- Grupo Antolin
GRUPO ANTOLIN forma Nº72 - June 2015 GRUPO ANTOLIN ACQUIRES MAGNA INTERIORS The acquisition means that together, the company would have registered global sales of 4,062 million euros in 2014 and had a workforce of over 27,000 employees. On April 16, 2015, Grupo Antolin announced the largest operation in its history, the acquisition of the interiors division of the Canadian company Magna for the sum of 490 million euros. On the same day, the results obtained in the 2014 financial year were presented, showing some magnificent figures that will help it successfully carry out the purchase of Magna Interiors. This operation, subject to approval by the competition authorities, will be completed in the third quarter of 2015. page 2 SUMMARY JOSÉ MANUEL TEMIÑO RECEIVES THE HONOR AWARD FROM CASTILLA Y LEÓN ECONÓMICA AWARDS Saarlouis in USA, Rosslyn in South Africa & Trimtec in Brazil Our CEO took advantage of the event to thank the Antolín family for their trust and all the employees for their hard work page 8 pages 12 & 13 NEWS IN BRIEF Presence at several forums pages 14 & 15 LABOUR HEALTH AND SAFETY In India, Mexico & Slovakia page 16 INNOVATION Sky-fx The end user voice page 17 DESIGNING THE FUTURE New concept of the vehicle interior page 18 ERNESTO ANTOLÍN, CHAIRMAN OF GRUPO ANTOLIN, FINALIST OF THE EY ENTREPRENEUR OF THE YEAR AWARD 2014 Our Chairman has been the Spanish representative at the EY World Entrepreneur Of The Year celebrated in Monaco page 9 BACK COVER Geneva Motor Show page 20 2 INFORMA grupoantolin IN COVER june 2015 Grupo Antolin acquires the interior of MAGNA Becomes the THIRD largest global supplier of vehicle interiors “We are leading the consolidation of the industry in order to become more competitive and offer the best solutions to our customers” Ernesto Antolín, Chairman of Grupo Antolin On April 16, 2015, Grupo Antolin announced the largest operation in its history, the acquisition of the interiors division of the Canadian company Magna for the sum of 490 million euros. On the same day, the results obtained in the 2014 financial year were presented, showing some magnificent figures that will help it successfully carry out the purchase of Magna Interiors. This operation, subject to approval by the competition authorities, will be completed in the third quarter of 2015. This is the start of a new phase in which Grupo Antolin, on becoming the third largest global supplier, will play a leading role in the automotive interior industry. It will double in size, reinforce its already solid global platform and add new products and technologies that will allow it to fully equip the interior of a vehicle. In short, it will become a more diversified and therefore more resistant company, one that will undoubtedly play an important role in the automotive industry. GRUPO ANTOLIN BEGINS A NEW PHASE AS A LEADING PLAYER IN THE AUTOMOTIVE INTERIOR INDUSTRY ·It will become the third largest global supplier of interiors ·It will double its current size, reaching sales of more than €4 billion and a workforce of over 27,000 employees ·It will reinforce its presence in key areas such as Europe and the USA, and diversify its customer and product base ·It will be able to fully equip the interior of a vehicle thanks to new products and technologies grupoantolin 2015 june INFORMA A MORE DIVERSIFIED AND STRONGER COMPANY In an industry as competitive as the automotive sector, size is key when it comes to responding to the major vehicle trends (comfort, sustainability, global platforms, technology agreements with OEM’s, growth outside the traditional markets). The acquisition of Magna Interiors responds to the need to create a larger and more solid industrial group, capable of PRODUCTS · Ability to offer the complete vehicle interior · New products: Instrument panels · New technologies for producing doors · Global leadership in overhead systems · Strong presence in seats and lighting becoming a leader in the interiors industry and offering the best solutions to the customers. It is a necessary step to make the Group stronger through reinforcing its diversification in terms of technologies, customers and markets. markets (Europe and United States) and with growth in the automotive industry that is estimated to be 4.4% annually up to 2018, with expected increases of 2.7% in NAFTA, 3.2% in Europe and 7.4% in Asia Pacific. Grupo Antolin has completed the most important operation of its history at its best moment. In 2014 it achieved sales of €2,225 million and an operating profit of €175 million, figures that show the success of the company’s management model. The purchase also coincides with a significant improvement in the economies of its two largest Financial soundness and a clear strategic direction are going to allow Grupo Antolin to successfully complete the acquisition of Magna Interiors, the financing of which has involved signing a five-year syndicated loan of €200 million (which involves 10 banks headed by Deutsche Bank) and issuing a bond of €400 million. PRESENCE PRODUCTS 3 CUSTOMERS The complementarity of the businesses of both companies is one of the main attractions of this operation that will not only increase the size of the company, but also see the arrival of new resources and technologies that will help it to more successfully address new challenges. Grupo Antolin will add instrument panels to its product portfolio, a product it has not manufactured until now. It will also add key technology that will reinforce its doors unit. All of this is added to its global leadership in overhead systems and its solid presence in lighting and seats. “We are very happy to have found the opportunity to acquire a business that is so complementary to ours. This operation allows us to perform a consolidating role in the vehicle interiors sector and respond to the demands of the market. We will be more competitive in technology and have a greater capacity to generate economies of scale” Ernesto Antolín Chairman of Grupo Antolin Instrument panels will create a fifth Business Unit. From now there will be Overhead Systems, Doors, Seating, Lighting and Instrument Panels. 4 INFORMA grupoantolin june 2015 PRESENCE PRODUCTS CUSTOMERS INTERNATIONAL PRESENCE · Strong presence in the major automotive markets: · Global platform to respond to the needs of customers - Greater presence in the USA, where it will gain weight in the doors area - Consolidation in Europe and an extremely important industrial position in Germany and the UK - Reinforcement of its presence in China “The key reasons for purchasing Magna have been to increase our presence in the United States and with high-end customers” In terms of international presence, Grupo Antolin will reinforce its position in key markets for the industry with a strong presence in Europe, North America and Asia. This operation will allow for the consolidation of a global platform and will extend relationships with the customers. + María Helena Antolín Vice-Chairman of Grupo Antolin GRUPO ANTOLIN PRODUCTS PRESENCE MAGNA INTERIORS CUSTOMERS CUSTOMERS The Group has the support of its customers to complete the operation. The market is experiencing a time of consolidation and vehicle manufacturers need increasingly large suppliers to help them innovate. · Presence in all segments of the industry and reinforcement of its position with some, such as: Jaguar-Land Rover, BMW and Mercedes · Well-balanced portfolio In this context, complementarity in the customer portfolio has become one of the most important aspects and Grupo Antolin will expand its presence in all segments and strengthen its position with General Motors, Jaguar-Land Rover, BMW and Mercedes. · Consolidation of long-term relationships · The operation is supported by the customers . BMW Daimler €627 M 2000 Renault Nissan Others GM PSA Group Ford Volkswagen Group €1,685 M 2007 Daimler “Our customers have encouraged us to complete the operation given that we are an industrial partner, a family company with a long-term project that relies on the support of our shareholders” José Manuel Temiño Others BMW GM Chrysler PSA Group Renault Nissan CEO of Grupo Antolin Volkswagen Group €2,225 M Daimler 2014 TATA Group Jaguar Land Rover Ford BMW GM Hyundai KIA PSA Group FIAT-Chrysler Group Renault Nissan Volkswagen Group Ford €4,062 M TATA Group Jaguar Land Rover 2014 PF COMBINATED Others Others Hyundai KIA PSA Group GM Daimler Renault Nissan BMW Group Ford FIAT-Chrysler Group Volkswagen Group grupoantolin 2015 june INFORMA IN OVERHEAD 2010 DOOR 22 86 IN SEATING COUNTRIES FACILITIES OVERHEAD 2014 DOOR 25 125 SEATING WITH MAGNA INTERIORS LIGHTING COUNTRIES SALES €1,780 M 11,788 EMPLOYEES FACILITIES OVERHEAD 27 161 DOOR SEATING 5 TODAY LIGHTING COCKPIT COUNTRIES FACILITIES SALES €2,225 M 15,400 EMPLOYEES SALES €4,062 M 27,000 EMPLOYEES TRUST IN THE EXPERIENCE OF GRUPO ANTOLIN Grupo Antolin is a family business with a sound shareholder that has an ambitious business project for the future. The Antolín family has shown its long-term commitment to the company and its staff. Both companies also have strong management teams which are highly committed to the success of the operation. Despite the possible cultural differences, the two companies have one very important thing in common: their desire for leadership. A QUICK AND PROFESSIONAL MERGER · Grupo Antolin has created a merger team with professionals from both companies FINANCIAL STRENGTH · At first, the exchange of best practice will be encouraged ·Strong results in 2014 ·Sales, +6.8% ·Ebitda, +18.7% · Creation of a new business unit INTERNATIONAL PRESENCE The Group will add a fifth Business Unit: overhead systems, doors, seats, lighting and instrument panels. Over the approximately two years that the integration process is expected to last, the services of Antolin will be incorporated and then the factories will be grouped by division. · 4 new factories in 2014 · 36 more factories are added to the 125 GA ones · Present in 27 countries INNOVATION ·+20.7% investment ·3.1% sales ·900 R+D+i engineers FAMILY COMPANY ·Commitment to the shareholders. · Long-term project A team has been created to handle the merger process. This is made up of professionals from both companies and it will have all the resources necessary to ensure that the best practices of each company are established. The headquarters of this division will be established in Munich (Germany) where the third Antolin R+D center will be created, which will be made up of a team of almost 200 engineers. This center will be complementary to the benchmark technological center in Burgos. THE PROFESSIONALS, THE KEY PLAYERS The staff has been fundamental in this operation. The final Grupo Antolin will have a workforce of around 27,500 people. Grupo Antolin has a committed and professional workforce that has proven its worth over the years to become a leader in the automotive industry. This commitment will be reinforced by having the professionals from Magna who have shown ample proof of their ability and will carry out highly skilled tasks in areas that are unknown to the Group. “We are going to carry out a simple and professional merger in which we will incorporate all the talent of Magna Interiors into the Group and strengthen our international profile” Jesús Pascual COO of Grupo Antolin 6 INFORMA grupoantolin june 2015 Grupo Antolin achieves market support again WITH A 7-YEAR MATURITY AND YEARLY FIXED COUPON OF 5.125% AND IMPROVES ITS LONG TERM FINANCING CONDITIONS THE TRANSACTION SECURES THE FUNDS THE COMPANY NEEDS TO FINANCE THE ACQUISITION OF MAGNA INTERIORS GRUPO ANTOLIN HAS IMPROVED THE FINANCING COST OF THE €400 MILLION SYNDICATED LOAN SIGNED LAST YEAR BY 50 BASIS POINTS THE COMPANY’S FINANCIAL STRATEGY ENABLES IT TO ACHIEVE SUCH COMPETITIVE FINANCING COSTS PICTURE: WWW.LIBREMERCADO.COM The City of London, where financial products worth almost $2 trillion are bought and sold every day, a third of the total money that moves on the planet Grupo Antolin announced June 10 that its subsidiary Grupo Antolin Dutch B.V. has completed the pricing of its €400 million aggregate principal amount of senior secured notes with an annual interest rate of 5.125%. This bank financing facility has already been closed and the company has taken the opportunity to refinance the terms for a similar €400 million loan signed last year with its usual bank syndicate and which has improved by 50 basis points. The transaction has received an oversubscription of three times. Analysts were particularly impressed by the experience of the company and the opportunity the company has with this acquisition that means a clear support to Grupo Antolin’s growth strategy. The company’s financial strength has been a major asset in achieving this excellent financing and ensuring the unanimity of all members of the bank syndicate to approve the amendment to the agreement signed last year. The acquisition will be financed by a €400 million issue plus a €200 million syndicated loan at five years and a Euribor +2.75% margin. The bonds, which trade on the Luxembourg market, have been rated by the agencies Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s. ▪ grupoantolin 2015 june INFORMA 7 2014, better than the previous year GRUPO ANTOLIN REACHED REVENUES OF €2,225 MILLION AND AN OPERATING PROFIT OF €175 MILLION, 38% MORE THAN IN 2013 STRONG PERFORMANCE IN EUROPE AND ASIA-PACIFIC, WHICH ALLOWED FOR THE INCREASE IN TURNOVER GRUPO ANTOLIN INCREASED ITS SALES IN SPAIN BY 13% OVER THE PREVIOUS YEAR DOORS, SEATING AND LIGHTING DROVE THE COMPANY’S EBITDA TOTAL INVESTMENT GREW BY 24.1% TO €143.49 MILLION, AND THE R&D EFFORT INCREASED BY 20.7%, TO 3.1% OF SALES THE WORKFORCE REACHED 15,469 EMPLOYEES, WHICH REPRESENTS A GROWTH OF 4.3 THESE FIGURES, REFLECT THE SUCCESS OF THE INDUSTRIAL, SALES AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT MODEL OF THE COMPANY In 2014, the revenues of Grupo Antolin increased by 6.7% reaching €2,225 million, surpassing growth in the market. These outstanding results reflect the effort made by Grupo Antolin to meet its targets as well as the excellent level of competitiveness attained. The Group consolidate improved its Ebitda and Ebit margins reaching 12% ans 7.9% respectively. Ebitda grew by 18.7% to €267 million, whereas for the Ebit, the improvement was of 38% reaching €175 million. Moreover, the high degree of diversification achieved by the company along its product-territory-client axes, has become a differential value and a protective mechanism that helps reduce potential negative impacts arising from adverse situations in any of these. Thus, the weak performance of the automotive sector in Mercosur during 2014, was offset by its improvement in the territories of Europe and Asia-Pacific. INVESTMENT COMMITMENT Grupo Antolin increased its investment by 24.1%, to €143.49 million, in order to have appropriate solutions to its clients.It is worth highlighting the company’s commitment to R&D and innovation. In 2014, Grupo Antolin increased the funds destined for this area by 20.7% to reach 3.1% of total sales. CLIENTS Our main clients by order of billing were: Ford Motor Co., Volkswagen Group, Renault-Nissan and Fiat-Chrysler. In 2014 the most significant increases were reflected by Daimler and Renault-Nissan with a percentage increase of 23.9% and 17.9% respectively. TERRITORIES By region, Grupo Antolin recorded noteworthy sales increases in Asia-Pacific (+28.4%) and Europe (+11.7%), with a more moderate performance in North America (+1.3%). In Mercosur, the company has felt the effects of a slowdown in the automotive industry and its sales fell by 34.8%. The significant performance of Grupo Antolin in Spain should be highlighted. The first signs of economic recovery as well as the improved outlook of automobile manufacturers has enabled the company to improve its figures compared to the previous year and increase its sales by 13.3%. FUNCTIONS The greatest sales increases were recorded in the Seating Business Unit (+10.5%), driven by the projects of USA Peugeot Citroën and Daimler and the overall evolution of the sector in Europe. The Lighting business unit has grown (+26.5%) thanks to the new programs that came in at the end of 2013 and the good progress in the European and Chinese markets. The growth in Doors reached 7.8%, benefitting from a greater exposure to Europe, thus offsetting the impact derived from the drop in the Brazilian market and the effect of the exchange rate. On the other hand, the Overhead systems Business Unit has recorded a more moderate growth rate than the other business units, (+3.4%), due to the situation in the Brazilian market, the effect of the exchange rate and the end of a series of projects in the Nafta area that will be replaced in 2015. WORKFORCE During 2014, Grupo Antolin increased its aggregate workforce by 4.3% to with significant increases in Spain, rest of Europe and Asia Pacific. In Asia, the world’s leading automotive market, the workforce rose to reach 2,867people spread across China, India, Japan, Thailand and South Korea. In Spain the workforce now stands at over 2,636 people, representing a growth of 4.4%. These figures are a sign of the strong performance of the automobile industry which has become one of the main worldwide creators of jobs. ▪ “The company has improved its operating and financial metrics and continued on its profitable growth path. Its experience in the sector, its commitment to efficiency and its control of investment will help ensure the company’s financial health” Luis Vega Chief Financial Officer of Grupo Antolin 8 INFORMA grupoantolin AWARDS june 2015 JOSÉ MANUEL TEMIÑO The Honor Award from Castilla y León Económica On May 28 in Valladolid, the CEO of Grupo Antolin, José Manuel Temiño, received the Honor Award from the magazine Castilla y León Económica and took the opportunity to explain the secrets behind the success of the company. Almost 800 people took part in the II Castilla y León Económica Awards for Best Director which was held in Auditorium I at the Feria de Valladolid and was attended by María Dolores Dancausa, CEO of Bankinter, and Francisco Román, President of Vodafone Spain. José Manuel Temiño, CEO of Grupo Antolin together with Begoña Hernández, acting Deputy Minister of Economic Policy, Enterprise and Employment. At the ceremony for the II Castilla y León Económica Awards for Best Director, José Manuel Temiño Estefanía, CEO of Grupo Antolin, highlighted that since the beginning of the company, “creativity and customer satisfaction have been and remain the values that have influenced our actions and which I consider the keys to our business success”. Moreover, Begoña Hernández, acting Deputy Minister of Economic Policy, Enterprise and Employment, highlighted the importance of “recognizing the work of the directors from our autonomous community, who have had to do everything in their power to ensure that their companies are more competitive each day, despite the severe difficulties that have been part of both the national and international economic outlook”. During his speech, José Manuel Temiño underlined the trust placed in him by the Antolín family which has allowed him to develop the business which has now reached a size that was unthinkable when he first joined. He also shared the secrets of success for the company in which creativity, leadership and customer satisfaction have undoubtedly played a fundamental role. He also mentioned the diversification of Grupo Antolin (product, territory and customers) which placed it in a better position to successfully overcome the most difficult moments. José Manuel also underlined the importance of the people working at the company. He highlighted the strong desire of the group to have its own technology, resulting in it having over 800 people across the world dedicated to innovation, a figure which has grown by 50% over the last 4 years, and investing an average of 3% of its sales in R+D+i. To finish, he referred to the new senior management, the new generation headed by Ernesto and María Helena Antolín, which in the words of Temiño “has been responsible for driving through an important period of inorganic growth that will practically double the size of our group and strongly consolidate our company as one of the top 3 worldwide in the field of coverings for vehicle interiors”. ▪ AWARD WINNERS The winners at the II Castilla y León Económica Awards for Best Director were José Manuel Temiño Estefanía, CEO of Grupo Antolin, Honor Award; Miguel Calvo, CEO of Grupo Norte, Best Company Director in Castilla y León; Ismael de los Mozos, Director of GSK in the Aranda de Duero factory (Burgos), Multinational located in Castilla y León; José Manuel García Bejines, Finance Director at Queserías Entrepinares, Financial; David Villagrá Blanco, Marketing Director at Facundo Blanco, Sales and Marketing; David Herguedas Simón, Human Resources Director at Gadea Grupo Farmacéutico, Human Resources; Guillermo Pérez Valle, Sales Director at Bodega Cuatro Rayas, Exporting and Internationalization; Enrique Cobreros, Director of AEICE Construcción Eficiente, R+D+i; Enrique Valero Quintana, Managing Director of Abadía Retuerta, Quality; and Daniel Carreño Álvarez, President of General Electric España and Portugal, Director from Castilla y León who is successful elsewhere. PICTURES COURTESY OF CASTILLA Y LEÓN ECONÓMICA AWARDS 2015 june grupoantolin INFORMA 9 ERNESTO ANTOLÍN The finalist of the World EY Entrepreneur Of The Year Award 2014 Ernesto Antolín, Chairman of Grupo Antolin, was the winner of the national EY Entrepreneur Of The Year Award 2014 award from a total of fourteen finalists from thirteen companies. Our Chairman was presented with the award by the Minister of Industry, Education and Tourism, José Manuel Soria, in a ceremony held on February 27 at the Royal Tapestry Factory in Madrid which was attended by over two hundred representatives from the worlds of business and academia. During the award ceremony, Ernesto Antolín outlined that: “Grupo Antolin’s recipe for success is based on common sense, hard work and a little luck. These are the main ingredients, but you have to season them with a pinch of commitment, humility and concern for people”. In this regard, he highlighted the effort of the founders, as well as the commitment shown by all the employees: “On a day like today, I would like to share this award with them. Without their efforts, dedication and commitment I would not be here. Our project for the future is encouraging and I am convinced that the best chapters of our history are yet to be written”. Global Entrepreneurs Gather in Monte Carlo for the 2015 EY World Entrepreneur Of The Year Award Ernesto Antolín was also the Spanish representative in the world EY Entrepreneur of the Year Award that was hold 4-6 June in Monaco. María Helena Antolín, Vice Chairman of Grupo Antolin, was also attended the event. 65 Entrepreneur Of The Year winners from 53 countries competed for the world title and cement their legacy by entering the EY World Entrepreneur Of The Year Hall of Fame in Monte Carlo. The winner was announced at a ceremony on the evening of Saturday, 6th June at Salle Des Étoiles. Mohed Altrad, the founder and CEO of Montpellier-based Altrad Group, was named EY World Entrepreneur Of The Year 2015. As well as the awards, this year’s program includes a series of keynote speeches, panel discussions and events of special interest to entrepreneurs and influential business leaders in attendance. Under the theme “How are you reshaping our world?” the sessions will look at the impact entrepreneurs can make and the legacy they can leave, and in particular the global issue of youth unemployment. ▪ PICTURES COURTESY OF EY Now in its 15th year, the EY Entrepreneur Of The Year Award is considered the world’s most prestigious business award for entrepreneurs. The world’s most successful and innovative entrepreneurs descend on Monte Carlo 4-6 June ahead of the 2015 EY World Entrepreneur Of The Year Award. Three day forum addresses impact entrepreneurs can make and the legacy they can leave through the innovations, jobs and economic growth they create, all of which help to build a better working world. 10 INFORMA grupoantolin COVERS NEWSLETTERS 21 years of our newsletter INFORMA + 2015 has become a turning point in our history. Changes in senior management, our best financial results, and the acquisition of a company that will position us as the world’s third largest supplier of automotive interiors. Grupo Antolin is now a larger, stronger, and more diversified company. Since its inception in 1995, our corporate newsletter has witnessed the growth of our company. 21 years in which we have seen how Irausa became Grupo Antolin, how we changed our image, how we diversified our products and customers, and how we became bigger and more international. News Autumn 2012 · nº 64 GRUPO ANTOLIN VALIDATION in Grupo Antolin A world leader in the automotive sector José Antolin Gold Medal from the City of Burgos CENIT MAGNO PROGRAMME draws to a close june 2015 grupoantolin 2015 june INFORMA 11 · Noticias News Winter 2009 · nº 56 GRUPO ANTOLIN We interview the Chief Operations Officer Electric vehicles The environmental friendly alternative OTOTRIM Our bet in Turkey Adapting to our clients Grupo Antolin-Cambrai 72 issues that summarize our history and in which we have put together a variety of materials in a number of sections about our facilities, visits, awards, interviews, and specials about the automotive world. Throughout all these editions we have retained a magazine format which now, coinciding with the expansion of Grupo Antolin, we have decided to revamp to make it into a true reflection of the size, capacity, and expertise of our company. So we are going to use a new newspaper-size format, a great showcase that covers the most important events that affect us with a more spectacular image and ingenious and contemporary design to make reading it easier through big headlines, photography, and infographics. INFORMA is a great means of communication which is to be the meeting point for Grupo Antolin employees. It is a channel open to all who wish to take part and who send us via the heads of human resources in each of our facilities the news they want to share in this new medium. Now + more than ever, work with INFORMA comunicacion.ga@grupoantolin.com 12 INFORMA grupoantolin AWARDS june 2015 THE WINNING COMPANIES OF HYUNDAI SUPPLIER OF THE YEAR AWARD: Business Management Grupo Antolin-Trimtec (headliners) Best Global Supplier Maxion Wheels (wheels) Quality Mahle Metal Leve (filters) Competitiveness Dongwon Brazil (door frames and windows) Delivery Pirelli (tires) Excellence in Procurement Axalta Coating Systems (paint systems) Excellence in Customs Services Ecoporto (port logistics) Excellence in Industrial Integration Services JSL Group (logistics) William Lee, president of Hyundai Motor Brazil & Pablo García, Grupo Antolin South America regional manager Grupo Antolin-Trimtec awarded by Hyundai Brazil at ‘The Best Suppliers of the Year’ ceremony The second edition of the Hyundai Supplier of the Year Award in Brazil was held, with the awarding of the best partners in 2014 during the suppliers meeting on February 26 in the industrial complex of Piracicaba (SP), the headquarters of the Korean brand in the country and where it manufactures the HB20 models. Based on the concept QCDM, Quality, Competitiveness, Delivery and Management, the company evaluates and selects the best suppliers in seven categories, with the aim of encouraging the achievement of better results. “Hyundai strives to keep a business relationship of partnership and reciprocity, encouraging its suppliers to seek greater efficiency at all times, both in quality and best price. The competitiveness of suppliers is essential for the competitiveness of Hyundai”, emphasized William Lee, president of Hyundai Motor Brazil during the event. The executive also stressed that all initiatives for local components in accordance with Inovar-Auto “ will always be supported and valued by Hyundai.” The most relevant award went to Maxion Wheels, a manufacturer of automotive wheels, which won the best supplier of the year by achieving the highest score in most of the seven categories, with superior performance in Quality, Delivery and Business Management. ▪ Pune chose QUALITY The Grupo Antolin Quality circle team called “Turbo” has participated in the National level Quality circle competition, held at Pune, India. Organized by Quality circle Forum of India and won the “Excellence” award. There are about 2000 team participated in the Competition and we are one among the team won this award. Earlier our Chennai team participated at the state level competition held at Tuticorin, Tamilnadu and won the Gold Prize. The state level qualification is mandatory to participate in the National level. QCFI (Quality Circle Forum India) is recognized as the institution representing The Quality Circle Movement In India and has represented the country in several international forums. ▪ The team who won the Excellence award 2015 june AWARDS GA-Logistik Deutschland (Saarlouis) top-performing supplier for Ford Ford honored its top performing global suppliers during the17th annual World Excellence Awards. Fifty-two awards are being presented to suppliers who exceed company expectations and distinguish themselves from their peers by achieving the highest levels of global excellence in ten categories. GA-Logistik Deutschland (Saarlouis) got a Silver Award in the category of Production for having demonstrated superior quality, delivery and cost performance throughout the year. Pablo Baroja, director of Grupo Antolin NAFTA region, collected the award on behalf of Saarlouis in a ceremony hold on May 21 at Deaborn. The award was given by Mark Fields and Hau Thai Tang. grupoantolin INFORMA 13 “Ford’s World Excellence Awards allow us to recognize and thank our partners who support us in all we do,” said HauThai-Tang, group vice president, Global Purchasing. “In a year with a record number of global product introductions, these companies demonstrated a strong commitment to both quality and performance, and we’re honored that they are a part of our ONE Ford team.” ▪ Picture from the event held on May 21, 2015. From left to right: Hau Thai-Tang, Group Vice President, Global Purchasing of Ford Motor Co., Pablo Baroja, NAFTA region director of Grupo Antolin and Mark Fields, President and CEO of Ford Motor Co. Rosslyn wins the Ford Q1, the highest quality level in the automotive industry Grupo Antolin-South Africa’s Rosslyn plant was presented with the Ford ‘Q1 Award’ at a ceremony held on April 23. Q1 is an award that is given to Ford Motor Co. preferred suppliers for certifications and improvements that go beyond standard industry requirements. ▪ Ford and GASA Senior Staff from left: Paul Rossouw (Ford Purchasing Manager), Nicole Wanliss (Ford Buyer – Interior), Robert van den Ordel (GA South Africa incoming General Manager), Peet Du Plessis (Ford STA Responsible - Interior) Henry Mayers (Ford STA Manager Interior), Miguel Angel Monje Ramirez (GA South Africa exiting General Manager) & Paul van der Merwe (GA South Africa Rosslyn Plant Manager) 14 INFORMA grupoantolin FORUMS june 2015 PICTURES COURTESY OF CDTI Javier Villacampa (Grupo Antolin), José Luis Angoso (INDRA), Carlos Buesa (Oryzon Genomics), Manuel Desco (Hospital Gregorio Marañón), José Gortázar (CAF), Fernando Temprano (REPSOL), provided their vision of public-private partnerships and the role that the CDTI plays in this field. Villacampa “Cooperation is fundamental for developing the innovation strategy of GA” Javier Villacampa, director of Corporate Innovation at Grupo Antolin, spoke at a round table organized by the CDTI (Center for Industrial Technological Development) on March 18, which took place as part of the “Actions and new subsidies from the CDTI in 2015” conference held in Madrid at the Eurostars Madrid Tower Hotel. During his speech at the round table, Javier Villacampa emphasized the value of cooperation. Cooperation between business units and with companies from different sectors, research centers and/or universities, which already have developed knowledge and talent available to create solutions where both parties contribute and learn, and all reflecting the high demands of our sector. And where the technological challenge of innovation is added to the truly short deadlines that are required, given that innovative solutions are linked to product life cycles of 3 to 5 years. He also stressed the innovative nature of our components sector, whose A new Marketing initiative in Burgos investment in R+D+i as a proportion of sales is three times higher than the industrial average in Spain. The event, which was attended by around 1,000 people, including those from the business and innovation world, was also attended by the Secretary of State for R+D+i, Carmen Vela, the General Director of CDTI, Francisco Marín and the President of the public organization, María Luisa Poncela, who unveiled the new CDTI areas of action for 2015. Among these was the launch of a private equity fund to support Spanish mid-cap companies with demonstrated technological abilities. This initiative aims to mobilize a total investment of between 400 and 600 million euros, of which 100 million will be provided by CDTI itself. ▪ Villacampa highlighted that R+D+i is in the DNA of the automotive components sector, with investment 3% higher than the national average, and of the manufacturers of vehicles themselves present in Spain. He also defined this sector as one of the most aggressive in terms of deadlines. Research is not done on the basis of an undefined future, but rather with a clear period in which the innovation in question has to be ready. CDTI ensures that the collaborators who work with Grupo Antolin can have the resources necessary to help with developments and therefore contribute to reducing the time-scales. This is a meeting point to learn about the new market strategies, discover new tools and hear first-hand about successful experiences. The Caja de Burgos Foundation and the San Pablo Castilla y León CEU Foundation have launched the CEU Marketing Forum in Burgos. The CEU Marketing Forum, which will be located in the Palace of Saldañuela, constitutes a space to learn about new marketing strategies, discover ways to achieve excellence in their implementation, identify skills, behaviors and trends, find out about new tools, improve their use and learn first-hand about successful experiences. The official opening took place on April 21 with a round table “Marketing in the company: current situation and trends”, which involved a discussion of the marketing structures and tools currently used by companies in Castilla y León, as well as changes to habits, behavior, the ways in which consumers relate and communicate, and how these affect the marketing of companies. ▪ Taking part were: Rosalía Arribas Fernández, Head of the Marketing Department at Grupo Antolin; Cayo Sastre García, sociologist and author of “McMundo: un viaje por la sociedad de consumo” (McWorld: A journey through a consumer society); Ana Carretero Ortega, Head of Corporate Communication at the Caja de Burgos Foundation; Javier García Manjón, Head of the Marketing Department at Tierra de Sabor; and Cristina Pérez Villegas, Partner of Nueve Comunicación and expert in on-line marketing and digital communication; The debate was moderated by Santiago Sousa Carreira (far left), Director of the Academic Department of Commercialization and Marketing at the CEU San Pablo-Castilla y León Business School. grupoantolin FORUMS 2015 june INFORMA 15 From left to right: Blanca Montero, Deputy Director General of Banco Sabadell; Valentín Díez Morodo, President of the Mexican Business Council for Foreign Trade (COMCE); Carlos Espinosa de los Monteros, High Commissioner of the Government for the Spain Brand and moderator of the event; María Helena Antolín, Vice-Chairman of Grupo Antolin, and Juan Manuel González Serna, President of Grupo Siro. The Barreiros Foundation recognizes Grupo Antolin as an “example of success” María Helena Antolín, Vice-President of Grupo Antolin, spoke at the “Entrepreneurs in Industry” meeting, organized by the Barreiros Foundation and the IE Business School. PICTURES COURTESY OF BARREIROS FOUNDATION During the event, which took place on May 11 in Madrid, the state of the Spanish industrial sector was analyzed and Grupo Antolin was highlighted as an example of a successful business. María Helena underlined the importance of the industry in terms of strengthening a developed economy and especially emphasized that in our country there are sectors that have demonstrated enormous competitiveness even during the worst years of the crisis. She highlighted the role that the components sector has played in the success of the automotive industry in Spain. Regarding the keys to success for Grupo Antolin, she noted that “there are four basic pillars that sustain the company’s strategy: being a family business with committed shareholders, financial strength, internationalization -which has led to us being present in 25 countries- and innovation”. ▪ 14th University of Burgos Employment Forum As is normal at this time of year, the University of Burgos Employment Forum has been taking place. Its 14th edition was held on May 13, 2015, in the Forum Evolution Conference Centre. The Human Resources team at Grupo Antolin was present throughout the entire day, which was attended by more than fifty companies. Specifically, Grupo Antolin took part by organizing a stand which it used to provide information about the company and collected CV’s from the forum attendees who came along to hand them in. The profiles of the people who attended were varied: students, recent graduates and candidates in general actively seeking work. The adding up at the end of the day showed that we had received more than 500 CV’s out of the total of 6,759 that were given in to all the companies. The Forum is one of the activities taking place as part of Employment Week organized by the Employment Unit and the Vice-Rector of Economics and Business Relations at the University of Burgos. This year the company also collaborated by taking part in the discussion groups held. Grupo Antolin was involved in discussing “New Trends in Selecting Staff ”. ▪ Ana Irene Solas (Director of Corporate Development), Javier Blanco (Director of Human Resources at Grupo Antolin) and Raquel García (Corporate Development). 16 INFORMA grupoantolin LABOUR HEALTH AND SAFETY june 2015 INDIA Chennai celebrates the month of Safety On March 15th Grupo Antolin in Chennai, India, celebrated the Safety Month Hoisted Safety Flag followed by Safety Pledge taken. Main- tained Zero Accident whole month. Conducted Competition on Poem/Essay/Drawing and recognized Best Three Places. Conducted First Aid Training for all Employees. Conducted Fire Fighting training, imparted by Tamilnadu Govt Fire & Rescue team. Invited suggestions from all employees and recognized best three places and Highest Suggestion given employee. ▪ SLOVAKIA SAFETY is in your hands! Safety at work and fire protection has become one of the objectives of our management for the year 2015. This was the reason why, at the end of April, working together with DuPont™ company, we organized a training to increase safety in our plants. Besides our director (Jozef Banas), other representatives of management, middle management as well as our colleague from Žilina plant were present. E.I. DuPont de Nemours and Company, abbreviated DuPont™, is an American chemical, nuclear and armament technology holding with the number of plants for the production of paints, synthetic fibres, nylon, explosives, fuel for rocket engines, nuclear reactors. It is the leader among the international chemical cartels and employs over 100,000 people. Complementary activities of the company include safety training consultancy. A trainer for our plant was Dragoljub Savkovic. He works as a General Director of the plant in Serbia, and he has been working as a Security Consultant for more than 9 years. safety area. In addition, we wanted to hear feedback on safety at our Bratislava plant. Reasons for organizing such training were several. Firstly, we were interested in the experiences of DuPont™ company in the Finally, we wanted to get a new perspective on safety issues from someone who has got several years of practical experiences. The result of the safety inspection was a list of more than twenty points and notes to improve the current situation. The room for improvement we have seen particularly in areas of our production hall layout, work on the high-lift truck, as well as the movement of our contractors and workers in our plant. Apart from the recommendations the action plan has been developed, and will be gradually implemented in the Bratislava plant. ▪ 2015 june INNOVATION grupoantolin INFORMA 17 Sky-fx The end user voice The launch of our new Sky-fx product (illuminated overhead system) in the Peugeot 2008 has been considered a great innovation in the market. To analyze the perception of end users about this product, in order to better define its positioning and optimize its function and features as much as possible, a study has been conducted in our central offices with the collaboration of the Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia (Valencia Institute of Bio-mechanics), an expert body in defining protocols and analysis for innovative products from the viewpoint of the end customer. The study has been conducted on a demonstration vehicle, the Ford Kuga, that includes a Sky-fx overhead system. Users from different age ranges have participated and had the opportunity to observe it working in the vehicle environment, being able to consider it from the front and rear seats in their different conditions of use. The obtained results are very interesting for Grupo Antolin Among the information from the study worth highlighting, we find that users see our Sky-fx product as INNOVATIVE, SURPRISING, NEW and ORIGINAL. They suggest enhancing its functionality to achieve a more attractive product, something that is already being worked on. In relation to its positioning, they agree on placing it as mid-range equipment aimed mainly at young people and couples with chil- dren. The most suitable type of vehicle for this product would be compact vehicles, saloons, SUVs and people-carriers. Very interestingly, and independently of financial issues, they are agreed that it is an option they would choose if given the chance. Moreover, the range of colors analyzed was considered suitable and sufficient, with the colder range of colors receiving a better valuation.▪ With these studies we can obtain a vision of how the users react to our new products, therefore assessing their potential popularity and using the conclusions to optimize them, reinforce work areas and even generate new ideas and concepts 18 INFORMA grupoantolin DESIGNING THE FUTURE NEW CONCEPT IN VEHICLE INTERIORS june 2015 The word vehicle derives from the Latin vehicŭlum, and defines all means of transport that allow transfers or movement from one place to another. Currently a new vision is being generated around this concept of travelling in a vehicle, avoiding it being seen just as a means of transport, and trying to promote its space as an “interior” that offers other functions thanks to self-driving cars. This new scenario should make us reflect on the future concept of an interior, which will have to meet different needs and expectations. The Mercedes-Benz F 015 gives us a vision of the future, where space and time will be the features of private mobility. The vehicle, which still has a steering wheel in case the driver wishes to drive, has seats that can turn so the passengers can have a chat, turning the car into an extra communal living space 2015 june The essential advantages of self-driving are evident: reaching the destination relaxed, quickly and safely. A self-driving vehicle can assist the driver and take on those annoying repetitive tasks, especially in routine journeys, traffic jams or on highways full of cars. But this self-driving does not mean that the pleasure of driving has to be given up completely. These self-driving systems, that will be offered to the driver, will provide assistance and will help with the work, but people who wish to drive their vehicle will still be able to continue doing so in the future. grupoantolin INFORMA 19 Grupo Antolin, with its vision of the future, and as an innovative supplier, faces the challenge of turning the most advanced ideas and concepts that the new selfdriving vehicle suggests to us into an industrial reality The self-driving car continues its rapid progression. The United States is the most advanced country, together with Germany, in this area and in fact there are already several states allowing this type of vehicle on their roads for testing purposes. The latest to sign up for this is California, which recently granted the first license in this field to a manufacturer, specifically to the German brand Audi. Only a few days later Mercedes also obtained the same license. There are already several manufacturers with increasingly more advanced technologies in the area of self-driving. Most vehicle manufacturers have already set their design teams to work in this field. Grupo Antolin has spent time researching and working to prepare the interior of a self-driving vehicle. Some of the work areas are focused on reconfiguring and optimizing the interior space, using advanced materials designed for a new way of life on board, integrating intelligent surfaces, etc. Speaking of our customers, Mercedes is a clear example of a manufacturer with very advanced technology. It has officially presented its first completely self-drive vehicle, which with its outstanding design shows us the future of the car. The brand publicly announced this new development, the product of over thirty years of research, during the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, Nevada. “Having quality time, to be with who we love and to do what we truly want is the real luxury of the future. This car allows you to have those moments while travelling” said Zetsche (Chairman of the Board of Management of Daimler AG) during a conference at the CES. The F 015 has a system for communicating with other self-driving vehicles, even those from other brands if they also have this function in the future. The grille has a series of blue LED lights which move horizontally when a pedestrian is detected and will even send an automated voice message to indicate that it is safe to walk in front of the vehicle. ▪ Another example of this new concept of interiors is the vehicle designed by IDEO (design studio). IDEO CONCEPT The designers in this company wanted to go much further and have developed three self-drive vehicle prototypes that have gone beyond the boundaries of what we have known as a conventional car until now. For them, in the future cars will no longer be mere means of transport and will instead become small shared modular centers, which can be combined to form workspaces the like of which have never been seen before. www.g rup o anto lin.co m GRUPO ANTOLIN forma Published by Grupo Antolin, a multinational at the cutting edge of design and production of components for car interiors for the automobile industry EDIT Grupo Antolin · Communication & Public Affairs · Carretera Madrid-Irún, km. 244,8 · E 09007 - BURGOS - SPAIN · Tel. +34 947 47 77 00 · ga.communication@grupoantolin.com DESIGN Germán Delgado · estudio@germandelgado.es PHOTOS Grupo Antolin, Miguel Jelliss, Rafa Sáiz and Agencies. PRINTED Coiman · C/ Marqués de Portugalete, 16 · E 28027 MADRID · SPAIN · Tel. 34 91 742 12 03 · produccion@graficascoiman.es This publication is available for employees on the GA intranet and corporate website · D. Legal: M-18595-2006 BACK COVER Geneva Motor Show A date with luxury The 85th Geneva Motor Show took place from March 5-15, 2015, in the Palexpo exhibition center. It was an unmissable event with all its usual glamour and design as the showcase of futuristic prototypes and spectacular supercar models. The Show’s wide range runs from the most exclusive, luxurious and powerful vehicles designed for a minority audience with high purchasing power, to the most practical, utilitarian, and economic cars such as small crossovers. luxury. The center console integrates touch-controlled digital information through a screen surrounded by an aluminum frame. Some brands stood out in segments such as supercars and small urban SUVs. The latter are very popular at the moment and several new models were presented including the Renault Kadjar, Honda HR-V and Hyundai Tucson, all of them fitted out by Grupo Antolin. Aston Martin DBX A luxury GT with crossover aspirations. A concept presented in Geneva that will go into production and is to be the ‘weapon’ with which Aston Martin seeks to attract women. Its cabin is spacious and despite using materials that are rare in the automotive industry, its appearance is as luxurious as ever. Materials such as velvety nubuck leather, the edging in gold and ceramic trims on the dashboard give it a very futuristic look. Bentley Concept EXP 10 A high performance two-seater sports car which symbolizes Bentley’s vision of the future. Inside, two sports seats are separated by a center console that houses the driving controls and a 12” touch screen. A perfect blend of cutting-edge technology with craftsmanship and The Audi Prologue Avant Concept’s interior is tremendously technological with a touch OLED device which spans the dashboard. A minimalist design and the finest materials available take center stage in its luxurious interior. GRUPO ANTOLIN COMPONENTS ARE IN THE INTERIORS OF THE FOLLOWING VEHICLES THAT WERE PREMIERED IN GENEVA AUDI R8 Sunvisors The main headliners at the 2015 Geneva Motor Show included Honda Civic Type R, Ford Focus RS, Ferrari 488 GTB, BMW Serie 2 Gran Tourer, Toyota Avensis, Honda Civic Type R, Porsche Cayman GT4, Skoda Superb, Volkswagen Touran, Opel Karl and the concepts Audi Prologue Avant, Seat 20V20, Nissan Sway. OTHER PREMIERES AT THE GENEVA MOTOR SHOW AUDI PROLOGUE AVANT points to the future lines of the carmaker’s models, the Audi A6, Audi A7 and the future Audi A8. BMW 2 SERIES ACTIVE GRAN TOURER Sunvisors ASTON MARTIN VULCAN The new Aston Martin Vulcan, an absolute first at the Geneva Motor Show, is a two-seater supercar with a carbon fiber body which is only used on tracks. Only 30 examples of the Aston Martin Vulcan will be made Infinity QX30 Concept A prototype that anticipates the outlines of a future premium compact crossover. It has been developed for a new generation of customers looking for a mainly urban model, but it also offers benefits to all types of roads and surfaces. Farewell to the Bugatti Veyron. There were also farewells at this year’s event! Bugatti said goodbye to its famous Veyron after ten years of sales as it gave way to new supercars like the McLaren P1 GTR and the Ferrari FXX K. ▪ HONDA HR-V Lighting consoles (China), headliner (Mexico, Brazil and Malasya), door panel (Brazil) HYUNDAI TUCSON Headliner RENAULT KADJAR Door panel, headliner, pillars, sunvisors and overhead console SKODA SUPERB Pillars, ambient lighting, lighting VOLKSWAGEN TOURAN Headliner logistics services
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