A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger


A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger
"A hero is someone who has given his or her
life to something bigger than oneself."
The Texas Clogger is the official publication of the Texas Clogging Council, Inc. (TCC) It is
published quarterly as a means of communications among members of the TCC and
cloggers everywhere. Club, group, individual clogger news, comments, items of interest, and TCC sponsored events will be published, space permitting, without charge.
Publication of lotteries, drawings, etc., is prohibited by postal regulations. All copy must
be legible to avoid errors. Please submit articles via snail mail or email preferably using
Mircrosoft software (Word, Excel, Publisher). Pictures should be emailed individually
in .jpg format. Email to Lola Beaty @ lolabeaty@sbcglobal.net. The Editor reserves the
right to edit any copy and/or change any ad. TCC publications are online at
www.texasclogging.com or mailed at standard mail rates. Keep the current TCC Membership Chair, Kathy Rickett, informed of your current address. Copy and advertisements must be submitted by the deadlines listed below:
April 15
June 15
September 15
December 15
Please contact me if you want
Rates for Commercial Advertising
Full page $35/quarter ($120/year) 8 1/2 x 11
Half Page $30/quarter($100/year) 4 1/4 x 11
Quarter Page $20/quarter ($75/year) 4 1/4 x 51/2
your business advertised or if
you have a referral for someone that does’t know about the Texas Clogger.
If you wish to find,
you must search.
Rarely does a good
idea interrupt you.
I’ve really been reflecting on how to express my sentiments. I
have a genuine concern about our country’s future because
there is so much dissention in politics and intolerances among
the people. There is so much anger which comes from a hard
heart. I pray for our country because of the lack of integrity
and morals. I personally know how powerful prayer is. I hope
that you will pray with me for our nation and people to be healed.
1 Peter 2:17
"Honor all people, love the brotherhood, fear God, honor the king."
It would be awesome if we could teach all of the world’s people how to be a
community that respects each other in spite of political differences, color of our
skin, what we look like, our social status or our brain power. When I walk into a
room full of cloggers at our workshops all I see are old friends and new friends
that I have not met yet. There are smiles and hearts filled with joy. There are
many social and political differences in that room but for those hours spent over
the weekend there is just one common goal.
Come together and dance.
On another note, A big huge THANKS to everyone for sharing with the Texas
clogging community. This publication is the largest ever and packed full of
news and pictures proving it can only exist if we have YOU and your input.
Keep’em coming and remember to think outside of the box.
Howdy to all of our Texas clogging peeps!
I hope this letter finds all of you safe and dry! With all of the crazy weather
our state has seen over the last month or so, this is a common theme in our
everyday conversations, as I am sure it is in many of yours! I feel very
thankful that we have so many friends, mostly clogging friends, who have
reached out to us to make sure we were ok in the midst of all of the rain,
flooding, and wild storms recently. We are so blessed to have this community! I don’t take these friendships for granted, and every year, I am thrilled to renew them at workshops with all of you lovely and
thoughtful people.
Hopefully all of you have had a chance to catch your breath after the Rally, which was wonderful, and are
looking forward to summer activities, and upcoming workshops! The Dallas Workshop, on May 14th, as
well as DTJ on July 15 and 16th, are right around the corner! I know the organizers of each of those
events, along with ALL of our other Texas clogging events, work tirelessly to bring you great material,
new instructors, fun, and fellowship. The legendary duo of Simone Pace and Bill Nichols will be the
headliners in Dallas, with many favorite Texas instructors. The incomparable Jeff Driggs along with the
adorable Barry Welch will be stars of the show at DTJLand this summer. Texas, you have some amazing
clogging coming your way very soon!
The Texas Leadership Program is a new and dynamic educational workshop. It has only been around for
one year, and this strong committee has already tweaked the program to include more of what YOU have
told us you want. This workshop style program has so much to offer anyone that wants to strengthen
their clogging skills, plus so many hands-on activities, it has been expanded. You do not need to see
yourself as a leader, choreographer, or director to take this course. It truly is for any dancer that wants
to broaden their knowledge. You WILL NOT want to miss this class! Can you tell I am passionate about
this one? More information is in this issue, keep reading.
Take some time to peruse this jumbo edition of The Clogger! So many of you have contributed to make it
an extra special edition! Take a few minutes out of your day to learn what has been going on in our
large, but very small community, and I challenge you to reach out with a comment or encouragement you
might not normally contact. Working recently with our TLP committee, and also in dancing with team
members on T- Force, I personally have seen so much love and many friendships grow simply because
someone reached out of their comfort zone just a little bit. Happy clogging to all of you, and I hope to see
and say hello to each of you very soon!
Honorary Awards & Scholarship Winners
Interview Corner with the Rich and Famous
Rich because they love dance - Famous because they‘re in this magazine
National Clogging Instructor/
Choreographer Barry Welch
from Modesta, CA and a
favorite of Texas Cloggers.
(Suzie is giving him a hand)
What is your favorite clogging routine that you have either choreographed or learned from
someone else? Oh my gosh, I would have to say that I don't have a favote! Honestly,
I've never thought about a favorite clogging routine.
What is your favorite style of clogging and what did you learn first and when? My favorite
style is regular clogging. I learned buck dancing in 1984 (I think) from Linda Carroll
Forest. She came out to California to teach a workshop that I attended. I was amazed
at how fast her feet moved! Canadian step dancing was the next big thing and while
I enjoy Canadian, I still love good ol' clogging. I started clogging October 18, 1983. I
was 17 and man how things have changed!
What other dance genres do you like or participate in? West coast swing is my second
love with clogging being my first!
Who or what inspired you to start clogging? I danced with a country dance team from
1981-1984. A good friend of mine danced on the country dance team with me. Her
husband had passed away so when she asked me if I would take a clogging class with
her, of course I said that I would. All I knew about clogging was that old people did it
and it was like square dancing. Obviously, I had a lot to learn. Since my friend had
asked, I agreed and have loved every minute of it.
What other hobbies are you enthusiastic about? My animals keep the rest of my life very
full! Lol
Who would be the one person you would want to be stranded with on a desert island that
had a wood floor and music – and why? That's easy....Naomi Pyle because I love her to
Crab Bombs
1 lb. Crabmeat
1 Egg, beaten
1 cup Ritz Crackers, crushed
1 tsp. Yellow Mustard
2 tbsp. Fresh Lemon Juice
2 tbsp. Fresh Parsley, chopped
1 tsp. Old Bay Seasoning
1 tbsp. Worcestershire Sauce
Place crabmeat in a mixing bowl, picking any stray shell fragments out. Add
crushed crackers, Old Bay Seasoning & parsley to the crab. In a separate bowl,
combine egg, mustard, lemon juice and Worcestershire sauce. Whip with a
whisk until smooth. Pour egg mixture over the crabmeat and crackers and
gently mix careful not to break up large lumps of crabmeat. Mold into golfball
sized balls and place on a cookie sheet. Bake @ 350 degrees for 30 minutes.
Drizzle w/ melted butter and allow to cool.
From left, front row, Sandy Kelly, Val Bainbridge, Laura Burch
From left, back row, Stella Kent, Marlene Bevilacqua
The Trinity Toe Tappers from Capreol, Ontario are a small group of older ladies
with lots of aches and pains who enjoy all kinds of music and the exercise that
clogging provides. At one time the Trinity Toe Tappers clogged in local nursing
homes along with a band called The Rhythm Pals also from Capreol. Sadly this
has come to an end because of health issues amongst the Band members. However, The Trinity Toe Tappers still perform at Church events. At a past fundraising event we were each asked why do we clog, each lady gave an intelligent reply and I, Sandy Kelly said it beats doing housework. Capreol is a small Railroad
town, therefore, we always enjoy clogging to Wabash Cannonball. We have a
long prayer printed on the back of our T-Shirts and I once suggested that it
should just say "Help". The Trinity Toe Tappers at present time is taught by
Marlene Bevilacqua, a very kind teacher.
Debbie Coppock, North Central Vice President
Hello from North Central Texas! We had a great rally and made many new
friends. All of our crowd (Memaw's) really had fun with Simone and Darolyne
as well as our wonderful Texas instructors. Hope all of you had a chance to
visit with our great vendors we had this year. I have to thank my dear husband Rodney for all his many hours spent getting the vendors ready to go
for the rally. I also want to thank Jeannie, Eddie, Linda, Louise, Carolyn, and
Sharon for all the hauling and help on Friday and Saturday. You all did a
great job.
Memaw's was honored in January to be featured in the premiere edition of Explore Corsicana
doing what we love to do-riding our stick horses, clogging, line dancing and making the those
watching smile and laugh. We were proud to have our 'horses' participate in the Saturday program
along with Dee's Shufflin' Shoes. They also got a workout (all 50 of them) two weeks later when
we did our yearly rodeo for kindergarteners at one of our local schools. There were 90 kiddos who
participated, many who were dressed in their best cowboy attire for the event. It is heartwarming
for our members to be recognized out in public as the ones who do the rodeo! We also entertained
at Buffalo Creek Assisted living in Waxahachie just after the rally. They are a great group of ladies
and gentlemen. I hope all of you reading this have joined us on Facebook so you can see pictures
of all our craziness.
We are looking forward to Simone at the Dallas workshop in May. We are lining up some programs
in June and July and are actually working on Christmas for July!
I hope to have some free time to be able to visit some of you in my area. I know we have a new
group in Bremond and if any of you know of other groups I hope you will let me know. I hope all
of you are having a great spring so far. This is my favorite time of year with flowers blooming. We
are also looking forward to a college graduation next month too. Keep on dancin'!!
Blake Burton found the following on the internet and wanted to share
with everyone. (Love that word SHARE) The following link will take
you to a clogger’s version of the alphabet —— A is for Audience, be
glad you have one: B is for Basic, the most useful step you will ever
learn: and so on and so on
Two Memorial Scholarship Awards are offered by the Texas Clogging Council
each year to graduating high school seniors or full time undergraduate and
graduate students who possess academic merit, leadership, special talents,
and potential for future success. These Awards are reserved for fulltime students in a certified Junior College, College or University.
Education Stipend
The Texas Clogging Council offers an education stipend to provide financial
support to active Texas Clogging Council members. The stipend is intended as
a reimbursement for registration and related fees from academic or continuing education classes to anyone not registered as a full time student.
Be Sure and Apply For Yours
All Things Clogging !!!
Signature Split Soles, Mr/Ms Stompers
Dance Class
Buck Taps - With & without toe guards
Buck Taps - Glue on - With & without toe guards
Decals—For lockers, computers etc.
Window Clings
Free Clogging publication - subscribe on website
Ask us how you can get a free pair of shoes?
Have an idea for a t-shirt? Submit that to us. If we
use it, your t-shirt is free
Like us on Facebook:
We are no longer clogging and have one pair of white, ladies,
size 9 M, and a pair of white, men’s, size 9 ½ W, like-new shoes
for sale. We thought there might be a “for sale” listing in the
next issue of “Texas Clogger.” These shoes need to be active
– LOL. Thx for any help you can give us.
(972-231-9723 in Richardson) Gayle C. Cowart
Donated by National & International Clogging Instructor
& Inductee of the Clogging Hall of Fame, Steve Smith.
3 DVD’s
50 Hot Buck Steps
Flatfoot II
Double Doubles, Skuffits & Triplets
These 3 together normally sell for $145 online
You can purchase all 3 for only $75
Proceeds will go to the TCC scholarship fund
Contact lolabeaty@sbcglobal.net
Aron Hodge(832-428-1139)
Southeast Area VP for the TCC(aron_hodge@yahoo.com)
One of the things we are doing at the TCC Rally and DTJ workshop is to start
phasing out the CD players. It didn't seem that long ago when we were making the
transition from record players to Tape. Oh wait that dates me. I have no recollection of such events taking place! Okay, and then we had another transition almost
10 years later as we moved from tapes to CDs...so I’ve been told.
We have tried over the last 15-20 years to keep an eye out for the next best thing
and you might have seen us dabble in trying to keep up with the times but nothing really hit critical
mass approval and eventually faded away. Over the past 2 years we have been coming to the realization that we have entered the age of the smartphone/tablet.
Aside from a few holdouts (We know who you are!!) almost everyone this year played their music
from smartphones, tablets, or a computer at the TCC Rally.
So what does this mean for a team? Opportunities. Here is an example of what is possible using
current technology.
Let's say you are a team going out and doing an exhibition. Lugging all of your gear (speaker, amp,
wires, mixer, player, stands, etc.) would truly be a hassle so you end up just taking your speaker
since that is all you need. When you get to the performing area you power up your speaker and plug
in a Bluetooth device to the backside of it. You connect to the Bluetooth device via the smartphone
you brought along. You play your music via the phone which sends the information to the Bluetooth
device which is connected to the speaker that was made before Bluetooth was even invented. The
speaker plays the music and you are all good.
Oh wait, you don't have a microphone! If only there was a device that you could wear around your
neck that had a microphone that connected to your phone which was connected to the bluetooth device which was connected to the speaker. That was sarcasm. I am currently wearing such a device
and use it constantly to avoid holding the phone. There are even sport versions designed to work
with those that sweat while using them. So microphone? Testing testing 1, 2, 3...check check.
The pace at which things are changing can be a bit daunting at times. The plethora of options create
an opportunity for us. Take it one step at a time and tackle each piece of the puzzle you want to create separately. Avoid trying to put it all together at once and instead focus on getting one thing to
work. Understand how it works and then build another piece of the puzzle off of that first step.
Now I'm sure there are things that I am not aware of on what is possible so if you think there is
something people should be made aware of as it relates to sound please throw me some feedback and
I'll try to learn what these young whipper snappers are doing nowadays! Also, if you want any assistance on how to set this stuff up I can give you some basic 411 assistance over the phone. Please let
me know how I can help you. Some of my areas of responsibilities/knowledge are listed below.
Insurance Director for the TCC and TCC Rally Facility chair
Double Toe Jam w/Josh Phillips & Bobby Butzke supported by Brazos Valley & Yellow Rose
We have had a full Spring including the Texas Clogging Council’s Rally workshop. The TCC
Rally is always a place to let loose and just dance. The team doesn’t have to worry about
following directions from their directors, Lola and Jennie.
Every year we are involved with introducing clogging and exercise to grade school children
of Houston’s Independent School District. This gives them another avenue to experience a
fun way to be active. This year it was 4th graders. They are so eager to participate once
they see and hear how much noise we can make. It is always a joy for us.
Are You Asking Questions To Grow Your Capabilities?
Debora Duckett, Contemporary Cloggers, Austin, TX
Whether you’re an instructor, dancer or dance school owner - part of
getting better and moving to the next level is taking the time and not being
afraid to ask questions.
Many of us are too embarrassed to ask. That might draw unwanted attention to us. But if
you truly want to grow you have to discover how to make inquiries. With that in mind I’m
asking YOU to invite others to help.
To get you started, have you asked any of the questions listed below recently?
… for help learning a new routine? Perhaps videoing (that’s a new verb for use with
smart phones?) the instructor?
… for an instructor to assess the quality of your tap sounds?
… for a mentor to help you read and write a cue sheet?
… for an outside instructor to review your choreography?
… for an instructor from another group to teach your class a new dance or some different
… for advice on how to improve your drag slides or double doubles?
… for help with a goal you’re struggling with - perhaps a step, a cue sheet, new choreo?
… for a competition team to consider you?
… for a trusted dance friend to critique your dance style before the next competition?
… for someone to teach you flatfooting?
… for a theater group to help with costumes?
… for help moving a routine?
… for help with ways to gather new students?
… for help with ways to clean your dance floor?
… for help with finding the right equipment
… for help with finding and installing the right floor for your space?
… for help with mic technique
Most importantly, have you asked … how you can support someone else on their journey? Everyone has goals they want to meet. Whether it’s buying a first new pair of clogging shoes or auditioning for a show, achievement is reached by asking questions. Feel
free to direct some toward me. If I don’t have the answer we’ll figure out who does.
On page 20 Debora Duckett has a list of questions that
people would ask if they are looking to grow their
capabilities. This is exactly what the Texas Leadership
Program offers to answer for you and cover in detail. The
following is an example line-up for part 1, August 27-28, 2016.
*tease indicates topic covered in
greater detail for part 2.
Welcome Activity, Ground Rules
History/Heritage of Clogging
Overview of Technique (tease)*
Reading Cue Sheets – Hands - On
Step Abbreviations
Leveling Guidelines – why?
Introduction to Music – Hands-on
Sound Equipment
Editing Music – Hands-On
Team Building & Retention
Team events/bonding
Retaining dancers
Growing the team
Stretch break
Q&A, Parking Lot
Fun Dance/parking lot routines
Nighty Night!
Quick debrief/q & a/what to expect
Costuming – basic guidelines w/pix
Making Your Team Look GOOD
Adding dimension/movement – handson
Using different styles (partnering etc.) –
hands-on *(tease)
Cleaning up/prepping for performance –
practicing smart, confidence, motivation
Adding entertainment value by advancing skills *(tease)
Teaching Skills Basics – Hands-on; participants to have an opportunity to try teaching a step
Fast talker
Low volume/monotone
Sloppy (not clean) sound
Lack of prep (not knowing the material)
Lack of connection/eye contact
Personality/being yourself
Breaking down steps – correctly
Using correct terminology
Final Q & A
Commercial for Part 2 and when/where
Hand out written evals and warn that
coming in an email; advise of return
Bye bye – safe travels!
Texas Leadership Program Vision and Mission Statements
(Vision: the desired state)
We will be a growing, well-informed, enthusiastic clogging community who are eager to share, by
(Mission: how we plan to get there)
 Offering a base for learning through shared experiences for all
 Providing education, mentoring and hands-on learning
 Encouraging participation by all cloggers regardless of age,
experience or skill level.
Leadership takes many forms. Please join the TCC’s
Texas Leadership workshops to learn how to inspire
others, connect with others, teach others, work alongside others, assist others, share with others, make new
friends with others, learn from others and most
importantly dance with others.
PART 1—AUGUST 26-27, 2016
Pam Williams, Northeast District Vice-President
by Karen Smith
We clogged at a Funeral, YES WE DID! It was a Memorial Service on March 29, 2016 at
Rader Funeral Home in Kilgore, TX for Windy Carpenter who was 97 years old. Her daughter, Gay Duncan, is a former member of The DownHome Cloggers. Mrs. Carpenter followed us wherever we performed if she could. The last several years of the San Antonio
Showcase (around 2011), she was right there with her daughter Gay, walking in that heat
in San Antonio and enjoying every minute of it. Grandma (as she was called) requested
that we perform for her funeral; starting with Rocky Top and ending the service with This
Old House. In fact, Grandma was with the group at the Jalapeño Tree in Kilgore, TX
when Ellen Lane heard the song on the radio, and proceeded to choreograph the steps
right there in the parking lot!!! At the Memorial Service, This Old House is for squares of
4, but we only had 11 people. Tiffany Lane Hill told the congregation that the 4th person
in her square would be Grandma and that she would dance with her. Grandma had a
great sense of humor and was quite a character; she will be truly missed. We hope you
enjoyed our performance, Grandma!
At Rally, you may not have been able to make out our
short “Ghost Riders” at stage left. They are (L-R);
Larry Williams, Harold Lane, John Hargrave
Candace & Skylar Stafford –
mother and daughter Cloggers.
Skylar is 13 yrs. old, in
the 8th Grade and has
been with DHC since
May, 2011, but her
grandmother was a
Clogger and taught her
the fundamentals before
her lessons with Ellen
Lane & Tiffany Hill. Her
Mother Candace, started
lessons in June, 2013. I
remember her saying
since she had to bring
Skylar to class; she might
as well take lessons too.
Candace is an Instructional Aide at White Oak
ISD. She and her husband Chris also have a 12 yr. old son, Dylan. Skylar also enjoys Livestock & Dairy Cow Judging with 4-H,
showing rabbits, and participating in her church youth
group. And the entire family loves to go camping.
Regina Wayne
with Simone Pace
Donna Clark at her first Rally
– having a blast!
Many of us have said for years that clogging creates a special bond, much like that of our families; in
fact, cloggers have become families for many. Here’s a little story that illustrates that bond.
Our story begins with our intrepid 2016 Vendor Vice Chairs, Rodney and Debbie Coppock, who were trying to increase our vendor numbers. They visited websites for many festivals and other community
events looking for vendors to contact about Rally, and kept seeing ads for Dream Leggings. Noticing that
they’re headquartered in McKinney, Rodney reached out to the owner, Jennifer Thompson Kidd and invited her to have a booth – explaining that maybe she didn’t know about cloggers but that we love cute,
comfortable clogging wear. Imagine his surprise when her reply was that yes, she knew about clogging –
her best friend’s mom was a clogger – and she’d love to come.
Fast forward to Rally Friday, which found Debbie helping Jennifer set up her Dream Leggings booth. In
casual conversation Jennifer again mentioned her best friend’s mom, and then asked, “I don’t suppose
you knew Skip Lemmond, did you?” Debbie remembered hearing the name and replied that although
she didn’t know Skip herself, she knows someone who did. (For newer cloggers, Skip taught clogging for
many years and was active at both the state and national levels, being a fixture at CLOG Nationals for
years prior to her death a few years ago. She touched hundreds of folks who remember her very fondly;
she was my BFF!)
Next morning as I arrived at the convention center, Debbie grabbed my arm and said, “There’s someone
you gotta meet!” We reached the table, Debbie introduced us, and…big hug and, I confess, a tear or
two. Turns out that Jennifer and Skip’s daughter Lindsay Mills-Steffe have been besties since they were
kids; Jennifer took over Dream Leggings from Lindsay when Lindsay and her family moved to Costa Rica.
What a delightful person Jennifer is, and we spent a few minutes reminiscing; then she told me something pretty powerful: that while she was setting up, she thought of Skip and a “feeling surrounded
her” (she gestured like giving a hug). She wasn’t sure what to make of it, but I was! Skip was there with
us, as she will always be in our hearts – she just chose that time and place to remind us.
That got me thinking that Skip’s not the only one – many of our beloved teachers/fellow cloggers have
left this earthly life, but they didn’t leave us. Not really. They’re there loving and watching over us – and
hopefully cloggin’ up a storm in Heaven. I’m writing this on Easter Eve – not deliberately on this day, but
it somehow seems right. Even though you won’t see this till a few weeks from now, I hope your Easter
was full of the richest blessings, most of all your families.
Dee Dick, Director
The Shufflin’ Shoes Cloggers
We want to say thank you for
the big Texas welcome we received while attending the
2016 Rally. This pic was taken
the day we arrived for checkin. So many great folks to
meet and dances to enjoy.
We are still talking about the
fun we had. Darolyn Pchajek
was a regular in Tacoma for
an event called Kick-off. This
was an opportunity to see her
again and one of us is from
Waco so it was a chance to
see the old hometown and
show it off and of course to
dance with some Texans.
Memorial Day one-liners
What does the Statue of Liberty
stand for? It can't sit down
What was the most popular dance
in 1776? Indepen-dance
Did you hear the one about the
Liberty Bell? Yeah, it cracked
me up too!
What kind of tea did the American colonist want? Liberty
Remember the fallen & their families this Memorial
Day. Honor those who have so honored us.
Here's a story...about a lovely workshop...with two wonderful national instructors and all
their Texas instructor co-harts!
Oh wait, is that how it goes? Yes, says Alex Trebek as it was in the form of a question.
Good thing we left out the need to buy vowels when selecting the acronym DTJ. Saves folks
a bit of money when playing Wheel of Clogging. Don't we love it when a plan comes
As some folks may have guessed by now the theme this year is TV
Land. Black and white to 4k it all works for us as we plan on transforming the Waco Convention Center into the various TV programs
from the past.
Here is the information blast: http://doubletoejam.org/
On the website are links to the hotel reservations with the clogger rate applied. These links
should simplify booking our hotel rooms. Also up there are the flyers and forms such as registration. If you plan on getting a lunch ticket please make sure to get it prior to the event as
we are only doing preorder.
That last part is of special note. The catered lunch is going to be preorder only so make sure
to snag a lunch ticket if you plan on doing the catered lunch.
If you plan on doing an exhibition this year on Saturday please make sure to talk to Ms.
Stacey Barber(slbarber07@icloud.com). If you are doing an exhibition with the theme being
TV Land please let her know.
As we get closer to July 15-16 we will be putting the Friday and Saturday TV Guides
(schedules) up onto the website.
Mumble Mumble Mumble
Hey, that isn't funny. No muting the ads! At least fast forw....
And so we, the DTJ staff, are eager to see everyone this year for the Double Toe Jam: TV
Land edition. The amount of fun we can have with this theme is truly amazing. Until next
DTJ Staff
Aron Hodge(aron_hodge@yahoo.com)
Bobby Butzke(bbutzke94@yahoo.com)
Josh Phillips(lagpuppy1984@yahoo.com)
Happy Spring Everyone! Don’t you just love this weather?
The Klassy Kloggers have been learning new routines these past few
months plus eight of us learned a new routine to “Orange Blossom” to perform at the TCC Rally. My girls worked so hard on this routine and did a
great job. Now, as far as their instructor, me, and what do you say when
the instructor messes up really badly? I know we have all been there but
WOW! Every time I remember this “mess up” I get embarrassed all over
again but I keep reminding myself that I am not perfect nor should I expect
to be. I just know none of you other instructors have ever messed up!
I started a new beginner class in January.
Nine of those graduated on February
29th. They are doing
so well and they cannot wait to be sharing
the stage with us. I
am so proud of them.
They have worked so
Six of us attended the Luckenbach workshop last January. We had so much
fun. As usual the workshop was great and the teachers were super! As usual,
it was great seeing all our clogging friends again.
There were 13 of us that went to the TCC Rally in Waco. As usual the workshop was great with lots of new routines to learn. We just love
Darelyn and Simone. We are so looking forward to the DTJ in July.
We have had a couple of performances this past week but we are looking
forward to those spring festivals that are coming up soon.
Happy Clogging!!
Have you ever asked or wondered
“what is the benefit of me being a
TCC member”.
Member Benefits Include:
Library of educational and promotional
The Texas Clogger - Quarterly News
Magazine (Online Version)
Step-In-Time - Quarterly Cue Sheet
Compendium (Online Version)
Scholarship program for TCC members
Discounted rates for the TCC Rally
Listing for Instructors in our website
directory including your own page, contact
form, information, and photo.
Club/Team Benefits Include:
Club/Team name registered with TCC
Ability to be represented at TCC meeting with two voting delegates.
Listing in our website directory including your own page with information and
even a team photo or logo.
Support from TCC to better your team
Important extra; it is dirt cheap, the
camaraderie that you develop is
priceless, there is much offered for
your continued advancement in clogging and you help to promote and uphold the heritage of clogging in
America. How cool is that.
Bryan Tucker
We celebrated three birthdays
in the last couple of months!
March 7th - Stacey Barber
March 23rd - Brittney Probst
April 20th - Blake Burton
We’ve also adopted a tradition
of gourmet cupcakes on practice weeks that fall close to a
birthday. Nothing tops off
practice nights like getting
hyped up on sugar!
The year is flying by fast already! Can you
believe it’s April?
First of all, we would like everyone to welcome
our newest member, AnnMarie Cannon! She
joined us a couple of months ago and debuted
on stage with us at the annual Texas Cloggers
Rally in Waco (photo above)! We performed
our newest dance, a standing line routine to
“SummerThing” by AfroJack!
There are a lot of plates spinning for our team right now, as we continue
to get prepared for this year’s competition season. We are working on a
new exhibition routine, we will soon be putting together a new traditional
line routine, and we also have some duets in the works - all of which we
are planning to debut at competition this Fall!
Feel free to “like” our Facebook page to keep up with our team if you are
interested, and we can’t wait to see all of you again on the dance floor!
- Melissa, Brittney, Stacey, Celeste, AnnMarie and Blake
Clickety Clogger Alumni --Save the Date !
40th Anniversary Celebration
November 5th, 2016
Pioneer Farms --Old Dance Hall
10621 Pioneer Farms Dr., Austin, TX 78754
We are working hard already to find our over 200 alumni, so if you know of anyone, please
pass the word. There will be food, lots of dancing (and we are hoping live music!), memorabilia (we have tons of scrapbooks and photos!!) and reunions!
Meanwhile we continue learning and choreographing new dances, looking for new cloggers, performing in the community, and enjoying each other's company.
The Club performed to a large audience at Kiker Elementary School (where 4 of our cloggers work!) in January. Here we are in Zonia's Library:
The Exhibition Team helped the Chinese
community at Xiang Yun Buddhist Temple
to welcome in the year of the
Monkey with a performance.
The team has also danced at the Domain in
north Austin, for US Memory Care in Cedar
Park, at the city's St. Patrick's Day
Celebration at Pioneer Farms
--—-where we will return for our 40th
Anniversary Celebration!--and at the Burnet
Bluebonnet Festival
Still have four more performances ahead this month!
An odd combination, in a way, but read on. There IS a connection!
On more than one occasion we on the Texas Clogging Council have tried to define a “value proposition” for
TCC membership and…failed. The reason? There is no ONE reason why folks join – ask 10 different people
why they’re members and you’re likely to get 10 different answers. That said, if you’re a clogger and want
to support our sport and see it grow and get even better, AND enhance your own experience - there’s no
reason NOT to join! And what a bargain - $10 a year with family discounts available!
The membership page on the TCC website (www.texas-clogging.com) cites several good reasons to join, for
both individuals and teams/clubs, so no need to reiterate those now. If you want details, visit the site and
click Membership in the navigation bar at the left of your screen. This little piece is about what those memberships are and aren’t, and what they mean to YOU.
First, TCC membership is an individual membership that belongs to you and only you. If your Team/Club Director is a member, that membership belongs to that person only and no one else. What that means is that
your Director’s membership does not apply to you or the group – only the Director, just like yours. And if
you are the Director, again – your membership is yours and yours alone and has nothing to do with your
group. The TCC recommends that every member of every team/club join; some Directors require it for
membership in their group.
Next, a team/club can’t “join” the TCC, because it’s – again – an individual membership. Rather, the Director
registers the group with the Council, which protects the group’s name in Texas and provides the benefits
mentioned above. To an individual clogger, this means that when registering for a TCC-sponsored event,
only TCC members get the reduced rate. Even if the group is registered with the TCC, members of the group
must be TCC members themselves to enjoy that price break.
Whew! Now that we’ve navigated that topic, we’re ready to explore another, related FAQ: why don’t I get a
member rate at, for example, Dallas Workshop or Double Toe Jam? The reason? Only the TCC Annual
Cloggers’ Rally and bi-annual Texas Hoedown are sponsored by the TCC, so member rates are available only
for those events. Others, like Dallas and Double Toe Jam, are privately-run, for-profit events that serve as
fund-raisers for the sponsoring groups. Early-bird rates may apply as set by the organizers, but they are
based strictly on time of registration and not TCC membership.
Does this mean that the TCC doesn’t support these other workshops? NOT AT ALL! The support is as strong
for these events as it is for TCC-sponsored ones; we even hold one of the required TCC meetings following
Double Toe Jam. The workshops are run very much like Rally, except that the steering committees are from
the sponsoring groups only and not all over the state as with Rally. I encourage my team to attend every
workshop they can, regardless of sponsorship, to broaden their own knowledge and skills – and I encourage
you to do the same – AND JOIN THE TCC!
Dee Dick, Director , The Shufflin’ Shoes Cloggers
It’s that time again… Crazy bored Chief Troublemaker here. I hate
2016 with a purple passion! I will grant you that January was okay.
No problemo with January.
February started okay. Rhythm Cloggers had scheduled a gig at Clayton Oaks, a new memory care facility and planned on it replacing
our normal Sunday practice. Nobody had a problem with that. Then
we get … the text.
Andy had gotten up in the middle of the night and headed off to do
what one does in the middle of the night. His ankle dumped him and
since it still hurt, he thought he might ought to go to the emergency
room and may he please be excused from the exhibition.
Okay. Still had more than just me and the Fearless Leader on tap and that was good. It was a gorgeous facility. It had
more new technology in the room where we danced than I’ve ever seen before in one of these places. It had a dedicated room for a DJ and controls for all the channels, and cable and all that internet streaming video stuff like Netflix
and Hulu. It had a screen that rolled down from the ceiling for a front-projection monitor. We walked in to life-sized
golf. (It doesn’t make it more exciting.) And it had a lovely stage. Not a big one. If Andy had been there, it’d have
been tight with four dancers. As it was, the three of us had to mind our P’s and Q’s so we didn’t run over our neighbor or the piano. The audience started small, and grew to fill about half the room. They seemed to have a good time.
I know we did.
So that was 7 February. We went to an irregular practice schedule since Andy was out (Can you say hair-line ankle
fracture? Knew you could…) and Karen’s trying to sneak in time to work on her new place out west when she has a
long weekend. So we missed a couple of Sundays. I was reaching a point in the Soul Sister for the less nimble of foot
where I was going to start introducing some of the more interesting ‘Scotty-isms’ in advance of the, well, let’s call
them more normal steps. Just got started doing it.
27 February, we finally got off our duffs and registered for Waco. We weren’t dancing on 28 February, so I finally got
around to planting 4 citrus trees (2 satsuma and 2 lemon). Last year, I bought some nice work boots that would stand
up to running a shovel so I dug some of the holes while David was doing some other item on his ‘honey-do list.’
Then it was pizza time. I was going out to pick up the last of the power tools he had out and first thing I knew, I was
on the ground at the foot of the steps and in a bit of pain. I screamed, not so much because I hurt that bad, but I was
f.., er terribly, pi…upset about falling off the porch. Again. Right after registering for the Rally.
Then I found out the Fearless Leader doesn’t deal with crises real well. No, he’s usually not there when I fall off the
porch. After I got his attention, I sent him after my crutches and a heavy knee brace (wracked the right knee pretty
good). Then I notice that my right foot doesn’t look right. He’s freaking. I get him to pull my boot off and my sock. It
still doesn’t look right. I figure this puppy needs stabilized and I need to find someone to look at it. Like as soon as
Curiously enough, when I say the words ‘stabilize’ and ‘splint,’ someone’s Boy Scout training kicks in and competence
appears. Two small plunger handles and five or six bandanas later, I’m up and headed for the truck. David had called
the ‘service’ that was supposed to handle insurance questions like, “Where can I take my wife to have her ankle
looked at on a Sunday at 6:00 pm that takes our insurance?” They didn’t know.
He gets on the insurance website and finds a place. We get there. They want my ID. Yeah, like I’m going to grab my
purse. Right. They yield on the issue when David offers to go get it for them, telling them it’ll be at least an hour to
get home and back. (Remember, we’re sort of in the boonies somewhere in North Central Brazoria County.)
They had the coolest X-ray machine. It doesn’t use film. It bluetooths the image to a computer. And the X-ray tech
told us the machine had been a total toot all day. I think she only had to reboot it once, though. She also said, “I’m
not supposed to tell you this, so act surprised when they tell you. You broke it.” She also told us that we had done
an exceptionally good job of stabilizing the ankle. (Go, Boy Scouts of America!)
So, I got splinted, medicated, and sent home with instructions to find an orthopedist on Wednesday or so. The meds
made me feel like I was wearing a headscarf when I wasn’t, and the splint made me feel like Id gone to bed in one
cowboy boot. Nice.
Then David calls that ‘service’ again to find an orthopedist. We finally get a name, and he’s out of his office for a
week or more. Would we like to see someone else in the office rather than wait. Oh, he…, certainly. So we get there,
the nice doctor looks at the X-rays (that we got on DVD, with the viewer program. Cool!). We have to go back the
next day because we need to talk to the surgeon. I’d broken two bones, one on either side of the ankle and I was
going to have to go under the knife. Just wonderful…
Back we go the next day to meet the surgeon so he can set up the big day. I adore the man. He’s one of the doctors
that tend to the Rockets basketball team. Yeah, I’ll trust this guy to do outpatient bone repair.
I can’t tell you about the surgery. I slept through it. I was supposed to get one plate, a couple of wires and some
screws. I got two plates instead. Dr. Crumbie said that someone had bone density issues (Who, moi?) and one of the
pieces broke in half and the screw wouldn’t hold, so he used a second plate and that worked fine. Oh, and no weight
on it for six to eight weeks, and “toes above the nose” until further notice.
They sent me home with a nerve block device that looked like a hand grenade with a tube stuck into my thigh.
They’d used ultrasound to place it (I could see the computer screen while they did it. Way cool!) When it ran out,
David was to remove it. That sucker was five inches long when he pulled it out. Whoa!
And I think nerves that are blocked make things up. While in the splint and blocked, my foot felt at different times
like it was in bubbles, folded lengthwise, patted all over, and rolled. From the toes end to the ankle end. Very interesting. I think I had a nightmare like that once…
So, surgery was 9 March. They pulled the staples in two stages (and according to the last set of X-rays, missed two of
which they could only find one. Crumbie says the body will spit the last one out eventually) I got an air-cast so no
plaster of paris. I’m off the ‘toes above the nose’ rule, but still no weight on it. I’m to start physical therapy to get
back my range of motion.
David called that ’service’ again and they have supposedly put the
physical therapy place that I want to use on our insurance. We’ll find
out if they really did next week. I go back to Dr. Crumbie in early
May to see if I can start putting weight on it. I’m not sure if we’ll
make it to the Jam or not. Maybe I can spectate if I can’t dance…
So, remember, if you go to the emergency clinic, no matter how
much damage you have done to yourself, grab your ID. Smooth
floors, y’all!
Welcome to the Brazos Valley Clogger family. We are a close knit group.
It really feels like one for all and all for one. We have had many of our
cloggers with members of their own families dancing with us. Some of
these are dancing with us now, and some have clogged with us in the past.
Hopefully, they will come back as their lives allow. They are as follows:
Bill & Jean Moeller and their
grandson, Josh Phillips
Cherry Luker and
granddaughters Kaylee
and Taylor Luker
Wendell & Juanita Davis and
daughter Diana Bumguardner
(left to right) Linda Tubbs, Martha Corley,
Retha Webb, Sue Blake, Charlene Howell,
and Joyce Cunningham
Brazos Valley Family members not pictured are:
Diane Mullens and daughter Amanda Mullens
Joyce Cunningham and daughter Terri Crelia
Linda Tubbs and daughter Julie Bowers
New members: (left to right)
Dayna Robinson,
Angel Wendell Davis,
Frances Stripling,
Kim Lynch,
Angel Juanita Davis,
and Peggy Singleton
Please make this important note from
your editor. Some of you have not updated
your team memberships. You should know
who you are. I know sometimes we get behind
and forget what we are intending to do.
Please get updated in time for the summer
edition so your team’s name will be back on the membership list.
Also if you are listed under “unknown address” it is because you did
not give adequate data needed. Please all directors, go check and
update your required information so people will know how to contact
you. You may be missing out on getting new dancers.
The following is a list of team membership for The Texas Clogging Council as we know it. If
you do not see your name or you have corrections and or additions please provide those
to: Kathy Rickett, Membership Director, 4212 Tynes Drive, Garland, TX 75042, 972-768-4072
Bluebonnet Cloggers
White Settlement Senior Center
White Settlement, TX 76114
Marilyn Penton, 817-232-3764
Brazos Valley Cloggers
Allemande Hall
106 Westlake, Waco TX 76712
Jean Moeller, 254-772-0227
Memaw's Misfits
Corsicana Senior Activity Center
919 West Park Ave., Corsicana TX 75110
Carolyn Stubbs & Linda Trompler
North Star Cloggers
Grapevine/ THC Rec
1175 Municipal Way, Grapevine TX 76051
John Pryor, 8176582311
Farmers Branch Senior Center
14055 Dennis Lane, Farmers Branch TX
75234Jean Moura, 972-919-8740
Shufflin' Shoes
Jackson's Theatre and Dance Co.
Coit & Spring Creek, Plano TX
Dee Dick
755 Business Way, Wylie TX
Paula Powers, 469-267-2570
Dixie Grand Cloggers
Shotwell Life Center
2750 Graham St., Grand Prairie TX 75050
Glen McCrary, 214-455-1716
Klassy Kloggers
Weatherford's Senior Center
1225 Holland Lake Rd., Weatherford TX
Shirley Anderson, 254-246-1972
DHC Ignited
Longview, TX
Tiffany Hill, 903-424-5583
The Down Home Cloggers
Longview, TX
Ellen Lane, 903-738-9611
Paris Cloggers
Heritage Hall
Paris TX 75460
Susan Davis, 903-784-2365
Rhythm Rocker Cloggers
Nacgodoches Parks & Recreation Center
Nacogdoches TX 75969
Donna Oliver
Texas Rhythm Cloggers
The Roc - First Baptist Church
209 E. South Street, Longview TX 75601
Judy Lee
Glory Bound Cloggers
San Angelo Cowboy Church
4001 N. Chadbourne, San Angelo TX 76903
Brenda Berry, 325-212-8329
Lone Star Cloggers
VFW Post 1815
125 South Browning, San Angelo TX 76901-6007
Beverly Grenda, 325-653-6448
Texas Quicksteppers
YMCA Wichita Falls
5001 Bartley Dr., Wichita Falls 76302
Rosellen Sheetz/Susie Blankenship,
rosellen@sw.rr.com blank0@sbcglobal.net
Cloggers Unlimited
The Dance Studio
3203 FM 1960 Rd E, Humble TX
Tina Tillman, 281-449-1146
Collective Sound Cloggers
Kirkwood Dance Studio
10906 Beamer Rd., Houston TX 77089
Lola Beaty & Jennie Roberts
713-621-5368, 281-481-4983
Rhythm Cloggers
Dancescape by Joyce
2014 E. Broadway, Pearland TX 77581
David Latchaw, 281-636-8626
Stars & Stripes Cloggers
1st Presbyterian Church, Fellowship hall
2408 N. Navarro St., Victoria TX 77901
Susan Roberts, 361-579-0102
Yellow Rose Cloggers
22829 Brazos Dr. Porter, 77365
Rhonda Butzke, 714-865-0650
Bremond Cloggers
First Baptist Church Bremond
705 S. Austin St.
Bremond TX 76629
LaNelle Norcross
Cadence Cloggers
Dance Plus Studio
2824 Thousand Oaks, San Antonio TX 78232
Buster Green, 210-653-2564
Clickety Cloggers
D'ette & Co. Dance Studio
1807 Slaughter Lane, Suite 325
Austin TX 78748
Pat Waden, 512-422-5596
Contemporary Cloggers
10606 Londonshire Ln., Austin TX 78739
Debora Duckett, 512-292-1030
Unknown Address
Cannonball Cloggers
Kick & Click Cloggers
Dietert Center
451 Guadalupe St., Kerrville TX 78028
Molly Martin, 830-257-4401
Corsicana Cloggers
Texas Country Cloggers
Bentsen Grove Resort
810 N. Bentsen Palm Dr., Mission TX 78572
Jacqueline Shell, 517-7414
Southeast Texas Stompers
Texas Thunder
SA Street Dance & Drum Co.
1026 Donaldson Ave., San Antonio TX 78226
Donna Bruns, Linda Swenson, Ashley
22829 Brazos Dr. Porter, 77365
Rhonda Butzke, 714-865-0650
Deep Creek Cloggers
Just Gotta Dance
Texas Storm Cloggers
Membership Registration Form
TCC membership is a yearly membership which expires every March the Sunday after the Annual Texas Cloggers’ Rally. Please
print all information neatly. Contact the membership chair with any questions.
Date: ___ / ___ / 2 0 ___
New Membership
Primary Member Information – 1 Per Household
Last Name:
First Name:
DOB: ____ / ____ / ________
Zip: ________ - _______
Alt. Phone:
Do you belong to a clogging team/club?
If yes, Name of Club/Team:
Additional Member(s) Information – Same Household
Primary Member $10.00
Additional Members +$5.00 Each
The Texas Clogger Printed Subscription +$8.00
(Available online in PDF format for no additional charge)
Step In Time Printed Subscription +$10.00 ($15.00 for non-TCC members, $16.00 for Foreign)
(Our Cue Sheet Publication) (Available online in PDF format for no additional charge)
Make checks payable to “The Texas Clogging Council” and mail completed form(s) to:
The following is a synopsis of what takes place in the TCC business meeting
twice a year, one being at the TCC Rally in March and the second being at
the Double Toe Jam in July. Both take place on Sunday morning at the Waco
Convention Center. Anyone and everyone is welcome to come and
participate. If you are a voting member we encourage you to come and
voice your opinion and your vote. We want Texas Cloggers to know what
and how your Texas Clogging Council governs their responsibilities as your
representatives. If you have ever had or now have any questions or
concerns this would be a great way for you to come and voice you opinion
or just learn the whats and hows of the happenings in the TCC meetings.
Texas Clogging Council - Business Meeting
Sunday, March 13, 2016
Establishment of Quorum
Approval of Minutes of July 19, 2015 Meeting
Rally Advisory Committee
2016 Rally Report (37th)
2017 Rally Report (38th)
2018 Rally Report (39th)
2019 Rally Report (40th)
Financial Report
VP Updates / Reports
Membership Report
Step In Time
Editor, The Texas Clogger
Texas Leadership Program
Committee Reports
Texas Dance List Committee – B. Green
Texas Hoedown – Nov 7th
Old Business
New Business
TX Clogging Hall of fame:
B. Moeller
R. Butzke
J. Moeller
Brenda Williams
Bill Moeller
A. Wilson
Those Present
A. Hodge
B&R Butzke
K. Rickett
B. Butzke
D. Dick
L. Beaty
J. McFarland
R. Butzke
Scholarships – fund raising (reminder)
Next TCC Meeting
DTJ – July 17, 2016
Rally Advisor Meeting – Jan 2017

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