- Grupo Antolin


- Grupo Antolin
Winter 2008 · nº 51
Grupo Antolin grows
a competitive advantage
Commercial Convention
NEWS Published by Grupo Antolin
Grupo Antolin is a multinational at the cutting edge of design and production of components for car interiors for the automobile industry.
Present in 23 countries with 81 plants and 20 technical commercial offices and it has a workforce of more than 10,600 employees.
Marketing Department
Carretera Madrid-Irún, km. 244,8
Tel. 34 947 47 77 00
Fax: 34 947 47 79 48
· margarita.diaz@grupoantolin.com
DESIGN Germán Delgado
· estudio@germandelgado.es
C/ Marqués de Portugalete, 16
Tel. 34 91 742 12 03
Fax: 34 91 742 67 81
D. Legal: M-18594-2006
Europe - South America
7,331 employees*
Africa - Asia - Pacific
1,441 employees*
North America
1,877 employees*
* Nº of employees by territory to 31st of October 2007
page 4
Grupo Antolin increases
its presence in Asia
Grupo Antolin continues with its plans for
expansion in Asia, thereby consolidating the
Africa-Asia-Pacific territory as one of our company's trump cards in its quest for continual
reliable growth.
page 11
Broadening horizons
In following up the line to diversify and extend
the market that characterizes Grupo Antolin, it
is evident that the truck sector is going full
steam ahead.
page 14
page 6
Marketing convention
on Russia
designing the future
International Plastics
and Rubber Trade Fair
page 20
the photo
New GA seat factory in
Jarny, France
page 22
en brief
News in brief
page 32
the history corner
Soichiro HONDA
For some years now, Grupo Antolin has been
looking at the Russian market and its broad
range of business prospects.
page 8
The logistics
Soichiro Honda, the man who started up Honda
Motor Company.
This was held in Dusseldorf from 24th to 31st October. GA visited the K2007 trade fair, one of the
most important for the sector on a global scale.
page 34
“The senses” EYESIGHT
page 16
Suppliers’ day at SEAT
page 18
Traditionally the logistics function has been associated with storage and transport of products
and raw materials, where its contribution to the
chain of value was very limited.
News Grupo Antolin
Winter 2008
New Renault Laguna
The third generation of the Laguna arrives at the
dealers with a classic appearance, an impeccable interior and a surprisingly elegant exterior.
We begin with the eyesight, a series of articles
relative to the senses of our body.
page 36
en route
St Petersburg
Founded just over 300 years ago by Tsar Peter
the Great, St Petersburg is known as the Venice of the North, with water covering 10% of
its 600 sq. km.
Responsibility for publication of the
news bulletin has now moved to the
Marketing Department, starting
with the current magazine.
You will already have noticed some
changes in both the new layout and
in content, in which we hope to implant permanent new sections along
with those that already exist, such
as: In First Person, Customers, Personalities featuring interviews, Our
Plants, Auto, Did you know?... Our
aim is that the information of interest to GA employees should be accessible to everyone and, in every
corner of the world.
Any voluntary contributions will of
course be well received. We encourage you to send us whatever you
want to share with the rest of the employees of the Group. Likewise, we will
also be grateful for any suggestions on
issues you are interested in seeing published. The contact information is on
page 2 of this magazine.
In our debut as editors, in this magazine, we offer you a view of the activities of Grupo Antolin in Asia. Over
the past two years several deals have
been made with partners in Korea,
China and Japan and new plants have
been opened up in China and India.
Another strong point of this edition
concerns the variety of awards received by various companies of the
Group in the past few months: Volkswagen Awards, Internet Award for
Castilla y León, DTM Chrysler Award
in the United States, as well as Q1
awards presented by Ford to our factories in Mexico and South Africa.
Finally, we would like to mention the
fact that this magazine would not
have come into being without the
contribution of many people, from
many areas and many countries, and
we would like to convey our gratitude to all of them from here. Q
José Antolin Toledano
President of Grupo Antolin
in first person
ow the Christmas festivities are all but upon us, we get ready
to see out the year 2007 and welcome in 2008. Together we
have got through another financial year successfully in which,
having managed to meet the heavy demands for productivity on the
part of our customers, at the same time we have been able to improve on the economic figures for the preceding year.
However, in spite of this improvement, we need to maintain and redouble our efforts to embark on a new year in which markets our
Group has a strong presence in, such as the European, and more specifically the Spanish market, might be negatively affected by the
strength of the euro and by the reduction in family purchasing power
as a result of the obvious upward trend of interest rates.
The budget estimates for our GROUP in the short and medium term
mean that, with significant action to improve our competitiveness,
we can maintain our economic parameters throughout 2008 and improve on them in the following years.
We are therefore looking at a year in which, despite the possible slowdown in economic growth mentioned previously, our Group should
continue to maintain an important level of controlled investment, implanting its presence in new key territories for the future of our business project.
Russia and Poland are new countries where we should endeavour to
set up our business in 2008. Russia, because of the growing importance this country is going to have in the car industry, in which growth
rates of more than twenty-five per cent per annum are expected, and
Poland, on account of the need to offer the degree of competitiveness
demanded by our customers by producing in low-cost countries.
I know I can count on the commitment of you all to respond to the
challenges raised this year and I am sure that you will respond, just as
you have always done, to the demands for extra effort so as to guarantee our levels of cost efficiency through the urgent materialisation
of activities focussing on improving our productivity. You may rest assured that this effort over the short term within the context of a strategy for growth that is sustained on a medium and long-term basis
will enable us to guarantee a prosperous future for all our families.
I would like to take the opportunity once again this year to thank you
for your work and to wish you all happy new year 2008. Q
News Grupo Antolin
Winter 2008
Grupo Antolin
in Asia
Grupo Antolin continues with its plans for expansion in
Asia, thereby consolidating the Africa-Asia-Pacific territory as one of our company's trump cards in its quest
for continual reliable growth. In this line, we would like
to point out that we have finished 2007 with two new
agreements representing a milestone in our strategy
for global expansion
We are growing in China… Grupo Antolin
and Ningbo Huaxiang Electronic set up a
Joint Venture
Grupo Antolin and the Chinese company Ningbo Huaxiang Electronic Co. Ltd.
signed a collaboration agreement recently on 20th November 2007 to set up a
Joint Venture (50/50) that will develop, produce and market pillars and door panels in China. Attending the signing of the agreement on behalf of Grupo Antolin
were: Ernesto Antolin, Vice-president, and Pablo Baroja, Director of Operations for
the Africa-Asia-Pacific territories, along with our main representatives in China,
Kevin Zhang and Rafael Martín.
The new company, Ningbo Antolin Huaxiang Auto Parts Co. Ltd., is located in the
city of Ningbo, in the province of Jiangbei, in the east of the country. Production will
commence this month of January and by the year 2010 it is expected that the sales
turnover will exceed 30 million euros.
News Grupo Antolin
Winter 2008
Thus, Grupo Antolin is increasing its geographical presence in China and making a notable contribution to the growth of the company in this market. An area of growth
that came from the headlining sector, and from now on will incorporate the new
product of doors, thereby strengthening the Group's position as a global supplier of
interior car components and consolidating our industrial
capabilities in this country.
Apart from the new company, Grupo Antolin has been
present in China since the year 2001 through:
- A technical-commercial office in Shanghai.
- The Antolin Shanghai Autoparts plant, which belongs
entirely to Grupo Antolin.
- The assembly plant in Chongqing, through a partnership in which Grupo Antolin has a 69% stake.
- The logistic centres of: Nanking, Shenyang and
Our resources in the area will continue to grow so that we
can adapt to the demands of the market, and a new headliner-manufacturing plant, located in Guangzhou, is currently in the project stage. Also in an advanced stage is the
signing of an agreement for the transfer of technology with
a local firm to manufacture seats for Mercedes NCV2.
Grupo Antolin sets up business
in South Korea
On 23rd November 2007, Grupo Antolin signed an
agreement to purchase 30% of the shares held by the
Korean company DongWon Tech.
The DongWon Tech company is located in the city of
Busan, in the south-eastern part of this Asian country
and its main products are door panels, pillars, trays and
sunvisors for the car interior. Sales predicted for the coming year amount to 50 million euros and for 2010 they
are expected to exceed 80 million.
This Joint-Venture is an important milestone for Grupo
Antolin since it signifies a real industrial presence in
South Korea, making a notable contribution to the
growth of the company in the Asian zone.
At the same time, Grupo Antolin is also completing its
plans to form the company Grupo Antolin-Korea, and for
Ernesto Antolin and Pablo Baroja with the Executives of DongWon Tech
this purpose, has opened an office in the area of Seoul,
where the technical and commercial activities required are
underway for the projects it is working on with the Korean
manufacturers, Hyundai, Kia and Renault Samsung Motors. This new office will undoubtedly strengthen our presence in one of the key markets in the car industry.
There have been several events that have taken place
over the year in the Africa-Asia-Pacific territory, and
these have been promptly reported in Grupo Antolin
News. However, we would like to recall two that are really significant:
The visit to Grupo Antolin’s plant in Shanghai by the Vicepresident of the Spanish Government, María Teresa Fernández de la Vega, who, in the company of the Secretaries
of State for Trade and Foreign Affairs, was able to see for
herself the activity of our most primary plant in this country.
Another important event was the launching of mass production at the new plant for modular headliners manufacture and assembly in Chennai, in southern India. Thus,
we can now say that Grupo Antolin is present in the three
main manufacturing points for vehicles in India, these
being Delhi, Pune-Bombay and Chennai-Bangalore.
The current state of development of the country, with an
economic rate of growth that is very similar to that of
China, of roughly 9%, means that the prospects of growth
for Grupo Antolin in this country are very promising. Q
Building of DongWon Tech in Busan
News Grupo Antolin
Winter 2008
Ford Plant in St Petersburg where the Grupo Antolin premises are located in the dotted line
Commercial convention on
Olivier Maljean
Europe and South America Operations
For some years now, Grupo Antolin has been looking
at the Russian market and its broad range of business
prospects. In fact, apart from all the Russian manufacturers - with Lada being the only brand marketed in
Western Europe - the other manufacturers are investing more and more in assembly plants on Russian soil
Many have decided to assemble cars according to the SKD or CKD (Semi or Completely Knock Down) formula, which consists of sending the cars to a plant in
Russia either half-assembled or else in groups of parts, and completing the assembly of the vehicle for subsequent marketing over there.
Many like BMW or Fiat started off by creating a “Joint-Venture” (partnership with
a Russian partner) to facilitate all the red tape of the sprawling Russian administration.
Others like Renault or Volkswagen have decided to set up a plant by themselves
and start their activity without any local partners. Thus, Renault built a plant on the
outskirts of Moscow and Volkswagen will shortly open its own plant in Kaluga.
If we look at a map of the current location of the car-manufacturing market, we
can see that there are four privileged areas: Moscow (and outskirts of Kaluga and
Nizhni Novgorod), Togliatti (and outskirts of Simbirsk-Samara), Kaliningrad and St
News Grupo Antolin
Winter 2008
Grupo Antolin in Russia
After considering the same hypotheses as our customers
about going with a partner or going solo, and examining
the implantation of the industry very carefully, we have
opted for the choice of setting up our own company, installing ourselves in rented warehouses near St Petersburg. The
proximity of Ford (an important customer for Grupo Antolin) and the prospects offered by the region of St Petersburg
(with Nissan, Toyota and GM all building assembly plants) favoured this decision.
Once the plant had been selected, Florencio Cabero (Project Manager for Russia), accompanied by the European
KAMs, started to visit all the customers to offer them our
services and show them the portfolio of all our products.
To share all the information that had been put together
and start to implement the business plan for this new
factory, we met on 30th November at the head offices of
Grupo Antolin in Burgos.
2003-2010 new car sales
Russian OEMs
Foreign OEMs
2007 (e) 2008 (e) 2009 (e) 2010 (e)
Map of Car Manufacturers. Source: Automotive News
With this purpose in mind, Damián Gordo (COO of
DOES), Florencio Cabero, all the European KAMs and the
Marketing Department all attended the meeting. We
took advantage of the general presentation of the project to also inform the other Departments at Grupo Antolin’s main office.
After this presentation, each KAM presented the detailed
plans of their customer for Russia and the expectations
they had for obtaining orders that would allow this new
plant to commence its activity, focussing initially on our
main activity involving headliners and plastic injection
processes. Sharing all the data contributed (volumes, initial date of production, vehicles assembled…) we are
now capable of ascertaining and quantifying the activity
we look forward to carrying out in Russia in the near future. The expectations offered by this market, along with
the need for a supplier base in accordance with the strictest criteria regarding quality and service which are currently lacking in Russia, can do nothing but make us feel
really optimistic. This new project should play a really significant role in the medium term in the sustained growth
of Grupo Antolin by accompanying its customers wherever they choose to set up. Q
Convention on Russia in Grupo Antolin head office
News Grupo Antolin
Winter 2008
Central Logistics Department
Grupo Antolin
The logistics
Traditionally the logistics function has been associated
with storage and transport of products and raw materials, where its contribution to the chain of value was very
limited. However, the car industry radically alters the
logistics concept through the enormous diversification of
its products, the demand for integration of more sophisticated computer systems, the globalisation of markets
for raw materials/finished products and the application
of the Just In Time philosophy to the full. In short:
Aligned with those concepts, Grupo Antolin decides to create a Central Logistics
Department in 1998, with the clear mission to resolve the logistic challenges of our
customers and capitalise on the existing knowledge of that subject at Grupo Antolin.
The most visible outcome is the implantation of an extensive network of logistics
plants all over the world.
News Grupo Antolin
Winter 2008
From left to right: Rubén Pérez, Leyre de Miguel, Iñigo Ortúñez (head of department) and Ángel Lozano
Logistics Centres of Grupo Antolin in the world
Kansas City
Lake Orion
Ramos Arizpe
Mlada Boleslav
Salvador de Bahía
Who do we work with?
· Grupo Antolin production plants, working mainly with
their respective logistics departments.
· Costs department for the various product departments.
· Project teams, taking an active part in their development.
· Of course, automotive manufacturers.
And above all, all of Grupo Antolin’s logistic plants that
are operational.
What are our functions?
Our main mission is the design and implantation of logistic centres. We work out calculations of costs and feasibility studies for new logistic centres.
We are in charge of subcontracting Logistic Services,
(storage, consolidation centres, assembly and sequencing centres, deliveries to customers…)
We cooperate with the Logistics Departments at the
Plants and with the Suppliers’ Management Department,
in the identification and implantation of logistic improvements, basically concerning transport issues.
News Grupo Antolin
Winter 2008
Printing of
Reception and
delivery of
product line
Assembly of
GA component
on customer
Sheet metal workshop
Paint shop
We take part in Forums on Auto Part Standardisation
(Odette) and internal diffusion of the new logistic standards. We cooperate with the Computer Systems Department in adjusting new technologies to our logistic
JIS: distinguishing element of
the Logistic Plants (Sequenced diagram)
JIS, or “Just in Sequence”, implies a variation of the JIT concept formulated by Toyota.
If “Just In Time” meant to deliver “what is needed, when
it is required and in the correct quantity”, the JIS system
adds the phrase: “and in the right order”.
The sequencing emerges from the OEMs’ need to diversify
their products, outsourcing stocks and transferring advanced assembly operations to their suppliers, while continuing
to share the principles of flexible manufacturing and diversity generation during assembly.
Sequencing basically means:
1- Integrating the manufacturing orders from our customers: the OEMs establish their assembly order
after the Paint Shop, in what is known as the “sequencing point”. The information concerning any
vehicle that correlatively goes through that point is
electronically transmitted to our logistic centres.
2- Adapting the rate of production: the computer
systems at our plants interpret the information at
the sequencing point and print out labels corresponding to the specific production orders, according
to our customers' rate of production.
News Grupo Antolin
10 Winter 2008
Assembly workshop
3- And delivering our product “just in time”:
The time that goes by from the sequencing point to the
assembly point of our product for the customer is the
delivery period for our JIS centres.
These periods are normally very small, around 2 hours,
which obliges the logistic plants to be in the immediate
vicinity of our customers’ factories.
What direction are we moving in?
Our department is convinced that logistics will be a strategic means for achieving important goals at Grupo Antolin, especially those oriented towards excellence in
service and cost.
We face the challenges that appear before us with hope
and excitement, due to the continuous evolution of Logistics in our market:
· Consolidating our industrial network of JIT plants, as a
means of gaining projects and customers.
· Globalising markets and products, where developing
countries and their derived logistic costs are given greater importance.
· Implanting new logistic resources and standards, in collaboration with our customers.
· Optimising the chain of supply on a global scale.
We hope and wish that you now have a clearer vision of
the mission, functions and purpose of the Central Logistics Department at Grupo Antolin. Q
Pilar Defez
KAM Fiat Group and Trucks - DOES
New products, new countries
In following up the line to diversify and extend the market that characterizes Grupo Antolin, it is evident that
the truck sector is going full steam ahead.
With the cooperation of the Marketing Department, in
its “Trucks Overview” report of November 2007, with
input from our new customers and the information available on the Internet, this report has been put together
with the aim of broadening your knowledge of this sector by taking a brief look at its main manufacturers
When we think of trucks, expressions like high tonnage, distribution, and long distance often spring to mind. In fact, two criteria - weight and final use - are used to
classify these vehicles.
With respect to tonnage, we can distinguish between lightweight, medium or heavy
trucks. Depending on their final use, we can classify the trucks by: delivery, distribution, long distance and construction.
The truck industry in Europe has undergone a consolidation process from the 1970s
until the present time, going from 39 constructors in the market to them forming
an association, and finally with the emergence of 6 large groups.
News Grupo Antolin
Winter 2008 11
In 1996 the main brands with presence in Europe
were 39...
Grafu Stift
In 2006 they are reduced to 6 groups, and their sales volume
in vehicles is...
Daimler ..........241.515
Paccar ............124.406
Scania ............ 53.365
Volvo Group ....177.106
MAN .............. 53.379
Iveco .............. 43.364
Source: Swedish Industry Report, September 2006
Market situation
Due to the current outsourcing processes for production and the appearance of new markets, the transport
of goods by land and sea has been reactivated, with a
positive influence on the growth of world demands for
In fact, various manufacturers who have been consulted confirm that sustained growth oscillates between
10% and 15% of their current output predicted for the
next 5 years.
Renault Trucks
UD Nissan Diesel
MAN Nutzfahrzeuge AG
Western Star
Thomas Built
Mitsubishi Fuso
Seddon Atkinson
Euroepan truck manufacturers - Their brands
Daimler Trucks
Volvo Trucks
Operating under the current name of
Daimler Trucks, this constructor comprises the following makes: Mercedes
Benz, on sale in the European market,
Freightliner, Sterling, Western Star and
Thomas Built Buses for the North American market and Mitsubishi Fuso in Asia.
This Swedish group consists of several different business sectors: Trucks, Buses, Construction and Equipment, Volvo Engines,
Air Volvo and Volvo Financial Services.
Paccar is a group of companies that designs and produces commercial vehicles,
and lightweight, medium and heavy
trucks, using the brandnames of Kenworth, Peterbilt motors and DAF, as well
as providing financial services, information technology and auto parts.
Daimler Trucks ranks top for sales as well
as representing the benchmark in quality
for all the other competitors.
Daimler Trucks has its headquarters in
Stuttgart, Germany, and plants in North
America, Central Europe, Latin America,
Japan and Turkey.
News Grupo Antolin
12 Winter 2008
The truck sector in the Volvo Group represents almost 70% of its net sales and is integrated by Volvo Trucks, Renault Trucks,
acquired in 1991 including its North American Mack and Nissan Diesel division,
which was purchased by Volvo in 2007.
Volvo has a global presence, with plants
in the USA, South America, Europe,
Asia, South Africa and Australia.
As new implantations, Volvo will be present at the beginning of 2009 in Turkey,
and in Kaluga, Russia, at the end of the
same year.
They are based in Washington, with plants
located in Canada, Mexico, and Australia
for the Kenworth and Peterbilt brandnames. For the DAF make they have factories in Europe for local production (Central
and Eastern Europe) and for exportation to
Asia, Africa and North America.
In the truck sector, their products are
classified according to use: local and regional distribution, national distribution,
and long distance.
Euro 2, 3, 4 and 5:
European regulation
on the environmental
restrictions for the
pollution reduction
Total truck sales, with more than 6 tonnes, in Western Europe. Source: J.D.Power Automotive Forecasting
First contacts of Grupo Antolin
During the present year Grupo Antolin has entered
into contact with three of these big constructors: Volvo
Trucks, Scania and MAN.
points in their strategy; for Scania, attaining an excellent standard of quality and increasing output figure
amongst their objectives.
The truck market is characterized by the long-term presence of its models (10-12 years), by the lengthy duration of its current suppliers, and sometimes by the
slightly obsolete technologies used for the interior trim.
Within such a state of diversity, Grupo Antolin appears
attractive to these constructors because of its global
position, its profound technological knowledge, and
because of the wide range of products it offers, along
with the great line of innovation we have been following up over the past few years.
Logically, every customer has their own objectives. In
the case of Volvo, the search for global suppliers or
their implantation in Russia and Asia constitute key
2008 will clearly be a decisive year for our incursion in
this market, this being a task in which we hope to
emerge triumphant. Q
Iveco is considered to rank sixth in terms
of sales turnover in Europe. It produces
trucks of all ranges, industrial vehicles,
vehicles for construction and for special
uses (firemen, civil defence, etc.)
Scania es un Scania is a Swedish group
founded in 1891 that makes and sells
trucks of great tonnage, for long distance transport, construction and distribution, as well as public services...
Furthermore, it also produces engines
for buses and various other applications.
Apart from its European presence, Iveco,
either on its own or in alliance with other
companies, has production plants in
China, Russia, Australia, Argentina,
Brazil and South Africa.
Scania marks itself off from its competitors by aiming to reach a high level
of quality in its products. Its benchmark competitors are Mercedes, on
account of their standard of quality,
and Volvo trucks for their sales
Iveco stands out in its quest for comfort
and its attention to interior design in the
manufacture of its various models.
News Grupo Antolin
Winter 2008 13
Department of Industrial Design
Grupo Antolin
Trade Fair
designing the future
Concept car Citroën-Cactus, 2007
eXasis. Prototype done by Rinspeed and Bayer
This was held in Dusseldorf from 24th to 31st October.
GA visited the K2007 trade fair, one of the most important for the sector on a global scale
This year the K’07 has broken records with respect to the number of exhibiting
companies (over 3,000), number of professional visitors (over 200,000), being
the biggest plastics and rubber trade fair in the world.
The exhibition focussed mainly on energy efficiency, protection of the environment, sustainability and innovations in the field of production and transformation of plastics.
News Grupo Antolin
14 Winter 2008
Alerted to the importance the choice
of one material or another can have
for the final success of the product,
independent centres have been set up
Bayer's stand
Armchair Shadowde Gaetano Pesce, made with Bayfit(®
where engineers and designers offer
advice on how to improve a product,
answering technical questions and
give suggestions about adequate tools
and procedures for respecting the
design that has already been worked
out for the product. This amounts to
experts in materials, textures, and
colour helping to make plastic
products a reality.
Samples of different types of plastic materials
Innovation in textures
Nowadays, apart from the multiple shapes that can be
generated thanks to its modelling properties, plastic
enables different textures to be obtained in the same
process along with different characteristics for the type
of surface. It is possible to achieve a plastic object with
the appearance of another material (metal, wood, ceramics...), or that even has a surprising feel to it.
Our current society is inconceivable without plastic. Its
potential for innovation still has many fields left to be
explored: all the experts coincide in pointing out that
the growth of this dynamic industry will continue to be
More and more designers are taking the tactile properties of their products into account, particularly in
the car industry, where the user is in contact with
many of the parts inside. The sense of touch helps to
make some surfaces more attractive than others.
The fact is that plastic admits a versatility that has not
been achieved with any other material that has been
tried until now. Ever since the appearance of Bakelite in
1907, in which the designers of ArtDeco found the perfect fetish for giving shape to their new designs, up to
the new smart plastics that respond to stimuli, there has
never been an industrial application or everyday environment that can resist having more than one plastic element in one of their infinite number of applications,
shapes, textures and colours.
The development of a product also requires its tactile
properties to be optimised, and, although it may be an
arduous task to discover the secrets of leather, designers rely on tools that enable us to discover textures,
properties and combinations that can surprise and
conquer a customer, winning over their trust in a particular product. The new technologies for developing
plastic and plastic finishes offer us a wide range of
possibilities for the final product to have greater added
value that can be appreciated by the user. Q
News Grupo Antolin
Winter 2008 15
Marketing department
Grupo Antolin
Suppliers’ day at SEAT
to Quality
A meeting of over 80 suppliers on the national and international scene, which took place in the facilities of SEAT
in Martorell last October 2nd, managed to bring together
the top executives of the main companies that supply
SEAT, as well as a large part of the directors at SEAT, led
by its President, Erich Schmitt. The meeting was also
attended by our CEO, José Manuel Temiño
News Grupo Antolin
16 Winter 2008
I consider Suppliers’ Day to be a
day of special interest, in particular
because of the explanations given
concerning the strategic lines that
will enable us to guarantee the
survival of SEAT in such a
competitive and saturated market.
Erich Schmitt, President of SEAT
Furthermore, they also set out the
objectives clearly as far as quality
is concerned, and the observance
The President of SEAT was charged with personally conveying his express wish to the suppliers to make them very
actively involved in quality assurance for SEAT products, inviting them, as he said, to “take part in the process of creating a more competitive and modern company through
the joint search for new solutions that allow productive
processes to be improved, guaranteeing the high standards of quality of the product”. Likewise, he highlighted
the fact that “quality does not only have to be present in
our products and processes. It also has to be an unavoidable factor at SEAT centres and their local environment.
Everything that surrounds SEAT has to breathe quality”.
With this spirit of mutual cooperation, the President of
SEAT explained in detail to the people present the meaning of the principal aspects included in the 2018 Strategy
with respect to the development of new models, and the
objectives involving brand internationalisation, as well as
the commercial targets and increase in production of up
to 800,000 units.
The issue of mundoSEAT, a publication by SEAT employees,
included the opinions of some of those present at the Suppliers’ Day, including that of, José Manuel Temiño. Q
of deadlines in times that are
becoming more and more
demanding, committing the
suppliers to achieve these aims in
the short term. Grupo Antolin
accepts these challenges as its
own, making the resources
available that are required for such
José Manuel Temiño, CEO of Grupo Antolin
Ralf Brandstätter, Sales Manager at SEAT
News Grupo Antolin
Winter 2008 17
Renault Laguna
Seeking to be a PREMIUM
Marketing department
Grupo Antolin
The third generation of the Laguna arrives at the dealers with a classic appearance, an impeccable interior
and a surprisingly elegant exterior. Grupo Antolin cooperates in the final result
Ever since the first Laguna was launched in 1994, more than 2.3 million of the first
two versions have been sold, but the story continues with this third generation,
which is manufactured at the French plant in Sandouville with annual output predicted to reach 180,000 units. To date, two different types of coachwork have
been presented: the sedan and the Grand Tour, with the Laguna Coupé scheduled
to be launched in spring 2008.
Grupo Antolin is included in the list of suppliers for this vehicle, specifically
from the plants of GA IGA and GA Vosges, where the headliners and sunvisors are produced respectively, and JIT in Sandouville, which provides logistics
services for the headliner. For the coupe version Grupo Antolin is going to de-
News Grupo Antolin
18 Winter 2008
Key factors
for the new
Renault Laguna
Excellence in quality
Renault has invested
1,000 million euros in
the development of this
new sedan, 600 million
euros of which
correspond to R&D
tasks, with a further
400 million euros to
adapt the plant for its
liver the first roof with hybrid
To prepare for the return of Renault
to the top of the range, in this new
Laguna an attempt has been made
to bring together robustness and
reliability in the same product. In
this way, Renault hopes to reach
the top 3 in a segment as difficult
as that of Premium sedans, competing with models like the BMW 3
Series, the Mercedes C Class or the
Audi A4, a target set by Carlos
Ghosn, president of the company in
the triennial plan “Contract 2009”.
In order to achieve this, 3,200,000 kilometres of tests were carried out in various different parts of the world. In
addition, in the Sandouville factory, run
by Spanish engineer Luis Fernández,
quality controllers have been introduced, which go beyond electronic control systems used by virtually all
manufacturers in their assembly lines.
The new controllers include for example not only the visual inspection of the
car but also putting on gloves of very
fine material and touching the surfaces
to find potential imperfections that the
gloves might get caught on. Therefore,
each vehicle is individually examined for
14 minutes, including a movement test.
With respect to its predecessor, many
aspects have changed, both in the interior and also outside. Through features that appear to be so simple but
are well defined, this new generation
has a plus in aesthetics.
In the exterior, the smoothness of the
elements at the front make the emblem of the French brand stand out.
The line along the sides is similar to that
of the previous generation, but the
shape has been streamlined to make it
more attractive to the public at large.
As far as the rear is concerned, the
lights stand out with their angular
shapes, including leds.
However it is in the interior that the
most profound change is really apparent. The dashboard adopts a horizontal layout and the main console is low
down without any vertical continuity.
The controls on the console are behind
the gear lever, and thus the distribution
of these items approaches that of the
most important vehicles made by German manufacturers. It retains its access
and startup using a card from the previous generation although in the Renault Laguna III, this system will include
more functions. Furthermore, the traditional handbrake is replaced by an
electrohydraulic one consisting of a
small lever, thereby freeing up space
between the seats.
Another of the key aspects in this new
Renault is safety. With this in mind
there is a double airbag that protects
the thorax and pelvis and inflates at different speeds, depending on the violence of the impact, which is
determined by two sensors located in
the front doors and central pillar.
However, in spite of the inclusion of
more safety elements, and the fact that
it is bigger than the previous generation, the engineers at Renault have produced a model that weighs 17 kg less
than the previous one, by attending to
details such as the replacement of traditional bolts with socket-head screws,
so as to save a total of 700 grams, or to
save approximately 20 kg of steel in its
Due to all these substantial changes
doubts were expressed about whether
to keep the name Laguna for this third
generation, but in the final decision
there were two key factors, one of
which was that the president of the
company, Carlos Ghosn, was in favour
of keeping it, and the other factor was
that a change of name would entail an
investment of between 80 and 100
million euros.
For Renault, the new Laguna is much
more than the third generation of a relatively successful model. This sedan
should become the basic cornerstone
of the make in this new stage currently
being embarked on. Q
News Grupo Antolin
Winter 2008 19
New Grupo Antolin
seat factory in
Jarny, France
On 13th November 2007, Grupo Antolin,
represented by Marie Hélène Antolin, Fernando Sanz and François Rosen, met in
Nancy, in the region of Lorraine in France,
with the local authorities to present Grupo
Antolin’s new product in the industrial
area of Jarny Giraumont, Meurthe-etMoselle,where a new seat manufacturing
plant is to be erected: Grupo Antolin –
This project represents an investment of
approximately 10 million euros for the construction of facilities covering 10,000 m2 and
will provide employment to nearly 135 workers. The plant will supply complete seats in
sequence to Renault Batilly for the new generation of the Renault Master. Building will
commence in the coming weeks and in a few
months’ time we will be announcing the opening ceremony.
From left to right: Philippe Damiens, François Rosen and Fernando Sanz Giménez-Rico
News Grupo Antolin
20 Winter 2008
the photo
From left to right: Fernando Sanz Giménez-Rico, Mª Hélène Antolin, Michel Dinet, Jean-Pierre Masseret, René Mangin, Jean-Yves Le Déaut
News Grupo Antolin
Winter 2008 21
news in brief
in brief
Sara Guadilla
7 years old from GA-Palencia
First prize Category A
Kaho Wakui
7 years old from GA-Japan
Second prize Category A
Competition ‘07
Once again Grupo Antolin goes all
Christmas with the youngsters, organising the traditional Prize-Giving
Ceremony for the Painting Competition. It gives us all great joy to realise
that every day there are more and
more kids amongst us and even
more so when we see that with each
passing year we receive more paintings from all over the world. The excitement with which the youngsters
draw their pictures, and their cheerful smiles, fill us with satisfaction and
motivation. We would like to take
this opportunity to thank everyone
who has made the 2007 festival possible, especially the children since,
without them, not only would our
painting competition not make any
sense but Christmas…would just not
be Christmas. Q
News Grupo Antolin
22 Winter 2008
Felipe Agripino
7 years old from GA-Silao (Mexico)
Third prize Category A
Hanne Coman
11 years old from GA-Logistik Deutschland
First Prize Category B
Christopher Ramírez
10 years old from GA-Silao, Sonora (Mexico)
Second prize Category B
Ricco Naidoo
11 years old from GA-South Africa
Third prize Category B
Grupo Antolin broadens its
relations with the Fiat Group
On 18th July, in the Multi-purpose Room at the Mirafiori Motor
Village in Turin, a meeting was held between Grupo Antolin
and the Fiat Group. During this meeting several presentations
were made for the products of our company and also for the
innovations taking place.
A wide range of GA products were selected to accompany the
presentations. These products were also exhibited throughout
the day, with explanations given by several experts from Grupo
Antolin, who went there specifically for the event.
There were over 70 guests, including important executives
from Fiat such as:
Carlos Selgas (Grupo Antolin-Ingenieria) during one of the presentations at the conference.
· Stefano Ra Fiorentin, Head of Innovation.
Through this type of activity and those carried out by the commercial area, it is hoped to collaborate with the Fiat Group in
their launch of future cars, establishing the basis of what we
hope will be the start of a long and fruitful relationship. Q
· Roberto Di Stefano, Head of Chemical Purchasing.
· Giancarlo Bertoldi, Head of Engineering and Interior Design.
Toyota visits
The main offices of Grupo Antolin
in Burgos, Grupo Antolin-Eurotrim
and Cidaut received an important
visit on 8th October from Toyota,
represented by Junichi Harada (General Manager - Body Engineering
Div. I), Tatsuya Hattori (General Manager - Interior Design Dept. No.11,
Body Engineering Div. I) and Takashi
Mogami (General Manager - Interior Design Dept. No.11, Body Engineering Div. I).
During their visit they were told
about the projects in which we are
currently collaborating and expressed great interest in the concept of
flat wiring and vibration absorption
systems for the roof bodywork.
From left to right: Fernando Rey – Director of Innovation and Marketing (Grupo Antolin), Takashi Mogami, Junichi Harada,
Pablo Baroja – Director of Africa-Asia-Pacific Operations (Grupo Antolin), Tatsuya Hattori and Yasuhiro Katsuta – Key Account Manager (Grupo Antolin)
News Grupo Antolin
Winter 2008 23
Grupo Antolin
North America
with minority
On September 20th, 2007, Grupo Antolin
North America participated as an exhibitor
in Chrysler’s 8th annual Matchmaker event
held at Chrysler’s Tech Center in Auburn
Hills, Michigan. We also supported Toyota’s Opportunity Exchange as an exhibitor
on November 13th, 2007 at the Duke
Energy Center in Cincinnati, OH. The purpose of these events is to provide business
opportunities for over 200 minority businesses with OEMs and its Tier-1 suppliers.
A minority business is defined as a sole
proprietorship, partnership, or corporation of which a minimum of 51% is
owned by minority persons. In the case
of a proprietorship, the minority owners
must be engaged in the daily management, control, and operation of the business concern. In the case of a
corporation, the minority stockholders
must be in control of the management
and daily business operations, and the
majority of the Board of Directors must
be minority group members. The National Minority Supplier Development
Council’s (NMSDC) definition of minority-owned businesses includes:
Wendel Martin, Purchasing Department, Grupo Antolin North America
· African American (must be American citizens)
that are taken to try and work with some
of these minority suppliers includes:
· Hispanic American
· Meeting with suppliers to give them
an opportunity to present their company to the GANA purchasing department.
· Native American
· Asian-Pacific American
· Asian-Indian American
Our objective at events like these is to
meet new minority suppliers with the intention to make long lasting relationships
that will lead to lower cost as well as increased quality. Additionally, we are using
events like these to raise the marketing
awareness of Grupo Antolin within the industry, showing our support to our OEMs
so they can reach the goals that they have
set for themselves for diversity spend.
After a trade show, some of the actions
Technical Dictionary
(Grupo Antolin Intranet)
Included in the wide range of applications and functions offered by Grupo Antolin’s own Intranet service is a new tool: The
Technical Dictionary.
This is a web application enabling a store of technical items to
be built up that are frequently used in our work environment.
It is often the case that a simple term is used in different ways
and with different meanings in different departments, countries, factories, etc., which may lead to misunderstandings and
communication problems. This all makes it necessary to have
News Grupo Antolin
24 Winter 2008
· Having suppliers quote to see how competitive their pricing is compared to our
current business.
· Requesting suppliers quotation for new
business with the opportunity to be
By continuing to show support for the
OEMs with attending these minority
trade shows and working with minority
suppliers, it can only help us in the long
run. We will continue to grow with our
customer and be regarded as a preferred
Tier-1 supplier partner. Q
a common store of terms, where any user with access to the
Intranet can indicate different concepts and their meanings,
as well as being able to consult all the information recorded in
the dictionary.
The information is maintained in six languages (Spanish, English,
French, German, Czech and Portuguese), so that apart from making it possible for any user to be able to record and amend any
item, it also offers a completely customised technical dictionary
incorporating the special jargon used by the Group.
In order to be able to access this application, the user need only
to access the pop-up menu on the Intranet bar at the top of the
screen, "Tools" and select the option ‘Technical Dictionary’. Q
Summary chart showing evolution of consumption in the last 6 years
Savings at Central
From 2002 to 2007, the General Services Department carried out various actions to reduce the consumption of energy in the building. In the summary
chart we can analyse our energy consumption (gas and electricity) expressed
in Kwh.
As can be seen, in 2003 consumption
decreased by nearly 15% because of
modifications made to the heating system in the main building.
Such modifications were based on the
incorporation of a system using gas
boilers for the heating, in conjunction
with the heat pumps not being used as
a heating system, but reserved for use
as a cooling system instead.
In 2004 consumption fell by more than
17% from the previous year, due to a
bypass being made in the heating systems of the 1st and 2nd extensions, as
well as the bypass running between the
gas coolers of the 2nd extension and
one of the current refrigeration towers.
Thus, it is possible to make the 2nd extension of the building cold virtually for
free, providing we have external temperatures of below 10 ºC.
During 2005, no proposals were made
and thus the variation in consumption
was merely due to its readjustment.
Figueruelas is
celebrating its first
25 years as the
most innovative
GM plant
In 2006 various suggestions were put
forward to save energy:
Changes in the types of lights and lowcost lamps in the auditorium, toilets,
halls and presidential area.
Adjustments to the timetables / air-conditioning temperatures, depending on
the needs of each moment.
Control of the valves and fans in all the
fancoils in the building, so that when
the room reaches the programmed
temperature, the fans stop and the energy stops flowing through the fancoils,
generating energy savings in both gas
and electricity.
In 2007 various proposals have been
put forward:
Replacing the reactances for the screens
in the main building and 1st extension
for electronic ballasts. This change will
lead to a 25% saving in consumption
for these screens.
Adjustment of timetables for switching
lights on / off.
Running a bypass between the cooling
installations in the 1st extension and
those in the 2nd extension and the refrigeration tower, along with the incorporation of a buffer store for refrigerated water.
Over the past 5 years until the present
time, we have achieved energy savings
amounting to more than 35%.
These energy savings have made it possible for us to cease emitting 1,815
Tons of CO2 and 4,957 Tons of SO2 per
year. Q
Figueruelas is the most recent investment on a large scale made in Spain,
not only in the car industry but also
with regard to any other industrial or
business sector.
Despite the fact that it has been up
and running for 25 years, it is the
second most modern factory in
Spain, after the SEAT plant in Martorell. Since the year 2000, to ensure
that it remains up to date, 1,600 million euros have been poured into the
plant, 550 million of which have
been spent over the past two years.
Although originally set up to build
only one type of car, for commercial
reasons part of its facilities were devoted to producing the Opel Kadett
for a certain period of time before
going back to specialising in the
Opel Corsa. With the appearance of
the second generation of this model,
which was a great success, it
reached record figures for output.
However, when this version came to
the end of its life, along with the
lower rate of success for the Corsa
III, it was left to fade away for a few
years until it was decided to add a
second model, known as the
Meriva, which helped it climb back
up to former levels of production.
In any case, it has always been a
competitive factory, and this has allowed it to attract new production
models in competition with new
plants from eastern countries, such
as the factory in Gliwice, Poland,
from whom it has wrested the second generation of Merivas. GA delivers to Opel Figueruelas the
headliners for the Corsa, Meriva
and Combo. Q
News Grupo Antolin
Winter 2008 25
Riaan Goosen (left), receives the plaque from Hal Feder
GA South Africa
continues to
Tokyo Motor
After Frankfurt's emphasis on environmental issues and CO2 reduction, Tokyo
- theme: 'Catch the News, Touch the
Future' - is a lot lighter in mood and full
of catching and fun concepts.
The 40th edition of the Tokyo Motor
Show opened Saturday, October 27 for
the public and run through Sunday, November 11.
The Japanese Auto Manufacturers Association says that 241 companies from
11 countries showed 520 vehicles, with
71 billed as "world premieres."A closer
look shows that this number includes
commercial vehicles, motorcycles and
an extremely generous interpretation
of "premiere." Moreover, there are a
healthy helping of whimsical or far-out
concepts that will never progress to
production in this tally, as well.
Still, if even one-half of the 37 passenger cars so dubbed as new are indeed
significant, then Tokyo will be a show to
note. The product proposals resulting
from the ongoing "Green" debates
over Climate Change and man-made
CO2 gases, regulated exhaust emissions
and fuel economy continue to be the
main issues since the Frankfurt Motor
Show. Q
The Ford Q1 prize was awarded to
Grupo Antolin Port Elizabeth at our
South African Head Office. Riaan
Goosen, CEO of Grupo Antolin
South Africa was honoured to receive the Q1 Plaque & Flag from Hal
Feder, CEO of Ford Motor Company South Africa, during a formal
hand-over ceremony in Port Elizabeth on 25th October 2007. Mr.
Goosen stated that this achievement was only made possible
through team effort and commitment towards success. Our goal towards Customer & Employee satisfaction is our base and the
contributing factor to our successes
achieved, during the last decade in
South Africa and this achievement
compliments our status world-wide
as a FORD-preferential supplier.
Grupo Antolin Port Elizabeth started
its headliners’ production during
1997 with a small market segment &
financial turnover and only supplied
one OEM Customer at the time. During the last 10 years, we’ve grown
from strength to strength to the current situation where Grupo Antolin
South Africa supplies 5 of the 6 local
OEMs in the country. The year 2007
marked several astounding achievements and we trust through ambition
and dedication, 2008, will proof to be
even more extraordinary. Q
News Grupo Antolin
26 Winter 2008
Group picture of all Volkswagen Award winners in all the categories
GA-Navarra received 1st
prize for best suppliers to
the Volkswagen Group
On 16th May 2007 the prize-giving ceremony was held on the
island of Majorca for the “Volkswagen Group Awards”, which
are given to the best suppliers to the Volkswagen Group. The
ceremony was presided over by Martin Winterkorn, Chairman
of the Board of Management at VW AG and Francisco J. García Sanz, Member of the Board of Management at VW AG and
with responsibility for "Procurement".
Volkswagen Navarra for the entire range of the Polo VW240.
The annual volume of deliveries is for approximately 220,000
We take this opportunity to offer our sincerest congratulations
to all the employees of GA-Navarra who have made it possible
to achieve such success with our customer Volkswagen. Q
Ernesto Antolin with the prize at the left side of Francisco Javier García Sanz, Procurement
Director of VW consortium and Martin Winterkorn, Volkswagen Group CEO
Martin Winterkorn greeted the 250 guests by saying that “last
year the Volkswagen Group delivered more vehicles to all
major markets worldwide than ever before”. “Our thanks go
to all representatives of our award winners present here this
evening, and in particular to all employees and sites around
the world for their extraordinary dedication”.
The “Group Award” is presented in 5 categories, which play a
crucial role in relations with suppliers: Excellence in Development, Product Quality, Logistics, Environmental Awareness and
Entrepreneurial Performance.
GA-Navarra was one of the 25 winners and obtained first prize
in the category of Product Quality, which was collected by
Ernesto Antolin.
GA-Navarra supplies AGTs, (Door structural cassettes), Door
Panels and headliners. These are all delivered in sequence to
News Grupo Antolin
Winter 2008 27
Goodbye, PST,
Dave Carr of Chysler collected the prize
The SPE (Society
of Plastics
awards the DTM
–Door Trim
Module- of
Grupo Antolin
On Wednesday 7th, 2007, Grupo Antolin received a major award for innovation in the body interior category with
the Door Trim Module assembled to the
C segment platform of Chrysler (Dodge
Caliber, Jeep Compass, Jeep Patriot).
The prize was awarded to Dave Carr,
Senior Manager Body Hardware and
Closures of Chrysler, for the exceptional
application of our DTM product to the
C segment platform for Chrysler.
After several weeks of reviews and presentations, Grupo Antolin remained as
a finalist jointly with other competitors
including other door module competitor. In the category of body interior, the
DTM was up against products of our direct competence.
The advantages recognized, were the
exclusivity to deliver the complete module sequenced to the line and offering a
weight reduction of around 10% as
well as a cost reduction of around $10
and $17 per vehicle. Also recognized
were the simplicity in design and assembly, the high level of integration and
the reduction of labor and floor space
in the customer’s plant.
In the same Gala, they were also recognized top executives from suppliers and
clients that have demonstrated dedication and support to the plastic industry.
Within the honored executives was Hiroaki Yamamoto, Chief Technology Officer of Green Tokai Company with the
Special SPE Honor; Lawrence Burns,
Vice-president, R&D and Strategic Planning at General Motors with the Global
Executive Engineering Leadership
Award and finally James Queen, Group
Vice-president for Global Engineering at
General Motors with the Executive
Leadership Award.
In closing, this award to Grupo Antolin
recognizes the excellent team work carried out by all the members of the different departments of the company
that have made the DTM, a reality, a
success, and a milestone in the history
of Grupo Antolin. Q
News Grupo Antolin
28 Winter 2008
Every day the quantity and critical
nature of the information that we
accumulate in our mail box increases because of its use as a valuable historical store of information.
Therefore it is absolutely essential
to create a fast, reliable, and efficient storage system to keep such
data, optimising the backup copy
and resources to be used, and
making access to this information
as universal and transparent as
possible for the users. Until recently, because of the space limitations in mail boxes, a large part of
these history records were stored in
.pst files (personal folders), From
now on, on behalf of the Information Systems Department, we announce the launch of a new highly
accessible Backup system for our
e-mail system, which for the moment will only be available for users
at Central Office.
The solution implanted is EMC
EmailExtender 4.8, which increases
the quantity of information that
can be stored in each mail box,
with it being possible to move current .pst files there. Users can access all their e-mails in their mail
box from any location using Outlook or Webmail.
Focussing on the user, EmailXtender maintains all the e-mail headings in Outlook or Webmail.
However, it saves all the files attached included in e-mail messages
that are more than three months
old, with the same level of security
and confidentiality as the other
e-mail servers. Thus, it reduces the
space occupied by the mail box
and prepares it for recovery in just
a matter of seconds in a way that is
totally transparent for the user. Q
1st PRIZE awarded
to Grupo Antolin in
8th edition of
Internet Awards for
Castilla y León
Grupo Antolin has obtained First Prize in
the eighth edition of the Castilla y León Internet Awards for 2007, sponsored by the
Ministry responsible for Public Works in the
Regional Government of Castilla y León.
Information and communication technologies have undoubtedly experienced
a real boom in recent years, with Internet
in particular becoming a globalisation
tool for business opportunities and also
an instrument for personal use on a daily
basis to access information, communications and services.
Within the context of the activities carried out by the Ministry responsible for
Public Works to promote the information
society, the Castilla y León Internet
Awards have the following aims:
· To contribute to sustaining regional
growth by applying new information
technologies in ways that are of service
to both private individuals and to companies.
· To encourage telematic innovation so
that it subsequently boosts the use of
telecommunications and information
technologies in all spheres of activity.
· To recognise and reward excellence at
work by both individuals and companies whose efforts have made them
stand out in their contribution to the
development of Internet.
On 29th November 2007, the Minister
responsible for Public Works in the Regional Government of Castilla y León,
Antonio Silván, presided over the 8th
prize-giving ceremony for the Castilla y
León Internet Awards at the Teatro
Calderón in Valladolid, the aim of which
is to recognise the work performed by all
those that use the Net as part of their
daily activities.
From left to right.: Javier Arce, Jesús Terciado, Rodrigo García and the TV presenter Minerva Piquero
Grupo Antolin was awarded First Prize in
the Company category, for the development and implantation of their GA Suppliers Portal, which has meant a huge leap
forward in the way business processes are
managed involving the Group’s various
partners and their suppliers.
The use of state-of-the-art technologies
in managing procedures for self-billing,
self-financing, management and updating of data for corporate ERP (Enterprise
Resource Planning), etc, places Grupo
Antolin at the forefront of technology for
companies in this sector, both at national
and European level.
Few businesses in the international context incorporate services in their management systems like the ones Grupo
Antolin makes available to its suppliers,
with this being a contributory factor in
the improvement of the technological
image of the company perceived by both
customers and suppliers.
The GA Suppliers Portal is an patent ex-
ample of how making the most out of
the new technologies offered by the Information Society can enable a company
to obtain huge benefits by, on the one
hand, introducing improvements in the
business processes that already existed in
the company and, on the other, by
broadening business horizons with the
contribution of new possibilities and
services placed on the market.
Rodrigo García (responsible for the area of
Development of Information Systems
Management) and Javier Arce (Technician
in the Area of Development and the person responsible for the project) received
the prize from Jesús Terciado, president of
the regional employers’ organisation.
Such recognition supports and endorses
the commitment that Grupo Antolin has
always expressed with respect to using
the latest technologies to support its
business models and proves that we are
not only doing things properly in this respect, but also that we are doing them
better than anyone else. Q
ISO 14001 Certificate for CATOS
In October 2007, Chongqing Antolin Toupu Overhead Systems Co. Ltd.
(CATOS), located in Chongqing City in China, obtained their environmental certificate in accordance with ISO Standard 14001.
TÜV Rheinland, the body that awards this certificate, valued very highly
the level of implication and knowledge of the partners on the system
and the segregation at origin of all types of waste products.
For this reason we would like to congratulate the work team that has
made it possible to achieve this certificate. This is just another milestone
along the way, because the final goal of Grupo Antolin is to integrate
environmental liability into all our companies. Q
News Grupo Antolin
Winter 2008 29
Team members of GA Shanghai in the
new premises:
First row (from left to right)
Pascal Liu
Raymond Zhang
Angela Hong
Kevin Zhang
Sandy Yan
Jerry Sun
William Wang
Bill Cai
Second row (from left to right)
Yummy Yang
Tony Wang
Joshua Chen
Joe Ma
Steven Yu
Farnan Rushe
Howard Zhang
Missing from the photo
Ella Chen
Seth Wang
Vicky Song
Jason Dang
Bella Zhang
The new office of GA Shanghai is
located in the buildings, which
named City Center Shanghai
News Grupo Antolin
30 Winter 2008
GA Shanghai moves
At the end of August 2007, Grupo Antolin
Shanghai moved offices, from downtown
Shanghai to the more accessible area of
Hongqiao, to the west of the city. The new
office is almost twice the size of the previous
one, allowing the continuous expansion of
Grupo Antolin’s activity in China.
On Friday August 31st, all employees of the
office came to work ready for a long day.
Everyone packed their own items, and then
joined forces to prepare the communal areas
such as video-conference facilities, meeting
rooms, etc. After a minor hiccup with the
transport company (they informed us one
hour before arriving that they were going on
strike!), a new moving company was found.
The following Monday, final touches were
made, with everyone settling in to the new
environment, and by lunch-time, the office
was up and running, and back to business as
usual. The new office is bright and spacious,
being located in an important business district of Shanghai, closer to our plant in
Shanghai and with easy access to major
roads, public transport, hotels and numerous
The reception desk of new office
Grupo Antolin Shanghai Representative Office was set up in February 2004, and currently employs 18 people. The main
functions of the office are Commercial, Project Management, Engineering Support and
Supplier Management, covering the three
main product areas of the Group. The office
supplies support in these areas, not just for
Grupo Antolin in the expanding Chinese market, but also for Grupo Antolin worldwide.
Future expansion will include Human Resources and finance, as well as strengthening our
Engineering, Purchasing and Supplier Quality
As the automotive industry is developing
quickly in China with a foreseeable year to
year increase of sales at 15%-20%,more investment will be made in this country, and
continuous effort will be made to create
stronger team and higher competence. Q
Did You
Ford Q1
for our plants in
On 15th November this year the Ford
Motor Company presented the factories of the Mexican Door Company
and International Door Systems with
their Q1 certificate of recognition in a
ceremony in the city of Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico.
Among those present at the ceremony
were the Industrialisation Vice-president of GA North America, Pablo Ucar,
who received the Q1 plaque from Ford
Mexico’s STA Manager, Eduardo Villegas. The event was also attended by
personnel from the Management of
Ford Hermosillo, from Ford Purchasing
and STA Ford of Mexico.
During the first part of the ceremony,
Pablo Ucar expressed the corporative
message, in the name of the North
American territory, remarking on the
effort and dedication of the staff at all
levels working for the Mexican Door
Company (MDC) and International
Door Systems (IDS); he also commended the Plant Director, José Antonio
Casado, and his Quality Manager, Horacio Hurtado, for having achieved this
Quality certification along with all the
work teams, which is so essential and
In the first part of 2006, both plants
began their preparation for obtaining
the Q1 certificate by implementing a
Quality system in ISO/TS16949:2002,
which was certified on December
2006 and certified again quite recently. Following that, they went after
the ISO14001:2004 Environmental
Quality system certificate, which they
obtained in April 2007, continuing
with the evaluation of the material
and loading system (MMOG), the positive tendencies in PPM benchmarks,
in punctual deliveries, and the on-thespot evaluations by Ford (MSA) with
satisfactory results. Finally, following
the approval of different sections at
Ford (Q1 endorsements), both plants
manage to obtain the Q1 certificate
on 10th August 2007.
Thanks to all the staff of MDC / IDS for
your participation and keen ambition
to be the best. Congratulations! Q
…some 4,300
headliners an
hour came off
the production
lines of all the
plants of Grupo
Antolin worldwide
during 2007?
…of the
manufactured in
2007, 41%
correspond to the
Africa – Asia –
Pacific territory?
Source: Marketing CorpDB
Visit by the Brazilian State
Secretary for Industry and
Trade to Grupo Antolin
On 9th November 2007, Grupo Antolin received a visit from Julio Noronha, Secretary for Industry and Trade for the State of
Maranhão in Brazil. The purpose of the visit was to get to find
out about our technological capacities. The visit was co-ordinated by Claudemir Claudio, Industrial Audit Director.
On his arrival in Burgos, Julio Noronha was taken to the Grupo
Antolin’s Main Offices, where he was received by our President,
José Antolin. He was then taken on a tour of the installations
in the company of Fernando Rey, Head of Innovation and Marketing, and was pleasantly surprised by what he saw. He then
visited two of Grupo Antolin's factories in Burgos: Grupo Antolin Aragusa and Grupo Antolin Magnesio.
At the end of the visits, Mr Noronha was full of praise for our
company, and very impressed by our installations and human
capital, and also by the technologies implanted in our companies. Q
News Grupo Antolin
Winter 2008 31
Marketing Department
Grupo Antolin
the history corner
First Honda Motorcycle
Soichiro Honda and his partner,Takeo Fujisawa
Soichiro Honda
Dreams give meaning to life
His first motorbike
was known by the
nickname of “Bata bata”
(because of the noise its
engine made)
News Grupo Antolin
32 Winter 2008
Soichiro Honda, the man that started the Honda Motor
Company and godfather of the Japanese motorcycling
industry, often used to change hobbies. He took up
golf, painting, skiing, and aviation; he was keen on
space exploration, and devoted much more than the
mere interest of an amateur to all these activities,
because when something attracted his attention, he
tried it out in his own way, in depth. Without doubt,
Honda possessed a creative and slightly obsessive
mind: like almost any other genius, he had something
of the madman in him and could be obstinate, which
enabled him to fulfil his dreams
Born on 17th November 1906 in Komyo, 270 km from Tokyo, in the region of Hamamatsu, Soichiro Honda was the eldest of a family of nine children. His father,
Gihei Honda, was a blacksmith who worked as a bike mechanic, and the forge
may well have been his first source of inspiration; this same interest and natural
talent for anything mechanical increased considerably when he saw his first Ford
T model at the age of eight and, once he had left school at the age of fifteen, he
learnt the trade by working as an apprentice in Art Shokai, a Tokyo auto shop.
Gradually he acquainted himself with the car industry
until, at the age of 21 and now an expert mechanic, he
was offered the position of manager of a branch in his
home town. However, Soichiro did not have the mindset
of an executive and soon started on a project of his own:
a piston factory. The result? A spectacular failure. His pistons did not pass the quality tests. Nevertheless, far from
feeling disheartened, Soichiro realised that his problem
was a lack of skill and enrolled for a course at a technical college to learn metallurgy.
After a couple of years studying, he returned to the ring
and his piston factory started to prosper. But luck was still
not on his side. At the end of World War II, Soichiro lost
everything in a Japan that had been devastated by war. Nonetheless, in what seemed like a terrible setback, he found
his big opportunity. He sold his factory to Toyota and devoted himself to thinking about other innovative ideas.
His career was on the verge of being cut short in 1936, during the All-Japan Speed Rally, in which he crashed into
another participant and was hurled out of the car. He came
away from the accident with a dislocated shoulder, broken
wrist and facial injuries which left deep scars. Racing with
his brother, their average racing speed of 75 mph (120
km/h) stayed as the record in Japan for almost twenty years.
In 1948, with his partner, Takeo Fujisawa, he founded the
Honda Motor Company to make motorcycles. He received
more than 100 patents and started new designs for motorbikes, converting it into the biggest motorcycle manufacturer. The first motorbike, which was too heavy, was a
complete flop and Honda went bankrupt again. However,
he did not let go of his dream but instead, produced a new
bike that was lighter, faster and quieter. Sales rocketed.
Soon the company was rolling out 9,000 units a month.
Honda grew, set up new factories and expanded its output to 25,000 units a month.
In contrast with all the other Japanese corporations, the
corporative spirit of Honda did not place emphasis on collective triumphs but rather on individual initiative. The
company grew thanks to an aggressive policy of signing
talent and a strong commitment towards technology and
Dreams give meaning to life.
For this reason, I will continue to set myself
new challenges until the day I die.
We have to make our dreams come true
Soichiro Honda
Honda with a race car of the 70s
Proof of this is the fact that Soichiro insisted on the right
to occupy the presidency of the company being won on
the basis of merit, and that this right should be passed
on to a person that possessed outstanding qualities. All
for the sake of encouraging and pressurising his employees to achieve the best results. And this philosophy
has been the group’s guiding principle ever since.
The company’s reputation grew when Honda motorcycles began to win international races. In the early
1960s, Soichiro expanded his activities to the car industry, setting himself an ambitious goal: that a Japanese vehicle should win a Formula 1 race, a dream that
came true in 1965.
In 1967, Honda decided to go for the production of small
vehicles. When the oil crisis devastated the world in
1973, his consultants advised him to reduce output in
order to raise prices. But Soichiro did exactly the opposite.
He increased production and flooded the market with
fuel-efficient Honda Civics. Meanwhile, the Accord demonstrated to Americans that the Japanese cars were
not only cheap, but also reliable and furthermore were
also attractive to look at.
Soichiro Honda retired at the same time as Takeo Fujisawa, coinciding with the 25th anniversary of the creation of Honda Motor Company, in September 1973, and
devoted his attention to the Honda Foundation, which
endeavoured to harmonise technology and ecology. Soichiro Honda died on 5th August 1991. He certainly more
than fulfilled his dreams, as in 2006 Honda produced
3.6 million cars, 14 million engines of all types and 12.5
million motorcycles.
A quotation that provides an excellent summary of the philosophy of this great visionary, one hundred years after his
birth, retaining its validity and clearly representing the spirit of the company: “We only have one future, and it will
be made of our dreams if we have the courage to challenge convention.” Q
News Grupo Antolin
Winter 2008 33
“The senses”
and the use of computers
Department of Human Resources
Medical Department Grupo Antolin
Vitreous cavity
The sclera
rectus muscle
Human beings perceive the reality around them through
sensations that are represented in the cerebral cortex.
These sensations are picked up originally by sensory cells,
a group of specific cells that are able to detect various
aspects and characteristics in the surroundings and convert them into electrical impulses
These electrical impulses travel along certain nerves until they reach the central nervous system, finally coming to the cerebral cortex which interprets them.
The sense organs are structures that are specially conditioned to house the sensory
cells, with the sense of sight offering complete and detailed visual information of
the surroundings. The way the eye works is easy to understand if we compare it with
a camera:
The sclera, or outermost layer of the eyeball, would be equivalent to the camera
chassis. The iris regulates the aperture of the pupil and, hence, how much light impacts on the retina, behaving in much the same way as the diaphragm in a camera.
The lens, which is transparent and can modify its shape so as to converge the beams
of light on the retina, acts like the lens of a camera.
The posterior chamber of the eyeball, occupied by the vitreous humour, might be
compared with a camera obscura.
And the retina, the inner layer that can be stimulated by rays of light, behaves like
sensitive camera film.
News Grupo Antolin
34 Winter 2008
Taking care of your sight
Keeping good health also implies looking after your
eyes, since they are often subjected to attacks from the
environment as in the case of stress, bad lighting when
reading or working, prolonged hours staring at a computer screen, states of exhaustion, which, in many cases,
can cause premature changes in eyesight.
Simple exercises will enable us to strengthen our eyesight, develop sharpness of vision, increase the flow of
energy in the area and disperse any blockage.
In only a short time we will not only be able to improve the
mechanical exercise of our eyes but also incorporate a space
in our inner vision, silence and external-internal perception.
After completing the movements, remain with your eyes closed for a moment and feel how
you breathe. This is life.
· Rub the palms of your hands together to make them warmer.
· Place your hands on your forehead and, running your fingers
over your forehead, “clear or unblock" your eyes and face.
· Massage the following points gently. If your hands feel
tired, rub your palms again until the warmth returns and
then continue with the series of exercises.
Visual tiredness. Visual tiredness is a functional disorder of a reversible nature, due to excessive strain
on the visual organ. The symptoms are as follows:
· Sore eyes: the feeling of tension in the eyes, inflammation of the eyelids (blepharitis), heavy eyes,
itching, need to rub the eyes, drowsiness, stinging
or burning sensation, increased blinking.
· Visual disorders: blurred vision of characters to be
seen on screen.
· Non-visual symptoms: cephaleas, dizziness and feelings of uneasiness and anxiety, discomfort in the
back of the neck and spine.
Physical tiredness. Tiredness is due either to static,
dynamic or repetitive muscular strain, or excessive strain
in the whole body or else to excessive strain in the psychomotor system.
The symptoms of physical tiredness are usually the following:
· Neck ache, strained neck.
· Backache.
· Lumbalgia.
In any case, whenever possible, it is a good idea to combine tasks or establish rest periods that will enable you to
alternate between standing and sitting.
Mental or psychological fatigue. Mental or psychological fatigue is due to exerting an excessive amount of
intellectual or mental effort. It is this type of fatigue that
occurs most often among people working with visual display units. The symptoms may be of three types:
· Neurovegetative disorders and psychosomatic disorders
(common colds, cephaleas, diarrhoea, palpitations, etc.).
· Psychic disorders (anxiety, irritability, states of depres· Move your eyes in the following directions. First of all, with
your eyes closed and then repeat the movements with
your eyes open. These exercises can be done once a day
or by carrying them out in moments of visual tiredness.
sion, etc.)
· Sleep disorders (nightmares, insomnia, restless sleep, etc.).
Eyesight and the use
of computers
An important feature of our times on account of its extension and repercussions, both in our daily life and work
routines is the existence of a computer. Therefore, it is of
vital importance to study the measures that can help provide information and adequate training to users of such
equipment. The main problems associated with its habitual use are as follows:
The first recommendation to reduce any of the three
types of fatigue mentioned as much as possible, as well
as complying with ergonomic requirements, is to establish short but frequent pauses, during the computer
user's work cycle or period of activity.
Eyesight is one of the most wonderful senses we have.
It is important to protect and take care of it, since it enables us to capture and enjoy the shapes, colours, lights
and sizes of everything around us. Q
News Grupo Antolin
Winter 2008 35
Statue of Peter the Great at nightfall
St Petersburg
Founded just over 300 years ago by Tsar Peter the
Great, St Petersburg is known as the Venice of the
North, with water covering 10% of its 600 sq. km.
Nowadays, apart from its beauty and artistic wealth, it
is becoming the most important centre for the car
industry in Russia
Florencio Cabero
Project Manager for Russia - DOES
en route
News Grupo Antolin
36 Winter 2008
View of Palace Square, Alexander’s column,
and the Building of the Chief of Staff
Winter palace. Another panoramic view of the Palace Square
The city of the Czars
St Petersburg, the second city in Russia in importance
and number of inhabitants – with over 5,000,000 living
in the metropolitan area – is the largest northern settlement in the world. It is built on 42 islands, linked together by 342 bridges, with 86 rivers and canals flowing
through it. The most important one is the River Neva.
Tsar Peter I, a reformer and driving force behind the economic, political and cultural transformations of Russia
and the one who "opened" up a window to Europe,
founded the city on 27th May 1703 when he erected a
fortress bearing his name on one of the islands in the
River Neva. The fortress was used as a forward line of
defence for Russia and also to curb the attacks mounted
by their Swedish neighbours in the north.
In keeping with the personal wishes of the Tsar, in order
to build the Nordic capital, invitations were extended to
illustrious architects and sculptors of different nationalities, amongst whom some of the most note-worthy
were Carlo Bartolomeo Rastrelli and his son, the brilliant
Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli.
In 1712 it was made the capital of Russia. However, this
ended in 1918 during the Russian Revolution, when the
Bolshevik leader, Lenin, decided to flee to Moscow, with
this city then becoming the capital as it still is today. St
Petersburg changed its name on three occasions: it was
changed to Petrograd during the period from 1914 to
1924, then the second time, from 1924 to 1991, it was
called Leningrad and then in 1991 it recovered its original name again.
Its history during this period, while short, is extremely
rich. It was the cradle of three great Russian revolutions
during the 20th century. During World War II it resisted
the Fascist blockade for 900 days, the longest period in
human history, being awarded the title of “Heroic City”
as a consequence of this event.
Many famous men lived in this city: Pushkin, Dostoyevsky, Tchaikovsky, Leon Tolstoy....
Nowadays, the cultural activities, business seminars and
dynamics of the city are spectacular and have turned it
into the country’s cultural, scientific and industrial centre.
Its climate is not very favourable, but between the months
of May and July the phenomenon of the "white nights"
occurs when the sun hardly goes down. After midnight,
the spires and domes of the majestic architectural jewels
of the city are bathed in a twilight magic and 21 drawbridges open up to let the large boats through on their
way to and from Lake Ladoga, which possesses a huge
reserve of drinking water thanks to its nearly 20,000 sq.m.
News Grupo Antolin
Winter 2008 37
The industrial future is really
ambitious with investments in
this city continually on the rise. Its
close proximity to Europe, along
with its large sea port, have been
a contributing factor in
encouraging five of the main car
manufacturers to set up business
Picture displayed at the Hermitage, A. Matisse. The Dance. 1910
in this city and many other
companies, such as our own, are
choosing St Petersburg to start up
their activities in Russia
With respect to infrastructure, the projects in progress
are extremely ambitious, like the new motorway over
the Baltic, the new artificial maritime harbour, the
new motorway to Moscow, the conversion and construction of new buildings (always respecting the maximum height of three storeys and never higher than
the Hermitage Museum)…
Peterhof’s Samson Fountain prying open the jaws of the lion
What to see
The memory of the founder of the city is embodied in
the monument known as the Bronze Horseman, created in 1768 by the French sculptor Étienne Falconet. The
equestrian statue of Peter I stands in Senate Square with
the façades of the Admiralty on the eastern side and the
buildings for the Senate and Synod to the west.
The fortress of St Peter and St Paul represents the
historic centre of the city and forms part of a unique
architectural site in St Petersburg. It is located on the
island of Zayachiy, in the very centre of the mouth of
the River Neva. The fortress has 6 bastions, 6 retaining walls (walls between the bastions) and 6 gates.
There is also a cathedral, with a bell tower that is
122.5 m in height and crowned with a spire with a
golden angel bearing a cross and blessing the city.
The Hermitage is an absolute must for lovers of art and
culture and for any other person visiting the city. It is one
of the best art galleries and history museums in the
world. It is said that if a person were to devote only one
minute to each of the pieces on display and spent 7
hours a day, 6 days a week at the Hermitage (without
stopping even for a bite to eat) they would need more
than five years to see them all.
The museum collection occupies a complex formed by
six buildings located on the banks of the River Neva,
with the most important of these being the Winter Palace, the official residence of the Tsars. The rest of the architectural complex consists of five buildings, including
News Grupo Antolin
38 Winter 2008
St Isaac Square
Fortress of St Peter and St Paul Aerial view of the island
Church of
St Salvador on the
Spilled Blood
the Menshikov Palace, the Building of the Chief of Staff
and an open storage precinct.
Its collection consists of over 3 million items and yet only
25% have ever found the space to be put on display to
the public, with the rest being kept in store, in special
There are no end of places that are a must for the visitor such as Palace Square, the Cathedral of Isaac, the
Temple of St Salvador on the Spilled Blood, the Palaces
and Gardens of Peterhof, with these names being but a
small sample of all the wonders the city has to offer.
St Petersburg – an exquisite city, mysteriously seductive,
full of refined decadence, but above all the most European city in Russia. Q
News Grupo Antolin
Winter 2008 39
around the world
Grupo Antolin (Headquarters)
Grupo Antolin – Alava
Grupo Antolin – Ara
Grupo Antolin – Aragusa
Grupo Antolin – Ardasa
Grupo Antolin – Autotrim
Grupo Antolin – Dapsa
Grupo Antolin – Eurotrim
Grupo Antolin – Ingeniería
Grupo Antolin – Linara
Grupo Antolin – Magnesio
Grupo Antolin – Martorell
Grupo Antolin – Navarra
Grupo Antolin – Palencia
Grupo Antolin – PGA
Grupo Antolin – Plasbur
Grupo Antolin – RyA
Grupo Antolin – Vigo
Antolin - Sudamerica (TCO)
Grupo Antolin - Shanghai (TCO)
Antolin Shanghai Autoparts
ChongQing Antolin Toupu Overhead Systems
Grupo Antolin Guangzhou
Ningbo Antolin Huaxiang Auto Parts
Grupo Antolin - Bohemia
Grupo Antolin - Turnov
Grupo Antolin - France (TCO)
Grupo Antolin - HFR
Grupo Antolin - IGA
Grupo Antolin - Ingénierie Siegès
Grupo Antolin - Jarny
Grupo Antolin - Logistique Douai
Grupo Antolin - Loire
Grupo Antolin - Transport
Grupo Antolin - Vosges
Grupo Antolin - Deutschland (TCO)
Grupo Antolin - Autoform
Grupo Antolin - Logistik Deutschland
Grupo Antolin - Chennai
Grupo Antolin - Pune
Grupo Antolin - Pune (Design Center)
Krishna Grupo Antolin
(Technological Licence Agreement)
Grupo Antolin - Japan (TCO)
Grupo Antolin - Silao
International Door Systems
Mexican Door Company
Antolin - Tanger
Silesia Plastic
Grupo Antolin - Lusitânia
Grupo Antolin - St Petersburg (TCO)
Grupo Antolin - Bratislava
Slovakian Door Company
Grupo Antolin - South Africa
GA Korea (TCO)
Dong Won Tech
(Technological Licence Agreement)
Grupo Antolin - UK (TCO)
Grupo Antolin - Kent
Grupo Antolin - Leamington
Grupo Antolin - North America (TCO)
Grupo Antolin - Fairfax
Grupo Antolin - Illinois
Grupo Antolin - Kentucky
Grupo Antolin - Louisiana
Grupo Antolin - Michigan
Grupo Antolin - Wayne
(TCO). Technical Commercial Office