, AB $7.00 Prices include GST. Statutory Holidays & Non Resident rentals are 150% of the Applicable Adult rate. 6 Municipality of Crowsnest Pass Municipal Facility Information CROWSNEST SPORTS COMPLEX Location: 8702-22 Avenue, Coleman, AB The Crowsnest Sports Complex includes the municipal ice skating rink, curling rink, curling lounge, kitchen, and meeting room. 2016 SPORTS COMPLEX ARENA ICE RATES Adult Hourly Rate $118.00 Adult Non-Prime Rate $59.00 Youth Hourly Rate $64.90 Youth Non-Prime Rate $32.45 2016 MEETING ROOM RATES Commercial Hourly Rate $27.00 2016 SPORTS COMPLEX (NO ICE) RATES Commercial Hourly Rate $76.50 Commercial Daily Rate $189.00 Commercial Daily Rate $535.50 Adult Hourly Rate $18.00 Adult Hourly Rate $51.00 Adult Daily Rate $126.00 Adult Daily Rate $357.00 Youth Hourly Rate $9.90 Youth Hourly Rate $28.05 Youth Daily Rate $69.30 Youth Daily Rate $196.35 2016 CURLING LOUNGE RATES SOCCER FIELDS Commercial Hourly Rate $54.00 Commercial Daily Rate $378.00 Adult Hourly Rate $36.00 Adult Daily Rate $252.00 Youth Hourly Rate $19.80 Youth Daily Rate $138.60 CCHS High School Soccer Field, 8901 - 20 Avenue, Coleman, AB 2016 SOCCER FIELD RATES Adult Season Rate (per player) $15.00 Youth Season Rate (per player) $5.00 Booking: For booking Parks & Recreation Facilities, or for enquiries, please contact Carrie at 403-563-2209 or Email: Cancellations & Refunds for Facilities & Programs: Horace Allen Soccer Field 2002 - 76 Street, Coleman, AB Isabelle Sellon Soccer Field - 19 Avenue and 126 Street, Blairmore, AB To view Facility & Program Cancellations & Refund Policy, please visit Rec Desk - Forms and & Documents or contact Carrie at Prices include GST. Statutory Holidays & Non Resident rentals are 150% of the Applicable Adult rate. 7 Municipality of Crowsnest Pass Community Facility Information HILLCREST FISH & GAME HALL Open May Long Weekend - August 31 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Hall available for rental. · Full size kitchen 2531-213 Ave Bellevue, AB ph: 403-564-4700 For Hall bookings, contact Bruce MacPhail at 403-562-8302 22802 - 8 Avenue, Hillcrest, AB LIONS PRIDE HALL The Bellevue Underground Mine is a Museum based, family oriented, Historic Underground Coal Mining Museum tour site that allows its visitors the opportunity to gear up with a miner’s helmet and lamp to explore the rich cultural heritage of Western Canada’s ONLY HISTORICALLY AUTHENTIC UNDERGROUND COAL MINE TOUR! 12130 - 20 Avenue, Blairmore For Hall Bookings please contact 403-562-2821 Available for private rentals all year round. SENIORS CENTRES CROWSNEST PASS POLISH HALL COLEMAN SENIORS DROP IN CENTRE 7801 - 18th Avenue, Coleman, AB ph: 403-563-3665 e: BELLECREST SENIORS CITIZENS CLUB 2413 - 21 Street, Bellevue, AB For Information on Hall Rental Contact Gerri Keohane ph: 403-753-0807 8 6 The Crowsnest Pass Hall Society maintains the Polish Hall in Coleman and makes it available for rental. The Hall is a great place for a wedding, anniversary and celebrations. We boast of “The Best Dance Floor in the Pass.” 1406 - 82 Street, Coleman, AB ph: 403-563-5134 Municipality of Crowsnest Pass Community Facility Information CROWSNEST PASS SPCA ph: 403-564-4999 e: HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC CHURCH Hall Rentals Available 22213 - 9 Avenue Hillcrest, Alberta Our hours of operation are: Monday to Friday from 12:30pm - 3:30pm. Should you not be able to visit during these hours, call us and alternate arrangements can be made. CROWSNEST PASS FOOD BANK 11910 - 19 Avenue, Blairmore Contact the Parish Office ph: 403-562-2103 CROWSNEST WEIGHT LIFTING CLUB The Weight Lifting Club has all the equipment necessary for weight training and cardio fitness. Membership for ages 15 and over. Membership packages available at Water Magic. ph: 403-564-5110 e: Monday: 5pm - 7pm Wednesday: 5pm - 7pm Thursday: 11am - 2pm CrowsnestPass FoodBank Helping to feed those in need in Crowsnest Pass for almost 16 years. CROWSNEST MUSEUM & ARCHIVES 11922 - 22 Avenue, Blairmore Denise Coccioloni ph: 403-563-0773 FRANK SLIDE INTERPRETIVE CENTRE Open Daily, Year Round: Summer Hours: July 1 - Labour Day 9:00am - 6:00pm Hours for the remainder of the year 10:00am - 5:00pm Closed: Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years Day & Easter Sunday Hours: June - September: 7 days a week, 9:00 am -5:00 pm October - May: Monday to Saturday, 9:00 am -5:00 pm See history come to life at the Crowsnest Museum through two floors of displays featuring thousands of local artifacts and photos. Visit our Faceook page or website for upcoming weekend programs, special events, local stories and more! Crowsnest Museum @crowsnestmuseum 7701 - 18 Avenue, Coleman, AB Phone: 403-563-5434 Feel the impact of the Frank Slide story in an interactive and creative setting through first-hand accounts by the people who lived through the destruction. Get a crow’s eye view of the Crowsnest Pass. A 3-Dimensional model and multi-layered interpretive exhibits will satisfy your curiosity about the rich seams of history in this coal mining community. Located 1.5 km off Highway #3 in the Municipality of Crowsnest Pass, AB Section 31, Twp. 7, Range 3, W5M ph: 403-562-7388 e: 9 Municipality of Crowsnest Pass Community Facility Information CROWSNEST PASS SWIMMING POOL Open May Long Weekend – August 15, 2016 • Red Cross Swimming Lessons (Individual and Group) • Royal Life Bronze Medallion • Aquasize Sessions • Public Swimming • Lane Swim for Adults (morning & noon) • Pass Piranha Summer Swim Club • Masters Program • Private Rental Available • Terrain Park • Snow Making • Equipment Rentals $99 +GST Coming Summer 2017 We are rebuilding the pool with an estimated open date of July 1, 2017. Some new features include: • Beach entry and leisure pool • Tot area and toy features • Deck level diving board • Waterslide (to be confirmed by Pool Society) • Vortex area (similar to a lazy river) • 12 person hot tub 11973 - 20 Ave Blairmore, AB For more Information Call 403-562-8255 Conceptual Alberta’s designAffordable of newFamily poolSki Area • Affordable Rates • Night Skiing • Ski School Family Day of Skiing Early Bird Season Pass Rates Available Until Dec. 8 Located in the Heart of the Crowsnest Pass 403-562-8334 10 Municipality of Crowsnest Pass Community Facility Information Open Daily! Free Admission! Crowsnest Pass Public Art Gallery OPENING HOURS Mon - Thurs: 10am - 3pm Fri: 10am - 1pm & 2pm - 4pm Weekends & Holidays: 1pm - 4pm CROWSNEST PASS ALLIED ARTS ASSOCIATION & PUBLIC ART GALLERY ART GALLERY UPCOMING SHOWS ~ Everyone welcome & admsission is free! Join us for refreshments, meet the artists and enjoy the art. July 16 - August 28 ~ “As We Live and Breathe” IN THE GALLERY 2016 April 2 - May 1 ~ “EMERGENCE” - Courtesy of the students of Livingstone and Crowsnest Consolidated High schools May 7 - June 6 ~ “A Journey Through My Mind” - Solo exhibition - allegorical paintings by Rick Gillis June 11 - July 10 ~ “Travel Posters” - Solo exhibition by Alison Master - annual juried summer show AT STONE'S THROW CAFE April 4 - May 2 ~ Student art by CCHS & Livingstone School students May 2 - June 27 ~ Graphite and Ink Drawings by Yurek Panke June 27 - August 22 ~ Portraits by Dorothy Sharp August 22 - October 17 ~ Acrylic paintings by Karen Tamminga-Paton 14733-20 AVE, CROWSNEST PASS • BOX 1469, BLAIRMORE, AB TOKOEO • ph: 403-562-2218 • e: • Artist Collective Studio Box 1179, Coleman, AB T0K 0M0 7702 - 18 Avenue Upcoming Workshops: A collective of artists hosting art events, lectures and gatherings “Landscape in Oil” Workshop April 16 & 17 ”Spark” Creative Writing Workshop April 23 & 24 Artist Collective Studio “Travel Sketchbook” Workshop June 11 Mon, Wed & Fri: 9:00am - 6:00pm Tues & Thurs: 9:00am - 8:00pm Saturday: 12:00pm - 4:00pm (Closed Saturdays Jun-Aug) Open Studio Sessions Every Monday 6-9pm Figure Drawing Sessions April 27 & May 25 7-9pm Meeting of Creative Minds April 19 & July 19 7-9pm CROWSNEST COMMUNITY LIBRARY Crowsnest Community Library Access to over 900,000 items, 20,000 digital magazines, e-books & e-audiobook collections, as well as online databases for research! Children, adult and family programming. 2114 - 127 Street, Blairmore, AB ph: 403-562-8393 e: Public access to computers, internet and wifi. Meeting rooms available for public use. 11 MUNICIPAL RECREATION PROGRAMS For For more more Information Information on Municipal on Municipal Recreation Rec Programs, Programs, contact: contact: Tracey Linderman, Crowsnest Pass Community Services Phone: Phone: 403-563-2208 403.562.8833 Email: Email: EXERCISE FOR L.I.F.E OLSEN FITNESS Traditional Style Martial Arts Fitness Classes Monday & Wednesday (September -June) 10:00am - 11:00am M.D.M Community Centre Gym Instructors: Angel King and Janet Joy Ages 8 - Adult M.D.M Community Centre Gym Instructor: Junior Olsen Drop In Fee: $10.00 September - May L-Lifestyle I-Interaction F-Fitness E-Energy Weekly fitness class for adults of all ages. Program can be modified for chair exercises and at your own intensity level. Come out and enjoy an hour of excercise and socialization. No fees apply, donations welcome to sustain program. WE ENCOURAGE A FUN & SOCIAL ATMOSPHERE - LET'S DO IT! ZUMBA FITNESS Martial Art Fitness: Tuesday & Thursday 7:00pm - 8:00pm Class will begin with warm-ups including skipping, push-ups, sit-ups, core training, and weight training. We will work through the belt system, White through to Black, consisting of Kata's, Open Hand Techniques, and a variety of kicking techniques. These are practiced individually and/or partnered with pad drills. Participants will practice hand drills and foot techniques taught during class. Fitness Class: April 5 - May 12, 2016 Tuesday 10:00am - 11:00am (6 Classes - $50.00) Wednesday 7:05pm - 8:05pm (6 Classes - $50.00) Drop In Fee - $10.00 M.D.M Community Centre Gym Instructor: Janet Joy Come enjoy the Latin-inspired, easy-to-follow, calorie burning, dance fitness party! Tuesday & Thursday 7:00pm - 8:00pm Class will begin with warmups including skipping, pushups, sit-ups, core training, and weight training. Students will practice and perfect hand and foot techniques, including pad drills, circuit training, abdominal exercises, and strength training. BELLY DANCE FOR FITNESS April 26 - June 19 Tuesday & Thursday 12:00pm - 1:00pm Fee: $65.00 Blairmore Elk's Hall Contact Tracey at 403-563-2208 to register (Min. 8) Join Ellysia for a 40 minute class beginning at 12:1012:50. Belly Dance is an excellent form of exercise, giving you cardio, toning, and flexibility. Please wear comfortable fitting clothing, bare feet and be ready to have fun! Register before April 20. 12 MUNICIPAL RECREATION PROGRAMS For more Information on Municipal Recreation Programs, contact: Tracey Linderman, Crowsnest Pass Community Services Phone: 403-563-2208 Email: GYMNASTICS Dates: April 11 - June 2, 2016 (8 weeks) Albert Stella Memorial Arena Please note: Schedule may change due to registration numbers. Parent and Tot Ages walking - 2 years 45 minute Class - $65.00 Monday 4:30 - 5:15pm Tumbling Tots Ages 3-4 years RED CROSS BABYSITTING COURSE Ages 11-15 Friday, April 22, 2016 (Register by April 13, 2016) 8:30am - 4:30pm $30.00 (Snacks provided, bring lunch) M.D.M. Community Centre (Room 10B) Instructor: Bonita Bourlon This course targets youth who are planning to start babysitting. It introduces basic first aid and how to respond to emergency situations, explains basic baby and child care and offers advice on becoming a responsible babysitter. This course will develop confidence, creating safe environments, and even tips for finding babysitting jobs. This course is sponsored by Crowsnest Pass Community Services and FCSS. Register early, space is limited to 12 participants! 45 minute Class - $65.00 Monday 5:30 - 6:15pm Wednesday 4:30 - 5:15pm Thursday 4:30 - 5:15pm Kindergym Kids Ages 5-6 years 45 minute Class - $65.00 Wednesday 5:30 - 6:15pm Thursday 5:30 - 6:15pm Junior Rec Gymnastics Ages 7-9 1 hour Class - $80.00 Monday, Wednesday or Thursday 6:30 - 7:30pm GYMWALK Monday to Friday 11:00am - 1:00pm M.D.M. Community Centre Gym Indoor walking year round. Recreation Gymnastics Ages 10+ 1 hour Class - $80.00 Tuesday 6:30 - 7:30pm Wednesday 7:30 - 8:30pm OPEN GYM Friday 1:30pm - 4:00pm Watch For Sole Survivor Foot Race this September! M.D.M. Community Centre Gym is open to the public for sports related activities, Indoor Floor Hockey, Volleyball and Basketball equipment available. 13 MUNICIPAL RECREATION PROGRAMS For more Information on Municipal Recreation Programs, contact: Tracey Linderman, Crowsnest Pass Community Services Phone: 403-563-2208 Email: SPLASH DANCE SOUTHERN ALBERTA SUMMER GAMES June 2016 CNP Community Pool Instructor: Janet Joy Enjoy a fun aquatic dance, cardio, toning, and stretching workout in the pool with dance moves from pop, rock, hip hop, and country. The water provides support and resistance. Get in Shape for Summer! BRITISH SOCCER CAMP For results, schedules & information visit: Challenger Sports' British Soccer Camp is the most popular soccer camp in the country based upon one of the most innovative approaches to coaching youth soccer in the US and Canada. CROWSNEST 3 ON 3 HOCKEY CHALLENGE The curriculums includes a variety of foot skills, technical drills, tactical practices, freestyle soccer, small-sided games, coached scrimmages, and a mini tournament play. Register at by July 8, 2016 to receive a FREE replica jersey. $10 late fee applied to all registrations received after August 12. First Kicks Mini Soccer Player Development Player Development Full Day Advanced Sign up to be part of TEAM CROWSNEST PASS in the Southern Alberta Summer Games. Participants may register in a max of 3 different sport & cultural events including: 5/10 km Run, Basketball, Archery, Athletics, Badminton, Ball Hockey, Baseball, Beach Volleyball, Cribbage, Cycling, Darts, Equestrian, Golf, Mini Soccer, Photography, Quilting, Shooting, Soccer, Swimming, Tennis , Triathlon and much more... Registration Opens May 4, 2016 August 22 - 26, 2016 Isabelle Sellon Soccer Field 11 am - 12 pm 9am - 10:30 am 9 am - 12 pm 1 - 4 pm 9 am - 4 pm July 6-9, 2016 Cost: $25.00/athelete. Location: Lethbridge, AB. Contact: 403-563-2208 Ages 3-4 Ages 4-6 Ages 6-12 Ages 6-12 Ages 7-16 September (Date: TBA) Cost $50/ player. Contact 403-563-2208 Registartion deadline: September 7, 2016 Novice, Atom & Peewee Divisions Limited to 4 teams per division Max of 8 players/team, including goalie. $85.00 $101.00 $132.00 $132.00 $190.00 GST may apply Players will be grouped by age and ability 14 FAMILY & COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES For more Information on FCSS Programs, contact: Kim Lewis, FCSS Programmer Phone: 403-563-2207 Email: WHAT IS FCSS? The Municipality of Crowsnest Pass Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) is a cost sharing program between the Province of Alberta (80%) and the Municipality of Crowsnest Pass (20%). Communities deliver and support social programs that are preventive in nature to promote and enhance wellbeing among individuals, families, and communities. The FCSS philosophy is based on a belief that self-help contributes to a sense of integrity, self-worth and independence. The programs funded and or developed by FCSS are intended to help individuals in our community to adopt healthy lifestyles, thereby improving the quality of life and building the capacity to prevent and/or deal with crisis situations should they arise. The following Programs and Services are offered through FCSS MEALS ON WHEELS The Meals on Wheels Program provides a hot nutritional, well balanced meal Monday to Friday at noon (including statutory holidays) to any person within the Municipality who through illness, age or disability, has difficulty preparing meals themselves. Meals consist of a hot meal, soup and dessert for $7.00 and a sandwich can be added to the meal for $1.00. Meals are delivered by volunteers. 2017 FCSS FUNDING APPLICATIONS The Family & Community Support Services (FCSS) program provides financial support for the delivery of preventive social programming within the Municipality of Crowsnest Pass. Funding Applications will be available on the website at . Meals on Wheels assists idividuals to live independently in 2017 Funding Applications will be available early June 2016. their own homes. As well, volunteers provide a welcome For more information about 2017 FCSS Grant Funding please contact Kim Lewis at 403-563-2207. daily contact. For more information, or to register for Meals on Wheels, please contact 403-563-2207. Meals on Wheels Volunteers If you are available to volunteer as a Meals on Wheels driver, please contact Kim at 403-563-2207 or email: P EOPLE OUTREACH PROGRAM The People Outreach Program is coordinated through F.C.S.S. and provides a subsidy for general cleaning, yard maintenance and snow removal for people with disabilities. There are requirements and program guidelines to be eligible for assistance. Please contact the Family and Community Support Services Department at 403-5632207 for information and applications. 15 FAMILY & COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES For more Information on FCSS Programs, contact: Kim Lewis, FCSS Programmer Phone: 403-563-2207 Email: VOLUNTEER PROMOTION SENIORS WEEK LUNCHEON In honour of Senior's week, FCSS will be hosting a luncheon for all seniors in the Crowsnest Pass. FCSS would like to acknowledge and celebrate the roles and contributions of seniors in our community. Volunteers are often the heart of many organizations. Sometimes finding volunteers can be difficult. In an effort to make volunteer recruitment a little easier, F.C.S.S. is offering to assist local organizations with the promotion of volunteer opportunities. Whether you have a need for year round volunteers or volunteers for specific events we can help. The process is simple; complete a Volunteer Job Design form and return to F.C.S.S by email at kim.lewis@, or drop it off at the Community Services Department located at M.D.M. Community Centre. Volunteer Opportunities will be displayed on the volunteer board located on the exterior wall at the entrance of the Municipal Office. This display board is dedicated to promoting local Volunteer Opportunities submitted by organizations. Looking for a way to get involved in our Community? Come check out our volunteer board, Municipal website and facebook page to see if there is a volunteer opportunity that works for you. For more information please contact Kim Lewis at 403-563-2207 or by email at Date: June 6 Location: Coleman Seniors Hall Time: 11 AM - 1 PM Cost: FREE Call Kim to confirm your attendance at 403-563-2207 HOME ALONE PROGRAM Date: TBA M.D.M. Communtiy Centre Fee: $10.00 Instructor: Bonita Bourlon Age: 10+ Contact Kim at 403-563-2207 to register. Limited to 10 participants Designed to provide children 10 years of age and older with the neccessary skills and knowledge to be safe and responsible when home alone for short periods of time. It will help them to understand how to prevent problems, handle real life situations, and keep them safe and constructively occupied. YOUTH WEEK - MAY 1-7, 2016 Dedicated to the celebration of youth & their active participation in our community! Watch for details on events & activities! 16 FAMILY & COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES 2016 VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION DINNER CROWSNEST PASS SENIORS YOU ARE INVITED TO A PRESENTATION ON ALBERTA SENIORS (65+) FINANCIAL BENEFIT PROGRAMS Alberta Seniors Benefit You may qualify for a monthly cash benefit Special Needs Assistance You may be eligible for items such as a bed, TV, prescription medications, housekeeping/yard maintenance and more Dental and Optical Assistance for Seniors Property Tax Assistance Programs Contact Kim Lewis at 403.563.2207 to register May 12, 2016 at 1:30pm MDM Community Centre 2802 222 Street, Bellevue FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2016 M.D.M COMMUNITY CENTRE DOORS OPEN AT 5:30PM DINNER AT 6:00PM Cost: FREE The Municipality’s way of saying “THANK YOU” to all the many volunteers in our community! Dinner, Awards & Entertainment If you are a volunteer and would like to attend this celebration, please contact Kim at 403-563-2207 to R.S.V.P. Tickets can also be picked up from the Community Services Department located at M.D.M Community Centre. TOWN ROUNDER SCHEDULE Town Rounder Service available Mondays and Tuesdays only. Coleman 9:45am 11:45am Blairmore 10:00am 12:45am 2:00pm Bellevue/Hillcrest 10:45am 1:15pm Call 403-562-8833 before 9:30am to schedule your trip on the Town Rounder. The Town Rounder offers safe and Private Rentals reliable transportation for seniors Available and persons with mobility issues in the Crowsnest Pass. The Town Monday & Tuesday Evenings after Rounder comfortably seats 18 5 pm & Weekends. passengers, and is also equipted RENTAL RATES to accomodate up to 3 wheelchair (includes driver) passengers. TOWN ROUNDER FEES $4.00 for a pick up $4.00 for a drop off $1.00 for additional trips $25.00 punch cards available. Commercial Hourly Rate: $90.00 Commercial Daily Rate: $630.00 Adult Hourly Rate: $60.00 Adult Daily Rate: $420.00 Youth Hourly: $33.00 Youth Daily Rate: $231.00 Each rental will have an additional per kilometer surcharge of $1.00 For more info please contact Kim at 403-563-2207 Contact F.C.S.S at 403-563-2207 for all Town Rounder Inquiries. 17 Municipality of Crowsnest Pass Map Mt. Tecumseh Summit Lake & tain ou n a e st M sne ging Ar row a To C tlas St A Allison Lake & Chinook Rec Area Crowsnest Ridge st e sn ke La ow Cr Island Lake Visitor Info Centre Emerald Lake Crowsnest River Star Creek Falls Mt. Sentry Chinook Peak Crowsnest Pass Golf Club Visitor Info Fishing Cultural Site Mountain Biking Hwy 3 Cross Country Skiing Pathway Downhill Skiing Hospital Paddling 1 Facilities Hiking 30 Parks / Playgrounds Scrambling Campground Caving Water Body Ice Climb Golfing 11 22 2 29 Pass Powderkeg Ski Area ATV Staging Please see next page for map index Map Index HALLS 1. Elks Hall 2. Lions Pride Hall 3. Hillcrest Fish & Game Hall 4. MDM Community Centre • Meeting rooms, Gymnasium & Kitchen 5. Polish Hall 7. Sports Complex • Curling arena, Ice arena, lounge, meeting room 8. Albert Stella Memorial Arena • Climbing Wall, Skate Board Park, Field House 9. Coleman Seniors Drop-In Centre 10. Bellecrest Senior Citizens Club 11. Crowsnest Weight Lifting Club • Fitness Equipment ARTS & CULTURE RECREATION & FITNESS 6. CNP Swimming Pool 18 12. Crowsnest Pass Art Gallery 13. CNP Museum 14. Bellevue Underground Mine 6 15. Frank Slide Interpretive Centre 16. Crowsnest Municipal Library SPORTS FIELDS 17. Horace Allen School Soccer Field • 4 Mini Fields or 1 Regular Field 18. Consolidated High School Soccer Field • 1 Soccer Field 19. Isabelle Sellon School Soccer Field • 1 Soccer Field 20. Isabelle Sellon Baseball Fields • 2 Minor Baseball Fields Municipality of Crowsnest Pass Map 17 37 31 7 9 13 21 10 28 5 27 14 26 18 4 33 24 34 3 Bluff Mountain Gold Creek Crow 12 Frank Slide Interpretive Centre 25 sne 15 Fra st nk Ri ve r Sli de 35 Turtle Mountain Leitch Collieries 16 1 9 19 20 38 8 32 36 30 Crowsnest River 23 Map provided by the Crowsnest Pass Chamber of Commerce 21. Hillcrest Baseball Complex • 2 Regulation Baseball Fields PARKS 22. Blaimore Lions Park • Play Structures, Tennis & Basketball Courts 23. Snake Park • Play Structure 24. Hillcrest Miners Park (Playground) • Play Structure & Basketball Courts 25. Frank Playground • Play Structure 26. Pine View Playground (Lions Park) • Play Structure 27. Bushtown Playground • Play Structure 28. Bellevue Arena Memorial Park • Play Structure, Enclosed Cement Pad, Gazebo, Concession Facility 29. Pete’s Park • Picnic Area 30. Gazebo Park • Gazebo, Cement Pad 31. Flumerfelt Park • Water Park, Play Structures, Tennis Courts, Beach Volley Ball Courts, Picnic Shelter 32. Blairmore Bike Park 33. MDM Community Centre Park • Play Structure 34. Coke and Coal Centennial Park • Cement Pad, Picnic Shelter 35. Fireman’s Park • Play Structure, Picnic Shelter, Mini- Golf, Fire Pit, BBQ for Rent 36. Crowsnest Commemorative Plaza • Play Structure, Miniature Train Structure 37. Horace Allen School Playground 38. Isabelle Sellon School Playground 19 Municipality of Crowsnest Pass Crowsnest Community Trail Map Municipality of Crowsnest Pass Highway 40 (Kananaskis Highway) r ez P e ce Cre ek Juniper Berries Cro wsn est Riv e Bla irm ore C r e ek ek Co e a Coleman r 5 Fishing the Crowsnest River 3 9 6 8 7 20 ay 12 10 11 k Yor k Creek M2 Designs Highw ee 2 4 yon ’s C r 3 Star Cre 1 M c Gil l iv ra y C reek Highway 3 N L CP Ra il B a rmore Blairmore Star Creek Falls Hike Junction 1 Crowsnest Museum 2 13 Turtle Mountain erfelt Park & Miner’s Path Trailhead 3 14 Frank Slide Memorial Crowsnest Pass Sports Complex 4 15 Frank Slide Interpretive Loop Trail Blairmore Lion’s Path - Along River 5 16 Frank Slide Interpretive Centre Crowsnest Pass Outdoor Swimming Pool 6 17 Frank Slide Pass Powderkeg Ski Hill 7 18 Fireman’s Park Albert Stella Memorial Arena 8 19 Bellevue Underground Mine Tour Crowsnest River Slalom Course 9 20 M.D. McEachern Community Centre Riverside Memorial Park 10 2 21 Hillcrest Ball Soccer Complex Frank Picnic Shelter 11 22 Hillcrest Mine Disaster Memorial and Cemetery Community Tr Goat/Bluff Mountain 12 23 Hillcrest Coal and Coke Centennial Park Crowsnest He L. Franken 13 Golden Eagle Trail Roads /Highw Railway River Municipality of Crowsnest Pass Crowsnest Community Trail Map M2 Designs The Crowsnest Community Trail is a 23 km, non-motorized route that connects the The Crowsnest Community Trail is a 23 km, communities of the Municipality of Crowsnest non-motorized connects theof Pass together. The trailroute is athat combination the Municipality of Crowsnest asphalt,communities gravel, andofnatural trail surfaces. Pass together. The trail is a combination of Use the route to travel between communities, visit asphalt, gravel, and natural trail surfaces. local businesses, and tour incredible historical sites, Elk ek Gold Frank 15 14 Bike Route Detour 16 Hig hwa y3 17 18 Connelly Lake Frank Lake Beellevue ev e 19 21 20 22 Dr 23 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Picnicking at Riverside Memorial Park Highlights: • BirdTrail watching along Crowsnest River Riverside • Taking•inPicnicking the FrankatSlide at theMemorial Park Frank•Slide BirdViewpoint watching along Crowsnest River • Exploring the MineSlide Disaster isaster • TakingHillcrest in the Frank at the CemeteryFrank Slide Viewpoint • Exploring the Hillcrest Mine Disaster isaster Cemetery iv er e st R um C r e s ne HHillcrest cresst C row way such as the Frank Slide Interpretive Centre and the Use the route to travel between communities, visit Bellevue Underground Mine. On the way, the trail takes local businesses, and tour incredible historical sites, you through stunning natural areas. Watch for wildlife such as the Frank Slide Interpretive Centre and the along Crowsnest River, stop at the viewpoint overlooking Bellevue Underground Mine. On the way, the trail takes the Frank Slide and Turtle Mountain, and enjoy you through stunning natural areas. Watch for wildlife spectacular Crowsnest Pass vistas. along Crowsnest River, stop at the viewpoint overlooking As you the trail themove Frank between Slide and communities, Turtle Mountain,stop andatenjoy interpretive kiosks to learn more about Crowsnest Pass’ spectacular Crowsnest Pass vistas. amazing natural and cultural history. As you move between communities, stop at the trail interpretive kiosks to learn more about Crowsnest Pass’ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Crowsnest Pass autumn colours natural and cultural history. Trailamazing Highlights: rail Kiosk eritage Kiosk The Crowsnest Community Trail is a 23 km, non-motorized route that connects the communities of the Municipality of Crowsnest Pass together. The trail is a combination of asphalt, gravel, and natural trail surfaces. This is a multi-use trail system. Use the route to travel between communities, visit Please respect other trail users. local businesses, and tour incredible historical sites, This is multi-use trail system. such ason theathe Frank Slide Interpretive Travel right-hand side.Centre and the Bellevue Underground Mine.trail On the way, the trail takes Please respect other users. you through stunning natural areas. Watch for wildlife Biker Etiquette: along Crowsnest stop at the viewpoint overlooking Travel on theRiver, right-hand side. • Yield pedestrians. Beenjoy audible. the Frank to Slide and Turtle Mountain,•and spectacular •Biker PassEtiquette: onCrowsnest left whenPass safe.vistas. • Maintain control. As you move between communities, stop at the trail • Yield to pedestrians. • Be audible. interpretive kiosks to learn more about Crowsnest Pass’ • Pass on leftandwhen safe.history.• Maintain control. Wildlife Safety: amazing natural cultural • Be BearSmart. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Trail Safety: Highlights: •Wildlife Learn what to do in a wildlife encounter. Picnicking Riverside • Be• BearSmart. • Make noise andatalert wildlifeMemorial of your Park presence to • surprising Birdwhat watching Crowsnest River avoid • Learn to dowildlife. inalong a wildlife encounter. • Taking in the Frank Slide at the • Carry bear spray howof toyourusepresence it. to • Make noise andand alertknow wildlife Frank Slide Viewpoint wildlife. • Callavoid Fishsurprising and Wildlife with bear and cougar sightings. • Exploring the Hillcrest Mine Disaster isaster • CarryCemetery bear spray and know how to use it. • Call Fish and Wildlife with bear and cougar sightings. Please: • Respect the private land and grazing leases the trail crosses through and stay on trail. Please: • When travelling on theland Road Trailleases SharedtheRoute, • Respect the private andand grazing trail staycrosses on thethrough right-hand side and pay attention to traffic. and stay on trail. • Pack all travelling garbageonout.the Road and Trail Shared Route, • When stay on the right-hand side and pay attention to traffic. • Pack all garbage out. The Crowsnest Community Trail is maintained by the Municipality of Crowsnest Pass. TrailCommunity use is at your risk. by the The Crowsnest Trailown is maintained CrowsnestthePass. If you have anyMunicipality questions ofregarding trail, please call (403) 562-8833. Trail use is at your own risk. If you have any questions regarding the trail, please call (403) 562-8833. This is a mu Please resp Travel on th Biker Etiquett • Yield to p Tha • Pass on l of t Thankcon Wildlife Safet of the • Be BearSC Bridg • Learn wh contrib Alb • Make noi Go avoid Go Bridgesur Bu Co Alberta • Carry bea De Governm Governm Sp Commu Please: DevonTro Mounta • Respect TrailLt Spray crosses th TroutAlb Un St • When trav Tu TrailonGuid stay th Alberta • PackTrail all Stantecg TurtleFuM Th Ka Trail TheBlaze Cro Se Full Mo The Gre Path Katima A& Servus If you ha Bl Bl Pathfinde A&B Co Liq Cr Blairmo Jo Blairmo Hi Colema Kn Crowsn Joe &KoA Do Hillcres Pip Knights Va Koinber DougEli& Sh Pipesto ValerieVa Elizabe Supp Sherritt Cr Vastenh Va Pr Supporter Crowsn Valerie Prima T • Call FishMo 21 COMMUNITY PROGRAMS SPICE PLAY - Monday to Friday 9:00am -11:30am Gym Time - Tuesday and Thursday mornings in the Horace Allen gym Amazing Art - Mondays 10:00am -11:00am Fun Time Fridays - two Fridays per month, join us for community field trips Wacky Wednesdays - theme days Parent Link Centre provides early childhood programming for parents and their children to ensure that children get the best possible start in life. Mentoring Moms: Sometimes moms feel overwhelmed, guilty, angry, isolated or alone. The Mentoring Moms program is a way to connect with an experienced mother, someone who has been there. This program provides one-on-one interactions with volunteer experienced moms. For more in formation, contact 403-563-8157 or PASS (Parent and Student Support): A program for teens, parents, guardians, grandparents, and community members who care for or about teens. For more information, contact Kayla Strandquist, PASS Program Facilitator, at 403-394-5260 or ECD (Early Childhood Development Coalition): ECD is a dynamic group of community members and service providers working together to enhance early childhood development opportunities. Anyone is welcome to join. For more information, contact Kayla Strandquist, ECD Chairperson, at ASQ (Ages & Stages Questionnaire): An annual event where parents can bring their children to learn more about their child’s development and can learn about the programs and resources available in the community. The next check-up is June 2016. For more information, contact Kayla at Parent Workshops: Parent Link Centre offers informational sessions and workshops for parents. Free child care is provided. Topics covered include Budgeting, Car Seat Safety, Dealing with Children’s Behaviors, Fitness, English as a Second Language, Personal Health, and Parent Discussions. Watch for posters on facebook or email Programs run September to May Monday / Wednesday / Friday 9:00am – 11:30am $120 per month Tuesday / Thursday 9:00am – 11:30am and 1:00pm – 3:30pm $80 per month Kid’s Kollege 22 ph: 403-562-2624 MDM Community Centre 2802 - 222 Street, Bellevue Horace Allen School 2002-76 Street, Coleman e: ph: 403-563-8157 Box 400, Coleman, AB T0K 0M0 COMMUNITY PROGRAMS KIDSPORT CROWSNEST PASS BRANCH Offers safe and supportive programs where children and youth can experience new opportunities, overcome barriers, build positive relationships and develop confidence and skills for life. After school and summer day camp programs available. Boys & Girls Club of Crowsnest Pass Providing Registration Funds for Kids Facing Financial Barriers to Participate in Organized Sport For more information, contact: KIDSPORT - Crowsnest Pass Branch Box 415, Blairmore, AB T0K 0E0 f: 403-562-2118 Joanne Drain - ph: 403-562-8352 e: Ina Wig - ph: 403-562-8207 e: ph: 403.562.8664 e: Blairmore, AB. 2nd Annual CNP’S AMAZING TEEN RACE Teams of 4 (youth ages 12-17) race around the community competing in challenges. Saturday, September 10, 2016 $10.00/participant (inlcudes meal) To register please call Katherine at 403-563-2208 or email Must Register by August 10, 2016 Asset # 7: Children & youth perceive that adults in the community value them! For more information visit; WWW.CNP40.COM WWW.KIDSPORT.CA FIRST CROWSNEST SCOUTS Co-Ed Programming BEAVERS Ages 5-7 yrs Wednesdays 5:30pm-6:30pm CUBS Ages 8-10 yrs Wednesdays 7:00pm-8:30pm SCOUTS Ages 11-14 yrs Thursdays 6:30pm-8:00pm Scouting offers a world where you can discover the best in yourself and the best in others. Dollar for dollar, our programs provide significant value. They run all year round and offer adventures that youth will remember for a lifetime! Contact Kate at 403-563-8235 or 23 COMMUNITY GROUPS Turtle Mountain Minor Ball I.S.S. Fields & Hillcrest Ball Complex Contact Ken Hamilton, President ph: 403-562-8920 or c: 403-582-0233 E: Turtle Mountain Minor Ball Crowsnest Pass Minor Soccer Association CNP Minor Soccer Royal Canadian Air Cadets, 859 Crowsnest Squadron Weekly Training Mondays during school 6:30pm - 9:15 pm Elks Hall, 2029 - 129 St, Blairmore AB Daniel Desrosiers e: 859 Squadron Royal Canadian Air Cadets Spring Soccer League for all ages (U4 - U18) Mid-April to End of June Katherine Mertz Soccer coaching throughout the ph: 403-564-2377 year, indoor and outdoor e: CROWSNEST PASS TRACK AND FIELD CLUB Minor Lacrosse - Ages 6-16 ( Southern Alberta Lacrosse Association) A competitive club providing training to help athletes achieve their maximum potential in track & field (ages 8+) Junior Lacrosse - Ages 17-21 (Rocky Mountain Lacrosse League) Crownest Pass Ravens Lacrosse Contact: Box 1620, Blairmore, AB. Chuck Clarke p: 403-563-7021 e: Dave Shortreed p: 403-562-7766 e: 24 PassTrak CROWSNEST PASS LACROSSE ASSOCIATION · Cross country running - September to November · Indoor track and field - November to April · Outdoor track and field - April until June, July or August depending on the age and ability level of the athlete Every Tuesday & Thursday 6:00pm – 8:00 pm Crowsnest Pass Consolidated High School New members can join any time. Contact: Ritch Braun ph: 403-563-5470 e: Member of Athletics Alberta and Athletics Canada COMMUNITY GROUPS PASS PIRANHAS SWIM CLUB Pass Piranhas Swim Club is a non-profit swim club that promotes the sport of competetive swimming, developing team spirit, sportsmanship and self-confidence. DAILY TRAINING TIMES! Membership fees apply For more Information Contact Sherry Gleave at 403-562-2419 Box 887 Blairmore, AB T0K 0E0 KOOTENAY TAEKWONDO SEPTEMBER - APRIL · MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS Our Mission is • To promote the spirit and integrity of Traditional Taekwon-Do as envisioned by its founder General Choi Hong Hi. • To provide opportunities for students to excel in a competitive environment. For more information, contact Gena Paton at 403 - 563-9471 e: MDM Community Centre, 2802 – 222nd Street Bellevue Box 293, Hillcrest Mines, AB T0K 1C0 REPORT BEAR SIGHTINGS TO FISH AND WILDLIFE AT 1-800-642-3800 FISH AND WILDLIFE CROWSNEST PASS BEARSMART A volunteer group directed by Fish and Wildlife in managing bears in the community through different projects and events. Provide information in attractant management, bear behaviour and outdoor preparedness for residents. Monitoring bears in the area and helping keep all neighbourhoods safe for people and the wildlife that resides there. Will take bookings for bear awareness and safety courses. Contact Christy Pool at 403-563-8723 to reserve. COMMUNITY BEAR AWARENESS AND BEAR SPRAY TRAINING Fish and Wildlife District Officer John Clake and Bearsmart volunteers put on a free 3-hour outdoor course for residents on bear awareness and how to properly use bear spray. Participants learn how to identify different species, bear behavior, what to do if there is an encounter, and how to be bearsmart in their communities. Up to 20 participants per course, advance registration is mandatory. For more information call Kristina Jones at 403-563-5715 Fish and Wildlife Crowsnest Pass Bearsmart Crowsnest Conservation Society organizes “connecting to nature” activities throughout the year, offering opportunities to explore and enjoy our spectacular surroundings and to participate in stewardship events such as: Birding - May Species Count, eagle watching, Christmas Bird Count, Nature Walks photography excursions, wildflower walks, Community Cleanups and Weed pulls, Guest Speakers on a variety of topics, and much more. Contact Information Box 242 Crowsnest Pass, AB T0K 0E0 e: 25 COMMUNITY GROUPS Crowsnest Pass Women’s Resource & Crisis Centre • Legal Resource Services • Counselling Services • Referrals • Thrift Store • Violence Education Prevention Programs Monday – Friday 10:00 am – 4:00 pm For More Information Contact: Desiree Simoneau e: ph: 403-562-8000 f: 403-562-8500 #208, 12501 - 20 Ave Box 1207 Blairmore, AB. T0K 0E0 Tuesdays & Thursdays 9:00am – 4:30pm (September to June) The Crowsnest Pass Adult Literacy Program provides one-on-one tutoring for adults in the community who wish to improve their literacy essential skills or English Language Skills. Weekly tutoring is provided by trained volunteer tutors in a confidential setting. There is no cost for tutoring. Contact Information: MDM Community Centre 2802 - 222 Street, Bellevue Cheryl Cann, Coodinator ph: 403-563-8529 e: PO Box 103, Blairmore, AB. T0K 0E0 26 CROWSNEST PASS LITERACY FOUNDATION Crownest Pass Literacy Foundation recruits and trains volunteer tutors that help struggling students to enjoy reading. Tutors will work with students weekly during the school year. Crownest Pass Literacy also offers the Home Visit Program and Family Literacy Programming. Contact: Marcy Purcha ph: 403-562-8816 Located in Isabelle Sellon School 12602 - 18 Avenue, Blairmore e: Crowsnest Pass Adult Education Crowsnest Pass Adult Education is dedicated to enriching the lives of adults by providing inexpensive, quality educational programs. Our mission is to provide equal opportunities for quality lifelong learning and literacy for adults in the Crowsnest Pass. Hours of Operation: Monday – Thursday 8:30am – 3:00pm Contact Information: e: or Joni MacFarlane – 403-563-8516 Cheryl Cann – 403-563-8529 PO Box 103, Blairmore, AB T0K 0E0 2802 – 222 Street, Bellevue, AB. COMMUNITY TRANSIT Stop Location Times (Wednesday - Friday) 1 Hillcrest: 8th Ave & 228 St 1:23pm 2:47pm 4:20pm 6:35pm 7:59pm 2 Bellevue: 27 Ave & 226 St (Crockets) 1:28pm 2:52pm 4:25pm 6:40pm 8:04pm 3 Bellevue: 28 Ave & 223 St (Bottom of MDM) 1:29pm 2:53pm 4:26pm 6:41pm 4 Bellevue: 213 St (East end of Main St) 1:32pm 2:56pm 4:29pm 6:44pm 8:08pm 5 Bellevue: 24 Ave & 208 St 1:33pm 2:57pm 4:30pm 6:45pm 6 Frank: 21St Ave & 150 St (Frank Playground) 1:38pm 3:02pm 4:35pm 6:50pm 8:14pm 7 Blairmore: 20 Ave & 135 St (Pass Promoter Bldg) 1:43pm 3:07pm 4:40pm 6:55pm 8:19pm 8 Blairmore: 21 Ave & 129 St (across from Elk’s Hall) 1:45pm 3:09pm 4:42pm 6:57pm 8:21pm 9 Blairmore: 19 Ave & 124 St (across from Pete’s Park) 1:46pm 3:10pm 4:43pm 6:58pm 8:22pm 10 Blairmore: 20 Ave & 119 St 1:49pm 3:13pm 4:46pm 7:01pm 8:25pm 11 Blairmore: 20 Ave - Blairmore Mall 1:50pm 3:14pm 4:47pm 7:02pm 8:26pm 12 Coleman: 22 Ave & Hwy 40 (in front of Apts.) 1:56pm 3:20pm 4:53pm 7:08pm 8:32pm 8:05pm 8:09pm 13 Coleman: 28 Ave & 80 St (near playground) 1:59pm 3:23pm 4:56pm 7:11pm 8:35pm 14 Coleman: 22 Ave & 79 St (up from First & Last) 2:01pm 3:25pm 4:58pm 7:13pm 8:37pm 15 Coleman: 24 Ave & 76 St (Horace Allen School) 2:04pm 3:28pm 5:01pm 7:16pm 8:40pm 16 Coleman: 18 Ave & Hwy 3 2:08pm 3:32pm 5:05pm 7:20pm 8:44pm 17 Coleman: 17 Ave & 70 St 2:10pm 3:34pm 5:07pm 7:22pm 8:46pm 18 Coleman: 17 Ave & 77 St 2:13pm 3:37pm 5:10pm 7:25pm 8:49pm 19 Coleman: 83st & 14 Ave 2:16pm 3:40pm 5:13pm 7:28pm 8:52pm Mountainview Pick-up 3:44pm 20 Blairmore: 20 Ave - Blairmore Mall 2:21pm 3:54pm 5:18pm 7:33pm 8:57pm 21 Blairmore: 20 Ave & 119 St 2:23pm 3:56pm 5:20pm 7:35pm 8:59pm 22 Blairmore: 19 Ave & 124 St (Pete’s Park) 2:26pm 3:59pm 5:25pm 7:38pm 9:02pm 23 Blairmore: 20 Ave & 129 St (by Gazebo Park) 2:28pm 4:01pm 5:25pm 7:40pm 9:04pm 24 Frank: 14 Ave & 150 St (Frank Industrial Park) 2:31pm 4:04pm 5:28pm 7:43pm 9:07pm Hillcrest shop 2:36pm 4:09pm 7:48pm 5 Bellevue: 24 Ave & 208 St 5:33pm 9:12pm 4 Bellevue: 213 St (East end of Main St) 5:34pm 9:13pm 3 Bellevue: 28 Ave & 223 St (Bottom of MDM) 5:37pm 9:16pm 2 Bellevue: 27 Ave & 226 St (Crockets) 5:38pm 9:17pm 1 Hillcrest: 8th Ave & 228 St 5:43pm 9:22pm Hillcrest shop 5:44pm 9:23pm Please arrive at the bus stop 5 minutes prior to scheduled time, as bus may be 5 minutes earlier or later. Schedule is subject to change. Rider Fees 5 years and under 6 years and up 10x punch card FREE $3.00 per pick up $24.00 Please have correct change. Change will not be provided. For up-to-date scheduling information, please visit 27 Municipality of Crowsnest Pass Community Directory CLUBS, GROUPS & ORGANIZATIONS Adult Ladies Hockey Contact Sue Burgman ph: 403-563-8761 Alnon Contact Aggie Mitchell ph: 403-562-8537 Badminton - Adult Contact Marianne Kutcher ph: 403-564-5126 Wednesdays at Isabelle Sellon School Bellecrest Community Association Contact Charlie Martin ph: 403-582-0056 e: w: Organizes community events, maintains parks and campground. Plants, maintains flowers and Christmas lights. Bellecrest Senior Citizens Club 2413 - 213 Street, Bellevue Contact Gerrie Keohane ph: 403-753-0807 Hosts recreational activities for seniors. CNP Allied Arts Association Contact Krisztina Wood ph: 403-562-2218. e: w: CNP Indoor Playground M.D.M. Community Centre ph: 403-562-2360 CNP Weight Lifting Club 11922 - 22 Avenue, Blairmore Contact Denise Coccioloni ph: 403-563-0773 Co-Ed Volleyball 25+ Contact Don Pitt ph: 403-562-8693 Tuesdays at ISS Gym 7 – 9 pm 28 Coleman Community Society Contact Jane Anne Reimer ph: 403-563-5408 Organize community celebrations such as Canada Day, Country Market, Pumpkins & Christmas in the Park. Coleman Seniors Drop-In Centre 7801 - 18 Avenue Coleman Contact Frank Loseth ph: 403-563-3665 e: Hosts recreational activities for seniors. Crowsnest Agricultural Society Contact Joanne Trotz ph: 403-563-5100 e: w: fb: Crowsnest Pass Agricultural Society Supports and encourages community growth and development through the enhancement of agriculture, recreation and culture. Crowsnest Cultural & Recreation Society Contact Tim Juhlin ph: 403-753-0030 e: Working towards providing a Cultural and Recreational Complex for the Crowsnest Pass. Crowsnest Curling Club 8702 - 22 Avenue, Coleman e: w: fb: Crowsnest Curling Club Welcomes new curlers & has a league and/or drop in for everyone. Crowsnest Heritage Initiative Contact Shar Cartwright ph: 403-562-8858 e: w: Communtiy group interested in preserving & promoting heritage, resources and increasing tourism traffic and business revenue. Crowsnest Community Choir Contact Darlene Panek ph: 403-564-2393 Crowsnest Mountain Gun Club Contact Barry Hanna ph: 403-563-5473 Crowsnest Conservation BearSmart Contact Elizabeth Anderson ph: 403-563-0058 e: w: Bear Awareness & Education, Bear resistant garbage bins, apple exchange network, apple round up, apple tree swap, bear briefs in newspapers. Crowsnest Quad Squad ph: 403-562-8686 e: w: Year-round operating season. Crowsnest Conservation Society Contact Judy Cooke ph: 403-753-2040 e: w: Provides BearSmart and outdoor education, outdoor education for local schools & “connecting to nature” activities. Crowsnest Pass Boys & Girls Club ph: 403-562-8664 e: Crowsnest Pass Citizens on Patrol Contact Susan Demchuk ph: 403-564-4881 Work in conjunction with the local RCMP as extra eyes in the community doing patrols. Municipality of Crowsnest Pass Community Directory Crowsnest Pass Chamber of Commerce Association Contact Sylvia Kilford ph: 403-562-7108 e: w: fb: The Crowsnest Pass Chamber of Commerce Association Local & regional businesses, working together to advance the commercial, financial, industrial & civic interests of our community. Crowsnest Pass Creative Minds Contact Nichole Yanota ph: 403-562-7889 e: w: fb: Crowsnest Pass Creative Minds A network of people taking on creative projects and events. Crowsnest Pass Cross Country Ski Association Contact Deb Whitten ph: 403-562-8224 e: Crowsnest Pass Eco Museum Trust Society - Bellevue Underground Mine 2531 - 213 Avenue, Bellevue Contact Elaine Hruby ph: 403-564-4700 e: w: fb: Bellevue Underground Mine Museum and Underground Mine Tour Crowsnest Pass Golf Club Contact Jason Roth ph: 403-562-2776 e: Crowsnest Pass Historical Society Contact Chris Matthews ph: 403-563-5434 Crowsnest Pass Minor Hockey Contact Karen Whelan ph: 403-563-9828 e: w: Crowsnest Pass Minor Lacrosse Contact Chuck Clarke ph: 403-563-7021 e: Crowsnest Pass Minor Soccer Contact Katherine Mertz ph: 403-564-2377 e: Crowsnest Pass Municipal Library Contact Diane deLauw ph: 403-562-8393 e: fb: Crowsnest Community Library Crowsnest Pass Skating Club Contact Linda Dorge ph: 403-563-5229 Crowsnest Pass Swimming Pool ph: 403-562-8255 Crowsnest Pass Symphony Contact Darlene Panek ph: 403-564-2393 Amateur symphony for all ages. Crowsnest Pass Wheel Nuts Society Contact Brian MacFarlane ph: 403-563-3844 e: w: fb: CrowsnestPassShowShine Recreation Club for antique/classic car & motorcycle enthusiasts. Crowsnow Riders Snowmobile Assoc. Contact Doug Cox ph: 403-563-0428 or Kelsey Poelt ph: 403-563-8545 e: or w: fb: Crowsnow Riders Darcy’s Nature Walk for Mental Health ph: 403-707-8574 e: or w: Annual walk dedicated to raising awareness for mental illness & promoting positive wellness through physical activity & nature. Ducks Unlimited Contact Marc Ostrensky ph: 403-563-8787 e: w: Raise awareness and funding for the preservation of wetlands. Elks #584 Crowsnest Pass Contact Al Gehman ph: 403-563-3241 Fish and Wildlife Crowsnest Pass Bearsmart Contact Christy Pool ph: 403-563-8723 e: w: fb: Fish and Wildlife Crowsnest Pass Bearsmart Field trained volunteers that work within the community to reduce human/wildlife conflict. First Crowsnest Scouts (Beaver/Cubs) Contact Kate Lockhart ph: 403-563-8325 e: Fireman’s Park Contact R. Rinaldi Welding ph: 403-562-2511 Geocaching e: Geocaching is the fun activity of finding “treasures” hidden by other people found with a handheld GPS and coordinates. Hillcrest Fish and Game Protective Association Contact Colton Newton ph: 403-582-1993 fb: Hillcrest Fish and Game Protective Association Meet 1st Wednesday of Oct - June. Hillcrest Mines Community Society Contact Cindy Newman ph: 403-564-5245 29 Municipality of Crowsnest Pass Community Directory Hillcrest Mines Literary & Athletic Club (Miner’s Club) 22733 - 7 Avenue, Hillcrest ph: 403-564-4646 Holy Trinity Catholic Women’s League ph: 403-562-2103 Kananaskis Rodeo Association (KRA) Contact Joe Trotz ph: 403-563-5100 e: w: fb: Kananaskis Rodeo Association The KRA hosts an annual pro rodeo and organizes various western horsemanship clinics, mini rodeo series, community rides & supporting youth in their rodeo & equine ventures. Kidsport Applications available at Community Services Department located at M.D.M Communtiy Centre Contact Joanne Drain ph: 403-562-8352 e: w: Knights of Columbus (Council #5312) ph: 403-562-2103 Kootenay Taekwondo Contact: Gena Paton ph: 403-563-9471 e: LIONS CLUBS Blairmore Lions Club Contact Daryl Wig 12130 - 20 Avenue, Blairmore ph: 403-562-8207 e: w: Coleman Lions Club Contact Logan Smith ph: 403-582-1313 e: 30 Multiple Sclerosis Society Contact Pat Heisie ph: 403-562-2994 Road Watch in the Pass ph: 403-564-5154 w: Old Crows Recreation Hockey Contact Gary Collings ph: 403-563-5520 Rocky Summit Lodge #30 Contact Bob Liddell ph: 403-563-3130 Masonic Sentinel Lodge Contact Jeff Schlender ph: 403-563-3573 Royal Canadian Air Cadets 859 Squadron e: fb: 859-Squadron-Royal-CanadianAir-Cadets Order of the Royal Purple #159 Contact Frances Kuryluk ph: 403-562-8886 Pass Piranhas Swim Club Contact Sherri Gleave ph: 403-562-2419 e: Pass Pottery Club Contact Penny Rinas ph: 403-562-7474 Pass Slo-Pitch League TJ Barlow ph: 403-562-2105 Passtrack Track & Fields Club Contact: Ritch Braun ph: 403-563-5470 w: e: Pistol Club - Crowsnest Pass Contact Malcolm MacQuarrie ph: 403-562-2984 e: Gun range located in Elk’s Hall. Ricky Ryp Foundation ph: 403-562-8727 w: e: Provides funding and or equipment to help further individuals in academics, athletics and arts, as well as individuals and families who suffer hardships through illness, injury, etc. ROYAL CANADIAN LEGIONS Branch # 7 - Blairmore 13609 - 20 Avenue, Blairmore ph: 403-562-2182 e: w: http://blairmorelegion.wix/ blairmorelegion fb: Blairmore Legion Branch #9 - Coleman 7831 - 17 Avenue, Coleman ph: 403-563-3964 e: fb: Coleman Legion Branch # 7 Branch #19 - Bellevue 2401- 213 Street, Bellevue ph: 403-564-4644 Royal Canadian Legion Ladies Auxiliary #19 - Bellevue 403-564-4644 #7 - Blairmore 403-562-2182 #9 - Coleman 403-563-3964 Sentinel Lodge #26 Contact Ken Pagnucco ph: 403-564-4373 Shrine Unit Crowsnest Pass Contact Jeff Schlender ph: 403-563-3573 S.T.A.R.S. CNP Health Care Centre ph: 403 562-5011 Municipality of Crowsnest Pass Community Directory Sole Survivor Foot Race Society Contact Sasha Harriott ph: 403-564-5274 w: Take Off Pounds Sensibly Chapter #3421 Crowsnest Pass Contact Margaret ph: 403-564-4485 or Rita at ph: 403-562-2547 Turning Point Dance Studio Contact Tara Groves ph: 403-330-7699 e: Turtle Mountain Riding Club Contact: Eileen Woolf ph: 403-627-2944 Turtle Mountain Minor Ball Contact Ken Hamilton ph: 403-562-8920 or 403-582-0233 e: fb: Turtle Mountain Minor Ball United Riders of Crowsnest Pass (UROC) Contact Andrew Fairhurst ph: 403-563-0382 e: Mountain Biking Group. COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES Alberta Works ph: 403-562-3285 Career Development, Income and Employment Support. Alcoholics Anonymous 12501 - 20 Avenue, (Provincial Building - East door) Blairmore Males call: 403-562-2466 Females call: 403-562-5473 w: Meetings: Sundays & Wednesdays at 8pm Bagatelle Thrift Store 7720 - 17 Avenue, Coleman ph: 403-562-7915 Monday - Friday 10:30am – 4:00pm, Saturdays 10:00am - 5:00pm Brighter Futures Project ph: 403-562-8020 e: Improving the knowledge, skill, confidence and overall functioning of families with children aged 0-6 by providing personal support, social, play and learning opportunities. Cancer Support Group ph: 403-562-8537 Child & Family Services - Southwest Alberta ph: 403-562-3285 After hours contact Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-387-5437 w: CNP Senior Housing Contact Susan Demchuk ph: 403-562-2102 Compassionate Friends Contact Willie Chorney ph: 403-563-6343 e: Self-help organization, offering friendship, understanding, grief education and hope for the future to all parents who have experienced the death of a child at any age, from any cause. Crowsnest Community Support Society 8102 - 19 Avenue, Coleman Contact James Woodall ph: 403-563-3585 e: Provides vocational & residential support to adults with developmental disabilities. Crowsnest Pass Food Bank Contact Desiree Simoneau ph: 403-564-5110 11910 - 19th Avenue, Blairmore e: fb: Provide food to families who need an extra hand. Crowsnest Pass Parent Link Centre Horace Allen School - 2202 - 76 Street Coleman, Room 216 ph: 403-563-8157 e: w: fb: Crowsnest Pass Parent Link Centre Crowsnest Pass S.P.C.A. 22213 - 9 Avenue, Hillcrest ph: 403-564-4999 e: w: Crowsnest Pass Women’s Resource & Crisis Centre ph: 403-562-8000 e: Victim’s Services – Crowsnest Pass Contact Christine Wagenaar ph: 403-562-7098 e: christine.wagenaar.vanhuffel@ Community volunteers provide support, information and referrals to victims of crime or tragedy. DAYCARES Donna’s ABC Day Care ph: 403-562-2373 Stella’s Tot Spot ph: 403-564-4126 31 Municipality of Crowsnest Pass Community Directory EDUCATIONAL SERVICES CNP Campus-Lethbridge College Contact MJ Myden ph: 403-563-8516 Box 1349 Blairmore AB T0K 0E0 Adult credit course/program education. Crowsnest Pass Literacy Foundation Isabelle Sellon School Contact Marcy Purcha p: 403-562-8816 e: Providing literacy support and education to children and familes. Crowsnest Consolidated High School 8901 - 20 Avenue, Coleman Grades 7-12 ph: 403-563-5651 Crowsnest Pass Adult Education M.D.M Communtiy Centre Room # 3 Contact Joni MacFarlane ph: 403-563-8516 e: w: fb: Crowsnest-Pass-Adult-Education. Provides inexpensive, quality lifelong learning and educational programs for adults. Crowsnest Pass Adult Literacy M.D.M. Communtiy Centre Room # 2 Contact Cheryl Cann ph: 403-563-8529 e: w: One on one tutoring is provided for adults who wish to improve their literacy essential skills or English as a second language skills. Weekly tutoring is provided by trained volunteer tutors in a confidential setting. There is no cost for tutoring. 32 Family School Liaison Counsellor ph: 403-562-8816 ph: 403-563-3998 Horace Allen School 2002 - 76 Street, Coleman Grades K-3 ph: 403-563-3998 Isabelle Sellon School 12602 - 18 Avenue, Blairmore Grades 4-6 ph: 403-562-8816 Kids Kollege Nursery School M.D.M. Community Centre For children ages 3 – 5 Contact Jo at 403-562-8595 or Monique at 403-562-2456 Livingstone Range School District ph: 1-800-310-6579 Nippon Institute of Technology 13437 - 20 Avenue, Blairmore Contact Phil Cann ph: 403-562-7704 e: Operates year-round school for Japanese Post-Secondary Students EMERGENCY SERVICES & HOT LINES Ambulance ph: 911 Child Abuse Hot Line – 24 Hours ph: 1-800-387-5437 Crime Stoppers ph: 1-800-222-8477 Distress Line ph: 1-888-787-2880 Emergency Social Services ph: 1-800-638-0715 Fire Departments ph: 911 Food Safety Information Line ph: 1-800-892-8333 Forest Fires – Emergency Calls ph: 310-FIRE Gambling Helpline ph: 1-866-332-2322 Hospital - Crowsnest Pass ph: 403-562-5011 Income & Employment Programs ph: 403-562-3285 Kids Help Phone ph: 1-800-668-6868 Narcotics Anonymous ph: 403-583-2078 Aids/HIV/STD’s ph: 1-800-772-2437 Poison Centre ph: 1-800-332-1414 Alberta Health Services Addictions and Mental Health ph: 403-562-5041 Health Link - 811 RCMP (Emergency Only) ph: 911 Alberta Mental Health - Blairmore ph: 403-562-5040 RCMP 24 Hour Dispatch ph: 403-562-2866 Report a Poacher ph: 1-800-642-3800 Alberta One-Call ph: 1-800-242-3477 Rescue Squad ph: 911 Municipality of Crowsnest Pass Community Directory MUNICIPAL RELIGIOUS GOVERNMENT SERVICES TOURISM & BUSINESS Municipality of Crowsnest Pass ph: 403-562-8833 8502 - 19th Avenue Coleman Box 600 Blairmore AB T0K 0E0 For inquiries regarding Municipal bylaws and services such as utility accounts, taxes, business licenses, fines for minor traffic violations, building permits, burning permits, dog licenses, development appeals, taxation appeals, and map sale. Community Futures Crowsnest Pass Room 180, 12501 - 20th Avenue Box 818 Blairmore AB T0K 0E0 Contact Shar Cartwright ph: 403-562-8858 e: Hours: Monday thru Thursday 8:30am to Noon & 1:00pm to 4:30pm (Fridays closed at 3:00 p.m.) Community Futures Crowsnest Pass sponsored by Western Economic Diversification. The following services are provided: Business start-up and expansion assistance; loan funding available to qualifying businesses; business resource library. Chief Administrative Officer Sheldon Steinke e: Building Inspector John Hawkins e: Community Peace Officer Mike Wilson e: Director of Communtiy Services Lyle Hannan e: Development Officer e: Director of Public Works, Engineering & Operations Patrick Thomas e: Director of Finance Manager of Protective Services Fire Chief Steven Debienne e: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints ph: 403-564-5260 2805 – 214 Street, Bellevue Coleman Christian Assembly 1802 – 77th Street, Coleman ph: 403-563-5388 Crowsnest Community Christian Centre 8534 – 24th Avenue, Coleman ph: 403-563-3537 Crowsnest Community Baptist Church 11938 – 20th Avenue, Blairmore ph: 403- 562-8112 Holy Trinity Catholic Church 13126 - 21 Avenue, Blairmore ph: 403- 562-2103 International Prayer Centre 2456 - 213 Street, Bellevue ph: 403-564-4994 Jehovah’s Witness Kingdom Hall 14929 - 20 Avenue, Frank 403- 563-3704 Justice of the Peace ph: 403-563-5012 Jeanine Trotz Crowsnest Pass Chamber of Commerce Contact Sylvia Kilford ph: 403-562-7108 e: w: 12707 - 20th Avenue, Blairmore Box 706 Blairmore AB T0K 0E0 Hours: Tuesday – Friday 9am-3:30pm The Crowsnest Pass Chamber of Commerce’s goal is to encourage growth and prosperity of the whole community by promoting tourism, identifying business opportunities and encouraging new and existing business. Grace Anglican United Church 13307 -20 Avenue, Blairmore ph: 403-562-8589 Rev. Janni Belgum Sunday Services at 10:00am 33 2016 SPRING/SUMMER EVENTS MARCH MARCH 23 would like to attend, please call Kim at 403-563-2207 to register. Tickets can be picked up at the Community Services Department, located at M.D. McEachern Community Centre until April 2. May 13 April 16 JUNE Spring/Summer Registration Night Albert Stella Memorial Arena 6:00pm - 8:00pm Contact Tracey for more information ph: 403-563-2208 March 25 Easter Fun Run Start time 10:00am sharp at Elk’s Hall. 2 & 5K Route. No entry fees! No preregistration. Just come, sign a waiver and enter your name for some great post run prize draws. More info at MARCH 24-27 Bunny Bonspiel & Community Dance Crowsnest Pass Empty Building Tour 11 am - 4 pm Take a self guided tour of the empty buildings for sale or rent in the Crowsnest Pass. Get a glimpse behind the scenes into spaces available that might be a perfect location to relocate your business. Visit Facebook: Crowsnest Pass Empty Building Tour for more details. Get a map via crowsnestpassemptybuildingtour. April 16 Bear Information Evening A home-coming tradition for many families & attracts over 60 teams from across Western Canada. Come watch the fun & games. Join us Friday night for entertainment and Saturday night for the Community Dance. Dance starts at 9:00pm. Cost $10.00 Hillcrest Fish and Game Hall Come meet our team and attend a presentation by Joey Oliveri and his amazing photography of polar bears. District Officer John Clark and Bearsmart volunteers will be present to answer questions and give info on bear awareness. MARCH 27 April 22-24 Pass Powderkeg Ski Hill Are you brave enough to ski or ride in to a pool of ice cold slush water? Come as a spectator or as a participant! Contact 403-562-8334. Crowsnest Pass Sports Complex (Coleman) Friday - 7:00pm Saturday - 6:oopm Sunday - 2:00pm Your chance to see some of North America’s greatest cowboys and cowgirls competing in our indoor arena. All your favorite rodeo events will be here. Junior rodeo Saturday at 10:00am. Slush Cup APRIL Kananaskis Pro Rodeo April 8 & 9 Lifestyle & Outdoor Adventure Trade Show Crowsnest Pass Sports Complex (Coleman) Friday 3:00pm -9:00pm Saturday 10:00am - 5:00pm A showcase of over 100 local & regional businesses, products, services & community groups. Featuring a Business Zone, Outdoor Adventure Zone & Home Based Business Zone! Something for everyone! April 15 Volunteer Appreciation Dinner Doors open at 5:30pm The Municipality of Crowsnest Pass would like to invite all Community Volunteers to a night of celebration. If you are a Volunteer and 34 MAY Crowsnest Consolidated High School Graduation. Crowsnest Pass Sports Complex (Coleman) Community welcome to attend Convocation Ceremonies at 7pm. June 4 Ed Gregor Stewardship Day June 6-12 Seniors Week Contact Kim at 403-563-2207 for details. June 11 Darcy’s Nature Walk for Mental Wellness Fireman’s Park Annual walk dedicated to raising awareness for mental illness & promoting positive wellness through physical activity & nature. All funds raised go toward local projects committed to improve mental wellness. Registration 9:15 am, Walk starts at 10:00 am. Free event for all ages. Dogs on leashes welcome, prizes & snacks! June 17 & 18 Bellecrest Days Bellevue Bringing back good old fashioned fun with parade, pancake breakfast, artisan/vendor market, numerous carnival games, live entertainment, money tunnel and much more. All events are free unless otherwise stated. June 17 & 19 Quad Squad Season Opener & Poker Run www, May 1 - 7 Youth Week For information on scheduled activities contact Kim at 403-563-2207. May 7 & 8 Artists Studio Tour 10am - 6pm Self-guided tour through local artists’ studios. Discover the rich artwork being produced by local artists. Map available on June 25 & 26 Bootleg Bikefest & Rumhead Enduro Pass PowderKeg Ski Hill Lodge United Riders of Crowsnest host a bicycle festival with group rides, kids camps and bike related vendors on Saturday followed by Rumhead Enduro race on Sunday 2016 SPRING/SUMMER EVENTS JULY July 1 Canada Day Downtown Coleman & Flumerfelt Park. Fun for the whole family. Pancake breakfast from 8am - 10am, parade at 11am. Activities at the Legion with flag raising , awards, and cake. Children’s activities, music & concession events at Flumerfelt Park from noon - 4pm. Contact Jane Anne at 403-563-5408 or 403563-3458. July 1 Free Admission on Canada Day Come to the Crowsnest Museum: free admission, fun & interactive Canada themed programs. Contact Crowsnest Museum & Archives at 403-563-5434 or email July 27 July 31 Taste of Crowsnest Pass Miner’s Picnic Elk’s Hall Most Delicious fundraiser of the year! Sample food & beverage selections from all the best restaurants of Crowsnest Pass under one roof. Tickets available at and from select merchants. For more information contact John at 403-563-7256 or email Bellevue Underground Mine Site 2531 - 213 Avenue, Bellevue Annual Picnic to celebrate the Crowsnest Pass and its coal mining history. Join us for a free BBQ, entertainment, special demonstrations and more! Contact 403-564-4700. July 28- August 1 Crowsnest Pass Doors Open & Heritage Festival A celebration of our unique culture, history and heritage. We offer up a variety of activities to help you experience the beautiful Crowsnest Pass. 2016 will feature Outlaws & Lawmen. July 30 Crowsnest Country Market July 1 Coleman Seniors Strawberry Tea 1:00 - 3:00 pm Strawberry Shortcake & Tea served from 1:00 - 3:00 pm. A will also be held. Hosted at Seniors Hall. (7801 - 18 Avenue, will be bake sale Coleman Coleman) July 6-9 Southern Alberta Summer Games Lethbridge, AB Register in a max of 3 different sport & cultural events including: 2.5/5/10 km Run, 3 on 3 Basketball, Archery, Athletics, Badminton, Ball Hockey, Baseball, Beach Volleyball, Cribbage, Cycling, Darts, Equestrian, Golf, Mini Soccer, Photography, Quilting, Shooting, Soccer, Swimming, Tennis , Triathlon. Team Crowsnest Pass registration open May 4. $25.00/athlete. Contact: 403.563-2208 Flumerfelt Park Artisan Market, Live Auction, Music & Concession. Located at Flumerfelt Park. Organized by Coleman Community Society. July 30 Teddy Bear’s Picnic Come for Teddy Bear games, balloons, a BBQ & fun for ages 1-10! $5/child admission includes games & a free photo of you & your bear. Free admission inside Museum all day. Contact Crowsnest Museum & Archives at 403.563.5434 July 30 Crowsnest Golf Club Contact Kyle to register at 403-563-1055. August 6 Going Wild Event & Annual Gun Show Crowsnest Pass Sports Complex (Coleman) A family event in conjunction with the local Gun Show. Hosting numerous vendors from all areas of Wildlife Conservation & Outdoor Sports. For more info contact 403-563-3234. August 22-26 British Soccer Camp Isabelle Sellon School Soccer Filed Contact Tracey at 403-563-2208. SEPTEMBER Annual Show & Shine invites owners of cars, trucks & motorcycles to showcase their vehicles. Event includes entertainment, door prizes & trophies awarded in a variety of categories. Location at Hillcrest Main Street For Novice, Atom & Peewee. Registration opens August 10. Max of 8 players/team, including goalie. Cost $50/ player. Contact Tracey at 403-563-2208 Crowsnest 3 on 3 Challenge September 10 CNP’s Amazing Teen Race A 100-mile ultra marathon around Crowsnest Pass. A world class sporting event that draws visitors from around the globe. ph: 403-563-5766 e: Pass Pool Come out and watch 200 swimmers compete in various swim events! Rick Rypien Memorial Golf Tournament September (Date: TBA) Sinister 7 Ultra Pass Piranha Swim Meet August 6 12th Annual Main Street Crowsnest Show & Shine July 8 - 10 July 15 & 16 AUGUST Teams of 4 (youth ages 12-17) race around the community competing fun challenges. Register by August 10. For more information contact Katherine at 403-563-8852 or email cnp40da@ July 30 & 31 Artists’ Studio Tour 10am - 6pm Self guided tour through local artists studios. Discover the rich artwork being produced by local artists. Map available on September 14, 2016 Fall Registration Night M.D. McEachern Community Centre 6:00pm - 8:00pm Contact Tracey for more information ph: 403-563-2208 35 MUNICIPALITY OF CROWSNEST PASS Community Services Department M.D.M. Community Centre 403-563-2209 The Municipality of Crowsnest Pass is tucked into the southwest corner of Alberta in the beautiful Rocky Mountains. This is a great place to live and we offer a number of services to our residents and visitors alike. Fishing Bike Park Spray Park Swimming Pool Basketball & Tennis Courts Beach Volleyball Court Playgrounds Kayaking Explore our parks, trails & great outdoors this spring & summer
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