Maquetación 1 - Grupo Antolín


Maquetación 1 - Grupo Antolín
NEWS primavera 08:Maquetación 1
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around the world
Grupo Antolin (Headquarters)
Grupo Antolin – Alava
Grupo Antolin – Ara
Grupo Antolin – Aragusa
Grupo Antolin – Ardasa
Grupo Antolin – Autotrim
Grupo Antolin – Dapsa
Grupo Antolin – Eurotrim
Grupo Antolin – Ingeniería
Grupo Antolin – Linara
Grupo Antolin – Magnesio
Grupo Antolin – Martorell
Grupo Antolin – Navarra
Grupo Antolin – Palencia
Grupo Antolin – PGA
Grupo Antolin – Plasbur
Grupo Antolin – RyA
Grupo Antolin – Vigo
Antolin - Sudamerica (TCO)
Grupo Antolin - Shanghai (TCO)
Antolin Shanghai Autoparts
ChongQing Antolin Toupu Overhead Systems
Grupo Antolin Guangzhou
Ningbo Antolin Huaxiang Auto Parts
Grupo Antolin - Bohemia
Grupo Antolin - Ostrava
Grupo Antolin - Turnov
Grupo Antolin - France (TCO)
Grupo Antolin - HFR
Grupo Antolin - IGA
Grupo Antolin - Ingénierie Siegès
Grupo Antolin - Jarny
Grupo Antolin - Logistique Douai
Grupo Antolin - Loire
Grupo Antolin - Transport
Grupo Antolin - Vosges
Grupo Antolin - Deutschland (TCO)
Grupo Antolin - Autoform
Grupo Antolin - Logistik Deutschland
Grupo Antolin - Chennai
Grupo Antolin - Pune
Grupo Antolin - Pune (Design Center)
Krishna Grupo Antolin
(Technological Licence Agreement)
Grupo Antolin - Japan (TCO)
Grupo Antolin - Saltillo
Grupo Antolin - Silao
International Door Systems
Mexican Door Company
Antolin - Tanger
Silesia Plastic
Grupo Antolin - Lusitânia
Grupo Antolin - St Petersburg (TCO)
Grupo Antolin - Bratislava
Slovakian Door Company
Grupo Antolin - South Africa
Grupo Antolin - Korea (TCO)
Dong Won Tech
(Technological Licence Agreement)
Grupo Antolin - UK (TCO)
Grupo Antolin - Kent
Grupo Antolin - Leamington
Grupo Antolin - North America (TCO)
Grupo Antolin - Fairfax
Grupo Antolin - Illinois
Grupo Antolin - Kentucky
Grupo Antolin - Louisiana
Grupo Antolin - Michigan
Grupo Antolin - Wayne
(TCO). Technical Commercial Office
NEWS primavera 08:Maquetación 1
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Spring 2008 · No. 52
Recognition Ceremony
Corporate Social
Group Plants
Grupo Antolin
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NEWS is published by Grupo Antolin
Grupo Antolin is a multinational at the cutting edge of design and production of components for car interiors for the automobile industry.
Present in 22 countries with 86 plants and 20 technical commercial offices and it has a workforce of more than 10,500 employees.
This publication is available for the employees in pdf format in the GA's intranet
Marketing Department
Carretera Madrid-Irún, km. 244,8
Tel. 34 947 47 77 00
Fax: 34 947 48 43 63
DESIGN Germán Delgado
C/ Marqués de Portugalete, 16
Tel. 34 91 742 12 03
Fax: 34 91 742 67 81
D. Legal: M-18594-2006
Europe - South America
7,301 employees*
Africa - Asia - Pacific
1,483 employees*
North America
1,792 employees*
* Nr of employees by territory as per 31st of January 2008
page 4
cover story
Annual Convention and
Recognition Ceremony
The 2007 figures have improved significantly
with respect to those for 2006 and their
absolute values constitute a historic record
both in terms of sales and in results
page 10
Conversation with the
page 12
page 16
Corporate Social
The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility
has become a new element of companies’
business strategy
page 18
New tax regulation of
associated companies
page 20
Grupo Antolin-ARA
ARA is the oldest of Grupo Antolin’s plants.
Originally, it was a store and upholstery shop
The Delegation from Iberdrola in Castilla y
León inaugurated Grupo Antolin’s solar park
at the headquarters on 12th December 2007
GA to supply Daimler
Trucks in Brazil
For the first time in its history, Grupo Antolin
will supply window regulators for trucks of the
Daimler Group
page 14
designing the future
Emotional Design
The purpose of emotional design is to modify or
create products that are capable of generating
emotions in the users
News Grupo Antolin
Spring 2008
in brief
News in brief
page 32
the history corner
the photo
Solar Park
page 22
page 23
Barreiros automotive group represents an exceptional case in the Spanish car industry
page 35
“The senses” HEARING
We continue with the hearing, our series of
articles relative to the senses of our body
page 37
en route
Puebla (Mexico)
Legend says that Puebla or Angelopolis was
created by the angels. It was founded in 1531
by the Spanish
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Grupo Antolin began its commitment to the environment and social
responsibility in 2004 as a founding
member of the United Nations
Global Compact, by adhering to the
ten Principles for behaviour and
action with respect to human rights,
labour standards, the environment,
and the fight against corruption. In
2007 the Group renewed its commitment to supporting these Principles again with its second Progress
Since 2002 there has been a plan in
place aimed at reducing the use of
gas and electricity in the headquarters. This resulted in more than a
35% reduction up to the year 2007.
On 12th December 2007 the solar
panels on the central office were officially inaugurated, with such panels generating over 20% of our energy consumption. The scope of this
event has merited treatment in our
section entitled The Photo.
GA is making an enormous effort to
minimise the environmental impact
of our activities, with our main actions being: GA-Magnesio has been
making magnesium components
since 2006 to reduce the weight of
the vehicle and thus its CO2 emissions; ASH has been producing
Coretech® agglomerate boards since
2005, for construction work made
from the remains of the roofs.
At the beginning of 2008 a new
area was set up in our business constituting a new element in our strategy: Corporate Social Responsibility. Grupo Antolin publicly announced its commitment to work on
the impact of our activity on the environment, people and social milieu.
This subject is focused on in the Special section of this newsletter.
The Marketing department is cooperating closely on the communication and publication of the activities of the CSR section. Q
Ernesto Antolin Arribas
Vice-president of Grupo Antolin
in first person
he internationalization of our Group is an irrefutable fact, a reflection
of what is happening in the global economy: 22 countries, 86 plants
and 20 technical-commercial offices form the industrial and commercial fabric of Grupo Antolin. Our presence in a number of territories gives us
a strong competitive edge in facing global projects, but it also demands a
great deal of effort in the amount of coordination and communication required of us all. Our clients generate more and more ambitious projects, with
shorter gestation periods, developments in various different regions, and industrialization in many countries. This implies a change in the way we approach our clients and it requires additional effort in teamwork among the
different territories that form part of our organization.
Diversity of clients has also become one of our hallmarks. The portfolio of
clients of the Group has become more balanced and has extended over the
last few years to include all the automotive groups. Nowadays we can assert that our list of clients is as long as that of our most immediate competitors, but there are still some challenges left to achieve that will
strengthen such diversity: industrial implantation in Russia this year, consolidation of the American territory, and continuing our expansion in Asia.
The combination of Globalization and Diversity provides a dynamic and
solid Group, capable of facing all the challenges that might arise. We are
the reliable alternative to the mega-suppliers of automotive parts, and we
need to keep advancing technologically, moving into a position where we
have an advantage over them in those products that constitute our strategic specialty lines.
We have reasonable grounds to look at the future with optimism.
If we analyze the diversification of our clients and our global presence while
at the same time examining the penetration in the market of each one of
the three main products that make up our portfolio, we can see that we
have reached a very important market share of 26% (without including
Japan) for our overhead systems, but both in seats and door panels, hard
trim and other interior trims, our figures are still quite low.
The technological domain, together with the increasing industrial prestige
of our Group, opens up a potential field of growth that we need to learn
how to cultivate. In the automotive parts industry we are one of the few
companies that enjoy prestige for their sustained industrial vocation while
others give more importance to short-term financial aspects.
Our aforementioned business vocation characterized by a clear strategy
for long-term growth, sustained by a team of highly trained professionals
working together, is the best guarantee of success to face the challenges
that lie ahead in our sector. Q
News Grupo Antolin
Spring 2008
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cover story
When José Manuel Temiño started to go over the data
available for 2007 in his total figures, as a general
observation he noted that they had all improved significantly with respect to those for the previous tax
year, and that their absolute values constitute a historic
record for the Group both in terms of sales and also in
results. He likewise expressed satisfaction in the fact
that they far exceeded the figures budgeted
Turnover by product and client
With respect to previous years, we would like to draw attention to the growing
importance of our seats in our turnover for products. Whereas in 2006 this
product represented 7.7% of our sales figures, in 2007 its value virtually doubled,
amounting to nearly 13.5%. The year 2011 still stands out as reflecting greater
importance for the overhead function with respect to the door function. This is
basically due to the demodularisation trend in the case of the door, which has a
negative impact on our turnover for this product.
Nonetheless, taking into account our dominant position in technology, global presence and the degree of penetration we have achieved in door panels and pillar
trim, it should be pointed out that our objectives for growth with regard to
doors and hardtrim target figures that are slightly higher than have been considered until now. As reflected in our forecast during 2007, our business is now
more evenly distributed with respect to clients.
Sales have exceeded those for 2006 by 13%. Profitability has doubled that of 2006,
which has also far exceeded our expectations. Attention is drawn to the fact that the
behaviour of our companies in Brazil continues to be excellent. Also worthy of note is
the result obtained by the seat department, in which, thanks mainly to the lightning
efficiency of the new Picasso, their expectations regarding profitability have already been
News Grupo Antolin
Spring 2008
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On a commercial level, it is worth mentioning our penetration in a new client: VOLVO, with the award of headliners,
lighting consoles and pillars.
The HYUNDAI-KIA Group has chosen us to be their new
manufacturer for headliners and door panels. This will consolidate our position in the eastern part of Central Europe.
On an industrial level, it is worth drawing attention to Grupo
Antolin’s acquisition of the headliners manufacturing company owned by our competitor in the United Kingdom in the
town of Leamington Spa, near Birmingham. This will enable us to be virtually the sole producer of headliners in
the United Kingdom and to combine the activities we already
engage in over there, re-locating from KENT to Leamington in a single production facility that is much better situated geographically speaking, and will allow us to make
important savings, leading to greater profitability.
We have also taken initial steps towards achieving our industrial implantation in Russia, where the automotive sector
is expected to see significant growth. Our preliminary location is in the area of St Petersburg, although, given the
presence of our clients, VW and Renault, in other parts of
Russia, we are considering the possibility of setting up further installations elsewhere.
We have completed our industrial implantation in Poland,
where in 2008 we shall begin manufacturing medium-size
plastic parts for the Central European market. With the
launching of this company together with those already in existence, the Group is able to cover its strategic positions
satisfactorily to produce and supply plastic parts of large and
medium dimensions, thereby consolidating its position in the
European market.
In January of this year we concluded our negotiations to purchase 100% of TANIS, producing parts for the northern
region of France and principally for our clients, Renault and
PSA. Taking control of this company will allow us to embark on our strategy for this product line with greater free-
dom, which we consider to be crucial for the Group’s sustained growth.
The North American territory with sales figures that are similar to those achieved in 2006 shows results that are higher than those projected in the budget, as a result of being positively affected by the magnificent operations of
Grupo Antolin-Illinois, with levels of quality and efficiency that place it up at the top in terms of excellence.
On the other hand, we have to mention the lack of profitability of Grupo Antolin-Silao, in which, following a
long period of difficult business negotiations, it has proved
possible to improve price levels, which together with important efforts to rationalize and improve operations,
should make this company more profitable.
Our Group considers that Mexico should not only attempt
to exploit our internal business to the full, but should also provide us with an industrial zone where we can obtain
costs giving us a competitive advantage throughout North
America. For this reason, we believe that our solid industrial presence in Mexico provides an important pillar for the
strategic development of the Group.
To sum up, while continuing to be faced with important
challenges such as the substitution of modular door concepts currently being supplied to Ford or Chrysler, the
excellent image of Grupo Antolin in North America, the
significant progress made in terms of quality and the involvement of our entire organisation in taking advantage of the opportunities that arise and in an uncontrollable market allow us to hope that from 2009 onwards our
business in the territory will grow even more than expected in previous strategic plans.
A relaxing moment during the convention
News Grupo Antolin
Spring 2008
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Turnover by product
This territory has been growing in general terms, both
with respect to turnover and results, and also in the significant steps that have been taken in 2007 to increase our
presence and thus be in a position to continue with the
growth expected in these emerging economies, which are
becoming more and more consolidated.
- Apart from very satisfactory financial results, we have also been able to increase our portfolio of clients by winning a number of orders.
- At the end of the year an agreement was signed with Ningbo HuaXiang, a local firm, to have a 50% stake in the
creation of a JV to manufacture door panels and hardtrim
in China. This agreement offers us the opportunity to increase our range of products and thus be able to contribute
to the expected growth of the Chinese market.
South Korea
- We have obtained important orders from the Hyundai
Group, for their new projects in the Czech Republic, both
in modular headliners and in door panels. This will enable us to increase our presence in Eastern Europe and
we are now launching a new industrial plant in the
area of Ostrava.
- We have signed a JV contract to purchase 30% of the
shares of the Korean company DongWon Tech, manufacturers of 100% of the door panels for the Renault
subsidiary, Renault Samsung Motors (RSM).
- India is now a patent reality within the car market. Apart
from the car makers that are already established in this
market, others such as Renault, Nissan or VW have recently announced their plans for this country.
- With respect to our industrial presence, last year we started up our third production plant in India, in the city of
Chennai (Madras) in India. This allows as being present
in the 3 big automotive areas in India.
- Attention is drawn to the upward trend of the Engineering and Design activities carried out by our team in
Pune, where the number of hours worked in 2007 increased by 36%.
We conclude with the fact that our turnover figures only
amount to 4% of our total sales. This allows us to draw the
conclusion that if we make the most of our capacities,
we will have immense potential for growth in countries
with high levels of profitability.
News Grupo Antolin
Spring 2008
Turnover by client
VW Group
FORD Group
BMW Group
Fields in which we should focus our analysis before going on immediately to act on the results:
The Group has been implementing the Grupo Antolin Production System (SP) for the last two years, systematizing
our actions for improvement in accordance with well
contrasted methods, the correct application of which we
consider to be essential for situating our production units
at a level of excellence deemed imperative for guaranteeing their future.
In all the Group’s companies there is already a specific plan
for implementing the SP. The 5S system has been
launched on a worldwide basis and standardisation has
been applied already in some pilot plants. We consider
it to be imperative to reconceptualise the role of the leaders of UET by offering them further training and more
competences, with this action being an important source
of improvement.
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In market situations that escape our control
and make it difficult for us to achieve our
Quality continues to be an important area to be improved.
Irrespective of the reduction achieved in non-quality costs,
that have improved our profitability compared to 2006
by €3.5 million, we consider such improvement to be insufficient.
objectives, we should concentrate our efforts
2008 should be a year in which we take the ratio of PPM’s
intragroup to similar levels to those demanded by our clients
for our final supplies. In order to do so, we need to work
as a team between the supplier and internal client, and
also at the level of extreme self-criticism and vigilance in our
production plants.
action plans into practice that will enable us
The STA team is obtaining important improvements in quality for sales components, even though it is still the control of
our network of suppliers, together with a more rigorous application of basic tools such as FMEA or the Definition of Significant Characteristics that are the two key factors involved
in substantially enhancing our quality ratios.
As a final conclusion we would like to mention that, in spite
of the difficulties raised by the market, our Group maintains
on examining them from the inside and
putting strategic and immediately relevant
to overcome such difficulties
its rate of growth thanks to the commitment of its people, quietly sustaining the direction and strategy of the company that has brought us to our current position as one
of the 60 major companies in the car industry on a worldwide scale. Q
News Grupo Antolin
Spring 2008
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José Antolin and Miguel Angel Vicente
Recognition and
awards ceremony
Pilar Arribas and Esteve Pujolá
Javier Pelegrín and Fernando Sanz
Mariano Álvarez and Damian Gordo
There are many people that
contribute year after year
with suggestions for
improving their work. Grupo
Antolin would like to thank
all our employees for their
efforts in contributing
towards Total Quality
Grupo Antolin-Illinois, Prize received by Miguel Ángel Vicente
Esteve Pujolá Mas (G.A. Martorell)
Improvement proposal: "Modification of speaker packaging in Seat line”
Eduardo del Hoyo Lorenzo (G.A. Ardasa), prize received by Javier Pelegrín
Improvement proposal: "Re-designing nailing tool for B-58 seats”
Mariano Álvarez Arana (G.A. Magnesio)
Improvement proposal: "Injection machine instruction manual”
News Grupo Antolin
Spring 2008
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Jan Jelinek, Daniela Servinská and Ernesto Antolin
Jose Antonio Otero and Jesús Pascual
G.A. Bohemia, Prize received by Jan Jelinek and
Daniela Servinská
- Jan Jelinek (leader)
- Petr Hovorka
- Jan Pavelka
- Tomáš Hekele
- Daniela Servinská
Improvement proposal:
"PUR-foam calibration system"
Petr Vízek and Jose María Astobieta
G.A. Vigo, Prize received by J.A. Otero
- José Antonio Otero Pereira (leader)
- Marco Antonio González Fernández
- José Fraga Rionda
- Rubén Cagiao Avendaño
- Yobana Rodríguez Pérez
- Alberto Bao Sánchez
Improvement proposal: "Ergonomic and
visual improvement of the R2 Line”
G.A. Turnov,Prize received by Petr Vízek
- Vladimír Křížek (leader)
- Petr Vízek
- Tomáš Sůva
- Pavel Egrt
Improvement proposal: "Application of fabric
adhesive layer (Insert A5)"
Luis Cerdán Martínez (G.A. Ara)
Jose Manuel Temiño and Luis Cerdán
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A talk with
the President
The Annual Convention is a chance to meet up and
reflect. It is a time to pause for breath and gather
momentum to think about how to tackle the challenges
each new year has to offer us. We take advantage of a
few spare minutes after the Convention to meet our
President, José Antolín, and ask him to anticipate us his
vision of the market and to tell us what Grupo Antolin
is doing to maintain its position
News Grupo Antolin
10 Spring 2008
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Q. The media all coincide in pointing out that 2008
will be a difficult year for all sectors of the market and for the car industry in particular. How is
Grupo Antolin going about dealing with this problem?
J.A. Yes, we have indeed noticed a drop in orders in
our clients’ purchasing programmes of around 6% on
average, and also a much tougher relationship between
client and supplier, demanding effort and commitment
from all concerned. I am confident that everyone in
our organization will respond to our needs. The Group
has been through similar situations before, but the difference now is that we are much better prepared. We
have the tools we need to overcome the situation; we
just need to know how to put them to our advantage.
Q. To what extent, and in spite of the difficult circumstances, can this situation be turned into an opportunity for the future?
J.A. Well, undoubtedly, if we act sensibly, making the
most of our own strengths and resources with deep
knowledge and control of our business. We should go
back to basics in order to gain a full understanding of
them and build up a really sound basis. Only in that
way can we make the right decisions.
With this in mind, I would like to stress the industrial
processes, which at the end of the day is where all our
ideas materialize. Having control over these processes
forms the basis of our activity. In this respect there is
no let-up:, we have to go on making these processes
stronger and more robust until we have complete control over them. We have to involve ourselves in the reality of our industrial setup. I urge everybody to get down
to the assembly line, to touch the PRODUCT, and experience it firsthand.
Q. What are the difficulties that our Group might
come up against in the short term?
J.A. Due to the dramatic growth of our Group over the
past few years, its industrial culture has become complex
and varied. We should endeavour to remain the cutting edge with respect to the knowledge we require and
to convey such knowledge to all those that need it.
This requires a high degree of generosity on everyone’s
part. For such purposes, the strategic initiative afforded by Knowledge Management is a perfect tool.
The experience of our Group is broad enough to capitalize on clear plans for improvement that will have a
direct impact on our competitiveness in the long and
short term. This applies in particular to those plants
that have historically been lacking in profitability.
I would also like to point out that, in the present circumstances, enthusiasm is an indispensable value for
achieving our objectives. We cannot afford the luxury of
allowing ourselves to feel discouraged, but neither
should we avoid being self-critical, since it is always necessary to go on questioning our actions, which is the
healthiest way to make progress. Q
News Grupo Antolin
Spring 2008 11
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Grupo Antolin - ARA
Talleres Ara was founded
on 7th August 1967
engaged in the
production of car trim
and accessories
ARA is the oldest of Grupo Antolin’s plants. Originally,
it was a store and upholstery shop, and further on, seat
covers for passenger cars were produced
In 1974, following an increase of capital, the company moved to new premises on
the Gamonal-Villimar industrial estate, and was permanently redesigned for use
as a factory making seats for industrial vehicles. It was also used later on to manufacture door panels and window regulators. This led to ARA GUARNECIDOS (currently Grupo Antolin-ARAGUSA) being separated from the rest of the company in
1979 and Grupo Antolin-DAPSA in 1984, with our main clients at that time being:
In 1985, needing more space, the company moved to the Villalonquéjar industrial estate where they set up permanent installations as a plant devoted exclusively to
the manufacture of seat frames and complete seat units. In those days, the industrial
estate was still a long way outside the city and industrial centre of Burgos, and
could only be reached by going along a narrow road through the grove of trees in
the cemetery, with a difficult access in winter because of the snow.
First seat for the Nissan forklift and individual passenger seat for the current Mercedes
At this new facility they made seats for industrial vehicles: PEGASO, NISSAN, EBRO KUBOTA, NISSAN FORKLIFT, FIAT AGRI, and later on for MERCEDES BENZ ESPAÑA. They also mounted seats in passenger cars, and began making seat covers for RENAULT vehicles. For this reason, a number of women were taken on to sew the covers. Meanwhile, in Valladolid, another plant was set up known as Grupo Antolin-RyA, a company
devoted to making covers for FASA RENAULT and subsequently also for other clients.
In 1990 they started making seats for VITARA and SAMURAI for the SANTANA MOTOR company. This production line was subsequently transferred to the new plant
in Linares: GA-LINARA.
News Grupo Antolin
12 Spring 2008
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Sales by client
GA-Álava (Daimler)
GA - Linara (Santana)
Accumulated payroll
Turnover in thousand €
Turnover for the past 5 years at the plant
In 1992-93, production commenced for the back seat of the
commercial vehicle FORD Courier.
From 1996 onwards, production commenced for the back
seats in vans complete with 3-point integrated seatbelts
made of light alloys. It was at this time that we also penetrated another sector, with seats for the rail industry.
Talleres Ara changed the firm’s name in 1999 to GRUPO ANTOLIN ARA, S.L. to adapt to the new system for designating companies forming part of the Group that was coherent with the new corporate image.
2003 saw the beginnings of the Mercedes Vito/Viano project. It is since this date that GA-ARA has been manufacturing the frames for the backseats of this vehicle. These are
put together solely in Vitoria for all over the world. The large
quantity of seats and versions led to the opening of another
assembly and sequencing production plant on the DaimlerEspaña industrial plant in Vitoria known as GA-ALAVA. The
new plant was devoted to covering the frames made in Burgos along with their sequenced supply.
Assembly line as it looks nowadays
Female workers in the 1970’s
Seats are currently being made for the following vehicles:
Mercedes Vito and Viano, Nissan Atleon, Nissan Forklift and
Suzuki Vitara. Q
News Grupo Antolin
Spring 2008 13
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designing the future
Department of Industrial Design
Grupo Antolin
The purpose of emotional design is to modify or create
products that are capable of generating emotions in
the users. From this viewpoint, a product that stimulates the senses leads to an increase in confidence and
loyalty on the part of the client
Nowadays, when designing products, a number of factors need to be taken into
account such as ergonomics, manufacturing techniques, or materials. The range
of products is becoming wider and wider; so one of the aims is to make a particular brand stand out from the rest. Furthermore, customers are gaining in experience and becoming more and more demanding. This all means that the customer
has become one of the key factors in the design process for a new product.
The fact that a certain product can evoke sensations, emotions or memories is
something of which we were already aware but knowing how to understand and generate these with respect to specific products is not an easy task. Emotions are quite
personal, and temporary, and can sometimes even occur simultaneously. Studying and
classifying these phenomena, and determining the way in which they come about
with reference to a specific design is the objective of Kansei engineering.
Kansei Design
The term Kansei is a Japanese compound, in which kan means sensitivity and sei sensibility. The method was introduced in the seventies by Professor Mitsuo Nagamachi.
It involves classifying and measuring the emotions that people feel towards objects in such a way that these may be incorporated in the manufacturing process.
Mazda was one of the first companies to adapt to this new school and hired Nagamachi and all his team to head up the design of the MX5, one of the most widely sold
sports cars around the world. They studied everything from turning radiuses to the sound
made by the doors when closing to achieve a product that was emotionally attractive.
Mazda MX5
News Grupo Antolin
14 Spring 2008
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A design focused on the users aims to give them satisfaction
when using the product. In this respect, emotional design is
an added value that takes account of the emotional factors
and feelings a product can generate. Loading a product with
feelings and emotional value makes it more pleasant to use.
In other words, it seems closer to the person using it and this
means that they feel bonded to it
Such approaches demonstrate how emotions have an
effect on the degree of satisfaction shown by the client and
the commercial success of a product or service.
technology institutes, is now working on a programme
of Emotional Design that will enable our products to arouse
the right sensations in the users depending on the type
of vehicle and target (serenity, happiness or status, for
When manufacturers from the same sector reach the same
degree of technical quality, it is difficult to make a distinction between the various brands, and for that reason, the emotional responses of the client to a product
have become decisive factors in their decision to buy.
How emotions work
The car interior is a complex product, the use of which
brings the user into continual contact with it. For this
reason it is becoming more and more important for users
to perceive a good feeling from the car interior so that this
can influence their final decision to buy a vehicle. GA’s
Department of Industrial Design, together with specialised
Living, hating, feeling indifference. The process involving
whether we love or hate an object depends on three cognitive functions (the capacity of our brain to process incoming information). Our interaction with everyday objects reflects three levels of emotional design in very different ways:
Cognitive functions
Emotional experiences
the attraction generated by the object, first impression
Emotions felt at the moment
when the purchase is made
Use, manipulation of the product
Emotions felt when using
the product
Brand image, social status, nostalgia
Emotions felt at the moment of
becoming the owner of the product
News Grupo Antolin
Spring 2008 15
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Corporate Social
at Grupo Antolin
Emma Antolin
Head of Corporate Social Responsibilty Area
Since the beginning of the year Grupo Antolin has been
firmly committed towards the idea of Corporate Social
Responsibility. Due to the number of synergies involved,
this section forms part of the Department of Human
Coretech panels used in the building industry
In recent years the concept of
Corporate Social
Responsibility has become a
new element of corporate
business strategy. Companies
Nowadays the proper application of such policies creates competitive advantages
in the various spheres of application occupied by the company. Originally, Corporate
Responsibility was deemed to be synonymous with philanthropic donations, patronage or collaborative efforts with NGOs. However, we are now moving towards the integration and development of benchmarks that show a relationship
between Corporate Responsibility and the company’s financial results.
Corporate Responsibility is currently experiencing a significant boost on an international scale. Company sustainability, or - what amounts to the same thing - satisfying the needs of present generations without compromising the potential of
future generations to attend to their own needs has become one of the principal aims
currently espoused by companies. It is in this context that discussions are set up
with special interest groups and social and environmental practices are implemented that increase the value of the company.
from different sectors are
starting to include activities
for Corporate Responsibility
in their value chains
News Grupo Antolin
16 Spring 2008
Magnesium Ingot
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1. Reduction and monitoring of energy consumption:
this concerns a policy that addresses the optimisation of
energy resources. Thanks to these activities, the Group
is managing to reduce its impact on the environment.
Highly resistant structure made of Coretech panel in the centre plus
two panels covered with covering materials
2. Magnesium alloys. The use of magnesium as an alternative material to steel, which makes it possible to reduce the weight of the vehicle, with the subsequent
reduction in CO2 emissions.
Magnesium alloy seat frame
We can certainly say that Corporate Responsibility is an
activity that drinks from each and every one of our departments, and therefore cuts across the entire company.
It is an area that focuses its resources on the company’s
intangible assets, and watches over the company’s reputation on a mid and long-term basis.
Grupo Antolin has publicised its commitment to working on
the impact generated by our activity with respect to the
environment, individuals and the social setting in which
we have a presence. At the same time, we have broadened our commitment to include suppliers and partners and
propose collaborating with our clients in their Corporate Responsibility policies. In order to achieve this objective, the
area will focus resources and efforts on the identification and
management of risks, on information transparency and
on dialogue with special interest groups. To do this we have:
1. Projects that are included under the umbrella of Responsible Innovation that we are currently developing and that will open doors for us leading to further
business, as is the case with Coretech® and magnesium alloys, which will reduce the weight of the vehicle.
2. Sustainability Reports or triple bottom line, which
allow for the communication of economic, social and
environmental aspects defining our company.
3. Finally, the work with special interest groups, with which
we will start discussions during 2008 and which will enable us to get to know Grupo Antolin from a different angle and be aware of the areas that require improvement.
One of the first steps taken by our company in this area
was to join the World Compact in 2003. By means of
this agreement we have committed ourselves to respecting the principles of conduct and action enshrined in the
Compact with respect to human rights, labour, the environment and the fight against corruption.
Nonetheless, GA has instigated a long list of actions that
address this concept and are conducted both from our main
office and also from our various factories around the world.
Some of the activities carried out include the following:
3. Coretech®. This is a product that has been developed by
GA from the waste generated from our headliner production line. With this responsible innovation solution,
we are diversifying in a sustainable way. Some of the
products made with Coretech® are platforms or insulating strips for the building sector.
4. GA’s Teletraining Programme in Brazil. GA has organised
standardised training sessions at its facilities in Brazil
for all personnel wishing to complete their studies at
an elementary or intermediate level. Through the Brazilian Semi-Arid Programme, GA is undertaking to improve
social conditions in the region through the purchase and
installation of 5 water pumps that will supply water to
250 families.
There is a long list of activities that have been developed by
individuals and teams at Grupo Antolin either on their own
initiative or else as a response to a specific need. What is
clear is the fact that they have taken account of the strategic value of this activity; the underlying essence is that of
the desire of the company to commit itself to the people
forming part of it and the commitment to set an example
of good behavior and responsibility. Q
News Grupo Antolin
Spring 2008 17
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New Tax
for transactions between associated companies
Most relevant changes implemented in keeping with Law on measures for Tax Fraud Prevention
Economic and Finance Department
Grupo Antolin
The new Law eliminates
the need for the existence
of a written contract
drawn up between
associated bodies before
the service is rendered
On 1st December 2006 the fiscal reform came into force
concerning associated transactions, through the Law
not unintentionally referred to as the”Law on measures
for Tax Fraud Prevention”. This law includes a number
of measures designed to regulate transactions carried
out between entities belonging to the same group of
companies, within the framework of the fiscal system
for associated operations, more commonly referred to
as Transfer Pricing
Reasons for reform
Economic globalisation has increased the concern of the Tax Authorities about
policies on transfer pricing, because of its possible use as a mechanism for transferring profits to tax havens, or more favourable territories for tax purposes.
Therefore, through this reform, the Spanish Inland Revenue hopes to bring its
own procedures in this respect into line with those followed by the Tax Office in
other countries around us, in particular with reference to the guidelines issued by
the OECD and the EU Joint Transfer Pricing Forum.
The principle underpinning the new regulation requires transactions carried out
between associated individuals or entities to be assessed according to their
“normal market value”, which is understood to be that agreed upon by independent persons or enterprises operating under comparable conditions and
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18 Spring 2008
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What is normal market value?
The new regulations set out the methods that are recognised for calculating the “market value”, which are fixed
in accordance with the guidelines issued by the OECD.
As a general rule, any one of the following three methods may be applied:
Comparable uncontrolled price method (“comparable
uncontrolled price method”): comparar el precio del bien
o servicio con operaciones similares entre partes independientes.
Cost plus method adding the usual margin in similar
transactions conducted between independent parties to
the purchase value or production costs.
Resale minus method subtracting the margin applied
between independent parties in identical or similar transactions from the sales prices.
Two subsidiary methods are also established based on the
profit the entities intervening in the operation stand to
obtain in connection with a further series of transactions,
in those cases where the methods mentioned above cannot be applied owing to the complex nature or lack of information concerning such transactions:
Profit split method in accordance with a distribution criterion applied by independent parties.
Transactional net margin method the margin obtained
by third parties carrying out similar activities.
What are associated entities?
Basically, associated individuals or entities are considered
to be the following:
· An entity and its partners, advisers and administrators, along with relatives with up to a third degree of
· Two entities that belong to a group, their partners, advisers and administrators, along with relatives with up
to a third degree of kinship.
· Entities with a stake of at least 25% in the share capital or their own funds. If the association is established
between a partner and an entity, the percentage is
equal to or higher than 5%, or 1% if listed companies
are involved.
Documentation requirements
The new regulations concerning associated transactions
establish that the associated individuals or entities should
ensure that the documentation required by law is always
readily available and at the disposal of the Tax Office.
Secondary implementing legislation should have been
drafted during 2007; however this had still not been
published at the time when this article went to press.
Nevertheless, in keeping with the provisions set out in
the “Code of Conduct on transfer pricing documentation” published by the Council of the European Union,
we can guess that the documentation required will consist of two main categories:
· A set of documents with the pertinent common standardised information for all members of the group
· Several sets of standardised documents, each of which
contains the relevant information for a single country
(“specific documentation for each country”)..
Likewise, the future Regulations may also set out exceptions or amendments to the general documentation requirements in the case of SMEs and companies forming
part of the same tax group. Q
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Spring 2008 19
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Clean energy
Opening ceremony for the Main Office solar park
From left to right: Amador Díez, José Antolin, Joaquín Boneta, Paco Martínez and Ismael Martín
News Grupo Antolin
20 Spring 2008
the photo
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The Delegate from Iberdrola for the Region of Castilla y
León, Joaquín Boneta Beorlegui, together with the
Regional Head for Burgos-Soria from Iberdrola, Óscar
Villanueva Moreno, and the President of Grupo Antolin,
José Antolin Toledano, opened Grupo Antolin’s solar park
at the Main Office in Burgos on 12th December 2007
This is the biggest solar park in the city and province of Burgos, and apart from producing energy, it also provides a roof over the company employees’ cars.
Grupo Antolin hopes to maintain its investments in this type of installation and extend these progressively to the other plants owned by the multinational company
in Spain. With this initiative, Grupo Antolin joins the global project for using renewable energy, while also maintaining a firm commitment to protect the environment through continuous improvement of its products and services to make them
compatible with sustainable development. Q
From left to right: Amador Díez, Óscar Villanueva, José Antolin, Joaquín Boneta and Ismael Martín
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Grupo Antolin to supply
Daimler Trucks
Alessandro Fontana
Commercial Director
South America Territory
Production will commence at
the end of 2008 with an
in Brazil
For the first time in its history, Grupo Antolin will supply
window regulators for trucks manufactured by the Daimler Group. Iramec will make 82,000 sets of window lifters
a year for Daimler Trucks in Sao Bernardo do Campo
output of windows
regulators amounting to
approximately 82,000 sets
per year. This new business
marks the start of a new era
Relations between Grupo Antolin and Mercedes-Benz do Brasil date back to 1997,
when we began to supply cables from IRAMEC for opening the bonnet on the A
Class vehicle, which was manufactured until 2006 at the plant in Juiz de Fora. At
that time GA did not expect its relations to last with DaimlerChrysler, as the Group
was then known, since output of A Class vehicles was very small and furthermore,
we were not involved in IRAMEC’s “core business”, which are electric windows.
The years went by and success with the Class A supply strengthened the business
relations between the two Groups.
for Grupo Antolin in Brazil
In 2003 Smart named GA Intertrim as supplier of the headliner and sunvisors for
the new vehicle they were expecting to manufacture in Juiz de Fora, which also
makes C Class for the American market. This project did not meet with much luck
as, due to some changes made at the top of DC and internal restructuring within
the group, the Smart project Formore W456 was cancelled mid-term.
Market share in Brazil in 2006
Fortunately GA’s business efforts both in Brazil and also in Germany have paid off
and in 2007 Daimler AG named Intertrim as supplier of the headliner for the replacement of the Mercedes C Class Sport coupé, the CLC, which will be made exclusively in Brazil as of the summer of 2008.
Medium-Duty Trucks/Heavy-Duty Trucks
Source: Daimler Trucks
At the end of 2006 talks started with respect to the opportunities for window regulators for the NTC (Atego 6.6-15Tn and Axor 18-41Tn) and SERIE (Linha Tradicional, 50Tn max.) production lines for the trucks manufactured by Mercedes-Benz
do Brasil at their plant in Sao Bernardo do Campo. This Daimler plant has approximately 10,300 employees and produces the full range of trucks for the Latin American market; it also manufactures engines and transmission systems and owns
tooling facilities. Furthermore, it is the only development centre for Daimler Trucks
in South America.
Finally, in December 2007, following some tough negotiations, we were selected
to supply 100% of the cab closing system for the SERIE model (Linha Tradicional). Q
News Grupo Antolin
22 Spring 2008
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news in brief
en brief
Grupo Antolin
is selected as
preferred supplier
in Ford, ABF
(Alligned Business
During the final quarter of 2007, Miguel
Angel Vicente, representing Grupo Antolin, met Tony Brown, Ford’s Global Purchasing Director, on several occasions to
discuss the terms of the agreement as a
preferential supplier of Ford. Apart from
discussing the agreement per se, the aim
of the meeting was to put forward proposals for improving our daily operations
with them, for enhancing the interaction of the two parties in all spheres of
application: from innovation, costs, and
development to production and supply.
As a result of this first meeting, the
Group has been actively involved in detecting the strengths and weaknesses in
our direct interface with Ford. Last January, thanks to the cooperation of 47 people of Grupo Antolin from all levels of the
organization with experience of working worldwide with this client, we created an extensive report highlighting areas for improvement.
The ABF agreement has been designed to
reinforce and strengthen our long-term
partnership with this client, thereby reinforcing and ensuring the competitiveness
of both companies. This proves the importance of the agreement, which will
foster a relationship between Ford and
Grupo Antolin based on mutual honesty.
The agreement, which has a validity of 5
years and is renewable, was signed by
Miguel Angel Vicente on behalf of Grupo
Antolin on 31st January 2008.
· Bilateral commitment to agree upon
detailed cost models relating physical
attributes to commodity price.
· Bilateral commitment to a competitive
cost at Job#1, with less emphasis on
year-over-year price reductions.
· Ford/Supplier on-going senior leadership communication.
· Ford/Supplier open collaboration on
Global footprint, including manufacturing and engineering facilities.
Some of the commitments on the part of
Grupo Antolin are: proof of financial stability, support in production in the event
of a catastrophe, or other type of interruption caused by other suppliers, management of suitable working conditions
at plants belonging to both Grupo Antolin and its suppliers, and a commitment to offer Ford the latest innovations.
· Ford/Supplier commitment to achieve
best-in-class quality through up-front
quality engineering focusing on failure
mode avoidance, FMEA methodology.
Finally, we would like to underline the
fact that the confidential nature of all the
information generated and exchanged by
both parties, implicating everyone involved in such cooperation from both
companies, is an especially sensitive aspect
in upholding the terms of the agreement
and the trust deposited by our client.
· Bilateral commitment to data transparency, including benchmark and ZBE
(Zero Based Estimate) detail.
We hope this agreement will facilitate
our business relations over the next 5
years with this client. Q
Among the most notable bilateral commitments set out in the agreement, are
as follows:
BLADE is born
During the past few years the Information Systems Department has taken part in certain projects in an attempt to respond to the ever-increasing needs for automation in the industrial sector. The launching of GA-Vigo was an enormous
challenge for the computer systems and in some respects
helped us give shape to what is now the BLADE (Business
Logic Application & Data Extraction) project.
This MES (Manufacturing Execution System) will cover func-
tionalities ranging from the guidance of the automats controlling our production lines to the collection and presentation of Lean statistics (OEE, FTT, BTS, etc.), also including the
traceability of the components, sequencing and even management of the warehouses – and all of this in real time.
Still in its early stages of development and modularization,
we are working with all the plants, Product Departments and
the DEOM to finalise the scope of such functionalities. During the first half of 2008 the product will be installed at the
new GA-Jarny plant (France) as well as at GA-Autotrim (Valencia). Q
News Grupo Antolin
Spring 2008 23
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Soccer Tournament
th Christmas indoor
The two teams that played in the final in the tournament, G.A. Plasbur in orange and G.A. Eurotrim in yellow with blue stripes
16th Christmas indoor soccer tournament
G.A. Plasbur won the exciting and closely contested final of our traditional Christmas
tournament of five-a-side football. Congratulations to the champs!. The under 8’s junior team formed by the children of our employees gives us an example of fine play at
the beginning of the 2008 season with an excellent start so far, ranking second in the
table in the second division. The under 8’s matches are held on Saturdays at the facilities of the Plantío. Q
Group A
G.A. Plasbur
Group B
G.A. Aragusa "B" - G.A. Ardasa
G.A. Ardasa - ZF Ansa Lemforder
1 - 10
G.A. Magnesio - G.A. Plasbur
G.A. Plasbur - G.A. Dapsa
ZF Ansa Lemforder - G.A. Aragusa "B"
G.A. Dapsa - G.A. Magnesio
Group C
Group D
G.Antolin “B”
G.A. RyA - G. Antolin "B"
G.A. Aragusa "A" - G.A. Eurotrim
G. Antolin "B" - G.A. Ara
G.A. Eurotrim - G. Antolin "A"
G.A. Ara - G.A. RyA
G. Antolin "A" - G.A. Aragusa "A"
G.A. Ardasa - G.A. Plasbur
G. Antolin "B" - G.A. Eurotrim
G.A. Eurotrim
3rd and 4th place
5º G.A. ARA
9º G.A. RYA
10º G.A. ARAGUSA "A"
11º G.A. ARAGUSA "B"
News Grupo Antolin
24 Spring 2008
G.A. Ardasa - G. Antolin "B"
G.A. Plasbur - G.A. Eurotrim
G.A. Ardasa
G. Antolin "B"
Roberto Sánchez
(G.A. Plasbur)
Rodrigo Rodríguez
(G.A. Plasbur)
Jose Mª Madrid (G.A. Ara)
Junior team
NEWS primavera 08:Maquetación 1
Grupo Antolin
participates in
The search for materials and their innovation for use with cars is a key factor for the sector’s development. This is
one of the aspects that can be seen
very clearly in the exhibition “MATER in
progress. New materials, new industry”, which is open from 8th February
to 28th April 2008 at the offices of the
FAD (Fomento de las Artes y del Diseño) in Barcelona.
The show offers a glimpse of 106 projects selected by a panel of experts after
consultation with some 4,000 companies, in which the potential of the new
materials is presented from the perspective of various different sectors.
Different products in Magnesium
manufactured by Grupo Antolin
Página 25
This exhibition forms part of a more ambitious project examining the possibility
of creating the first materials consultation centre in Spain. This consists of a library of materials that will be erected as
a permanent forum for debate, exchange, consultation and information
for professionals, designers, engineers
and architects and will draw on the
knowledge generated by the agents
working in this area on a daily basis.
Grupo Antolin has taken part in this
project with the following proposals:
Carbon nanofibres, Magnesium alloy,
high-pressure injection, and Coretech
(chipboard made from re-cycling waste
from the manufacture of headliners). Q
From 08.02.2008 to 28.04.2008
At the Convent dels Àngels, FAD,
Plaça dels Àngels 5-6 - Barcelona
Opening hours:
Monday to Saturday from 11 am to
8 pm.
Free entry
General view of the exhibition
César Merino – Head of Carbon
Nanofibres – at the GA stand
Grupo Antolin
and its Carbon
Nanofibres in
Grupo Antolin participated in the
sixth edition of the “nano tech
2008” trade fair held in Tokyo
(Japan) from 13th to 15th February.
The fair aims to display the latest
developments in Nanoscience and
Nanotechnology and to be a meeting point for the most important
experts in these areas.
Grupo Antolin was present at the
fair with its Carbon Nanofibres, together with all the other entities
most representative of Spain, inside the Spanish Pavilion organized
by Phantoms Foundation in co-operation with ICEX.
During the exhibition various activities are put on of an informative
and formative nature, making this
the most important event in its field
on a global scale and an annual
date not to be missed.
In this edition more than 420 exhibitors from 21 countries attended
the event with more than 50,000
visitors. Q
General view of the exhibition site
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Dongwon Tech, Grupo
Antolin’s Korean partner,
awarded in the 2007
“Renault supplier Quality
Awards” for door module
san Purchasing Organization), and Yann Vincent, Senior Vice-President of Renault, in charge of Quality, gave “Renault Supplier Quality Awards" to seven component and service suppliers.
On February 6 2008, Carlos Ghosn, President of Renault, Odile De
sforges, Senior Vice-President of Renault, in charge of Purchasing, and Chairman & Managing Director of R.N.P.O. (Renault Nis-
For vehicle and mechanical component suppliers, prize recipients are rewarded for their quality performance in a specific family of products and within one of the four regions (Europe / Euromed / Americas / Asia-Africa). They were chosen for the quality of components delivered to Renault’s plants, their ability to solve p
otential problems and their customer satisfaction performance.
These prizes acknowledge the suppliers’ performance and outstanding actions, in favor of quality. They are also intended to reinf
orce the motivation of all the suppliers, in order to reach the qualit
y objectives set by Renault.
These awards are related to Renault Commitment 2009, which ha
s made quality one of its priorities. In 2007, Renault reached the b
est level in its history regarding the quality of components delivere
d to the plants, which places the Group among the world’s best v
olume carmakers, with respect to vehicle quality.
After having congratulated the seven awarded suppliers, Carlos Ghosn thanked all the suppliers’ representatives as well as their
teams for the accomplished work and the good results.
On November 23 2007, Grupo Antolin signed an agreement to purchase 30% of the shares held by the Korean company Dongwon Tech. Q
From left to right: Javier Alvarez (Matrici Sociedad Cooperativa) / Gerhard Niebch (Robert
Bosch Limitada) / Yann Vincent / Dong-Yeoub Ryu (Dongwon Technology co.,ltd) / Odile
Desforges / Eugen Rauth (Elba s.a.) / Carlos Ghosn / Luc Le Bastard (Valeo Engine Cooling) /
Guy Vacher (Eurovia) / Stewart Oades (Christian Salvesen plc)
Audits in
Over the past eight months we have received visits from our clients to carry out
their respective audits. They have all
been conducted successfully, leaving us
satisfied that we have fulfilled our
clients’ expectations. In addition, AENOR
have also awarded us their very demanding ISO-TS certificate.
· 23 October PSA Systems Audit for
M59 sunvisors. Result ACEpTABLE
· 24 October BMW Audit.
Result OK - 81% satisfactory
· 29 to 31 October SEAT Audit.
Systems Audit of NCV2 seat covers.
Seat 411 Project. Result: Supplier B
· 8 to 9 November AENOR Audit. Audit
of Phase 1 ISO-TS. Result OK
· 26 to 29 November AENOR. Audit for
ISO-TS certification. Result OK Certificate obtained
· 4 December Business Visit from PSA
Purchasing Department for seats.
Result OK
· 17 and 18 January 2008 Ford Site
Assessment by Paco Taroncher and
Darin Warmer. Result OK
· 14 November Visit from Ford.
Business visit to discuss possible new
business. Result OK
· 10 March Run & Rate by Renault BD
95 Project. Result OK
· 12-13 June 2007 ASES Re-audit by
Nissan. Result: B. 62 puntos
· 15 November Mollertech Audit of RVI
sunvisors. Result OK - 88%
· 24 to 27 September Internal Quality
Audit by Félix Valdivieso. Result OK
· 22 November Faurecia Visit. NCV2
sunvisors transfer. Result OK
Such good results are the product of the
continuous effort and dedication on the
part of all the team in Tangiers. We
would like to take this opportunity to
thank you all for your commitment. Q
News Grupo Antolin
26 Spring 2008
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Detroit auto show
Naias 2008
In January, we attended the 101st edition of
the NAIAS of Detroit. Judging by what was
presented, this was more than just a hall of
automobiles - it was an "orchard" where
the different "varietals" of "green" technologies won the focus of the attendees.
The international pressure put the most
polluted country in the planet during the
last few years was combined with an increasingly difficult economic situation from
the housing market downturn and the increase of fuel prices. Ultimately, these are
forcing a change in the automobile “garden" for the still first world-wide producer
of vehicles. These have caused a significant
awareness of "thinking green" to happen
this year.
Efficiency in all variations of consumption
was clearly the key driver of this 101st edition!
First, we observed the "flowering" of ecological engines: hybrid motors, lithium and
electrical batteries, among others. All the
manufacturers presented at least one
model with a variation of this type of engine - even including the super-sporty, custom-built luxury manufacturer Ferrari!
Second (although not new in Europe) we
saw more than ever before the "little kids"
of each of the manufacturer – the small
segment cars. These were exhibited in priv-
ileged spots of the manufacturer’s displays
give immediate impact and draw the “first
glance” of the visitors. As an example, GM
dedicated a main stage to its "little kids"
(see photos). Other examples of “little
kids” were the small concept of Ford, the
Verve which will arrive in dealer showrooms in 2010, and also the BMW Mini
that has continued to move so smoothly
and quickly into the market niche - “like a
minnow in the water”. It seems when buying a vehicle now, everyone considers gas
costs first, and consequently size – essentially the factors in consumption that will
now affect their pockets in the long run.
The interiors now have passed to a second
level. In spite of everything, the "desperation" of the Big 3 to attract the American
consumer to its vehicles is producing a
change in the interiors through an appeal
to the senses. Contrast has been accentuated from all the points of view: visual (colors), tactile material, graining and texture
are coupled with other new functionalities
in vehicles outside this scope.
The Japanese and Koreans continue trying to cover all of the market segments
including the out of the ordinary ones,
like the Toyota A-Bat, an concept pickup
with magnificent aesthetic and superb
design; we still await for the confirmation of Yaris/Vitz or the Fit/Jazz production in this territory.
The consequences for Grupo Antolin
are clear: on one side efficiency is translated in lighter components and with a
minimum impact in the environment in
all its chain of value (“footprint”): including its conception, selection of the
materials, development, processes, and
their precise and standardized manufacturing – the “elegant solution”. The
other significant impact to us is how
our knowledge of trends and aesthetics
– coupled with our innovative technologies - is translated in our products
to our customers. These will be crucial
to convince them, with credibility, that
these qualities will be the most demanded by the end user. Q
Toyota A-Bat
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The Workshop on Design-Foaming Competence took place from 10th to 14th
March: Semi-rigid Polyurethane Foam
(Production of PU blocks of foam), included in the strategic line of Knowledge Management.
The knowledge community formed by
those in charge of foaming at all of
Grupo Antolin’s Headliners plants came
to train and share their experiences and
knowledge on foaming skills. This
workshop was extremely practical and
focussed on spreading the best standards to be taken into account in the
foaming process.
As knowledge leaders for this skill, Enrique Fernández and Javier Morente
were in charge of guiding the Workshop, with the support of Anselmo Ariznavarreta and aided by Yolanda
Martínez. G.A. Eurotrim offered its
premises for the theory classes and permitted visits to be made to the foaming
area, prototype assembly line and production lines to cover the practical part
of the workshop.
Prior to commencing the Workshop, the
information, documentation and experience assigned to each level of knowl-
News Grupo Antolin
28 Spring 2008
From left to right: José Antonio Pastor (G.A. Autotrim), Sunil Nasare (G.A. Pune), Enrique Fernández (Knowledge
Leader), Javier Morente (Knowledge leader), Jan Pavelka (G.A. Bohemia), Montse Santillán (Knowledge
Management Coordinator), Jech Vlastimil (G.A. Bohemia), Pugal Venkat (G.A. Chennai), Julio Ferrá (G.A.
Autotrim), Kemal Toluk (Ototrim), Nelson Holzapfel (G.A. Kentucky), Jairo Santos (G.A. Michigan), Akho
Matshingana (G.A. South Africa), Luiz Bernardino (Intertrim), Torsten Mueller (G.A. Autoform), Fan Gang (G.A.
Shanghai), Hans Wallner (G.A. Autoform), Jaroslaw Ewertowski (G.A. Leamington), Frederic Vignon (G.A. IGA),
Santiago Ibáñez (G.A. Eurotrim), Rodrigo del Río (G.A. Eurotrim) and Bruce Xie (G.A. Shanghai). Absent: Raúl
Villarreal (G.A. Silao) and Manoj Kapoor (Krishna-G.A.).
edge were defined in detail, and the
members of the community were assessed beforehand with respect to their
level of knowledge. This assessment was
later revised after their attendance at the
tional Workshop on Foaming Competence
was the creation of a knowledge community, in which professional relationships
and teamwork could be encouraged,
along with the sharing of knowledge and
experiences with respect to such skills.
In addition, complementary training was
offered by two of our suppliers (BASF
and Bayer), focussing on the best process
for adapting and handling the raw material, along with the influence of the
foaming parameters on the quality of
the foam.
To help capitalise and transfer such
knowledge a Corporate Site was set up,
through which the Knowledge leaders
can publish the best practices and lessons
learned in managing this skill, distribute
the documentation that is common to all
members of the knowledge community.
By using the forums, the members of
the community can share their experiences with respect to the foaming skill. Q
In keeping with the spirit of the strategic
line of Knowledge Management, one of
the main objectives of this First Interna-
NEWS primavera 08:Maquetación 1
SAp at G.A.
Since the beginning of April our
colleagues at G.A. Magnesio have
been using the SAP application for
corporate management. Like
other operations run by the
Group, the injection activity is
based on a limited set of raw materials, in this case, ingots of pure
or re-cycled magnesium.
As a novelty in this project, on account of the safety requirements
and regulations, new traceability
operations are being tried out. In
this case it is essential to keep information on the batch of production from the ingot supplier
and be able to relate it directly to
the seat back for the Picasso B58
sent to G.A. Ardasa.
In turn, G.A. Ardasa processes the
trace of products sent to G.A. Vigo,
who is also capable of relating each
dispatch order. In this way, Grupo
Antolin can link the item sent to
PSA with the batch of magnesium
used in the seat back through three
different companies. Q
Página 29
Peter Müller (Minister of the Government Saarland) and Bernhard Mattes (Chief Executive of Ford Werke GmbH)
JOB1 of the Ford
Kuga in Saarlouis
On 26th February 2008 it was with great
pride that Ford Saarlouis presented the
first Ford Kuga after JOB1 in an official ceremony at the Saarlouis Ford plant.
The car was presented in a special show
room at the Ford facility by Jacques Pollenus (Plant Manager Ford Saarlouis);
Bernhard Mattes (Chief Executive of Ford
Werke GmbH) and Peter Müller (Minister
of the Government Saarland).
With this brand new car, Ford of Europe
enters the ever-more important fourwheel drive market. This Ford Kuga SUV
comes into direct competition with vehicles like the VW Tiguan, BMW X3 or the
OPEL Antara.
It is based on the C-Car platform and will
be available as a 4x4 Crossover or as a
two-wheel drive. The engine for this vehicle will be the well-known 2.0L Duratorq
TDCI with 100KW (136PS).
The JIT plant in Saarlouis, from Grupo Antolin Logistik Deutschland GmbH, is re-
sponsible for assembling, sequencing and
supplying headliner modules via conveyor
to the customer's plant.
The headliner substrate for the Ford Kuga
will be built at GA Autotrim in Valencia
(Spain). Due to the large amount of work
required in the assembly, GALD Saarlouis
has to assemble this new headliner on a
separate new assembly line, outside the
current production line for the C214 (CMax) and C307 (Focus).
It has also been necessary to modify the
layout of the storage area due to the new
type of containers for substrates, since
they require extra space.
With a planned production of 300 high
class headliner modules per day, split in
panoramic and non-panoramic roofs, the
new Kuga is a really important programme for Grupo Antolin’s JIT plant in
The Plant Manager of GALD Saarlouis,
Jörg Geber, would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people that have
taken part in this project for all the support
and cooperation they have shown over
the last few months during the launch of
the Ford Kuga. Q
News Grupo Antolin
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Team Spain
Página 30
Team France
Team North America
Human resources, CAE and Finance department
colors day
On 4th January 2008 took place this celebration and on this occasion all teams
participated by displaying different colors for their individual teams. The team
colors were planned by the individual
teams to display the region and clients
they work for.
Team Spain participated by using a red
color as a theme as the red color is a part
of the Spanish national flag.
Team North America and Team France
chose yellow color as a symbol of friendship and sunshine.
Team India chose a white color with a
traditional Indian fervor as a symbol of
Indian traditions.
Team Germany chose a grey color as their
tagline was ‘The problem today is not
with the atomic energy, rather with the
hearts of the people’, quoted by Albert
Einstein. Grey is a combination of white
and black. This symbolizes the balance
between the good and the bad. It is implied that the use of atomic energy is up
to the people whether for the construction or the destruction of humanity.
Team Germany
News Grupo Antolin
30 Spring 2008
Team India
Human resources, CAE and Finance department came together to form a joint
team for this event and celebrated this
day in green color as a symbol of healthy
environment and care for nature.
Team Germany won this competition by
showing colorful presentation and exhibiting excellent Team Work.
The activity was planned to motivate the
employees and the team spirit in the organization.
As we enjoyed colors day together, we
also had blood donation camp on 11th
January 2008 with 100% employee participation and got appreciation from Indian Serological Institute. Q
The DEOM or Strategic Department
for Improvement Operations, has
been holding its Programme Management Unification Conference, or
JUMP since December 2007. The purpose of the Conference is the dissemination of a scientific methodology that can be applied during the research, development and pre-series
stages to produce a Robust Concept
for products or services, by means
of Lean processing, thereby avoiding the possibility of inefficiencies and
waste arising from the concept stage,
and improving the profitability of our
programmes right from the outset.
This transfer of knowledge is being
conducted simultaneously at our offices in Detroit and at our Main Office
in Burgos. Its modular nature means
that knowledge can be updated in
specific areas or tools, or the methodology applied in its entirety in certain programmes or projects with the
support of the DEOM.
The idea of holding these Conferences simultaneously arises from the
support offered by the DEOM to the
team developing the door function
from the DONA sector to clients, such
as Chrysler, that are searching for
the qualitative leap forward implied
in using tools for statistics and quality during the expert and development
stages. It is hoped that by so doing vehicles can be produced at competitive
prices, with the levels of quality demanded by the final customer, thereby enabling our clients to regain the
competitiveness of their products
against rivals such as Toyota, Honda
or Nissan, who have been using such
concepts for decades. Q
NEWS primavera 08:Maquetación 1
Página 31
Did you
Manufacturers, suppliers and associates at the entrance to the GA plant in Vigo
Committee of
visits GA-Vigo
On 26th February, advantage was taken
of the occasion of the meeting of the
Management Committee of ODETTE España in Vigo to visit the factories of PSA
Citroën Vigo and our own plant, Grupo
During the visit to GA-Vigo, the members of the Management Committee
were accompanied by the Managing Director, José Luís Antolin, with everyone
present being extremely impressed with
the level of technology, automation and
process and quality control for the work
carried out in our factory.
ODETTE España is an association that is
integrated in ANFAC, the national association of car and truck makers, which
brings together manufacturers and sup-
pliers of component parts for the car industry, and whose objectives focus on
the definition and development of B2B
solutions: EDI, communications, integration, logistics, collaborative engineering... Grupo Antolin has been a member
of this association since its creation, actively participating in the various different areas, committees, and work teams.
On the part of the manufacturers, the
members of the Management Committee attending the visit were: José
González Torrico (RENAULT España),
Koldo Urabain (MERCEDES Vitoria),
Roberto Eggeling (VW Navarra), Xavier
Alonso (NISSAN Barcelona), Manuel
Luna (FORD España), Luís Manuel
Lozano (PSA Vigo) and José Sánchez
Barceló (OPEL Zaragoza).
Also attending were representatives
from supplier companies, and the member associations of this Committee: Sandro Bosch (FICOSA), Greg Schillaci
(LEAR), Andrés Chasco (MICHELIN),
Miguel Ángel Obregón (SERNAUTO) and
Carlos Arozamena (Grupo Antolin). Q
SAp in India
Since the middle of last November, the SAP team has been immersed in a project for implanting our corporate ERP in the plants
located in India.
During its initial stage the project will deal with the managerial needs
that are most common in our plants. Startup date will coincide
with the new tax year, which in this country begins on 1st April 2008.
...Grupo Antolin is
the main
supplier of
headliners for
almost 50% of
the Volkswagen
Group’s vehicles
around the world? 2008 the
VW Group will
make 70
models for
their seven
vehicle brands?
Source: Marketing CorpDB
The three centres (the CAD centre, the plant in Ranjangaon and
the one in Chennai) will also be personalised in accordance with
the local tax system, which is one of the most complex in the
world, together with that of Brazil, Thailand and China.
The team of SAP advisers are being aided by T-Systems as
an external partner for configuring certain new functionalities
in our system. In keeping with our planning schedule, we
should complete this project after Pune’s GO-LIVE, expected
in July 2008. Q
News Grupo Antolin
Spring 2008 31
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Saeta 75 truck
(around 1962)
Fleet of Halcón trucks
prepared for sale (1961)
the history corner
Marketing Department
Grupo Antolin
Eduardo Barreiros never sniffed
at the prospect of working with
foreign companies, but he did
hope to ensure that this would
not be limited to merely
importing and distributing their
products in Spain. He always
tried to get his contracts to
result in an increase in Spanish
industrial output
News Grupo Antolin
32 Spring 2008
View of workers at the Barreiros Diesel plant (around 1959)
automotive group
Barreiros automotive group represents an exceptional
case in the Spanish car industry and probably in the
Spanish economy at the time it was operative because
it was unmatched in the way it combined the production of private cars and industrial vehicles by using the
benefit of its own technological developments. It went
through a period of spectacular growth and became a
major Spanish company that was well known abroad,
due in part to its family set-up, not only at the beginning but also even when it rose to importance in
association with the American giant Chrysler
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Página 33
Eduardo Barreiros was born on 24th October 1919 in
Gundiás (Orense). From an early age he worked in his
father’s bus company, where he was an inspector and
After the Civil War, he started to rebuild buses and make
gas generators.
At the end of the Second World War, in 1945, Barreiros
embarked on various jobs working on public works contracts in Orense, and founding the company BECOSA.
His mechanical interests led him to design and produce
special machines to make the work easier. Four years
later, tired of the trucks’ high fuel consumption, he
transformed two petrol-driven Krupp engines into diesel
engines, and then went on to transform other engines,
this time working with the Russian 3HC.
However, he did not merely go on transforming engines
for his industrial trucks, as there were more and more
transport hauliers that were asking for these engines
that could run on such a small amount of diesel fuel.
Due to this growing interest, he felt encouraged in 1954
to register his new company, Barreiros Diesel, S.A., near
Madrid, the place where he developed his first EB-6 engine, a prototype on which he concentrated all the
knowledge he had acquired in his transformations and
which helped him configure a Perkins engine with slight
Barreiros then started to build his industrial complex in
Villaverde, on the outskirts of Madrid, commencing production for a wide range of industrial vehicles, components, tractors, private cars, etc.
Barreiros continued broadening his range of products
and, in 1958 he signed a contract with the English company David Brown to produce gear boxes, transmissions
and conical generators in Spain. One year later the range
of engines was widened yet again with the EB-150, with
150 horsepower, both for his own and other companies’
trucks and in 1960 he set up Hanomag-Barreiros to build
tractors together with his German partners.
In 1961 he presented the Azor and Super Azor, which
were ranges of large highway trucks with the B24 engine and could do 100 Km/h on the open road and cost
507,700 pesetas.
In 1964, Barreiros transferred 40% of the capital of Barreiros Diesel to its strong American partner, Chrysler Corporation, who was in a position to support its expansion
and underwrite the firm’s large investments. With this
agreement, the company started to manufacture the
Dodge Dart and Simca cars, and the Saeta truck.
In 1966 Barreiros Chrysler purchased Nazar, a national,
albeit virtually unknown manufacturer located in
Zaragoza. That same year the financial results presented
Princess Sofía at the wheel of a SIMCA 1000 being watched by Prince Juan Carlos,
Eduardo Barreiros and Dorinda Ramos (10th April 1965)
Dodge Dart
by the company were really amazing in comparison with
those of rival companies. The factory had rolled out a
total of 10,951 industrial vehicles as opposed to the
7,288 built by Pegaso and the 4,099 manufactured by
Sava, even presenting a takeover bid for ENASA, which
was rejected by the I.N.I. (Instituto Nacional de Industria). The excellent progress made by Barreiros forced Pegaso to redesign their trucks and look for technological
solutions that were more economical, since Barreiros
went through a period selling its vehicles at a cheaper
price than its rival.
The sales crisis together with the financial difficulties the
company was going through finally put an end to the company’s profitability and in 1967 the Government authorised
the takeover of 77% of Barreiros Diesel’s capital by Chrysler.
The progressive deterioration of relations between Eduardo
and his family and the American consortium ended with
the final sale of the remaining shares in 1969.
After the changes, Barreiros was kept as the commercial
name for quite a few years, even though the factory in
Villaverde changed its name to Chrysler España, S.A.
Much later, in 1978, the Barreiros changed their name
and started to be known as Dodge, the name previously
used for their import models. That year, the French Peugeot bought all the installations owned by Chrysler in
Europe, since the giant was rocked by a number of financial problems making it draw back to the USA, its
News Grupo Antolin
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Barreiros Diesel was a company that based its
home country. Peugeot kept up production of its Dodge
trucks for several years, erasing the memory of Barreiros
once and for all.
During the 1970s the Galician businessman tried his luck
with real estate, and the farming, fishing and mining
sectors, but without much fortune. His makings of an
industrialist came to light once again in Cuba in the
1980s in the latter part of his life when he returned to
working with heavy engines and created the “Taino”.
Eduardo Barreiros died in Havana in 1992.
In 1981 the enormous factory in Villaverde was divided
up between Peugeot, who used it to produce private
cars, and Renault Industrial Vehicles, who purchased installations for the assembly of their heavy duty vehicles.
In 2007 Renault finally ceased production and moved its
plant to Leganés. PSA currently manufactures the Citroën Pluriel and the 3 and 5-door versions of the Peugeot 207 and the Cabriole Coupé in Villaverde,
producing a total output of 136,000 vehicles in 2007.
success on manufacturing products with a
good level of quality but, above all, adapting
to the demands of the Spanish market at that
time. This was the trump card played by
Barreiros against its powerful rival, the state
company ENASA, whose Pegaso trucks were
not only more expensive, but also more
complicated to drive, maintain and repair
The Barreiros car museum
Two years ago work started on building the Barreiros Museum in Torrejón de la Calzada (Madrid), not far from
Villaverde. It was designed by the architects, Emilio Mansilla and Luís Moreno Muñón. The building is a huge cylinder measuring 31,600 sq. m, with the main facade
covered in crushed compressed vehicles. The use of the recycled remains of old cars, with the appearance of huge
bricks, seems to be an evocation to the visitor and represents an active attitude towards the recycling process.
The first floor contains a permanent exhibition of cars, tractors and other items manufactured by Barreiros. The upper
floors house temporary displays and conference halls.
Model of the new Automobile Museum
Visit of King Faisal of Saudi Arabia to the Barreiros Diesel plant (16th June 1966)
Barreiros and Grupo Antolin
In the 20th century in the early 1960s, ANSA’s steering
ball joints and knuckles were mounted in preliminary
units in trucks and tractors manufactured by Barreiros.
Likewise, SIMCA and Dodge Dart cars also used these
ball joints. The increase in demand forced the Antolin
brothers to extend their production plant, installations
and machinery, which made such a significant contribution to the growth of our Group at that time.
The Eduardo Barreiros
Thanks to the close collaboration enjoyed by Antolin and
Barreiros hinges were also supplied. An agreement was
signed with “Pomelerie Electrique”, a French partner, to set
up a factory making hinges in Burgos. The participation and
technical assistance of this company led to the creation of
FABISA in 1986. Antolin subsequently sold its shares.
Mari Luz Barreiros, the Galician businessman’s daughter,
presides over the foundation that bears her father’s
name, which was set up in 1998. The main aims of the
Foundation are to promote and support research in the
field of car technology through a number of different
activities. Q
News Grupo Antolin
34 Spring 2008
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Página 35
“The Senses”
Department of Human Resources
Medical Department Grupo Antolin
Our sense of hearing enables us to perceive sounds,
their intensity, tone, pitch, and which direction they
come from. Vibrations of sound are perceived by our
ears and transmitted to the brain. There are also nerve
endings inside the ear that receive information concerning the body’s movements, which help us to keep our
balance. The human ear is capable of perceiving sound
waves in frequencies ranging from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz
Noise and work
The human ear is considered to be an organ that can be damaged and noise could
be the cause of an illness.
The characteristics of noises that most concern us here are the following:
FREQUENCY: high-pitched noises are more damaging to the ear than noises from
a low frequency range.
Amongst others, the
Sonometer (white)
and the Dosimeter
(grey) are used to
measure the level of
sound in the
INTENSITY: this is measured in decibels (dB): the greater the intensity of the noise,
the greater the risk of injury.
PITCH: the harmonics of a sound may make it painful to the ear.
RESONANCE: these cause a greater pathological effect by adding new stimuli.
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The regulations concerning noise in the workplace in Spain are
contained in Law 37/2003 of 17 November, and further
developed in RD 1513/2005 of 16 December
Effects of noise on the organism
GENERAL SYMPTOMS: these usually appear during the
first few days of exposure to the noise in individuals that
are not used to it and have a neurovegetative or psychosomatic disorder: increase in blood pressure, digestive disorders, dizzy spells, nauseas, vomiting, attention
deficit, swings of character, sleep disorders and a general
feeling of nervousness.
LOCAL DISORDERS: these can cause irreversible bilateral
deafness in the human hearing apparatus.
Not everyone will respond in the same way to acoustic
aggression. The risk of sustaining a lesion increases with
age, particularly after 40, along with the existence of
other hearing disorders and, in general terms, all types
of deafness involving the inner ear.
Semicircular canals
Endolymphatic duct
Vestibular Nerve
Eustachian tube
Occupational hearing loss
This is due to the greater or lesser destruction of the cells
located in the Organ of Corti, housed inside the cochlea.
It is therefore a type of hearing loss involving the cochlea
or inner ear.
Diagram of the ear
Once loss of hearing has started, it becomes irreversible.
However, if the person suffering from this disorder is removed from the noisy environment, the hearing thresholds remain unchanged. The only treatment necessary
will be of a preventive nature, aimed at preventing any
further loss of hearing.
The onset of loss of hearing is the failure to hear highpitched sounds, particularly those in the 4000 Hz frequency range. This period of the illness is reversible and
the maximum loss of hearing does not normally exceed
40 dB.
In industry, it is a question of avoiding the source of the
noise, reducing it by technical means and, where this is not
possible or proves to be inadequate, individual prophylactic measures in the form of ear plugs and headphones
should be taken. It is important to carry out a periodic control in compliance with the law so that the effect on workers exposed to noise may be detected early on.
The second stage is characterised by a difficulty in understanding a whisper. Audiometric tests show losses of
between 45 and 90 dB in the 4000 Hz frequency range,
with the adjacent frequencies of 2000 to 8000 Hz also
starting to show signs of being affected. This state may
continue for 10 or 15 years.
To evaluate a person’s hearing ability we use the Audiogram, which is a test that determines the auditory threshold of a sound for a fixed frequency, by varying the
intensity with which it is emitted within a scale ranging
from -10 to 100 dB. The range of frequencies is between
125 and 8000 Hz.
Finally, if the illness continues to progress, it will lead to
a state of manifest deafness, which is characterised by a
subjective loss of hearing, finding normal speech difficult, and sometimes accompanied by a buzzing sound,
loss of balance, with audiograms showing up disorders
in all frequency ranges from 500 Hz to 8000 Hz.
To assess environmental noise, we have the Sonometer, which measures levels of acoustic pressure in the
atmosphere, and the Dosimeter, which is a machine
designed for individual use to assess noise in places
where these levels vary greatly, or where the operator
changes location. Q
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36 Spring 2008
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Página 37
en route
Puebla (Mexico)
The city of the Angels
Colonial houses that seem impervious to the passing of
time, temples brimming with religious fervour, handicrafts
and confectionery made in keeping with the strictest traditions … Puebla remains unchanged with that street life
that is so typical of Mexico. The so-called Angelopolis and
nearby Cholula maintain their deep-rooted origins
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One of the 32 states that make up the Republic of Mexico, the
state of Puebla is in the Central Meseta. It has a small surface area
(34.000 sq. km), and a population of just over 5 million inhabitants.
The capital, Puebla de los Ángeles, is 120 Km from Mexico City
Legend says that Puebla was created by the angels who
laid out the city in a fertile valley surrounded by the
snow-capped mountains and volcanoes. Legends aside,
Puebla de los Ángeles (currently with the appendage "de
Zaragoza”) was founded in 1531 for and by the Spanish on a strategic site between the city of Mexico and
the port of Veracruz. Thanks to the Conquistadors, it became the second most important city in New Spain,
vying for attention with the capital.
Angelopolis is a city of impeccable design. Albeit because
of its extraordinary urban layout, its cobbled streets threading through the ancient quarter in the city centre, its
brightly painted colonial houses, its hundreds of civil and religious buildings, or because of its traditional spirit, Puebla
has been considered a Cultural Heritage Site since 1987.
In Puebla all roads lead to a monument (there are almost
2,600 listed buildings) and there is no other city in America
with so many churches per square mile. Between the 16th
and 18th centuries, many religious orders erected temples,
convents and monasteries, endowing the city with a more
than generous number of monuments for a city of its size.
A tour round the historic city centre will take us to the
monuments most worth seeing, which are: The cathedral, erected in 1575 by order of King Philip II. It is famous for its towers, which are the highest in Mexico.
Behind it is etched the disturbing silhouette of the volcano, Popocatepetl. Next to the cathedral, the stately
building of the Casa de la Cultura houses one of the oldest and most valuable collections of books in Mexico.
The Palafox library dates back to the 18th century, with
over 40,000 volumes and several incunables.
Another magnificent temple is the church of Santo
Domingo with the capilla del Rosario, its opulent
chapel and a jewel of churrigueresque Baroque art from
the 17th century, considered originally to be the eighth
wonder of the world. The Municipal Town Hall is one of
the most notable examples of buildings dating back to
the Neoclassic period of the 19th century. The Teatro
Principal is one of the oldest theatres in America, dating
back to the 18th century and still open to the public.
Parián market is the ideal place to buy Puebla craftwork
in onyx, Talavera tiles, and typical confectionery. Speaking of handicrafts, walking along the Callejón de los
Sapos (or Toad Alley, after the toads that used to live in
News Grupo Antolin
38 Spring 2008
Puebla cathedral, solemn and Baroque, is one of the most greatly
admired monuments in the whole country
Volkswagen de Mexico started rolling out
their exclusive VW New Beetle for the global
market at their Puebla plant in 1997, along
with the Jetta A4. Since then GA Silao has
been manufacturing overhead systems for
these vehicles, delivering them to VW from
the JIT facility in Puebla in sequence
the stagnant waters of the River San Francisco and gave
their name to the working-class neighbourhood) is an
absolute must. Today it is closed off to traffic, and surrounded by houses erected in the style typical of the period of the Viceroyalty and painted in bright colours with
doorways and wrought iron balconies crammed full of
flowers, revealing an obvious colonial influence.
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Tiles brought from Spain
The city is famous for its Baroque buildings in red brick,
grey stone, white stucco and beautiful tiles brought over
from Spain. The Dominican order of friars issued instructions for the monks sent over to America from Talavera
de la Reina (Spain) to learn the craft and teach the local
people. At the height of the Baroque period, the façades
of the colonial mansions, the temples, cloisters, fountains and even the monastery kitchens are decorated
with striking tiles, giving the city a certain Andalusian atmosphere.
The holy city
The city of Cholula, just 8 km away, was founded in 600 BC
by the Toltecs, this being the oldest inhabited city in Mexico. It is here that a pyramid was erected in honour of the
god Quetzalcoatl, with a volume that is four times the size
of the famous Keops in Egypt and the highest on the
American continent, being one of the greatest monuments
erected by Humanity. In fact, it is really several pyramids superimposed one on top of another over the course of six
centuries. The Spanish erected a church on top of the pyramid known as Nuestra Señora de los Remedios. Q
Colonial features
and polychrome
tiles lend the
architectural style
of Puebla its
Puebla looks like a Botticelli
painting, with dozens of tile-clad
cupolas and domes glittering
beneath a deep blue sky and
towers of various styles competing
in beauty against the encroaching
snow-capped peaks of the
Popocatepetl volcano (or ‘Popo’ as
the locals call it, which reaches an
altitude of 5,455 m).The view of
the volcano is comparable to the
one seen in Florence. In fact, like
Florence, Puebla has a Renaissance
spirit and design. Its ochre and
earthy hues lend the city an
appearance somewhat akin to the
set of a stage production
The Cholula pyramid is hidden at the foot of a hill with a Christian temple on top
The eighth wonder.
Façade of the church of Santo Domingo
News Grupo Antolin
Spring 2008 39